TX-923 2014-2015 Cadet Guide Westbury High School AFJROTC

Cadet Name: ___________________________________________________________
2014-2015 Cadet Guide
Westbury High School AFJROTC
Air Force Core Values
Service before self -- Excellence in all we do
Section A - Objectives and Organizations
1. Mission and Objectives
2. Duties and Responsibilities
3. Organizational Chard and Unit Management Document (UMD)
Page #
Section B - Promotion and Rank Structure
4. Cadet Appointment and Rotation
5. Permanent Rank
6. Temporary Rank
7. Promotion Criteria
8. Demotion Criteria
Section C - Cadet Responsibilities and Cadet Operations
9. Cadet Authority and Limitations
10. Cadet Officer/NCO Responsibilities
11. Cadet Conduct and Discipline
12. Saluting
13. Flag Procedures
14. National Anthem
15. Cadet Meetings
16. Mandatory Formations
Section D - Uniform Procedures
17. Uniform Wear Procedures
18. Uniform Inspections
19. Uniform Appearance Standards - Female
20. Uniform Appearance Standards - Male
21. General Accessories
22. Textbook and Uniform Accountability
Section E - Course Content and Procedures
23. Classroom Instruction
24. Homework Makeup
25. Classroom and Office Procedures
26. Presidential Fitness Program (PFP)
27. Community Service Hours
28. Extracurricular Activities
29. Co-curricular Activities
30. Parent Consent Form
31. Individual and Flight Competition
32. Cadet Board
Section F – Job Descriptions
34. The Organization
Section G – Awards & Decorations
35. Awards & Decorations
36. Valor Awards
37. National Awards
38. AFJROTC Awards
39. Insignia, Badges, and Patches
40. Shoulder Cords
Section H – Certificates of Training/Completion
41. Certificates of Training/Completion
Section I – Scholastic Information and Academy Nominations
42. Scholarships & Academy Nominations
Section J – Commander’s Corner
43. Commander’s Call & Staff Meeting Procedures
44. Air Force Junior ROTC Grading Policy
Attachment #
1. Unit Manning Document (UMD)
2. Organizational Charts
3. 30 Step Drill Sequence
4. Uniform Inspection Sheet
5. Chain of Command
6. Uniform Wear
7. Community Service Hours Worksheet
10. Cadet Creed
11. Air Force Song
12. Cadet Contract
13. HISD 2014-2015 School Calendar
15. Promotion Recommendation & Score Sheet
16. Cadet Evaluation Report
17. Cadet Counseling Report
18. Ribbon Chart
Section A
Objectives and Organization
Mission and Objectives:
1.1. The mission of Westbury High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
(AFJROTC) is to educate and train students in citizenship; promote community service; develop
leadership; instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and instruct in air, space, and leadership
1.2. The mission of the cadet’s organization is to provide a vehicle for the application of leadership
techniques, develop an understanding of the military command structure, need for discipline, and
knowledge of drill and ceremonies.
In accomplishing its mission, the cadets’ organization will satisfy the following objectives:
1.3.1. Encourage a high degree of self-awareness and leadership.
1.3.2. Promote citizenship.
1.3.3. Promote habits of order, precision and responsibility.
1.3.4. Develop respect for constituted authority.
1.3.5. Develop the ability to perform basic military skills associated teamwork.
1.3.6. Promote the Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellence in all
We do.
Duties and Responsibilities:
2.1. Instructor Organization. The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) conducts and
manages the AFJROTC program in accordance with Air Force directives. The Aerospace Science
Instructor (ASI) assists the SASI. AFJROTC Instructors teach all Aerospace Science, Leadership
Education and Fitness classes.
2.2. Cadet Organization. The organization that directs cadet activities is referred to as the TEXAS923 Cadet Group (TX-923 CG) as defined in the organizational structure found in The Cadet Guide,
copies of the guide are available in all TX-923 classrooms and offices.
Organizational Chart and Unit Managing Documents (UMD):
3.1. Unit Manning Document (Attachment 1) break the functions of the unit into specialized tasks.
The responsibilities associated with each task are found in the corresponding job descriptions in (Section
F). Each cadet must study all the job descriptions to gain a more complete understanding of jobs as they
relate to the total AFJROTC program.
3.1.1. The Organizational Chart (Attachment 2) reflects a Chain of Command by connecting the
functions or positions. Information, guidance, and decisions flow down the Chain of Command in the
form or oral and written instructions. Information and recommendations also flow up the chain of
command are used by cadet leaders in decision making. Communication must be followed by the Chain
of Command in order for success.
3.1.2. Authorized leadership positions are shown in the Unit Manning Document found in (Attachment
1). Cadets must learn the duties and responsibilities of assigned positions. Promotions up the Chain of
Command will be based on job performance and responsibilities.
3.1.3 The Public Affairs Officer (P.A.O) and the Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCMSgt) will
maintain a current Organizational Chart visible and accessible to all cadets.
3.1.4 A Unit Manning Document (UMD) (Attachment 2) is used as a guide for position and rank
authorizations for the TX-923 CG.
Section B
Promotion and Rank Structure
Cadet Appointment and Rotation:
4.1. The SASI selects the TX-923 CG Commander (CC). The TX-923 CG/CC with SASI/ASI
approval selects subordinate commanders and staff members as required by the organizational structure.
Positions are on a probation basis for the first 6 weeks of the selection. Positions are made temporary
based on cadets making satisfactory progress per the SASI/ASI. Cadets must maintain good academic
and good conduct standing in any classes to hold leadership positions in the TX-923 CG.
4.2. Rotation of cadet positions is usually made at the end of each school semester. This can be done
around December/January(Change of Command) to allow those taking those positions next fall to
prepare before selecting their new staff. **Due to experience limitations, it may be necessary to keep
some cadets in some specific positions for longer periods, i.e., Group Commander, Squadron
Commanders, Flight Commanders, Personnel and Logistics Officer/NCO, etc.**
4.3. Special promotions may be made at any time by the SASI/ASI to fill a vacant position or to
recognize special merit.
Permanent Rank:
5.1. All cadets will have a permanent rank based on the number of semesters of AFJROTC
successfully completed, promotions are usually at the beginning of the second semester.
Permanent rank is as follows:
First year>C/Airman
Second year>C/Airman First Class
Third year>C/Senior Airman
Fourth year> C/Staff Sergeant
Temporary Rank:
6.1. Cadets have temporary rank based upon an assigned position as indicated in the UMD
(Attachment 1). While the UMD shows the maximum rank, initial assignment will normally be at a
lower rank based on their experience. Promotion and retention is not automatic and depends on the
performance of the cadet with approval of the SASI/ASI and Special Orders published by Personnel
Officer (P.O).
6.2. Cadets serving in a command or staff position may revert to their permanent grade upon
completion of these duties. Fourth year cadets may retain the highest rank on a case-by-case basis and
as approved by the SASI/ASI. Both instances are at the discretion of the SASI/ASI.
Leadership School graduates, from an approved Summer Leadership School course (i.e. Cadet
Leadership Course (CLC), Lone Star UTSA, AFJROTC Leadership Academy, HISD JROTC JCLC,
Camp Strake OLS, etc…) are those cadets that will be first considered for leadership positions in the
TX-923 CG. The SASI/ASI may approve or appoint any cadet from any year group a leadership position
based on performance and merit.
All positional promotions are recommended by the TX-923 CG/CC, Command Staff, Flight
Squadron, Mission Support Squadron, and Instructors Support Staff. All promotions are approved by the
SASI/ASI. The Personnel Officer (P.O) publishes orders to award the rank that will be presented to the
cadet during the ceremony or event (Change of Command, Class, Commanders Call, etc.)
Cadets holding a position of rank that are placed on Red Flag Status (RFS), may be considered to
be removed from their position or will be placed on probation and/or demoted. See (paragraph 11.5) for
explanation of the RFS process.
Promotion Criteria:
7.1. Promotions will be awarded in such a manner that cadets will experience ever increasing rank
and responsibility.
7.2. The best qualified individual, as evidenced by their individual performance and objective scores
and other criteria, will usually be promoted ahead of all others. The Promotion Recommendation and
Score Sheet, Cadet Evaluation Report (CER), the Cadet Counseling Report (CCR) will be tools used to
determine the best qualified individual.
7.2.1. Objective scores are such things as AFJROTC academic grades, overall school grades,
participation in AFJROTC activities, participation in other school activities, and/or graduation of a
leadership school.
7.2.2. Other criterion may also be used for promotion: factors such as cadet participation and
availability, compliance with standards, involvement in extracurricular activities, and potential for
leadership growth. Personal characteristics such as ability, attitude, citizenship, initiative, loyalty,
maturity, and trustworthiness may also be taken into account during promotion consideration, and
upholding the Air Force Core Values of 1) Integrity First 2) Service Before Self and 3) Excellence
In All We Do.
Demotion Criteria:
8.1. Non-Performance of duty, poor (failing) grades, no wear of PT/Service Uniform, and
citizenship/conduct are primary criterion for demotion.
8.1.1 Non-Performance. When a cadet is appointed to a new position, a probationary period will be
given to learn the job (six weeks cycle). After this period, cadets who perform poorly, or clearly show
they do not intend to accept the responsibilities associated with a position, will be removed, possibly
demoted and replaced by the SASI/ASI.
8.1.2. Grades. Cadets who fail to maintain an AFJROTC average grade of 85% (officers) or 75%
(NCOs) will be placed on probation through the next grading period. Cadets receiving two D’s or an F
in another academic class will also be placed on probation. The (RFS) program can be used to identify
the probation period and reason. Ensure it is documented what (RFS) category that applies (Academic
RFS, Military RFS, Discipline RFS, Health/Medical RFS, etc…). Failure to achieve the required grades
while on probation may result in demotion to permanent rank and removal from their leadership
Citizenship. This is the primary focus of AFJROTC. Actions as indicated below discredit the
Cadet Corps and may result in loss of position and/or a demotion:
8.2.1. Public Display of Affection (PDA) between cadets during school or any AFJROTC activity.
(PDA) is defined as holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc., whether in or out of the AFJROTC uniform.
This can create the perception of favoritism and lowers the spirit of the corps. This will lead into an
immediate (RFS) especially for those within the Command Staff and not following the AFJROTC Core
8.2.2. Assignment to In-School Suspension (ISS), Student Referral Center (SRC), or home suspension.
8.2.3. Malicious gossip, harassing, hazing, bullying, perpetuating rumors, and inappropriate
conversation or attitude towards faculty or other cadets.
8.2.3. Failure to wear the uniform on consecutive occasions may result in demotion and/or loss of
position. If the cadet fails to wear the uniform or continues to wear it inappropriately he/she may be
considered for (RFS) and removal from the program.
8.3. The TX-923 CG/CC will discuss demotion actions with the SASI/ASI. The SASI will make the
final determination. All cadets being considered for demotion and position removal will be counseled by
the SASI/ASI before actions are taken. Cadets that are counseled may have this information documented
in their individual CMS binder (see 11.5 for RFS procedures).
Section C
Cadet Responsibilities and Cadet Operations
Cadet Authority and Limitations:
9.1. Cadet Officers and NCOs are authorized to take charge of and direct subordinate cadets in the
performance of TX-923/CG leadership training. They will consistently enforce military discipline and
standards and never demean, belittle, harass, haze or use profane or obscene language. Corporal
treatment and maltreatment of cadets is strictly prohibited.
9.2. Hazing of cadets is strictly prohibited. Any type of physical or mental abuse and punishment is
prohibited. The SASI will brief TX-923/CG and school policies at the beginning of each grading period
and to new cadets upon arrival within a grading period. A record of these briefings must be maintained
on file. Chaperons for CIA trips will also be briefed by the SASI and given HQ handouts for training
concerning hazing.
9.3. Cadets will not attempt to use AFJROTC rank or position in order to obtain personal gain or
favor. They will not seek favoritism from teachers or administrators because of their cadet status.
