Market Description-Segments and Target Market, Kona Gold Coffees In a preopening market study conducted by David Cooper over ten-month period and using information gathered from our trade organization and retailers, we developed the following market data. The total coffee market is primarily segmented by price point for standard coffees, but specifically by sales channels and target consumer groups for gourmet coffee. Basically, Kona Gold Coffees has two target markets: our retailers who buy from us and the end users who buys from our retailers and directly from us via Internet and direct-mail sales. For the retailers, we focus on those that can best reach and serve our end user, so it is our end user who commands most of our market focus. The end-user market for coffee can be broken into three basic segments: the high-end segment for consumers who are more interested in higher quality or specific varietals and are less concerned about price, the midrange segment for consumers who want to strike a balance between quality and price, and the majority segment of consumers, who are mostly concerned about price. For gourmet coffee, the local (Hawaiian) market is primarily the high-end consumer with some overlap of the midrange segment. Grouped together as buyers of high-end coffee, these are segmented: Basic market Hawaiian market segments Gourmet coffee 45% drinkers Tourist 40% Image buyers 15% Mainland market Internet and mail 45% 75% 25% 30% 0% 25% In addition to the types of end users, the market can also be segmented by sales channels. The consumer will purchase our products through resort shops, coffee bars, kiosks, supermarket delis, restaurants and other non-resort gift shops. These retailers and mail-order and Internet consumers represent a complete cross section of our target market of customer types. Customer analyses: Retail Consumers: Hawaii retailers 32% Mainland retailers 43% Consumer, internet and mail 25% Mail order 5% Internet 20% Total 100% Our preopening marketing demographics: Sex: Male Female Income: Under$40,000 $40,000-$59,999 $60,000-$79,999 Over $80,000 Age: 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Marital status: Married Single Education: Under 12yrs. 12-14 yrs. 15-16 yrs. More than 16 yrs also discovered the following consumer 46.2% 53.8% 12.1% 26.8% 38.3% 22.8% 4.1% 27.5% 32% 26.3% 10.1% 63.4% 36.6% 7.1% 15.3% 63.2% 14.4% Our Primary Consumer Profile From the market research we can describe our primary consumer profile in term of the following: Gourmet coffee drinkers Female 53.8% Age 35-44 Household income $60,000-$79,999 Married Education 15-16 yrs. Both deliberate and impulse buyers Social responsibility and hedonistic Liberal Environmentally aware Brand-conscious Trend-setter Homemaker Technologically adept Primary purchases from Oahu in Hawaii and Los Angeles on the mainland We intend to focus very narrowly on one particular market niche: gourmet coffee lovers of this profile who are not price-conscious. Buyers and potential buyers with these needs have not been specifically targeted by another company, except with one product, not a product mix. While this market niche is small enough to attract a lot of attention from national corporations, it is large enough for us to realize our growth expectations for the next 5-10 years. It is also a niche that we believed our company will be uniquely qualified to address because of our excellent positioning in the heart of Kona.