TURTLE HEARING CLASSIFICATION FOR TURTLE EXCLUDER DEVICES DESIGN ANTON YUDHANA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA TURTLE HEARING CLASSIFICATION FOR TURTLE EXCLUDER DEVICES DESIGN ANTON YUDHANA A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia FEBRUARY 2011 iii To my beloved mother, father, wife, and children iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah. I praise and glorify be only to Allah SWT the Almighty, the Most Beneficent, and the Most Merciful, whose blessings and guidance have helped me to be able to finish this thesis. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Jafri Din for encouragement, guidance, critics, advices, motivation, and friendship. Without his support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. I am also indebted to Ministry of National Education (Depdiknas) Indonesia and Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia for their financial support during the term of this study. Many thanks to my colleague Mr. Sunardi, Mr.Reza Firsandaya Malik, Lam Hok Yin, Mr. Tole Sutikno, Mrs. Lina Handayani, and Mr. Ditto Prihadi. Also full thanks to Mr. Ahmad Syahril Mohd Nawi for their supports. Thanks to Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center (TUMEC) Terengganu Malaysia for providing research infrastructure for facilities, researchers, and staff, especially Syed Abdullah and YM Raja Bidin Raja Hassan, I am grateful for their warm hospitality and for taking the time to share with me their knowledge of the turtles of Malaysia. Mr. Jamil and TUMEC staffs are thanked for assisting ABR measurements. Gratefully acknowledge to Department of Electrical Engineering Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta Indonesia for the opportunity to pursue Ph.D. program at UTM. This thesis will not be completed without their full encouragement and support as a solid team. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. I am grateful to all my family members, especially my beloved mother Sri Kusnani. Finally, specially thanks to my wife Erny Yuliati, my children: Enas Zakiya Yudhana, Enaya Zahira Yudhana, and Elmas Zubair Yudhana for their encouragement and praying of every time is my power finishing this research. v ABSTRACT The process of reducing the accidental capture and subsequent mortalities of sea turtles in regional captured fisheries through the use of Turtle Excluder Device (TED) has been extremely important. The objectives of this study is to determine the hearing ability for Green Turtle (Chelonia Midas), identify the green turtle and fish behavior on various sound exposures, and determine the specification of TED using underwater sound technique. Auditory Brainstem Response system is used to identify the hearing threshold of the turtle. The measurements were performed at Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center (TUMEC) Terengganu, Perak, and Melaka Malaysia. It was conducted at a turtle tank by employing click and tone stimulus. Turtle ages of 2 years, 5 years, 9 years, and 30 years were deployed. The measured data were analyzed in time and frequency domains. It is found that the green turtle has a hearing ability in the range of 50 Hz to 1200 Hz. The results showed that turtle hearing sensitivity is about 300 Hz to 500 Hz. Also, the measurement of ambient noise in the life habitat has been conducted. The measurements were divided into 3 different distances from the sea shore: 200 m, 400 m, and 800 m and within 3 different sea depth: 2 m, 5 m, and 10 m for each point, respectively. The frequency and maximum magnitude of ambient noise are found to increase as the depth increased. Finally, the behavior of the turtle and fish towards the emitted sound has been observed. A group of signals that dispel turtles have been determined. The types of signals are Low and High Frequency Modulation, white noise, and sinusoidal signal. These signals do not give any respond to the fish. Therefore, this information is very useful in the development of TED using sound. . vi ABSTRAK Proses mengurangkan kejadian penyu terperangkap dan kematian penyu dalam industri perikanan dengan menggunakan Turtle Excluder Device (TED) adalah sangat penting. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti kelakuan penyu hijau (Chelonia Midas) kepada bunyi yang dipancarkan, menentukan kelakuan penyu hijau dan ikan dalam menerima pelbagai bunyi, serta menentukan spesifikasi TED menggunakan teknik bunyi bawah laut. Sistem ABR (Auditori Brainstem Response) digunakan untuk mengenalpasti batas pendengaran penyu. Pengukuran dilakukan di Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center (TUMEC) Terengganu, Perak, dan Melaka Malaysia. Pengukuran telah dijalankan dalam tangki penyu menggunakan stimulus klik dan tone. Usia penyu yang digunakan adalah 2, 5, 9, dan 30 tahun. Data terukur telah dianalisa dalam domain masa dan frekuensi. Kemampuan pendengaran penyu hijau telah dikenal pasti pada julat frekuensi dari 50 Hz ke 1200 Hz. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa pendengaran penyu paling sensitif adalah pada julat 300 Hz ke 500 Hz. Pengukuran aras hingar di laut telah pun dilakukan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada tiga jarak yang berbeza iatu, 200 m, 400 m, dan 800 m daripada pantai dengan 3 perbezaan kedalaman pada masing-masing titik pengukuran iaitu, 2 m, 5 m, dan 10 m. Frekuensi dan magnitud maksimum daripada aras hingar didapati meningkat dengan peningkatan kedalaman. Akhirnya, perilaku penyu dan ikan terhadap bunyi yang dipancarkan telah pun diperhatikan. Kumpulan bunyi yang boleh menghalau penyu telahpun dikenal pasti. Jenis bunyi tersebut adalah modulasi frekuensi rendah tinggi, noise putih, dan isyarat sinusoidal. Isyarat bunyi ini tidak memberikan sebarang kesan pada ikan. Oleh kerana itu, informasi ini sangat berguna bagi perancangan TED menggunakan bunyi. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABREVIATIONS xv LIST OF SYMBOLS xvii LIST OF APPENDICES xviii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Research Scope 3 1.5 Outline 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Types of Sea Turtle 5 2.2.1 Green Turtle Morphology 9 2.2.2 Evolutionary Trends and Conservation 9 2.2.3 Green Turtles Distribution in Malaysia 10 viii 3 2.3 Underwater Acoustic Units of Measurement 13 2.4 The decibel Scale in Underwater Acoustics 14 2.5 Turtle Auditory System 17 2.6 Turtle and Fish Hearing Threshold 20 2.7 Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) 25 2.8 Long Line and Gill Net 28 2.9 Sound Classification 31 2.10 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm 33 2.11 FFT Application on Spectral Analysis 34 2.12 Summary 35 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 Design of Study 36 3.3 Research Materials and Life Specimens 37 3.3.1. Research Tank 37 3.3.2. Green Turtle 40 3.3.3. Targeted Fish 42 3.3.4. SmartEp Software 43 3.3.5. Hydrophone for Recording Underwater 45 sound 3.3.6. Sound Generator 46 3.3.7. Underwater Speaker 48 3.3.8. Sound Recorder Software 49 3.3.9. Matlab Software 50 3.4 Measurements Procedures 50 3.4.1 Types of Measurement 50 3.4.2 ABR Response Measurement 50 3.4.3 Seawater Quality Measurement in Life 52 Habitat 3.4.4 Seawater Quality Measurement in the 53 Research Tank 3.4.5 Sound Profile Measurement 54 ix 3.4.6 Turtle and Fish Response Towards Sound 3.5 Spectral Analysis of The ABR Waveforms and 55 56 Sound Profile 4 3.5.1 ABR Waveforms Data Extraction 56 3.5.2 Sound Calibration Method 58 3.5.3 Sound Profile Data Extraction 58 3.5.4 Program Implementation and Analysis 60 3.6 Summary 61 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 62 4.1 Introduction 62 4.2 Turtle Auditory Brainstem Response 62 4.2.1 Turtle Age 2 years 64 4.2.2 Turtle Age 5 years 67 4.2.3 Turtle Age 9 Years 69 4.2.4 Turtle Age 30 Years 71 4.3 Seawater Profile 77 4.3.1 Life Habitat Water Quality 77 4.3.2 Portable Instrument 78 4.3.3 Fixed Instrument 79 4.4 Sound Profile 81 4.4.1 Seawater Sound Profile 81 4.4.2 Research Tank Sound Profile 83 4.5 Sound Characterization 85 4.5.1 LFM Sound Profile 85 4.5.2. Sinusoidal Sound Profile 86 4.5.3. White Noise Sound Profile 88 4.6 Turtle and Fish Response 90 4.6.1 Turtle Response 90 4.6.2 Fish Response 91 4.7. Problem Encountered 91 4.8. Key Contributions 92 4.9. Summary 92 x 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 93 5.1 93 Conclusion 5.2 Future Works REFERENCES Appendices A – F3 94 95 100-137 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Sound speed in some medium 14 2.2 The hearing ranges of fish 20 3.1 Hydrophone C304 Technical specification 45 3.2 Underwater Speaker Lubell 3400 Technical Specification 48 4.1 Turtle’s morphology in ABR measurement 61 4.2 ABR setup for green turtles ages 2 years 62 4.3 ABR response green turtles ages 2 years 64 4.4 Water quality recorded by using portable meter in life habitat 4.5 Water quality recorded by using portable meter in the tank 4.6 Water quality recorded by using automatic meter (Half Day) 4.7 Water quality recorded by using automatic meter (Two days) 4.8 Water quality recorded by using automatic meter (Three days) 76 76 77 78 79 4.9 Seawater sound profile in the life habitat 80 4.10 Seawater sound profile in the research tank 82 4.11 Frequency and magnitude of LFM sound profile 84 4.12 Frequency and magnitude of Sinusoidal Sound profile 85 4.13 Frequency and magnitude White Noise Sound profile 87 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Green turtle (chelonia midas) 5 2.2 The hawksbill turtle 6 2.3 The leatherback turtle 7 2.4 Lipas turtle 7 2.5 Sites of green turtle for hatchling in Malaysia Peninsula. 10 2.6 Maps of east Malaysia for egg and hatchling 11 2.7 The post breeding migration of three C.midas Female (a,b,and C) and one C.midas (D) release from Ma’Daerah 12 Turtle Sanctuary Terengganu Malaysia 2.8 ABR waveforms 2.9 Diagrammatic representation of a Turtle Excluder Device fitted to a trawl 17 25 2.9 Senangin II, research vessel, equipped with trawl net 28 2.11 Trawl net at senangin II 29 2.12 Trawl operation at Senangin II 29 2.13 Diver filming TED 30 3.1 The main site of research 36 3.2 Primary research tank with square shape 37 3.3 The second tank with round shape 37 3.4 The third tank with square shape 38 3.5 Research tank arrangement 38 3.6 Tank in cleaning 39 3.7 The species of research in the main tank 40 3.8 The green turtle places in stable condition 40 xiii 3.9 The weight measurement of turtle 41 3.10 The fish in the second tank 42 3.11 SmartEp main screen 43 3.12 Hydrophone C304 44 3.13 Generated sound software 46 3.14 Speaker type Lubell 3400 47 3.15 Sound recorder using edit audio software 48 3.16 Green turtle in ABR measurement 50 3.17 Green turtle was stationed by jacket for ABR measurement 51 3.18 Quality of Seawater measurement in life habitat 52 3.19 Quality of Seawater measurement in tank 53 3.20 Sound profile in the research tank 54 3.21 Acquired ABR data analysis flow 56 3.22 Reference sound analysis software 57 3.23 Monitored signal of water in tank profile 58 3.24 Extracted monitored signal in the tank 58 3.25 Acquired sound profile analysis 59 4.1 Green turtle morphology 61 4.2 ABR signal spectral of green turtle ages of 2 years 63 4.3 Turtle ages of 2 years hearing sensitivity 65 4.4 ABR signal spectral of green turtle ages of 5 years 66 4.5 Turtle ages of 5 years hearing sensitivity 67 4.6 ABR signal spectral of green turtle ages of 9 years 68 4.7 Turtle ages of 9 years hearing sensitivity 69 4.8 ABR signal spectral of green turtle ages of 30 years 70 4.9 Turtle ages of 30 years hearing sensitivity 70 4.10 Minimum frequencies of turtle’s hearing 72 4.11 Maximum frequencies of turtle hearing 72 4.12 Green turtle’s hearing bandwidth 73 4.13 Green turtle’s hearing range 74 4.14 Hearing ranges constellation 75 4.15 Noise floor in the life habitat(distance=200m,depth=2m) 79 4.16 Research tank sound profile 81 xiv 4.17 LFM sound profile 83 4.18 Sinusoidal sound profile 85 4.19 White noise sound profile 86 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABR - Auditory Brainstem Response AEP - Auditory evoked potentials ANSI - American National Standard for Institute ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASSR - Auditory Steady State Response AULS - Autonomous Underwater Listening Station CWT - Complex Wavelet Transform dBnHL - dB scale relative to normal hearing level DO - Dissolved Oxygen EEG - Electro EnchepaloGraph EFR - envelope following response EFR - envelope following response FFT - Fast Fourier Transform hh - Hour IHS - Intelligent Hearing System L - length LFM - Low Frequency Modulation mm - Minute MRTF - modulation rate transfer function NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service NN - neural network NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPF - Northern Prawn Fishery PTT - push to talk RMS - Root Mean Square xvi RMSE - The Root Mean Squared Error Sal - Salinity sd - Stimulus Duration SEAFDEC - South East Asian Fisheries Development Center SNR - signal to noise ratio SpCond - Sound propagation Conductivity SPL - Sound Pressure Level ss - Second SSE - The Sum of Squares due to Error Std - Standard Deviation STFT - Short Time Fourier Transform STFT - short time Fourier Transform T - tall TED - Turtle Excluder Devices Temp - Temperature TUMEC - Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia W - width WN - White Noise xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS μ - micro W - watt m2 - meter square ms - mili second re - relative Pa - Pascal L - liter mg - mili gram C - celcius d - depth ºC - degree celcius Ω - ohm Vdc - volt direct current (Lx WxT) - LenghtxWidthxTall xviii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A List of Author’s Publication 100 B Source Code 101 C1 First measurement Procedure 107 C2 Second measurement Procedure 108 C3 Third measurement Procedure 109 C4 Fourth measurement Procedure 110 C5 Fifth measurement Procedure 111 C6 Sixth measurement Procedure 112 C7 Seventh measurement Procedure 113 C8 Eight measurement Procedure 114 D1 ABR and sound profile recording 115 D2 ABR System Setup and resulted data 116 D3 ABR spectral in smartEp 122 E1 Sound Profile in Life Habitat (distance=100m) 124 E2 Sound Profile in Life Habitat (distance=200m) 125 E3 Sound Profile in Life Habitat (distance=400m) 127 E4 Sound Profile in Life Habitat (distance=800m) 129 E5 Noise Floor in the life habitat (distance=200m) 131 E6 Noise Floor in the life habitat (distance=400m) 132 E7 Noise Floor in the life habitat (distance=800m) 133 E8 Peak of Magnitude for Life Habitat Noise Floor 134 F1 Sound Characterization Measurement 135 F2 Turtle response towards sound 136 F3 Fish response towards sound 137 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background Sea turtles are important marine animals, not only under CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) agreement but also traditional living resources in the ASEAN region. Most of the ASEAN member countries have established national programs on the conservation and enhancement of sea turtles. However, information on research, conservation and enhancement of these animals in the region is rather fragmented. Fisheries (Prohibition of Fishing) Regulations 1990 is released by Fisheries Department Malaysia prohibits unsustainable fishing practices gill net (pukat hanyut) for catching stingray or skates fish (ikan pari) at zone A or coastal marine (5 mile from coast line) of the sea. One reason for this prohibition is the incidental captured of the turtle in the net. Turtle and stingray have the same habitat and when the turtle landed to reproduce and feed into the beach they would died in drawn out caused by catch in the net. The number of landed turtle in Malaysia decrease every year. (http://turtlemalaysia.gov.my/ancaman.html). Eckert (1999) reported that green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is classified as endangered species, while the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the leatherback-turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) are classified as critically endangered. 2 Fisheries Regulation 1990 was aimed to prevent turtle extinction when this regulation had caused stingray fish production got decrease. The stingray fish is quite popular in Malaysia and it is in line with the food industry variety. The demand of this fish is increase in Malaysia. Recreational and sport fishing stingray is also point of interest for tourism industry in Malaysia. The other benefit, its skin had commercial values in exotic leather wear and very rare to found any of the stingray skin wallets in Malaysia. Meanwhile, the usage of gill net by fisheries had been monitored by local authority because of many fisheries still used it in illegal fishing. The Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center (TUMEC) has been reported that in 2006 under Fisheries Department they had confiscated more 20 gill nets in the inspection in Terengganu reported by (http://web10.bernama.com/maritime/news). Fishermen still used the gill net in the zone A that has much stingray population there. Plenty of fishes had been collected, but incidentals capture of sea turtles in fishing gear is another major problem. One interesting point to note is that hook and long lines do not seem to be catching turtles within Malaysian territorial waters, although they are known to take turtles in offshore areas. It is clear that prohibition is not really effective. 