Asynchronous Assertions Edward E. Aftandilian Samuel Z. Guyer Martin Vechev

Asynchronous Assertions
Edward E. Aftandilian
Samuel Z. Guyer
Martin Vechev
Tufts University
Tufts University
IBM Research
Eran Yahav
Technion, Israel
Assertions are a powerful bug detection technique. Traditional assertion checking, however, is performed synchronously, imposing
its full cost on the runtime of the program. As a result, many useful kinds of checks are impractical because they lead to extreme
We present a solution that decouples assertion evaluation from
program execution: assertions are evaluated asynchronously while
the program continues to execute. Our technique ensures that the
assertion checking thread operates on a consistent view of the
global state, and that an assertion always produces the same result
as it would in a serial execution.
We implemented our technique in a system called STROBE, a
snapshot-based system for asynchronous assertion checking in both
single-and multi-threaded Java applications. STROBE runs inside the
Java virtual machine and uses copy-on-write to build snapshots
incrementally. We find that asynchronous checking scales almost
perfectly over synchronous checking in many cases, indicating
that the snapshot overhead is quite low. STROBE provides tolerable
overheads (under 2X) even for heavy-weight assertions that would
otherwise result in crushing slowdowns.
Assertions are a powerful technique for program monitoring and
bug detection. Traditional general purpose assertion checking,
however, is currently considered too expensive to be of practical
use. Indeed, as assertion checking is performed synchronously, regardless of how well one optimizes their assertion checking code,
it fundamentally imposes its full cost on the runtime of the program [3, 1, 35]. In turn, this makes the process of writing assertion
checks inherently burdensome and impractical as the programmer
is forced to continually estimate and limit the complexity and frequency of their assertion checks to avoid extreme slowdowns.
Asynchronous Assertions In this work we present asynchronous
assertions. The idea behind asynchronous assertions is to allow as-
[Copyright notice will appear here once ’preprint’ option is removed.]
sertion evaluation to proceed without stopping the application. With
this approach, the program issues an assertion and immediately
continues its execution, while another thread evaluates the assertion
in the background. With asynchronous assertions, the cost of an assertion check is no longer imposed on the program runtime, thereby
allowing developers to write arbitrarily complex assertions, and removing a significant roadblock towards making dynamic assertion
checking practical.
Asynchronous assertions follow a long line of research on pushing program monitoring and analysis into a separate thread [28, 2,
25, 24, 31, 33]. Our work shares many of the goals of prior work,
but differs in two critical ways. First, these approaches cannot be
used to check arbitrarily complex properties as they lack a general mechanism for ensuring that helper threads see a consistent
snapshot of the program state. Second, these systems mostly target
low-level memory bugs, such as out-of-bounds pointer and array
accesses and uninitialized reads, and provide specific solutions for
each of these low level properties.
Snapshots The key idea behind our approach is to construct snapshots incrementally by saving the relevant program state right before the application modifies it. The assertion checking code is
compiled to be aware of the copies of the program state, giving the
illusion of a monolithic snapshot. As a result, asynchronous assertions always produce the same result as they would in a serial execution. The key challenge in implementing this approach lies with
correctly and efficiently managing multiple snapshots for multiple
concurrent assertion checks. Since the state of modern programs
resides mostly in the heap, many critical assertions involve heap
properties, which are the most difficult to check efficiently. Our experiments focus on these difficult cases.
Programming model We view the evaluation of an asynchronous
assertion as a kind of future. In this model, when the program executes an assertion, it starts the concurrent check and immediately
returns a future—a handle to its future result. The program can later
force the evaluation of the future, blocking until the check is complete. If the programmer does not force its evaluation, the assertion check also completes asynchronously at some future time. The
challenge for programmers is placing the assertions in a way that
they have enough time to execute before critical code that depends
on their results. While the interface we provide is similar to futures,
it is important to note that an assertion is always evaluated on a consistent snapshot of the program state. The actual assertions consist
of ordinary Java code (such as a repOk or invariant method)
marked with an annotation that the system recognizes.
N a = new N(); // A
N b = new N(); // B
N c = new N(); // C
a.n = b;
b.n = c;
b.n = null;
N d = new N(); // D
d.n = c;
a.n = d;
boolean reach(N a,N b) {
while (a != null) {
if (a == b)
return true;
a = a.n;
return false;
Figure 1. A simple example with assertions checking reachability.
Evaluation Our implementation, which we call STROBE, is a
snapshot-based system for supporting asynchronous assertion
checking. STROBE is implemented in the Jikes RVM Java virtual
machine and successfully runs both single- and multi-threaded
Java applications. The two key mechanisms in STROBE are (a) a
copy-on-write write barrier in the application code that builds a
snapshot of the global state for each concurrently running assertion, and (b) a read barrier in the assertion code that forwards reads
to the snapshots. Our evaluation of STROBE focuses on exploring
the performance characteristics of this mechanism across a range
of conditions. We systematically vary the frequency of the assertion checks, the cost of individual assertion checks, and the number
of dedicated assertion checker threads. We find that asynchronous
checking scales well over synchronous checking, and in many cases
enables kinds of assertions (complex or very frequent) that would
otherwise be impractical.
