Life and Growth Charles I. Jones Stanford GSB Life and Growth – p.1/36 R. Posner (2004) Catastrophe: Risk and Response “Certain events quite within the realm of possibility, such as a major asteroid collision, global bioterrorism, abrupt global warming — even certain lab accidents— could have unimaginably terrible consequences up to and including the extinction of the human race... I am not a Green, an alarmist, an apocalyptic visionary, a catastrophist, a Chicken Little, a Luddite, an anticapitalist, or even a pessimist. But... I have come to believe that what I shall be calling the ‘catastrophic risks’ are real and growing...” Life and Growth – p.2/36 Should we switch on the Large Hadron Collider? • Physicists have considered the possibility that colliding particles together at energies not seen since the Big Bang could cause a major disaster (mini black hole, strangelets). • Conclude that the probability is tiny. • But how large does it have to be before we would not take the risk? • As economic growth makes us richer, should our decision change? Life and Growth – p.3/36 Growth involves costs as well as benefits • Benefits | Costs ◦ Nuclear power | Nuclear holocaust ◦ Biotechnology | Bioterror ◦ Nanotechnology | Nano-weapons ◦ Coal power | Global warming ◦ Internal combustion engine | Pollution ◦ Radium, thalidomide, lead paint, asbestos • Technologies (new pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, airbags, pollution scrubbers) can also save lives How do considerations of life and death affect the theory of economic growth and technological change? Life and Growth – p.4/36 The “Russian Roulette” Model New ideas raise consumption, but a tiny probability of a disaster... Life and Growth – p.5/36 Simple Model • Single agent born at the start of each period • Endowed with stock of ideas ⇒ consumption c, utilty u(c) • Only decision: to research or not to research ◦ Research: With (high) probability 1 − π , get a new idea that raises consumption by growth rate ḡ . But, with small probability π , disaster kills the agent. ◦ Stop: Consumption stays at c, no disaster. Life and Growth – p.6/36 • Expected utility for the two options: U Research = (1 − π)u(c1 ) + π · 0 = (1 − π)u(c1 ), c1 = c(1 + ḡ) U Stop = u(c) • Taking a first-order Taylor expansion around u(c), agent undertakes research if (1 − π)u′ (c)ḡc > πu(c) • Rearranging: ḡ > u(c) π · ′ 1 − π u (c)c Life and Growth – p.7/36 Three Cases • Consider CRRA utility: c1−γ u(c) = ū + 1−γ ū is a key parameter • Three cases: ◦ 0<γ<1 ◦ γ>1 ◦ log utility (γ = 1) Life and Growth – p.8/36 Case 1: 0<γ<1 u(c) π · ′ ḡ > 1 − π u (c)c • The value of life relative to consumption: 1 u(c) γ−1 = ūc + . ′ u (c)c 1−γ • ū not important, so set ū = 0 ⇒ u(c) = 1/(1 − γ) ′ u (c)c Exponential growth, with rare disasters. Life and Growth – p.9/36 Case 2: γ>1 • Notice that we’ve implicitly normalized the utility from death to be zero (in writing the lifetime expected utility function) ◦ So flow utility must be positive for consumer to prefer life • But γ > 1 implies u(c) negative if ū = 0: c1−γ u(c) = ū + 1−γ Example: γ = 2 implies u(c) = −1/c. • Therefore ū > 0 is required in this case. Life and Growth – p.10/36 Case 2: γ > 1 (continued) u(c) π · ′ ḡ > 1 − π u (c)c • With γ > 1, the value of life rises relative to consumption! 