Soal Topik 1 a. Setting goals

Soal Topik 1
1. In current usage, business plan are used for :
a. Setting goals
b. Evaluating a existing product or service
c. Supporting a loan application
d. Evaluating expansion
2. Some typical business plan outline consist of :
a. Executive summary, Operations, Strategies, Products
b. Company Description, Management, Marketing & Sales
c. Strategies&Goals, Financial Pro Formas, Current Assets, Exhibits
d. Financial requirement, Operations, Products, Marketing & Sales
3. It is essential to consider the purpose for the business plan structure :
a. To structure the business plan in section in order of their importance to your
b. To structure the business plan in section in order of their important to the
c. To structure the business plan in logical order of development
d. To structure the business plan in order of alphabetic
4. To winning the first impression of business plan, we should make attention for :
a. Number of pages of the business plan
b. The quality of printing
c. Proofreading and copyediting
d. Page Layout
5. Thing that is not allowed shown at the title page of business plan :
a. Business name and address
b. Company’ logo
c. Clipart and decorative treatment
d. The title of document
6. There are many business plan models that feature differences specific to type and size
of business. The business plan for hyper mart is included in type :
a. Home-base business
b. Retail
c. Non-profit business
d. Manufacturing
7. While develop the business plan, you will be reconsidering and reevaluating the
following concepts in detail, exclude :
a. Key to success
b. Market analysis
c. Marketing plan
d. Product or service
8. To start the business, we should have a location in mind. These are a consideration in
choosing a location for your business, exclude :
a. Cost effectiveness
b. In the central of business/city
c. Accessibility
d. Traffic volume
9. A complete business plan for start-up company is best organized according to :
a. Logical development of the business
b. Alphabetical
c. Time schedule
d. Reviewer’ need
10. Most business plans are written for a specific purpose, exclude :
a. Start-up companies pursuing outside capital
b. Expansion companies seeking to increase their capital
c. Management annual meeting
d. Existing company focusing on specific markets