Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 DOI 10.1007/s00221-009-1785-6 R ES EA R C H N O T E Angular displacement perception modulated by force background James R. Lackner · Paul DiZio Received: 6 August 2008 / Accepted: 25 March 2009 / Published online: 19 April 2009 © Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract We had recumbent subjects (n = 7) indicate the amplitude of imposed, passive yaw–axis body rotations in the 0, 1, and 1.8 g background force levels generated during parabolic Xight maneuvers. The blindfolded subject, restrained in a cradle, aligned a gravity-neutral pointer with the subjective vertical while in an initial position and then tried to keep it aligned with the same external direction during a body rotation, lasting less than 1.5 s about the z-axis 30°, 60°, or 120° in amplitude. All the rotations were above semicircular threshold levels for eliciting perception of angular displacement under terrestrial test conditions. In 1 and 1.8 g test conditions, subjects were able to indicate both the subjective vertical and the amplitude of the body rotation reasonably accurately. By contrast in 0 g, when indicating the subjective vertical, they aligned the pointer with the body midline and kept it nearly aligned with their midline during the subsequent body tilts. They also reported feeling supine throughout the 0 g test periods. The attenuation of apparent self-displacement in 0 g is discussed in terms of (1) a possible failure of integration of semicircular canal velocity signals, (2) a contribution of somatosensory pressure and contact cues, and (3) gravicentric versus body-centric reference frames. The signiWcance of the Wndings for predicting and preventing motion sickness and disorientation in orbital space Xight and in rotating artiWcial gravity environments is discussed. J. R. Lackner (&) · P. DiZio Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, Brandeis University, MS 033, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA e-mail: lackner@brandeis.edu P. DiZio e-mail: dizio@brandeis.edu Keywords Spatial orientation · Path integration · Semicircular canals · Otoliths · Somatosensation · Subjective vertical · Gravity Introduction Velocity information from semicircular canal signals is a key component of updating spatial position. Subjects brieXy rotated about a vertical axis and deprived of visual and auditory cues about the earth-Wxed environment can subsequently counterrotate a pointer to their original heading (Guedry et al. 1971), turn themselves back to their original spatial direction with a manual remote control (Metcalfe and Gresty 1992), or make saccadic eye movements to the pre-turn location of an earth-Wxed target (Bloomberg et al. 1988, 1991a), with about 85–90% accuracy. Such results show that mathematical integration of a head angular velocity signal provided by the semicircular canals is suYcient for perception of angular displacement or angular path integration (Beritov 1957, 1959; Mittelstaedt and Mittelstaedt 1980). Normally, angular path integration cooperates with visual (Loomis et al. 1999), auditory (Clark and Graybiel 1949), otolithic (Graybiel 1952), proprioceptive (Mergner et al. 1983), and motor (Gordon et al. 1995; Jurgens et al. 1999) signals in control and perception of self-rotation. For example, body rotation around an oV-vertical axis is accompanied by information about rate of turn from the semicircular canals and attitude information from the otolith organs. Understanding how a representation of angular displacement is derived from semicircular canal signals and interrelated with otolith and other signals remains a signiWcant challenge (Glasauer 1992; Angelaki and Hess 1995; Merfeld 1995; Angelaki et al. 1999; Bortolami et al. 2006b; 123 336 Kaptein and Van Gisbergen 2006). One illustration of the complexity of the integration and convergence process is the fact that removal of vestibular inputs abolishes head direction cell selectivity even when visual landmarks and other sensorimotor signals are available (Brown et al. 2002, 2005). Experiments in weightless environments have provided several forms of evidence that the processing of semicircular canal signals may be aVected by graviceptive signals. The earliest evidence came from astronauts participating in the Skylab M-131 experiment, in which it was shown that the eVects of Coriolis cross-coupling stimulation (CCS) of the semicircular canals were highly dependent on background force level (Graybiel et al. 1977). CCS is a mechanical response of the semicircular canals to head movements made out of the plane of an ongoing constant-velocity body rotation, and is independent of linear force background, and on Earth, provokes severe motion sickness and a violent sense of tumbling. The Skylab astronauts had been susceptible to CCS pre-Xight but experienced no motion sickness or apparent body tumbling during CCS in orbit. Understanding how to predict and circumvent aversive eVects of CCS is important because CCS is an unavoidable consequence of using