The Constitution & By-laws of the Graduate Student Council of Claremont Graduate University © 2013, Graduate Student Council of Claremont Graduate University. All Rights Reserved. Printed in 2013 by the Graduate Student Council of Claremont Graduate University Claremont, California 91711 Table of Contents ARTICLE I. PREAMBLE 4 ARTICLE II. TITLE AND COMPOSITION 4 ARTICLE III. MISSION STATEMENT AND DIVERSITY POLICY 4 ARTICLE IV. THE STANDING MEMBERSHIP 4 SECTION 4.01 REPRESENTATIVES SECTION 4.02 SCHOOL AND AT-LARGE DELEGATES 4 5 ARTICLE V. THE EXECUTIVE CABINET 5 SECTION 5.02 SECTION 5.03 SECTION 5.04 SECTION 5.05 5 6 6 7 THE PRESIDENT THE VICE-PRESIDENT THE TREASURER THE SECRETARY ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES OF THE GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL 7 SECTION 6.01 SECTION 6.02 SECTION 6.03 SECTION 6.04 SECTION 6.05 7 7 8 8 8 AN ANNUAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE A BUDGET COMMITTEE A CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE A STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AD HOC COMMITTEES ARTICLE VII. QUORUM, MEETING PROCEDURES, AND ADVISORS 8 ARTICLE VIII. RECESS GOVERNANCE AND THE PREROGATIVE POWER 8 ARTICLE IX. APPORTIONMENT AND ELECTIONS 9 SECTION 9.01 SECTION 9.02 SECTION 9.03 SECTION 9.04 9 9 9 9 REPRESENTATIVES AND DELEGATES REPRESENTATIVES DELEGATES EXECUTIVE CABINET OFFICERS ARTICLE X. VACANCIES 10 SECTION 10.01 IN THE EVENT OF A VACANCY OF A REPRESENTATIVE SECTION 10.02 IN THE EVENT OF A VACANCY OF A DELEGATE SECTION 10.03 IN THE EVENT OF A VACANCY IN THE EXECUTIVE CABINET 10 10 10 ARTICLE XI. IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL 11 ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE 12 ARTICLE I. BY-LAWS 13 2 ARTICLE II. APPOINTMENTS 13 ARTICLE III. GSC STIPENDS 13 ARTICLE IV. GSC COUNCIL 13 SECTION 4.01 SECTION 4.02 SECTION 4.03 SECTION 4.04 SECTION 4.05 13 14 15 15 15 RULES OF ORDER OPERATING GUIDELINES INCIDENTAL POWERS OF THE COUNCIL FINANCES CLUB FUNDING ARTICLE V. COUNCIL COMMITTEES 15 SECTION 5.01 SECTION 5.02 SECTION 5.03 SECTION 5.04 SECTION 5.05 SECTION 5.06 SECTION 5.07 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 GENERAL GUIDELINE BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ANNUAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE SPECIAL PROJECTS COMMITTEES AD HOC COMMITTEE ARTICLE VI. ELECTION PROCEDURES 18 3 The Constitution of the Graduate Student Council Claremont Graduate University Ratified (2/12/2013) Article I. Preamble All Claremont Graduate University students by virtue of their registration at the Claremont Graduate University are members of the Claremont Graduate Student Body and are granted all the privileges of this Constitution. Article II. The Graduate Student Council ---Title and Composition Section 2.01 The organization established and governed by this constitution shall be referred to as the Graduate Student Council, hereafter referred to as the GSC or the Council. Section 2.02 The Graduate Student Council shall consist of two bodies (a) Executive Cabinet – These executive officers shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Treasure and a Secretary (b) Standing Membership – Representatives and Delegates as defined by this Constitution in Article IV Article III. Mission Statement and Diversity Policy Section 3.01 We the students of Claremont Graduate University in the belief that students have the privilege and duty to play a significant role in guiding their university, establish the GSC to 1) represent students’ perspectives and interests in the administration of the university, and 2) work toward the continued realization of excellence in graduate education for all students. Section 3.02 The GSC strives to create a campus environment that fosters the building of community among all students, faculty, and staff. The GSC does not discriminate on any condition including but not limited to: age, color, ethnicity, gender, national origin, ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or veteran status. The GSC is committed to the belief that all persons regardless of their individual characteristics are valued for their talents and contributions. Article IV. The Standing Membership The Standing Membership shall consist of: Section 4.01 Representatives who shall be: 4 (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. A representative shall only be unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article X. (b) Obligated to fulfill the following responsibility (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Attend meetings, and functions of the GSC. Vote on all measures consistent with Section 2 of this Article. Communicate with constituent groups to inform them of the GSC’s activities. Represent the interests of these constituent groups to the GSC. Serve on GSC committees as appointed by the GSC President. (c) Eligible for office by the following criteria. A Representative must: (i) Be currently enrolled at CGU as a student. (ii) Have not served as a reprehensive or delegate of the GSC for more than four years. Section 4.02 School and At-large