1 u(c) γ−1 = ūc + . ′ u (c)c 1−γ Eventually, people are rich enough that the risk to life of Russian Roulette is too great and growth ceases. Life and Growth – p.11/36 The Research Decision when γ >1 Utility ū (1 − π)ū U research = (1 − π)u(c(1 + ḡ)) U stop = u(c) Continue research 0 Stop research c∗ Consumption, c Life and Growth – p.12/36 Case 3: log utility (γ = 1) • Flow utility is unbounded in this case • But the value of life relative to consumption still rises u(c)/u′ (c)c = ū + log c • So growth eventually ceases in this case as well. Life and Growth – p.13/36 Microfoundations in a Growth Model Hall and Jones (2007) meet Acemoglu (Direction TechChg) Life and Growth – p.14/36 Production R At 1/α α R Bt 1/α α Ct = ( 0 xit di) , Ht = ( 0 zit di) RC (labor) RC (scientists, pop) Lct + Lht ≤ Lt , Lct ≡ Flow util. Pop growth R At 0 Sat + Sbt ≤ St , xit di, Lht ≡ St + Lt ≤ Nt R Bt 0 zit di δt = h−β t , ht ≡ Ht /Nt Mortality Utility λ Bφ Ḃt = b̄Sbt t λ Aφ , Ȧt = āSat t Ideas U= R∞ 0 e−ρt u(ct )Mt dt, u(ct ) = ū + c1−γ t 1−γ , Ṁt = −δt Mt ct ≡ Ct /Nt Ṅt = n̄Nt Life and Growth – p.15/36 Allocating Resources • 14 unknowns, 11 equations (not counting utility) ◦ Ct , Ht , ct , ht , At , Bt , xit , zit , Sat , Sbt , St , Lt , Nt , δt • Three allocative decisions to be made ◦ (st ) Scientists: Sat = st St ◦ (ℓt ) Workers: Lct = ℓt Lt ◦ (σt ) People: St = σt Nt • Rule of Thumb allocation: st = s̄, ℓt = ℓ̄, and σt = σ̄ Life and Growth – p.16/36 BGP under the Rule of Thumb P ROPOSITION 1: As t → ∞, there exists an asymptotic balanced growth path such that growth is given by ∗ gA = ∗ gB λn̄ = 1−φ δ∗ = 0 gc∗ = gh∗ = ∗ αgA = ∗ αgB αλn̄ . = ḡ ≡ 1−φ Life and Growth – p.17/36 The Optimal Allocation max U = {st ,ℓt ,σt } Z ∞ Mt u(ct )e−ρt dt s.t. 0 ct = Aαt ℓt (1 − σt ) ht = Btα (1 − ℓt )(1 − σt ) Ȧt = āsλt σtλ Ntλ Aφt Ḃt = b̄(1 − st )λ σtλ Ntλ Btφ Ṁt = −δt Mt , δt = h−β t Life and Growth – p.18/36 Hamiltonian • In solving, useful to define H = Mt u(ct ) + pat āsλt σtλ Ntλ Aφt + pbt b̄(1 − st )λ σtλ Ntλ Btφ −vt δt Mt • Co-state variables: ◦ pat : shadow value of a consumption idea ◦ pbt : shadow value of a life-saving idea ◦ vt : shadow value of an extra person Life and Growth – p.19/36 Optimal Growth with γ >1+β P ROPOSITION 2: Assume γ > 1 + β . There is an asymptotic balanced growth path such that ℓt and st both fall to zero at constant exponential rates, and gs∗ = gℓ∗ −ḡ(γ − 1 − β) <0 = αλ 1 + (γ − 1)(1 + 1−φ ) ∗ λ(n̄ + g s) ∗ , gA = 1−φ ∗ gB gδ∗ = −βḡ, ∗ gc∗ = αgA + gℓ∗ = ḡ · λn̄ ∗ > gA = 1−φ gh∗ = ḡ αλ 1−φ ) αλ 1)(1 + 1−φ ) 1 + β(1 + 1 + (γ − Life and Growth – p.20/36 Intuition Ȧt = āsλt σtλ Ntλ Aφt and Ḃt = b̄(1 − st )λ σtλ Ntλ Btφ . • 1 − st → 1, but st falls exponentially, slowing growth in At . • Why? The FOC for allocating ℓt is 1 − ℓt δt vt =β ′ = δt ṽt ℓt u (ct )ct where vt is the shadow value of a life, from the Hamiltonian. • Numerator is extra lives that can be saved, denominator is extra consumption that can be produced • Race! Life and Growth – p.21/36 Optimal Growth with γ <1+β P ROPOSITION 3: Assume 1 < γ < 1 + β . There is an asymptotic balanced growth path such that ℓ̃t ≡ 1 − ℓt and s̃t ≡ 1 − st both fall to zero at constant exponential rates, and λn̄ ∗ , gA = 1−φ ∗ λ(n̄ + g ∗ ∗ s̃ ) gB = < gA 1−φ gc∗ = ḡ, gδ∗ = −βgh∗ . −ḡ(β + 1 − γ) = = <0 αλ 1 + β(1 + 1−φ ) ! αλ 1 + (γ − 1)(1 + 1−φ ) ∗ ∗ ∗ gh = gc · < g . c αλ 1 + β(1 + 1−φ ) gs̃∗ gℓ̃∗ Life and Growth – p.22/36 Optimal Growth with γ =1+β P ROPOSITION 4: Assume 1 < γ = 1 + β . There is an asymptotic balanced growth path such that ℓt and st settle down to constants strictly between 0 and 1, and ∗ gA = ∗ gB gc∗ = gh∗ = ḡ, λn̄ = 1−φ gδ∗ = −βḡ. Life and Growth – p.23/36 Empirical Evidence Life and Growth – p.24/36 Empirical Evidence • γ − 1 versus β ◦ γ > 1 is the “normal” case ◦ Evidence from health “production functions” suggests β is relatively small • Trends in R&D: Toward health • Quantifying the “growth slowdown” Life and Growth – p.25/36 