rotation to generate artiWcial gravity. The M-131 experiment was never performed earlier than six days after insertion into orbit because of fears that CCS would be so provocative that the astronauts might not be able to perform mission-critical activities during the initial Xight days. Experiments in parabolic Xight have shown that immediately upon exposure to 0 g CCS evokes virtually no motion sickness or disorientation and elicits smaller nystagmic responses than in 1 g (DiZio et al. 1987). In addition, CCS elicits more severe motion sickness and disorientation in 1.8 g than in 1 g (Lackner and Graybiel 1985). Sudden stop stimulation following constant velocity rotation in parabolic Xight elicits nystagmus with the same peak slow phase velocity across 0, 1, and 1.8 g force backgrounds (DiZio and Lackner 1987). However, slow phase velocity decays in 0 g at a rate which approximates the allometrically inferred peripheral time constant of the horizontal semicircular canals. The decay rate of nystagmus is little aVected in 1.8 g compared to 1 g values. Subjects also report a shorter duration of apparent self-rotation following sudden stops in 0 g than in 1.8 and 1 g. It has also been demonstrated that astronauts manually rotated in roll may lose their orientation relative to the cabin of the spacecraft unless vibrotactile reference cues are provided (van Erp and van Veen 2006). In this experiment, we investigated the sense of displacement relative to the environment which a subject feels when being tilted in a normal 1 g force background and in the hyper-g and weightless phases of parabolic Xight. If 123 Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 canal signals elicited during a passive body tilt are accurately integrated over time, they should provide a veridical sense of angular displacement in weightlessness where there is no orientation-dependent variation in otolithic signals. G-related variations in spatial updating would point to a gravitoinertial force dependency of angular path integration per se, an interaction of integrated canal information and other graviceptive signals, or the emergence of an alternate orientational frame of reference. Portions of the data were presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Lackner et al. 2006). Materials and methods Subjects The subjects were seven students and staV of the Graybiel Laboratory, including one of the authors (JRL). Three were female and four male; the age range was 24–64 years. Three were participating in their Wrst week of parabolic Xights and were tested on the second or third Xight day of the week; one had participated in six previous Xights, and three had participated in hundreds of prior Xights. None of the subjects took anti-motion sickness medications. All the subjects had passed NASA’s medical requirements for parabolic Xight experiments. The procedure was approved by the Brandeis University Human Subjects Committee and the NASA JSC CPHS. All the subjects gave their informed consent. Apparatus The experiment was conducted in NASA’s Boeing KC-135 aircraft used for parabolic Xight studies. The aircraft is Xown such that the resultant of gravity and inertial forces is perpendicular to the aircraft deck (Karmali and Shelhamer 2008). Periods of high force, 1.8 g, and of 0 g alternate each lasting about 20–25 s, separated by force transitions lasting about 5 s. A complete parabola lasted about one minute. Sets of 10 consecutive parabolas were separated by periods of level Xight. The experiment was completed in four consecutive days with Xights of 40 parabolas on each day. The subjects were tested in a bed-like cradle apparatus in which they were very snugly nestled with straps and pads. No attempt was made to place the Frankfort plane precisely in a vertical orientation, and consequently, all the semicircular canals may have been partially stimulated. The recumbent subject could be rotated to diVerent positions about his or her longitudinal axis, i.e., yaw rotation about the recumbent z axis. The long axis of the apparatus was positioned parallel to the fuselage of the aircraft, with the head forward. The cradle could be locked into position at 0° Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 337 (supine), and §30° or §60° with a spring-loaded pin that engaged pre-drilled detents. Positive angles indicate left ear down tilts in a right-hand coordinate system consistent with our previous publications (Bortolami et al. 2006a, b; Bryan et al. 2007). See Fig. 1a. The cradle was equipped with a pointer stick which subjects could use to indicate diVerent yaw directions. The pointer was a 20 cm £ 2.5 cm rod pivoting about its midpoint on a shaft parallel to the subject’s long axis, in the mid-sagittal plane. The pointer axis was about 20 cm above the torso of the supine subject, and its rostral–caudal position could be adjusted for comfort. The subject grasped both ends of the pointer with one hand at each end. The pointer had a knob on one end to provide polarity but otherwise it was devoid of tactile