Debris-Free Liquid-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Sources for Microscopy and Lithography H. M. Hertz, L. Rymell, M. Berglund, L. Malmqvist Dept. of Physics, Lund Inst. of Technol., P.O. Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden E-mail: Abstract. We review the development of compact laser-plasma soft X-ray sources based on microscopic liquid drops or jets as target. It is shown that such sources provides debris-free, high-brightness, narrow-bandwidth operation at water-window wavelengths, making them suitable as compact sources for soft X-ray microscopy. Application of the method for proximity and projection lithography is also reviewed. 1 Introduction High-brightness soft X-ray sources have applications in many fields, e.g., microscopy, lithography or surface science. Large facilities such as synchrotron sources provide high average power. However, many applications would benefit from table-top sources having high peak power and reasonable repetition rate. This is particularly true for Xray microscopy, where the development of a compact instrument would greatly increase the accessibility to this technology and therefore can be foreseen to have a significant impact on the development of X-ray microscopy applications. Such compact sources include laser plasmas and pinch plasmas [1]. Laser plasmas are attractive table-top soft X-ray sources due to their small size, high brightness, high spatial stability and potentially high repetition rate. This source has been developed for microscopy [1, 2, 3] and lithography [4]. With conventional metal targets, conversion efficiencies of several tens of per cent may be reached with laser intensities of ∼1014 W/cm2 [5]. However, the conventional LPP solid target produces debris which may destroy or coat sensitive X-ray components, such as masks, multilayer optics or zone plates, positioned close to the plasma. Unfortunately, increasing the distance or introducing filters in order to protect the components result in a significantly reduced X-ray flux. In this paper we review the use of microscopic liquid droplets or jets as target for table-top laser-plasma X-ray generation. This target reduces debris production several orders of magnitude compared to conventional targets, thus increasing the effective photon flux a few orders of magnitude since smaller source-component distances may be employed. Furthermore, it provides narrow bandwidth radiation making it suitable for zone-plate or multilayer optics imaging, allows nearly 4π steradian geometric access, provides fresh target material for full-day operation without interrupts and allows high-repetition-rate lasers to be used. X-Ray Microscopy and Spectromicroscopy Eds.: J. Thieme, G. Schmahl, D. Rudolph, E. Umbach © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998 V-4 H. M. Hertz et al. 2 Hydrodynamics of Continuous Liquid Jets For the work described in this paper it is essential to be able to generate microscopic liquid jets or droplets with high spatial stability. The continuous liquid jet provide such a drop-production method. The hydrodynamics of such jets in vacuum is discussed in Ref. 6 and summarized below. Drop formation point Nozzle orifice d L λm Fig. 1. Drop-formation process in continuous liquid jets. When a liquid is forced through a nozzle, a liquid jet is formed (cf. Fig. 1). The jet eventually spontaneously breaks up in a train of droplets. By applying a piezoelectric vibration approximately at the mechanical resonance frequency of the nozzle, spatially stable drop generation can be achieved. The break-up distance, L, to the dropformation point is ρ ⋅ d 3 3ηd L = 12 ⋅ v + (1) , σ σ where v is the jet velocity, d is the jet diameter, ρ is the density, σ is the surface tension and η is the viscosity of the liquid. With simple liquids like ethanol or water in our nozzles, Eq. (1) results in break-up distances of a few mm. However, as will be evident below, in many cases liquids with more complicated hydrodynamic properties must be used in order to achieve the necessary elemental composition for a desired spectral emission. Thus, stable droplet formation in liquids, including solutions, having different hydrodynamic properties must be achieved. In particular, the surface tension must be sufficiently large to allow spontaneous break-up of the liquid jet into a train of droplets according to Eq. (1). Break-up distances longer than a few centimeters are not acceptable since the spatial stability of the jet and the droplets further away from the nozzle exit tends to decrease, resulting in unstable plasma formation. For such liquids, the liquid-jet method discussed in Sect. 6.2. is useful. In addition to the surface tension, the viscosity of the liquid must be sufficiently large to form a stable jet. For our liquids, this corresponds to a maximum Reynolds number Re of ∼1000. Here ρ v0 d , (2) Re = η where v0 is the jet exit velocity. Debris-Free Liquid-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Sources V-5 3 Droplet-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Source The principal experimental arrangement for the droplet-target laser-plasma soft X-ray source is shown in Fig. 2. It is described in detail in several publications [7]. For the demonstration of basic source characteristics, ethanol is used as target liquid. 