AsyncAssert r1 = new AsyncReachAssert(a, c);
b.n = null;
AsyncAssert r2 = new AsyncReachAssert(a, c);
N d = new N();
d.n = c;
a.n = d;
AsyncReachAssert<T> extends AsyncAssert {
boolean evaluate(T x, T y) {
return reach(x,y);
Figure 2. The example of Fig. 1 using asynchronous assertions.
Lines 1-5 are omitted.
Using Asynchronous Assertions To use asynchronous assertions
as provided by STROBE, we rewrite the code of Fig. 1 to use the
future-like API of asynchronous assertions, as shown in Fig. 2.
Using STROBE, the evaluation of both assertions can proceed
concurrently with the program and with other in-flight assertions.
Furthermore, regardless of the concurrent interleaving between the
program and the assertions, the assertions will always produce the
same result as if they were executed in a synchronous manner.
In our example, regardless of how both asynchronous assertions
interleave with the program, the assertion at line 6 will always pass
and the assertion at line 8 will always fail.
A Simple Example Consider the program excerpt shown in Fig. 1.
The program first creates three new objects, and creates references
between them. Then, it checks whether we can reach the last object
from the first via the assertion in line 6. The code for reach is also
shown in the figure: it iterates over the list and checks whether we
can reach one object from another. Such assertion checks can be
realized in the language runtime as in the case of Phalanx [35], or
as a separate procedure in the program as in Ditto [30] (as shown
here). In either case, we restrict the assertion to only allow reads of
the shared state, and not modifications. In our example, in a serial
execution of the program, the assertion at line 6 will pass, while the
assertion at line 8 will fail.
Evaluation of Asynchronous Assertions Fig. 3 shows (informally) how STROBE evaluates the asynchronous assertions in the
program of Fig. 2. For this example, we assume that each object
consists of three fields, the first two refer to potential snapshots of
the object (one for each active assertion). We refer to these two
fields as snapshot fields. The last field is the object field n. Generally, the number of snapshot fields is parametric, and there could be
more than two snapshot fields.
In the figure, we depict objects as rectangles consisting of the
three aforementioned fields. For each object, we write the name
of the local variable that points to it under the object node. For
presentation purposes, we label each object with a name shown
above the object node.
The program starts by executing the statements up to and including line 5, resulting in a state where object A points to B which
points to C.
First Asynchronous Assertion In the next step, the asynchronous
assertion of line 6 is invoked. STROBE starts the assertion in a separate thread and assigns to it a unique snapshot identifier 0 (we refer
to this assertion as assertion 0). Assertion 0 begins execution, and
the thread executing it is immediately preempted before processing any objects. Next the program executes the statement at line
7 which stores null in the n field of object B. Because there is an
active assertion (assertion 0), a snapshot of object B is now taken
(the copy is called Bs ), and the snapshot field 0 is updated to hold
a pointer to the snapshot copy Bs .
Second Asynchronous Assertion The program proceeds to execute
line 8, invoking another asynchronous assertion (assigned snapshot
identifier 1). The new assertion starts executing, but the thread
executing it is preempted before processing any objects.
Newly Allocated Objects Execution proceeds, and at line 9, a new
object D is allocated. Newly allocated objects should never be
seen by in-flight assertions as these new objects were not part of
the program state when the assertions started. This invariant is
ensured because whenever we store a reference to a new object
in another existing object, the existing object is snapshotted (and
as we will see, assertions use the snapshotted copy). However,
Main Contributions The main contributions of this paper are as
• We present asynchronous assertions, assertions that are evalu-
ated concurrently without stopping the application, but guarantee the same result as sequential evaluation.
• An efficient implementation of our technique in a system called
• An evaluation of STROBE on a number of realistic usage scenar-
ios. Our results indicate that STROBE works well in practice: it
scales almost perfectly over synchronous checking, and can execute a range of intensive assertion workloads with overheads
under 2X.
In this section, we illustrate the operation of asynchronous assertion
checking on a simple example. Then, we briefly demonstrate how
the assertions are used in the development of a classic data structure
(red-black tree).
steps 1-5
step 7
step 9
step 10
step 11
step 6
(Asynchronous Assertion 0)
step 8
(Asynchronous Assertion 1)
Figure 3. Illustration of a specific execution that can occur in our system.
we would also like new objects to not be snapshotted (as they
will never be encountered by the assertion). Hence, at allocation
time, the snapshot fields of all active assertions are updated with
a special symbol ⊥ to denote that the object is considered newly
allocated for in-flight active assertions. In our case, there are two
active assertions (0 and 1), and correspondingly their two snapshot
fields are set to ⊥. At step 10, the newly allocated object is updated.
However, the object is not snapshotted for either of the two in-flight
assertions 0 and 1, as the object was allocated when the assertions
were still active.
