PHOTON ENERGY RESPONSE OF SILICON DIOXIDE FIBRE OPTIC AND TLD 100 USING MONTE CARLO SIMULATION HAZILA BINTI ASNI A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Physics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia February 2011 iii iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah S.W.T, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger, Muhammad S.A.W. and all his family and companions. A sincere gratitude first goes to Prof Dr. Husin bin Wagiran for his believe in me and opportunities given to me to further my studies, Prof Dr Ahmad Termizi Ramli and Dr Suhairul Hashim for their guidance, support and motivation through completion of this research. It was a great pleasure to acknowledge help from PM Dr Wan Saridan, UTM, Dr Iqbal from Faculty of Engineering, UPM and Wan Haizily for giving an outstanding guidance for me to understand the MCNP5. Special thanks also go to Dr Iqbal for providing me the MCNP5 software. I am sincerely thankful to the government of Malaysia for a funded Master scholarship. Not forgotten to the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia for providing research grants for this research. I’m also indebted to my colleagues especially Nor Haliza Yaacob, Noor Hidayah Che Mat, Siti Sarah Mohd Azlan, Fairuz Diyana Ismail, Suhailah Abdullah, Siti Fatimah Abdul Rahman and Fariza Hanim for their friendship, laughter, enjoyment and enthusiasm during my studies in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Only Allah S.W.T. can repay all your kindness. I’m also would like to acknowledge all my families especially my parents and my husband for their hope, prays and support which they still doing it until now, no matter what happens. A million of thank to all. v ABSTRACT Even though there are other methods in detecting and measuring radiation, thermoluminescence (TL) is still the main choice in many areas of ionizing radiation dosimetry. This fact leads to the countless investigation of other materials to be used as TL phosphor. Recent material being recognised and investigated as a TL phosphor is silicon dioxide fibre optic. This study focuses on the energy response of silicon dioxide fibre optics and TLD 100 subjected to photon irradiation. The TL responses for photon energies, ranging from 20 keV to 20 MeV, were investigated as energy absorbed in the TL materials. The simulation was performed using Monte Carlo NParticle transport code version 5 (MCNP5). The input parameters included in this study are geometry specification, source information, material information and tallies. Tally F6 was used to obtain average fraction of energy deposited by TL materials in the simulation. Comparisons of energy responses were made between calculated, simulation and previous experiment. For TLD 100, calculation results show an over responses at below 100 keV while the simulation and experiment results shows over response at below 150 keV. In terms of energy dependence, TLD 100 has a relatively flat response since its response lies within ANSI acceptable range. Unlike TLD 100, fibre optic had a limited range of flat response. A flat response can only be seen at energy range of 200 keV to 10 MeV. Although simulation results exhibit similar pattern of energy responses, the values are slightly higher when compared to calculated and experiment results, especially at lower energy (< 100 keV). The effect of different dopant concentrations on the energy responses were also analysed and discussed. Result from simulation shows no apparent effect of different dopant concentration on the energy response. vi ABSTRAK Walaupun terdapat pelbagai kaedah dalam pengesanan dan pengukuran sinaran, dosimetri termocahaya (TLD) masih menjadi pilihan utama dalam bidang dosimetri sinaran mengion. Kenyataan ini mendorong banyak penyelidikan dilakukan untuk mencari bahan yang sesuai menjadi fosfor termocahaya. Di antara bahan baru yang telah dikenali berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai TLD ialah serabut optik silikon dioksida terdop. Kajian ini menumpukan kepada sambutan tenaga serabut optik silikon dioksida dan TLD 100 terhadap foton. Sambutan luminesens cahaya bagi pelbagai tenaga, dalam julat 20 keV hingga 20 MeV, dikaji sebagai tenaga terserap di dalam bahan luminesens. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan simulasi komputer Monte Carlo N-particle, versi 5 (MCNP5).Terdapat beberapa parameter dimasukkan ke dalam simulasi seperti spesifikasi geometri, maklumat berkenaan sumber sinaran, maklumat bahan serta tallies. Tally F6 digunakan bagi mendapatkan jumlah pecahan purata tenaga yang diserap oleh bahan TL dosimeter dalam simulasi ini. Perbandingan sambutan tenaga dibuat antara keputusan simulasi dengan keputusan kiraan dan eksperimen. Bagi TLD 100, keputusan pengiraan menunjukkan “over response” pada tenaga 100 keV ke bawah, manakala keputusan simulasi dan eksperimen menunjukkan “over response” pada tenaga 150 keV ke bawah. Dalam terma kebergantungan tenaga, TLD 100 mempunyai sambutan tenaga yang malar kerana semua sambutan tenaga berada dalam julat yang diterima ANSI. Tidak seperti TLD 100, serabut optik mempunyai julat sambutan tenaga malar yang terhad. Sambutan malar hanya dapat dilihat dalam julat tenaga 200 keV hingga 10 MeV sahaja. Walaupun keputusan simulasi menunjukkan corak sambutan tenaga yang serupa, nilainya sedikit tinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan pengiraan dan eksperimen, terutamanya pada tenaga rendah (<100 keV). Kesan perbezaan kepekatan bahan terdop dalam serabut optik terhadap sambutan tenaga juga dikaji. Keputusan daripada simulasi menunjukkan tiada kesan yang besar terhadap sambutan tenaga bagi kepekatan bahan terdop yang berbeza-beza. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv INTRODUCTIONS 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Statement of problem 3 1.3 Research objectives 4 1.4 Statement of hypothesis 5 1.5 Scope of the research 5 1.6 Significance of the research 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Theory of thermoluminescence 7 2.2 Thermoluminescence materials 9 2.2.1 Lithium fluoride 10 2.2.2 Silicone dioxide fibre optic 10 2.3 ANSI N545-1975 11 viii 3 4 2.4 Energy response 12 2.5 Introduction to Monte Carlo N-Particle Code 16 2.5.1 20 2.5.2 Photon interaction data 21 2.5.3 Variance reduction 22 2.5.4 23 Statistical check in MCNP5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 25 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 Creating input file 26 3.2.1 26 Geometry description 3.2.2 Data card specification 29 3.3 Running the simulation 33 3.4 Interpreting MCNP5 output data 34 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 36 4.1 Introduction 36 4.2 Photon energy response of TLD 100 36 4.2.1 Photon energy response of TLD 100 by calculation 36 4.2.1 Photon energy response of TLD 100 by MCNP5 simulation 38 4.3 5 Photon interaction in MCNP5 Photon energy response of silicon dioxide fibre optic 43 4.3.1 Photon energy response of silicon dioxide fibre optic by calculation 43 4.3.2 45 Photon energy response silicon dioxide fibre optic by MCNP5 simulation 4.4 Effect of different dopant concentration on TL energy response 48 4.5 Discussions on MCNP5 simulation 49 CONCLUSION 52 5.1 Summary of findings 52 5.2 Advantages and disadvantages of using simulation 53 5.3 Recommendation of future research 54 ix REFERENCES 56 Appendices A-G 62-72 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Mode of transport available in MCNP5 18 2.2 Description of information in the default output files generates by MCNP5 19 2.3 Differences of photo atomic interaction data libraries 22 3.1 Material description 31 3.2 Photoatomic data libraries 31 4.1 Weight fraction of elements contain in TLD 100 37 4.2 Calculated value of mass energy absorption coefficient of TLD 100 37 4.3 Relative energy response of TLD 100 as calculated using Eq. 4.4 38 4.4 Value of () for TLD 100 39 4.5 Response of TLD 100 at incident energy by simulation 40 4.6 Relative energy response (RER) of TLD 100 40 4.7 Weight fraction of elements contain in SiO2 fibre optic 43 4.8 Calculated value of mass energy absorption coefficient for fibre optic 44 4.9 Relative energy response of fibre optic as calculated using Eq. 4.4 44 4.10 Value of () for fibre optic 45 4.11 Response of fibre optic at incident energy 45 4.12 Relative energy response (RER) of fibre optic 46 4.13 Result produce by MCNP5 with two different SI and SB card 51 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Simple examples of luminescence processes 8 2.2 Energy band diagram 9 2.3 Relative energy responses of several TL phosphors 14 2.4 LiF: Mg, Ti energy response to photon 14 2.5 Germanium doped fibre optic energy response to photon 15 2.6 The MCNP flow chart diagram 19 3.1 Flow chart of the work in this research 25 3.2 Problem’s geometry information as written in cell and surface card 27 3.3 3D view of problem’s geometry. 27 3.4 X-Z side view of the phantom 28 3.5 X-Y plane view of the phantom 29 3.6 Distribution of 100 000 particles from source with 30 energy 1.25 MeV 3.7 Data cards 32 3.8 MCNP5 command prompts 33 4.1 Comparison of mass energy absorption coefficients between calculated (MEAC) and simulation (()) 41 4.2 Comparison of TLD 100 relative energy response between calculation, experiment and simulation 42 4.3 Comparison of mass energy absorption coefficients between calculated and simulation 46 4.4 Comparison of fibre optic relative energy response between Calculated, simulation and experiment. 47 4.5 Effect of dopant concentration on germanium doped SiO2 fibre optic response 48 xii LIST OF SYMBOLS E Energy k Boltzmann’s constant p Probability of escaping by the trap Т Temperature Zeff, The effective atomic number SiO2 Silicon dioxide Z Atomic number of the atom wi Fraction of that element η The efficiency of the thermoluminescence emission m Mass Gy Gray LiF Lithium fluoride Ti Titanium ppm Part per million () Average fraction of energy deposited in TL material Photon fluence () TL efficiency ( ⁄) () The mass energy absorption coefficient for air () Photon energy response () μ Relative Energy Response μ Mass energy absorption coefficient of the material Mass energy absorption coefficient of the reference material 60 Co Cobalt-60 source CaSO4 Calcium Sulphate xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS TLD Thermoluminescence dosimeters TL Thermoluminescence PMT Photomultiplier PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate SEM Scanning electron microscope MCNP5 Monte Carlo N-particle code, Version 5 EGS Electron-gamma shower computer code EGSnrc Electron-gamma shower computer code (maintained by NRC) NRC National Research Council of Canada GEANT4 Geometry and Tracking computer code TTB Thick Target Bremsstrahlung SDEF Source specification data card EPDL Evaluated photon data libraries ENDF Evaluated nuclear data files ACE A Compact ENDF SB Source bias SD Source definition SI Source information SP Source probability FOM Figure of Merit Vised Visual Editor NPS Number of particles IMP:P Photon importance ANSI American National Standard Institute xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Example of input file for TLD 100 62 B Example of input file for fiber optic 63 C Example of output file generated by MCNP5 64 D The mass energy absorption coefficients for air. 69 E The mass energy absorption coefficients of 70 TLD 100 elements F The mass energy absorption coefficients of 71 silicon dioxide fibre optic elements G Publications and conferences 72 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW Over the last decade, the investigation of thermoluminescence and other thermoluminescence dosimetry has expanded enormously. Many phosphor materials have been studied, become commercially available and have been applied to many areas of ionizing radiation dosimetry including personal, environmental, clinical, charged particle and neutron dosimetry. In the late 1940s, Daniels and his co-workers had concluded in their investigation that lithium fluoride (LiF) from Harshaw Chemical Company was most suitable to use in measuring ionizing radiation exposure [McKinlay, 1981]. Later in studies of LiF in 1960, Harshaw incorporated titanium and others elements in the LiF to produce a phosphor with a high TL sensitivity. This material is the basis of what is now generally regarded as the ‘standard’ TL phosphor: Harshaw TLD 100. TLD 100 was often being used as comparison material in investigating others TLD [McKinlay, 1981]. More recently studies in thermoluminescence are in investigating and developing the commercial SiO2 fibre optic as a TL material. The fibre optic has several characteristics such as respond monotonically to gamma photon radiation and in some dose regions it responds linearly, carries a low residual TL signal, can be reused several times and low degree of fading. As claimed by Espinosa et. al. [2006] 2 fibre optics could be very attractive for used in variety of radiation dosimetry applications due to its small size, flexibility, low cost and commercially available. TL performance of an irradiated fibre optic is depends on the type of fibre and by the radiation parameters [Hashim, 2009]. Different impurities in the fibre could give different outcome in the fibre optic performance as TL material. Abdulla et al [2001a] has carried out a TL study on commercially available ge-doped silica based fibre optic in dose range of 1-1230 Gy. It was found that fibre optic was response linearly from 1 to 120 Gy and has fast fading rate (2% within 6 hours and 6% within 30 days). Besides germanium, Abdulla et al [2001b] also studied on commercially available erbium doped fibre optic. Dose ranges investigated was 2 to 400 Gy, linear dose response was found at up to 250 Gy. Despite its wider range in linear dose response, erbium doped fibre optic had rapid rate of fading compared to germanium doped. As reported, nearly 30% of TL signals being lost after the first 24 hours and a total loss of 58.6% of TL signal were reported after 20 days storage at room temperature. Hashim [2009] carried out work also on commercially available germanium doped fibre optic compared mainly to aluminium doped fibre optic. This TL dosimeter irradiated by a broad range of sources, from low energy photons to megavoltage, through to neutrons and charged particles (from E-sources, accelerated electrons and D-particles). Germanium doped fibre optic was found to have linear dose response until at least 4 Gy for 6 MV photons, and up to 3.5 Gy for 6-, 9- and 12 MeV electrons irradiation. Besides photon and electron irradiations, a linear dose response was also observed for 2.5 MeV protons irradiations. Exposure to 0.18 Gy of the 90Sr / 90Y E-ray source; it was found that germanium doped fibre had higher TL response compared to the Al-doped fibres. Germanium doped fibre was also prove to have strong TL response to fast neutron irradiation, whereas for aluminium doped fibres the TL response was practically negligible. If a TL material is to be used for any dosimetric applications in the field of photon radiation, one of the main characteristics that must be known is its energy response. The energy response is a measure of an energy absorbed in TL material 3 used in comparison to the energy absorbed in a material taken as the reference, when irradiated at the same exposure. Normally air is used as a reference material in dosimetry. Energy response is not easily measured, but its theoretical value is very helpful in selecting a particular TL material for any special application. [Oberhofer et al, 1981]. Other than energy response, the absorbed dose response was also one of the thermoluminescence characteristics that can be examined. It is very useful for a phosphor to have a linear TL-absorbed dose response over measurement and calibration ranges of absorbed dose [McKinlay, 1981]. Nowadays, other than carried out by experiment, the response studies also could be done by simulation. One of the famous simulation methods is Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulation is a stochastic technique which is based on random numbers and probability statistics. This simulation is one of the most important tools to study particle transport and interaction with matter as well as radiation protection and dosimetry. Various Monte Carlo simulation programs are available for different user needs. For instance, Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP), Geometry and Tracking computer code (GEANT4) and Electron- Gamma Shower computer code (EGSnrc). Monte Carlo N-Particle version 5 (MCNP5) will be used for this research. MCNP5 is a general purpose Monte Carlo n-particle transport code that is continuous-energy, generalized-geometry, time-dependent code, and can be used for single or coupled neutron/photon/electron transport. 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There are several studies showing the useful of fibre optic as TL material [Houstan,, 2002; Abdulla, 2003; Espinosa, 2006; Hashim, 2009] in terms of TL sensitivity, fading and dose response. This study will give more attention to the fibre optic energy response as from the review; none of these studies discuss enough about energy response of TL dosimeter. Energy response has been studied by Abdulla [2003] and Safitri [2006]. However, their studies on energy response of TL 4 dosimeter only limited to accelerated photons and electrons from linear accelerator, which means only energy more than 1 MeV were applied. On the other hand, this studied will applied energy of 20 keV until up to 20 MeV which cover from environmental dosimetry energy ranges to clinical applications. With the aim to understand the dependency of fibre optic response on broad energy ranges, studying this energy ranges is essential as this study may provide a basis for energy correction method needed for fibre optic later. Previous studies in thermoluminescence were carried out mainly by experiment. However this research tries alternative approach which is Monte Carlo simulation, specifically MCNP5. It is a common but not widely used method in thermoluminescence dosimetry area. With the aim to prove the capability of MCNP5, this research investigates the energy response of TLD 100 and commercially available SiO2 fibre optic at energy ranges of 20 keV to 20 MeV. 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this research are as follows: i. To simulate the response of TLD 100 to various energy of photon using MCNP5 simulation. ii. To simulate the response of commercial germanium doped SiO2 fibre optic to various energy of photon using MCNP5 simulation. iii. To study the effect of different dopant concentration in SiO2 fibre optic on energy response using MCNP5 simulation. 5 1.4 STATEMENT OF HYPOTESIS Over-response (when the ratio of the amount TL from a dose of a test radiation to the TL from the same amount of 60 Co source is greater than 1.0) in the 150 keV ranges for TLD 100 has been well documented [McKinlay, 1981,; McKeever et al, 1995; Glennie, 2003; Davis, 2003; Hranitzky et al, 2006]. It is hypothesize that simulation response of TLD 100 will have similar response as measured by experiment as well as calculated. Energy response of fibre optic will also be comparing with calculated and experiment response measured by Abdulla [2003]. It is expected that fibre optic response by simulation depict similar response with experiment and calculation. Abdulla [2003] studies shows over response at energy 100 keV and lower, and like most of TL material energy response has a flat energy response at high energy (greater than 100 keV). 1.5 SCOPE OF RESEARCH These studies will applied Monte Carlo N Particle code version 5 (MCNP5). MCNP was chosen because of the simplicity and ease when using the code compared to the other codes. Many of the published papers perform Monte Carlo simulation using EGS code in the area of thermoluminescence dosimetry. Thus, the lack of published literature referencing MCNP shows that there is a need for more research to be conduct with MCNP. Energy response of fibre optic will be compare with calculated response and experiment response as measured by Abdulla [2003]. Even though there is various type of fibre optic with different dopant available, germanium doped fibre optic was chose as investigated material because of its usefulness in terms of sensitivity and dose response was proved by Abdulla [2003] and Hashim [2009]. Since only one type of fibre optic was used in this research, any fibre optic mention was referred to germanium doped fibre optic hereafter. 6 Other than germanium doped fibre optic, as a standard material, TLD 100 will be used as a comparison material. TLD 100 was chose as its information on its energy response were extensively studied by several group [Davis, 2003; Glennie, 2003 and Hranitzky et. Al, 2006]. For more specific comparison, studies by Glennie [2003] were chose as its thesis provided complete and comprehensible setting of the experiment as well as result of energy response. The experiment set up by Glennie will be a reference for simulation setup of this research later. Energy response of TLD 100 from simulation studies will also be compared with result of TLD 100 energy response from Glennie [2003]. 1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH This research will give an insight of commercial SiO2 fibre optic for a candidate as a TL material in terms of its energy response. The fibre optic can be widely used not only for clinical dosimetry but also for environmental and personal dosimetry. This research utilized MCNP5 simulation in order to study the energy response with the aim to promote the usage of computer simulation as well as provide basic knowledge in MCNP5 application. Moreover, by using MCNP5 simulation; it is much easier to study the relationship between response and TL material. Hopefully this research will contribute to the knowledge that can create new experts in thermoluminescence area as well as Monte Carlo area. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 THEORY OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE When certain materials are irradiated, the absorption of energy from the radiation induces instability in their structure. These materials can, however, return to their normal structure if the energy absorbed is released again. The measurement of the released energy provides an indication of how much radiation dose was absorbed in the material. Figure 2.1 showing the example of luminescence processes. As shown in Figure 2.1(a), the prompt return of an electron from excited state E (valence band) either directly to the ground state G (conduction band) or via an allowed transition from intermediate state S (relaxation) is called fluorescence. However, due to the presence of an electron trap known as metastable state M, the return of electron to the ground state is delayed. The metastable state represents a shallow electron trap and electrons returning from it to the excited state require energy as shown in Figure 2.1 (b). 8 E E (a) (b) S G M G E M (c) Heat In G Figure 2.1 Simple examples of luminescence processes. The probability p of escape of an electron from a metastable state to an excited state is governed by the Boltzmann equation. = −∆ (2.1) Where s is a constant, ΔE is the energy difference between states E and M or commonly known as trap depth, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. By raising the temperature, the probability of escape of an electron is increased. This process is called thermoluminescence as illustrated in Figure 2.1 (c). The presence of defects or so-called dopant in a material is important for thermoluminescence process. The conduction band and the valence band are widely separated in energy by the so-called ‘forbidden gap’ (Figure 2.2 a). Without the influence of the external forces, it is improbable for an electron to be able to cross the forbidden gap from the valence band to conduction band. The presence of dopant allowed energy level to exist in the forbidden region as illustrated in Figure 2.2 (b), subsequently make it possible for electrons to be trapped. Thus, the material becomes more sensitive as the energy level trapped more electrons during irradiation. For instance, Harshaw Chemical Company had incorporated Titanium (Ti) in LiF to produce a phosphor with a high TL sensitivity [McKinlay, 1981]. 9 (b) (a) Conduction Band Conduction Band Energy level Without the influence of the external forces, it is not easy for an electron to be able to cross this gap. E L H Valence Band Valence Band Figure 2.2 2.2 Energy Band Diagram. THERMOLUMINESCENCE MATERIAL A large number of materials have been discovered exhibit a good characteristic of thermoluminescence. For used in radiation dosimetry, only some material are suitable. As discussed by Regula and Driscoll [1993] and McKeever et. al. [1995], the characteristics of TL material which are most important for radiation dosimetry are: 1. Linear dose dependence. A good TL material has a wide interval of linear dose dependence. 2. A sufficiently high sensitivity, i.e., a high TL signals per unit absorbed dose. 3. A suitable flat energy response over a wide range of energy of the incident radiation. In other word, the TL response should have low dependence on the photon energy. 10 4. Low rate of fading. The TL material must be capable to store dosimetric information for a long time. 5. Simple TL curve. 6. TL material should be mechanically strong, chemically inert and radiation resistant. 2.2.1 Lithium Fluoride The first basic TL material commercially known as TLD 100 has the composition of ~92.14% 7LiF and ~7.36% LiF incorporated with ~ 200 ppm Magnesium and ~10 ppm Titanium [Saint, 2000] is generally regarded as a standard TL dosimeter. TLD 100 properties are still extensively studied since 1960’s and was often being used as a comparison material in investigating other TL materials. TLD 100 characteristics that made it good TL dosimeters include the wide useful ranges (10μGy – 10Gy), low fading (5 – 10% per year) and sensitivity to small doses [Kortov, 2007]. TLD 100 arising factor that made it interesting is its tissue equivalence (Zeff = 8.04), which is an important factor in personnel dosimetry as well as medical application. Lithium Fluoride is also available with different composition that is suitable for measuring mix radiation fields (TLD 600, TLD 700). 2.2.2 Silicon Dioxide Fibre Optic Recently, several research groups have reported a number of studies on application of silicon dioxide (SiO2) fibre optic as a dosimeter. Justus et. al. [1997] and Houston et. al. [2002] with their research group have reported the development of doped optical fibre material for use as a dosimeter. In 2003, Abdulla studied the effect of different doped (Germanium doped and Erbium doped) in thermoluminescence response to photon irradiation with the focus more on usage of optical fibre dosimeter in radiation therapy. Later on, Hashim [2009] had studied the thermoluminescence response of commercially optical fibre to ionizing radiation 11 such as low-energy X-rays, megavoltage photons (6 MV), accelerated electrons (up to 12 MeV), accelerated protons (2.5 MeV), D-particles (5.954 MeV) and fast neutrons (10 keV - 10 MeV). His study had proved the doped SiO2 fibre optic are capable of measuring the radiation emission from a range of radionuclide sources (E’s,D’s and neutron-emitting), low-energy X-rays and megavoltage photons and also accelerated particles (electrons and protons). 