9.4. Cadets will not schedule or take part in any activity, in the capacity of AFJROTC cadets without
the prior approval from the SASI/ASI. Such activities include fund raisers, trips, athletic competitions,
pep rallies, community events, local or national political action groups or meetings, etc.
9.5. Bullying is not acceptable behavior at HISD or in AFJROTC. Bullying is defined as any act or
speech that subjects persons to indignity, humiliation, intimidation, physical abuse or threat of physical
abuse, social or other isolation, shame, or disgrace. Cyber-bullying, defined as the use of the Internet,
cell phones, or other devices to send, post, or text-message images and material intended to hurt or
embarrass another person.
NOTE: Abuse of Officer or NCO authority will result in appropriate action taken by the SASI/ASI.
Cadet Officer/NCO Responsibilities: Cadet Officers and NCOs will encourage improvement
in subordinate’s appearance and behavior at any time substandard performance is observed.
NOTE: Report major infractions of appearance and behavior standards through the Chain of
Command to the TX-923 CG/CC.
Cadet Conduct and Discipline:
11.1. All cadets are expected to operate with minimum supervision and display outstanding citizenship
11.2. Creation of disturbances displays of insolent attitude or behavior, and/or failure to comply with
uniform and appearance standards are considered to be serious breaches of discipline.
11.3. A verbal threat and/or physical attack are classified as an assault and will be just cause for
immediate removal from the AFJROTC program.
11.4. All cadets that do not follow procedures in this guide will be verbally counseled by the
SASI/ASI and considered for placement on (RFS) depending on the circumstances and prior history.
11.4.1. Instructors and Cadet Group Staff will make their best effort to document formal verbal
counseling that is conducted in the CMS binder as required. These will serve positively if the need arises
for a cadet disciplinary board or removal from the program.
11.4.2. Every cadet will have a CMS binder established when they first enter TX-923/CG and will stay
with them throughout their cadet career.
11.4.3. The Cadet Management System (CMS) binder will consist of the following 8 tabs:
Cadet feedback sheet.
Activities/Community Service Log.
Permanent and Temporary Promotion/Demotion score sheet.
Awards and Decorations Log.
RFS Red Flag (Counseling/Discipline/Behavior Modification).
Health & Wellness Friday/Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) log.
11.5. Red Flag Status (RFS) is a status that allows for positive behavior modification.
11.5.1. A cadet may be placed on RFS when they fail to follow the procedures set forth in this guide.
11.5.2. Cadets may be placed on RFS after being counseled by the SASI/ASI the counseling may be
documented in the CMS binder.
11.5.2. Documentation in the CMS binder will include:
1. Reasons for counseling and RFS status condition (Discipline RFS, Academic RFS,
Health/Medical RFS, Other, etc…).
2. Expectations and goals to include suspense date to come off RFS and correct the deficiency
and/or problem.
3. Signature or initials of the SASI/ASI placing cadet on and removing cadet from RFS. The
cadet group staff should also be involved with the RFS process. The FLT/CC, SQ/CC,
GRP/CC should initial RFS status reports and provide training and guidance to help cadet(s)
succeed and improve and reach the goal(s) for RFS removal.
11.5.3. RFS removal status will be documented and signed/initialed by the ASI and/or SASI. Each cadet
will be counseled when removed from RFS.
11.5.4. The RFS tag will be kept in the front of the CMS binder clearly visible to identify the condition
(see 11.5.2. for the definition of RFS conditions). A RFS tag will also be kept in the spine of the binder
as long as the large red RFS tag is present so that it can be seen when the binder is placed on the shelf
and made clearly visible who is on RFS and what is the status condition. A RFS tag will be also placed
on the organizational chart to track who in
TX-923/CG is on RFS and the status of the condition marked on the tags. This will help the CG/CC,
ASI and SASI track who is on RFS.
11.5.5. RFS is used as a tool to help cadets be their best. RFS should be used on a six week progress
cycle. It is not meant for long term. Cadets need to progress and be removed from RFS, normally
within the six-weeks of probation and RFS status or should be considered for removal from the program
(except those due to Health/Medical RFS or Other RFS depending on the circumstances).
11.5.6. Cadets on RFS (Discipline RFS, Academic RFS) for three consecutive six week progress cycles
may be considered for removal from AFJROTC after reviewing all the circumstances and evidence and
convening a cadet board. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified during the six week cycles as necessary
for their involvement and documented in the CMS binder. They will be informed of the problems,
progress and potential for removal from the program if failure to improve.
11.5.7. SASI /ASI will work with school administrators and counselors to remove cadets who do not
meet the standards and remain long periods (three or more progress cycles) on RFS.
12.1. The salute is a courteous exchange of military greeting the world over. It is one of the oldest
traditions binding military professionals together.
12.2. The SASI and all cadet officers will be saluted and offered a verbal greeting when outdoors in
uniform. When not in uniform, the junior ranking cadet gives a verbal greeting.
12.3. The salute is rendered indoors during class room reporting procedures to the Flight
Commander, assigned Commander or Instructor (SASI or ASI). It may also be rendered indoors during
an award presentation event or ceremony (“Take, Shake, & Salute”).
12.4. A salute is never given or returned when carrying something in the right hand or while running.
The cadet will empty the right hand or come to a walk, and render the salute when approximately three
paces from the SASI or cadet officer. If carrying articles in both hands, a verbal greeting is given.
Flag Procedures:
13.1. Pledge of Allegiance. All cadets will participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the
United States and Texas flags, during all school/AFJROTC activities.
13.1.1. In-uniform procedures. Stand at attention, face the flag, if visible, and recite the pledge.
NOTE: Cadets in uniform do not place their hands over their hearts.
13.1.2. Out-of-uniform procedures. Stand at attention, face the flag if visible, (males remove
headgear), place the right hand over the heart, and recite the pledge.
13.2. If you observe the flag being raised or lowered from any flag staff, while outdoors, in uniform,
you will assume the position of attention, present arms and hold it until the flag has reached the summit
or base of the flag staff. If you are in civilian clothes, you will assume the position of attention and
place the right hand over your heart. Male cadets in civilian attire and wearing headgear, will remove
the headgear, holding it to the left shoulder so that the right hand is over the heart.
13.3. When encountering the Color Guard with the flag in route to or from the flagpole, cadets are
required to come to attention six paces before and after the Color Guard passes. Cadets in uniform will
National Anthem:
14.1. In-uniform procedures. When the National Anthem is played, all cadets will stand at attention,
remain silent, and face the flag or the music if no flag is visible. If outdoors, present arms.
NOTE: Saluting is not required indoors, except for Color Guard.
14.2. Out-of-uniform procedures. Stand at attention, face the flag, or in the direction of the music,
place right hand over the heart. Male cadets in civilian attire and wearing headgear, will remove the
headgear, holding it in the right hand and placing it to the left shoulder so that the right hand is over the
Cadet Meetings:
15.1. Commander’s Call. Will be conducted by the TX-923 CG/CC (as specified in paragraph 38.1).
All Cadet Officers and NCOs will attend.
15.2. Staff meetings. Conducted at the discretion of the TX-923 CG/CC after coordination with the
SASI/ASI. If possible, the times and dates will be posted at least 1 week in advance and no later than 2
days prior. If a meeting is missed, a note is required as to why the cadet was not in attendance, which
will be placed in the cadets CMS Binder or file.
15.3. NCO Meetings. Conducted at the discretion of the Command Chief Master Sergeant after
coordination with the TX-923 CG/CC and SASI/ASI.
Mandatory Formations:
16.1. Mandatory formations are a major part of the course grade. Cadets with unexcused absences
risk failure. All absences must be excused by the SASI/ASI. Only medical emergencies or dire family
problems will be considered.
16.2. Homecoming Parade. This occurs during the first semester, normally in fall. All cadets need to
16.3. Final Review. This is a formal ceremony held at an HISD Stadium, normally in April. It
includes all JROTC units in the HISD JROTC. All cadets need attend.
Section D
Uniform Procedures
Uniform Wear Procedures:
17.1. Wearing the Air Force uniform at least once per week while attending school is a requirement
of enrollment in AFJROTC. It is intended to provide practical experience in grooming, behavior, and to
generate high personal appearance standards.
17.2. Cadets will wear the prescribed uniform on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on class
schedule. Uniforms may be required on other occasions, i.e., co-curricular or extracurricular activities,
as determined by the SASI/ASI.
NOTE: The uniform must be worn the entire day. Cadets participating in after-school activities can
change into appropriate dress after school hours. For AFJROTC activities, the issued utility/PT
uniform is the appropriate dress.
17.3. Service Coat. Issued to fourth-year cadets and other cadets performing staff duties or involved
in extra-curricular activities that require the wear of the specific uniform item. The service coat must be
fully buttoned when worn but can be removed while in the classroom if rank and nametag are visible on
blue shirt. The necktie/neck tab is worn with the service coat.
17.4. Zippered Jacket. Issued to cadets when weather dictates as determined by the SASI/ASI. The
jacket must be zipped at least halfway. Neck tie is optional.
17.5. Uniform Cap. Must be worn as a part of the uniform during all inspections. The cap must be
worn at all times when outdoors even when traveling between classes.
17.6. Cadets are authorized to wear the uniform for AFJROTC activities only. Cadets will not wear
the AFJROTC uniform while participating in student demonstrations, to after-school employment, while
hitchhiking or any other non-AFJROTC sanctioned activity.
17.7. The following is considered inappropriate while in uniform: hands in trousers or coat pockets;
chewing gum in formations or classroom; walking and talking on a cell phone, wearing civilian coats,
colored scarves, or other nonmilitary items; wearing any type of active duty rank, badge, ribbon or
decoration; vulgar conduct and language.
Uniform Inspections:
18.1. Cadet standards of personal appearance while in uniform are the same as U.S. Air Force
18.2. All cadets will receive a uniform inspection during their AFJROTC class period from their
Flight Commander, TX-923 CG/CC, Air Force/HISD Inspector(s), the SASI/ASI, or by an appropriate
Officer as declared by the SASI/ASI. Make-up uniform inspections will only be approved by the
SASI/ASI with the recommendation of the Flight Commander or Command staff.
18.2.1. Cadet Officers and the Cadet Chief Master Sergeant will be inspected by the TX-923 CG/CC,
Deputy Commander, an Officer of equal or higher rank, or the SASI/ASI during class period.
18.2.2. The inspector will evaluate and score each personal appearance item as indicated on the uniform
inspection score sheet (Attachment 4). Each cadet will start with a score of 100. A score of 70 is
required to pass that day’s inspection. If the inspection is a “make-up inspection” the highest score the
cadet can receive is a 90.
NOTE: Except as noted elsewhere, the minimum score a cadet in uniform can receive is 0.
18.3. Cadets who fail two consecutive uniform inspections in a grading period are not accepting
responsibility for their personal appearance and showing disrespect to the Air Force uniform. As a
result, their uniform grade may be a failing grade for that reporting period. Continued failures will
result in the uniform recall and course failure.
18.4. Failure to wear the uniform will result in an inspection grade of zero. Cadets absent on uniform
day, must wear the uniform on their first AFJROTC class day upon return, unless preapproved by the
SASI/ASI. The highest grade possible for a “make-up inspection” is a 90.
NOTE: Failure to wear the uniform two or more times during a grading period may result in a failing
six-weeks grade and unsatisfactory conduct.
19. Uniform Appearance Standards – Female:
19.1. Undergarments. A white V-neck, athletic style shirt, or a camisole without design or other
color, is required to be worn as an undergarment. Other appropriate undergarments will be worn and
will not be exposed to view.
19.2. Hosiery/Socks. Commercial sheer nylon hose, in neutral, black, dark brown or dark blue shade
must be worn with uniform skirt and may be worn with slacks. Patterned hose will not be worn. Plain
black socks, without design, may be worn when wearing slacks.
