FactBook 2010 QUICK FACTS — FALL 2009 Enrollment Trends Total State Supported Headcount Total State Supported FTE Capture Rate of WCSD Graduates 13,582 7,296 28% Student Profile Enrolled Full-time (12+ credits) Earned 12+ credits New Students Nevada Residents Students 18-24 years old Median Age Ethnic Minorities Female Students 28% 21% 17% 93% 56% 23.3 30% 56% Outcome Measures Campus Retention Rate Persistence Rate (Fall 08 to Spr. 09) Graduation Rate (IPEDS Fall 05 Cohort) Transfer-Out Rate (IPEDS Fall 05 Cohort) 72% 68% 13% 19% Campus Resources Full-time Faculty Part-time Faculty Full-time Staff & Administration Total Square Footage 172 352 245 622,311 External Environment Washoe County Population 436,776 Produced by The Office of Institutional Research www.tmcc.edu/ir IR Mission The Office of Institutional Research is committed to providing data and analyses to support planning, policy development, and decision-making aimed at improving the educational experience of students at TMCC. Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Quick Facts Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 12,193 6,210 25% 12,774 6,545 25% 13,137 6,840 24% 13,582 7,296 28% 24% 13% 17% 91% 56% 23.3 24% 56% 24% 14% 17% 91% 56% 23.2 25% 55% 25% 18% 16% 92% 56% 23.3 25% 56% 28% 21% 17% 93% 56% 23.3 30% 56% 69% 61% 6% 17% 70% 63% 9% 19% 71% 65% 11% 18% 72% 68% 13% 19% 184 481 306 622,311 183 494 311 622,311 181 336 265 622,311 172 352 245 622,311 406,223 418,061 425,555 436,776 Enrollment Trends Official State Supported Headcount Official State Supported FTE Capture Rate of WCSD Graduates Student Profile Enrolled Full-time (12+ credits) Earned 12+ Credtis New Students Nevada Residents Students 18-24 years old Median Age Ethnic Minorities (unreported & intl. Female Students excluded) Outcome Measures Campus Retention Rate Persistence Rate (Fall to Spring) Graduation Rate (IPEDS Fall 05 Cohort) Transfer-Out Rate (IPEDS Fall 05 Cohort) Campus Resources Full-time Faculty (includes librarians & counselors) Part-time Faculty Full-time Staff & Administration Total Square Footage External Environment Washoe County Population FACTBOOK 2010 on the Web: http://www.tmcc.edu/ir/publications Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Table of Contents ENROLLMENT TRENDS Enrollment Definitions .............................................................................................. ET-1 Enrollment Trends Annual Enrollment Trends ............................................................................... ET-2 Enrollment by Semester (FTE) ......................................................................... ET-3 Enrollment by Semester (Headcount)............................................................... ET-4 Enrollment History .......................................................................................... ET-5 Average Annual FTE by Discipline Area ............................................................ ET-6 Average Annual FTE by School ........................................................................ ET-7 Enrollment in Distance Education Courses ........................................................ ET-8 Enrollment by Campus/Major Educational Site .................................................. ET-9 High School Capture Rate ...................................................................................... ET-10 FTE by School & Program ..................................................................................ET-11-13 Student to Faculty Ratios by Academic Program ..................................................ET-14-16 NSHE Enrollment Trends ........................................................................................ ET-17 STUDENT PROFILE Student Profile Definitions ........................................................................................ SP-1 Enrollment by Student Characteristics Age ............................................................................................................... SP-2 Ethnicity ........................................................................................................ SP-3 Gender .......................................................................................................... SP-4 Enrollment Status ........................................................................................... SP-5 Credit Load .................................................................................................... SP-6 Educational Goal ............................................................................................ SP-7 Geographic Origin ........................................................................................... SP-8 Enrollment by Time of Day/Delivery Mode ........................................................ SP-9 Student Characteristics by Age ................................................................................SP-10 Student Characteristics by Ethnicity .........................................................................SP-11 Student Characteristics by Gender ...........................................................................SP-12 Student Financial Aid ..............................................................................................SP-13 Degrees & Certificates Conferred Degrees by Type ...........................................................................................SP-14 Degrees by Program Area ..............................................................................SP-15 Degrees by Program and Emphasis............................................................ SP 16-19 Degrees by Age .............................................................................................SP-20 Degrees by Ethnicity ......................................................................................SP-21 Degrees by Gender ........................................................................................SP-22 13th Edition Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Table of Contents OUTCOME MEASURES Outcome Measures Definitions ................................................................................ OM-1 Retention Rates Retention by Semester................................................................................... OM-2 Retention by Age ........................................................................................... OM-3 Retention by Ethnicity .................................................................................... OM-4 Retention by Gender ...................................................................................... OM-5 Retention by Enrollment Status ...................................................................... OM-6 Retention by Student Credit Load ................................................................... OM-7 Retention by Educational Goal ........................................................................ OM-8 Retention by Total Credits Earned .................................................................. OM-9 Retention by School ..................................................................................... OM-10 Retention by School & Program ............................................................... OM-11-13 Persistence Rates Fall Cohorts ................................................................................................. OM-14 Persistence by Age ...................................................................................... OM-15 Persistence by Ethnicity ............................................................................... OM-16 Persistence by Gender ................................................................................. OM-17 Average Time to Completion & Percent Graduating ................................................. OM-18 Graduation Rate by Cohort .................................................................................... OM-19 Co-Enrollment of TMCC Students ........................................................................... OM-20 Subsequent Enrollments of Non-Returning, Non-Graduating, Degree-Seeking Students ............................................................................. OM-21 Transfer Students ................................................................................................. OM-22 New, Full-time, Degree-seeking Students 3 Year Outcomes..................................... OM-23 Success of Developmental English Completers ........................................................ OM-24 Success of Developmental Math Completers ........................................................... OM-25 CAMPUS RESOURCES Campus Resources Contents .................................................................................... CR-1 Faculty & Staff Ethnic Distribution TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff Employment Type by Ethnicity .......................... CR-2 TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff by Ethnicity ...................................................... CR-3 TMCC Full-time Faculty by Ethnicity ................................................................. CR-4 TMCC Part-time Faculty by Ethnicity ................................................................ CR-5 Faculty & Staff by Gender TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff Employment Type by Gender ............................ CR-6 TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff by Gender ........................................................ CR-7 TMCC Full-time Faculty by Gender ................................................................... CR-8 TMCC Part-time Faculty by Gender .................................................................. CR-9 Instructional Faculty Workload ............................................................................... CR-10 13th Edition Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Table of Contents State Supported Operating Budget Revenue by Source ....................................................................................... CR-11 Resource Allocation Comparison .................................................................... CR-12 Building Space – Current and Projected .................................................................. CR-13 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT External Environment Contents ................................................................................ EE-1 Washoe County Population Statistics County Age Distributions vs. TMCC Student Population ..................................... EE-2 County Ethnic Distributions vs. TMCC Student Population .................................. EE-3 Population Growth Ranked by Percent Change (All NV Counties) ...................... EE-4 Employment & Economic Data Per Capita Personal Income (All NV Counties) .................................................. EE-5 Total Employment by Industry (Reno MSA) ...................................................... EE-6 Growth Rate of Occupations Requiring an Associates Degree ............................ EE-7 Top 25 Occupations Ranked by Projected Growth Rate – Reno MSA .................. EE-8 Top 25 Occupations Ranked by Projected Growth Rate – Nevada ...................... EE-9 National Occupational Projections ...................................................................EE-10 13th Edition Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 This chapter of FactBook 2010 provides historical data on headcount and FTE at TMCC. The data included in this section represent state supported enrollment only. Definitions for the following terms are useful in deciphering abbreviations and enrollment related headings. DEFINITIONS: Census: The reporting date to submit preliminary enrollment data to the Chancellor’s Office is known as the “census date” . For Fall semesters it is October 15 and for Spring semesters it is March 15. Enrollment: A measure of the number of students enrolled in courses at an institution; enrollment data are either represented by headcount or FTE. FTE: Full-time Equivalent Enrollment (FTE) in this section applies to the statistical measure of the instructional workload generated by students taking courses. One FTE is equal to registration in fifteen credit hours, whether taken by one student or by the combination of several students. The State uses FTE as a measure of enrollment in determining the budget for the College. Headcount: As the most basic form of student enrollment information, headcount represents an unduplicated count of students enrolled in at least one credit course. Rollover: Also known as carryover, rollover refers to enrollments that occur after a census date. In past years, rollover was added to the next semester’s enrollment totals to produce an official headcount or FTE figure. Beginning with AY 2003-04, rollover is no longer included. State Supported: Credit-bearing academic courses that are degree related, developmental, or vocationally oriented are considered state supported. NSHE: Nevada System of Higher Education Capture Rate: The percent of Washoe County School District graduates who attend TMCC in the Fall or Spring term immediately following graduation from High School. 13th Edition Page ET-1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Annual Enrollment Trends Average Annual FTE & Headcount 2000-01 thru 2009-10 Average Annual FTE - State Supported 2000-01 thru 2009-10 7,500 7,307 7,000 6,796 6,500 6,479 6,000 5,845 5,500 5,523 5,259 5,000 4,500 6,160 6,026 4,766 4,898 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Source: NSHE Official Enrollment Reports Official State Supported Enrollment Year 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Headcount AAFTE 10,530 10,533 11,140 11,217 11,580 11,911 12,188 12,831 13,080 13,544 4,766 4,898 5,259 5,523 5,845 6,026 6,160 6,479 6,796 7,307 Percent Change (AAFTE) 3% 7% 5% 6% 3% 2% 5% 5% 8% Note: For academic years prior to 2003-04, census + rollover FTE and headcount were used in this table. Beginning with AY 2003-04, rollover is no longer included. Beginning in AY 05-06, end-of-term is used. 13th Edition Page ET-2 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment Trends State Supported FTE by Semester Fall 2000 - Spring 2010 Fall FTE - State Supported 2000-09 8,000 7,000 7,296 6,000 5,000 5,033 4,889 Fall 00 Fall 01 5,544 5,324 5,957 6,213 6,210 Fall 05 Fall 06 6,545 6,840 Fall 07 Fall 08 4,000 3,000 2,000 Fall 02 Fall 03 Fall 04 Fall 09 Official State Supported Enrollment Academic Years % Change Fall FTE 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 (Fall FTE) 5,033 4,889 5,324 5,544 5,957 6,213 6,210 6,545 6,840 7,296 Spring FTE -3% 9% 4% 7% 4% 0% 5% 5% 7% % Change (Spring FTE) 4,500 4,907 5,194 5,482 5,718 5,798 6,061 6,356 6,730 7,256 9% 6% 6% 4% 1% 5% 5% 6% 8% Source: NSHE Enrollment Reports Note: For academic years prior to 2003-04, census + rollover FTE was used in this table. Beginning with AY 2003-04, rollover is no longer included. Beginning in AY 05-06, end-of-term is used. Spring FTE - State Supported 2001-10 8,000 7,000 7,256 6,000 5,000 4,000 4,500 4,907 5,194 Spr 02 Spr 03 5,482 5,718 5,798 Spr 05 Spr 06 6,061 6,356 6,730 Spr 08 Spr 09 3,000 2,000 Spr 01 13th Edition Spr 04 Page ET-3 Spr 07 Spr 10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment Trends State Supported Headcount by Semester Fall 2000 - Spring 