S E N A T E M E... Ap r i l 2 9 , 2... R o o m 1 22 , ...

Student Government Association
S E N AT E M E E T I N G A G E N D A # 3 3
April 29, 2015 at 2pm
Room 122, Red Mountain Building
NOTE: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken
out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from the agenda, and discussion relating to
an agenda item may be delayed at any time.
Call to order
Roll Call
Stephanie Prevost, President
Kiwako Miura, Vice President
Matthew Clewett, Treasurer
Cheril Gabbidon, Secretary
Morgan Sherburne, Activities Chair
Bryanna Snoddy, Clubs and Organizations Chair
Maria Lopez, Senator, Division of Business
Ryan Maloney, Senator, Division of Sciences
Ashley Myers, Senator, Division of WebCollege
Rosa Rodriguez, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts
Jacob Allen, Senator, Divison of Technical Sciences
Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs
m. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist
Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator
Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison
Guest Recognition (Information)
Public Comment (Information)
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers
For Possible Action
On Campus Event Requests
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Created: 4/22/2015; Rev: 4/23/2015
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i. Disabled Student Union (DSU) Nacho Sale on Monday 5/4/2015 from 12-3pm in the Student
Center by the Bookstore
ii. Truckee Meadows Veterans Club (TMVC) and NRAP Suicide Awareness and Prevention Production
on Thursday 5/7/2015 from 10am-3pm in RDMT 256
SGA Bylaws and Operations Manual Update - The senate will discuss the proposed updates to the Bylaws
and Operations Manual. Upon conclusion of discussion the senate may vote whether or not to adopt the
Bylaws of the Student Government Association of
Truckee Meadows Community College
We, the student representatives of the Student Government Association of Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC),
in order to advance the quality of education, promote student interests, and serve as an informed advocate of student
concerns through awareness of TMCC student needs to state agencies and public officials, do ordain and establish these
bylaws of the Student Government Association of TMCC.
The Student Government Association Senate, in exercising authority granted by its bylaws, shall conform to rules,
regulations, and policies as established by the Student Government Association Senate. If any of the provisions of the
Student Government Association Bylaws are deemed to be in conflict with any of the rules and regulations of the Student
Government Association Constitution, the Student Government Association Constitution rules and regulations shall prevail.
The Student Government Association Senate shall abide by all Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and TMCC
policies and procedures.
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association of TMCC, hereinafter referred to as the SGA
Section 1. SGA Body
The SGA Body consists of all TMCC students enrolled in at least one (1) credit at TMCC.
Section 2. SGA Senate
The SGA Senate shall be comprised of four (4) elected executive officers and seven (7) elected senators.
Article II. Objectives
The objective of the SGA Senate is to serve the TMCC student body by:
Serving as the official voice of the student body of TMCC;
Providing student representation on college committees and otherwise;
Recommending action to the appropriate campus bodies or individuals on issues, programs, and services affecting
Reviewing requests for new student organizations and recognizing those that meet specified requirements;
Assess student opinions and needs as deemed necessary and proper;
Encourage student involvement on campus.
Article III. SGA Senate Executive Officers
Section 1. Officer Responsibilities
SGA President. The SGA President shall:
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC President’s Advisory Council;
B. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Faculty Senate;
C. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the Nevada Student Alliance;
D. Serve as the SGA President’s Council Chair;
E. Attend Board of Regents Meetings.
SGA Vice President. The SGA Vice President shall:
A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC President’s Advisory Council;
B. Review the SGA Constitution, Bylaws, Operations Manual, and Clubs and Organizations Policies and make
recommendations for amendments and acceptance to the SGA;
C. Support the SGA Activities Chair and SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair as required by the SGA Senate;
D. Oversee or assign a designee to oversee all SGA sponsored events.
SGA Treasurer. The SGA Treasurer shall:
A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee;
B. Provide a balance and activity report monthly to all recognized student clubs and organizations
available balances in their club accounts.
SGA Secretary. The SGA Secretary shall:
A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the Student Appeals Board;
All SGA Executive Officers shall equally share in the following responsibilities:
A. Attend scheduled meetings of the SGA Senate;
B. Equal participation in creating the agendas for all SGA Committees and SGA Senate Meetings;
C. Post and maintain required office hours per week;
D. Assist in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all SGA sponsored events and leadership trainings;
Watch and report on all student government related webinars;
Plan and implement SGA Senate Retreats with assistance from the Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator
(SAL Coordinator);
G. Vote in all decisions presented to the SGA Senate, or abstain from the vote in the event of a conflict of interest;
H. Support SGA Committees as directed by the SGA Senate;
Check and respond to emails on a daily basis during the academic year and on a weekly basis during winter and
summer breaks;
Be available in person for SGA Special Meetings called by the SGA President as needed. SGA Executive Officers
may not miss more than two (2) SGA Senate Meetings per semester, unless preapproved by the SGA Senate;
K. Adhere to the SGA Constitution, Bylaws, and Operations Manual;
L. Additional tasks and special assignments as requested by the SGA Senate.
Section 2. Time Commitment
Fifteen (15) service hours per week (including but not limited to):
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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A. Fifteen (15) direct service hours in the office or while conducting official SGA business during the fall and spring
semesters, not including the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Spring Break;
B. Federal and state holidays may be observed by a decrease of 2.5 hours (two hours and 30 minutes) per day
C. Attendance and active participation in all SGA sponsored events unless otherwise preapproved by the SGA Senate;
D. Represent the SGA Senate at college, community, and legislative meetings as requested by the SGA Senate;
E. Weekly meetings with the SAL Coordinator.
Section 3. Conflicts of Interest
A. Declaration. SGA Executive Officers are expected to declare a conflict of interest prior to consideration of any
matter causing a potential or actual conflict.
B. Potential conflict. A potential conflict of interest exists when a SGA Executive Officer takes an action that
reasonably could be expected to have a financial impact on that officer, a relative, or a business with which the
member or member’s relative is associated. The SGA Executive Officer may participate in an action after declaring
the potential conflict and announcing its nature.
C. Actual conflict. An actual conflict of interest exists when an action is reasonably certain to result in a special
benefit or detriment to the SGA Executive Officer, a relative, or a business with which the member or member’s
relative is associated. The member will declare the actual conflict and announce its nature. The member must then
refrain from taking any official action.
Section 4. Compensation
Executive Officers fulfilling their duties shall be eligible to receive a stipend in the amount of four-thousand dollars ($4000)
as indicated in contract (pretax). Direct deposits to be deposited into accounts on the first business day of the following
months: October, November, December, January, March, April, May, and June.
Section 5. Term of Office
No student shall hold more than one (1) SGA Senate position at a time. No student shall be eligible to serve more than a
total of three (3) fiscal years on the SGA Senate. Any part of a term served in excess of four (4) months shall be
considered one (1) full fiscal year. If elected, a term is defined as one (1) fiscal year. If appointed, the term is the
remaining time for that fiscal year.
Article IV. SGA Senate Senators
Section 1. Representation
Clubs and Organizations Chair
Activities Chair
Division of Technical Sciences
Division of Business
Division of Liberal Arts
Division of Sciences
Division of WebCollege
Section 2. Responsibilities
A. SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair. The SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair shall:
a. Make recommendations to the SGA Senate regarding new clubs and renewing club and organization
b. Ensure clubs and organizations are adhering to the club and organization requirements as outlined in the
SGA Bylaws and SGA Clubs and Organizations Policies;
c. Promote student participation in current clubs and organizations;
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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d. Encourage and foster the development of new clubs and organizations;
e. Advertise recognized and approved club and organization events on SGA social media outlets;
f. Provide recommendations for approval to the SGA of all SGA Club and Organization events;
g. Keep a running list of SGA approved club events;
h. Provide club and organization training.
SGA Activities Chair. The SGA Activities Chair shall:
a. Chair the SGA Activities Committee;
b. Prepare and post the approved agenda for the Activities Committee meetings in compliance with the
Nevada Open Meeting Law;
c. Create Activities Committee Minutes and audio recordings, and make activities records and reports
available to members and the community as required by the Nevada Open Meeting Law;
d. Provide training on event planning;
e. Plan, implement, and execute all SGA sponsored and co-sponsored events with assistance from the SGA
Vice President.