orientational cues. It was gravity neutral so that there was no pendant position. The angles of the pointer and of the subject’s head and torso relative to the gravitoinertial vertical (or perpendicular to the fuselage deck in 0 g) were monitored with a Polhemus Fastrak device at 30 Hz. Before every session, the tilt sensors were calibrated by recording their output while the bed was placed in the Wve positions. To attenuate/mask ambient spatial auditory cues, the subjects wore earplugs (Howard MaxLite: noise reduction (from 33.5 db at 125 Hz to 45.2 db at 8,000 Hz) and noise cancelling (29 dB passive plus 20 dB active noise reduction) Telex Stratus 50-D earphones through which pink noise was played. The noise level was adjusted to be as high as the subject could comfortably tolerate through the earplugs. The experimenter voice channel, which could interrupt the noise when necessary, was adjusted to be loud enough to be heard through the ear plugs. Ground-based pilot experiments indicated subjects utilizing this system could not localize an external speaker playing back the recorded cabin sounds of a previous parabolic Xight at a sound level of 90 dB at the subject’s head. In 0 g, the engines are throttled back, and the ambient noise level is about 75 dB. Testing was conducted in straight and level Xight as well as in the parabolas. Each Xight consisted of 40 parabolas, Xown in four sets of 10 separated by periods of straightand-level Xight. Each subject was scheduled to be tested during 20 parabolas. Subjects were changed in the break between sets 2 and 3, and 1 g data were collected in straight-and-level Xight in the breaks between sets 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 as well as before set 1 and after set 4. One of the seven subjects became motion sick and only completed ten parabolas of the scheduled 20. He was replaced by another subject for the remaining ten parabolas. The remaining six subjects each completed 20 full parabolas. Each experimental trial involved rotating the recumbent subject to a new position either in 0 or 1.8 g and having the subject indicate the subjective vertical and then continue to indicate that position for the entire duration of the turning maneuver. The experimenter initiated trials by waiting Wve sec after a force transition was complete and watching a computer display of the g level (all three axes) to make sure it had settled at the desired magnitude. At this point, data collection was triggered for 15 s, and the subject was asked to align the pointer stick with the subjective vertical before the onset of a repositioning turn which would be forthcoming within 5 s. A computer-generated tone cued the experimenter to manually execute the scheduled turn at the appropriate time. Turns were accomplished by releasing a locking pin, manually turning the bed, and locking it in the new position. The whole maneuver took less than 2 s. The subject’s task was to keep the joystick aligned with the same spatial direction throughout the turn. The instructions were, “use gravity as a reference when it is available, and imagine a constant spatial location in microgravity”. After the turn was completed and the subject had been given a chance to make quick Wnal corrections, the apparatus was moved to the scheduled starting position for the next turn. (b) stick angle (+) physical vertical head midline LED 120 0g 1g 1.8 g Head Stick 0 -120 RED Velocity (deg/sec) head angle (+) Position (deg) (a) Flight procedure 120 1 sec 0 - 120 Fig. 1 a Schematic of conventions used to measure head and stick angles relative to space. Positive angles refer to left ear down (LED) tilt. b Time series of head (dotted traces) and joystick (solid traces) rotation relative to space during typical trials in diVerent force backgrounds. The arrows mark the points where initial and Wnal head and stick positions were measured to compute displacements. Trials with diVerent tilt amplitudes, directions, and positional ranges are illustrated in diVerent force backgrounds 123 338 Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 The displacements included magnitudes of 30°, 60°, and 120° to the right and left, starting and ending at one of the Wve positions in which the bed could be locked—30° and 60° left and right—and 0° (subject horizontal). Each 20 parabola session included 18 turns in 0 g and 18 in 1.8 g (with two parabolas of rest), with six displacements of each magnitude, half to the left and half to the right. The three tilts for each combination of amplitude and direction were chosen randomly from the permutations presented in Table 1. Manual bed rotation The traces of Fig. 1b indicate that the manually executed tilts of the bed had quasi-sinusoidal velocity proWles. The average durations of the 30°, 60°, and 120° turns were 0.76 s, 1.07 s, and 1.54 s, respectively. The median velocities were 42°/s, 44°/s, and 53°/s for turn amplitudes of 30°, 60°, and 120°. Angular acceleration was computed with a 2-point diVerence algorithm. The median acceleration noise when the body was