Student Government Association S E N AT E M E E T I N G A G E N D A # 1 June 10, 2015 at 2pm R o o m 1 2 2 , Re d Mo u n t a i n B u i l d i n g NOTE: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from the agenda, and discussion relating to an agenda item may be delayed at any time. 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call a. Spencer Schultz, President b. Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President c. David Turner II, Treasurer d. Hannah Wilkening, Secretary e. Bryanna Snoddy, Clubs and Organizations Chair f. Ayaka Kimura , Activities Chair g. Jacob Allen, Division of Business h. Ashley Myers, Senator, Division of Sciences i. Narumi Kobayashi, Senator, Division of WebCollege j. Donisha Clausell, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts k. Tiffanie Ross, Senator, Divison of Technical Sciences l. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs m. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist n. Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator o. Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison 3. Guest Recognition (Information) 4. Public Comment (Information) Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. 5. For Possible Action a. On Campus Event Requests i. Student Government Association SGA Summer Blood Drive Tuesday 7/14 from 10am-2:30pm in the Dandini Student Center. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 1 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Created: 6/3/2015; Rev: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 ii. TMCC Filmmakers Club Screenwriting Workshop Friday 7/10 from 6:15pm-7:45pm at Sierra 101. b. Scheduled Absence i. President Schultz will request the approval of the SGA Senate to miss the scheduled SGA meeting of July 8th, 2015. c. Proposed changes to the SGA Bylaws. i. See Attachment A d. Proposed changes to the SGA Operations Manual. i. See Attachment B 6. Approval of Minutes (For Possible Action) The senate will discuss the minutes of May 6th, 2015, May 13th, 2015, and May 15, 2015 and may choose to amend or edit the minutes. Upon conclusion of discussion the senate may choose to approve the minutes. 7. Information Items a. Committee Reports i. Activities Committee ii. Elections Committee iii. Finance Committee iv. Ad Hoc Marketing Committee v. b. President’s Council Member Reports i. Spencer Schultz, President ii. Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President iii. David Turner, Treasurer iv. Hannah Wilkening, Secretary v. Bryanna Snoddy, Clubs and Organizations Chair vi. Ayaka Kimura, Activities Chair vii. Jacob Allen, Senator, Division of Business viii. Ashley Myers, Senator, Division of Sciences ix. Narumi Kobayashi, Senator, Division of WebCollege x. Donisha Clausell, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts xi. Tiffanie Ross, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences c. Liaison Reports i. Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison d. Advisor Reports i. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs ii. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist iii. Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator 8. Public Comment Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 2 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. 9. Adjourn Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 3 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 Attachment A: Proposed Changes to the SGA Bylaws Article III. SGA Senate Executive Officers Section 1. Officer Responsibilities SGA President. The SGA President shall: A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC President’s Advisory Council; B. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Faculty Senate; C.A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the Nevada Student Alliance, TMCC Institutional Advisory Council, and Nevada Student Alliance; D.B. Serve as the SGA President’s Council Chair; E.C. Attend Board of Regents Meetings. SGA Vice President. The SGA Vice President shall: A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC President’s Advisory Council, Enrollment Management Committee, Retention and Completion Committee; B. Review the SGA Constitution, Bylaws, Operations Manual, and Clubs and Organizations Policies and make recommendations for amendments and acceptance to the SGA; C. Support the SGA Activities Chair and SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair as required by the SGA Senate; D. Oversee or assign a designee to oversee all SGA sponsored events. Chair the Marketing Committee Responsible for the creation and posting of all Marketing Committee Agenda’s in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (NOML). D. Develop, plan, and implement all SGA mMarketing strategies. SGA Treasurer. The SGA Treasurer shall: A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee; B. Provide a balance and activity report monthly to all recognized student clubs and organizations available balances in their club accounts. regarding SGA Secretary. The SGA Secretary shall: A. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Textbook Taslk ForceStudent Appeals Board; Article IV. SGA Senate Senators Section 1. Representation A. B. C. D. E. F. G. G. Clubs and Organizations Chair Activities Chair Division of Technical Sciences Division Division of BusinessDivision Division of Liberal Arts Division Division of Sciences Division Division of WebCollege ASenatorst-aAt- Large Section 2. Responsibilities A. SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair. The SGA Clubs and Organizations Chair shall: a. Make recommendations to the SGA Senate regarding new clubs and renewing club and organization applications; b. Ensure clubs and organizations are adhering to the club and organization requirements as outlined in the SGA Bylaws and SGA Clubs and Organizations Policies; c. Promote student participation in current clubs and organizations; d. Encourage and foster the development of new clubs and organizations; e. Advertise recognized and approved club and organization events on SGA social media outlets; f. Provide recommendations for approval to the SGA of all SGA Club and Organization events; g. Keep a running list of SGA approved club events; Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 4 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 h. Provide club and organization training. B. SGA Activities Chair. The SGA Activities Chair shall: a. Chair the SGA Activities Committee; b. Prepare and post the approved agenda for the Activities Committee meetings in compliance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law; c. Create Activities Committee Minutes and audio recordings, and make activities records and reports available to members and the community as required by the Nevada Open Meeting Law; d. Provide training on event planning; e. Plan, implement, and execute all SGA sponsored and co-sponsored events with assistance from the SGA Vice President. C. SGA Division of Technical Sciences. The SGA Senator for the Division of Technical Sciences shall: a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Technical Sciences; b. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center. D. SGA Division of Business. The SGA Senator for the Division of Business shall: a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Business; b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Financial Literacy Committee; c. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC Meadowood Center. E. SGA Division of Liberal Arts. The SGA Senator for the Division of Liberal Arts shall: a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Liberal Arts; b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Food Service Committee; a.c. b.d.Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC Meadowood Center. F. SGA Division of Sciences. The SGA Senator for the Division of Sciences shall: a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Sciences; b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Technology Committee; b.c. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC High Tech Center at Redfield. G. SGA Division of WebCollege. The SGA Senator for the Division of WebCollege shall: a. Serve as the SGA Senate representative for the Division of Web College; b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Technology Committee; c. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center. G. SGA Senator s-Aat-Large. The SGA Senator(s)-At -Large shall; a. Serve as Chair of the SGA Marketing Committee; b. Serve as the SGA Senate representative on the TMCC Student Appeals and Transit Task Force; Assist members of the Executive Board and Senators as assigned subject to Student Senate approval. Senators-at-Large shall be in attendance of all SGA organizational meetings and all Senate meetings. Serve as a member of the Marketing Committee. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per month at the TMCC IGT Applied Technology Center. Serve as liaison between the Dean of Student Services, International Student Services, TMCC High School, and the Disability Resource Center. Article V. Committees Section 1. Creation Standing, special, or Ad Hoc Committees may be created by the SGA Senate. Section 2. Duties There shall be the following standing committees of the SGA: Activities, Elections, Finance, and SGA President’s Council: A. Activities. The Activities Committee shall plan and conduct the SGA sponsored and co-sponsored social and educational activities approved by the SGA Senate. The Activities Chair shall chair the committee. B. Elections. The Elections Committee may be convened for the purpose of adjudicating cases arising from the SGA Elections Packet and processes. Decisions of the Elections Committee shall be binding. The Elections Committee shall be comprised of two (2) appointed SGA Senate members not entered in the election, two (2) appointed TMCC students-at-large not entered in the election, the TMCC Student Conduct Officer or designee, and the SGA Faculty Advisor who shall serve as the Elections Committee Chair. The Elections Committee Chair shall not have voting rights on the Elections Committee. The committee members shall be appointed by the Elections Committee Chair. C. Finance. The Finance Committee shall develop and recommend to the SGA Senate the annual SGA budget in accordance with the SGA Clubs and Organizations Policies. The SGA Treasurer shall chair the committee. D. SGA President’s Council. The President’s Council has been established as an information sharing and communications assembly for all SGA recognized student clubs and organizations. The committee shall consist of Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 5 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 a member from each officially recognized SGA club or organization. The committee shall receive administrative guidance from the SAL Coordinator who shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee. The SGA President shall chair the committee. D. E. Marketing. The Marketing Committee shall develop, plan, develop, and implement all SGA mMarketing initiatives. It is responsible for gaining approval for and distributing SGA flyers and promotional materials, publicizing events through social media and TMCC all discussions listserv (through advisor), submiting event information to the TMCC college calendar, as well as the TMCC monthly e-newsletter. The Senator At Large shall chair the committee. strategies, and recommend to the SGA Senate the annula marketing strategy fo the SGA in accordance with the SGA Clubs and Organizations Policies. The SGA Vice President shall chair the committee and a Senator-at-Large shall serve as a member. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 6 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 Attachment B: Proposed Changes to the SGA Operations Manual W H O ’ S W H O I N T H E A S S O C I AT I O N General Explanation of Roles President • Call and preside over meetings of the SGA. • Serve as the primary SGA representative to administrators, faculty, and staff. • Represent students at various college committee meetings. • Attend the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regent’s Meetings as requested by the TMCC President. • Manage all delegated tasks of the SGA. • Chair the SGA Senate and SGA President’s Council meetings. • Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Keep and make available to the public SGA Senate and President’s Council minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. Vice President • Execute the duties and powers of the president in his/her absence. • Assist the President and Senate as requested. Chair the Marketing Committee. Develop, plan, and implement all SGA Marketing Strategies Responsiple for the creation and posting of all Marketing Committee Agenda’s in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (NOML). • Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Keep and make available to the public SGA Marketing Committee minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Support the SGA Activities Chair and Clubs and Organizations Chair. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. Treasurer • Develop and manage the main SGA Budget (EK05) and monitor the SGA Activities Budget (EK26) with approval of the SGA Senate. • Provide financial reports as requested for the SGA Senate Meetings and clubs and organizations. • Oversee all club and organization accounts to ensure proper use of funds. • Chair the Finance Committee and oversee the SGA funds allocation process for TMCC Clubs and Organizations. Ensure forms are complete and all required materials are included. • Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Keep and make available to the public SGA Finance Committee minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 7 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 Secretary • Responsible for taking minutes and audio recordings of the SGA Senate Meetings. • Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Keep and make available to the public SGA Senate meeting minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. C l u b s a n d O r g a n i z a t i o n s Ch a i r • Oversee the student club and organization recognition process. Ensure forms are complete and all required materials are included. Provide educated recommendations to the SGA regarding club and organization recognition. • Monitor clubs and organizations to ensure they are meeting recognition requirements as indicated in the SGA Bylaws and Clubs and Organizations Policies. • Oversee club and organization event requests to ensure they are following requirements as indicated in the SGA Bylaws and Clubs and Organizations Policies. • Attend the Student Event Management Meeting to help clubs navigate the TMCC event planning processes. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. A c t i vi t i e s Ch a i r • Chair the Activities Committee. • Develop, plan, and implement all SGA activities and events from set-up to clean-up. • Publicize all SGA activities and events. • Manage SGA Activities Budget (EK56). • Provide SGA Activities Budget financial reports as requested for the SGA. • Adhere to the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Keep and make available to the public SGA Activities Committee minutes and audio recordings as indicated in the Nevada Open Meeting Law. • Perform other duties as outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. A c a d e mi c Di vi s i o n S e n a t o r s a n d Ch a i r s • Represent their academic area and be the voice for that population of students. • Chair and/or attend committees for their academic division or area as requested by the SGA. • Develop relationships with fellow students in applicable academic division or area and help them feel connected to the TMCC community. • Assist in publicizing SGA activities and events. How to Create and Post an Agenda and Minutes 1. Use the given template for your meeting. 2. Update the number in the title of the meeting. 3. Update the date in the title of the meeting. 4. Update the date in the header of the second page. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 8 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 5. Update the date of the minutes to be approved on the agenda. Minutes to be approved should be from the previous meeting. 6. Update the footer on all pages. 7. Include any information items (items not to be voted on). 8. Include any working items (items to be voted on). 9. Items to be voted on must be detailed including the title of the event or request, amount, location, date, time, club requesting, etc. 10. Establishing an agenda for the next meeting should always be on the agenda for committees who meet weekly. 11. PROOF READ ENTIRE DOCUMENT!!! 