19.3. Gloves. Can be worn if weather requires. They must be gray or black, knitted wool or leather,
plain in design, and NO ornamentation or zipper.
Hair will be clean, well-groomed and neat. If dyed, it will look natural.
19.4.1. Hair will be styled to present a professional appearance. Plain and conservative pins, combs,
headbands, elastic bands, and barrettes, are permitted to keep hair in place. They must match hair color.
Hair may be visible in front of headgear.
19.4.2. Hair will not contain excessive grooming aids or worn in extreme or fad styles; touch eyebrows
when groomed; extend in length below the bottom edge of the uniform
shirt collar at the back of the neck; exceed three inches in bulk or prevent
proper wear of headgear; include ornaments such as ribbons or jeweled
pins. Hair pins will not be used for holding hats in place. If the hat does
not fit correctly then the hair style is extreme or the hat is too small and
must be replaced.
19.5. Body Piercing. Excessive piercing does not present a favorable AFJROTC image. Therefore,
tongue, fingernail, eyebrow, nose, or lip rings are prohibited while in uniform and while in the
AFJROTC area when out of uniform.
Jewelry. Must not detract from the wear of the uniform.
19.6.1. Ear rings. One small, spherical stud, may be worn in each ear lobe. It will not extend below the
earlobe. Inappropriate ear rings will not be covered with tape or band-aid.
19.6.2. Finger rings. No more than three worn. Thumb rings are prohibited.
19.6.3. Necklaces. Must not extend over the uniform shirt.
Metal mouth pieces (grills). Will not be worn while in uniform.
19.8. Fingernails. Must not exceed ½ inch in length. Nail polish must be conservative shades of reds,
pinks, neutrals, or browns, in single color, without ornamentation. The inspector will determine if color
is conservative and in accordance with standards.
19.9. Makeup. Must look natural, conservative, and in good taste. No neon, bright, or extremely dark
colored lipstick or eye shadow. Glitter may not be worn.
Uniform Appearance Standards - Male:
20.1. Undergarments. A white V-neck or athletic style shirt without design or other color, is required
to be worn as an undergarment. Other appropriate undergarments will be worn and will not be exposed
to view.
Socks. Color must be black without design.
20.3. Gloves. Worn only if weather requires. They must be gray or black, knitted wool or leather,
plain in design, and NO ornamentation or zipper.
20.4. Hair will be clean, well groomed and neat. with a tapered appearance on both sides and back,
both with and without headgear. Block cut is permitted with tapered appearance. If dyed, must look
20.4.1. Hair will not contain excessive grooming aids or worn in an extreme or fad style; be visible in
front of headgear; touch the ears or the collar, except the closely cut hair on the back of the neck;
exceed one 1/4 inch in bulk or interfere with the proper wear of any Air Force headgear.
20.4.2. Sideburns will be neatly trimmed and tapered and will not extend below the lower opening of
the ear.
20.4.3. Facial hair. Face must be clean shaven. Mustaches may be worn but cannot extend vertically
beyond mouth line, and may not extend over the top lip.
20.5. Body Piercing. Does not present a favorable AFJROTC image. Therefore, ear, tongue,
fingernail, eyebrow, nose, or lip rings are prohibited while in uniform and while in the AFJROTC area
when out of uniform.
Jewelry. Must not detract from the wear of the uniform. No more than three finger rings will be
worn. Thumb rings are prohibited. Necklaces must not detract from uniform wear or extend over the
shirt. Bracelets must not exceed ½ inch in thickness. Bracelets espousing support for a cause,
philosophy, individual or group are not authorized.
Metal mouth pieces (grills). Will not be worn while in uniform.
General Accessories:
21.1. Service caps (wheel hats). Worn only by cadet officers or Command Chief Master Sergeant.
Visor on male cap must be shined.
Shoes. The issued black shoes must be worn. Shoes must be shined.
21.3. Sunglasses. Military style sunglasses may be worn outdoors while in uniform but will not be
worn during inspection. Light sensitive, prescription glasses may be worn at any time. Faddish styles
and mirrored lenses are prohibited.
21.4. Name Tags. The Blue name tag will be worn on the AFJROTC uniform shirt only. Do not
wear on zippered jacket. Silver nametags, when available will be worn on service coats only. It is
required by all cadets in the corps to wear a name tag. Color Guard may wear the silver name tag for
performances or competitions.
21.5. Inappropriate items. Radios/IPods, etc. are prohibited at all times in accordance with school
policies. Cellular phones and pagers will not be visible while in uniform and must be turned off while in
classroom or leadership labs. Exposed wallets, pencils, pens, etc. are also inappropriate.
Ribbons and Medals. To be worn on the uniform shirts and Service Coat only.
Textbook and Uniform Accountability:
22.1. Protecting AFJROTC and school property is everybody’s responsibility. Text books and
uniforms are issued to you but remains AFJROTC property. Any cadet observing AFJROTC property
outside of the AFJROTC area, unattended, must return it to Logistics.
22.2. A Textbook Issue and a Clothing Issue Receipt detailing the cost of each item must be signed
and turned into the SASI/ASI or Logistics Officer/NCO.
To preclude unnecessary expense or delay of grades, certificates, or diplomas, do the following:
22.3.1. Place your name in a conspicuous place inside each uniform item with clothing identification
tape or indelible ink (insure bleed-through will not occur).
22.3.2. Do not: leave uniform items in unlocked lockers or unattended; lend uniform items or
equipment to others; permit anyone to turn in your uniform or equipment items; carry the flight cap with
your books (tuck it under your belt).
DO NOT !!!! wash pants, jacket, or service coat, they must be dry cleaned.
22.3.3. When turning-in or exchanging uniform items, deal only with the SASI/ASI or Logistics
22.3.4. All uniform alterations including sewing on patches, are done by AFJROTC contract. If you
alter your uniform, you are liable for any damages.
22.4. Clothing items that become worn or otherwise unserviceable must be turned in as soon as
possible. If the unserviceable condition is due to normal use, the items will be replaced at no cost.
Items of clothing that do not fit properly should be exchanged.
NOTE: AFJROTC uniform items, textbooks, and equipment are accountable items. Certificates and/or
diplomas will not be awarded until all debts are satisfied. If you lose it or damage it - you pay for it!
Section E
Course Content and Procedures
Classroom Instruction: Aerospace Science (AS) instruction is alternated with Leadership
Education (LE) instruction.
Homework Makeup: Making up missed work is the cadet’s responsibility. All homework
assignments and exams provided by the SASI/ASI. Upon return from an absence, you are expected to
turn in all scheduled homework and avail yourself immediately for any exam. If you are not sure
whether an assignment was given in class, ASK! Prolonged absences will be dealt with on a
case-by-case basis.
Classroom and Office Procedures:
25.1. Beverages other than water are prohibited in the class room at all times! Deposit all food, gum,
or unauthorized beverages in the garbage can before entering. Enter the classroom immediately, place all
possessions under assigned seat, stand at Parade Rest, facing forward, and remain QUIET until you
receive further instructions by the Flt CC/Sgt, SASI, or ASI.
25.1.1. When the tardy bell rings, the Flight Sergeant will command:
FLIGHT ATTENTION. All cadets will immediately come to the position of attention.
The Flight Sergeant will direct the Element Leaders to REPORT.
Element Leaders will report: SIR/(MA’AM), CADET (last names) ABSENT.
If all are present, SIR/(MA’AM), ELEMENT # ALL PRESENT.
After all element leaders have reported, the Flight Sergeant will salute the Flight
Flight Sergeant will report: SIR/(MA’AM), ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED FOR.
The Commander will return the salute and direct AT EASE or SEATS for any comments.
The first five minutes of class are flight time to be used for announcements and to take
roll call. Cadets will stand at attention briefly, and answer “Here, Sir/Ma’am” when
their name is called and then take a seat.If more time is needed, the Flight Commander
must coordinate with the Instructor before class.
25.1.2. When flight time is over, the Flight Commander will order:
1. FLIGHT ATTENTION and salute the Instructor.
3. The Instructor will return the salute. The instructor will provide the CC with further
instruction and ask to have the Flight take their seats.
4. The Flight Commander will then direct…….. SEATS.
25.2. Classroom discipline. Except during free-flowing discussion, cadets are expected to remain
silent until recognized by the Flight Leaders or Instructor. Flight Leaders are responsible for
maintaining classroom discipline.
NOTE: Flight Leaders are the Commander, Sergeant, and Element Leaders.
Approximately five minutes prior to end of class, the Instructor will terminate his/her
presentation and direct the Flight Commander to take charge.
1. The Flight Commander will come to ATTENTION and salute.
2. The Flight Commander or Flight Sergeant will make any necessary comments, clean up the
classroom and straighten desks.
3. When the bell rings the Flight Sergeant will direct FLIGHT ATTENTION, if at ease, and
4. All cadets will exit the room QUIETLY and ORDERLY.
25.4. Chewing gum is prohibited at all times in the AFJROTC classroom, office areas, and during
outdoor leadership laboratories.
25.5. Cadets will not sit on desk-top and will never use the Instructor’s desk or equipment without
25.6. SASI/ASI Office Procedures. Before entering SASI/ASI office, stand at Parade Rest, and knock
once on the appropriate door. When the SASI/ASI responds, come to the Position of Attention and state
your business. Enter only when directed. If you enter, use proper reporting procedures.
25.7. Logistics Area. Cadet access is restricted to Group Commander, Honor Guard Commander,
Special Teams Commander and Logistics staff. Logistics area is not a lounging area for cadets or
Logistics personnel.
Presidential Fitness Program (PFP):
26.1. While emphasis is placed on physical fitness throughout the school year, class time is used on
Fridays to conduct Wellness. Physical conditioning is conducted in accordance with the supplemental
Wellness Cadet Guide, which will be given to each cadet for use and tracking improvement. Grade will
be assessed for participation. An initial and a final assessment will be conducted. Wellness participation
is mandatory per Air Force JROTC Curriculum.
26.2. Those enrolled in AFJROTC class should be awarded a Physical Education (PE) credit
therefore it is mandatory and necessary for you to participate, to the best of your ability, in the
Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) (If a cadet is not participating, they will not receive a grade for that
26.3. Friday is designated as a Cadet Health and Wellness Day. Daily activities range from Health &
Wellness lessons/presentations, sport activities such as Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Rock Wall
climbing, Volleyball, Flag Football, Frisbee throwing, Orienteering, Marksmanship, Calisthenics,
Walking/Jogging, Team Building Activities, Games, and Sport Competitions, and Special Teams
activities/familiarization: i.e. about S.T.E.M. projects, color guard, Drill Team Philosophy or
Marksmanship discipline.
26.4. To further provide wellness opportunities there will be afterschool sport events scheduled for
cadets to compete against other cadets. The following events (Soccer, Volleyball, Flag Football,
Basketball, Track & Field, and others) should be scheduled throughout the cadet calendar, at Westbury,
from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Cadets must have a signed parental permission slip for after school activities on
file to participate.
Community Service Hours:
27.1. Time spent working in the community on AFJROTC-SPONSORED events can be counted for
service hours. Service hours will be used to satisfy graduation portfolio requirements, recognition,
promotions, and to reinforce desirable behavior.
27.2. Service hours are awarded for: AFJROTC community service as determined by the SASI/ASI;
examples are special team appearances, public parades, volunteering at the Children’s Museum, etc.
27.3. To insure accuracy and accountability, the Deputy Commander will oversee the Community
Service Hours detailing the event, the project officer, cadets involved, and when it occurred. The
Activities/Community Service Officer will track events in WINGS. It is the responsibility of the cadet to
track individual community service hours using the AFJROTC Community Service Hours Worksheet
(Attachment 7). The form will be maintained in cadet file in the CMS Binder.
