Charging Effects in Soft X-Ray Microscopy A. Ranck, K. Berens v. Rautenfeld, M. Fornefett, J. Friedrich, M. Pretorius, M. Schroeder, V. Wedemeier, J. Voss II. Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Hamburg, Germany E-mail: Abstract. We show how charging effects can be used as a contrast mechanism in X-ray microscopy. With the tunable discharging of the sample surface by X-ray produced electrons charging can be limited. Utilizing the charging effect in combination with different incident photon energies, dynamic effects occur which can be used to measure the attenuation length of the sample material within an absorption line. Techniques to image conducting structures buried under an insulating protective layer are discussed as well as to image lateral thickness homogeneities of insulating protective layers on top of a conducting substrate. Attention has to be paid when taking excitation spectra of insulators due to dynamic effects. 1 Charging Effects in Electron Microscopy and XPS Charging effects do occur if materials with low electrical conductivity are investigated with charged particles or particles leading to photoelectron emission. In electron microscopy charging effects are complex phenomena since positively and negatively charged zones can exist depending on the electron energy applied [1]. Non-conducting samples prepared for electron microscopy usually have to be evaporated with a thin, conducting coating and are investigated with low currents. These techniques lead to images with very good resolution, but it is difficult to gain information about the inner structure of a thick, insulating sample. In X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) non-conducting samples become positively charged due to escaping photoelectrons. During illumination the charge increases and further photoelelctrons are retracted by the sample. Since spectral structures would shift during the measurement and destroy the spectral information, also in XPS dynamic charging effects have to be avoided. Different techniques are used in order to reduce an existing charge. A flood gun can neutralize the surface but might not reach charges inside the sample produced by X-rays because of the different attenuation lengths of photons and electrons. Thin samples on a conducting substrate can be used in order to avoid charges in deeper areas. But in spite of this they might have a high potential gradient ∂V/∂z normal to the surface which can lead to photoelectron deflection or even ion migration [2]. 2 Charging Effects in Scanning X-Ray Microscopy 2.1 Experimental Setup The X-ray microscope at HASYLAB uses monochromatic radiation between 15 eV and 1500 eV. Two mirror objectives can be interchanged, a Schwarzschild objective III - 134 A. Ranck et al. working below 30 eV and producing a focus of about 100 nm diameter and an ellipsoidal mirror providing a lateral resolution of 1 µm in the full energy range. The sample is scanned inside a UHV chamber with a measured accuracy of 40 nm. The microscope works in a microspectroscopic as well as in a spectromicroscopic mode. This means, it is possible to gain spectroscopic information from single spots of focus size as well as to image the sample using any contrast mechanism visible in these spectra. In order to investigate dynamic effects like charging it is necessary to have well defined start and stop events of illumination. For this reason a computer controlled beamchopper has been implemented just in front of the entrance pinhole of the microscope as shown in Fig. 1. In single-switch mode it reaches up to 20 beam switches per second, in resonance mode more than 200 Hz can be achieved. The typical time constant for charging effects in our intensity range of about 108 to 109 photons per second turned out to be in the order of seconds. Thus the achieved time between a fully closed beam cross-section and a fully opened cross-section of about 10 - 250 µs dependeing on the pinhole size is short enough. Fig. 1. Setup of the X-ray microscope for detection of charging effects The charging process is observed using the photoelectron signal of a time-of-flight detector. By this way electrons of all energies are detected simultaneously and with a high, constant efficiency. In most cases the charging process is observed by detecting all electrons moving into the opening angle Ω of the detector (total electron yield signal without light peak). By selecting a section of the time spectrum images can be taken using only photoelectrons of certain energies. This can lead to strong contrast variations in the images. Even the light peak produced by scattered X-rays can be used as an imaging contrast showing topographic structures of the sample. An overview of Charging Effects in Soft X-Ray Microscopy III - 135 the experimental setup is given in Fig. 1; further details are described in our publication [3] of this volume. Photons of the incident beam hit the entrance aperture of the X-ray objective and produce a cloud of photoelectrons. These electrons are attracted by a charged sample, discharging ist surface. Therefore the objective has been installed electrically insulated and can be set to a potential VObj. In addition a metal shielding of the optics is implemented. Most of these electrons can be retracted by applying a potential of about 10 to 30 V without disturbing the measurement. Potentials below 10 V allow some electrons to reach the sample surface. Thus the charging process of an insulator can be limited and artifacts due to electrons being deflected by high potential gradients can be avoided. Compared to a flood gun this method has the advantage that charging and discharging processes are coupled, thus an overcompensation during a break of illumination can be avoided. Still it must be kept in mind, that according to [2] only surface charges can be neutralized whereas buried charges might remain, leading to internal potential gradients. 