Faculty Senate P R O F E S S I O N A L S TA N D A R D S M I N U T E S March 13, 2015 In Attendance: Deborah Bader, Laura Briggs, Eddie Burke (chair), Greg Ellis, Bill Gallegos, Warren Hejny, Scott Huber, Tammy Johnson, Linda McGillicuddy, Brian Wells & Jim Winston. Absent: Maria Arrigotti, Dave Boden, Wade Hampton, Louis Lawson, Travis Souza Guests: Kyle Daphe, John Fitzsimmons, Melanie Purdy, Ron Marston, John Adlish Meeting called to Order: 10:01 a.m. 1. Approval of Feb. 13 2014 Minutes: Motion to Approve: Warren Hejny, Second: Linda McGillicuddy Motion Approved: Unanimous 2. Administrative Evaluation Policy Statement: John Adlish John presented a revised draft of the administration evaluation policy language to the committee which he would like to have brought forward to Faculty Senate. The language of this new draft is: "In addition to the annual evaluation of deans, vice presidents and other administrators who supervise faculty, a performance survey will be conducted by the Faculty Senate at least every two years. This survey will become part of the annual evaluation of the administrator and will include input from all faculty and classified staff supervised by the administrator. The faculty senate chair or his/her designee, the faculty senate chair-elect or his/her designee, a representative from Human Resources, and the respective vice-president will meet to review the survey results and supervisee comments on a date prior to the date on which the VPAA issues his/her final evaluation of the administrator. The results of evaluations of vice-presidents will be forwarded directly to the President and the president will meet with the senate chair, chair-elect, and a representative from human resources to review the survey results. If the evaluation results in an unsatisfactory rating, a job performance evaluation will be required in the following academic year". John reminded the committee that this policy will become part of the TMCC By-Laws and therefore the language does not want to be too specific in terms of specific positions/people who will be evaluated because positions and the people serving in those positions can change. Motion to Approve: Scott Huber, Second: Deb Bader Motion Approved: Unanimous 3. Academic Calendar – Kyle Daphe Kyle presented the committee with a new, go faster, version of the academic calendar which contains dates for the 2018-19 academic year. The committee was so excited about this that the chair tabled a vote until the next PS meeting which will hopefully allow the committee sufficient time to calm down and study the dates. 4. PS Spring Travel Funds: Eddie Burke Eddie brought forward the recommendations from the PS travel subcommittee (Linda, Eddie & Travis) for the FS Spring travel funds. This time we have received 6 applications. Page 1 of 4; Professional Standards Minutes March 13, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Created: 5/29/2015; Rev: 6/3/2015 The recommendations from the committee were: • John Coles $367.50 • Corina Weidinger $367.50 • Julia Hammett $367.50 • Brian Wells $367.50 • Cheryl Cardoza $367.50 • Heather Williams $300.00 Motion to Approve: Jim Winston, Second: Tammy Johnson Motion Approved: Passed. Abstentions: Brian Wells Eddie thanked the sub-committee of Linda and Travis for their time in reviewing these applications. Eddie reminded the committee that the next FS travel fund deadline is 4/11/2015 for summer travel. 5. Counseling/Librarian Annual Plan Changes: Melanie Purdy & John Fitzsimmons Eddie introduced Melanie Purdy & John Fitzsimmons and explained that since the PS committee had updated and revised the Teaching Faculty Annual Plan form last semester then it was also necessary to update the current Counseling/Librarian annual plan form. John Fitzsimmons explained that the job duties of the librarians are so specific that they really do not fit under the current Counseling/Librarian annual plan form. He explained that after some discussion with the other librarian (Neil Siegel), & the counselors, it was be best to split the current Counseling/Librarian annual plan form in separate forms – one for the counselors and one for the librarians. He then introduced the new librarian form to the committee and answered some questions. Melanie concurred that the one form does not work well and did not understand why the librarians were actually part of the same annual plan form. She introduced the counseling version of the form & explained that she essentially removed all of the references to the librarians. After some discussion the chair called for separate votes to approve each new form. Motion to Approve the Librarian Form: Deb Bader, Second: Scott Huber Motion Approved: Unanimous. Motion to Approve the Counseling Form: Brian Wells, Second: Bill Gallegos Motion Approved: Unanimous. 6. IT Resolution: Eddie Burke & Ron Marston. Eddie introduced Ron Marston and explained that there were serious concerns over the proposed NSHE policy of establishing a central IT administration to cover all the IT issues across all of the NSHE campuses. A very lively debate followed. • The major concerns expressed by the committee were: • This could adversely jobs at TMCC and the other campuses • This move feels like outsourcing • The faculty/students/staff would not get the same level of support that is currently offered by the TMCC IT staff • There are serious budget concerns • Would there be accountability • While there may be savings with additional "buying power" does the system not already get these savings as we are part of an educational institution • TMCC will loose control and innovation of their IT resources • NSHE did not consult the campuses beforehand. Page 2 of 4; Professional Standards Minutes March 13, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 Ron asked if there could be a resolution brought forward by the PS committee. Eddie suggested the following language: Resolution: "That the faculty at TMCC will have a voice in the planning and implementation of any changes to the IT Department, and that no reduction of services to students or faculty occurs as a result of any changes, and that IT services remain directly accountable to the institutions they serve". Motion to Approve: Brian Wells, Second: Bill Gallegos Motion Approved: Unanimous. 