Claremont Graduate University HRM Course Syllabus Job Analysis & Design HRM

Claremont Graduate University
HRM Course Syllabus
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Job Analysis & Design
Fall 2016
Class Meeting Information
This course meets from August 31st to October 22nd. The first session will cover introductions,
course outline, and expectations.
Instructor Information
Name: S. Nikki Murphy, MSHRD, PHR
Office Phone: 949-371-7125
S. Nikki Murphy, MSHD, PHR is a Human Resources Professional with over 19 years of
experience in the following disciplines: Employee Relations with emphasis on conflict
resolution, counseling, investigation, policy & regulation. Compensation with emphasis on
position analyses, market salary studies & pay equity plans. Benefits with emphasis on
defined contribution plans, health care plans, fiduciary duty, leave management,
unemployment compensation, and worker’s compensation. Talent Acquisition/Management
with emphasis on recruiting, onboarding, succession planning, career pathing, and high
potential management. Technology with an emphasis in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Outlook, Oracle, ABRA & Success Factors. Key Performance Metrics with an emphasis on
Employee Engagement, Cost Analysis of Recruitment and Benefits, Turnover Metrics, Ontime Delivery of Project Obligations, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Ms. Murphy has led organizations in Lean Manufacturing processes, including "Toyota
Production System" (TPS) Management Philosophy and "Just in Time" (JIT) Production
Strategy, Six Sigma (improving quality management process), Kaizen Principles (continuous
improvement), Supply Chain, and 5S Methodology (Sort, Streamline, Shine, Standardize &
Ms. Murphy has extensive knowledge in planning, designing, developing, and evaluating
Human Resources initiatives which support organizational strategic goals.
She is
experienced in performance management, executive succession, people strategy, employee
satisfaction, and diversity. She has a proven track record with developing relationships to
gain relevancy and become a valued advisor to executive management through transparency,
communication, and trust. Her demonstrated ability to understand business acumen and to
foster creativity and proactive solutions positively impacts the bottom line.
Pre-Requisites — Classes or Knowledge Required for this Course
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Course Description
Job Analysis & Design is a required course for the Human Resources Management (HRM)
Master’s Degree program.
During this 8-week module, we will cover the fundamentals of Job Analysis & Design, including
how job analysis can be utilized to show what should be done in a company and what is actually
done as well as defining the importance of Job Analysis to all Human Resources Management
(HRM) activities and functions. We will also explore Job Design, and when effectively
implemented, enhances organizational performance through a satisfied workforce. Through
instruction, reading, real-life examples, group discussions, and related activities, we will also
learn about the following course-related topics:
Job/Role Design
Job Evaluation & Compensation
Employment Practices (Recruitment, Selection, and Placement)
Performance Management
Training & Development
Vocational/Career Counseling
Needs Assessment
Career Pathing
Compliance with Legal Requirements
Equal Employment
Equal Pay
Overtime Eligibility
Ergonomics and Workplace Safety
Work Management
Organization Design
HR Planning
Suggested Reading
Clifford J. (1994). Job analysis: Why do it, and how should it be done? Public Personnel
Management, 23(2), 321
Fine, S.E., & Cronshaw, S.F. (1999). Functional job analysis: A foundation for human resources
management. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2008). Human resource management (12th edition). Mason, OH:
Thomson South Western
Nolan, Tim (2014). The Essential Handbook for Highly Effective Managers. Indianapolis, IN: Dog
Ear Publishing
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Evaluation of Student Performance
Criteria One:
Midterm Exam
Criteria Two:
Course Paper
Criteria Three: Participation
Criteria Four: Assignments
Grading Scale
A = 90% – 100%
B = 80% – 89%
C = 70% – 79%
D = 60% – 69%
Course Policies
Expectations of Students:
I expect you to:
 Please participate actively, constructively, and politely in all group discussions.
 Please submit all assignments by the time and date indicated.
 Please notify me as soon as possible if you are unable to attend class or need more
time to complete an assignment.
