H T IL U I M MET ALX O D I ES (MET AL=MAN A GN ESE, CHR M OU I M, CO A B ,T L O RAL UMIN IUM) AS CAT HO DE N IH IL T IUM N O IB AT EY R MD. MO H KE LSURA R HMAN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the req uirements for the aw ard of the deg ree of Master of Science (Chemistry ) aFcultyof Science Univ ersiti T enkologi Malaysia SEP T EMB ER2006 iii This thesis is dedicated to the memories of my beloved late sister iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At the very outset, I express my satisfaction to praise the Almighty Allah. Regarding the outcome of this thesis, I express my deepest sense of gratitude, sincere appreciation, indebtedness and cordial respect to my supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Madzlan Aziz and cosupervisor Associate Professor Hj. Jamil Yusof for giving me the opportunity to work on their project as well as for their valuable guidance, support and untiring efforts. I would also acknowledge the financial support (VOTE 74187) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia I am also grateful to all teachers, faculty members and staffs in the Chemistry Department of UTM for their enormous help with my study. I would also extend my sincere appreciation to other faculties and institutions related to my job with them. I thank all of my friends, colleagues and laboratory personnel who extended their time, expertise, generous advice, criticism, technical assistance and encouragement during my research. I like to acknowledge everyone, but I am to be constrained to a few in mentioning names as Mr. Ayob Jabal, Mr. Hanan Basri, Mr. Azmi M. Rais, Mrs. Z. Ain Jalil, Mr. Hj. Yasin M. Sirin, Miss Nurul H. Sapiren, Mr. M. Nazri Zainal, Mr. Dinda Hairul, Mr. Hamzah, Mr. Abdul Kadir, Mrs. Mekzum, Mr. Amin Derani, Mr. Abdul Rahim, Mrs. Mariam Hassan, Mr. Azani Ishak of Chemistry Department and who indebted me most for their assistance in pursuing laboratory work. I am sincerely thankful to Dr. Abu Affan, Lecturer, Chemistry Department, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Dr. Mokhlesur Rahman, Lecturer, Chemistry Department, KUSTEM and Mohammad Adil, Chemist, Ammonia Plant, Chittagong, Bangladesh for their constant vigilance and valuable suggestions throughout this study. I express my whole hearted thanks to Chand Sultana Sharmin who is waiting for a long time wishing my all over success to submit this thesis. Finally thanks are due to all of the members of my family, friends and all wishers for their encouragement and inspiration. v ABSTRACT Spinel LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 and layered LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) cathode materials have been synthesized by a sol-gel method using organic acid as a chelating agent. This technique offers better homogeneity, preferred surface morphology, reduced heat treatment conditions, sub-micron sized particles and better crystallinity. The dependence of the physiochemical properties of the powder materials on the various calcination temperatures and organic acid quantity have been extensively studied. Electrochemical behaviors of the prepared powder materials were analyzed using galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling studies in the voltage range 3.0-4.3 V (vs. Li metal) using 1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC as electrolyte. Materials LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) delivered initial discharge capacity of 29.66, 20.94, 41.65, 49.50, 97.34 and 74.43 mA h/g with the capacity retention of 71.4, 93.7, 90.6 , 91.6, 90.8 and 98.4 % of its initial capacity over only 3rd cycle, respectively. Coulombic efficiency for the materials of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) were found to be 96.2, 89.18, 74.8, 97.6, 92.8 and 94.7 % after only three cycles, respectively. Electrochemical evaluation shows that LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials exhibit higher initial discharge capacity whereas LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials exhibit a better capacity retention and good coulombic efficiency. vi ABSTRAK Bahan katod spinel LiMn2O4 (campuran bantuan CA-EG), LiMn2O4 (bantuan CA), LiMn2O4 (bantuan PA), LiCrxMn2-xO4 terdopkan Cr dan lapisan LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan CA dan PA) telah berjaya disintesis melalui teknik sol-gel menggunakan asid organik sebagai agen pengkelat. Teknik ini mampu memberikan kehomogenan yang lebih baik, kepilihan morfologi permukaan, pengurangan keadaan rawatan haba, partikel bersaiz sub-mikron dan penghabluran yang lebih baik. Pergantungan antara sifat fisiokimia bahan serbuk terhadap pelbagai suhu pengkalsinan dan kuantiti asid organik telah dikaji secara meluas. Sifat elektrokimia bahan serbuk yang telah disediakan diuji dengan kaedah kitaran cas-discas galvanostatik dengan julat voltan antara 3.0 hingga 4.3 V (terhadap logam Li) menggunakan 1 M LiPF6EC/DMC sebagai elektrolit. Bahan LiMn2O4 (campuran bantuan CA-EG), LiMn2O4 (bantuan CA), LiMn2O4 (bantuan PA), LiCrxMn2-xO4 terdopkan Cr, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan CA) dan LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan PA) menghasilkan kapasiti discas permulaan sebanyak 29.66, 20.94, 41.65, 49.50, 97.34 dan 74.43 mA h/g dengan kapasiti penahanan sebanyak 71.4, 93.7, 90.6, 91.6, 90.8 dan 98.4 % daripada kapasiti permulaan selepas kitaran ketiga. Kecekapan coulomb bagi LiMn2O4 (campuran bantuan CA-EG), LiMn2O4 (bantuan CA), LiMn2O4 (bantuan PA), LiCrxMn2-xO4 terdopkan Cr, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan CA) dan LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan PA) didapati sebanyak 96.2, 89.18, 74.8, 97.6, 92.8 dan 94.7 % selepas hanya tiga kitaran. Evolusi elektrokimia menunjukkan bahawa LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan CA) menunjukkan kapasiti discas permulaan yang tinggi manakala LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (bantuan PA) menunjukkan kapasiti penahanan dan kecekapan coulomb yang lebih baik. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE THESIS STATUS DECLARATION SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION 1 TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 istorical Backgr ound of eScondary Batteries H 1 1.1.1 Definition of Battery 1 1.1.2 eScondary Lithium Battery 2 1.1.3 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery 4 Major Compone nts of Cell and Battery 7 1.2.1 Chemistry of Positive Electrode 8 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry 10 1.2 1.3 viii 1.3.1 Thermodynamic Background 12 Theoretical voltage 13 Theoretical capacity 13 Free energy 14 1.3.2 Operation of a cell 2 15 Discharge 15 Charge 16 1.4 Cell Geometry 17 1.5 Battery Terminology 18 1.6 cSope of Research 18 1.7 Research Objectives 19 1.8 Problems S tatement and S olution Approach 19 23 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 Conventional and Advanced Methods to Prepare Cathode Raw Materials-A Brief Review 23 Cathode Raw Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries 29 2.2.1 LiMO2 Materials 30 LiCoO2 31 LiN iO 33 2 i) LiMO2 (M =Co, N Derivatives 2.2.2 pSinel Manganese Oxide 3 34 35 MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 3.1 Chemicals and Reagents 39 3.2 Instruments 40 3.3 Research Design and Methodology 40 3.4 Preparation of Cathode Raw Materials 42 3.4.1 oSl-Gel Method 42 3.4.2 CA-EG (Citric Acid-Ethylene Glycol) Mixture Assisted, oSl- Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials 45 ix 3.4.3 CA (Citric Acid) Assisted, oSl-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials 45 3.4.4 PA (Propionic Acid) Assisted, S ol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials 46 3.4.5 Preparation of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20) Cathode Raw Materials 3.4.6 47 CA (Citric Acid) and PA (Propionic Acid) Assisted, S ol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 Cathode Raw Materials 3.5 48 Characterizations of Prepared Cathode Raw Materials 3.5.1 Determination of S urface Area 49 49 3.5.2 Thermogravimetric-Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) 50 3.5.3 uSrface Morphology (S canning Electron microscopy, E S M) 4 50 3.5.4 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) 50 3.5.5 51 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 3.6 Cathode Preparation 51 3.7 Cell Fabrication 52 3.8 Electrochemical characterization of Fabricated Cells 53 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 55 4.1 Characterization of Prepared Cathode Raw Materials 55 4.2 Characterizations 55 4.2.1 Thermogravimetry-Diffrential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) 55 4.2.2 BET surface area 62 4.2.3 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) 68 x 4.3 4.4 5 4.2.4 tSructure Analysis 77 4.2.5 uSrface morphology 81 4.2.6 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) 87 Electrochemical Characterizations 98 4.3.1 Charge-Discharge tSudies 98 4.3.2 Cycleability S tudies 102 4.3.3 104 Coulombic Efficiency Overall Performance of the Fabricated Cells 106 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS 107 5.1 Conclusions 107 5.2 S cope and Limitations 109 5.3 Recommendations for Future S tudy 109 REFERENCES 111 APPENDICES A –B 122 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Positive electrode materials and some of their characteristics 3 1.2 Characteristics of rechargeable batteries 5 1.3 Commercial rechargeable Li-ion batteries available in the market 3.1 Preparation conditions of various types of cathode raw materials 4.1 44 The BET surface area of the materials prepared from different calcination temperatures 4.2 6 64 The BET surface area for LiMn2O4 and Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 powders prepared from different molar ratios of chelating agents to total metal ions and different dopant concentrations respectively 4.3 67 XRD results obtained on LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 300, 400 and 450 oC with the molar ratio of CA-EG mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 4.4 78 XRD results obtained on LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC, where chelating agent concentration was 1 M 4.5 79 Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 250, 400 and 450 oC. 94 xii 4.6 Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 300 and 700 oC 4.7 Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350 and 750 oC. 4.8 96 Composition analysis of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) materials calcined at 350 and 750 oC 4.10 95 Composition analysis of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC 4.9 95 97 Cycleability data for the three cycles obtained from charge/discharge characterization of the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell 103 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Schematic of a basic Li-Sn cell 11 1.2 Electrochemical operation of cell (discharge) 15 1.3 Electrochemical operation of cell (charge) 16 1.4 Typical design of a cylindrical 18650 cell 17 2.1 Structure of the rhombohedral elementary cell of LiMO2 oxides 31 2.2 Structure of spinel unit cell (AB2O4) 37 3.1 The methodology scheme of overall research 41 3.2 A flow diagram of cathode raw materials preparation 43 3.3 A photograph of fabricated coin cell sample Model: CR2032, Diameter 20 mm, Thickness: 3.2 mm 4.1 52 TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG Mixture Assisted) pretreated in vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min 4.2 56 TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiMn2O4 (CA Assisted) pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min 58 xiv 4.3 TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiMn2O4 (PA Assisted) pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC prior to thermal analysis in the air. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min 4.4 59 TG-DTA curves of the LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.05) grown by propionic acid assisted sol-gel technique. This measurement was carried out at a heating rate of 10 oC/min with N2 flow rate of 200 mL/min. 4.5 60 TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min 4.6 61 Dependence of the specific surface area for the (a) LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted), (b) LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted), (c) LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted), (d) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (CA assisted) and (e) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (PA assisted) on the calcination temperatures 4.7 63 Dependence of the specific surface area for the (a) LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted), (b) LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted) (c) LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted) and d) Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 powders on the molar ratios and dopant concentrations respectively 4.8 a 65 XRD pattern for gel derived LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC temperature for 5 hours in air, where the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions was 1.0. 4.8 b 69 XRD pattern for gel derived LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 550 oC temperature for 5 hours in air, where chelating agent concentration was 1 molar. 69 xv 4.9 a Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CAEG mixture assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions of 1.0. 4.9 b 70 Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions of 1.0. 4.9 c 71 Stacking of XRD patterns of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.5. 4.9 d Stacking of XRD patterns of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC 4.9 e 72 Stacking of XRD patterns of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC 4.10 a 71 72 Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CAEG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC for 5 hours at the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of (a) 0.25, (b) 0.50 and (c) 74 1.0 4.10 b Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 600 oC for 10 hours at the molar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions of (a) 0.5, (b) 1.0 and (c) 1.5 4.10 c 74 Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350 oC for 5 hours at the molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of ( a) 0.5, (b) 0.83, (c) 1.5, and (d) 2.0 4.10 d 75 Stacking of XRD patterns for Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC for 4 hours at the dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20 75 xvi 4.11 a Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) powders calcined at (a) 250 oC, (b) 400 oC and (c) 450 oC where citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions was 1.0 4.11 b 82 Scanning electron micrographs for LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) powders calcined the gel precursors of the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of (d) 0.25 and (e) 0.50 at 450 oC. 4.12 83 Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) powders calcined at (a) 300 oC and (b) 700 oC where citric acid to total metal ions was 1.0 4 .13 83 Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) powders calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC where propionic acid to total metal ions was 1.5 4.14 Scanning electron micrographs for 84 LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC for 4 hours: (a) x = 0.00, (b) x = 0.01, (c) x = 0.02, (d) x = 0.05 and (e) x = 0.20 4.15 86 Scanning electron micrographs for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) calcined at (a) 250 oC and (b) 550 oC and for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at (c) 250 o C and (d) 550 o C, respectively. 4.16 a 87 EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 250, 400 and 450 oC with citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 4.16 b 89 EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC with citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 0.25, 0.50 and 1.0 4.17 90 EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 300 and 700 oC with citric acid to total metal ions of 1.0 91 xvii 4.18 EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC with propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.5 4.19 91 EDAX spectrum of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 o C where dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.20 4.20 EDAX spectrum of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA 92 assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC 4.21 EDAX spectrum of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA 93 assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC 4.22 93 Charge-discharge characteristics with the number of cycles for the (a) A cell, (b) B cell, (c) C cell and (d) D cell where the raw materials calcined at 400, 700, 750 and 800 o C respectively. Cycling was carried out galvanostatically at constant charge-discharge current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 (200 µA) between voltage region 3.0 to 4.3 V 4.23 100 Charge-discharge characteristics with the number of cycles for the (e) E cell and (f) F cell where the raw materials calcined at 550 oC respectively. Cycling was carried out galvanostatically at constant charge-discharge current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 (200 µA) between voltage region 3.0 to 4.3 V 4.24 101 Cycleability for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell with a 0.2 mA/cm2 current density at the voltage range of 3.0-4.3 V 4.25 102 Coulombic efficiency for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell with the number of cycles. 105 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS °C - Degree Celsius ș - Scattering Angle µ - Chemical Potential e - Charge of an Electron e- - Electron g - Gram L - Liter m - Meter M - Molar mA - Milliampere Ah - Ampere hour V - Voltage mg - Milligram min - Minute Ai - Activity of Relevant Species R - Gas Constant T - Absolute Temperature W h/g - Watt hour per gram mA h/g - Milliampere-hour per gram nm - Nanometer o - Standard Potential - Faraday Constant - Standard Free Energy E F 'G o xix n - Number of Electron Å - Angstrom µg - Microgram µm - Micrometer/Micron µmol - Micromole xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SLI - Starting-Lighting-Ignition CA-EG - Citric Acid-Ethylene Glycol CA - Citric Acid EG - Ethylene Glycol PA - Propionic Acid PE - Positive Electrode NE - Negative Electrode NHE - Normal Hydrogen Electrode PC - Propylene Carbonate PEO - Polyethylene Oxide EV/HEV - Electric Vehicles / Hybrid Electric Vehicles EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy EAS - Electro-analytical Study SEI - Solid Electrolyte Interphase CV - Cyclic Voltamettry EC - Ethylene Carbonate DEC - Diethyl Carbonate TG-DTA - Thermogravimetry-Differential Thermal Analysis BET - Brunauer-Emmett and Teller EDAX - Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis XRD - X-ray Diffraction SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy xxi XPS - X-ray Photoelectron Spectra SPE - Solid Polymer Electrolyte Ni-Cd - Nickel Cadmium NiM-H - Nickel Metal-Hydride ICP - Inductive Coupled Plasma Li-ion - Lithium Ion A cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (CA-EG) B cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (CA) C cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (PA) D cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCrxMn2-xO4 E cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA) F cell - Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA) xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A1 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the First Cycle Charge 122 A2 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the First Cycle Discharge 139 A3 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the 2nd Cycle Charge 147 A4 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the 2nd Cycle Discharge 156 A5 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the 3rd Cycle Charge 164 A6 In details Report of Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) [E cell] Cell Test Data for the 3rd Cycle Discharge 172 xxiii B Performance Data of Synthesized Cathode Materials and Commercial Positive Electrode Materials (LiCoO2) Used by Different Manufacturers 179 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Historical Background of Secondary Batteries Secondary batteries have been in existence for over 100 years. The lead-acid battery was developed in 1859 by Plante´. It is still the most widely used battery, albeit with many design changes and improvements, with the automotive SLI battery by far the dominant one. The nickel-iron alkaline battery was introduced by Edison in 1908 as a power source for the early, but short-lived, electric automobile. The pocket-plate nickel-cadmium battery has been manufactured since 1909 and was used primarily for heavy-duty industrial applications. As with the primary battery systems, significant performance improvements have been made with the older secondary battery systems, and a number of newer types, such as the silver-zinc, the nickel-zinc, the hydrogen, lithium, and halogen batteries, and the high temperature systems, have been introduced into commercial use or serious development (Linden, 1994). 1.1.1 Definition of Battery A battery is a device that converts chemical energy contained in its active materials to electric energy by means of spatially separated electrochemical oxidation and reduction reactions. The overall (redox) reaction occurs by electron 2 transfer from negative electrode material to positive electrode material through an external electrical circuit. In a non-electrochemical redox reaction, such as rusting or burning, the transfer of electrons occurs locally and chemical energy is converted to heat only. Although the terms “cell and battery” are often used interchangeably, the basic electrochemical reactor is the “cell” consisting of a single set of positive and negative electrodes. Batteries can be divided into primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) batteries according to the capability of electrical regeneration after chemical energy has been converted fully to electrical energy during discharge. Primary batteries cannot be recharged, i.e. the electrochemical reaction cannot be reversed. Hence, they are discharged once and discarded or recycled chemically. Nevertheless primary batteries have found many applications due to shelf life, high energy density at low to moderate discharge rate, compactness, and ease of use. Secondary batteries, also referred to as rechargeable batteries, are systems in which the electrochemical reaction can be reversed by passing current through the battery in the direction opposite of that of discharge. Although this is, in principle, possible for all batteries at very low rates i.e. practically useful secondary batteries are characterized by relatively high power density in charge as well as discharge, flat discharge curves, and acceptable low temperature performance. Moreover, rechargeable batteries have an advantage over primary batteries from an environmental point of view, because they are inherently being “recycled”. 