1.2 Problem Statements The process of reducing the incidental capture and subsequent mortalities of sea turtles in regional shrimp fisheries through the use of TED (Turtle Excluder Device) has been extremely important. This is the considering to global significance of Southeast Asia’s turtle populations and the importance of shrimp’s fisheries to regional economies and fishing communities. Furthermore, little is known of sea turtles' auditory behavior. Thus, the study on turtle’s hearing especially green turtle is needed. 3 1.3 Objectives The main purpose of this research is proposed Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) using Sound technique. The proposed TED designed begin by conducted some basic objectives of research step. The following objectives are: • To determine the hearing ability for green turtle. • To identify the green turtle behavior on various sound exposures. • To determine the specification of TED using underwater sound technique. 1.4 Research Scope In order to achieve the research objectives, the following scopes will be covered: • Measurement of turtle hearing threshold using Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) System. 1.5 • Measurement of underwater sound profile. • Green turtle ABR data analysis. • Investigation of sound profile in sea water. • Measurement of the green turtle behavior on specific sound exposures. Outline The thesis is divided into five chapters. Following is an introductory chapter that defines the importance of sea turtles, the aimed of fisheries regulations 1990, and the usage of gill net by fisheries. Then the problem statements, objective, research scope and thesis outline are given. 4 Chapter 2 begins by discussed on the types of sea turtles with green turtle morphology, evolutionary trends and conservation and green turtle distribution in Malaysia. Then, in the following section are discussed on underwater acoustic units of measurement, the decibel scale in underwater acoustics, turtle auditory system, turtle and fish hearing threshold, TED, long line and gill net, sound classification, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Finally, FFT application on spectral analysis is discussed. Chapter 3 presents the research methodology. This chapter begins by discuss design of study, research materials and life specimens, measurements procedures, spectral analysis of the ABR waveforms and sound profile. Chapter 4 presents the results and discussion. The results consist of turtle auditory brainstem response, seawater profile, sound profile, sound characterization, turtle and fish response, and problem encountered. Finally, the contributions of the research are given. Chapter 5 presents the conclusion and future works. Simulated and measured results are compared. The experimental verification process is explained with numerical analysis given. The key contributions in this thesis are highlighted. Finally, some recommendations on further work as well as a concluding statement are given. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses on topics of sea turtle, turtle morphology, underwater acoustic, turtle auditory system, turtle and fish hearing threshold, and also TED and fishing gear. Furthermore, discussion on sound classification, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Algorithm, and FFT application are presented. Emphasis is given on sea turtle, where it is further divided into three subsections. 2.2 Types of Sea Turtle Bonine and Smith (2003) have been reported that turtles are identified on all continents (except in Antarctica). This species is greatest on diversity in the world, there are 35 species dispersed in Southeastern United States while Southeastern Asia around of 90 species. Because of the shell and the ability to withdraw their heads and limbs into the protective structure, thus turtles are easily to recognizable species of all reptiles. Turtles include member of a monophyletic group comprising the order Chelonia or Testudines. The term of Testudines is used to denote members of the order extinct and extant, meanwhile Chelonia is often addressed extant turtles. Common terminology is used for some groups of turtles has made some confusion. The word ‘tortoise’ is always subject to terrestrial species which have high domed shells, big size and the high legs alike elephantine. 6 The term terrapin is used for freshwater animal that are commonly harvested and feed, but in Britain it is used for all pool turtles. Penyu Agar or green turtle (Chelonia midas) is depicted in Figure 2.1. This animal is member turtle species. It’s shell length of 90 cm to 110 cm while the weight of 110 kg to 180 kg. Green turtle could be recognized from its color olive brown to black or green. In addition, dominant feed are sea grass or seaweeds which favorite food for this species. The habitat of green turtle is ranging between coasts and islands in the tropics area. Figure 2.1 Green Turtle (Chelonia Midas) (Bonine and Smith, 2003) The Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys Imbricata) is the other species of turtle that have the local name Penyu Karah or Penyu sisik as shown in Figure 2.2. Karah turtle has shell length of 70 cm to 90 cm with weight of 40 kg to 90 kg. Hawksbill color is combined between dark brown and yellow. Sponge is kind of food for Hawksbill. Moreover, the habitat for this turtle is at tropical oceans nearby coral reefs. 7 Figure 2.2 Hawksbill Turtle (Bonine and Smith, 2003) The other species of turtle is Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) as shown in Figure 2.3. Its local name is Penyu Belimbing. Belimbing turtle has shell length of 150 cm to 180 cm and weight of 300 kg to 600 kg. In addition, the color of this turtle is black mixed white or grey pattern. Leatherback has favorite feed jelly fish. Meanwhile, leatherback has habitat at oceanic. In spite of the habitat is in the tropical sites, however it moves to temperate water for food. The identified 13 extinct families contains around of 300 species. Further, turtles are classed into two distinctive clades, there are Cryptodira and Pleurodira. It is presented that there are recognized method from neck retraction. The Pleurodira or side-necked turtle would bend the head and neck to the side, meanwhile the Cryptodira withdraw their necks in a vertical plane into their shell. Turtles in North American are belonging the Cryptodira, meanwhile in Arizona consists of five native species and four introduced species. 8 Figure 2.3 Leatherback Turtle (Bonine and Smith, 2003) Lipas turtle as shown in Figure 2.4 has shell length of 50 cm to 70 cm with weight of 30 kg to 60 kg and the color is olive brown. The favorite foods for this species are crustaceans, mollusca, jellyfish, fish, and sea-grass. Coastal tropics area is lipas turtle habitat. Figure 2.4 Lipas Turtle (Bonine and Smith, 2003) 9 2.2.1 Green Turtle Morphology Bonine et al. (2003) also reported that the turtle shell is comprised of bony plates that are commonly shielded by with keratinized scutes. Moreover, the scutes are the section of the shell which could be seen not the actual bones underneath. The shell are comprised of two common portions, there are the dorsal carapace and the ventral plastron. The scutes are covered both halves of the shell are grouped and the features named are useful for recognize the species. The head is covered with horny plates whereas the neck generally lacks scales. In addition, the limb is shielded with scales like tortoise desert or not like sonorant mud turtle. Also, for species in aquatic habitat, the feet are recognized from webbed with clawed toes. Meanwhile, in terrestrial habitat species is recognized from the feet lack webbing. 2.2.2 Evolutionary Trends and Conservation Turtle evolution is the source of much inquiry and discussion. The marvelous features of the shell from a comparative evolutionary and turtle morphology standpoint are the evidence that the shell consist of the limb girdles and the rib cage have been moved inside the rib cage. Somehow the ancestral form for the turtles managed this feat and it has been so successful very little changes have been made to the basic turtle morphology in over 200 million years. In fact, in South American one turtle genus namely (Podocnemis) has not changed in shell morphology than 60 million years. The evolutionary ‘conservativism’ proposed just how successful life in a suitable of armor. Moreover, turtles have life history strategies that reflect this morphological success. In fact, most turtle mortality occurs during the egg and hatchling. As a result, the removal of adults for food, medicine or pet trade can have devastating effects on wild populations. 10 Turtle populations everywhere are declining. Even though, there have been turtle conservation successes in some sites. Turtle products are so popular in Asia that three quarters of Asia’s native turtle populations are considered threatened and two Chinese turtles are thought now to be extinct reported by Altyherr and Freyer (2000) and Anon (2001). Bonine et al. (2003) have concludes that in turtles reproductive success is highly depended with increased age, while sexual maturity is delayed. Others report, that sea turtle has exist for 200 millions of years and now day there are seven living species around the world by Márquez (1990). Marques reported that C. mydas, the Caretta caratta, and the Lepidochelys olivacea are classified as endangered species whereas the Eretmochelys imbricata and Dermochelys coriacea have been categorized into critically endangered by IUCN (2004). Many human activities were responsible for the present conservation status of sea turtles and the most evidence is on captured among them. Nowadays, some other factors have contributed to continuation of the endangered status, a few that stand out are the beaches’ disordered occupation (by hotels, houses, and crowding) fisheries bycatch and sea pollution by Márquez (1990). One significant subject have been studied is the effect of anthropogenic noise towards sea turtles. Finally, for many years sound sources have been used by seismic surveys to search the presence of oil and gas within the sea bottom by Jones (1999). 2.2.3 Green Turtles Distribution in Malaysia In the Sabah and Sarawak Turtle Island, the green turtle is more widely distributed with the most significant nesting populations occurring. Other nesting sea shores are determined in Terengganu, primarily in Redang and Perhentian Islands, Kemaman, and Kerteh. Furthermore, in Pahang popular nesting for green turtle are in 11 Chendor and Cherating, while in Perak is Pantai Remis. Finally, in Sabah green turtles was most nesting at Sipadan Island as reported by Chan (2006). Commonly, turtle landing for hatchling occurs in May until August for each year. Some green turtle landing sites in Peninsular Malaysia is in Johor, Melaka, Pahang, Terengganu, and Perak. Several sites for turtle hatchling in Malaysia Peninsular are illustrated in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5 Sites of green turtle for hatchling in Malaysia Peninsular (TUMEC, 2009) Meanwhile, there are two landing sites for the turtles lay their eggs in the eastern Malaysian. Two sites in east Malaysia are Sabah and Sarawak. The main site of turtle hatchling in East Malaysia is demonstrated in Figure 2.6. 12 Figure 2.6 Maps of green turtle in East Malaysia for egg and hatchling (TUMEC, 2009) Merwe et al. (2009) reported that male and female turtles remained within 30 km of the nesting beach during the breeding and inter-nesting periods, which includes habitat beyond the 'no trawl zone' designed to protect turtles in this area. In addition, following the breeding season, the tracked turtles migrated up to 1955 km to four different foraging grounds such as in Vietnam, Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo Malaysia. Moreover, during foraging, turtles occupied sites threatened by human activities such as fishing and pollution. The study also observed that the habitats used by the Ma'Daerah C. mydas population during breeding are outside current local protection zones and extend into unprotected international waters during migration and foraging. The study was aimed to identify habitats used by C. mydas populations. It was obtained that the life habitat is in a critical element of management and conservation of this endangered, migratory species. The research concerned the need to increase offshore protection around Ma'Daerah during the nesting season. Finally, the study has identified the countries within South-east Asia that Malaysia must cooperate with to ensure effective management of C. mydas population. The information is particularly relevant to turtle sanctuary and then local 13 authority for manage in regions such as south east asia, where many coastal countries occupy a small geographical area as depicted in Figure 2.7. Figure 2.7 The post-breeding migration of three C.mydas females (A,B, and C) and one C.mydas (D) released from Ma’Daerah Turtle sanctuary, Terengganu Malaysia (vandeMerwe, 2009) 2.3 Underwater Acoustic Units of measurement The unit in which noise is measured depends on the category of effect that is of interest. Primary and secondary effects with the exception of auditory injury are most commonly encountered with impulsive noise such as blast and have been 14 found by Yelverton (1972) to be associated with the impulse (I) or integral of pressure over time, given by (2.1) where: I is the impulse in Pascal-seconds (Pa.s) P(t) is the acoustic pressure in Pa of the sound wave at time t, t is time. It is unfortunate that the term “an impulse” is also used to describe a sound of short duration, but both terms are common in the literature. Impulse is thought of as the average pressure of the noise impulsive then multiplied by it’s duration. 2.4 The deci Bel Scale in Underwater Acoustic Sunardi (2010) has been reported that it is usual to express noise, whatever the unit of measurement, in terms of deciBels (dB). The dB relates to the measurement of noise to a reference unit. It expresses logarithmically the ratio between the measurement and the reference unit. The word “level” is applied to any unit expressed using the dB scale. Therefore, in a sound of peak pressure Pm (Pa) the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) in dB is given by (2.2) where Pref is the reference pressure, which for underwater applications is usually taken as 1 micro Pascal (µPa). For instance, a blast wave of 1 bar (105 Pa) would have a sound pressure level, referred to 1 µPa, of 15 (2.3) The reference unit must be specified when quoting a level. It is common to append the unit as in the example or to specify the default reference unit within a report. All measurements, unless it is otherwise indicated, are referred to 1 µPa as reported by Nedwell (2003). In Rogers and Triyett (2007), sound speed in water is about five times higher than that in air and the distances among the two ears in fish are no more than a few centimeters. However, fundamentally different direction mechanism must used by fish. In addition, many things can effects the speed of sound, including not only the nature of the medium (gas, liquid or solid) but also it’s temperature and any other additive substances, such as salt in water. Sound propagates faster through denser and hotter materials as listed in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Sound Speed in some Medium (http://www.earthlife.net/fish/hearing) Medium Temperature (0C) Speed (m/s) Air 0 331.4 Air 20 343.6 Air 30 348.7 Fresh Water Unknown 1,493 Sea Water Unknown 1,533 Diamond Unknown 12,000 Acoustic is science of sound. In underwater acoustics, the unit of loudness is dB. By definition, the decibel is a relative unit, not an absolute unit with physical dimension. The dB is simply numerical scale to compare the values of like quantities, usually power or intensity. A dB is one tenth of bel (B). In many situations, however, the bel (B ) proved inconveniently large, so the dB has become more common. 