SGA Division of Technical Sciences. The SGA Senator for the Division of Technical Sciences shall:
a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Technical Sciences;
b. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center.
SGA Division of Business. The SGA Senator for the Division of Business shall:
a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Business;
b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Financial Literacy Committee;
c. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC Meadowood Center.
SGA Division of Liberal Arts. The SGA Senator for the Division of Liberal Arts shall:
a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Liberal Arts;
b. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC Meadowood Center.
SGA Division of Sciences. The SGA Senator for the Division of Sciences shall:
a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Sciences;
b. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC High Tech Center at Redfield.
SGA Division of WebCollege. The SGA Senator for the Division of WebCollege shall:
a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Web College;
b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Technology Committee;
c. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center.
All SGA Senators shall equally share in the following responsibilities:
A. Attend regularly scheduled meetings of the SGA Senate;
B. Post and maintain required office hours per week;
C. Assist in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all SGA sponsored events and leadership trainings;
D. Watch and report on all student government related webinars;
E. Vote in all decisions presented to the SGA Senate, or abstain from the vote in the event of a conflict of interest;
F. Serve on SGA committees as directed by the SGA Senate;
G. Check and respond to emails on a daily basis during the academic year and on a weekly basis during winter and
summer breaks;
H. Be available in person for SGA Special Meetings called by the SGA Officers as needed;
I. SGA Senators may not miss more than two (2) SGA Senate meetings per semester, unless preapproved by the
SGA Senate;
J. Adhere to the SGA Constitution, Bylaws, and Operations Manual;
K. Additional tasks and special assignments as requested by the SGA Senate and Executive Officers.
Section 3. Time Commitment
Required service hours per week (including but not limited to):
A. Senators are required to serve eight (8) direct service hours in the office or while conducting official SGA business
during the fall and spring semesters, not including the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Spring Break. The
Activities Chair and Clubs and Organizations Chair are required to serve ten (10) direct service hours in the office
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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or while conducting official SGA business during the fall and spring semesters, not including the week of
Thanksgiving and the week of Spring Break.
B. Federal and state holidays may be observed by a decrease of .75 hours (45 minutes) per day observed for
Senators, and 1 hour (60 minutes) per day for the Activities Chair and Clubs and Organizations Chair;
C. Attendance and active participation in all SGA sponsored events unless otherwise preapproved by the SGA Senate;
D. Represent the SGA Senate at college, community, and legislative meetings as requested by the SGA Senate;
Section 4. Conflicts of Interest
A. Declaration. SGA Senate members are expected to declare a conflict of interest prior to consideration of any
matter causing a potential or actual conflict.
B. Potential conflict. A potential conflict of interest exists when an SGA Senate member takes an action that
reasonably could be expected to have a financial impact on that member, a relative, or a business with which the
member or member’s relative is associated. The SGA Senate member may participate in an action after declaring
the potential conflict and announcing its nature.
C. Actual conflict. An actual conflict of interest exists when an action is reasonably certain to result in a special
benefit or detriment to the SGA Senate member, a relative, or a business with which the member or member’s
relative is associated. The member will declare the actual conflict and announce its nature. The member must then
refrain from taking any official action.
Section 5. Compensation
SGA Senators fulfilling their duties shall be eligible to receive a stipend in the amount of one thousand nine hundred and
twenty dollars ($1920) as indicated in contract (pretax). Direct deposits to be deposited on the first business day of the
following months: October, November, December, January, March, April, May, and June. The SGA Activities Chair and
Clubs and Organizations Chair fulfilling their duties shall be eligible to receive a stipend in the amount of two thousand four
hundred dollars ($2400) as indicated in contract (pretax). Direct deposits to be deposited on the first business day of the
months listed above.
Section 6. Term of Office
No student shall hold more than one (1) SGA Senate position at a time. No student shall be eligible to serve more than a
total of three (3) fiscal years on the SGA Senate. Any part of a term served in excess of four (4) months shall be
considered one (1) full fiscal year. If elected, a term is defined as one (1) fiscal year. If appointed, the term is the
remaining time for that fiscal year.
Article V. Committees
Section 1. Creation
Standing, special, or Ad Hoc Committees may be created by the SGA Senate.
Section 2. Duties
There shall be the following standing committees of the SGA: Activities, Elections, Finance, and SGA President’s Council:
A. Activities. The Activities Committee shall plan and conduct the SGA sponsored and co-sponsored social and
educational activities approved by the SGA Senate. The Activities Chair shall chair the committee.
B. Elections. The Elections Committee may be convened for the purpose of adjudicating cases arising from the SGA
Elections Packet and processes. Decisions of the Elections Committee shall be binding. The Elections Committee
shall be comprised of two (2) appointed SGA Senate members not entered in the election, two (2) appointed TMCC
students-at-large not entered in the election, the TMCC Student Conduct Officer or designee, and the SGA Faculty
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Advisor who shall serve as the Elections Committee Chair. The Elections Committee Chair shall not have voting
rights on the Elections Committee. The committee members shall be appointed by the Elections Committee Chair.
C. Finance. The Finance Committee shall develop and recommend to the SGA Senate the annual SGA budget in
accordance with the SGA Clubs and Organizations Policies. The SGA Treasurer shall chair the committee.
D. SGA President’s Council. The President’s Council has been established as an information sharing and
communications assembly for all SGA recognized student clubs and organizations. The committee shall consist of
a member from each officially recognized SGA club or organization. The committee shall receive administrative
guidance from the SAL Coordinator who shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee. The SGA President
shall chair the committee.
Section 3. Committee Rules and Regulations
A. A committee secretary, to be appointed by the committee chair, shall post and maintain all agendas, minutes, and
audio recordings in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law;
B. One (1) senator shall serve on each standing committee, with the exception of the SGA President’s Council;
C. Standing committees are established with the power to appoint such subcommittees as are required to carry out
D. Standing committees shall report as necessary, or as called upon to do so by the SGA Senate.
Section 4. Additional Committees
The SGA Senate may establish special and/or Ad Hoc committees to assist in the discharge of its responsibilities,
undertaking special charges which do not fall under the purview of standing committees. These committees, once formed,
shall have a finite lifespan and shall observe the same operational procedures as specified for standing committees.
Section 5. Committee Membership
Each committee shall consist of a chair and at least two (2) members. A SGA Senator may not chair more than one (1)
standing committee at a time. Any current TMCC student may be a voting member of a SGA committee. TMCC students,
who wish to participate as a voting member of a SGA committee, must notify the committee chair of their desire to serve
on the committee in writing by the third Friday of the semester in which they wish to participate. If there are no TMCC
students who indicate they wish to participate by the third Friday of the semester the committee chair may recruit
committee members to serve on the committee as needed.
Section 6. Quorum
A majority of the membership (more than half) shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1. Senate Meetings
A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the SGA Senate shall be held for the duration of the fall and spring
semesters unless otherwise ordered by the membership. Meetings will not be held the week of Thanksgiving and
Spring Break. The SGA Senate shall determine the time and place of the meeting. The time and place to be
identified in the meeting notice. Notice shall be given in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the SGA Senate may be called by the SGA President or upon the written
request of five (5) members of the SGA Senate. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice of the
meeting. Notice shall be given in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Section 2. Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings
A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the SGA standing committees shall be held for the duration of the fall and
spring semesters unless otherwise ordered by the membership. Meetings will not be held the week of
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Thanksgiving and Spring Break. The committee chair shall determine the time and place of the meeting. The time
and place to be identified in the meeting notice. Notice shall be given in accordance with the Nevada Open
Meeting Law.
B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of standing, special, or Ad Hoc committees may be called by the SGA
President or upon the written request of five (5) members of the SGA Senate. The purpose of the meeting shall be
stated in the notice of the meeting. Notice shall be given in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Section 3. Special Rules of Order
A. Meetings shall conform to all mandates of the Nevada Open Meeting Law and the Code of Ethical Standards as
based on NRS 281A.400-281A.480;
B. Meetings shall not exceed three (3) hours in length unless otherwise determined by the membership;
C. The privilege of the floor at regular SGA Senate Meetings shall be granted to any SGA member or visitor upon
proper request and recognition from the SGA President.