1.1.2 Secondary Lithium Battery Secondary lithium batteries have the same geometry and components as primary ones but both electrodes function as secondary lithium electrodes, for example by lithium intercalation in the electrode material on either side. Almost at the same time that primary lithium batteries were introduced, it was discovered that lithium could be inserted or intercalated reversibly in several compounds, which makes it possible to use these compounds as insertion cathodes in rechargeable lithium batteries. The choice of materials that can be used for the insertion cathode is 3 relatively wide. The best cathodes for secondary lithium batteries are those where bonding with lithium occurs at low energy levels and the structural modification of the active materials during lithium insertion/extraction is minimal (such insertion reactions are typical for certain 2-D lattices, in which case they are called intercalation reaction). Table 1.1 shows characteristics of some of the compounds that have been used in lithium secondary batteries. Table 1.1: Positive electrode materials and some of their characteristics (Hossain, 1995). Materials Average Practical specific voltage energy (W h/kg) (V) Lithium /mole Comments a MoS2 1.7 230 0.8 Naturally occurring MnO2 3.0 650 0.7 Inexpensive LiCoO2 3.7 500 0.5 Good for lithium ion system LiNiO2 3.5 480 0.5 Good for lithium ion system LiMn2O4 3.8 450 0.8 Good for lithium V6O13 2.3 300 2.5 Good for SPE ion system system V2O5 2.8 490 1.2 Good for SPE system SO2 3.1 220 0.33 Toxic electrolyte, good for pulse power application CuCl2 3.3 660 1 Toxic electrolyte, good for pulse power application Polyacetylene 3.2 340 1 For polymer electrodes Polypyrrole 3.2 280 1 For polymer electrodes a Voltage vs. Lithium metal 4 During the 1970s and 80s many researchers were involved in programs to develop rechargeable batteries. However, until 1990, only small-scale rechargeable coin cells survived in the market despite their advantage over conventional systems in terms of energy density and environmental control. On the other hand, primary lithium batteries captured a significant market in various size and capacities. The major reasons for the small market share of rechargeable lithium batteries with lithium metal NE were their limited cycleability and, especially, potential safety hazards. The limited cycleability means that, although lithium metal may be plated with almost 100 % efficiency during charging in propylene carbonate (Chilton et al.,1965; Selim and Bro,1974), it can not be stripped (oxidized during discharge) as efficiently, particularly if stripping does not immediately follow deposition and the deposit is allowed to stand in contact with solution. Although a lithium plate becomes less electro-strippable upon standing, it is mostly still in the form of metal (Selim and Bro, 1974). This metal layer has become electrically isolated from the substrate by ionically conducting layer, which forms due to corrosion (Li oxidation under reduction of electrolyte). Therefore, the lithium layer is effectively passivated. Passivation prevents further corrosion but the passivating film cause an increase in the internal cell resistance and release of corrosion products. Thus cycle by cycle, the morphology deteriorates and the plating (charging)-stripping (discharging) efficiency decreases. Moreover, the most deleterious effect of the (non-uniform) passivation layer is that it causes nonuniform lithium plating during the charging process, to an extent which may ultimately lead to total cell failure (due to dentritic short circuiting) or even to serious safety hazard (due to local over heating). 1.1.3 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery There are four major rechargeable batteries currently in use (Abraham, 2001): the lead-acid battery (Pb-Acid), the nickel-cadmium battery (Ni-Cd), the nickel metal-hydride batteries (NiM-H) and the lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion). The lead-acid and nickel-cadmium batteries have a very long history of consumer use. 5 The nickel metal-hydride and lithium-ion are relatively new battery systems having come into existence in the early nineteen nineties. The first three batteries contain water-based (aqueous) electrolytes, whereas the lithium-ion battery utilizes electrolytes composed of lithium salt solutions in organic (non-aqueous) solvents. The Li-ion battery has many advantages over the three aqueous electrolyte-based systems (See Table 1.2) and these include: a) Two to three times higher voltage per single cell b) Two to five times higher specific energy, i.e., watt-hours per kilogram (W h/kg) of battery weight, and two to four times higher energy density, i.e., watt-hours per liter (W h/l) of battery volume. c) Low self-discharge and long shelf life, i.e, the battery does not loose a significant amount of its capacity while sitting idle on the shelf. d) No memory effect, i.e., the available capacity in a fully charged Li-ion battery is independent of its operational history, unlike the Ni-Cd system. e) Long charge-discharge cycle life. Li-ion batteries are capable of 500-1000 cycles at full depth of discharge. Due to these advantages Li-ion batteries are increasingly becoming the battery of choice for portable consumer products such as cellular telephones and notebook computers. Table 1.2: Characteristics of rechargeable batteries Attribute Li-ion NiM-H Ni-Cd Small Pb-Acid Voltage (V) 3.6 1.2 1.2 2.0 Specific Energy 150 90 70 30 350 300 180 80 >1000 >1000 1500 500 (W h/kg) Energy Density (W h/l) Life Cycles 6 As result of the proliferation of these and other portable consumer products, the Li-ion battery business is expected to generate tens of billions of US dollars in sales in the not too distant future. In lithium-ion batteries, the metallic lithium anode is replaced with a lithium insertion electrode consisting of carbon material. The introduction of carbon as an anode material and the development of insertion-type cathode materials have produced substantial improvements in energy density, cycleability, cost, and safety of secondary lithium batteries. In 1990 Sony Inc. introduced the first generation of lithium-ion batteries without metallic lithium (Ngaura et al., 1990). The new concept and the excellent characteristics of the “lithium-ion” battery were enough to obtain worldwide attention. A very large research effort continues in this field, after the first generation of lithium-ion batteries. Table 1.3 shows some of the current lithium-ion battery makers and their product line. Table 1.3: Commercial rechargeable Li-ion batteries available in the market (Kim, 2001) Manufac. Toshiba (A&T) Sony Sanyo Panasonic E-One (Moli) Type of Type of cathode anode LiCoO2 Graphite Ɏ17×50~Ɏ18.3×65 740~1350 Coke 6.3×30×4.8~14.5×34×48 500~1600 LiCoO2 Hard carbon 8.0×33.7×48.1~10.0×34.1×47.2 500~2800 LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 Graphite Ɏ14×42.8~Ɏ26.3×65.4 LiCoO2 Graphite Ɏ14×50~Ɏ18×65 580~1600 19.5×48×6.1~35.1×67.3×6.5 320~1400 Soft Carbon Ɏ17×49.5~Ɏ18.3×64.7 830~1800 Graphite 29.8×47.5×6.4~34×49.8×10.4 630~1550 LiMn2O4 Graphite Ɏ18.2×65,Ɏ26.0×65 1400~320 LiCoO2 - 8.6×34×48 1000 LiCoO2 Manufac. = Manufacturer Dimension (mm) Capacity (mA h) 7 As the result of that, many parts have been improved. So far, more than 10 major companies are sharing the market and more companies are expected to enter shortly, as they are still in the phase of developing and engineering. The lithium-ion battery industry is growing fast as consumer electronic companies demand smaller and lighter energy storage device with high energy density. Many battery manufacturers are pursuing the development of lithium ion battery packs for application to electric vehicles. In 1998 Nissan and Sony Corporation released the first electric vehicle fleet model, which is powered by a lithium-ion battery (Kim, 2001). The battery pack consists of 12 modules and each module contains 8 cylindrical cells encased in a resin module. Each battery has a built-in cell controller to ensure that each cell is operating within a specific voltage range of 2.5 V and 4.2 V during cycling. Total battery pack capacity is 94 A h and voltage is 345 V. 1.2 Major Components of Cell and Battery A battery consists of one or more of cells, connected in series or parallel, or both, depending on the desired output voltage and capacity. The cell consists of three major components as below: a) The cathode or positive electrode: It is oxidizing electrode which accepts electrons from the external circuit and is reduced during the electrochemical reaction. b) The anode or negative electrode: It is reducing or fuel electrode which gives up electrons to the external circuit and is oxidized during the electrochemical reaction. c) The electrolyte: It is ionic conductor which provides the medium for transfer of electrons, as ions, inside the cell between the anode and cathode. The electrolyte is typically a liquid, such as water or other solvents, with dissolved salts, acids or alkalis to impart ionic conductivity. 8 The cathode must be an efficient oxidizing agent, be stable when in contact with the electrolyte, and have a useful working voltage. However, many of the cathode materials are metallic oxides, while other cathode materials are used for advanced battery systems giving high voltage and capacity. In a practical system, the anode is selected with the following properties in mind: efficiency as a reducing agent, high columbic output (A h/g), good conductivity, stability, ease of fabrication, and low cost. The electrolyte must have good ionic conductivity but not be electrically conductive, as this would cause internal short circuiting. Other important characteristics are nonreactivity with the electrode materials, little change in properties with change in temperature, safeness in handling, and low cost. Physically the anode and cathode electrodes are electronically isolated in the cell to prevent internal short circuiting, but are surrounded by the electrolyte. In practical cell designs a separator material is used to separate the anode and cathode electrodes mechanically. The separator, however, is permeable to the electrolyte in order to maintain the desired ionic conductivity. In some cases the electrolyte is immobilized for non spill design. 1.2.1 Chemistry of Positive Electrode The process, however, is even more complex for rechargeable batteries as the cell chemistry must be reversible and the reactions that occur during recharge affect all of the characteristics and the performance on subsequent cycling. There is a relatively wide choice of materials that can be selected for the positive electrodes of lithium batteries. However, many of these, which involve reactions which break and rearrange bonds during discharge, cannot be readily reversed and are limited to primary nonrechargeable batteries. The best cathodes for 9 rechargeable batteries are those where there is little bonding and structural modification of the active materials during the discharge-charge reaction (Scrosati et al., 1993). Intercalation Compounds: The insertion or intercalation compounds are among the most suitable cathode materials. In these compounds, a guest species such as lithium can be inserted interstitially into the host lattice (during discharge) and subsequently extracted during recharge with little or no structural modification of the host. The intercalation process involves three principal steps: a) Diffusion or migration of solvated Li+ ions b) Desolvation and injection of Li+ ions into the vacancy structure c) Diffusion of Li+ ions into the host structure The electrode reactions which occur in a Li /Lix (HOST) cell, where (HOST) is an intercalation cathode, are y Li y Li+ + y e- at the Li metal anode y Li+ + y e- + Lix (HOST) Lix+y (HOST) at the cathode Leading to overall cell reaction of y Li + Lix (HOST) Lix+y (HOST) A number of factors have to be considered in the choice of the intercalation compound, such as reversibility of the intercalation reaction, cell voltage, variation of the voltage with the state of the charge, availability and cost of the compound. The key requirements for positive-electrode intercalation materials (LixMOz) used in lithium cells are given below: 1) High free energy of reaction with lithium 2) Wide range of x (amount of intercalation) 3) Little structural change upon reaction 4) Highly reversible reaction 5) Rapid diffusion of lithium in solid 6) Good electronic conductivity 7) No solubility in electrolyte 8) Readily available or easily synthesized from low cost reactants Transition metal oxides, sulfides (MoS2, TiS2), and selenides (NbSe3) are used in lithium rechargeable batteries. The LiMn2O4 spinel framework possesses a three 10 dimensional space via face sharing octahedral and tetrahedral structures, which provide conducting pathways for the insertion and extraction of lithium ions. The removal and insertion of the lithium ion for the three lithiated transition metal oxides are LiCoO2 Li1-xCoO2 + x Li+ + x e- LiNiO2 Li1-xNiO2 + x Li+ + x e- LiMn2O4 Li1-xMn2O4 + x Li+ + x e- The reversible value of x for LiCoO2 and LiNiO2 is less than or equal to 0.5, and the value is greater than or to 0.85 for lithiated manganese oxide. Thus although the theoretical capacity of LiCoO2 and LiNiO2 (274 mA h /g) is almost twice as high as that of LiMn2O4, the reversible capacity of the three cathode materials is about the same (135 mA h/g). In the long run it is expected that the manganese-based compounds will become the material of choice as they are more abundant, less expensive, and non-toxic. 1.3 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Electrochemistry includes the study of chemical properties and reactions involving ions either in solution or in solids. In order to study these properties, generally electrochemical cells are constructed. Typical cell consists of two solid electrodes, the cathode and anode, in contact with an ionic conducting electrolyte. To prevent cell self-discharge, an electronically insulating material that is permeable to the working ions physically separates the electrodes. The two electrodes are put in electrical contact by an external electronically conductive wire. Two different types of electrochemical cells can be defined: electrolytic cells, and galvanic cells. In electrolytic cells an applied electrical current causes the active material to undergo decomposition; a process corresponding to the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy. Galvanic cells, however, are capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Galvanic cells generate electrical energy by the spontaneous electrode reactions that give rise to electrical current. 11 To understand the lithium-ion battery it is useful to consider a simple Li cell, Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1: Schematic of a basic Li-Sn cell The reaction for a cell with a negative Li-metal electrode and a positive tin (Sn) electrode is presented below. This cell is very important to the rest of the thesis, so it a good place to start. The discharge of a Li-Sn cell involves two half cell reactions. During discharge of a lithium cell, Li+ ions are generated at the anode/electrolyte interface, and Li+ is inserted into the cathode structure at the cathode/electrolyte interface. The electrode reactions are given below. n Li+ + n e- (Negative) [Oxidation Reaction] n Li n Li+ + Sn + n e- LinSn (Positive) [Reduction Reaction] The full cell reaction is: n Li + Sn LinSn (Full Cell) The difference in chemical potential (µ) of Li in the negative electrode compared to the positive electrode drives the reaction. The voltage difference between the electrodes is given by: V (µ positive - µ negative) e 12 where e is the magnitude of the charge on an electron. To charge the cell the reaction must be reversed. Energy is required to remove Li from Sn and re-deposit it onto the negative electrode, recharging the cell. The roles of the cathode and anode are reversed when the battery is being charged. 1.3.1 Thermodynamic Background In a cell, reactions essentially take place at two areas or sites in the device. These reaction sites are the electrodes. In generalized terms, the reaction at one electrode (reduction in the forward direction) can be represented by: aA + ne cC (a) where a molecules of A take up n electrons e to form c molecules of C. At the other electrode, the reaction (oxidation in forward direction) can be represented by: bB - ne dD (b) The overall reaction in the cell is given by addition of these two half cell reactions aA + bB cC + dD (c) The change in the standard free energy ' G o of this reaction is expressed as ' G o = - nFEo (d) where F = constant known as Faraday (96,487 C) Eo = standard electromotive force n = number of electrons involved in stoichiometric reaction When conditions are other than in the standard state, the voltage E of a cell is given by the Nernst equation, o RT E=E - ln nF where ai = activity of relevant species R= gas constant T = absolute temperature acC adD aaA abB (e) 13 The change in the standard free energy ' G o of a cell reaction is the driving force which enables a battery to deliver electric energy to an external circuit. The measurement of the electromotive force, incidentally, also make available data on changes in free energy, namely, entropies and enthalpies together with activity coefficients, equilibrium constants, and solubility products. Direct measurement of single (absolute) electrode potentials is considered practically impossible. To establish a scale of cell or standard potentials, a reference potential “Zero” must be established against which single electrode potentials can be measured. By convention, the standard potential of the H2/H+(aq) reaction is taken as zero and all standard potentials are referred to this potential. Theoretical voltage The standard potential of the cell is determined by its actives materials and can be calculated from free energy data or obtained experimentally. The standard potential of a cell can also be calculated from the standard electrode potentials as follows (the oxidation potential is the negative value of the reduction potential): Anode (oxidation potential) + cathode (reduction (potential) = standard cell potential For example, in the reaction Zn + Cl2 ZnCl2 Zn Zn+2 + 2e- Cl2 - - 2Cl - 2e - (- 0.76 V) 1.36 V 2.12 V The cell voltage is also dependent on other factors, including concentration, temperature etc. Theoretical capacity The capacity of a cell is expressed as the total quantity of electricity involved in the electrochemical reaction and is defined in terms of coulombs or ampere-hours. The “ampere-hour capacity” of a battery is directly associated with the quantity of 14 electricity obtained from the active materials. Theoretically 1 gm-equivalent weight of material will deliver 96,487 C or 26.8 A h. (A gram-equivalent weight is the atomic or molecular weight of the active material in grams divide by the number of electrons involved in the reaction). The theoretical capacity of a battery system, based only on the active materials participating in the electrochemical reaction, is calculated from the equivalent weight of the reactants. Hence the theoretical capacity of the Zn/Cl2 system is 0.394 A h / g, that is, Zn + Cl2 0.82 A h / g 0.76 A h / g 1.22 g /A h 1.32 g / A h ZnCl2 = 2.54 g/ A h or 0.394 A h / g The capacity of battery is also considered on an energy (Watt hour) basis by taking the voltage as well as the quantity of electricity into consideration, Watt hour (W h) = voltage (V) × ampere-hour (A h) In the Zn / Cl2 cell example, if the standard potential is taken as 2.12 V, the theoretical watt hour capacity per gram of active material (theoretical gravimetric energy density) is Watt hour / gram capacity = 2.12 V × 0.395 A h/g = 0.838 W h /g Similarly, the ampere-hour or watt hour capacity on a volume basis, can be calculated by using the appropriate data for ampere-hours per cubic centimeter. Free energy Whenever a reaction occurs, there is a decrease in the free energy of the system, which is expressed as Go = - nFE o where F = constant known as Faraday ( | 96,500 C or 26.8 A h) n = number of electrons involved in stoichiometric reaction Eo = standard potential, V 15 1.3.2 Operation of a cell A battery consists of one or more cells, connected in series or parallel, or both, depending on the desired output voltage and capacity. Discharge The operation of a cell during discharge is shown schematically in the Figure 1.2 Electron flow Load - + Anode Cathode Flow of anions Flow of cations Figure 1.2: Electrochemical operation of cell (discharge) When the cell is connected to an external load, electrons flow from the anode, which is oxidized, through the external load to the cathode, where the electrons are accepted and the cathode material is reduced. The electric circuit is completed in the electrolyte by the flow of anions (negative ions) and cations (positive ions) to the anode and cathode, respectively. The discharge reaction can be written, assuming a metal as the anode material and a cathode material such as chlorine (Cl2), as follows Negative electrode: anodic reaction (oxidation, loss of electrons) Zn Zn+2 + 2e- 16 Positive electrode: cathodic reaction (reduction, gain of electrons) + 2e- Cl2 Overall reaction (discharge): Zn 2ClZn+2 + 2Cl- (ZnCl2) + Cl2 Charge During the recharge of a rechargeable or storage battery, the current flow is reversed and oxidation takes place at the positive electrode and reduction at the negative electrode, as shown in Figure 1.3. As the anode is, by definition, the electrode at which oxidation occurs and cathode the one where reduction takes place, the positive electrode is now the anode and the negative the cathode. - DC Power supply + + Flow of anions Anode Cathode Electron flow Flow of cations Electrolyte Figure 1.3: Electrochemical operation of cell (charge) In the example of the Zn/Cl2 cell, the reaction on charge can be written as follows: Negative electrode: cathodic reaction (reduction, gain of electrons) Zn2+ 2e- + Zn Positive electrode: anodic reaction (oxidation, loss of electrons) 2Cl- Cl2 + 2e- Overall reaction (charge): Zn2+ + 2Cl- Zn + Cl2 17 1.4 Cell Geometry The basic cell chemistry and design are the same for all types of Li-ion batteries. Figure 1.4 shows a typical cell design. Thin layers of cathode (positive), separator, and anode (negative) are rolled up on a central mandrel and inserted into a cylindrical can. The gaps are filled with liquid electrolyte. The basic design remains unchanged on substitution of one electrode material for another, although the layer thickness might change. This is the same design used for most small commercial cells, like the 18650 (18 mm in diameter, 65 mm long) used in devices such as camcorders and laptops. Figure 1.4: Typical design of a cylindrical 18650 cell (Beaulieu, 2002) The lithium-ion cell can be designed in any of the typical cell constructions: flat or coin, spirally wound cylindrical, or prismatic configurations. While most of the developments to date have concentrated on the smaller cells for portable applications. 