MOLARITY MODEL OF MASS TRANSFER PROCESS FOR EXTRACTION IN ROTATING DISC CONTACTOR COLUMN NURUL NADIYA BINTI ABU HASSAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA MOLARITY MODEL OF MASS TRANSFER PROCESS FOR EXTRACTION IN ROTATING DISC CONTACTOR COLUMN NURUL NADIYA BINTI ABU HASSAN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Mathematics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JANUARY 2011 iii DEDICATION TO: Nurul Sabihah Kadir, Mastura Ab Wahid, Siti Noorhani Jehad, Nor Syaida Ibrahim, Noratiqah Mohd Ariff Thank you for your encouragements and helps. TO: My beloved parent Abu Hassan bin Ibrahim & Bedah bt Hj Reduan terbayang ketenangan yang selalu kau pamerkan, bagaikan tiada keresahan, walau hatimu sering terluka tika diriku terlanjur kata, tak pernah sekali kau tinggalkan diriku sendirian, ketika ku dalam kedukaan, kau mendakap penuh pengertian, di saat diriku kehampaan, kau setia mengajarku erti kekuatan, terpancar kebanggan dalam senyumu melihat ku berjaya, bilaku kegagalan tak kau biarkan aku terus kecewa, dengan kata azimat engkau nyalakan semangat, restu dan doa kau iringkan. “JASAMU KU KENANG” iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank PM Dr Jamalludin Talib for his supervision during the two years of my study and for his patience reading the draft of my thesis. I also would like to thank Dr Normah Maan for her patience in going through of my thesis. Finally I would like to thank my parents for their understanding of my situation and for their encouragements. v ABSTRACT In the rotating disc contactor (RDC) column, liquid-liquid extraction process occurs when one of the liquid phase (drops) is dispersed into another liquid phase (continuous phase). The mass transfer process occurs when the drops flows countercurrent to the continuous phase. In this study, a new mass transfer model will be presented. A number of mass transfer models have been developed. These models are Initial Approach of Mass Transfer (IAMT) model, Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer (BAMT) model and Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model. IAMT model is a model for mass transfer when the drops first enter the column and move upward the column. BAMT model is a model of mass transfer where the drops already exist in the whole column initially. Meanwhile S-DMT model is a modification of the BAMT model where the concentration of drops in S-DMT model is being determined by using number of particle. In this study, the S-DMT model will be modified in order to develop the Molarity Model of Mass Transfer (MM-MT). In MM-MT, the method to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase is being substitute with molarity. Molarity is a method in chemistry to determine the concentration of a chemical solution. Since the system that involves in this study is cumene/ water/ acid isobutiric, molarity is used to improve the S-DMT model. A program for MM-MT was developed by using software C++ 6.0. After the program was test, the real simulation of mass transfer process that occurs in the RDC column has been run. The simulation took 500 iterations to complete. The results obtained from the MM-MT simulation were being compared with the result obtained from Separation Process System (SPS). The error for concentration of drops and continuous phase has been determined and this error showed whether the MM-MT model is better than the S-DMT model. vi ABSTRAK Dalam turus pengekstrakan cakera berputar (RDC), pengekstrakan cecair-cecair akan berlaku apabila salah satu cecair (titisan) tersebut diserakan ke dalam cecair (fasa selanjar) yang lain. Titisan ini akan bergerak dalam arah yang bertentangan dengan medium tersebut di dalam turus RDC dan ini akan menyebabkan proses peralihan jisim berlaku. Kajian ini akan menunjukkan satu model baru untuk proses peralihan jisim tersebut. Banyak model yang telah dibina untuk proses peralihan jisim ini. Antaranya ialah model pendekatan nilai awal bagi peralihan jisim (IAMT), pendekatan nilai sempadan bagi peralihan jisim (BAMT) dan juga model peralihan jisim dikret serentak (S-DMT). Model IAMT adalah model peralihan jisim apabila titisan mula masuk ke dalam turus RDC dan bergerak ke bahagian atas turus. Model BAMT pula adalah model peralihan jisim di mana titisan telah bertabur di keseluruhan turus RDC tersebut. Model S-DMT adalah hasil daripada penambahbaikan model BAMT di mana kepekatan titisan di dalam turus akan ditentukan dengan menggunakan jumlah bilangan partikel. Dalam kajian ini pula, penambahbaikan akan dilakukan ke atas model S-DMT untuk menghasilkan Model Molariti Peralihan Jisim (MM-MT). Dalam MM-MT, cara untuk menentukan kepekatan bagi titisan dan juga medium adalah dengan menggunakan molariti. Molariti adalah satu kaedah kimia untuk menentukan kepekatan satu larutan kimia. Disebabkan kajian ini menggunakan sistem kumen/ air/ asid isobutirik, molariti boleh digunakan untuk menambahbaikan model S-DMT. Program untuk MM-MT dihasilkan dengan menggunakan perisian C++ 6.0. Selepas program ini dihasilkan, program ini telah diuji dan simulasi sebenar untuk proses peralihan jisim yang berlaku dalam turus RDC ini dijalankan. Simulasi ini telah mengambil 500 iterasi untuk selesai. Keputusan yang diperolehi daripada simulasi MM-MT ini telah dibandingkan dengan keputusan yang diperolehi melalui Sistem Proses Pemisahan (SPS). Ralat bagi kepekatan titisan dan medium dikira dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa model MM-MT adalah lebih baik daripada model S-DMT. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION OF TESIS ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xiii LIST OF APPENDICES xv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives of the Research 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Significant of Study 6 1.6 Thesis Organization 6 1.7 Summary 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 9 Liquid-liquid Extraction viii 2.2 Liquid-liquid Extraction Equipment 10 2.2.1 Mixer Settlers 10 2.2.2 Column Extractor 11 2.2.3 Rotating Disc Contactor Column 11 Hydrodynamics 14 2.3.1 Terminal Velocity 14 2.3.2 Characteristic Velocity 15 Drop Breakage Model 16 2.4.1 Drop Size 17 2.4.2 Observation of the Breakage Process 17 2.4.3 Grouping Drops into Cells. 18 2.4.4 Average Drop Diameter 18 2.5 Drop Size Distribution 20 2.6 Mass Transfer Process 21 2.6.1 Whitman Two-Film Theory 22 2.7 Recent Work on Mass Transfer Model. 24 2.8 Summary 26 2.3 2.4 3 MASS TRANSFER MODEL 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Diffusion in Sphere. 29 3.3 Mass Transfer Model 35 3.3.1 Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer Model 36 3.3.2 Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer Model 37 3.4 Conclusion 38 3.5 Summary 39 ix 4 5 MOLARITY MODEL OF MASS TRANSFER 40 4.1 Introduction 40 4.2 Molarity 40 4.3 Molarity Model of Mass Transfer. 42 4.3.1 MM-MT in Stage 1 45 4.3.2 Mass Transfer in Stage 2 47 4.3.3 Mass Transfer in Stage 3 49 4.4 Sequence Steps of Molarity Model of Mass Transfer 51 4.5 Summary 53 SIMULATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 55 5.1 Introduction 55 5.2 Test run for the Program 55 5.3 The Molarity Model of Mass Transfer, MM-MT Program 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 58 Concentration of Drops and Continuous Phase in Equilibrium 59 5.4.1 Comparison Method 59 5.4.2 Conclusion 67 Comparison between the MM-MT, S-DMT model and Experimental (SPS) Data 68 5.5.1 Conclusion 70 Summary 72 CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATION 73 6.1 Conclusion 73 6.2 Recommendations 74 REFERENCES 75 Appendices A-C 78-93 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE 2.1 Terminal and characteristic velocity of drops. 16 2.2 Range of drops diameter and the average drops diameter. 20 2.3 Volume fraction of drops in each cell obtained by EVM. 21 2.4 Mathematical model of mass transfer process developed by previous researchers. 24 4.1 Sequence steps of MM-MT. 52 5.1 Concentration of drops for the test run program. 56 5.2 Concentration of continuous phase for the test program. 56 5.3 Error obtained from the simulation data of the test run 56 5.4 Result from iteration 1 and iteration 10 for both concentrations of drops and continuous phase 5.5 Error obtained in both concentration of drops and continuous phase 5.6 62 Relative error for concentration of drops from iteration 500, 1000 and 1000. 5.7 (a) 59 66 Data obtained from Molarity Model of Mass Transfer, MM-MT 67 5.7(b) Data from SPS cited by Talib [4]. 68 5.7(c) Data obtained by Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer, S-DMT model by Mohamed [6]. 5.8 68 Summarization of relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained in MM-MT, S-DMT and SPS. 69 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO 1.1 TITLE The illustration for stage The illustration for stage located between 2 stator rings next to each other. 1.2 4 The RDC column that was modeled into 23 stages and 10 cells in each stage. 2.1 4 Illustration of stage being divided into cell with the same width. 1.3 PAGE 5 Schematic diagram of the Rotating Disc Contactor Column (RDC) column. 12 2.2 Mass transfer process for X phase and Y phase. 23 4.1 Flow chart of the algorithm given in Table 4.1. 53 5.1 Illustration for drops in a stage for test run model. 55 5.2 Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 1 and iteration 10. 5.3 61 Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 10 and iteration 50 5.4 63 Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 50 and iteration 100 5.5 64 Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 100 and iteration 500 65 xii 5.6 The comparison graph for the data obtained by SPS, simulation of MM-MT and simulation of S-DMT model 70 xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS - Radius of a sphere - Concentration of a sphere , - Concentration for both and phases - Diameter of sphere - Initial drop diameter of drop - Average diameter of drop - Molecular diffusivity of dispersed phase - Diameter of rotor disc - Diameter of stator ring - Gravity ℎ - Height of a stage - Number of stages - Number of cells , - Flux or the rate of the mass transfer for both and phases , - Mass transfer coefficient for both and phases - Radius of the column - Cell number - Stage number , - Number of drops - Number of particle of drops - Balance number of mole for the continuous phase - Number of mole - Rotor speed xiv ! - Radius of sphere " - Time of drop to travel along the column # - Average concentration of sphere # - Total concentration of drops $% - Characteristic velocity of drop $& - Terminal velocity of drop ' - Volume of drops ' - Average volume of drop '( - Volume fraction ' - Volume of continuous phase in a stage )* , ) - Bulk and interface concentration of phase )+ , -+ - Initial concentration of continuous and dispersed phase , - Liquid phases - Balance concentration of continuous phase -* , - - Bulk and interface concentration of phase . - Stator ring number Greek Symbols ∆0 - Density difference between the continuous phase and the dispersed phase 1 - Interfacial tension 2% - The viscosity of the continuous phase 0% - Continuous phase density 34 - Critical angular velocity ℰ6 , ℰ7 - Relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase. xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE PAGE Geometrical And Physical Properties Of RDC Column 79 B Simulation Data For MM-MT 80 C Computer Program For Molarity Model Of Mass Transfer (MM-MT) 83 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introductions Liquid-liquid extraction has become a common subject to be discussed not just among chemical engineers, but mathematicians as well. Liquid-liquid extraction is a process with many applications in pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals processing, industrial chemical production and metals extraction and recovery [1]. This process is a technique to separate two liquids product. The principle of liquid-liquid extraction process entails the transfer of one elements of a solution to another liquid phase which is relatively immiscible in the first solution [2]. There are many types of equipments used for the processes of liquid-liquid extraction. The one that will be considered in this research is the column extractor type called Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column. In the RDC column, there are two phases that were involved in extraction process which called the dispersed phase (drops) and the continuous phase. Mathematical model on the mass transfer process that occurred in RDC column were already completed by previous researchers. However, there are still some weaknesses on the latest mass transfer model that can be improved. In RDC column, chemical substances will be used in order to complete the extraction process. Therefore, molarity is a proper method to determine the 2 concentrations on the chemical substances. Molarity will be embedded in the former model in order to reform it. Then, the suitable algorithm is determined so that the solutions of the improved model can be achieved. 1.2 Problem Statement Quite a lot of models on RDC column have been developed. The modeling in drops distributions and mass transfer process are the most important factors for the column performance [3]. Therefore, a more realistic mathematical model is presented. There are a number of researchers in this field such as Ghalehchian [3], Talib [4], Arshad [5], Mohamed [6] and Maan[3]. Talib [4] has presented the mass transfer models which are Initial Approach of Mass Transfer (IAMT) and Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer (BAMT). These two models were said unsteady-state model. According to Maan [3], Ghalehchian has developed a new model by applying the idea of axial mixing into the simulation of the mass transfer process. Arshad [5] also has developed a steady state model for hydrodynamics process. Then, Mohamed [6] has modified a model developed by Talib which is the BAMT model which is called Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model. Meanwhile Maan [3] has developed an inverse model of mass transfer where it can determine the value of the input while the value of output is known. However, the research that was being concentrated on this study is the S-DMT model [6]. Some weaknesses have been detected in this model. As mention before, the concentration of a chemical substance is better being determined by using molarity. Molarity is a method used by chemists to calculate the molar concentration of the chemical substances by using the volume and the number of mole for the substances. Therefore, molarity will be embedded into some of the steps in the S-DMT model. Improvements of this model will be explained further in Chapter 4. Then, the 3 concentration for both dispersed and continuous phases obtained in this research will be compared with the SSPS data as cited in Talib [4]. 