Traversal through Snapshotted Objects Finally, the program completes step 11 and updates object A. Object A is now snapshotted
(the snapshot copy is object As ) with both active assertions now
sharing the same snapshot copy As . It is generally not necessary
that assertions share the same object snapshot, but in some cases,
as in our example, this is possible. Indeed, this is an effective space
optimization that our system performs, whenever possible. We note
that in general an object can have more than one snapshot copy
(each snapshot copy would belong to different in-flight assertions).
In our example, the two active assertions did not process objects
while the program was updating them, but in general, assertions
can interleave their execution with the program in an arbitrary way.
That is, in our example, an assertion can start processing objects
from any of the states in the figure.
If assertion 0 resumes its execution from the last state (after step
11), then it will first visit object A and observe that the snapshot
field corresponding to its identifier is non-null (field index 0). It will
then follow that reference and process the snapshot copy of A, i.e.,
As . Then, it will reach object B where once again it will observe
that B has a snapshot copy Bs (for that assertion). It will then
follow the reference to the snapshot copy Bs , process Bs (instead
of B), and reach object C. Indeed, following the object path:
A → As → B → Bs → C
will result in assertion 0 passing, the same result as if assertion
0 was executed synchronously after step 5. This is because the
snapshot copies As and Bs contain the same contents as objects
A and B right after step 5.
Now, if assertion 1 resumes its execution from the last state
(after step 11), then it will first visit object A, and observe that the
snapshot field corresponding to its identifier is non-null (field index
1). It will follow that reference and process the snapshot copy of A,
i.e., As . Then, it will reach object B, where unlike assertion 0, it
will observe that object B has not been snapshotted for assertion 1
(the corresponding snapshot field in object B is null). The n-field
of object B is also null. Hence, following the object path:
A → As → B → null
will result in assertion 1 failing, the same result as if assertion 1
was executed synchronously after step 7.
After an assertion completes, it cleans up its state: for all allocated objects, the corresponding field for that assertion is set to
null. The snapshot objects can then be garbage collected like all
other objects.
Custom Assertions Consider the problem of implementing a
complex sequential data structure such as a red-black tree. In many
cases, it is desirable to check that after a method on the data structure completes, certain post-conditions hold. A typical assertion
check that a programmer may write is shown in Fig. 4. There, a
procedure called checkAssertions is invoked, which in turn
invokes a procedure traverseAndCheck that recursively iterates over the tree and checks various properties on the tree: whether
the tree is balanced and ordered, and whether the coloring of the
nodes is correct. Here, we assume that a node in the tree has the
following fields with the obvious meaning: left, right, key,
parent and color (that can range over RED and BLACK).
Normally, when the program calls the assertion checking procedure checkAssertions, it stops, the assertion is evaluated
aobj ⊆ Objs
v ∈ Val = Objs ∪ {null, ⊥} ∪ N
h ∈ Heap = Objs × FieldIds * Val
s ∈ Snapshots = Objs × SnapIds * Objs
as ⊆ SnapIds
int traverseAndCheck(Node n, Node p)
if (n == null || n == nil)
return 1;
Node l = n.left;
Node r = n.right;
Allocated objects
Active snapshots
Table 1. Semantic Domains for a Heap
/* Recursive traversal:
return count of BLACK nodes */
int lb = traverseAndCheck(l, n);
int rb = traverseAndCheck(r, n);
We assume a standard programming language with concrete semantics that define the program state and the transitions between
states. The program state consists of the local state of each thread
and the shared program heap, defined in the usual way (see Tab. 1).
A state is a tuple: σ = haobjσ , hσ , sσ , asσ i ∈ ST , where
ST = 2Objs × Heap × Snapshots × 2SnapIds . Here, FieldIds is a
finite set of field identifiers and SnapIds is a finite set of snapshot
identifiers. A state σ keeps track of the set of allocated objects
(aobjσ ), a mapping from fields of allocated objects to values (hσ ), a
mapping from an object and a snapshot identifier to a copied object
(sσ ) and a set of active snapshot identifiers (asσ ). The first two
state components, aobjσ and hσ , are standard. We use the special
value ⊥ to denote newly allocated objects (for a given snapshot
identifier). The component sσ is an instrumented part of the state
and represents the snapshots of a given object, one snapshot for
each active snapshot identifier. The set of active snapshot identifiers
asσ represents the identifiers of the snapshots that are currently
being computed.
Fig. 5 shows the procedures that we introduce in order to support snapshots. We use o.f = nv and o.sid = s as a shortcut
for respectively updating the current state into a new state σ where
hσ (o, f ) = nv and respectively sσ (o, sid) = s. Similarly, we use
the shortcut c = o.sid for obtaining sσ (o, sid) in state σ.
The procedures are shown in set notation and for simplicity
we assume that each procedure is executed atomically. The left
column contains the procedures invoked by an active assertion with
identifier sid. The right column contains the procedures invoked
by the program. In Section 4, we provide further details on the
implementation of some of these procedures. For any initial state
init, no snapshots are active, i.e.,asinit = ∅ and the snapshots for
all objects are set to null, i.e., ∀o, sid.sinit (o, sid) = null.
