Preface This document provides the information that is required to understand and use the Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration System (IPICS) release 4.6(x) application programming interface (API). Audience This document is intended for developers who want to use the Cisco IPICS API to control various Cisco IPICS features and functions. It assumes that developers have knowledge or experience with Cisco IPICS, a high-level programming language, and the following: • Extensible Markup Language (XML) • XML schema • Web services • REST web standards • Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) • Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) or Secure HTTP (HTTPS) • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Organization This document is organized as follows: Chapter 1, “Overview of Web Services API” Introduces the web services API, describes how to perform API requests, and describes API security and API logging Chapter 2, “Web Services API Functions” Provides a summary of each Cisco IPICS web services API function and describes each function in detail Chapter 3, “REST-Based API Functions” Provides a summary of each Cisco IPICS REST-based API function and describes each function in detail Chapter 4, “Value Objects” Provides detailed descriptions of each value object that is used by the Cisco IPICS API functions Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 xiii Preface Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines For information about obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, new and revised Cisco technical documentation, and recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation: Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 xiv OL-30494-01 CH A P T E R 1 Overview of Web Services API The Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration System (IPICS) 4.5(x) application programming interface (API) provides a web services-based API that enables the management and control of various Cisco IPICS operations through programmatic interfaces and custom applications. The API includes a set of functions to control Cisco IPICS operations such as VTG creation, policy invocation, user management, and more. This chapter introduces general concepts that relate to the web services API. It also explains how to generate a client stub by using the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE), and explains options for executing API requests. This chapter includes these topics: • Generating a Web Services Client Stub, page 1-1 • Creating and Executing API Client Code, page 1-3 • API Client Code Example, page 1-4 • API Security, page 1-7 • API Logging, page 1-8 Generating a Web Services Client Stub Before using the Cisco IPICS API web services functions, you must generate a client stub on the PC that is to be used for the API development (the developer workstation). (A client stub is not used with the REST-based API functions.) You can use a variety of tools to generate a client stub. The following sections describe how to generate the stub by using the Eclipse IDE. • Obtaining and Configuring the Eclipse IDE, page 1-2 • Generating a Client Stub on a Developer Workstation, page 1-2 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 1-1 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API Generating a Web Services Client Stub Obtaining and Configuring the Eclipse IDE Before you generate a web services client stub for the Cisco IPICS API, follow these steps to obtain and configure the Eclipse IDE: Step 1 On the developer workstation, download the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers package from the Galileo (v 3.5.2) release of the Eclipse open-source IDE. This IDE is available from the Eclipse website. Step 2 On the developer workstation, download and extract Axis2 version 1.3 from the Apache website Step 3 Take these actions to configure Axis2 runtime in the Eclipse IDE: a. Launch the Eclipse IDE. b. Choose Windows > Preferences. c. In the Preferences window. expand Web Services. d. Click Axis2 Preferences. e. Click Browse and, in the Browse to a Folder window, click the folder in which you extracted Axis2. f. Click OK. g. Click OK to exit the Preference window. Generating a Client Stub on a Developer Workstation The following procedure describes how to use the Eclipse IDE to generate a client stub on a developer workstation. Before you perform this procedure, configure the Eclipse IDE on the developer workstation as described in the “Obtaining and Configuring the Eclipse IDE” section on page 1-2. Procedure Step 1 Launch the Eclipse IDE and take these actions: a. Choose File > New > Other... > Web Services > Web ServiceClient. b. Click Next. The Web Services Client window appears. Step 2 In the Web Services Client window, take these actions: a. In the service definition field, enter the following URL, where cisco_IPICS_server is the host name or IP address of your server: http://cisco_IPICS_server/ipics_server/services/IpicsWebService?wsdl b. Make sure that the Client type field displays Java Proxy. c. Click the Server: Tomcat version Server hyperlink. The Client Environment Configuration window appears. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 1-2 OL-30494-01 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API Creating and Executing API Client Code Step 3 Step 4 In the Client Environment Configuration window, take these actions: a. In the Server area, choose the server type that Eclipse uses when generating the stub (by default, the server type is Tomcat vX.X Server. b. Click OK. In the Web Services Client window, take these actions, click the Web service runtime: Apache Axis hyperlink. The Client Environment Configuration window appears. Step 5 In the Client Environment Configuration window, take these actions: a. Click Apache Axis2 in the Web service runtime area. b. Click OK. Step 6 In the Web Services Client window, take these actions, click the Client project hyperlink. Step 7 In the Specify Client Project Settings window, take these actions: a. In the Client project field, enter a name for the client project. b. Make sure that the Client Project field displays Dynamic Web Project. c. Click OK. d. Click Next. The Web Service Client window appears. Step 8 In the Web Service Client window, click Finish. The client stub is generated in a folder with the name that you specified in the Specify Client Project Settings window. Creating and Executing API Client Code Each API service function (except the executePolicyForUser function) requires a valid session ID to access the API functions. To start a new web services session, the client code must call the startSession function and provide the login name and password that are used to authenticate the user who executes the API code. After authentication completes, the startSession method returns a unique SessionId value, which should be used when executing subsequent API methods in a web service session. To end a session, the API client code must call the endSession function, which invalidates the current SessionId and is important for security. For additional information about using the API, see the “Function Guidelines” section on page 2-1. After you create API client code, follow these steps to execute it: Procedure Step 1 Launch the Eclipse IDE and take these actions: a. Click the name of the client file in the left panel of the window. b. Choose Run > Run Configurations.... The Run Configurations window appears. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 1-3 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API API Client Code Example Step 2 In the Run Configurations window, take these actions: a. Right-click Java Application in the left panel of the window. b. Choose New. c. Click Run. API Client Code Example The following is an example of Cisco API client code for the web services functions. In this example: • The location of the keystore is specified. The keystore contains the SSL certificate that the Cisco IPICS server uses to verify its identity when a client attempts to connect to the server, and the URL for the web service endpoint. • The startSession function is executed. This function returns a unique sessionId, which is needed to execute other web service functions. • The getIpicsVersion is executed. This function returns the Cisco IPICS version that is running on the Cisco IPICS sever. • These VTG functions are executed: – createVtg—Create a new VTG on the Cisco IPICS server and returns the ID of the VTG, activates VTG and returns list of all VTG's present in the system respectively. – activateVTG—Activates the newly-created VTG. – getAllVtgs—Retrieves a list of all VTGs that are present in Cisco IPICS. • The endSession function is executed. This function terminate the web service session. A terminated session cannot be used again. package com.example; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import com.example.IpicsWebServiceStub.*; public class IpicsWebServiceTestClient { // The web service stub private static IpicsWebServiceStub ws = null; // // Modify the following parameters as needed for your environment // // Update with your server's address. // Note: The use of HTTPS/SSL is optional, but highly recommended. private static final String WEB_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URL = "https://<my_server_address>/ipics_server/services/IpicsWebService"; // If you use SSL to connect to the server, update with the location // of your trusted SSL certificate key store (sometimes also called // a "trust store"). private static final String KEY_STORE_FILE = "c:\\client_truststore.jks"; // Choose the client type: IDC or IPHONE // Affects how clients show up in the Active Users page found in the // Cisco IPICS Administration Console. private static final String CLIENT_TYPE = "IDC"; Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 1-4 OL-30494-01 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API API Client Code Example // Update with the IPICS user login used to connect to the server. // Use of the default "ipics" user account is not recommended, but // shown here for simplicity. private static final String USER_LOGIN = "ipics"; // Update with the corresponding IPICS user password. private static final String USER_PASSWORD = "secret"; public static void main(String[] args) { String sessionId = null; try { // Note: Use Java keytool to import the server's SSL certificate // into KEY_STORE_FILE before running this client application, // otherwise your SSL connection will fail. System.setProperty("", KEY_STORE_FILE); // Create web service stub object using end-point URL ws = new IpicsWebServiceStub(WEB_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URL); sessionId = testStartSession(); System.out.println("Session ID : " + sessionId); testGetIpicsVersion(sessionId); int vtgId = testCreateVtg(sessionId); testActivateVTG(sessionId, vtgId); testGetAllVtgs(sessionId); testEndSession(sessionId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String testStartSession() throws Exception { ClientDescriptorVO cd = new ClientDescriptorVO(); cd.setClientType(CLIENT_TYPE); StartSession params = new StartSession(); params.setClientDescriptor(cd); params.setUserLogin(USER_LOGIN); params.setPass(USER_PASSWORD); SessionVO result = ws.startSession(params).get_return(); if (result.getErrorVO() != null) { System.out.println(result.getErrorVO().getErrorMessages()); return null; } String sessionId = result.getSessionId(); return sessionId; } private static String testGetIpicsVersion(String sessionId) throws RemoteException { System.out.println("\n----------- GetIpicsVersion ----------- "); GetIpicsVersion params = new GetIpicsVersion(); params.setSessionId(sessionId); Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 1-5 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API API Client Code Example StringVO result = ws.getIpicsVersion(params).get_return(); if (result.getErrorVO() == null) { System.out.println("\nIPICS Version: " + result.getValue()); return result.getValue(); } else { System.out.println("\nIPICS Version: " + result.getErrorVO().getErrorMessages()); return null; } } private static int testCreateVtg(String sessionId) { System.out.println("\n----------- Create VTG ----------- "); CreateVtg params = new CreateVtg(); params.setSessionId(sessionId); params.setVtgName("vtg1"); params.setDescription("Test VTG 1"); IntegerVO result = new IntegerVO(); try { result = ws.createVtg(params).get_return(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (result.getErrorVO() != null) { System.out.println(result.getErrorVO().getErrorMessages()); return 0; } System.out.println("\n VTG Id : " + result.getValue()); return result.getValue(); } private static void testActivateVTG(String sessionId, int vtgId) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n----------- Activate VTG ----------- "); ActivateVtg params = new ActivateVtg(); params.setSessionId(sessionId); params.setVtgId(vtgId); BooleanVO result = ws.activateVtg(params).get_return(); if (result.getErrorVO() != null) { System.out.println(result.getErrorVO().getErrorMessages()); return; } System.out.println("\n Return Value : " + result.getValue()); } private static VtgContainerVO testGetAllVtgs(String sessionId) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n----------- Get All VTGs ----------- "); PaginationContextVO pc = new PaginationContextVO(); pc.setPageNumber(1); pc.setPageRecords(100); pc.setTotalRecords(100); GetAllVtgs params = new GetAllVtgs(); params.setSessionId(sessionId); params.setPc(pc); Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 1-6 OL-30494-01 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API API Security VtgContainerVO result = ws.getAllVtgs(params).get_return(); if (result.getErrorVO() != null) { System.out.println(result.getErrorVO().getErrorMessages()); return null; } System.out.println("VTG container length : " + result.getVtgVOs().length); System.out.println("VTG Total Records : " + result.getPaginationContextVO().getTotalRecords()); System.out.println("VTG Total Pages : " + result.getPaginationContextVO().getTotalPages()); return result; } private static void testEndSession(String sessionId) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n----------- End Session ------------ "); EndSession params = new EndSession(); params.setSessionId(sessionId); ws.endSession(params); System.out.println("Session ID deleted successfully."); } } API Security The Cisco IPICS server and the Cisco IPICS API use SSL for secure communication between the server and client systems. The server uses a X.509 certificate (also called an SSL certificate) to verify its identity when a client attempts to connect to the server. By default, the Cisco IPICS server provides a self-signed certificate, which a client typically rejects. To prevent a client from rejecting this certificate, take one of the of the actions that Table 1-1 describes. Table 1-1 Methods for Preventing a Client from Rejecting the Cisco IPICS Server Self-Signed Certificate Method Remarks Replace the Cisco IPICS server self-signed certificate with a certificate that is signed by a well-known certificate authority (CA), such as VeriSign or a local CA in your organization. For additional information, see the “Installing Third Party Certificates on the Cisco IPICS Server” section in Cisco IPICS Server Installation and Upgrade Guide. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 1-7 Chapter 1 Overview of Web Services API API Logging Table 1-1 Methods for Preventing a Client from Rejecting the Cisco IPICS Server Self-Signed Certificate (continued) Method Remarks When using a Java client, configure the SSL Procedure: libraries for your clients to trust the self-signed 1. Use SSH to log in to the Cisco IPICS server as certificate by using the Java keytool to import the the root user. certificate into the client truststore. 2. Enter the following command: cd /opt/cisco/ipics/security 3. Download the self-signed certificate named server.cert.pem to the client system. 4. Enter the following command. Replace name with a unique name for the alias, replace certificate_file that you downloaded to the client, and replace path with the path to the client keystore: keytool -import -alias name -file certificate_file -keystore path If you are using a client other than Java, configure You may be able to copy the self-signed certificate the SSL libraries for your clients to trust the to a special directory on the client system. self-signed certificate. See your library documentation for detailed information. Modify the way in which your client code validates certificate trust chains. Some languages provide configurable SSL files that let you change the default certificate validation behavior. A client verifies its identity with a user name and password that are sent to the server by the client application. API Logging The Cisco IPICS server logs all web service invocations. Entries include the date and time of the invocation, the API function that was used, and the status of the response. This information is maintained in the Cisco IPICS log file. For more information about the log file, see Cisco IPICS Administration Guide. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 1-8 OL-30494-01 CH A P T E R 2 Web Services API Functions This chapter describes the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. It provides general information and detailed descriptions for each function, and a summary of the functions, arranged by category. This chapter includes these topics: • Function Guidelines, page 2-1 • Function Summary, page 2-2. • Function Descriptions, page 2-10 Function Guidelines When you use the Cisco IPICS web service API functions, be aware of the following: • In general, the API functions consider only items (users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs), that are associated with the Cisco IPICS ops view of the user who is logged in to Cisco IPICS web services and executes the function. If you belong to the Cisco IPICS system ops view, the API functions consider all ops views In particular, be aware that the find and get functions retrieve only items that are associated with your ops view. For example, if you execute a function that retrieves all incidents or VTGs, only incidents or VTGs that are associated with your ops view are retrieved. • You must have a specific Cisco IPICS role to use some functions. If you execute a function when you do not have a valid role to do so, the function returns an ErrorVO. • Functions that make changes to an active VTG may cause Cisco IPICS to reprogram the RMS, which can consume significant system resources for a long time. If you use these functions, it is a best practice to make all VTG changes in as few web service calls as possible, or to execute these functions at off-peak hours. • The function descriptions refer to various value objects (VOs). For more detailed information, see Chapter 4, “Value Objects.” • Many functions require at least one identifier (ID) to indicate the item that the function is to affect. For example, a function might require the ID of an incident (incidentId), user (userID), or VTG (vtgId). You can obtain these IDs by using various “get” functions. See the function descriptions to determine the function that returns the information that you need. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-1 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Function Summary Table 2-1 provides a summary of the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. Each function is described in detail in the section that is listed. In the function descriptions, “your” refers to the user who executes the operation. Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary Function Name and Reference Description Functions for User Management addUserToUserGroup, page 2-18 Adds a user to a user group associateChannelsToUser, page 2-22 Associates one or more channels with a user associatePhonesToUser, page 2-22 Associates one or more phones with a user associateRadiosToUser, page 2-23 Associates one or more radios with a designated user createUser, page 2-31 Creates a Cisco IPICS user createUserGroup, page 2-32 Creates a user group deletePmcProfile, page 2-39 Deletes IDC profile information for the designated user disableUser, page 2-46 Disables a Cisco IPICS user enableUser, page 2-47 Enables a Cisco IPICS user isActiveUser, page 2-120 Determines if a user is active or disabled removePhoneAssociatedToUser, page 2-127 Disassociates a phone from a user savePmcProfile, page 2-132 Saves IDC profile information for the designated user setBelongingOpsViewForUser, page 2-134 Assigns an ops view to a designated user setDialPreference, page 2-134 Adds a new dial preference for a user setDigitId, page 2-135 Sets digit IDs for a user setDigitPassword, page 2-136 Sets a digit password for a user setNotificationPreference, page 2-139 Adds a new notification preference for a user setUserAddress, page 2-139 Adds a physical address for a user setUserAudioStatus, page 2-140 Enables or disables the ability of a user to hear and transmit audio on a PMC setUserListenerStatus, page 2-141 Enables or disables the ability of a user to transmit audio on a PMC updateUserGroup, page 2-147 Modifies various attributes of a user group Functions for VTG Management activateVtg, page 2-12 Activates a VTG (if it is not activated already) addChannelToVtg, page 2-12 Adds a channel to an active or inactive VTG addRadioToVtg, page 2-16 Adds a radio to an active or inactive VTG addParticipantsToVtg, page 2-15 Adds any combination of resources (channel, radio, user, and VTG) to a VTG Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-2 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description addResourcesToVtg, page 2-17 Adds one or more resources of the same type (users, channels, radios, or VTGs) to a VTG addUserToVtg, page 2-19 Adds a user to an active or inactive VTG addVtgParticipants, page 2-20 Adds any combination of resources (channels, radios, users, and VTGs) to a VTG addVtgToVtg, page 2-21 Add a VTG to another VTG createPatchVtg, page 2-33 Creates a patch VTG with the designated name createVtg, page 2-35 Creates a VTG with the designated name deactivateVtg, page 2-37 Deactivates a VTG isActiveVtg, page 2-120 Determines if a VTG is active or disabled removeChannelFromVtg, page 2-126 Removes a channel from a VTG removeUserFromVtg, page 2-129 Removes a user from a VTG removeRadioFromVtg, page 2-128 Removes a radio from a VTG. removeVtgFromVtg, page 2-130 Removes a VTG from a VTG setVtgOptions, page 2-141 Sets various options for a VTG setVtgUserOptions, page 2-142 Sets various options for a designated user in a VTG updateVirtualTalkGroup, page 2-148 Modifies various attributes of a video Functions for Incident Management activateIncident, page 2-10 Activates an incident (if it is not activated already) activateIncidentVtg, page 2-11 Creates and activates an incident VTG for a designated incident addCameraToIncident, page 2-13 Adds a VSOM camera to an incident addJournalToIncident, page 2-14 Creates a journal entry and associates it with an incident addPhotoToIncident, page 2-16 Adds the URL of a photograph to an incident and associates the photograph with the incident addVideoToIncident, page 2-20 Creates the URL of a video to an incident and associates the video with the incident associateResourcesToIncident, page 2-24 Associates one or more resources of the same type (users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs) with an incident. createIncident, page 2-28 Creates an incident createPhoto, page 2-30 Adds the URL of a photograph to Cisco IPICS createVideo, page 2-32 Adds the URL of a video to Cisco IPICS deactivateIncident, page 2-36 Deactivates an incident deactivateIncidentVtg, page 2-36 Deactivates an incident VTG isActiveIncidentVtg, page 2-119 Determines if an incident VTG in a designated incident is active or inactive removeResourceFromIncident, page 2-128 Disassociates one or more resource from an incident Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-3 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description removeVtgParticipants, page 2-130 Removes one or more participants from a VTG saveAssociatedCameraToIncident, page 2-132 Associates the designated camera with the designated incident setIncidentVtgOptions, page 2-137 Sets various options for an incident VTG setIncidentVtgUserOptions, page 2-138 Sets various options for a designated user in an incident VTG updateIncident, page 2-145 Modifies various attributes of an incident updatePhoto, page 2-146 Modifies various attributes of a photograph updateVideo, page 2-148 Modifies various attributes of a video Functions for Channel Management addMulticastChannelConnection, page 2-14 Adds one or more multicast connections for the designated channel associateUsersToChannel, page 2-25 Associates one or more users with a channel createChannel, page 2-27 Creates a channel disableChannel, page 2-45 Changes a channel to DISABLED state if the current channel state is IDLE enableChannel, page 2-47 Changes a channel IDLE state if the current channel state is DISABLED isActiveChannel, page 2-118 Determines if a channel is active or disabled Functions for Radio Management associateUsersToRadio, page 2-25 Associates one or more users with a radio releaseRadio, page 2-125 Releases a reserved serial controlled radio that has been reserved for a user reserveRadio, page 2-131 Marks a serial controlled radio as reserved for a user Functions for Camera Management createCamera, page 2-26 Adds a VSOM camera to Cisco IPICS Functions for Policy and Dial Function Management dialAllIncidentVtgMembers, page 2-41 Dials out to all user who are members of an incident VTG dialAllVtgMembers, page 2-42 Dials out to all users who are members of a VTG, including members of user groups that are part of the VTG dialIncidentVtgMember, page 2-43 Dials out to the specified member of an incident VTG dialVtgMember, page 2-44 Dials out to the specified member of a VTG executeNotificationPolicy, page 2-48 Executes the notification policy that has the designated ID executePolicy, page 2-49 Executes a designated policy executePolicyForUser, page 2-50 Executes a designated policy for a designated user notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers, page 2-122 Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident notifyAllVtgMembers, page 2-123 Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-4 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description notifyIncidentVtgMember, page 2-124 Notifies a designated member of an incident VTG notifyVtgMember, page 2-124 Notifies a specific member of a VTG Functions for Location Management createLocation, page 2-28 Adds a location to Cisco IPICS deleteLocation, page 2-38 Deletes a location from Cisco IPICS updateLocation, page 2-145 Modifies information about a location Functions for IDC Contact List Management addToFavorite, page 2-18 Adds the designated entry from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC to the Favorite Contacts list on your IDC createContact, page 2-27 Adds a phone number or email address to an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC createPrivateUser, page 2-30 Adds an entry to the Private Contacts list on your IDC deleteContact, page 2-38 Deletes a phone number or email address from an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC deletePrivateUser, page 2-39 Deletes the designated entry from the Private Contacts list on your IDC removeFromFavorite, page 2-126 Removes the designated entry from the favorite Contacts list on your IDC searchAddressBook, page 2-133 Searches the designated contacts list on your IDC for an entry that contains the specified string updateContact, page 2-144 Modifies a phone number or email address for an existing Private Contacts list entry on your IDC updatePrivateUser, page 2-146 Modifies information for an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC Functions for Obtaining Information findChannelGroups, page 2-50 Retrieves each channel group with a name that matches a designated search criterion findChannels, page 2-51 Retrieves each channel with a name that matches a designated search criterion findIncidents, page 2-52 Retrieves each incident with a name that matches a designated search criterion findPhotos, page 2-52 Retrieves each photograph with a name that matches a designated search criterion findRadios, page 2-53 Retrieves each radio with a name that matches a designated search criterion findUserGroups, page 2-54 Retrieves each user group with a name that matches a designated search criterion findUsers, page 2-55 Retrieves each user with a user name that matches a designated search criterion Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-5 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description findVideos, page 2-55 Retrieves each video with a name that matches a designated search criterion findVtgs, page 2-56 Retrieves each VTG with a name that matches a designated search criterion getAddressBook, page 2-57 Retrieves the list of entries from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC getAddressBookEntry, page 2-58 Retrieves an entry from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC getAllChannelGroups, page 2-58 Retrieves all channel groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllChannels, page 2-59 Retrieves all channels that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllChannelsInChannelGroup, page 2-60 Retrieves all channels that are in the designated channel group getAllIncidents, page 2-60 Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus, page 2-61 Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident getAllLocations, page 2-62 Retrieves all locations that are configured in Cisco IPICS getAllMulticastAddresses, page 2-62 Retrieves all multicast addresses that are configured in Cisco IPICS getAllPhotos, page 2-63 Retrieves all photographs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllPolicies, page 2-63 Retrieves all policies that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllRadios, page 2-64 Retrieves all radios that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllUserGroups, page 2-65 Retrieves all user groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllUsers, page 2-65 Retrieves all Cisco IPICS users that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllVideos, page 2-66 Retrieves all videos that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getAllVtgs, page 2-66 Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view getBelongingOpsViewForUser, page 2-67 Retrieves the ops view to which a designated user belongs getChannel, page 2-68 Retrieves summary information about a designated channel getChannelDetails, page 2-68 Retrieves detailed information about a designated channel getChannelGroupsForVtg, page 2-69 Retrieves a list of channel groups s that are associated with a designated VTG. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-6 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description getChannelsAssociatedToUser, page 2-69 Retrieves all channels that are associated with a user getChannelsForIncident, page 2-70 Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with an incident getChannelsForVtg, page 2-71 Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a VTG getContacts, page 2-72 Retrieves all phone numbers and email addresses from the designated entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC getDigitId, page 2-73 Retrieves the digit ID for a user getDigitPassword, page 2-73 Retrieves the digit password for a user getFavorite, page 2-74 Retrieves a list of entries in the Favorite Contacts list on your IDC getGlobalMediaMap, page 2-75 Retrieves the current global media map and its version number and sends this information to the IDC getGlobalMediaMapVersion, page 2-75 Retrieves the current global media map version number and sends this version information to the IDC getIncident, page 2-76 Retrieves summary information about a designated incident getIncidentDetails, page 2-76 Retrieves detailed information about a designated incident getIncidentParticipants, page 2-77 Retrieves all resources (channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs) that are associated with an incident. getIncidentsForUser, page 2-78 Retrieves a list of all incidents that are associated with a designated user. getIncidentVtg, page 2-78 Retrieves information about the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident getIncidentVtgOptions, page 2-79 Retrieves VTG options for the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident getIncidentVtgUserOptions, page 2-79 Retrieves incident VTG options for an incident VTG user. getIpicsVersion, page 2-80 Retrieves the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on active Cisco IPICS server getJournal, page 2-81 Retrieves summary information about a designated journal getJournalDetails, page 2-81 Retrieves summary information about a designated journal getJournalsForIncident, page 2-82 Retrieves all journals for a designated incident getLazyTalkgroupStatus, page 2-82 Retrieves the connection status of the designated channel getLocationById, page 2-83 Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated ID getLocationByName, page 2-84 Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated name getLoggedInIDCUsers, page 2-84 Retrieves Cisco IPICS users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-7 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description getMulticastAddressByAddress, page 2-85 Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated IP address getMulticastAddressById, page 2-86 Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated multicast address identifier getPhonesAssociatedToUser, page 2-86 Retrieves all phones that are associated with a designated user getPhoto, page 2-87 Retrieves summary information about a photograph getPhotoDetails, page 2-88 Retrieves detailed information about a photograph getPhotosForIncident, page 2-88 Retrieves a list of photographs that are associated with a designated incident. getPmcProfile, page 2-89 Retrieves IDC profile information for the designated user getPoliciesAssociatedToUser, page 2-89 Retrieves all policies that are associated with a designated user getPolicy, page 2-90 Retrieves summary information about a policy getPolicyDetails, page 2-91 Retrieves detailed information about a policy getPolicyExecutionStatus, page 2-91 Retrieves the status of the execution of a designated policy getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails, page 2-92 Retrieves detailed status information about the execution of each policy that is associated with a designated user getRadioDetails, page 2-93 Retrieve detailed information about a designated radio getRadiosAssociatedToUser, page 2-93 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated user getRadiosForIncident, page 2-94 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated incident. getRadiosForVtg, page 2-95 Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated VTG. getUser, page 2-95 Retrieves summary information about the designated user getUserAddress, page 2-96 Retrieves the physical address of a designated user getUserAudioStatus, page 2-96 Retrieves a flag that indicates if the PMC of a user has audio disabled or enabled getUserDetails, page 2-97 Retrieves detailed information about a designated user getUserDialPreference, page 2-98 Retrieves the dial preference that is associated with a designated user getUserDirectory, page 2-98 Retrieves the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file getUserGroup, page 2-99 Retrieves summary information about the designated user group getUserGroupMembers, page 2-99 Retrieves all the users in a designated user group getUserGroupsForVtg, page 2-100 Retrieves user groups that are associated with a designated VTG Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-8 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Summary Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description getUserId, page 2-101 Retrieves the system-generated user ID for the designated user getUserListenerStatus, page 2-101 Retrieves a flag that indicates whether the PMC of a user is in listen-only mode getUserNotificationPreference, page 2-102 Retrieves the notification preference that is associated with a designated user getUserRoles, page 2-103 Retrieves the list of roles for a designated user getUsersAssociatedToChannel, page 2-103 Return a list of users that are associated with a designated channel getUsersAssociatedToPolicy, page 2-104 Return a list of users that are associated with a designated policy getUsersAssociatedToRadio, page 2-105 Return a list of users that are associated with a designated radio getUsersForIncident, page 2-105 Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated incident getUsersForVtg, page 2-106 Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated VTG getUserStatus, page 2-107 Retrieves the active status of one or more users getVideo, page 2-107 Retrieves summary information about the designated video getVideoDetails, page 2-108 Retrieves detailed information about the designated video getVideosForIncident, page 2-109 Retrieves a list of videos that are associated with a designated incident getVSOMCamera, page 2-109 Retrieves detailed information about the designated VSOM camera getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICS, page 2-110 Retrieves each VSOM camera that has been added in Cisco IPICS and that have a name that matches a designated search criterion getVSOMCamerasForIncident, page 2-111 Retrieves each VSOM camera that is associated with a designated incident and that has a name that matches a designated search criterion getVSOMs, page 2-111 Retrieves information about VSOM servers that have been added in Cisco IPICS getVtgDetails, page 2-112 Retrieves detailed information about the designated VTG getVtgOptions, page 2-113 Retrieves information about the status of a variety of options for a VTG getVtgParticipants, page 2-113 Retrieves all participants in a VTG getVtgParticipantStatus, page 2-114 Retrieves the status of VTG participant getVtgsAssociatedToUser, page 2-115 Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with a user getVtgsForIncident, page 2-116 Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated incident Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-9 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Table 2-1 Web Services API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description getVtgsForVtg, page 2-116 Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated VTG. getVtgStatus, page 2-117 Retrieves the ID, name, description, and status of a VTG getVtgUserOptions, page 2-118 Retrieves the settings of the latch, listen only, and rxmute VTG options settings for a designated VTG and user Functions for General Operations createMulticastAddresses, page 2-29 Adds one or a series of sequential multicast addresses to Cisco IPICS deleteResources, page 2-40 Deletes designated resources endSession, page 2-48 Ends a web services session joinLazyTalkgroup, page 2-121 Creates a SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource leaveLazyTalkgroup, page 2-122 Terminates the SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource startSession, page 2-143 Starts a web services session Function Descriptions The following sections describe each Cisco IPICS web services API function in detail. The function descriptions provide the following information: Note • Function name—Name of the function. • Description—General behavior for the function. • Role—Cisco IPICS role that you must have to use the function. If you execute a function when you do not have a valid role to do so, the function returns an ErrorVO. At a minimum, everyone who uses Cisco IPICS has the User role, so functions for which the Role is identified as “User” are available to all Cisco IPICS users. • Parameters—Parameters that the function requires. • Return result—Describes the result that Cisco IPICS returns for the function. • Sample response—Example of a response that the function can receive. The “Function Guidelines” section on page 2-1 provides important information that relates to many of the functions that the following sections describe. activateIncident Function name activateIncident Description Activates an incident (if it is not activated already). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-10 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Return result Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to be activated. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the designated incident is activated or 0 if it is not activated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="activateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> activateIncidentVtg Function name activateIncidentVtg Description Creates and activates an incident VTG for a designated incident. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to activate the incident VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is created and activated, or false if the incident VTG is not created and activated. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG is created and activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="activateIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-11 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions activateVtg Function name activateVtg Description Activates a VTG (if it is not activated already). Role Parameters Return result • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to be activated. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is activated, or false if the VTG is not activated. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is activated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="activateVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addChannelToVtg Function name addChannelToVtg Description Adds a channel to an active or inactive VTG. Role Parameters Return result • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the user is to be added. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel to be added to the designated VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is added to the VTG, or false if the channel is not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-12 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="addChannelToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addCameraToIncident Function name addCameraToIncident Description Adds a VSOM camera to an incident. The camera must be added to Cisco IPICS from the Add VSOM Camera window in the IDC before you can add it to an incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)— ID of the incident to which the VSOM camera is to be added. • cameraVO (VSOMCameraVO)—Information about the camera that is to be added to the incident. • autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the camera is deleted automatically when all incidents with which the camera is associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the camera is never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the camera if the camera is added to the designated incident, or 0 if the camera is not added to the designated incident. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the camera is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addCameraToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-13 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions addJournalToIncident Function name addJournalToIncident Description Creates a journal entry and associates it with an incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)— ID of the incident to which the journal entry is to be added. • journalVO (JournalDetailsVO)—Journal to add. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the new journal if the journal is created and associated with the designated incident, or 0 if the journal is not created and associated with the designated incident. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the journal is created and added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addJournalToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addMulticastChannelConnection Function name addMulticastChannelConnection Description Adds one or more multicast connection to the designated channel. Role Administrator Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel to which to add the multicast connection. • channelConnectionContainerVO (ChannelConnectionContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of multicast connections to be added to the designated channel. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-14 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result IntegerVO that contains number of multicast connection that were added to the channel. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if multicast connections were added to the channel, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addMulticastChannelConnection"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addParticipantsToVtg Function name addParticipantsToVtg Description Adds any combination of resources to a VTG. Resources can be channels, radios, users, and VTGs. This function provides the same functionality as the addVtgParticipants function, with the addition of the ability to add a description for each resource. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the list of resources is to be added. • vtgParticipants (VtgParticipantVO[])—Array of resources to be added to the VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the resources are added to the VTG, or false if the resources are not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addMulticastChannelConnection"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-15 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions addPhotoToIncident Function name addPhotoToIncident Description Adds the URL of a photograph to an incident and associates the photograph with the incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to which the photograph is to be added. • photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Information about the photograph URL to add to the incident. • autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph is associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID the record of the photograph if the photograph is associated with an incident, or 0 if an error occurs. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addPhotoToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addRadioToVtg Function name addRadioToVtg Description Adds a radio to an active or inactive VTG. Role • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-16 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the radio is to be added. • radioId (int)—ID of the radio to add. BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is added to the VTG, or false if the radio is not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addRadioToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addResourcesToVtg Function name addResourcesToVtg Description Adds one or more resources of the same type to a VTG. Resources can be users, channels, radios, or VTGs. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the list of resources is to be added. • resourceIds (int[])—Array of IDs of each resource to add to the VTG. • resourceType (String)—Type of resource to add (user, channel, radio, or VTG). BooleanVO that contains true if the resources are added to the VTG, or false the resources are not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-17 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="addResourcesToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xxs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addToFavorite Function name addToFavorite Description Adds the designated entry from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC to the Favorite Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—ID of the Private Contacts list entry to add to Favorites list. • userType (string)—Indicates which type of contacts list contains the entry: – private—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing entry in the Private Contacts list – ipics—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing book entry in the Global Contacts list Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the contacts list entry is successfully added to the Favorite Contacts list, or false if the entry is not added to the Favorite Contacts list. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the addition is successful, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addToFavoriteResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addUserToUserGroup Function name addUserToUserGroup Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-18 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Adds a user to a user group. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be added to the specified user group. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • userGroupId (int)—ID of the user group to which the user is to be added. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is added to the user group, or false if the user is not added to the user group. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addUserToUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name addUserToVtg Description Adds a user to an active or inactive VTG. addUserToVtg Role Parameters Return result • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the user is to be added. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be added to the specified VTG. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is added to the VTG, or false if the user is not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-19 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="addUserToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addVideoToIncident Function name addVideoToIncident Description Creates the URL of a video to an incident and associates the video with the incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to which the video is to be added. • video (VideoDetailsVO)—Information about the video URL to add to the incident. • autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video is associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID the record of the photograph if the video is associated with an incident, or 0 if an error occurs. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addVideoToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> addVtgParticipants Function name addVtgParticipants Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-20 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Adds any combination of resources to a VTG. Resources include channels, radios, users, and VTGs. This function provides the same functionality as the addParticipantsToVtg function, but does not include the ability to add a description for each resource. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the participants are to be added. • parts (ResourceContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of participants to add to the VTG. IntegerVO that contains the number of resources that are added to the VTG. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="addVtgParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name addVtgToVtg Description Adds a VTG to another active or inactive VTG. addVtgToVtg Role Parameters Return result • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgIdAdd (int)—ID of the VTG to be added. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to which the other VTG is to be added. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is added to the VTG, or false if the VTG is not added to the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-21 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="addVtgToVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> associateChannelsToUser Function name associateChannelsToUser Description Associates one or more channels with a user. When you execute this function, existing associations of channels with users are removed. If there are existing associations that you want to maintain, you must include them when you execute this function. Role Parameters Return result Operator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one or more channels. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • channels (ChannelContainerVO)—Collection of channel value objects, each of which contains a channel ID and channel name. BooleanVO that contains true if any channel is associated with the user, or false if a channel is not associated with the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if each channel is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="associateChannelsToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> associatePhonesToUser Function name associatePhonesToUser Description Associates one or more phones with a user. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-22 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Return result Operator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one more phones. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • dialNumbers (String[])—Dial number of each phone to associate with the user. This field must contain numbers only (letters, spaces, parentheses, dashes, and other characters are not supported). BooleanVO that contains true if the phone is associated with the user, or false if the phone is not associated with the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the phone is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="associatePhonesToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> associateRadiosToUser Function name associateRadiosToUser Description Associates one or more radios with a user. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user with whom to associate one or more radios. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • radios (RadioContainerVO)—A collection of radio value objects, each of which contains a radio ID and radio name. BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is associated with the user, or false if the radio is not associated with the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-23 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="associateRadiosToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> associateResourcesToIncident Function name associateResourcesToIncident Description Associates one or more resources of the same type with an incident. Resources can be users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, cameras, or VTGs. Role Parameters Return result • To associate a channel—Administrator or Dispatcher • To associate a photograph—User • To associate a radio—Administrator or Dispatcher • To associate a user—Dispatcher or Operator • To associate a video—User • To associate a camera—User • To associate a VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that is to include the resource. • resourceType—Type of resource (user, channel, photograph, radio, video, camera, or VTG). • resourceIds (int[])—IDs of the resources to add to the incident. IntegerVO that contains a value that indicates how many resources have been associated with the incident. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="associateResourcesToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-24 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions associateUsersToChannel Function name associateUsersToChannel Description Associates one or more users with a channel. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelVO (ChannelVO)—ID of the channel with which to associate the users. • UserContainerVO (UserContainerVO)—VO that contains the list of users to be associated with the designated channel. BooleanVO that contains true if the one or more users is associated with the channel, or false if the user is not associated with the channel. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="associateUsersToChannel"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> associateUsersToRadio Function name associateUsersToRadio Description Associates one or more users with a radio. Role Operator Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • radioId (int)—ID of the radio with which to associate the users. • UserContainerVO (UserContainerVO )—VO that contains the list of users to be associated with the designated radio. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-25 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the one or more users is associated with the channel, or false if the user is not associated with the channel. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is associated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="associateUsersToRadio"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name createCamera Description Adds a VSOM camera to Cisco IPICS. Role Administrator createCamera Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • cameraVO (VSOMCameraVO)—Information about the camera that is to be added. • autoDelete (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the camera is deleted automatically when all incidents with which the camera are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the camera is never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID the record of the camera if the camera is created or 0 if an error occurs. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the camera is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createCameraResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-26 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions createChannel Function name createChannel Description Creates a channel with the specified name and short name. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelName (String)—Unique name of the channel to be created. The name can include up to 20 characters and spaces. The following characters are not allowed: ! @ $ % ^ & * + = [ ] \;{}|“<>?~‘ • channelShortName (String)—Unique short name of the channel to be created. The name can include up to 5 alphanumeric characters and spaces. The following characters are not allowed: !@$%^&*+=[]\;{}|“<>?~‘ IntegerVO that contains the ID of the channel, if the channel is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name createContact Description Adds a phone number or email address to an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Role User createContact Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • contact (ContactInfoVO)—Phone number or email address to be added to the Private Contacts list, and the contacts list entry to which the phone number or email address is to be added. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-27 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the phone number or email address, if the contact information is added. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the contact information is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createContactResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createIncident Function name createIncident Description Creates an incident that is in the active state. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Information about the incident to be created. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the incident, if the incident is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createLocation Function name createLocation Description Adds a location to Cisco IPICS. Role Administrator Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-28 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • uiLocation (LocationVO)—Information about the location to add. IntegerVO that contains 1 if location is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the location is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createMulticastAddresses Function name createMulticastAddresses Description Adds one or a series of sequential multicast addresses to Cisco IPICS. Note Role Parameters Return result The address must start with 239. Cisco recommends that you only addresses that are in the to range. For more information, see the “Guidelines for Using IP Multicast Addresses with Cisco IPICS” section in Cisco IPICS Server Administration Guide. Administrator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • initialMulticastAddress (MulticastAddressVO)—First IP address to be added. • numOfAddresses (int)—Number of multicast addresses to be added. If you specify a number that is greater than 1, a sequential series of multicast addresses is created, starting with the address that you specify with the initialMulticastAddress parameter. IntegerVO that contains number of multicast address that were created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the multicast addresses are created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-29 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="createMulticastAddresses"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name createPhoto Description Adds the URL of a photograph to Cisco IPICS. The URL can be used to associate the photograph with an incident later. Role User createPhoto Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—URL of a photograph to add to Cisco IPICS. • autoDelete—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph is associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the photograph, if the photograph is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createPhotoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createPrivateUser Function name createPrivateUser Description Adds an entry to the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-30 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • user (AddressBookUserDetailVO)—Information about the new entry in the Private Contacts list. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the entry, if the entry is added to the Private Contacts list. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entry is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createPrivateUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name createUser Description Creates a Cisco IPICS user Role Operator createUser Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be created. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • userPassword (String)—Password of the user to be created. The password can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces. The system validates the password according the parameters that are configured in Cisco IPICS Administration. • firstName (String)—First name of the user. • lastName (String)—Last name of the user IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the user, if the user is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-31 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="createUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createUserGroup Function name createUserGroup Description Creates a Cisco IPICS user group with the specified name and description. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • groupName (String)—Name of the user group to be created. This string can contain up to 32 characters, including spaces. • groupDescription (String)—Description of the user group to be created. This string can contain up to 85 characters, including spaces. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the user group, if the user group is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user group is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name createVideo Description Adds the URL of a video to Cisco IPICS. The URL can be used to associate the video with an incident later. Role User createVideo Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-32 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • video (VideoDetailsVO)—URL of a video to add to Cisco IPICS. • autoDelete—If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video is associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the video, if the video is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createVideoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> createPatchVtg Function name createPatchVtg Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-33 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Creates a patch VTG with the designated name. A patch VTG, which you also can create in the IDC by using the Patch button in the Dial Pad and Channel Patch Area or the Patch button in the PTT and Patch Controls Area, is a temporary VTG that is deleted when the patch is removed. The following guidelines apply when the createPatchVtg function is used to create a patch VTG: • Advanced IDC Permissions must be configured in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console for the user who is creating the patch. • The name of the VTG can contain a maximum of 40 characters and must be named patch.number.user, where – number is a unique numerical sequence – user is the Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is created the patch • A user can have 1 patch VTG in effect at a time. • When this function executes, the API program calls createVtg(), followed by activateVtg(), followed by addParticipantsToVtg(). • When the client (program) unpatches, it calls deactivateVtg(), followed by deleteResources(session, int[] { vtgid }, VTG, true). • When the client shuts down or logs out, the unpatch occurs automatically. Role • User (with advanced IDC permission) Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgName (String)—Name of the patch VTG to be created. • description (String)—Description of the patch VTG. • vtgParticipants (VtgParticipantVO[])-Array of resources to be added to the VTG Return result IntegerVO that contains the ID of the VTG, if the VTG is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="createPatchVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-34 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions createVtg Function name createVtg Description Creates a VTG with the designated name. The VTG can be either a regular VTG or a patch VTG. A regular VTG, which also can be created through the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or the VTG tab in the IDC, remains in the system and can be activated and deactivated as needed. A patch VTG, which you create in the IDC by using the Patch button in the Dial Pad and Channel Patch Area or the Patch button in the PTT and Patch Controls Area, is a temporary VTG that is deleted when the patch is removed. The following guidelines apply when the createVtg function is used to create a patch VTG: • Advanced IDC Permissions must be configured in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console for the user who is creating the patch. • The name of the patch VTG can contain a maximum of 40 characters and must be named patchnumber.user, where – number is a unique numerical sequence – user is the Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is created the patch Role Parameters Return result • A user can have 1 patch VTG in effect at a time. • When this function executes, the API program calls createVtg(), followed by addParticipantsToVtg(), followed by activateVtg(). • When the client (program) unpatches, it calls deactivateVtg(), followed by deleteResources(session, int[] { vtgid }, VTG, true). • When the client shuts down or logs out, the unpatch occurs automatically. • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permission) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgName (String)—Name of the VTG to be created. • description (String)—Description of the VTG. IntegerVO that contains the ID of the of the VTG, if the VTG is created. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is created, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-35 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="createVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deactivateIncident Function name deactivateIncident Description Deactivates an Incident. This action changes the incident state from Active to Inactive, deactivates its incident VTG if it is activated, and releases the incident VTG resources. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident to deactivate. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the incident is deactivated, or 0 if the incident is not deactivated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deactivateIncidentVtg Function name deactivateIncidentVtg Description Deactivates an incident VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-36 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG to deactivate. BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is deactivated, or false if the incident VTG is not deactivated. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name deactivateVtg Description Deactivates a VTG. deactivateVtg Role Parameters Return result • IDC patch—User (with advanced IDC permissions) • VTG—Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to deactivate. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is deactivated, or false if the VTG is not deactivated. The BooleanVO also contains also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is deactivated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deactivateVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-37 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions deleteContact Function name deleteContact Description Deletes a phone number or email address from an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • ContactInfoId (int)—ID of the phone number or email address to be deleted from the Private Contacts list. BooleanVO that contains true if the phone number or email address is deleted from the Private Contacts list, or false if the information is not deleted. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the information is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deleteContactResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deleteLocation Function name deleteLocation Description Deletes the designated location from Cisco IPICS. To delete a location, you must first remove associates between the location and users, VTGs, and media connection assignments, or delete any users, VTGs, or media connections that are associated with this location. Role Parameters Administrator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • locationId (int)—ID of the location to delete. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-38 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the location is deleted, or false if location is not deleted. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the designated location is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deleteLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deletePmcProfile Function name deletePmcProfile Description Deletes Cisco IPICS Dispatch Console (IDC) profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • id (int)—ID of the user whose profile is to be deleted. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the IDC profile information is deleted, or 0 if the IDC profile information is not deleted. The IntegerVO also contains also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the IDC profile information is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deletePmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deletePrivateUser Function name deletePrivateUser Description Deletes the designated entry from the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-39 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • privateUserId (int)—ID of the Private Contacts list entry to be deleted. BooleanVO that contains true if the entry is successfully deleted from the Private Contacts list, or false if the entry is not deleted. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entry is deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deletePrivateUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> deleteResources Function name deleteResources Description Deletes one or more resources of the same type from Cisco IPICS. Resources can be users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs. Role • To delete a channel or radio—Administrator • To delete a photograph or video—User • To delete a user—Operator • To delete a VTG—Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-40 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • resourceIds (int[])—ID of the resource to delete. If you specify more than one resourceId parameter, each must be the same type. • resourceType (String)—Type of resource to delete (user, channel, photograph, radio, video, or VTG). • autoDeleteReferences (boolean)—If true, the Cisco IPICS database records for the resources and the resource files (if the files exists for photographs or videos on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents and VTGs with which the resources are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the resources and the resource files are never deleted automatically. BooleanVO that contains true if some or all of the designated resources are deleted, or false if none of the resources are deleted. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all designated resources are deleted, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="deleteResourcesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> dialAllIncidentVtgMembers Function name dialAllIncidentVtgMembers Description Dials out to all user users who are members of an incident VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-41 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG whose members you want to dial. • trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script. If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application. The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name> and optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required. Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to all members of the incident VTG, or false if the dial out is not successful to all members of the incident VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to all members of the incident VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="dialAllIncidentVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> dialAllVtgMembers Function name dialAllVtgMembers Description Dials out to all user who are members of a VTG, including members of user groups that are part of the VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-42 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the members to be dialed. • trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script. If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application. The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required. Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to all members of the VTG, or false if the dial out is not successful to all members of the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to all members of the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="dialAllVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> dialIncidentVtgMember Function name dialIncidentVtgMember Description Dials out to the specified member of an incident VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-43 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG with the member to dial. • trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script. If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application. The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required. • Return result userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the incident VTG member to be dialed. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to the incident VTG member, or false if the dial out is not successful to the incident VTG member. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to the incident VTG member, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="dialIncidentVtgMemberResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> dialVtgMember Function name dialVtgMember Description Dials out to the specified member of a VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-44 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the member to dial. • trigger (String)—Name of the trigger that invokes a custom dial-out script. If the trigger parameter is null, the system uses its default dial-out application. The trigger parameter is a string in the form /<trigger_name>, optionally followed by HTTP parameters that a custom dial-out application requires. For example, the trigger could be /custom_dialout?param1=value1 if an additional parameter is required, or /custom_dialout if no additional parameters are required. • Return result userLogin—Cisco IPICS user name of the VTG member to be dialed. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the dial out is successful to the VTG member, or false if the dial out is not successful to the VTG member. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial out is successful to the VTG member, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="dialVtgMemberResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> disableChannel Function name disableChannel Description Changes a channel to DISABLED state. Applies only if the current channel state is IDLE. Role Administrator Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel to disable. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-45 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is disabled, or false if the channel is not disabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is disabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="disableChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name disableUser Description Changes a user to the Disabled state in Cisco IPICS. If you execute this function for a user who is logged in to the Cisco IPICS Administration Console the user is logged out automatically when trying to perform an activity. If you execute this function for a user who is logged in to the IDC, the user is logged out automatically the next time that the IDC polls the IPICS server. Role Operator disableUser Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to disable. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is disabled, or false if the user is not disabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is disabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="disableUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-46 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions enableChannel Function name enableChannel Description Changes a channel IDLE state. Applies only if the current channel state is DISABLED. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel to enable. BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is enabled, or false if the channel is not enabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is enabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="enableChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name enableUser Description Changes a user to the Enabled state in Cisco IPICS. Role Operator enableUser Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to enabled. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is enabled, or false if the user is not enabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is enabled, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-47 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="enableUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name endSession Description Ends a designated web services session. A user with the Cisco IPICS Administrator role or the All role can end any session. Users with other Cisco IPICS roles can end only sessions that belong to them. Role — endSession Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. BooleanVO that contains true if the session is ended, or false if the session is not ended. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the session is ended, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="endSessionResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> executeNotificationPolicy Function name executeNotificationPolicy Description Executes a designated notification policy. When the notification policy executes, the prerecorded prompt that is defined in the Notification (Dial) action is overridden with a text-to-speech (TTS) prompt that is generated from the designated text message. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-48 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute. • msgText (String)—Text of message that the TTS function to play to recipients. BooleanVO that contains true if the notification is executed, or false if the notification is not executed. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the notification is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="executeNotificationPolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> executePolicy Function name executePolicy Description Executes a designated policy. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute. BooleanVO that contains true if the policy is executed, or false if the policy is not executed. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the policy is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="executePolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-49 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions executePolicyForUser Function name executePolicyForUser Description Executes a designated policy for a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • userId (String)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to execute the policy. • password (String)—Cisco IPICS user password of the user for whom to execute the policy. This parameter is case sensitive. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy to execute. BooleanVO that contains true if the policy is executed, or false if the policy is not executed. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the policy is executed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="executePolicyForUser"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> findChannelGroups Function name findChannelGroups Description Retrieves each channel group with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelGroupVO (ChannelGroupVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-50 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains channel groups that match the search criterion. The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more channel groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findChannelGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name findChannels Description Retrieves each channel with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User findChannels Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channel (ChannelVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelContainerVO that contains channels that match the search criterion. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more channels are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findChannelsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-51 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions findIncidents Function name findIncidents Description Retrieves each incident with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents are returned and these results are not paginated. IncidentContainerVO that contain incidents that match the search criterion. The IncidentContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more incidents are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findIncidentsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name findPhotos Description Retrieves each photograph with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User findPhotos Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-52 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs are returned and these results are not paginated. PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of photographs that match the search criterion. The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more photographs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findPhotosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name findRadios Description Retrieves each radio with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User findRadios Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • radio (RadioDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-53 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of radios that match the search criterion. The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more radios are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findRadiosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> findUserGroups Function name findUserGroups Description Retrieves each user group with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • group (UserGroupDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups are returned and these results are not paginated. UserGroupContainerVO that contains an array of user groups that match the search criterion. The UserGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more user groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findUserGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-54 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions findUsers Function name findUsers Description Retrieves each user with a user name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • user (UserDetailsVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of users that match the search criterion. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findUsersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name findVidoes Description Retrieves each video that matches a designated search criterion. Role User findVideos Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-55 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • video VideoDetailsVO—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos are returned and these results are not paginated. VideoContainerVO that contains an array of videos that match the search criterion. The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more videos are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findVideosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name findVtgs Description Retrieves VTGs with a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User findVtgs Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtg (VtgVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-56 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects that match the search criterion. The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more VTGs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="findVtgsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAddressBook Function name getAddressBook Description Retrieves the list of entries from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all contacts list entries are returned and these results are not paginated. • isGlobalAddressBook (Boolean)—Designates the contact list from which to retrieve information as follows: – true—Returns entries only from the Global Contacts list – false—returns entries only from the Private Contacts list Return result AddressBookUserContainerVO that contains an array of either Private Contacts list or Global Contacts list entries. The AddressBookUserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all entries are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAddressBookResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressBookUserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-57 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getAddressBookEntry Function name getAddressBookEntry Description Retrieves an entry from the Private Contacts list or the Global Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—ID of the Private Contacts list or Global Contacts list entry to retrieve. • userType (string)—Indicates which type of contacts list contains the entry: – private—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing entry in the Private Contacts list – ipics—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing book entry in the Global Contacts list Return result AddressBookUserDetailVO that contains detailed information about the specified Private Contacts list or Global Contacts list entry. The AddressBookUserDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entry is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAddressBookEntryResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressBookUserDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllChannelGroups Function name getAllChannelGroups Description Retrieves all channel groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-58 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelGroupVO value objects. The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channel groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsInChannelGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllChannels Function name getAllChannels Description Retrieves all channels. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-59 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getAllChannelsInChannelGroup Function name getAllChannelsInChannelGroup Description Retrieves all channels that are in the designated channel group. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelGroupId (int)—ID of the channel group from which to retrieve all channels. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels in the designated channel group are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels in the channel group. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels in the channel group are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllChannelsInChannelGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllIncidents Function name getAllIncidents Description Retrieves all incidents that are associated your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-60 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all incidents are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllIncidentsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus Function name getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus Description Retrieves all incidents that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view and the status of each incident VTG that is associated with an incident are returned and these results are not paginated. IncidentContainerVO containing that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-61 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getAllLocations Function name getAllLocations Description Retrieves all locations that are configured in Cisco IPICS. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. LocationContainerVO that contains an array of LocationVO value objects. The LocationContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllLocations"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllMulticastAddresses Function name getAllMulticastAddresses Description Retrieves all multicast addresses that are configured in Cisco IPICS. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all multicast addresses are returned and these results are not paginated. MulticastAddressContainerVO that contains an array of MulticastAdressVO value objects. The MulticastAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-62 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getAllMulticastAddresses"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getAllPhotos Description Retrieves all photographs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User getAllPhotos Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs are returned and these results are not paginated. PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of PhotoVO value objects. The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all photographs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllPhotosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getAllPolicies Function name getAllPolicies Description Retrieves all policies that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-63 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all policies are returned and these results are not paginated. PolicyContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyVO value objects. The PolicyContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all policies are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllPoliciesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getAllRadios Description Retrieves all radios that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User getAllRadios Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios are returned and these results are not paginated. RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects. The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllRadiosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-64 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getAllUserGroups Function name getAllUserGroups Description Retrieves all user groups that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups are returned and these results are not paginated. UserGroupContainerVO that contains an array of UserGroupVO value objects. The UserGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all user groups are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllUserGroupsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getAllUsers Description Retrieves all Cisco IPICS users that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User getAllUsers Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-65 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getAllUsersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getAllVideos Description Retrieves all videos that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User getAllVideos Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos are returned and these results are not paginated. VideoContainerVO that contains an array of VideoVO value objects. The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all videos are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllVideosResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getAllVtgs Description Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with your Cisco IPICS ops view. Role User getAllVtgs Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-66 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects. The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getAllVtgsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getBelongingOpsViewForUser Function name getBelongingOpsViewForUser Description Retrieves the ops view to which a user belongs. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user whose ops view you want to retrieve. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. IntegerVO that contains the ops view of the designated user. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the ops view is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getBelongingOpsViewForUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-67 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getChannel Function name getChannel Description Retrieves summary information about a designated channel. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve information. ChannelVO that contains summary information about the designated channel. The ChannelVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelDetails Function name getChannelDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated channel. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve detailed information. ChannelDetailVO that contains detailed information about the designated channel. The ChannelDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-68 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelGroupsForVtg Function name getChannelGroupsForVtg Description Retrieves channel groups that are associated with a designated VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated channel groups. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channel groups are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelGroupContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelGroupVO value objects for all channel groups that are associated with the VTG. The ChannelGroupContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelGroupsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelsAssociatedToUser Function name getChannelsAssociatedToUser Description Retrieves all channels that are associated with a designated user. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-69 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated channels. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the designated user are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the user. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelsAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelsForIncident Function name getChannelsForIncident Description Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated channels. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-70 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the incident. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getChannlesForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ChannelContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelsForVtg Function name getChannelsForVtg Description Retrieves a list of channels that are associated with a designated VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated channels. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all channels that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. ChannelContainerVO that contains an array of ChannelVO value objects for all channels that are associated with the designated VTG. The ChannelContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all channels that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-71 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getContacts Function name getContacts Description Retrieves all phone numbers and email addresses from the designated entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • privateUserId (int)—ID of the Private Contacts list entry from which to retrieve contact information. ContactInfoContainerVO that contains the phone numbers and email addresses for the designated Private Contacts list entry. The ContactInfoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the contact information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getContactsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:ContactInfoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getChannelStatus Function name getChannelStatus Description Retrieves the status of the designated channel. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel for which to retrieve status. StringVO that contains the status of the designated channel. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status of the channel is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-72 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getChannelStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getDigitId Description Retrieves the digit ID for a user. Role User getDigitId Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the digit ID. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. StringVO that contains the digit ID of the user. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit ID is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getDigitIdResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getDigitPassword Function name getDigitPassword Description Retrieves the digit password for a user. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-73 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the digit password. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. StringVO that contains the digit password the user. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the password is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getDigitPasswordResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getFavorite Description Retrieves a list of entries in the Favorite Contacts list on your IDC. Role User getFavorite Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, only the first page of entries are returned. AddressBookUserContainerVO that contains an array of entries in the Favorite Contacts list. The AddressBookUserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entries are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getFavoriteResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressBookUserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comple Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-74 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getGlobalMediaMap Function name getGlobalMediaMap Description Retrieves the current global media map and its version number and sends this information to the IDC. A global media map shows VTGs that are active in Cisco IPICS. Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. GlobalMediaMapVO that contains Array of active VTGs in the system. The GlobalMediaMapVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the global media map and version is obtained, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getGlobalMediaMap"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:GlobalMediaMapVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getGlobalMediaMapVersion Function name getGlobalMediaMapVersion Description Retrieves the current global media map version number and sends this version information to the IDC. A global media map shows VTGs that are active in Cisco IPICS. If this version is later than the global media map version that the IDC is using use the function that the “getGlobalMediaMap” section on page 2-75 describes to update the global media map and send the update to the IDC. Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. IntegerVO that contains the current global media map version. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the global media map version is obtained, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-75 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getGlobalMediaMapVersion"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getIncident Description Retrieves summary information about a designated incident. Role User getIncident Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve summary information. IncidentVO that contains summary information about the incident. The IncidentVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the incident is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIncidentDetails Function name getIncidentDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated incident. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve summary information. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-76 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result IncidentVO that contains detailed information about the incident. The IncidentVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the incident is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIncidentParticipants Function name getIncidentParticipants Description Retrieves all resources that are associated with an incident. Resources include channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve resources (channels, journals, radios, photographs, users, videos, and VTGs). • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incident resources are returned and these results are not paginated. IncidentParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentParticipantVO value objects for each resource that is associated with the incident. The IncidentParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all resources that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-77 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getIncidentsForUser Function name getIncidentsForUser Description Retrieves a list of all incidents that are associated with a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve associated incidents. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all incidents that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. IncidentContainerVO that contains an array of IncidentVO value objects for each incident that is associated with the user. The IncidentContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all incidents that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentsForUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIncidentVtg Function name getIncidentVtg Description Retrieves information about the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve the incident VTG information. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-78 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result VtgDetailVO that contains information about the incident VTG. The VtgDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the incident VTG is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIncidentVtgOptions Function name getIncidentVtgOptions Description Retrieves VTG options for the incident VTG that is associated with a designated incident. Options include the allow VAD, latch, listen only, region ID, and RX mute settings. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to retrieve the incident VTG options. IncidentVtgOptionsVO that contains VTG options for the incident VTG. The IncidentVtgOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if VTG options for the incident VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVtgOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIncidentVtgUserOptions Function name getIncidentVtgUserOptions Description Retrieves incident VTG options for an incident VTG user. Options include latch, listen only, and RX mute. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-79 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to retrieve the incident VTG user options. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve options. IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO that contains incident VTG user options. The IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if incident VTG options for the incident VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIncidentVtgUserOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getIpicsVersion Function name getIpicsVersion Description Retrieves the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on the active Cisco IPICS server. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. StringVO that contains the version of Cisco IPICS that is running on the active Cisco IPICS server. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the version of Cisco IPICS is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getIpicsVersionResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-80 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getJournal Function name getJournal Description Retrieves summary information about a designated journal. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • journalId (int)—ID of the journal for which to retrieve summary information. JournalVO that contains summary information about the journal. The JournalVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the journal is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getJournalDetails Function name getJournalDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated journal. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • journalId (int)—ID of the journal for which to retrieve detailed information. JournalDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the journal. The JournalDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the journal is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-81 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getJournalsForIncident Function name getJournalsForIncident Description Retrieves all journals for a designated incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve journals. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all journals that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. JournalContainerVO that contains an array of JournalVO value objects for all journals that are associated with the incident. The JournalContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all journals that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getJournalsForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:JournalContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getLazyTalkgroupStatus Function name getLazyTalkgroupStatus Description Retrieves the connection status of the designated channel. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-82 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client from which you execute this function. This ID should remain constant across sessions. • resourceId (int)—Identifier of the channel for which to retrieve the connection status. • resourceType (String)—Type of the channel for which to retrieve the connection status. Valid values are Channel, PooledRadioChannel, and ISSIGChannel. BooleanVO that contains true if SIP resources are located for the channel, or false if the resources are not located. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if SIP resources are located for the channel, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getLazyTalkGroupStatus"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1: BooleanVO "/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getLocationById Function name getLocationById Description Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated ID. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • locationId (int)—ID of the location for which to retrieve summary information. LocationVO that contains summary information about the location. The LocationVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the location is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-83 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getLocationById"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getLocationByName Function name getLocationByName Description Retrieves summary information about the location with the designated name. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • name (String)- Name of the location for which to retrieve summary information. This value is not case-sensitive. LocationVO that contains detailed information about the designated location. The LocationVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getLocationByName"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:LocationVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getLoggedInIDCUsers Function name getLoggedInIDCUsers Description Retrieves Cisco IPICS users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode (that is, an IDC that has a connection to the Cisco IPICS server). Role Operator Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-84 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • opsViewId (Integer)—Identifier of an ops view. The function returns only users that belong to this ops view. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users who are logged in to an IDC that is in on-line mode are returned and these results are not paginated. IdcSessionContainerVO that contains list of all IDC session currently active on IPICS system. The IdcSessionContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty information retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getLoggedInIDCUsers"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1: IdcSessionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getMulticastAddressByAddress Function name getMulticastAddressByAddress Description Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated IP address. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • address (String)—IP address of the multicast address for which to retrieve information. MulticastAddressVO that contains information about the multicast address. The MulticastAddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the multicast address is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-85 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getMulticastAddressByAddress"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getMulticastAddressById Function name getMulticastAddressById Description Retrieves information about the multicast address with the designated multicast address identifier. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • id (int)—Identifier of the multicast address for which to retrieve information. MulticastAddressVO that contains information about the multicast address. The MulticastAddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if information about the multicast address is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getMulticastAddressById"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MulticastAddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPhonesAssociatedToUser Function name getPhonesAssociatedToUser Description Retrieves all phones that are associated with a designated user. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-86 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated phones. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all phones that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. PhoneContainerVO that contains an array of PhoneVO value objects for all phones that are associated with the user. The PhoneContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all phones that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPhonesAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhoneContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getPhoto Description Retrieves summary information about a photograph. Role User getPhoto Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • photoId (int)—ID of the photograph for which to retrieve summary information. PhotoVO that contains summary information about the photograph. The PhotoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the photograph is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-87 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getPhotoDetails Function name getPhotoDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a photograph. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • photoId (int)—ID of the photograph for which to retrieve detailed information. PhotoDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the photograph. The PhotoDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the photograph is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotoDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPhotosForIncident Function name getPhotosForIncident Description Retrieves a list of photographs that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated photos. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all photographs that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-88 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result PhotoContainerVO that contains an array of PhotoVO value objects for all photographs that are associated with the incident. The PhotoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all photographs that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPhotosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PhotoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPmcProfile Function name getPmcProfile Description Retrieves IDC profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • id (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve IDC profile information. StringVO that contains IDC profile information. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if IDC profile information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPoliciesAssociatedToUser Function name getPoliciesAssociatedToUser Description Retrieves all policies that are associated with a designated user. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-89 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)— Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated policies. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all policies that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. PolicyContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyVO value objects for all policies that are associated with the user. The PolicyContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all policies that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPoliciesAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getPolicy Description Retrieves summary information about a policy. Role User getPolicy Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve summary information. PolicyVO that contains summary information about the policy. The PolicyVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the policy is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-90 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPolicyDetails Function name getPolicyDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a policy. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve detailed information. PolicyDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the policy. The PolicyDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the policy is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPolicyExecutionStatus Function name getPolicyExecutionStatus Description Retrieves summary status information about a the last execution of a policy. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve a status summary of the execution. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-91 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result PolicyExecutionStatusVO that contains summary information about of the last execution of the designated policy. The PolicyExecutionStatusVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyExecutionStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyExecutionStatusVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails Function name getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails Description Retrieves detailed status information about the execution of each policy that is associated with a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve detailed information about of the last execution of associated policies. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, the execution status of all policies that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO that contains an array of PolicyExecutionStatusVO value objects that provide detailed information about the execution of a policy and its action. The PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getPolicyExecutionStatusDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-92 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getRadioDetails Function name getRadioDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated radio. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • radioId (int)—ID of the radio for which to retrieve detailed information. RadioDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the designated radio. The RadioDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getRadioDetails"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getRadiosAssociatedToUser Function name getRadiosAssociatedToUser Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated user. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated radios. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-93 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the user. The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getRadiosForIncident Function name getRadiosForIncident Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated radios. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the incident. The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:RadioContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-94 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getRadiosForVtg Function name getRadiosForVtg Description Retrieves a list of radios that are associated with a designated VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated radios. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all radios that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. RadioContainerVO that contains an array of RadioVO value objects for all radios that are associated with the designated VTG. The RadioContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all radios that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getRadiosForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getUser Description Retrieves summary information about the designated user. Role User getUser Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve summary information. UserVO that contains summary information about the user. The UserVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-95 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserAddress Function name getUserAddress Description Retrieves the physical address of a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the address. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. AddressVO that contains address information of the user. The AddressVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if address information of the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserAddressResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserAudioStatus Function name getUserAudioStatus Description Retrieves a flag that indicates if the IDC of a user has audio disabled or enabled. When audio is disabled, the IDC cannot transmit or receive audio. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-96 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the IDC audio status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if IDC audio is disabled for the user, or false if IDC audio is not disabled for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if IDC audio is disabled for the user, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserAudioStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserDetails Function name getUserDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve detailed information. UserDetailsVO that contains detailed information about the user. The UserDetailsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the user is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-97 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getUserDialPreference Function name getUserDialPreference Description Retrieves the dial preferences that are associated with a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the dial preference. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all dial preferences for the user are returned and these results are not paginated. DialAddressContainerVO that contains an array of DialAddressVO value objects for all dial preferences that are associated with the user. The DialAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if dial preferences are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDialPreferenceResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:DialAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserDirectory Function name getUserDirectory Description Retrieves the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • descriptorId (String)—ID of the radio descriptor file from which to retrieve users for whom a direct connect number is assigned. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-98 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result StringVO that contains, in an XML string, the users for whom a direct connect number is assigned in the designated serial radio descriptor file. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the users are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserDirectoryResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getUserGroup Description Retrieves summary information about the designated user group. Role User getUserGroup Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • groupId (int)—ID of the user group for which to retrieve summary information. UserGroupVO that contains summary information about the designated user group. The UserGroupVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserGroupVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserGroupMembers Function name getUserGroupMembers Description Retrieves all the users in a designated user group. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-99 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userGroupId (int)—ID of the group user for which to retrieve all members. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all members in the user group are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all members of the user group. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the user group are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserGroupsForVtg Function name getUserGroupsForVtg Description Retrieves user groups that are associated with the designated VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated user groups. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all user groups that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all user groups that are associated with the VTG. The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all user groups that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-100 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getUserGroupsForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getUserId Description Retrieves the system-generated user ID for the designated user. Role User getUserId Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for which to retrieve the system-generated user ID. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. IntegerVO that contains system-generated user ID for the designated user. The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user ID is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserIdResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserListenerStatus Function name getUserListenerStatus Description Retrieves a flag that indicates whether the IDC of a user is in listen-only mode. In this mode, the user is muted. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-101 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the IDC audio status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the IDC is in listen-only mode (muted), or false if the IDC is not in listen-only mode. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the mode is returned, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes Sample response <xs:element name="getUserListenerStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUserNotificationPreference Function name getUserNotificationPreference Description Retrieves the notification preferences that are associated with a designated user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve the notification preference. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all notification preferences that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. NotificationAddressContainerVO that contains an array of NotificationAddressVO value objects for all notification preferences that are associated with the user. The NotificationAddressContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all notification preferences that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-102 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getUserNotificationPreferenceResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:NotificationAddressContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getUserRoles Description Retrieves the list of roles for a designated user. Role User getUserRoles Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user whose roles to retrieve. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. For this function, you should always pass null. UserRoleContainerVO that contains an array of UserRoleVO value objects for all roles that are assigned to the user. The UserRoleContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all roles that are assigned to the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserRolesResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserRoleContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUsersAssociatedToChannel Function name getUsersAssociatedToChannel Description Retrieves all users that are associated with a designated channel. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-103 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelVO (ChannelVO)—ID of the channel with which to associate the users. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the channel are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated channel. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the channel are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToChannel"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUsersAssociatedToPolicy Function name getUsersAssociatedToPolicy Description Retrieves all users that are associated with a designated policy. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • policyId (int)—ID of the policy for which to retrieve associated users. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the policy are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated policy. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the policy are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-104 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToPolicy"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUsersAssociatedToRadio Function name getUsersAssociatedToRadio Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a radio. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • radioId (String)—ID of the radio for which to retrieve associated users. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the radio are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the designated radio. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the radio are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersAssociatedToRadioResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUsersForIncident Function name getUsersForIncident Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-105 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated users. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. UserContainerVO that contains an array of UserVO value objects for all users that are associated with the incident. The UserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUsersForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:UserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getUsersForVtg Function name getUsersForVtg Description Retrieves a list of users that are associated with a designated VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgtId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated VTGs. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all users that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all users that are associated with the VTG. The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all users that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-106 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name=" getUsersForVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getUserStatus Description Retrieves the Cisco IPICS status of the designated user. The status can be enabled or disabled. A user with the disabled status cannot log in to Cisco IPCS. Role User getUserStatus Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of each user for whom to retrieve active status. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. StringVO that contains enabled or disabled, which indicates the Cisco IPICS status of designated user. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getUserStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getVideo Description Retrieves summary information about the designated video. Role User getVideo Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-107 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • videoId (int)—ID of the video for which to retrieve summary information. VideoVO that contains summary information about the designated video. The VideoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if summary information about the video is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response xs:element name="getVideoResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVideoDetails Function name getVideoDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about the designated video. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • videoId (int)—ID of the video for which to retrieve detailed information. VideoDetailsVO that contains detailed information for the designated video. The VideoVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the video is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVideoDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoDetailsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-108 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getVideosForIncident Function name getVideosForIncident Description Retrieves a list of videos that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int) —ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated videos. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all videos that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. VideoContainerVO that contains an array of VideoVO value objects for all videos that are associated with the designated incident. The VideoContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all videos that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVideosForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VideoContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVSOMCamera Function name getVSOMCamera Description Retrieves detailed information about the designated VSOM camera. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • cameraId (int)—ID of the camera for which to retrieve detailed information. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-109 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result VSOMCameraVO that contains detailed information about the camera. The VSOMCameraVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the camera is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVSOMCameraResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VSOMCameraVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICS Function name getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICS Description Retrieves each VSOM camera that has been added in Cisco IPICS and that have a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • cameraVO (VSOMCameraVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VSOM cameras are returned and these results are not paginated. VsomCameraContainerVO that contains an array of VSOMCameraVO value objects. The VsomCameraContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more VSOM cameras are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response xs:element name="getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICSResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VsomCameraContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-110 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getVSOMCamerasForIncident Function name getVSOMCamerasForIncident Description Retrieves each VSOM camera that is associated with a designated incident and that has a name that matches a designated search criterion. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • cameraVO (VSOMCameraVO)—Search criterion for the name to retrieve. The search criterion can be the complete name, or the beginning character or characters of the name. The name is sensitive and the percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard to match any character. • incidentId (int) —ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated VSOM cameras. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VSOM cameras are returned and these results are not paginated. VsomCameraContainerVO that contains an array of VSOMCameraVO value objects. The VsomCameraContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more VSOM cameras are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVSOMCamerasForIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VsomCameraContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getVSOMs Description Retrieves information about VSOM servers that have been added in Cisco IPICS. Role User getVSOMs Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-111 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VSOMs are returned and these results are not paginated. VsomContainerVO that contains an array of VSOMVO value objects. The VsomContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if one or more VSOM servers are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response xs:element name="getVSOMsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VsomContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getVtgDetails Description Retrieves detailed information about the designated VTG. Role User getVtgDetails Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve detailed information. VtgDetailVO that contains detailed information about the designated VTG. The VtgDetailVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if detailed information about the VTG is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgDetailsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgDetailVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-112 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions getVtgOptions Function name getVtgOptions Description Retrieves information about the status of a variety of options for a VTG. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve option status information. VtgOptionsVO that contains information about the status of a variety of options for the designated VTG. The VtgOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if VTG options are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVtgParticipants Function name getVtgParticipants Description Retrieves all participants in a designated VTG. Participants include channels, channel groups, radios, users, user groups, and VTGs. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to retrieve all participants • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all participants in the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-113 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all participants (channels, channel groups, radios, users, user groups, and VTGs) that are in the designated VTG. The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all participants that are in the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgParticipantsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVtgParticipantStatus Function name getVtgParticipantStatus Description Retrieves the status of a VTG participant. The participant can be a user, user group, channel, channel group, or VTG. Status can be disconnected, error, pending, or active. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that contains the participant for which the status is to be retrieved. • participantID (int)—ID of the participant whose status is be retrieved. • resourceType (String)—Participant type: user, user-group, channel, channel-group, vtg, or radio. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-114 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result StringVO that contains the status of the designated VTG participant. Status can be any of the following: • active—Participant is associated with the VTG. • pending—Participant is in the process of becoming associated with the VTG. • error—Participant could not be associated with the VTG. (This situation typically occurs if there are insufficient system resources.) • disconnected—The participant could not be connected to the RMS or could not be configured on the RMS. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the status of the VTG participant is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgParticipantStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVtgsAssociatedToUser Function name getVtgsAssociatedToUser Description Retrieves all VTGs that are associated with a user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to retrieve associated VTGs. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the user are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgContainerVO that contains an array VtgVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated user. The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the user are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-115 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsAssociatedToUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVtgsForIncident Function name getVtgsForIncident Description Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (String)—ID of the incident for which to retrieve associated VTGs. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the incident are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgContainerVO that contains an array of VtgVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated incident. The VtgContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the incident are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsForIncidentResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getVtgsForVtg Description Retrieves a list of VTGs that are associated with a designated VTG. Role User getVtgsForVtg Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-116 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgtId (String)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve associated VTGs. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, all VTGs that are associated with the VTG are returned and these results are not paginated. VtgParticipantContainerVO that contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects for all VTGs that are associated with the designated VTG. The VtgParticipantContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all VTGs that are associated with the VTG are retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgsForVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgParticipantContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name getVtgStatus Description Retrieves the ID, name, description, and status (active, idle, or pending) of a VTG. “Pending” indicates a VTG that is in transition from active to idle state or from idle to active state. Role User getVtgStatus Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to retrieve information. StringVO that contains information for the designated VTG. The StringVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if status information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-117 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgStatusResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:StringVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> getVtgUserOptions Function name getVtgUserOptions Description Retrieves the settings of the latch, listen only, and rxmute VTG options settings for a designated VTG and user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the user for whom to retrieve option settings. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user users for whom to retrieve VTG option settings. VtgUserOptionsVO that contains the latch, listen only, and rxmute information for the designated user in the designated VTG. The VtgUserOptionsVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if option information is retrieved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="getVtgUserOptionsResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:VtgUserOptionsVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> isActiveChannel Function name isActiveChannel Description Determines if a channel is active or disabled. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-118 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • channelId (int)—ID of the channel to query. BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is active, or false if the channel is disabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveChannelResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> isActiveIncidentVtg Function name isActiveIncidentVtg Description Determines if an incident VTG in a designated incident is active or inactive. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG for which to determine status. BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG is active, or false if the incident VTG is inactive. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveIncidentVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-119 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions isActiveUser Function name isActiveUser Description Determines if a user is active or disabled. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to query. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is active, or false if the user is disabled. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name isActiveVtg Description Determines if a VTG is active or inactive. Role User isActiveVtg Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to query. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is active, or false if the VTG is inactive. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function returns a value, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-120 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="isActiveVtgResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> joinLazyTalkgroup Function name joinLazyTalkgroup Description Creates a SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client to be included in the SIP connection. This ID should remain constant across sessions. • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • locationId (int)—Identifier of the location in which the client is operating. • resourceId (int)—Identifier of the resource to be included in the connection with the client. • resourceType (String)—Type of resource to be included in the connection with the client. Valid values are Channel, Incident, ISSIGChannel, PooledRadioChannel, Radio, and Vtg. • connectionType (String)—Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are NATIVE (use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode) and PROXYONLY (use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode). MediaConnectionContainerVO that contains an array of MediaConnectionVO value objects. The MediaConnectionContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the connection is made, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs. Sample response <xs:element name="joinLazyTalkGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MediaConnectionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-121 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions leaveLazyTalkgroup Function name leaveLazyTalkgroup Description Terminates the SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • pmcId (String)—Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client that is included in the SIP connection to be terminated. This ID should remain constant across sessions. • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • locationId (int)—Identifier of the location in which the client is operating. • resourceId (int)—Identifier of the resource that is included in the connection to be terminated. • resourceType (String)—Type of resource that is included in the connection to be terminated. Valid values are Channel, Incident, ISSIGChannel, PooledRadioChannel, Radio, and Vtg. • connectionType (String)—Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are NATIVE (use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode) and PROXYONLY (use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode). BooleanVO that contains true if the connection is terminated or false if it is not. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes successfully, or contains explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="leaveLazyTalkGroupResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:MediaConnectionContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers Function name notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-122 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Sends a notification to each user in the incident VTG of the designated incident. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG whose members are to be notified. BooleanVO that contains true if all members of the incident VTG in the designed incident are notified, or false if not all members are notified. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the incident VTG are notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="notifyAllIncidentVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> notifyAllVtgMembers Function name notifyAllVtgMembers Description Sends a notification to each user in the designated VTG, including members of user groups in the VTG. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes members to be notified. BooleanVO that contains true if all members of the VTG are notified, or false if not all members are notified. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if all members of the VTG are notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-123 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name=" notifyAllVtgMembersResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> notifyIncidentVtgMember Function name notifyIncidentVtgMember Description Notifies a designated member of an incident VTG. The notification method is based on notification options as configured for the user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that includes the incident VTG with the member is to be notified. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the incident VTG member to be notified. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the designated incident VTG member is notified, or false if the designated incident VTG member is not notified. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident VTG member is notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="notifyIncidentVtgMemberResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> notifyVtgMember Function name notifyVtgMember Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-124 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Notifies a designated member of a VTG. The notification method that the system uses for a user is configured in the communications preferences for that user in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console or by the setNotificationPreferences API function. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG that includes the member is to be notified. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the VTG member to be notified. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. BooleanVO that contains true if the designated VTG member is notified, or false if the designated VTG member is not notified. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG member is notified, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="notifyVtgMemberResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name releaseRadio Description Releases a reserved serial controlled radio that has been reserved for a user. Role User releaseRadio Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • radioId(int)—ID of the radio to be released. BooleanVO that contains “true” if the radio was released, or “false” if the radio was not released. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-125 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="releaseRadio"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeChannelFromVtg Function name removeChannelFromVtg Description Removes a channel from a VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the channel. • channelId (int)—Unique of the channel to be removed from the VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the channel is removed from the VTG, or false if the channel is not removed from the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the channel is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeChannelFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeFromFavorite Function name removeFromFavorite Description Removes the designated entry from the Favorite Contacts list on your IDC. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-126 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—ID of the entry to remove from the Favorite Contacts list. • userType (string)—Indicates which type of contacts list contains the entry: – private—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing entry in the Private Contacts list – ipics—Indicates that the userId corresponds to an existing book entry in the Global Contacts list Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the entry is removed from the Favorite Contacts list, or false if the entry is not removed. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entry is removed, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeFromFavoriteResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removePhoneAssociatedToUser Function name removePhoneAssociatedToUser Description Disassociates a phone from a user. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user from whom to disassociate a phone. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • dialNumber (String)—Dial number of the phone to disassociate from the user. BooleanVO that contains true if the phone is disassociated from the user, or false if the phone is not disassociated from the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the phone is disassociated from the user, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-127 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="removePhoneAssociatedToUserResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeRadioFromVtg Function name removeRadioFromVtg Description Removes a radio from a VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the radio. • radioId (int)—ID of the radio to be removed from the VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the radio is removed from the VTG, or false if the radio is not removed from the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the radio is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeRadioFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeResourceFromIncident Function name removeResourceFromIncident Description Disassociates one or more resource from an incident. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-128 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident from which to remove the resource. • resourceIds (int[])—IDs of the resources to remove. • resourceType (String)—The type of resource to remove from the incident: User, Video, Photo, Channel, Radio, Camera, or Vtg. IntegerVO that contains the number of resource that were removed from the incident. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeResourceFromIncidentResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeUserFromVtg Function name removeUserFromVtg Description Removes a user from a VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user to be removed from the VTG. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the user. BooleanVO that contains true if the user is removed from the VTG, or false if the user is not removed from the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-129 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="removeUserFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeVtgFromVtg Function name removeVtgFromVtg Description Removes a VTG from a VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgIdRem (int)— ID of the VTG to remove. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove the other VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG is removed from the VTG, or false if the VTG is not removed from the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is removed from the VTG, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeVtgFromVtgResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> removeVtgParticipants Function name removeVtgParticipants Description Removes one or more participants from a VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-130 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG from which to remove participants. • parts (ResourceContainerVO)—The array of participants to be removed from VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the participants are removed from the VTG, or false if the participants are not removed from the VTG. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="removeVtgParticipantsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name reserveRadio Description Marks a serial controlled radio as reserved for a user. Role User reserveRadio Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of user for whom to reserve the radio. • radioId(int)—ID of the radio to be reserved. BooleanVO that contains “true” if the radio was reserved, or “false” if the radio was not reserved. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="reserveRadio"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-131 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions saveAssociatedCameraToIncident Function name saveAssociatedCameraToIncident Description Associates the designated camera with the designated incident. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—System-generated ID of the incident with which the camera is to be associated. • cameraId(int)—System-generated ID of the camera to associate with the incident. • associationTime (long)—Time in millisecond at which the camera starts playing video from its archive.This value must be specified in Unix time, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT, excluding leap seconds. The default value is the time at which the incident was created. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the camera is associated with the designated incident or 0 if the camera is not associated with the designated incident. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the camera is associated with the designated incident, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="saveAssociatedCameraToIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> savePmcProfile Function name savePmcProfile Description Saves IDC profile information for the designated user. The system uses profile information to cause an IDC to appear and function in the same way for a user regardless of the PC on which the user runs the IDC. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-132 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • id (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to retrieve IDC profile information. • xmlString (String)—IDC profile information for the designated user. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the IDC profile is saved, or 0 if it is not. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the IDC profile is saved, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="savePmcProfileResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> searchAddressBook Function name searchAddressBook Description Searches the designated contacts list on your IDC for an entry that contains the specified string. Role User Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • pc (PaginationContextVO)—Specifies format and limits of the output of this function. If null, only the first page of entries are returned. • addressBookUser (AddressBookUserVO)— AddressBookUserVO object that contains the desired search string in the firstName field. • searchGlobalAddressBook (Boolean)—Indicates which contacts list to search as follows: – true—Search only the Global Contacts list – false—Search only the Private Contacts list Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-133 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result AddressBookUserContainerVO that contains an array of either Global Contacts list or Private Contacts list entries that contain a first name or last name that matches the search strings. The AddressBookUserContainerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the search is successful, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="searchAddressBookResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:AddressBookUserContainerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setBelongingOpsViewForUser Function name setBelongingOpsViewForUser Description Assigns an ops view to a user. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS use name of the user to whom to assign an ops view. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • opsViewId (int)—ID of the ops view to assign to the user. BooleanVO that contains true if the ops view is assigned to the user, or false if is not. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the ops view is assigned, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setBelongingOpsViewForUserResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setDialPreference Function name setDialPreference Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-134 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Description Adds a new dial preference for a user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set dial preferences. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • dialType (String)—Label for the dial number (BUSINESS, BUSINESS2, BUSINESS3, CAR, HOME, HOME2, HOME3, MOBILE, MOBILE2, MOBILE3, OTHER, PRIMARY, SECONDARY). • dialNumber (String)—Phone number to dial. • dialOrder (int)—Order in which the system dials phone numbers is if more than one dial number is configured. BooleanVO that contains true if the dial preference is added for the user, or false if the dial preference is not added. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the dial preference is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setDialPreferenceResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name setDigitId Description Sets digit ID for a user. A digit ID is a numeric ID that a user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone or when accessing the Cisco IPICS telephony user interface. Role User setDigitId Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set digit IDs. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • digitId (String)—Digit ID for the user. Valid characters are numerals 0 through 9. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-135 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the digit ID is set for the user, or false if the digit ID is not set for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit ID is set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setDigitIdResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setDigitPassword Function name setDigitPassword Description Sets a digit password for a user. A digit password is a password that a user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone or PIN that the user enters when accessing the Cisco IPICS telephony user interface. You specify requirements for passwords, including length and character requirements, in the Administration > Options window in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console. Note Role Parameters Return result User • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set a digit password. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • password (String)—Password of the user to be created. The password can include letters, numbers, and special characters, but no spaces. The system validates the password according the parameters that are configured in Cisco IPICS Administration. BooleanVO that contains true if the digit password is set for the user, or false if the digit password is no set for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the digit password is set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-136 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="setDigitPasswordResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setIncidentVtgOptions Function name setIncidentVtgOptions Description Sets various options for an incident VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that contains the incident VTG for which to set options. • latch (boolean): – true—Enables the latch function for the incident VTG – false—Disables the latch function • listenOnly (boolean): – true—Enables listen only mode for the incident VTG – false—Disables listen only mode • rxMute (String): – all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources – this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG – none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted • allowVad (boolean): – true—Enables the VAD function for the incident VTG – false—Disables the VAD function • Return result pmcRegionId (int)—Indicates the preferred region in which the IDC displays the incident VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if all designated incident VTG options are set, or false if not all options are not set. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-137 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="setIncidentVtgOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setIncidentVtgUserOptions Function name setIncidentVtgUserOptions Description Sets various options for a designated user in an incident VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incidentId (int)—ID of the incident that contains the incident VTG for which to set options. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to set incident VTG options • latch (boolean)—Enables or disables the latch function for the designated user in the designated incident VTG as follows: – true—Enables the latch function – false—Disables the latch function • listenOnly (boolean)—Enables or disables listen only mode for the designated user in the designated incident VTG as follows: – true—Enables listen only mode – false—Disables listen only mode • rxMute (boolean): – true—Prevents the designated user from listening or speaking in the designated incident VTG – false—Allows the designated user to listen or speak in the designated incident VTG Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the incident VTG options are set for the user, or false incident VTG options are not set. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-138 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="setIncidentVtgUserOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setNotificationPreference Function name setNotificationPreference Description Adds a new notification preference for a user. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to set notification preferences. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • notificationType (String)—Notification type preference (EMAIL, PAGER, SMS) • notificationAddress (String)—Address for the designated notification type. BooleanVO that contains true if the notification preference is added for the user, or false if the notification preference is not added for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the notification preference is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setNotificationPreferenceResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setUserAddress Function name setUserAddress Description Adds a physical address for a user. Role User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-139 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to add a physical address. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • address (AddressVO)—Address information. BooleanVO that contains true if the address is added for the user, or false if the address is not added for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the address is added, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setUserAddressResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setUserAudioStatus Function name setUserAudioStatus Description Enables or disables the ability of a user to hear and transmit audio on an IDC. Note Role Parameters Return result A user is not able to transmit audio (the user is muted) if audio status for the user is enabled but listener status for the user is disabled. See the “setUserListenerStatus” section on page 2-141. Operator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom to enable or disable IDC audio. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • audioDisabled (boolean)—If true, the audio capability is disabled. If false, the audio capability is enabled. BooleanVO that contains true if the audio status is updated for the user, or false if the audio status is not updated for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the audio status is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-140 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="setUserAudioStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setUserListenerStatus Function name setUserListenerStatus Description Enables or disables the ability of a user to transmit audio on an IDC (unmutes or mutes a user). Note Role Parameters Return result If the audio status for a user is disabled (see the “setUserAudioStatus” section on page 2-140), a user cannot transmit audio in any case. Operator • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user for whom enable or disable IDC audio. This parameter must be entered in all lower case. • mute (boolean)—If true, the user is muted. If false, the user is not muted. BooleanVO that contains true if the audio status is updated for the user, or false if the audio status is not updated for the user. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the audio status is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setUserListenerStatusResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name setVtgOptions Description Sets various options for a VTG. setVtgOptions Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-141 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Role Parameters Dispatcher • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to set options. • latch (boolean): – true—Enables the latch function for the VTG – false—Disables the latch function • listenOnly (boolean): – true—Enables listen only mode for the VTG – false—Disables listen only mode • rxMute (String): – all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources – this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG – none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted • allowVad (boolean): – true—Enables the VAD function for the incident VTG – false—Disables the VAD function • Return result pmcRegionId (int)—Indicates the preferred region in which the IDC displays the VTG. BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG options are set, or false if the VTG options are not set. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the function executes properly, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setVtgOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> setVtgUserOptions Function name setVtgUserOptions Description Sets various options for a designated user in a VTG. Role Dispatcher Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-142 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG for which to set options for a user. • userId (int)—System-generated ID of the user for whom to set incident VTG options • latch (boolean): – true—Enables the latch function for the VTG – false—Disables the latch function • listenOnly (boolean): – true—Enables listen only mode for the VTG – false—Disables listen only mode • rxMute (boolean): – true—Prevents the designated user from listening or speaking in the designated incident VTG – false—Allows the designated user to listen or speak in the designated incident VTG Return result BooleanVO that contains true if the VTG options are set for the user, or false if the VTG options are not set. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG options are set, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="setVtgUserOptionsResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name startSession Description Logs into the IPICS web service, authenticates that the user has a valid IPICS user account, starts a session, and returns a unique session ID (sessionId), which must be used for subsequent web service calls. Logging into the IPICS web service does not consume a Cisco IPICS license. Role — startSession Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-143 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • userLogin (String)—Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is executing the API client code. • password (String)—Cisco IPICS user password of the user who is executing the API client code. This parameter is case sensitive. • clientDescriptorVO (ClientDescriptorVO)—Type of client that is connecting to the web service. SessionVO that contains the session ID. The SessionVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the session starts, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="startSessionResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:SessionVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> updateContact Function name updateIncident Description Modifies a phone number or email address for an existing Private Contacts list entry on your IDC. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • contact (ContactInfoVO)—Phone number or email address to be updated, and the contact list entry for which this information is to be updated. BooleanVO that contains true if the phone number or email address information is updated, or false if the information is not updated. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the information is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updateContactResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-144 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions updateIncident Function name updateIncident Description Modifies various attributes of an incident. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • incident (IncidentDetailsVO)—Incident attributes to be updated. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the incident is updated, or 0 if the incident is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the incident is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updateIncidentResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> updateLocation Function name updateLocation Description Modifies information about a location. Role Administrator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • locationVO (LocationVO)—Information attributes. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the location is updated, or 0 if the location is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the location is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-145 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="updateLocation"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1: IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Function name updatePhoto Description Modifies various attributes of a photograph. Role User updatePhoto Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • photo (PhotoDetailsVO)—Photograph attributes. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the photograph is updated, or 0 if the photograph is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the photograph is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updatePhotoResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> updatePrivateUser Function name updatePrivateUser Description Modifies information for an existing entry in the Private Contacts list on your IDC. Note Role This operation overwrites all existing data in the existing contacts list entry with the new data. User Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-146 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • user (AddressBookUserDetailVO)—Contact list data to be updated in the Private Contacts list entry, and the contact list entry that for which this data is to be updated. BooleanVO that contains true if the Private Contacts list entry is updated, or false if the entry is not updated. The BooleanVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the entry is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updatePrivateUserResponse"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> updateUserGroup Function name updateUserGroup Description Modifies various attributes of a user group. Role Operator Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • group (UserGroupDetailsVO)—User group attributes. BooleanVO that contains true if the user group is updated, or false if the user group is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the user group is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updateUserGroupResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:BooleanVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-147 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions updateVideo Function name updateVideo Description Modifies various attributes of a video. Role User Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • video (VideoDetailsVO)—Video attributes. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the video is updated, or 0 if the video is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the video is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Sample response <xs:element name="updateVideoResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> updateVirtualTalkGroup Function name updateVirtualTalkGroup Description Modifies various attributes of a VTG. Role Dispatcher Parameters Return result • sessionId (String)—Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. • vtgId (int)—ID of the VTG to modify. • vtgName (String)—Name to set for the VTG. • vtgDescription (String)—Description to set for the VTG. IntegerVO that contains 1 if the VTG is updated, or 0 if the VTG is not updated. The IntegerVO also contains an ErrorVO, which is empty if the VTG is updated, or contains an explanation if an exception occurs when the function executes. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-148 OL-30494-01 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Sample response <xs:element name="updateVirtualTalkGroupResponse>"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="return" nillable="true" type="ns1:IntegerVO"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 2-149 Chapter 2 Web Services API Functions Function Descriptions Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 2-150 OL-30494-01 CH A P T E R 3 REST-Based API Functions This chapter describes the Cisco IPICS Representational State Transfer (REST)-based set of operations API functions. It provides general information and detailed descriptions for each function. This chapter includes these topics: • Function Guidelines, page 3-1 • Function Summary, page 3-1 • Function Descriptions, page 3-2 Function Guidelines When you use the Cisco IPICS REST-based API functions, be aware of the following: • Each function must be invoked through an HTTP library. You can use a library of your choice. • Before you call a function, you must use the Cisco IPICS API startSession function to start a web services session. When you are finished uploading resources, use the endSession function to end the web services session. For information about these functions, see the “startSession” section on page 2-143 and the “endSession” section on page 2-48. • You can view or download the XML schema for the REST-based functions from the following URL. Replace servername with the fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or the IP address of the Cisco IPICS serve, if you are not using DNS. https://servername/documents/schema1.xsd Function Summary Table 3-1 provides a summary of the Cisco IPICS REST-based API functions. Each function is described in detail in the section that is listed. Table 3-1 REST-Based API Function Summary Function Name and Reference Description policy, page 3-3 Executes a designated Cisco IPICS policy talkgroup/join, page 3-4 Joins the logged in user to the designated talk group (channel, radio, incident, or VTG) Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-1 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Table 3-1 REST-Based API Function Summary (continued) Function Name and Reference Description talkgroup/leave, page 3-6 Causes the logged-in user to leave the designated talk group (channel, radio, incident, or VTG) uploaddata, page 3-8 Uploads a photograph, video, or journal to the Cisco IPICS server and associates the resource with a designated incident userdirectory, page 3-13 Retrieves a list of all users who are associated with all radios that use a designated radio descriptor Function Descriptions The following sections describe each Cisco IPICS REST-based API function in detail. The function descriptions provide the following information: Note • Description—Description of the function • Request—HTTP method and URI for the function • Request payload—Payload—Description of the request payload, if the function requires one • Response—Description of the expected response when the operation executes • Examples—Sample requests and responses for the operation The “Function Guidelines” section on page 3-1 provides important information that relates to many of the functions that the following sections describe. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-2 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions policy Description The policy function executes a designated Cisco IPICS policy. Request GET https://servername/ipics_server/handsetservice/websvc/policy/policyId?u=username &p=password where: servername Fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or IP address of the Cisco IPICS server if you are not using DNS. policyId Identifier of the policy to execute. You can use the Cisco IPICS API getPolicy function or the getPolicyDetails function to determine this identifier. For more information, see the “getPolicy” section on page 2-90 or the “getPolicyDetails” section on page 2-91. username Your Cisco IPICS user name. password Your Cisco IPICS password. Request Payload The policy function does not require a request payload. Response The policy function returns a BooleanVO that contains true if the request is submitted successfully, or false if it is not. If an exception occurs when the function executes, the function also returns an ErrorVO, which contains an explanation of the exception. Examples The following example shows a request and responses when using the policy function execute a policy: Request GET Accept:application/xml Response if request is submitted successfully <booleanVO value="true"/> Response if an exception occurs <booleanVO value="false"> <errorVO errorCode="Error"> <errorMessages> validateSession: Database ExceptionSession not found. Invalid Session Id - Session not found. Invalid Session Id </errorMessages> </errorVO> </booleanVO> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-3 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions talkgroup/join Description The talkgroup/join function creates a SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource (channel, radio, incident, or VTG). Request POST https://servername/ipics_server/handsetservice/websvc/talkgroup/join/resourceId where: servername Fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or IP address of the Cisco IPICS server if you are not using DNS. resourceId Identifier of the talk group that the logged-in user is to join. You can use the following Cisco IPICS API function to determine this identifier: Request Payload • For a channel—getChannel, page 2-68 or getChannelDetails, page 2-68 • For a radio—getRadioDetails, page 2-93 • For an incident—getIncident, page 2-76 or getIncidentDetails, page 2-76 • For a vtg—getVtgDetails, page 2-112 HTTP library parameters for the request payload of the talkgroup/join function are as follows: Parameter Type Description pmcId String Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client to be included in the SIP connection. This ID should remain constant across sessions. spwd String Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. locationId Number Identifier of the location in which the client is operating. resourceId Number Identifier of the resource to be included in the connection with the client. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-4 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Parameter Type Description resourceType String Type of the talk group that the logged-in user is to join. Valid values are: connectionType Response String • Channel • Incident • ISSIGChannel • PooledRadioChannel • Radio • Vtg Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are: • NATIVE—Use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode • PROXYONLY—Use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode The talkgroup/join function returns information about the connection that was established. If an exception occurs when the function executes, the function also returns an ErrorVO, which contains an explanation of the exception. Examples The following example shows a request and responses when using the talkgroup/join function: Request POST Accept:application/xml Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded pmcId=pmc-ops1user100--12345&spwd=1234567898&locationId=2&resourceId=70000&resourceType= channel&connectionType= Response if request is submitted successfully <mediaConnectionContainerVO pollFreq="0"> <connections tgType="VTG" tgId="1282" state="success" codec="G.729" addrType="sip"> <addresses port="5060" ipaddress="" dn="199000016590919192" /> <mediaServerType>0</mediaServerType> </connections> </mediaConnectionContainerVO> Response if an exception occurs <mediaConnectionContainerVO pollFreq="0"> <errorVO errorCode="Error"> <errorMessages> validateSession: Database ExceptionSession not found. Invalid Session Id - Session not found. Invalid Session Id </errorMessages> </errorVO> </mediaConnectionContainerVO> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-5 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions talkgroup/leave Description The talkgroup/leave function terminates the SIP connection between the designated client and the designated resource (channel, radio, incident, or VTG). Request POST https://servername/ipics_server/handsetservice/websvc/talkgroup/leave/resourceId where: servername Fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or IP address of the Cisco IPICS server if you are not using DNS. resourceId Identifier of the talk group that the logged-in user is to leave. You can use the following Cisco IPICS API function to determine this identifier: Request Payload • For a channel—getChannel, page 2-68 or getChannelDetails, page 2-68 • For a radio—getRadioDetails, page 2-93 • For an incident—getIncident, page 2-76 or getIncidentDetails, page 2-76 • For a VTG—getVtgDetails, page 2-112 HTTP library parameters for the request payload of the talkgroup/leave function are as follows: Parameter Type Description pmcId String Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client that is included in the SIP connection to be terminated. This ID should remain constant across sessions. spwd String Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. locationId Number Identifier of the location in which the client is operating. resourceId Number Identifier of the resource that is included in the connection to be terminated. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-6 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Parameter Type Description resourceType String Type of the talk group that the logged-in user is to join. Valid values are: connectionType Response String • Channel • Incident • ISSIGChannel • PooledRadioChannel • Radio • Vtg Type of connection for a P25 talk group. Valid values are: • NATIVE—Use for a P25 channel in EndToEnd P25 mode • PROXYONLY—Use for a P25 channel in Gateway P25 mode The talkgroup/leave function returns a BooleanVO that contains true if the connection is terminated or false if it is not. If an exception occurs when the function executes, the function also returns an ErrorVO, which contains an explanation of the exception. Examples The following example shows a request and responses when using the talkgroup/leave function: Request Accept:application/xml Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded pmcId=pmc123&spwd=123456789&locationId=2&resourceId=1282&resourceType=vtg&connectionType= Response if request is submitted successfully <booleanVO value="true"/> Response if an exception occurs <booleanVO value="true"> <errorVO errorCode="Error"> <errorMessages>v alidateSession: Database ExceptionSession not found. Invalid Session Id - Session not found. Invalid Session Id </errorMessages> </errorVO> </booleanVO> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-7 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions uploaddata Description The uploaddata function uploads a resource (photograph, video, or journal) to the Cisco IPICS server and associates the resource with a designated incident. The resource can be uploaded as a URL or a file (for a photograph or video) or text (for a journal). Request The URL for the uploaddata function is as follows: POST https://servername/ipics_server/handsetservice/incident/incidentId/uploaddata where: servername Fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or IP address of the Cisco IPICS server if you are not using DNS. incidentId Identifier of the incident with which to associate the resource that you are uploading. You can use the Cisco IPICS API getIncident function or the getIncidentDetails function to determine this identifier. For more information, see the “getIncident” section on page 2-76 or the “getIncidentDetails” section on page 2-76. Request Payload HTTP library parameters for the request payload of the uploaddata function are as follows: Parameter Type Description autoDelete Request header or parameter of boolean type Designates whether the system deletes the Cisco IPICS database record for the uploaded resource and the resource file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) automatically when all incidents with which the resource is associated are deleted. Valid values are: • true—The database record and the resource file (if it exists) are deleted automatically • false—The database record and the resource file (if it exists) are never deleted automatically This parameter is optional. By default, the database record and the resource file are not deleted. body HTTP POST request The content of the file, URL, or text of the resource to upload. This parameter is required. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-8 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Parameter Type Description clientId Request header or parameter Unique ID of the developer workstation that you are using to execute the function. This ID can contain up to 32 characters. You can use any unique ID, for example, the MAC address of the developer workstation. This parameter is required. Content-Length Request header or parameter Designates the length, in bytes, of the resource that you are uploading. If you are uploading a file, enter the size of the file. If you are uploading a URL, enter the number of bytes in the URL string. This parameter is required by the HTTP protocol. You do not need to enter this parameter if your library calculates it automatically. Content-Type Request header or parameter Identifies the type of content that you are sending over HTTP. This parameter must be set to one of the following values: • application/octet-stream—Use this value for photograph or video files • text/plain—Use this value for journals and URLs This parameter is required. debug Request header or parameter Designates whether the HTTP request is echoed to the developer workstation. • true—The HTTP request is echoed to the developer workstation • false—The HTTP request is not echoed to the developer workstation This parameter is optional.By default, HTTP requests are not echoed. description Request header or parameter Description of the resource, which appears in the IDC and Cisco IPICS mobile client. The description can contain up to 255 characters. This parameter is optional. documentType Request header or parameter The type of resource to upload. Valid values are: • Journal • Photo • Video This parameter is required. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-9 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Parameter Type Description filename Request header or parameter File name of the photograph or video to upload. If the filename exists, the Cisco IPICS server modifies it to make it unique. This parameter is required for a photograph or video. Do not include this parameter when you are uploading a journal. referenceType Request header or parameter Designates the type of video that you are uploading. Valid values are: • Clip—Use when you are uploading a video file • Stream—Use when you are uploading a URL of a live video This option required if you are uploading video. It is not used for photographs or resources. spwd Request header or parameter Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. This parameter is required. Response The uploaddata function returns the following: • resourceId—Unique identifier that the Cisco IPICS server assigns to the resource that you uploaded • errorCode—One of the following: – SUCCESS—The function executed successfully – FAIL_AUTH—An invalid session ID was specified with the spwd parameter – FAIL_DOCUMENT_NOTSUPPORTED—An invalid value for the DocumentType parameter was specified – FAIL_FIELD_VALIDATION—An invalid parameter was entered – FAIL_FILETOOOBIG—You are attempting to upload a file that is too big to fit on Cisco IPICS server disk, or you are attempting to upload a video file that exceeds that maximum size for a video file that is configured in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console – FAIL_INTERNAL—An internal error occurred – FAIL_IO—The disk on the Cisco IPICS server experienced a problem or the disk is full. – FAIL_MODULECONTEXT—This Cisco IPICS server to which you want to upload the resource is not on line – FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT—You are attempting to upload a photograph or video file that is in a format that Cisco IPICS does not support – WARN_FILENAME_CHANGED—You uploaded a file with the same name as a file that exists on the Cisco IPICS server and the system changed the name of the file that you uploaded – WARN_INCORRECT_MIMETYPE—The Content-Type parameter was not set or was set incorrectly – WARN_INVALID_URL—An invalid URL was entered Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-10 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions Examples Uploading a Video File The following example shows a request and response when using the uploaddata function to upload a video file. In this example: • The incident ID is 279 • The session ID is 1275427188568415217882 • The client ID is idc123 • The video file to upload is named fire.wmv Request curl -X POST -H "spwd: 1275427188568415217882" -H "clientId: idc123" -H "filename: fire.wmv" -H "documentType: Video" -H "referenceType: Clip" -d @fire.wmv -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "description: curl video" -H "autoDelete: true" Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <result resourceId="42" incidentId="279" errorCode="WARN_FILENAME_CHANGED"/> Uploading a Video File with Debug Output The following example shows a request and response when using the uploaddata function to upload a video file with the debug parameter set to “true”: In this example: • The incident ID is 279 • The session ID is 1275427188568415217882 • The client ID is idc123 • The video file to upload is named fire.wmv Request curl -X POST -H "spwd: 1275427188568415217882" -H "clientId: idc123" -H "filename: fire.wmv" -H "documentType: Video" -H "referenceType: Clip" -d @fire.wmv -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "description: curl video" -H "autoDelete: true" -H "debug: true" Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <result resourceId="39" incidentId="279" errorCode="WARN_FILENAME_CHANGED"> <request> <autoDelete>true </autoDelete> <description>curl video</description> <documentType>Video</documentType> <filename>1.279.3fire.wmv</filename> <incidentId>279</incidentId> <mediaType /> <pmcId>idc123</pmcId> <referenceType>Clip</referenceType> <sessionId>1275427188568415217882</sessionId> <spectrum>long</spectrum> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-11 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions </request> </result> Uploading a Photograph URL The following example shows a request and response when using the uploaddata function to upload a photograph URL: In this example: • The incident ID is 279 • The session ID is 1275427188568415217882 • The client ID is idc123 • The photograph URL to upload is Request curl -X POST -H "spwd: 1275427188568415217882" -H "clientId: idc123" -H "documentType: Photo" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "description: curl photo" -d "" Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <result resourceId="42" incidentId="279" errorCode="SUCCESS" /> Uploading Journal Text The following example shows a request and response when using the uploaddata function to upload journal text: In this example: • The incident ID is 279 • The session ID is 1275427188568415217882 • The client ID is idc123 • The journal text to upload is “Here is a new journal entry” Request curl -X POST -H "spwd: 1275427188568415217882" -H "clientId: idc123" -H "documentType: Journal" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "description: journal" -d "Here is a new journal entry" Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <result resourceId="42" incidentId="279" errorCode="SUCCESS" /> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-12 OL-30494-01 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions userdirectory Description The userdirectory function retrieves a list of all users who are associated with all radios that use a designated radio descriptor. Request GET https://servername/ipics_server/handsetservice/websvc/radio/userdirectory ?spwd=sessionId}&descriptorId=descriptorId where: servername Fully-qualified host name of the Cisco IPICS server if you are using DNS in your deployment, or IP address of the Cisco IPICS server if you are not using DNS. sessionId Unique session ID. This ID is generated and returned when you use the startSession function to log in to Cisco IPICS web services and is used for the entire web services session. descriptorId System-assigned identifier of the radio descriptor. You can use the Cisco IPICS API findRadios function this identifier. For more information, see the “findRadios” section on page 2-53. Request Payload The userdirectory function does not require a request payload. Response The userdirectory function returns a list of users who are associated with all radios that use a designated radio descriptor. If an exception occurs when the function executes, the function also returns an ErrorVO, which contains an explanation of the exception. Examples The following example shows a request and responses when using the policy function execute a policy: Request GET userdirectory?spwd=12345-00444343}&descriptorId=2345 Accept:application/xml Response if request is submitted successfully <stringVO value=" <userDirectory id="<descriptorId>" version "1"> <users> <user> <alias>groupName</alias> <ids> <id>12343<callnumber1></id> <id> callnumber2 </id> </ids> </user> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 3-13 Chapter 3 REST-Based API Functions Function Descriptions </users> </userDirectory>" />” > </stringVO> Response if an exception occurs <stringVO> <errorVO errorCode="Error getting list of direct connect users" /> </stringVO> Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 3-14 OL-30494-01 CH A P T E R 4 Value Objects This chapter provide detailed descriptions of each value object (VO) that is used by the Cisco IPICS web services API functions. It includes these topics: • Value Objects Overview, page 4-1 • Value Objects Descriptions, page 4-4 Value Objects Overview The Cisco IPICS web services API functions that are explained in Chapter 2, “Web Services API Functions,” use value objects to describe characteristics of various items and to store information. In addition, some value objects contain other value objects. Table 4-1 provides a summary of the Cisco IPICS web services API VOs. Each VO is described in detail in the section that is referenced. Table 4-1 API Value Object Summary Value Name and Reference Description AddressBookUserContainerVO, page 4-4 Contains an array of AddressBookUserVO value objects AddressBookUserDetailVO, page 4-5 Contains detailed information for an IDC contacts list entry AddressBookUserVO, page 4-6 Contains metadata for an IDC contacts list entry AddressVO, page 4-6 Contains information about the address of a user BooleanVO, page 4-7 Contains a boolean value that a function returns ChannelConnectionContainerVO, page 4-7 Contains an array of information about one or more channel connections ChannelContainerVO, page 4-8 Contains an array of summary information about 1 or more channels ChannelDetailVO, page 4-8 Contains detailed information about a channel ChannelGroupContainerVO, page 4-10 Contains an array of summary information about 1 or more channel groups ChannelGroupVO, page 4-10 Contains summary information about a channel group ChannelVO, page 4-11 Contains summary information about a channel ClientDescriptorVO, page 4-11 Contains information about the type of client that connects to a web services session Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-1 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Overview Table 4-1 API Value Object Summary (continued) Value Name and Reference Description ContactInfoContainerVO, page 4-12 Contains an array of ContactInfoVO value objects ContactInfoVO, page 4-12 Contains contact information for an IDC contacts list entry DialAddressContainerVO, page 4-13 Contains an array of information about 1 or more dial preferences DialAddressVO, page 4-14 Contains summary information about a dial number ErrorVO, page 4-14 Contains an error code and error message, if returned by a function GlobalMediaMapVO, page 4-14 Contains the VTGs that are active in Cisco IPICS IdcSessionContainerVO, page 4-15 Contains an array of information about one or more IDC sessions IdcSessionVO, page 4-15 Contains information about an IDC session IncidentContainerVO, page 4-16 Contains an array of summary information about 1 or more incidents IncidentDetailsVO, page 4-16 Contains detailed information about an incident IncidentParticipantContainerVO, page 4-17 Contains an array of information about 1 or more incident participants IncidentParticipantVO, page 4-17 Contains summary information about an incident participant IncidentVO, page 4-18 Contains summary information about an incident IncidentVtgOptionsVO, page 4-18 Contains summary information about an incident VTG IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO, page 4-19 Contains summary information about a user in an incident VTG IntegerVO, page 4-20 Contains an integer value JournalContainerVO, page 4-20 Contains an array of summary information about 1 or more journals JournalDetailsContainerVO, page 4-20 Contains an array of detailed information about 1 or more journals JournalDetailsVO, page 4-20 Contains detailed information about a journal JournalVO, page 4-21 Contains summary information about a journal LocationContainerVO, page 4-22 Contains an array of information about one or more locations LocationVO, page 4-22 Contains information about a location MediaConnectionAddressVO, page 4-22 Contains information about a media connection MediaConnectionContainerVO, page 4-23 Contains an array of information about one or more media connections MediaConnectionVO, page 4-23 Contains SIP connection information about a designated resource MulticastAddressContainerVO, page 4-24 Contains an array of information about one or more media connections MulticastAddressVO, page 4-24 Contains information about a multicast address Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-2 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Overview Table 4-1 API Value Object Summary (continued) Value Name and Reference Description NotificationAddressContainerVO, page 4-25 Contains an array of information about 1 or more notification addresses NotificationAddressVO, page 4-25 Contains information about a notification address PaginationContextVO, page 4-26 Contains attributes that designate the format and limits of the output of a function PhoneContainerVO, page 4-26 Contains an array of information about 1 or more direct dial phones PhoneVO, page 4-26 Contains summary information about a direct dial phone PhotoContainerVO, page 4-27 Contains an array of information about 1 or more photographs PhotoDetailsVO, page 4-27 Contains detailed information about a photograph that has been added to Cisco IPICS PhotoVO, page 4-29 Contains summary information about a photograph that has been added to Cisco IPICS PolicyActionVO, page 4-29 Contains information about a policy action PolicyContainerVO, page 4-30 Contains an array of information about 1 or more policies PolicyDetailsVO, page 4-30 Contains detailed information about a policy PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO, page 4-31 Contains an array of information about the execution of 1 or more policies PolicyExecutionStatusVO, page 4-31 Contains information about the execution of a policy PolicyTriggerVO, page 4-32 Contains information about a policy trigger PolicyVO, page 4-32 Contains summary information about a policy RadioContainerVO, page 4-32 Contains an array of information about 1 or more radios RadioDetailsVO, page 4-33 Contains detailed information about a radio RadioVO, page 4-33 Contains summary information about a radio ResourceContainerVO, page 4-34 Contains an array of information about 1 or more resources ResourceVO, page 4-34 Contains information about a resource SessionVO, page 4-34 Contains a web services session ID StringVO, page 4-35 Contains a string UserContainerVO, page 4-35 Contains an array of information about 1 or more users UserDetailsVO, page 4-35 Contains detailed information about a user UserGroupContainerVO, page 4-36 Contains an array of information about 1 or more user groups UserGroupDetailsVO, page 4-36 Contains detailed information about a user group UserGroupVO, page 4-37 Contains summary information about a user group UserRoleContainerVO, page 4-37 Contains an array of information about 1 or more Cisco IPICS user roles UserRoleVO, page 4-38 Contains information about a Cisco IPICS user role UserVO, page 4-38 Contains summary information about a user Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-3 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-1 API Value Object Summary (continued) Value Name and Reference Description VideoContainerVO, page 4-38 Contains an array of information about 1 or more videos VideoDetailsVO, page 4-39 Contains detailed information about a video that has been added to Cisco IPICS VideoVO, page 4-40 Contains summary information about a video that has been added to Cisco IPICS VSOMCameraContainerVO, page 4-41 Contains an array of information about one or more VSOM cameras VSOMCameraVO, page 4-42 Contains summary information about a VSOM camera VSOMContainerVO, page 4-42 Contains an array of information about one or more VSOM servers VSOMVO, page 4-43 Contains summary information about a VSOM server VtgContainerVO, page 4-43 Contains an array of summary information about 1 or more VTGs VtgDetailContainerVO, page 4-43 Contains an array of detailed information about 1 or more VTGs VtgDetailVO, page 4-44 Contains detailed information about a VTG VtgOptionsVO, page 4-44 Contains information about options that are configured for a VTG VtgParticipantContainerVO, page 4-45 Contains an array of information about participants in a VTG VtgParticipantVO, page 4-45 Contains information about a VTG participant VtgUserOptionsVO, page 4-46 Contains information about user options that are configured for a VTG VtgVO, page 4-47 Contains summary information about a VTG Value Objects Descriptions The following sections describe each Cisco IPICS API VO in detail. The tables in these sections provide this information: • Attribute name—Name of a VO attribute • Type—Type of VO attribute • Description—Description of the VO attribute AddressBookUserContainerVO The AddressBookUserContainerVO value object contains an array of AddressBookUserVO value objects. Table 4-2 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-4 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-2 AddressBookUserContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description addressBookUsers AddressBookUserVO[] An array of one or more AddressBookUserVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContextVo PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information AddressBookUserDetailVO The AddressBookUserDetailVO value object contains detailed information for an entry in an IDC contacts list. Table 4-3 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-3 AddressBookUserDetailVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address String Contains the number and street of the contact list entry. city String Contains the city of the contact list entry. contactInfoList ContactInfoVO[] An array of one or more ContactInfoVO value objects. country String Contains the country of the of the contact list entry. description String Contains the description of the of the contact list entry. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. firstName String Contains the first name of the of the contact list entry. globalUser boolean If true, the entry is in the Global Contacts list. If false, the entry is in the Private Contacts list. isFavorite boolean If true, the entry is in the Favorite Contacts list. If false, the entry is not in the Favorite Contacts list. lastName String Contains the last name of the contact list entry. state String Contains the state of the contact list entry. userId int Contains the ID of the contact list entry. userLogin String Contains the Cisco IPICS user name of the Global Contacts list entry zip String Contains the postal code of the contact list entry Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-5 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions AddressBookUserVO The AddressBookUserVO value object contains metadata that corresponds to an entry in an IDC contacts list. Table 4-4 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-4 AddressBookUserVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. firstName String Contains the first name of the contact list entry. globalUser boolean If true, the entry is in the Global Contacts. If false, the entry is in the Private Contacts. isFavorite boolean If true, the entry is in the Favorite Contacts list. If false, the entry is not in the Favorite Contacts list. lastName String Contains the last name of the contact list entry. userId int Contains the ID of the contact list entry. userLogin String Contains the Cisco IPICS user name of the Global Contacts list entry. AddressVO The AddressVO value object contains information about the address of a Cisco IPICS user. Table 4-5 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-5 AddressVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description city String Contains the name of the address city. country String Contains the name of the address country. elevation float Not used. elevationUnits String Not used. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the address. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when you add the address to Cisco IPICS. latitude float Not used. longitude float Not used. state String Contains the name of the address state. street String Contains the name of the address street. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-6 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-5 AddressVO Attributes (continued) streetExtra String Store addition information related to street, such as an apartment number. zip String Contains the address ZIP code. BooleanVO The BooleanVO value object contains a boolean value that a function returns. Table 4-6 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-6 BooleanVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description value boolean Contains the boolean value that a function returns errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution ChannelConnectionContainerVO The ChannelConnectionContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more channel connections. Table 4-7 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-7 ChannelConnectionContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description channelConnectionVOs ChannelConnectionVO[] Contains an array of ChannelConnectionVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information ChannelConnectionVO The ChannelConnectionVO value object contains information about a channel connection. Table 4-8 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-7 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-8 ChannelConnectionVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description channelId int Contains the unique ID of the channel. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the channel was created in Cisco IPICS connectionId int Contains the unique ID of the channel connection. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the channel connection was created in Cisco IPICS errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution codec String Contains codec info about the channel connection locationId int Contains location info about the channel connection. multicastAddress String Contains the multicast IP address of the channel connection. Port int Contains port information about the channel connection. ChannelContainerVO The ChannelContainerVO value object contains an array of summary information about one or more channels. Table 4-9 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-9 ChannelContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description channelVOs ChannelVO[] Contains an array of ChannelVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information ChannelDetailVO The ChannelDetailVO value object contains detailed information about a channel. Table 4-10 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-10 ChannelDetailVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description codec String Contains codec information about the channel. colorization String Contains the color of the channel that appears in the IDC. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-8 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-10 ChannelDetailVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description conType String Contains the channel connection type. Desc String Contains a description of the channel. dialedNumber String Not used. disable boolean Indicates whether a channel is disabled (true) or enabled (false). duplex String Indicates whether channel is full duplex or half duplex. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the channel. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the channel was created in Cisco IPICS. latchable boolean Indicates whether the channel is latchable (true means yes and false means no). lmrg_delay_time int Designates the number of milliseconds that the LMR gateway delays audio from the channel before sending it to the radio. Valid values are 0 through 1500. lmrg_hangover_time int Designates the number of milliseconds that the LMR gateway maintains the radio transmitting after the LMR gateway receives the last audio packet from a transmission from the channel. Valid values are 0 through 1500. maxVoiceStreams int Not used. mcastAddr String Contains the multicast address of the channel. name String Contains the name of the channel. port int Contains the port number that the channel uses. ptttimeout int Not used. region String Contains the preferred region in which the IDC displays the incident. rfc2198_pt int Not used. rfc2833event_pt int Sends the designated DTMF tones on the channel. rfc2833tone_pt int Sends the designated single-frequency tones on the channel. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-9 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-10 ChannelDetailVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description rxmute String Indicates whether audio to or from the channel is muted when the PTT button is pressed in the IDC or on an IP phone. Valid values are: • all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources • this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this channel • none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted secure boolean Indicates whether the channel is secure (true means yes and false means no). sipPort int Not used. sipProxyIp String Not used. txmute boolean Indicates whether the channel is configured as listen only (true means yes and false means no). vad boolean Indicates whether VAD1 is enabled for the channel (true means yes and false means no). 1. VAD = voice activity detection ChannelGroupContainerVO The ChannelGroupContainerVO value object contains an array of summary information about one or more channel groups Table 4-11 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-11 ChannelGroupContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description channelGroupVOs ChannelGroupVO[] Contains an array of ChannelGroupVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information ChannelGroupVO The ChannelGroupVO value object contains summary information about a channel group. Table 4-12 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-10 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-12 ChannelGroupVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description Description String Contains a description of the channel group. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the channel group. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the channel group was created in Cisco IPICS. Name String Contains the name of the channel group, or the name to find when using a Find function. ChannelVO The ChannelVO value object contains summary information about a channel. Table 4-13 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-13 ChannelVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution id int Contains the unique ID of the channel. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the channel was created in Cisco IPICS. isSecure boolean Indicates whether the channel is designated as secure (true means yes and false means no). name String Contains the name of the channel ClientDescriptorVO The ClientDescriptorVO value object contains information about the type of client that connects to a web services session. Table 4-14 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-14 ClientDescriptorVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description clientId String Contains the ID of the client clientType String Contains the type of client (for example, IDC or iPhone) cpuMhz float Not used hwVersion String Not used Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-11 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-14 ClientDescriptorVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description ipicsVersion String Contains Cisco IPICS version that is running on the server that the client connects to manufacturer String Not used model String Not used osVersion String Not used preferredLanguage String Not used ramFree long Not used ramTotal long Not used screenHeight int Not used screenWidth int Not used storeFree long Not used storeTotal long Not used supportedVideoFormats String Not used ContactInfoContainerVO The ContactInfoContainerVO value object contains an array of ContactInfoVO value objects. Table 4-15 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-15 ContactInfoContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description contactInfoList ContactInfoVO[] An array of one or more ContactInfoVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContextVo PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information ContactInfoVO The ContactInfoVO value object contains phone number or email contact information for an IDC contact list entry. Table 4-16 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-12 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-16 ContactInfoVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description contactInfoId int Contains the unique ID of the contact information. defaultContact boolean Applies to a phone number only. If true, this phone number the default phone number. If false, this phone number is not the default phone number. When you click the Call icon for a contact in a Contact list in the IDC, the system initiates a call to the default phone number through the IDC dialer. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. infoString String Contains a phone number or email address. infoType String Describes the type of information that is represented by infoString: privateUserId int • email-personal—Designates a personal email address • email-work—Designates a work email address • phone-business—Designates a business phone number • phone-home—Designates a home phone number phone-mobile- designates a mobile phone number • phone-mobile—Designates a mobile phone number Contains the unique ID of the Private Contacts list entry that this contact belongs to. This field does not apply to the Global Contacts list. DialAddressContainerVO The DialAddressContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more dial preferences. Table 4-17 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-17 DialAddressContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description dialAddressVOs DialAddressVO[] Contains an array of DialAddressVO value objects Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-13 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-17 DialAddressContainerVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information DialAddressVO The DialAddressVO value object contains summary information about a dial number. Table 4-18 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-18 DialAddressVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description dialNumber String Contains dial number, which is the phone number that the policy engine uses when dialing out. dialPreferenceOrder int Contains the order of telephone numbers at which Cisco IPICS contacts a user when a user-associated policy executes or when a dispatcher initiates a dial out to invite a user to join an active VTG. errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the dial address. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the dial address was created in Cisco IPICS. type String Contains type of dial number. ErrorVO The ErrorVO value object contains an error code and message, if a function returns an error. Table 4-19 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-19 ErrorVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorCode String Contains an error code errorMessage String Contains an error message that a function returns GlobalMediaMapVO The GlobalMediaMapVO value object contains the VTGs that are active in Cisco IPICS. Table 4-20 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-14 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-20 GlobalMediaMapVO Attribute Name Type Description vtgDetails VtgDetailVO[] Contains list of all active VTGs errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution version int Contains the version of the current global media map. IdcSessionContainerVO The IdcSessionContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more IDC sessions. Table 4-21 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-21 IdcSessionContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description idcSessionVOs IdcSessionVO[] Contains an array of IdcSessionVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information IdcSessionVO The IdcSessionVO value object contains information about an IDC session. Table 4-22 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-22 IdcSessionVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address String Contains the IP address of the IDC client errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. idcSessionId int Contains the unique ID of the IDC client session. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when the client session is established. idcId int Any unique ID, such as the MAC address, of the client from which you execute this function lastActivity Date Date and time that the client last communicated with the Cisco IPCIS server. location String Location of the IDC client. opsViewName String Name of the ops view that the user who is logged in to the IDC belongs to. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-15 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-22 IdcSessionVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description userId int Unique ID of the user of the user who is logged in to the IDC?. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when the user is created. userName String Cisco IPICS user name of the user who is logged in to IDC. version String Version information of the IDC software. IncidentContainerVO The ncidentContainerVO value object contains an array of summary information about one or more incidents. Table 4-23 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-23 ncidentContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description incidentVOs IncidentVO[] Contains an array of IncidentVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information IncidentDetailsVO The IncidentDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about an incident. Table 4-24 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-24 IncidentDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address AddressVO Contains the physical address where the incident is taking place. commanderId int Not used. createDate Date Contains the date and time at which the incident was created. description String Contains a description of the incident. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the incident. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the incident was created. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-16 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-24 IncidentDetailsVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description incidentVtgId int Contains the ID of the incident VTG that is associated with the incident, if an associated incident VTG exists. name String Contains the full the name of the incident. opsviewId int Contains the ID of the ops view to which the incident belongs. ownerId int Contains the ID of the user who created the incident. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the user was created in Cisco IPICS. pmcRegionId int Contains the preferred region in which the ICD displays the incident. priority short Not used. resourceType String Not used. shortName String Not used. startDate Date Contains the date and time at which the incident was activated. state String Indicates the state of the incident (Active or Inactive). stopDate Date Contains the date and time at which the incident was deactivated. IncidentParticipantContainerVO The IncidentParticipantContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more resources in an incident. Resources are users, channels, photographs, radios, videos, or VTGs. Table 4-25 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-25 IncidentParticipantContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description incidentParticipantVOs incidentParticipantVO Contains an array of IncidentParticiapntVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information IncidentParticipantVO The IncidentParticipantVO value object contains summary information about a resource in an incident. A resource is user, channel, photograph, radio, video, or VTG. Table 4-26 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-17 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-26 IncidentParticipantVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the incident participant. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the incident participant was added. name String Contains the name of the incident participant. participantType String Contains the type of the incident resource. IncidentVO The IncidentVO value object contains summary information about an incident. Table 4-27 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-27 IncidentVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the incident. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the incident. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the incident was created. incidentVtgId int Contains the ID of the incident VTG that is associated with the incident, if an associated incident VTG exists. incidentVtgStatus String Status of the incident VTG that is associated with the incident. name String Contains the name of the incident. ownerId int Contains the Cisco IPICS ID of the user who created the incident. pmcRegionId int Contains the preferred region in which the ICD displays the incident. resourceType String Not used. shortName String Not used. state String Indicates the state of the incident (Active or Inactive). IncidentVtgOptionsVO The IncidentVtgOptionsVO value object contains summary information about an incident VTG, Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-18 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-28 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-28 IncidentVtgOptionsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. latch boolean Indicates whether the incident VTG is latchable (true means yes and false means no). listenOnly boolean Indicates whether incident VTG is configured as listen only (true means yes and false means no). rxMute String Indicates whether audio to or from the incident VTG is muted when the PTT button is pressed in the IDC or on an IP phone. Valid values are: • all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources • this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG • none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted allowVad boolean Indicates whether VAD1 is enabled for the incident VTG (true means yes and false means no). pmcRegionId int Contains the preferred region in which the ICD displays the VTG. 1. VAD = voice activity detection IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO The IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO value object contains summary information about an incident VTG user. Table 4-29 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-29 IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution latch boolean Indicates whether the incident VTG is latchable (true means yes and false means no) listenOnly boolean Indicates whether incident VTG is configured as listen only (true means yes and false means no). rxMute boolean Indicates whether audio to or from the incident VTG is muted when the PTT button is pressed in the IDC or on an IP phone (true means yes and false means no). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-19 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions IntegerVO The IntegerVO value object contains an integer value that a function returns Table 4-30 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-30 IntegerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description value int Contains an integer value that a function returns errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution JournalContainerVO The JournalContainerVO value object contains an array of summary information about one or more journals. Table 4-31 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-31 JournalContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description journalVOs JournalVO[] Contains an array of JournalVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information JournalDetailsContainerVO The JournalDetailsContainerVO value object contains an array of detailed information about one or more journals Table 4-32 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-32 JournalDetailsContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description journals JournalDetailsVO[] Contains an array of JournalDetailsVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information JournalDetailsVO The JournalDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a journal. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-20 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-33 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-33 JournalDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address AddressVO Not used. created Date Contains the date and time at which the journal was created. description String Not used. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the journal. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the journal was created. language String Contains the language of the journal text. message String Contains the journal text. name String Not used. opsViewId int Contains the ID of the ops view that is associated with the user who created the journal entry. owner UserVO Not used. ownerId int Contains the Cisco IPICS ID of the user who created the journal. resourceType String Not used. url String Not used. JournalVO The JournalVO value object contains summary information about a journal. Table 4-34 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-34 JournalVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description created Date Contains the date and time at which the journal was created. description String Not used. errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the journal. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the journal was created. message String Contains the journal text. name String Not used. owner UserVO Not used. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-21 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-34 JournalVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description ownerId int Contains the Cisco IPICS ID of the user who created the journal. resourceType String Not used. title String Not used. url String Not used. LocationContainerVO The LocationContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more locations. Table 4-35 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-35 LocationContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description locationVOs locationVO[] Contains an array of locationVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution LocationVO The LocationVO value object contains information about a location. Table 4-36 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-36 LocationVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the location. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique Cisco IPICS ID of the location. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the location was added in Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the location MediaConnectionAddressVO The MediaConnectionAddressVO value object contains information about a media connection. Table 4-37 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-22 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-37 MediaConnectionAddressVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description dn String Contains the dial number that is configured for this resource on the media server errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution ipaddress String Contains the IP address of the media server that is hosting the media connection port int Contains the media server port number of the media server that the IDC connects to MediaConnectionContainerVO The MediaConnectionContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more media connections. Table 4-38 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-38 MediaConnectionContainerVO Attribute Name Type Description connections MediaConnectionVO[] Contains an array of MediaConnectionVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information poll_freq int Not used MediaConnectionVO The MediaConnectionVO value object contains SIP connection information about a designated resource. Table 4-40 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-39 MediaConnectionVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description tg_id int ID of the resource with this media connection. tg_type String Type of the resource. state String The state of resource allocation process. addr_type String Type of media connection to the media server. Valid values are: • mcast—Multicast connection • sip—SIP connection Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-23 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-39 MediaConnectionVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description codec String Codec to be used for this media connection (G.711 | or G.729). addresses MediaConnectionAddressVO[] Contains an array of MediaConnectionAddressVO value objects. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. mediaServerType int Type of media server that is hosting the media connection. Valid values are: • –1—Media server type not available • 0—RMS • 1—UMS MulticastAddressContainerVO The MulticastAddressContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more media connections. Table 4-40 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-40 MulticastAddressContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description multicastAddresseses MulticastAddressVO[] Contains an array of MulticastAddressVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information MulticastAddressVO The MulticastAddressVO value object contains information about a multicast address. Table 4-41 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-41 MulticastAddressVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address String IP address of the multicast address. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-24 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-41 MulticastAddressVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description id int Unique ID of the multicast address in Cisco IPICS. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the multicast address was added in Cisco IPICS. location String Contains location information of the multicast address. port int Contains port information of the multicast address status String Contains status information of the multicast address type String Contains type information of the multicast address usedBy String Contains resource and user information of the multicast address NotificationAddressContainerVO The NotificationAddressContainerVO value object Contains an array of information about one or more notification addresses. Table 4-42 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-42 NotificationAddressContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description notificationAddressVOs NotificationAddressVO[] Contains an array of NotificationAddressVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information NotificationAddressVO The NotificationAddressVO value object contains information about a notification address. Table 4-43 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-43 NotificationAddressVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the notification address. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the notification address was added in Cisco IPICS. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-25 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-43 NotificationAddressVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description notificationAddress String Contains the e-mail address, pager number, of phone number of the device that is to receive the notification. type String Contains the type of notification (email, pager, or sms). PaginationContextVO The PaginationContextVO value object contains attributes that designate the format and limits of the output of a function. Table 4-44 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-44 PaginationContextVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description pageNumber int Contains the page number of the display pageRecords int Contains the number of records to be displayed per page totalPages int Contains the total number of pages to include in the display output totalRecords int Contains the total number of records that the request returns. PhoneContainerVO The PhoneContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more direct dial phones. Table 4-45 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-45 PhoneContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description phoneVOs PhoneVO[] Contains an array of PhoneVO value objects ErrorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information PhoneVO The PhoneVO value object contains summary information about a direct dial phone. Table 4-46 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-26 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-46 PhoneVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the phone number (for example, business or home). dialDestination String Contains the number to dial for the phone. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the phone, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the phone to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the direct dial phone label. ownerId int Contains Cisco IPICS ID of the user who created the phone. sipdn String Contains the unique ID of the phone, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the phone to Cisco IPICS. PhotoContainerVO The PhotoContainerVO value object Contains an array of information about one or more photographs. Table 4-45 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-47 PhoneContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description photoVOs PhotoVO[] Contains an array of PhotoVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information PhotoDetailsVO The PhotoDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a photograph that has been added to Cisco IPICS. Table 4-48 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-27 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-48 PhotoDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address AddressVO Contains information about the physical address where the photograph was taken. autoDelete boolean If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically. colorDepth short Contains color depth information about the photograph. created Date Contains the date and time at which the photograph was added to IPICS. description String Contains a description of the photograph. dimension String Not used. direction String Not used. encoding String Not used. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. height int Not used. id int Contains the unique ID of the photograph. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the photograph was added in Cisco IPICS. name String Not used. opsViewId int Contains the ops view with which the photograph is associated. owner UserVO Not used. ownerId int Contains the unique ID of the user who added the photograph. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the user was added in Cisco IPICS. palette String Not used. resourceType String Not used. spectrum String Not used. title String Contains a brief title, or name, of the photograph. url String Contains the URL of the photograph. width int Not used. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-28 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions PhotoVO The PhotoVO value object contains summary information about a photograph that has been added to Cisco IPICS. Table 4-49 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-49 PhotoVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description autoDelete boolean If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the photograph are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the photograph and the photograph file are never deleted automatically. created Date Contains the date and time at which the photograph was created. description String Contains a description of the photograph. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the photograph. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the photograph was added in Cisco IPICS. name String Not used. opsViewId int Contains the ops view with which the photograph is associated. owner UserVO Not used. ownerId int Contains the unique ID of the user who added the photograph. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the user was added in Cisco IPICS. resourceType String Not used title String Contains a brief title, or name, of the photograph. url String Contains the URL of the photograph. PolicyActionVO The PolicyActionVO value object Contains information about a policy action. Table 4-50 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-29 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-50 PolicyActionVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the policy action. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the policy action. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the policy action was created in Cisco IPICS. message String Contains the text of the message that a policy notification action sends name String Contains the name of the policy. startTime String Contains the configured start date and time for the policy. status String Contains the status of the policy, such as such as Successful, Executing, or Failed. type String Contains policy action type. PolicyContainerVO The PolicyContainerVO value object contains an array of information about 1 or more policies. Table 4-51 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-51 PolicyContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description policyVOs PolicyVO[] Contains an array of PolicyVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information PolicyDetailsVO The PolicyDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a policy. Table 4-52 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-52 PolicyDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description actions PolicyActionVO[] Contains an array of PolicyActionVO value objects. description String Contains a description of the policy. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-30 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-52 PolicyDetailsVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description id int Contains the unique ID of the policy. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the policy was created in Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of policy. triggers PolicyTriggerVO[] Contains an array of PolicyTriggerVO value objects. PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO The PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO value object contains an array of information about the execution of one or more policies. Table 4-53 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-53 PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description policyExecutionStatusVOs policyExecutionStatusVO[] Contains an array of PolicyExecutionStatusVO value objects ErrorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information PolicyExecutionStatusVO The PolicyExecutionStatusVO value object contains information about the execution of a policy. Table 4-54 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-54 PolicyExecutionStatusVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description actions PolicyActionVO[] Contains and array of PolicyActionVO value objects. description String Contains a description of the policy. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. executionDate String Contains the date and time at which the policy last executed executionStatus String Contains latest execution status of the policy, such as Successful, Executing, or Failed. id int Contains the unique ID of the policy, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the policy to Cisco IPICS. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-31 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-54 PolicyExecutionStatusVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description name String Contains the name of the policy. statusMessage String Contains information about the execution of the policy. PolicyTriggerVO The PolicyTriggerVO value object contains detailed about a policy trigger. Table 4-55 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-55 PolicyTriggerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the policy trigger. errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the policy trigger, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the policy trigger to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the policy trigger. PolicyVO The PolicyVO value object contains summary information about a policy. Table 4-56 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-56 PolicyVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the policy. errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the policy, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the policy to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the policy. RadioContainerVO TheRadioContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more radios. Table 4-57 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-32 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-57 TheRadioContai Attributes Attribute Name Type Description radioVOs RadioVO[] Contains an array of RadioVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information RadioDetailsVO The RadioDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a radio. Table 4-58 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-58 RadioDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description control String Contains control type of the radio (serial or tone). description String Contains a description of the radio. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the radio, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the radio to Cisco IPICS. location int Contains the location that was configured for the radio when the radio was added to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the radio. type String Indicates the type of the radio (Nextel or EFJ). RadioVO The RadioVO value object contains summary information about a radio. Table 4-59 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-59 RadioVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the radio. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the radio, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the radio to Cisco IPICS. locationId int Contains Cisco IPICS location of the radio. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-33 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-59 RadioVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description name String Contains the name of the radio. radioControlType String Contains control type of the radio (serial or tone). pooledResourceInd boolean Indicates whether radio is pooled resource (true means yes and false means no). ResourceContainerVO The ResourceContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more resources (channels, radios, users, and VTGs). Table 4-60 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-60 ResourceContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description resources ResourceVO[] Contains an array of ResourceVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information ResourceVO The ResourceVO value object contains information about a resource (channel, radio, user, or VTG). Table 4-61 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-61 ResourceVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the resource. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the resource, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the resource to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the resource. resourceType String Contains the type of the resource. SessionVO The SessionVO value object contains a web services session ID. Table 4-62 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-34 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-62 SessionVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description sessionId String Contains the ID of the current web services session errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution StringVO The StringVO value object stores a string that a function returns. Table 4-63 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-63 StringVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description value String Contains the string that a function returns errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution UserContainerVO The UserContainerVO value object contains an array of information about 1 or more users. Table 4-64 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-64 UserContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description userVOs UserVO[] Contains an array of UserVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information UserDetailsVO The UserDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a user. Table 4-65 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-35 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-65 UserDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description allowUnsecurePatch Boolean If true, the user can combine secure and unsecure channels in a patch. If false, the user can use only non-secure channels in a patch. description String Contains a description of the user. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. firstName String Contains the first name of the user. id int Contains the unique ID of the use, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the user to Cisco IPICS. lastName String Contains the last name of the user. name String Contains the name of the user to be displayed in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console. roles String[] Contains an array Cisco IPICS roles that are associated with the user. userLogin String Contains the Cisco IPICS user name of the user. UserGroupContainerVO The UserGroupContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more user groups. Table 4-66 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-66 UserGroupContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description userGroupVOs UserGtoupVO[] Contains an array of UserGroupVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information UserGroupDetailsVO The UserGroupDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a user group. Table 4-67 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-36 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-67 UserGroupDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of user group. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the user group, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the user group to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the user group. users UserVO[] Contains an array of UserVO value objects. UserGroupVO The UserGroupVO value object contains summary information about a user group. Table 4-68 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-68 UserGroupVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the user group. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the user group, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the user group to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the user group. UserRoleContainerVO The UserRoleContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more Cisco IPICS user roles. Table 4-69 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-69 UserRoleContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description userRoleVOs UserRoleVO[] Contains an array of UserRoleVO value objects. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-37 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions UserRoleVO The UserRoleVO value object contains information about a Cisco IPICS user role. Table 4-70 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-70 UserRoleVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the user role. displayName String Contains name of the role as it appears in the Cisco IPICS Administration Console GUI. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the user role, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the user role to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the names of the user role. UserVO The UserVO value object contains summary information about a user. Table 4-71 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-71 UserVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the user. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. firstName String Contains the first name of the user. id int Contains the unique ID of the user, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the user to Cisco IPICS. lastName String Contains the last name of the user. name String Contains complete name of the user. userLogin String Contains the Cisco IPICS user name of the user. VideoContainerVO The VideoContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more videos. Table 4-72 describes the attributes of this value object. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-38 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-72 VideoContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description videoVOs VideoVO[] Contains and array of VideoVO value objects errorVO ErroVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information VideoDetailsVO The VideoDetailsVO value object contains detailed information about a video that has been added to Cisco IPICS. Table 4-73 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-73 VideoDetailsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address AddressVO Contains the physical address where the photograph was taken. autoDelete boolean If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically. cameraModel String Not used. cameraSrcType String Not used. cameraUrl String Not used. colorDepth int Not used. created Date Contains the date and time at which the video was added to Cisco IPICS. description String Contains a description of the video. dimension String Not used. direction String Not used. encoding String Not used. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. has Audio boolean Indicates whether video includes audio (true means yes and false means no). hasPtz boolean Not used. iconUrl String Not used. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-39 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-73 VideoDetailsVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description id int Contains the unique ID of the video, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the video to Cisco IPICS isFixedLocation boolean Not used. language String Not used. name String Not used. opsViewId int Contains the ID of the ops view that is associated with the video. owner UserVO Not used. ownerId int Contains the unique ID of the user who added the video. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the user was added in Cisco IPICS. palette String Not used. rate int Not used. rateUnits String Not used. resourceType String Not used. spectrum String Not used. title String Contains a brief title, or name, of the video. url String Contains the URL of the video. videoType String Not used. videoUrl String Not used. vsomUrl String Not used. VideoVO The VideoVO value object contains summary information about a video that has been added to Cisco IPICS. Table 4-74 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-74 VideoVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description autoDelete boolean If true, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file (if the file exists on the Cisco IPICS server) are deleted automatically when all incidents with which the video are associated are deleted. If false, the Cisco IPICS database record for the video and the video file are never deleted automatically. cameraModel String Not used. cameraSrcType String Not used. Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-40 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-74 VideoVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description cameraUrl String Not used. created date Contains the date and time at which the video was added to Cisco IPICS description String Contains a description of the video. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution hasPtz boolean Not used. iconUrl String Not used. id int Contains the unique ID of the video, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the video to Cisco IPICS name String Not used. opsViewId int Contains the ID of the ops view that is associated with the video. owner UserVO Not used. ownerId int Contains the unique ID of the user who added the video. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the user was added in Cisco IPICS. resourceType String Not used. title String Contains a brief title, or name, of the video url String Contains the URL of the video. videoType String Not used. videoUrl String Not used. vsomUrl String Not used. VSOMCameraContainerVO The VSOMCameraContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more VSOM cameras. Table 4-75 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-75 VSOMCameraContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description vsomCameraVO VSOMCameraVO[] Contains an array of VSOMCameraVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContextVO PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-41 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions VSOMCameraVO The VSOMCameraVO value object contains summary information about a VSOM camera. Table 4-76 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-76 VSOMCameraVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description address AddressVO Contains information about the physical address where the camera was setup associatedVSOMLocation String Contains the location that is configured in VSOM for the camera associatedVSOMLocationId String Contains the ID of the location that is configured in VSOM for the camera cameraAssociationTime long Contains the information about the camera association time for recording description String Contains a description of the camera errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution id int Contains the unique ID of the camera that Cisco IPICS generates when you add the camera to Cisco IPICS. name String Contain the name of the camera opsViewId int Contains the ops view with which the camera is associated vsomCameraId String Contains the unique ID of the camera that generates when you add the Camera to VSOM vsomCameraType String Contains the type of the camera vsomId int Contains the unique ID of the VSOM server, which Cisco IPICS generates when you add the VSOM server to Cisco IPICS VSOMContainerVO The VSOMContainerVO value object contains an array of information about one or more VSOM servers. Table 4-77 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-77 VSOMContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContextVO PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information vsomVOs VSOMVO[] Contains an array of VSOMVO value objects Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-42 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions VSOMVO The VSOMVO value object contains summary information about a VSOM server. Table 4-78 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-78 VSOMVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains a description of the VSOM server id int Contains the unique ID of the VSOM server, which CISCO IPICS generates when you add the VSOM server to Cisco IPICS ipAddress String Contains the IP address of the VSOM server name String Contain the name of the VSOM server VtgContainerVO The VtgContainerVO value object contains an array of summary information about one or more VTGs. Table 4-79 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-79 VtgContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description vtgVOs VtgVO[] Contains an array of VtgVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information VtgDetailContainerVO The VtgDetailContainerVO value object contains an array of detailed information about one or more VTGs. Table 4-80 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-80 VtgDetailContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description vtgDetails VtgDetailVO[] Contains an array of VtgDetailVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-43 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions VtgDetailVO The VtgDetailVO value object contains detailed information about a VTG. Table 4-81 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-81 VtgDetailVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description defaultVtgId int Not used. description String Contains a description of the VTG. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the VTG. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when you add the VTG to Cisco IPICS. mcastaddr String Contains the multicast address that is assigned to the VTG. name String Contains name of the VTG. port int Contains multicast address port number that is assigned to the VTG. status String Contains the current status of the VTG (such as active, inactive, pending) vtgId int Contains the unique ID of the VTG. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when you add the VTG to Cisco IPICS. VtgOptionsVO The VtgOptionsVO value object contains information about options that are configured for a VTG. Table 4-82 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-82 VtgOptionsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description allowVad boolean Indicates whether VAD 1 is enabled for the VTG (true means yes and false means no). errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. latch boolean Indicates whether the VTG is latchable (true means yes and false means no). listenOnly boolean Indicates whether the VTG is listen only mode (true means yes and false means no). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-44 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-82 VtgOptionsVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description pmcRegionId int Contains the preferred region in which the ICD displays the VTG. rxMute String Indicates whether audio to or from the VTG is muted when the PTT button is pressed in the IDC or on an IP phone. Valid values are: • all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources • this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG • none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted 1. VAD = voice activity detection VtgParticipantContainerVO The VtgParticipantContainerVO value object contains an array of detailed information about VTG participants (channels, channel groups, radios, users, user groups, and VTGs). Table 4-83 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-83 VtgParticipantContainerVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description channelGroupParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects channelParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects radioParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects userGroupParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects userParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects vtgParticipants VtgParticipantVO[] Contains an array of VtgParticipantVO value objects errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution paginationContext PaginationContextVO Contains pagination information VtgParticipantVO The VtgParticipantVO value object contains information about a VTG participant (channel, channel group, radio, user, user group, or VTG). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-45 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-84 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-84 VtgParticipantVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description allocationStatus String Contains the status of the allocation of the participant to the VTG. allocationStatusMessage String Contains a message that relates to the allocation status. description String Contains a description of the VTG participant. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. groupId int Not used. id int Contains the unique ID of the association between the participant and the VTG. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when the VTG is activated. name String Contains the name of the VTG participant. participantId int Contains the unique ID of the participant that is associated with the VTG. Cisco IPICS generated this ID when the participant was created in Cisco IPICS. resourceType String Contains type of vtg participant (channel / radio). status String Contains status of vtg participant. userLogin String Contains the Cisco IPICS user name of a user participant. isSecure boolean Indicates whether the channel is designated as secure (true means yes and false means no). VtgUserOptionsVO The VtgUserOptionsVO value object contains information about user options that are configured for a VTG. Table 4-85 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-85 VtgUserOptionsVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. latch boolean Indicates whether the latch function is configured for use by the VTG user (true means yes and false means no). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-46 OL-30494-01 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Table 4-85 VtgUserOptionsVO Attributes (continued) Attribute Name Type Description listenOnly boolean Indicates whether listen only mode is configured for the VTG user (true means yes and false means no). rxMute boolean Indicates whether audio to or from the incident VTG is muted when the PTT button is pressed in the IDC or on an IP phone. Valid values are: • all—When PTT is engaged, RX (receive transmission) is muted on all voice resources • this—When PTT is engaged, RX is muted on this incident VTG • none—When PTT is engaged, no voice resources are muted VtgVO The VtgVO value object contains summary information about a VTG. Table 4-86 describes the attributes of this value object. Table 4-86 VtgVO Attributes Attribute Name Type Description description String Contains description of the VTG. errorVO ErrorVO Contains an error code and message, if an exception occurs during function execution. id int Contains the unique ID of the VTG. Cisco IPICS generates this ID when you add the VTG to Cisco IPICS. name String Contains the name of the VTG. status String Contains the current status of VTG (such as active, inactive, pending). Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 4-47 Chapter 4 Value Objects Value Objects Descriptions Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 4-48 OL-30494-01 INDEX addParticipantsToVtg function A addPhotoToIncident function activateIncident function 2-10 activateIncidentVtg function activateVtg function addRadioToVtg function 2-11 AddressBookUserDetailVO 2-10 AddressBookUserVO incident VTG VTG 2-11 AddressVO 2-12 addChannelToVtg function 2-13 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-6 addUserToVtg function 2-12 addVtgToVtg function 2-26 2-18 2-19 addVideoToIncident function adding 2-20 2-21 API channel to VTG 2-12 authentication email address description to Private Contacts list 2-27 entry to Favorite Contacts list journal to incident overview 2-14 phone number from Private Contacts list to Private Contacts list 2-38 REST-based 3-2 web services 2-10 summary 2-27 3-1 web services 2-16 2-16 resource to VTG 1-1 list of, See function 2-14 photograph to incident 1-7 function 2-18 multicast connection to channel radio to VTG 2-17, 2-18 addUserToUserGroup function addCameraToIncident function camera 2-16 AddressBookUserContainerVO activating incident 2-16 addResourcesToVtg function 2-12 2-15 2-15, 2-17 logging 1-8 security 1-7 2-2 value object user list of, See value object to user group to VTG 2-19 2-19 video to incident 4-1 application programming interface 2-20, 2-21 VSOM camera to incident VTG to VTG summary See API 2-13 associateChannelsToUser function 2-21 addJournalToIncident function 2-14 addMulticastChannelConnection function 2-14 2-22 associatePhonesToUser function 2-22 associateRadiosToUser function 2-23 associateResourcesToIncident function 2-24 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-1 Index associateUsersToChannel function associateUsersToRadio function 2-25 2-25 audio by search criterion detailed information status disabling on IDC 2-140, 2-141 enabling on IDC 2-140, 2-141 authentication 2-51 2-68 2-72 summary information status 2-118 users associated with 1-7 2-68 2-103 ChannelConnectionContainerVO ChannelContainerVO B ChannelDetailVO BooleanVO 4-7 4-7, 4-8 4-8 channel group 4-7 associated with VTG 2-69 retrieving C all 2-58 associated with VTG camera adding to Cisco IPICS by search criterion 2-26 associating with incident channels in 2-132 2-50 2-60 ChannelGroupContainerVO channel active ChannelGroupVO 2-118 adding multicast connection to adding to VTG 2-14 user Dispatch Console profile, deleting role, affect on function execution associating users with user associating with user 2-27 deleting 2-40 2-25 2-22 version, retrieving ClientDescriptorVO 2-39 2-1 2-80 4-11 client stub generating disabling 2-45 enabling 2-47 overview 1-2 1-1 ContactInfoContainerVO removing from VTG 2-126 ContactInfoVO 4-12 4-12 contact list retrieving all 4-11 See API 2-70 2-71 creating 4-10 application programming interface 2-69 VTG 4-10 Cisco IPICS 2-12 associated with incident ChannelVO 2-69 entry 2-59 all in channel group 2-60 adding to Private Contacts list 2-30 associated with email address, modifying 2-144 incident phone number, modifying 2-144 user VTG 2-70 2-69 2-71 Favorite, adding entry to 2-18 Global, retrieving all entries 2-58 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-2 OL-30494-01 Index modifying entry 2-146 D Private deleting entry from deactivateIncident function 2-39 email address, adding deactivateIncidentVtg function 2-27 deactivateVtg function phone number adding incident 2-38 email address VTG 2-72 phone number 2-37 2-38 deleteLocation function 2-72 private, deleting email address 2-36 deleteContact function 2-57, 2-58 searching, for entry 2-37 2-36 incident VTG retrieving entries 2-36 deactivating 2-27 deleting 2-36 2-38 2-133 2-38 deletePmcProfile function 2-39 deletePrivateUser function 2-39 createCamera function 2-26 deleterResources function createChannel function 2-27 deleting createContact function 2-27 channel createIncident function 2-28 Cisco IPICS Dispatch Console profile createLocation function createPatchVtg function createPhoto function 2-30 2-31, 2-32 createVideo function location radio 2-40 video 2-40 VTG 2-40, 2-41 1-1 DialAddressContainerVO 2-35 DialAddressVO 4-13 4-14 dialAllIncidentVtgMembers function 2-27 entry in Private Contacts list 2-30 dialAllVtgMembers function 2-28, 2-29 dialIncidentVtgMember function location 2-28 dialing patch VTG 2-34 incident VTG members photograph 2-30 VTG members user all one 2-31 user group 2-121 2-32 2-41 2-42 incident SIP connection 2-38 2-40 developer workstation 2-32 creating channel 2-39 2-38 photograph 2-30 createUser function createVtg function 2-29 2-33 createPrivateUser function 2-40 email address, from Private Contacts list 2-28 createMulticastAddresses function 2-40 2-43 2-43 2-42 2-44 dial preferences video 2-32 retrieving for user VTG 2-35 setting 2-98 2-135 dialVtgMember function 2-44 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-3 Index digit ID notification policy retrieving setting policy 2-73 2-49, 2-50 2-135 digit password retrieving setting F 2-73 2-136 Favorite Contacts list disableChannel function disableUser function 2-45 removing, entry from 2-46 2-126 retrieving, entries from disabling 2-74 findChannelGroups function channel user 2-45 2-46 E findChannels function 2-52 findIncidents function 2-51 findPhotos function 2-52 findRadios function 2-53 findUsers function Eclipse IDE obtaining 2-55, 2-56 function 1-2 activateIncident 1-2 email address 2-10 activateIncidentVtg adding to Private Contacts list enableChannel function activateVtg 2-27 deleting from Private Contacts list enableUser function 2-50, 2-54 2-55 findVideos function configuring 2-11 2-12 addCameraToIncident 2-38 addChannelToVtg 2-47 2-13 2-12 addJournalToIncident 2-47 enabling 2-14 addMulticastChannelConnection channel user addParticipantsToVtg 2-47 addPhotoToIncident 2-47 ending, web services session endSession function entries 2-48 addRadioToVtg 2-48 2-16 2-17, 2-18 addUserToUserGroup 2-57 entry addUserToVtg adding to Favorite Contacts list addVtgToVtg 2-39 removing from Favorite Contacts list 2-126 retrieving all from Favorite Contacts list 2-74 4-14 executeNotificationPolicy function executePolicyForUser function executePolicy function 2-48 2-50 2-49 executing API client code 1-3 2-18 2-19 addVideoToIncident 2-18 deleting from Private Contacts list ErrorVO 2-15 2-16 addResourcesToVtg 2-48 2-14 2-20 2-21 associateChannelsToUser 2-22 associatePhonesToUser 2-22 associateRadiosToUser 2-23 associateResourcesToIncident associateUsersToChannel associateUsersToRadio createCamera 2-26 createChannel 2-27 2-24 2-25 2-25 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-4 OL-30494-01 Index createContact 2-27 getAllChannelGroups createIncident 2-28 getAllChannels createLocation createMulticastAddresses createPhoto getAllPhotos 2-63 getAllRadios 2-35 deactivateIncident deactivateIncidentVtg getAllUsers 2-36 2-65 2-65 deactivateVtg 2-37 getAllVideos deleteContact 2-38 getAllVtgs deleteLocation 2-64 getAllUserGroups 2-36 2-66 2-66 getBelongingOpsViewForUser 2-38 deletePmcProfile 2-39 getChannel deletePrivateUser 2-39 getChannelDetails deleteResources dialAllIncidentVtgMembers 2-41 dialIncidentVtgMember getChannelsForIncident 2-43 getChannelStatus dialVtgMember 2-44 getContacts disableChannel 2-45 getDigitId disableUser getFavorite 2-47 2-69, 2-70 2-71 2-72 2-73 2-73 2-74 enableUser 2-47 getGlobalMediaMap endSession 2-48 getGlobalMediaMapVersion executeNotificationPolicy executePolicy 2-48 executePolicyForUser 2-50 2-50, 2-54 2-75 2-76 getIncidentParticipants getIncidentsForUser findChannels 2-52 getIncidentVtg findIncidents 2-51 getIncidentVtgOptions 2-77 2-78 2-78 2-79 findPhotos 2-52 getIncidentVtgUserOptions findRadios 2-53 getIpicsVersion findUsers findVideos getJournal 2-55 getAddressBook getAddressBookEntry 2-80 2-81 getJournalsForIncident 2-57 2-58 2-79 2-81 getJournalDetails 2-55, 2-56 2-75 2-76 getIncidentDetails 2-49 findChannelGroups getIncident 2-69 2-72 getDigitPassword 2-46 enableChannel 2-68 getChannelsForVtg 2-42 2-67 2-68 getChannelsAssociatedToUser 2-40 dialAllVtgMembers 2-62 2-63 getAllPolicies 2-32 2-61 2-62 getAllMulticastAddresses 2-30 2-60 2-60 getAllLocations 2-31, 2-32 createVideo getAllIncidents getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus 2-33 createPrivateUser createVtg 2-29 2-30 createUser 2-59 getAllChannelsInChannelGroup 2-28 createPatchVtg 2-58 getLazyTalkgroupStatus 2-82 2-82 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-5 Index getLocationById getVideoDetails 2-83 getLocationByName getVideosForIncident 2-84 getLoggedInIDCUsers getVSOMCamera 2-84 getMulticastAddressByAddress getMulticastAddressById 2-85 getPmcProfile 2-89 getVtgsForVtg 2-91 getPolicyExecutionStatus getVtgStatus 2-91 getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails getRadioDetails 2-92 getRadiosAssociatedToUser getRadiosForIncident getRadiosForVtg 2-93 getUserAddress 2-118 2-119 2-120 2-120 getUserDetails notifyAllVtgMembers getUserDialPreference getUserGroup 2-122 notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers 2-96 2-97 getUserDirectory 2-121 leaveLazyTalkgroup 2-96 getUserAudioStatus notifyVtgMember 2-98 policy 2-99 getUserGroupsForVtg 2-124 2-125 removeChannelFromVtg 2-100 removeFromFavorite 2-101 getUserListenerStatus 2-102 2-126 removeRadioFromVtg getUsersAssociatedToChannel 2-103 removeUserFromVtg 2-104 removeVtgFromVtg getUsersAssociatedToRadio 2-105 removeVtgParticipants getUsersForVtg getUserStatus getVideo 2-106 2-107 2-107 reserveRadio 2-128 2-129 getUsersAssociatedToPolicy 2-105 2-127 2-128 removeResourceFromIncident 2-103 getUsersForIncident 2-126 removePhoneAssociatedToUser 2-101 getUserNotificationPreference 2-124 3-3 releaseRadio 2-99 2-122 2-123 notifynotifyIncidentVtg 2-98 getUserGroupMembers getUserRoles 2-118 joinLazyTalkgroup 2-95 getUserId 2-117 isActiveIncidentVtg isActiveVtg 2-95 2-116 getVtgUserOptions isActiveUser 2-94 2-115 2-116 isActiveChannel 2-93 2-114 getVtgsAssociatedToUser getVtgsForIncident 2-90 getPolicyDetails getUser 2-113 getVtgParticipantStatus 2-89 getPoliciesAssociatedToUser getPolicy 2-113 getVtgParticipants 2-88 2-111 2-112 getVtgOptions 2-88 2-110 2-111 getVtgDetails getPhotosForIncident 2-109 getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICS getVSOMs 2-86 2-87 getPhotoDetails 2-109 getVSOMCamerasForIncident 2-86 getPhonesAssociatedToUser getPhoto 2-108 2-130 2-130 2-131 saveAssociatedCameraToIncident savePmcProfile 2-132 2-132 searchAddressBook 2-133 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-6 OL-30494-01 Index setBelongingOpsViewForUser setDialPreference setDigitId getAllRadios function 2-134 getAllUserGroups function 2-134 getAllUsers function 2-135 setDigitPassword setIncidentVtgUserOptions setNotificationPreference setUserAddress setVtgOptions getChannelDetails function 2-139 2-68 2-68 getChannelsForIncident function 2-141 getChannelsForVtg function 2-141 getChannelStatus function 2-142 getContacts function 2-143 talkgroup/join getDigitId function 3-4 2-72 2-73 updateContact 2-144 getFavorite function updateIncident 2-145 getGlobalMediaMap function updatePhoto updateUserGroup updateVideo getDigitPassword function userdirectory 2-74 getIncidentDetails function getIncident function 2-146 2-76 getIncidentVtg function 2-148 2-78 2-78 2-79 getIncidentVtgUserOptions function 3-13 getIpicsVersion function getJournalDetails function G getJournal function getAddressBookEntry function getAddressBook function getAllChannels function 2-60 getAllIncidentsWithIVtgStatus function 2-63 getLoggedInIDCUsers function 2-84 2-84 2-61 getMulticastAddressById function 2-62 getPhotoDetails function getPhoto function 2-85 2-86 getPhonesAssociatedToUser function 2-62 getAllMulticastAddresses function 2-82 getMulticastAddressByAddress function 2-60 2-63 2-82 2-83 getLocationByName function getAllChannelsInChannelGroup function getAllLocations function 2-81 getLocationById function 2-59 getAllIncidents function 2-81 getLazyTalkgroupStatus function 2-58 2-79 2-80 getJournalsForIncident function 2-58 2-57 getAllChannelGroups function getAllPolicies function 2-77 getIncidentVtgOptions function 3-8 2-75 2-76 getIncidentsForUser function 2-148 getAllPhotos function 2-75 getIncidentParticipants function 2-147 updateVirtualTalkGroup uploaddata 2-73 getGlobalMediaMapVersion function 2-146 updatePrivateUser 2-69, 2-70 2-72 3-6 2-145 2-69 2-71 talkgroup/leave updateLocation 2-67 getChannelsAssociatedToUser function 2-140 setVtgUserOptions 2-66 getChannel function setUserListenerStatus 2-66 getBelongingOpsViewForUser function 2-138 2-139 setUserAudioStatus StartSession getAllVtgs function 2-137 2-65 2-65 getAllVideos function 2-136 setIncidentVtgOptions 2-64 2-86 2-88 2-87 getPhotosForIncident function 2-88 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-7 Index getPmcProfile function getVtgParticipantStatus function 2-89 getPoliciesAssociatedToUser function getPolicyDetails function getVtgsForIncident function 2-91 getPolicyExecutionStatus function getPolicy function 2-92 getRadiosForIncident function 2-117 information 2-94 version getUserDetails function 2-75 4-14 2-96 2-97 getUserDialPreference function getUserDirectory function 2-75 GlobalMediaMapVO 2-96 getUserAudioStatus function I 2-98 2-98 ID, system-generated 2-95 2-101 IDC getUserGropu function 2-99 getUserGroupMembers function getUserGroupsForVtg function 2-99 2-100 disabling audio 2-140, 2-141 enabling audio 2-140, 2-141 profile 2-101 information, saving getUserListenerStatus function 2-101 getUserNotificationPreference function retrieving 2-102 2-89 audio status 2-103 profile 2-96 2-89 getUsersAssociatedToPolicy function 2-104 IdcSessionContainerVO getUsersAssociatedToRadio function 2-105 IdcSessonVO getUsersForIncident function getUsersForVtg function getUserStatus function 2-105 activating 2-108 journal to getVSOMCamera function 2-109 2-109 getVSOMCamerasForIncident function video to 2-110 2-111 2-111 getVtgDetails function getVtgOptions function 2-16 2-20, 2-21 VSOM camera to creating 2-113 2-113 2-13 associating resource with attributes, modifying 2-112 getVtgParticipants function 2-14 photograph to getVSOMCamerasAddedInIPICS function getVSOMs function 2-10 adding 2-107 getVideosForIncident function 2-84 incident 2-107 getVideoDetails function 4-15 4-15 IDC users, retrieving 2-106 2-132 retrieving 2-103 getUsersAssociatedToChannel function getVideo function 2-118 retrieving 2-93 2-95 getUserAddress function getUserRoles function 2-116 global media map 2-93 getRadiosForVtg function 2-115 2-116 getVtgUserOptions function getRadiosAssociatedToUser function getUserId function getVtgsForVtg function getVtgStatus function 2-91 2-90 getRadioDetails function getUser function getVtgsAssociatedToUser function 2-89 getPolicyExecutionStatusDetails function 2-114 2-24 2-145 2-28, 2-29 deactivating 2-36 detailed information, retrieving 2-76 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-8 OL-30494-01 Index disassociating resource from radios associated with 2-128 joinLazyTalkgroup function retrieving all J 2-94 journal 2-60, 2-61 by search criterion adding to incident 2-52 channels associated with detailed information participants 2-14 retrieving 2-70 all 2-76 2-82 detailed information 2-77 photographs associated with resources 2-76 JournalDetailsContainerVO users associated with 2-78 JournalDetailsVO users associated with IncidentContainerVO JournalVO 2-11 2-119 dialing one member 2-28 deleting 2-38 all 2-43 LocationContainerVO 2-123 options LocationVO setting 2-83, 2-84 4-22 4-22 log, of API invocations 2-79 1-8 2-137 retrieving, options 2-78 M user options retrieving setting 2-62 summary information, retrieving 2-119 notifying, users 2-79 MediaConnectionAddressVO 2-138 4-18 IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO MediaConnectionVO 4-19 4-20 2-118 isActiveIncidentVtg function isActiveVtg function 2-120 2-119 4-23 4-23 members of incident VTG, dialing one isActiveChannel function isActiveUser function 4-22 MediaConnectionContainerVO IncidentVtgOptionsVO IntegerVO creating 2-145 retrieving 2-36 retrieving 2-122 location attributes, modifying deactivating inactive 4-21 leaveLazyTalkgroup function 4-17 incident VTG active 4-20 L 4-16 4-18 activating 4-20 2-105 4-16 IncidentParticipantVO IncidentVO 2-109 2-81 4-20 summary information videos associated with 2-81 summary information 2-88 JournalContainerVO 2-77 IncidentDetailsVO 2-121 2-43 of VTG dialing all dialing one 2-42 2-44 2-120 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-9 Index multicast address retrieving phone associating with user 2-62 summary information MulticastAddressVO disassociating from user 2-85, 2-86 MulticastAddressContainerVO 2-22 retrieving 4-24 2-86 PhoneContainerVO 4-24 2-127 4-26 phone number adding to Private Contacts list N 2-27 deleting from Private Contacts list ncidentParticipantContainerVO PhoneVO 4-17 4-26 PhotoContainerVO notification incident VTG users PhotoDetailsVO 2-123 retrieving 4-27 adding to incident 2-102 2-16 attributes, modifying 2-139 VTG users creating 2-30 all deleting 2-40 2-123 one 4-27 photograph preferences setting 2-38 detailed information, retrieving 2-124, 2-125 NotificationAddressContainerVO NotificationAddressVO 2-146 retrieving 4-25 all 4-25 notification policy, executing notifyAllVtgMembers function notifyVtgMember function by search criterion 2-122 2-123 notifynotifyIncidentVtg function 2-63 associated with incident 2-48 notifyAllIncidentVtgMembers function 2-88 2-124 2-88 2-52 summary information, retrieving PhotoVO 2-87 4-29 policy 2-124 detailed information, retrieving executing O 2-91 2-49, 2-50 execution detailed information, retrieving ops view assigning to user summary information, retrieving 2-134 function execution, affect on retrieving 2-1 P 2-63 associated with user 2-89 detailed information 2-91 summary information users associated with participant removing from VTG PolicyActionVO 2-130 retrieving all, for incident 2-90 summary information, retrieving 4-26 2-77 2-91 retrieving all 2-67 PaginationContextVO 2-92 2-104 4-29 PolicyContainerVO PolicyDetailsVO 2-90 4-30 4-30 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-10 OL-30494-01 Index policy execution removeVtgFromVtg function retrieving removeVtgParticipants function detailed information 2-8, 2-92 summary information 2-91 status Favorite Contacts list, entry from reserveRadio function PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO PolicyExecutionStatusVO policy function reserving, radio 4-31 2-131 2-125, 2-131 adding to VTG 2-15, 2-17 associating with incident 4-32 retrieving, for incident ResourceContainerVO R radio incident 3-1 incident 2-23 user removing from VTG 2-60 2-70 2-69 VTG 2-128 2-71 by search criterion 2-125, 2-131 retrieving 2-51 detailed information 2-68 channel groups 2-64 associated with user by search criterion users associated with RadioContainerVO all 2-93 by search criterion 2-93 channel status 2-105 2-69 2-50 2-72 channel summary information 4-32 Cisco IPICS version 4-33 2-68 2-80 contact list 4-33 releaseRadio function 2-58 associated with VTG 2-53 detailed information RadioDetailsVO 2-59 associated with 2-25 2-40 reserving 4-34 all in channel group associating with user RadioVO REST-based all 2-94 associating users with user all 4-34 2-77 channel 2-95 deleting ResourceVO 2-128 retrieving 2-16 associated with VTG 2-24 disassociating from incident 4-32 adding to VTG 2-126 resource 4-31 3-3 PolicyTriggerVO 2-130 removing 2-91 PolicyVO 2-130 Private 2-125 removeChannelFromVtg function removeFromFavorite function removeRadioFromVtg function digit ID 2-126 2-127 2-98 2-73 digit password 2-73 Favorite Contacts list, entries 2-128 removeResourceFromIncident function removeUserFromVtg function dial preferences 2-126 removePhoneAssociatedToUser function 2-57 2-128 Global Contact list, entries 2-74 2-58 2-129 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-11 Index global media map information version execution detailed information 2-75 2-75 summary information IDC audio status profile incident 2-96 2-89 IDC users 2-90 Private Contact list entries 2-58 Private Contacts list email address 2-72 2-61, 2-76 phone number 2-72 all, with incident VTG status associated with user by search criterion resources 2-60 radio 2-78 all 2-52 2-77 incident 2-77 user VTG associated with incident 2-78 2-79 all associated with incident detailed information 2-82 all 2-81 summary information summary information 2-62 2-65 2-105 radio 2-105 VTG 2-106 by search criterion 2-62 2-97 direct connect number 2-98 notification preferences phones associated with user 2-86 photograph summary information system-generated ID 2-63 2-102 2-8, 2-95 2-101 user group associated with incident 2-88 2-52 detailed information summary information all 2-65 associated with VTG 2-88 by search criterion 2-87 policies associated with user 2-89 policy members 2-100 2-54 2-99 summary information user roles 2-63 detailed information 2-55 detailed information 2-85, 2-86 2-67 by search criterion 2-93 2-96 incident 2-82, 2-83, 2-84 multicast address, summary information all 2-53 associated with 2-81 location ops view 2-95 user address multicast address 2-93 detailed information journal location, all 2-94 by search criterion 2-79 user options all 2-64 associated with incident VTG options 2-91 summary information 2-84 participants 2-92 2-99 2-103 users associated with 2-91 channel 2-103 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-12 OL-30494-01 Index policy 2-104 setDialPreference function user status 2-107 setDigitId function video 2-135 setDigitPassword function all by search criterion setNotificationPreference function setUserAddress function 2-108 summary information VSOM cameras setVtgOptions function associated with incident VSOM cameras, detailed information VSOM server, information 2-109 creating VTG associated with user VTG starting session 2-143 2-143 4-35 2-112 T 2-113 status talkgroup/join function of options user options 3-4 talkgroup/leave function 2-113, 2-117 of participants 2-101 2-56 names of participants 3-6 terminating, SIP connection 2-114 2-122 2-118 role, affect on function execution 2-1 U S saveAssociatedCameraToIncident function savePmcProfile function 2-132 updateContact function 2-144 updateIncident function 2-145 updateLocation function updatePhoto function 2-132 searchAddressBook function 2-145 2-146 updatePrivateUser function 2-133 updateUserGroup function 1-7 updateVideo function session SessionVO 2-122 system-generated ID, retrieving 2-116 detailed information starting terminating StringVO by search criterion ending 2-121 StartSession function 2-115 2-142 SIP connection 2-111 2-66 2-141 2-141 setVtgUserOptions function 2-111 2-139 2-140 setUserListenerStatus function 2-110 2-138 2-139 setUserAudioStatus function 2-107 added in Cisco IPICS 2-137 setIncidentVtgUserOptions function 2-109 2-55 detailed information all 2-136 setIncidentVtgOptions function 2-66 associated with incident security 2-134 2-147 2-148 updateVirtualTalkGroup function 2-48 uploaddata function 2-143 2-148 3-8 user 4-34 setBelongingOpsViewForUser function 2-146 2-134 active 2-120 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-13 Index adding policy physical address to user group to VTG 2-139 by search criterion 2-19 roles of 2-106 phone with 2-22 UserContainerVO 2-23 UserDetailsVO 2-25 2-25 2-98, 2-135 2-73 all digit password 2-120 disabling 2-46 2-73 members 2-54 2-99 UserGroupContainerVO 2-127 UserGroupDetailsVO UserGroupVO 2-141 2-102, 2-139 ops view user roles, retrieving UserRoleVO 2-134 user status, retrieving retrieving 2-67 UserVO removing from VTG 4-36 4-37 2-103 2-107 4-38 2-86 policies associated with radios associated with 4-36 4-38 assigning phones associated with 2-99 4-37 UserRoleContainerVO notification preferences 2-89 2-93, 2-105 2-129 retrieving V value object AddressBookUserContainerVO address of user all 2-100 summary information 2-47 muting 2-65 by search criterion disassociating phone from enabling 2-32 associated with VTG 2-136 disabled 2-147 retrieving 2-135 setting 2-19 attributes, modifying creating retrieving 3-13 user group digit ID setting 4-35 adding user to dial preferences 2-115 4-35 userdirectory function 2-31 retrieving 2-141 VTGs associated with 2-22 with channel creating 2-107 unmuting channel with 2-8, 2-95 2-103 status of associating with radio 2-98 summary information 2-105 radio with 2-97 direct connect number associated with VTG 2-55 detailed information 2-19 incident 2-104 2-96 2-65 AddressBookUserDetailVO AddressBookUserVO associated with AddressVO 4-6 channel BooleanVO 4-7 2-103 4-4 4-5 4-6 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-14 OL-30494-01 Index ChannelConnectionContainerVO ChannelContainerVO ChannelDetailVO PhotoVO 4-8 ChannelGroupVO PolicyTriggerVO PolicyVO 4-13 RadioVO 4-14 IdcSessionContainerVO StringVO 4-16 IncidentVtgOptionsVO UserGroupVO UserVO 4-20 LocationVO VideoVO MediaConnectionAddressVO MediaConnectionVO 4-23 4-24 ncidentParticipantContainerVO NotificationAddressContainerVO PhoneContainerVO 4-26 4-25 4-26 4-26 4-39 4-40 VSOMCameraVO VSOMVO 4-17 4-25 4-41 4-42 4-42 4-43 VtgContainerVO 4-24 NotificationAddressVO 4-38 VSOMContainerVO 4-23 MulticastAddressContainerVO PaginationContextVO 4-38 VSOMCameraContainerVO 4-22 MediaConnectionContainerVO 4-37 4-38 VideoDetailsVO 4-22 4-22 MulticastAddressVO 4-37 VideoContainerVO 4-21 LocationContainerVO PhoneVO UserRoleVO 4-20 4-36 4-36 UserRoleContainerVO 4-20 JournalDetailsContainerVO JournalVO 4-35 UserGroupDetailsVO 4-19 4-20 JournalContainerVO 4-35 UserGroupContainerVO 4-18 IncidentVtgUserOptionsVO JournalDetailsVO 4-35 UserDetailsVO 4-18 IntegerVO 4-34 UserContainerVO 4-17 4-34 4-34 SessionVO 4-16 IncidentParticipantVO 4-33 4-33 ResourceVO 4-15 IncidentContainerVO 4-32 ResourceContainerVO 4-15 4-31 4-32 RadioDetailsVO GlobalMediaMapVO 4-31 4-32 RadioContainerVO 4-14 4-14 IncidentVO 4-30 PolicyExecutionStatusVO 4-12 4-12 IncidentDetailsVO 4-30 PolicyExecutionStatusContainerVO 4-11 DialAddressContainerVO IdcSessonVO 4-29 PolicyDetailsVO ContactInfoContainerVO ErrorVO 4-29 PolicyContainerVO 4-10 ClientDescriptorVO DialAddressVO 4-27 4-27 PolicyActionVO 4-10 4-11 ContactInfoVO PhotoContainerVO PhotoDetailsVO 4-7, 4-8 ChannelGroupContainerVO ChannelVO 4-7 4-43 VtgDetailContainerVO VtgDetailVO VtgOptionsVO 4-43 4-44 4-44 VtgParticipantContainerVO VtgParticipantVO VtgUserOptionsVO 4-45 4-45 4-46 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-15 Index VtgVO to VTG 4-47 video 2-21 user to adding to incident creating 2-32 deleting 2-40 VTG to 2-20, 2-21 attributes, modifying all 2-148 2-66 user 2-115 VTG 2-108 retrieving 2-116 attributes, modifying creating 2-66 associated with incident by search criterion VideoContainerVO VideoDetailsVO deleting 2-55 2-37 2-40, 2-41 detailed information, retrieving 2-107 2-112 dialing 4-38 4-39 4-40 all members 2-42 one member 2-44 virtual talk group disabled See VTG notifying VO See value object VSOM 2-120 all users 2-123 one user 2-124, 2-125 options cameras 2-141, 2-142 participant added in Cisco IPICS, retrieving associated with incident, retrieving detailed information about 2-110 2-111 2-109 VSOM camera names 2-113 status 2-114 patch, creating 2-34 radios associated with adding to incident VSOMCameraVO 4-41 4-42 VSOMContainerVO 4-42 VSOM server channel 2-111 2-130 participant 2-130 user VTG 2-128 2-129 VTG 4-43 2-126 from VTG radio information, retrieving 2-95 removing 2-13 VSOMCameraContainerVO VSOMVO 2-148 2-35 deactivating 2-109 summary information, retrieving VideoVO 2-21 associated with detailed information, retrieving all 2-19 2-130 retrieving activating active all 2-12 2-66 associated with user 2-120 adding by search criterion channel to radio to 2-12 2-16 resource to 2-115 2-56 channel groups associated with channels associated with 2-69 2-71 2-15, 2-17 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-16 OL-30494-01 Index participants in VTG 2-113 status status 2-114 2-117 user groups associated with 2-8, 2-100 status of options 2-117 retrieving 2-113 user options 2-118 users associated with 2-106 VTGs associated with VtgContainerVO 4-43 VtgDetailContainerVO VtgDetailVO 4-43 4-44 VtgOptionsVO 4-44 VtgParticipantContainerVO VtgParticipantVO 4-45 4-45 VtgUserOptionsVO VtgVO 2-116 4-46 4-47 W web services session ending starting 2-48 2-143 X XML schema, for REST-based API functions 3-1 Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 OL-30494-01 IN-17 Index Cisco IPICS API Reference Guide, Cisco IPICS Release 4.6 IN-18 OL-30494-01