Vitamin D and the Cardiovascular System: Hype or Hope? • A Grassroots Health Consortium of Scientists, Institutions and Individuals Committed to Solving the Worldwide Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic • Support efforts to “… raise people’s vitamin D blood levels to the healthy range of 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L) and maintain them in that range year around.” “In view of our findings, there is little justification for prescribing vitamin D supplements to prevent myocardial infarction, or ischaemic heart disease, cancer, or fractures, or to reduce the risk of death in unselected community-dwelling individuals. Bolland MJ et al The effect of vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: a trial sequential meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2:307, 2014 “In view of our findings, there is little justification for prescribing vitamin D supplements to prevent myocardial infarction, or ischaemic heart disease, cancer, or fractures, or to reduce the risk of death in unselected community-dwelling individuals. Individuals and funding bodies should consider the probable futility of undertaking similar trials of vitamin D to investigate any of these endpoints.” Bolland MJ et al The effect of vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: a trial sequential meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2:307, 2014 Calcium-PTH-Vitamin D Axis NON-CLASSICAL TARGETS OF VITAMIN D Cardiovascular Cardiac myocytes Fibroblasts Endothelial Cells Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Immune Dendritic Cells Macrophage Lymphocytes VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart VDR IN CARDIAC CELLS DAPI a actinin VDR MERGE DAPI vimentin VDR MERGE Myocyte Fibroblast Chen, S, Glenn, D et al Hypertension 52: 1106, 2008 VDR IN CARDIAC CELLS Chen, S, Glenn, D et al Hypertension 52: 1106, 2008 VDR IN RAT HEART Chen, S, Glenn, D et al Hypertension, 52: 1106, 2008 VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes EFFECT OF VD ON MYOCYTE SIZE SAMPLE RELATIVE CELL SIZE CONTROL 100 +/- 12 VITAMIN D (10-8 M) 98 +/- 8 ENDOTHELIN (10-7 M) 270 +/- 30* VITAMIN D (10-8 M) + 120 +/- 14** ENDOTHELIN (10-7 M) Wu, J. et al JCI 97: 1577, 1996 VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes • VDR activators have been shown to inhibit hypertrophy in a number of rodent models EFFECT OF PARICALCITOL ON ANG IIDEPENDENT MYOCYTE HYPERTROPHY AII+PC AII 6 LVW/BW (mg/g) C C 300 150 100 50 0 C AII AII+PC LVW/BW (mg/g) ) 2 Area (uM ** ## ** 3 2 1 C 6 ## 200 4 0 ** 250 ** 5 AII ** 5 AII+PC ** 4 3 2 1 0 C AII AII+PC Chen S and Gardner DG J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 136:150,2013 VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes • VDR activators have been shown to inhibit hypertrophy in a number of rodent models • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in rats VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes • VDR activators have been shown to inhibit hypertrophy in a number of rodent models • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in rats • VDR gene deletion in mice leads to hyper-reninemic hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy VDR-/- Mice Develop Hypertension WT (white bars) vs. VDR–/– (black bars) Li, YC et al, JCI. 2002 Hearts in VDR-/- Mice Are Hypertrophied Xiang W et al. AJP. 2005 STRATEGY FOR CARDIAC-SPECIFIC DELETION loxP loxP exon4 FRT FRT NeoR exon5 Germline Excise NeoR with Flpe VDRloxP/+ Sox2-Cre VDRloxP/loxP VDR+/- Sox2-Cre VDR-/- VDRloxP/- × MLC-Cre Cardiac-specific VDR deletion HISTOLOGY OF CONTROL AND CARDIAC SELECTIVE VDR KO MICE INFUSED WITH ISOPROTERENOL Control Control + Isoproterenol Myocyte(-/-) Myocyte(-/-) + Isoproterenol 1.25× Magnification 20× Magnification Chen S et al Circulation 124: 1838, 2011 CARDIAC MYOCYTE SPECIFIC VDR DELETION CAUSES CARDIAC HYPERTROPHY Chen S et al Circulation 124: 1838, 2011 INCREASED MYOCYTE AREA IN CARDIAC SELECTIVE VDR GENE KNOCKOUT Chen S et al Circulation 124: 1838, 2011 VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes • VDR activators have been shown to inhibit hypertrophy in a number of rodent models • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in rats • VDR gene deletion in mice leads to hyper-reninemic hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy • Cardiac myocyte-specific deletion of the VDR gene leads to myocyte hypertrophy without cardiac fibrosis. VITAMIN D – CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY CLINICAL CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH LOW CIRCULATING 25-OH VITAMIN D LEVELS • • • • • Hypertension Ischemic Heart Disease Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Diabetes Mellitus RELATIONSHIP OF MEAN BP AND DISTANCE NORTH OR SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR Rostand S G Hypertension. 