12. How to format the document correctly to be posted on line: a. Click on “File” b. Click on “Properties” c. Click on “Show Document Properties” d. Author should be “TMCC Student Government Association” e. Title should be “SGA (committee name) Agenda - date” f. Update the date under Title, you will have to do this every time. g. Example: SGA Finance Committee Agenda - September 6, 2013 h. Save in appropriate format: i. SGACTGA-(committee)Agenda(two month, two day, two year) j. Example: STGAFinanceAgenda090613 13. Send agenda with any applicable attachments to,, and bsnoddy@tmcc.eduthe SAL Student Employees, and the Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator or designee. Agendas must be sent five (5) business days prior to your next meeting. Please remember state and federal holidays and weekends do not count as business days. 14. Applicable attachments are any documents to be voted on including but not limited to: SGA budgets, policies and procedures, bylaws, any handouts. No student information should be included in the attachments, so no club/organization, finance requests, event requests, etc. 15. Minutes from two (2) meetings prior must also be attached. 16. If revisions need to be made you will receive an email back with the requested changes. Please update and resend accordingly and in a timely manner. 17. Once the agenda is complete it will be converted to a PDF file and will be emailed back to you. You are responsible for saving the PDF document in the same title and date format. 18. Print out the “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” from Google Docs. 19. Make four (4) copies of the agenda and post on Dandini Campus. Posting must be done by 9am three (3) business days prior to your meeting. 20. Committee chairs are responsible for accounting for holidays and must post agendas earlier to ensure adherence to Nevada Open Meeting Law. 21. On “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” indicate the following: 22. Agenda title, date of meeting, date of posting, and the time the agenda was posted at each Dandini location. 23.Sign the “Agenda Posting Confirmation Sheet” and return to the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Coordinator. Student Go ve rnment Asso ciation Trave l Guidelines The following policy applies to all persons traveling (to meetings, conferences, retreats, athletic events, or other activities) using Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) Student Government Association (SGA) funds. Individuals not signing this policy will not be approved for travel. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 9 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 SGA Senate Meeting Agenda 06/10/2015 I understand that I am an employee of TMCC and take full responsibility for my actions. When I travel using SGA funds, I am spending student fees that have been entrusted to the SGA. I accept the responsibility to be a good steward of those funds. I also understand that I will be viewed as a representative of TMCC and that my behavior will reflect upon the entire college. I accept the responsibility of being a positive representative of the college. In light of these responsibilities, I agree to abide by the following policies: Conduct: • Prior to making reservations for the trip, I will confirm with my instructors that I am in good academic standing and provide documentation to the SGA in writing. • The participant’s behavior traveling to, from, or during an event should be such that it reflects positively on the SGA, TMCC, and the individual at all times. This also applies to the participant’s conduct during social activities and times when no formal activities or meetings are scheduled, such as late evening and early morning hours. • The participant will be familiar with and will obey all of the rules established for the trip, in addition to the NSHE Student Code of Conduct. Participants will obey all applicable laws, including those that relate to alcohol consumption/illicit drug use. • Participants will show respect and courtesy toward others at all times. Sleeping and travel arrangements will often be shared and tolerance for individual differences and needs will be practiced by all participants. • Participants need to dress appropriately for whichever function they are attending. • Participants will need to interact professionally and responsibly with other participants attending the event. • Participants will not spend money or make monetary commitments on behalf of the SGA or TMCC without following proper procedures. • Participants will notify the SAL Coordinator if they plan to leave the conference location/hotel. Participants will include where they are going and when they plan to return. Attendance: • Participants will need to attend ALL scheduled meetings, conference sessions, and activities related to the funded travel. Participants are expected to be on time, prompt and prepared and will need to stay the entirety of all sessions. o Failure to attend conference sessions, workshops, etc. unless authorized by the SGA may result in the student having to repay all travel expenditures made by the SGA on the participant’s behalf. o Failure to attend the conference due to last minute cancellations may result in the student having to repay all travel expenditures made by the SGA on the participant’s behalf. • The participant is to be well rested, prepared, alert, and able to actively participate and retain information learned at all meetings, workshops, conference sessions, etc. Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B301, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email; RDMT 315B. Page 10 of 10; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015