Motor control and learning in altered dynamic environments James R Lackner and Paul DiZio Dynamic perturbations of reaching movements are an important technique for studying motor learning and adaptation. Adaptation to non-contacting, velocity-dependent inertial Coriolis forces generated by arm movements during passive body rotation is very rapid, and when complete the Coriolis forces are no longer sensed. Adaptation to velocity-dependent forces delivered by a robotic manipulandum takes longer and the perturbations continue to be perceived even when adaptation is complete. These differences reflect adaptive self-calibration of motor control versus learning the behavior of an external object or ‘tool’. Velocity-dependent inertial Coriolis forces also arise in everyday behavior during voluntary turn and reach movements but because of anticipatory feedforward motor compensations do not affect movement accuracy despite being larger than the velocity-dependent forces typically used in experimental studies. Progress has been made in understanding: the common features that determine adaptive responses to velocity-dependent perturbations of jaw and limb movements; the transfer of adaptation to mechanical perturbations across different contact sites on a limb; and the parcellation and separate representation of the static and dynamic components of multiforce perturbations. Addresses Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Laboratory, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, Massachusetts, 02454-9110, USA Corresponding author: Lackner, James R ( Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 This review comes from a themed issue on Motor systems Edited by Giacomo Rizzolatti and Daniel M Wolpert Available online 3rd November 2005 0959-4388/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. DOI 10.1016/j.conb.2005.10.012 Introduction Dynamic perturbations of movement control can involve sensory or force perturbations. Here, we review studies concerning adaptation to dynamic inertial and mechanical perturbations of limb and jaw movements. We show that inertial perturbations provide insight into mechanisms of self-calibration of the body and mechanical perturbations provide insight into tool use and motor learning of object properties. We identify contact cues as an important way the central nervous system distinguishes inertial from mechanical perturbations and adapts in a context-specific way. Inertial and mechanical perturbations of limb movements Adaptation in response to dynamic perturbations of limb movements was initially identified in rotating environments [1,2]. The velocity-dependent inertial Coriolis forces (see Glossary) generated by reaching movements in a rotating environment initially disrupt movement trajectory and endpoint, a finding in contradiction to equilibrium point theories (see Glossary) of movement control [3–5]. However, after about 20 repeated movements, even without visual feedback, normal accuracy is regained and the reaching individual no longer perceives the Coriolis force. Post-rotation movement paths are initially mirror images of the first reaches during rotation, this demonstrates the persistence of a central feedforward compensation for the no-longer present Coriolis force. Moreover, the individual feels a new force deviating the arm although none is physically present. See Figure 1a [6]. Later studies used a robotic manipulandum (see Glossary) to create velocity-dependent forces analogous to inertial Coriolis forces [7]. As the individual moves the handle to point to visual targets, a programmable force is applied to deflect its path. With visual feedback, straight and accurate trajectories can be regained within a hundred or so reaches [8,9]. Even without visual feedback accuracy can be eventually attained. Upon removal of the velocity-dependent force field, aftereffects are experienced with movement paths being deflected in the opposite direction to that initially experienced. Typically, Coriolis force and robotic perturbations are referred to as comprising ‘dynamic force environments’; however, they differ physically in several important ways. Inertial Coriolis forces (and inter-brachial interaction forces; see Glossary) function without mechanical contact on the reaching arm. Contact forces (see Glossary) are obligatory with robotic perturbations and most often are applied locally to the hand or wrist, but some distribution of the surface contact is possible with modern devices such as the recently introduced KINARM (see Glossary) [10]. Coriolis force magnitudes and directions on the arm are determined by three variables: the arm mass plus the mass of any carried objects, the angular velocity of the torso relative to space, and the linear velocity of the arm relative to the torso. Robotic experiments are typically programmed to deliver perturbations contingent on a single variable — the velocity of the manipulandum in relation to space. Coriolis forces, in terms of their physical determinants and non-contacting nature, constitute what might be considered a platonic or ideal perturbation (see Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 654 Motor systems Glossary Contact forces: Forces that are exerted though contact between objects, as opposed to forces that act at a distance, such as the force of gravity. Muscles and tendons apply internal contact forces on bones