18 1.5 Battery Terminology What we commonly call a battery is actually a cell. Strictly speaking a battery is a collection of individual cells, typically connected in series (i.e., car battery). In this thesis, the terms battery and cell will be used interchangeably. Discharge capacity, quoted in ampere-hours (A h), is equal to the amount of charge delivered during discharge. The average voltage at which the charge is delivered defines the amount of energy in the battery, where energy is the product of total capacity and average voltage (W h). Specific energy is the energy per unit mass (W h/kg). Energy density is the energy per unit volume (W h/L). Specific capacity describes the capacity per unit mass (mA h/g). Volumetric capacity describes the capacity per unit volume (mA h/cc). The terms anode and cathode refer to the direction of charge transfer at the interface between the electrode and the solution, strictly speaking, the terms should be interchanged during recharging. Potential confusion is avoided by simply referring to the electrodes as negative or positive. Cycling refers to repeated charge-discharge cycles. The host materials may be fully, or only partially, charged/discharged during cycling. Cycleability refers to the battery’s ability to perform numerous cycles without appreciable loss of original capacity. 1.6 Scope of Research The project includes the synthesis and characterization of new intercalation materials, and their processing into battery electrodes in the form of pellets, in order to develop accumulators exploiting lithium ion technology. The scope of this research is to synthesize various types of cathode materials from metal salts (as a metal source) and organic solvents (as a chelating agent). The synthesized cathode materials will be characterized by different analyses and instrumental techniques such as TGA-DTA (thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), and Brunauer-Emmett and Teller (BET) surface area. The synthesized cathode materials used as the composite electrodes after cathode 19 fabrication. The synthesized cathodes were also characterized using various types of electro-analytical techniques and the results were compared with those of the parent cathode materials. The final step of the research is that the synthesized cathode electrodes were examined systematically in order to evaluate electrochemical performances of the lithium ion rechargeable battery. The focus of this work is on the development of a desirable cathode or positive electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries. 1.7 Research Objectives Particularly the development of the active cathode materials preparation method is based on the trial and error approach guided by the background reading of the previous processes and reviewed articles. The following objectives have been addressed to testify the hypothesis: 1. To synthesize new mixture of metal oxides for the cathode portion of Li-ion battery 2. To make right combination of lithium with transition or nontransition metals by sol-gel method 3. To characterize the synthesized materials with numerous techniques in order to investigate the changes of physical and chemical properties 4. To increase the practical voltage around the theoretical voltage (6 volts) 5. To increase coulombic efficiency of Li-ion battery 1.8 Problems Statement and Solution Approach The increased demand for power distribution systems, portable electronics and zero emission vehicles has led to the examination of the electrochemical battery as a solution to our energy storage needs. In particular, the rapid development in the 20 field of portable electronics including laptop computers, camcorders, cell phones and wireless communication devices require high energy density batteries to power them. Consumers have simple demands; they want a long lasting, lightweight, cheap, and safe battery. To meet these demands, the development of rechargeable (secondary) batteries has been the focus of considerable research. Portable, rechargeable lithium ion batteries offer several advantages when compared to current primary and secondary power sources. Lithium ion batteries have higher cell voltages 3.5-4.2 V (Plicht et al., 1987; Megahed et al., 1995; Berndt, 1997), higher energy density and longer cycle life. Improving the performance of current lithium-ion batteries in these three areas (voltage, energy density, and cycle life) is very important. However, it is crucial to improve both the safety aspects of this high voltage system and the performance while using more abundant and low cost materials (Dai et al., 2000). Many research groups have focused on improving the characteristics of the positive electrode, particularly developing high voltage cathode materials. Lithium manganese oxides spinel is an interesting and promising cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries (Thackeray et al., 1983; Tarascon et al., 1991; Julien et al., 1999). In comparison with layered LiCoO2 and LiNiO2, its three-dimensional structure permits a reversible electrochemical extraction of Li+ ions, at about 4 V versus Li/Li+, to Ȝ-MnO2 without lattice collapse (Thakeray et al., 1984). Additional advantages are the relatively high theoretical capacity (148 mA h/g), low cost with ease preparation and environmental harmlessness (Tarascon et al., 1994). A problem to overcome for commercial application of this material is its fast capacity fading with charge/discharge cycling. This fact has been related to instability of the active phase caused by several possible factors like a slow dissolution of the cathode material into the electrolyte, high value of the relative volume changes accompanying charge/discharge cycling, Jahn-Teller distortion effect in deeply discharged electrodes (Rodriguez et al.,1998; Gummow et al.,1994). Presently, the capacity of lithium-ion batteries is limited by the capacity of cathode material. Though the commercially employed cathode, LiCoO2 for Li-ion batteries 21 has a theoretical capacity of 274 mA h/g, the practical attainable capacity is found to be only 120-130 mA h/g in the voltage range 2.7-4.2 V (Fan et al.,1998). The other viable and commercially available cathode material, lithium manganese oxide with the spinel structure LiMn2O4, has a theoretical capacity of 148 mA h/g and its practically attainable value is 100-120 mA h/g (Aurbach et al., 1999). In addition, LiMn2O4 is found to be unstable on cycling and shows severe capacity fading problems during cycling in the long run use. This can be overcome by doping various types of metals such as Cr, Zn, Fe, Al, Ni, Ga, Mg, V, Cu in LiMn2O4. The addition of dopants, may also decrease the initial capacity of the cell. Amine et al., 1997 found a way to engineer a 5 volt battery to have consistently high capacity for multiple cycles. They prepared LiNi0.5Mn0.5O4 using sol-gel method and was the first made and tested in mid 1990s. The material has been shown to have a high voltage reaction at 4.7 V. Doping of the transition metals such as Ni, Fe, Co, Cr etc in lithium rich spinels considerably improved the rechargeability on cycling but they delivered significant loss of the initial capacity. An improved operational capacity may be achieved by using LiNiO2 and its derivatives (Fan et al., 1998; Chowdari et al., 2001). The latter materials, however, are not stable on cycling and their cathodic capacity fades drastically, especially when charged and discharged at high current rates. The unsafe operation of these materials is also of concern. Therefore, to realize cost effective Li-ion batteries, the challenge is to identify an alternate cathode material with higher capacity which is cheaper, safe and non-toxic to replace LiCoO2 (Shaju et al., 2002). The stoichiometry, crystal structure and morphology of the active materials are of essential importance for its electrochemical properties (Gadjov et al., 2004). All these factors are closely related to the method of synthesis. Many procedures for the preparation of cathode materials have been proposed in the literature during last years. The classical ceramic synthesis by a solid-state-reaction between oxides (Guan et al., 1998; Yamada et al., 2000) has been used extensively, but it requires prolonged heat treatment at relatively high temperatures (>700 oC) with repeatedly intermediate grinding. Moreover, this method does not provide good control on the 22 crystalline growth, compositional homogeneity, morphology and microstructure. As a consequence, the final product consist in relatively large particles (>1 µm) with broad particle size distribution. In order to overcome these disadvantages, various preparative techniques, known as “soft-chemistry” methods, have been developed. Such techniques are based on the processes of co-precipitation, ion-exchange or thermal decomposition at low temperature of appropriate organic precursors obtained by sol-gel synthesis (Hernan et al., 1997; Kang et al., 2000), Xero-gel (Prabaharan et al., 1995), Pechini (Liu et al., 1996; Liu and Kowal et al., 1996), freeze-drying (Zhecheva et al., 1999), and emulsion-drying (Hwang et al., 1998) methods. This soft chemistry techniques offer many advantages (Thirunakaran et al., 2004) such as better homogeneity, low calcination temperature, shorter heating time, regular morphology, sub-micron sized particles, less impurities, large surface area, and good control of stoichiometry. In the last 20 years, the lithium-ion battery has become a highly researched topic. The high voltage and energy capacity of the system classify the lithium-ion battery as the most promising energy storage source. However, several improvements must be made before the battery is recognized as a dependable power source for all high voltage applications. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Conventional and Advanced Methods to Prepare Cathode Raw Materials A Brief Review In recent years, electronic mobile devices have become omnipresent and rapid progress in various types of mobile devices has yet lead to the fast development and commercialization of secondary batteries. Among them, lithium-ion batteries have been produced on large scale and used extensively in the commercial mobile devices since they have high working voltage, large capacity, and no memory effect compared with other candidates such as metal-hydride batteries and nickel-cadmium batteries. Among the components of lithium-ion batteries, the positive-electrode (cathode) material attracts much attention. This is because the composition and structure of the cathode plays a crucial role in effective lithiation and delithiation during the respective charge and discharge processes. Numerous forms of lithium compounds such as LiCoO2, LiNiO2, and LiMn2O4 (Naganuraaftd et al., 1991; Ebner et al., 1994; Tarascon et al., 1991) have been developed for high specific energy and better structural stability. Scientific and commercial interest has continued to increase this year for Li batteries. Work in this area is very diverse, including the manufacture of prototype commercial 24 products, further studies of existing materials and the search for new improved Li intercalation hosts. This review will concentrate on specific areas of work reported. In recent years, several low temperature preparation methods, such as sol-gel synthesis (Pereira-Romas, 1995), precipitation (Barboux et al., 1991), the pechini process (Liu et al., 1993), and a hydrothermal method (Whittingam, 1996) have been used to prepare Lithium-MetalOxides spinels. Among them sol-gel method is a very widely spread technique for both powders and film preparation due to some well known advantages: offers an easy way to obtain homogenous distribution of precursors, the possibility to introduce controlled amounts of dopants, chemical methods of reaction control, viscosity advanced control as well as low processing temperature (Brinker and Scherer,1990). Lithium battery can theoretically hold up to 6 volts energy (e.g., an Li/F2 battery); however, no massproduced rechargeable battery has yet been able to surpass more than 4 V. Amine et al., 1997 of the Fundamental Technology Laboratory in Japan, found a way to engineer a 5 volt battery to have consistently high capacity for multiple cycles. The spinel oxide materials they used, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 was prepared using a sol-gel method and was first made and tested in the mid 1990s. The material has been shown to have high voltage reaction at 4.7 V, which approaches 5 V (Amine et al.,1997). Sun et al., 2004 have prepared a series of spinel-structured LiMn2-x-yNixCryO4 and their electrochemical performances as 5 V cathode materials for lithium ion batteries are evaluated. The synthesis reactions for these materials are characterized by TG/DSC, XRD and SEM. TG/DSC measurements show that the chemical reactions for the final product are completed below 400 oC. XRD analysis indicates that spinel structure is formed at around 650 o C. However, SEM images show well-defined polyhedron crystalline particles do not appear until 800 oC. Electrochemical evaluation shows that LiMn1.4Ni0.4Cr0.2O4 prepared at 850 oC boasts the best electrochemical performance with an initial discharge capacity of 128 mA h/g and a capacity retention of more than 90 % after 230 cycles between 3.5 and 4.98 V. 25 By using conventional melt-impregnation method Denga et al., 2005 have prepared LiMn2O4 spinel having the high rate capacity. Especially the high rate discharge performance is another important aspect for the application of Mn-based spinel cathodes for EV/HEV power sources besides the cycling performance that is now intensively investigated. In this paper, spinel materials differing in chemical composition and thermal processing history were investigated by discharging at constant current rates from C/10 to 4 C at ambient temperature. It was found that the high-rate discharge capability of Mn-based spinels is very excellent if prepared at temperatures below 850 oC, no matter cation doping or not. In contrast, spinels synthesized over 950 oC showed much poorer high rate performance, and some kinds of impurities were proposed to be responsible for the deteriorated behavior. Annealing at lower temperatures was found to be useful for the significant improvement of the high rate discharge capability of Mn spinels. LiNi0.8Co0.2-xAlxO2 cathodes (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05), which consist of sub micron particles, are fabricated by a sol-gel method (Han et al., 2004). The structural and electrochemical properties are investigated to examine the effect of Al doping on initial discharge capacity and its retention. The cathodes are single-phase compounds regardless of Al content in the range x = 0.05 and crystallize in a layered structure (space group, R-3m). The initial discharge capacity decrease as the aluminum content is increased. On the other hand, charge–discharge cycling performance is improved. There is a small capacity loss in the cycle tests between 3.0 and 4.3 V. The relative improvement due to Al doping is more pronounced in the higher voltage range (3.0-4.5 V). The slow degradation of the electrochemical property of Al-doped LiNi0.8Co0.2-xAlxO2 during cycling is attributed to the suppression of phase transitions by maintaining the layered structure. LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 as the cathode material for a lithium ion battery was prepared by two different methods (Gong et al., 2004), sol-gel method and the solid-state reaction process. The samples were characterized and tested by means of XRD, SEM, particle size analysis, BET, and electrochemical methods. The results of XRD show that both 26 the LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 samples prepared by two different methods are iso-structural with Į-NaFeO2 with a space group R-3m. The results of electrochemical studies show that the sample prepared by the solid-state reaction process is superior to that by the sol-gel method in electrochemical performance. LiNi0.5Mn0.5-xTixO2 series was prepared by a simple solid state method using MnO2, TiO2 and nickel carbonate basic as the starting materials (Decheng et al., 2004). Its structural and electrochemical characteristics were also studied and compared with those prepared by the spray dry method. As Ti content increases, the degree of cation mixing increases and the structure of compound transforms gradually from a layered structure to a disordered rock salt structure. There are two plateaus in the initial charge curve for compounds with x < 0.3. One is around 4.0 V and the other is around 4.6 V. Both the initial charge and discharge capacities decrease as Ti content increases. Compounds with x < 0.3 exhibit good cyclic performance at room temperature. Ning et al., 2004 have proposed mechanochemical methods to prepare materials for lithium ion batteries. Compared with conventional solid-state reaction, the mechanochemical methods appear to accelerate and simplify the synthesis process and decrease the energy expenses as well as the cost of the materials. Furthermore, the prepared materials also present good electrochemical performance. For example, cathode materials such as LiMn2O4 spinels present better cycling behavior due to the highly disordered nanocrystallines which can accommodate the Jahn-Teller distortions. Li[NixLi(1/3-2x/3)Mn(2/3-x/3)]O2 (x = 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, 0.50) compounds have been prepared (Park et al., 2004) by a simple combustion method. Compared with the mixed hydroxide or sol-gel method, the combustion method is very simple, and will therefore reduce the manufacturing cost of the cathode material. The structural and electrochemical properties of the samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD) and the galvanostatic charge-discharge method. Rietvelt analysis of the XRD patterns shows that these compounds can be classified as Į-NaFeO2 structure type. Compounds with high Ni content (x = 0.25-0.50) in Li[NixLi(1/3-2x/3)Mn(2/3-x/3)]O2 27 appear to be composed of two phases, namely Ni-rich and Ni-deficient phases with the same Į-NaFeO2 structure. By contrast, the Li[Ni0.17Li0.22Mn0.61]O2 compound with a low Ni content has good phase integrity with only a single phase. The initial chargedischarge and irreversible capacity become larger as x in Li[NixLi(1/3-2x/3)Mn(2/3-x/3)]O2 decreases. The Li[Ni0.50Mn0.50]O2 compound has a relatively low initial discharge capacity of 200 mA h/g and exhibits a large loss in capacity during cycling. On the other hand, Li[Ni0.17 Li0.22Mn0.61]O2 and Li[Ni0.25Li0.17Mn0.58]O2 compounds give high initial discharge capacities of over 245 mA h/g and a stable cycle performance in the voltage range 4.8-2.0 V. The XRD and electrochemical results suggest that the simple combustion method is more appropriate for synthesizing Li[NixLi(1/3-2x/3)Mn(2/3-x/3)]O2 compounds with low Ni content. The structural changes of spinel Li1.02Mn2O4 and Li1.02Co0.11Ni0.0.4Mn1.85O4 cathode materials have been studied by synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements (Tsai et al., 2003). The results show that spinel Li1.02Mn2O4 undergoes a phase transition from cubic (Fd3m) to orthorhombic symmetry (Fddd) at T = 285 K. However, substitution of a small amount of Co3+ and Ni3+ ions suppresses phase transition and the cubic phase is maintained at low temperature due to a decrease in the concentration of Jahn -Teller active Mn3+ ions. Gering et al., 1975 reported that John-Teller effect is a phase transition which is driven by the interaction between the electronic states of one of the constituent species of ions in a solid and the collective lattice vibrations or phonons. The phase transition may be of first or second order and in both these cases involves a symmetry-lowering distortion of the crystal lattice and a splitting of the electronic energy levels. The names of Jahn and Teller are associated with the effect because in 1937 they showed that in the presence of a low-lying electronic degeneracy molecules are unstable with respect to some distortion. Ting-Kuo Fey et al., 2003 have synthesized LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 by a sol-gel method with maleic acid as chelating agent, was investigated using galvanostatic charge 28 discharge cycling and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The impedance response was found to be dependent on the extent of intercalation and deintercalation, although it was independent of the electrolyte composition. However, the chargedischarge behavior of the cathode material was found to be dependent on the electrolyte composition. Cells with 1 M LiPF6 in EC: DEC gave the height capacity. With this electrolyte, the first cycle discharge capacity was 187 mA h/g. The first cycle capacities obtained with the others electrolytes were lower, between 174 and 182 mA h/g. The impedance parameters of the system at the different levels of intercalation and deintercalation were derived using equivalent circuits models. Zheng et al., 2002 proposed Li1.03Mn1.97O4 spinel material coated with a thin layer of SiO2 by a sol-gel method. The surface modification was found to reduce the Mn2+ dissolution into the electrolyte according to the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis results and improve the capacity retention of the Li1.03Mn1.97O4 spinel. The structure and properties of the coating materials were also investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Single-phase lithium nickel oxides with the formula LiNi0.8Co0.2-2yTiyMgyO2, y = 0.00-0.075 have been prepared and characterized (Chowdari et al., 2001). Their electrochemical properties as cathode during charging and discharging are discussed. Thermal behavior of the charged cathodes was studied by differential scanning colorimetry DSC. Results show that the cathodic behavior of compounds with y = 0.00 and 0.03 and those with y = 0.05 and 0.075 are similar with respect to the initial irreversible capacity, suppression of phase transitions, cycling behavior and capacity fading. The composition with y = 0.05 shows a cathodic capacity of 120 mA h/g at the 0.5 C rate and 2.5-4.4 V window with only 7 % fading over 40 cycles. The thermal behavior of the charged cathode with y = 0.05 is improved compared to y = 0.00 and 0.03. A qualitative explanation for the observed cathodic behavior with various y values is offered in terms of the occupancy of the magnesium-ions in the Li and Ni layers in the lattice. 