16 Bel was devised by engineers of the Bell Telephone Laboratory to quantify the reduction in audio level over a 1 mile (approximately 1.6 km) length of standard telephone cable, named in honor of the Bell System’s founder and telecommunications pioneer, Alexander Graham Bell. Acousticians introduced the dB to devise of compressed scale to represent the large dynamic range of sounds experienced by people from day to day, and also to acknowledge that humans-and presumably other animals-perceive loudness increases in logarithmic fashion, not linear. Its logarithmic nature allows very large or very small ratios to be represented by a convenient number, in a similar manner to scientific notation. An intensity ratio of 10 translates into a level difference of 10 dB, 100 translate into a level difference of 20 dB, and 1000 translates into a level difference of 30 dB, and so on. The term “level” usually implies a decibel scale. The level difference in decibels associated with two sound pressure values (measured in the same medium) is determined by calculating the ratio of the pressures, squaring this number, taking the logarithm (base 10), and multiplying by 10. ⎛ X ⎞ X dB = 10 log10 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Xo ⎠ X = 10 XdB 10 x X0 (2.4) (2.5) Where X0 is reference level and X is measured level. If one chooses a standard reference value, then sound pressure levels can be specified in decibels relative to that reference, but this should be stated along with number, for clarity. In water, acousticians use a standard reference sound pressure of 1 micro pascal (i.e. 10-6 newton per square meter), abbreviated μPa. The reference level itself is always at 0 dB, as shown by setting X = Xo in the above equation. If X is greater than Xo then XdB is positive, if X is less than Xo then 17 XdB is negative. Since it expresses a ratio of two quantities, it is a dimensionless. A level difference of +3 dB is roughly double (2x) power, -3 dB is roughly a half ( ½x) power, and 10 dB is 10x power. The ratios of 0 until 10 dB are 1.0, 1.25, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 6.3, 8.0, and 10.0 respectively. The dB is not linear. Only summation and subtraction operator can be deployed in the calculation of dB unit. Mean, deviation and other statistic value of data (using x and : operator) must be converted and calculated in the linear unit. In underwater acoustics, a source level usually represents the sound level at a distance of 1 meter from the source, while received level is the sound level at the listener’s actual position. There are two parameters of sound that relate to its loudness, there are pressure and intensity. Sound sensors (transducers) respond directly to pressure since the pressure changes are caused by particle vibrations. In physical terms, pressure is force per area (Newton/m2 = Pascal = Pa). 10-6 Pa = μPa is the standard unit of sound. Power is measured in Watts and intensity in W/m2. Sound intensity is proportional to the square of pressure. I= P2 A (2.6) Where p is power and A is area. Measures of acoustic levels are pressure (force/area), total power in acoustic wave, and intensity (power/area) which proportional to pressure squared. The unit are Newton/m2 = Pa, Watts and Watts/m2 respectively. 2.5 Turtle Auditory System Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) signals are transient electrical bio-signals produced by various regions of the human brain in response to auditory stimuli such 18 as a periodic repetition of “clicks”. These signals are traditionally categorized into an ABR which occurs for 11 ms after the stimulus, followed by a Mid Latency cortical Response (MLR) which is typically confined to the next 70 ms, followed by a slow cortical response which starts at about 80 ms after the stimulus. ABR signals have a waveform morphology which typically exhibits five waves (peaks) in the 1.5 to 6 ms post-stimulus interval studied by (Elvir et al., 2005; Jafari et al., 2005). In addition, ABR signals have waveform within range of 1.2 to 7.5 ms. Intelligent Hearing Systems (2007) reported that the ABR waveforms are achieved from the species in order to asses and determine the cranial auditory nerve function. In humans, similar techniques have been examined for assessing the viability of cochlear implantation or the existence of any physical conditions aimed to prevent implantation succeed. Also stated, that the basic test of hearing consists of determining the ability of a species for hearing pure tones at intervals throughout its hearing range. The assessment is examined by training a species for respond towards a tone and then reducing the tone’s intensity until response of the species is fail. Figure 2.8 ABR waveforms (Jacquin et al., 2005) 19 Recorded ABR have a waveform which typically demonstrates five waves or peaks in post-stimulus interval as depicted in Figure 2.8. The description of the human ABR was made by Jewett and Williston in 1971. Their study have described that method for acquiring recorded ABR from the acquired EEG are stated in Elvir et al. (2005). Meanwhile, Parentel et al. (2006) studied that there is an overlap of those frequencies and the audible frequency range of sea turtles which perceive sounds from 60 to 1000 Hz. Sneary et al. (2007) provided a basis method for analyzing auditory hair cell frequency selectivity in turtle. Their studied presented that recorded ABRs from multiple animals and life stages of live sea turtles deploying stimulus which coupled directly to the turtle's tympanum. Moreover, hearing ability of turtle was indicated morphometrically by testing variations in auditory anatomy and physiologically by techniques of brainstem evoked potential was conducted by Ketten et al. (2005) Lovell et al. (2004) have been studied that the sound reception mechanism and ability of hearing of the prawn (P. serratus). Moreover, the studied also proposed method deploying a combination of electron microscopic, anatomical, and electrophysiological approaches, revealing that P. serratus was responsive to perceived sounds is ranging from 100 - 3000 Hz. Other study by Bartol and Ketten (2006) examined that recorded ABR successfully determined for 10 turtles (juvenile and sub-adult of C. mydas and juvenile of L. kempi) and 2 tuna (Thunnus albacares) by applying correlation technique for identifying the response towards perceived sound. Furthermore, Hecox and Galambos (1974) proposed estimation of the modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) by applying method to measure the temporal resolution of the auditory system implementing AEP. In addition, the AEP is also useful to asses the hearing ability and temporal resolution of species. The method requires no training of the species and was applied for assessing hearing response in infants of human. 20 Popper (2000) hearing capabilities of several other clupeid species have identified using ABR in order to ascertain whether ultrasonic hearing is determined in Clupeiformes or whether it is only determined in a limited number of animals. Moreover, the response of AEP to a single click or tone stimulus is actually the summation of neurological response from multiple sources as obtained for human. This reported by Kuwada et al. (2002). Hearing capabilities is tested using evoked potentials by amplitude is modulated of a tone at a typical rate. As the response of patient’s auditory system to the tone, it follow the envelope of the loud-soft modulation of the tone by a corresponding an envelope following response (EFR). The MRTF provided by determining the amplitudes of the EFR at various modulation rates. A typical MRTF is low pas in shape and the corner frequency of that MRTF is inferred as the temporal resolution of the patient by Supin et al. (2001). 2.6 Turtle and Fish Hearing Threshold Rogers and Triyett (2007) studied that fish can determine the direction and range of underwater sound at frequencies range of 100 Hz to 1000 Hz even noise background is presented. Lovella et al. (2005 reported that the statocyst of P. serratus is sensitive to the motion of water particles displaced by low frequency sounds of 100 Hz to 3000 Hz, with a hearing acuity similar to that of a generalist fish. Meanwhile, Higgs et al. (2001) reported that there were no differences in auditory threshold, bandwidth, or best frequency for zebrafish. The Risso’s Dolphin followed perceived sound stimuli up to 1000 Hz with a second peak response at 500 Hz. A weighted MRTF reflected that the animal followed a broad range of rates from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz, but beyond 1250 Hz hearing response of animal was simply an offset or onset respond by Mooney et al. (2006). 21 In addition, amount of 12 hatchling through sub-adult turtles (Lepidochelys kempi, Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta) shows that juvenile green turtles have a slightly broader hearing range of 100 Hz to 800 Hz with best sensitivity at 600 Hz to 700 Hz whereas sub-adults are ranging from 100 Hz to 500 Hz. Furthermore, Kemp's Ridleys had a more restricted is ranging from 100 Hz to 500 Hz with most sensitive hearing of 100 Hz to 200 Hz is examined by Ketten et al. (2005). Fish can hear a wide range of sounds, however there is a great variety of capabilities between species as studied by Lovell et al. (2005). The study also reported that both of the structures involved in sound reception and the abilities of hearing of the paddlefish and the lake sturgeon using a combination of physiological and morphological approaches, revealing that both fish are responsive to sounds ranging in frequency from 100 Hz to 500 Hz. Moreover, the lowest hearing thresholds from both species were acquired from frequencies in a bandwidth of between 200 Hz and 300 Hz, with higher thresholds at 100 Hz and 500 Hz. For brief hearing ranges of fish is shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2: The Hearing Ranges of Fish (http://www.earthlife.net/fish/hearing.html) Commercial Name Scientific Name Hearing Range (Hz) Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar 40 to 350 Bonito/Tuna Euthynnus affinis 100 to 900 Red Piranha Pygocentrus natereri 80 to 1,500 Goldfish Carasius auratus 40 to 3,200 Brown Bullhead Amereius nebulosus 100 to 4,000 Stone Moroko Pseudorasbora parva 100 to 8,000 Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua 20 to 38,000 American Shad Alosa sapidissima 200 to 180,000 Gulf Menhaden Brevoortia patronus 200 to 1,800 Howorth (2003) reported that the collective knowledge of sound detection and marine hearing capabilities is limited. Much of knowledge on the hearing 22 frequencies of marine animals is based on the range frequency at which they vocalize rather than the range at which they actually hear. Furthermore, fisheries, which has jurisdiction over most marine mammals and all sea turtles in the region, has not set any standard measurement for safe sound levels. Thus, this reason is caused limited knowledge of true hearing thresholds of such animals and their sensitivity to various sound levels especially of frequencies and durations. As mentioned above, investigations into the hearing ability of marine fish have most often yielded results exhibiting a narrower hearing range and less sensitive hearing than specialists. This was first demonstrated in a variety of marine fish by Tavolga and Wodinsky (1963), and later other research demonstrated in taxonomically and ecologically diverse marine species reviews by (Fay, 1988; Popper et al., 2003; and Ladich and Popper, 2004). By examining the morphology of the inner ear of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Song et al. (2006) hypothesized that this species probably does not detect sounds much over 1 kHz. This research concurred with the few other studies deployed on tuna species. Iversen (1967) tested that yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) can detect sounds from 50 Hz to 1100 Hz, with best sensitivity of 89 dB (re 1 μPa) at 500 Hz. Also, Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) appeared to be able to detect sounds from 100 to 1100 Hz but with best sensitivity of 107 dB (re 1 μPa) at 500 Hz. Additionally, Popper (1981) examined at the inner ear structure of a skip jack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and determined it to be typical of a hearing generalist. Despite of only a few species of tuna have been studied, and in a number of fish groups both generalists and specialists exist, it is reasonable to suggest that unless bluefin tuna are exposed to very high intensity sounds from which they cannot swim away and short and long term effects is not significant or nonexistent. Song et al. (2006) observed that damselfish able to hear frequencies of up to 2000 Hz, with best sensitivity well below 100 Hz. Meanwhile, Egner and Mann (2005) found that juvenile sergeant major effects of mid and high frequency sonar on fish. In addition, damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis) were most sensitive to lower 23 frequencies 100 to 400 Hz, moreover, larger fish (greater than 50 millimeters) responded to sounds up to 1600 Hz. Also, the sergeant major damselfish is considered to have poor sensitivity in comparison even to other hearing generalists. Kenyon (1996) studied another marine generalist, the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus), and observed responses to sounds up to 1600 Hz with the most sensitive frequency at 500 Hz. Further, larval and juvenile Nagasaki damselfish (Pomacentrus nagasakiensis) were tested to hear at frequencies between 100 Hz and 2000 Hz, however, they are most sensitive to frequencies below 300 Hz by Wright et al. (2005 and 2007). Moreover, female oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau) apparently use the auditory sense to detect and locate vocalizing males during the breeding season reported by Winn (1967). Interestingly, female midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) go through a shift in hearing sensitivity depending on their reproductive status. Reproductive females showed temporal encoding up to 340 kHz, while non-reproductive females showed comparable encoding only up to 100 kHz by Sisneros and Bass (2003). The hearing capability of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) indicates relatively poor sensitivity to sound was studied by Hawkins and Johnstone (1978). Laboratory experiments yielded responses only to 580 Hz and only at high sound levels. The Atlantic salmon is considered to be a hearing generalist and this is probably the case for all other salmonids studied to date based on studies of hearing (Popper et al. 2007; Wysocki et al. 2007) and inner ear morphology by Popper (1976 and 1977). Furthermore, investigations into the inner ear structure of the long-spined bullhead (Taurulus bubalis, order Scorpaeniformes) have suggested that these fish have generalist hearing abilities, and this is supported by their lack of a swim bladder by Lovell et al. (2005). Despite of it was impossible to extrapolate from this species to all members of this large group of taxonomically diverse fishes, studies of hearing in another species in this group, the leopard robin (Prionotus scitulus), suggested that it was probably not able to detect sound much above 800 Hz, indicating that it shall be a hearing generalist determined by Tavolga and Wodinsky (1963). 24 However, since the leopard sea robin has a swim bladder and the long spined bullhead does not, this illustrates the diversity of species in this order and makes extrapolation on hearing from two fish to all members of the group very difficult been identified. At the same time, in considering potential sources that are in the mid and high-frequency range, a number of potential effects are clearly eliminated. Most significantly, since the vast majority of fish species studied to date are hearing generalists and cannot hear sounds above 500 Hz to 1500 Hz (depending upon the species), there are not likely to be behavioral effects on these species from higher frequency sounds. Moreover, even those marine species that may hear above 1500 Hz, such as a few sciaenids and the clupeids (and relatives), have relatively poor hearing above 1500 Hz as compared to their hearing sensitivity at lower frequencies. Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that even among the species that have hearing ranges that overlap with some mid and high frequency sounds, it is likely that the fish will only actually hear the sounds if the fish and source are very close to one another. Furthermore, since the vast majority of sounds that are of biological relevance to fish are below 1000 Hz (Zelick et al. 1999; Ladich and Popper, 2004), even if a fish detects a mid or high frequency sound, these sounds will not mask detection of lower frequency biologically relevant sounds. Thus, a reasonable conclusion, even without more data, is that there will be few, and more likely no, impacts on the behavior of fish. At the same time, it is possible that very intense mid and high frequency signals, and particularly explosives, could have a physical impact on fish, resulting in damage to the swim bladder and other organ systems. However, even these kinds of effects had only been shown in a few cases in response to explosives, thus only when the fish had been very close to the source. 25 Such effects have never been shown to any Navy sonar. Moreover, at greater distances there appears to be little or no impact on fish, and particularly no impact on fish that do not have a swim bladder or other air bubble that would be affected by rapid pressure changes. 2.7 Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) Actually, the process of reducing the incidental capture and subsequent mortalities of sea turtles in regional fisheries using TEDs has been extremely important, especially for stingray and shrimp fisheries. How to this is the case due to global significance of Southeast Asia’s turtle populations and the importance of stingray fisheries to regional economies and fishing communities. Most of the ASEAN member countries have established national programs on the conservation and enhancement of sea turtles such as turtle sanctuary. However, information on research, conservation and enhancement of these species in the region is rather fragmented. The inventor of TED was Sinkey Boone, a Georgia shrimper known for inventing Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) in 1969 published by Marine Turtle newletter (2000). Since the TED, was first introduced to the U.S. shrimp fishery in the late 1980's, research and development to improve TED performance has continued. Scuba divers and video cameras have been attached to shrimp trawls under actual working conditions, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) gear researchers working with shrimp fishermen and net shops have made improvements to the hard or rigid-style TED system, improving performance for both turtle exclusion and shrimp retention. 