Article VII. Elections
Section 1. Qualifications
A. Executive Officers. Candidates seeking a SGA Executive Officer position shall:
a. Take a minimum of six (6) credit hours each semester while in office;
Possess and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25;
Be in good standing with TMCC. Good standing is defined as not serving any disciplinary sanctions of
student conduct as determined by the SAL Coordinator;
Candidates running for the SGA Secretary position must have completed English 101 with a “C” grade or
better prior to taking office;
Newly elected officers are required to shadow the current holder of the position for a minimum of thirty
(30) calendar days. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the current SGA Senate;
Newly elected officers are required to attend all SGA trainings and retreats. Exceptions can be made at the
discretion of the current SGA Senate.
B. Senators. Candidates for SGA Senator positions shall:
Take a minimum of six (6) credit hours each semester while in office;
Possess and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25;
Be in good standing with TMCC. Good standing is defined as not serving any disciplinary sanctions of
student conduct as determined by the SAL Coordinator;
Newly elected Senators are required to shadow the current holder of the position for a minimum of thirty
(30) calendar days. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the current SGA Senate;
Newly elected senators are required to attend all SGA trainings and retreats. Exceptions can be made at
the discretion of the current SGA Senate.
Section 2. Timing
SGA Executive Officers and Senators shall be elected annually by the TMCC student body in April. To serve a term of one
(1) year or until successors are elected and installed. The SGA President shall have the power to change the election dates
with approval of the SGA Senate. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes shall be elected.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Section 3. Eligibility of Voters
TMCC students currently enrolled in a minimum of one (1) academic credit shall be eligible to cast ballots.
Section 4. Term of Office
No student shall hold more than one (1) SGA position at a time. No student shall be eligible to serve more than a total of
three (3) years on the SGA Senate. Any part of a term served in excess of four (4) months shall be considered a full year.
A term is defined as one (1) year if elected. If appointed, the term is the remaining time for that year.
Section 5. Elections Grievance Procedure
A. Any current student shall be permitted to file a grievance;
B. Grievances may be submitted to the SAL Coordinator within ten (10) business days of the alleged misconduct.
Grievances will not be accepted after the deadline has elapsed;
C. Grievances must be filed using the standard Election Grievance Form, available on the SGA website;
D. Grievances must list which provisions of the Elections Rules and/or Appendix L in the College Catalog were
Upon receipt of a complete Grievance Form the Elections Committee will set a date, time, and place for the
Grievance Hearing.
Grievance Hearings shall follow the prescribed format:
At the onset of the meeting, the Elections Committee Chair shall read the official title of the grievance;
At that time, each side will have ten (10) minutes to present their case. This is a hard time limit and
involved parties will be cut off by the committee chair after a party’s time period has elapsed;
Following the opening arguments, each side will be permitted to ask the opposition five (5) questions.
Questions should be directed to the committee, should the chair deem the question appropriate, relevant,
and non-repetitive, the chair will direct the question to the appropriate party. During the question portion,
no new information or charges may be introduced. Responses will be limited to one (1) minute;
Following questions, each side will have two (2) minutes for closing arguments;
The time limits and question counts are subject to the chair’s discretion, and may be changed to gain a
fuller understanding of the issues at hand.
G. The Elections Committee shall assess and enforce all penalties.
The campaign will be notified of any penalties incurred within one (1) business day of the hearing;
Penalties may require a campaign to correct an action that is in conflict with a provision set forth in the
Election Rules. If such corrective action is feasible, it must be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of
the Elections Committee notifying the campaign. Failure to complete the correction will be subject to
Violations of the Election Rules and/or Appendix L in the College Catalog may result in disqualification,
reprimand, restitution, probation, or suspension.
Section 6. Recall
Recall shall be initiated in the following manner:
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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A. Any student who is a member of the SGA may initiate a recall;
B. Reason(s) for a recall and the name(s) of the person(s) being recalled must be on a petition. Ten (10) percent or
more of the current student body must sign the petition. This petition must then be presented to the SGA
Elections Committee. At this time, election procedures shall be initiated. Officer(s) and/or senator(s) shall be
removed from office by a majority vote of the SGA Elections Committee;
C. Another election shall take place within twenty-five (25) calendar days from the time the petition is presented to
the SGA Elections Committee. That person (those persons) removed from office by recall shall be eligible to run
again, as will any/all qualified person(s) who wish to oppose him/her.
Article VIII. SGA Senator Misconduct
Procedures for addressing the misconduct of SGA Senators outside of meetings shall follow the process outlined in TMCC’s
Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Students (TMCC College Catalog, Appendix L).
Any member of the SGA Senate may be put on probation or be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote (67%) of SGA
Senate. Probation must be initiated by a written notification from the SGA President or SAL Coordinator stating that the
member has been put on probation and the reasons for that probation within a week of the decision.
A. More than one (1) probation during the term may be grounds for removal from office;
B. Failure to maintain the required GPA, attend SGA Senate Meetings, or keep office hours as set forth in the SGA
Bylaws shall constitute nonfeasance and may be grounds for removal from office;
C. Improper use of student fee monies may be grounds for impeachment;
D. Any member of the student body may bring impeachment charges against any SGA Executive Officer or Senator.
Once charges are filed, a Judicial Board shall be immediately established. If the offense(s) for which the SGA
officer is being impeached involves violation(s) of the TMCC Student Code of Conduct, the officer will also be
subject to additional disciplinary procedures under TMCC’s Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Students (TMCC
College Catalog, Appendix L).
Article IX. Student Clubs and Organizations
Section 1. Definition
The term “student club and organization” shall apply to all recognized groups which conform to the qualifications of the
Section 2. Purpose
Only those organizations shall be recognized which have as a purpose one or more of the following:
A. To increase and stimulate the student’s knowledge and interest in a curricular field;
B. To promote a feeling of fellowship among students with similar interests;
C. To sponsor educational and recreational activities.
Section 3. Membership
Membership in SGA clubs and organizations shall be open to all students enrolled in at least one (1) credit at TMCC. SGA
clubs and organizations may have honorary non-voting members. SGA clubs and organizations may not discriminate with
respect to membership, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability,
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression. SGA
clubs and organizations may join nationally recognized organizations, as applicable.
Section 4. Responsibilities
SGA recognized student clubs and organizations shall:
Maintain an executive board of four (4) members currently enrolled in a minimum of one (1) TMCC credit;
Hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled meeting per month during the academic year;
Plan and host a minimum of one (1) event or activity each fall and spring semester;
Submit reports as requested by the SGA and the SAL Coordinator;
Complete SGA Club and Organization Training as requested by the SGA;
One representative from each Club or Organization must attend the SGA President’s Council Meetings which are held
on the second Friday of every month at 10am during the academic year. More than one (1) absence per academic
year may result in probationary status for the club or organization;
Develop and maintain an organization constitution and/or bylaws;
Conform to rules, regulations, and policies as established by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), the
Board of Regents, and as outlined in TMCC’s Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Students (TMCC College
Catalog, Appendix L);
Abide by all SGA, TMCC, and NSHE policies and procedures.
If any of the provisions of the student club or organization constitution or bylaws are deemed to be in conflict with the SGA
Constitution, Bylaws, Clubs and Organizations Policies, or any of the NSHE rules, regulations, and policies, the SGA
Constitution and Bylaws and NSHE rules, regulations, and policies shall prevail.
Section 5. Sanctions Regarding Official Recognition
A. Probationary Status. The first failure to fulfill the required student clubs/organizations responsibilities as set
forth in the SGA Bylaws, the SGA Senate may place the student club or organization on probation and will impose
a $50 fine charged to their club account. Any student club or organization may be put on probation by a majority
vote (51%) of the SGA Senate. If their club account has insufficient funds, the fine may be imposed the following
semester. Probationary status still grants "recognition" to student clubs/organizations. To be removed from
probationary status, the club or organization must demonstrate a commitment to the student club/organization
responsibilities as set forth in the SGA Bylaws for a period designated by the SGA Senate.
