Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 Overall Response Rate = 82% Degree Profile of Respondents Type of Degree Associate of Applied Science Associate of Arts Associate of General Studies Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement More than one degree/certificate No Response Total # 181 387 60 120 40 17 37 842 % 21% 46% 7% 14% 5% 2% 4% 100% # 234 459 53 101 105 71 1023 % 23% 45% 5% 10% 10% 7% 100% Degree Profile of All 2011-2012 Graduates Type of Degree Associate of Applied Science Associate of Arts Associate of General Studies Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement More than one degree/certificate Total 1. GENERAL EDUCATION SKILLS My studies at TMCC helped me to develop: a. Analytical thinking skills: To develop skills and attitudes that enable one to grasp complexities in order to see relationships, similarities, and differences among ideas. b. Communication skills: To read with comprehension; to listen, speak, and write competently. c. Collaborative skills: To develop skills and attitudes that enable one to interact effectively with others. d. Quantitative and scientific reasoning skills: To recognize and weigh scientific evidence; to understand, evaluate, and utilize quantitative and qualitative data. e. Global and cultural awareness skills: To develop a broad understanding of linguistic, political, social, environmental, religious, and economic systems of the world; to develop skills and attitudes that enable one to respect and appreciate diversity. 1 of 6 Unable to No Evaluate Response Agree Disagree 809 96% 11 1% 19 2% 3 0% 806 96% 13 2% 22 3% 1 0% 788 94% 24 3% 29 3% 1 0% 775 92% 16 2% 47 6% 4 0% 759 90% 27 3% 52 6% 4 0% TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012 Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 1. GENERAL EDUCATION SKILLS (cont.) Unable to No Evaluate Response Agree Disagree 781 93% 22 3% 36 4% 3 0% 808 96% 10 1% 21 2% 3 0% 736 87% 33 4% 69 8% 4 0% 722 86% 36 4% 79 9% 5 1% While attending TMCC were you satisfied with the following: Yes No a. Academic Advising Services 658 78% 121 14% 57 7% 6 1% b. Counseling Services 459 55% 83 10% 290 34% 10 1% c. Career Services 343 41% 66 8% 424 50% 9 1% d. Financial Aid 540 64% 89 11% 208 25% 5 1% e. Admissions & Records 765 91% 36 4% 37 4% 4 0% f. Tutoring & Learning Center 539 64% 25 3% 271 32% 7 1% g. Course catalogs 744 88% 40 5% 53 6% 5 1% h. Class schedules 765 91% 52 6% 20 2% 5 1% My studies at TMCC helped me to develop: f. Personal, social, and civic responsibility skills: To develop skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively as responsible, ethical, and contributing citizens of the community, state, and nation. g. Information literacy and research skills: To formulate relevant research questions; to find, analyze, and use information from field, print, and/or electronic sources. h. Artistic and aesthetic awareness skills: To appreciate the creative process and its manifestations including its role in the human experience. i. Computer and Information Technology Skills To understand and apply computer and information technology and how it relates to the individual, society, and the environment. 2. SERVICES 2 of 6 Unable to No Evaluate Response TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012 Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 2. SERVICES (cont.) Unable to No Evaluate Response While attending TMCC were you satisfied with the following: Yes No i. Computer labs 679 81% 28 3% 129 15% 6 1% j. Library materials and services 708 84% 25 3% 108 13% 1 0% k. Campus social & cultural activities 423 50% 55 7% 362 43% 2 0% l. Campus food service 529 63% 77 9% 235 28% 1 0% m. E-learning support 513 61% 50 6% 272 32% 7 1% n. Parking 554 66% 253 30% 32 4% 3 0% o. TMCC's Web site 768 91% 58 7% 13 2% 3 0% p. Testing Center 549 65% 26 3% 264 31% 3 0% q. Services at sites other than Dandini 541 64% 12 1% 282 33% 7 1% 3. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Unable to No Evaluate Response Agree Disagree a. I was satisfied with the variety of courses offered. 