29 Cho et al., 2001 prepared coated LiNiO2 by a thin film of ZrO2 using a sol-gel method. The ZrO2 coated LiNiO2 can effectively suppress lattice distortion and the consequent phase transition. As a result, the cycling performance is greatly improved, with only 2 % capacity loss after 70 cycles when cycling between 4.3 and 2.75 V. Other kinds of oxides can be coated by sol-gel methods, but one thing should be taken into consideration, namely that the coating should be situated at the surface of the LiNiO2 particles. By using solution technique Yu et al., 2000 doped simultaneously magnesium (Mg) and gallium (Ga) at the Ni-site in LiNiO2 and tried to improve the cathode performance, in view of the recent reports that Ga or Mg dopants can suppress the crystallographic phase transitions and decrease the irreversible capacity. The results show that co-doping (2 atom % Ga and 3 atom % Mg) definitely has a large beneficial effect in increasing the capacity (150 mA h/g) and cycling behavior. Comparison of the differential capacity vs. voltage curves for pristine and co-doped LiNiO2 show suppression of the phase transitions and stabilization of the hexagonal 2 (H1) phase. Differential scanning colorimetry (DSC) data indeed confirm the above by way of increased thermal stability of the charged cathode. Harish Baht et al., 2000 used a novel microwave method for the preparation of electrode materials required for lithium batteries. The method is simple, fast and carried out in most cases with the same starting material as in conventional methods. Good crystallinity has been noted and lower temperatures of reaction has been inferred in cases where low temperature products have been identified. 2.2 Cathode Raw Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries Cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries are strongly oxidizing in nature and have a high reversible lithium intercalation voltage (above 3.0 V vs. Li). They may be 30 divided in three big groups: LiMO2 types of oxide (i.e., LiCoO2 and LiNiO2) compounds, lithiated manganese oxides (i.e., LiMn2O4) and other materials. Among these materials, LiCoO2 was used in the first commercial lithium-ion battery (Sony), and currently is used by most lithium-ion battery manufacturers as a cathode material. It is preferred for its electrochemical properties, although it is relatively expensive and environmentally not quite kind. Nickel compounds are relatively inexpensive but much more difficult to synthesize. For future lithium-ion batteries, the LiMn2O4 compounds are favored over the other two compounds, based on abundance, ease of preparation, material cost, and environmental friendliness (Shokoohi et al., 1995). However, much work still has to be done to ensure stable performance of manganese oxides over a wide range of operating conditions. The properties of these materials will be discussed in the following sections. 2.2.1 LiMO2 Materials Only high voltage LiMO2 materials are to be discussed in this section. Certain transition metals which have high molecular weight e.g., LiWO2, LiMoO2, and LiRuO2 intercalate lithium at low voltage (lower than 2 V vs. Li) are not suitable for cathode materials). LiVO2 and LiCrO2 are almost inactive in non-aqueous lithium cells. Layered metal oxides of this type LiMO2 ( M = Co or Ni) have a rhombohedral structure (Reimers et al.,1992; Ohzuku et al., 1993) in which lithium and transition metal atoms are ordered alternate (111) planes in a slightly distorted cubic-close packed oxygen ion array. In other words, transition metal ions and lithium ions locate at octahedral 3 (a) and 3 (b) sites, respectively, and oxygen ions at 6 (c) sites (Figure 2.1). The layered host framework provides a two-dimensional interstitial site that allows for the intercalation/de intercalation of guest metal ions. 31 Figure: 2.1: Structure of the rhombohedral elementary cell of LiMO2 oxides In the following subsections, LiCoO2, LiNiO2, and their derivatives will be discussed in details. LiCoO2 The lithium cobalt oxide was first described in 1980 (Mizushima et al., 1980) and is used currently by most lithium-ion battery manufacturers as a cathode material. It has a theoretical capacity of 274 mA h/g, which corresponds to complete lithium removal (to x =1) in LixCoO2. However, due to structural restrictions, the amount of lithium that may be removed and inserted reversibly is much smaller (normally~55 %). In general a maximum of around 150 mA h/g may be reversibly cycled over many charge/discharge cycles without major capacity degradation. In the same rate 32 insertion/extraction, the nominal reversible specific capacity lies in the range of 120~140 mA h/g. Various synthesis routes have been explored to improve the electrochemical performance of LiCoO2, including conventional ceramic technique with different precursor materials such as carbonate mixtures (Ohzuku et al., 1990), nitrate mixtures, LiOH and either carbonate (Antaya et al., 1993), an oxide or the nitrate of cobalt (Xia et al., 1995). Generally the different procedure of high temperature synthesis has little or no effect on the electrochemical performance of the LiCoO2 material since essentially identical results are obtained. Reports on materials prepared at low temperature show mostly higher initial capacity than materials prepared at high temperature. However, their capacity becomes limited in the following a number of cycles. The structural information about LiCoO2 and the structure changes during lithium intercalation and extraction have been studied in details (Reimers et al., 1993). This material has lattice parameters of a | 2.826 Å and c | 14.08 Å (Mizushima et al., 1980). The effect of synthesis temperature (high and low) on the structural parameters has also been discussed in the literature (Gummow and Thackeray, 1993). Lithium ion transport (Thomas et al.,1985) has been described. The formation of interfacial layers on LiCoO2 influences the insertion properties (Thomas et al., 1985). The formation of the cathode electrolyte interfacial layer formed by reaction between electrolyte (1 M LiBF4 / PC) and cathode components was studied by EIS measurements. The layer has characteristics resembling those of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI), in a model originally proposed by Peled and co-workers (Peled, 1983) to characterize the interfacial properties between metallic lithium and nonaqueous electrolytes. The cathode interfacial layer model was expected to moderate the electrochemical properties of the LiCoO2 composite electrode. The surface of the composite cathode in contact with electrolyte has also been characterized by electron micrography (Thomas et al.,1985). The thermal characteristics of LiCoO2 during 33 cycling have been investigated by various researchers using colorimetric techniques applied to a LiCoO2 / Li half cell. LiNiO2 Dyer et al., 1954 prepared this material first. LiNiO2 exists in two structural modifications (rock-salt type and layered type), of which only the layered one is electrochemically active (Ohzuku et al., 1991). The theoretical capacity of material is close to that of the LiCoO2 compound, i.e., | 275 mA h/g. For similar reasons as in the case of the cobalt compound, only a limited amount of capacity (~150 mA h/g) is available in the actual cell test within the voltage range 2.5 V and 4.2 V (Xie et al., 1995; Dahn et al., 1991; Sekai et al., 1993; Li et al., 1993). However, the reported overall reversible specific capacity is 10~30 mA h/g higher than that of LiCoO2. Generally good charge retention is observed after 100 cycles (Xie et al., 1995).The cycle life is strongly dependent on the depth of decrease (Yamada et al.,1995). When the capacity was restricted to about 100~120 mA h/g, high cycles number was achieved, however, only a few cycles are possible at higher capacities. In addition to the electrochemical activity for x < 1 in LixNiO2, LiNiO2 can react with lithium, forming a voltage plateau near 1.9 V. This reaction is reversible but induces a large hysteresis in the voltage for x < 1 (Dahn et al.,1990). LiNiO2 compounds appear to be more difficult to synthesize than lithium cobalt oxide, in electrochemically active form capable of reversible lithium insertion to a significant extent. Unlike LiCoO2, the LiNiO2 compound needs to be prepared under specially controlled strongly oxidizing conditions. Synthesis may start from hydroxide mixtures annealed in O2 atmosphere (Xie et al.,1995; Nohma et al.,1995), or from hydroxide and nitrate (Ohzuku et al.,1991; Moshtev et al.,1995) or use Na2O2 and a Ni source (Nagura,1991; Sekai et al.,1993 ), followed by ion exchange with LiNiO3 at elevated temperature. 34 Structural information on LixNiO2 with various x in the range of 0 d x d 2 was prepared by several research groups. LixNiO2 has a structure closely related to rock-salt structure, with a | 2.88 Å and c | 14.19 Å as lattice constant. The unit cell dimension of LiNiO2 (ah = ~2.9 Å and ch = ~14.2 Å; ch / ah = 4.9 in hexagonal setting) are very close to the corresponding value of cubic unit cell (ac = ch / 2 3 = ~ 4.1 Å), suggesting that the displacement of nickel and lithium ions occur easily without a dimensional mismatch compared to that for LiCoO2. This makes the preparation of electrochemically active LiNiO2 difficult. The diffusivity of lithium ion in LixNiO2, D Li+, was measured by EIS technique (Bruce et al., 1992) and has the value of ~10-7 cm2/s. Some other physical/chemical properties were reported in a number of references (Reimers and Dahn et al., 1993). The temperature of exothermic reaction is lower (~220 oC) and the DSC peak is sharper than that of LiCoO2 (~250 oC) (Dahn et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 1998). So, the use of LixNiO2 as a direct substitute for LixCoO2 raises safety concerns. LiMO2 (M = Co, Ni) Derivatives To improve the reversible capacity of either LiCoO2 or LiNiO2, many attempts have been made to partial by substitute Co and Ni with each other, and with transition metals such as Cr (Jones et al., 1994), Mn (Nitta et al., 1995; Rossen et al., 1992; Spahr et al.1998), and Fe (Remiers, Dahn and Greedan et al., 1993). The most promising result is the LixNiyCo1-yO2 series of compounds. Extensive studies have shown that electrodes with 0 < y < 1 perform better on electrochemical cycling than the end members of the system i.e., LiCoO2 (y = 0) and LiNiO2 (y = 1). The effect of synthesis temperature on this material was investigated at small values of x (Gummow et al., 1993) because of their (low temperature synthesis) lower insertion potential (better electrolyte stability) compared to that for the pure cobalt oxide phase. Mixed oxides with large values of y, in other words nickel rich materials are easier to prepare than the pure nickel oxide. Nickel rich samples, LixNiyCo1-yO2 (0.7 < y < 0.9), showed cycle performance compared with LiCoO2 but substantially higher capacity 35 (150~200 mA h/g) than LiCoO2 (140 mA h/g). They also showed the good capacity retention at high rate (1 C, where C = numerical value of rated capacity of a cell or battery) (Li and Currie,1997). This opens the possibility of them being used in high power applications. Additionally, Co substitution in LixNiO2 induces greater thermal stability. For y = 0.8 (LiNi0.8Co0.2O2), the exothermic peak shifts to higher temperature (~235 oC) and peak height is reduced significantly (Gao et al.1998). With the exception of cobalt, substitution of transition metals in LiNiO2 appears to result in materials characterized by lower capacities and less reversible insertion/ extraction. Furthermore, as a general trend increased concentration of the substitutional metal appears to have a negative effect on the specific capacity, beyond a certain optional level of satisfaction. Gao et al., 1998 reported on Ti and Mg substituted nickel oxide, LiyNi1-xTix/2Mgx/2O2. This material, (at 30 % substitution) showed superior thermal stability compared to LiNiO2, LiNi0.8Co0.2O2, and LiCoO2. No exotherm was observed up to 400 oC for this material in its totally charged state (charged up to 4.5 V), which is mostly unstable state. The price for this improvement in thermal stability in terms of specific capacity is not significant. LiNi0.75Ti0.125Mg0.125O2, for example, shows a reversible capacity of 190 mA h/g and stable cycling has been demonstrated in the voltage window between 3.0 and 4.4 V. 2.2.2 Spinel Manganese Oxide Considerable work has been focused on characterization and optimization of the lithiated manganese oxides. Although the reversible specific capacities for the manganese oxides are lower than the theoretical capacity of the cobalt and nickel oxides, they have the merit of being the least costly among the commonly available cathode materials. Additionally, while cobalt and nickel oxides are relatively toxic, manganese oxides are environmentally benign. Most research has concentrated on the spinel phase LixMn2O4. This spinel has two different reaction voltages (3 V and 4 V), 36 with large gap (1 V) in between. Significant efforts have been expanded to extend the capacity of the initial 4 V discharge by including the three plateau without major loss of the specific capacity (Kang et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2000). The structure of the delithiated spinel (x < 1) has also been studied (Hunter 1981). Both the 3 V volt plateau (Baochen et al., 1993; Barboux et al., 1991) and the 4 V plateau (Barker et al., 1995; Gummow et al., 1994; Hwang et al., 1994) were most extensively investigated respectively. LixMn2O4 has a cubic spinel structure that possesses prototypic symmetry. The ideal spinel structure consists of a cubic closed-packed array of oxygen ions, which are face-centered. In a unit cell of spinel there are 32 octahedral interstices and 64 tetrahedral interstices. In a binary oxide spinel the general formula is AB2O4. A unit cell containing 32 oxygen ions, (32e), 16 octahedral cations (16d), and 8 tetrahedral cations (8a) is constructed by eight of elementary cells (sub-cells). The cations, A and B, in the spinel structure are placed at different types of sites (interstices), namely, octahedral interstices and tetrahedral interstices. As shown in the sub cell of Figure 2.2, one eighth of the tetrahedral and one half of the octahedral interstices are occupied by cations. For a sub cell of this structure there are four anions, four octahedral interstices, and eight tetrahedral interstices. This makes, for a total of twelve interstices, to be filled by three cations, one divalent (A) and two trivalent (B). In each elementary cell (sub-cell) two octahedral sites and one tetrahedral site are filled. As octahedral interstices (16d), the interstitial octahedral sites (16c) share six common edges, among themselves, they also share two common faces having opposite side with occupied tetrahedral sites (8a), and the other faces with empty interstitial tetrahedral sites (48f). Finally empty tetrahedral sites (8b) share four faces with occupied octahedral sites (16d). The diamond type network represented by the interstitial spaces of the spinel framework, which consists of tetrahedral 8a and surrounding octahedral 16c sites, offers 3D (3-Dimensional) pathways for Li+ ions. One may modify the redox potential of an electrode by using various transition-metal ions which prefer octahedral sites (16d). The 3D structure also allows the electrode to expand 37 and contract isotropically during lithium insertion /extraction processes into or out of the electrode. Oxygen (B) Cation in octahedral (A) Cation in tetrahedral Octahedral interstice (32 per unit cell) Figure: 2.2: Tetrahedral interstice (64 per unit cell) Structure of spinel unit cell (AB2O4) In the LixMn2O4 spinel, lithium ions are monovalent only but manganese ions have two different valences. They are positioned in tetrahedral sites (Li+ ion) and octahedral sites (Mn3+and Mn+4 ions), respectively in the spinel framework, Lix[Mn3+Mn+4]O4. The theoretical capacity of LixMn2O4 is 148 mA h/g when 1 mol of Li is cycled (insertion/extraction). This reaction occurs around 4 V. Around 3 V, additional lithium (1< x < 2) can be inserted and extracted with corresponding capacity of 150 mA h/g. The theoretical capacity may be reached at very low rate, but even at 38 these rates extended cycling usually causes a concurrent capacity fade. Normally, about 80 % of theoretical capacity is achieved around 4 V. The utilization of capacity in 3V range is much lower than at 4 V, and the capacity fading upon extended cycling is usually faster. Thackeray et al.,1992 proposed that Jahn-Teller distortion is responsible for the poor cycling behavior of LixMn2O4 in the 3 V range. When additional lithium is inserted, the average manganese valency is decreased below 3.5+. As soon as the manganese valency reaches 3.46+, a strong Jahn-Teller distortion occurs that changes crystal symmetry from cubic of tetragonal. To stabilize the 3 V capacity of LixMn2O4 (1< x < 2), various routes have been explored such as controlling synthesis condition (Tarascon et al., 1991), conducting different synthesis methods (Kang et al., 2000), using alternative precursors and doping (Sun et al., 2000) by various elements. The diffusion coefficient of Li+ in the spinel has been measured by various electrochemical techniques. CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Chemicals and Reagents Metal sources for the cathode raw materials were from manganese nitrate, Mn(NO3)2.4H2O (98.5 %, Merck, Germany); lithium nitrate, LiNO3 (98 %, Scharlau, Spain); lithium acetate, CH3COOLi.2H2O (99 %, Fluka); manganese acetate, (CH3COO)2Mn.4H2O (Merck, Germany); cobalt nitrate, Co(NO3)2.6H2O (97 %, BDH Limited, Poole, England); aluminium nitrate, Al(NO3)3.9H2O (95 %, Merck, Germany); chromium nitrate, Cr(NO3)3.9H2O (99 %, Riedel-deHaën, Germany); and lithium hydroxide, LiOH.H2O (99 %, BDH, England). The reagents used as organic carriers (chelating agents) were citric acid, C6H8O7.H2O (99.7 %, BDH, England); propionic acid, C3H6O2 (99 %, Riedel-deHaën, Germany) and ethylene glycol, HOCH2CH2OH (99.5 %, Merck, Germany). Ammonia solution (25 %, Merck, Germany) used as pH controlling agent. Lithium hexafluorophosphate, LiPF6 (99.99 %, Aldrich, USA); ethylene carbonate C3H4O3 (99 %, Fluka, Switzerland); dimethyl carbonate, C3H6O3 (99 %, Fluka, Switzerland) and polyvinylidene fluoride, (-CH2CF2-) n (Aldrich, USA) used to fabricate the cathode and cell. 40 3.2 Instruments The instruments used to prepare and characterize cathode raw materials, cathode and cell were muffle furnace (Carbolite muffle furnace, model: ELF 11/6B, Barloworld Scientific, England); Pulse Chemisorb 2705 Micromeritics (Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, USA); Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Philips, model XL 40) incorporated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) (EDAX Inc. USA); Perkin Elmer Diamond Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer (Model: Pyris Diamond TG-DTA, High Temp.11, Japan); Cyber Scan pH/Ion 510 pH meter (Eutech Instruments); X-ray Diffraction (XRD), (Bruker HR X-ray Diffractometer, Germany) and Solartron 1470 Battery Testing System 3.3 Research Design and Methodology The preliminary step is to synthesize the cathode raw materials from various metal salts and different organic solvents. Prior to the calcination of the raw materials, the TG-DTA analysis of the gel precursors was first performed. After the calcination characterizations of the raw materials were carried out using various techniques. The characterization includes BET surface area, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and electrochemical characterizations. The crucial step in this research is to fabricate a cathode from cathode raw materials. After this step the cathodes were used to fabricate a satisfactory full cell and then the electrochemical characterizations were performed. Finally, the cathodes were used to fabricate the Li-ion battery. Figure 3.1 shows the methodology scheme of overall research. 41 TG-DTA Metal Salts Organic Solvents BET Cathode Raw Materials XRD SEM Characterizations EDAX Cathode Fabrication Cell Fabrication Cycleability Charge Capacity Discharge Capacity Figure 3.1: Charge-Discharge Cycling Electrochemical Characterizations Battery Fabrication The methodology scheme of overall research 42 3.4 Preparation of Cathode Raw Materials At the initial stage, various types of raw materials for cathode were prepared using the original sol-gel method with various conditions. This technique offers better homogeneity, preferred surface morphology, reduced heat treatment conditions, sub-micron sized particles and better crystallinity. 3.4.1 Sol-Gel Method Metal salts (as a metal source) and different organic acids/solvents used as a chelating agent for sol-gel synthesis. The general work flow to prepare cathode raw materials by a sol-gel method is showed in Figure 3.2. The preparation conditions of the cathode raw materials studied in this work are summarized in Table 3.1. A stoichiometric amount of the metal salts with appropriate cationic ratio were dissolved in distilled/de-ionized water and mixed well with an aqueous solution of organic acid/organic solvents and the optimum pH was also adjusted. After evaporation at 70-80 oC for 5 to 6 hours, a transparent sol was obtained. This sol was dried in oven at 100 oC for 24 hours. Firstly, it became viscous gel and finally dried solid. This dried precursors was ground prior to the calcination at different temperatures. 