Claremont Graduate University School of Social Science, Policy and Evaluation Human Resource Management Program HRM 320 – Planned Change Management Spring 2016 Contact Information Course Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: In-person Office Hours: Phone Office Hours: Scott J. Schroeder, Ph.D. None (808) 739-4611 by appointment before Friday class sessions by appointment Teaching Assistant: Office: Phone: E-mail: None Course Schedule: Semester start and end dates: Module II – March 21st – May 14th Meeting days and times: Fridays Saturdays Course location: April 1st and April 22nd (7 – 9:50 pm) April 2nd and April 23rd (9 am – 5:30 pm) TBD Course Description This course introduces students to the dynamics of change management planning and implementation in organizations. In the human resources field, we often need to think about change in an architectural manner. That is, we have to conceptualize it, we have to design it, and we have to put it into practice. And then we need to figure out whether what we intended to accomplish is, in fact, what we actually did. Doing all of this effectively requires that we be very aware of the organizational culture in which we’re operating because culture, like personality at the individual level, is resistant to change. Additionally, our great ideas and best laid plans can end up going nowhere if we don’t attend carefully to the systems and people who have to engage and enact the change we intend. Thus, pushing our organizations forward requires that we work with and are sensitive to both the cultures and structures which are at the core of organizational functioning. This course is less about demonstrating knowledge of change design and implementation frameworks and more about demonstrating the ability to use those frameworks systematically and effectively. Course Orientation This course introduces students to the dynamics of change management planning and implementation in organizations. In the human resources field, we often need to think about change in an architectural manner. That is, we have to conceptualize it, we have to design it, and we have to put it into practice. And then we need to figure out whether what we intended to accomplish is, in fact, what we actually did. Doing all of this effectively requires that we be very aware of the organizational culture in which we’re operating because culture, like personality at the individual level, is resistant to change. Additionally, our great ideas and best laid plans can end up going nowhere if we don’t attend carefully to the systems and people who have to engage and enact the change we intend. Thus, pushing our organizations forward requires that we work with and are sensitive to both the cultures and structures which are at the core of organizational functioning. As managers and human resource professionals, we can be confronted with the need for planned change on the part of both individuals and systems. An executive may need to be more efficient in her work habits, or an organization may need to become more welcoming to employee diversity. An administrative assistant may want to develop management skills, or a work group may need to learn how to discuss the real issues at its meetings. For the purpose of our course, this has two implications. The first is that we need to examine planned change at both the individual and the systems level. (In real life, we will almost always operate at the intersection of these two levels). The second is that we need to become comfortable dealing with the resistance that, overtly or not, always accompanies change. The book that will be used in the course is Practicing Organization Development (abbreviated as POD in your syllabus) by Rothwell and Sullivan (2009). This book provide a grounding in elements of and approaches to planned change management. Assigned chapters from these books are identified in the course schedule below. These chapters should be read before the class session in which the related topic will be discussed but the chapters are like road maps for change elements, and so they will be used in class as resources for our case work and discussion. Advance Notice Concerning the Nature of this Course This course is less about demonstrating knowledge of change design and implementation frameworks and more about demonstrating the ability to use those frameworks systematically and effectively. Demonstrating that ability is partly predicated on your knowledge of the “science” of people and organizations at work. And it is also partly a consequence of your capacity to engage the “art” of organizational development. If you are new to this area of work, there may be moments when you feel like you’ve been asked to learn how to juggle … while riding a bicycle at the same time. Keeping your eye on the balls and your feet on the pedals simultaneously takes concentration and can cause some anxious moments. And every once in a while you may feel like you’re not getting anywhere. All of that is not only ok … it’s normal. By the end of the course, you should be more comfortable and confident with the process and practice of change management. Background Preparation (Prerequisites) HRM 303 Organizational Development Course Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, successful students will have demonstrated: 1) an understanding of processes related to individual, group and systems level change design. 2) an understanding of processes related to individual, group and systems level change implementation. 3) skill in design and implementation of change in case and simulation situations. 4) an understanding of the role of HR in change design and implementation. 5) effective communication and oral presentation skills. SHRM Curriculum Content Areas Addressed in this Course This course includes the following change management topics: Stages of change management Dimensions of change Communication Building trust Creating a foundation for problem-solving Leading change Planning change strategy Implementing change Coping strategies for employees Adjusting to change within the organization This course also addresses implications of change management work for Employee Relations Ethics Job Analysis and Design HR’s Role in the Organization Managing a Diverse Workforce Outcomes: Metrics and Measurement of HR Performance Management Strategic HR Training and Development Workforce Planning and Talent Management Organizational Development Texts and Journal References Required: Rothwell, W.J., Stavros, J.M., Sullivan, R.L., and A. Sullivan (Eds.). (2009). Practicing Organization Development. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Optional: None Course Requirements and Assignments The process of the course has been designed to get you smart about change planning and implementation, and to understand the impact of organizational culture and individual resistance on change projects. Prior to and during the course we will tackle readings and parameters of practice that will help us understand and respond to change issues that face individuals, groups, and organizations. Over the two weekends we will have several “case conferences” in which we will assess the planning and implementation of planned change efforts. These cases are identified in the course schedule and will be distributed in class. And on the last day of class we will participate in a change simulation which will allow you to put into practice what you’ve learned in the course. You will provide a written response to each of the practice cases we discuss in our case conference. They will be completed in class and provide an opportunity for you to try yourself out in change management situations. Your simulation team will also provide a verbal debrief of your team’s performance in the change simulation following completion of the event. Your team may also provide a written assessment of the team’s performance in the simulation, but that is an optional assignment, in case you don’t succeed in your change implementation at the level you’re seeking. The format for both written assignments will be discussed in class. Evaluation of Student Learning and Performance Grading will be based on the following distribution of assignments (noting that assignments may be modified to fit the class size): Class Element Points Weight Quizzes 20 20% Contribution to practice case discussion 10 10% Team performance in the change simulation 70 (or 50) 70% (or 50%) Evaluation of team performance in the simulation 0 (or 20) 0 (or 20%) The instructor will make every effort to return each assignment to you with feedback within 7 days for assignments submitted by e-mail and at the subsequent class session for assignments submitted in class. Grading Your grade will be calculated using the following scale. Grades with plus or minus designations are at the professor’s discretion. Letter Grade Grade Point Description Learning Outcome A 4.0 Complete mastery of course material and additional insight beyond course material Insightful B 3.0 Complete mastery of course material Proficient C 2.0 Gaps in mastery of course material; not at level expected by the program Developing U 0 Unsatisfactory Ineffective Course Policies: Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes. Students who are unable to attend class must seek permission for an excused absence from the course director or teaching assistant. Unapproved absences or late attendance for three or more classes may result in a lower grade or an “incomplete” for the course. If a student has to miss a class, he or she should arrange to get notes from a fellow student and is strongly encouraged to meet with the teaching assistant to obtain the missed material. Missed extra-credit quizzes and papers will not be available for re-taking. Scientific and Professional Ethics The work you do in this course must be your own. Feel free to build on, react to, criticize, and analyze the ideas of others but, when you do, make it known whose ideas you are working with. You must explicitly acknowledge when your work builds on someone else's ideas, including ideas of classmates, professors, and authors you read. If you ever have questions about drawing the line between others' work and your own, ask the course professor who will give you guidance. Exams must be completed independently. Any collaboration on answers to exams, unless expressly permitted, may result in an automatic failing grade and possible expulsion from the Program. Instructor Feedback and Communication The best way to get in touch with the instructor is by e-mail through the course page on Canvas. I will respond to e-mail within two business days. Appointments may be made to talk by phone as well. Note that I check CGU e-mail each weekday during the term. If you send me e-mail on the weekend, it may take until Monday for me to respond. Expectations and Logistics The schedule of course topics provides an intended map for the subject areas we will be discussing during particular class sessions. The actual timing may vary depending on the needs and interests of the class group. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities CGU is committed to offering auxiliary aids and services to students with verifiable disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. To ensure that their individual needs are addressed, students with special needs are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office as early as possible. Additional resources can be found on the linked page ( Schedule of Class Sessions Evening of April 1st – Overview of the Change Management Process The evidence is in… The organizations that are most effective in change efforts are those which are continually changing and looking to be even more effective in the future. Organizations that plan change efforts and learn from their experiences tend to engage change more successfully than those that don’t. One way to characterize this learning process is to call it “evaluation.” More broadly, however, we want to consider how organizations can embed learning into their planning and implementation. We also want to look at where change efforts go wrong and what’s needed to try again and succeed. This class session will provide an overview of the stages of and dimensions considered in effective change efforts, as well as consideration of the skills and aptitudes that are useful for effective change management. We will use this class session to establish a baseline reading of your change management skills through use of a change simulation. Reading: POD Chapters 9 and 11 Morning of April 2nd – Initiating Change: Contracting and Action Planning One of the critical tasks faced by those confronting problem situations or developmental opportunities is connecting action plans to an assessment of the situation at hand. Determining the root cause of what’s off or what’s deficient is essential to plotting a course for change. So one of the first things those involved in “fixing” need to be up to is “learning”… learning about the system, groups, and individuals who are part of the way things are now. To make things better, we need to get a clear read on how things came to be the way they are today. If we get this one wrong, we run the risk of changing things that are better left alone, tackling symptoms rather than problems, and, metaphorically, heading for Riverside when we meant to be going to Irvine. In this class session we will talk about how to successfully contract and plan for and implement the work to be done after the completion of assessment. Building trusting relationships and the foundation for problem-solving, as well as developing effective communication will be points of focus. Reading: POD Chapters 10 and 12 Video Case: Before & After Practice Case: The OD Letters Quiz on Practice Case Afternoon of April 2nd – Implementing Planned Change with Individuals Frequently in management, HR, and consulting work, planned change efforts are focused on improving or developing individuals’ performance. That is, we’re given the job of helping a particular person perform better. The popular terminology used for this kind of work these days is “coaching”. We help a manager to conduct performance appraisals; we prepare an executive for her new responsibilities as VP; or we cultivate a newcomer’s ability to show up for work