Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 Total Number of Graduates = 1030 Number of Students Responding = 838 Overall Response Rate = 81% Total Number of Degrees Earned by Graduates = 1113 Number of Degrees Earned by Respondents = 912 Profile of All Degrees Reported by Surveyed Students Type of Degree Associate of Arts Associate of Applied Science Associate of General Studies Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement No Response Total # 394 222 104 130 60 2 912 % 43% 24% 11% 14% 7% 0% 100% # 478 257 97 144 137 1113 % 43% 23% 9% 13% 12% 100% Profile of All Degrees Earned in 2012-13 Type of Degree Associate of Arts Associate of Applied Science Associate of General Studies Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement Total 1. GENERAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND DEGREE OUTCOMES My studies at TMCC helped me to develop my skills in the following areas: a. Communications: The ability to listen, speak, and write competently so as to gain skills to interact effectively with others; and to read with comprehension. b. Critical Thinking: The ability to grasp complexities, relationships, similarities and differences; to draw inferences and conclusions; to identify and troubleshoot problems; to collect and identify data to formulate and test solutions; and to identify how individual values and perceptions influence decision making. c. Quantitative Reasoning: The ability to use scientific reasoning skills including induction and deduction; to discern bias and subjectivity; to perform appropriate calculations; and to understand, evaluate, model and effectively use data. d. Information Literacy: The ability to understand information technology; use applications as tools; and to evaluate the applicability and validity of information. e. Personal and Cultural Awareness: The ability to develop a broad understanding of linguistic, political, social, environmental, religious, and economic systems; to attain skills to function effectively as responsible, ethical community members; and to learn to value, respect and critique the aesthetic and creative process. 1 of 6 Agree Disagree Unable to Evaluate 815 97% 8 1% 15 2% 819 98% 8 1% 11 1% 807 96% 7 1% 24 3% 814 97% 9 1% 15 2% 802 96% 12 1% 24 3% TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013 Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 1. GENERAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND DEGREE OUTCOMES (cont.) (The following questions are specific to the type of degree received) Agree Disagree Unable to Evaluate Associate of Arts f. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values consistent with a liberal arts degree. g. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge of the subject matter appropriate to my degree/emphasis. 373 95% 374 95% 2 1% 1 0% 19 5% 19 5% Associate of Applied Science f. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values consistent with my academic interests and/or chosen occupational field. g. Enabled me to acquire the professional and industry standards appropriate to my academic and/or occupational emphasis. 214 96% 207 93% 2 1% 3 1% 6 3% 12 5% Associate of General Studies f. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values of my broad academic focus. 98 94% 0 0% 6 6% Associate of Science f. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values consistent with a science, technology, engineering, or math education. g. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge of the subject matter appropriate to my degree/emphasis. 128 98% 128 98% 0 0% 0 0% 2 2% 2 2% Certificate of Achievement f. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values consistent with the focus of my certificate of achievement. g. Enabled me to acquire the knowledge of the subject matter appropriate to my certificate of achievement. 56 93% 56 93% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% 2 3% While attending TMCC were you satisfied with the following: Yes No Unable to Evaluate a. Academic Advising Services 653 78% 112 13% 73 9% b. Counseling Services 504 60% 65 8% 269 32% c. Career Services 400 48% 57 7% 381 45% d. Financial Aid 560 67% 73 9% 205 24% e. Admissions & Records 749 89% 49 6% 40 5% f. Tutoring & Learning Center 605 72% 21 3% 212 25% g. Course catalogs 775 92% 29 3% 34 4% My studies at TMCC: 2. SERVICES 2 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013 Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 2. SERVICES (cont.) While attending TMCC were you satisfied with the following: Yes No Unable to Evaluate h. Class schedules 773 92% 56 7% 9 1% i. Computer labs 728 87% 12 1% 98 12% j. Book Store Services 756 90% 41 5% 41 5% k. Starting Point 643 77% 17 2% 178 21% l. Library materials and services 720 86% 14 2% 104 12% m. Campus social & cultural activities 483 58% 41 5% 314 37% n. Campus food service 570 68% 53 6% 215 26% o. Web college support 700 84% 44 5% 94 11% p. Parking 619 74% 186 22% 33 4% q. TMCC's Web site 799 95% 31 4% 8 1% r. Testing Center 617 74% 24 3% 197 24% s. Web-based courses 723 86% 46 5% 69 8% t. Student Portal (MyTMCC) 782 93% 37 4% 19 2% u. Services at sites other than Dandini 579 69% 18 2% 241 29% v. Wireless connection 612 73% 130 16% 96 11% w. Student Government 368 44% 38 5% 432 52% x. Online student support center 521 62% 36 4% 281 34% 3 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013 Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 3. OVERALL EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Agree Disagree Unable to Evaluate a. I was satisfied with the availability of courses. 722 86% 111 13% 5 1% b. I was satisfied with the diversity of course offerings. 770 92% 56 7% 12 1% c. In general, I found the courses to be intellectually stimulating. 813 97% 15 2% 10 1% d. I had access to faculty outside of class. 777 93% 18 2% 43 5% e. I was satisfied with the quality of instruction. 809 97% 17 2% 12 1% Agree Disagree Unable to Evaluate a. TMCC has helped me meet the goals I expected to achieve. 795 95% 17 2% 26 3% b. My experiences here have equipped me to deal with possible career changes. 776 93% 24 3% 38 5% c. TMCC prepared me well to further my education. 798 95% 16 2% 24 3% d. TMCC prepared me well for a future career. 767 92% 27 3% 44 5% e. TMCC is equally supportive of men and women. 791 94% 9 1% 38 5% f. TMCC is equally supportive of all racial/ethnic groups. 770 92% 10 1% 58 7% g. TMCC welcomes and uses feedback from students to improve the College. 705 84% 32 4% 101 12% h. I am proud of my accomplishments at TMCC. 819 98% 6 1% 13 2% i. TMCC provides a safe campus environment. 810 97% 9 1% 19 2% j. TMCC's facilities are clean and well maintained. 826 99% 3 0% 9 1% Throughout my studies at TMCC: 4. OVERALL SATISFACTION 4 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013 Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 5. EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME a. What range best depicts your current annual income? Under $10,000 $10,000 - 19,000 $20,000 - 29,000 $30,000 - 39,000 $40,000 - 49,000 $50,000 or more No response Total # 345 213 115 62 47 56 0 838 % 41% 25% 14% 7% 6% 7% 0% 100% b. Are you the first in your family to graduate from college? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 346 481 11 0 838 % 41% 57% 1% 0% 100% c. How many years did it take to complete your degree/certificate? 1-2 yrs 3-4 yrs 5-6 yrs More than 6 yrs No response Total # 177 429 131 101 0 838 % 21% 51% 16% 12% 0% 100% d. While attending TMCC did you mostly work: Full-time Part-time Didn't work No response Total # 373 334 131 0 838 % 45% 40% 16% 0% 100% e. After graduation, do you expect to work in a job related to your education at TMCC? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 539 140 159 0 838 % 64% 17% 19% 0% 100% f. Do you expect your income to increase as a result of your education at TMCC? Yes No Don't know No response Total # 565 145 128 0 838 % 67% 17% 15% 0% 100% g. After graduation, do you expect to work: Full-time Part-time Don't expect to work No response Total # 575 212 51 0 838 % 69% 25% 6% 0% 100% 5 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013 Graduate Outcomes Survey Truckee Meadows Community College 2012-13 5. EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME (cont.) h. After graduation, are you going to continue your education? Yes, immediately Maybe in the future No No response Total # 608 217 13 0 838 % 73% 26% 2% 0% 100% i. Are you currently employed? (if no, skip to question j.) Yes No No response Total # 608 230 0 838 % 73% 27% 0% 100% i1. Do you have the same job as prior to starting TMCC? Yes No No response Total # 258 349 1 608 % 42% 57% 0% 100% i2. Have you had a job promotion since starting TMCC? Yes No No response Total # 231 374 3 608 % 38% 62% 0% 100% i3. Are you currently employed in your field of study? Yes No No response Total # 175 430 3 608 % 29% 71% 0% 100% # 342 496 0 838 % 41% 59% 0% 100% j. Are you currently seeking employment? Yes No No response Total 6 of 6 TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 12/16/2013