1997;30:150156 Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. PREVALENCE OF HBP AND DISTANCE NORTH OR SOUTH OF EQUATOR Rostand S G Hypertension. 1997;30:150-156 Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. BLOOD 25-HYDROXYVITAMIN D CONCENTRATION AND HYPERTENSION: A META-ANALYSIS Burgaz A et al J Hypertension 29:636, 2011 © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 2 PLASMA 25 OH VITAMIN D LEVELS RELATED TO INCIDENT HBP • • • • Nurses Health Study 2 Nested Case Control Study Design 1484 Women Aged 32-52 Highest vs. Lowest Quartile Adj Odds Ratio = 1.66 for Incident HBP Forman JP et al Hypertension 52:828, 2008. NHANES 2001-04: PREVALENCE OF HYPOVITAMINOSIS D IN CV DISEASE Kim DH et al Am J Cardiol 102:1540, 2008 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Symptomatic Ischemic Stroke • Danish general population – Copenhagen City Heart Study • 10,170 subjects • Followed 21 years Brondum-Jacobsen P, Ann Neurol 73: 38, 2012 VITAMIN D LEVELS ARE LOW IN CHF Zittermann A et al JACC 41: 105, 2003 VITAMIN D LEVELS ARE LOW IN CHF Zittermann A et al JACC 41: 105, 2003 25 OH Vitamin D Levels Post MI Lee J et al Am J Card 107: 1636, 2011 25-OH Vitamin D Levels in CHF • HMO Israel • Controls n = 46825 vs HF n = 3009 Gotsman I, Euro J Heart Failure 14:357, 2014 VITAMIN D LEVELS CORRELATE WITH SURVIVAL Gotsman I, Euro J Heart Failure 14:357, 2014 “The fact that most major organ systems and a wide variety of pathological processes (infection, inflammation, neoplasia, psychiatric illness, metabolic disease, developmental abnormalities, and trauma) are implicated makes an etiologic role for vitamin D in each of them both implausible and without precedent. Reid, IR and Bolland MJ. Skeletal and nonskeletal effects of vitamin D a tonic for bone and other tissues. Osteoporos Int, 2014 “The fact that most major organ systems and a wide variety of pathological processes (infection, inflammation, neoplasia, psychiatric illness, metabolic disease, developmental abnormalities, and trauma) are implicated makes an etiologic role for vitamin D in each of them both implausible and without precedent. Journal editors should consider whether the amount of space devoted to these studies is justifiable.” Reid, IR and Bolland MJ. Skeletal and nonskeletal effects of vitamin D a tonic for bone and other tissues. Osteoporos Int, 2014 POTENTIAL RESIDUAL CONFOUNDERS/QUESTIONS • CHRONICALLY ILL MAY BE LESS PRONE TO TAKE VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS, TO INGEST A VITAMIN D RICH DIET OR TO SPEND MUCH TIME EXPOSED TO THE ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION OF THE SUN • WHAT IS THE ROLE OF PARATHYROID HORMONE IN CONTRIBUTING TO PATHOGENESIS OF CV DYSFUNCTION? • WHAT IS THE ROLE OF INFLAMMATION IN CONTRIBUTING TO LOW VITAMIN D LEVELS? ROLE OF INFLAMMATION IN CONTRIBUTING TO LOW 25-OH VITAMIN D LEVELS • VITAMIN D LEVELS DROP ACUTELY WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS, KNEE REPLACEMENTS AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE • LEVELS OF CYTOKINES IN BLOOD TEND TO CORRELATE INVERSELY WITH VITAMIN D LEVELS • RECOVERY STUDIES DEMONSTRATING INCREASED VITAMIN D LEVELS WITH RESOLUTION OF INFLAMMATION HAVE NOT BEEN FORTHCOMING VITAMIN D – INTERVENTIONAL STUDIES KAPLAN-MEIER SURVIVAL CURVES AS A FUNCTION AND VITAMIN D STATUS AND SUPPLEMENTATION • HMO Israel • Controls n = 46825 vs HF n = 3009 • Survival improved with treatment in VitD<25 group – 4% higher survival to 518 days in treated group (8001000 IU vit D/day); Hazard Ratio = 0.68 Gotsman I, Euro J Heart Failure 14:357, 2014 EFFECT IF Ca/VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS ON CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS MI or Coronary Death • • • WHI – 36282 post-menopausal women Ca Carbonate 500 mg + vitamin D 200 IU bid vs. placebo 7 years of followup Stroke Hsia J et al Circ 115: 846, 2007 VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION AND HYPERTENSION: A META-ANALYSIS Witham MD et al J Hypertens 27: 