1.3 Objective of the Research The main goals of the research are to model a mass transfer process by using molarity that happen in the RDC column and compare the data obtained from this model with the experimental data obtained in SSPS as cited in Talib [4]. To achieve these goals, the following objectives are the working strategies. The objectives of the study are: 1. To formulate a new model for the mass transfer process for drops and continuous phase in the RDC column. 2. To incorporate the new mass transfer model in the existing algorithm. 3. To develop a programming to simulate the concentration of drops and continuous phase in the new mass transfer model. 1.4 Scope of Study In this study, the geometrical properties for RDC column with the height 1.75 meters will be used. The RDC column is modeled into 23 stages. Each stage is between two consecutive stator rings. Let say the stage and stator ring are labeled as where = 1,2, … ,23. Then, the stage is between the th stator ring and + 1th stator ring. This situation continues along the column. However, stage 23 will be between 23rd stator ring and the top of the column. This is as given in Figure 1.1 below. 4 Figure 1.1 : The illustration for stage located between 2 stator rings next to each other. Then, each stage is also modeled into 10 cells with the same width. The cell is labeled as where = 1,2, … ,10 . Each cell is said to have its own range of drops diameter where this range will be explain further in Chapter 2. The cells can be illustrated as in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.3 shows an RDC column being modeled into 23 stages and 10 cells in every stage. Figure 1.2 : Illustration of stage being divided into cell with the same width. The chemical substances that were taken into consideration are cumene in isobutiric acid as the dispersed phase and isobutiric acid in water as continuous phase. The physical properties for the system are obtained from the experiments done by Bahmanyar as cited by Talib[4]. The same applies to the geometrical properties of the RDC column. Both the geometrical properties and the physical properties are given in Appendix A. 5 Figure 1.3 : The RDC column that was modeled into 23 stages and 10 cells in each stage. 6 Next, the hydrodynamics of drops, the drops distribution, the range of drops diameter and average of drops diameter that are used in order to achieve the objectives above has been obtained by Talib [4]. The hydrodynamic of drops is used to determine the time taken for drops to travel along the column. The drops distribution is used to calculate the number of drops in every cell in every stage. All these data are used to determine the concentration of dispersed and continuous phases. These data are used in simulating the mass transfer process by using C++ 6.0 software. 1.5 Significant of Study The purpose of this study is to determine the concentration of dispersed and continuous phases in the RDC column. From the concentrations obtained, the efficiency of the column can be observed. The efficiency of the RDC column will increase if the extraction process that occurs in the column increases. In order to increase the extraction process, improvements can be made to the RDC column such as reducing the speed of the rotor discs in the column so that the drops will break into smaller. This will increase the surface area that was brought into contact with the continuous phase. These concentrations also help in designing the RDC column by varying the geometric properties of the column. For example, by increase or decrease the radius of the column, the height of the column and etc depends on the extraction process happen, an efficient RDC column will be produce. 1.6 Thesis Organization This thesis starts with Chapter 2, literature review on the liquid-liquid extraction. It is then followed by the introduction to the Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column and 7 the hydrodynamics of mass transfer process that occurs in the RDC column. Discussion on the hydrodynamic, drop breakage, drop distribution and mass transfer process are also included. The existing models developed by previous researchers are presented. Chapter 3 reviews on the existing mass transfer models. It discussed on the formulation of the varied boundary function. The details of the exact solution of the Initial Boundary Value Problem (IBVP) with the time depending function boundary condition will be shown and followed by the derivation of a new diffusion equation for sphere. Chapter 4 discusses the formulation of the mass transfer process in the RDC column by using molarity. The new mass transfer process using molarity is presented. Molarity is a method that will be used to determine the concentration of both drops and continuous phase in the mass transfer process that occurs in the RDC column. Molarity will be embedded in the existing mass transfer model and this process will be explained further in this chapter. Chapter 5 provided the explanation on the computer program that was build and the simulation data that were obtained from this simulation. The computer program was developed by using C programming. This simulation is then being run until 10000 iterations and the data obtained from this simulation will be compared with the SSPS data as cited in Talib [4]. The concentration error obtained from this comparison is then being compared with the concentration error obtained from the comparison S-DMT model and SSPS data. The summarization and conclusion on the final findings and suggest areas for further research are given in Chapter 6. 8 1.7 Summary In this introduction chapter, general information on the liquid-liquid extraction and the equipment is presented. The weakness of the existing model motivates this research to be done is given in the problem statement. Next, the research objectives and scope, and the contribution of this research are described in this chapter. Finally, the thesis organization is given. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Liquid-liquid Extraction Extraction is a process that separates component based on the chemical differences in physical properties. The basic principle behind extraction involves contacting two phases that is immiscible or partially miscible with each other [2][7]. The phases can take liquid, gas, vapor or solid. Therefore, these two phases could be liquidliquid, liquid-solid, liquid-gas or liquid vapor [3]. Liquid-liquid extraction, also known as solvent extraction is a method to separate components based on their relative solubility in two different immiscible liquids, usually water and an organic solvent [2]. It is an extraction of a component from one liquid into another liquid phase. Liquid-liquid extraction is a basic technique in chemical laboratories, where it is performed using a separatory funnel [7]. In this research, the two liquid-liquid phases are cumene and isobutiric acid. The situation of the extraction process can be illustrated as below: F X+Z S + Y = R E X Y+Z 10 Considered a liquid phase, F with components X and Z and another liquid phase, S with component Y. The liquid F was brought into contact with the liquid S so that the extraction process will occurs. After the extraction process complete, the raffinate, R and the extract, E were produced. The raffinate, R contained X as the component which means the component X is removed from the liquid phase, F. however, the extract, E contain components Y and Z. The extract, E is the product of this extraction process. 2.2 Liquid-liquid Extraction Equipment There is a wide range of applications of liquid-liquid extraction, for example, application in petrochemical processing, industrial chemical production, pharmaceuticals and metal extraction and recovery. Since this process has been used in many applications, various design of liquid-liquid extraction column was developed. Liquidliquid extraction equipment can be classified as mixer settlers and column extractors [7][8]. 2.2.1 Mixer Settlers Mixer settlers are a class of mineral process equipment used in the solvent extraction process. A mixer settler consists of a first stage that mixes the phases together followed by a dormant settling stage that allows the phase to separate by gravity. The mixer may consist of one or multiple stages of mixing tanks. The settler is a calm pool downstream of the mixer where the liquids are allowed to separate by gravity. The liquid are then removed separately from the end of the mixer [9]. 11 2.2.2 Column Extractor Column extractor consisting of a vertical column where the denser phase enters at the top and flows downwards while the less dense phase enter at the bottom and flow upwards. One of the phases can be pumped into the column at any desired flow rate meanwhile the maximum rate of the other phase will be limited by the first phase and the physical properties of both phases. There is maximum rate at which the phases can flow through the column. At this point, the dispersed phase will be stopped from entering the column or the column must be adequately large so there will be no flooding [3][4][5]. However, in this study, Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column which is one of the column extractors that is widely used for liquid-liquid extraction will be considered. The research works on the modeling of RDC column and then the geometrical structure are explained in the next section. 2.2.3 Rotating Disc Contactor Column Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column is an agitated mechanical device that was introduced by Reman in 1951. It was developed by the Royal Dutch Shell Group at the Armsterdam Laboratory [10][4]. RDC column consist of cylindrical column with the diameter between 0.5 meters and 2.5 meters while the height is approaching 12 meters. The schematic diagram for the RDC column is as shown in Figure 2.1. The cylindrical column was divided into compartments by stator rings. The length from each stator ring to another are equally divided. At the centre of the column, there are rotor discs that were attached to the rotating axle that operate in the middle of stator rings. The diameter of rotor discs are less than the diameter of stator rings, thus allowing the axle and rotor discs to be easily installed and removed. 12 Continuous Phase in Dispersed Phase out Rotating Axle Dispersed Phase in Continuous Phase out Figure 2.1 : Schematic diagram of the Rotating Disc Contactor Column (RDC) column. 13 Above the top stator ring, and the below the bottom stator ring, settling compartment are installed [4]. Wide mesh grids are used between the agitated section and the settling zones to nullify the liquid circular motion, thus ensuring optimum settling conditions. As explained by Najim [7], the continuous phase is fed in at the top of the column to provide a counter current flow since the drops are dispersed through a distributor at the bottom of the column. Therefore, at the top of cylindrical column, there is inlet connection for heavy phase and outlet connection for light phase. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the cylindrical column, there is inlet connection for light phase and outlet connection for heavy phase. According to Maan [3], an RDC’s performance depends on its column diameter, rotor disc diameter, stator ring opening, compartment height, number of compartments and disc rotational speed. Thus, to modified or create an efficient column, these factors must be taken into consideration. In an RDC column, one of the liquid phases is dispersed as drops. After which, the drops will break into drops with smaller size when they were hit by the rotating discs. The breakage of drops into smaller drops increases the area of contacts with the continuous phase which in turns increased the mass transfer process either from the drops to the continuous phase or vice versa. Drops size distribution and mass transfer process are two important processes involve in the RDC column [11]. The drops size distribution is influence by two factors. These two factors are the hydrodynamics of the drops and also the breakage of the drops in the column. Therefore, in the following section, an explanation on the hydrodynamics of drops will be done. 14 2.3 Hydrodynamics Every drop in the RDC column is moving and each drop will have its own velocity. The terminal velocity, $& is the maximum velocity of drops in an unhindered continuous phase. This velocity is obtained by balancing buoyancy and drag force [4][5]. Two drops with the same size and density will have different terminal velocities if the internal circulation within drops is different. In the RDC column, there are rotating discs and stator rings. Therefore, the drops movement will be disturbed as the drops hit the rotor discs. The velocity of the drops will reduce. This reduced velocity is known as characteristic velocity, $% . The characteristic velocity, $% is normally 50 to 100 percents of the terminal velocity, $& [5]. Discussion on terminal velocity, $& and the characteristic velocity of drops, $% is given in section 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 respectively. 2.3.1 Terminal Velocity Terminal velocity of a drop in an unhindered medium is the maximum speed of the drop to travel along the RDC column. This velocity is obtained by balancing the buoyancy and drag force [6]. The factors that affect the velocity are the diameter of drop, the shape of a drop and the physical properties of the system. According to Maan[3], Grace et al have built their own equation of terminal velocity. Based on the experiments, the terminal velocity was obtained by using the following equation: ? $& = >A @ B C D .FGH ( − 0.867) @ where: (2.1) 15 N = C= OP |∆A| Q O?@ R |∆A| A@PQ S G D .FG ? @ W T = N C D .FGH V . H U = 0.94T .Z[Z for 2 < T ≤ 59.3 = 3.42T .GGF for T > 59.3 Here, represent gravity, is the diameter of the drop, ∆0 is the density difference between the continuous phase and the dispersed phase, 2% is the viscosity of the continuous phase, 0% is the density of continuous phase and 1 is the interfacial tension. This equation is valid for the Reynolds number is greater than 2. However for low Reynolds number (i.e. T < 2), the terminal velocity of the drops can be determined by using Stokes Law, that is: $& = OP |∆A| F`?