The procedure startSnapshot() is invoked by the program when
a new assertion is triggered. If all of the snapshot identifiers are
taken, then the procedure returns BUSY, which can be used by the
program to block and try again later (or abandon this particular assertion). Otherwise, some snapshot identifier is selected and placed
in the set of active identifiers.
In the procedure allocBarrier(o), for all of the active snapshots,
the newly allocated object’s snapshot is set to ⊥, meaning that this
object is to be excluded from being snapshotted for any of the active
The procedure writeBarrier(o,f,nv) is invoked by the program
when it is about to modify the heap. The operation takes the object
to be modified, the field of that object and the new value. Because
there could be multiple active snapshots at the time the modification
to the object occurs, the barrier first checks whether the object
has been snapshotted for any of the currently active snapshots. If
there is a snapshot identifier for which the object has not been
snapshotted, then a new copy is created and subsequently that
snapshot copy is stored for each of the active snapshots. This
optimization enables multiple active snapshots to share the same
snapshotted object. Finally, the object is updated with the new
value. Note that if o.sid = ⊥ (i.e., the object is newly allocated),
the object is not snapshotted for the active snapshot identifier sid.
The procedure processObject(o,sid) is invoked by the assertion
every time it encounters an object in the heap. It checks whether
the object was already snapshotted for sid and if so, obtains the
snapshotted copy. Note that this procedure never encounters an
object that has been allocated, that is, it is an invariant that o.sid 6=
⊥. This is because if a newly allocated object was stored in the
heap, the object where it was stored would have been snapshotted
by the write barrier. Finally, traversal of the object proceeds as
The procedure endSnapshot(o,sid) is invoked by the assertion
when the snapshot computation finishes. Then, the snapshot identi-
/* Check that the tree is balanced */
if (lb != rb || lb == -1)
return -1;
/* Check that the tree is ordered */
Integer val = (Integer) n.key;
if (l != nil && val <= (Integer) l.key)
return -1;
if (r != nil && val >= (Integer) r.key)
return -1;
/* Check colors */
int c = n.color;
if (c == RED &&
(l.color != BLACK || r.color != BLACK))
return -1;
return lb + (n.color == BLACK ? 1 : 0);
public boolean checkAssertions()
return (traverseAndCheck(root, nil) != -1);
Figure 4. An assertion procedure that performs recursive checking
of various safety properties on a red-black tree.
and then the program resumes. In this example, as the assertion
is iterating over the whole tree, such a pause in the program execution can be substantial, especially if the assertion check is triggered at medium to high frequency. In contrast, with our approach,
once checkAssertions is invoked, the program can immediately continue execution, without stopping and waiting for the result. The result of the assertion is delivered to the program when
the assertion completes. As explained on the illustrative example,
every time a new assertion is triggered, logically, a new snapshot
of the global state is created, and the assertion is evaluated on that
snapshot. The performance overhead of our approach depends on
how long the assertion takes to complete and how many and what
modifications to the global state occur during assertion evaluation.
Our approach is similarly applicable to assertions that check
global properties such as domination, disjointness and ownership
[35, 1].
processObject(o, sid) {
if (o.sid 6= null)
o = o.sid;
for each f ∈ o
t = o.f ;
endSnapshot(sid) {
as = as \ {sid};
for each o ∈ aobj
o.sid = null;
writeBarrier(o, f, nv) {
for each sid ∈ as
if (o.sid = null)
c = copyObj(o);
for each sid ∈ as
if (o.sid = null)
o.sid = c;
o.f = nv;
allocBarrier(o) {
for each sid ∈ as
o.sid = ⊥;
startSnapshot() {
f reesid = SnapIds \ as;
if (f reesid = ∅)
return BUSY;
pick sid ∈ f reesid;
as = as ∪ {sid};
Figure 5. Basic Snapshot Procedures
fier is deactivated and for all currently allocated objects, their snapshot copies, if any, are made unreachable (to be collected at some
point later by garbage collection).
In this section, we elaborate on the implementation of our approach. The system is implemented in Jikes RVM 3.1.1, the most
recent stable release, and consists of three major components:
• Asynchronous assertion interface: The application issues a new
assertion through an interface similar to futures. Once started,
concurrent checks proceed asynchronously until they complete,
or until the application chooses to wait for the result.
• Copying write barrier: When an assertion starts, STROBE acti-
vates a special write barrier in the application code that constructs a snapshot of the program state. It copies objects as necessary to preserve the state and synchronizes snapshot access
with the checker threads.
• Checker thread pool: Checker threads pick up assertions as they
are issued and execute them. Assertion checking code is written
in regular Java, tagged with an annotation that the compiler
recognizes. The code is compiled with a read barrier that returns
values from object snapshots, whenever they are present.
As a single checker thread can be quickly overwhelmed by
even a modest number of asynchronous assertions. STROBE allows
multiple asynchronous assertions to be active at the same time, and
each requires its own snapshot of the program state.