26 Figure 2.9 Diagrammatic representation of a TED fitted to a trawl Net. (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/fishweb/10559.html) Shrimp fishermen throughout the Southeastern U.S. have contributed to improvements in TED design and techniques for handling TEDs at sea. As seen in Figure 2.9, green turtle are sometimes caught in nets used in trawler fisheries, probably because they are herding fish, which enter the gears of the trawl net. If the green turtles do not leave the net in time and they fail go to the water surface to breathe, thus they will drown. Troeger et at. (1995) proposed the AusTED that was tested at five selected locations, which ranged from shallow, estuarine, mud-bottom sites to deep-water, oceanic, sand-bottom sites. The studied obtained that no significant differences were observed in prawn catch rates between control and AusTED equipped nets. Sea turtles and large stingrays were excluded from the AusTED equipped net and noncommercial by catch was significantly reduced at most sites trawled. Brerwer et al. (1998) has shown that there are BRDs that can be of major benefit to prawn trawl fishers in the NPF, by excluding much of the unwanted by catch while maintaining catches of commercially valuable prawns. The studied reported some benefits to the NPF fishery of using BRDs are such as fewer or no sea turtles caught or killed, fewer small fish to be sorted from catches, and fewer large animals (stingrays, sharks and sea turtles) were catch. 27 The examination also showed, resulting in a higher catch value and decreased fishing impacts on by catch species, which helps to maintain ecological biodiversity and resilience. Finally, failure of the NPF and other Australian prawn trawl fisheries to voluntarily adopt BRDs may result in an involuntary adoption brought on by pressures from community, conservation and trade bodies. Meanwhile, McGilvray et al. (1998) reported The AusTED II reduced by catch (including large animals) and slightly reduced byproduct. Variations in prawn catches were dependent on the area being fished. In addition, large fluctuations in net drag precluded any detailed analysis of changes in drag as a result of fitting the AusTED II to standard commercial trawl gear. Moreover, the AusTED II equipped net required no extra assistance or vigilance from the crew when tested under commercial conditions. Robins and McGilvray (1999) have proposed the modified version (the AusTED II) and then tested under a range of conditions typical of prawn trawl fisheries of north eastern Australia. Trials occurred during commercial trawling operations to heighten industry awareness of research into BRDs and improve the credibility of research results to industry. The results determined average by catch reduction ranged between 15% and 49% depending upon fishery conditions, and the capture of large animals such as stingrays and sea turtles was significantly reduced. The other studied has reported that turtle repelling with sound is possible and can be made practical by Marine Turtle Newsletter (2000). Meanwhile, Lenhardt (2002) proposed continued exposure to existing high levels sound (noise) in vital sea turtle habitats and any increase in noise could affect sea turtle behavior and ecology. Brewer et al. (2006) have reported that nets with a combination of a turtle excluder device and by catch reduction device reduced the catches of turtles by 99%, sea snakes by 5%, sharks by 17.7%, rays by 36.3%, large sponges by 85.3%, and others by catch by 8%, however, these results were largely attributable to the influence of the turtle excluder devices. 28 Finally, the research also concluded that the introduction of TEDs and BRDs into the NPF has almost fully removed the fishery's impact on sea turtles and greatly reduced its impact on many of the highest risk sharks and rays 2.8 Long Line and Gill Net The usage of gill net by fisheries had been monitored by local authority because of many fisheries still used it in illegal fishing. TUMEC has been reported that in 2006 under Fisheries Department they had confiscated more 20 gill nets in the inspection in Terengganu published by http://web10.bernama.com/maritime/news (2007). Fisheries still used as the gill net in the zone that has much stingray population there. Plenty of fish had been collected, but incidentals capture of sea turtles in fishing gear is another major problem. The major incidental by catch problem exists with gill nets that very effective in catching turtles and had banned, however the fishermen still use them illegally. One interesting point to note is that hook and long lines do not seem to be catching turtles within Malaysian territorial waters, although they are known to take turtles in offshore areas. It is clear that prohibition is not really effective A gillnet consists of netting attached between a head-rope and a footrope. The net is kept open vertically by the differences in buoyancy between the two ropes. The head-rope is given positive buoyancy by using various floating devices. In shallow waters, floating is typically applied by attachable cork or styrene floats or by using head-ropes where styrene is embedded in the rope. For deep-water fisheries, hollow metal or hard plastic rings are used to provide buoyancy. Gillnets are very size selective there are specific mesh size tends to catch fish of a limited size range. The mesh size may therefore be considered the most important characteristic of a gill net. Mesh sizes are either given in bar length or as 29 stretched mesh. The bar length measure is often used by commercial fishermen and by net manufacturers. The results of this study shall be applied by attaching to gill net at the research vessel. The vessel used for research collaboration between UTM and SEAFDEC is Senangin II as seen in Figure 2.10. Long lining is a hook and line fishery in which long lengths of baited hooks are laid on the ocean floor to catch halibut, sablefish, rockfish, dogfish and other species of ground-fish. In order to set long-line gear, a buoy topped with a marker flag is tossed overboard. By attached net to the length of line at least as long as the depth of water into which the gear is being set. Figure 2.10 Senangin II, Research Vessel, equipped with trawl net (SEAFDEC, 2008) When enough line has been set out, an anchor is tied onto the buoy line, a skate (or fixed length) of ground-line is secured to the anchor and the ground-line begins running over the stern. Within set intervals along the ground-line, baited hooks are attached by shorter lengths of line–a meter or so – known as gangions reported by http://www.westcoastaquatic.ca/fisheries_overview.htm#Trawling 30 Commercially used hooks vary considerably in size, ranging in gape-width from less than 0.5 cm to more than 10 cm in some shark fisheries. The bait is believed to be the single most important factor determining the catch efficiency of long-lines as reviewed by http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/x7788e/X7788E02.htm Trawling or dragging is a commercial fishing method in which a trawl vessel drags a cone-shaped net with a rectangular opening through the water to trap fish. Trawling is used to take a wide variety of species in a number of separate fisheries including shrimp, ephausiids, scallops and ground-fish. Two types of trawling systems are used, the otter trawl and the beam trawl. The trawl in research Senangin II vessel is shown Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.12. Figure 2.11 Trawl net at Senangin II Figure 2.12 Trawl operation at Senangin II 31 Since the TED was first introduced to the U.S. shrimp fishery in the late 1980's, research and development to improve TED performance has continued. TED system, improving performance for both turtle exclusion and shrimp retention as depicted in Figure 2.13. Green Turtles are sometimes caught in nets used in trawler fisheries, probably because they are herding fish which enter the gears of the trawl net. If the green turtles do not leave the net in time it cannot go to the water surface to breathe and so they drown. Figure 2.13 Diver Filming TED (Marine Turtle Newsletter, 2000) 2.9 Sound Classification Ahlstrom et al. (2006) used neural network classification for Systolic Heart Murmur. The data were analyzed aim to find a suitable feature subset for automatic classification on murmurs heart. McKinney and Breebaart (2003) have studied models of human auditory processing begins with a bank of band-pass filters which represent the frequency resolution of the peripheral human auditory system. Seramani et al. (2006) using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) followed by 32 wavelet de-noising, dolphin whistles can be extracted successfully from a noisy underwater environment. The extraction of ABR from an EEG (Electro Encephalograph) signal did by Jacquin et al. (2005). It is based on adaptive filtering of signals in the wavelet domain, where the transform used is a nearly shift-invariant Complex Wavelet Transform (CWT). They compare the algorithm to two existing methods. The first simply consists of band-pass filtering the input EEG signal followed by linear averaging. The second method uses signal-adaptive filtering in the Fourier domain based on phase variance computed at each spectral component of the FFT. Culver et al. (2007) have directed toward passive sonar and classification, continuous wave (CW) and broadband signals, shallow water operation, both platform-mounted and distributed systems, and frequencies below 1000 Hz. Moreover, Davey et al. (2007) has classified ABR models by generated using time, frequency and cross-correlation measures. Furthermore, the classification of process both artificial neural networks (NNs) and the decision tree algorithm was acquired. Process used a ratio of post stimulus to pre stimulus power in the time domain, with power measures at 200 Hz, 500 Hz, and 900 Hz in the frequency domain. Hyunh et al. (1998) used 300 examples of whale signals and 300 examples of porpoises signals for the training of the classifier. The feed forward neural network is used for the classifier. Wavelet representation is used for feature extraction. Okumura et al. (2006) studied that classification of the vocalization patterns of dugong calls and discusses the stability call sequence within and across local population of dugongs. State transition probability of call sequence has been used to classify the vocalization patterns. Pires et al. (2007) have been developed constitutes a signal processing and classification toolbox for exploratory data analysis of underwater sound. The sound may be saved in several formats DAQ and WAV or raw acquisition data processed 33 feature vector in Matlab. Singleton and Poulter (2007) have been acquired peaks in the estimated spectrum at each integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. Elvir et al. (2005) introduced a new algorithm of adaptive filtering in the time-frequency domain using a specific Wavelet Transform while traditionally ABR extraction had been performed band-pass filtering followed by averaging as well as adaptive filtering in the Fourier domain. Lenhardt (2002) introduced a turtle alerting system and method utilizes an acoustic signal that may be provided low frequency range, mid-frequency range, or high frequency range. One or more of those acoustic signals may be accompanied and or modulated by either an ultrasonic signal or a MHz signal. Sakas et al. (2005) reported a sanctuary equipped with an Autonomous Underwater Listening Station (AULS). Each AULS has the capability of recording 58 hours of continuous sound at depth with each deployment. One of the purposes of the program is to identify vocalizations produced by marine mammals, invertebrates and fish as well as anthropogenic sounds. Pompei (2006) introduced an acoustic warning or alerting system for directing an audible warning signal to at least one intended recipient, while reducing the chance that the warning signal could be detected by others within the proximity of the system. 2.10 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm Fourier analysis is useful for data analysis, as it breaks down a signal into constituent sinusoids of different frequencies. It is particularly used in area such as signal processing by (Graps, 1995; Shaker, 2005). Meanwhile, Boashash and O’shea (1990) have been studied on analysis technique for some underwater acoustic signals using time and frequency analysis. Later, to deal with the noise, the non stationary and the diversity on the signals in the 34 underwater environment have been proposed time-frequency methods to constitute an attractive solution by Iona et al. (2008). There is better way to compute the Fourier transform of discrete data called the FFT. The FFT was a truly revolutionary algorithm that made Fourier analysis mainstream and made processing of digital signals commonplace. The power of the FFT is that it allows computing the Fourier coefficients faster. The FFT has become such a commonplace algorithm that it is built into Matlab. The coefficient FFT is quite complex. Use of complex numbers introduces some mathematical simplicity in Fourier transform algorithms and provides a convenient representation. Real numbers are often represented on the real number line and complex numbers are often visualized on the two dimensional complex plane. In the complex plane it is clear to see that the absolute value is simply the distance of the complex number from the origin. The real part of the FFT corresponds to the cosines series and the imaginary part corresponds to the sine. When taking an FFT of a real number, data set the positive and negative frequencies turn out to be complex conjugates 2.11 FFT Application on Spectral Analysis The study on the de noised light averaged ABR signals has been obtained by process average valued in the Fourier domain by Fridman et al. (1982). Therefore, Bailey et al. (1998) have been deployed short time Fourier Transform (STFT) using a variety of “windows” with different relative advantages to address principally difficulties in analyzing short term transient sound behavior. The study on time and frequency classification of ABR response has been conducted by Davey (2007). The study is demonstrated that time domain features of recording ABRs were extracted and output to a text file for use by the time domain 35 software. Thus, FFT amplitude and power spectra of the time domain waveforms were then obtained. Jacquin et al. (2005) have been proposed a new method for the extraction of human ABR from an EEG signal based on adaptive filtering signals in the wavelet domain. The study was proposed that filtering used signal adaptive filter in the Fourier domain based on phase variance have been computed at each spectral component of the FFT. Storey (2006) presented two things that are different about the FFT implementation in Matlab than the presentation the FFT uses complex numbers and the FFT computes positive and negative frequencies. 2.12 Summary In this chapter, types of sea turtles have been reviewed. From the literature reviews, the green turtle morphology, evolutionary trends and conservation and the green turtle distribution in the Malaysia have been studied. Also underwater acoustics have been reviewed that focused on units of measurement and the decibel scale. The discussion on turtle auditory system and its hearing threshold have been reported, meanwhile the fish hearing threshold also presented. Furthermore, application of gill net by the fishermen has been discussed. Finally, the FFT application in spectral analysis was reviewed. 36 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The discussion on turtle morphology, underwater acoustic, ABR measurement, recent TED, and sound classification have been reviewed in previous chapters. In this chapter, the discussion is focused on such listed topics on design of study, research materials and marine species, measurement method, and FFT analysis. Also, procedure of measurement was conducted and FFT algorithm to extracted data is explained. 3.2 Design of Study The primary research has been conducted at Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center (TUMEC) Rantau Abang Dungun Kuala Terengganu Malaysia. Meanwhile, the secondary research conducted at TUMEC Masjid Tanah Melaka and Segari Perak. The secondary research aimed to enrich knowledge on green turtle and its life habitat. All of measurements have been examined within Marc 2008 to November 2009. The research is collaboration between Radio and Communication Engineering Department, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and TUMEC Malaysia. The main site of measurement is shown in Figure 3.1. 37 Figure 3.1 The main site of research 3.3 Research Materials and Life Specimens The materials in this study were divided into two categories namely research infrastructure and research instruments. The research infrastructure consist of the main site of measurement, the main research tank with square shape , and two round shape tanks with different radius. Meanwhile, the research instruments include measuring instruments of ABR System, hydrophones, underwater speakers, sound generators, and processing software. The primary specimen consists of two species; there are turtles and fish that related to the research objectives. In addition, further information of the materials and life specimen in this study is briefly described below. 