@ (2.2) 2.3.2 Characteristic Velocity Characteristic velocity is the velocity of drops where the geometric properties of the RDC column influence the drops movement and cause them to slow down. In other words, characteristic velocity is the terminal velocity which has been reduced due to the factor of hindrance caused by the column’s physical properties. Based on Godfrey and Slater [12], the characteristic velocity, $% of a drop in RDC column can be written in term of terminal velocity, $& given as: 16 @ a .U = 1.0 − 1.443b U [ c where : − 0.494 > de Ddf .ZZ B (2.3) = rotor speed = diameter of rotor disc = diameter of stator ring The calculation of both terminal and characteristic has been done by Talib [4]. The velocities and the drops diameter are as given in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 : Terminal and characteristic velocity of drops. Cell number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.4 Diameter, (mm) 0.49 1.22 1.98 2.76 3.54 4.32 5.10 5.88 6.67 7.05 Terminal Velocity, $& ,(mm/s) 18.3 36.2 63.2 82.0 97.1 110.0 121.5 126.1 125.1 124.5 Characteristic Velocity, $% , (mm/s) 10.2 20.0 35.0 45.4 53.8 60.9 67.3 70.1 69.3 69.0 Drop Breakage Model The main objective of a breakage model is to determine the number of drops and their size distribution in the cells of the RDC column [4]. As explained before, the drops are dispersed into the column through a distributor which is located at the bottom of the cylindrical column. Then, these drops will move upward the column and break into smaller size of drops after they were hit by the rotating discs. In the next subsection, an explanation on the drop breakage will be presented. 17 2.4.1 Drop Size Drop size is an important variable that affect the hydrodynamics and mass transfer process. The prediction on the drop size is important in order to manipulate the performance prediction or the designing of the RDC column [3][4][5]. According to Korchinsky [3], smaller size of drops requires a larger column diameter to provide larger interfacial surface area. Larger drops will have larger volume, low surface area per unit volume, which mean the column height must be increased in order to satisfy the mass transfer process. 2.4.2 Observation of the Breakage Process. When a group of drops enter the column, these drops will move upward towards the end of the column. n RDC column, there are rotor discs that always rotate at its critical speed. Therefore, when the drops move upward and hit the edge of the rotor, the drops will break into smaller sizes of drops. At some point, when the rotor speed increased to the maximum, the drop breakage fraction also increases and then decrease. Meanwhile, at zero rotor speed, drops falling vertically to hit the rotor edge were more easily breaks as continuous phase viscosity decreased. As speed increased, the drops tend to hit the underside of the rotor disc and then did not break as they rolled around the edge. The breakage process of drops has been observed by the previous researchers. Bahmanyar and Slater [14] and Cauwenberg [13] have observed the break-up probabilities for single drops of various sizes. This can be used to obtain first estimates of the developing drop size distribution 18 2.4.3 Grouping Drops into Cells. Talib [4] has design a model for drops breakage. This model allowed us to group the drops into cells with equivalent sizes. When the drops enter the extraction column, it will break into smaller size of drops as they hit the rotating discs. The rotor discs always rotate at its critical speed which is given as below: Q g.h 34 = 0.802 A g.S?g.R g.ij @ @ f (2.4) Talib’s model has state that if the initial drop diameter is , and the required number of cells is , then the size of the cell , l which will hold drops of cell with diameters between m, and m,nF is: l = m,nF − m, (2.5) where = 1,2, … , and dp,q = rg s (j − 1), j = 1,2, … , m 2.4.4 Average Drop Diameter Initially, each stage will be divided into 10 cells with the same width. The initial drop diameter, that was taken into consideration is 7.05. Therefore, the average diameter is obtained by averaging the volume of the drops. Assuming that the drops are randomly produced and these drops are uniformly distributed into each cell, the average drop diameter can be obtained as follows. Let average volume of drops in cell is ', and the average diameter is , , then: 19 G ', = w > xy,z U (2.6) B { U However, the average volume can be written as follows: ~ G ', w ∫~ zk ! U ! z = b!nF − ! c U ,z where ! = and !nF = { (2.7) ,zk { Then, equation (2.7) will become: ', = = G ~ R W zk U G z b~zk D~z c R R b~ U zk D~z c b~zk D~zc R = R ,zk D ,z U P P (2.8) b~zk D~zc By combining equation (2.6) and equation (2.8) will give: R G U w> > xy,z { U B = xy,z U { R ,zk D ,z U P P ,zk ,z D P P F ,zk B = > G { + ,z { B > ,zk { { B +> ,z { { B F , U = bm,nF + m, cbm,nF { + m, { c G F F U , = V bm,nF + m, cbm,nF { + m, { cW G (2.9) The average drops diameter, , can be obtained by using equation (2.9) and Table 2.2 shows the range of drops diameter and the average drops diameter for each cell. 20 Table 2.2 : Range of drops diameter and the average drops diameter. Number of Cell, 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.5 Range of Drop Diameter, (mm), m,nF − m, [0, 0.705) [0.705, 1.41) [1.41, 2.12) [2.12, 2.82) [2.82, 3.52) [3.52, 4.23) [4.23, 4.94) [4.94, 5.64) [5.64, 6.35) [6.35, 7.05) Average Drop Diameter, (mm), , 0.44 1.10 1.79 2.48 3.19 3.89 4.59 5.30 6.00 6.70 Drop Size Distribution There are three methods of predicting the number of drops and their size distribution in each stage in the RDC column [10]. These methods are Monte Carlo method (MCM), Expected Value method (EVM) and Dynamic Expected Value method (DEVM). However, the drops distributions that will be used in this study are being obtained from the EVM where the distribution of drops is determined by using Volume Fraction, '( [4]. The number of drops in each cell of each stage can be determined by using the drops distribution data that is given in Table 2.3.The volume fraction equation that will be used in order to calculate the number of drops, , for stage and cell is given as: '(,, = P +,z xy,z{ P xy,z ∑kg zk +,z { where = 1,2, … ,23, = 1,2, … ,10 (2.10) 21 Table 2.3 : Volume fraction of drops in each cell obtained by EVM. Cell/ Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.018 0.022 0.026 0.029 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.047 0.051 0.055 0.059 0.064 0.068 0.072 0.076 0.080 0.084 0.000 0.007 0.015 0.024 0.034 0.045 0.056 0.067 0.080 0.092 0.105 0.117 0.130 0.143 0.155 0.168 0.180 0.192 0.205 0.217 0.228 0.240 0.251 0.000 0.018 0.037 0.056 0.076 0.096 0.115 0.135 0.153 0.171 0.188 0.204 0.219 0.233 0.246 0.257 0.268 0.278 0.286 0.294 0.301 0.307 0.311 0.000 0.039 0.071 0.101 0.128 0.151 0.172 0.189 0.204 0.215 0.224 0.231 0.235 0.237 0.238 0.237 0.223 0.232 0.228 0.223 0.217 0.211 0.205 0.000 0.068 0.114 0.149 0.174 0.191 0.202 0.208 0.210 0.208 0.203 0.196 0.188 0.179 0.170 0.160 0.149 0.139 0.129 0.120 0.111 0.102 0.093 0.000 0.096 0.145 0.174 0.188 0.191 0.187 0.178 0.166 0.153 0.139 0.126 0.113 0.100 0.089 0.078 0.069 0.060 0.052 0.046 0.039 0.034 0.030 1.000 0.769 0.612 0.488 0.388 0.309 0.246 0.196 0.157 0.125 0.100 0.079 0.063 0.051 0.040 0.032 0.026 0.021 0.016 0.013 0.010 0.008 0.007 Mass Transfer Process Mass transfer is the transfer of solute from high concentration to low concentration. This phrase is usually being used in engineering for physical processes that involve molecular and convective transport of atoms and molecules within physical systems. Whenever there is a different in concentration gradient between the two phases in the RDC column, there will be a migration of molecules from one phase to the other 22 phase [4]. If the concentration of the continuous phase is higher than the dispersed phase, then the molecules will move from the continuous phase to the dispersed phase. However, if the concentration of the dispersed phase is higher than the continuous phase, then the molecules will move from the dispersed phase toward the continuous phase. In the following subsection, an explanation on the two-film theory will be presented. 2.6.1 Whitman Two-Film Theory Whitman two-film theory is one of the earliest and simplest theories on the mass transfer between two liquid phases across a plane interface [3][4][5][6]. In this theory, it is assumed that there will be a thin layer film on both side of the interface. Across this film, the migration of molecules is called the molecular diffusion process. Outside this film, there will be a bulk concentration of liquid phases that was uniform which is brought by the eddy diffusion. Eddy diffusion caused by the turbulence in the bulk is considered to die rapidly at the interface of the films. Consider two liquids phases, and : 1. Let the bulk concentration and interphase concentration for be )* and ) respectively. 2. Let the bulk concentration and interphase concentration for be -* and - respectively. Based on Arshad [5] and Treybal [15], the transfer across this film is assumed to take place entirely by molecular diffusion in the following 5 steps: 1. Transfer from bulk -phase to the film. 2. Diffusion through the -phase film to the interface. 3. Transport across the interface. 4. Diffusion through the -phase film away from the interface. 5. Transfer into the bulk -phase. 23 Direction of mass transfer )* ) X phase - Y phase -* Raffinate Phase Extract Phase Interface Figure 2.2 : Mass transfer process for X phase and Y phase. Figure 2.2 shows the mass transfer process from phase to phase. In the phase, the mass transfer at steady state from the bulk concentration to the interface concentration is described by the flux equation below: = ()* − ) ) (2.11) Meanwhile for the phase, the mass transfer at steady state is from the interface concentration to the bulk concentration is = (- − -* ) (2.12) and are the flux or rate of the mass transfer, and are the mass transfer coefficient for both and phase. At equilibrium, the fluxes of the concentration must be the same. Thus ()* − ) ) = (- − -* ) 24 The expression on the equilibrium at the interface is known as equilibrium equation. According to Bailes et al [16], the equilibrium equation for this system is given as follows: = F.`[ where is the concentration of phases while is the concentration of phase. 2.7 Mathematical Model of Mass Transfer. Table 2.4 gives the previous work on the mass transfer process on RDC column. The mathematical model that were developed by the previous researchers is been summarized in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 : Mathematical model of mass transfer process developed by previous researchers. Author Title Description Jamalludin Talib Mathematical Modelling • Talib has introduced two models of (1994) of A Rotating Contactor Column Disc the mass transfer named: a) Initial Approach of Mass Transfer(IAMT) b) Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer(BAMT). • .IAMT is for the first step where the drop first entered the column with an undisturbed medium. • BAMT is based on the presence of drops along the column. • The concept of diffusion in sphere 25 and the theory of two-film theory are also introduced in this research. Amirah Mohamed Hana Model Peralihan Jisim • The mathematical modelling of Nor Diskret Secara Serentak Bagi Resapan Titisan (2000) simultaneous drop diffusing in RDC column is developed. • The drops are already in steady state and the mass transfer from the medium occurs simultaneously. • The drops concentration was calculated for each cell. • The drops total concentration was also be calculated. • Then the balance concentration will be calculated by using mass balance equation. Khairul Anuar Parameter Analysis for • The Arshad (2000) hydrodynamics model is Liquid-liquid Extraction almost like the real condition since Column Design it moves from the undisturbed state into steady state. • The model was found to reach the steady state faster compared to previous study. • This study also involved two different sizes of RDC column and four different type of chemical system. • The model was expected to update the value of the hold up and the velocities of the drops moving up the column before the drops reach 26 the final stage. • Then Arshad used the mass transfer model developed by Ghalehchian to combine with the new hydrodynamic model. • Arshad observed and analysed the simulation data to examined the effects of varying input variables on output values yield. Normah Maan The (2005) Mass • This study involves an inverse Inverse Transfer Model of The model based on the IBVP with Mutli-Stage mixed boundary condition. Column Approach Varied Condition RDC Fuzzy • This model is used to verify the by Based on Boundary value of input parameters for a required value of output parameters. • Fuzzy approach for modelling the system is being used in this study. 2.8 Summary In this chapter, an explanation on the literature review is presented. Firstly, an introduction on the liquid-liquid extraction process is given. Then, equipment that involves liquid-liquid extraction process is being discussed. In this study, Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column is taken into consideration. In the RDC column, hydrodynamics of drops and distribution of drops occurs. Therefore, explanations on these processes are presented. 27 Mass transfer that occurs in the RDC column is being influenced by the hydrodynamics of drops and distribution of drops. Then, the mass transfer models that have been developed by previous researchers are being discussed. The Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model that was developed by Mohamed [6] is used in order to develop the new mass transfer model. In the new mass transfer model, a new method will be used to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase. CHAPTER 3 MASS TRANSFER MODEL 3.1 Introduction In this research, there are two mass transfer models that will be taken into consideration. These two models are the Boundary Approach Mass Transfer (BAMT) model and the Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model. The BAMT model is a model developed by Talib where this model is based on the presence of drops along the RDC column. Meanwhile the S-DMT model is a model developed by Mohamad where some improvements were embedded into the BAMT model. This chapter will explain briefly on these models. In both models, the assumptions that were made are the drops have a uniform concentration in every stage and the concentration of the continuous phase is also uniform. When the drops enter the stage , solutes from the continuous phase will be transferred into the drops or vice versa depending on the difference concentration of both phases. Since this research is dealing with the drops, it is assumed that all the drops are of spherical shape. Thus, the amount of solutes that were transferred into drops can be determined by using the theory of diffusion in a sphere. 