10– 15 µm droplets are produced inside an ~10-4 mbar pressure vacuum tank by an ∼1 MHz vibrating capillary glass nozzle. In the first arrangement, the beam from a frequency-doubled, modelocked, 70 mJ/pulse, 100 ps, 10 Hz Nd:YAG laser was focused on the droplets with a FWHM focal spot diameter of approximately 12 µm. The high spatial stability of the continuous-liquid-jet drop-generation method used here allows each laser pulse to hit a single droplet with high (a few µm) accuracy. This stability is essential for the efficient use of the target material and in order to reduce shot-to-shot fluctuations in the soft X-ray emission. Furthermore, it allows the generation of small droplets (10-15 µm), which is important in order to reduce debris emission [8]. The emission spectrum is characterized with a 1 m grazing incidence monochromator equipped with a CsI coated electron-multiplier detector. The waterwindow emission is dominated by C V, C VI (λ≈2.8-4.0 nm) O VII, and O VIII (λ≈1.5-2.2 nm) line emission, as shown in Fig. 3. Depending on the laser parameters, the source diameter is typically 10-20 µm, as determined by a pinhole camera to. Flux measurements are discussed in the next section. Fig. 2. Experimental arrangement for droplet-target laser-plasma X-ray generation. V-6 H. M. Hertz et al. Fig. 3. Water-window spectrum from ethanol-droplet target. 4 Prepulse Enhancement of X-Ray Emission and Brightness The emitted X-ray flux is measured with a GaAsP X-ray diode covered by suitable free-standing thin-film metal filters. We have recently improved the emitted X-ray flux as well as the brightness by the use of a small UV prepulse [9]. The UV prepulse is generated by frequency conversion of residual IR laser light and hits the droplet target a few ns before the main visible pulse. Detailed measurements of source size and water-window photon flux as a function of prepulse delay and energy were performed. Due to the prepulse, the brightness is increased approximately a factor 2 and the photon flux approximately a factor 8 compared to when no prepulse is in use. The effect on the photon flux is shown in Fig. 4. With this method the conversion efficiency of a 65 mJ visible green main pulse and 3 mJ UV prepulse is approximately 4% to the 1s-2p C VI line at λ=3.37 nm, corresponding to >3⋅1012 photons/ (sr⋅line⋅pulse). X-ray flux 12 (ph/(sr·line·pulse)·10 ) 4 ∆t=7.5 ns 3 ∆t=5 ns 2 ∆t= 3 ns ∆t=2 ns 1 0 0 1 2 3 Prepulse energy (mJ) Fig. 4. Enhancement of X-ray flux as a function of UV prepulse energy and time delay. Debris-Free Liquid-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Sources V-7 5 X-Ray Microscopy X-ray microscopy allows high-resolution imaging of samples in their natural wet environment with high resolution. Natural contrast for carbon-containing objects is provided in the water window (λ=2.3–4.4 nm). 5.1 Single-Line Source for Microscopy Due to their lower attenuation in water, the N VII and N VI lines at λ= 2.5 and 2.9 nm are often better suited for microscopy than the carbon lines at λ=3.4–4.0 nm. Furthermore, quasi-monochromatic, narrow-bandwidth, single-line emission with low continuum background is important for high-contrast imaging with zone plates due to their chromatic aberration. Figure 5 shows the emission spectrum from such a source using ammonium hydroxide droplets as target and 600 nm Ti filters [10]. The unfiltered flux is ∼1⋅1012 photons/(sr⋅line⋅pulse) and the bandwidth has experimentally been determined to λ/∆λ≥450 [11]. The debris is reduced more than 2 orders of magnitude compared to the ethanol target, making the source "debris-free". Also in Ref. 10, we show that the droplet target method can be extended to solid substances by dissolving them in a suitable liquid. This extends the range of accessible wavelengths and allows spectral tailoring of the emission. Fig. 5. Single-line narrow-bandwidth N VI emission from titanium-filtered ammoniumhydroxide target. 