Extracurricular Activities:
28.1. Extracurricular activities or functions are planned by cadets and serve to augment classroom and
leadership education requirements. Special teams such as drill, color guard, saber, model aeronautics,
dining-out, cadet ball, flight fights, etc., are examples and add interest and prestige to the AFJROTC
28.2. No Pass, No Play. All JROTC competition activities fall under interscholastic, nonathletic (UIL) rules as defined by Texas law.
NOTE: Failure of any subject during a six weeks grading period may make a cadet ineligible for
competition. Continued failure constitutes removal from teams until failing is corrected.
28.3. All extracurricular activities will have a cadet in-charge who has total responsibility for its
success. Some of the responsibilities include promoting team continuity, cadets are normally restricted
to one or two teams and not usually allowed to switch to another during the semester. SASI/ASI may
approve deviations.
Co-curricular Activities:
29.1. These activities are used to motivate and reinforce the curriculum and the learning experiences
of all cadets.
29.2. Awareness Presentation Team (APT). The APT is an academic endeavor designed to provide
positive role models for elementary and middle school students. Its purpose is to help younger students
develop into good citizens of the community by avoiding self-defeating behavior patterns and chemical
dependence. It provides the cadet a practical application of skills learned in leadership education.
29.3. Co-curricular Field Trips. Field trips are planned to aerospace facilities, college campuses,
military installations, museums, Wings Over Houston Air Show, and AFJROTC leadership schools and
workshops. Cadets can also expect to travel off campus in order to march in local parades, and
participate in HISD’s JROTC Final Review.
29.4. Funding is provided by the Air Force for most transportation. Cadets and chaperons may be
required to pay for some meals and admission costs.
Only cadets with parent and teacher approval will participate in field trips.
NOTE: Participation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities will be limited to those cadets who
reflect a positive attitude, positive behavior and conduct, and maintain academic standards, with final
approval from SASI/ASI.
Parent Consent Form: Every AFJROTC extracurricular/co-curricular activity is a school
sponsored event and must have a parent consent form, no exceptions, identify non-participants.
Individual and Flight Competition:
Competition promotes self-confidence and increases morale (esprit de corps).
31.2. Cadet of the Month. One cadet should be recommended by the Flight Commander each month
during the school year (except August and June) to a Cadet Board. The approval/disapproval will be
made by the SASI/ASI. Should there be no nominations by the Cadet Staff the SASI/ASI will select the
31.2.1. Each Flight Commander submits a recommendation for a cadet in their Flight to the Personnel
Officer one week prior to the convening of a Cadet Board.
31.2.2. Consideration will be given to academic and leadership performance, attitude, wear of the
uniform, personal appearance, participation in extracurricular activities and other factors which define
the individual’s performance as outstanding.
31.2.3. Cadets may be selected for this award no more than once during the school year. They will be
presented a certificate.
Honor Flight. The Flight recognized for outstanding participation in all items listed:
1. Flight Fight Results (should be December &April of each school year)
2. Uniform Inspections
3. Attendance in AFJROTC
4. Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) Participation
5. Community Service Hours (% of Flights Hours)
6. Special Teams Participation (% of Flight Participation)
7. Special Events Participation (% of Flight Participation; Parades, Military Ball, Dining Out,
Flag Retirement Ceremony, Toys for Tots Drive, etc.)
8. AFJROTC Grades (Average for the Flight)
31.4.1. The TX-923 CG/CC will select the Honor Flights based on all-around performance, The
SASI/ASI will approve the selection.
31.4.2. The cadets of the Honor Flights selected will be awarded the Outstanding (Honor) Flight
Cadet Board:
32.1. The Cadet Board should convene the last school day of the month and at other times as directed
by the Commander. The purpose of the Board is to make recommendations for awards and promotions,
discipline problems, and merit/demerit citations.
32.2. The Cadet Board is composed of the TX-923 CG/CC as the Board Chairman, the Deputy
Commander, any subordinate Commanders or staff officers appointed by the Board Chairman as he/she
deems necessary, and the Command Chief Master Sergeant or First Sergeant. The Personnel Officer is
the Board Recorder and publishes the agenda, minutes, and special orders.
The SASI/ASI should be present for advice and insure proper procedures are followed.
NOTE: The recommendations of the Board will serve as a basis for further action. All awards and
promotions are approved by the SASI/ASI.
Section F
Job Descriptions
The Organization: TX-923 Cadet Commander parallels that of a similar organization in the
United States Air Force. However, it is adapted to a high school environment. Similar to an active duty
organization, responsibilities and duties increase with rank. Therefore, each cadet is expected to prepare
for assuming additional responsibilities in order to accept higher level positions.
Special Assistants:
34.1.1 SASI Special Assistant (CG/SA) is responsible for all duties assigned by the SASI. Assistant is
normally filled by the cadet who rotates out of the TX-923 CG/CC position.
34.1.2. ASI Special Assistant (CG/SSA) is responsible for all duties assigned by the ASI. Assistant is
normally filled by the cadet who rotates out of the Command CMSgt position.
34.2. Command and Staff:
34.2.1. Cadet Group Commander (CG/CC) supervises the Deputy Group Commander, Special Teams
Squadron Commander, Mission Support Commander, Flight Operations Commanders, Command Chief,
First Sergeant, and Presidential Fitness Program Commander. Assists the SASI and ASI in managing the
AFJROTC program and other tasks assigned.
34.2.2. Command and control of the unit, including the coordination and establishment of measurable
goals and objectives, combines with milestones to evaluate progress and make appropriate adjustments.
Responsible for the appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct of the Group and informs the
SASI/ASI of problems and concerns.
34.2.3. Insures all officers maintain AFJROTC grades and academic eligibility. Officers not in
compliance must be informed in writing of their probation status and placement on RFS.
34.2.4. Insures all performance report grades for officers and fourth-year cadets are submitted to the
SASI/ASI in a timely manner.
34.2.5. Manage all Group activities, facilities, and resources according to the Air Force principles and
procedures. Ensures all members of the cadet corps have the opportunity to develop leadership
commensurate with their individual grade and abilities.
34.2.6. Prepares, coordinates, and conducts the unit staff meetings. A complete corps staff meeting should
be annotated on the school year calendar and held monthly or as required
34.2.7. Directs the cadet promotion system, publishing cadet policy and directing training as necessary to
insure fair, equitable, and timely promotion consideration for each member of the cadet corps.
34.2.8. Performs other duties as assigned by the SASI/ASI.
34.3. Cadet Group Deputy Commander (CG/CV). Responsible for assisting the Commander as directed
and assuming command during his or her absence or directly by the SASI/ASI.
34.3.1 Coordinates commander’s call and staff meeting agendas.
34.3.2. Oversees the Community Service Log, Cadet Management System Red Tags, and Calendar of
34.3.3. Actively participates on the Cadet Board and all other AFJROTC functions. Assists all Staff
Officers on matters pertaining to their job tasks. Works with Squadron Commanders, Staff Advisors, and
Project Officers to establish training programs that ensure all members of the staff possess the required
knowledge to properly perform their assigned duties. Ensures that Continuity Folders contain all required
information pertinent to their position.
34.3.4. Performs other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander or the SASI/ASI.
34.4. Command Chief Master Sergeant (CG/CCM) performs duties assigned by the Commander or
34.4.1. Provides recommendations to the Group Commander based on inputs from all cadets and acts as
a liaison between the corps and unit staff. Monitors the morale, appearance, and overall attitude of the
Group and advises the Commander or SASI/ASI on all pertinent matters.
34.4.2. Assists Public Affairs in determining proper protocol for special occasions.
34.4.3. Forms parades and other co-curricular activities related to drill and ceremonies.
34.4.4. Holds necessary cadet NCO meetings to insure that proper cadet personnel support is being given
to the Commander and Deputy Commander. Coordinates with cadet staff officers to insure the timely
completion of duties assigned to the staff by the Commander.
34.4.5. Insure Uniform Inspection Sheet grades are kept up-to-date.
34.4.6. Actively Participates on the Cadet Board.
34.5. First Sergeant (CG/CCF) performs duties assigned by the Group Commander, (CCMSgt) and
34.5.1. Monitors the morale and overall attitude of the Group and advices the Commander or SASI/ASI
on all pertinent matters relating to the cadet corps. Coordinates with Personnel Officer to insure all
administrative documentation for the Cadet Group is accurate and properly posted and stored.
34.5.2. Coordinates with the Activities/Community Service Officer to insure community-related civic or
humanitarian activities occur each semester. Assists the Deputy Commander with preparation and
coordination of commander’s call and the staff meeting agendas and may conduct the staff meeting on
behalf of the Commander. Records and maintains minutes of top staff meetings. Enforces AFJROTC
regulations on uniform wear and care, and standards of conduct, customs, and courtesies.
34.5.3. Performs other duties as assigned by the Group Commander, (CCMSgt) or the SASI/ASI.
34.6. Wellness/Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) Officer (CG/PFP) Is responsible for managing the
Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) in accordance with the (PFP) Guide and AFJROTC requirements.
34.6.1. Ensure all cadets have completed, has all required signatures, and proper filing of all Physical
Health Screening Questionnaires prior to any cadet participating in any physical activities in AFJROTC.
34.6.2. Make/maintain a list of cadets who checked “yes” on the Physical Health Screening Questionnaire
and attached the explanation for the “yes” is documented by a medical authority, giving the cadets PT
Monitor and Flight Commander a list of cadets not allowed to do physical training (PT).
34.6.3. Manages, directs, and controls all aspects of the Presidential Fitness Program (PFP). Ensures
each Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant are conducting, monitoring, and executing wellness
activities. Conducts frequent on the spot inspections on class participation and ensures all cadet
historical data is documented by the Flight Commander/Assistant/Sergeant on the cadet wellness guide
and in WINGS.
34.7. Operations Support Squadron Commander (OSS/CC) performs duties assigned by the Commander
34.7.1 Responsible for all staff officers and NCOs and insuring all support functions are accomplished in
a timely manner.
34.7.2. Insure all staff officers and NCOs maintain AFJROTC and academic eligibility. Cadets not in
compliance will be informed in writing of their probation status and placement on RFS.
34.8. Flight Operations Squadron Commanders (FOS/CC) performs duties assigned by the Commander
and/or SASI/ASI.
34.8.1. Responsible for all Flight Commanders, Sergeants, Guides, and element leaders and insuring all
flight functions are accomplished in a timely manner.
34.8.2. Responsible for all training aspects of flights in their squadron, to include flight drill and
ceremonies, final review, mass formations, and parades (both military and downtown parades).
34.8.3. Ensure cadets of each flight attend functions, activities, formations, and CIA trips.
34.8.4. Nominate top cadets for awards and recognition. Submit Cadet of the Month nominations to
Personnel Officer in a timely manner.
34.8.5. Actively participate as a member of the Cadet Board.
34.8.6. Responsible for appearance, discipline, and training of all flights and that they are ready for Air
Force and HISD JROTC activities.
34.8.7. Plans and directs flight competition (Flight Fights).
34.8.8. Provides documentation to the Commander of identified problems and accomplishments.
34.8.9. Nominates top cadets for awards and recognition. Submits Cadet of the Month (CoM) nomination
to the personnel officer in a timely manner.
34.8.10. Submits to the Commander all performance grades for assigned officers in a timely manner.
34.8.11. Insures all officers and NCOs maintain AFJROTC and academic eligibility. Cadets not in
compliance will be informed in writing of their probation status and placement on RFS.
34.8.12. Actively participates as a member of the Cadet Board.
34.9. Honor Guard Commander (HG/CC) performs duties to support the Honor Guard team and the
Special Team Commanders.
34.9.1. Assumes Command of the Teams in the absence of the Special Teams Commander.
34.9.2. Coordinates and updates the Cadet Group Calendar for all future special team’s activities. Works
with Public Affairs to ensure upcoming events are posted in the Newsletter.