3.3.1 Research Tank There were three fiber tanks is used in the research. The main research tank is the biggest with square shape. The dimension of the main tank is length = 14 m, 38 width = 2.5 meters, and high = 1.50 m. The main research tank is shown in Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2 Primary research tank (square shape) The second tank is round shape with radius 2 m. The second tank is shown in Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 The second tank with round shape 39 The third tank is in square shape with dimension (length=2 m, wide=1m, height=80 cm). The third tank is shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4 The third tank with square shape The water supply is obtained directly from nearby sea shore. Seawater chemical profile was monitored regularly. Beside primary tank, there are also other smaller tanks available for other purposes. The arrangement of these tanks is shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 Research Tank arrangement 40 TUMEC has regular schedule for monitoring the seawater profile in the tank. Prior the research, seawater in the tank was conditioned similar with life habitat. The regularly maintenance of the research tank is shown at Figure 3.6. Figure 3.6 Tank in cleaning 3.3.2 Green Turtle The species for this research is green turtle which chosen in various ages aimed to obtain the hearing ability for different ages. It was housed in an open-air and covered pool. The seawater in the research tank is kept at constant level with the chemical , temperature, and volume of the water was monitored regularly. The turtles were fed daily and the tanks maintained at 250C to 300C as normal condition for its habitat. The turtles were kept on a light: dark cycle and monitored daily. Turtles use under supervision of the TUMEC. The turtles ages 30 years was used in this research is shown in Figure 3.7. The weight, shell width, and total length were determined for each species used in this study 41 Figure 3.7 The species of research in the main tank One of the primary sites for turtle conservation is TUMEC. The turtle jacket has been employed to keep the turtle in stable position. This method was conducted for turtle ages of 9 years and 30 years. Meanwhile, for the turtle ages of 2 years and 5 years the manner for keep stable position of the turtle by tight it. Deploying process of the tightened and keep in stable position is shown in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.8 The green turtle placed in stable condition 42 Turtles were measured for their dimension prior the ABR measurement was conducted. The process of weight measurement is shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.9 The Weight Measurement of turtle 3.3.3 Targeted Fish There are several types of the fish were used in this study. The fish are main commodity among the fishermen in Terengganu. Types of fish in this study were namely Selar boops/selar kuning (Oxeye scad) and Megalaspis cordyla/cencaru (Torpedo scad), Alapes djedaba/selar papan (Shrimp scad), and Decapterus meruadsi/ selayang(Japanese scad) as reported by Sunardi (2010). The fish were hatched and raised until the time of shipping, in main research tank where the maneuvering was unrestricted. In the main tank the fish were put with turtles together. Once in the main site of the research, the fish were categorized into uncrowded (10 fish per tank) and crowded (more than 30 fish per tank) groups and was kept in until used in experiments. 43 As fish were used in the measurements they were conditioned so that the density of the fish in the tank remained unchanged. The water in the tank maintained daily for monitored the quality of the water, especially the dissolved oxygen and temperature by deploying aerator system. The fish use was under the supervision of TUMEC Dungun Kuala Terengganu. The purpose of the experiment using fish species was observed the behavior of fish towards sound. This step was examined to ensure to the emitted sound has no impact on fish. Fish use were tested in the measurement is shown in Figure 3.10. Figure 3.10 The fish in the second tank 3.3.4 SmartEP Software The instrument used to measure turtle hearing ability is SmartEP by Intelligent Hearing System (2007). SmartEP is one of IHS System feature. The main screen is composed of three functionality areas: the control panel, page menu, and the main menu; and four informational areas: the indicator bar, the stimulus information area, the SNR and noise graph and the waveform display area. 44 Up to two hundred and fifty objects may be shown on-screen for manipulation, and only one object can be active at a time. The active recording may be moved, filtered, have its peaks labeled, and have many other operations applied to it. Although this limit imposes a restriction on how many recordings are displayed at any time, the total number of recordings that can be acquired for each object is only limited by the size of your computer’s hard drive. The main screen of SmartEP is shown in Figure 3.11. Figure 3.11 SmartEp Main screen Once data has been acquired, it is needed to use either the ASSR analysis window or the ASSR audiogram window to analyze the data. The ASSR analysis window show the polar plot and the frequency domain representations of the response which give the user a better visual understanding of the responses and noise conditions of a recording. This window also show a table of numeric data, which is used by the software to determine the presence of a response. 45 The ASSR audiogram windows build an audiogram based on the responses that are currently being displayed on the page. Using the information from each of the recordings, the window will show the estimated threshold in SPL. 3.3.5 Hydrophone for Recording Underwater Sound A hydrophone is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. Most hydrophones are based on a piezoelectric transducer that generates electricity when subjected to a pressure change. Such piezoelectric materials or transducers can convert a sound signal into an electrical signal since sound is a pressure wave in fluids. Some transducers can also serve as a projector (emitter), but not all have this capability, and may be destroyed if used in such a manner. The hydrophone has many features such as mating connector molded to 15 m, 30m, or 50 m shielded cable, other lengths available on a custom order basis, cable includes integral connector rated to a depth of 7000 meters. Furthermore, it has directionality such as Omni-directional below 10 kHz, very directional at high frequencies (e.g., ~15º solid angle at 200 kHz, 3dB), and directionality pattern is a dipole. Hydrophone C304 is shown in Figure 3.12. Figure 3.12 Hydrophone C304 (www. cetaceanresearch.com, 2009) 46 In spite of the main features have been listed above, hydrophone C304 also provides some addition features that is listed in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Hydrophone C304 technical specification Technical Specification Linear Frequency Range Value 0.012 to 250 units (±3dB) [kHz] Usable Frequency Range Transducer Sensitivity 0.005 to 250 -201 (+3/-20dB) [kHz] dB, re 1V/µPa Preamplifier Gain 33 dB Effective Sensitivity -168 dB, re 1V/µPa SPL Equiv. Self Noise at 1kHz Power Requirement ~ 63 dB, re 1µPa RMS Overload Acoustic Pressure Maximum Operating Depth Operating Temperature Range Output Impedance Dimensions 5 to 32 172 to 189 Vdc dB, re 1µPa 460 m -40 to 60 ºC 2.5 83 x 32 x (25 to 6) mm (Lx WxT) 3.3.6 Sound Generator The sound is emitted to test the hearing ability of the turtle and fish by the sound generator. This system is included with underwater speakers. Software use is dB Generator as seen in Figure 3.13. 47 Figure 3.13 Generated Sound Software There are 3 types of sound from a total of 5 votes used in this test. Three types of sound are LFM (Low and high Frequency Modulation), Sine wave, and white noise. Two types of sounds that are not used were pink noise and wav files. Types of pink noise source is not used because it represented a type of white noise, while the wav files are not used because of the sound depends on the kind provided that any voice in wav format, so it will be difficult to the later analysis. While LFM sound bursts were played at 300 Hz for low frequency and 900 Hz for high frequency, sine sound was chosen at 300 Hz. Meanwhile, the white noise was generated as a default type from the dB generator. The number of channel use was adjusted in one channel. Finally, for all types of sound the gain was chosen at 0.5 dB. Sounds were played and collected through hydrophone that direct connected to the computer. Sounds were played from a computer with dB generator software through a power amplifier connected to Lubell 3400 underwater speaker. Calibration of frequencies was accomplished prior the measurement by analyzing the output of each frequencies compared with software analyzer. 48 3.3.7 Underwater Speaker The Lubell Labs System 3400 as depicted in Figure 3.14 is a high power underwater sound system designed to reproduce voice, music, and broadband audio in the pool, lake, or ocean. The System 3400 can be connected to standard 12 volt marine electrical system, or connected directly to a 12 volt battery. The mixer/amplifier features two microphone inputs and volume controls, an auxiliary input, and includes a noise-cancelling microphone with locking push to talk (PTT) switch. Figure 3.14 Speaker type Lubell 3400 (www.lubell.com, 2009) This speaker has many features such as equipped with protective cage, internal resistor, and 25' PVC speaker cord. Also, it is assessed for oceanography, marine biology, cinematography, diver interrogation and recall, scuba instruction, underwater music and radio rebroadcast. The details features of underwater speaker Lubel 3400 is listed in Table 3.2. 49 Table 3.2: Speaker type Lubell 3400 technical specification Features Typical range Value 500 unit m Mixer/amplifier 60 Watt Convenient operation 12 Volt 200 -20,000 Hz Speaker efficiency (at 1kHz) 60% U/W SPL @ 1kHz 180 dB/uPa/m System response 3.3.8 Sound Recorder Software Sound recorder system is used to record the sound signal detected from the water. By the hydrophone the sound signal is associated with a computer via the audio input port. The detected sound signal was recorded in real time by audio recorder software as depicted in Figure 3.15. The recorded sound was saved in wav format. Figure 3.15 Sound recorder using edit audio software 50 3.3.9 Matlab Software Matlab software 7.0.4 is deployed to extract raw data from recording ABR, seawater in life habitat profile, sound profile of seawater in the research tank and types of sound that generated to turtle and fish. 3.4 Measurement Procedures The research was achieved by conducting several measurements. The achievement of the research could be reach through some procedures of measurement. Details measurements are stated at the next subsection. In addition, the basic test of hearing ability consists of determining the ability of a species to hear pure tones at intervals throughout its hearing range by Heffner (2007). 3.4.1 Types of Measurement Types of measurements consist of ABR measurement and sound profile measurement. Meanwhile, for the support the data analysis the added measurement and monitored were conducted, there are seawater profile measurement also turtle and fish observation. 3.4.2 ABR Response Measurement ABR were measured from the specimen turtles. During the ABR measurement, the tank was conditioned empty and dried. Each species was equipped with ABR system and hold in stable position as seen in Figure 3.16. 51 Green turtle was conditioned relax in the resting position. During a sound presentation, the species is stationed. The transducer used to produce the stimuli is position 0.5 m from the tank. After turtle was stable and relaxed the transducer tip to some point measurements. The species was kept for stable by tightened it in jacket for keep in the recording ABR. Turtle were equipped with ear electrode (earphones). Earphones are small stimulating transducer that delivers the stimulus to turtle’s ear. Four earphones were used to measured turtle hearing threshold. They were right ear electrode, left ear electrode, low forehead electrode, and high forehead electrode. The click stimuli records were divided into 15 to 20 time duration. Figure 3.16 Green turtle in ABR measurement Green turtle stationed by jacket is shown in Figure 3.17. 52 Figure 3.17 Green turtle was stationed by jacket for ABR Measurement In this measurement click stimuli is used. It is a slight and sharp sound. Its sound energy is evenly spread throughout the frequency spectrum. The range frequency of ABR analyzer is ranging between 0 to 5 kHz. For presentation, response averages were high-pass filtered at 30 Hz and low-pass filtered at 3000 Hz to remove high frequency noise. The ABR measurement also shows that the right and left ear electrodes were placed on the preferred sites such as the mastoid, earlobes and ear canals. Electrodes connected to the Amplifier transmitter box. The electrode leads were not in contact with earphone transducers, cables, and electrode leads from other equipment. USB lite or Opti-Amp was placed away from CRT computer monitors, electrical outlets, and other possible sources of ambient noise. The recorded data is saved in three modes. They are time domain, ASCII code, and data reported. 3.4.3 Seawater Quality Measurement in Life Habitat Measurement of seawater quality in the life habitat is significant in order to become reference on seawater in tank. The measurement was taken with Hydrolab 53 Data Sonde 4a. The primary parameters of interest are temperature (0 C), pH (pH), salinity, conductivity (ms/cm), and dissolved oxygen (mg/L). It is as recommendation from the turtle conservation authority. The process of observation of seawater in life habitat is shown in Figure 3.18. Figure 3.18 Quality of seawater measurement in life habitat 3.4.4 Seawater Quality Measurement in the Research Tank Observation of seawater quality in the research tank was conducted after measurement in the life habitat was complete. The process of seawater quality measurement in the tank is demonstrated in Figure 3.19. 54 Figure 3.19 Quality of seawater measurements in the tank 3.4.5 Sound Profile Measurement Sound profile measurement consists of two step measurement. First, measured the sound profile in the life habitat was conducted. The measurement in the life habitat was conducted aimed to observe the basic parameter of the sound characteristics. The measurement was examined at KK Senangin Vessel II. Sound profile measurement was tested in difference points of measurements with various hydrophone positions on distance and depth. After tested sound profile at the life habitat, we continued for conducting measured sound profile at the tank. As the prior measurement at the life habitat, the measurement was divided into difference of distance and depth. Measurement in the tank consists of 14 point there are point 1 to point 14. 55 Sound profile measurements enabled to determine the characteristics of ambient noise sea water in the tank. The result of sound profile measurement is plotted in Figure 3.20. It shows that basic parameter seawater in the tank can be identified by measuring water in the tank without emitted sound. Further measurement was conducted by measuring tank with emitted sound. The measurement conducted of difference hydrophone position from reference point but in the same depth. The acquired signal was saved in wav format. Moreover, wav format of the recorded signal could be retrieved in the Matlab. Further sound analysis was deployed in Matlab. Figure 3.20 Sound profile in the research tank 3.4.6 Turtle and Fish Response towards Sound Observation of turtle response towards emitted sound carried out in the research tank on the last Measurement at TUMEC Kuala Terengganu. There were two species have been observed, there are turtle ages of 30 years male and female 56 turtles. This step was aimed to identify the turtle response in different sex. The types of emitted sound consist were LFM, sinusoidal, and WN signal. 3.5 Spectral Analysis of the ABR Waveforms and Sound Profile The FFT was deployed for wave analysis. It was taken the absolute value of the FFT to remove the complex part of the transform so the plot function is conducted. Complex value can’t be plotted in the real number plane. The detail of whole measurement procedures are shown in appendix C1 to C8. 3.5.1 ABR Waveforms Data Extraction First step, the measured ABR was analyzed using SmartEP software. Then, the sound processor software (wavosaur) is deployed for comparison. In particular case, conversion of ABR signals to its spectral using SmartEP should be compared with other software analysis. Prior the ABR data analyzed in Matlab, ASCII data from the ABR was processed first in Excel. Artifact information in numeric data is removed. ABR value is selected start from 0 ms to 12.8 ms. Data extraction from acquired ABR is shown in Figure 3.21. 