stationary was 17°/s2, and acceleration exceeded the median noise 84%, 88%, and 91% of the time during turns of 30°, 60°, and 120° amplitude, respectively. The durations of the 120° amplitude turns averaged 1.51 s and 1.56 s in 0 and 1.8 g, respectively. The peak velocities of the 120° amplitude turns averaged 58°/s and 50°/s in 0 and 1.8 g, respectively. Neither of these diVerences was signiWcant. Data reduction Before processing, all the raw data were calibrated, Wltered (5 Hz low pass, 5th order Butterworth), diVerentiated (2 point diVerence), and Wltered again (5 Hz low pass). The beginning and end of the head motion was identiWed with algorithms that identiWed peak head angular velocity and then searched, backward and forward, for the points where velocity fell below 5% of the absolute value of the peak. The beginning of each individual trial was deWned as the onset of head motion, and the end of the trial was deWned as 1 sec after the end of head motion (see arrows in Fig. 1b). At the deWned endpoint, stick motion was always complete. The RMS diVerence between the head and torso tilt signals Fig. 2 a Plot of Wnal stick displacement versus recumbent yaw–axis 䉴 head displacement. Subjects were attempting to continuously align the stick with the subjective vertical in the diVerent force backgrounds. The horizontal dashed line indicates a constant orientation of the stick to the spatial vertical and the diagonal dashed line indicate a constant stick position relative to the body. b Plot of RMS stick displacement versus head displacement. c Plot of subjective vertical versus head angle at the end of each trial. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to perfect indication of the vertical, and positive sloping functions correspond to bias of pointing responses toward the body midline (diagonal dashed line) from the beginning to end of trials averaged 0.854° and did not diVer signiWcantly across g levels. Therefore, only the head motion signal was used for subsequent analysis. Typical traces of head and stick motion relative to space are shown in Fig. 1b for each force background. The three examples also depict 30°, 60°, and 120° displacements of the body with diVerent initial and Wnal tilt angles. Two measures were extracted to determine how well the subjects maintained the stick spatially stationary during body displacements. As a measure of Wnal stick stability in space, we computed the diVerence in spatial stick position from the beginning to the end of the trial. However, this measure would not identify response lags, subsequent catch-up movements, and Wnal retrospective adjustments that were allowed after the cradle stopped moving. To capture such dynamics of compensatory stick movements, we also computed the RMS stick displacement relative to the head throughout the trial. These two measures are plotted against head displacement relative to space in Fig. 2a and b. We also measured the static subjective vertical by comparing the body (head) position and stick setting relative to the vertical at the end of the trial (see Fig. 2c). Comparison of 1 g ground-based and Xight data Each subject was tested on the ground both before and after the parabolic Xight tests with the same procedure and sequence of tilt amplitudes/directions as they received during the 1 g periods of level Xight. A repeated measures MANOVA of all the dependent measures showed no eVects of test repetition, and subsequent pairwise comparisons at each tilt amplitude/direction showed no diVerences between the 1 g Xight data and the combined pre- and post-Xight Table 1 The set of movements from which displacements of diVerent magnitude were selected Displacement magnitude Start to End position 123 +30° ¡30° +60° ¡60° +120° ¡120° ¡60 to 60 60 to ¡60 ¡60 to ¡30 60 to 30 ¡60 to 0 60 to 0 ¡30 to 0 30 to 0 ¡30 to 30 30 to ¡30 0 to 30 0 to ¡30 0 to 60 0 to ¡60 30 to 60 ¡30 to ¡60 Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 Results LED 120 0g 90 1g Stick displacement re space (deg) (a) 339 Stick displacement during head tilt 1.8 g 60 30 -0 -30 -60 -90 RED -120 -120 -90 -60 -30 -0 RED 30 60 90 120 LED Head displacement re space (deg) (b) 0g RMS stick displacement re body (deg) 90 1g 1.8 g 60 30 0 -120 -90 -60 -30 -0 RED 30 60 90 120 LED Head displacement re space (deg) (c) LED 60 0g Subjective vertical (deg) 1g 1.8 g 30 0 -30 RED -60 -60 RED -30 0 30 60 LED Head angle (deg) data (Bonferoni-corrected t tests, critical P = 0.0083, power = 0.812 at least). Therefore, subsequent analyses compared only the 1 g level Xight condition to the 0 and 1.8 g Xight conditions. When subjects were tilted to a new angle in the 0 g phase of a parabola, the pointer and head displacement traces showed parallel deXections (see Fig. 1b, left panel). Between the beginning and end of body tilts, the body and stick pointer excursions were almost equal (see Fig. 2a). In other words, the subjects did not move the pointer relative to their body during angular displacements of the body in 0 g, which is reXected in the low RMS deviation