B. Revocation of Official Recognition. The second failure to fulfill the required student club and organization
responsibilities as set forth in the SGA Bylaws, shall constitute nonfeasance and may be grounds for revocation of
official recognition. Any student club or organization recognition may be revoked by a majority vote (51%) of the
SGA Senate. Once recognized status has been revoked, the student organization loses all future funding
opportunities and financial provisions associated with official recognition, as well as the opportunity to utilize
campus resources and schedule meetings on any of the TMCC campuses. Once official recognition has been
revoked, the club or organization must wait one calendar year before another application for recognition will be
reviewed by the SGA Senate.
In the event of a violation that could result in probationary status or revocation of recognition of the club/organization, a
meeting will be called with the club president, club advisor, SGA President, and Student Activities and Leadership
Coordinator or designee to review the potential disciplinary action prior to the SGA voting on the item. If a club or
organization is on a SGA Senate Agenda for possible disciplinary action(s), the club president and advisor will receive
advance notice via email from the SGA President.
Section X. Amendments to Bylaws
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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The SGA Senate shall propose amendments to the SGA Bylaws when deemed necessary by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote
(67%) of the SGA Senate. Amendments to the SGA Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval of the SGA
Senate, or otherwise as noted by the SGA Senate.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Table of Contents
Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
About the Student Government Association ............................................................................................................................ 15
Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Oath of Office ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Leave a Legacy and Accomplish Your Goals .............................................................................................................................. 15
SGA Meetings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Who’s Who in the Association....................................................................................................................................................... 16
General Explanation of Roles .................................................................................................................................................... 16
President................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Vice President ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Treasurer ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Secretary ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Clubs and Organizations Chair ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Activities Chair ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Academic Division Senators................................................................................................................................................... 17
Channels of Communication ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
College Governance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
College Organizational Chart ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
NSHE Board of Regents ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Campus Strategic Master Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 18
The Office ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Office Etiquette and Professionalism ........................................................................................................................................ 18
SGA Equipment.......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Setting Office Hours .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Recommended Things to do in the Office ................................................................................................................................. 19
Attendance Requirements............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Mandatory Events and SGA Meetings....................................................................................................................................... 20
Reporting Absences & Absence Make-Up ................................................................................................................................. 20
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Procedural Information ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Robert’s Rules of Order ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Nevada Open Meeting Law ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
How to Create and Post an Agenda and Minutes ..................................................................................................................... 23
SGA Events and Activities .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
SGA Signature Events ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Description of Programs & Services .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Timeline and Checklist for Event Planning ................................................................................................................................ 25
On Campus Event Requests....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Off Campus Event Requests ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Student Government Association Travel Guidelines................................................................................................................. 26
Financial Information..................................................................................................................................................................... 29
SGA Budgets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
SGA Annual Operating Budget (EK05) ................................................................................................................................... 29
SGA Annual Activities Budget (EK26) ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Budget Request Process ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
Co-Sponsorship of Events .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Social Networking Policies......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Purchasing Policy and Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Cash or Cash Equivalents Which Include Gift Cards and Gift Certificates ................................................................................. 30
Hosting ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Payment through the SGA Purchasing Cards ............................................................................................................................ 31
Induction Ceremony .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Getting Started
About the Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) of Truckee Meadows Community College is the name of the student body at
TMCC. The SGA encompasses all students currently enrolled at Truckee Meadows Community College. Anyone taking at
least one class at TMCC is a SGA member.
The SGA Senate is elected every spring semester by the student body or is appointed by the current SGA Senate. The
SGA Senate consists of the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and seven senators. The SGA Senate provides
a variety of programs and activities for students. In addition, the SGA Senate makes recommendations and contributes
opinions and information to the college administration, the system, and Board of Regents regarding student concerns.
The SGA Senate oversees and provides support to all recognized TMCC Student Club/Organizations.
For more information on the SGA, please refer to the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Mission Statement
The SGA conducts its business and engages in projects that are dedicated to advancing the overall quality of the total
learning experience. The SGA seeks to accomplish this mission by:
Providing effective and responsive student governance;
Promoting student activities as an enhancement to the overall learning experience;
Promoting the general welfare of all students; and
Advocating student rights and concerns.
Oath of Office
All student government officials shall, upon the beginning of their term of office, take the following oath of office,
administered by the TMCC President at the Annual Student Awards Ceremony, in the presence of witnesses.
“I, (official’s name) do solemnly swear that I will faithfully represent the interests of the student body of Truckee Meadows
Community College. I will support and promote the Student Government Association Mission and Goals, and will adhere to
the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. I further promise to faithfully execute the office of (name of office) for the (academic
year) academic year.”
Leave a Legacy and Accomplish Your Goals
Being in the SGA is a BIG DEAL! You were elected to make a difference for students at TMCC. The students of TMCC
trust in you to fulfill your obligations and accomplish things to make this a better place. Pick a few things that you would
like to achieve during your term and GET THEM DONE! Remember that you are working for “the students” not for
yourself, so your goals should not be personal in nature. You want to be able to look back on the year and have completed
projects to improve the campus, not look back and say, “Well I worked on a lot of things, but I really have nothing to show
for it.” Here are a few pointers on accomplishing your goals.
1. Set Goals that Motivate You. When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you; this
means making sure that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. If you have little
interest in the outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you putting in the work
to make them happen are slim. Motivation is key to achieving goals.
2. Set SMART Goals. You have probably heard of "SMART goals" already. But do you always apply the rule? The
simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. There are many variations of
what SMART stands for, but the essence is this – goals should be:
Specific. Your goal must be clear and well defined.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Measurable. Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of
Attainable. Make sure that it's possible to achieve the goals you set.
Relevant. Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take.
Time Bound. Your goals must have a deadline.
3. Set Goals in Writing. The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and tangible. You have no excuse for
forgetting about it. As you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to" or "might." For example, "I will
reduce my operating expenses by ten (10) percent this year," not "I would like to reduce my operating expenses
by ten (10) percent this year." The first goal statement has power and you can "see" yourself reducing expenses,
the second lacks passion and gives you an excuse if you get sidetracked.
4. Make an Action Plan. This step is often missed in the process of goal setting. You get so focused on the outcome
that you forget to plan all of the steps that are needed along the way. By writing out the individual steps, and then
crossing each one off as you complete it, you'll realize that you are making progress toward your ultimate goal.
This is especially important if your goal is big, demanding, or long-term.
5. Stick With It! Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity not just a means to an end. Build in reminders to
keep yourself on track and make regular time-slots available to review your goals.
SGA Meetings
SGA Senate Meetings occur during the academic semester every Wednesday from 2pm – 5pm in RDMT122 unless
otherwise ordered by the membership. Special meetings of the Senate may be called by the SGA President or up on the
written request of five (5) of the members of the SGA Senate. Meetings are generally not held the week of Thanksgiving
and the week of Spring Break. Notice shall be given and minutes recorded and available for public inspection in
accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law. For more detailed information regarding SGA Meetings, please refer to
the SGA Bylaws.
Who’s Who in the Association
General Explanation of Roles
Call and preside over meetings of the SGA.
Serve as the primary SGA representative to administrators, faculty, and staff.
Represent students at various college committee meetings.
Attend the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regent’s Meetings as requested by the TMCC
Manage all delegated tasks of the SGA.
Chair the SGA Senate and SGA President’s Council meetings.
Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Keep and make available to the public SGA Senate and President’s Council minutes and audio recordings as
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Vice President
Execute the duties and powers of the president in his/her absence.
Assist the President and Senate as requested.
Support the SGA Activities Chair and Clubs and Organizations Chair.
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Develop and manage the main SGA Budget (EK05) and monitor the SGA Activities Budget (EK26) with approval of
the SGA Senate.
Provide financial reports as requested for the SGA Senate Meetings and clubs and organizations.
Oversee all club and organization accounts to ensure proper use of funds.
Chair the Finance Committee and oversee the SGA funds allocation process for TMCC Clubs and Organizations.
Ensure forms are complete and all required materials are included.
Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Keep and make available to the public SGA Finance Committee minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the
Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Responsible for taking minutes and audio recordings of the SGA Senate Meetings.
Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Keep and make available to the public SGA Senate meeting minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the
Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Clubs and Organizations Chair
Oversee the student club and organization recognition process. Ensure forms are complete and all required
materials are included. Provide educated recommendations to the SGA regarding club and organization
Monitor clubs and organizations to ensure they are meeting recognition requirements as indicated in the SGA
Bylaws and Clubs and Organizations Policies.