2.3 ANSI N545-1975 Since a suitable flat energy response is insisted for a good TL dosimetry, a standard to show the degree of the flat energy was chose known as ANSI N5451975. Its title “Performance, Testing, and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry (Environmental Applications)” and was coded as ANSI N545-1975 is a standard code prepared by American National Standard Institute (ANSI) in order to fulfil the need for an accurate, sensitive and reliable for monitoring environmental radiation. The standard specifies performance criteria for TLD systems used for the measurement of environmental exposures levels of X and gamma radiation. One of the dosimeter performance criteria specified in ANSI N545 that relate to energy response is “The response of TLD to photon shall be determine for several energies between 30 keV and 3 MeV. The response shall not differ from that obtained with calibration source by more than 20 percent for photon with energies greater than 80 keV and shall not be enhanced by more than a factor of two for photons with energies less than 80 keV”. Even though this standard was prepared for environmental application, it was also suitable for this research since range of energy investigated for this research covered for all kinds of dosimetry. 12 2.4 ENERGY RESPONSE The photon energy response may be expressed in many different ways. According to Oberhofer et. al. [1981], photon energy response is the measurement of energy absorbed dose in the TL material compared to energy absorbed dose in a reference material. In other word, for a fixed dose, the energy response is the variation of the detected TL output as a function of the energy absorbed radiation. The photon energy response or known as energy dependance, SE (E) is defined as [McKeever et al, 1992; Horowitz, 1984 ] μ !" # () = μ &() ! " $% (2.2) ('! ⁄")*+$() is the mass energy absorption coefficient of the material, subscript ‘m’ refer to TLD material and subscript ‘ref’ refers to reference material or medium. Air is normally taken as a reference medium because the ratio between absorbed dose and exposure for air is constant. ('! ⁄") is a measure of the average fractional amount of incident photon energy transferred to kinetic energy of charged particles in the medium. The variable η(E) is energy-dependent relative TL efficiency. The light output from a given TL material is dependent primarily on total energy deposited within a material and it also depend to some degree on the energy of incident radiation. Horowitz [1984] explains this effect is called energy-dependent relative TL efficiency and suggests that grain size and ionization density effects could be contributing factor to its value. Since available data of η(E) for TLD 100 and fibre optic is scarce and inconsistent, it is assumed to be unity in all of the calculation in this study. When discussing about energy response, it is unavoidable to discuss also about effective atomic number, Zeff. The effective atomic number, Zeff dictates the amount of energy absorbed by the TL material in a given radiation field. When photons interact with matter, the energy loss of photon can take place by photoelectric absorption, Compton scattering and pair production where the dominated process depends upon the energy of incident photon. However, the exact energy ranges for which these processes predominate are governed by Zeff. 13 According to McKeever et al [1992], combination of higher value of Zeff and lower energy of incident photon will produce larger TL response to a given dose For the purpose of personnel or medical dosimetry, the tissue equivalency is an essential consideration. A material is consider as “tissue equivalent” if it have the Zeff near the human tissue Zeff which is 7.4. Zeff for germanium doped SiO2 fibre optic is in the range of 11.9 – 13.4 [Hashim et. al., 2007] whereas Zeff for TLD100 is 8.2 [McKinlay, 1981]. Non-tissue equivalent materials tend to exhibit an “over-response” or “under response” when it interacts to photon. The “over response” is when the ratio of the amount TL from a dose of a test radiation to the TL from the same amount of 60 Co source is greater than 1.0. Since Zeff for SiO2 fibre optic and TLD 100 is larger than tissue, it is expect that it will tend to over-response when interact with low energy of photon. This is the result of photoelectric absorption coefficient which is a function of the effective atomic number (Zeff) of the TLD material to the third power and the energy of the photon inversely to the third power (Zeff3/E3) [Horowitz 1983, Horowitz 1984, McKeever et. al. 1995]. For example, as shown in Figure 2.3, CaSO4 (Zeff = 15.3) has an over response at an energy of 100 keV, while LiF (Zeff = 8.2) has almost no over response at the same energy. For dosimetric purposes, a material with an energy response which is as constant as possible over the energy range of interest is desirable. Information of the deviation in the energy response (over-response) indicates how much the dose deviates from the dose to be determined. Thus, information of energy response is very helpful in selecting a particular TL material for any special application. [Oberhofer et. al., 1981], 14 Figure 2.3 Relative energy responses of several TL phosphors. [McKinlay, 1981] The photon energy response of LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD 100) has been measured by various groups since its development. Result measured by Davis [2003], Glennie [2003] and Hranitzky et. al. [2006] shows the same pattern of TLD 100 response to photon. Glennie [2003] reported that TLD 100 tend to over response in the 10 – 150 keV range as shown in Figure 2.4. 1.6 Relative Response 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Energy (keV) Figure 2.4 LiF: Mg, Ti Energy response to photon. [Glennie, 2003] 15 For practical use of photon energy response, the relative energy response (RER)E definition is used. The relative energy response is defined with respect to 1.25 MeV which is average photon energy from a 60 Co source (1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV photon per 60Co disintegration), thus (--) = () .. 01 23 6745 (2.3) The energy response in Glennie [2003] was compared to 6MV photons produce on the 6/100 linear accelerator rather than normalizing to average energy from 60 Co source. Normalizing the result between 60 Co and 6MV would only give slightly difference result [Glennie, 2003]. Due to its status as recent TL material, there is not much literature available for germanium doped fibre optic studies on energy response. Abdulla [2003] reported energy response of this fibre optic meanwhile Safitri [2006] reported the energy response of erbium doped fibre optic. Figure 2.5 shows energy responses as measured by Abdulla [2003] normalize to 1.25 MeV. It obviously shows fibre optic had large over response at lower energy. 4.50 4.00 Relative Response 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Photon Energy (keV) Figure 2.5 Germanium doped fibre optic energy response to photon [Abdulla, 2003] 16 2.5 MONTE CARLO N-PARTICLE CODE Monte Carlo particle transport techniques were first introduced in the 1940s for the design of atomic weapons. They have since evolved into many different areas of application, such as the much more peaceful applications in radiotherapy physics. It is well accepted now that Monte Carlo methods offer the most powerful tool for modelling radiation transport. Nowadays, various Monte Carlo simulation programs are useful for different user needs such as EGS, GEANT 4 and MCNP. With so many codes available, there have been increasing numbers in papers published on the application of Monte Carlo methods specifically dealing with external photon beam modelling as well as thermoluminescence dosimetry [Verhaegen, 2002]. A number of paper and thesis were reviewed and analyzed. Many of research group use EGS Monte Carlo system as a tool to investigate their problem. Miles [1994] studied the photon energy response for filtered CaSO4 dosimeter using EGS4 Monte Carlo system. Since the response of CaSO4 is not air-equivalent, it needs filtration or any other energy correction method if dosimeters are to be exposed at lower energy photon. Miles compared response of the dosimeter from simulation with response from experiment and also with those calculated based on simple linear attenuation. His finding shows EGS4 calculated results were in close agreement with experimental data than the calculation based on attenuation. Miles reported discrepancies in the EGS4 calculation are believed to be due to energy dependent thermoluminescence efficiency of the phosphor. Meanwhile, Davis [2003] in his research utilizes EGSnrc, the extended code of EGS4. Davis studied the potential of TLD 100H as a detector for environmental dosimetry. TLD 100H was encapsulated in Teflon and mounted in aluminium card (The Harshaw Type 8855 environmental dosimeter) which had four different filters. Davis compared the result with between measured value and EGS calculated value and had found Monte Carlo calculations were in good agreement with the measured result. He suggests that Monte Carlo techniques could prove useful for future dosimeter studies. 17 In 1996, Mobit et. al. applied the EGS4 dosimeter in investigating quality dependence factor of LiF TLD in megavoltage photon beams. Later in a same year, Mobit et. al. carried on research with studying energy correction factor of LiF TLD in megavoltage electron beams. Both of this study have proved the result provided by simulation were in agreement with the experiment. In the area of thermoluminescence dosimetry, application of MCNP was not as popular as EGS Monte Carlo system. Olsher [1993] in his studied used MCNP code (version 4.2) to investigate the photon energy response of aluminium oxide. With the aim to used aluminium oxide as environmental dosimeter, photon energy response of the dosimeter was calculated over the range from 10 keV to 1 MeV. Its specific goals include comparison with TLD 100 and effect of copper filtration to flattening response. This research found that 0.5 mm copper filter was effective to flatten the response of the aluminium oxide dosimeter. Other group that utilized MCNP was Eakins et. al. [2008]. Using MCNP4C2, this group aim to redesign photon/electron personal dosemeter in order to adopted TLD 700H instead of using usual TLD 700. Calculated (MCNP-4C2) relative response characteristics at different angles of incidence and energies between 16 and 6174 keV are presented for this new dosemeter configuration and compared with measured type-test results. Measured results from experimental type testing of the dosemeter validated the calculated data to an adequate extent and, consequently, served as additional confirmation of the MCNP simulation employed. Monte Carlo N-Particle version 5 (MCNP5) will be used for this research. MCNP5 is a general purpose Monte Carlo n-particle transport code that is continuous-energy, generalized-geometry, time-dependent code, and can be used for single or coupled neutron/photon/electron transport. One main difference of MCNP from other Monte Carlo code is MCNP can be run in several different modes. By default, mode N is used; neutron transport only. Other mode that can be used in Monte Carlo listed in Table 2.1 [X-5 MC Team, 2005]. 18 Table 2.1 Mode NP P E PE NPE Mode of transport available in MCNP5 Description neutron and neutron-induced photon transport photon transport only electron transport only photon and electron transport neutron, neutron-induced photon, and electron transport The user of MCNP5 need to creates an input files that is subsequently read by MCNP. The file contains information of the problem such as: a) The geometry specification, b) The material description, c) The characteristic and information of the source, d) The type of answers or tallies desired, and e) Any variance reduction technique used to improve efficiency. Figure 2.6 showed the MCNP flow chart diagram. The input file created consisted of cell card, surfaces card and data card. The cell card and surface card contain the information about geometry specification of the problem. Meanwhile the data card contains information about the material description, the localizations and characteristics of the source, the type of tallies and variance reduction technique used. To create input files, there are two options available. User can create manually or using MCNP Visual Editor (MCNP Vised). Creating manually means, user must use their own capability to visualize the geometry of the problem, setting parameter according to MCNP manual and key in input parameter manually by line editor. Second options available in creating input file is by using MCNP Vised. MCNP Vised is the interactive software developed to assist the user in the creation of MCNP input files. The Visual Editor allows the user to easily set up and modify the view of the MCNP geometry and to determine model information directly from the plot window. User also can interactively create an input file with the help of two or more dynamic cross sectional views of the model. A wide selection of menu options enables rapid input of information and immediate visualization of the geometry and other information being created. The Visual Editor code became part of the MCNP package with the release of version 5 of MCNP. 19 The user must also certain that all required files are in the working directory. This is important because these files contain the cross section libraries for photon, neutron, materials cross section and also information about the simulation. More detailed regarding photon interaction is discussed in subtopic 2.4.1 and subtopic 2.4.2. Create the input file Ensure all the required files are in working directory Run the simulation Output files generated by MCNP Figure 2.6 The MCNP flow chart diagram Upon completion of the simulation, MCNP5 will generate an output file. An output file provides information regarding the simulation. The user may find the following information will be printed automatically in the default output file: x A listing of the input file, x The problem summary of particle creation and loss, x KCODE cycle summaries, x Tallies x Tally fluctuation charts, and x Information listed in Table 2.2 Table 2.2 Description of information in the default output files generates by MCNP5 Table Number Type Description 60 62 72 100 126 160 161 162 175 Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Default Default Default Shorten Cell importance Forced collision and exponential transform Cell temperatures Cross-section tables Particle activity in each cell TFC bin tally analysis f(x) tally density plot Cumulative f(x) and tally density plot Estimated keff results by cycle 20 190 200 Basic Basic Weight window generator summary Weight window generated window Information indicated as ‘Basic’ in table 2.1 can be switched off by user. User just has to specify in MCNP command prompt which table number they don’t need. Besides ‘Basic’ and ‘Default’ table, user may also print other information such as universe map, source distribution information table and etc if they need it. The list of other optional tables can be found in MCNP manual (Vol. II), chapter 3, page number 3-146 and 3-147. 