2.2 The Charging Effect A sample is placed in the focal plane of the objective. At a time t0 the beamchopper is opened and photoelectrons are detected without moving the sample. As can be seen in Fig. 2 in case of a grounded, conducting sample the signal stays constant, whereas in case of an insulator the signal decays to zero level if Vobj is set to an appropriate potential. A bad conductor would produce a signal in between the two curves ending up in a constant level above zero due to internal currents. Thus the time dependency of the signal depends on the conductivity of the sample, the photon intensity and energy. An image of a sample consisting of these two compounds would have a low contrast if taken during the first illumination of the sample and a much better contrast if taken after an illumination of several seconds (assuming equal electron yields at t0). However, if conducting parts of the sample are not connected with ground level they also become charged. But in many cases Fig. 2. Measured photoelectron yield Fig. 3. Photoelectron image of aluminum islands on a glass substrate. Some islands are grounded, others have a week or even no electrical contact to ground level. The dark lines and the dark area in the upper middle show the glass surface III - 136 A. Ranck et al. these conducting areas are much larger than the focus size, so they still can be discharged by electrons originating from the X-ray objective as described above, a flood gun or by leak currents through the sample. The image in Fig. 3 shows a part of an old mirror (Al on a glass substrate) with a corroded surface. The dark lines show areas where the aluminium has vanished, the bright fields show grounded aluminium areas, whereas the darker fields show aluminium islands not grounded or in bad Fig. 4. Simplified illustration of measucontact with ground leven and thus getting red data charged. The same principal can be applied e.g. for testing chip architectures which will be done in future. Instead of grounding a conducting structure different potentials can be applied to control the contrast between the areas to be observed. 2.3 Sample Discharging An insulating sample is irradiated beginning at time t0 and irradiated until an equilibrium state is reached. If discharging is allowed, the photoelectron signal decreases to an equilibrium level above zero. This level characterizes the discharge current. At t1 the beamchopper is closed and the monochromator driven from energy E1 to E2. Both energies should be close enough to each other in order to gain similar photon intensities. At t2 the beamchopper is opened again. The signals observed are shown in Fig. 4: a) If E1= E2 (break of illumination) the total electron yields at t1 and t2 are equal. Since the sample is a non-conductor the charge does not change during a break of illumination. b) If the attenuation lengths d of E1 and E2 are similar also no effect is visible. c) If d(E2) < d(E1) the signal again starts from a high level and decreases approximately to the old equilibrium state. An additional charging process occurred due to a higher absorption coefficient in the surface. d) If d(E2) > d(E1) the signal starts from a lower level and increases approximately to the old equilibrium state. This means, a discharging process occurred in the surface. The described effects can be used e.g. to measure the attenuation length of the sample material within an absorption line. The next step will be to measure samples having a non-conducting layer on top of a conducting substrate. If the thickness s of the top layer is chosen in a way that d(E1)<s<d(E2) or d(E1)>s>d(E2), it should be possible to measure time dependencies due to an internal discharging process. If the attenuation length is large enough to reach the conducting structure, a photo current should occur. If the attenuation length is well known, the thickness of the nonconducting layer might be measurable. In this case the contrast mechanism can be Charging Effects in Soft X-Ray Microscopy III - 137 used to image the lateral thickness homogeneity of an insulating layer. On the other hand it should be possible to image a conducting structure buried under an insulating (protective) layer, which can not be achieved by electron microscopy. Charging effects also become important if excitation spectra are taken by varying the incident photon energy. Due to the charging and discharging effects, spectra taken with different times per bin (different dE/dt) do look different. Only spectra taken slow enough to keep the charge equilibrium yield reproducible information. 3 Conclusions Insulators are interesting objects to be investigated by a soft X-ray scanning microscope. Utilizing the charging effect as a contrast mechanism it is possible to image zones of different electrical potentials or conductivities which might be interesting for testing chip architectures. With the tunable discharging of the sample surface by X-ray produced electrons, the amount of charges can be limited and thus artifacts avoided. We have shown how the discharging effect can be used to measure attenuation lengths of a material utilizing different photon energies. By applying the discharging effect as a contrast mechanism it seems to be possible to image the lateral thickness homogeneity of an insulating layer on top of a conducting substrate. It also seems to be possible to image conducting structures buried under a thin, nonconducting protective layer. If excitation spectra of insulators are taken, dynamic effects have to be avoided by long enough bin times (small dE/dt) in order to gain reproducible information. Acknowledgments This project is supported by the German Minister of Education and Research (BMBF) under contract number 05644GUA 9. References 1 L. Reimer: Scanning Electron Microscopy, Springer Series in Optical Sciences Vol. 45, 119, Springer Verlag (1985). 2 J. Cazaux, P. Lehuede: J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 59, 49–71 (1992). 3 J. Voss, K. Berens v. Rautenfeld, M. Fornefett, J. Friedrich, C. Kunz, M. Pretorius, A. Ranck, M. Schroeder, V. Wedemeier: X-ray Microscopy V, Proceedings of the Conference XRM 96 (this volume).