Oversee club and organization event requests to ensure they are following requirements as indicated in the SGA
Bylaws and Clubs and Organizations Policies.
Attend the Student Event Management Meeting to help clubs navigate the TMCC event planning processes.
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Activities Chair
Chair the Activities Committee.
Develop, plan, and implement all SGA activities and events from set-up to clean-up.
Publicize all SGA activities and events.
Manage SGA Activities Budget (EK56).
Provide SGA Activities Budget financial reports as requested for the SGA.
Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Keep and make available to the public SGA Activities Committee minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the
Nevada Open Meeting Law.
Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.
Academic Division Senators
Represent their academic area and be the voice for that population of students.
Chair and/or attend committees for their academic division as requested by the SGA.
Develop relationships with fellow students in applicable academic division and help them feel connected to the
TMCC community.
Assist in publicizing SGA activities and events.
Channels of Communication
SGA Senators must notify the Coordinator of Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) if they wish to set up a meeting with
any university official or community member. This is to ensure the SGA Senators approaches the meeting with the utmost
professionalism and respect. In some cases there may not be a need for a meeting, instead there may be official channels
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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or paperwork that needs to be completed in order to achieve what the SGA Senator is wishing to achieve. In addition the
SAL Coordinator can provide guidance on how to approach certain issues and may be more knowledgeable about
institution policy and procedure, history, and politics.
College Governance
College Organizational Chart
Please refer to the TMCC Organizational Chart for more information.
NSHE Board of Regents
Much like a corporate board of directors, Nevada’s Board of Regents governs the Nevada System of Higher Education
(NSHE). Elected to serve a six-year term, the thirteen (13) regents set policies and approve budgets for Nevada's entire
public system of higher education: four (4) community colleges, one (1) state college, two (2) universities, and one (1)
research institute.
The eight (8) institutions the regents govern include the College of Southern Nevada (CSN), Desert Research Institute
(DRI), Great Basin College (GBC), Nevada State College (NSC), Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), University
of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), and Western Nevada College (WNC). For the 2009 fall
semester, more than 108,000 students were enrolled in these institutions.
The Board of Regents leadership is comprised of a chairman and vice chairman who are elected by the BOR’s membership.
The term for the chairman and vice chairman is one (1) fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) and the chairman is limited from
serving more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Working on behalf of the BOR is a chancellor, who serves as NSHE’s chief executive officer, who develops NSHE strategies
and implements BOR policies. The institutional presidents in turn report to the chancellor.
Typically, the BOR holds four regular meetings each year in addition to committee meetings. These meetings are rotated
among the campuses throughout the state. All regular and committee meetings are open to the public and agendas and
minutes are posted on the NSHE’s web site. You can also access this site for additional information on each of the schools
within the NSHE as well as to view the BOR’s online handbook, as well as the NSHE Procedures Manual.
Click here for more information on the NSHE Board of Regents.
Campus Strategic Master Plan
Please refer to TMCC’s Strategic Master Plan for more information.
The Office
Office Etiquette and Professionalism
Just as living in a society requires us to follow a set of rules, observing appropriate social behavior within the work context
ensures congeniality, respect, and an enjoyable day to day working experience.
1. Be punctual. Being punctual is very important, especially if you have a scheduled appointment or meeting. It
shows you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel them to respect your time too.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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2. Dress appropriately. Dress professionally or in the manner expected for the meetings/events of that particular
day. It is important to dress professionally for meetings with higher level college officials. Do not wear ultracasual, provocative, or evening attire.
3. Practice good hygiene. Cleanliness is a very important factor and taking your personal hygiene seriously is good
etiquette. No one will remember what you wear if you accompany it with your own pungent, personal fragrance.
The state of your clothes will also reveal your attitude towards hygiene as well as your work.
4. Stay away from gossip. Limit your comments about coworkers to positive ones only. Office grapevines can be
faster than the speed of lightning and anything negative you say will get around and may reflect poorly on you.
5. Practice good manners. Always say please and thank you. Watch your language. When interacting with others
at the office remember that profanity offends some people. Also avoid innuendos or inappropriate jokes.
6. Don’t consistently interrupt people. Doing so will suggest that your time or opinion is more important than
theirs. Send an email to set up a meeting to discuss what’s on your mind.
7. Keep your work area tidy. Try not to be messy and clean up after yourself when bringing food/drinks into the
work area. A messy office reflects poorly on the whole office. Rotating cleaning schedules will be set up at the
beginning of each semester.
SGA Equipment
SGA equipment includes the front desk computers and printer, the microwave, and two refrigerators, all tables, chairs, and
storage equipment in the SGA office area. Because SGA equipment is purchased with student fees, SGA computers and
printers must only be used for SGA related business.
All Student Government Association supplies purchased with student fees may only be used for SGA activities and events
and may not be used for personal use.
Setting Office Hours
SGA Executive Board members must complete a minimum of fifteen (15) direct service hours per week. The SGA Activities
Chair and Clubs and Organizations Chair must complete a minimum of ten (10) direct service hours per week. SGA Senate
members must complete a minimum of eight (8) direct service hours per week. This includes all SGA sanctioned meetings
and office hours. Office hours must be submitted to the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Coordinator by the second
Friday of each semester. Please notify the SGA President and SAL Coordinator in advance of any changes to your
schedule. At the end of each SGA Senate term any additional office hours acquired may be used toward volunteer hours
per the discretion of the SGA President and SAL Coordinator.
Recommended Things to do in the Office
SGA Senators are paid by student fees, thus it is important that you are doing SGA related business and not homework or
surfing the web. Here are some things you can do during your required office hours:
Check and respond to your SGA email.
Look into best practices at other institutions.
Answer phone calls and greet students who walk in.
Work on your upcoming meeting agenda.
Read draft minutes from the last meeting and respond with suggestions/changes.
Hand out snacks or flyers to students on campus to market the SGA and/or SGA programs and activities.
Go out and talk with students to see if they have any concerns or any suggestions for how the SGA can help them
be successful students.
Review SGA documents for any suggested changes/updates.
Review student government-based professional organization websites and resources for ideas to improve the SGA.
Clean the office area.
Wipe down front desk computer and phone.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Wipe down computer stations.
Restock printer paper in both printers.
Wipe down table.
Clean refrigerators/microwave.
Attendance Requirements
Mandatory Events and SGA Meetings
SGA Senate is required to attend all sanctioned SGA activities, events and meetings unless otherwise pre-approved by the
SGA Senate. SGA Senators and Executive Members may not miss more than two (2) SGA Senate Meetings per semester,
unless preapproved by the SGA Senate.
Reporting Absences & Absence Make-Up
Please report any absences and absence make-ups to the SGA President and SAL Coordinator. Absences for office hours
may be made up without official SGA Senate approval within two (2) weeks following the absence. In addition, excess
office hours worked within two (2) weeks prior to the absence may be used to cover missed office hours without official
SGA Senate approval.
Procedural Information
Robert’s Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole
membership on the same footing and speaking the same language. It provides for constructive and democratic meetings,
to help not hinder, the business of the assembly. Robert's Rules of Order newly revised is the basic handbook of operation
for the SGA.
Below is a typical example:
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call of members present.
3. Reading of minutes of last meeting.
4. Officer reports.
5. Committee reports.
6. Special orders --- Important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting.
7. Unfinished business.
8. New business.
9. Announcements.
10. Adjournment.
The method used by members to express themselves is in the form of moving motions. A motion is a proposal that the
entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. Individual members can:
1. Call to order.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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2. Second motions.
3. Debate motions.
4. Vote on motions.
There are Four Basic Types of Motions:
1. Main Motions: The purpose of a main motion is to introduce items to the membership for their consideration. They
cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor and yield to privileged, subsidiary, and incidental motions.
2. Subsidiary Motions: Their purpose is to change or affect how a main motion is handled and is voted on before a
main motion.
3. Privileged Motions: Their purpose is to bring up items that are urgent about special or important matters unrelated
to pending business.
4. Incidental Motions: Their purpose is to provide a means of questioning procedure concerning other motions and
must be considered before the other motion.