To implement multiple concurrent snapshots, each object is augmented with an additional position in its header to store a pointer
to a forwarding array. This forwarding array contains a forwarding
pointer for each checker thread, which holds the object snapshot for
that checker. During object copying, synchronization between the
application and the concurrent checkers is accomplished by atomically writing a sentinel value into the object header.
Snapshot copies live in the Java heap and are reclaimed automatically by the garbage collector when either the assertion check
is complete or the copied object becomes garbage. We modify the
GC object scanning code to trace the forwarding array and its pointers in addition to the object’s fields.
In general, we found the optimization (as described in the previous section) of not snapshotting newly allocated objects brings
significant benefits. The reason is that newly allocated objects are
nearly always written to during their construction, and hence would
normally need to be snapshotted. In the previous section, the snapshot fields of newly allocated objects were declaratively tagged
with ⊥, indicating they need not be copied. In our implementation,
we realize this by introducing a global counter, called the epoch,
that is incremented each time a new assertion starts. Each new object is then timestamped with the epoch in which it was created.
Then, in the write barrier, we copy an object only if its timestamp
is earlier than the current epoch.
When an object is modified, the write barrier makes a copy for
each active checker thread for which (a) the object is not newer
than the start of the check, and (b) the object has not already been
copied for that checker thread. Further, as shown earlier, another
optimization is to allow multiple snapshots to share a single copy
of an object. This optimization applies to any checking thread that
is active, but has not already made a snapshot of that object.
We employ an additional optimization that helps the write barrier quickly identify objects that have already been copied. When
an object is copied we update its timestamp to the current epoch.
Subsequent writes to the same object within the same epoch will
immediately fail the test for copying. Without this optimization every write to an object would have to check all slots in the forwarding array to decide if a copy needs to be made.
void writeBarrier(Object src, Object target,
Offset offset)
int epoch = Snapshot.epoch;
if (Header.isCopyNeeded(src, epoch)) {
// -- Needs to be copied, we are the copier
timestamp(src) == BEING_COPIED
// -- Done; update timestamp to current epoch
Header.setTimestamp(src, epoch);
// -- Do the write (omitted: GC write barrier)
Figure 6. Copy-on-write write barrier
boolean isCopyNeeded(Object obj, int epoch)
int timestamp;
do {
// -- Atomic read of current timestamp
timestamp = obj.prepareWord(EPOCH_POS);
// -- If in current epoch, nothing to do
if (timestamp == epoch)
return false;
// -- If someone else is copying, wait
if (timestamp == BEING_COPIED)
// -- ...until CAS BEING_COPIED succeeds
} while (!obj.attempt(timestamp, BEING_COPIED,
return true;
Figure 7. Snapshot synchronization
The write barrier is shown in Figure 6 (slightly simplified from
the actual code). All operations on the forwarding array (making
or accessing copies) are synchronized using atomic operations on
the object’s timestamp. The write barrier first calls a method to
determine if a copy is needed. The method isCopyNeeded()
is shown in Figure 7. It consists of a loop that exits when either
(a) the timestamp is current, so no copy is needed, or (b) the
timestamp is older than the current epoch, so a copy is needed. In
case (b) the code writes a special sentinel value BEING COPIED
into the timestamp, which effectively locks the object. All other
reads and writes are blocked until the sentinel is cleared. This code
is compiled inline in the application.
void snapshotObject(Object obj)
// -- Get forwarding array; create if needed
Object [] forwardArr =
if (forwardArr == null) {
forwardArr = new Object[NUM_CHECK_THREADS];
Header.setForwardingArray(obj, forwardArr);
// -- Copy object
Object copy = MemoryManager.copyObject(obj);
// -- Provide copy to each active checker
that has not already copied it
for (int t=0; t < NUM_CHECK_THREADS; t++) {
if (isActiveCheck(t) &&
forwardArr[t] == null)
forwardArr[t] = copy;
Experimental set up
We evaluate STROBE using two kinds of experiments: microbenchmarks instrumented with data structure invariant checks, and a real
benchmark program (SPEC JBB2000), instrumented with synthetic
assertions that allow us to systematically vary the frequency and
cost of the checks. Both sets of benchmarks are assertion-intensive,
making them a challenge to execute efficiently.
Microbenchmarks. Our microbenchmarks experiments replicate
the evaluation presented in the Ditto work [30]. We implemented
two data structures: an ordered linked list and a tree-map using a
red-black tree. For each one, we added a method that checks the
data structure invariants:
• Ordered linked list: check that == link
and that elements are ordered.
• TreeMap red-black tree: (a) make sure values are in order, (b)
check that all children of red nodes are black, and (c) make sure
that all paths from the root to a leaf have the same number of
black nodes. The code is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 8. Copying code
The snapshot code, shown in Figure 8 (slightly simplified from
the actual code), is compiled out-of-line, since it is infrequent and
relatively expensive. It first loads the forwarding array, creating one
if necessary. It then makes a copy of the object using an internal fast
copy (the same mechanism used in the copying garbage collectors).