2010 Fall Headcount - State Supported 2000-09 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 10,878 11,250 11,322 Fall 02 Fall 03 11,822 12,043 12,193 Fall 04 Fall 05 Fall 06 12,774 13,137 13,582 10,445 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 Fall 00 Fall 01 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Official State Supported Enrollment Fall Headcount 10,878 10,445 11,250 11,322 11,822 12,043 12,193 12,774 13,137 13,582 Academic Years 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 % Change (Fall Headcount) -4% 8% 1% 4% 2% 1% 5% 3% 3% Spring Headcount 10,181 10,621 11,030 11,111 11,337 11,686 12,076 12,764 12,962 13,372 % Change (Spring Headcount) 4% 4% 1% 2% 3% 3% 6% 2% 3% Source: NSHE Enrollment Reports Note: For academic years prior to 2003-04, census + rollover headcount was used in this table. Beginning with AY 2003-04, rollover is no longer included. Beginning in AY 05-06, end-of-term is used. Spring Headcount - State Supported 2001-10 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 10,181 Spr 01 13th Edition 10,621 Spr 02 11,030 11,111 11,337 Spr 03 Spr 04 Spr 05 Page ET-4 11,686 12,076 Spr 06 Spr 07 12,764 12,962 13,372 Spr 08 Spr 09 Spr 10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment History State Supported FTE & Headcount Fall 1992 - Fall 2009 Student FTE History Fall Semesters (1992-2009) 8,000 7,000 6,000 FTE 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Fall Terms Source: NSHE Official Enrollment Reports Official State Supported Enrollment Semesters Fall 1992 Fall 1993 Fall 1994 Fall 1995 Fall 1996 Fall 1997 Fall 1998 Fall 1999 Fall 2000 Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Headcount FTE 8,938 9,041 8,707 8,458 9,338 10,051 10,139 10,539 10,878 10,445 11,250 11,322 11,822 12,043 12,193 12,774 13,137 13,582 3,756 3,726 3,594 3,451 3,848 4,377 4,560 4,876 5,033 4,889 5,324 5,544 5,957 6,213 6,210 6,545 6,840 7,296 % Change (FTE) -1% -4% -4% 12% 14% 4% 7% 3% -3% 9% 4% 7% 4% 0% 5% 5% 7% Note: For fall terms prior to 2003, census + rollover FTE and headcount were used in this table. Beginning with Fall 2003, rollover is no longer included. Beginning in AY 05-06, end-of-term is used. 13th Edition Page ET-5 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Average Annual FTE by Discipline Area 2009-10 AAFTE by Discipline Area Percent Distribution 2009-10 General Education 57% Vocational/Technical 33% Developmental 11% AAFTE by Discipline Area Official State Supported Enrollment (End of Term) 2009-10 Discipline Area Developmental General Education Vocational/Technical Total Summer 2009 22 37 60 Fall 2009 788 4,178 2,329 7,296 Spring 2010 747 4,100 2,410 7,256 AAFTE Percent 2009-10 Distribution 767 11% 4,150 57% 2,388 33% 7,307 100% 2008-09 Discipline Area Developmental General Education Vocational/Technical Total Summer 2008 10 13 23 Fall 2008 708 3,906 2,225 6,840 Spring 2009 650 3,935 2,144 6,730 AAFTE Percent 2008-09 Distribution 679 10% 3,926 58% 2,191 32% 6,796 100% Developmental = English 083, 091, 097, 098; Math 091, 093, 095, 096; and Reading 093 Source: Student Information System 13th Edition Page ET-6 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Average Annual FTE by School 2009-10 AAFTE by School Percent Distribution 2009-10 School of Liberal Arts 48% School of Sciences 43% School of Business and Entreprenuership 6% Workforce Development & Continuing Education 3% AAFTE by School Official State Supported Enrollment (End of Term) School of Business and Entreprenuership School of Liberal Arts Developmental English School of Sciences Developmental Math High Sierra Academy Northern Nevada Fire Rescue Workforce Development & Continuing Education Apprenticeship Programs General Studies Total Summer 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2010 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 448 0 3584 450 0 3476 3530 261 237 249 0 3026 0 3097 3092 528 510 519 0 45 22 21 42 32 0 237 0 233 235 145 124 135 124 131 128 60 7296 7256 7307 AAFTE 449 Source: Student Information System 13th Edition Page ET-7 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment in Distance Education Courses Unduplicated Headcount of DE Students and FTE in DE Courses Fall 2002 - Spring 2010 Distance Education FTE History Fall 2002 - Spring 2010 2,000 1,800 1,838 1,821 1,683 1,670 1,600 1,534 1,400 1,349 1,354 1,200 1,194 1,226 1,082 1,000 800 874 659 600 400 465 943 745 540 200 0 Fall 02 Spr 03 Fall 03 Spr 04 Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Distance Education Enrollment Semesters Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Spring 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Fall 2005 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Fall 2007 Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Headcount 1,624 1,773 2,184 2,412 2,717 3,001 3,336 3,736 3,842 4,205 4,293 4,773 5,182 5,117 5,800 5,652 FTE 465 540 659 745 874 943 1,082 1,194 1,226 1,349 1,354 1,534 1,683 1,670 1,838 1,821 Source: Student Information System Note: Starting in Spring 03, distance education sections are identified as 'E' sections. Prior to Spring 03 distance education sections were identified by Admissions & Records. 