Abstract Physically realistic modeling and manipulation of deformable model is essential... graphics, games and virtual reality applications. In addition, simulation of...

Physically realistic modeling and manipulation of deformable model is essential to computer
graphics, games and virtual reality applications. In addition, simulation of deformable model is
an interesting topic and difficult to implement because of the demanding of high interactivity and
accuracy. In computer games domain, the process of object deformation must be fast enough to
provide useful feedback to animator. On the other hand, the researches on deformable model are
ranged from geometric methods to physically based methods. Thus, a great deal of works has
been done and a large variety of techniques have been proposed since pioneered work by
Terzoupolos in 1987. Currently, the main issue in deformable model development is to model the
surface deformation in real-time environment. This research will develop a surface deformation
modeling technique arising from interpenetration of rigid body and deformable body. To create
the deformed surface in realtime environment, a multi-resolution approach and unequal shearing
parameter will be used to calculate the surface deformation. From previous deformation actions,
it simulates the behavior of the object materials that show the elastic and inelastic reactions. The
importance of surface deformation modeling is to emphasize dynamic interactions of computer
generated animation such as collision of object or a bouncing ball.