34.9.3. Ensures appropriate school policies are complied with during the scheduled cadet activities.
Prepares and posts sign-up sheets for special team’s events.
34.9.4. Assists the Special Teams Commander supervise all special teams: color guard, drill, and model
aeronautics (S.T.E.M.), Marksmanship, Orienteering, JLAB, etc.) And enforces procedures, overall
bearing, appearance, and uniformity.
34.9.5. Insures all cadets remain qualified, with the assistance of the Training & Education Officer, for
competition by personally working with low performing cadets and assist cadets to tutorials as needed.
34.9.6. Recruits prospective members to insure only highly motivated cadets and academically
qualified cadets are selected for special teams.
34.9.7. Insure that cadets are available before and after school to raise and lower the colors at the flag
34.9.9. Actively participates as a member of the Cadet Board.
34.9.10. Performs other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander and/or the SASI/ASI.
34.12. Flight Commander (Flight Designation, e.g., A, B, C, etc. FLT/CC) perform duties as assigned
by Flight Operations Squadron Commanders.
34.12.1. Responsible for appearance, discipline, and training of all Flight Cadets.
34.12.2. Insures Flight Cadets are adequately trained and ready for AFJROTC and HISD JROTC
activities, and flight competition.
34.12.3. Provides documentation to the Operations Squadron Commanders of problems and
34.12.4. Nominates top cadets for awards and recognition. Submit Cadet of the Month (CofM)
nominations to Flight Operations Squadron Commander in a timely manner.
34.12.5. Insure all flight NCOs maintain AFJROTC and academic eligibility. Cadets not in compliance
will be informed in writing of their probation status and placement on RFS.
34.12.6. Actively participates as a member of the Cadet Board.
34.13. Flight Sergeant performs duties as assigned by the Flight Commander.
34.13.1. Prepare cadets for classroom and leadership laboratory instruction.
34.13.2. Maintains current flight rosters, seating charts, and Uniform Inspection Score Sheets. Computes
progress/six week uniform grades and submits to Command Chief Master Sergeant in a timely manner.
34.13.3. Oversees the training and performance of Element Leaders.
34.14. Element Leader performs duties as assigned by the Flight Commander/Sergeant.
34.14.1. Keeps their element informed of class work assignments and special events.
34.14.2 Accounts for and leads their element in all class room and leadership laboratory training.
34.14.3. Assists Flight Commander/Sergeant in maintaining class room and leadership laboratory
34.15. Flight Guide is a specially selected airman designated by the Flight Commander and SASI/ASI.
34.15.1. The Squadron flag is carried at ceremonies and on other occasions when prescribed by the
34.16. Awards and Decorations Officer performs duties assigned by the Operations Support Squadron
Commander and/or SASI/ASI.
34.16.1. Maintains and updates cadet personnel records into the on-line WINGS in accordance with
established protocol.
34.16.2. Ensures accurate award nominations are submitted in a timely manner. Prepares awards and/or
certificates for award winners.
34.16.3. Organizes all activities for awards ceremonies and coordinates with Public Affairs for awards
presentation publicity.
34.16.4. Schedules, prepares agenda, obtains award nominations, and acts as Recorder for any Awards
and Decorations meetings.
34.16.5. Directs and executes the cadet awards program. Insures cadets are nominated for national and
local awards in accordance with AFJROTC directives.
34.16.6. Maintains the Group Awards and Decorations files all publications, special orders, regulations,
34.17. Personnel Officer performs duties as assigned by the Operations Support Squadron Commander
and/or SASI/ASI.
34.17.1. Maintains the Group administrative files in accordance with established policies and procedures.
34.17.2. Maintains chain of command and bulletin boards; posts current and correct Group
correspondence, leadership/training and special function notices.
34.17.3. Maintains and updates all HISD JROTC and AFJROTC regulations and the cadet’s reference
library including military scholarship opportunities and magazine library.
34.17.4. Records and maintains minutes of commanders call and staff meetings. A copy of the minutes
will be posted on classroom bulletin boards after SASI/ASI review.
34.18. Public Affairs Officer (PAO) performs duties as assigned by the Operations Support Squadron
Commander. Maintains the Cadet Scrapbook and historical records reflecting unit accomplishments.
34.18.1. Coordinates with Activities/Community Service Officer to insure adequate fund-raising support
to pay for yearbook pages featuring Cadet Group activities. Coordinates to insure adequate
photographic and media coverage for all Group Activities.
34.18.2. Submits news articles concerning cadet activities to local news media, Yearbook, Parent Teacher
Organization, and coordinates and produces the cadet newsletter.
34.18.3. Provides all Group photographic service and insures all electronic recording media is properly
stored and is fully functional and available for immediate use.
34.18.4. Assists cadet staff in preparing electronic briefings for HISD JROTC and Air Force presentations.
34.18.5. Assists recruiting with collecting, printing, and showing appropriate JROTC materials.
34.19. Special Teams Commander performs duties as directed by the Group Commander and
coordinates/assists all Special Teams Captains.
34.9.1. Assumes Command of the Teams with assistance from the Honor Guard Commander.
34.9.2. Coordinates and updates the Cadet Group Calendar for all future special team’s activities. Works
with Public Affairs to ensure upcoming events are posted in the Newsletter.
34.9.3. Ensures appropriate school policies are complied with during the scheduled cadet activities.
Oversees the preparation and postings of sign-up sheets for special team’s events.
34.9.4. Assists the Honor Guard Commander supervise and enforces procedures, overall bearing,
appearance, and uniformity.
34.9.5. Insures all cadets remain qualified, with the assistance of the Training & Education Officer, for
competition by personally working with low performing cadets and assist cadets to tutorials as needed.
34.9.6. Recruits prospective members to insure only highly motivated cadets and academically
qualified cadets are selected for special teams.
34.9.7. Insure that cadets are available before and after school to raise and lower the colors at the flag
34.9.8. Actively participates as a member of the Cadet Board.
34.9.9. Performs other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander and/or the SASI/ASI.
34.20. Logistics Officer performs duties as assigned by the Operations Support Squadron Commander.
34.20.1. Assists the SASI/ASI in all cadet logistic activities including the receipt, issue, disposition, and
accountability of uniforms, equipment, and supplies.
34.20.2. Insures all swords and rifles are properly secured and documented and signed out to Special
Teams Commanders.
34.21. Logistics NCO is the assistant to the Logistics Officer and perform duties in his/her absence or in
conjunction with the Officer.
34.22. Activities/Community Service Officer performs all duties assigned by Operations Support
Squadron Commander.
34.22.1. Plans in coordination with appropriate staff all community service, fund-raisers, and social
34.22.2. Assists the staff officers with coordinating, planning and executing service activities both on and
off campus.
34.22.3. Develops a recycling program and coordinates advertisements with public affairs concerning
recycling efforts throughout the school.
34.22.4. Insures that all faculty and staff that wish to participate in recycling are included in the recycling
34.22.5. Insures all recycling pickups are accomplished in a timely manner.
34.23. Chaplain performs duties as assigned by the Support Squadron Commander.
34.23.1. Responsible for the continued moral development of all cadets.
34.23.2. Works with special projects to insure several community related civic or humanitarian activities
occur each semester.
34.23.3. Give invocations for all Group social activities and post on bulletin boards an inspirational phrase
in the class room each month.
34.24. Recruiting/APT Officer performs duties as assigned by the Support Squadron Commander.
34.24.1. Plans, organizes and implements a program to recruit qualified students.
34.24.2. Insures recruiting activities at Westbury and feeder schools Welch, Johnston, and Fondren Middle
Schools are accomplished in a timely manner.
34.24.3. Works with Public Affairs to insure publicity and an abundance of recruiting material is available
for distribution.
34.24.4. Maintains appropriate records pertaining to the award of the recruiting ribbon.
34.25. Civil Engineering/Safety Officer performs duties as assigned by the Support Squadron
34.25.1. Organizes and supervises all facility cleanups, repairs, and orderliness.
34.25.2. Insures adequate supplies are on hand for day-to-day operations. Notifies SASI/ASI of all
34.25.3. Insures that AFJROTC facilities are presented in a safe and satisfactory condition to cadets and
34.25.4. Ensures safe practices are exercised by cadets performing activities during classroom time, after
school practices, extra-curricular activities, and Co-curricular activities/CIA trips.
34.27. Physical Fitness Team Commander assists the Presidential Fitness Program Commander in
managing, directing, and controlling all aspects of the Presidential Fitness Program (PFP). Ensures each
Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant are conducting, monitoring, and executing fitness activities.
Conducts frequent on the spot inspections on class participation and ensures all cadet historical data is
documented by the Flight Commander/Assistant/Sergeant on the cadet wellness guide and in WINGS.
34.29. Training &Education Officer performs duties as assigned by the Support Squadron Commander.
34.29.1. Collects and maintains academic records of all cadets to insure cadets are academically eligible
for competitions and corps leadership positions.
34.29.2. Insures all cadets achieve their fullest academic potential by personally working with low
performing cadets and assigning to tutorials as needed.
34.29.3. Creates tutorial programs to foster academic excellence within the Group to keep all special teams
academically eligible.
34.31. Color Guard Commander (CG/CC) is responsible for supervising, educating, and training all of
the Color Guard members while maintaining and leading the team in practices, competitions, and public
34.31.1. The Color Guard Commander develops weekly practice plans and schedules. All events and
practice schedules will be posting to ensure team members can make proper arrangements to attend
practices and events.
34.31.2. The Color Guard Commander supervises the inventory, issue, and cleanliness of the Color
Guard weapons, gloves, ascots, and Color Guard and Armory Room.
34.32. Armed Drill Team Commander (ADT/CC) is responsible for training and leading all cadets on
armed drill team in drill team practice and at armed drill team competitions.
34.32.1. Watch over all cadets while in the Armory, keeping and maintaining cleanliness of the Armory,
and inventorying and issuing weapons and maintaining all drill team weapons in regulations. Develop a
weapons cleanliness checklist.
34.32.2. Inspecting and looking over all cadets before each armed drill team activities.
34.32.3. Posting armed drill team schedules on the bulletin board and on monthly announcements. To
ensure attendance, develop a sign-in and sign-out sheet for all drill team activities. The Armed Drill
Team should practice at least two times per week, more if the schedule of events dictates.
34.33. Un-Armed Drill Team Commander (UADT/CC) is responsible for supervising, educating, and
training all of the Color Guard members while maintaining and leading the team in practices,
competitions, and public ceremonies.
34.33.1. The Un-Armed Drill Team Commander develops weekly practice plans and schedules. All
events and practice schedules will be posting to ensure team members can make proper arrangements to
attend practices and events.
34.33.2. Post Un-Armed Drill Team schedules on the bulletin board and on monthly announcements.
To ensure attendance, develop a sign-in and sign-out sheet for all drill team activities. The Un-Armed
Drill Team should practice at least two times per week, more if the schedule of events dictates.
34.33.3. The Un-Armed Drill Team Commander supervises the inventory, issue, and cleanliness of the
Un-Armed Drill Team Uniform and Equipment.
34.34. Aeronautics (AERO/CC) is responsible for the supervision, training, and leading of the Model
Rocketry Team by developing membership criteria with the assistance from the SASI/ASI.
34.34.1. Enforce safety policies and procedures.
34.34.2. Keep inventory and maintenance of all Rocketry equipment.
34.34.3. Maintain all records of flight training, meetings, and activity attendance.
Is responsible for the supervision, training, and leading of the Remote Control Club by developing
membership criteria with the assistance of the SASI/ASI.
34.35.1. Enforce safety policies and procedures.
34.35.2. Keep inventory and maintenance of all Remote Control Club equipment.
34.35.3. Maintain all records of flight training, meetings, and activity attendance.
34.36 Marksmanship Team Commander (MT/CC) is responsible for reinforcing gun safety taught by
the SASI/ASI or other certified trainer. Assist with teaching firing positions, procedures, and
competition procedures.