5.2 Development Towards a Laser-Plasma Table-Top X-Ray Microscope In collaboration with Forschungseinrichtung Röntgenphysik, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, we have attempted employing the single-line source for table-top microscopy. The source is then combined with the microscope originally developed for a pinch plasma source [12]. However, this microscope is based on a elliptical condenser mirror. Due to the strong coma in this mirror, the alignment of our very small source is difficult. To circumvent this problem we will take advantage of the large geometrical access of the droplet-plasma source and combine it with normalincidence multilayer-coated spherical optics according to Fig. 6. The mirror is manu- V-8 H. M. Hertz et al. factured by Osmic [13]. Such mirrors have the advantage that they automatically suppress all but the selected spectral line. Raytracing shows that a 25 µm spot in the object plane can be obtained. Assuming 1.5% reflectivity and that filters absorb 50%, the X-ray intensity in the object plane has been calculated to 1.5⋅106 ph./µm2⋅ pulse⋅spectral line. Thus, typically a few hundred pulses will be needed for goodquality imaging. This corresponds to an exposure time of a few tens of seconds with the current 10 Hz laser system. Object plane Source Multilayer mirror Fig. 6. Normal-incidence multilayer condenser mirror for microscopy applications. 6 X-Ray Lithography By using soft X-ray (λ≈1-2 nm) or EUV (λ≈13 nm) radiation instead of visible or UV light for lithography, the packing density of integrated circuits can be significantly increased. Previous development has primarily relied on synchrotron radiation sources. It is of vital interest for the spread as well economy of this development that compact, granular sources can be utilized. 6.1 Proximity Lithography with Liquid-Target Source We have developed a source based on F IX and F VIII ion emission from a liquid fluorocarbon target [14]. The source emits ∼2⋅1012 photons/(sr⋅line⋅pulse) into the λ≈ 1.2–1.7 nm wavelength window suitable for proximity lithography. Experiments using a chemically enhanced resist produces high-aspect ratio sub-100 nm structures, as shown in Fig. 7 [15]. The exposure time is currently 20 minutes. With higher-repetition-rate lasers, exposure times less than a minute are feasible. Debris-Free Liquid-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Sources V-9 Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of high-aspect-ratio structures fabricated by table-top X-ray lithography. 6.2 Liquid-Jet Method For many liquids, stable drop-formation is difficult to achieve. This is particularly true for liquids with low surface tension, which results in drop-formation far from the nozzle orifice (cf. Eq. (1)) making the stability low. The fluorocarbon liquids discussed in Sect. 6.1 do show such problems. For these and similar liquids we have developed the “liquid-jet”-target [16]. Here the laser is focused onto the liquid jet before it breaks up into droplets (cf. Fig. 1). This has several advantages, of which increased X-ray stability and the lack of need for temporal synchronization between the laser and the droplets, are the most important. It is interesting that the debris emission is equally low and the X-ray flux is equally high as with the droplet target. 6.3 Source for EUV Projection Lithography For EUV projection lithography in the λ=10–15 nm range, the emission from oxygen ions contains several suitable lines. Using an 8 ns frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser and water/methanol droplets we obtained ∼4⋅1012 photons/(sr⋅line⋅pulse) at the 2p-4d O VI line at λ=13.0 nm [17]. 7 Summary of Source Characteristics The continuous-liquid-jet target provides several attractive features for a compact X-ray source: V - 10 H. M. Hertz et al. 7.1 Granular Source The X-ray source is truly table-top with a typical foot-print of less than 1×2 m2. The compact size and granular nature makes it suitable for many X-ray applications in the normal-scale research and development laboratory. 7.2 Debris Debris emission from conventional targets may damage and coat fragile soft-X-ray optics positioned close to the plasma. We have shown that the ionic and atomic debris emission from ethanol-droplet target is reduced by more than 3 orders of magnitude compared to low-debris tape targets of plastic with approximately the same elemental contents as the ethanol [8]. The quantitative measurements resulted in a debris emission of 5 pg/sr⋅pulse. Thin (100 nm) freestanding Al films positioned close (30 mm) from the plasma show no new pinholes after several hours of 10 Hz plasma operation, indicating that larger fragments are not emitted from the droplet plasma. The low debris emission is probably due to that the full droplet is ionized and that there is no target material in the low-intensity radial wings of the laser beam. Using target liquids with solely gaseous compounds, the debris emission is not detectable within the accuracy of our measurement system. It is reduced by more than 2 orders of magnitude compared to the ethanol droplet target to <0.01 pg/sr⋅pulse, making the source debris-free for practical purposes [10]. Table 1 summarizes our quantitative debris measurements. Table 1. Summary of quantitative debris deposition measurements. Target type Thin-film plastic tape Ethanol Urea solution Ammonium hydroxide Fluorocarbon Debris emission (pg/sr.