that counter external contacting and non-contacting forces. Coriolis force: A velocity-dependent force that is imposed on objects when they move in relation to a rotating environment. The Coriolis force on an object equals its mass, m, times the crossproduct of its linear velocity in the rotating environment, v, and the angular velocity of the environment, v: FCor = 2m(v v). De-adaptation: Return to normal behavior following the removal of a dynamic perturbation to which one had adapted. It is distinguished from re-adaptation, which refers to general learning of any transition type between dynamic environments. Equilibrium point models: These models posit that a neural executor changes the state of the spinal level of control, and that movement kinetics and kinematics emerge from the interaction of the new spinal configuration with the load. This unifies the control of posture and movement. In the lambda model, descending commands change the threshold of the stretch reflex. In the alpha model, descending commands to the alpha motoneurons change the stretch reflex stiffness. Inter-brachial interaction forces: Forces that act between the segments of the moving arm, measurable in the frames of reference of the moving segments. In a natural arm movement, the upper arm moves and the motion of the forearm and hand in relation to it generate Coriolis and centrifugal forces. Accelerations of the distal segments exert contact forces on more proximal segments. KINARM: An advanced manipulandum that exerts torques at the shoulder and elbow to individually perturb the upper arm and forearm [48]. Manipulandum: A general name for an object, tool or device that one must move or exert force against with the hand or other body part. Experiments on dynamic motor control investigate how the dynamics of manipulanda are controlled and learned. Platonic or ideal perturbation: Coriolis forces are ideal for the study of motor calibration of our own bodies because they provide no contact cues that would give information that the force is external and information about the pattern of the force. Adaptation must be based on signals about motion and force from muscles and tendons. Positive or negative gain: The ratio of output to input in a servo system. For the servo-controlled platform, a positive gain is when the platform turns in the same direction relative to space as the torso turns relative to the platform, and negative gain is when the platform and torso move in opposite directions. Servo-controlled platform: A rotary platform with a control system that allows it to turn relative to space at a rate that is a fraction of the rate of body rotation relative to it. It creates a situation in which torso movement relative to the feet and relative to space are different. Glossary) for testing theories of movement control. Robotic perturbation paradigms are useful for studying manipulation of objects and adaptive tool use. Adaptations to Coriolis forces and robotic dynamic force fields differ in several ways. Restoration of movement accuracy during Coriolis force exposure occurs much more rapidly than it does during robotic perturbations [1,7]. See Figure 1b. Robotic perturbations wane in apparent intensity over hundreds of movements but are never totally inaccessible to consciousness, whereas after a few tens of movements subjects no longer feel the presence of the Coriolis forces for which they are successfully compensating. Adaptation to Coriolis forces is only slightly slower than the decay of aftereffects, whereas deCurrent Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 adaptation (see Glossary) is much faster than adaptation for completely novel robotic perturbations [11]. It has been suggested that de-adapting as well as re-adapting to a scaled down version of a learned robotic field are quicker than adapting to the novel field because scaling down an existing compensation is quicker than learning a new one [12]. Movement aftereffects experienced following adaptation to robotic perturbations are contingent on contact with the device — without contact, little or no aftereffect is experienced [13]. See Figure 1c. A process even more rapid than de-adaptation, essentially an instant switch, occurs in this case. Coriolis forces and self-calibration The rapid adaptation to Coriolis forces generated by limb movements in a passively rotating environment represents one aspect of the continuous, normal process of sensory–motor self-calibration. In everyday behavior, very large Coriolis forces are generated on the arm during simultaneous turning and reaching for an object [14]. Normal people coordinate turn and reach movements with nearly synchronous torso and arm velocity peaks (within 75ms), which maximizes the Coriolis force, rather than segmenting their behavior into turn then reach to minimize Coriolis forces. The Coriolis forces generated by voluntary turn and reach movements are orders of magnitude greater than those in passive rotation studies, yet they do not affect movement path nor endpoint accuracy. Movement accuracy in this situation must reflect the action of feedforward processes that compensate for the effect of the self-generated Coriolis forces on movement trajectory. Figure 2 shows the movement trajectories of a subject as she turns and points to a target and when she reaches holding a 450 g object. There is no change in movement path nor