Delegates who shall be: (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. A delegated shall only bee unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article XI. (b) Obligated to fulfill the following responsibility (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Attend meetings and functions of the GSC. Vote on all measures consistent with Section 2 of this Article. Communication with constituent groups to inform them of the GSC’s activities. Represent the interests of these constituent groups to the GSC. Serve on GSC committees as appointed by the President. (c) Eligible for office by the following criteria. A Delegate must: (i) Have not served in any capacity of the GSC for more than four years. Section 4.03 Representatives shall have voting authority over all matters before the GSC. Delegates are eligible to vote on all matters with the exceptions of Constitutional Amendments and Executive Cabinet Election ties. Article V. The Executive Cabinet Section 5.01 The Executive Cabinet shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. Section 5.02 The President shall be: (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The President shall only be unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article XI. (b) Empowered with the following authority. The President shall: (i) Preside at all meetings of the GSC. (ii) Set final approval of the agenda topics for GSC meetings. (iii) Appoint members to committees. 5 (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) Serve as the chief spokesperson for the GSC. Request, as necessary, reports from any member, officer, or committee of the GSC. Call special meetings of the GSC when necessary. Ensure that proper budgetary procedures are followed consistent with University and GSC policy. Serve on University Committees. Chair the Constitution Committee. Act in the best interests of the Standing Membership when their immediate approval cannot be obtained, subject to provisions of Article VIII. Possess those authorities incidental to the position of President as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. (c) Subject to term limits of no more than two consecutive academic years as President, and four years on the Executive Board. Section 5.03 The Vice-President shall be: (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The VicePresident shall only be unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article XI. (b) Empowered with the following authority. The Vice-President shall: (i) Preside at all meetings in absence of the President or when directed at the President’s request. (ii) Build community connections with student advocacy groups, student clubs, and other student organizations. (iii) Work with the Treasure to ensure the soundness of GSC finances and procedures. (iv) Assist the President in the execution of duties of the office. (v) Chair the Student Affairs Committee. (vi) Act in the best interests of the Standing Membership when their immediate approval cannot be obtained, subject to provisions of Article VIII. (vii) Possess those authorities incidental to the position of Vice-President as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. (viii) Subject to term limits of no more than two consecutive academic years as VicePresident, and four years on the Executive Board. Section 5.04 The Treasurer shall be (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The Treasurer shall only be unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article X. (b) Empowered with the following authority. The Treasurer shall: (i) Prepare a balanced budget, in concert with the President, to present to the Standing Membership for ratification at the beginning of each academic year. (ii) Prepare monthly financial reports of expenditures and income to present to the GSC for oversight. (iii) Notify the GSC of its financial status and incidental expenditures not included in the original budget at the next possible meeting for ratification. 6 (iv) Inform the GSC of the transfer of funds necessitated by the overruns of budget limits pending their approval. (v) Execute dispersal of expenditures of GSC funds consistent with University procedure, this Constitution, and the directives of the approved yearly budget. (vi) Chair the Budget Committee. (vii) Assist the President in the Execution of the duties of the office. (viii) Act in the best interests of the Standing Membership when their immediate approval cannot be obtained, subject to provisions of Article VIII. (ix) Possess those authorities incidental to the position of Treasurer as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. (c) Subject to term limits of no more than two consecutive academic years as Treasurer, and four years on the Executive Board. Section 5.05 The Secretary shall be: (a) Seated for a term of one year, from June 1st to May 31st of the following year. The Secretary shall only be unseated by impeachment and removal as outlined in Article XI. (b) Empowered with the following authority. The Secretary shall: (i) Prepare detailed minutes of all meetings of the Standing Membership and Executive