43 Aqueous solution of metal salts Aqueous solution of organic acids Mixing and pH control Aqueous solution of metal salts & organic acid /organic mixture Evaporation at 70-80 oC Transparent sol of metal salts & acid mixture /organic mixture Drying in oven at 100 oC Gel precursors Again drying in oven at 100oC Dried precursors Grinding Precursor powders Calcination at 250-850 oC Polycrystalline composite cathode materials Figure 3.2: A flow diagram of cathode raw materials preparation 44 Table 3.1: Preparation conditions of various types of cathode raw materials 6-7 Eva. time (hrs) 5 250 300 400 450 Res. time (hrs.) 5 CA-EG 6-7 5 250 300 400 450 5 1.0 CA-EG 6-7 5 250 300 400 450 5 0.5 CA 6-7 5 300 500 600 700 10 LiMn2O4 1.0 CA 6-7 5 300 500 600 700 10 (CA assisted) 1.5 CA 6-7 5 300 500 600 700 10 0.5 PA 6-7 5 350 450 650 750 5 LiMn2O4 0.83 PA 6-7 5 350 450 650 750 5 (PA assisted) 1.5 PA 6-7 5 350 450 650 750 5 2.0 PA 6-7 5 350 450 650 750 5 0.0 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 Cr doped 0.01 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 LiCrxMn2-xO4 0.02 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 0.05 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 0.1 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 0.2 PA 7-8.5 5 400 600 800 - 4 - CA 1-2 6 350 550 750 5 - PA 1-2 6 350 550 750 5 Raw materials M. ratio Chela. agents pH LiMn2O4 0.25 CA-EG (CA-EG 0.5 assisted) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 Calcination temperatures (oC) (CA assisted) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) Chela.agents = Chelating agents Eva.time = Evaporation time Res. time = Residence time M. ratio (Molar ratio) : Chelating agent concentration to total metal ions ratio Evaporation temperature for all samples : 70-80 oC Drying temperature for all samples : 100 oC Duration of drying for all samples : 24 hours Ramping rate for all samples : 5 oC /min 45 3.4.2 CA-EG (Citric Acid-Ethylene Glycol) Mixture Assisted, Sol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials Polymeric carriers are used for sol-gel methods, and there is little difference in the process depending on the polymers used. A stoichiometric amount of lithium acetate and manganese acetate salts with the cationic ratio Li:Mn = 1:2 were dissolved in 50 mL distilled water separately and then mixed well. Organic mixture (citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture, 50 mL) was added to the solution with constant stirring to ensure the homogeneous distribution of metal ions and partially neutralized (pH = 6.00-7.00) to form a complex of citric acid with metal ions. The mixture solution was heated to esterify and with the progress of esterification the viscosity increased gradually, and this ensured the homogeneous distribution of cations in the complex. A subsequent condensation process removed the additional ethylene glycol to form a bulky glass. This glass is very stable. Finally the mixture was dried at 100 oC for 24 hours in a vacuum dryer to yield gel precursors. For the preparation of the gel precursors with different molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions, the same procedure was repeated and organic mixture to total metal ions ratio of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 samples were prepared using 0.42 M, 0.84 M, and 1.65 M organic mixture (citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture), respectively. The gel precursors obtained were decomposed at 250-450 oC for 5 hours in the furnace to obtain polycrystalline powders and was reserved for characterizations. 3.4.3 CA (Citric Acid) Assisted, Sol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials LiMn2O4 powders were prepared according to the procedure as shown in the Figure 3.2. A stoichiometric amount of lithium hydroxide and manganese acetate salts with the cationic ratio Li:Mn = 1:2 were dissolved in 50 mL distilled water separately 46 and mixed well with 50 ml of various concentration of citric acid. Citric acid was used as a chelating agent in making gel. Ammonia solution was slowly added to this solution with a constant stirring until a pH of 6.0-7.0 was achieved. Different conditions for the preparation, such as the pH, the molar ratio of carrier to total metal ions, the amount of water, the calcination temperatures and the starting materials can affect the purity of this oxide. In the case of the pH, it can affect the solubility of LiOH, the carrier and Mn2+. When it is below 6.00, the solubility of the organic carrier will be low, and LiOH will be soluble in aqueous solution. When it is greater than 10.0, the organic carrier will be soluble in aqueous solution, Mn2+ and Li+ will be precipitated, and a stable complex will not be formed. The solution was evaporated at 70-80 oC for 5 hours until a transparent sol was obtained. To remove water in the sol, the transparent sol was dried at 100 oC for 24 hours in a vacuum dryer to yield gel precursors. For the preparation of the gel precursors with different molar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions, the same procedure was repeated and citric acid to total metal ions ratio of 0.5,1.0,1.5 were prepared using 0.84 M, 1.67 M and 2.51 M citric acid, respectively. The gel precursors obtained were decomposed at 300-700 oC for 10 hours in the furnace to obtain phasepure polycrystalline powders. After the calcinations, the powders were slightly ground and were subjected to characterizations. 3.4.4 PA (Propionic Acid) Assisted, Sol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiMn2O4 Cathode Raw Materials A general sol-gel method used to prepare LiMn2O4 cathode raw materials using propionic acid as an organic carrier. lithium acetate and manganese acetate salts also used as a metal sources. A stoichiometric amount of lithium acetate and manganese acetate salts with the cationic ratio Li : Mn = 1:2 were dissolved in 50 mL distilled water separately and mixed well with 50 mL of various concentration of propionic acid. Ammonia solution was slowly added to this solution with a constant stirring until a pH of 6.0-7.0 was achieved. The solution was evaporated at 70-80 oC for 5 hours. 47 To remove water in the sol, the transparent sol was dried at 100 oC for 24 hours in a vacuum dryer to yield gel precursors. For the preparation of the gel precursors with different molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions, the same procedure was repeated and propionic acid to total metal ions ratio of 0.5, 0.83, 1.5, 2.0 samples were prepared using 0.837 M, 1.39 M, 2.5 M, and 3.35 M propionic acid respectively. The gel precursors obtained were decomposed at 350-750 oC for 5 hours in the furnace to obtain phase-pure polycrystalline powders. After the calcination the powders were slightly ground for characterizations. 3.4.5 Preparation of Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20) Cathode Raw Materials LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20) powders were prepared by a sol-gel method using propionic acid as a chelating agent. Stoichiometric amounts of lithium nitrate, chromium nitrate, and manganese acetate were dissolved in de-ionized water separately and mixed thoroughly. The solution was stirred continuously with mild heating to ensure homogeneity. The 50 mL of 1 M propionic acid was added drop wise to the homogeneous solution and the solution was subsequently adjusted to pH 7.0-8.5 by ammonia solution (25 %). The resultant solution was then evaporated at 70-80 oC for 5 hours and transparent sol was obtained. The sol thus obtained was heated initially in an oven at 100 oC for 24 hours and dried mass was obtained and then thoroughly ground prior to the calcination. This precursor powders were calcined in a furnace at 400, 600 and 800 oC for 4 hours to ensure good purity and crystallinity. After calcination the powders were again ground to make fine powders. Ultimately, the resulting powders were subjected to characterizations. 48 3.4.6 CA (Citric Acid) and PA (Propionic Acid) Assisted, Sol-Gel Route for the Preparation of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 Cathode Raw Materials The method involves the mixing of aqueous solution of lithium nitrate, cobalt nitrate and aluminum nitrate with the complexing agent, organic acid (citric acid & propionic acid) an aqueous medium. Stoichiometric amounts of lithium nitrate, cobalt nitrate, and aluminum nitrate were dissolved in triple distilled water separately and thoroughly mixed with aqueous solution of organic acid. In making a gel pH of the mixture solution was around 1-2. The resultant solution was then evaporated off at 70-80 oC with magnetic stirring for about 6 hours until a sol was formed. Heating the sol to moderate temperature causes a condensation reaction between – COOH groups via dehydration with the concurrent formation of water. As most of the excess water was removed, the sol turned into a gel, and extremely high viscosity resin was formed. Finally, the products referred to as precursor powders were formed by drying in an oven at 100 oC for 24 hours. The dried mass was ground into fine particles prior to the calcination at 350, 550 and 750 oC for 5 hours. 49 3.5 Characterizations of Prepared Cathode Raw Materials Characterization includes determination of surface area, thermogravimetric- differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), surface morphology (scanning electron microscopy, SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. 3.5.1 Determination of Surface Area The specific surface area of synthesized cathode raw materials was determined by using the instrument Pulse Chemisorb 2705 Micromeritics. The maximum surface area that can be measured by this instrument is about 280 m2 and the minimum is about 0.2 m2. For surface area determination, the accuracy of this instrument is typically better than ± 2 % and ± 0.5 % reproducibility. Firstly, all of the samples were ground using mortar to generate the extra small size of solid sample. Then, approximately 0.05 g sample was taken as representative of the overall sample and was then transferred to the sample holder. Prior to the adsorption of N2 gases, the sample was degassed at 300 oC for an hour. The measurement of surface area was accomplished using a 30 % N2 / 70 % He gas mixture. The data for adsorption and desorption (D) of mixture gases was taken. After the measurement, sample was weighed to get the final weight of sample (Mf). The procedure was repeated three rimes. The calculation for determination of specific surface area is the average value of desorb gas, D (m2) divide by the final weight of sample, Mf (g). Thus, the unit for specific surface area is m2/g. 50 3.5.2 Thermogravimetric-Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) Thermal analysis (TG-DTA) were carried out in a Perkin Elmer Diamond Thermogravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer (Model: Pyris Diamond TG-DTA, High Temp.11, Japan). The instrument operating conditions were at 5 oC/min or 10 oC/min step from room temperature to 900 oC, using an approximately 10 mg of samples in a platinum crucible and N2 flow of 200 mL/min. The record of data and thermogram were assisted by the Pyris software provided by the manufacturer. 3.5.3 Surface Morphology (Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM) The surface morphology of prepared cathode materials was investigated from the magnified images of the samples surface by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM was carried out by the bombardment of electrons of 30 keV on target sample particle which was spread earlier over an aluminum stub with the help of a doubled edged tape followed by coating the surface with gold film. Electrons that are emitted from the specimen with an energy of less than 50 eV are defined as secondary electrons and are used for specimen investigation. Other than scanning electron microscopic investigation, instrument also imparts the detection of scattered X-ray for the characteristic radiation of a specific element in an energy dispersive system to identify the element. 3.5.4 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) EDAX is a chemical microanalysis technique used in conjunction with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Analytical measurement of the composition by means of 51 EDAX confirm the presence of the elements and EDAX was performed using EDAX DX-4 coupled to the microscope. 3.5.5 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis The crystallinity and the structure of the samples were examined using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) method (Bruker HR X-ray Diffractometer, Germany). The pulverized samples were divided finely to permit packing of samples into an XRD sample holder as a self-supporting window. The X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded with Cu KĮ radiation with Ȝ = 1.5418 Å at 40 kV and 20 mA in the range of 2ș = 10o-80o at a scan rate of 0.050o/s. 3.6 Cathode Preparation After the raw materials successfully produced the composite cathodes were prepared. The working electrodes for electrochemical testing were prepared by mixing the cathode materials powders (80 wt %) with a blend of acetylene black and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (20 wt %) in an agate mortar. The acetylene black used to provide good electrical conductivity as well as mechanical toughness between active grains (Julien et al.,1999). The mixture was spread onto a stainless steel mesh and then compressed between flat plates. The electrodes were then dried around 120 oC in the oven overnight before transferred into a glove box filled with argon gas. 52 3.7 Cell Fabrication The cells were assembled in an argon-filled glove-box. Standard coin cells were assembled using lithium foil as the reference and counter electrode and 1 M LiPF6 dissolved in ethylenecarbonate, EC: dimethylcarbonate, DMC (1:1) as the electrolyte in a teflon cell casing. Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (CA-EG) (A cell); Li/1 M LiPF6EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (CA) (B cell); Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiMn2O4 (PA) (C cell); Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCrxMn2-xO4 (D cell); Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA) (E cell) and Li/1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA) (F cell) cells were fabricated. A photograph of fabricated coin cell sample is shown in the Figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 : A photograph of fabricated coin cell sample Model: CR2032, Diameter 20 mm, Thickness: 3.2 mm 53 3.8 Electrochemical Characterization of Fabricated Cells Cathode preparation, cell fabrication and their electrochemical investigations were done by the Advanced Materials Research Centre (AMREC), SIRIM Berhad, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. The cells were cycled using a Solartron 1470 Battery Testing System in the suitable voltage range (3.0 to 4.3 V) and suitable current density (0.20 mA/cm2). Electrochemical investigations include cut-off voltage, applied current, number of cycles, charge capacity, discharge capacity, capacity fading, capacity retention and coulombic efficiency. Finally data recorded with an automated battery cycle life tester and sent to our laboratory for manipulation. From the recorded data we separated 1st cycle, 2nd cycle and 3rd cycle charge-discharge capacity data, respectively and plotted it [cell voltage vs.Li (V)] to investigate about the charge-discharge capacity curve of the cells. Cycleability and coulombic efficiency study curves for all cells were done with the number of cycles using charge-discharge capacity data. Capacity retention, capacity fading and coulombic efficiency were calculated from the data according to the given example below. Capacity retention: The fraction of the full capacity available from a battery or a cell under specified conditions of discharge after it has been stored for a period of time. Capacity retention is calculated in percentage Capacity fading: Gradual loss of capacity of a secondary battery with cycling and it is calculated in percentage Coulombic efficiency: The ratio of the output of a secondary cell or battery on discharge to the input required to store it to the initial state of charge under specified conditions. Coulombic efficiency is calculated in percentage Let, 1st cycle charge capacity of a cell = C mA h/g 1st cycle discharge capacity = D mA h/g 54 2nd cycle charge capacity = E mA h/g nd 2 cycle discharge capacity = F mA h/g 3rd cycle charge capacity = G mA h/g rd 3 cycle discharge capacity = H mA h/g e.g. cell was runed up to 3rd cycle. Calculation: Capacity retention, (%) H mA h/g u 100 D mA h/g (a) Capacity fading, (%) D mA h/g - H mA h/g u 100 D mA h/g (b) Coulombic efficiency for the 1st cycle, (%) D mA h/g u 100 C mA h/g (C) Coulombic efficiency for the 2nd cycle, (%) F mA h/g u 100 E mA h/g (d) Coulombic efficiency for the 3rd cycle, (%) H mA h/g u 100 G mA h/g (e) CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Characterization of Prepared Cathode Raw Materials Prior to their utilization in cathode fabrication, cathode raw materials were characterized by thermogravimetriy-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET surface area, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) to ensure the applicability for fabrication of positive electrodes. Fabricated cathodes were also characterized using various electrochemical techniques. 4.2 Characterizations 4.2.1 Thermogravimetry-Diffrential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA) LiMn2O4 (CA-EG Mixture Assisted) Cathode Raw Materials: The gel precursors were synthesized at various molar ratios of citric acidethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions. The milky color of the gel 56 precursors indicated that the composition of the precursors was very homogeneous. It is believed that carboxylic groups in the citric acid and hydroxyl groups in the ethylene glycol form a chemical bonding with the metal ions so that they become extremely viscous gelled polymeric resins (Liu et al., 1996). Due to the complex chemical route of LiMn2O4 preparation the TG-DTA analysis were first performed. Figure 4.1 presents the TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiMn2O4 pretreated in vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours. Observing the TG curve it was found that three discrete weight loss regions were detected at the temperatures range of 50-150 oC, 150-270 oC, and 270-450 oC, and the weight loss of the precursors terminated after 450 oC. The weight loss in the temperature range of 50-150 oC revealed a continuous water loss. In this cases, the mass loss is a result of desorption of moisture or water molecules located in the precursors cavities, or other volatile species that may be present. TG Curve DTA Curve Figure 4.1: TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors pretreated in vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min The weight loss in the temperature range of 150-270 oC was associated with the decomposition of citric acid-ethylene glycol and acetate ions which results from the pyrolysis of citric acid-ethylene glycol and metal acetates mixture. The weight loss in the temperature range of 270-450 oC was attributed to the combustion of the remaining 57 organic constituents. About 25-30 wt % of the weight loss occurred during this stage because of violent oxidation-decomposition reaction. It appeared that citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture functioned as a fuel in the decomposition of the acetate ions and heat evolved from the decomposition of acetate ions accelerated the decomposition of the remaining organic constituents. This argument was supported by the observation that the gel precursors turned into fluffy dark powders after being calcined at this stage. Similar behavior was observed in previous work (Lee et al., 1998). Water loss continued at very slow rate up to 450 oC and achieved almost total removal of moisture. From the DTA curve, the endothermic peak appeared in the temperature range of 240-280 oC. Such endothermic effect corresponds to water release from the precursor and the size of its area speaks about the amount of water loss and temperature limits in which release take place. It is well known that the endothermic effect in the heating process of the precursors is a consequence of the consumption of the heat or energy for dehydration. LiMn2O4 (CA Assisted) Cathode Raw Materials: The gel precursors were synthesized at various molar ratios of citric acid (CA) to total metal ions. The greenish color (like transparent glass) of the precursors indicated that the composition of the precursors was highly homogeneous. Figure 4.2 shows the TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors of LiMn2O4 pretreated in the vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours. The result display three discrete weight loss regions in the temperature range of 50-200 oC, 200-300 oC, and 300-600 oC. The DTA curve shows several distinguishable transformation enthalpies. Endothermic peaks are observed in 130 oC and 250 oC. The first endothermic peak in the temperature 130 oC reveals a continuous water loss and minimum weight loss is observed here. In this case, the mass loss is a result of desorption of moisture or water molecules located in the precursors cavities or other volatile species that may be present. The rest endothermic effect in the temperature 250 oC is accompanied by a noticeable weight loss in the TG curve. It indicates the 58 consumption of the heat or energy of the decomposition and or the soft oxidation of the molecular precursors. Figure 4.2: TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min The weight loss in the temperature range of 200-300 oC is associated with the decomposition of citric acid and metal ions which result from the pyrolysis of citric acid, metal hydroxide and metal acetate mixture. Maximum weight loss occurred during this stage because of violent oxidation-decomposition reaction. The weight loss in the temperature range of 300-600 oC is attributed to the combustion of the remaining organic constituents. LiMn2O4 (PA Assisted) Cathode Raw Materials: Figure 4.3 shows the results and the behavior of the starting precursor. The results display three discrete weight loss regions in the temperature range of 30-260 oC, 260-380 o C, and 380-730 o C. The DTA curve shows several distinguishable transformation enthalpies. Endothermic peaks are observed at about 60 oC, 200 oC, and 59 300 oC. The first endothermic effect associated with a weight loss of about 10 % are attributed to departure of moisture or residual water and the rest endothermic effect is accompanied by a noticeable weight loss in the TG curve. This is attributed to the superficial water loss due to the hygroscopic nature of the precursor complex. After the departure of the remaining water molecules, a strong exothermic peak appeared at about 260 oC indicating the onset of the decomposition and/or the soft oxidation of the Figure: 4.3 TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC prior to thermal analysis in the air. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min The huge exothermic reaction indicates the decomposition of organic species present in the precursor complex. A weight loss of about 50 % occurred during this stage because of the violent oxidation-decomposition reaction. The gel precursor was burning because the decomposed acetate ions acted as an oxidizer. The weight loss of 5 % in the temperature range of 380-730 oC corresponds to the decomposition of the remaining organic constituents. This process leaded to the formation of fluffy dark powders when the precursor was heated in the temperature range of 350-750 oC. 60 Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 Cathode Raw Materials: We performed thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis of the precursor gels dried at 100 oC for 24 hours to study the thermal stability of the samples and to optimize the calcination temperatures for the gel precursors. Figure 4.4 shows the TG-DTA curves, which display the formation temperature of the oxide LiCrxMn2-xO4 grown by the carboxylic acid assisted aqueous method. A strong exothermic peak appears in the temperature range of 190-230 oC after the departure of the remaining water molecules at 50-180 oC. Figure 4.4: TG-DTA curves of the LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.05) grown by propionic acid assisted sol-gel technique. This measurement was carried out at a heating rate of 10 oC/min with N2 flow rate of 200 mL/min. The exothermic effect corresponds to the combustion of carboxylic acid and nitrate/acetate ions. More than half of the weight loss occurs during this stage because of violent oxidation-decomposition reaction. During the combustion process, the gel precursors turned into brownish black powders. Assuming that complexing agent provides combustion heat for calcination in the synthesis of oxide powders. 61 LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA Assisted) Cathode Raw Materials: Figure 4.5 shows the TG-DTA curves, which display the formation temperature of the LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 oxide grown by the carboxylic acid assisted aqueous method. Figure 4.5: TG-DTA curves for the gel precursors pretreated in a vacuum dryer at 100 oC for 24 hours prior to calcination. Heating rate: 10 oC/min and N2 flow 200 mL/min. The TG curve display three discrete weight loss regions in the temperatures range of 90-240 oC, 240-290 oC, and 290-490 oC and weight loss of the precursors terminated after 500 oC. The weight loss in the temperature range of 90-240 oC revealed a continuous water loss and minimum weight loss is observed here. The first endothermic effect associated with a weight loss of about 20 % is attributed to the departure of moisture or residual water. The rest endothermic effect is attributed to the superficial water loss due to the hygroscopic nature of the precursors complex. A strong exothermic peak appeared at ca. 240 oC that corresponds to the decomposition of carboxylic acid and nitrate ions. Maximum weight loss occurred during this stage because of oxidation-decomposition reaction. It appeared that carboxylic acid acts as a fuel in the pyrolysis of the gel precursor, favoring the decomposition of nitrate ions. It was reported that chelating agent (carboxylic-based acid) provokes decomposition 62 during the synthesis oxide powders. The gel precursor was burning because the decomposed nitrate ions acted as an oxidizer. The weight loss of about 20 % in the temperature range of 290-490 oC corresponds to the decomposition of the remaining organic constituents. Even though the crystallization starts around 500 oC, thus wellcrystallized and single phases have been obtained at 550 oC. While the pyrolysis at this stage was very complicated, it could be presumed that the weak exothermic peak feature at ca. 380-390 o C in the DTA curve correspond to the crystallization of the LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 phases. 4.2.2 BET surface area Specific surface area of the materials was analyzed by 30 % N2 / 70 % He gas adsorption-desorption using the instrument Pulse Chemisorb 2705 Micromeritics and surface area was measured by a single point physisorption determination. Figure 4.6 shows the dependence of specific surface area of the same materials on the calcination temperature and Figure 4.7 shows the dependence of specific surface area of the same materials on the molar ratio of chelating agents to total metal ions and on the dopant concentrations respectively. Figure 4.6 a, b, c, d and e show that the specific surface area for the LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted), LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (PA assisted), respectively. In general, all specific surface areas decrease with increasing the calcination temperatures, due to the growth of crystallites. The specific surface area of 24.59, 22.63, 20.06 and 19.55 m2/g for the LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted) calcined at 250, 300, 400 and 450 oC; 14.85, 12.19, 6.25 and 4.01 m2/g for the LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted) calcined at 300, 500, 600 and 700 oC; 5.66, 4.58, 4.17 and 3.05 m2/g for the LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted) calcined at 350, 450, 650 and 750 oC; 56.22, 40.12 and 29.90 m2/g for the LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (CA assisted) calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC; 42.15, 31.60 and 63 22.30 m2/g for the LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (PA assisted) calcined at 350, 550 and 30 28 Specific surface area (m 2/g) 2 Specific surface area (m /g) 750 oC, respectively. (a) 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 200 250 300 350 400 450 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 (b) 200 500 300 o Specific surface area (m /g) 2 2 Specific surface area (m /g) (c) 4 3 2 400 500 600 700 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 800 200 300 800 400 500 600 700 800 o Calcination temperature ( C) 2 700 (d) o Specific surface area (m /g) 600 Calcination temperature ( C) 6 300 500 o Calcination temperature ( C) 5 400 Calcination temperature ( C) 45 (e) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 o Calcination temperature ( C) Figure 4.6: Dependence of the specific surface area for the (a) LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted), (b) LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted), (c) LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted), (d) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (CA assisted) and (e) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders (PA assisted) on the calcination temperatures. 64 The variations in BET surface area by the different calcination temperatures are summarized in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: The BET surface area of the materials prepared from different calcination temperatures Materials Chelating agents Calcination Specific surface area to total metal temperatures (BET) m2/g ions ratio (oC) 250 24.59 300 22.63 400 20.06 450 19.55 300 14.85 500 12.19 600 6.25 700 4.01 350 5.66 450 4.58 650 4.17 750 3.05 - 350 56.22 LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 - 550 40.12 (CA assisted) - 750 29.90 - 350 42.15 LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 - 550 31.60 (PA assisted) - 750 22.30 LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture 1.0 assisted ) LiMn2O4 ( CA assisted ) 1.0 LiMn2O4 ( PA assisted ) 1.5 65 Figure 4.7 shows the dependence of specific surface area of the respective prepared cathode raw materials on the molar ratio of its chelating agents to the total metal ions and on the dopant concentrations. The specific surface area was seen to increase as the molar ratio of chelating agents to total metal ions increases, but remain 20 16 12 8 (a) 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycolmixture to tot al metal ions 7 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (b) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 M olar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions 3 2 Specific surface area (m 2/g) Specific surface area (m 2/g) 24 Specific surface area (m /g) Specific surface area (m 2 /g) constant upon dopant concentrations. 6 5 4 (c) 3 2 0 1 2 3 M olar ratio of p rop ionic acid to total metal ions Figure 4.7: 1.5 (d) 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Dopant concentrations (x) Dependence of the specific surface area for the (a) LiMn2O4 powders (CA-EG mixture assisted), (b) LiMn2O4 powders (CA assisted), (c) LiMn2O4 powders (PA assisted), and d) Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 powders on the molar ratios and dopant concentrations respectively The specific surface area for the LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials of the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 was 3.436 , 5.75 and 19.55 m2/g; for the LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials of the molar ratio of citric acid (CA) to total metal ions of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 was 3.02, 6.25 and 7.92 m2/g; for the LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials of the molar ratio of 66 propionic acid (PA) to total metal ions of 0.5, 0.83, 1.5 and 2.0 was 2.49, 4.76, 5.66 and 6.52 m2/g respectively. On the other hand, the specific surface area for the Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials of the dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 was 2.23, 2.04, 2.08, 2.13, 2.22 and 2.08 m2/g respectively. The specific surface area of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 powders remained constant at around 2 m2/g with the increase of dopant concentrations. The variations in specific surface area for the same materials by the different molar concentrations of the chelating agents to total metal ions and different dopant concentrations are showed in Table 4.2 The reason why the crystallinity and the specific surface area of the LiMn2O4 powders increase with the content of chelating agents used in preparing gel precursors can be explained as follows: Chelating agents (especially carboxylic acid) not only work as a chelating agents but also provide the combustion heat requires for synthesis of LiMn2O4 powders. The less chelating agents used in preparing gel precursors, the shorter Li-Mn cations distance and thus the higher probability of the crystallization between the cations, but the less combustion heat required for synthesis of LiMn2O4 phase is generated from chelating agents. On the contrary, the more chelating agents used, the more cross-linked gel precursors suppressed cations mobility, the less segregation of the cations occurred during calcination and thus the cations are trapped. But, the greater the combustion heat is generated from the chelating agents with increasing calcination temperatures, yielding the LiMn2O4 phase together with fluffy powders which result from much void volumes formed by the evolution of CO and CO2 gases during the thermal decomposition of chelating agents. This is supported by the observation that the materials swell much when the amount of chelating agents increases though the gel precursors are calcinated at the same temperature. 67 Table 4.2: The BET surface area for LiMn2O4 and Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 powders prepared from different molar ratios of chelating agents to total metal ions and different dopant concentrations respectively. Materials Calcination Chelating agents to Specific surface area temperature total metal ions (BET) m2/g (oC) ratio LiMn2O4 0.25 3.44 0.5 5.75 assisted ) 1.0 19.55 LiMn2O4 0.5 3.02 1.0 6.25 1.5 7.92 0.5 2.49 0.83 4.76 1.5 5.66 2.0 6.52 (CA-EG mixture ( CA assisted ) 450 600 LiMn2O4 ( PA assisted ) 350 Dopant concentrations LiCrxMn2-xO4 400 x = 0.00 2.23 x = 0.01 2.04 x = 0.02 2.08 x = 0.05 2.13 x = 0.10 2.22 x = 0.20 2.08 Therefore, the increased chelating agents quantity might be thought to increase the crystallinity and the specific surface area of the powders. If too much chealting agents are used, it can have a negative effect by raising the temperature too high in a short period of time and by decreasing the partial pressure of near LiMn2O4 resulted 68 from the increase amount of CO or CO2 during the decomposition of chelating agents. The high temperature tends to make large crystallities that are not agglomerated. However, if the chelating agents quantity used is too small, the more segregation of cation occurred and the combustion heat for synthesis of LiMn2O4 phase generated from chelating agents becomes insufficient. 4.2.3 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) In order to investigate the effect of calcination temperatures and the quantity of chelating agents on the formation mechanism and structural difference of the powdered materials, the precursors LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 250, 300, 400 and 450 oC; LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 300, 500, 600 and 700 oC; LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 450, 650 and 750 oC; Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC; LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC were analyzed with XRD. In the preliminary attempts of synthesis of LiMn2O4, Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 cathode raw materials from metal salts and organic carrier have been produced. These results are incomplete agreement with previous reports (Lee et al., 1998; Sun, 1997). Identification and purity of the products were determined by matching the diffractogram of the prepared samples with the diffractogram of good-quality singlephase pattern of powder data file (PDF, Compiled by the International Centre for Diffraction Data, ICDD) with the assist of Diffraction of EVA software. The obtained product can be considered pure and highly crystalline as proven by the high intense and narrow peaks without elevated baseline and extra peaks. The XRD peaks of the LiMn2O4 powders and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders are well matched with the PDF 35-0782 (Lithium Manganese Oxide) and PDF 89-0912 (Lithium Aluminum Cobalt Oxide), respectively. The XRD peaks with PDF file for the LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) 69 materials and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials are shown in the Figures 4.8 a and Lin (Counts) 4.8 b, respectively. Figure 4.8 a: XRD pattern for gel derived LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC temperature for 5 hours in air, where the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions was 1.0 Figure 4.8 b: XRD pattern for gel derived LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 550 oC temperature for 5 hours in air, where chelating agent concentration was 1 molar. 70 Figures 4.9 a, 4.9 b, 4.9 c, 4.9 d, and 4.9 e show the stacking form of XRD patterns for the LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials, LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials, LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials on the calcination temperatures, respectively. 1500 : LiMn2O4 1400 1300 1200 450 oC 1100 1000 Lin (Counts) 900 400 oC 800 700 600 300 oC 500 400 300 250 oC 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.9 a: Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of citric acidethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions of 1.0. 71 1200 : LiMn2O4 : Mn2O3 1100 1000 900 700 oC 800 Lin (Cps) 700 600 oC 600 500 500 oC 400 300 200 300 oC 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.9 b: Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions of 1.0 1100 1000 : LiMn2O4 : Li2CO3 : MnO : Unknown 900 800 750 oC Lin (Counts) 700 600 650 oC 500 400 300 450 oC 200 350 oC 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.9 c: Stacking of XRD patterns of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at various temperatures on the molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.5 72 1500 : LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 1400 1300 750 oC 1200 1100 Lin (Cps) 1000 900 550 oC 800 700 600 350 oC 500 400 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 50 40 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.9 d: Stacking of XRD patterns of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC : LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 1300 1200 1100 750 oC 1000 900 800 550 oC 700 600 500 350 oC 400 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.9 e: Stacking of XRD patterns of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC 73 The X-ray diffraction patterns for the materials of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at 250, 300, 350, 350 and 350 oC show no diffraction sharp peaks respectively, which indicates an amorphous phase. The x-ray diffraction pattern for the materials of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) calcined at 350oC, the crystallinity of LiMn2O4 phase is very poor and the peaks of impurities such as Li2CO3 and MnO are observed. When the materials of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at 300, 500, 450, 550 and 550 oC respectively, the crystalline LiMn2O4 and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 begin to appear and impurity peaks are also not observed, which are often found in other low temperature techniques. For all materials, there is a gradual increase in the peak intensities accompanied by sharpening of the peaks with increasing the calcination temperatures, which indicates an increase of crystallinity. The precursors were crystallized into a phase pure LiMn2O4 and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders without any development of minor phase throughout the calcination temperature range. This result strongly suggests that a sol-gel method requires much lower calcination temperature and shorter calcination time than the solidstate reaction. It is inferred from the above results that since the cross-linked gel precursors may provide more homogeneous mixing of cations and less tendency for segregation during calcination though the chemical bonding is destroyed, the use of chelating agents greatly suppresses the formation of precipitates from which the heterogeneity stems. Figures 4.10 a, 4.10 b, 4.10 c and 4.10 d show the stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns for the materials of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) and Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 calcined at 450, 600, 350 and 800 oC in terms of the quantity of chelating agents and dopant concentrations respectively. It is confirmed from the XRD patterns that the LiMn2O4 phase could be formed regardless of the molar ratio of chelating agents to total metal ions due to higher calcination temperatures. However, the comparison of peak intensities at each 2ș shows 74 that the crystallinity of the materials is improved with increasing molar ratio of chelating agents to total metal ions 1500 : LiMn2O4 1400 1300 1200 (c) 1100 Lin (Counts) 1000 900 800 700 (b) 600 500 400 (a) 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.10 a : Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC for 5 hours at the molar ratio of citric acidethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of (a) 0.25, (b) 0.5 and (c) 1.0. 800 : LiMn2O4 : Mn2O3 700 600 (c) Lin (Cps) 500 400 (b) 300 200 (a) 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.10 b : Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 600 oC for 10 hours at the molar ratio of citric acid to total metal ions of (a) 0.5, (b) 1.0 and (c) 1.5. 75 : : LiMn2O4 800 : MnO : Li2CO3 700 (d) Lin (counts) 600 (c) 500 400 (b) 300 200 (a) 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.10 c: Stacking of X-ray diffraction patterns of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350 oC for 5 hours at the molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of ( a) 0.5, (b) 0.83, (c) 1.5, and (d) 2.0 3400 3300 : LiCrxMn2-xO4 3200 3100 3000 2900 x = 0.20 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 x = 0.10 2300 2200 2100 Lin (Cps) 2000 1900 1800 x = 0.05 1700 1600 1500 1400 x = 0.02 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 x = 0.01 700 600 500 400 x = 0.00 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.10 d: Stacking of XRD patterns for Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800oC for 4 hours at the dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20 76 Figure 4.10 c shows the results for different molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions. It was expected that the peak intensities increase with increase in molar ratios. But that was not observed in this case. The reason why the peaks intensities don’t increase gradually with the increase of content of propionic acid used in preparing gel precursors can be explained as follows: It is well known that propionic acid not only works as chelating agent but also provides the combustion heat required for the synthesis of LiMn2O4 powders. The materials with the much quantity of propionic acid (mole ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.5) was amorphous at the lower calcination temperature range (350 oC). The less propionic acid (mole ratio 0.5 and 0.83) used in preparing gel precursors, the shorter Li-Mn cation distance and thus the higher probability of the crystallization between the cations, hence less combustion heat would be required for the formation of LiMn2O4 phase generated from propionic acid. On the contrary, as more propionic acid used (mole ratio:2.00) to prepare gel precursors, more cross-linked gel precursors would be created that may suppress cation mobility with less segregation. However, these cations will be trapped and LiMn2O4 phase would be formed clearly. But it hasn’t occurred actually because may be of insufficient calcination temperature (350 oC). From the above results we could conclude that crystallinity of LiMn2O4 powders not only depends on the molar ratio but also depends on the calcination temperatures. The X-ray diffraction patterns for the Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC for 4 hours showed no impurity peaks (Figure 4.10 d ), even though it is often found in other low temperature techniques. There is no gradual increase in the peak intensities with increasing the dopant concentration. This is because, peak intensities increase with increasing the calcination temperatures as well as chelating agent concentrations and that already have been discussed. In this case, calcination temperatures (800 oC) and chelating agent concentration (50 mL 1 M propionic acid) are the same for all specimens. Dopant concentration doesn’t affect the feature of the peak intensities. 