29 3.2 Diffusion in Sphere. Consider a sphere of radius . Crank [17] has given the radial diffusion equation as below: 4 & = V P4 ~ P + { 4 ~ & W (3.1) By using equation: #(!, ") = ! (!, ") (3.2) Equation (3.1) will become: & = P ~ P This proving can be shown as follows: From equation (3.2), we can have: #~ (!, ") = ~ . ! + = !~ + (3.3) #~~ (!, ") = !~~ + ~ + ~ = !~~ + 2~ #& (!, ") = !& (3.4) (3.5) By rearranging equation (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5): ~ = D4 ~ ~~ = & = D{4 ~ a ~ (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) 30 Substitute equation (3.6), (3.7) and (3.8) into equation (3.1). Then the equation will become as follows: a ~ a ~ a ~ a ~ D{4 = V − > ~ = V − ~ ~ ~ ~ { D⁄~ B ~ ~ = V = > { D4 + > ~ { ~P + { ~S BW { D{~ BW ~ ~ + > + { ~P − { ~S W B #& = #~~ ⟹ & = P ~ P If the sphere with radius has an initial concentration lF and the surface of the sphere is l , the diffusion equation of the sphere is given by the initial boundary value problem (IBVP): & = P 0 ≤ ! < , , ~ P ">0 (3.9) #(0, ") = 0 ">0 (3.10) #(, ") = l ">0 (3.11) #(!, 0) = !lF 0≤!< (3.12) By using #(!, ") = (!)("), (3.9) gives: (&) d = = (~) = −{ = −{ (3.13) Here, { is a separation constant. Then, equation (3.10) can be separated into: d and = −{ (3.13) = −{ (3.13) 31 By using differential equation, equation (3.13) can be written as: = −{ and the general solutions for the time variation is as given below: (" ) = , = 0 F P { Dd & , ≠ 0 Meanwhile the equation (3.13) can be written as: { = −{ = ± for ≠ 0 =0 for = 0 and the general solution for the radius variation is as follows: =0 + G !, (! ) = U F cos ! + { sin ! , ≠ 0 Therefore, the general solution of #(!, ") is: #(!, ") = (!)(") =¦ ( U + G !)F , =0 P& Dd ( F cos ! + { sin !){ , ≠0 Then by using superposition rule, #(!, ") will become: P P #(!, ") = F U + F G ! + { F Dd & cos ! + { { Dd & sin ! F , { , F , { , U and G are constants and can be simplified into P P #(!, ") = § + ! + ¨ Dd & cos ! + © Dd & sin ! (3.14) Next step is applying the boundary condition given in (3.10), (3.11) and (3.12). 32 Condition (3.10): P& ⇒ #(0, ") = 0 = § + ¨ Dd P& Dd ≠ 0, therefore, § = 0 and ¨ = 0 Thus, equation (3.14) will be: P #(!, ") = ! + © Dd & sin ! (3.15) Condition (3.11): P ⇒ #(, ") = l = + © Dd & sin P l − − © Dd & sin = 0 P (l − ) − © Dd & sin = 0 P& Dd ≠ 0, therefore: l − = 0 sin = 0 or © = 0 and l = Here, choose: sin = 0 + = + Thus, equation (3.15) will be: #(!, ") = ! + ∑« +¬F © Dd+ P P & P sin +~ Condition (3.12): ⇒ #(!, 0) = !lF = l ! + ∑« +¬F © sin !lF − l ! = ∑« +¬F © sin +~ !(lF − l ) = ∑« +¬F © sin +~ +~ (3.16) 33 Then, © is the coefficient in the half-range Fourier sine series expansion. Thus, we will have: { +~ © = ∫ !(lF − l ) sin ! { = − + (lF − l )(−1)+ Thus, equation (3.16) can be written as follows: + #(!, ") = l ! + ∑« +¬F(−1) { + (l − lF ) sin +~ Dd+ PP & P or (!, ") = l + { (DF)­ (l − lF ) ∑« +¬F ~ + sin +~ Dd+ P P & P (3.17) By rearranging equation (3.17), 4(~,&)D%k =1+ %g D%k { ~ ∑« +¬F (DF)­ + sin +~ Dd+ P P & P (3.18) In the mass transfer model, average concentration of drops will be considered. The average concentration of drops, # is as follows: # = G 4a (3.19) U S Where the total concentration of drops, & is & = ∫ (!, ")4w! { ! From equation (3.18): %(~,&)D%k ∫ %g D%k ∙ 4w! { ! = ∫ 1 + { ~ ∑« +¬F (DF)­ + ¯ { = ∫ 4w! { ! + ∫ ~ ∑« +¬F G (DF)­ U + = wU + 8 ∑« +¬F sin +~ (DF)­ + Dd+ PP & P sin +~ Dd+ P P & P ∙ 4w! { ! Dd+ P P & P ∫ ! sin +~ ! ∙ 4w! { ! (3.20) 34 The integrating ∫ ! sin +~ ! can be solved by using integration by part and the solution is as follows: ∫ ! sin +~ D ! = + (−1)+ (3.21) Substitute equation (3.21) into (3.20): %(~,&)D%k ∫ %g D%k G (DF)­ U + G P ∙ 4w! { ! = wU + 8 ∑« +¬F = U wU − 8 ∑« +¬F + P G ` S U = wU − ∑« +¬F F + P Dd+ P P& D P P V (−1)+ W + Dd+ P P & P Dd+ PP & P G ∫ (l (!, ") − lF ) ∙ 4w! { ! = (l − lF ) U wU − G ∫ l(!, ") ∙ 4w! { ! = (l − lF ) U wU − ` S ` S ∑« +¬F ∑« +¬F F + P F + P Dd+ PP & P Dd+ PP & P G + wU lF U (3.22) Substitute equation (3.22) into (3.19): # = G ` S U (l − lF ) wU − ∑« +¬F F + P Dd+ PP & P G + wU lF U G U G # = U wU (l − lF ) 1 − ° F + ∑« +¬F P P Dd+ P P & P + lF G U # (!, ") = (l − lF ) 1 − ° F + xy D%k Dd+ PP & (%g D%k ) = 1 − ° P ∑« +¬F F +P ∑« +¬F P P P wU wU Dd+ PP & P + lF (3.23) Equation (3.23) is the equation that is used to determine the average concentration of drops with radius at a time ". The initial concentration of drops is lF while the initial concentration of continuous phase is l . The equation (3.23) will be used in this research and the usage of the equation will be shown in the next section. 35 3.3 Mass Transfer Model In the RDC column, the continuous phase and dispersed phase are constantly flowing countercurrent with respect to time with the dispersed phase distributes randomly throughout the column. The dispersed phase also known as drops since this phase is dispersed in form of drops into the column through the distributor. Since the drops exist along the column, the diffusion process to drops happens simultaneously. Two mass transfer models presented by Talib [4] named Initial Approach of Mass Transfer (IAMT) and Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer (BAMT). These two models modeled the mass transfer process to drops based on the IBVP given in equations (3.9), (3.10), (3.11) and (3.12). The IAMT modeled the mass transfer process to drops the moment the drops first entered the column. These drops will move upward towards the end of the column. Meanwhile the BAMT modeled the mass transfer process to drops when the drops is already presents along the column. The Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model developed by Mohamed [6] also modeled the mass transfer process to drops while the drops are already being distributed along the column. In S-DMT model, the mass transfer process to drops is being modeled by using the number of particle of drops. As explained in Chapter 1, the RDC column is modeled into 23 stages and each stage will be divided into 10 cells with the same width. The first stage is between the distributor and the first rotor disc while the second stage is between the first and second rotor disc and the same applies to all stages along the column. It is also assumed that every stage will have its own initial concentration for continuous phase. The explanation on these models will be presented in the next subsections. 36 3.3.1 Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer Model Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer (BAMT) model is being modeled by assuming that the drops already present in every stage in the RDC column initially. Assume that the mass transfer to drops is governed by equations (3.9) to (3.12) and consider that there are number of stages in the RDC column and each stage , = 1,2, … , has an initial concentrations of drops, )+, and continuous phase, -+, . The process of determining the drops concentrations in stage is as follows. Determined the drops surface concentration for each stage by using the following equations: -², = ³b)², c where ³b)², c = )², F.`[ (3.24) b)+, − )², c = b-+, − -², c (3.24) Then, determine the average concentration of drops: xy, (~,&)D­, b´, D­, c = 1 − ° F + ∑« +¬F P P Dd+ P P & P (3.24l ) Then, the total drops concentration in this stage is determined as follow: G # , = #, × wU U (3.24 ) Next step is to determine the concentration of continuous phase. To determine the concentration of continuous phase, the mass balance equation will be used. In stage , assign that )* = 1, )+, = )+ , -* = -+ and -+, = -+DF . Then, the general equation to obtained the concentration of continuous phase for stage , as = 1,2, … , is as follows: µ ¶ )DF = ) − µ (- − -DF ) · (3.25) 37 We know that the drops concentration, - in every stage must less than the concentration of continuous phase, ) . Therefore, the equilibrium equation is used again to ensure that - ≤ ) F.`[ . If this condition was not satisfied, then the drops concentration is obtained by solving the equilibrium equation and the mass balance equation. 3.3.2 Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer Model The Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model is an improvement of the BAMT model. The improvement that was done will be presented in this subsection. In the improved model, the method of determining the average concentration of drops is changed into number of particle. The number of particle is used in determining the concentration of drops. In S-DMT model, it is also assume that the mass transfer process is being govern by equations (3.9) to (3.12) and the number of stages in RDC column is . It is said that each stage , = 1,2, … , is divided into cells with the same width. Therefore, each cell , = 1,2, … for every stage will have their own initial concentration for both drops and continuous phase. the initial concentration of drops is -+,, while the initial concentration of continuous phase is )+,, . Then, the process to determine the drops concentration is as follows. Firstly, we need to obtain the surface concentration for each stage and this process can be completed by using equation: -², = ³b)², c where ³b)², c = )², F.`[ -² = µ· b­,,z D´ c¸y (&)° {d¶ P >FD¸y P(&)B + -+,, (3.26) 38 where ¹ (") is Vermuelen [18] equation given as: ¹ (") = 1 − DdP & P .[ (3.27) After the surface concentration is obtained, the average drops concentration for each cell can be obtained by using equation (3.24l ). However, to determine the total drops concentration for all drops in stage , number of particle will be used. The number of particle of drops will be determined as follows: = #,, × ', By using this number of particle in each cell in stage , the total concentration of drops in stage generally will become: # , = ∑¼ zk º» ∑¼ zk ½,z (3.28) Next step is to determine the balance concentration of continuous phase. In this model, the same method used in BAMT will be used which is by using the mass balance equation (3.25). 3.4 Conclusion In this chapter, the proving on the diffusion equation is done and how to obtain the average concentration of sphere also being shown. The IBVP that was shown in equations (3.9) to (3.12) is used in mass transfer process. Both mass transfer models, BAMT and S-DMT used the IBVP in order to solve the mass transfer process. Basically, in both models, the steps to determine the concentration for both drops and continuous phase are the same. 39 1. Determine the surface concentration of drops. 2. Determine the average drops concentration. 3. Determine the total drops concentration. 4. Determine the balance concentration of continuous phase. 5. Determine whether the equilibrium has been satisfied. However, the equation that is used in order to determine these steps is different. The equations that were used in determining the surface concentration of drops in BAMT model is by using equation (3.24) and (3.24). Meanwhile the equation is different for S-DMT model which used equation (3.26). The method used to determine the total concentration for both models is also different. To determine the total concentration of drops in BAMT model is by using equation (3.24) . However, in S-DMT model, the total concentration for drops in equation (3.24) will be substitute with the equation (3.28). These show the differences between these two model and the improvements that were done. 3.5 Summary This chapter discussed on the mass transfer models that were developed by Talib [4] and Mohamed [6]. The explanation done in this chapter is based on the Boundary Approach of Mass Transfer (BAMT) model and Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model. These models were done by assuming that all drops are present throughout the column initially. Therefore, mass transfer process that occurred in the column will occurs simultaneously. S-DMT model is a mass transfer model that was developed by modifying the BAMT model. In this study, a new mass transfer model based on the S-DMT model is developed. CHAPTER 4 MOLARITY MODEL OF MASS TRANSFER 4.1 Introduction This chapter will explain on the improvements that were done on the S-DMT model in order to develop the Molarity Model of Mass Transfer (MM-MT). Most of the steps in MM-MT will used the molarity theory in order to obtained concentrations that closer to reality. Therefore, an explanation on Molarity theory will be done and the improvements on MM-MT will be presented. Molarity is one method in analytical chemistry that usually being used by chemist in order to determined a concentration of a solution. Therefore, some method in S-DMT model was changed into this method in order to develop the MM-MT model. The step that is changed into the theory of molarity is the method in obtaining the balance concentration of continuous phase. Therefore, a further explanation on this modification will be given in this chapter. 4.2 Molarity Molarity which is also known as molar concentration (substance concentration) is defined as amount of solute per unit volume of solution. Molarity denotes the number of moles of a given substances per liter solution [19]. 41 According to Sanagi et al [19] and Atkins et al[20]: 1. One mole contains one Avogadro’s number (6.022 × 10{U ) of molecules. 2. The atomic mass of element is the number of grams containing one Avogadro’s number of atoms of the elements. 3. The molecular weight is the number of grams that contain one Avogadro’s number of molecules of the substance 4. The molecular mass is the sum of the mass of all atom found in the particle molecule. For the molar concentration, ¾ of a solution containing a component ¿ is the number of moles of that is contained in one liter solution. The unit for molar concentration is molarity, C, or À ©DF . It can also being expressed as the number of millimoles of solute per milliliter of solution CÀ! lÀl"!"