Cabinet. (ii) Maintain a current roster with contact information and committee assignments of all members. (iii) Distribute documents relevant to the GSC’s operation to its members and committees. (iv) Conduct all correspondence in concert with the President’s function as chief spokesperson, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. (v) Notify members of meeting times and other notices at the direction of the President. (vi) Oversee all GSC electronic publicity. (vii) Maintain in conjunction with the Cabinet, GSC communication. (viii) Assist the President in the execution of the duties of the office. (ix) Act in the best interests of the Standing Membership when their immediate approval cannot be obtained, subject to provisions of Article VIII. (x) Possess those authorities incidental to the position of Secretary as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. (c) Subject to term limits of no more than two consecutive academic years as Secretary, and four years on the Executive Board. Article VI. Committees of the Graduate Student Council The GSC shall have committees that must include but are not limited to: Section 6.01 An Annual Projects Committee that shall (a) Handle all Student Advocacy issues. Section 6.02 A Budget Committee that shall 7 (a) Help the Treasurer and the President prepare the budget and disperse funds at their request. (b) Plan and execute the Travel Awards. (c) Approve expenditures up to $500 of unbudgeted expenses. (d) Advise the GSC on financial matters. Section 6.03 A Constitution Committee shall (a) Uphold the Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook and keep them up-to-date. (b) Plan and execute elections of the GSC. (c) Have an Election Project Director drawn from the Standing Membership, appointed by President, and approved by a majority vote of the Executive Cabinet. A person running for an Executive Cabinet position is ineligible to serve as the Election Project Director. Section 6.04 A Student Affairs Committee shall (a) Plan and execute social and academic events. Section 6.05 Ad hoc committees may be created as determined appropriate. Article VII. Quorum, Meeting Procedures, and Advisors Section 7.01 A quorum of the GSC shall consist of one-half of the seated members, plus one Section 7.02 The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall serve as the meeting procedure and organization handbook of the GSC, notwithstanding other provisions of this Constitution. Section 7.03 The current CGU Dean of Students will serve as advisor available for consultation on procedural matters and Constitutional interpretation. Article VIII. Recess Governance and the Prerogative Power Section 8.01 The Executive Cabinet shall have the authority to act while the GSC is in recess or adjourned on their behalf by the following procedure. (a) The President shall propose a course of action to the Executive Cabinet. A majority vote of these members is required. Minutes or other documentation shall be recorded. (b) This recess decision shall be reported to the GSC at the earliest opportunity, and at the next meeting shall be subject to ratification by majority prior to conducting other business. Section 8.02 The President may act alone only in those circumstances where the procedure outlined in Sections 1 of this article cannot be followed due to time constraints or inability to convene the Executive Cabinet. The President shall report in writing to the Council the reasons for the actions and shall be subject to immediate ratification of this exercise at the earliest possible time. Section 8.03 If the Council fails to ratify the President’s decisions made while in recess, they may consider impeachment and removal consistent with Article XI. 8 Article IX. Apportionment and Elections Section 9.01 Representatives and Delegates shall be apportioned by the following procedure: (a) Each School of the Claremont Graduate University shall two School Representatives upon their recognition by the University. (b) School delegates will be apportioned for every 100 FTE students, rounded to the nearest 100, as provided by CGU’s previous year’s fiscal budget. (c) Immediately following the Election of the Executive Cabinet, an updated Delegate apportionment plan shall be adopted as binding for the following academic year and published in the By-laws. Section 9.02 Representatives shall be seated by the following procedure: (a) Nominations for Representatives shall be opened by April 10th of an academic year at a regularly scheduled meeting and shall be submitted to the Elections Project Director. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, nominations shall be closed by simple majority vote of the GSC, and 250-word statements shall be presented for publication to the student body. (b) The list of nominees for School Representative shall be submitted to their respective school’s student advocacy organizations for review and/or sponsorship. (c) At the next publically announced meeting of the academic year the nomination period shall be closed by simple motion of the GSC. (d) Names will be published to the Student Body for popular voting with a 250-word candidate statement and notice of sponsorship if it is granted. (e) Voting for School Representatives shall be limited to their respective schools. (f) Popular Voting shall remain open for one week after which the Executive Cabinet shall accept the results of the election and notify candidates of the outcome. (g) Vacancies shall be filled consistent with Article X. Section 9.03 Delegates shall be seated by the following procedure: (a) Nominations for Delegate shall be opened at the first publicly announced meeting of the GSC and shall be submitted to the Elections Project Director. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, nominations shall be closed by simple majority vote of the GSC, and written statements of 250 words shall be presented for publication to the student body. (b) The list of nominees for Delegates shall be submitted to their respective school’s student advocacy organizations for review and/or sponsorship. (c) At the next publicly announced meeting of the academic year the nomination period shall be closed by simple motion of the GSC. (d) Names will be published to the Student Body for popular voting with a 250-word candidate statement and notice of sponsorship if it is granted. (e) Voting for Delegates shall be limited to their respective schools. (f) Popular Voting shall remain open for one week after which the Executive Cabinet shall accept the results of the election and notify candidates of the outcome. (g) Vacancies shall be filled consistent with Article X. Section 9.04 Executive Cabinet Officers 9 (a) Elections to fill the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be open to all students enrolled in CGU. (b) Voting will be available online to all students. (c) The votes shall be counted according to the Electoral College system in which the candidate with the most votes shall win all the votes in that Department. (d) The Electoral College shall be made of the 10 different Departments, which include the department of Arts & Humanities, Behavioral & Organizational Sciences, Botany, Community & Global Health, Drucker, Educational Studies, Information Systems & Technology, Math, Politics & Economics, and Religion. (e) Each Department shall be allotted two votes, not dependent on enrollment, and additional votes will be added for every 100 FTE students, rounded to the nearest 100, as provided by CGU’s previous year’s fiscal budget. (f) In cases of a tie within the Electoral College, the decision will be decided by a majority vote of the Executive Board and Representatives within the GSC. (g) Candidates for the President of the GSC must either attend 50% of the open GSC meetings for the previous academic year they are running for, or have served on the GSC for the previous academic year they are running for as an Executive Board member, Representative, or Delegate. (h) For election procedures refer to Article VI of the By-laws. (i) Vacancies shall be filled consistent with Article X. Article X. Vacancies Section 10.01 In the event of a vacancy of a Representative (a) A Delegate shall assume the duties and powers of the acting Representative at the appointment of the Executive Cabinet, pending majority vote of the Standing Membership. (b) If no Delegates are available, the Standing Membership at the next regular meeting shall appoint a nominee from the student body of the respective constituency. Section 10.02 In the event of a vacancy of a Delegate (a) Delegates shall be drawn from the student body of the respective school. The Standing Membership at the next regular meeting shall appoint the nominee. Section 10.03 In the event of vacancies in the Executive Cabinet (a) In the event of a vacancy of the President (i) The Vice President shall immediately assume the duties of the President and operate consistent with the procedure outlined in Section 3b of this Article, until such time as the vacancy is filled. (ii) This provision does not preclude the Vice President from candidacy for the vacancy, but the Election Project Director must preside over the election. (b) In the event of a vacancy of the Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary 10 (i) The President will appoint an interim Acting Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary to fulfill the duties of the vacant office. (ii) Nominations shall be opened at the next meeting to the Student Body and the Standing Membership shall vote on nominees at the following meeting. (c) Vacancies of the Executive Cabinet must be filled within two regular meetings of the GSC. Article XI. Impeachment and Removal Representatives, Delegates and Executive Cabinet members shall be impeached and removed by the following procedure Section 11.01 Impeachment Procedures (a) A Representative or Delegate may make a motion at any time during a regularly scheduled meeting to initiate this procedure. (b) Any CGU student not seated on the GSC with fifteen verified signatures from students may initiate proceedings upon its presentation at a regularly scheduled meeting. (c) A simple majority vote, after the presentation of the charges and