77 4.2.4 Structure Analysis LiMn2O4 materials: From Table 4.3, LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials with the molar ratio of CA-EG mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 calcined at 300 oC shows peaks at 2ș = 18.641, 36.145, 43.884 and 63.471 with the d-value (Å) of 4.75622, 2.48304, 2.06144 and 1.46446 respectively. These peaks are similar with the d-value (Å) of 4.76279, 2.48695, 2.06224 and 1.45817 from the PDF (35-0782) data file. From the reference dvalues (Å), it is known that LiMn2O4 form is cubic unit cell. Sample with the ratio of 1.0 calcined at 400 oC shows peaks at 2ș = 18.657, 36.194, 37.817, 44.093, 58.028 and 63.920 with the d-value (Å) of 4.75206, 2.47982, 2.37705, 2.05216, 1.58817 and 1.45524 respectively. These d-values are similar with reference d-values (Å) from the PDF data file. It is shown that the structure still remain in the cubic unit cell. For the sample with the ratio of 1.0 calcined at 450 oC shows peaks at 2ș = 18.622, 30.844, 36.176, 44.039, 58.522, and 63.859 with the d-values (Å) of 4.76089, 2.89669, 2.48099, 2.05458, 1.57594 and 1.45648 respectively. These d-values are similar with the PDF data file and remained the cubic unit cell structure. Similarly LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials and LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials show cubic unit cell structure. From the diffractogram, it is known that LiMn2O4 is originally in crystal form. Analysis has been done with different chelating agent concentrations as well as different calcination temperatures but no changes obtained towards the structure and LiMn2O4 still remained in cubic unit cell structure. 78 Table 4.3: XRD results obtained on LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 300, 400 and 450 oC with the molar ratio of CA-EG mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 Calcination Angle, 2ș (o) d-value (Å) temperature (oC) 300 400 450 Intensity (%) 18.641 4.75622 100.0 36.145 2.48304 88.8 43.884 2.06144 67.1 63.471 1.46446 62.6 18.657 4.75206 100.0 36.194 2.47982 53.1 37.817 2.37705 40.7 44.093 2.05216 45.6 58.028 1.58817 39.3 63.920 1.45524 41.7 18.622 4.76089 100.0 30.844 2.89669 32.7 36.176 2.48099 48.1 44.039 2.05458 43.4 58.522 1.57594 33.9 63.859 1.45648 34.8 79 LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 materials: LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 550 oC shows peaks at 2ș = 18.823, 37.289, 45.305, 65.417, and 66.633 with the d-value (Å) of 4.71053, 2.40949, 2.00005, 1.42553 and 1.40242 respectively (Table 4.4). Table 4.4: XRD results obtained on LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350, 550 and 750 oC, where chelating agent concentration was 1 M. Calcination Angle, 2ș (o) d-value (Å) temperature (oC) 350 550 750 Intensity (%) 36.887 2.4348 100.0 44.863 2.01874 89.2 65.325 1.4273 90 18.823 4.71053 100.0 37.289 2.40949 72.1 45.305 2.00005 82.8 65.417 1.42553 67.6 66.633 1.40242 65.7 18.902 4.691 100.0 37.493 2.39686 72.2 45.275 2.00129 84.2 52.747 1.73404 62.8 65.369 1.42645 67.9 68.803 1.36339 63.2 80 These peaks are similar with the reference d-value (Å) of 4.69187, 2.40094, 2.00294, 1.426618 and 1.40659 from the PDF (89-0912) data file. From the reference dvalues (Å), it is known that LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 materials belong to the rhombohedral system. The crystal chemistry of these Al doped samples was carefully investigated. In all cases the materials are single phase from the lowest temperature and all diffraction lines can be indexed assuming a hexagonal (hex) lattice, which corresponds to the quasi-layered Į-NaFeO2 type structure (R3m space group) in which Li+, M+ (M = Al, Co) and O2occupy 3a, 3b, and 6c sites (Wyckoff notations), respectively. As the calcinations temperature gets higher, the diffraction peaks get sharper and the width of the peaks narrower due to an increase in the sample crystallinity and a gradual growth of the average particle size. Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials: The X-ray diffraction patterns of Cr+3 doped samples show striking similarity to that of pure LiMn2O4 ( space group Fd3m) in which the manganese ions occupy the 16d sites and O-2 ions occupy the 32c sites. That the Cr doped compounds have been demonstrated to have cubic spinel structure by several workers (Pistoia et al.,1992; Baochen et al.,1993). In facts the lattice parameters of LiCrxMn2-xO4 are very closed to those of LiMn2O4 (Thackeray et al.,1983; David et al.,1984). Substitution of Mn by Cr showed result in a shrinkage of the unit-cell volume. This is because, in the same oxidation state, chromium ions have smaller radii than manganese ions, i.e., Cr+3 (0.615 Å), Mn+3 (0.68 Å), Cr+4 (0.58 Å) and Mn+4 (0.60 Å) (Borchardt-Ott, 1993). The decrease in the cell volume should increase the stability of the structure during intercalation and de-intercalation of the lithium (Sigala et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1998; Iwata et al.,1999). The stronger Cr-O bonds in the delithiated state (compare the binding energy of 1142 kJ/mol for CrO2 with 946 kJ/mol for Į-MnO2) may also be expected to contribute to stabilization of the octahedral sites. The higher stabilization energy of Cr+3 ions for octahedral coordination is well known. Sigala et al.,1995 have demonstrated the structural stability imparted by Cr+3 ions to LiMn2O4 spinel, and a similar effect by chemically modified Cr+5…Cr+6 oxide has been observed by Zhang et al.,1998. It has 81 also been found (Iwata et al., 1999) that incorporation of Cr+3 greatly suppresses the dissolution of manganese ions in the electrolyte, which one of the failure mechanisms of LiMn2O4 cathodes. 4.2.5 Surface morphology Surface morphology, one of the prime factors that govern the physical as well as the electrochemical properties of synthesized cathode raw materials, has been studied by means of SEM analysis. The micrographs for the materials of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4, and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) are given in the Figures 4.11 a, 4.11 b, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 and 4.15 respectively. LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials: Figure 4.11 a shows scanning electron micrographs (SEM) for the powders calcined the gel precursors of the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 at various temperatures for 5 hours in air. When the gel precursors are calcined at 250 oC, the average particle size of the powders was around 9.5 µm with fairly narrow size distribution. The presence of agglomerated particles was also observed. As calcination temperature increased, slight growth kinetics was favored and particles were changed to a slight larger particulate. When the gel precursors were heated at 400 oC, the average particle size of the powders increased to 11 µm. For the materials calcined at 450 oC, it was observed that agglomerated particles were changed and the average particle size of the powders increased to about 13 µm with narrow particle size distribution. 82 In order to investigate the effect of morphological features of LiMn2O4 powders on citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture quantity, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for the powders with the gel precursors of the molar ratio of citric acidethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 0.25 and 0.5 calcined at 450 oC for 5 hours in air as shown in Figure 4.11 b. The surface of the powders of the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 0.25 contained monodispersed fine particulates with an average particle size of about 0.12 mm. For the materials prepared by the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 0.5, it was observed that the particle size of the particulates was seen to be 0.18 mm which is larger than that of the ratio of 0.25 at same calcination temperature. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.11 a: Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) powders calcined at (a) 250 oC, (b) 400 oC and (c) 450 oC where citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions was 1.0 83 (e) (d) Figure 4.11 b: Scanning electron micrographs for LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) powders calcined the gel precursors of the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of (d) 0.25 and (e) 0.5 at 450 oC. From the above result, it was concluded that LiMn2O4 powders with a wide variety of the physicochemical property such as particle size, crystallinity and specific surface area could be controlled by simply varying the processing condition of pyrolysis and chelating agent quantity. LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials: Figure 4.12 shows scanning electron micrographs for LiMn2O4 powders calcined the gel precursors at 300 and 700 oC. (a) 1000 x (b) 1000 x Figure 4.12: Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) powders calcined at (a) 300 oC and (b) 700 oC where citric acid to total metal ions was 1.0 84 When the gel precursors were calcined at 300 oC, the average particle size of the powders was found around 4.603 µm with fairly narrow size distribution. The presence of slightly agglomerated particles was also observed. As calcination temperature increased, slight growth kinetics were favored and particles were changed to a slight larger particulate. When the gel precursor were heated at 700 oC, the average particles size of the powders increased to about 6.75 µm with a narrow size distribution. LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials: Figure 4.13 shows scanning electron micrographs for LiMn2O4 powders calcined the gel precursors at 350 and 750 oC. When the gel precursors are calcined at 350 oC, the average particle size of the powders was found around 4.66 µm with fairly narrow size distribution. The presence of slightly agglomerated particles was also observed. As calcination temperature increased, slight growth kinetics were favored and particles were changed to a slight larger particulate. When the gel precursors were heated at 750 oC, the average particles size of the powders increased to about 5.87 µm with a narrow size distribution. (a) (b) Figure 4.13 : Scanning electron micrographs of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) powders calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC where propionic acid to total metal ions was 1.5 85 Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 Materials: SEM imaging was employed to show the surface morphology and texture as well as particle sizes at different dopant concentrations and same calcination temperature (Figure 4.14). It is found that the particle morphology of the materials prepared at 800 oC is almost the same. Slightly agglomerated particles are formed at lower dopant concentrations. The presence of spherical grains of an independent nature are obtained up to a dopant level of about x = 0.20. It is interesting to note that the effect of a high calcination temperature results in the formation of highly sintered particles, as demonstrated by the micrographs. Nevertheless, particles of nanometer size are present throughout the series of LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.00-0.20). The particles size distribution is not significantly influenced by the dopant concentrations. Since extremely fine (<1 µm) and extremely course (> 20 µm) particle fractions are absent, the materials are suitable for usual electrode preparation techniques (Arnold et al., 2003). LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) materials: The micrographs for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) are given in the Figure 4.15. Figure 4.15 (a) and 4.15 (b) show scanning electron micrographs (SEM) for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) calcined at 350 and 550 oC, respectively. Whereas, Figure 4.15 (c) and 4.15 (d) show scanning electron micrographs (SEM) for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at 350 and 550 oC, respectively. When the gel precursors are calcined at 350 oC, the average particle sizes are found around 1.15 µm and 1.9 µm for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted), respectively with fairly narrow size distribution. The presence of agglomerated particles was also observed. As calcination temperature increased, slight growth kinetics was favored and particles were changed to a slight larger particulate. When the gel precursors are calcined at 550 oC, the average particle size of the powders increased to 1.67 µm and 2.34 µm, respectively with narrow particle size distribution. 86 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 4.14: Scanning electron micrographs for LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC for 4 hours: (a) x = 0.00, (b) x = 0.01, (c) x = 0.02, (d) x = 0.05 and (e) x = 0.20 87 (a) (c) (b) (d) Figure 4.15: Scanning electron micrographs for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) calcined at (a) 250 oC and (b) 550 oC and for the materials of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at (c) 250 oC and (d) 550 oC, respectively. 4.2.6 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX) EDAX is a chemical microanalysis technique used in conjunction with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Analytical measurement of the composition by means of EDAX confirm the presence of the elements. EDAX analysis is done to determine the composition of elements of the prepared raw materials. Figures 4.16 a, 4.16 b, 4.17, 4.18 4.19, 4.20 and 4.21 show the spectrum of the materials LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) and LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted), respectively. Materials 88 LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) calcined at 250, 400 and 450 oC with the molar ratio of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total ions of 1.0; materials LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) calcined at 300 and 700 oC with the molar ratio of propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.0; materials LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) calcined at 350 and 750 oC with the molar ratio of 1.5; materials Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 calcined at 800 oC with the dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.20; materials LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) calcined at 350 and 750 oC with the chelating agent concentration of 1 M citric acid, and materials LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) calcined at 350 and 750 oC with the chelating agent concentration of 1 M propionic acid. On the other hand, Figure 4.16 b represents the spectrum of the LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC with molar ratios of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0. Based on the spectrum in the Figures 4.16 a, 4.17 and 4.18 show that the composition percentage (wt %) of oxygen decrease and manganese increase with increasing the calcination temperature where as Figure 4.16 b shows that the composition percentage (wt %) of oxygen increase and manganese decrease with increasing the chelating agent concentration. Figures 4.20 and 4.21 also show that the composition percentage (wt %) of oxygen decrease with increasing the calcination temperatures. This is because; the lower particle size gives higher surface area. Therefore, they will absorb a lot of oxygen molecules to the particles pores resulting to the higher oxygen percentage. Decreasing of the manganese percentage doesn’t mean that the manganese element was terminated. This was due to the increasing of acid concentration which has increased the composition percentage of oxygen, thus reduced the composition percentage of manganese. The ratio of manganese must be compared with all the elements in manganese oxide. Based on the spectrum in the Figure 4.19 shows that the composition percentage (wt %) of oxygen and manganese decrease along with increasing the dopant concentrations. 89 450 oC 400 oC 250 oC Figure 4.16 a: EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 250, 400 and 450 oC with citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 1.0 90 1.0 0.5 0.25 Figure 4.16 b: EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials calcined at 450 oC with citric acid-ethylene glycol mixture to total metal ions of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 91 700 oC 300 oC Figure 4.17: EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 300 and 700 oC with citric acid to total metal ions of 1.0 (b) (a) Figure 4.18: EDAX spectrum of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC with propionic acid to total metal ions of 1.5 92 x = 0.20 x = 0.05 x = 0.02 x = 0.01 x = 0.00 Figure 4.19: EDAX spectrum of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC where dopant concentrations of x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.20 93 (b) (a) Figure 4.20: EDAX spectrum of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC (b) (a) Figure 4.21: EDAX spectrum of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) materials calcined at (a) 350 oC and (b) 750 oC 94 Composition variations by the different calcination temperatures and different molar concentrations for the materials LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4 (PA assisted), Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4, LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) are shown in the Tables 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 respectively. In the earlier section, we observed that specific surface area of the particles decreases with increasing the calcination temperatures and increases with increasing the chelating agent concentration that is well matched with the XRD patterns. Table 4.5: Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted) materials Calcination mixture to temperature total metal (oC) Wt. % ions ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 CA-EG Calcination mixture to temperature total metal (oC) Element CA-EG Element calcined at 250, 400 and 450 oC. Wt. % ions ratio 250 400 450 O 26.39 O 26.63 Mn 73.61 Mn 73.37 Total 100 Total 100 O 21.71 O 27.16 Mn 78.29 Mn 72.84 Total 100 Total 100 O 21.10 O 27.66 Mn 78.90 Mn 72.34 Total 100 Total 100 0.25 0.5 1.0 450 450 450 95 Table 4.6: Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) materials calcined at 300 and 700 oC. Citric acid to total metal ions ratio Calcination temperature (oC ) 1.0 Element Wt % O 16.0 Mn 84.0 Total 100 O 12.38 Mn 87.62 Total 100 300 1.0 700 Table 4.7: Composition analysis of LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) materials calcined at 350 and 750 oC. Propionic acid to total metal ions ratio 1.5 1.5 Calcination temperature (oC) 350 750 Element Wt % O 23.74 Mn 76.26 Total 100 O 21.46 Mn 78.54 Total 100 96 Table 4.8: Composition analysis of Cr doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 materials calcined at 800 oC Dopant concentrations (x) x = 0.00 x = 0.01 x = 0.02 x = 0.05 x = 0.20 Elements Wt % Cr - O 20.77 Mn 79.23 Total 100 Cr 2.02 O 21.19 Mn 76.79 Total 100 Cr 2.54 O 20.87 Mn 76.58 Total 100 Cr 4.63 O 20.12 Mn 75.25 Total 100 Cr 15.44 O 15.46 Mn 69.10 Total 100 97 Table 4.9: Composition analysis of LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) materials LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (PA assisted) LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) Materials calcined at 350 and 750 oC Calcination temperature (oC) 350 350 Elements Wt. % C Calcination temperature (oC) Elements Wt. % 30.86 C 41.52 O 35.84 O 28.80 Al 4.85 Al 2.53 Co 28.45 Co 27.15 Total 100 Total 100 C 33.35 C 41.06 O 35.60 O 30.07 Al 4.70 Al 2.43 Co 26.35 Co 26.45 Total 100 Total 100 750 750 98 4.3 Electrochemical Characterizations 4.3.1 Charge-Discharge Studies Charge/discharge cycling has been performed at a current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 between the cut-off voltage of 3.0 to 4.3 V. Figure 4.22 shows charge-discharge behavior with the number of cycles for the (a) A cell, (b) B cell, (c) C cell and (d) D cell where the raw materials calcined at 400, 700, 750 and 800 oC, respectively. Figure 4.23 shows charge-discharge behavior with the number of cycles for the (e) E cell and (f) F cell where the raw materials for the both cells calcined at 550 oC respectively and chelating agent concentration was same (1 M). The molar ratios of citric acid-ethylene glycol (CA-EG) mixture to total metal ions, citric acid (CA) to total metal ions and propionic acid (PA) to total metal ions of 1.0, 1.0 and 1.5 were for the A cell, B cell and C cell, respectively. Dopant concentration for the D cell was x = 0.20 The voltage profiles of the first three charge-discharge cycles for the compounds of A cell, B cell and C cell have two distinct plateaus in 3.9 and 4.1 volt; 3.8 and 4.1 volt; 4.8 and 4.16 volt regions, respectively which means a well defined spinel LiMn2O4 structure and which is characteristic of manganese oxide spinel structure (Liu et al., 1996; Thackery et al., 1983). It was reported that each plateaus delivers half of the total capacity, which confirmed the hypothesis that there were two binary equilibrium systems during Li+ intercalation, i.e., Ȝ-MnO2-Li0.5Mn2O4 and Li0.5Mn2O4-LiMn2O4 (Liu et al.,1996). The shape of the charge-discharge curves for the E cell and F cell shows good reversibility and capacity retention during the cycling. A cell, B cell and C cell initially deliver discharge capacity of 29.66, 20.94, and 41.65 mA h/g, respectively. Discharge capacity slowly decreases with the cycle numbers and remains 21.18, 19.63, and 37.72 mA h/g at the 3rd cycle respectively. This shows 28.6, 6.3 and 9.43 % capacity fading for the A cell, B cell and C cell respectively. Capacity fade for the B cell is lower than that of others. The poor crystallinity of LiMn2O4 powders calcined at low temperature (400 oC) is well consistent with the 99 results of XRD patterns. It is inferred from the above results that the LiMn2O4 powders calcined at higher temperatures have higher crystallinity and thus higher initial capacity. The main problem of LiMn2O4 cathode materials for lithium batteries is it weak cycleability at elevated temperatures displaying significant capcity fades. LiPF6 is the common electrolyte solution of lithium ion batteries (widely employed in commercial batteries). The battery designed also loses about 50 % of its capacity after 50 cycles at 55 oC. Whereas, employing the electrolyte solution of LiBF4, Ali Eftekhari, 2003 observed significant improvement for cycleability of lithium-ion battery. Although, reporting such improvement is satisfactory from an applied research point of view, further investigations on the source of such capacity fade are needed to clarify the problem. It should be emphasized that it can not be claimed that using LiBF4 could completely satisfy the problem related to instability of electrolyte solution at high voltage operation, however, their results suggest LiBF4 as a promising alternative to LiPF6. It is known that the main reason for the appearance of capacity fades in LiMn2O4 particularly at elevated temperatures is due to the Mn dissolution. Sun et at., 2002 have assumed that this also the main reason for capacity fading of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel as a 5 V cathode material at elevated temperature. Mn dissolution is possible due to the existence of trivalent Mn. As all of Mn in the spinel is oxidized to tetravalent Mn at the 4.1 V redox system, Mn dissolution-based capacity fading should be related to chargedischarging during 4 volt performance. For the D cell i.e., (x = 0.20) 0.20 Cr-doped material gives 49.50, 47.44 and 45.36 mA h/g discharge capacity for the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd cycle respectively. Specific capacity is higher than the others and capacity fading only 8.4 % after three cycles. Replacement of Mn3+ ion by Cr3+ and the oxidation of a similar amount of Mn3+ to the Mn4+ state leads to an increase in the average oxidation state of manganese. The diminished Mn3+ ion concentration causes a reduction in the unit-cell volume of the spinel, which results in increased structural stability. The capacities obtained correspond to oxidation of Mn3+ to Mn4+. 