À, ¾ = = +Á Á ²Á& +Á à ²Á&Á+ +Á Á ²Á& +Á à ²Á&Á+ This shows that to obtain the concentration of a solution, number of mole for the solute is needed. Practically, the number of mol is one way to determine the concentration of a solution. Therefore, the number of mol, can be obtained after simplifying the molar concentration equation above: = ¾ × ' where ¾ =molar concentration of solution. ' =volume of the solution. The number of particle is used to calculate the average concentration of drops in S-DMT model [6]. However, the MM-MT will use the molarity in order to determine the concentration for both drops and the continuous phase. These improvements will be explained in the next section. 42 4.3 Molarity Model of Mass Transfer. In this model, it is assumed that the drops were already distributed evenly throughout the RDC column and are in steady-state flow. As explained in Chapter 3, the mass transfer process to drops that happen in the RDC column has already being modeled. One of these models is called S-DMT model. However, in this research, some modification in determining the concentration of both drops and continuous phase will be done to S-DMT model in order to develop a new MM-MT. For the MM-MT, the mass transfer of drops with radius , the initial concentration of drops, l and the surface concentration of drops, lF is governed by the IBVP given as follows: & = P ~ P , 0 ≤ ! < , #(0, ") = 0 ">0 #(, ") = l ">0 #(!, 0) = !lF 0≤!< ">0 RDC column is being modeled with 23 stages and each stages is being divided into 10 cells with the same width (as illustrated in Figure 1.3). It is also assumed that the initial concentration of drops for each cell in stage named as -+,, while the initial concentration of continuous phase in stage is named as )+, . The normalized initial concentration of drops and continuous phase are used. The initial concentration of drops is -+,, = 0 and the initial concentration of continuous phase is )+, = 1. Then, the process to obtain the concentration of drops and continuous phase is as follows. First step is to calculate the surface concentrations. The surface concentration for drops can be determined by using the equations given as follows: -²,, = ³b)²,, c where ³b)²,, c = )²,, F.`[ -²,, = µ· b­,,z D´,,z c¸y (&)° {d¶ P >FD¸y P (&)B + -+,, (4.1) (4.2) 43 The surface concentration of drops is different for each cell in stage since each drop has different average diameter. Therefore, the surface concentration of drops in each cells need to be obtained. Next step is to calculate the average drops concentration. The average drops concentration can be obtained by using equation below: xy,,z(~,&)D­,,z b´, D­,,z c = 1 − ° F + ∑« +¬F P P Dd+ PP & P (4.3) However, the average concentration of drops that was obtained is for cell in stage . Therefore, this step will be repeated for all 10 cells in stage . Here, the number of drops for each cell in stage need to be determined. As explained in Chapter 2, the number of drops can be determined by using Volume Fraction, '( . The drops distribution data that was given in Table 2.3 will be used in order to obtain the number of drops and the formula goes as below: , = . °F×P Ä×½Å,,z G xy,z U { P (4.4) By using the number of drops for each cell in stage , the total concentration of drops can be determined. The molarity theory applies here where the total number of mole can be used to determined the total concentration of drops in stage . Generally, the total concentration of drops in stage is as given below: # , = ∑¼ zk xy,,z×½,z ×+,z ∑¼ zk ½,z ×+,z (4.5) After the total concentration for drops is obtained, the balance concentration of continuous phase will be determined. In order to determined the balance concentration of continuous phase, the number of mole for the continuous phase need to be obtained first. The number of mole for continuous phase can be obtained as follows: 44 , = )+, × ', Volume of the continuous phase can be determined by using the cylinder volume formula. The formula is as follows: ', = w { ℎ − ∑ ¬F ', where ∑ ¬F ', is the total volume of drops in each stages, is the radius of the RDC column and ℎ is the height of the column. Then, the balance number of mole for the continuous phase is by deducting the number of mole for drops from the continuous phase. This can be expressed as follows: , = , − b∑ ¬F #,, × ', c (4.6) Hence, the balance concentration of continuous phase will be determined by using the molar concentration equation which is given as: , = º¼ÆxÇ, ½¼ (4.7) After the total concentration of drops and the balance concentration of continuous phase are obtained, the equilibrium equation is used again to ensure that # ≤ F.`[ . If this condition is not satisfied, it means that the drops have diffused the concentration of continuous phase more than it supposed to be. Therefore, calculation needs to be done again start from the concentration of drops by reducing the time for drops to travel along the stage 0.05 per time. After that, the condition will be rechecked and this process will continue until the condition is satisfied. Only then the calculation for the stage + 1 will start. This model has a new algorithm that can be used to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase. The result for concentrations of drops and continuous phase should be more accurate by using this new algorithm compare to the previous 45 algorithm. This is because in MM-MT, the concentration of drops and continuous phase are being determined by using molarity concept. Molarity is useful in expressing concentrations of solutions, especially in analytical chemistry. Therefore, this model is closer to reality. In the next section, the above steps are being applied to drops and continuous phase in stage 1, 2 and 3. 4.3.1 MM-MT in Stage 1 Assume that the presence of a group of drops in stage 1. This group of drops labeled as F is subjected to the concentration of the stage 1. However, there are many sizes of drop belong in F . Hence, depending on their sizes, the drops are placed in the appropriate cell since stage 1 is assumed to be divided into 10 cells with same length. In the given cell, all drops are then treated as having the same average diameter size. These groups of drops will be labeled as F,F which belong in cell 1, F,{ which belong in cell 2 until F,F which belong in cell 10. The average concentration of drops in every cells need to be determined separately. Consider that drops from F,F has an initial concentration -+,F,F = -F,F = 0 while the initial concentration for continuous phase in stage 1 is )+,F = )F = 1. Then, the drop surface concentration, -²,F,F being obtained by using equation (4.1) and (4.2). By substituting the variable, the equations become. -²,F,F = ³b)²,F,F c where ³b)²,F,F c = )²,F,F F.`[ -²,F,F = µ· bk D´,k,kc¸y (&)°xy,k {d¶ P >FD¸y P(&)B + -F,F 46 After the surface concentration for cell 1 in stage 1 is obtain, the average concentration of drops can be determined by using equation (4.3). After the substitution, this equation becomes: xy,k,k (~,&)Dk,k b´,k,k Dk,k c = 1 − ° F + ∑« +¬F P P Dd+ PP & P Here, the average concentration for F,F is checked with the equilibrium equation to ensure that #,F,F ≤ -²,F,FF.`[ . Next step is to determine the number of drops that exist in cell 1. It can be obtained by using equation (4.4) that is given as follows: F,F = . °F×P Ä×½Å,k,k P G xy,k U { These steps are then repeated for drops in group F,{ , F,U until F,F . After all the processes are done, the total concentration of drops and the balance concentration for continuous phase can be obtained. In this research, the total concentration of drops is being determined by using the molarity theory. The equation given as follows: # ,F = ∑kg zk xy,k,z×½k,z ×+k,z ∑¼ zk ½k,z ×+k,z In order to determine the balance concentration of continuous phase, number of mole for both drops and continuous phase are necessary. Number of mole for both drops and continuous phase is given as follows respectively: ,F = ∑F ¬F #,F, × 'F, ,F = )F × ',F 47 The balance number of mole can be obtained by using equation below: ,F = ,F − ,F Therefore, the balance concentration of continuous phase in stage 1 can be determined by using equation (4.7) and the equation become: ,F = º¼ÆxÇ,k ½¼,k We know that in stage 1, the total concentration of drops, #F must less than the balance concentration of continuous phase, ,F . Therefore, the equilibrium equation is used once again to ensure that # ,F ≤ ,F F.`[ . If this condition is not satisfied, then the time for drops to travel in a stage will be reduced by 0.05 per time and this procedure will be run again until the condition is satisfied. 4.3.2 Mass Transfer in Stage 2 There will be a group of drops distributed in stage 2 labeled as { . { is subjected to the concentration in stage 2. The drops in { also have many sizes and depending on their sizes, the drops are placed in the appropriate cell in stage 2. In the given cell, all drops are then treated as having the same average diameter size. These groups of drops will be labeled depend on their cell number which are {,F , {,{ until {,F . The average concentration of drops for every cell in stage 2 is determined separately. The initial concentration for {,F is said to take the final concentration for F,F . Hence, the initial concentration for {,F is -+,{,F = -{,F = #,F,F . Meanwhile the concentration of continuous phase in stage 2 is )+,{ = ){ = 1 . Then, the surface 48 concentration of drops can be determined by using equation (4.1) and (4.2) . After substitute the variable, these equations become: -²,{,F = ³b)²,{,F c where ³b)²,{,F c = )²,{,F F.`[ -²,{,F = µ· bP D´,P,kc¸y (&)°xy,k {d¶ P >FD¸y P(&)B + -{,F After the surface concentration of drops is obtained, the average concentration for {,F can be determined by using equation (4.3). Equation (4.3) can be written as follows: xy,P,k (~,&)DP,k b´,P,k DP,k c = 1 − ° P ∑« +¬F F +P Dd+ PP & P Here, the average concentration for {,F is checked with the equilibrium equation to ensure that #,{,F ≤ -²,{,FF.`[ . The next step is to determine the number of drops for cell 1 in stage 2. Equation (4.4) will be used and it will become: {,F = . °F×P Ä×½Å,P,k P G xy,k U { Then, these steps is repeated for group {,{ , {,U until {,F . Only after all processes are done, the total concentration of drops and the balance concentration of continuous phase can be determined. In order to determine the total concentration of drops, equation (4.5) is used. The equation given as follows: # ,{ = ∑kg zk xy,P,z×½P,z ×+P,z ∑¼ zk ½P,z ×+P,z 49 Number of mole for both drops and continuous phase are necessary in order to determine the balance concentration of continuous phase. Number of mole for both drops and continuous phase is given as follows respectively: ,{ = ∑F ¬F #,{, × '{, ,{ = ){ × ',{ The balance number of mole is given below: ,{ = ,{ − ,{ Hence, the balance concentration of continuous phase in stage 2 can be determined by using equation (4.7). After substitute the variable, this equation become: ,{ = º¼ÆxÇ,P ½¼,P As we know, the total concentration of drops, #{ must less than the balance concentration of continuous phase, ,{ . Therefore, the equilibrium equation is used once again to ensure that # ,{ ≤ ,{ F.`[ . If this condition is not satisfied, then the time for drops to travel along a stage will be reduced by 0.05 per time and this procedure will be run again until the condition is satisfied. 4.3.3 Mass Transfer in Stage 3 A group of drops, U has been distributed throughout the stage 3 and U is subjected to the concentration in stage 3. In U , there are also many sizes of drops and depending on their sizes, the drops are placed in the appropriate cell in stage 3. In the given cell, all drops are then treated as having the same average diameter size. These groups of drops will be labeled depend on their cell number which are U,F , U,{ until U,F . The average concentration of drops for every cell in stage 2 is determined separately. We started from group U,F . 50 The initial concentration for U,F is said to take the final concentration for F,F . Therefore, the initial concentration for {,F is -+,U,F = -U,F = #,{,F and the concentration of continuous phase in stage 3 is )+,U = )U = 1 . Then, the surface concentration of drops can be determined by using equation (4.1) and (4.2) . After substitute the variable, these equations become: -²,U,F = ³b)²,U,F c where ³b)²,U,F c = )²,U,F F.`[ -²,U,F = µ· bS D´,S,kc¸y (&)°xy,k {d¶ P >FD¸y P(&)B + -U,F Next step is to determine the average concentration for U,F and it can be determined by using equation (4.3). Equation (4.3) can be written as follows: xy,S,k (~,&)DS,k b´,S,k DS,k c = 1 − ° F + ∑« +¬F P P Dd+ PP & P The average concentration for U,F is then checked with the equilibrium equation to ensure that #,U,F ≤ -²,U,FF.`[ . To determine the number of drops in cell 1 in stage 3, equation (4.4) will be used and it will become: U,F = . °F×P Ä×½Å,S,k P G xy,k U { Then, these steps is repeated for group U,{ , U,U until U,F . Only after all processes are done, the total concentration of drops and the balance concentration of continuous phase can be determined. The total concentration of drops can be determined after the average concentration for all groups in stage 3 are obtained. By using equation (4.5), it will become: 51 # ,U = ∑kg zk xy,S,z×½S,z ×+S,z ∑¼ zk ½S,z ×+S,z Number of mole for both drops and continuous phase are necessary in order to determine the balance concentration of continuous phase. Number of mole for both drops and continuous phase is given as follows respectively: ,U = ∑F ¬F #,U, × 'U, ,U = )U × ',U The balance number of mole is given below: ,U = ,U − ,U Hence, the balance concentration of continuous phase in stage 3 can be determined by using equation (4.7). After substitute the variable, this equation become: ,U = º¼ÆxÇ,S ½¼,S As we know, the total concentration of drops, #{ must less than the balance concentration of continuous phase, ,{ . Therefore, the equilibrium equation is used once again to ensure that # ,{ ≤ ,{ F.`[ . If this condition is not satisfied, then the time for drops to travel in a stage will be reduced by 0.05 per time and this procedure will be run again until the condition is satisfied. 4.4 Sequence Steps of Molarity Model of Mass Transfer A computer program to simulate the mass transfer process based on the MM-MT has been developed. The computer program was developed by using software C++ 6.0. Here, a normalized initial concentration for both drops and continuous phase is used. The sequence of steps for mass transfer process in MM-MT is shown in Table 4.1. 