1948, 2009 VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION AND HYPERTENSION: A META-ANALYSIS Pittas AG et al Ann Int Med 152:307, 2010. EFFECT OF VITAMIN D REPLETION ON ALL CAUSE MORTALITY • 18 Randomized Controlled Trials wih 57,311 participants and 4777 deaths from any cause • Daily vitamin D supplemented from 3002000 IU • Summary RR = 0.93 (0.87-0.99) Autier P and Gandini S Arch Intern Med 167: 1730, 2007 VITAMIN D AND CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES • • 51 Randomized Trials Outcomes: Mortality, MI, CVA Elamin MB et al JCEM 96: 1931, 2011 DAILY REQUIREMENTS FOR VITAMIN D INTAKE Hossein-nezhad A and Holick MF Mayo Clin Proc 88: 720, 2013. U-SHAPED CURVE RELATING INCIDENT CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE TO VITAMIN D LEVELS Wang, TJ et al Circ 117:503, 2008 U-SHAPED CURVE RELATING ADJUSTED ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY TO VITAMIN D LEVELS Melamed ML et al Arch Int Med 168: 1629, 2008 VITAMIN D SUPPLEMETATION TRIALS SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS • • • • • • Abundance of pre-clinical data indicating that vitamin D exerts potentially beneficial effects in CV system A variety of CV diseases are associated with low circulating 25 OH vitamin D levels –non-specific? Interventional studies have failed to demonstrate a clearcut benefit of normalizing 25 OH vitamin D levels One can make a reasonable argument for repleting vitamin D levels to support skeletal health (25 OH vitamin D > 20 ng/ml) – there is, as yet, no compelling evidence to increase levels further to support cardiovascular health Recommendations from the IOM and TES provide a reasonable framework for providing supplementation Final recommendations will ultimately depend on the outcomes from clinical trials which are now in progress QUESTIONS? Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative hazard rates for CHD (myocardial infarction or coronary death; left) and for stroke (right). Hsia J et al. Circulation. 2007;115:846-854 Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Figure 2 Prevalence and adjusted ORs of hypovitaminosis D in subjects with various CVDs in NHANES 2001 to 2004. *Hypovitaminosis D defined as serum 25(OH)D &lt;30 ng/ml (&lt;75 nmol/L); peripheral arterial disease was not included because ankle-brachial in... Dae Hyun Kim , Siamak Sabour , Utpal N. Sagar , Suzanne Adams , David J. Whellan Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D in Cardiovascular Diseases (from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001 to 2004) The American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 102, Issue 11, 2008, 1540 - 1544 Wasson and shimbo EFFECT OF VD ON PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN MYOCYTES Wu, J. et al JCI 97: 1577, 1996 Cardiac Myocyte Selective VDR Knockout Mice Display Significantly Lower VDR mRNA Levels ABSENCE OF FIBROSIS IN MYOCYTE SELECTIVE VDR GENE KNOCKOUT ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY OF CARDIAC-SELECTIVE VDR GENE KNOCKOUT MICE VITAMIN D AND THE HEART AND VASCULATURE • Vitamin D receptors present in both myocytes and fibroblasts in the heart • Vitamin D inhibits hypertrophy and hypertrophydependent gene expression in cultured neonatal rat myocytes • VDR activators have been shown to inhibit hypertrophy in a number of rodent models • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in rats • VDR gene deletion in mice leads to hyper-reninemic hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy Pittas EFFECT OF CARDIAC SELECTIVE VDR KNOCKOUT ON ANP AND SKELETAL ACTIN EXPRESSION Chen S et al Circulation 124: 1838, 2011 PUTATIVE MECHANISMS LINKING VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY TO CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS ASSOCIATION BETWEEN PTH LEVELS AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY Hagström E et al. Circulation. 2009;119:2765-2771 Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. CUMULATIVE INCIDENCE OF ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE AS A FUNCTION OF VITAMIN D LEVELS WOMEN’S HEALTH INITIATIVE 36,282 POST-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN INTERVENTION = Ca + VIT D SUPPLEMENT FOLLOWED 7 YEARS WITH INTERVENTION + 4.9 YEARS POST-INTERVENTION Cauley, J et al J Women’s Health 22:915, 2013 U-SHAPED CURVE RELATING ADJUSTED ALLCAUSE MORTALITY TO VITAMIN D LEVELS Melamed ML et al Arch Int Med 168: 1629, 2008