How are Motions Presented?
1. Obtaining the floor.
2. Wait until the last speaker has finished.
3. Rise and address the chair by saying, "Mr./Mrs. Chair” “Mr./Mrs. President."
4. Wait until the chair recognizes you.
5. Make your motion.
6. Speak in a clear and concise manner.
7. Always state a motion affirmatively. Say, "I move that we ..." rather than, "I move that we do not ...".
8. Avoid personalities and stay on your subject.
9. Wait for someone to second your motion.
10. Another member will second your motion or the chair will call for a second.
11. If there is no second to your motion it is lost.
12. The chair states your motion
13. The chairman will say, "It has been moved and seconded that we ..." thus placing your motion before the
membership for consideration and action.
14. The membership then either debates your motion or may move directly to a vote.
15. Once your motion is presented to the membership by the chair it becomes "assembly property", and cannot be
changed by you without the consent of the members.
16. Expanding on Your motion.
17. The time for you to speak in favor of your motion is at this point in time rather than at the time you present it.
18. The mover is always allowed to speak first.
19. All comments and debate must be directed to the chair.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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20. Keep to the time limit for speaking that has been established.
21. The mover may speak again only after other speakers are finished unless called upon by the chair.
22. Putting the question to the membership.
23. The chair asks, "Are you ready to vote on the question?"
24. If there is no more discussion a vote is taken.
25. On a motion to move the previous question may be adapted.
Voting on a Motion:
The method of vote on any motion depends on the situation and the by-laws of policy of your organization. There are five
(5) methods used to vote by most organizations, they are:
1. By Voice -- The chair asks those in favor to say "aye" and those opposed to say "no". Any member may move for
an exact count.
2. By Roll Call -- Each member answers "yes" or "no" has his name is called. This method is used when a record of
each person's vote is required.
3. By General Consent -- When a motion is not likely to be opposed the chair says, "if there is no objection ..." The
membership shows agreement by their silence, however if one member says, "I object," the item must then be put
to a vote.
4. By Division -- This is a slight verification of a voice vote. It does not require a count unless the chair so desires.
Members raise their hands or stand.
5. By Ballot -- Members write their vote on a slip of paper. This method is used when secrecy is desired.
There are two other motions that are commonly used that relate to voting.
1. Motion to Table -- This motion is often used in the attempt to "kill" a motion. The option is always present;
however, to "take from the table" for reconsideration by the membership.
2. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely -- This is often used as a means of parliamentary strategy and allows opponents of
motion to test their strength without an actual vote being taken. Also, debate is once again open on the main
Parliamentary Procedure is the best way to get things done at your meetings, but it will only work if you use it properly.
1. Allow motions that are in order.
2. Have members obtain the floor properly.
3. Speak clearly and concisely.
4. Obey the rules of debate.
Most importantly, BE COURTEOUS.
Nevada Open Meeting Law
The Student Government Association is required to adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. This means the following:
1. All meetings of the SGA are public meetings and therefore are open to the public.
2. An agenda must be posted in four (4) designated locations on TMCC’s Dandini Campus by 9am three (3) business
days prior to the meeting. Agendas must be posted to the SGA website (www.tmcc.edu/sga/) by 9am three (3)
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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business days prior to the meeting. Agendas must be posted to the Nevada Public Notice website
(https://notice.nv.gov/) by 9am three (3) business days prior to the meeting.
3. Minutes must be taken at each meeting and must be available for review within thirty (30) business days of the
end of the meeting.
4. All meetings must be recorded.
Please see below for specific directions on how to create and post an agenda and minutes.
How to Create and Post an Agenda and Minutes
1. Use the given template for your meeting.
2. Update the number in the title of the meeting.
3. Update the date in the title of the meeting.
4. Update the date in the header of the second page.
5. Update the date of the minutes to be approved on the agenda. Minutes to be approved should be from the
previous meeting.
6. Update the footer on all pages.
7. Include any information items (items not to be voted on).
8. Include any working items (items to be voted on).
9. Items to be voted on must be detailed including the title of the event or request, amount, location, date, time, club
requesting, etc.
10. Establishing an agenda for the next meeting should always be on the agenda for committees who meet weekly.
12. How to format the document correctly to be posted on line:
Click on “File”
Click on “Properties”
Click on “Show Document Properties”
Author should be “TMCC Student Government Association”
Title should be “SGA (committee name) Agenda - date”
Update the date under Title, you will have to do this every time.
Example: SGA Finance Committee Agenda - September 6, 2013
Save in appropriate format:
STGA(committee)Agenda(two month, two day, two year)
Example: STGAFinanceAgenda090613
13. Send agenda with any applicable attachments to nshimabuku@tmcc.edu, dsarratt@tmcc.edu, amyers1@tmcc.edu
and bsnoddy@tmcc.edu. Agendas must be sent five (5) business days prior to your next meeting. Please
remember state and federal holidays and weekends do not count as business days.
14. Applicable attachments are any documents to be voted on including but not limited to: SGA budgets, policies and
procedures, bylaws, any handouts. No student information should be included in the attachments, so no
club/organization, finance requests, event requests, etc.
15. Minutes from two (2) meetings prior must also be attached.
16. If revisions need to be made you will receive an email back with the requested changes. Please update and resend
accordingly and in a timely manner.
17. Once the agenda is complete it will be converted to a PDF file and will be emailed back to you. You are responsible
for saving the PDF document in the same title and date format.
18. Print out the “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” from Google Docs.
19. Make four (4) copies of the agenda and post on Dandini Campus. Posting must be done by 9am three (3) business
days prior to your meeting.
20. Committee chairs are responsible for accounting for holidays and must post agendas earlier to ensure adherence to
Nevada Open Meeting Law.
21. On “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” indicate the following:
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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22. Agenda title, date of meeting, date of posting, and the time the agenda was posted at each Dandini location.
23. Sign the “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” and return to the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL)
Please do not change the font or formatting of the template document.
It is the responsibility of the applicable committee chair that all SGA Meetings, Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings
adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
It is in your best interest to submit agendas ASAP in order to ensure it is posted on time.
SGA Events and Activities
SGA members need to conduct themselves in a manner which reflects positively on the college at all times. Students and
advisors may be held accountable for their actions under the NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 6.
SGA Signature Events
Fall Semester
Kick Off Week – First week of semester
Welcome Week – Second week of semester
Blood Drive
Community Lunch
TMCC Food Drive
Snack Days – Anytime to promote SGA Activities or Initiatives
Spring Semester
Kick Off Week – First week of semester
Welcome Week – Second week of semester
Blood Drive
SGA Elections – As determined by the SGA Senate
SGA Elections Q&A/Debate
Wellness Week
SGA and Alumni Association Graduation BBQ
Student Awards Ceremony
Commencement Rehearsal and Commencement
Snack Days – Anytime to promote SGA Activities or Initiatives
Blood Drive
Snack Days – Anytime to promote SGA Activities or Initiatives
Description of Programs & Services
TMCC Bus Pass Program
SGA provides $14,000 each fiscal year to the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) to supplement a discounted pass
for TMCC students. Fall/Spring bus passes cost students $115 per semester, as compared to $390 for non TMCC students.
This is a savings of $550 annually per student. Annually, TMCC sells approximately 450 bus passes; this is an overall
savings of approximately $235,000 each year for TMCC students.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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SGA Student Planners
The SGA allocates approximately $10,000 each year to purchase 3,000 planners to provide to TMCC students at no charge
to the student. Student planners are distributed by SGA Senators in person, in classes, and in the SGA office. SGA
planners are used as a tool to market the SGA and its programs and activities.
Timeline and Checklist for Event Planning
A timeline and checklist can be found on the SGA website. It will automatically populate due dates when you put in the
event date.
On Campus Event Requests
All SGA events require an On Campus Event Request form to host or attend events or activities at TMCC. All SGA events
must be approved by the SGA Senate prior to the event or activity taking place. Additional approvals are required from
the TMCC President’s Cabinet if the event meets any of the following criteria:
Events with 50 or more people.
Events that will be held off campus, in SIER108, VSTA206, or the Student Center.
Any event that brings a dignitary, Very Important Person (VIP), or high-profile speaker on campus.