34.36.1. Supervise cadets on the Gun Range; emphasizing safety rules and regulations.
34.36.2. Develop a sign-in and sign-out sheet for activity attendance. Ensure all cadets follow the signin and sign-out procedures through Logistics when taking a weapon(s).
34.36.3. Inventory and maintain cleanliness of all Marksmanship Team weapons.
34.36.4. Post Marksmanship Team schedules on the bulletin board and on monthly announcements. To
The Marksmanship Team should practice at least one time per week, more if the schedule of events
34.37. Orienteering Team Commander (OT/CC) is responsible for supervising, educating, and training
all of the Orienteering Team Members while maintaining and leading the team in practices and
34.37.1. The Orienteering Team Commander develops weekly practice plans and schedules. All events
and practice schedules will be posting to ensure team members can make proper arrangements to attend
practices and events.
34.37.2. Post Team schedules on the bulletin board and on monthly announcements. To ensure
attendance, develop a sign-in and sign-out sheet for all Orienteering Team activities. The Orienteering
Team should practice at least one time per week, more if the schedule of events
34.38. Presidential Fitness Program Monitors performs the duties of the PFP Commander in the event
of their absence.
34.38.1. Conducts to PFP assessments in accordance with the PFP Guide and documents the scores on
the PFP Assessment Score Sheet.
34.38.2. Records scores in WINGS with the assistance of the PFP Commander and/or SASI/ASI.
34.39. Technology/Web Officer (TWO) maintains TX-923 Webpage and controls ADPE/Technology
equipment provided by Air Force and HISD. Provides support for any technological aspect of the TX923 corps.
Section G
Awards and Decorations
Awards and Decorations: A number of distinctive awards are authorized for AFJROTC cadets
to recognize outstanding performance in academic and leadership or for specific display of valor.
35.1. Awards will be highly publicized and presented at appropriate ceremonies arranged by the
Personnel Officer working in conjunction with Public Affairs. Families of recipients will be invited.
35.2. Ribbons and badges are worn in accordance with AFJROTC VA 36-4, 25 Apr 08 (back cover).
35.3. AFJROTC Cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while enrolled in other service JROTC
programs. AFJROTC ribbons will be worn ahead of other service ribbons or awards.
NOTE: Medals and ribbons may be worn simultaneously for formal, semiformal, and special occasions
of a limited nature, e.g., Dining-Out, Final Review.
Valor Awards: This award recognizes heroic performance by cadets.
36.1. Air Force JROTC Valor - Gold. Awarded to cadets for voluntary acts of self-sacrifice and personal
bravery involving conspicuous risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty.
36.2. Air Force JROTC Valor - Silver. Awarded to cadets for a voluntary act of heroism which does not
meet risk-of-life requirement of the Gold award.
36.3. Cadet Humanitarian. Recognizes humanitarian effort and/or performance.
humanitarian acts by a cadet involving actions above and beyond the call of duty.
Awarded for
National Awards: Presented annually to cadets by a representative of the national organization
giving the award or the SASI.
37.1. Air Force Association. Awarded to a third-year cadet, who is in the top 5% of the class, top 10%
in academic class, and who demonstrates a positive attitude, exemplary personal appearance, and
attributes of initiative, judgment, courtesy and self-confidence. Recommend by the SASI as the
Outstanding Aerospace Science Cadet in their class.
37.2. Daedalian. Awarded to a third-year cadet, in the top 10% of the AFJROTC class, in the top 20%
of the academic class, shows potential and desire to pursue a career in the military, and demonstrates an
appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation.
37.3. American Legion Scholastic. Awarded to a third or fourth-year cadet in the top 10% of the
academic class, top 25% of the AFJROTC class, and who demonstrates leadership qualities and actively
participates in cadet activities.
374. American Legion General Military Excellence. Awarded to a third or fourth-year cadet in the top
25% of the AFJROTC class, and who demonstrates outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline,
character, and citizenship.
37.5. Daughters of the American Revolution. Awarded to a fourth-year cadet who is in the top 25% of
the AFJROTC and academic class, and who demonstrates qualities of dependability, good character, selfdiscipline, leadership ability, and appreciates the importance of AFJROTC training.
37.6. American Veterans. Awarded to a cadet who possesses individual characteristics contributing to
leadership such as: grade of “A” in AFJROTC, in good standing in other classes, strong, positive attitude
toward service in the Air Force, exemplary personal appearance, strong initiative, dependability,
judgment, self-confidence, and strong officer potential.
37.7. Reserve Officers Association. Awarded to a fourth-year cadet who is in the top 10% of the
AFJROTC class, and has demonstrated a positive attitude, exemplary personal appearance, and personal
attributes of courtesy, judgment, high ethical standards, and show growth potential in positions of
leadership responsibilities.
37.8. Military Order of World Wars. Awarded to a cadet who demonstrates excellence in military and
scholastic performance, actively participates in AFJROTC, endeavors to serve the nation, and is
committed to continuing in AFJROTC.
37.9. Military Officers Association. Awarded to a third-year cadet, who shows exceptional potential for
military leadership, good academic standing, high moral character, and shows a high order of loyalty to
the unit, school, community, and country.
37.10. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Awarded to a third or fourth-year cadet actively engaged in the
AFJROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership. Cadets must
have at least a “B” average in AFJROTC, a “C” average in their academic class, and demonstrate
patriotism (such as a member of the color guard or drill team) and actively promote Americanism.
37.11. National Sojourner’s. Awarded to a second or third-year cadet who contributed most to encourage
and demonstrate Americanism within the Cadet Corps and on campus. Must be in the top 25% of the
academic class and demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership.
37.12. Sons of the American Revolution. Awarded to a third-year cadet and recognizes all around
excellence in aerospace science studies. The cadet must exhibit a high degree of leadership, military
bearing, and be in the top 10% of their AFJROTC and top 50% of their overall class.
37.13. Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Awarded to a third-year cadet who contributes the most to
encourage Americanism by participation in extracurricular activities or community projects, demonstrates
academic excellence by being in the top 25% of class, and demonstrates the qualities of dependability,
good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism.
37.14. Military Order of the Purple Heart. Awarded to a third or fourth-year cadet demonstrating a
positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country, hold a leadership position in the cadet corps, active in
school and community affairs, and attained a grade of “B” or better in all subjects for the previous
37.15. Air Force Sergeants Association. Awarded to a third or fourth-year cadet who has demonstrated
outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Cadets must be in the
top 25% of AFJROTC class.
37.16. Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated. Awarded to two cadets in their first or second-year who
participate in 50% of all AFJROTC service projects, attain a grade of “B” or better, in good academic
standing, and actively participate in Corps activities.
AFJROTC Awards: Authorized by AFJROTC regulations and presented to cadets selected by
the Cadet Board and approved by SASI.
38.1. Outstanding Cadet. Awarded annually to the outstanding first, second, third, and fourth-year
cadets who normally participate in the HISD JROTC Outstanding Cadet Qualification Board. They must
be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential,
and attain academic and military excellence.
38.2. Leadership. Awarded annually for outstanding performance in a position of leadership in
AFJROTC training activities. Limited to 5% of the eligible cadets.
38.3. Achievement. Awarded each semester for a significant achievement, e.g., perfect attendance in
every class, and Cadet of the Semester. Limited to 5% of the cadet corps. Awarded with Silver Star.
38.4. Superior Performance. Awarded each semester for outstanding achievement or meritorious
service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Limited to 10% of the cadet corps to insure
recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared
to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets.
38.5. Distinguished Unit. Awarded to cadets enrolled during the period a unit’s distinguished rating is
38.6. Top Performer. Awarded to cadets for leadership and job performance in preparation for the unit’s
annual assessment. An additional criterion is involvement in extracurricular activities, academic
performance, and community service. Cadets are nominated by the SASI. The award is presented by the
AFJROTC Area Administrator during the inspection.
38.7. Academic. Awarded each semester for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall
grade point average of at least a “B”. Cadets must have an “A” average in AFJROTC.
38.8. Honor Flight. Awarded each semester to the cadet’s in a flight so designated by the SASI. Also
awarded to flights designated at leadership school.
38.9. Leadership School. Awarded to cadets upon the successful completion of a leadership school
program of at least five days. Awarded with Silver Star for outstanding performance or leadership. Can
only be awarded once.
38.10. Special Teams Competition Ribbon. Awarded each year to team members, who placed 1st, 2nd or
3rd in Air Force or Joint Service Competition to include Color Guard Teams, Drill Teams, Saber Teams,
Academic Bowl Teams, Cyber Patriot, Marksmanship, and S.T.EM. Etc.
38.11. Orienteering. Awarded to team members for placing in an orienteering meet.
38.12. Co-curricular Activities Leadership. Awarded for leadership in AFJROTC co-curricular activities
(such as Dining-Out Chairperson, Leadership School Cadet Training Instructors (CTI), etc.). Recipient
must demonstrate exceptional leadership attributes in achieving objectives through coordinated efforts of
38.13. Drill Team. Awarded annually for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled drill
team events.
38.14. Color Guard. Awarded annually for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled
color guard events.
38.15. Saber Team. Awarded annually for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all scheduled
saber team events.
38.16. Service. Awarded for distinctive performance in school, community or AFJROTC service
projects whose active participation contributed significantly to the goals of the group. Also, awarded for
25 hours of AFJROTC community service.
NOTE: Service ribbon is not awarded for special team competition since other ribbons are awarded.
38.17. Longevity. Awarded at the beginning of the fall semester to cadets who have successfully
completed first, second, or third-year and returning to AFJROTC.
38.18. Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) Ribbon. Awarded by the SASI/ASI for participation in the
PFP Program. All cadets who participate in the program will receive the Physical Fitness Ribbon. The
Bronze Star device will be awarded and worn on the ribbon to any cadet scoring in the 80-89 percentile
in the Presidential Fitness Program. If a cadet earns a percentile score of 90-99 they will wear a Silver
Star. If they receive a perfect 100 percent they will wear the Gold Star on the ribbon. The percentiles are
computed automatically under Fitness Assessment in WINGS. You have to load the initial baseline
exercises and then the end of semester/year exercises.
38.19. Recruiting. Awarded each semester to cadets recommended by the Support Squadron
Commander who actively participate in scheduled recruiting events or have recruited four cadet members
in good standing. Limited to 10% of the cadet corps.
38.20. Activities. Awarded each semester to cadets that formally participate in parades, academic meets,
special team competition, and HISD Final Review.
38.21. Attendance. Awarded each semester to cadets with no more than two excused absences and zero
unexcused absences.
38.22. Good Conduct. Awarded each semester to cadets with exemplary citizenship and no adverse
reports from other teachers or staff.
38.23. Dress and Appearance. Awarded each semester for uniform inspection grades of 90% or higher.
Limited to 25% of the cadet corps.
Insignia, Badges, and Patches: Authorized by AFJROTC regulations and presented to cadets
nominated by the Commander and approved by SASI.
39.1. Distinguished AFJROTC Cadet Award. Awarded annually to the most outstanding third-year
cadet who has previously earned achievement, leadership, superior performance, and academic, cocurricular with star, and service ribbons, and the HISD DJROTC outstanding AS-3 award.
39.2. Aerospace Education Foundation Academic Award. Awarded to junior and senior cadets for
academic excellence as signified by a 3.3 GPA, with no grade below “C” as verified by the school registrar.
39.3. Flight Solo Badge. Awarded to any cadet possessing a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
solo flight certificate.
Flight Certificate Badge. Awarded to any cadet possessing an FAA private pilot’s license.
39.5. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) Badge. Awarded to cadets recommended by the Special
Teams Commander who have made a formal presentation as part of the APT at an elementary school.