2.5.1 Photon Interaction in MCNP5 MCNP has two photon interaction models: simple and detailed. The simple physics treatment is intended for high-energy photon problems or problems where electrons are free and is important for next event estimators. Coherent (Thomson) scattering and fluorescent photon from photoelectric absorption is ignored in this model. Different from simple model, the detailed physics treatment includes coherent (Thomson) scattering and accounts for fluorescent photons after photoelectric absorption. Form factors and Compton profiles are used to report for electron binding effects. Analogue capture is always used. The detailed physics treatment is almost always used by default. It is the best treatment for most applications, particularly for high Z nuclides or deep penetration problems. The generation of electrons from photons is managed in three ways. These three ways are the same for both the simple and detailed photon physics treatments. 1) If electron transport is turned on (Mode P E), then all photon collisions except coherent scatter can create electrons that are banked for later transport. 21 2) Thick-target Bremsstrahlung model (TTB) is used in condition of no electron transport (no E on the Mode card). This model however generates electrons, but assumes that they are locally slowed to rest. Any Bremsstrahlung photons produced by the non-transported electrons are then banked for later transport. Thus electron-induced photons are not neglected, but the expensive electron transport step is omitted. (The TTB production model contains many approximations compared to models used in actual electron transport. In particular, the Bremsstrahlung photons inherit the direction of the parent electron.) The TTB approximation is the default for MODE P problems. 3) If all electron production is turned off, no electron-induced photons are created, all electron energy is assumed to be locally deposited. This can be done by adding IDES = 1 on the PHYS:P card in the input file. In MODE P E problems, TTB approximation plays a role when the energy cut-off for electrons is greater than that for photons. In this case, the TTB model is used in the terminal processing of the electrons to account for the few low-energy Bremsstrahlung photons that would be produced at the end of the electrons’ range. If the user did not alter anything, MCNP will take default setting of photon interaction. By default, the upper energy limit for detailed photon physics treatment will be 100 MeV. In handling production of electron, MODE P will use TTB approximation. There is no photonuclear collision by default and Doppler energy broadening will occurs. 2.5.2 Photon Interaction Data Photon interaction cross sections are required for all photon problems. Photon interactions can now account for both photo atomic and photonuclear events. There are currently four photo atomic interaction data libraries. The difference between 4 libraries is presented in Table 2.3. 22 By default, photon transport in MCNP5 will utilized “04p” table unless specified by the user. The “04p” ACE tables were introduced in 2002 and contain the first completely new data set since 1982. [White, 2002] Table 2.3 Table “01p” “02p” “03p” “04p” Differences of photo atomic interaction data libraries. Library / Source Storm & Israel Description Z = 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91 and 93 Energy 1 keV to 15 MeV ENDF/B-IV Z = 1 to 94, except stated above 1 keV to 100 MeV Identical to “01p” Livermore Evaluated Photon Data Libraries, (EPDL 89) Identical to “02p” with addition of probability and momentum profile data from Biggs et. al ENDF/B-VI.8 Below 10 MeV 10 MeV and above (up to 100 GeV) 1 keV to 100 GeV Z = 1 to 100 1 keV to 100 GeV 2.5.3 Variance Reduction Variance reduction in MCNP5 minimizing the computer time needed to obtain result with acceptable relative error as well as pass other statistical check. In order to reduce this computational effort, there are two basic approaches that can be applied in MCNP: 1. Simplifying the MCNP geometry and physics model 2. Use non-analogue simulation. The first approach is the basic technique in reducing the time consuming simulation. One may want to model their problem’s geometry in the simulation as close as possible to the real problem. However, it is waste of time to model the geometry that has a little influence or significance to the desired result. Hence, the user can just simplify or truncated any geometry and the physics used in the particle simulation. 23 Non analogue simulation is second basic approach that offers the user to reduce the variance of the tally by modifying the simulation process itself. MCNP5 offers a variety of variance reduction method which had been categorized as follows: 1. Population Control Methods: These methods control the number of particle in spatial or energy regions that are relevant / irrelevant to the tally score by artificially increase / decrease the number. Example of population control methods are Geometry splitting and Russian roulette (IMP), Energy splitting / roulette (ESPLT), weight cutoff (CUT, WWT) and weight windows (WWE, WWN, WWP, WWG, WWGE) 2. Modified Sampling Method: These method increase the probability of a particle reaches the tally region. Include in the MCNP are Exponential transform (EXT, VECT), Implicit Capture (PHYS), Source direction and energy biasing (SDEF, SP, SI, SB), Forced collision (FCL), Bremsstrahlung biasing (BBREM) and Neutron-induced photon production biasing (PWT). 3. Partially Deterministic Method: These methods utilized deterministic process instead of random-walk process in moving particles between the regions. Examples of this methods are Point and ring detectors (F5a), DXTRAN spheres ( DXT, DXC) and correlated sampling (PD). 2.5.4 Statistical check in MCNP5. Output result generate by MCNP5 provides rich of information about the simulation that allow user to assess the precision of the result. Statistical test summarized ten statistical checks it performs on the tally. The 10 test are summarized below. Although MCNP5 provide this test, it is not foolproof. Users still have to rely on their understanding to check for the reliability of the simulation. 24 8: Tally Mean, 1. The means must exhibit, for the last half of the problem, only random fluctuation as number of histories (N) increase. No up or down trend must be exhibited. Relative Error, R: 2. R must be less than (0.05 for point/ring detectors) 3. R must decrease monotonically with N for the last half of the problem. 4. R must decrease as 1⁄√; for the last half of the problem. Variance of the Variance, VOV: 5. The magnitude of the VOV must be less than 0.1 for all types of tallies 6. VOV must decrease monotonically for the last half of the problem. 7. VOV must decrease as 1⁄√; for the last half of the problem. Figure of Merit, FOM: 8. FOM must remains statistically constant for the last half of the problem. 9. FOM must exhibit no monotonic up or downs trend in the last half of the problem. Tally PDF, %(): 10. The SLOPE determined from the 210 largest scoring events must be greater than 3. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 INTRODUCTION As mention earlier, this research will apply Monte Carlo n-particle code version 5 (MCNP5) as tool to investigate the photon energy response of two different TLD material which are TLD 100 and SiO2 fibre optic. The results from the MCNP5 were then compared with the experimental result from calculated value and Glennie [2003]. Thus, the simulation setup used in this research will follow the experimental setup by Glennie [2003]. Figure 3.1 shows the flow chart of this research. Fatal error Collect information for input file Create new input file or modified using Notepad and MCNP Vised Run the simulation using MCNP5 Success Obtained simulation result and compare with experiment and calculation Figure 3.1 Manipulate data using Microsoft Excel Retrieve data from output file Flow chart of the work in this research 26 3.2 CREATING INPUT FILE 3.2.1 Geometry Description The geometry is specified by a phantom, TLD tray and the TLDs. TLD are placed in the plastic tray. A plastic tray contains 50 wells, so 50 TLDs can be held in a single tray. The wells are 1 cm x 1 cm square and 1.0 mm deep. The sizes of the well are large enough to hold the TLDs and small enough to not significantly affect radiation fluence [Glennie, 2003] The phantom is a standard PMMA phantom with external dimensions of 30 cm x 30 cm x 23 cm. There is a rectangular cut-out on the phantom that is sufficient enough to place the TLD tray. For the purpose of simulation, the TLD tray is assumed to be built inside the phantom itself. Two types of TLD were used in this simulation, which are TLD 100 and silicon dioxide fibre optic (SiO2 fibre optic). The TLD 100 has a dimension of 3.3mm x 3.3mm square and 0.9 mm thick and it has densities of 2.64 g cm-3. For the SiO2 fibre optic, the initial length is 10 meter long but for this research the fibre was cut into 5mm length. The fibre had 125.0 ± 0.1 μm cores and the mass of each fibre was (0.20 r 0.02) mg. SiO2 fibre optic has densities of 2.32 g cm-3. [Hashim, 2009]. Figure 3.2 show cell card and surface card in the MCNP5 input file. All the geometry information was written in these cards. All the information for TLD 100 simulation and fibre optic simulation were remains same except for yellow highlighted information shown in Figure 3.2. 27 TLD 100 RESPONSE TO PHOTON c Beginning of cell cards c 10 1 -2.64 -1 u=1 20 2 -0.00192 1:2 u=12 21 2 -0.00192 -3 fill=1 u=2 lat=1 30 2 -0.00192 -2 fill=2 40 3 -1.19 #30 -4 50 2 -0.00192 4 -5 60 0 5 c c end of cell cards c c 1 2 3 4 5 c c imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=0 $TLD-100 $Septa $lattice $Tray $Phantom $Sphere $Universe Beginning of surfaces cards rpp rpp rpp rpp so -0.165 0.165 -0.165 0.165 -0.045 0.045 -4.5 5.5 -2.5 2.5 -0.25 0.25 -0.491 0.499 -0.491 0.499 -0.249 0.249 -15 15 -15 15 -21.5 1.5 120 $TLD-100 $Tray dimension $Lattice window $Phantom $sphere End of surfaces card Figure 3.2 Problem’s geometry information as written in cell and surface card Z-axis Source X-Y View TLD’s Tray X-Z View Phantom X-axis Figure 3.3 Y-axis 3D view of problem’s geometry. 28 Figure 3.3 depict the problem’s geometry in XYZ axis. TLD’s tray was located 1.5 cm under the phantom surface and the point source is 100 cm from phantom surface. Figure 3.4 and 3.5 show side view and plane view of the problem’s geometry. Both of these figures were printed from MCNP Vised and were used to look out any discrepancies in the cell card or surface card. MCNP Vised will automatically assign colour to distinguish materials in the geometry. Further information about materials will be discussed in the next section. Any geometry error can be easily detected using MCNP Vised. Any cell or surface that cannot be read or interpret, MCNP Vised will make dashed line to that particular cell or surface. A complete cell or surface will be indicated by full outline. Tray Phantom Dry Air Figure 3.4 X-Z side view of the phantom. A TLD tray can be seen in the phantom. It is located 1.5 cm from the phantom surface. 29 TLD Tray Phantom Dry Air Figure 3.5 X-Y plane view of the phantom. The tray’s wells can be seen here. The tray has a size 10 cm x 5 cm external dimension and contained 50 square wells with dimension of 1 cm x 1 cm. 3.2.2 Data card specification Data card in the MCNP input file contains information such as source, material, tallies and variance reduction. The source and type of radiation particles for an MCNP problem are specified by the SDEF command. Only one SDEF card is allowed in an input file. In this simulation, the source is photon and defined as a point source collimated into a cone of direction. The source energy is between 20 keV (0.02 MeV) to 20 MeV and was placed 100 cm from the phantom surface with each run ending at 10 million histories. Figure 3.6 describe the direction and distribution of particle from source to the phantom. 30 Point source. 100 cm from phantom surface Figure 3.6 Distribution of 100 000 particles from source with energy 1.25 MeV. It can be seen that the particle were distribute into a cone of direction. The TLD 100 or LiF: Mg,Ti contains 73.28 % Fluorine 7, 26.72 % Lithium, 200 ppm Magnesium and approximately 10 ppm of Titanium. [Saint, 2000] Type of fibre used in this research is germanium doped SiO2 fibre optic. The fibre had average weight fraction as follows: a) Silica : 53.6 % b) Oxygen : 46.1 % c) Germanium : 0.3 % As mention before, the fibre initial length is 10 m, but for the purpose of this research, the fibre was cut into 50 tiny pieces. Each pieces had 5 mm long. The fractions of elements in each fibre were measured by SEM technique as measured by Yaakob [2011]. In Figure 3.4 and 3.5, reader may find three difference colour which are red, blue and yellow. The colour in those figures represents a difference material of the geometry. Table 3.1 below listed the material description used in this research. 