brief debate shall initiate a formal investigation. Section 11.02 Investigation (a) The GSC shall have at least one week to gather information regarding the charges, and member under investigation shall prepare a written statement of defense. Section 11.03 Removal Procedures (a) At the next meeting following the impeachment and investigation of a member, after immediately coming to order and prior to any other business, debate shall be opened on the question of impeaching the accused member. (b) Voting shall be by secret ballot and the accused may remain in the room for the debate. (c) The accused member will be ineligible to vote on the removal motion. (d) At the conclusion of debate, a Representative, Delegate, or Executive Cabinet Member shall only be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the seated membership for a Representative or Delegate. (e) Vacancies shall be filled pursuant with Article X. Section 11.04 Representatives, Delegates, and Executive Cabinet members may also be removed by majority vote, if they have failed to fulfill their attendance obligations as specified in the Bylaws. Changes to the attendance policy shall take effect immediately after the Election of the Executive Cabinet and become binding for the following academic year. The GSC shall not arbitrarily change this policy during the term of a seated Executive Cabinet. Section 11.05 Representatives, Delegates, and Executive Cabinet members may voluntarily resign at any time for any reason. Resignations shall be submitted in writing to the President or Secretary of the GSC. 11 Article XII. Amendment Procedure This Constitution shall be subject to amendment in whole or in part by the following procedure: Section 12.01 The GSC shall be presented with proposed changes at a regularly scheduled meeting. By a simple majority vote, the GSC may approve proposed changes for publication to the student body. Section 12.02 After at least one week for public comment, at the next regularly scheduled meeting the published changes shall be brought before the GSC for final adoption. A threefourths majority vote is necessary to adopt changes and changes become effectual immediately on adoption. 12 The By-laws of Graduate Student Council Article I. General Guidelines Section 1.01 The graduate Student Council ("GSC" or "Council") shall serve the interests, and advocate on behalf of the students of Claremont Graduate University. Because the input and viewpoints of all members of the graduate population are important, the GSC shall make decisions by majority, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these By-Laws. Section 1.02 No Council member, acting in an official capacity, shall endorse or introduce any events or conduct any business unless authorized by the Council. Section 1.03 Any GSC funds that are utilized by the GSC program or service for advertisement shall be required to acknowledge GSC sponsorship of the event. Specifically, any reference to the GSC program or service in the advertisement must be prefaced with "GSC.” Article II. Appointments Section 2.01 All GSC officials, elected or appointed, attending any conference paid for by GSC funds shall attend all scheduled events. Officials shall additionally be required to present an informational report to the GSC Council regarding the events and information learned at the conference. The aforementioned presentations must be completed within two weeks of the representative(s) return to the University. Selection of all representatives for any conference paid for by GSC funds shall be determined by the executive officer overseeing the event. Section 2.02 Internal and external appointments will be made by the GSC President. These appointments include those deemed necessary and appropriate. Section 2.03 Any individual who serves in an official advisory capacity to any GSC program and service must, on an annual basis, be approved by a simple majority vote of the Council. Article III. GSC Stipends Section 3.01 All executive officers will receive an annual stipend in accordance with University policy. Section 3.02 Stipends may be withheld for lack of attendance, violation of GSC and University policy, and if removed from office. Section 3.03 The Council may vote with a 2/3 majority to remove an executive's stipend with the highest-ranking Executive Officer's approval. If it is the President, then the VP's approval is required. Article IV. GSC Council Section 4.01 Rules of Order 13 (a) The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the meetings are run in a fair and efficient manner. The voting members of the GSC may overrule any particular decision of the Secretary (or her/his designee) in this regard by a 2/3 vote. Section 4.02 Operating Guidelines (a) Meetings: The Council shall meet bimonthly during the regular academic year, unless otherwise announced. (b) Amending By-Laws: These by-laws governing the Council shall not be changed by actions of anybody other than the Council. Amendments to these by-laws require a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at the Council meeting where these amendments are