Charity drives.
Any event for which sales are involved.
Due to the need for multiple approvals and adherence of the Nevada Open Meeting Law, on campus event request forms
must be submitted by 12pm at least seventeen (17) business days prior to the event. Event request forms that are
submitted late may not be considered.
Clubs/organizations planning an event or activity are required to reserve the space, and contact the appropriate
departments for any additional event needs including, but not limited to, equipment and sound.
A TMCC inter-departmental campus committee will meet weekly to discuss proposed events. The event requestor and
club/organization advisor will be sent an email regarding the date of the meeting. The requestor or a designee
knowledgeable of the event must attend the meeting in order for the event to be considered by the SGA.
For more information please refer to the On Campus Event Request Form.
Off Campus Event Requests
All SGA events require an Off Campus Event Request form to host or attend events or activities off campus. All off-campus
SGA events must be approved by the SGA Senate prior to the event or activity taking place. Off campus events require
additional approvals from the President’s Cabinet, potentially the Dean of Student Services, and the TMCC Travel and Risk
Management Offices.
Due to the need for multiple approvals and adherence of the Nevada Open Meeting Law, off campus event request forms
must be submitted by 12pm at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event. Event request forms that are submitted
late may not be considered.
For more information please refer to the Off Campus Event Request Form.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Student Government Association Travel Guidelines
The following policy applies to all persons traveling (to meetings, conferences, retreats, athletic events, or other activities)
using Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) Student Government Association (SGA) funds. Individuals not signing
this policy will not be approved for travel.
I understand that I am an employee of TMCC and take full responsibility for my actions. When I travel using SGA funds, I
am spending student fees that have been entrusted to the SGA. I accept the responsibility to be a good steward of those
funds. I also understand that I will be viewed as a representative of TMCC and that my behavior will reflect upon the
entire college. I accept the responsibility of being a positive representative of the college.
In light of these responsibilities, I agree to abide by the following policies:
Prior to making reservations for the trip, I will confirm with my instructors that I am in good academic standing
and provide documentation to the SGA in writing.
The participant’s behavior traveling to, from, or during an event should be such that it reflects positively on the
SGA, TMCC, and the individual at all times. This also applies to the participant’s conduct during social activities
and times when no formal activities or meetings are scheduled, such as late evening and early morning hours.
The participant will be familiar with and will obey all of the rules established for the trip, in addition to the NSHE
Student Code of Conduct. Participants will obey all applicable laws, including those that relate to alcohol
consumption/illicit drug use.
Participants will show respect and courtesy toward others at all times. Sleeping and travel arrangements will often
be shared and tolerance for individual differences and needs will be practiced by all participants.
Participants need to dress appropriately for whichever function they are attending.
Participants will need to interact professionally and responsibly with other participants attending the event.
Participants will not spend money or make monetary commitments on behalf of the SGA or TMCC without following
proper procedures.
Participants will notify the SAL Coordinator if they plan to leave the conference location/hotel. Participants will
include where they are going and when they plan to return.
Participants will need to attend ALL scheduled meetings, conference sessions, and activities related to the funded
travel. Participants are expected to be prompt and prepared and will need to stay the entirety of all sessions.
Failure to attend conference sessions, workshops, etc. unless authorized by the SGA may result in the
student having to repay all travel expenditures made by the SGA on the participant’s behalf.
Failure to attend the conference due to last minute cancellations may result in the student having to repay
all travel expenditures made by the SGA on the participant’s behalf.
The participant is to be well rested, prepared, alert, and able to actively participate and retain information learned
at all meetings, workshops, conference sessions, etc.
Participants may not consume alcohol/illicit drugs during designated conference meetings, sessions, etc.
Participants may not consume alcoholic beverages unless they are 21 years of age or older; furthermore, illicit
drugs are not permitted. Underage drinking and/or illicit drug use will result in local law enforcement being called
and immediate dismissal.
Individuals over the age of 21 must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and exhibit good conduct as a
representative of TMCC. If choosing to drink, there will be no purchasing for minors, no driving, and no open
public intoxication.
Theft/Vandalism/Additional Costs:
Participants responsible for theft, damage, and/or vandalism during the course of the event will be held financially
liable and subject to disciplinary action as indicated in the NSHE Student Code of Conduct.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Participants will be held financially responsible for any personal expenses, long distance phone calls, or any other
charges made to the hotel room.
Motor Vehicles:
Participants are required to operate motorized vehicles legally, responsibly, and adhere to the following:
Wear a seat belt and require passengers to do the same.
Not to operate a vehicle if alcohol was been consumed by the driver.
Not to allow alcohol, illicit drugs, or weapons in the vehicle.
Participants that drive during TMCC functions will be held responsible for any traffic violations.
Participants may not provide transportation to persons not approved for travel.
I understand that it is the responsibility of everyone traveling to uphold these policies. If I violate them, the
SGA may take steps to protect the reputation of TMCC and SGA and mitigate its liability. Those steps may
Banning the student from further participation in the conference or meeting.
Requiring that the student return to Reno prior to the end of the conference at his/her own expense.
Requiring that the student repay travel expenditures made by the SGA prior to travel.
Banning the student from recovering out of pocket expenses related to the travel.
Banning the student from future SGA funded travel.
Potential probation or removal from SGA office.
Referring the student to the Director of Retention and Support Services and/or Dean of Student Services.
Referring the student to the TMCC Student Conduct Officer in cases where the NSHE Student Code of Conduct has
been violated.
In case of a personal emergency the student is to contact a TMCC professional staff member immediately. If the need
arises that the student must alter their travel plans due to emergency, the student will be responsible for all associated
costs incurred.
Participant Agreement
I have read and understand the NSHE Student Code of Conduct and the SGA Travel Guidelines and agree to abide by these
established rules.
Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Name (print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Emergency Contact:
Name (print)
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Travel Application
Years served on SGA Senate:
Current GPA:
Last Semester GPA:
Dates of Conference:
Please list any conferences you have previously attended through the SGA:
Please list the sessions you plan to attend:
Why are you the best person to send to this conference?
How will your attendance at this conference benefit TMCC? How will you apply what you learned?
Will you provide a written report to the SGA indicating what you learned at each session and how you will apply it at
Do you agree to abide all SGA and TMCC policies and procedures, including following the SGA Travel Guidelines and
TMCC’s Student Code of Conduct?
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Financial Information
SGA Budgets
SGA Annual Operating Budget (EK05)
As indicated in the SGA Bylaws, the Treasurer shall develop and recommend to the SGA Senate the annual SGA budget.
1. Based on actual expenditures and revenue from the current fiscal year, the previous fiscal year, and any future
proposed expenditures (i.e. Nevada Student Alliance) the Treasurer shall work with the SAL Coordinator and
Activities Chair to draft a budget to be presented to the SGA Senate the first SGA Senate Meeting in March.
2. Based on feedback from the SGA Senate, the Treasurer will amend the budget as needed and will get final
approval and adoption from the SGA Senate by the third SGA Meeting in March.
3. Following SGA approval and adoption, the SAL Coordinator will send the approved budget to the TMCC Budget
Office for approval.
If the SGA budget is not approved by the TMCC Budget Office, steps 1 – 4 will be followed until both the
SGA Senate and the TMCC Budget Office approve the budget.
4. In September, the SAL Coordinator will provide updated year end balances to the SGA and update the SGA budget
as necessary.
5. At this time the SGA can revise their budget if desired.
Budget revisions must be recommended to the SGA Senate by the Treasurer.
The SGA Senate can then request revisions or approve a revised budget.
Budget revisions must occur within TMCC Budget Office guidelines.
SGA Annual Activities Budget (EK26)
The Activities Chair with assistance from the Activities Committee shall develop and recommend to the SGA Senate the
annual SGA Activities budget.
1. Based on actual expenditures from the current fiscal year and the previous fiscal year, the Activities Chair shall
work with the SAL Coordinator to draft a budget to be presented to the SGA Senate at the first SGA Senate
Meeting in April.
2. Based on feedback from the SGA Senate, the Activities Chair will amend the budget as needed and will get final
approval and adoption from the SGA Senate by the third SGA Meeting in April.