31 Table 3.1 Number of Material Material Description Material Name m1 TLD 100 m1 SiO2 Optical fiber m2 Dry Air m3 PMMA Phantom Material Fraction Lithium Fluorine Magnesium Titanium Silica Oxygen Germanium Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Color Red Red Blue Yellow User could also specify the photon interaction data used in the data card. Photoatomic data are stored on ACE tables that use ZAIDs with the form ZZZ000.nnP. For example, for material m1, one of the element content in m1 is lithium where atomic number, Z = 3. Table 3.2 shows example how the photoatomic data libraries were written and used in MCNP. Refer to chapter 2 for more details on source of the photoatomic data. Table 3.2 ZAIDs 3000.01p 3000.02p 3000.03p 3000.04p 3000 Photoatomic data libraries Description Photoatomic data libraries from table “01p” were used Photoatomic data libraries from table “02p” were used Photoatomic data libraries from table “03p” were used Photoatomic data libraries from table “04p” were used Photoatomic data libraries from table “04p” were used The other important parameter in data card is tallies. MCNP provides seven standard tally types. For this research tally F6 was used. According to the MCNP User’s Manual, tally F6 is the track heating tallies modified to tally a reaction rate convolved with an energy-dependant heating function instead of flux. The units of this tally are MeV/g. There are two variance reduction technique were applied in this simulation. First technique was a geometry splitting and Russian roulette where the photon 32 importances (IMP:P) are assigned to each cell and weighted it. A sphere with radius 120 cm was also created in this model. This sphere would separate the desired regions of simulation with the universe. IMP: P was set to zero at regions outside sphere. One would say this sphere act as a boundary for MCNP tracks the particle. Any photon that reach the outside boundaries, will be not be tallied by MCNP. IMP:P was set to unity at all cells inside the boundary. In Figure 3.6 obviously shows the sphere. MCNP Vised coded anything outside sphere with white colour to denote zero importance of photon. Second technique applied was source biasing. Biasing the source is one of the easiest non-analog variance reduction techniques. MCNP5 source distribution would be isotropic by default. Source can be biased by the user in the SDEF card by using SI card, SB card and SP card. The source was biased so it will collimate into a cone of direction instead of isotropic as depict in Figure 3.6. c Beginning of data cards mode p sdef pos=0 0 101.5 erg=20 PAR=2 vec=0 0 -1 dir=d1 SI1 -1 0.9999 1 $Histogram for cosine bin limit $Fraction solid angle for each bin SP1 0 0 1 SB1 0. 0. 1. $Source bias for each bin m1 3000 -0.2672 $TLD-100 9000 -0.7328 12000 -0.0002 22000 -0.00001 m2 6012 -0.000124 $Dry air 7014 -0.755268 8016 -0.231781 18000 -0.012827 m3 1001 -0.0805259 1002 -0.0000121 $Phantom 8016 -0.3194907 8017 -0.0001217 6012 -0.593190 6013 -0.00665831 f6:p 10 nps 1e7 Figure 3.7 Data card Figure 3.7 show data card in the MCNP5 input file. All the information discussed beforehand was written in this card. Input line for TLD 100 simulation and fibre optic simulation were remains same except for yellow highlighted line. Green highlighted line indicates the energy of the problem and that information can be change to desire energy of the research (in unit of MeV). Example of a complete input file can be found at Appendix A for TLD 100 and Appendix B for fibre optic. 33 3.3 RUNNING THE SIMULATION After the input file is completed, the simulation can be run using MCNP5 command prompt. Figure 3.8 show the captured image of MCNP5 command prompt. This figure shows example of simulation for file “tldnew” at energy of 1.25 MeV. The simulation was terminated after 10 million particle histories were done and it took 9.55 minutes of computer time to complete. If there any major discrepancy in the input file because of user violates a basic constraint of the input specification, MCNP5 will terminate the simulation before running any particle. This is called fatal error. If fatal error occur, the input file must be examine once again and search for any misinformation that contribute to fatal error. Most MCNP error messages are either warnings or comments and are not fatal. Warnings are intended to inform the user about unconventional input parameters or running conditions and may need further attention. Comments relay useful additional information to the user. The user should not ignore these messages but should understand their significance before making important calculations. [X-5 MC Team, 2005]. Figure 3.8 MCNP5 command prompts 34 After the simulation was done, MCNP5 will generate an output file for each input file. User can named the output file or MCNP5 will name it automatically. Example in Figure 3.8 shows the output file was given name as “1250kev”. Appendix C is the example of output file generated by MCNP5. 3.4 INTERPRETING MCNP5 OUTPUT DATA TLD response to photon was determined as energy absorbed in the TL material, which assumed to be proportional to the light output. This relationship is given by [Miles, 1994] <> -5! ∝ %() @ &() (3.1) Where, %() = average fraction of energy deposited in TL material, for any given energy @ = photon fluence = incident photon energy &() = energy dependent relative TL efficiency, assumed to be unity Radiation exposure is proportional to the photon fluence, photon energy and the mass energy absorption coefficient for air. Thus, 5A$ ∝ @('! ⁄")*+$() (3.2) where ('! ⁄")*+$() = the mass energy absorption coefficient for air as a function of the incident photon energy Combining Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) gives %()@ <> -5! ∝ @('! ⁄")*+$() 5A$ (3.3) 35 which reduces to %() ('! ⁄")*+$() (3.4) And normalizing to 1.25 MeV gives %() H ('! ⁄")*+$() -B*C+D <> -5!, -- = %(.. 01 23) H G ('! ⁄")*+$(..01 23) G (3.5) From the above expression, the %() values from the MCNP calculation can be used to obtain the relative energy dependence of various types of TL materials with the results normalize to 1.25 MeV. The relative energy response is defined with respect to 1.25 MeV which is average photon energy from a 60Co source (1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV photon per 60 Co disintegration). In TLD applications, TL output of TLDs exposed to X-ray and gamma rays of different energies are usually standardized against average energy of 60Co source. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 INTRODUCTION The MCNP5 simulation only produces the raw data. A number of information was retrieved, being used and analyzed for the purpose of this research. The example output file generated by MCNP5 can be found in Appendix C. There are two methods in determine photon energy response, which are by calculation and by MCNP5 simulation. 4.2 PHOTON ENERGY RESPONSE OF TLD 100 4.2.1 Photon energy response of TLD 100 by calculation Photon energy response can be determined by calculation using Eq. 4.1. μ !" (4.1) # () = μ ! " $% The parameter required to calculate photon energy response is mass energy absorption coefficient of material and reference material. In this research, air is used as a reference material and mass energy absorption coefficient obtain by calculation will be denoted as MEAC. The mass energy absorption coefficients for air were obtained from Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Mass Energy- 37 Absorption Coefficients by Hubbell and Seltzer [1995] and were attached as Appendix D. Table 4.1 lists weight fraction, I+ of the element contains in TLD 100 used for this research. This list was used to determine the mass energy absorption coefficient for mixture material as shown in Eq. 4.2 ( '! '! )#*C$+*B = J( ) I " " + + (4.2) + Weight fraction of elements contain in TLD 100 Table 4.1 TLD 100 Weight Fraction,W Lithium Fluorine Magnesium Titanium 0.2672 0.7328 0.0002 1.0E-05 Using Eq. (4.2), the mass energy absorption coefficient of TLD 100 can be calculated as follows: '! " <> .77 = K( '! ) × 7. 06L0M + K( " <+ ' + K( ! )2R " '! ) " O '! × 7. 7770M + K( × 7. LP0QM (4.3) )+ × . × .7S1 M " The mass energy absorption coefficient each element in the TLD 100 was also took from Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficients [Hubbell and Seltzer, 1995] and was attached as Appendix E. Calculated value of mass energy absorption coefficient of TLD 100 Table 4.2 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 '! " <> .77 2 -1 (cm g ) 0.6502 0.1828 0.0790 0.0455 0.0323 0.0239 0.0223 0.0233 0.0248 Energy, E (MeV) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 '! " <> .77 2 -1 (cm g ) 0.0266 0.0273 0.0275 0.0274 0.0267 0.0259 0.0247 0.0236 0.0217 Energy, E (MeV) 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 '! " <> .77 (cm2 g-1) 0.0191 0.0173 0.0162 0.0153 0.0142 0.0135 0.0126 0.0122 38 Table 4.2 shows MEAC as calculated using Equation 4.3. Using Equation 4.1, photon energy response for TLD 100 can be calculated. For an easy comparison, the photon energy response was normalized to 1.25 MeV to obtain relative energy response. Equation 4.4 shows the equation used to acquire relative energy response, RER. -B*C+D !$RT -5! (--) = Table 4.3 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 4.2.2 () (.. 01 23) (4.4) Relative energy response of TLD 100 as calculated using Eq. 4.4 RER 1.30 1.28 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.07 1.04 1.01 1.00 Energy, E (MeV) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 RER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Energy, E (MeV) 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 RER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Photon energy response of TLD 100 by MCNP5 simulation. For the response of TLD 100 by simulation, 22 input file were run by MCNP5 with each of the file contain same information except for the source energy. The energy used were 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800 keV and 1, 1.25, 2, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 20 MeV. Tally F6 was utilized to generate the photon energy response of TLD. The output data from the simulation contains much information that can be used. But the value retrieved from the file is energy absorbed normalized to a unit mass of the material, Eabs. Value of () is average fraction of energy deposited in TL material obtained from MCNP simulation and it is actually the mass energy absorption coefficient of the TLD 100. () will be used afterward to denote the mass energy absorption coefficient obtain by simulation. The result extract from MCNP is in unit 39 of MeV/g and it means average energy deposited from a particle to a unit gram of the dosimeter, Eabs. The following equation is used to obtain mass energy absorption coefficient of the dosimeter by simulation. %() = *U × Where %() = .V#0 23 (4.5) average fraction of energy deposited in TL material, for any given energy (cm2 g-1) *U = 23 = Energy absorbed normalized to unit mass (MeV g-1) Incident photon energy (MeV). Table 4.4 shows () value, calculated using Eq. (4.5) whereas Figure 4.1 depicts mass energy absorption of TLD 100 with comparison between calculated and simulation. Table 4.4 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 f(E) Value of () for TLD 100 f(E) (cm g ) Energy, E (MeV) (cm g ) 0.3638 0.1998 0.1070 0.0667 0.0483 0.0342 0.0302 0.0290 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 0.0297 0.0308 0.0312 0.0311 0.0308 0.0300 0.0290 0.0277 2 -1 2 -1 f(E) Energy, E (MeV) (cm2 g-1) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 0.0245 0.0216 0.0176 0.0158 0.0151 0.0150 Table 4.5 shows the photon energy response of TLD 100 at incident energy, S(E) and were obtain using Eq. (4.6). % () () = μ !" *+$ () (4.6) 40 Response of TLD 100 at incident energy by simulation Table 4.5 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 () 0.736 1.433 1.713 1.748 1.671 1.450 1.307 1.163 Energy, E (MeV) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 () 1.113 1.073 1.057 1.047 1.044 1.040 1.037 1.036 Energy, E (MeV) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 () 1.039 1.047 1.073 1.092 1.119 1.131 Using Eq. (4.7), the responses were then normalized to average energy of 60 Co source. Table 4.6 shows the relative energy response, (RER) of TLD 100. -B*C+D !$RT -5! (--) = Table 4.6 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 -0.71 1.38 1.65 1.69 1.61 1.40 1.26 1.12 () (.. 01 23) (4.7) Relative energy response (RER) of TLD 100. Energy, E (MeV) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 -1.07 1.04 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 Energy, E (MeV) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -1.00 1.01 1.04 1.05 1.08 1.09 41 Mass Energy Absorption Coefficient (cm2 g-1) 1.0E+00 TLD 100 (calculated) TLD 100 (Simulation) 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Photon Energy ( keV) Figure 4.1 Comparison of mass energy absorption coefficients between calculated (MEAC) and simulation(()). Equation 4.1 obviously shows the mass energy absorption coefficient was needed in order to have photon energy response of dosimeters. Thus, it is essential to compare mass energy absorption coefficient obtain from calculation, MEAC with mass energy absorption coefficient from simulation,(). From the graph, it shows value of () is slightly higher than MEAC except for energy of 20 keV. It is common for a result from MCNP slightly higher than calculated since in MCNP there are a few simplifying assumption made from the actual model. This simplifying assumption could be a factor for a difference value between calculated and simulation. 