It installs a pointer to the copy in each slot of the forwarding array
for which the corresponding checker thread is (a) active and (b) has
not already copied the object.
Finally, the read barrier in the checker threads checks to see if a
copy of the object exists and uses it in place of the current state of
the object. To avoid a race condition with the write barrier, it locks
the timestamp and checks for a forwarding array. If one exists, it
looks in its slot in the array for a pointer to a copy. If there is a copy
in the slot it uses the snapshot copy; otherwise it performs the read
on the original object.
Experimental Evaluation
In this section we present an experimental evaluation of STROBE.
The focus of this evaluation is not on bug detection: our technique
detects all the same errors that traditional synchronous assertions
would catch. Our goal is to explore the performance space of this
technique in order to provide a sense of how well it works under a
range of conditions. Our main findings are:
• Asynchronous checking performs significantly better than syn-
chronous checking in almost all circumstances.
• The overhead of making snapshots is quite low and grows
slowly, primarily as a function of the number of concurrent inflight checks, which increases the copying costs.
SPEC JBB2000 SPEC JBB2000 [32] is a multithreaded benchmark that emulates a three-tier client-server system, with the
database replaced by an in-memory tree and clients replaced by
driver threads. The system models a company, with warehouses
serving different districts and processing customer orders.
We added a synthetic assertion check on the main Company data structure right before each transaction is processed (in
TransactionManager.go()). This synthetic assertion allows us to systematically vary the frequency of assertions and the
amount of work performed by each check. It performs a bounded
transitive closure on the object it is given, emulating a fixed amount
of data structure traversal and access. In addition, we control the
frequency of these assertions by selecting some fraction of them to
Methodology We compare three kinds of runs: asynchronous assertions (with varying numbers of checking threads), synchronous
assertions (stop and evaluate each assertion), and baseline (no assertion checking). Our primary measurement is overall application
runtime. For asynchronous checks we also measure the number of
objects copied during the run and the total number of bytes copied.
For the microbenchmarks we run each test 20 times and compute the average and confidence interval. For the SPEC JBB experiments we run four iterations of the benchmark in the same invocation and time the last iteration. The differences we observe
in runtimes between synchronous and asynchronous checking are
so great that small perturbations in the execution do not affect our
overall results.
The current implementation uses a non-generational mark
sweep collector (a current bug in the implementation, which we
intend to fix soon, requires us to use a non-moving collector). A
generational collector, however, is likely to improve the performance of asynchronous assertions by more effectively controlling
the GC cost of the snapshots.
All experiments were run on a 12-core machine (dual six-core
Xeon X5660 running at 2.8GHz) with 12GB of main memory
running Ubuntu Linux kernel 2.6.35.
mance, as long as there is enough assertion checking work to
keep the threads busy. In addition, with too few threads, some
assertions must wait, throttling program throughput.
Microbenchmark Results Each run of the microbenchmark program builds one of the two data structures of a specific size and
performs 1000 operations on it. Each operation is either an add, a
remove, or an access. We perform the invariant checks before and
after each add or remove. Operations are chosen at random so that
90% are accesses, 9% are adds, and 1% are removes.
• Increasing the number of checker threads improves perfor-
the per-assertion work from 500 objects to 32,000 objects. We
run the program with synchronous checks and with asynchronous
checks using 2, 6, and 10 checker threads. All times are normalized
to the runtime of SPEC JBB running without any assertions.
Normalized time
For each data structure, we ran experiments with size 1,000,
10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 elements. We varied the number of
checker threads from 1 to 12. The results are presented in Figures 9
and 10. Time is normalized to the cost of the synchronous checks.
We find that for the list, the cost of the asynchronous mechanism
(coordinating with the checker threads and building the snapshots)
overwhelms the relative simplicity of the computation. While performance improves with more threads, we never reach the breakeven point. For the TreeMap, however, increasing the number of
threads improves performance substantially, particularly as the size
of the data structure increases. For the largest input size, we hit the
break-even point at around three threads; using 12 threads reduces
the overhead of invariant checking to within a small fraction of the
baseline time.
Size 1000
Size 10000
Size 100000
Size 1000000
Normalized time
Per-check cost (# objects traversed)
Figure 11. SPECJBB: Overhead of a fixed number (1397) of
checks for a range of costs, normalized to baseline (no checks).
Asynchronous checking outperforms synchronous checking, but
there is not enough work for 6 or 10 checker threads.
Number of checking threads
Figure 9. Ordered linked list: overhead versus number of checker
threads for various data structure sizes. The computation is too brief
to recoup the cost of synchronization and snapshotting.
Size 1000
Size 10000
Size 100000
Size 1000000
Normalized time
Normalized time
Per-check cost (# objects traversed)
Figure 12. SPECJBB: Overhead of a fixed number (11,214) of
checks for a range of costs, normalized to baseline (no checks).
With more work, asynchronous checking reduces assertion cost significantly with 2 and 6 threads. With 10 threads, copying overhead
constrains performance.