3. Budgets with expenses of less than $25,000 do not need to be reported to the TMCC Budget Office.
4. Revisions to the Activities Budget may occur as requested by the Activities Chair.
Budget revisions must be recommended to the SGA Senate by the Activities Chair.
The SGA Senate can then request revisions or approve a revised budget.
Budget Request Process
If you wish to add an item to the budget after the budget has been created, you must present your idea to the SGA Senate
as an agenda item to be voted on. As with other budget requests, it is helpful for you to have all the information available
at the time of the meeting so the SGA Senate can make an informed decision. Once the item is approved, you will need to
work with the SGA Treasurer to add it to the budget and approve the updated budget including the line item previously
Co-Sponsorship of Events
Events that are open to all students and that support SGA’s Mission and Goals may apply for co-sponsorship. All events
that wish to be co-sponsored with the SGA must first work with the SGA Activities Chair to ensure the event supports
SGA’s Mission and Goals. The event must then be presented to the SGA Senate as an agenda item to be voted on. As
with other requests, it is helpful for you to have all the information (including event budget) available at the time of the
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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meeting so the SGA Senate can make an informed decision. If a budget is requested for the event, please follow the
budget request process listed above.
Social Networking Policies
TMCC recognizes that third-party social media/community building websites — MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and many
others — offer alternative ways to reach and communicate with community members and students. The set up and use of
these websites are permitted and must follow these specific policies and procedures.
The third-party community building website content will not replicate information that is available on the college web page
hosted at www.tmcc.edu, because the official site is branded with the college's information and reviewed for content as it
represents the views and opinions of the college.
TMCC does not allow the material/content from preexisting TMCC department sites (including but not limited to textual,
graphical, and photographical content) to be copied in verbatim for use on any third-party website(s). All TMCC
department and student Organization websites are hosted at www.tmcc.edu and are created using specific guidelines and
style guides.
The absence, or lack of explicit reference to, of a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this policy.
Where no policy or guidelines exist, employees should contact the Web Services or the Public Information Office.
Note: TMCC does not support or set up blogs at this time. If you are interested in blogging, there are several non-college,
third-party venues that may be used for this service.
The focus of any third-party social media/community building web page is personal information about faculty and students,
such as posting personal blogs, personal information, teaching philosophies, assignments, etc. Because this information is
personal in nature, TMCC does not provide technical support in the creation of these websites.
Please link the third-party community building website to the official TMCC department website or related site. This will
allow students to find official college-related information. Please refrain from creating a third-party website that may be
perceived as an official TMCC department or program web page. If you wish to create an official TMCC department or
program website, please follow the official procedures.
It is recommended that you contact TMCC Web Services or the Public Information Office at the beginning of your project
for additional information.
For sites/accounts that are to be used in an official TMCC capacity:
Please provide the log-in information to the Public Information Office at the time of site creation. This is for everyone's
protection - if the author/employee leaves TMCC, they take the site (and its content, fans, etc.) with them. In order to
ensure the hard work is not deleted, a backup of log-in information is required. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE LOGIN
non-personal password.
The TMCC Webmaster, the Public Information Office, and/or proper enforcing authorities reserve the right to enforce this
policy by removing links to third-party websites and/or recommending the site creator remove or change the site content
as needed.
Purchasing Policy and Procedure
The SGA must adhere to TMCC’s Purchasing Policy and Procedures. Please refer to the TMCC Accounting Services User
Procedure Manual for more information.
Cash or Cash Equivalents Which Include Gift Cards and Gift Certificates
Cash or cash equivalents, which include gift cards or certificates that are redeemable for general merchandise, are taxable
and cannot be purchased with a purchase card or DPO.
All clubs/organizations must adhere to TMCC’s Hosting Policy and Procedures. Please refer to the TMCC Accounting
Services User Procedure Manual for more information.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Host expenditures may be incurred for reasonable expenses for meals, beverages, flowers and small gifts (mementos) by
or on behalf of employees or guests of the college in conduct of necessary business activities. Hosting must provide a
benefit to the college through the establishment of good will, promotion of programs, or creation of opportunities for
meetings in which the mission of the college may be advanced.
All expenditures that are essential and part of a program, such as faculty and student recruitment activities, marketing,
employee professional development, participant funded events, and food supplied for culinary programs are normal
operating expenses and not a host expense (see Program Expenses under Special Topics for further clarification). Host
expenditures are restricted in accordance with the Board of Regents Handbook Title 4, Chapter 10, Section 22 and the
NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual Chapter 5, Section1.
Payment through the SAL Coordinator Purchasing Card
The Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator has one (1) TMCC Purchasing Card which can be used for purchases that
do not exceed $1999. Please note that these arrangements must be made well in advance of the purchase date.
Induction Ceremony
The induction of new SGA officers is done annually at the Student Awards Ceremony held the Wednesday before spring
commencement. The TMCC President inducts all SGA officers at this time, this is where the “new” SGA officially takes
Review the TMCC Bylaws Statement Regarding President’s Right to Appoint with Consultation amendment
and make recommendations concerning its adoption or rejection
Statement Regarding President’s Right to Appoint With Consultation
March 2, 2015
Page 31
The members of the TMCC community recognize the authority of the college president to make
professional appointments. This right is documented in Title 1, Section 4, Title 4, Chapter 8.2 and
the TMCC Bylaws Article IV, Sections A through D. It is the obligation of the president to ensure
that the college operates in an effective, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
A review of the TMCC Bylaws, Article IV, Sections A through D, underscores this authority, but
does not provide for collegial consultation which is key to a shared governance environment. In
order to remedy this flaw it is proposed that Article IV, Section D, Appointment of Administrators,
be revised to read as follows:
Whenever a vacancy occurs for an administrative position, an institutional recruitment and
search committee shall may be appointed by the President. This committee shall operate in
accordance with relevant federal laws, TMCC personnel policies and the TMCC Affirmative
Action Plan. TMCC personnel policies and the College Affirmative Action Plan shall be
developed and periodically reviewed by appropriate administrators in cooperation with
faculty. The President, prior to making an appointment that is not as a result of a search
process, will consult with the leadership of groups on campus which include, but are not
limited to TMCC Faculty Senate, TMCC Nevada Faculty Alliance (NFA), and Classified
Council to gather input. Based on budget considerations, positions can be eliminated, and
appointments can be made in order to absorb the remaining body of work.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 04/29/15
This revision, going forward, will provide greater collegial consultation and transparency while
maintaining the President’s right and responsibility for the final decision that is in the best interest
of TMCC and the community it serves.
Review the TMCC Bylaws Policy Statement on Administrative Evaluations amendment and make
recommendations concerning its adoption or rejection
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 04/29/15
TMCC Mascot Name – The SGA will discuss the votes for the Mascot Name. Upon conclusion of discussion
the senate may vote on the official name from the five finalists: Truckee, Sammy, Wizard, Lucky and Sierra
Ashley Myers, Senator for the Web College violation of SGA Bylaws – The senate will discuss Senator
Myers’ failure to maintain required office hours in the week of 2/16/2015. Upon conclusion of discussion
the senate may vote to place Senator Myers on probation or removal from office
Approval of Minutes (For Possible Action)
The senate will discuss the minutes of April 8 and April 15, 2015 and may choose to amend or edit the minutes.
Upon conclusion of discussion the senate may choose to approve the minutes.
Information Items
Committee Reports
i. Activities Committee
ii. Elections Committee
iii. Finance Committee
iv. Ad Hoc Marketing Committee
President’s Council
Member Reports
Stephanie Prevost, President
Kiwako Miura, Vice President
Matthew Clewett, Treasurer
Cheril Gabbidon, Secretary
Morgan Sherburne, Activities Chair
Bryanna Snoddy, Clubs and Organizations Chair
Maria Lopez, Senator, Division of Business
Ryan Maloney, Senator, Division of Sciences
Ashley Myers, Senator, Division of WebCollege
Rosa Rodriguez, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts
Jacob Allen, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences
Liaison Reports
i. Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison
Advisor Reports
i. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs
ii. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist
iii. Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator
Public Comment
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this
item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be
limited to two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the
record and to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as
restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of
that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully
disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or
amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 315B.
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Rev.: 4/23/2015