774 92% 46 5% 12 1% 10 1% b. In general, I found the courses to be intellectually stimulating. 799 95% 23 3% 11 1% 9 1% c. I could sign up for the classes required in my major. 764 91% 56 7% 12 1% 10 1% d. I had access to faculty outside of class. 751 89% 26 3% 55 7% 10 1% e. I was satisfied with the quality of instruction. 783 93% 34 4% 14 2% 11 1% Throughout my studies at TMCC: 3 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012 Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 4. OVERALL SATISFACTION Unable to No Evaluate Response Agree Disagree a. TMCC has helped me meet the goals I expected to achieve. 781 93% 28 3% 21 2% 12 1% b. My experiences here have equipped me to deal with possible career changes. 733 87% 38 5% 60 7% 11 1% c. TMCC prepared me well to further my education. 776 92% 24 3% 29 3% 13 2% d. TMCC prepared me well for a future career. 738 88% 40 5% 53 6% 11 1% e. TMCC is equally supportive of men and women. 782 93% 7 1% 42 5% 11 1% f. TMCC is equally supportive of all racial/ethnic groups. 763 91% 13 2% 55 7% 11 1% 675 80% 39 5% 117 14% 11 1% h. I am proud of my accomplishments at TMCC. 796 95% 15 2% 20 2% 11 1% i. I feel safe on the TMCC campus. 798 95% 16 2% 16 2% 12 1% g. TMCC welcomes and uses feedback from students to improve the College. 5. DEMOGRAPHICS a. Please indicate your gender: Male Female No Response Total # 312 522 8 842 % 37% 62% 1% 100% b. Please indicate your age: Under 25 25 - 34 35 - 49 50 or over No response Total # 405 36 129 259 13 842 % 48% 4% 15% 31% 2% 100% 4 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012 Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 5. DEMOGRAPHICS (cont.) c. What is you racial/ethnic background? Mark only one: African American/Black Asian/Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino Native American White Other 2 or more No Response Total # 22 73 113 26 566 16 9 17 842 % 3% 9% 13% 3% 67% 2% 1% 2% 100% d. What range best depicts your current annual income? Under $10,000 $10,000 - 19,000 $20,000 - 29,000 $30,000 - 39,000 $40,000 - 49,000 $50,000 or more No response Total # 313 192 135 71 36 62 33 842 % 37% 23% 16% 8% 4% 7% 4% 100% e. Are you the first in your family to graduate from college? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 296 482 32 32 842 % 35% 57% 4% 4% 100% f. How many years did it take to complete your degree/certificate 1-2 yrs 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs More than 6 yrs No response Total # 164 435 112 113 18 842 % 19% 52% 13% 13% 2% 100% g. While attending TMCC did you mostly work: (select one) Full-time Part-time Didn't work No response Total # 389 289 134 30 842 % 46% 34% 16% 4% 100% h. After graduation, do you expect to work in a job related to your education at TMCC? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 534 136 147 25 842 % 63% 16% 17% 3% 100% 5 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012 Graduate Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2011-12 Number of Respondents = 842 5. DEMOGRAPHICS (cont.) i. Do you expect your income to increase as a result of your education at TMCC? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 538 131 142 31 842 % 64% 16% 17% 4% 100% j. After graduation, do you expect to work: Full-time Part-time Don't expect to work No response Total # 575 181 60 26 842 % 68% 21% 7% 3% 100% k. After graduation, are you going to continue your education? Yes, immediately Maybe in the future No No response Total # 590 216 17 19 842 % 70% 26% 2% 2% 100% a. Are you currently employed? Yes No No response Total # 553 259 30 842 % 66% 31% 4% 100% a2. Do you have the same job as prior to starting TMCC? Yes No No response Total # 263 439 140 842 % 31% 52% 17% 100% a3. Have you had a job promotion since starting TMCC? Yes No No response Total # 235 462 145 842 % 28% 55% 17% 100% a4. Are you currently employed in your field of study? Yes No No response Total # 161 540 141 842 % 19% 64% 17% 100% b. Are you currently seeking employment? Yes No No response Total # 333 467 42 842 % 40% 55% 5% 100% 6. EMPLOYMENT 6 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, 10/1/2012