considered. (c) Council Reports: By the first meeting of each month, each representative must be prepared to present an oral report to the council. The report should detail issues within their school/department. (d) Attendance: Attendance at all official meetings that have been posted is required. It is the sole decision of the Secretary whether the absence is excused or unexcused. (i) Action will be taken after the third unexcused absence. If charges are against the President, the Vice President must assume and carry out the duties of the Council. Upon a representative's fifth absence, automatic removal will take place. (ii) The offending Council member must be notified of all charges 24 hours in advance of the posted meeting. Rules of removal will be applicable per the Constitution (e) Public Notice of Meetings: The GSC Council will publicize its Council meetings on, but not limited to, the GSC Website. Any other ideas for advertising the Council meetings are encouraged, as long as the above requirements are met. (f) Executive Officer Vacancies: If there is a vacancy by an officer in the Council, a special election shall be held to fill the vacant officer position in the Council. (g) Representative Vacancies: If there is a vacancy by a representative at any time, the Constitution Committee may work in coordination with the academic program/department to recruit and appoint a student to replace the departing representative. (h) Recess Governance Council Members: (i) A minimum of three (3) Council Members shall serve on Recess Governance. (ii) The Recess Governance Council shall be able to conduct general operating procedures. (i) Absentee Voting: (i) A voting member of the council who cannot attend a vote can submit an absentee ballot in writing (physical or electronic copy) to the Secretary at anytime prior to the vote. The Secretary shall then count this vote in determining the outcome. (ii) An absentee vote should express the clear and specific intention of the member, as motions may be amended in session prior to voting. Interpretation of absentee ballots, including if they still pertain to an amended motion, is at the sole discretion of the Secretary. 14 (iii) Absent members do not benefit from deliberations that occur in session, therefore, judicious use of absentee voting is encouraged. The Executive Board may place measures on the agenda for which absentee votes shall not be accepted (only votes cast in session shall be counted). Section 4.03 Incidental Powers of the Council (i) All powers not explicitly described in the GSC Constitution, By-laws, or Handbook are reserved to the Council. (ii) The GSC Council shall be responsible for ratifying the GSC Budget, pursuant to the GSC Constitution. The budget shall be balanced. It shall pass by a simple majority vote and any changes thereto shall be carried out in identical fashion. Section 4.04 Finances (a) All monies appropriated by the GSC Council must be requisitioned through the GSC accounting process and approved by the President and Treasurer. (b) The President and Treasurer must approve all requisitions exceeding $500.00. In the President's absence, approval will follow the chain of command. Section 4.05 Club Funding (a) GSC may fund items or events that contribute to the functioning of a student club or organization within the framework of the organization's mission unless otherwise stated by the GSC Constitution and By-Laws. GSC Club Funding Guidelines or otherwise prohibited by applicable lay or policy funding shall be rendered in amounts deemed appropriate and necessary by the GSC Budget and Appropriations Committee and approved by the Council. (b) The GSC by a 2/3 vote may revoke previously allocated funds. Article V. Council Committees Section 5.01 General Guideline (a) The Council may establish committees to pursue specific goals of the Council, which shall be known as Standing Committees. (b) The Council shall have the following Standing Committees: (a) Budget Committee, (b) Constitution Committee, (c) Annual Projects Committee, and the (d) Student Affairs Committee. (c) All committees shall meet as needed. The chairs shall provide the Council with reports on a regular basis. (d) A member of the Executive Board shall chair standing Committees. (e) Each committee shall elect a Committee Director to aid the Committee Chair as needed and shall preside over meetings as requested or if the Committee Chair is absent. The Chairpersons of ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Council. Chairpersons or Committee Directors shall call and preside over all meetings. (f) Committees established by the Council must operate under the Council Constitution, ByLaws, and Handbook. 