42 ........... ANSI acceptable range Figure 4.2 Comparison of TLD 100 relative energy response between calculation, experiment and simulation. Figure 4.2 depict the comparison of relative energy response between calculated, simulation and experiment. Also shown in Figure 4.2 as dotted line, is the acceptable response range defined in ANSI N545-1975. These line was use to indicate constant response range that can satisfy dosimeter performance criteria as specified in ANSI N545. One of the dosimeter performance criteria specified in ANSI N545 that relate to energy response is “The response of TLD to photon shall be determine for several energies between 30 keV and 3 MeV. The response shall not differ from that obtained with calibration source by more than 20 percent for photon with energies greater than 80 keV and shall not be enhanced by more than a factor of two for photons with energies less than 80 keV”. From Figure 4.2, calculated response shows that TLD 100 has constant response at as low as 100 keV and slightly over response at energy lower than 100 keV. However simulation and experimental response were in agreement as it both shows over response in the 150 keV range. This over response also has been documented by Jones [1989], McKinlay [1981], McKeever et. al. [ 1995], and Mobit et. al. [1996]. Simulation response shows 20 keV energy response yield less TL than 43 Co-60 which is in agreement with other research [Barber et. al., 1976; Ahmed et. al., 1989; Olivera et. al., 1994; Aschan et. al., 1999]. This is because low energy photon (< 20 keV) are significantly attenuated within the thickness of TLD, resulting in a self shielding effect [Morgan et. al., 1977; Horowitz et. al., 1978; Olivera et. al., 1994; Aschan et. al., 1999] Graph in Figure 4.2 had shows TLD 100 was relatively had constant response. In terms of energy dependence, TLD 100 is sufficiently flat to make it attractive for environmental and personnel dosimetry, where a wide ranges of exposures energies is possible. 4.3 PHOTON ENERGY RESPONSE OF SILICON DIOXIDE FIBRE OPTIC 4.3.1 Photon energy response of silicon dioxide fibre optic by calculation Same procedures as TLD 100 were applied in order to calculate photon energy response for fibre optic. Table 4.7 lists weight fraction of the element contains in TLD 100 used for this research. This list was used to determine the mass energy absorption coefficient for mixture materials. Weight fraction of elements contain in SiO2 fibre optic Table 4.7 Fibre Optic Weight Fraction, W Oxygen Silicon Germanium 0.4612 0.5364 0.00234 Using Eq. (4.8), the mass energy absorption coefficient of SiO2 fibre optic can be calculated as follows: '! " +W0 O+U$ = K( + K( '! " '! " )+ × 7. 1P6XM + K( )Y × 7. 770PXM '! " )W × 7. X6.0M (4.8) 44 The mass energy absorption coefficients of each element in the SiO2 fibre optic were also took from Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficients [Hubbell and Seltzer, 1995] and was attached as Appendix F. Table 4.8 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 Table 4.9 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 Calculated value of mass energy absorption coefficient for fibre optic '! " Z[ (cm2 g-1) 2.5454 0.7303 0.3032 0.1571 0.0955 0.0500 0.0360 0.0284 0.0281 Energy, E (MeV) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 '! " Z[ (cm2 g-1) 0.0291 0.0296 0.0297 0.0295 0.0288 0.0278 0.0266 0.0254 0.0235 Energy, E (MeV) 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 '! " Z[ (cm2 g-1) 0.0208 0.0193 0.0182 0.0175 0.0167 0.0163 0.0159 0.0158 Relative energy response of fibre optic as calculated using Eq. 4.4 RER 4.74 4.76 4.45 3.84 3.15 2.08 1.44 1.07 0.98 Energy, E (MeV) 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 RER 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Energy, E (MeV) 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 RER 1.02 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.18 1.20 45 4.3.2 Photon energy response of silicon dioxide fibre optic by MCNP5 simulation. For the response of fibre optic by simulation, same procedures were applied in order to obtain mass energy absorption coefficient, energy response and relative energy response. Table 4.10 shows () value, calculated using Eq. (4.5) for fibre optic whereas. Table 4.10 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 f(E) Value of () for fibre optic f(E) (cm g ) Energy, E (MeV) (cm g ) 1.4312 0.7949 0.4104 0.2361 0.1518 0.0816 0.0564 0.0389 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 0.0355 0.0342 0.0340 0.0336 0.0332 0.0321 0.0310 0.0296 2 -1 2 -1 f(E) Energy, E (MeV) (cm2 g-1) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 0.0262 0.0234 0.0202 0.0192 0.0193 0.0197 Table 4.11 shows the photon energy response of fibre optic at incident energy, S(E) and were obtain using Eq. (4.6). Table 4.11 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 () 2.656 5.172 6.006 5.761 4.993 3.390 2.425 1.558 Response of fibre optic at incident energy Energy, E (MeV) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 () 1.328 1.192 1.153 1.134 1.124 1.114 1.111 1.110 Energy, E (MeV) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 () 1.117 1.139 1.224 1.327 1.428 1.506 46 Mass Energy Absorption Coefficient (cm2 g-1) 1.0E+01 Fibre Optic (Calculated) Fibre Optic (Simulation) 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 10 Figure 4.3 100 1000 Photon Energy ( keV) 100000 10000 Comparison of mass energy absorption coefficients between calculated and simulation. Figure 4.3 depicts mass energy absorption coefficient of fibre optic with comparison between calculated and simulation. Both result of mass energy absorption coefficient for TLD 100 and fibre optic show similarity. From Figure 4.3, just like TLD 100, () of fibre optic is slightly higher than MEAC except for energy of 20 keV. As TLD 100, difference values between calculated and simulation could be due to simplifying assumption in generating simulation. Using Eq. (4.7), the responses were then normalized to average energy of 60 Co source. Table 4.12 shows the relative energy response, (RER) of fibre optic. Table 4.12 Energy, E (MeV) 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 -2.39 4.66 5.41 5.19 4.50 3.05 2.18 1.40 Relative energy response (RER) of fibre optic Energy, E (MeV) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 -1.20 1.07 1.04 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 Energy, E (MeV) 2.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -1.01 1.03 1.10 1.20 1.29 1.36 47 ........... ANSI acceptable range Figure 4.4 Comparison of fibre optic relative energy response between calculated, simulation and experiment. From Figure 4.4, calculated response shows that fibre optic has constant response in the range 150 keV to 10 MeV whereas simulation response started constant at 200 keV and up to 10 MeV. Calculated and simulation response were in agreement as it both shows over response below 150 keV range. Unlike TLD 100, fibre optic response started to over response at energy higher than 10 MeV. As mention before, ANSI acceptable range was significant in order to obtain information of over-response energy. Figure 4.2 shows TLD 100 was relatively had constant response over wide range of energy. On the other hand, fibre optic had a limited range of constant response. Flat response of fibre optic is ranging from 200 keV to 10 MeV. This means, energy correction method will be needed if fibre optic want to be used at energy outside of these ranges. For instance, perhaps a suitable metal filter may be needed if fibre optic is to be used as environmental dosimeter because at energy lower than 200 keV, the measured dose is deviates drastically from the dose to be determine. 48 4.4 EFFECT OF DIFFERENT DOPANT CONCENTRATION ON TL ENERGY RESPONSE In Chapter 3, it was mentioned that fibre optic used in this research was cut into 5 mm long from the 10 meter of fibre optic. Studying the effect of dopant concentration arise from the fact that the concentration of dopant along this 10 meter of fibre optic may be varies in the ranges zero to 0.8% mol. Thus, 30 input file were simulated using tally F6 and photon energy of 1.25 MeV, in order to study the behaviour of different concentration of germanium in the fibre optic. Figure 4.5 depict the responses of the fibre optic with different germanium concentration. It is obviously shows that photon energy response of fibre optic had not affected even though the concentration of the germanium is different along the fibre for dopant concentrations of zero percent – 0.8 percent mol. 1.15 Photon Energy Response at 1.25 MeV (Simulation) Response 1.10 1.05 1.00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Dopant Concentration ( % mol) Figure 4.5 Effect of dopant concentration on germanium doped SiO2 fibre optic response 49 4.5 DISCUSSIONS ON MCNP5 SIMULATION Note that in Figure 4.2 and 4.4 that the simulation response is higher than the experiment and calculated response especially at lower energy. This discrepancies could be due to value of η(E) or energy-dependent relative TL efficiency. The available data were inadequate and inconsistent. For example, TLD 100 values for η(100 keV) have been reported to be 1.05 [Horowitz, 1999], 1.06 [ Davis et al, 2003] and 1.09 [Hranitzky et. al., 2006]. Due to this fact, value of η(E) in this study was assumed to be unity for all calculations of TLD 100 or fibre optic responses. This assumption could be the primary cause of discrepancies between simulations with calculated and experiment. Preparing input file was started with modelling the geometry of the problem. To get geometry modelling as close as the actual was quite challenging at first, but with the aid of MCNP Vised, the modelling was easily constructed and modified. Figure 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 in the chapter 3 are the example of geometry as displayed by MCNP Vised. Despite of wide selection of menu options that possible for immediate visualization of the geometry, MCNP Vised was easily crash. The creation of this research input file were not done fully using MCNP Vised. It was created manually using line editor (Microsoft Notepad) at first, and then MCNP Vised was used to display the 2D plane of the problem’s geometry in order to look upon any error in the input file. Other than displaying geometry, MCNP Vised was also used to view at distribution of particles from the source and the position of the source from the target. Time taken to run the simulation is varied with photon energy, variance reduction technique used and also the computer capability. For TLD 100 simulation, average time taken to complete the simulation is 8.34 minutes whereas average computer time taken to simulate fibre optic is 7.81 minutes. Fibre optic simulations were generated using personal computer meanwhile TLD 100 files were simulate using laptop. If these two files were run using same computer, the difference in computer time would be slightly difference. For photon energy, MCNP5 took most time to simulate problems in energy range of 100 keV to 800 keV. This is probably 50 because within that energy, interactions processes take place in the material involve photoelectric absorption and also Compton scattering. After the simulation is complete, MCNP5 produced two files namely runtp file and output file. Both file can be renamed by the user in the command prompt line. The () values were retrieved from the output file. Before the data were taken, the output files were analyzed first in order to determine the reliability of the calculation made by MCNP5. Hence, table of 10 statistical checks was used. In preliminary TLD 100 simulations, only 10 out of 22 files were passing all ten statistical checks. The other files however, fail to pass Figure of Merit (FOM) checks. FOM gave the indicator whether the tally is well behaved or not. FOM must remains statistically constant and exhibit no monotonic up or downs trend in the last half of the problem [X-5 MC Team, 2005]. Since this is the random process, the failed files were simulated again using different seed number with the aim that the file will pass all ten statistical checks. Fortunately, all files that were failed before had pass all ten statistical check with the result differ less than 1 percent. Unlike TLD 100, only 5 fibre optic simulations were failed to pass all ten statistical checks. Same procedure was applied and produces better statistical checks. Even though MCNP5 provides statistical check, this test was meant for the whole geometry of the problems, not the desired cells. To get uncertainties of the specified cells (cell 10 or the TLD response), all files were simulated 3 times, with 3 different seed. The data presented in the previous sub chapter was the average result from 3 different simulations of the files. All data and result presented before this is the chosen and successful one. However, several attempt were made before that data were obtained and being analyzed. This section will present the parameters that involve in the changes made from the beginning until this simulation generates desired and reliable result. 1. Number of particles, NPS: Number of particle history (NPS) used for this simulation are 10 million and it was written as NPS 1e7 in the input file. Number of particles can be assumed as a given dose. For energy response study, the dose given must be constant for all sources. Thus NPS used throughout of this research is 51 constant. However, MCNP5 will give same result even if the values of NPS were different, but the error and computer time will be different. The more histories were run, the better of the precision will be, but the greater computer time will be expense. Preliminary simulations were made with three different NPS which are NPS 1e6, NPS 1e7 and NPS 1e8. NPS 1e7 were chose because it produces result with reliable error and the computer time expenses were reasonable. 2. Source Distribution Since size of both dosimeter used was small compared to the size of the phantom, very few particles made it to the smaller TLD elements. Changing the importance of the cells was found to be insufficient to increase the number of particles passing through the elements. The photon source was biased so that more particles can go towards the TLD. Source and type of radiation in MCNP were specified by SDEF cards in MCNP5. In this research, the source is photon and was defined as a point source collimated into a cone of direction. By default, radiation distribution will be isotropic. Hence, to direct source into the specific direction, user can used SI card, SB card and SP card with the SDEF command. Biasing the sources make significance changes to the tally statistical check as well as tally result. Table 4.13 shows result of three attempt made by this research with different SI and SB card for TLD 100 with 1.25 MeV photon energy. Table 4.13 Result produce by MCNP5 with two different SI and SB card. 3rd attempt result were better as more energy were absorbed. 