57 ABR Recording Recording Data format in txt , rpt, and pdf Txt format converted into ASCII in Excell Rpt format processed in SmartEP ASCII format converted in ANSI standard in notepad Data in ANSI standard processed in Matlab Continuous and Spectral plotted in Matlab ABR in Time Domain amplitude(uV) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 0 2 4 6 8 time (ms) Power%Spectrum 600 800 1000 1200 frequency (Hz) 0 10 12 14 Normalized Magnitude 10 0 200 400 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 3.21 Acquired ABR Data Analysis Flow 58 3.5.2 Sound Calibration Method Calibration of emitted sound is conducted by using sound analyzer software. The sound analyzer software was Wavosaur. It provides sampling frequency at 44100 Hz with type of sound is mono. In addition, the software provides feature to cut and extract the raw signal. The comparison results were chosen as reference for next analysis in Matlab. Reference software for calibration is depicted in Figure 3.22. Figure 3.22 Reference sound analysis software 3.5.3 Sound Profile Data Extraction Acquired sound was recorded in time domain wav format as shown in Figure 3.23. The data is recorded for 30 second. The size of recorded sound is too big in computing therefore the data has been extracted in Wavosaur and then analyzed in Matlab. 59 Figure 3.23 Monitored signal of water in the tank profile, depth (d) = 20 cm Furthermore, the process of data extraction in the time domain is shown in Figure 3.24. Figure 3.24 Extracted monitored signal of water in the tank, depth (d) =20 cm 60 3.5.4 Program Implementation and Analysis Finally, after the extracted data had acquired by applying FFT for the wave file, then the results of transformation in the frequency domain is plotted and rescale the axes to achieve specific frequency. The process of acquired sound analysis is shown in Figure 3.25. Sound Profile recording Sound save into wave format Wav file processed in Matlab Continuous forms and Spectral plotted in Matlab -3 Amplitude(V) 1 Time domain x 10 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 2 4 6 8 time(ms) 10 12 14 5 x 10 Frequency domain Magnitude(dB re uPa) 130 125 120 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 frequency(Hz) 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 3.25 Acquired sound profile analysis 61 3.6 Summary In this chapter, design of study, research materials and life specimen, and measurement procedure have been presented. Also the procedure of spectral analysis of the ABR waveforms and sound profile has been reviewed. The scheme of sound profile data extraction and program implementation had described the obtaining sound profile of the seawater. 62 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction Intensive investigation for various methodologies has been discussed in Chapter 3. Results of the measurements and further discussion have been considered. This chapter discusses the detailed analysis of turtle response towards sound based on analysis of the ABR response. First, the hearing sensitivity and bandwidth of different age of green turtle are presented. Second, the seawater profile is presented. Third, the sound characterization of the research tank has been discussed and compared to seawater sound profile. Finally, discussion on turtle and fish behavior toward sound is presented. Turtle and fish behavior towards sound is useful for TED design. 4.2 Turtle Auditory Brainstem Response Four difference ages of green turtles namely 2 years, 5 years, 9 years, and 30 years have been measured. The turtle’s morphology for the ABR measurement is summarized in the Table 4.1. Meanwhile, details morphology of the turtle is listed in Figure 4.1. 63 Table 4.1: Turtle’s morphology in ABR measurement No Age Sex (year) Total Head Shell Weight Length Length Wide (cm) (cm) (cm) (Kg) 1. 2 NA 43 12 28 20 2. 5 NA 80 18 56 30 3. 9 NA 96 17 76 66 4. 30 Female 120 29 82 90 Figure 4.1 Green turtle morphology The turtle morphology as seen in Figure 4.1 shows that the turtle weight is increased as the ages increase. It is in line with common animal morphology that the animal weight is increased as the increase of ages. 64 4.2.1 Turtle Age 2 Years The type of transmitted stimulus for ABR measurement is click stimulus. Observations focused on the right inner ear turtle due to it has represent the ABR of the object. In addition, Blackman filter has been deployed in the recording in order to reject the artifact. Details on ABR system setup is shown in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: ABR setup for green turtle ages 2 years (sd = 100 μs -2000 μs) Species green turtle 2 years Type of stimulus click Rate 70.00/s Intensity 58 dB nHL Number of Sweep 1000 Gain 5.0 K Line filter Status On Ear Right Rejection Time 1.0 – 10.0 ms Rej. Artefact 31 ms Type of Filter Blackman ABR waveforms on turtle ages of 2 years have been successfully recorded. It was indicated by the ABR response in the time domain. Furthermore, recording signals were categorized into continuous signal (time domain) and converted signal in its spectral (frequency domain). Figure 4.2 illustrates the respond of turtle perceived to stimulus at 100 μs. Recording signal obtain in ABR that captured in 1.6 ms to 6 ms. Next, ABR recording is extracted using Matlab. 65 Figure 4.2 (a) ABR signal of Green Turtle ages of 2 years Figure 4.2 (b) ABR signal spectral of Green Turtle ages of 2 years Figure 4.2 shows that acquired ABR consist of continuous waveform and converted into its spectral. Typical ABR recordings contain certain peaks and valleys in the particular range. Furthermore, ABR response is commonly found between 1 to 15 ms from the time of stimulation. The spectral demonstrates the maximum magnitude occurred at 355.5 Hz. In addition, the time setting is varied every 100 μs from 100 μs to 2000 μs. The turtle ages of 2 years response to stimulus is listed in Table 4.3. 66 Table 4.3: ABR response for turtle ages of 2 years (sd = 100 μs to 2000 μs) Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Stimulus Duration (μs) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 sum mean Peak power Spectral in freq Amplitude Spectral (Hz) (%) 355.5 0.24 304.7 0.02 406.3 0.01 355.5 0.01 355.5 0.22 253.9 0.06 355.5 0.03 406.3 0.04 558.6 0.06 304.7 0.04 304.7 0.03 304.7 0.05 1219.0 0.03 304.7 0.02 863.3 0.05 507.8 0.08 457.0 0.01 304.7 0.01 1117.0 0.07 863.3 0.01 9902.70 0.95 495.13 0.05 Frequency Range (Hz) 75-1100 50-1000 75-1000 75-1100 75-1400 75-900 75-1000 100-950 100-1000 100-1100 75-1100 100-610 100-1500 100-1000 100-1000 100-1100 100-900 50-600 75-900 75-700 Most of occurrence (15 stimulus durations) of peak power about 300 to 500 Hz. It just two occurs occurred the peak power of turtle response achieved above of 1000 Hz. Turtle ages 2 years hearing ability is ranging from 50 to 1500 Hz that obtained from the lowest to highest frequency in whole data and the average sensitivity about 495.135 Hz. The sensitivity of turtle hearing is summarized at Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3 illustrates that hearing sensitivity of green turtle ages 2 years mostly occurred about 300 to 500 Hz at 15 points although in particular stimulus 67 (sd=1500 μs and 1900 μs) the sensitivity achieved at frequency above 1000 Hz. Finally, from the data analysis it has been obtained that the mean of turtle hearing sensitivity is at 495.135 Hz with standard deviation of 286.3. Hearing Sensitivity of Turtle Age 2 Years 1.6 data 1 1.4 frequency(kHz) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 time stimulus(ms) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.3 Turtle ages 2 years hearing sensitivity 4.2.2 Turtle Age 5 Years The following measurement is ABR recording for turtle ages 5 years. The type of click stimulus has been deployed in this recording. The measurement procedure is similar with turtle ages 2 years that the observations focused on the right inner ear turtle. Then, details of ABR system setup and resulted data are shown in appendix D2. ABR waveforms for turtle ages 5 years successfully recorded. Continuous ABR is figured 0 to 12.8 ms. Next, the signal in the time domain converted into frequency domain. The original signal and its spectral are plotted in Figure 4.4. It is indicated that the turtle response has average sensitivity at frequency about 304.7 Hz with frequency ranging from 5 Hz to 1900 Hz. 68 Figure 4.4 (a) ABR signal spectral for green turtle of 5 years Figure 4.4 (b) ABR signal spectral for green turtle of 5 years Later in the same manner by increased 100 μs duration time from 100 μs to 2000 μs the frequency spectral would be acquired as shown in appendix D2. The result shows that turtle hearing is ranging from 10 Hz to 1900 Hz. Furthermore, the hearing sensitivity of turtle ages 5 years is summarized at Figure 4.5. . Figure 4.5 illustrates that hearing sensitivity of green turtle ages 5 years mostly occurred about 300 Hz to 400 Hz at 10 points even in particular stimulus the sensitivity is achieved at frequency about 1000 Hz in 2000 μs stimulus and less than 200 Hz at 5 points. Finally, from the analysis has been conducted the mean of turtle hearing sensitivity is at 354.9 Hz with standard deviation at 268.7. 69 Hearing Sensitivity of Turtle Age 5 Years 1.4 1.2 frequency(kHz) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 time stimulus(ms) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.5 Turtle ages 5 years hearing sensitivity 4.2.3 Turtle Age 9 Years The next step for ABR recording is measurement for older turtle. Type of click stimulus has been emitted in the turtle ages of 9 years. Observations focused on the right inner ear turtle. Blackman filter deployed to get a better recorded signal. In addition, range of used stimulus is adjusted at stimulus duration from 100 μs to 2000 μs. ABR waveforms on turtle ages of 9 years have been successfully recorded. Continuous ABR has been recorded for 0 to 12.8 ms. Original ABR waveforms and its spectral for stimulus 100 μs is plotted in Figure 4.6. It is indicates turtle hearing sensitivity is obtained at 520.480 Hz. Meanwhile, the frequency ranging is from 5 Hz to 1600 Hz. 70 Figure 4.6 (a) ABR signal turtle ages of 9 years Figure 4.6 (b) ABR spectral turtle ages of 9 years Later in the same manner by varied every 100 μs durations time from 100 μs to 2000 μs the frequency spectral of turtle ages 9 years turtle obtained as shown in appendix D2. The result show that turtle hearing ability is ranging of 5 Hz to 1.600 Hz with average of sensitivity is in 520.48 Hz. Furthermore, sensitivity of turtle ages 9 years hearing is summarized at Figure 4.7. Figure 4.7 demonstrates that hearing sensitivity of green turtle ages 9 years mostly occurred ranging in 300 Hz to 500 Hz in 12 point stimulus although of in 2 point of stimulus the sensitivity is achieved at frequency above 1000 and one point of stimulus less than 200 Hz. In addition, from the analysis has been conducted the mean of turtle hearing sensitivity at 500.2 Hz with standard deviation at 262.67. 71 Hearing Sensitivity of Turtle Age 9 Years 1.4 1.2 frequency(kHz) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 time stimulus(ms) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4.7 Turtle Age 9 Years Hearing Sensitivity 4.2.4 Turtle Age 30 Years ABR measurement was conducted for female turtle ages 30 years. Similar with younger turtles, this step is recorded in time and frequency domain too. Measurements were taken with stimulus duration at 100 μs. Then, by increased every 100 μs per step, measurements were conducted until stimulus duration at 1500 μs. (due to stimulus over 1500 μs the recording was failure). ABR waveform in continuous time and its spectral form is shown in Figure 4.8. The figure shows that the average of turtles hearing sensitivity is determined at 534.887 Hz. 72 Figure 4.8 (a) ABR signal turtle age 30 years (sd at 100 μs) Figure 4.8 (b) ABR spectral turtle ages of 30 years (sd at 100 μs) Hearing Sensitivity of Turtle Age 30 Years 1 0.9 frequency(kHz) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 0.5 1 time stimulus(ms) Figure 4.9 Turtle Age 30 Years Hearing Sensitivity 1.5 73 Later in the same manner by increased 100 μs duration time from 100 μs to 2000 μs would be obtained the frequency spectral of turtle as shown in appendix D2. Furthermore, sensitivity of turtle ages 30 years hearing is summarized at Figure 4.9. Appendix D2 demonstrates that hearing sensitivity of green turtle ages 30 mostly occurred ranging in 300 Hz to 500 Hz in 9 point stimulus of 15 data even of in 3 of 15 of stimulus the sensitivity is achieved at frequency above 500 Hz. The analysis has been resulted that the mean of hearing sensitivity is obtained at 534.887 Hz with standard deviation at 163.8 In addition, the hearing bandwidth for whole turtles is relatively narrow, 75 to 1200 Hz. It is obtained from intersection frequency range from turtle ages 2 years, 5 years, 9 years, and 30 years. Then the turtle sensitivity ranging from 300 Hz to 500 Hz. ABR responses for the 2 years, 5 years, 9 years, and 30 years turtle have been recorded and analyzed. ABR signal in the time domain has been transformed into the spectral form. Furthermore, each species has been summarized it hearing ability. For all ages of turtles can be summarized that turtle has the lowest hearing range of 5 Hz while the highest hearing is 1900 Hz. Detailed hearing ability each species is discussed as follows. Turtle age of 2 years response to sound with sensitivity at average of 495.135 Hz with ranging of 50 to 1500 Hz. Turtle ages of 5 years exhibits the response to stimulus on sensitivity at average 355.464 Hz with hearing ability is ranging from 5 to 1900 Hz. Moreover, the significant result for hearing sensitivity of turtle ages of 9 years is average at 520.480 Hz. The entire range of frequencies is summarized from 5 to 1600 Hz. Meanwhile, hearing ability for turtle ages of 30 years is average 534.887Hz with hearing range of 10 to 1200 Hz. Furthermore, from the results of four turtle can take the value of minimum frequency that occurs for each turtle. Thus, from data series of minimum frequency could be plotted as depicted at Figure 4.10. The figure shows that minimum frequency of turtles is plotted exponentially. Due to the exponentially results of the 74 graph function, the curve fitting have been informed that the data is confident in acceptance at R-square: 0.9606. Minimum Frequency of Green Turtle frequency vs. age Exponential 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Age (year) 1 10 Figure 4.10 Minimum frequencies of turtles hearing Maximum Frequency of Green Turtle frequency vs. age Exponential 1.8 1.6 1.4 Frequency (kHz) Minimum Frequency (kHz) 0.09 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 10 Age (year) Figure 4.11 Maximum frequencies of turtles hearing 75 Similar to the minimum frequency function, the data series of maximum frequency for each turtle has been taken. The result is demonstrated in Figure 4.11. The figure shows that maximum frequency of turtles plotted exponentially. Due to the exponentially results of the graph function, from the curve fitting have been informed that the data is confident in acceptance at R-square: 0.9344. Next calculation, regarding the minimum and maximum frequency of data series have been expanded to obtain the hearing bandwidth for each turtle. Thus, bandwidth for each turtles is summarized at Figure 4.12. Turtle Hearing Bandwidth bandwidth vs. age exp 1.8 Bandwidth (kHz) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 1 Age (year) 10 Figure 4.12 Green turtle’s hearing bandwidth Figure 4.12 shows that hearing bandwidth of turtles is plotted exponentially. Due to the exponentially of graph function, the curve fitting has been obtained that data is confident in acceptance with R-square: 0.9388. 76 Finally, hearing range for each turtles could be displayed. The hearing ranges of green turtle could be seen at Figure 4.13. The result show there is some intersection frequency between one turtles and others. The summary of hearing range is plotted in one graph aim to determine the intersection zone. It is clearly that intersection zone for all types of is occurs at frequency ranging from 50 Hz to 1200 Hz. Green Turtles Hearing Ranges 40 35 Turtles Age (year) 30 25 Recommended frequency to be emitted 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Frequency (Hz) 1400 1600 Figure 4.13 Green turtle’s hearing range 1800 2000 77 Hearing Ranges Constellation Cod Atlantik Salmon Pinnipeds Thooted Whale Bhaleen Whale Red ear turtle Green Turtle 0 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.14 Hearing ranges constellation The results of turtles hearing bandwidth have been plotted in one graph with other sea animal. The hearing ranges constellation green turtle compare to other sea animal could be seen in Figure 4.14. It is shown that hearing ranges of Green Turtle overlap in some frequency with cod fish, Atlantic salmon, Pinipeds, Thooted whale, and red ear turtle. However, this phenomenon is not occurs for all of the range of hearing. 4.3 Seawater Profile Measurement of water quality in the tank has been conducted. This measurement is needed to determine the quality of seawater in life habitat and in the research tank. Measurements were taken employing portable and fixed instruments. 