of the pointer relative to the body (see Fig. 2b). When each tilting trial was over and for the rest of the duration of the 0 g portion of the parabolas, subjects held the pointer nearly aligned with their body midline, so that the pointer orientation was almost the same as the body tilt (see Fig. 2c). By contrast, when subjects were tilted in 1 or 1.8 g, there was a transient period in which the pointer moved with the body, but after a short reaction time, subjects started compensating and kept the stick nearly perfectly stationary relative to the vertical (see Fig. 1b, center and right panels). The total displacement of the pointer relative to space during body turns was only about 10–20% of body displacement in 1 and 1.8 g (see Fig. 2a) because subjects made large compensatory movements of the pointer relative to their bodies as they attempted to maintain a constant pointing position in space in 1 and 1.8 g (see Fig. 2b). A repeated measures, two way analysis of variance (SPSS v16) was performed to assess the eVects of g level (0, 1 and 1.8 g) and tilt magnitude on pointer displacement relative to space during body tilts. It revealed a signiWcant eVect of tilt angle (F(5,30) = 51.7, P < 0.001) and an interaction of tilt angle and g level (F(10,60) = 62.1, P < 0.0001). Pairwise analyses (Bonferoni corrected t tests, critical P = 0.0083) indicated that the spatial stick displacements at each of the six body-displacement magnitudes were greater in 0 g than in 1 g. Linear regression analyses showed that a straight line was a signiWcant Wt to stick displacement as a function of body displacement in each force background (P < 0.01, at least; r2 > 0.978 at least). In 0 g, the slope of stick displacement relative to body displacement was 0.82, and in 1 g and 1.8 g the slopes were 0.21 and 0.13, respectively. The conWdence interval of the slope of the 0 g function was non-overlapping with both the 1 g and 1.8 g slopes. The conWdence intervals of 1 and 1.8 g slopes were also non-overlapping. These analyses indicate that subjects’ self-displacement estimates were about 18% of their actual displacements in 0 g, about 79% in 1 g, and about 87% in 1.8 g. 123 340 Role of experience in angular displacement estimates Stick displacement amplitudes during 120° turns (average of the absolute values for both directions) for the four subjects who had experienced six or fewer previous parabolic Xights were compared to the estimates of the three subjects with greater than 200 Xights. Separate non-directional, independent groups t tests were performed for the 0 and 1.8 g conditions, and no signiWcant diVerences were found (minimum power = 0.71). In addition, related groups t tests including all subjects showed no diVerence in displacement estimates of 120° turns between the Wrst and last Wve parabolas, in 0 and 1.8 g (minimum power = 0.81). Static subjective vertical Static subjective vertical settings were slightly biased in the direction of body tilt in 1 and 1.8 g. In 0 g, subjects localized the subjective vertical almost in line with the midline of their body. See Fig. 2c. A repeated two way analysis of variance measures revealed a signiWcant eVect of tilt angle (F(4,24) = 48.8, P < 0.0001) and an interaction of tilt angle and g level (F(8,48) = 66.1, P < 0.0001). Pairwise analyses (Bonferoni-corrected t tests, critical P = 0.0125) indicated that the spatial stick displacements at the ¡60°, ¡30°, 30°, and 60° body tilts were greater in 0 g than in 1 g. Linear regression analyses showed that a straight line was a signiWcant Wt to stick displacement as a function of body displacement in each force background (P < 0.01, at least; r2 > 0.955 at least). In 0 g, the slope of stick displacement relative to body displacement was 0.882, and in 1 and 1.8 g the slopes were 0.164 and 0.153, respectively. The conWdence interval of the slope of the 0 g function encompassed a slope of 1 but was non-overlapping with both the 1 and 1.8 g slopes. The 1 and 1.8 g slopes had overlapping conWdence intervals. These analyses indicate that subjective vertical was aligned with the body midline in 0 g and was biased about 15% in the direction of body tilt in 1 and 1.8 g. Subjective reports When subjects were stationary, pre-positioned in tilted positions, and during transitions in background force level from 1.8 to 0 g, they all reported displacement from a tilted to a horizontal position. When they were pre-tilted during transitions out of 0 g, they experienced the reverse. The perceptual transitions due to changes in force background were always completed before onset of the experimental body tilts. During body tilts in 1 and 1.8 g, all the subjects experienced self-displacement, and at the end of the turn, they experienced a diVerent static orientation than before. During body tilts in 0 g, two subjects denied ever experiencing any self-displacement, although they experienced a 123 Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 brief “push” or “tug” in the direction of the physical displacement. The remaining Wve estimated