on time. In this class session we will discuss the application of change technology at the individual level. It’s important to note that even systemslevel change requires the buy-in, commitment, and effective action of individuals to be a success. As a result, understanding change at the individual level is an essential building block for our further work. Planning and facilitating change efforts with individuals will be the focus of this class session. Reading: POD Chapter 14 Practice Case: Waverider Health Club Quiz on Practice Case Evening of April 22nd – Implementing Planned Change with Work Teams Teamwork is increasingly a way of life in organizations. Self-managed teams are used more and more to increase productivity at work. In this class session we will examine common change issues for teams, as well as the composition and process features that make them effective, and interventions for enhancing team functioning through enhanced communication, cooperation, and cohesion. Planning and implementing change efforts with work teams will be our focus. Particular attention will be given to leadership of change projects with work teams. Reading: POD Chapter 15 Practice Case: Steele Enterprises Quiz on Practice Case Morning of April 23rd – Implementing Planned Change with Whole Systems Enacting change at the systems level is a challenging venture because of the complex nature of systems. There are more relationships, parts, divisions, goals, processes, boundaries, outcomes, motivations, and… And that means that we need to be even more systematic, integrative, and responsive in taking on change efforts at that level. And we need to consider and account for variables including leadership, organizational mission and strategy, internal and external stakeholders, resources and process management, and our intended performance results. To guide our work in mapping successful large-scale change efforts this morning we will draw on the Baldrige Quality Program’s criteria for organizational effectiveness. Particular attention will be given to coping strategies for employees and adjusting to change. Reading: POD Chapters 13, 16 and 17 Practice Case: Kraft Foods Quiz on Practice Case Afternoon of April 23rd - Planned Change Simulation This class session will be devoted to our second effort in the planned change simulation. Student teams will work through a planned change effort with an identified organization. The extent of each team’s success in navigating the change process will determine their simulation grade. The simulation provides both an opportunity for practicing change management and for evaluating the learning you’ve done over the two weekends. Following the simulation, we will debrief your experience with the change process. Additional Resources In addition to your likely involvement in SHRM, connection with an additional organization may be of use to you if you are routinely involved in change management or pursue a career in consulting. This organization is the OD Network, a national organization for practitioners and scholars involved in organization development. You can find them nationally at Another local organization for networking with OD professionals is OD in LA. Information on them and their monthly gatherings can be found at The following may also be of help to you, dealing with issues of change in organizations. Anderson, L.A., and D. Anderson. (2001). The Change Leader’s Roadmap. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Argyris, C. (1990). Overcoming Organizational Defenses: Facilitating Organizational Learning. New York: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Block, P. (2011). Flawless Consulting: The Art of Getting Your Expertise Used. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bridges, W. and S. Bridges. (2009). Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Boston: Da Capo Lifelong Books. Carter, L., Giber, D., and M. Goldsmith (Eds.). (2001). Best Practices in Organization Development and Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (note that this text comes with a CD that provides many useful forms for working with change at the organizational level). Cloke, K. and J. Goldsmith. (2003). The Art of Waking People Up. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Culbert, S.A. (2010). Get Rid of the Performance Review. New York: Business Plus. French, W.L., and C.H. Bell, Jr. (1994). Organization Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organization Improvement. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Goleman, D., McKee, A, and R.E. Boyatzis. (2013). Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Boston: Harvard University Press. Kegan, R., and L.L. Lahey. (2009). Immunity to Change. Boston: Harvard University Press. Schein, E. (1999). The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Senge, P.M. (1994). The Fifth Discipline. New York: Currency. Cummings & Worley. Instructor Background Information Scott Schroeder, Ph.D. is Dean of the School of Business and Communication and Professor of Management at Chaminade University of Honolulu. Scott’s career has been lived as a management activist, dedicated to putting into practice management systems and approaches that bring out employees’ best work and limit the risk of management malpractice. His research focuses of individuals’ personal power and social influence at work, with special interest in getting people the power they need to have personal and professional success in their careers. He is most recently co-author with Vicki Scherwin and J.F. Coget of The Culbert Legacy: Demystifying the interplay between self and organizational interests in the leadership process. He is also currently on the editorial board for the Journal for Excellence in Business Education. He has done extensive clinical work in executive psychotherapy and coaching, and consults on issues of executive development and team effectiveness. His clients have included individuals and organizations from industries including entertainment, professional sports, health care, advertising, education, government services, the U.S. military, high tech, community service, environmental protection, and faith communities. Scott has held administrative, research, or faculty positions at several universities, including Arizona State, UCLA, and Antioch, where he was responsible for developing a graduate program in organization development which was consistently ranked among the top ten programs nationally by The OD Practitioner during his tenure as chair. Prior to returning to Chaminade in 2010, Scott was most recently Dean of Academic Affairs at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute, Net Impact’s top-ranked business school in the U.S. for developing socially responsible leaders, and one of BusinessWeek’s top-ranked innovation schools in the world. He has taught courses on organizational behavior, organization theory, organization development, and crisis management in the HRD and HRM programs at CGU since 1996. Scott completed doctoral specializations in management and psychology at UCLA and post-doctoral work at Harvard University as a fellow in the MLE Institute.