accuracy, although the Coriolis torque at the shoulder increases substantially. Adaptation to a robot involves acquiring a general internal model of the perturbation, not just learning a stereotyped compensation for the specific practiced movement [15]. Compensation for self-generated Coriolis forces must involve feedforward anticipatory control rather than rote learning of specific patterns for every possible combination of arm and torso speed and grasped mass. Feedforward compensations derived from internal models have been demonstrated to contribute to learning robotic dynamic perturbations, and transfer of adaptation occurs to nearby, non-practiced movement directions [16,17]. It remains to be seen how well subjects compensate with their non-dominant arm in the turn and reach task [18]. Evidence for feedforward processes is apparent also from studies involving virtual rotation. Subjects who are physically stationary but experiencing illusory whole body spatial rotation exhibit curved arm movement trajectories and endpoint errors when reaching towards objects that are stationary in relation to them [19]. The movement curvature and endpoint deviation are in the opposite Motor control and learning in altered dynamic environments Lackner and DiZio 655 Figure 1 direction to the Coriolis forces that would be generated if they were actually rotating, thus reflecting an active compensatory process. Stiffening of the arm is not a possible explanation for directional errors in response to ‘phantom’ Coriolis forces. By contrast, with robotic perturbations, the initial responses during reaching are a sudden stiffening of the arm and hand to resist the force of the manipulandum [20]. With stable perturbations, repeated movements lead to less stiffening and more guidance of the ‘tool’ [21], but with unstable robotic perturbations stiffness remains high [22]. Adaptation of whole body turning movements Anticipated torso angular velocity relative to space is one important determinant of feedforward compensations for Coriolis forces on arm movements. During natural voluntary turns, torso velocity is predicted accurately and compensation is near perfect. In a new paradigm, perturbations of natural whole body turning movements have been achieved using a servo controlled platform (see Glossary) [23]. The subject standing on the platform in the dark swivels head and torso (no pointing movements) to face alternately two platform fixed targets. A fraction of the torso displacement relative to the platform (which subjects keep virtually constant) is fed with either positive or negative gain (see Glossary) to the platform motor. With positive gain, when the subject turns the platform turns in the same direction by a fraction of the movement, thus displacing the feet relative to space and increasing the muscular effort needed to turn the body relative to the platform because the torso lags behind the feet owing to its large inertial mass. Using small gain increments, subjects could be exposed to 0.5 gains without them sensing the platform move, any change in effort, or any change in body displacement with respect to external space, even though it changed by 50%. Patterns of adaptation and aftereffects for reaching movements exposed to non-contacting Coriolis forces and contacting robotic forces. Filled circles give lateral endpoint errors (plots of movement curvature are similar) and open circles show magnitude estimates of the perturbation force scaled to the first perturbation, which was assigned a value of 10. Coriolis forces were generated by unfettered reaches during constant velocity rotation, and velocity-dependent robotic forces were generated by a PHANToM robot. The perturbation exposures (gray areas) were designed to be as comparable as possible: first, all subjects were naı̈ve, second, rightward forces with peak magnitudes of 4 N were generated during forward movements, third, subjects reached from a single starting location to a single straight-ahead target that extinguished at movement onset, fourth, all reaches were in complete darkness, and fifth, individual trials (averaged across subjects) were plotted using the same horizontal scale. (a) Endpoint errors during exposure to Coriolis forces and aftereffects are absent within 20 movements. Subjects perceive the Coriolis force when it is first introduced and an illusory mirror-image force when it is removed, and the apparent forces decay to zero within 20 reaches in both periods. (b) Reaching errors decay more slowly during exposure to robotic dynamic forces than Coriolis forces, but when subjects continue The altered spatial displacement is well above detection thresholds for the semicircular canals. Consequently, direct vestibular signals are not determining the apparent spatial displacement of the body, which appears to be in a foot centered frame of reference [24], and could be derived from either proprioceptive signals about footto-torso rotation or canal signals modulated by motor planning signals [25]. When platform gain is reduced to zero, subjects show aftereffects by turning their torso too much after adaptation to positive gain and too little for negative gains. Subjects who turn and reach when platform gain is returned to zero show large undershoots of arm movement endpoints (relative to the torso) after reaching with the de-activated manipulandum return to baseline occurs at about the same rate as Coriolis re-adaptation. The magnitudes of apparent forces during and after exposure follow the same patterns as movement errors. (c) Aftereffects are absent if subjects, after adaptation to the robot, make free, unfettered reaches. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 656 Motor systems Figure 2 Top views of twelve finger paths when a subject pointed to three targets while simultaneously turning leftward. The extension of the hand relative to the torso was approximately the same for all targets, torso movement amplitude averaged 68, 288 and 588 for the three targets. Arm extension and torso rotation velocities occurred nearly simultaneously, so the rightward Coriolis force magnitudes increased with target eccentricity. Subjects reached with: normal execution speed (thin, black lines); normal speed, carrying a 450 g mass (thick, black lines); fast execution speed (thin, red lines); fast execution with the weight (thick, red lines). Coriolis forces on the arm were about 78% greater in fast than slow movements, and were about 27% larger with than without the weight. The nearly perfect overlap of finger paths shows that variations in Coriolis force due to target eccentricity, execution speed and grasped load do not affect movement paths nor endpoints. adaptation to positive gains, and overshoots for negative gains. These pointing errors reflect the feedforward compensations for the intended body movements that no longer match the executed movements. Spatial goals and adaptation to jaw and limb perturbations Robotic manipulanda have been used to create jaw velocity-dependent perturbations while subjects produce particular speech sounds [26]. Subjects show rapid adaptation under these conditions and then exhibit transient motor aftereffects, just as with limb movement control, when the perturbation is suddenly removed. Importantly, subjects trained to make the same jaw movements without making the speech sounds fail to show any adaptation at all when subjected to velocity-dependent jaw perturbations. A similar spatial goal dependency has been found for subjects whose pointing movements to visual targets are perturbed by a velocity-dependent robotic force field [27]. Subjects instructed to hit the target adapt with additional reaches. Those instructed to point to the target but to maintain a constant effort, that is, repeat the same movement, fail to show adaptation. These studies indicate the adaptive mechanisms for speech and limb motor control are goal and contextdependent. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 Consolidation of motor learning The use of robotic manipulanda to perturb movements has generated considerable interest in what is being learned and how it is being learned. Initial studies reported that as long as learning of a second dynamic perturbation came at least some minimum time (5 hours) after learning of the first task, it did not affect retention of the first, which suggests a period of consolidation after initial learning [28]. Recent studies that involve a variety of dynamic motor and visuomotor tasks have failed to show evidence for such a consolidation process with interference occurring even when learning periods are separated by a week [29]. It has been suggested that depending on the context, nature and scheduling of tasks that anterograde interference with retrieval rather than disruption of consolidation might occur [30,31]. Internal models of motor control The contexts of self-generated Coriolis force loads and external robotic loads differ — Coriolis loads are selfgenerated and non-contacting, whereas robotic loads are external and contacting. The general notion that the neuromotor system can maintain multiple, long-term, context-dependent internal models is consistent with several factors: first, that in everyday life we can engage and disengage familiar loads without error [32,33], second, computational models of modular adaptation [34– 36], third, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence for formation of multiple internal models in the cerebellum [37]. The existence of multiple internal models is inconsistent with the general failure of robotic perturbation experiments to demonstrate context-specific learning of dynamics [38]. However, context-specific motor learning is typically studied with serially presented dynamic robotic perturbations. Subjects are exposed to multiple novel force fields in different contexts [39], or to one novel force field in one context and the ‘null field’ (which is actually the normal field) in a different context [40]. For example, when subjects grasping a robotic manipulandum are presented alternating pairings of a leftward dynamic perturbation with a red light and a rightward perturbation with a green light visible, they fail to adapt to either perturbation [38]. Recently, paradigms and computational models have been developed to evaluate the effect of a single trial of a perturbation that differs from the surrounding perturbation sequence [41]. The ‘outlier’ perturbation does not contribute to a contextually dependent internal model but alters the current working memory [42]. Outside the laboratory the natural environment contains multiple forces that act simultaneously, at a scale relevant to posture and movement. Gravity is constant but our orientation changes, we lift objects, manipulate active machines, wear restrictive