7. Professional Recruitment & Search Committee Manual: Brian Wells Brian told the committee that way, way back in time – when Lincoln was still in office - he was involved in the development of a hiring committee manual. This work involved considerable time and effort of multiple people. He said that this manual (which contained best practices and procedures) was approved and vetted by most of the relevant TMCC offices such as HR and The Office Of Diversity (these offices were represented on the committee). Brian told the committee that now however no-one in TMCC is claiming ownership of this document and none of the recommendations have been implemented. Brian expressed his frustration with this and wanted the committee to think about taking ownership of this and moving it forward to FS and ask them to bring it to the attention of the administration. Brain then answered some questions such as was it in-line with the NFA contract. Brian could not say for sure but felt it would be a minor issue to edit the document to include any contractual changes. Eddie asked the committee if they thought it was a valid document of which to claim "ownership" and to bring forward to FS and ask them for advice. The committee agreed that document should be brought forward to FS. Motion to Approve: Linda McGillicuddy, Second: Greg Ellis Motion Approved: Passed. Abstentions: Bill Gallegos 8. Online & Traditional Enrollment Fall 2014 Audit Numbers: Travis Souza. Travis Souza was on annual leave so this item was tabled until next meeting. 9. Next Meeting: Eddie Burke Next meeting will be on April 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Sierra 201. 10. Old Business: 1. Eddie informed the committee that in Feb, FS senate passed the motions brought forward from the PS committee. Those motions included the change to the online course evaluation question (brought forward by Travis) and the FS travel fund deadline dates. 2. Eddie also followed up on some questions that arose at the Feb PS meeting concerning the possibly introduction of new student fees - especially fees to pay for new buildings. Eddie informed the committee that he did ask VP of Finance these questions at the Feb FS meeting and was told that, yes, there was a possibility that new students fees would be introduced over the next few years to potentially cover building costs. The VPoF would not however commit to how much these new fees would be and as to when they would be implemented. 3. Eddie also told the committee that he aksed the VPAA about class size increases since the administration was now using new software to determine how many students can enroll in an instructor’s class. One of the questions that Eddie asked the VPAA was "Who gets to decide the actual # number. Will it be the software or the Faculty Member"? Page 3 of 4; Professional Standards Minutes March 13, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015 The VPAA answered that "The Faculty are always in control". Eddie mentioned that this is a serious concern and that faculty need to be aware that they have a voice in determining class size. Eddie told the committee that there is also a privacy issue with posting on the FS website the documents showing the results of student satisfaction surveys and Student withdrawal surveys for the Fall 2014 classes. The VPAA has ruled that the actual comments are confidential and therefore cannot be posted online for public view. 4. Laura Briggs reported to the committee that she attended that Professional Development (PD) CTL Committee on March 11. This is the committee is chaired by Cathy Brewster. Laura reported that: o There will be a Part-time Instructor mentor/contact person. Paula Farrenkopf, Mathematics, came up with the idea and has volunteered to serve as this contact person. Deans have verbally approved. o The Professional Development FY 2015/16 dates are unclear. Currently scheduled for 08/17 – 08/21, perhaps will include 08/13 and 08/14 depending on the status of furloughs. o Some faculty from WNC to be coming to present during our Fall Professional Development days o PD office has been using the Part-time list serve to send announcements, webinars, articles, etc. to part-time faculty. o TMCC has approved the submission of a Title III grant, a federal grant awarded to strengthen educational institutions. o Cathy Brewster and Sue Turbow have completed training and are now certified Format Trainers. The next meeting of this committee will be on April 15th – Linda McGillicuddy intends to attend. New Business: Eddie reminded the committee that the department chair evaluations are currently available on-line. He also gave the committee the timeline for the upcoming Faculty Senate chair nominations and elections. Motion to Adjourn: Everyone, Second: Everyone Meeting adjourned 11:25 a.m. Page 4 of 4; Professional Standards Minutes March 13, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Rev.: 6/3/2015