the spatial extent of their displacements in 0 g to be 5–20% of their displacements in 1 and 1.8 g. The durations of 0 g displacements were also estimated to be less than 20% of the duration of turns in 1 and 1.8 g, with their onset coinciding with a sensation of pressure cues on the body from the cradle. Discussion Subjects’ pointing responses vastly undercompensated for recumbent yaw displacements in 0 g and compensated slightly but signiWcantly better in 1.8 g than in 1 g. The attenuated pointing responses in 0 g were consistent with the subjective reports which greatly underestimated actual self-displacement. The pointing responses and subjective reports indicated that subjects felt like they were in an almost constant supine orientation in 0 g but had a fairly accurate perception of their turn amplitude and the direction of the vertical in 1 and 1.8 g. Thresholds for angular acceleration in the human have been reported to be as low as 0.035°/s2 and as high as 4°/s2; typical values are about 0.5–1.0°/s2 (Fitzpatrick and McCloskey 1994; Grabherr et al. 2008). In all force backgrounds, the rotations in our test conditions involved angular accelerations that were much greater than these values. As a consequence, signiWcant above-threshold activation of horizontal canal aVerents must have been achieved in all our test trials. Thus, the diminished appreciation of self-displacement in 0 g could not have been due to insuYcient semicircular canal stimulation. During body rotations in 0 g, the semicircular canals were activated, but because the otoliths and somatosensory mechanoreceptors were unloaded no static orientationdependent shearing occurred. During vertical axis rotations in 1 g, the graviceptors are not unloaded but their output is unchanging and canal signals are suYcient to yield a sense of angular displacement. (Guedry et al. 1971; Bloomberg et al. 1991b; Metcalfe and Gresty 1992). Thus, one interpretation of our Wnding of decreased updating of spatial position during recumbent yaw rotation in 0 g relative to 1 g and 1.8 g is that the temporal integration of canal velocity signals to generate apparent spatial displacement of the body is nearly lost when the otoliths and somatosensory mechanoreceptors are unloaded in 0 g. This is consistent with subjective reports of attenuated or complete absence of apparent self-rotation in 0 g. In the present experiment, subjects always felt horizontal when being tilted in 0 g. This replicates our previous Wnding that subjects always feel horizontal when statically placed in any recumbent yaw orientation in 0 g (Bryan et al. 2007). In both situations, subjects were Wrmly nestled Exp Brain Res (2009) 195:335–343 in the cradle apparatus with symmetric touch and pressure cues on their back and front and left and right sides regardless of their tilt angle in 0 g. The static, symmetric distribution of somatosensory stimulation may have been adequate to make them feel horizontal and keep the pointer aligned with their midsagittal plane. A transient asymmetric pattern of touch-and-pressure cues on the body was present while the body was undergoing angular acceleration and deceleration in 0 g, and these cues may have contributed to transient stick motion in the direction opposite to rotation and the small reported body displacements. Thus, a second interpretation of the decreased updating of spatial position during recumbent yaw rotation in 0 g is that an unchanging somatosensory “vertical” derived from evenly distributed pressure cues overrode any sense of displacement that might have been derived from integration of canal velocity signals and transient somatosensory or otolith signals. The methodology we used also permits a third interpretation of the results. We asked subjects to “use gravity as a reference when it is available, and imagine a constant spatial location in microgravity.” It is possible that the inability to use gravity as a reference in 0 g might have been confusing and caused the subjects to switch to a body-centric frame of reference after the completion of the turn. The attenuated displacement compensations seen in 0 g in Fig. 2a, however, do not reXect a spatial compensation during the bed turn followed by a retrospective drift back to a body-centric axis in the period allowed for Wnal adjustments after the bed stopped moving. If this had happened in 0 g, the RMS values would have been increased in 0 g relative to 1 and 1.8 g, but Fig. 2b shows this not to be the case. The perceptual reports favor the elimination of semicircular canal signal integration in 0 g over the alternatives of an overriding of an integrated canal signal by symmetric somatosensory signals or of switching to an egocentric frame of reference. When we asked our Wrst subject (in the middle of his test session) why he did not move the pointer in 0 g, he reported that he did not experience any body displacement. Subsequent subjects were briefed to pay attention to their self-displacement (although the pointing response was still primary), and all reported no or