15 (g) Committees shall report on their activities to the Council on a regular basis, inform the officers of current developments, maintain pertinent documentation, and handle the responsibilities of distributing publicly or otherwise communicating with the graduate student body. Section 5.02 Budget Committee (a) The Budget Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the GSC maintains a balanced budget. (b) The Council at the first meeting of the fall semester shall appoint the Budget Committee. (c) The Budget Committee shall recommend to the Council a budget resolution before October 1 of the academic year. (d) The Council, before its adoption, may amend the budget resolution with a majority vote. After the budget has been adopted, the budget may be amended with a two-thirds concurrence. (e) The Budget Committee shall recommend to the Council expenditure levels of grants to CGU organizations. It shall also maintain accounts for the Council and receive and expend funds as authorized by the Council. The Committee is also charged with setting funding guidelines and priorities. (f) The Budget Committee shall plan and execute the Travel & Material Awards for the Council. (g) The Budget Committee shall keep a digital and hard copy of all current operating procedures for the Council to view, and shall ensure it is passed on to the next Chair of the Committee. (h) The Treasurer shall Chair the Budget Committee. Section 5.03 Constitution Committee (a) The Constitution Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all Constitutional, ByLaw, and Handbook obligations are met. (b) The Constitution Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and presenting to the Council all proposed amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Handbook. (c) The Constitution Committee shall elect a Council Justice from the Standing Membership serving on the committee to oversee the enforcement of the Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook. (d) The Council shall keep a Handbook with all relevant process, rules, and guidelines not included in the Constitution or By-laws. (i) The GSC Handbook shall be changed by a 2/3 vote of the Constitution Committee and the President. (ii) The Council and Committees shall abide by all of the process, rules, and guidelines within the Handbook. (e) The Constitution Committee shall keep a digital and hard copy of all current operating procedures for the Council to view, and shall ensure it is passed on to the next Chair of the Committee. 16 (f) The Constitution Committee shall be responsible for coordinating elections. The Committee shall have the responsibility for overseeing and publicizing the elections of the Council. (g) Election procedures are defined in Article VI of the By-Laws. Section 5.04 Student Affairs Committee (a) The Student Affairs Committee shall be responsible for coordinating all social functions sponsored by the Council and shall initiate functions that the Council deems to be beneficial to the student body. (b) The Student Affairs Committee shall supervise the running of the GSC House. The Committee will oversee the booking of the GSC House, ensure that it is stocked with needed supplies, and is open on a regular schedule which is posted on the GSC website. (c) The Student Affairs Committee shall be appointed by the Council. (d) The Student Affairs Committee shall keep a digital and hard copy of all current operating procedures for the Council to view, and shall ensure it is passed on to the next Chair of the Committee. Section 5.05 Annual Projects Committee (a) The Annual Projects Committee is responsible for coordination, updating and disseminating information to the general student body. (b) The Annual Projects Committee shall update the GSC Webpage regularly and publish a newsletter on a regular basis and any other official publications of the GSC. (c) The Annual Projects Committee shall consist of the Secretary and members that shall be appointed by the Council. In addition, a Webmaster may be chosen by the Board. The committee shall meet regularly at the call of the Secretary. (d) The Annual Projects Committee shall plan and execute annual projects that the Council approves by majority vote like Student Graduation Gifts, the Graduation Student Speaker Search, and Volunteer Competition. (e) The Annual Projects Committee shall keep a digital and hard copy of all current operating procedures for the Council to view, and shall ensure it is passed on to the next Chair of the Committee. Section 5.06 Special Projects Committees (a) The Council or Executive Board may form advisory committees to investigate specific subjects, and appoint students-at-large to serve on these committees. (b) Students-at-large who are appointed to serve on advisory committees of the Council do not have voting rights on the committees. (c) Among its members shall be at least one Council representative, who will chair the committee. Members may rotate from various schools and departments. (d) Aside from the Chairperson, other members may be either GSC members or students-atlarge appointed by the Council. (e) The committee may be disbanded by majority vote of the Council or Executive Board or upon completion of duties. 