clothing, move through resistive media, travel in vehicles that impose dynamic forces, Motor control and learning in altered dynamic environments Lackner and DiZio 657 Figure 3 The brain generates separate internal models of different components of the entire load, such as contacting forces (e.g. movable objects, mechanical devices, support surfaces) and non-contacting external (e.g. gravity) and internal (e.g. Coriolis and inertial) influences. Coriolis forces might be entirely self-generated due to effects of active torso rotation on arm extension, or be externally generated due to passive rotation or wielded objects, or be composed of both external and internal components. Self generated Coriolis forces can be recognized by the presence of errors in limb trajectory and total muscle force relative to an internal forward model and the absence of unexpected contact force and body rotation. External mechanical loads can be discriminated by contact forces on the surface of the limb and errors in limb trajectory. and create self-generated interaction torques during multi-segment voluntary movements. Despite the paucity of laboratory demonstrations of context-specific learning, the existence of multiple consolidated internal models seems virtually certain. Adapting to multiforce perturbations Portability of robotic devices makes them a valuable and flexible tool for use in clinical and rehabilitation settings, where progress is being made with stroke patients [43]. An important unanswered question is whether adaptation to a robotic device will influence self-calibration of unfettered movements or will be specific to contexts including contact. One approach to understanding this involves distinguishing how various kinds of perturbations are segregated before being stored in a particular area of working memory [44]. Some categories of forces might be more natural for the nervous system to segregate than others. For example, a study of adaptation to a multiforce environment consisting of velocity-dependent and constant force components applied to the hand by a robotic manipulandum indicated that the two components are partitioned and separately represented [45]. This pattern suggests that static and dynamic components are independently represented akin to separate representations for gravitational and dynamic aspects of limb movement control. The KINARM apparatus has been used to explore whether novel dynamic loads applied to the hand or to the arm are encoded separately. The findings indicated a common encoding with similar adaptation rates for loads applied sequentially to the hand or the arm. By contrast, with opposing force fields applied sequentially to the hand and arm complete interference was observed [10]. Segregation and classification of forces are key aspects of a model we have proposed for explaining adaptation to mechanical and to inertial perturbations of limb movement trajectory (see Figure 3). Neurophysiological studies of motor control Two key physiological studies have addressed aspects of neuronal coding of movement parameters. One indicates that separate populations of neurons encode the dynamic and the postural components of a movement [46], a finding that directly contradicts the alpha equilibrium point hypothesis of movement control [3]. The other reveals that neurons in area M1 participate in a variety of motor tasks that involve different constraints (e.g. isometric versus non-isometric) and different force profiles (e.g. ramp versus multiphasic) [47]. The study shows that M1 activity is correlated with the complex, time varying hand force vectors these tasks produce. Together, these studies represent important progress and highlight the complexity of the physiological underpinnings of motor control. Conclusions The study of velocity-dependent inertial and mechanical perturbations of reaching movements is enhancing understanding of motor learning. Self-generated Coriolis forces are ubiquitous in everyday behavior and perceptually Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15:653–659 658 Motor systems transparent. The distinction between active self-recalibration and adaptive tool use is important in understanding differences between adaptation to inertial and mechanical perturbations. Adaptation requires spatial goals. Initial views of motor consolidation were overly simple and consolidation represents a key area of future research concentration. An adequate understanding and model of why and under what circumstances motor adaptation occurs is lacking and necessary. Much of the work on motor behavior involves a small number of paradigms being intensively mined. Future progress will be enhanced by new paradigms with direct relevance to natural behavior. Acknowledgements Supported by National Institutes of Health grant R01AR48546 and National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) grants NAG9-1483, NAG9-1466. We thank Daniel Wolpert for his valuable comments and suggestions. References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: of special interest of outstanding interest 1. Lackner JR, DiZio P: Gravitational, inertial, and Coriolis force influences on nystagmus, motion sickness, and perceived head trajectory. In The Head-Neck Sensory-Motor Symposium. Edited by Berthoz A, Graf W, Vidal PP. Oxford University Press; 1992:216-222. 2. 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