Expectation of the Instructor:
You can expect me to:
 Respond to individual voice messages, texts, and/or emails within 24 hours. My
cell phone is 949.371.7125. My email address is
 Be available for questions and/or help during and post-module.
Course Outline
Week #1
Week of August 29, 2016 – Introductions
Job/Role Design, Job Evaluation & Compensation
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 Definition and Purpose
 Empowerment in Job Design and Job Redesign
 Job Evaluation (Internal Equity)
 Legal Requirement for Job Evaluations
 Determining Compensation
 The Role of a Job Evaluation Committee
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 Job Analysis Group Activity
Assignment #1: Please think about a Topic to Submit for Course Paper
Due: Next Course Session
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Week #2
Week #3
Week #4
Week of September 5, 2016 - Submit Course Paper Topic for Approval
Employment Practices (Recruitment, Selection & Placement), Performance
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 Tailoring Recruitment to Match Company Culture
 Job Descriptions/SMART Performance Objectives
 Selecting the Right Employees, Placing them in the Right Positions &
Keeping the Right People
 Effective Performance Management Systems
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 Group Activity: SMART Performance Objectives
 Questions Regarding Course Paper
Assignment #2: SMART Performance Objectives
Due: Next Course Session
Week of September 12, 2016
Training & Development, Vocational/Career Counseling, Needs
Assessment, Career Pathing
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of
 How to Design, Develop & Implement a Training Program
 Guiding Individuals through the Career Planning Process
 Developing a Plan to Assess the Needs of a Performance Issue
 HR’s Role in the Development and Implementation of Career Paths
 Current and/or previous work examples
 Group Activity: Sample Needs Assessment
 Review for Midterm Exam
Assignment #3: Needs Assessment, Study for Midterm Exam
Due: Next Course Session
Week of September 19, 2016 – Midterm Exam
Compliance with Legal Requirements
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 2016 Legal Requirements
 Compliance Challenges Employers Face
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 New Year, New Laws
Assignment #4: Compliance Challenge
Due: Next Course Session
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Week #5
Week #6
Week #7
Week of September 26, 2016
Equal Employment, Equal Pay
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 Job-Relatedness
 Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications
 Reasonable
Confidentiality Requirements, Informal Dispute Resolution, Tracking
and Reporting
 Criteria used during the Hiring Process which must Measure Skill(s)
Related to the Job
 Guidelines which Prohibit Discrimination against Protected Groups
 New Equal Pay Law: California Fair Pay Act – Companies required to
justify pay differences between male and female employees doing
“substantially similar” work regardless of job title.
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 Group Activity: Develop Job-Relatedness Criteria
Assignment #5: Reasonable Accommodations
Due: Next Course Session
Week of October 3, 2016
Overtime Eligibility, Ergonomics and Workplace Safety
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 When Employers Must Pay Overtime
 HR Perspective on Overtime Exemptions
 The Science of Designing the Workplace
 Preventing Injury and Illness to Employees in the Workplace
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 Group Activity: Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)
Assignment #6: Work on Course Paper
Due: Final Course Session
Week of October 10, 2016
Work Management, Organization Design
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 Creating, Delegating, and Tracking the progress of Multiple Tasks to
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Week #8
 The Framework through which an Organization Aims to Realize their
Core Qualities
 How Human Resources Plays a Key Role in Helping Companies Deal
with a Fast-Changing Competitive Environment and the Greater Demand
for Quality Employees
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 Questions Regarding Course Paper
Assignment #7: Work on Course Paper
Due: Next Course Session
Week of October 17, 2016 (Final Course Session) – COURSE PAPER DUE
HR Planning
By the end of this lesson, the student will have a better understanding of:
 Identifying Current and Future Human Resources Needs for an
Organization to Achieve its Goals
 Ensuring the Best Fit Between Employees and Jobs through HR
 Current and/or Previous Work Examples
 How HR Planning should Serve as a Link between Human Resources
Management and the Overall Strategic Plan of an Organization.
Please keep in touch! 