SPEC JBB Results The synthetic assertion added to SPEC JBB
allows us to explore the performance space of our technique along
three axes: frequency of checks, cost of each check, and number of
checker threads. In our experiments we vary the frequency of the
checks from 3% (700 checks per run) to 100% (22,000 checks per
run). The work performed in each assertion is a bounded transitive
closure (like a GC trace) starting at the Company object. We vary
Figures 11 and 12 show the relative slowdown for a fixed frequency (number of checks) across a range of per-check costs,
comparing synchronous checking against asynchronous checking
with 2, 6, and 10 threads. For 1397 checks the synchronous check
rapidly increases to 2X and 4.5X overhead as the cost increases.
The asynchronous checks never exceed a 2X slowdown, although
much of benefit is obtained with only two checker threads. The reason is that with relatively infrequent checks, most checking threads
sit idle. For 11,214 checks, increasing the number of checker
threads significantly improves performance. Measurements indicate that the threads are completely saturated when the work goes
above 2000. With 10 threads, however, the cost of maintaining the
snapshots begins to hurt scalability.
Figures 13 and 14 show the relative slowdown for a fixed percheck cost across a range of frequencies. For checks of cost 4000
Number of checking threads
Figure 10. TreeMap (red-black tree): overhead versus number of
checker threads for various data structure sizes. Asynchronous
checks beat synchronous checks for large data structures.
Normalized time
Normalized time
Number of checks
Figure 13. SPECJBB: Overhead of fixed-cost (4000 objects) assertions, normalized to baseline (no checks). Using 2 or 6 asynchronous checker threads yields an almost perfect speedup over
synchronous checking, and keeps overall slowdown under 2X.
Figure 15. JBB scalability: checking overhead versus number of
threads for a fixed total amount of checking work (check cost times
number of checks).
threads, and continues to provide some benefit at ten threads for the
more expensive workloads.
Normalized time
Copying costs. During each asynchronous run we count the total
number of objects copied (and the volume in bytes) for all snapshots. This cost ranges from 25,000 objects (2MB) for fast, infrequent checks up to 800,000 objects (65MB) for long-running
and frequent checks. The copying costs correlate most closely with
the total checking work (described above), slightly biased towards
more frequent checks.
Related Work
In this section, we briefly discuss some of the related work on
static and dynamic checking, usage of snapshots in concurrency,
and other related runtime techniques such as futures, concurrent
garbage collection and software transactions.
Number of checks
Figure 14. SPECJBB: Overhead of fixed-cost (16,000 objects)
assertions, normalized to baseline (no checks). More expensive
checks run longer resulting in more snapshot copying. With 10
checker threads, overhead is still around 4X, while synchronous
checking incurs 30X slowdown.
(object traversals) the cost of synchronous checking increases perfectly as the number of checks increases – the cost of performing
22,000 checks is almost exactly 4X the cost of performing 5,500
checks. The asynchronous checks hide almost all of this cost, particularly for 6 and 10 threads, which top out at 2X slowdown for
27,000 checks. For checks of cost 16,000, however, the total cost
increases significantly and is more difficult to hide. With 10 threads
asynchronous checks are under 4X – slow, but significantly outperforming synchronous checks, which top out at 50X slower.
Figure 15 shows the scalability of asynchronous checking. The
X axis is the number of checking threads, where zero indicates synchronous checking. The Y axis is overhead compared to the baseline. Each line corresponds to constant amount of total checking
work per run: the cost of each assertion times the number of assertions checked. Note that different configurations (work times
frequency) can involve the same amount of work, so we plot the
average. Asynchronous checking scales almost perfectly up to six
Static analysis Research in static analysis has yielded a significant body of sophisticated techniques for modeling the heap and
analyzing data structures at compile-time. Previous approaches include pointer analysis [9, 20, 7], shape analysis [14, 29, 15], and
type systems [13, 11]. The strength of static analysis is that it
explores all possible paths through the program: a sound analysis algorithm can prove the absence of errors, or even verify the
full correctness of a data structure implementation. The weakness
of static analysis is that many properties, particular those involving pointers and heap-based structures, are undecidable in principle [26], and extremely difficult to approximate precisely in practice [29, 21, 12, 40]. These problems are particularly severe for web
applications, which make heavy use of dynamic language features
such as reflection, bytecode rewriting, and dynamic class loading.
Pointer analysis for the full Java language requires re-running parts
of the algorithm during execution [17].
Dynamic analysis Dynamic analysis avoids the main problem
with static analysis: by performing error checks on the actual concrete heap of a running program, it does not have to make conservative assumptions about potential program state. The goal of this
project is to address the primary challenge in dynamic invariant
checking: performance. The Java Modeling Language jmlc tool,
for example, provides a very rich and expressive system for specifying and checking run-time invariants, but can slow programs down
by one or two orders of magnitude [10, 22].