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt SI SB Energy absorbed, MeV/g Tracks Entering Error -1 0.99 1 0 0.95 0.05 9.9888 E-04 108 133 0.0034 -1 0.999 1 0 0.95 0.05 8.87202E-03 841 423 0.0011 -1 0.9999 1 001 3.4589 E-02 1 327 769 0.0008 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS This research has successfully utilized MCNP5 simulation in determine photon energy response of TL materials. Photon with energy ranges from 20 keV – 20 MeV were used to irradiate to two types of dosimeter, TLD 100 and SiO2 fibre optic. Using tally F6, MCNP5 simulate photon energy deposited in both dosimeter. Output result generate by MCNP5 were analyzed and being used to calculate photon energy response. Simulation results were compared with calculation of relative energy response. Besides calculation, TLD 100 energy responses were also compared with experimental responses measured by Glennie [2003] whereas fibre optic energy responses were compared with experiment measured by Abdulla [2003]. A good TL material should have a constant or flat response over wide energy ranges. Owing to this fact, ANSI N545-1975 was chose to show the degree of energy response deviation. First aim of this research is to determine photon energy response of TLD 100 using MCNP5 simulation. Simulation response was in agreement with existing data of experiment energy response [Barber et. al., 1976; Ahmed et. al., 1989; Olivera et. al., 1994; Aschan et. al., 1999], where it shows over response in the 150 keV range. However, despite of over response in lower energy, TLD 100 has relatively flat response because all responses were in the ANSI acceptable range. In terms of energy dependence, it is suitable to be dosimeter in wide energy ranges without deviates dose to be determined significantly. 53 TLD 100 was proven to have relatively constant response over wide range of energy. Unlike TLD 100, flat response of fibre optic can only be seen in the range of 200 keV to 10 MeV. Obviously, an energy correction method will be needed if fibre optic wants to be used at energy outside of these ranges. Last objective of this research are to study the effect of germanium doped in the fibre optic. The result shows that the different concentration of germanium along the fibre does not affect the photon energy response. Discrepancies in the simulations as compared to experiment and calculations are believed to be due to η(E) or energydependent relative TL efficiency of the dosimeters phosphor. Overall, the research goals of this work have been well met. The energy response of TLD 100 and fibre optic had been determined using MCNP5. This research had proved the capability of using simulation in investigating TL material. Moreover, the fibre optic energy responses acquire from this research provides more information about its usefulness and indirectly evokes other idea for future research. 5.2 ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF USING SIMULATION The obvious advantages in using MCNP5 is time took to obtain the result. Average time taken to simulate photon energy response was 8.1 minutes. This is average time for one input file or energy. Thus it took a total of 176 minutes or equal to 2.93 hour to simulate 22 file. All the analysis hereafter would only took maximum of 2 hours in order to produce a photon energy response of any dosimeter. In contrast with simulation, investigating the photon energy response by experiment would take more time from simulation. Using real dosimeter, researcher would have to face several procedures such as annealing; expose dosimeter to the source and also reading the dosimeter. For example, annealing the TLD would took 4 hours, to expose the TLD to the desired source is about 5 minutes per energy and lastly reading the TLD is about 3 minutes per TLD. All of this processes will took about 7 hours to complete, excluding the analysis. 54 Beside time saving, there are several advantages that can be offered when using simulation, specifically MCNP5, in investigating photon energy response or any TL research. MCNP5 provides interactive software, called MCNP Vised, which can assist the user to create the input file, as well as gave the user visual of the geometry created. Other than that, MCNP also can be cost saving. For example, in investigating new TL material, researcher can utilize simulation in study the photon energy response of any material desired. Simulation can provide preliminary result of photon energy response of certain material. In contrast with experiment, any desired material, have to be prepared or bought first. This could be wasting of time and also money, if later, the material was found out to be incapable of being good TL material. In other words, simulation can give the researcher expected result, before the experiment was carried out. Despite of its time saving advantages, MCNP5 also had its own disadvantages. MCNP5 will produce the result even if the parameter or geometry were wrong or having errors. It will provide results for any inputs. Thus, to operate MCNP5, the user must fully understand of MCNP5 feature as well as their research aim. Failure of the user to fulfil these criteria will result in misinterpretation of MCNP5 data and consequently generate the incorrect result. Other problem in using MCNP5 or simulation is lack of expertise to refer locally. There only a few local experts were known used MCNP5 for their research and not one of them is in thermoluminescence research area. Most of TL research groups still prefer using conventional method in investigating and studying thermoluminescence. There a numbers of international TL research group that applied simulation, however, MCNP5 were not the preferred software. 5.3 RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Applying simulation, specifically MCNP5, in investigating and studying TL material has given a lot of idea for future research. This thesis had proved that MCNP5 is capable of predicting TL responses to photon energy. Further research can be conducted; perhaps using the same input file is investigating others promising TL 55 material response subjected to photon irradiation. All the information needed is just atom fraction or weight fraction of the material, and its density. However, before using existing input file, future research may start with analyzing the existing input file and improve the percentage difference of the simulation result with theoretical value. Fibre optic had a limited range of flat response. Owing to that fact, this research can be extend by finding the suitable filter for fibre optic, so it could had more constant response especially at energy lower than 200keV. This could be done with only a few modifications to the existing input file. One knows that MCNP5 also capable of simulate singled or coupled neutron, photon and electron transport. Thus, it is recommended for future research to apply all available transport offered by MCNP5 in study the energy response of TL material. Even though it may take some times to reconstruct new input file as the electron and neutron transport were different from photon transport, it is then worth trying. More research can be conducted in future is by using others Monte Carlo simulation available such as Geometry and Tracking computer code (GEANT4) or Electron- Gamma Shower computer code (EGSnrc). GEANT4 is a platform for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter using Monte Carlo methods. Two interesting fact about GEANT4; it is the first to use object oriented programming (in C++) and plus, it is free software. Mean while, EGS is a general purpose package for the Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in an arbitrary geometry for particles with energies from a few keV up to several TeV. EGS software is developed by The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and was now maintained by National Research Council of Canada (NRC). 56 REFERENCES Abdulla, Y.A., Amin, Y.M. and Bradley, D.A. (2001a). The thermoluminescence response of Ge-doped optical fibre subjected to photon irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 61, pp 409−410. Abdulla, Y.A, Amin, Y.M and Bradley, D.A (2001b). The effect of dose and annealing on TL sensitivity of germanium and erbium doped optical fibres. 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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Master Thesis. 62 APPENDIX A Example of input file for TLD 100 TLD 100 RESPONSE TO PHOTON c Beginning of cell cards c 10 1 -2.64 -1 u=1 20 2 -0.00192 1:2 u=12 21 2 -0.00192 -3 fill=1 u=2 lat=1 30 2 -0.00192 -2 fill=2 40 3 -1.19 #30 -4 50 2 -0.00192 4 -5 60 0 5 c c end of cell cards c c 1 2 3 4 5 c c imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=0 $TLD-100 $Septa $lattice $Tray $Phantom $Sphere $Universe Beginning of surface cards rpp rpp rpp rpp so -0.165 0.165 -0.165 0.165 -0.045 0.045 -4.5 5.5 -2.5 2.5 -0.25 0.25 -0.491 0.499 -0.491 0.499 -0.249 0.249 -15 15 -15 15 -21.5 1.5 120 $TLD-100 $Tray dimension $Lattice window $Phantom $sphere End of surfaces card c Beginning of data cards mode p sdef pos=0 0 101.5 erg=20 PAR=2 vec=0 0 -1 dir=d1 SI1 -1 0.9999 1 $Histogram for cosine bin limit SP1 0 0 1 $Fraction solid angle for each bin SB1 0. 0. 1. $Source bias for each bin m1 3000 -0.2672 $TLD-100 9000 -0.7328 12000 -0.0002 22000 -0.00001 m2 6012 -0.000124 $Dry air 7014 -0.755268 8016 -0.231781 18000 -0.012827 m3 1001 -0.0805259 1002 -0.0000121 $Phantom 8016 -0.3194907 8017 -0.0001217 6012 -0.593190 6013 -0.00665831 f6:p 10 nps 1e7 63 APPENDIX B Example of input file for fibre optic SiO2 FIBER OPTIC RESPONSE TO PHOTON c Beginning of cell cards c 10 1 -2.32 -1 u=1 20 2 -0.00192 1:2 u=12 21 2 -0.00192 -3 fill=1 u=2 lat=1 30 2 -0.00192 -2 fill=2 40 3 -1.19 #30 -4 50 2 -0.00192 4 -5 60 0 5 c c end of cell cards c c 1 2 3 4 5 c c imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=1 imp:p=0 $SiO2 Fiber optic $Septa $lattice $Tray $Phantom $Sphere $Universe Beginning of surface cards rcc rpp rpp rpp so -0.25 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.000130 $SiO2 Fiber -4.5 5.5 -2.5 2.5 -0.25 0.25 -0.491 0.499 -0.491 0.499 -0.249 0.249 -15 15 -15 15 -21.5 1.5 120 optic $Tray dimension $Lattice window $Phantom $sphere End of surfaces card c Beginning of data cards mode p sdef pos=0 0 101.5 erg=1.25 PAR=2 vec=0 0 -1 dir=d1 SI1 -1 0.9999 1 $Histogram for cosine bin limits SP1 0 0 1 $Fraction solid angle for each bin SB1 0. 0. 1. $Source bias for each bin m1 8000 -0.4612 $SiO2 Fiber optic 14000 -0.5364 32000 -0.0024 m2 6012 -0.000124 $Dry air 7014 -0.755268 8016 -0.231781 18000 -0.012827 m3 1001 -0.0805259 1002 -0.0000121 $Phantom 8016 -0.3194907 8017 -0.0001217 6012 -0.593190 6013 -0.00665831 f6:p 10 nps 1e7 64 APPENDIX C Example of output file generated by MCNP5. Thread Name & Version = MCNP5_RSICC, 1.40 _ ._ _ _ ._ ._ |_ | | | (_ | | |_) _) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This program was prepared by the Regents of the University of | |California at Los Alamos National Laboratory (the University) under | | contract number W-7405-ENG-36 with the U.S. Department of Energy | |(DoE). The University has certain rights in the program pursuant to| | the contract and the program should not be copied or distributed | | outside your organization. All rights in the program are reserved | |by the DoE and the University. Neither the U.S. Government nor the | | University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any | | liability or responsibility for the use of this software. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1mcnp version 5 ld=11012005 06/05/10 09:37:01 ************************************************************************* 06/05/10 09:37:01 i=tldnew o=1250kev warning. universe map (print table 128) disabled. 1TLD 100 RESPONSE TO PHOTON 2c Beginning of cell cards 3c 410 1 -2.64 -1 u=1 imp:p=1 $TLD-100 520 2 -0.00192 1:2 u=1 imp:p=1 $Septa 621 2 -0.00192 -3 fill=1 u=2 lat=1 imp:p=1 $lattice 730 2 -0.00192 -2 fill=2 imp:p=1 $Tray 840 3 -1.19 #30 -4 imp:p=1 $Phantom 950 2 -0.00192 4 -5 imp:p=1 $Sphere 1060 0 5 imp:p=0 $Universe 11c 12c end of cell cards 1314c Beginning of surface cards 15c 161 rpp -0.165 0.165 -0.165 0.165 -0.045 0.045 $TLD-100 172 rpp -4.5 5.5 -2.5 2.5 -0.25 0.25 $Tray dimension 183 rpp -0.491 0.499 -0.491 0.499 -0.249 0.249 $Lattice window 194 rpp -15 15 -15 15 -21.5 1.5 $Phantom 205 so 120 $sphere 21c 22c End of surfaces card 2324c Beginning of data cards 25mode p 26sdef pos=0 0 101.5 erg=1.25 PAR=2 vec=0 0 -1 dir=d1 27SI1 -1 0.9999 1 $Histogram for cosine bin limit 28SP1 0 0 1 $Fraction solid angle for each bin 29SB1 0. 0. 1. $Source bias for each bin 30m1 3000 -0.2672 $TLD-100 319000 -0.7328 3212000 -0.0002 3322000 -0.00001 34m2 6012 -0.000124 $Dry air 357014 -0.755268 368016 -0.231781 3718000 -0.012827 38m3 1001 -0.0805259 1002 -0.0000121 $Phantom 398016 -0.3194907 8017 -0.0001217 406012 -0.593190 6013 -0.00665831 41f6:p 10 42nps 1e7 43comment. lattice speed tally modifications will not be used. comment. surface surface 20 < comment. surface surface 20 < 21 20 and 30 in chain 2.2 appears more than once in a chain. 2.2 is in cells < 30 comment. surface surface 2.1 appears more than once in a chain. 2.1 is in cells 21 < 30 20 and 30 in chain 2.3 appears more than once in a chain. 2.3 is in cells 20 and 30 in chain probid = 65 20 < 21 < 30 comment. surface surface 20 < 21 2.4 appears more than once in a chain. 2.4 is in cells < 30 comment. surface surface 20 < 21 30 in chain 2.5 appears more than once in a chain. 2.5 is in cells < 30 comment. surface surface 20 < 20 and 20 and 30 in chain 2.6 appears more than once in a chain. 2.6 is in cells 21 < 30 20 and 30 in chain warning. 1 materials had unnormalized fractions. print table 40. 