greatly attenuated displacement in 0 g relative to the other force backgrounds. No subject reported a paradoxical sense of body displacement in the absence of a change in apparent direction of the vertical, which we would expect if an unimpaired canal-derived displacement signal had been overridden by an unchanging somatosensory derivation of the vertical. However, additional studies will be required to establish whether the 0 g attenuation of spatial updating is due entirely to graviceptive unloading or is partially inXuenced by haptic contact cues or reliance on an egocentric frame of reference. We are currently assessing apparent angular self-displacement during upright and recumbent 341 yaw–axis rotations in hyper- and hypo-g force backgrounds using a method which is independent of reference to gravitational or egocentric reference frames. The small improvement we found in spatial updating in 1.8 g relative to 1 g provides insight into how a representation of angular displacement derived from integrated semicircular canal signals might merge with otolith and other graviceptive signals. Estimates of the subjective vertical during static recumbent yaw tilts are the same in both 1 and 1.8 g (Bryan et al. 2007), which is not the case for roll and pitch tilts which show greater errors in judging the vertical in hyper g than in 1 g (Correia et al. 1968). Thus, estimates of recumbent yaw displacement would be expected to have equivalent contributions from graviceptive otolith and somatosensory cues in 1 g and hyper-g environments. In addition to these equivalent, direct graviceptive attitude signals, there may be in 1 g an additional contribution from integrated canal signals to computation of the dynamic subjective visual vertical (Kaptein and Van Gisbergen 2006). The present Wndings also have signiWcance for physiological studies of spatial perception. Place cells in the hippocampus (O’Keefe et al. 1975) and head direction cells in the anterior-dorsal thalamic nucleus (Taube 1995) and the primate pre-subiculum (Robertson et al. 1999) code an animal’s spatial position and head direction in relation to its environment. These cells are updated during changes in body position even in the absence of visual landmarks. Integration of vestibular signals is necessary for this process (Taube and Burton 1995). The selectivity of rat hippocampal place cells has been found to be disrupted in orbital Xight although maps can reform to some extent (Knierim et al. 2000). Head direction cells in the anterior dorsal thalamus also lose their direction-speciWcity when a rat climbs the walls or the ceiling of its cage in 0 g (Taube 1998; Taube et al. 2004). Aberrant head direction cell activity also occurs during inverted locomotion on the cage ceiling in 1 g (Calton and Taube 2005), which may provide a 1 g paradigm for comparing the roles of static graviceptive cues in angular path integration in humans and animals. The present results are also consistent with the Skylab and parabolic Xight experiments evaluating the eVects of CCS in 0 g because in all the cases, there is a powerful semicircular canal stimulus which is not registered as a spatial displacement. The M-131 motion sickness results are often attributed to the lack of an intravestibular, canal-otolith conXict in 0 g (Guedry and Benson 1978); however, this explanation would predict an increased magnitude and duration of tumbling sensation elicited by CCS but the actual result was a complete absence of apparent tumbling. Our parabolic Xight experiments in which perceptual reports of tumbling were the primary task of subjects conWrmed that CCS in 0 g evokes both briefer and attenuated body tumbling than in 1 and 1.8 g, as well as a nearly 123 342 complete abolition of motion sickness (DiZio and Lackner 1989, 1995). Failure of integration of canal signals in 0 g or of their incorporation in the downstream processing could account for suppression of motion sickness and apparent tumbling elicited by CCS. An important question is what level of graviceptive input is necessary to achieve spatial updating. In ongoing experiments, we are Wnding that the 0.38 g level of Martian gravity is not likely to be adequate because preliminary results are showing exposure to CCS at 0.38 g to be comparable to exposure in 0 g. This is practically important because it implies that a rotating artiWcial gravity environment that produces 0.38 g or less of static gravitoinertial force will not elicit motion sickness or disorientation during head movements despite the presence of CCS. However, attenuated perception of angular self-displacement could also contribute to spatial disorientation in non-rotating, 0 g space Xight operations. For example, astronauts might underestimate the amplitude of spacecraft reorientation maneuvers they are monitoring or controlling manually or in collaboration with autonomous systems. Designing the best countermeasures will require understanding the mechanisms of self-displacement perception. 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