39.6. American Modeling Association Wings. Awarded to cadets recommended by the Special Teams
Commander who are members of the model aeronautics team and have successfully soloed a remote
control aircraft under instructor supervision.
39.7. Model Rocketry Badge. Awarded to cadets recommended by the Special Teams Commander who
are members of the model aeronautics team and have competing in model rocket competition.
39.8. Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge. Awarded to cadets inducted into Kitty Hawk National Air
Shoulder Cords: Awarded for distinctive accomplishment or leadership positions. Worn on the
left shoulder of the uniform shirt or service coat except as noted in paragraph 5.5.2.
40.1. Leadership School. Awarded to cadets that graduate from Lone Star Leadership Lab Academy
(LLA) or DJROTC Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC). Cord color is – Gray.
40.2. HISD Director JROTC Citation (Yellow Cord). Awarded annually to cadets selected by the
DJROTC for leadership and job performance in preparation for the unit’s annual inspection. Also
awarded for successful uniform inspections throughout the 9 weeks grading periods. Any cadet missing
one (1) unexcused uniform wear or receiving lower than a 90% on “ANY” inspection is not eligible to
earn it. Citation cords are yellow, double strand, with bronze tip hang cord.
NOTE: DJROTC citation cord can only be worn at Westbury HS or at HISD-only competitions.
40.3. Cadet of the Month/Semester. Awarded to cadets selected by the cadet board and approved by
the SASI/ASI. Description of the cords are as follows: cadet of the month - light blue; cadet of the
semester – silver.
40.4. Honor Guard Commander (Special Teams Unit). Awarded to a cadet recommended/appointed
by the SASI. Cadet must have actively participated in at least one “All Skills” competition, remain
academically eligible, and maintain team attendance requirements, and lead all special teams in
preparation for HISD and other competitions. Team Cord colors are as follows:
Special Teams Commander – Black & Red
Color Guard - White
Drill Teams (armed/Unarmed) - Red
Marksmanship – Tan
Orienteering – Green
S.T.E.M. – Blue
40.5. Flight Commanders/Sergeants/Guidon Bearer. Awarded to cadets who have not attended SLS
but occupy position. The cords are black.
Kitty Hawk Air Society. The cord will be gold.
Command Chief Master Sergeant & First Sergeant. Awarded to cadet occupying position. The
cord for Command Chief is double braid double nickel tip – colors are infantry blue &black (#350C2).
For First Sergeant is infantry blue and white.
40.8. Commander and Deputy Commander. Awarded to cadet occupying the Group & Deputy Group
Commander’s positions. For the Cadet Colonel (Group) cord is blue and gray, double strand, with double
nickel tip hang cords. For the Cadet Lieutenant Colonel (Deputy) cord is blue and gray, single strand, with
double nickel tip hang cords.
NOTE: Leadership school cords take precedence over all other cords except commander, special teams,
cadet of the month, and cadet of the semester.
Section H
Certificates of Completion/Training
Certificates of Completion/Training:
41.1. Certificates of Completion. Presented to cadets in good standing who have successfully
completed three or four years of the four year AFJROTC program.
41.2. Military Enlistment. High school graduates who present a JROTC certificate of completion may
enlist in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Navy in the pay grade of E-3 and the Marines in the pay
grade of E-2.
NOTE: The promotion to E-2 or E-3 at the completion of basic training provides for an immediate
monetary benefit. It also places the JROTC graduate ahead of all other personnel enlisting at the same
time and theoretically makes him or her eligible for earlier promotion.
41.3. Senior ROTC. JROTC graduates who go to college and apply for senior ROTC may at the
discretion of the ROTC commander, receive no less than one year of credit.
41.4. Certificates of Training. Presented to cadets in good standing who have successfully completed
at least two years of JROTC. High school graduates who present a JROTC training certificate may enlist
in the Air Force, Army or Navy in the pay grade of E-2.
41.5. Cadet Workshop. Awarded to cadets that completed the summer workshop program.
(Requires an army ribbon.)
Physical Fitness. Awarded to cadets that complete leadership school & successfully run the mile.
NOTE: Certificates are not awarded automatically or based solely on academic grades. Consideration
is given to total performance and achievements as a member of the cadet corps. Final determination is
made by the SASI who submits certificates to the Westbury HS principal for approval.
Section I
Scholarships and Academy Nominations
42. Scholarships and Academy Nominations:
42.1. Scholarships. AFJROTC awards three and four year scholarships to qualified cadets each school
year. Scholarships pay tuition, books, lab fees, and uniforms. They can be used at any college or University
which has an Air Force ROTC program. Deadline is November 1st. If interested, see the SASI.
42.1.1. Applicants will not be nominated for scholarships merely because they meet the minimum
academic standards. They must also be physically qualified, have the potential to succeed in college, to
successfully complete the college AFROTC program, and to become and Air Force officer.
42.1.2. No one is guaranteed an AFJROTC scholarship. Satisfying minimum criteria does not signify a
scholarship offer.
42.2. Service Academy Nominations. The SASI/ASI can nominate five cadets to compete for
appointment to the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). If designated as an honor school, three
additional AFJROTC cadets can be nominated to West Point and Annapolis.
42.2.1. To be eligible for a nomination, cadets must have completed one year of AFJROTC and will have
completed two years upon graduation from high school.
42.2.2. Only 20 appointments nationwide are available from this source. Cadets should also pursue other
sources of nomination, e.g. Presidential, Congressional, and Senatorial. Cadets have a better chance of
selection if nominated from more than one source.
Section J
Commander’s Corner
Commander’s Call and Staff Meeting Procedures:
43.1. Commander’s call is held to provide the opportunity for face-to-face communication between the
Commander and members of the Group. This meeting provides an opportunity for cadets to remain
informed about issues and activities of importance to the Group.
43.2. Commander’s call is open to all cadets, should occur once every nine-weeks.
NOTE: The agenda should be submitted to the SASI/ASI for approval at least two days before the
scheduled Commander’s Call.
43.3. Staff meetings, limited to cadets designated by the Commander, can be held anytime. This meeting
provides an opportunity for the problem solving, and allows cadets to participate in planning activities of
importance to the Group. The Commander, Deputy Commander, or Operations Support Commander will
conduct the meeting.
43.4. As a minimum it is recommended that staff meetings are to be held once each month.
43.5. The Deputy Commander, Flight Operations Commanders, and /or Command CMSgt will normally
prepare the agenda. The agenda will be coordinated with the SASI/ASI in advance.
43.6. Command CMSgt will serve as each meeting detailing decisions reached, actions taken,
assignments, action officers, and project suspense dates. The report will be submitted to the Commander
within two school days of the meeting.
43.7. The Operations Support Commander will follow up to insure that actions accomplished by the
responsible cadet.
43.8. NCO Meetings can be held at any time after coordination with the Group Commander.
Consideration should be given on the impact on extracurricular activities. The Command CMSgt will
conduct the meeting. The agenda will be coordinated with the SASI/ASI, in advance.
Air Force Junior ROTC Grading Policy:
44.1. The objective of the AFJROTC program is to maximize learning and to reward that
learning with fair and impartial grades. Since AFJROTC is an elective course, cadets should be
highly motivated. Consequently, grading will not be on a curved system and nothing precludes
you from receiving top grades except you.
44.2. The four-year AFJROTC program has three courses of study, Aerospace Science (AS)
40%, Leadership Education (LE) 40%, and Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) 20%. Aerospace
Science consists of an introduction to AFJROTC, aviation history, flight dynamics, space
exploration, and military drill. Leadership Education consists of introduction to AFJROTC, career
preparation, citizenship, communications skills, ethics, intergroup dynamics, and military drill.
The Instructor will introduce first-year cadets to AFJROTC and military drill and Leadership
Education the first semester and continues with a history or science course the second semester.
The Instructor teaches second and third-year cadets leadership education the first semester and
continues with Aerospace Science the second semester. Fourth year cadets having been exposed
to all facets of aerospace science and leadership education have the opportunity to apply their
learned AFJROTC skills. Their course of instruction will be management of the cadet corps.
They will be assigned to a position, either operational or staff as indicated in Attachment 2.
The six-weeks grade for first, second, and third-year cadets is derived using the following:
End of Chapter Test
Homework and Quizzes
Uniform Inspections
Drill Proficiency
End of Unit Tests
Presidential Fitness Program (PFP) Participation
44.4. The six-weeks grade for fourth-year cadets is derived using the following:
Job Performance
Uniform Inspections
Instructor Assigned Projects
44.5. Participation: A total of four (4) points can be added to nine-weeks grade for participation
in AFJROTC after-school activities. Points added depend upon days per week of activity, e.g.,
Awareness Presentation Team meets twice per week therefore two points can be added. Unexcused
absences will result in loss of points, e.g., two unexcused absences from APT will result in zero
points added.
44.6. Inappropriate Actions: Conduct grades will be reduced for violation of AFJROTC or
Westbury rules, e.g., chewing gum, sleeping or talking in class, tardy to class, excessive absences
from after-school activities, dress code violations, challenging the authority of cadet leaders, house
office discipline referrals, etc.
Attachment 1
Position Title
Highest Temporary Authorized
Grade Authorized Billets
Group Commander
Deputy Group Commander
Flight Operations Squadron Commander
Wellness/Presidential Fitness
Program (PFP) Commander
Command Chief Master Sergeant
First Sergeant
C/Lt Col
Flight Operations Squadron CommanderS
Flight Commanders (Alpha-Hotel)
Flight Sergeants (Alpha-Hotel)
Element Leaders
Flight Guide
PFP Monitor
10 (one per flight)
10 (one per flight)
40 (four per flight)
10 (one per flight)
10 (one per flight)
Operations Support Squadron Commander
Logistics Officer
Personnel Officer
Public Affairs Officer/Historian
Awards and Decorations Officer
Activities/Community Service Officer
Training & Education Officer
Color Guard Commander
Armed Drill Team Commander
Unarmed Drill Team Commander
Physical Training Team Commander
Orienteering Team Commander
S.T.E.M./Aeronautics Commander
Civil Engineering Officer/Safety
Recruiting/APT Officer
Logistic NCO
2 (primary/female)
2 (male/female (one each))
SASI Special Assistant/Advisor
ASI Special Assistant
Senior Advisory Council
C/Lt Col
(V) A Flt Cmdr
(V) A Flt Sgt
(V) B Flt Cmdr
(V) B Flt Sgt
(F) C Flt Cmdr
(F) C Flt Sgt
(F) D Flt Cmdr
(F) E Flt Cmdr
Organizational Chart
Logistics Asst
Logistics Asst
Drill Tm-Unarmed
Tng & Edu/CIA
Awards & Decs
Drill Tm-Armed
(F) D Flt Sgt
(F) E Flt Sgt
(F) F Flt Cmdr
(V) G Flt Cmdr
(V) H Flt Cmdr
(V) H Flt Cmdr
(F) F Flt Sgt
Physical Fitness-M
Physical Fitness-F
Act/Comm Svc
Color Guard-P/F
Honor Guard
(V) G Flt Sgt
(V) H Flt Sgt
(V) S Flt Cmdr
Attachment 3
Step #
Fall In
Open Ranks, MARCH
Ready, FRONT
Close Ranks, MARCH
Present, ARMS
Order, ARMS
Parade, REST
Left, FACE
About, FACE
Forward, MARCH
Right Flank, MARCH
Left Flank, MARCH
Column Right, MARCH
Forward, MARCH
To the Rear, MARCH
To the Rear, MARCH
Column Right, MARCH
Forward, MARCH
Ready, FRONT
Column Right, MARCH
Forward, MARCH
Change Step, MARCH
Column Right, MARCH
Forward, MARCH
Flight, HALT
Left, FACE
Right step, MARCH
Flight, HALT
Uniform Inspection Sheet
Cadet Name_________________________________ Flight _________
School Year 2014-15Semester _______ Six-Weeks # ______
Absent, Unexcused 1
Uniform, not worn
Uniform, changing out of
Uniform, improper wear
Belt, missing
Hair, inappropriate
Hat, missing
Inappropriate Items2
Rank, incorrect or missing
Shave, inappropriate
Shoes, not shined or dirty
Uniform, dirty/not pressed
Socks, not black
Buttons, missing/unbuttoned
Formation Discrepancies4
Gig alignment
Hat, improper wear
Jewelry, inappropriate
Ribbons, missing or incorrect
Shirt, improper T-shirt
Week Week
Date Date
Make Up Grade (Max 90%)
NOTES: 1. Zero grade will drop if absence was excused, and uniform worn first day of return.