⋅pulse) 5000 5 10 <0.01 70 Ref 7 7, 8 10 10 12 7.3 High Repetition Rate The continuous flow of target material allows high-repetition-rate lasers, or several lasers in parallel, to be used. Conventional target systems do not allow sufficient advance speeds to provide fresh target area at proper rates. Thus, the liquid-jet or droplet target in combination with the high-repetition-rate (up to 1000 Hz) lasers currently being developed opens up the possibilities for a high-average-power X-ray source. Debris-Free Liquid-Target Laser-Plasma X-Ray Sources V - 11 7.4 Operating Time With conventional targets, frequent disruptive interrupts are necessary in order to change the target when the target material comes to an end. This is especially true for high-repetition-rate operation (100-1000 Hz) where even very long tape targets (km) allows only minutes to hours of operation [18]. With the microscopic liquid jet, the operating time is only limited by the volume of the target liquid’s container. With typical flow-rates of 10 ml/hour, it is clear the operating time between interrupts can be made very long. Currently we run for full days but indefinite operating time should in principle be possible. 7.5 Tailored Spectral Emission The continuous liquid jet method allows stable droplet generation for a wide range of liquids or solutions. Thus, the target liquid may be chosen to spectrally tailor the emitted laser-plasma X-ray radiation. We have published results on ethanol [7], ammonium hydroxide [10], urea/water [10], fluorocarbon [14] and water/methanol [6,17] and have unpublished work on several other liquids. The liquid-jet method will further extend the range of suitable target liquids [16]. 7.6 Flux and Conversion Efficiency The emitted photon flux has been discussed above. With the prepulse arrangement we have obtained 10% conversion efficiency into the water-window [9]. The fluorocarbon source currently has 4–5% conversion efficiency to the λ≈1.2–1.7 nm range [14]. In neither case we have tried to maximize the conversion efficiency so higher numbers can probably be obtained. 7.7 Plasma Size and Brightness The size of the X-ray emitting plasma may be tuned from ∼10 µm and up by the use of different prepulse parameters or laser pulse widths [9]. This is important for achieving suitable penumbral blur in proximity lithography. In microscopy, the plasma size may be adjusted for maximum useful source brightness, for, e.g., the given condenser optics. 7.8 Spatial Stability We have measured the spatial stability of the operating plasma source to ± a few µm with a pinhole camera. This stability is important in many X-ray applications where even a slight movement of the source results in a significant loss of photon flux, e.g., when optics with high aberrations are used. 7.9 Uniformity and Geometric Access The X-ray emission has been found to be close to uniform. The uniformity in combination with the nearly 4π sr geometric access allows, e.g., multiple exposure stations V - 12 H. M. Hertz et al. for lithography to be used simultaneously. Also, plasma diagnostic equipment can be operated in parallel with the main application. 7.10 Target Material Cost Even for expensive liquids such as the fluorocarbon, the target material cost is estimated to $10-7/shot [14]. For common liquids such as ethanol, water, ammonium hydroxide etc., this number reduces several orders of magnitude. Since there is no need for preparation of the target (e.g., mechanical forming or polishing), the total target cost is very low. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge Terje Rye, Siemens-Elema, for providing us with nozzles, A. Bogdanov and L. Montelius for fruitful collaboration on the lithography project, T. Wilhein for the line-width measurements, and J. Thieme, B. Niemann and T. Wilhein for cooperation on the microscopy project. This work was financed by the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences, Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Swedish Board for Industrial and Technical Development and the Wallenberg Foundation. References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 See, e.g., W. Neff, D. Rothweiler, K. Eidmann, R. Lebert, F. Richter, and G. Winhart, in Applications of Laser Plasma Radiation, Ed. M. C. Richardsson, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, SPIE Vol. 2015 (Bellingham, Washington, 1994) p. 32. See, e.g., several papers in X-Ray Microscopy IV, eds. V. V. Aristov and A. I. Erko, p. 381 (Bogorodskii Pechatnik Publishers, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 1994). 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