4.3.1 Life Habitat Water Quality Life habitat water quality in the sea has been measured by portable instrument. The primary parameters has been measured are temperature (0 C), pH 78 (pH), salinity, conductivity (ms/cm), and dissolved oxygen (mg/L). Water quality in the life habitat is listed in Table 4.4. Table 4.4: Water quality recorded by using portable meter in life habitat Date Time Temp (mm/dd/yyyy) hh:mm:ss (°C) 8/26/2009 11:48:00 29.84 pH SpCond Sal DO% DO (ppt) (Sat) (mg/l) 49.63 32.33 96.90 6.15 (Units) (ms/cm) 8.20 The results of seawater profiles measurement at life habitat is used for the reference with the seawater profile in the tank. The analysis is important to ensure that sea water in the research tank relatively similar with the life habitat water. 4.3.2 Portable Instrument Chemical profile measurement at the tank used two instruments, there are Portable YSI 556 MPS and Data Sonde 4a. The result of chemical profile that measured by first instrument is shown in Table 4.5 Compare to the seawater in life habitat, the water in the tank is not significant different. The temperature, pH, spCond, Salinity , DO percentage, and DO in the life habitat is 29.84 °C, 8.20, 49.63 ms/cm, 32.33 ppt, 96.90 Sat and 6.15 mg/l respectively when in the tank were 30 °C, 7.95, 48.56 ms/cm, 31.54 ppt,87.90 Sat, and 5.58 mg/l respectively. Table 4.5: Water quality recorded by using portable meter in the tank Date Time Temp (mm/dd/yyyy) hh:mm:ss (°C) 8/26/2009 15:18:00 30 pH SpCond Sal DO% DO (ppt) (Sat) (mg/l) 48.56 31.54 87.90 5.58 (Units) (ms/cm) 7.95 79 4.3.3 Fixed Instrument Data Sonde 4a that provided by Hydrolab was used to measured water quality multiprobe in the fixed condition. It was stated at the holder. The instrument is helpful to record the water chemical data for long time. Meanwhile, the last measurement, chemical quality at the tank was measured per-15 minutes recording. Measurement with Data Sonde was conducted for 3 conditions of water such as new changing of water (half day), 2 days, and 3 days put into the tank respectively. a. New Water (half day) Water quality measurement for half day water is shown in Table 4.6. The results show that the temperature, pH, spCond, Salinity , DO percentage, and DO in are almost similar for all measurement. In addition, the measurement was conducted for 45 minutes started from 14.45 pm until 15.30 pm. Table 4.6: Water quality recorded using automatic meter (half day) No Date Time (mm/dd/yyyy) hh:mm:ss Temp pH SpCond Sal DO% DO (°C) (Units) (ms/cm) (ppt) (Sat) (mg/l) 1. 8/27/2009 14:45:00 30.23 7.76 49.1 32.16 107.1 6.65 2. 8/27/2009 14:50:00 30.24 7.76 49.1 32.19 106.1 6.58 3. 8/27/2009 14:55:00 30.24 7.77 49.2 32.21 105.9 6.57 4. 8/27/2009 15:00:00 30.22 7.77 49.2 32.23 104.1 6.46 5. 8/27/2009 15:05:00 30.24 7.77 49.2 32.23 103.4 6.41 6. 8/27/2009 15:10:00 30.23 7.77 49.2 32.25 103.3 6.41 7. 8/27/2009 15:15:00 30.21 7.76 49.2 32.25 102.4 6.36 8. 8/27/2009 15:20:00 30.21 7.76 49.2 32.25 102.9 6.39 9. 8/27/2009 15:25:00 30.18 7.76 49.2 32.25 101.7 6.32 10. 8/27/2009 15:30:00 30.17 7.76 49.2 32.24 104.0 6.46 80 b. Water (2 days) After conducted measurement of water quality for half days, then have been measured sea water in 2 days condition in the tank water quality measurement (2 days water). The result of measurement is listed in Table 4.7. The results show that water quality for 5 hours. The measurement was conducted longer in order to obtain more data in the evening time. Observation was relatively consistent for some parameters. The exception was in temperature and DO percentage. Table 4.7: Water quality recorded using automatic meter (2 days) No Date Time (mm/dd/yyyy) hh:mm:ss Temp (°C) pH SpCond (Units) (ms/cm) Sal DO% DO (ppt) (Sat) (mg/l) 1. 8/26/2009 10:30:00 26.80 7.7 50.2 32.94 85.1 5.58 2. 8/26/2009 11:00:00 26.80 7.7 50.2 32.98 79.0 5.18 3. 8/26/2009 11:30:00 26.81 7.7 50.3 33.04 78.5 5.14 4. 8/26/2009 12:00:00 26.83 7.7 50.3 33.02 79.3 5.19 5. 8/26/2009 12:30:00 26.86 7.7 50.3 33.03 77.6 5.08 6. 8/26/2009 13:00:00 26.88 7.7 50.3 33.03 77.8 5.09 7. 8/26/2009 13:30:00 26.92 7.7 50.3 33.02 79.7 5.21 8. 8/26/2009 14:00:00 26.96 7.7 50.3 33.03 79.2 5.17 9. 8/26/2009 14:30:00 27.00 7.7 50.3 33.02 81.5 5.32 10 8/26/2009 15:00:00 27.05 7.7 50.3 33.02 80.3 5.24 11 8/26/2009 15:30:00 27.10 7.7 50.2 32.96 81.1 5.29 c. Water ( 3 days) Water quality measurement (3 days water) is shown in Table 4.8. The results show that water quality is relatively consistent most of parameters. The exceptions were in temperature and DO percentage. The measurement was conducted for 1.30 hours due to the data was not significantly changed. 81 Table 4.8: Water quality recorded using automatic meter (3 day) Date Time (mm/dd/yyyy) hh:mm:ss Temp (°C) pH SpCond (Units) (ms/cm) Sal DO% DO (ppt) (Sat) (mg/l) 8/27/2009 10:00:00 26.32 7.59 50.3 33.06 70.2 4.64 8/27/2009 10:30:00 26.34 7.62 50.4 33.09 73.1 4.83 8/27/2009 11:00:00 26.38 7.63 50.4 33.09 74.1 4.89 4.4 Sound Profile Sound profile measurements enabled to determine the characteristics of water both in the seawater and research tank. Thus, this subsection is concern on ambient noise of seawater. Sound profile measurement was performed by deployed hydrophone. 4.4.1 Seawater Sound Profile Due to green turtles habitat is significant parameter to be observed on sound propagation measurement. Thus, this step is conducted by measuring the ambient noise of seawater. Figure 4.15 (a) Ambient noise in the life habitat (distance=200m, depth=2m) 82 Figure 4.15 (b) Ambient noise spectral in the life habitat (distance=200m, depth=2m) Figure 4.15 (a) and (b) show that ambient noise of seawater with distance of 200 from sea shore and the depth of hydrophone is 2 m. As the results, the summary of seawater ambient noise measurement in the life habitat is listed in Table 4.9 and for the details plot for every point of measurement is shown in Appendix E1 to E8. Table 4.9: Seawater Sound Profile in the life habitat No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 File Frequency (Hz) sp2002mt sp2005mt sp20010mt sp4002mt sp4005mt sp40010mt sp8002mt sp8005mt sp80010mt Average 432 859 601 657 1060 754 573 483 691 729.5 RMS Magnitude (dBre 1μPa) 88.97 90.01 88.10 84.47 85.36 86.36 71.81 89.77 87.89 85.758 Max Min Magnitude Magnitude (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) 127.2 127.6 129.1 120.1 125.0 129.5 125.1 128.6 129.5 126.57 60.95 63.68 57.57 54.28 54.33 58.64 40.03 63.92 58.91 56.587 The measurement of ambient noise in the life habitat has been conducted. The measurements were divided into 3 difference distances from the sea shore of 200 m, 400 m, and 800 m. The various distance and depth was conducted to obtain the ambient noise in the life habitat. The maximum magnitude of ambient floor is increased as the increased of depth. The dominant frequency and it strength increases with increases in depth. Exception occurs in depth of 5 m due to the underwater current that affecting the transducer orientation. It is due to the fact that water pressure increase with depth. 83 4.4.2 Research Tank Sound Profile After got results from seawater sound profile, it is important to compare with water condition in research tank. Sea water in the research tank important to be measured to obtained the data comparative with natural habitat. Moreover, recorded signal waveform is in time domain could be seen in Figure 4.16. Figure 4.16 shows that ambient noise of seawater in the tank has maximum magnitude at 957 Hz. The frequency and sound pressure level are is still in the range of turtle hearing ability. As the results described, SPL for distance 1 m with depth 30 cm is obtained maximum at 132.76 dBre1μPa, minimum at 63.92 dBre1μPa and RMS at 92.384 dBre1μPa respectively. Figure 4.16 (a) Ambient noise in the research tank Figure 4.16 (b) Ambient noise spectral in the research tank Similar with measurement of sound profile in natural habitat, this step is conducted on various point of measurement. The measurement is conducted at various distances of 1 m to 14 m respectively with depth of 30 cm. Detail result of seawater in the tank profile is listed in Table 4.10. 84 Table 4.10: Seawater sound profile in the research tank No File Frequency (Hz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 sp1mt sp2mt sp3mt sp4mt sp5mt sp6mt sp7mt sp8mt sp9mt sp10mt sp11mt sp12mt sp13mt sp14mt Average 957 1037 958 739 808 779 760 991 640 869 960 619 659 741 822.6 RMS Max Min Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) 90.84 131.5 63.58 89.17 131.4 58.16 89.72 132.7 61.22 92.25 131.8 63.69 92.03 132.0 61.10 90.81 133.1 64.50 93.04 133.4 63.89 90.66 132.1 57.17 93.92 133.1 70.29 90.45 133.6 62.36 90.91 132.5 64.54 92.98 133.9 65.15 95.11 134.0 67.96 101.4 133.6 71.37 92.384 132.76 63.92 Sound profile in the tank has been shown in Table 4.10. Acoustic characteristics of sea water in the tank have been measured through signal analysis, particularly in its spectral and SPL. Thus, as shown at the Table 4.10 SPL RMS is ranging from 90 dBre1μPa to 101 dBre1μPa. Furthermore, the comparison between SPL RMS of seawater in habitat and seawater in research tank is particular observation. As shown at the Table 4.9 and Table 4.10 above, Frequency average is of 729.5 Hz and 822.6 Hz, meanwhile SPL RMS is 85.758 dBre1μPa and 92.384 dBre1μPa for seawater habitat and seawater tank respectively. Finally, the result exhibits that frequency average and SPL in the tank is higher than in seawater habitat about 93.1 Hz and 6.626 dBre1μPa. This case could be explained regarded of the difference of SPL is occurred caused by material of tank reflection. Other reason is the dimension of the tank is too little compare to the measurement area at the seawater habitat. 85 4.5. Sound Characterization The subsection augments the detailed analysis of sound effects of behavioral response of turtles to underwater sound from generator. Using the hearing ability data from ABR analysis, thus, sound source in suitable with turtle hearing is emitted. In order to enrich the variety of the data, thus various sounds were adjusted. In this study, the sound types been emitted were LFM (Low and High Frequency Modulation), sinusoidal, and White Noise (WN) due to provide by manufacturer. For this step of measurement, the speaker is located in the middle of the research tank (point 7) meanwhile the hydrophone is placed at radius 1 m to 7 m of right and left side speaker respectively. The schematic diagram of measurement is shown in Appendix F1. 4.5.1 LFM Sound Profile LFM sound recording for radius 1 m from speaker is depicted at Figure 4.17. Figure 4.17 demonstrates that recording LFM sound and it’s spectral. Spectral signal has maximum magnitude at 166 Hz with SPL 140.9 dBre1μPa. There are harmonic about of 500 and above 800 Hz. Figure 4.17 (a) LFM sound profiles Figure 4.17 (b) LFM spectral sound profiles 86 In similar method, the measurement is conducted until radius 7 m right side and left side from speaker respectively. LFM sound analysis is listed in Table 4.11. Table 4.11: Frequency and magnitude of LFM sound profile No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. File Lfm1mtka Lfm2mtka Lfm3mtka Lfm4mtka Lfm5mtka Lfm6mtka Lfm7mtka lfm1mtki lfm2mtki lfm3mtki lfm4mtki lfm5mtki lfm6mtki lfm7mtki Average Frequency (Hz) 236 215 383 298 254 237 324 166 265 226 340 343 250 217 268.14 RMS Max Min Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) 102.80 139.9 74.88 103.00 139.4 75.40 96.36 137.7 62.61 98.48 139.0 70.26 99.49 140.4 71.70 99.76 141.0 72.98 97.85 137.8 72.67 99.66 140.9 74.77 97.17 138.9 73.55 99.05 140.2 70.36 96.34 138.2 68.31 96.47 138.7 70.57 100.2 138.8 71.97 99.13 139.9 73.58 98.98 139.34 71.69 Recording and sound analysis for LFM sound has been conducted. The results show that for all point of measurement the average of peak power and RMS SPL occurred at 268.143 Hz and 98.983 dBre1μPa. 4.5.2 Sinusoidal Sound Profile Sinusoidal sound recording for radius 1 m from speaker is depicted at Figure 4.18. Figure 4.18 exhibits recording sinusoidal sound and it’s spectral. Meanwhile 87 the spectral signal inform that peak of power occurs at 356 Hz with SPL 137.4 dBre1μPa. There are harmonic about of above 100 Hz, 1600 Hz and 1900 Hz. Figure 4.18 (a) Sinusoidal sound profile Figure 4.18 (b) Spectral of sinusoidal sound profile Table 4.12: Frequency and magnitude of sinusoidal sound profile No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. File sin0mt sin1mtka sin2mtka sin3mtka sin4mtka sin5mtka sin6mtka sin7mtka sin1mtki sin2mtki sin3mtki sin4mtki sin5mtki sin6mtki sin7mtki Average Frequency (Hz) 356 284 343 374 380 273 299 279 284 343 300 309 345 291 258 314.53 RMS Max Min Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) 104.50 137.40 76.31 96.14 138.10 64.87 94.65 136.60 70.04 93.97 136.30 65.22 99.20 136.50 70.39 97.22 138.50 74.00 97.01 137.50 72.20 98.00 137.50 74.26 96.14 138.10 64.87 94.65 136.60 70.04 95.65 136.20 70.59 101.30 135.90 70.39 94.62 137.00 67.98 95.75 138.70 71.25 101.60 135.22 75.22 97.36 137.07 70.51 88 In similar method, the measurement is conducted until radius 7 m right side and left side from speaker respectively. Sinusoidal sound analysis is listed in Table 4.12. Recording and sound analysis for sinusoidal sound has been conducted. The results show that for all point of measurement the average of peak power and RMS SPL occurred at 314.53 Hz and 97.36 dBre1μPa. 4.5.3 White Noise Sound Profile The next measurement is conducted to record white noise sound. This type of sound recording is monitored for radius 1 m from speaker as depicted at Figure 4.19. Figure 4.19 illustrates recording WN sound and it’s spectral. This signal has peak of power at 265 Hz with SPL 136.6 dBre1μPa, above 400 Hz, 600 Hz, 800 Hz, and 1300 Hz. Figure 4.19 (a) White noise sound profile Figure 4.19 (b) Spectral of White noise sound profiles 89 Table 4.13: Frequency and Magnitude of white noise sound profile (depth = 30 cm) No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. File wn1mtka wn2mtka wn3mtka wn4mtka wn5mtka wn6mtka wn7mtka wn1mtki wn2mtki wn3mtki wn4mtki wn5mtki wn6mtki wn7mtki Average Frequency (Hz) 265 391 335 278 330 316 347 183 391 165 324 253 260 346 304.27 Min RMS Max Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) (dBre1μPa) 114.7 136.6 82.16 111.2 135.6 84.30 112.2 137.5 86.67 113.3 137.1 83.02 112.2 136.8 84.96 113.2 138.7 87.26 112.0 137.6 82.89 117.2 139.5 94.44 111.2 135.6 84.30 114.5 139.8 89.02 111.2 138 84.57 113.8 138.8 88.13 113.4 136.3 87.25 111.7 137.1 87.07 112.99 137.09 85.72 In similar method, the measurement is repeated for radius 2 to 7 m right side and left side from speaker respectively. WN sound analysis is listed in Table 4.13. Recording and sound analysis for WN sound has been conducted. The results show that for all point of measurement the average of peak power and RMS SPL occurred at 304.27 Hz and 112.99 dBre1μPa. Finally, sound propagation in the seawater in habitat and sweater in the research tank has been performed. A group of sound source has been monitored too. The research indicated that difference of measurement point did not affect for sound profile especially for RMS magnitude and maximum magnitude value. 90 4.6 Turtle and Fish Response Turtle and fish behavior towards sound is significant finding from this study. The results of the observation to the species respond toward sound are basis knowledge for the future TED design. 4.6.1 Turtle Response Observation of turtle response towards emitted sound carried on the main tank on the last measurement at TUMEC Kuala Terengganu. There were two species have been observed turtle age 30 years male and female. The types of emitted sound were LFM, sinusoidal, and WN. The response of turtle observations can be seen in appendix E1. The result shows that turtle behavioral avoidance for all types of emitted sound. Turtle more sensitive towards LFM and WN, whereas sinus sound was less. The female turtle response was slower than male turtle towards emitted sound. Turtle response measurement later has been conducted in the same tank and species. Advanced measurement was focused to determine the sensitivity of the turtle to emitted sound that depend on distance changing. Type of sound was LFM at low frequencies 300 Hz and 9000 Hz which the high frequency 1000 Hz is chosen. The modulation is adjusted at 500 Hz and the gain 10 dB. Detailed response of the turtle towards sound is shown Appendix F2. Similar with previous method, turtle responses have been conducted. There were 7 turtles put into the tank. Turtle ages above 7 years in male and female combination. Low frequency of LFM signal changed into 300 Hz. The research show that the male and female turtle excluded from the emitted sound. Changing of the distance between the turtle and the sound source has no effect on the turtle behavior. 91 4.6.2 Fish Response Monitoring of fish response towards emitted sound carried in the round small tank (radius: 2m) on the last measurement at TUMEC Kuala Terengganu. Speaker located at the edge of the tank while hydrophone at the middle. Hydrophone put in the 40 cm depth. There were three species have been observed selar, selar papan, and selayang. LFM, sinusoidal, and WN signals were emitted into the tank. LFM sound was emitted 2 channel combined frequency 300 and 600 Hz. Sinus signal is chosen in 300, 600, 900, and 1200 Hz. The response of fish observations can be seen in Appendix F3. LFM set up until volume level max 3. Fish gave no responses to all types of sound being emitted while the turtle behavior avoidance in the same emitted sound. Next monitoring of fish response towards emitted sound carried on the same tank. Speaker located at the edge of the tank while hydrophone at the middle as seen in Appendix E. Location of hydrophone was changed to 20 cm depth. Total amount of fish put into the tank were 10 of different species. Later the behavior fish towards sound continued in the same manner for difference tank. The difference was in the number of fishes and tank deployed. The results show that fish didn’t response towards all types of sound. 