Evidence on β (Recall: δt = h−β t ) • Plausible upper bound compares trends in mortality to trends in health spending ◦ Attributes all decline in mortality to real health spending ◦ Minimal quality adjustment reinforces “upper bound” view for β • Numbers for 1960 – 2007 ◦ Age-adjusted mortality rates fell at 1.2% per year ◦ CPI-deflated health spending grew at 4.1% per year ⇒ β upper bound ≈ 1.2 4.1 ≈ .3 • Hall and Jones (2007) more careful analysis along these lines finds age-specific estimates of between .10 and .25. Life and Growth – p.26/36 Evidence on γ • Risk aversion evidence suggests γ > 1 ◦ Asset pricing (Lucas 1994), Labor supply (Chetty 2006) • Intertemporal substitution elasticity 1/γ ◦ Traditional view is EIS<1 ⇒ γ > 1 (Hall 1988) ◦ Careful micro work supporting this view: Attanasio and Weber (1995), Barsky et al (1997), Guvenen (2006), Hall (2009) ◦ Other recent work finds some evidence for EIS>1 ⇒ γ < 1 (Vissing-Jorgensen and Attanasio 2003, Gruber 2006) • Mixed evidence. Life and Growth – p.27/36 Evidence on the Value of Life • Same force as in Hall and Jones (2007) on health spending ◦ Consumption runs into sharply diminishing returns: u′ (c) ◦ While life becomes increasingly valuable: u(c) • Evidence on value of life? ◦ Nearly all is cross sectional ◦ Costa and Kahn (2004), Hammitt, Liu, and Liu (2000) • Other evidence? Safety standards? Life and Growth – p.28/36 The Changing Composition of U.S. R&D Spending Health Share of R&D (percent) 30 CMMS + NSF Recent 25 20 NIH estimates 15 CMMS + NSF IRIS 10 5 0 1960 Non−commercial health research (CMMS) 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Life and Growth – p.29/36 The Changing Composition of OECD R&D Spending Health Share of R&D (percent) 22 20 18 16 U.S. 14 12 10 OECD 8 6 4 2 0 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Year Life and Growth – p.30/36 Fraction of Patents for Medical Eq. or Pharma Percent 18 16 U.S. only 14 12 10 Total 8 6 4 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year Source: Jeffrey Clemens Life and Growth – p.31/36 An Income Effect in Health Spending Health spending (percent of GDP) 18 16 United States 14 12 France 10 Germany Japan 8 U.K. 6 4 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year Life and Growth – p.32/36 Health and Consumption Real quantity per person (1950=100) 1600 Health (pce) 4.67% 800 Health (official) 3.10% 400 2.05% 1.84% 200 Non−health consumption (pce ,official) 100 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Life and Growth – p.33/36 The Growth Drag: Ratio of gc to gh αλ 1−φ 0.50 1.00 2.00 β = .25 γ = 1.5 γ=2 0.79 0.75 0.70 0.55 0.50 0.44 β = .10 γ = 1.5 γ=2 0.66 0.60 0.52 0.46 0.40 0.33 Life and Growth – p.34/36 A Future Slowdown? • Calibration to past growth suggests αλ 1−φ < 2, so that ḡ < 2%. ◦ Therefore growth in h must slowdown significantly from its 4 + % rate. ◦ And gc ≈ 1 gh < 1% suggests a slowdown of 2 consumption growth as well. • Intuition: h has been growing much faster than its steady state rate because of the rising share of research devoted to life-saving technologies. Life and Growth – p.35/36 Conclusions • Including “life and death” considerations in growth models can have first order consequences. • For a large class of preferences, safety is a luxury good. ◦ Diminishing returns to consumption on any given day means that additional days of life become increasingly valuable. ◦ R&D may tilt toward life-saving technologies and away from standard consumption goods. ◦ Consumption growth may be substantially slower than what is feasible, possibly even slowing all the way to zero. Life and Growth – p.36/36