There has been other work on dynamically evaluating runtime
assertions. However, our work is orthogonal and complementary
to these approaches. Further, our algorithms can be combined with
any of these ideas to yield a more efficient system. The Ditto system
speeds up invariant checking by automatically incrementalizing the
checking code [30]. The incremental checks are still very expensive, and, as the assertion checking and program execution are not
decoupled, the cost of assertion checking will inherently dictate
program execution times. The QVM system provides a number
of heap probes to check data structures, and manages the cost by
reducing the frequency of checking [3]. The Phalanx system attempts to reduce the cost of assertion checking by parallelizing the
queries. In both, QVM and Phalanx, the queries are evaluated synchronously with respect to the application. In the work by Aftandilian et al, [1], assertions are evaluated synchronously and at garbage
collection time. That is, assertions cannot be evaluated in parallel
to the program and assertions cannot be issued at specific program
points. Subsequent work by Reichenbach et. al [27] investigates
the class of assertions that can be computed with the same complexity as garbage collection. The assertions in that work are very
expensive to perform (and they are performed sequentially). Further, the single-touch property limits the kinds of checks that the
system performs.
Uses of Snapshots in Concurrency Copy-on-write techniques
for obtaining snapshots have had prolific use in various settings. For
instance, the fork system call in UNIX uses copy-on-write to make
a copy of the virtual memory address space of a process. Here, we
survey only some of the recent work where snapshots have been
used in the context of language runtime systems.
The line of work that is most closely related to ours are the techniques used in building mark and sweep snapshot-based concurrent garbage collectors, i.e., [5, 6, 39, 36, 18]. In essence, once the
garbage collector starts working, it computes all reachable nodes in
the heap at the time the collector started. There are few basic technical differences between snapshot collectors and this work. First,
there is no real need for multiple garbage collectors to be running at
the same time computing the same information. Usually, a new collector cycle is started after the previous one has ended. In contrast,
it is sensible to have multiple assertions at the same time, and hence
our system must support this scenario. Second, collectors are computing a specific property: transitive closure from a set of roots. In
our case, each snapshot can be used to compute completely different assertions. Third, with concurrent collectors, the program only
needs to intercept heap reference modifications, while in our case,
depending on whether the assertion accesses primitive values in the
heap, it may be desirable to snapshot their modification as well.
The idea of snapshots has also been used to implement specific
concurrent programming models. In the work of Amitai et al. [4],
the authors present a system (in the context of C/C++) which can
enforce deterministic behavior. When a thread is forked, a (logical)
snapshot, called a space, is created for that thread. Any updates that
the thread performs are confined to its own local snapshot copy, that
is, the thread only operates with its own local copy. Then, at specific
joint points, the changes to the local copies (snapshots) are merged.
If a write-write conflict occurred, then the system flags an error,
otherwise, the merge proceeds. A similar concept is used in the
work of Burckhardt et al. [8], which also allow for a more flexible
treatment of conflicts, i.e., for instance, one may select that conflicts
are resolved such that one process’s updates win over another. That
system also requires programmers to explicitly quantify over the
variables that need to be snapshotted. We can think of asynchronous
assertions as processes that are forked off by the main program, but
in our case assertions never modify the shared state, and hence there
can be no conflicts at merge time.
pletely different mechanism. SuperPin uses the fork system call to
create a consistent snapshot, which it uses to run an instrumented
copy of the main program. As with other previous work, however, this system is focused on relatively low-level program analysis added as binary instrumentation, and performance is still too
slow for production use (100-500% slowdown).
Speck [23], Fast Track [19], and ParExC [34] are all speculative
execution systems. Speck and ParExC focus on low-level runtime
checks such as array out-of-bounds and pointer deference checks.
Fast Track enables speculative unsafe optimizations, whose correctness it checks by the unoptimized program on multiple processors. None of these systems are designed to check the high-level
program properties we are interested in.
Safe Futures for Java [38] provides a safe implementation of
futures in Java. They handle concurrency issues between the main
program and the futures via many of the same mechanisms as our
work: read and write barriers and object versioning. However, their
system does not work with multithreaded programs, and because
their futures can write to the heap, they must use a read barrier for
all memory accesses. Our assertions cannot write to the heap, so
we can avoid a read barrier and achieve better performance.
Recently, there has been significant amount of work on transactional memory [16]. In principle, it is possible to treat each assertion evaluation as a separate transaction, and let the STM detect
conflict. However, the problem with this approach would be that
either the assertion or the program would be rolled back every time
a conflict occurs, which is highly likely for long-running assertions
that may touch large portions of the heap. Frequent rollbacks would
render the system unusable (and restarting the application has its
own issues when it comes to side effects such as exceptions and
I/O). Further, with our semantics, rollbacks are unnecessary, as the
assertion only needs to compute a result with respect to the state in
which it was triggered.
Assertions are a powerful and convenient tool for detecting bugs,
but have always been limited by the fact that the checking cost
is paid for in application runtime. In this paper we show how assertions can be checked asynchronously, greatly reducing checking overhead. Our technique enables a much wider range of assertions, including complex heap checks and data structure invariants.
We believe that this approach will become even more appealing as
modern processors continue to add CPU cores, providing ample additional computing power that can be devoted to making software
run more reliably.
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