1cells print table 60 cell mat 10 20 21 30 40 50 60 1 2 2 2 3 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 atom density gram density 1.22512E-01 7.95005E-05 7.95005E-05 7.95005E-05 1.07374E-01 7.95005E-05 0.00000E+00 2.64000E+00 1.92000E-03 1.92000E-03 1.92000E-03 1.19000E+00 1.92000E-03 0.00000E+00 total volume 9.80100E-03 0.00000E+00 4.88090E-01 2.50000E+01 2.06750E+04 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 mass photon pieces importance 2.58746E-02 0.00000E+00 9.37132E-04 4.80000E-02 2.46033E+04 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.07005E+04 2.46033E+04 minimum source weight = 1.0000E+00 maximum source weight = 1.0000E+00 *************************************************** * Random Number Generator = 1 * * Random Number Seed = 19073486328125 * * Random Number Multiplier = 19073486328125 * * Random Number Adder = 0 * * Random Number Bits Used = 48 * * Random Number Stride = 152917 * *************************************************** 2 warning messages so far. 1cross-section tables print table 100 table length tables from file mcplib04 1000.04p 02/07/03 3000.04p 02/07/03 6000.04p 02/07/03 7000.04p 02/07/03 8000.04p 02/07/03 9000.04p 02/07/03 12000.04p 02/07/03 18000.04p 02/07/03 22000.04p 02/07/03 total 1898 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 1-H mat 100 2339 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 3-LI mat 300 3152 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 6-C mat 600 3194 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 7-N mat 700 3272 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 8-O mat 800 3206 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 9-F mat 900 3781 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 12-MG mat1200 4696 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 18-AR mat1800 5742 ENDF/B-VI Release 8 Photoatomic Data for 22-TI mat2200 31280 maximum photon energy set to 100.0 mev (maximum electron energy) tables from file el03 1000.03e 6/6/98 3000.03e 6/6/98 6000.03e 6/6/98 7000.03e 6/6/98 8000.03e 6/6/98 9000.03e 6/6/98 12000.03e 6/6/98 18000.03e 6/6/98 2329 2331 2333 2333 2333 2333 2337 2341 66 22000.03e 6/6/98 2345 ********************************************************************************************************* ************** dump no. 1 on file runtpt nps = 0 coll = 0 ctm = 0.00 nrn = 0 2 warning messages so far. 1problem summary run terminated when 10000000 particle histories were done. + 06/05/10 09:45:22 TLD 100 RESPONSE TO PHOTON 06/05/10 09:37:01 0 photon creation tracks weight energy photon loss energy (per source particle) source particle) source 5.2579E-01 10000000 1.0000E+00 1.2500E+00 probid = tracks weight (per escape 9404223 9.4042E-01 energy cutoff 0 0. time cutoff 0 0. 1.3847E-05 0. weight window 0 0. cell importance 0 0. weight cutoff 0 0. e or t importance 0 0. dxtran 0 0. forced collisions 0 0. exp. transform 0 0. from neutrons 0 7.2176E-01 bremsstrahlung 529645 3.9683E-03 p-annihilation 4228 2.6401E-04 photonuclear 0 0. electron x-rays 0 1st fluorescence 195 2nd fluorescence 0 total 10534068 1.2518E+00 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 0. 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. 0. dxtran 0 0. 0. 0. forced collisions 0 0. 0. 0. exp. transform 0 0. 0. 0. compton scatter 0 0. 5.2964E-02 1.5786E-03 capture 4.2280E-04 2.1605E-04 pair production 0. 0. photonuclear abs 0. 1.9500E-05 0. 1.0534E+00 0. 5.7474E-08 0. 1.2518E+00 number of photons banked photon tracks per source particle 1.0000E+33 photon collisions per source particle 1.0000E-03 total photon collisions -5.0000E-01 531759 1.0534E+00 total 1127731 1.1277E-01 2114 2.1140E-04 0 10534068 average time of (shakes) escape 7.7585E-01 3.7270E+00 capture 37269656 0. 1.0534E+00 cutoffs tco 4.5761E-01 eco capture or escape 7.4177E-01 wc1 any termination wc2 7.4162E-01 -2.5000E-01 computer time so far in this run computer time in mcrun source particles per minute random numbers generated history 6923210 8.34 minutes 8.32 minutes 1.2015E+06 599246882 maximum number ever in bank bank overflows to backup file most random numbers used was 3 0 646 in range of sampled source weights = 1.0000E+00 to 1.0000E+00 1photon activity in each cell print table 126 tracks population collisions collisions number flux average average cell track mfp entering * weight weighted weighted track weight (per history) energy energy (relative) 1.1132E+00 1.1132E+00 1.0000E+00 (cm) 1 10 6.6986E+00 2 20 8.4795E+03 3 21 0.0000E+00 4 30 0.0000E+00 5 40 9.7442E+00 1327769 1314417 20288 2.0288E-03 33079323 9642988 751 7.5100E-05 1.1014E+00 1.1014E+00 1.0000E+00 0 0 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 20222896 10438706 36929030 3.6929E+00 6.9532E-01 6.9532E-01 1.0000E+00 67 6 50 7.4740E+03 total 1tally 6 19333708 10077261 319587 3.1959E-02 73963696 31473372 37269656 3.7270E+00 8.9559E-01 nps = 10000000 tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. tally for photons units 8.9559E-01 1.0000E+00 mev/gram masses cell: cell 10 2.58746E-02 10 3.45887E-02 0.0008 ========================================================================================================= ==== results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally tfc bin behavior --mean-behavior desired observed passed? random random yes 6 ---------relative error--------value decrease decrease rate ----variance of the variance---value decrease decrease rate --figure of merit-value behavior -pdfslope <0.10 0.00 yes <0.10 0.00 yes constant constant yes >3.00 3.45 yes yes yes yes 1/sqrt(nps) yes yes yes yes yes 1/nps yes yes random random yes ========================================================================================================= ========================== this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check the tally fluctuation chart to verify. the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these statistical criteria. ----- estimated confidence intervals: ----- estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 3.4560E-02 to 3.4618E-02; 3.4530E-02 to 3.4647E02; 3.4501E-02 to 3.4676E-02 estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 3.4560E-02 to 3.4618E-02; 3.4530E-02 to 3.4647E02; 3.4501E-02 to 3.4676E-02 1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally print table 160 normed average tally per history 04 estimated tally relative error relative error from zero tallies 6 with nps = 10000000 = 3.45887E-02 unnormed average tally per history = 8.94969E- = 0.0008 = 0.0008 estimated variance of the variance relative error from nonzero scores = 0.0000 = 0.0002 number of nonzero history tallies = 1310485 history number of largest tally = 8818806 02 (largest tally)/(average tally) = 5.68515E+01 7.45030E+00 efficiency for the nonzero tallies = 0.1310 largest unnormalized history tally = 5.08803E- (confidence interval shift)/mean 02 shifted confidence interval center = 0.0000 (largest tally)/(avg nonzero tally)= = 3.45887E- if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history, the tfc bin quantities would change as follows: estimated quantities value(nps+1)/value(nps)-1. mean relative error variance of the variance shifted center figure of merit value at nps 3.45887E-02 8.42619E-04 5.58207E-07 3.45887E-02 1.69224E+05 value at nps+1 3.45889E-02 8.42633E-04 5.60077E-07 3.45887E-02 1.69218E+05 0.000006 0.000016 0.003351 0.000000 -0.000033 the estimated inverse power slope of the 198 largest tallies starting at 1.47216E-02 is 3.4508 the history score probability density function appears to have an unsampled region at the largest history scores: please examine. see print table 161. fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (1.202E+06)*( 3.753E-01)**2 = (1.202E+06)*(1.408E-01) = 1.692E+05 1status of the statistical checks used to form confidence intervals for the mean for each tally bin tally result of statistical checks for the tfc bin (the first check not passed is listed) and error magnitude check for all bins 6 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin result passed all bin error check: 1 tally bins all have relative errors less than 0.10 with no zero bins 68 the 10 statistical checks are only for the tally fluctuation chart bin and do not apply to other tally bins. 1tally fluctuation charts nps 512000 1024000 1536000 2048000 2560000 3072000 3584000 4096000 4608000 5120000 5632000 6144000 6656000 7168000 7680000 8192000 8704000 9216000 9728000 10000000 tally 6 mean error 3.4573E-02 0.0037 3.4668E-02 0.0026 3.4654E-02 0.0021 3.4595E-02 0.0019 3.4605E-02 0.0017 3.4615E-02 0.0015 3.4655E-02 0.0014 3.4638E-02 0.0013 3.4625E-02 0.0012 3.4611E-02 0.0012 3.4604E-02 0.0011 3.4622E-02 0.0011 3.4608E-02 0.0010 3.4594E-02 0.0010 3.4589E-02 0.0010 3.4586E-02 0.0009 3.4593E-02 0.0009 3.4586E-02 0.0009 3.4590E-02 0.0009 3.4589E-02 0.0008 vov slope fom 0.0000 4.5 168063 0.0000 4.3 168380 0.0000 4.4 168102 0.0000 4.9 167223 0.0000 5.2 167516 0.0000 4.1 167966 0.0000 3.7 168301 0.0000 4.1 168570 0.0000 4.0 168624 0.0000 3.7 168677 0.0000 4.5 168810 0.0000 4.7 168984 0.0000 4.8 169019 0.0000 4.7 169013 0.0000 5.5 169051 0.0000 4.4 169099 0.0000 4.8 169162 0.0000 4.0 169155 0.0000 3.6 169198 0.0000 3.5 169224 ********************************************************************************************************* ************** dump no. 2 on file runtpt nps = 10000000 coll = 37269656 ctm = 8.32 nrn = 599246882 2 warning messages so far. run terminated when computer time = mcnp version 5 06/05/10 09:37:01 10000000 particle histories were done. 8.34 minutes 11012005 06/05/10 09:45:22 probid = 69 APPENDIX D The mass energy absorption coefficients for air [Hubbell and Seltzer, 1995] 20.0 Mass Energy Absorption Coefficient (μen/ρ)air 2 (cm /g) 0.53890 30.0 0.15370 40.0 0.06833 50.0 0.04098 60.0 0.03041 80.0 0.02407 100.0 0.02325 150.0 0.02496 200.0 0.02672 300.0 0.02872 400.0 0.02949 500.0 0.02966 600.0 0.02953 800.0 0.02882 1000.0 0.02789 1250.0 0.02666 2000.0 0.02547 3000.0 0.02345 6000.0 0.02057 10000.0 0.01870 15000.0 0.01740 20000.0 0.01647 Energy, E (keV) 70 APPENDIX E The mass energy absorption coefficients of TLD 100 elements [Hubbell and Seltzer, 1995] Mass Energy Absorption Coefficient (cm2/g) Energy (keV) Lithium, 3 Fluorine, 9 Magnesium, 12 Titanium, 22 20 1.788E-02 8.608E-01 2.393E+00 1.455E+01 30 1.114E-02 2.401E-01 6.757E-01 4.447E+00 40 1.122E-02 1.016E-01 2.775E-01 1.895E+00 50 1.233E-02 5.652E-02 1.432E-01 9.666E-01 60 1.358E-02 3.851E-02 8.715E-02 5.594E-01 80 1.588E-02 2.656E-02 4.631E-02 2.410E-01 100 1.755E-02 2.385E-02 3.392E-02 1.308E-01 150 2.098E-02 2.415E-02 2.762E-02 5.397E-02 200 2.289E-02 2.554E-02 2.760E-02 3.736E-02 300 2.481E-02 2.730E-02 2.872E-02 3.014E-02 400 2.552E-02 2.800E-02 2.928E-02 2.871E-02 500 2.569E-02 2.815E-02 2.938E-02 2.809E-02 600 2.558E-02 2.801E-02 2.921E-02 2.761E-02 800 2.498E-02 2.733E-02 2.847E-02 2.663E-02 1000 2.418E-02 2.643E-02 2.751E-02 2.561E-02 1250 2.313E-02 2.528E-02 2.630E-02 2.445E-02 1500 2.208E-02 2.413E-02 2.509E-02 2.327E-02 2000 2.026E-02 2.223E-02 2.317E-02 2.162E-02 3000 1.751E-02 1.960E-02 2.062E-02 1.983E-02 4000 1.560E-02 1.794E-02 1.910E-02 1.907E-02 5000 1.421E-02 1.682E-02 1.814E-02 1.879E-02 6000 1.315E-02 1.604E-02 1.752E-02 1.874E-02 8000 1.166E-02 1.505E-02 1.678E-02 1.894E-02 10000 1.066E-02 1.447E-02 1.643E-02 1.928E-02 15000 9.182E-03 1.377E-02 1.610E-02 2.001E-02 20000 8.397E-03 1.366E-02 1.612E-02 2.068E-02 71 APPENDIX F The mass energy absorption coefficients of silicon dioxide fibre optic elements [Hubbell and Seltzer, 1995] Mass Energy Absorption Coefficient (cm2/g) Energy (keV) 20 Oxygen, 8 0.61790 Silicon, 14 4.07600 Germanium, 32 31.78000 30 0.17290 1.16400 11.26000 40 0.07530 0.47820 5.15200 50 0.04414 0.24300 2.75900 60 0.03207 0.14340 1.64200 80 0.02468 0.06896 0.71840 100 0.02355 0.04513 0.38030 150 0.02506 0.03086 0.12880 200 0.02679 0.02905 0.06895 300 0.02877 0.02932 0.03891 400 0.02953 0.02968 0.03193 500 0.02971 0.02971 0.02930 600 0.02957 0.02951 0.02790 800 0.02887 0.02875 0.02618 1000 0.02794 0.02778 0.02489 1250 0.02669 0.02652 0.02353 1500 0.02551 0.02535 0.02242 2000 0.02350 0.02345 0.02094 3000 0.02066 0.02101 0.01977 4000 0.01882 0.01963 0.01962 5000 0.01757 0.01878 0.01987 6000 0.01668 0.01827 0.02027 8000 0.01553 0.01773 0.02120 10000 0.01483 0.01753 0.02208 15000 0.01396 0.01746 0.02364 20000 0.01360 0.01757 0.02452 72 APPENDIX G PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES 1. Asni H., Wagiran H, Saripan M.I., Ramli A.T, and Yaakob N.H. “Thermoluminescence Energy Response of Germanium Doped Optical Fibre Using Monte Carlo N-Particle Code Simulation.” National Physics Conference, PERFIK 2009. Institute of Physics Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi MARA, Avilion Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia, 7 – 9 December 2009. (Published: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1250, pp 420-423 ISBN: 978-0-7354-0797-8) 2. Yaakob N.H, Wagiran H, Ramli A.T, Ali H. and Asni H. “Photon Irradiation Response on Ge- and Al- Doped SiO2 Optical Fibre.” National Physics Conference, PERFIK 2009. Institute of Physics Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi MARA, Avilion Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia, 7 – 9 December 2009. (Published: AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1250, pp 63-66. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0797-8) 3. Asni H., Wagiran H, Saripan M.I., S. Hashim, Ramli A.T, and Yaakob N.H. “Thermoluminescence Energy Response of TLD-100 Subjected to Photon Irradiation Using Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code version 5”. Second International Conference and Workshop on Basic and Applied Sciences. Regional Annual Fundamental Sciences Seminar 2009 (ICOWOBASS), University Teknologi Malaysia. The Zone Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 2 – 4 June 2009. 4. Yaakob N.H, Wagiran H, Ramli A.T, S.Hahim, Ali H. and Asni H., “Electron Irradiation Response On Ge And Al Doped SiO2 Optical Fibres”. “Second International Conference And Workshop On Basic And Applied Sciences. Regional Annual Fundamental Sciences Seminar 2009 (ICOWOBASS), University Teknologi Malaysia. The Zone Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 2 – 4 June 2009.