Agenda Fire/EMS ADVISORY BO ARD MEETING MINUTES Januar y 11, 2012. RTC 110. 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. I. Introductions Present: Chief Darryl Cleveland (No. Lyon Co Fire Dept), Chief Michael Brown (NLTFPD), Chief John Gillenwater (CLCFPD), David LeBaron (TMCC Acting Director Public Safety). Jim New (TMCC SOS Associate Dean), Diana Rolfs (REMSA), Cindy Savoie (BLM). Recorder: Jeanie Silver (TMCC) II. Review of Minutes: Diane Rolfs motioned for approval, Chief Gillenwater second, Vote unanimous, minutes approved as submitted. III. Advisory Board Chairman’s Report • • Goals and intentions of advisory board: o Need to revitalize the advisory board o New degree program to bring into modern day practices o Money is always a situation o Dean and VP are supportive of change and new direction o Need to hear from faculty and students o Stop working with 1970’s educational model, need to bring to a 2012 model. What the board would like to see happen: o Gillenwater: the EMS and Paramedic programs seem to be stabilized now need to focus on the Fire side of education. Understand how this has slipped focus due to job market in the area however; need to get students trained now so that there is a pool of competent applicants for future. Degrees are now needed for any promotional opportunities. Also, need to make the degree more applicable to the employment arena. o Brown: Would like to see program turn around with a better foundation. College really needs to market the program. The agency is will to contract with TMCC. o Need to incorporate other agencies into the Fire Academy infrastructure to assure adequate diversity. Urban area agencies should be included as a resource. o Suggestions: maybe look at new resources to design a marketing campaign for advertising. o Wildland calendar needs to be more widely distributed. o Communicate with Fire Chief Association and EMS Association. Participate in Fire Show Reno and Western Fire Association that has a daily dispatch which is free to all. • • Where we are: o CPR has moved to RTC. o Enrollments are all over the place due to the economy more than any other cause. One thing that may assist is to have a very active advisory board. o Course Design: EMS course design needs to hold to State and National Standards. o Marketplace: The marketplace and service arenas have changed. Value systems have also changed. Discipline and professionalism are now essential components in the educational area. Affective domain must be focus on highly disciplined students with a direction within the education environment. o Re-inventing: Discussion concerning models for best practices and how to adopt them. This is still in the works and the advisory board needs to have input in the progression. Page 1 of 2; Fire/EMS Advisory Board Meeting Minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Created: 7/23/2014; Rev: 8/12/2014 Fire/EMS Advisory Board Meeting Minutes o Advisory board will need to look into other types of education environments and move forward toward re-inventing the degree. o The purpose of this re-inventing is to prepare students to handle real world experience and to give them the tools for advancement within their careers. o Full-Time Paramedic class approaching overnight scenarios with start of clinical late February, Graduation April 6, then on to internships. Would like more agencies for internship availability. • o Hybrid Paramedic program: First class is presently in internship and most are doing well. o EMS Basic classes are full. EMS 112 has 30 students this semester usually only 20 to 24. o Paramedic accreditation is progressing and will be submitted as soon as completed. Where we’re going o Emergency Service degree with direct paths to each career, EMS, Fire, Paramedic, Police is being developed. Once the formulary is complete it will take several additional months to process through the educational arena. David is hoping to have this approved and active by August 2012. o Need to develop By-laws for Advisory board, template is online. David and Chief Cleveland will work on a foundation and then ask for suggestions from the board for the purpose of developing a stronger more cohesive board. o Additionally, need to develop a Mission/Vision statement to incorporate into the by-laws. This should take into consideration a strategic plan and value statements. IV. Report on EMS department: See Report below • V. Report on Fire Sciences/Technology: See Report below • VI. NREMT-Paramedic testing first time at TMCC on 2/11/2012 New Degree Agency Reports • REMSA: training coordinator has moved back to the field. Cindy Welsh has been hired as education coordinator, they are interested in coordination for Emergency Services degree. • Gillenwater: nothing new to report • Brown: nothing new to report • New: College in the midst of another reorganization and must go through Board of Regents approval. New Deans’ position will go through a national search and hiring committee. • TMCC: David is working on creating prerequisite requirements for upper level courses. He will need assistance with this project to be sure appropriate level of prerequisite courses. VII. • North Lyon: Working with TMCC on preceptors and looking forward to seeing student progression. • Cindy Savoie: Quiet in their area, regular training is progressing. VII. Other Business: Chief Cleveland tasked the advisory group to stay active within the college area and keep communications flowing. As well, he requested input on the degree concept. • VIII. IX. WUI conference will be late March and TMCC will have a booth. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday April 11, 2012, 10:00 am RTC 110 Meeting adjourned at 11:27 a.m. Page 2 of 2; Fire/EMS Advisory Board Meeting Minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 8/12/2014