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.2 Cell voltage (Li /Li),v Cell voltage (Li /Li),v 100 4 + + 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 3 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 1st cycle charge 2nd cycle charge 3rd cycle charge 40.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 1st cycle discharge 2nd cycle discharge 3rd cycle discharge 1st cycle charge 2nd cycle charge 3rd cycle cjharge (c) C cell (a) A cell 4.6 4.4 4 4.2 Cell voltage (Li /Li),v 4.2 + Cell voltage (Li /Li),v 4.4 + 3.8 3.6 3.4 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.2 3 0.00 1st cycle discharge 2nd cycle discharge 3rd cycle discharge 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 3rd cycle charge 2nd cycle charge 1st cycle charge (b) B cell 30.00 3rd cycle discharge 2nd cycle discharge 1st cycle discharge 3 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 1st cycle charge 2nd cycle charge 3rd cycle charge 1st cycle discharge 2nd cycle discharge 3rd cycle discharge (d) D cell Figure 4.22: Charge-discharge characteristics with the number of cycles for the (a) A cell, (b) B cell, (c) C cell and (d) D cell where the raw materials calcined at 400, 700, 750 and 800 oC respectively. Cycling was carried out galvanostatically at constant charge-discharge current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 (200 µA) between voltage region 3.0 to 4.3 V 101 On the other hand, E cell and F cell initially deliver discharge capacity of 97.34 mA h/g and 74.43 mA h/g, respectively and discharge capacity slowly decreases with the number of cycle and remains 88.37 and 73.21 mA h/g at the 3rd cycle respectively. This shows 9.2 % and 1.6 % capacity fading for the E cell and F cell, respectively. Comparing to the others, E cell delivers the highest specific capacity whereas capacity 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.2 Cell voltage (Li /Li),V 4 + + Cell voltage (Li /Li),V fade for the F cell is the lowest of all and this shows very good capacity retention. 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 3 0 10 20 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 1st cycle charge 2nd cycle charge 3rd cycle charge 1st cycle discharge 2nd cycle discharge 3rd cycle discharge 30 40 50 60 70 Specific capacity (mAh/g) 80 90 1st cycle charge 1st cycle discharge 2nd cycle charge 2nd cycle discharge 3rd cycle charge 3rd cycle discharge (e) E Cell 100 (f) F Cell Figure 4.23: Charge-discharge characteristics with the number of cycles for the (e) E cell and (f) F cell where the raw materials calcined at 550 oC respectively. Cycling was carried out galvanostatically at constant charge-discharge current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 (200 µA) between voltage region 3.0 to 4.3 V The voltage profile of the cell with CA assisted cathode exhibited a potential slightly lower than for propionic acid assisted (PA assisted) compound. This was due to the different crystallographic texture and morphology of these two materials. It was observed that the fully intercalated phase was not recovered during the first discharge. 102 This was mainly due to the irreversible capacity loss because this capacity retention occurred also when the applied current density was decreased. 4.3.2 Cycleability Studies The cycleability curves for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell are shown in the Figure 4.24. 120 Discharge capacity (mAh/g) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 Number of cycles 4 A cell B cell C cell D cell E cell F cell Figure 4.24: Cycleability for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell with a 0.2 mA/cm2 current density at the voltage range of 3.0 to 4.3 V It shows the capacity response vs. cycle number for the first three cycles and cycleability data obtained from charge-discharge profile are summarized in Table 4.10. Cells were charged and discharged at the current density of 0.20 mA/cm2 in the voltage window of 3.0 to 4.3 V. For the first cycle the initial discharge capacities of 29.66, 20.94, 41.65, 49.50, 97.34 and 74.43 mA h/g for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell respectively. 103 Capacity decreases slowly and after three cycles the discharge capacities are 21.18, 19.63, 37.72, 45.36, 88.37 and 73.21 mA h/g respectively. The capacities retention over three cycles are about 71.4, 93.7, 90.6, 91.6, 90.8 and 98.4 % for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell respectively. Table 4.10: Cycleability data for the three cycles obtained from charge/discharge characterization of the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell Cells A B C D E F Charge Discharge Capacity Capacity Coulombic capacity capacity retention fading Efficiency (mA h/g) (mA h/g) (%) (%) (%) 36.57 29.66 25.13 23.84 22.02 21.18 96.2 27.04 20.94 77.0 22.03 20.33 22.01 19.63 89.1 84.92 41.65 49.0 49.49 39.72 50.42 37.72 74.8 78.21 49.50 63.3 49.33 47.44 46.46 45.36 97.6 207.51 97.34 46.9 103.70 92.87 95.25 88.37 92.8 105.31 74.43 70.7 82.38 71.90 77.27 73.21 81.1 71.4 93.7 90.6 91.6 90.8 98.4 28.6 6.3 9.4 8.4 9.2 1.6 94.8 92.2 80.2 96.2 89.5 87.3 94.7 104 It is seen that among the spinel structure materials (A cell, B cell, C cell and D cell), only D cell i.e., 0.20 Cr-doped Li/1M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCrxMn2-xO4 cell exhibits a higher specific capacity and capacity retention also good up to three cycles. The superior cycleabilty of the doped variety is due to increased stability caused by the higher octahedral site stabilization energy of Cr3+. The effect of Cr is more pronounced in reducing the capacity fade. On the other hand, E cell exhibits the highest initial discharge capcity whereas F cell exhibits the best capcity retention and less capacity fading among all. The highest capacity retention and less capacity fading during cycling tests suggests that Al-doping assists maintenance of the original layered crystal structure during deintercalation of Li-ions (Guilmard et al., 2003). Generally, good capacity retention is attributed to smaller volume change of the cathode material crystal lattice upon Li+ intercalation and deintercalation process. 4.3.3 Coulombic Efficiency The coulombic efficiencies of the cells were also measured and are summarized in Table 4.10. The Figure 4.25 shows coulombic efficiency upon cycling. In the first cycle, the efficiency differs for all specimens. However, after cycling for three or four runs, the coulombic efficiency is increased to a nearly constant value. The coulombic efficiencies of A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell are 81.1, 94.8 and 96.2 %; 77.0, 92.2 and 89.1 %; 49.0, 80.2 and 74.8 %; 63.3, 96.2 and 97.6 %; 46.9, 89.5 and 92.8 %; 70.7, 87.3 and 94.7 % for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles respectively. The highest coulombic efficiecy was observed 97.6 % for 3rd cycle of D cell (Li/1M LiPF6-EC/DMC/LiCrxMn2xO4). The above results reveal that the smallest powders with average 1.0 µm particle size (LiCrxMn2-xO4, x = 0.20 cathode) exhibits the best coulombic efficiency. 105 When the particle size is reduced, the overall surface area is increased. Thus, cathode consisting of small particles with large surface area can provide more lithium ions for diffusion, leading to the high ionic current and specific capacity Coulombic efficiency (Percent) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 Number of cycles A cel B cell C cell D cell E cell F cell Figure 4.25: Coulombic efficiency for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell with the number of cycles. In addition, during the discharge process, small particles can provide more interfacial area for contact within the liquid electrolyte and hence can increase the opportunity for lithium ions to intercalate back into the host structure, thereby resulting in the high coulomb efficiency (Lu et al., 2001). 106 4.4 Overall Performance of the Fabricated Cells A number of criterial specific parameters of the fabricated cells have been investigated using a Solartron 1470 Battery Testing System in the suitable voltage range and suitable current density. The impact of these parameters on performance of the cells is analyzed. Electrochemical parameters of the fabricated cells revealed many similarities between them, e.g., similar anode materials, similar electrolyte, same current collector foils, similar separator materials and same size. Nevertheless, there are quite many differences in some of the electrochemical parameters and the performances of the cells with respect to specific capacity, capacity retention, capacity fading and coulombic efficiency. Fabricated A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell deliver specific capacity of 21.18, 19.63, 37.72, 45.36, 88.37 and 73.21 mA h/g at the 3rd cycle respectively. Capacity fading of 28.6, 6.3, 9.4, 8.4, 9.2 and 1.6 % ; capacity retention of 71.4, 93.7, 90.6, 91.6, 90.8 and 98.4 % ; coulombic efficiency of 96.2, 89.1, 74.8, 97.6, 92.8 and 94.7 % for the A cell, B cell, C cell, D cell, E cell and F cell respectively. The most widely used commercial positive electrode materials are LiMn2O4 and LiCoO2. 100-120 mA h/g and 150 mA h/g are the maximum practical attainable capacity for the LiMn2O4 and LiCoO2 cathode materials respectively and maximum efficiency of the battery is 93 % (Mizushim et al., 1980). Presently some companies are fabricating Li-ion batteries using LiCoO2 as cathode materials. Maximum practical attainable capacity of Sony, Moli, A&T, Sanyo and Matsushita are 102, 123, 158, 135, and 155 mA h/g respectively. The capacity losses (capacity fading) of the Matsushita, Sony, and A&T cells of 9.5, 12.31, and 15.7 % are quite remarkable (Moshtev et al., 2000). Comparing to the commercial cathode materials, our fabricated materials exhibit lower specific capacity than the commercial one but some other parameters e.g., coulombic efficiency, capacity retention and capacity fading are better. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS 5.1 Conclusions Sol-gel synthesis has been demonstrated as versatile route to produce spinel LiMn2O4 (CA-EG mixture assisted), LiMn2O4 (CA assisted), LiMn2O4, (PA assisted), Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.0-0.20) cathode materials and layered LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA and PA assisted) cathode materials using organic acid as chelating agent. In this report it was demonstrated how, with the slight change of molar ratio of chelating agent to total metal ions and calcination temperatures, the above products were formed. This technique offers some advantages. Electrochemical behaviors of the prepared powder materials were analyzed using galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling studies in the voltage range 3.0-4.3 V (vs. Li metal) using 1 M LiPF6-EC/DMC as electrolyte. A cell, B cell, C cell and D cell initially (materials having a spinel structure) deliver discharge capacity of 29.66, 20.94, 41.65, and 49.50 mA h/g respectively. Specific capacity for the materials of D cell [Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 (x = 0.20)] is higher than the others. Capacity fading 28.6, 6.3, 9.4 and 8.4 % for the A cell, B cell, C cell and D cell respectively. Capacity fade for the B cell is lower than that of others. The poor crystallinity of the materials calcined at low temperature (400 oC) is well consistent with the results of XRD patterns. It is inferred from the above results that the materials calcined at higher temperatures have higher crystallinity and thus higher initial capacity. 108 Replacement of Mn3+ ion by Cr3+ and the oxidation of a similar amount of Mn3+ to the Mn4+ state leads to an increase in the average oxidation state of manganese. The diminished Mn3+ ion concentration causes a reduction in the unit-cell volume of the spinel, which results in increased structural stability. The higher stabilization energy of Cr+3 ions for octahedral coordination is well known. Sigala et al.,1995 have demonstrated the structural stability imparted by Cr+3 ions to LiMn2O4 spinel, and a similar effect by chemically modified Cr+5…Cr+6 oxide has been observed by Zhang et al.,1998. It has also been found (Iwata et al.,1999) that incorporation of Cr+3 greatly suppresses the dissolution of manganese ions in the electrolyte, which one of the failure mechanisms of LiMn2O4 cathodes. On the other hand, E cell and F cell initially deliver discharge capacity of 97.34 and 74.43 mA h/g, respectively and this shows 9.2 % and 1.6 % capacity fading respectively. Comparing to the others, the materials (LiCo0.7Al0.3O2) of E cell and F cell delivers the highest specific capacity and the lowest capacity fading. LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 materials have a single phase and Į-NaFeO2 structure. Aluminum doping increases the interval of thermal stability favoring the formation of well crystallized LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 powders at lower temperature and preventing the loss of lithium from the structure. The structural and electrochemical properties are investigated to examine the effect of Al-doping on specific capacity and its retention. Comparing to the commercial one, the overall capacity decreases due to the Al doping. On the other hand, more stable charge-discharge cycling performances have been observed when electrodes are charged up to 4.3 volt. The rechargeability of the Li/LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 cells appears better than the all because the lack of the two phase behavior in the high voltage region. At the cut off voltage of 4.3 V (end of the charge process), the specific capacity of the Li/ LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 cells is strongly dependent on Al substitution. The superior cycleability of the doped variety is due to increased stability caused by the higher octahedral site stabilization energy of Al+3. Replacement of Co by Al results in slight changes of the lattice parameters and reduces the unit cell volume which in turn influences the chemical diffusion coefficients of Li-ions due to an increase of the Vander Waals interlayer spacing. 109 5.2 Scope and Limitations The prepared cathode materials show the potential to overcome its fast capacity fading with charge/discharge cycling as well as show very good capacity retention and good coulombic efficiency over a wide range of calcination temperatures and chelating agent to total metal ions ratio. In this study, the first step is to prepare cathode raw materials that is too much time consuming. One of the major parts is the physical characterization of the prepared raw materials and electrochemical characterization of the synthesized cathode. Such characterization demands frequent use of instruments as stated in the earlier. Timely utilization of instruments are important to evaluate and verify the product systematically but the problems arise when a long queue in using the instruments. The main limitation is the cathode preparation. To prepare the cathode it is needed to provide commercial paint applicator, two roller, cathode frame with standard diameter- thickness-length and hydraulic press. Due to the lack of these instruments we are fully dependent on the battery manufacturer industry to fabricate the cathode and cell and also to examine their electrochemical characterization. 5.3 Recommendations for Future Study Since preliminary investigations show the feasibility of doped metal oxides as a cathode, further studies are needed to evaluate full-scale treatment. Charge-discharge examination at various current densities of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mA/cm2; variation of specific discharge capacity with number of cycles at various current densities of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mA/cm2; cyclic voltammetry; kinetics studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic studies (EIS) in full charged and partially charged conditions will focus 110 on breakthrough capacity as well as on chelating agent and metal ions ratio. So that these operation can easily be tailored according to the demand of markets. To improve the better electrochemical performance (practical voltage, chargedischarge capacity, cycle life) of the cathode, a control amount of surface modifier (various metal oxides) can be used and special attention can also be paid on how the morphology and structure of the resultant raw materials reflect those of the parent’s materials. Therefore, still a lot of works remaining have to be done to manufacture a active cathode materials. 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3.747924805 3.74987793 3.75012207 3.750854492 3.751098633 3.751708984 3.753662109 3.754150391 3.754394531 3.755126953 3.755371094 3.756347656 3.762695313 3.765258789 3.765625 3.76574707 0.000199661 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199653 0.000199653 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 0.000199646 5.54613E-06 1.10918E-05 1.66376E-05 2.21833E-05 2.7729E-05 3.32747E-05 3.88204E-05 4.43661E-05 4.99119E-05 5.54576E-05 6.10033E-05 6.6549E-05 7.20947E-05 7.76406E-05 8.31866E-05 8.87323E-05 9.4278E-05 9.98237E-05 0.000105369 0.000110915 0.000116461 0.000122007 0.000127552 0.000133098 0.000138644 0.000144189 0.000149735 0.000155281 0.27 0.53 0.80 1.07 1.33 1.60 1.87 2.13 2.40 2.67 2.93 3.20 3.47 3.73 4.00 4.27 4.53 4.80 5.07 5.33 5.60 5.87 6.13 6.40 6.67 6.93 7.20 7.47 123 29 48:20.0 3.76574707 0.000199646 0.000160827 7.73 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 50:00.0 51:40.0 53:20.0 55:00.0 56:40.0 58:20.0 00:00.0 01:40.0 03:20.0 05:00.0 06:40.0 08:20.0 10:00.0 11:40.0 13:20.0 15:00.0 16:40.0 18:20.0 20:00.0 21:40.0 23:20.0 25:00.0 26:40.0 28:20.0 30:00.0 31:40.0 33:20.0 35:00.0 36:40.0 38:20.0 40:00.0 41:40.0 43:20.0 45:00.0 46:40.0 48:20.0 50:00.0 51:40.0 53:20.0 55:00.0 56:40.0 58:20.0 00:00.0 01:40.0 03:20.0 05:00.0 06:40.0 08:20.0 3.766113281 3.766479492 3.766601563 3.766723633 3.766967773 3.767944336 3.76940918 3.769775391 3.769775391 3.769897461 3.770019531 3.770263672 3.770507813 3.770629883 3.770874023 3.770996094 3.770996094 3.770996094 3.771118164 3.771240234 3.771362305 3.771728516 3.773925781 3.77746582 3.779663086 3.780761719 3.780883789 3.781005859 3.780883789 3.780761719 3.780273438 3.779541016 3.779907227 3.780517578 3.780639648 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0.000288379 0.000293924 0.00029947 0.000305016 0.000310562 0.000316107 0.000321653 0.000327199 0.000332745 0.00033829 0.000343836 0.000349382 0.000354928 0.000360473 0.000366019 0.000371565 0.00037711 0.000382656 0.000388202 0.000393748 0.000399293 0.000404839 0.000410385 0.00041593 0.000421476 0.000427022 8.00 8.27 8.53 8.80 9.07 9.33 9.60 9.87 10.13 10.40 10.66 10.93 11.20 11.46 11.73 12.00 12.26 12.53 12.80 13.06 13.33 13.60 13.86 14.13 14.40 14.66 14.93 15.20 15.46 15.73 16.00 16.26 16.53 16.80 17.06 17.33 17.60 17.86 18.13 18.40 18.66 18.93 19.20 19.46 19.73 20.00 20.26 20.53 124 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 10:00.0 11:40.0 13:20.0 15:00.0 16:40.0 18:20.0 20:00.0 21:40.0 23:20.0 25:00.0 26:40.0 28:20.0 30:00.0 31:40.0 33:20.0 35:00.0 36:40.0 38:20.0 40:00.0 41:40.0 43:20.0 45:00.0 46:40.0 48:20.0 50:00.0 51:40.0 53:20.0 55:00.0 56:40.0 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Test Data for the 3rd Cycle Discharge Experiment start time: 11.21.31 AM, Date: 6/14/2005 Sample rate: 0.01 (Hz) Unit number for each result number: 2 Channel number for each result number: 2 Step number for each result no: 2 Step repeat: 3 Schedule repeat: 1 Result Number 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 Time Voltage (V) Current (A) Charge (Ah) 07:58.7 09:38.7 11:18.7 12:58.7 14:38.7 16:18.7 17:58.7 19:38.7 21:18.7 22:58.7 24:38.7 26:18.7 27:58.7 29:38.7 31:18.7 32:58.7 34:38.7 36:18.7 37:58.7 39:38.7 41:18.7 42:58.7 44:38.7 46:18.7 47:58.7 49:38.7 51:18.7 52:58.7 54:38.7 56:18.7 57:58.7 59:38.7 4.441406 4.425537 4.412842 4.407471 4.394775 4.391113 4.380371 4.37793 4.368652 4.363037 4.359619 4.348877 4.347412 4.34375 4.332275 4.331055 4.328125 4.317139 4.316162 4.313232 4.302002 4.300293 4.297607 4.289307 4.285645 4.282959 4.280762 4.27002 4.269043 4.266357 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Ca typ aci A )h (m /g Cath od eMaterialsan dCom ercial 2) Pralcit Ca typ aci A )h (m /g 150 Sony: 102 Commercial LiCoO2 Moli:123 274 A&T: 158 Sanyo:135 Synthesized LiMn2O4 (CAEG assisted) Matsushita: 155 1st cycle:29.66 148 2nd cycle:23.84 Ca typ aci Ren tioe )(% - Used yb Difern t Ca typ aci Fa gd in )(% Co cib m olu Efycn eif )(% 93 - - 71.4 28.6 96.2 93.7 6.3 89.1 90.6 9.4 74.8 91.6 8.4 97.6 90.8 9.2 92.8 98.4 1.6 94.7 rd 3 cycle:21.18 Synthesized LiMn2O4 (CA assisted) 1st cycle:20.94 148 2nd cycle:20.33 rd 3 cycle:19.63 Synthesized LiMn2O4 (PA assisted) 1st cycle:41.65 148 2nd cycle:39.72 rd 3 cycle:37.72 Cr-doped LiCrxMn2-xO4 1st cycle:49.50 148 2nd cycle:47.44 rd 3 cycle:45.36 Synthesized LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) 1st cycle:29.66 120 2nd cycle:23.84 rd 3 cycle:21.18 Synthesized LiCo0.7Al0.3O2 (CA assisted) 1st cycle:29.66 120 2nd cycle:23.84 rd 3 cycle:21.18 a Theo. = Theoretical Ren cefr Mizushima et al., 1980 & Moshtev et al., 2000