Inappropriate items are civilian clothes worn with uniform, male ear rings, ear plugs, and exposed cell phones, pagers, wallets, pens, etc.
Accessories include nametags and student ID.
Formation discrepancies include but not limited to: chewing gum, movement, talking, and unexcused tardy.
Uniform discrepancies will accrue points. Each demerit equals 5 points taken from a Grade of 100. Cadets who receive a demerit during the
entire day for daily wear will have their formation grade adjusted.
Attachment 5
Air Force Chain Of Command
President Barack H. Obama
Secretary of Defense
Honorable Ashton Carter
Secretary of the Air Force
Honorable Deborah Lee James
Air Force Chief of Staff
Air Force General Mark A. Welsh
Chief Master Sergeant
of the Air Force
CMSAF James A. Cody
Director Air Force
Junior ROTC
Colonel Bobby C. Woods, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel Cornell T. McGhee
Senior Aerospace
Science Instructor (SASI)
Science Instructor (ASI)
Chief Master Sergeant Cyndee Frank
Master Sergeant David Garcia
Attachment 6
Uniform Wear
Attachment 6-1 AFJROTC Badges
Attachment 6-2AFJROTC Insignia
Attachment 6-3 Cadet Male
Attachment 6-4 Cadet Female Headgear
* Enlisted Ranks will have no
hat insignia on the flight cap
Note 1
Attachment 6-5 Cadet BDU
Note 3
Note 2
Note 4
Note 1
1. Unit patch worn on right pocket and centered.
2. Tapes grounded and centered on pockets.
3. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) is worn on both left and right collars, centered on collar and
parallel with bottom of collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia.
4. AFJROTC patch worn on left pocket and centered.
Attachment 6-6 Cadet Lightweight Blue Jacket
Note 1
Note 4
Note 5
Note 2
Note 6
Note 3
Note 7
Outer edge
Note 8
Outer edge
Inner edge
Inner edge
1. (Officers only) When placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet
5/8 in from shoulder seam.
2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam.
3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.
4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia.
5. Optional item: center vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole
sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam.
6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.
7. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point.
8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the
Attachment 6-7 Cadet Male 1620 Service Dress
1 coat and shirt at the same time or only
Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both
on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the
coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank
must be on the shirt.
Note 8
Note 7
Note 9
Note 6
Note 5
Note 3
Note 4
Note 10
Note 2
Note 11
Note 1
Note 12
Note 13
Note 14
1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge: Center on welt pocket 3 inches below the top.
2. Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket
3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.
4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.
5. Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.
6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.
7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.
8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of
insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.)
9. AFJROTC Patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam, and centered.
10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15.
11. Ground School Badge: see note 15.
12. Ribbons: Center, on but not over edge of pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some.
13. Academy of Model Aeronautic Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket.
14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn.
Note. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above
previous badge.
Attachment 6-8 Cadet Female 1620 Service Dress
Note: Cadets may wear the rank on both coat and shirt at the same time or only
on the coat. The cadets must be in proper uniform at all times. If they have the
coat on, the rank insignia must be on the coat. If they remove the coat, the rank
must be on the shirt.
Note 6
Note 8
Note 9
Note 7
Note 10
Note 5
Note 11
Note 4
Note 3
Note 12
Note 2
Note 13
Note 14
Note 1
1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than
the first exposed button.
2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 15.
3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.
5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.
6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.
7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.
8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of
insignia is horizontal with the ground.*(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.)
9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15.
10. Ground School Badge: see note 15.
11. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15.
13. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 15.
14. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some.
15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally.
Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge.
Attachment 6-9 Cadet Male Blue Shirt
Note 5
Note 6
Note 8
Note 7
Note 9
Note 4
Note 10
Note 11
Note 3
Note 12
Note 2
Note 13
Note 14
Note 1
1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) and Model Rocketry Badge are centered on the pockets on
the appropriate sides as displayed above.
2. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be grounded and centered over wearer’s right pocket.
3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
4. Shoulder tab: center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then place 1 inch below
shoulder seam.
5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.
6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.
7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.
8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top
to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point
of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar.
9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar,
place as close as possible to shoulder seam.
10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15.
11. Ground School Badge: see note 15.
12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15.
13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
14. Ribbons: ground and center on pocket.
15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional
badges placed ½ inch above previous badge.
Attachment 6-10 Cadet Female Blue Shirt
Note 7
Note 5
Note 8
Note 6
Note 4
Note 3
Note 9
Note 10
Note 11
Note 12
Note 2
Note 1
Note 13
Note 14
Note 15
1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches
higher or lower than the first exposed button.
2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 16.
3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below
shoulder seam.
5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 16.
6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 16.
7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 16.
8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and
top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top
point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar.
9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar,
place as close as possible to shoulder seam.
10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 16.
11. Ground School Badge: see note 16.
12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 16.
13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam.
14. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 16.
15. Ribbons: Center, parallel with ground. Align with bottom of name tag. Or, if no name tag, align bottom of
ribbons even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button.
Attachment 7
Community Service Log Hours Worksheet
Cadet Name __________________________________
Community Service Event
Project Officer
(Explain what you did at this event)
required to give
Attachment 8
I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet.
I am connected and faithful to every Corps of Cadets who
served their community and nation with patriotism.
I earn respect when I uphold the Core Values of Integrity First,
Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family,
school, Corps of Cadets, community, and to myself.
My character defines me. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I am
accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will hold others accountable for their actions as well. I will
honor those I serve with, those who have gone before me, and
those who will come after me.
I am a Patriot, a Leader, and a Wingman devoted to those I
follow, serve, and lead.
I am an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet.
Attachment 9
Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high into the sun;
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,
At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun!
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one hell of a roar
We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!
Attachment 10
25 August 2014
Welcome to Westbury High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC), the only Air Force JROTC
in the Houston Independent School District.
The cadet group is referred to as the TEXAS 923rd Cadet Group or TX-923/CG. The cadet group is commanded and led by
student cadet officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs). It is through this organization that leadership and
followership skills are developed and practiced. While in AFJROTC, all trainees/cadets compete equally for leadership
positions, ranks, and rewards.
What you need to know:
 AFJROTC is intended to be a 4 year program that is opened to all 9th through 12th grade levels.
 You may enter at any grade level but you must successfully complete each year to receive credit.
 AFJROTC serves as either an elective or a Physical Education (PE) credit applied to graduation credits.
 Curriculum consists of Presidential Fitness Program (PFP), Aerospace Science, Leadership, and Life Skills.
 The AFJROTC program consists of visits from guest speakers, field trips, community service projects, social
events, leadership schools, and after school special teams activities such as color guard, drill teams, model
aeronautics, orienteering, rifle (marksmanship), PT, and others.
 Field trips/competitions are to various locations like college campuses, military installations, and the Wings Over
Houston Air Show.
 Attendance at social events such as AFJROTC Military Ball and Dining Out, Parades, and other community events
is a requirement for all cadets.
 AFJROTC uniformsare given to cadets without cost but it must be returned clean if withdrawn from the corps
and/or at the end of the school year. The specified uniform wear is required on the days per week indicated by the
AFJROTC instructors.
All textbooks and uniforms remain property of the U.S. Government and must be returned or replaced if lost. While the
uniform is usually worn once per week, textbooks are used frequently. The total value of text materials and uniforms is
approximately $350. If lost or damaged, or not returned, the U.S. Government must be reimbursed for their full value.
Your achievements, development as a leader, and contribution to the reputation of Westbury High School Air Force Junior
Reserve Officers Corps depends greatly upon your efforts and your attitude toward AFJROTC. Therefore, you must know
this contract and you are hereby held responsible for its contents.
This letter must be signed by YOU and your PARENT/GUARDIAN then returned to your
AFJROTC Instructor within the first two weeks of your first day with AFJROTC.
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, TX-923
Principle, Westbury High School
I, Cadet,__________________________________, understand the information in this Cadet Contract and I will (PRINT:
Cadet Name)
abide by the rules of AFJROTC; I will wear the AFJROTC uniform properly and when required and I will participate in the
events described within.
Cadet Signature
Print and Sign Parent/Guardian
Cadet Telephone
Parent/Guardian Telephone
Attachment 11
September 1, 2014 Labor Day
October 3, 2014
November 26-28, 2014
December 22 2014-January 2, 2015
January 19, 2015
March 16-20, 2015
April 3, 2015
May 56, 2015
Labor Day
Fall Holiday
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Spring Break
Spring Holiday
Memorial Day
August 11, 2014
August 25, 2014
December 19, 2014
January 6, 2015
May 28, 2015
May 29, 2015
Teachers Report to School
First Day of School for Students
Last Day of First Semester
First Day of Second Semester
Last Day of School for Students
Last Day of School for Teachers
Aug 22-Oct 2
Oct 6-Nov 7
Nov 10-Dec 19
Jan 6-Feb 13
Feb 16-Apr 2
Apr 6-May 28
Oct 10, 2014
Nov 14, 2014
Jan 9, 2015
Feb 20, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Jun 2, 2015
28 Days
25 Days
27 Days
28 Days
29 Days
38 Days
EARLY DISMISSAL DATES (2.5 hours early):
Sep 24, 2014
Oct 29, 2014
Nov 19, 2014
Jan 28, 2015
Feb 25, 2015
Attachment 12
Cadet Name:
Grade Level:
Current Position:
Current Rank:
AS Level:
Promotion to Rank:
Test #:
Promotion to Position:
Booklet #:
A total of 350 points are based on the following areas:
ACADEMIC GRADES IN AFJROTC FOR THE LAST 9 WEEKS * 100 Points Maximum, 75 Points Minimum
AVERAGE GRADE IN ALL OTHER CLASSES LAST 9 WEEKS * 100 Points Maximum, 70 Points Minimum
PROMOTION EXAM SCORE (total correct answers) * 50 Points Maximum
Points required for promotion to the next/maximum rank are:
C/Airman First Class
C/Senior Airman
C/Staff Sergeant
C/Technical Sergeant
C/Master Sergeant
C/Senior Master Sergeant
C/Chief Master Sergeant
C/1st Lieutenant
C/Lieutenant Colonel
Attachment 13
Name of Ratee:
AS Level:
Date of Report:
Place an “X” in the block indicating your evaluation grade for each Attribute:
Low ---------------------------------------------High
Cadet Attributes (in and out of AFJROTC):
Appearance -------------------------------------------------
Attitude -----------------------------------------------------
Academics --------------------------------------------------
Command Potential -----------------------------------------
Courtesy ----------------------------------------------------
Drill & Ceremony -------------------------------------------
Dependability -----------------------------------------------
Initiative ----------------------------------------------------
Improvement -----------------------------------------------
10. Extra-Curricular -------------------------------------------Total CER Score:
Recommended for Promotion/Position:
Raters Name:
Raters Position:
Attachment 14
Cadet Counseled:
AS Level:
Date of Counseling:
Reason for Counseling: (Describe the reason for the counseling in a clear manner. State only facts, do not use second hand
information or hearsay. State only what you saw/heard or know first-hand to be true)
Action Taken or Recommendations: (if any)
Counselor’s Name:
Counselee’s Rebuttal:
Counselee’s Signature:
SASI/ASI Remarks:
Attachment 15