52 In this program, the flow ratio of drops and continuous phase that was taken into consideration is 0.3333. This means that when the drops have move upward three stages, then, the continuous phase will move downward a stage. This is because, this simulation is carried out to be compared with the SPS result as cited by Talib [4]. Therefore, the assumptions for the MM-MT simulation and the SPS simulation are the same. By using the algorithm given in Table 4.1, a schematic representation of the mass transfer process in 23 stages of RDC column is given in Figure 4.1. Table 4.1: Sequence steps of MM-MT STEP 1 Determine the surface concentration of drops by using equations (4.1) and (4.2). STEP 2 Determine the average concentration of drops for each cell = 1,2, … , in stage = 1,2, … , by using equation (4.3). STEP 3 Determine the number of drops for each cell = 1,2, … , in stage = 1,2, … , by using equation (4.4). STEP 4 For each stage = 1,2, … , , determine the total concentration of drops by using equation (4.5). STEP 5 Determine the balance number of mole for continuous phase for each stage = 1,2, … , by using equation (4.6). STEP 6 Determine the balance concentration of continuous phase for each stage = 1,2, … , by using equation (4.7). STEP 7 If there any stage such that # > , F.`[ , go to STEP 1 and reduce the time, " for drops to travel in a stage 0.05 per time. Otherwise, go to STEP 8. STEP 8 Repeat this process until iteration 10000. STEP 9 Stop 53 4.5 Summary This chapter explained the Molarity Model of Mass Transfer (MM-MT). It shows the improvement done to the S-DMT model by using molarity in order to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase. It explains the different ways to compute the concentration of drops and continuous phase. Therefore, in the next chapter, the simulation process and the result of the new mass transfer model, MM-MT will be presented. 54 START n = n +1 - Calculate the drops concentration in cell j in stage i. - Calculate the ys and the xs for stage i. i=1,2,…,Nst, j=1,2,…,Ncl - The geometric and physical data that were used is as given in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2. - The hydrodynamic data for drops is given in Table 2.1 U n ,1 M U n, k U n −1,1 U n ,1 ≤ y s 1 . 85 No Yes M U n −1, k Ctotal , Cbal No C total ≤ C bal 1. 85 Yes Yes No (n = N n ≤ N st m = m +1 st ) STEADY n = n +1 - Calculate the drops concentration in cell j in stage i for iteration m. - Calculate the ys and the xs in stage i for iteration m. i=1,2,…,Nst, j=1,2,…,Ncl U m ,n ,1 M U m,n ,k U m , n −1,1 U m , n ,1 ≤ y s 1 . 85 Yes No M U m , n −1, k C total , C bal No C total ≤ C bal 1 . 85 Yes No n ≤ N st Yes No Yes STEADY STATE Figure 4.1 : Flow chart of the algorithm given in Table 4.1. END CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION AND DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, a result on from a test run for the computer program that was developed based on the new mass transfer model, Molarity Model of Mass Transfer is presented. The test run program is developed by using only 10 stages in the RDC column. Next, the simulation data for the real model of RDC column that is by using all 23 stages will be presented. The error obtained from the simulation data of MM-MT will be calculated and the graph is plotted. Then, the MM-MT simulation data will be compared with the data obtained from SPS program. 5.2 Test run for the Program By using the software C++ 6.0, a test run program for MM-MT is developed. This program was developed by assuming that there will be only a drop in every cell in each stage in the RDC column and only 10 stages will be taken into consideration. This situation is given in Figure 5.1. 56 Figure 5.1 : Illustration for drops in a stage for test run model. Figure 5.1 shows that only a drop present in each cell in a stage. This assumption goes to all 10 stages that will be considered in the test run program. The initial concentration for drops, -+,, and the initial concentration of continuous phase, )+,, are that will be taken into consideration is the normalized concentration. By using this assumption, the program is run 500 iterations and the simulation data obtained. The purpose of this test run program being developed is to check either this program is correct or not. It is also to determine when the concentration of drops and continuous phase will achieve equilibrium. It is said to be in equilibrium if the relative error obtained in this simulation is less than 20 percents [4][6]. The concentration of drops obtained from this test run is given in Table 5.1 meanwhile the concentration of continuous phase is given in Table 5.2. By using the concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 1, iteration 10, iteration 100 and iteration 500, the error is being calculated by using general equation as given below: ℰ6,È = ∑{U µ¬F Éxy,Ê ,Ë Dxy,Êk,Ë É xy,Ê ,Ë × 100 (5.1) 57 ℰ7,È = ∑{U µ¬F É7ÌxÇ,Ê ,Ë D7ÌxÇ,Êk,Ë É 7ÌxÇ,Ê ,Ë (5.2) × 100 Here, È represent the iteration number such as 1, 10, 50 and etc. Meanwhile Í is the number for the iteration such as iteration 1 will be the first, iteration 10 is the second, iteration 50 is the third and etc. Table 5.1 : Concentration of drops for the test run program. Concentration of drops, # Iteration 1 Iteration 10 Iteration 100 Iteration 500 Stage 1 0.0173 0.0173 0.0174 0.0174 Stage 2 0.0336 0.0336 0.0337 0.0337 Stage 3 0.049 0.049 0.050 0.0502 Stage 4 0.0635 0.0635 0.0635 0.0637 Stage 5 0.0773 0.0773 0.0774 0.0775 Stage 6 0.0905 0.0905 0.0906 0.0907 Stage 7 0.1029 0.1029 0.1030 0.1030 Stage 8 0.1148 0.1148 0.1149 0.1148 Stage 9 0.126 0.126 0.1261 0.126 Stage 10 0.1368 0.1368 0.1369 0.1368 Table 5.2 : Concentration of continuous phase for the test run program. Concentration of continuous phase, * Iteration 1 Iteration 10 Iteration 100 Iteration 500 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 1 1 0.9999 0.9999 1 1 0.9999 0.9999 1 1 0.9999 0.9999 1 1 0.9999 0.9999 1 1 0.9999 0.9999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The simulation data taken for the test run program is only 4 decimal places. However, in the data analysis by using Microsoft Excel 2007, 8 decimal places were taken into consideration. The error for both concentrations of drops and continuous phase from the test run simulation that being determined by using equation (5.1), (5.2) and (5.3) is given in Table 5.3. Table 5.3 : Error obtained from the simulation data of the test run program. Iteration 1&10 Iteration 10&100 Iteration 100&500 Error for Concentartion of Drops, ℰ6,È 0.0462 0.0844 0.003 Error for Concentration of Continuous Phase, ℰ7,È 0.0255 0.0252 0.0036 58 As given above, the error for concentration of drops and continuous phase in this test run is less than 20 percents. However, from the error above, we can see that the comparison between iteration 1 and 10 is more than the error obtained from comparison between iteration 100 and 500. Therefore, the concentration of drops and continuous phase are already in the equilibrium. By using this test run program, the real simulation was run. The real simulation was developed by changing the number of drops and the number of stages in the RDC column. 5.3 The Molarity Model of Mass Transfer, MM-MT Program After the test run program completed, the real program for the MM-MT is developed. As modeled in the RDC column, the MM-MT program considers all 23 stages. In this program, the drops were distributed evenly all along the RDC column. The drops distribution is represented by the drops distribution data given in Table 2.3. Data in Table 2.3 can be used to determine the number of drops exist in each cell in every stage. Then, the time for drops to travel along the column can be obtained by using velocity of drops as given in Table 2.1. The time obtained from this velocity of drops is used in developing the program for the MM-MT. The initial concentration of drops, )+,, and the initial concentration of continuous phase, -+,, that will be used in the simulation is the normalized concentration. Then, after the MM-MT program complete, the program is being run until 500 iterations since the test run shows that the drops and continuous phase are in equilibrium when the iteration reaches 500. Then, the simulation data obtained from this MM-MT program are being analyzed. The chosen iteration from the simulation data obtained from the MM-MT program developed is being compared. The concentration of drops 59 and continuous phase obtained from iteration 1, iteration 10, iteration 50, iteration 100, and iteration 500, will be used in this comparison. The error for this comparison is given in the section 5.4. 5.4 Concentration of Drops and Continuous Phase in Equilibrium. After the simulation for MM-MT was run, the concentration of drops and continuous phase were being compared with the data obtained from SPS as cited by Talib [4]. This comparison is needed to show: 1. The iteration number that will achieve equilibrium. 2. To prove that by increasing the iteration number, the equilibrium will not be affected. 5.4.1 Comparison Method. The concentration for drops and continuous phase obtained from the MM-MT program is being compared. In the example below, iteration 1 and iteration 10 is used to determine the relative error and the average relative error. The example for this method is shown below. Example 1: Comparison between iteration 1 and 10. The concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from iteration 1 and iteration 10 is being compared. The mass transfer process is said to be in steady state if the errors obtained is less than 20 percents. The method used to determine the errors is by calculating the average errors for both concentration of drops and continuous phases. 60 The comparison between the data obtained in iteration 1 and iteration 10 is made based on the data given in Table 5.4. The relative errors for concentration of drops and continuous phase can be obtained by using equations (5.1) and (5.2) while the average relative errors for both concentration of drops and continuous phase can be determined using equations (5.3). The example of relative errors calculation by using data in Table 5.1 is given as follows: Table 5.4 : Result from iteration 1 and iteration 10 for both concentrations of drops and continuous phase. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 1 Concentration of Concentration of drops, continuous phase, # * 0.0141 0.9991 0.0296 0.9991 0.0458 0.9990 0.0626 0.9990 0.0797 0.9990 0.0967 0.9990 0.1134 0.9990 0.1301 0.9990 0.1459 0.9991 0.1614 0.9990 0.1760 0.9991 0.1900 0.9991 0.2034 0.9992 0.2159 0.9992 0.2277 0.9993 0.2389 0.9995 0.2491 0.9992 0.2590 0.9994 0.2680 0.9994 0.2765 0.9995 0.2843 0.9995 0.2915 0.9996 0.2967 0.9997 Iteration 10 Concentration Concentration of of drops, continuous phase, # * 0.0139 0.9905 0.0291 0.9900 0.0452 0.9898 0.0618 0.9897 0.0786 0.9897 0.0955 0.9899 0.1121 0.9901 0.1287 0.9904 0.1445 0.9909 0.1599 0.9912 0.1746 0.9917 0.1887 0.9921 0.2021 0.9929 0.2146 0.9932 0.2265 0.9935 0.2377 0.9936 0.2479 0.9938 0.2579 0.9946 0.2667 0.9950 0.2755 0.9956 0.2835 0.9967 0.2908 0.9982 0.2961 0.9994 61 Relative error for concentration of drops: ℰ6,F = > | . FGFD . FUH| . FGF | . °{°D . °F`| . °{° 100 + .FU F .FZ° 100 + .{{ZZ .{[H | .{HF[D .{H `| .{HF[ . {H° . ZHZ .FG[H .FH .{U`H .{°` × 100 + | .{H°ZD .{H°F| .{H°Z × 100 + . G[` × 100 + . H°Z | .F°FGD .F[HH| .F°FG | .{ UGD .{ {F| .{ UG × 100 + × 100 + | . G[`D . G[{| | . H°ZD . H[[| × 100 + × 100 + | .{U`HD .{UZZ| | .{°` D .{°°Z| × 100 + × 100 + | .FG[HD .FGG[| | .FH D .F``Z| × 100 + × 100 + | . {H°D . {HF| | . ZHZD . Z`°| × 100 + × 100 + | .{{ZZD .{{°[| | .{[H D .{[ZH| 100 + × 100 + | .FU FD .F{`Z| | .FZ° D .FZG°| × 100 + .{GHF | .{Z°[D .{Z[[| .{Z°[ .FFUG × × 100 + × 100 + | .{GHFD .{GZH| | .FFUGD .FF{F| | .{F[HD .{FG°| .{F[H × × 100 + × 100 + | .{`GUD .{`U[| .{`GU × × 100B ℰ6,F = 18.6% Relative error for concentration of drops, ℰ7,F 2) 18.6% : Relative error for concentration of continuous phase: ℰ7,F = > | .HHHFD .HH [| .HHHF | .HHH D .H`HZ| .HHH 100 + .HHH .HHHF 100 + .HHHU .HHHG | .HHH°D .HH`{| .HHH° .HHHF .HHH .HHHF .HHHF .HHH[ .HHHG × 100 + | .HHHZD .HHHG| .HHHZ .HHH .HHH .HHH .HHH{ .HHH{ .HHH[ | .HHH D .HH F| .HHH | .HHH{D .HHU{| .HHH{ × × 100 + × 100 + | .HHH[D .HH°Z| .HHH[ × 100B ℰ7,F = 15% Relative error for concentration of continuous phase, ℰ6,F × × 100 + × 100 + | .HHH{D .HHU`| | .HHH[D .HH[°| × 100 + × 100 + | .HHH D .HHF{| | .HHH{D .HH{H| × 100 + × 100 + | .HHH D .H`H`| | .HHH D .H`HH| × 100 + × 100 + | .HHH[D .HHU°| | .HHHGD .HH[ | × 100 + × 100 + | .HHHFD .HH H| | .HHHFD .HH{F| × 100 + × 100 + | .HHHFD .HH | | .HHH D .H`HZ| × 100 + × 100 + | .HHHUD .HHU[| | .HHHGD .HHG°| 100 + × 100 + | .HHH D .HH G| | .HHHFD .HHFZ| × 100 + : 15% × 62 The relative error for both concentration of drops and continuous phase is more than 10 percents. Since the average error for concentrations is said to be in equilibrium if the error is less than 20 percents, then the concentration for drops and continuous phase are still not in equilibrium. A graph is plotted based on the data in Table 5.1 is given in Figure 5.2. Concentration vs Stage 1.002 0.35 1 0.3 0.998 Medium concentration Drops concentration 0.25 0.996 0.2 0.994 0.15 0.992 0.99 0.1 0.988 0.05 0.986 0 0.984 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 stage Figure 5.2 : Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 1 and iteration 10. From Figure 5.2, the drops concentration increased when the drops move towards the last stage in the column. The concentration of drops is shown in the left vertical axis in Figure 5.2. However, the concentration of the continuous phase decreases drop conc iter 1 drop conc iter 10 mediu m conc iter 1 mediu m conc iter 10 63 since the drops have diffused the concentration from the continuous phase. The concentration of continuous phase is shown in the right vertical axis. The data for the other iteration number is given in Appendix B and the graph plotted based on Table B(1), Table B(2) and Table B(3) is given in Figure 5.3, Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5. The error for concentration of drops and continuous phase given in Appendix B also being determined. The error obtained from the concentration can be summarized into a table. Table 5.5 represents the relative error and average relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase. Table 5.5 : Error obtained in both concentration of drops and continuous phase. Iteration number 10-50 50-100 100-500 Relative error and average relative error ℰ7 = 104% ℰ6 = 36.4% ℰ7 = 20.3% ℰ6 = 3.7% ℰ7 = 0.4% ℰ6 = 1.8% Steady State No No Yes Table 5.5 above shows that the concentrations of drops and the continuous phase have reach equilibrium, since the relative error for concentrations of drops are 0.4% and