17 Section 5.07 Ad hoc Committee (a) The Council may establish ad hoc committees at any time by majority vote of the Council or Executive Board. Ad hoc committees shall have the same legitimacy of standing committees, but may be disbanded by majority vote of the Council or Executive Board or upon completion of duties. (b) The Council shall appoint members or students-at-large to internal Council and University committees. (c) All members are eligible to serve on the internal and external committees. (d) Members must communicate their interest in serving on an internal or external committee when a vacancy occurs. (e) Representatives to committees shall report to the Council on the activities of their Committee. Representative must attend all meetings of the Committee. (f) An Executive Officer will be assigned to oversee each Committee of the Council. The Committee chairperson will be expected to regularly report to the officer who is overseeing the Committee. The Executive Officer reserves the right to act as chairperson of the Committee if those duties are not being met by the acting chairperson. (g) Representatives who do not uphold their duties are subject to recall by majority vote of the Council or Executive Board. Article VI. General and Special Election Procedures for GSC Officers Section 6.01 The Annual Projects Committee Chair and Election Project Director shall preside over election proceedings. Section 6.02 The date, time, and location of the Executive Board election meeting shall be announced with the call for candidates, 60 days before the end of the Spring semester. Elections and the election meeting shall be held 30 days before the end of the Spring Semester. The call for candidates shall occur 30 days before the election (60 days before the end of the Spring semester). Section 6.03 The deadline for candidate paperwork is after 15 days after the call for candidates announcement deadline and at least 15 days before the election meeting is held. Campaigning will begin after the deadline for candidates. Section 6.04 Special Elections may be held as needed to fill officer vacancies. Special Elections shall be announced at least one week prior to election date. Section 6.05 All CGU students are eligible to run for office. Each candidate is required to submit a 250-word statement, a one-page resume, and a signed consent for to release a video recoding of the candidate and the documents to the student body. Candidates can withdraw from the race at any time. Section 6.06 The Election Project Director or Chair of the Constitution Committee shall be recused from the elections process if running for office. If necessary, the President may appoint an interim chairperson for the current election. Section 6.07 If multiple officer positions are being elected, the order shall be: President, then Vice President, then Secretary, and then Treasurer. 18 Section 6.08 An individual may be a candidate for more than one office; however, he or she may accept election to serve in only one officer role. Section 6.09 A candidate may withdraw his or her name from consideration at any time before voting occurs. Section 6.10 All candidates must be present at the election meeting. The Election Project Director according to the GSC Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook shall facilitate the meeting. Section 6.11 Each candidate shall speak for a maximum of 3 minutes, followed by a maximum of 3 minutes of questions and answers from the audience. No candidates for the same position may remain in the room during another candidate's speech, and must leave the room to prevent any unfair advantage, until the candidate gives their speech. Each candidate's speech and question and answer sections shall be recorded and made available online for only 48 hours to all CGU candidates by 11:59pm on the same day. Section 6.12 Candidates may put up fliers but have to stay within GSC and CGU regulations. Each flier shall be no larger than 8" x 11" and can only be placed on official bulletin boards in CGU buildings, excluding the library. Only one flier per bulletin board is allowed and candidates are limited to a total of 30 fliers. No fliers shall be defamatory. All promotional material must be removed 4 hours before the day of the election. No other material (signs, banners, etc.) shall be attached to or place on CGU property. Candidates must have all fliers officially approved by the GSC. Section 6.13 Voting will open at the same time the videos are posted. Must be posted by 11:59pm the day of the meeting and will remain open for 48 hours. Voting shall occur online and announced via email so all students may participate. When the polls close the Election Project Director and President must verify the results. Section 6.14 The Elections Project Director and President shall jointly count ballots and certify election results. If the President cannot serve in that capacity, another officer may serve in that role. Once the Elections Project Director and the President certify the outcome, the results are official. Section 6.15 The voting results shall be published within 24 hours after the polls close. The report shall include the total number of votes and the percentage of votes each candidate received. The results of the poll shall be kept for GSC records in electronic form and hard copy for at least one year. Section 6.16 In case a vacant position refer to Constitutional Article X 19