4.7 Problem Encountered Problems encountered in this study are: 1. Difficulty to positioned the turtle in stable and relax condition. 2. Calibration tools in SPL measurement in underwater were not available. 3. Difficulty to provide underwater camera for turtle orientation recording. 4. The turtle ABR response to generated sound in life habitat depends on season and availability of Research Vessel. 92 5. Difficulty for catching stingray fish to be observed in the research tank. 4.8 Key Contributions Key contributions of this study are: 1. Enrich method of ABR analysis to assess the turtle hearing ability. The deployment of FFT analysis on turtle ABR is the new finding on the area of research. 2. Proposed sound specification for TED design. The findings of turtle hearing capability are become reference to the next working TED. 3. Increase knowledge on marine turtle hearing ability, especially the green turtle. Due to the limit of reference on turtle hearing ability, thus this research shall give the added findings in the area of turtle hearing research. 4. The results offer multiple opportunities for product development, thus hearing pattern of green turtle algorithm can be used to identify the hearing pattern of the others turtle and marine mammal. 5. Through this project, a library of recordings and mammal underwater hearing classification will be developed that can be used for educational product, serve as research data sets, and a management tool. The library of underwater known and unknown underwater sounds classification could be used to international distribution research purpose. 4.9 Summary In this chapter the results of measurements, ABR analysis, sound profile, analysis, and sound characterization have been presented. Also, the response of turtle and fish are the proof of the findings that the life specimen five the behavior as the main objective of this research. Finally, based on the findings on the results and discussion, it has identified the sound specification to be deployed in the development TED without reducing the typical gill net performance. 93 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS 5.1 Conclusion Auditory Brainstem Response of turtles measurements have been conducted at TUMEC (Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Center) Terengganu, Segari Perak, and Melaka Malaysia. The measurements conducted at a research tank by employing click and tone stimulus. The research focused on green turtle ages of 2, 5, 9, and 30 years. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has been applied to ABR responses of green turtle. As the results, the frequencies spectral of green turtles have been acquired. It has demonstrated that turtles hearing ability is relatively narrow in bandwidth ranging of (50-1200) Hz. Moreover, the water chemical measurement demonstrates that the seawater in the research tank and the seawater in life habitat obviously no significant difference. Thus, this fact allowed us to conclude that the water condition in the tank can represent the seawater in the area of research Furthermore, sound characterization analysis has been obtained. It exhibits that perceiving emitted sound at any point of measurement is relatively similar. In other words, the sound pressure level (SPL) distribution for all types of sound propagation in the research tank is sufficiently uniform. In addition, turtles and fish behavior towards sound has been observed. 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Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R., Design TED (Turtle Excluder Device) based on Turtle Hearing Threshold, The 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS), August 5, 2008, Surabaya-Indonesia. 2. Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R., Sound Stimulus for Detection Turtle Hearing Threshold, International Conference on Telecommunication, 19-20 August 2008, ITTelkom, Bandung-Indonesia. 3. Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R., Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Method for Turtle Hearing Signal Analysis, ICSTIE 2008, 12-13 Des 2008, UiTM Penang, Malaysia. 4. Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R., An Analysis of Turtle Hearing Capability to Design TED (Turtle Excluder Device), IGCES 2008, 23-24 Des 2008, UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 5. Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R.,Green Turtle Hearing Identification Based on Spectral Analysis, International Journal of Applied Physics Research (APR), ISSN: 1916 9639 (print), 1916 9647 (online). May 2010 (Vol. 2 No. 1), Canadian Center of Science and Education, Canada. (published) 6. Yudhana, A., Sunardi, Din, J., Abdullah, S., Hassan, R.B.R., Auditory Brainstem Response Method to Classify Turtle Hearing Capability, International Journal of Telkomnika, Vol 8 No2, August, 2010 101 APPENDIX B Source Code % For Turtle 2 Years %Stimulus 100us load ag2100tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2100tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:512); y=sinyal1(2,1:512); p=fft(y,2048); Pyy = p.* conj(p) /2048; f = 10000*(0:128)/2048; subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2); plot(f,Pyy(1:129));title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('frequency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 200us N=512; load ag2101.txt; sinyal= load('ag2101.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 300us N=512; load ag2300tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2300tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; 102 %Stimulus 400μs N=512; load ag2400tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2400tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 500μs N=512; load ag2500tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2500tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 600μs N=512; load ag2600tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2600tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; 103 %Stimulus 700μs N=512; load ag2700tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2700tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 800μs N=512; load ag2800tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2800tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 900μs N=512; load ag2900tes.txt; sinyal= load('ag2900tes.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1000μs N=512; load ag21001.txt; sinyal= load('ag21001.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; 104 freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1100μs N=512; load ag21101.txt; sinyal= load('ag21101.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1200μs N=512; load ag21200.txt; sinyal= load('ag21200.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1300μs N=512; load ag21300.txt; sinyal= load('ag21300.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1400μs N=512; load ag21400.txt; sinyal= load('ag21400.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); 105 y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1500μs N=512; load ag21500.txt; sinyal= load('ag21500.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1600μs N=512; load ag21600.txt; sinyal= load('ag21600.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1700μs N=512; load ag21700.txt; sinyal= load('ag21700.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1800μs N=512; 106 load ag21800.txt; sinyal= load('ag21800.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 1900μs N=512; load ag21900.txt; sinyal= load('ag21900.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; %Stimulus 2000μs N=512; load ag22000.txt; sinyal= load('ag22000.txt'); sinyal1=sinyal'; x=sinyal1(1,1:N); y=sinyal1(2,1:N); p=fft(y,2*N); spek=abs(p)/N; spek=spek(1:N/4).^2; freq=0:6500/128:6500; freq1=freq(1:128); subplot(2,1,1); plot(x,y);title('ABR in Time Domain');xlabel('time (ms)');ylabel('amplitude(uV)');grid on; subplot(2,1,2);plot(freq1,spek);title('Power%Spectrum');xlabel('freq uency (Hz)');ylabel('amplitude');grid on; 107 APPENDIX C1 First Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun 20 - 21 Februari 2008 108 APPENDIX C2 Second Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun 3-4 June 2008 109 APPENDIX C3 Third Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun November 2008 110 APPENDIX C4 Fourth Measurement Procedure, Masjid Tanah Melaka 24 December 2008 111 APPENDIX C5 Fifth Measurement Procedure, Segari Lumut Perak 31 December 2008-2 January 2009 112 APPENDIX C6 Sixth Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun 26 May 2009 113 APPENDIX C7 Seventh Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun 10-12 August 2009 114 APPENDIX C8 Eight Measurement Procedure, TUMEC Dungun 26-28 August, 2009 115 APPENDIX D1 ABR and Sound Profile Recording ABR Signal for Turtle Age 2 years (time domain, sd = 100 μs, click stimulus) ABR signal for Turtle 5 Age Years ( sd = 100 μs) ABR signal Turtle Age 9 years (time domain, sd = 100 μs, click stimulus) ABR signal in time domain (sd = 100 μs) 116 APPENDIX D2 ABR System Setup and resulted Data ABR setting for Turtle Age 5 years (stimulus duration = 100 μs – 2000 μs) Type of stimulus click Time of stimulus 25 μs Rate 70.00/s Number of Sweep 1000 Time Scale 25.0 μs (12.8 time scale) Gain 5.0 K Line filter Status On Ear Right Rejection Time 1.0 – 10.0 ms Rej. Artefact 31μV Type of Filter Blackman 117 ABR response turtle age 5 years (Click stimulus, sd = 100 – 2000 μs) Sample Stimulus Peak power in Spectral Frequency Duration freq Spectral Amplitude Range (μs) (Hz) (%) (Hz 1 100 304.70 0.246 10-800 2 200 406.30 0.020 10-900 3 300 406.30 0.145 10-600 4 400 406.30 0.055 10-600 5 500 304.70 0.002 10-1100 6 600 50.78 0.019 10-600 7 700 50.78 0.029 10-900 8 800 50.78 0.110 10-900 9 900 304.70 0.010 10-1200 10 1000 50.78 0.887 5-900 11 1100 101.60 1.527 10-800 12 1200 304.70 0.274 5-1125 13 1300 355.50 0.058 10-1600 14 1400 558.60 0.122 50-1900 15 1500 355.50 0.093 10-1600 16 1600 0.00 0.082 10-1050 17 1700 964.80 0.056 5-1100 18 1800 355.50 0.177 5-1100 19 1900 355.50 0.058 5-1500 20 2000 1066.00 0.080 5-1200 Sum 6753.82 4.049 Mean 355.46 0.202 118 ABR setting for turtle age 9 years (stimulus duration = 900 μs -1500 μs) Type of stimulus Click Time of stimulus 25 μs. Rate 70.00/s Intensity 58 dB nHL Number of Sweep 1000 Time Scale 25.0 μs (12.8 time scale) Gain 5.0 K Line filter Status On Ear Right Rejection Time 1.0 ms – 10.0 ms Rej. Artefact 31 Type of Filter Blackman 119 ABR response turtle ages of 9 years (stimulus duration = 100 μs – 2000 μs) Sample Stimulus Peak power in Spectral Frequency Duration freq Spectral Amplitude Range (μs) (Hz) (%) (Hz 1 100 101.60 20.56 5-1400 2 200 355.500 26.46 5-1400 3 300 406.300 4.589 50-1300 4 400 457.000 2.162 10-1500 5 500 457.000 1.5 25-800 6 600 1066.000 0.678 10-1200 7 700 1117.000 0.9919 15-1300 8 800 355.500 3.945 5-1250 9 900 355.500 8.252 5-930 10 1000 355.500 8.689 10-1500 11 1100 304.700 18.68 10-1600 12 1200 710.900 30.78 20-1600 13 1300 304.700 22.24 25-1600 14 1400 558.600 2.39 75-1500 15 1500 355.500 0.3988 100-1500 16 1600 710.900 5.073 100-1200 17 1700 304.700 5.574 100-1200 18 1800 304.700 18.19 100-1400 19 1900 710.900 3.895 150-1400 20 2000 710.900 3.094 100-1400 Sum 10409.600 188.142 Mean 520.480 9.407085 120 ABR setting for turtle age 30 years (stimulus duration = 900 μs -1500 μs) Type of stimulus Click Time of stimulus 25 μs. Rate 70.00/s Intensity 58 dB nHL Number of Sweep 1000 Time Scale 25.0 μs (12.8 time scale) Gain 5.0 K Line filter Status On Ear Right Rejection Time 1.0 ms – 10.0 ms Rej. Artefact 31 Type of Filter Blackman ABR response turtle age 30 years (stimulus duration = 100 μs - 1500 μs) Sample Stimulus Peak power in Spectral Range freq. Duration freq Spectral Amplitude Spectral(Hz) (μs) (Hz) (%) 1 100 507.800 10.77 10-1000 2 200 761.700 0.4668 10-1000 3 300 761.700 0.8309 10-1000 4 400 914.100 0.7846 10-1000 5 500 660.200 0.8902 10-1200 6 600 457.000 1.157 10-900 7 700 507.800 0.7409 20-920 8 800 406.300 8.705 20-1200 9 900 457.000 1.132 20-900 10 1000 457.000 0.4533 20-1200 11 1100 457.000 0.8238 20-910 12 1200 457.000 0.1229 10-940 13 1300 457.000 0.0322 1200 14 1400 457.000 8.026 NA 121 15 1500 304.700 0.5516 10-1200 16 1600 NA NA NA 17 1700 NA NA NA 18 1800 NA NA NA 19 1900 NA NA NA 20 2000 NA NA NA Sum 8023.300 35.487 Average 534.887 2.365813 122 APPENDIX D3 ABR spectral in SmartEP ABR signal spectral for Green Turtle 2 years (frequency domain, sd = 300 μs, click stimulus) ABR signal spectral for Green Turtle 5 years (frequency domain, sd = 300 μs, click stimulus) 123 ABR signal spectral for Green Turtle 9 years (frequency domain, sd = 100 μs, click stimulus) ABR signal spectral for Green Turtle 30 years (frequency domain, sd = 100 μs, click stimulus) 124 APPENDIX E1 Sound Profile in Life Habitat Distance 100 meter from sea shore (a) sp1002mt (time domain) (b) sp1002mt (frequency domain) 125 APPENDIX E2 Sound Profile in Life Habitat Distance 200 meter from sea shore (a) sp2002mt (time domain) (b) sp2002mt (frequency domain) (a) sp2005mt (time domain) (b) sp2005mt (frequency domain) 126 (a) sp20010mt (time domain) (b) sp20010mt (frequency domain) 127 APPENDIX E3 Sound Profile in Life Habitat Distance 400 meter from sea shore (a) sp4002mt (time domain) (c) sp4002mt (frequency domain) (a) sp4005mt (time domain) 128 (b) sp4005mt (frequency domain) (a) sp40010mt (time domain) (b) sp40010mt (frequency domain) 129 APPENDIX E4 Sound Profile in Life Habitat Distance 800 meter from sea shore (a) sp8002mt (time domain) (b) sp8002mt (frequency domain) (a) sp8005mt (time domain) (b) sp8005mt (frequency domain) 130 (a) sp80010mt (time domain) (b) sp80010mt (frequency domain) 131 APPENDIX E5 Ambient Noise in the life habitat with distance of 200 m from the sea shore Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 200m) 1000 data 1 quadratic 900 y = - 24*x 2 + 3.1e+002*x - 95 Frequency(Hz) 800 700 600 500 400 300 1 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 10 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 200m) Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 200m) 1000 data 1 quadratic 900 Frequency(Hz) 800 700 600 500 400 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 200m) 10 132 APPENDIX E6 Ambient Noise in the life habitat with distance of 400 m from the sea shore Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 400m) 1100 1050 data 1 quadratic 2 y = - 24*x + 3.1e+002*x + 1.4e+002 1000 Frequency(Hz) 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 10 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 400m) Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 400m) 1100 data 1 quadratic 1050 1000 Frequency(Hz) 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 400m) 10 133 APPENDIX E7 Ambient Noise in the life habitat with distance of 800 m from the sea shore Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 800m) 700 data 1 quadratic 2 y = 8.9*x - 93*x + 7.2e+002 Frequency(Hz) 650 600 550 500 450 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 10 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 800m) Noise Floor in the sea(Distance 800m) 700 data 1 quadratic Frequency(Hz) 650 600 550 500 450 2 3 4 5 6 depth (m)) 7 8 9 Ambient noise in the sea (distance 800m) 10 134 APPENDIX E8 Peak of Magnitude for Life Habitat Ambient Noise Peak of Magnitude for Noise Floor 130 129 Magnitude (dB re 1uPa) 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 Distance of 200 m Distance of 400 m Distance of 800 m 121 120 2 3 4 5 6 7 Depth of Measurement (m) 8 9 10 135 APPENDIX F1 Sound Characterization Measurement Point Point Center of tank,Point 0 Point Point Schematic Diagram of Sound Characterization Measurement 136 APPENDIX F2 Turtle Responses towards Sound Turtle Responses by generated sound in the Tank with L = 300 – 900 Hz (mod =500, H = 1000 Hz, Gain = 10 dB). Turtle Responses towards Sound (Main Tank) No Position of Type of speaker and Sound Response hydrophone 1. Point 12 2. Point 5 3. Point 5 LFM Female dispelled Sinusoidal Male dispelled. WN Male dispelled. Female static 4. Point 11 LFM Female relatively static. Turtle Responses towards Sound (Main Tank) No L (Hz) Radius (m) Response 1. 300 <1 dispelled 2. 400 1 dispelled 3. 500 1 dispelled 4. 600 6 dispelled 5. 700 6 dispelled, Afraid to go near the speaker 6. 800 >6 dispelled 7. 900 >6 dispelled 137 APPENDIX F3 Fish Response towards Sound Fish Response towards sound (Main tank) NO Sound type Response 1. LFM No response 2. Sinus No response 3. WN No response 4. LFM No Response up to level 10 5. Sinus No response Fish Responses to Sound (Round tank, r = 2m) No Sound type Response 1. LFM No response 2. WN No response 3. Sinus No response Fish Responses by generated sound (Round tank, r = 3 m) No Sound type Response 1. LFM No response 2. WN No response 3. Sinus No response