the relative error for continuous phase is 1.8% which are less than 20%. Here, 20% is considered as small [4][6]. It means that at some point, the drops cannot absorbed the concentration of continuous phase. When this condition occurs, the concentration of drops and continuous phase are in equilibrium and the iteration will stop. 64 concentration of drops and continuous phase vs stage 1.0 0.35 1 0.3 0.9 drops concentration 0.25 0.9 0.2 0.9 0.15 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.05 0.94 0 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 stage Figure 5.3 : Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 10 and iteration 50 65 concentration vs stage 1.01 0.35 1 0.3 0.99 drops concentration 0.25 0.98 0.2 0.97 0.15 0.96 0.95 0.1 0.94 0.05 0.93 0 0.92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 stage Figure 5.4 : Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 50 and iteration 100 66 concentration vs stage 1 0.35 1 0.3 0 drops concentration 0.25 0 0.2 0 0.15 0 0 0.1 0 0.05 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 stage Figure 5.5 : Comparison graph for concentration of drops and continuous phase that being obtained from iteration 100 and iteration 500 67 5.4.2 Conclusion. From Table 5.5, the error for concentration of drops and continuous phase is getting smaller when the number of iteration in the simulation increases. The error obtained from iteration 1 and 10 is more than 20 percents. Therefore, the concentration of drops and continuous phase is still have not achieve equilibrium. Same goes for concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from iteration 10, 50 and 100. The error for concentrations obtained from iteration 10 and 50 increase compare to the error from iteration 1 and 10. Meanwhile, the error for concentrations obtained from iteration 50 and 100 decreases compare to the concentration from iteration 10 and 50. Here, the drops and continuous phase is still in process to achieve the equilibrium. The error for concentration obtained from iteration 100 and 500 decreased compare with the error for iteration 50 and 100. The error is less than 10 percents. Therefore, it is said that the drops and the continuous phase are already reach equilibrium and the iteration is stopped. However, if the iterations were continue until 10000, the drops and continuous phase are still in equilibrium. There will be no obvious change in the concentration of drops and continuous phase even the iterations were continue. The relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained when the simulation being continue to run until 10000 iterations is given in Table 5.6. Table 5.6 : Relative error for concentration of drops from iteration 500, 1000 and 1000. Iteration number 500-1000 1000-10000 Relative error and average relative error ℰ7 = 0.3% ℰ6 = 1.8% ℰ7 = 0.2% ℰ6 = 1.8% The concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained in this study is given in Appendix B as in Table B(4) and Table B(5). From Table 5.6, it is shown that 68 there are no much difference the relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase. The relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase are less than 20 percents which shows that the drops and continuous phase has already reach equilibrium. 5.5 Comparison between the MM-MT, S-DMT Model and Experimental (SPS) Data. The concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained from the computer program developed for MM-MT will be compared with the concentration that was obtained from SPS as cited by Talib [4]. The concentration of drops and continuous phase that was collected from MM-MT program was given in Table 5.6 (a) and will be compared with the concentrations obtained from SPS as given in Table 5.6(b). The error obtained from comparison between MM-MT and SPS is then being compared with the error from comparison between S-DMT and SPS. The concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained from S-DMT model is given in Table 5.6(c). From this comparison, we can conclude which model more to reality. If the error that occurs between these comparisons is smaller, it is said that the model is more to reality. A graph regarding these data was plotted as given in Figure 5.6. Table 5.7 (a) : Data obtained from Molarity Model of Mass Transfer, MM-MT Stage 7 11 15 19 23 Drop concentration, Cdtotal 0.1047 0.1647 0.2159 0.2573 0.2882 Balance concentration, Cbal 0.9654 0.9765 0.986 0.9938 0.9996 Table 5.7 (b) : Data from SPS cited by Talib [4]. Stage Drop concentration, Cdtotal Balance concentration, Cbal 69 7 11 15 19 23 0.118 0.162 0.232 0.269 0.285 0.947 0.960 0.981 0.992 0.997 Table 5.7 (c) : Data obtained by Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer, S-DMT model by Mohamed [6]. Stage 7 11 15 19 20 Drop concentration, Cdtotal 0.118 0.184 0.246 0.301 0.314 Balance concentration, Cbal 0.929 0.951 0.972 0.991 0.996 The relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained from MM-MT program and SPS is being determined by using equation (5.1) and (5.2). Relative error for concentration of drops : 26.1% Relative error for concentration of continuous phase : 4.6% The error that was chose from MM-MT comparison is the relative error for concentration of drops since it is larger than the relative error of the continuous phase. Next, the relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase that were obtained from S-DMT model and SPS is being determined by using equation (5.1) and (5.2). Relative error for concentration of drops : 41.7% Relative error for concentration of continuous phase : 4% The error that was chose from the S-DMT comparison is the relative error for concentration of drops since it is larger than the relative error for concentration of continuous phase. 70 By using the concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from MMMT and the concentration obtained from SPS, the relative error is being determined. The relative error for the concentration of drops is 26.1% while the error that occurs in concentration of continuous phase is 4.6%. Therefore, the relative error for the comparison of MM-MT and SPS is 26.1%. This error is small compared to the average relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from S-DMT model and SPS that is 41.7%. The relative error for both concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from comparison between MM-MT, S-DMT and SPS data is being summarized in Table 5.7. Table 5.8 : Summarization of relative error for concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained in MM-MT, S-DMT and SPS. Relative error Concentration of drops Concentration of continuous phase MM-MT and SPS 26.1% 4.6% S-DMT and SPS 41.7% 4% From Table 5.8, the error for concentration of drops in comparison between MM-MT and SPS, 26.1% is lower compare to the error obtained in comparison between S-DMT and SPS, 41.7%. however, the error for concentration of continuous phase in comparison between MM-MT and SPS, 4.6% is higher than the error obtained in comparison between the S-DMT and SPS, 4%. This is because the amount of substance that being absorbed by the drops from the continuous phase in the MM-MT is less than S-DMT model since the concentration of drops is different. 5.5.1 Conclusion 71 From the error obtained above, this proves that the MM-MT is more accurate model compare to S-DMT model since the average relative error for MM-MT is small compare to S-DMT model. Therefore, MM-MT is more approaching to real solution compare to S-DMT model. 72 Concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained from SPS, S-DMT and MM1.1 1 0.9 0.8 concentration 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 stage Figure 5.6 : The comparison graph for the data obtained by SPS, simulation of MM-MT and simulation of S-DMT model 73 5.6 Summary The explanation starts on the flow chart given in Figure 5.1 where this flow chart is used to developed the MM-MT. Therefore, the simulation data obtained being presented in the next subchapter where the method used to determine the error is being explained with an example. Then, the graphs plotted for data given in Appendix B are also given in this chapter. The other comparison for this set of data is being simplified as in Table 5.2. Then, the simulation data for MM-MT (Table 5.3 (a)) is being compared with the experimental data (Table 5.3 (b)) and the error obtained is being compared with the S-DMT model. This error shows that MM-MT is more close to the experimental data. Therefore, MM-MT is the model close to the reality. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Conclusion This research investigated the mass transfer process that happens to drops and continuous phase in the Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column. As mention earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study is to formulate a new model for the mass transfer process for drops and continuous phase in the RDC column and to develop a computer programming to simulate the concentration of drops and continuous phase in the new mass transfer model. New mass transfer process for drops and continuous phase named Molarity Model of Mass Transfer (MM-MT) is successfully developed. In this model, a method called molarity is embedded in the previous mass transfer model, Simultaneous Discrete Mass Transfer (S-DMT) model. This method is used to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase. Then, based on MM-MT, a new computer program was developed by using software C++ 6.0 in order to determine the concentration of drops and continuous phase. After the concentration of drops and continuous phase is obtained from the MMMT, it was compared with the concentration of drops and continuous phase obtained 74 from SPSS as cited by Talib [4]. The error occurs in this comparison is then being compared with the error for concentration that occur in comparison between S-DMT model and SPS. The relative errors that occur in comparison between MM-MT and SPS is 26.1% while the relative error that occurs in comparison between S-DMT and SPS is 41.7%. The result of this study indicates that MM-MT model is more to reality compare with the S-DMT model. This is because the error for concentration that occur in comparison between MM-MT and SPS is smaller compare with the error of concentration that occur in comparison between S-DMT and SPS. However, these findings only true if the drops is in spherical shape and the extraction process occur between cumene, water and isobutiric acid. 6.2 Recommendations In this study, a lot weakness being discovered that can be improved in the future study. Here are some recommendations for the future work. 1. The drops in this study were assumed to be spherical. In reality, due to drops hydrodynamics and its counter current flow to the continuous phase, the drops is not spherical, in fact the shape is ellipsoid. So, suggestion to study a drop in ellipsoid or prolate shape. 2. The mass transfer process occurs when these drops were already scattered evenly in RDC column. The mass transfer process from drops to continuous phase occurs simultaneously in the RDC column. Therefore, a programming for computation depicting the real condition of the mass transfer process could be developed. This 75 programming can be developed by using multiple processor computers so that the computation can occurs simultaneously. 75 REFERENCES [1] M J Slater (1980), A Review of Current Advance Design Procedures for Liquidliquid Extraction Columns and Present Problems, I Chem E Symposium Series no 118. [2] Blumberg R (1988), Liquid-liquid Extraction, Academic Press Brace Jovanorich [3] Maan N (2005), The Inverse Mass Transfer Model of the Multi-Stage RDC Column by Fuzzy Approach Based on Varied Boundary Condition. Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia [4] Talib J (1994), Mathematical Modelling of a Rotating Disc Contactor Column. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Bradford. [5] Arshad K A (2000), Parameters Analysis for Liquid-liquid Extraction Column Design. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Bradford. 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Stage number 23 Length between stages (m) 0.076 Diameter of rotor disc (m) 0.1015 Diameter of column (m) 0.152 Diameter of stator ring (hole) (m) 0.111 Disc velocity (rev/s) 4.2 Physical properties of the system (cumene/ Water/ Isobutiric Acid) Continuous phase : isobutiric acid in water Dispersed phase : isobutyric acid in cumene Viscosity of continuous phase (kg/ms) 0.100 × 10D{ Viscosity of dispersed phase (kg/ms) 0.710 × 10DU Density of continuous phase (kg/m3) 0.100 × 10G Density of dispersed phase (kg/m3) 0.862 × 10U Molecular diffusivity in the continuous phase (m2/s) 0.850 × 10DH Molecular diffusivity in the dispersed phase (m2/s) 0.118 × 10D` 79 APPENDIX B SIMULATION DATA FOR MM-MT Table B(1): Concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 10 and iteration 50. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 10 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0139 0.9905 0.0291 0.9900 0.0452 0.9898 0.0618 0.9897 0.0786 0.9897 0.0955 0.9899 0.1121 0.9901 0.1278 0.9904 0.1445 0.9909 0.1599 0.9912 0.1746 0.9917 0.1889 0.9921 0.2021 0.9929 0.2146 0.9932 0.2265 0.9935 0.2377 0.9936 0.2479 0.9938 0.2579 0.9946 0.2669 0.9950 0.2755 0.9956 0.2835 0.9967 0.2908 0.9982 0.2961 0.9994 Iteration 50 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0130 0.9566 0.0273 0.9571 0.0424 0.9581 0.0581 0.9593 0.0740 0.9608 0.0900 0.9624 0.1057 0.9643 0.1216 0.9667 0.1368 0.9696 0.1517 0.9723 0.1660 0.9750 0.1797 0.9775 0.1939 0.9800 0.2054 0.9824 0.2173 0.9847 0.2286 0.9868 0.2391 0.9882 0.2493 0.9907 0.2588 0.9925 0.2678 0.9944 0.2761 0.9960 0.2839 0.9975 0.2896 0.9990 80 Table B(2) : Concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 50 and iteration 100. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 50 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0130 0.9566 0.0273 0.9571 0.0424 0.9581 0.0581 0.9593 0.0740 0.9608 0.0900 0.9624 0.1057 0.9643 0.1216 0.9667 0.1368 0.9696 0.1517 0.9723 0.1660 0.9750 0.1797 0.9775 0.1939 0.9800 0.2054 0.9824 0.2137 0.9847 0.2286 0.9868 0.2391 0.9882 0.2493 0.9907 0.2588 0.9925 0.2678 0.9944 0.2761 0.9960 0.2839 0.9975 0.2896 0.9990 Iteration 100 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9480 0.0269 0.9504 0.0418 0.9530 0.0573 0.9558 0.0731 0.9587 0.0891 0.9615 0.1047 0.9644 0.1205 0.9673 0.1355 0.9702 0.1504 0.9729 0.1647 0.9756 0.1783 0.9782 0.1915 0.9806 0.2040 0.9830 0.2159 0.9853 0.2272 0.9872 0.2377 0.9890 0.2478 0.9913 0.2573 0.9931 0.2663 0.9949 0.2747 0.9965 0.2825 0.9980 0.2882 0.9993 Table B(3) : Concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 100 and iteration 500. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 100 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9480 0.0269 0.9504 0.0418 0.9530 0.0573 0.9558 0.0731 0.9587 0.0891 0.9615 0.1047 0.9644 0.1205 0.9673 0.1355 0.9702 0.1504 0.9729 0.1647 0.9756 0.1783 0.9782 0.1915 0.9806 0.2040 0.9830 0.2159 0.9853 0.2272 0.9872 0.2377 0.9890 0.2478 0.9913 0.2573 0.9931 0.2663 0.9949 0.2747 0.9965 0.2825 0.9980 0.2882 0.9993 Iteration 500 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9472 0.0269 0.9495 0.0418 0.9521 0.0573 0.9549 0.0731 0.9577 0.0890 0.9606 0.1046 0.9635 0.1204 0.9663 0.1355 0.9693 0.1504 0.9720 0.1646 0.9748 0.1783 0.9773 0.1915 0.9798 0.2040 0.9823 0.2158 0.9846 0.2271 0.9867 0.2376 0.9882 0.2478 0.9907 0.2573 0.9925 0.2663 0.9944 0.2747 0.9959 0.2825 0.9975 0.2882 0.9989 81 Table B(4) : Concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 500 and iteration 1000. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 500 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9472 0.0269 0.9495 0.0418 0.9521 0.0573 0.9549 0.0731 0.9577 0.0890 0.9606 0.1046 0.9635 0.1204 0.9663 0.1355 0.9693 0.1504 0.9720 0.1646 0.9748 0.1783 0.9773 0.1915 0.9798 0.2040 0.9823 0.2158 0.9846 0.2271 0.9867 0.2376 0.9882 0.2478 0.9907 0.2573 0.9925 0.2663 0.9944 0.2747 0.9959 0.2825 0.9975 0.2882 0.9989 Iteration 1000 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9480 0.0269 0.9504 0.0418 0.9530 0.0573 0.9558 0.0731 0.9587 0.0890 0.9615 0.1047 0.9644 0.1205 0.9673 0.1355 0.9702 0.1504 0.9729 0.1647 0.9756 0.1783 0.9782 0.1915 0.9806 0.2040 0.9830 0.2159 0.9853 0.2272 0.9872 0.2377 0.9891 0.2478 0.9913 0.2573 0.9931 0.2663 0.9949 0.2747 0.9965 0.2825 0.9980 0.2882 0.9993 Table B(5) : Concentration of drops and continuous phase from iteration 1000 and iteration 10000. Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Iteration 1000 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.9480 0.0269 0.9504 0.0418 0.9530 0.0573 0.9558 0.0731 0.9587 0.0890 0.9615 0.1047 0.9644 0.1205 0.9673 0.1355 0.9702 0.1504 0.9729 0.1647 0.9756 0.1783 0.9782 0.1915 0.9806 0.2040 0.9830 0.2159 0.9853 0.2272 0.9872 0.2377 0.9891 0.2478 0.9913 0.2573 0.9931 0.2663 0.9949 0.2747 0.9965 0.2825 0.9980 0.2882 0.9993 Iteration 10000 Concentration of Concentration of drops continuous phase 0.0128 0.949 0.0269 0.9513 0.0418 0.9539 0.0573 0.9567 0.0731 0.9596 0.0890 0.9625 0.1047 0.9654 0.1205 0.9683 0.1355 0.9711 0.1504 0.9738 0.1647 0.9765 0.1783 0.979 0.1915 0.9815 0.2040 0.9838 0.2159 0.986 0.2272 0.9877 0.2377 0.9899 0.2478 0.9919 0.2573 0.9938 0.2663 0.9954 0.2747 0.997 0.2825 0.9985 0.2882 0.9996 82 APPENDIX C COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR MOLARITY MODEL OF MASS TRANSFER (MM-MT) #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream.h> #define K 10000 #define N 23 #define M 10 int i, j, n, k; double m, b, Vs, B; double Yout[K+1][M+1], r[M+1], t[M], u[K+1][N+1][M+1], Nsum[N+1], X[K+1][N+1][M+1],a[N+1][M+1], Y[K+1][N+1][M+1], Z[N+1][M+1], Npd[M+1], Xb[K+1][N+1], C[N+1], Npm[N+1], Ntotal[N+1], Xout[K+1][N+1], Nbal[N+1], vol[N+1], Vd[N+1], s[N+1][M+1], YDcell[N+1][M+1], uav[K+1][N+1][M+1]; void main() { ofstream save;"particle.txt"); //time and radius for drops in each cells t[1]=7.45;t[2]=3.8;t[3]=2.17;t[4]=1.67;t[5]=1.41;t[6]=1.25;t[7]=1.13;t[8]=1.08;t[9]=1.096;t[10]=1. 101; r[1]=0.00022;r[2]=0.00055;r[3]=0.000895;r[4]=0.00124;r[5]=0.001595;r[6]=0.001945;r[7]=0.002 295;r[8]=0.00265;r[9]=0.003;r[10]=0.0035; //volume rate for drops in a stage. a[1][1]=0;a[1][2]=0;a[1][3]=0;a[1][4]=0.002;a[1][5]=0.007;a[1][6]=0.018;a[1][7]=0.039;a[1][8]=0. 068;a[1][9]=0.096;a[1][10]=0.769; 83 a[2][1]=0;a[2][2]=0;a[2][3]=0.001;a[2][4]=0.005;a[2][5]=0.015;a[2][6]=0.037;a[2][7]=0.071;a[2][ 8]=0.114;a[2][9]=0.145;a[2][10]=0.612; a[3][1]=0;a[3][2]=0;a[3][3]=0.002;a[3][4]=0.007;a[3][5]=0.024;a[3][6]=0.056;a[3][7]=0.101;a[3][ 8]=0.149;a[3][9]=0.174;a[3][10]=0.488; a[4][1]=0;a[4][2]=0;a[4][3]=0.002;a[4][4]=0.011;a[4][5]=0.034;a[4][6]=0.076;a[4][7]=0.128;a[4][ 8]=0.174;a[4][9]=0.188;a[4][10]=0.388; a[5][1]=0;a[5][2]=0;a[5][3]=0.003;a[5][4]=0.014;a[5][5]=0.045;a[5][6]=0.096;a[5][7]=0.151;a[5][ 8]=0.191;a[5][9]=0.191;a[5][10]=0.309; a[6][1]=0;a[6][2]=0;a[6][3]=0.004;a[6][4]=0.018;a[6][5]=0.056;a[6][6]=0.115;a[6][7]=0.172;a[6][ 8]=0.202;a[6][9]=0.187;a[6][10]=0.246; a[7][1]=0;a[7][2]=0;a[7][3]=0.004;a[7][4]=0.022;a[7][5]=0.067;a[7][6]=0.135;a[7][7]=0.189;a[7][ 8]=0.208;a[7][9]=0.178;a[7][10]=0.196; a[8][1]=0;a[8][2]=0.001;a[8][3]=0.005;a[8][4]=0.026;a[8][5]=0.080;a[8][6]=0.153;a[8][7]=0.204;a [8][8]=0.210;a[8][9]=0.166;a[8][10]=0.157; a[9][1]=0;a[9][2]=0.001;a[9][3]=0.006;a[9][4]=0.029;a[9][5]=0.092;a[9][6]=0.171;a[9][7]=0.215;a [9][8]=0.208;a[9][9]=0.153;a[9][10]=0.125; a[10][1]=0;a[10][2]=0.001;a[10][3]=0.007;a[10][4]=0.034;a[10][5]=0.105;a[10][6]=0.188;a[10][7] =0.224;a[10][8]=0.203;a[10][9]=0.139;a[10][10]=0.100; a[11][1]=0;a[11][2]=0.001;a[11][3]=0.008;a[11][4]=0.038;a[11][5]=0.117;a[11][6]=0.204;a[11][7] =0.231;a[11][8]=0.196;a[11][9]=0.126;a[11][10]=0.079; a[12][1]=0;a[12][2]=0.001;a[12][3]=0.009;a[12][4]=0.042;a[12][5]=0.130;a[12][6]=0.219;a[12][7] =0.235;a[12][8]=0.188;a[12][9]=0.113;a[12][10]=0.063; a[13][1]=0;a[13][2]=0.001;a[13][3]=0.010;a[13][4]=0.047;a[13][5]=0.143;a[13][6]=0.233;a[13][7] =0.237;a[13][8]=0.179;a[13][9]=0.100;a[13][10]=0.051; a[14][1]=0;a[14][2]=0.001;a[14][3]=0.011;a[14][4]=0.051;a[14][5]=0.155;a[14][6]=0.246;a[14][7] =0.238;a[14][8]=0.170;a[14][9]=0.089;a[14][10]=0.040; a[15][1]=0;a[15][2]=0.001;a[15][3]=0.012;a[15][4]=0.055;a[15][5]=0.168;a[15][6]=0.257;a[15][7] =0.237;a[15][8]=0.160;a[15][9]=0.078;a[15][10]=0.032; a[16][1]=0;a[16][2]=0.001;a[16][3]=0.012;a[16][4]=0.059;a[16][5]=0.180;a[16][6]=0.268;a[16][7] =0.223;a[16][8]=0.149;a[16][9]=0.069;a[16][10]=0.026; a[17][1]=0;a[17][2]=0.001;a[17][3]=0.013;a[17][4]=0.064;a[17][5]=0.192;a[17][6]=0.278;a[17][7] =0.232;a[17][8]=0.139;a[17][9]=0.060;a[17][10]=0.021; a[18][1]=0;a[18][2]=0.001;a[18][3]=0.014;a[18][4]=0.068;a[18][5]=0.205;a[18][6]=0.286;a[18][7] =0.228;a[18][8]=0.129;a[18][9]=0.052;a[18][10]=0.016; a[19][1]=0;a[19][2]=0.002;a[19][3]=0.015;a[19][4]=0.072;a[19][5]=0.217;a[19][6]=0.294;a[19][7] =0.223;a[19][8]=0.120;a[19][9]=0.046;a[19][10]=0.013; a[20][1]=0;a[20][2]=0.002;a[20][3]=0.016;a[20][4]=0.076;a[20][5]=0.228;a[20][6]=0.301;a[20][7] =0.217;a[20][8]=0.111;a[20][9]=0.039;a[20][10]=0.010; a[21][1]=0;a[21][2]=0.002;a[21][3]=0.017;a[21][4]=0.080;a[21][5]=0.240;a[21][6]=0.307;a[21][7] =0.211;a[21][8]=0.102;a[21][9]=0.034;a[21][10]=0.008; a[22][1]=0;a[22][2]=0.002;a[22][3]=0.018;a[22][4]=0.084;a[22][5]=0.251;a[22][6]=0.311;a[22][7] =0.205;a[22][8]=0.093;a[22][9]=0.030;a[22][10]=0.007; a[23][1]=0;a[23][2]=0.002;a[23][3]=0.018;a[23][4]=0.084;a[23][5]=0.251;a[23][6]=0.311;a[23][7] =0.205;a[23][8]=0.093;a[23][9]=0.030;a[23][10]=0.007; //volume of medium in a stage 84 Vs = 1.379083777 * pow(10,-3); for(k=1; k<=10000; k++) { save<<"\n ITERATION\t= "<<(k)<<endl<<endl; //stopping criteria if (k>1) { double error = (Yout[k][23]-Yout[k-1][23]); if (error=0.0) { printf(">>Iteration complete.\n\n"); break; } } printf("Iteration = %d \n", k); //the condition of medium 1:3 if((k%3)==0) { // for(i=23; i>=1; i--) for(i=1;i<=23;i++) { printf("Stage = %d ", i); Nsum[i]=0.0; Vd[i]=0.0; Nbal[i]=0.0; Npm[i]=0.0; for(j=1; j<=10; j++) { //no of drops in a cell of a stage s[i][j]=(1.379083777 * pow(10,3)*0.061*a[i][j])/((4/3)*3.141592654*pow(r[j],3)); //surface concentration if(i == 23) { X[k][i][j] = 1.0; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); } else { X[k][i][j] = Xout[k-1][i+1]; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); } 85 m = 0.0; for(n=1; n<=100; n++) { b =(exp((-1.1646 * pow(10,-8) * t[j] * n * n)/(r[j] * r[j])))/(n * n); m += b; } //to calculate the average drop concentration for cell j if(i == 1) { u[k][i][j] = 0+(Z[i][j] - 0)*( 1 - 0.60793 * m ); } else { u[k][i][j] = Y[k][i][j] + ( Z[i][j] - Y[k][i][j] )*( 1 0.60793 * m ); } C[i] = X[k][i][j]; if (k == 1) { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k][i][j]; } else { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k-1][i][j]; } //condition concentration<=C[i]^1.85 if(u[k][i][j]>pow(C[i],1.85)) { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i-1][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } else { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; 86 Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } if(i==1) { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]; } else { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]-Nsum[i-1]; } } //total concentration of drop Yout[k][i]=Nsum[i]/Vd[i]; //no of particle for medium Npm[i] = C[i]*Vs; //balance no of particle Nbal[i] = Npm[i]-Ntotal[i]; //balance concentration Xout[k][i] = Nbal[i]/Vs; printf("\nParticle for drop\t= %.20lf\nParticle\t\t= %.20lf\nbalance particle\t= %.20lf\nBalance concentration\t= %.20lf\nTotal concentration\t=%.20lf\n", Nsum[i],Npm[i],Nbal[i],Xout[k][i],Yout[k][i]); printf("\n\n"); while(Yout[k][i]>=pow(Xout[k][i],1.85)) { printf("Stage = %d ", i); Nsum[i]=0.0; Vd[i]=0.0; Nbal[i]=0.0; Npm[i]=0.0; for(j=1; j<=10; j++) { //no of drops in a cell of a stage s[i][j]=(1.379083777 * pow(10,-3)* 0.061* a[i][j])/ ((4/3)* 3.141592654* pow(r[j],3)); 87 //surface concentration X[k][i][j] = X[k][i][j]-0.005; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); m = 0.0; for(n=1; n<=100; n++) { b =(exp((-1.1646 * pow(10,-8) * t[j] * n * n)/(r[j] * r[j])))/(n * n); m += b; } //to calculate the average drop concentration for cell j if(i == 1) { u[k][i][j] = 0+(Z[i][j] - 0)*( 1 - 0.60793 * m ); } else { u[k][i][j] = Y[k][i][j] + ( Z[i][j] - Y[k][i][j] )*( 1 0.60793 * m ); } C[i] = X[k][i][j]; if (k == 1) { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k][i][j]; } else { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k-1][i][j]; } //condition concentration<=C[i]^1.85 if(u[k][i][j]>pow(C[i],1.85)) { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i-1][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } else 88 { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } if(i==1) { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]; } else { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]-Nsum[i-1]; } } //total concentration of drop Yout[k][i]=Nsum[i]/Vd[i]; //no of particle for medium Npm[i] = C[i]*Vs; //balance no of particle Nbal[i] = Npm[i]-Ntotal[i]; //balance concentration Xout[k][i] = Nbal[i]/Vs; printf("\nParticle for drop\t= %.20lf\nParticle\t\t= %.20lf\nbalance particle\t= %.20lf\nBalance concentration\t= %.20lf\nTotal concentration\t=%.20lf\n", Nsum[i],Npm[i],Nbal[i],Xout[k][i],Yout[k][i]); printf("\n\n"); } Save <<" Stage\t= " <<(i)<<endl<<endl <<" Particle for drop\t=" <<Nsum[i]<<endl <<" Particle\t\t=" <<Npm[i]<<endl <<" Balance Particle\t=" <<Nbal[i]<<endl <<" Balance Concentration\t=" <<Xout[k][i]<<endl <<" Total Concentration\t=" <<Yout[k][i]<<endl<<endl; } } 89 //if the medium stay else { for(i=1; i<=23; i++) { printf("Stage = %d ", i); Nsum[i]=0.0; Vd[i]=0.0; Npm[i]=0.0; Nbal[i]=0.0; for(j=1; j<=10; j++) { //no of drops in a cells of a stage.. s[i][j]=(1.379083777 * pow(10,3)*0.061*a[i][j])/((4/3)*3.141592654*pow(r[j],3)); //surface concentration if(k == 1) { X[k][i][j] = 1.0; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); } else { X[k][i][j] = Xout[k-1][i]; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); } m = 0.0; for(n=1; n<=100; n++) { b =(exp((-1.1646 * pow(10,-8) * t[j] * n * n)/(r[j] * r[j])))/(n * n); m += b; } //to find the average drop concentration in cell j if(i == 1) { u[k][i][j] = 0 + ( Z[i][j] - 0)*( 1 - 0.60793 * m ); } else { u[k][i][j] = Y[k][i][j] + ( Z[i][j] - Y[k][i][j] )*( 1 0.60793 * m ); 90 } C[i] = X[k][i][j]; if (k == 1) { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k][i][j]; } else { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k-1][i][j]; } //condition concentration<=C[i]^1.85 if(u[k][i][j]>pow(C[i],1.85)) { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i-1][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } else { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } if(i==1) { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]; } else { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]-Nsum[i-1]; } } //total concentration of drop Yout[k][i]=Nsum[i]/Vd[i]; 91 //no of particle of medium Npm[i] = C[i]*Vs; //no of particle balance Nbal[i] = Npm[i]-Ntotal[i]; //balance concentration Xout[k][i] = Nbal[i]/Vs; while(Yout[k][i]>=pow(Xout[k][i],1.85)) { printf("Stage = %d ", i); Nsum[i]=0.0; Vd[i]=0.0; Npm[i]=0.0; Nbal[i]=0.0; for(j=1; j<=10; j++) { //no of drops in a cells of a stage.. s[i][j]=(1.379083777 * pow(10,3)*0.061*a[i][j])/((4/3)*3.141592654*pow(r[j],3)); //surface concentration X[k][i][j] = X[k][i][j]-0.005; Z[i][j] = pow((X[k][i][j]/1.7),1.85); m = 0.0; for(n=1; n<=100; n++) { b =(exp((-1.1646 * pow(10,-8) * t[j] * n * n)/(r[j] * r[j])))/(n * n); m += b; } //to find the average drop concentration in cell j if(i == 1) { u[k][i][j] = 0 + ( Z[i][j] - 0)*( 1 - 0.60793 * m ); } else { u[k][i][j] = Y[k][i][j] + ( Z[i][j] - Y[k][i][j] )*( 1 0.60793 * m ); } C[i] = X[k][i][j]; 92 if (k == 1) { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k][i][j] } else { Y[k][i+1][j] = u[k-1][i][j]; } //condition concentration<=C[i]^1.85 if(u[k][i][j]>pow(C[i],1.85)) { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i-1][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } else { uav[k][i][j]=u[k][i][j]; Npd[j] =(4/3) * uav[k][i][j] * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Nsum[i] += Npd[j]; vol[j]=(4/3) * 3.14159 * pow(r[j],3)*s[i][j]; Vd[i]+=vol[j]; YDcell[i][j]=Npd[j]/vol[j]; } if(i==1) { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]; } else { Ntotal[i]=Nsum[i]-Nsum[i-1]; } } //total concentration of drop Yout[k][i]=Nsum[i]/Vd[i]; //no of particle of medium Npm[i] = C[i]*Vs; 93 //no of particle balance Nbal[i] = Npm[i]-Ntotal[i]; //balance concentration Xout[k][i] = Nbal[i]/Vs; } printf("\nParticle for drop\t= %.20lf\nParticle\t\t= %.20lf\nbalance particle\t= %.20lf\nBalance concentration\t= %.20lf\nTotal concentration\t=%.20lf\n", Nsum[i],Npm[i],Nbal[i],Xout[k][i],Yout[k][i]); printf("\n\n"); save } } } } <<" Stage\t= " <<(i)<<endl<<endl <<" Particle for drop\t=" <<Nsum[i]<<endl <<" Particle\t\t=" <<Npm[i]<<endl <<" Balance Particle\t=" <<Nbal[i]<<endl <<" Balance Concentration\t=" <<Xout[k][i]<<endl <<" Total Concentration\t=" <<Yout[k][i]<<endl<<endl;