13th Edition Page ET-8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Campus/Main Educational Sites Duplicated Headcount and FTE Fall 2007 - Spring 2010 Duplicated Headcount by Campus/Main Educational Sites (Fall Terms 2007-2009) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Dandini Edison Fall 07 Meadowood Fall 08 Performing Arts Redfield Fall 09 Duplicated Headcount1 Dandini Edison Meadowood Performing Arts Redfield Fall 07 8320 663 1391 182 577 Spring 08 8055 644 1229 154 439 Fall 08 8429 647 1419 169 676 Spring 09 8275 727 1348 160 748 Fall 09 9234 749 1527 190 904 Spring 10 9009 901 1382 197 786 Percent of FTE2 Dandini Edison Meadowood Performing Arts Redfield Fall 07 57% 4% 5% 1% 2% Spring 08 56% 3% 5% <1% 2% Fall 08 55% 3% 5% 1% 3% Spring 09 55% 4% 5% 1% 3% Fall 09 58% 4% 5% 1% 4% Spring 10 57% 4% 5% 1% 3% 1 Headcount in this table is duplicated because a student is counted once for every campus where they attended class, i.e. a student could count anywhere from 1 to 5 times within a given term. 2 Percentages in this table do not add up to 100%. The FTE not included in this table stems from courses taught at non-main campus sites, or courses taught through distance education. 13th Edition Page ET-9 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 High School Capture Rate Washoe County High School Graduates 2000-09 High School Capture Rate - Washoe County Graduates Fall/Spring Capture Rate Fall Capture Rate 40% Fall/Spring Capture Rate 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 High School Capture Rate High School Graduation Year Number Graduating* # Attending TMCC Fall Capture Rate Immediately Following Graduation (Fall) # Attending TMCC One Semester Following Graduation (Spring) Total Unduplicated # Enrolling (Fall & Spring) Fall/Spring Capture Rate 2000 2,243 432 19% 96 528 24% 2001 2,429 558 23% 105 663 27% 2002 2,560 604 24% 160 764 30% 2003 2,635 682 26% 183 865 33% 2004 2,742 713 26% 176 889 32% 2005 2,842 739 26% 172 911 32% 2006 2,887 732 25% 240 972 34% 2007 3,038 745 25% 268 1013 33% 2008 3,136 768 24% 270 1038 33% 2009 3,008 830 28% 231 1,061 35% Average 2,752 680 25% 190 870 32% *Capture rates are computed from enrollment in state-supported courses only. 13th Edition Page ET-10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 FTE by School & Program End of Term, State Supported FTE Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 SOBE - School of Business & Entrepreneurship Accounting 96 Business 85 Economics 89 Entrepreneurship Logisitics Management Management 45 Marketing 31 Real Estate 47 SOBE Total 393 SOLA - School of Liberal Arts American Sign Language 24 Anthropology 76 Art 127 Core Humanities 218 Counseling and Personal Development 79 Dance 5 Early Childhood Education 39 Education 70 Education Teacher Preparation 3 Educational Leadership and Psychology English 334 English - Developmental 195 English As A Second Language 100 French 20 German 6 Graphic Communication 77 Hebrew 4 History 255 Human Development and Family 64 Humanities 81 Italian 19 Japanese 5 Journalism 19 Legal Assistant 43 Mental Health 9 Music 69 Philosophy 63 Political Science 139 Psychology 214 Reading 12 Russian Social Work 8 Sociology 98 Spanish 139 Speech Communication 43 Study Skills 15 Theater 44 Womens Studies SOLA Total 2717 13th Edition Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 86 87 92 100 88 107 99 89 95 97 105 112 98 94 104 83 103 110 90 94 116 93 87 131 43 32 60 430 36 28 48 395 44 31 34 422 34 29 31 389 41 33 24 393 35 34 23 392 83 114 131 3 6 51 41 19 448 96 104 151 41 24 53 383 94 96 131 5 2 43 35 21 426 25 81 152 195 33 7 42 86 2 21 84 162 225 74 10 42 66 26 71 173 262 30 9 49 76 2 21 74 187 213 78 7 53 73 25 74 198 265 28 12 47 61 2 21 92 197 232 75 13 42 62 26 93 214 312 28 17 41 68 2 369 125 92 13 8 66 5 248 70 69 6 360 205 111 20 5 71 3 203 69 81 18 5 17 40 8 91 80 142 237 11 375 122 106 9 3 75 3 214 74 65 9 6 19 33 5 81 84 140 205 9 4 4 89 140 40 15 40 6 2673 372 232 115 22 5 79 7 214 72 65 17 5 16 36 14 109 79 123 227 16 4 4 107 138 34 19 53 6 2900 394 107 104 8 404 226 118 16 6 74 4 232 95 70 16 5 16 32 13 111 85 140 236 27 5 6 105 150 44 19 49 6 3041 419 157 99 10 5 79 1 214 87 66 8 5 20 25 7 102 84 144 239 20 5 6 93 157 39 18 45 6 2960 17 41 8 67 85 143 223 6 96 140 45 15 38 2617 6 108 141 45 18 44 5 2828 Page ET-11 76 6 209 82 56 6 4 16 34 12 97 99 153 215 11 5 6 91 146 35 14 39 5 2742 26 109 189 256 7 10 39 84 4 41 34 18 408 64 431 228 116 20 3 73 36 118 217 284 9 12 39 90 1 46 438 163 108 11 2 73 151 65 53 17 5 25 28 6 131 104 206 267 28 4 4 126 155 55 18 50 6 3160 174 76 61 10 4 24 30 5 98 98 198 260 30 7 6 110 153 59 18 53 17 3136 22 131 218 306 7 12 38 106 113 453 228 134 23 6 86 166 87 61 16 21 43 10 135 108 228 292 57 7 8 146 170 54 27 60 6 3584 4 48 27 20 450 39 135 217 273 7 13 48 85 4 72 508 207 97 21 4 90 166 86 48 8 5 24 51 7 117 99 201 328 53 6 7 126 177 68 12 57 11 3476 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 FTE by School & Program End of Term, State Supported FTE Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM SOSC - School of Sciences Aeronautical Technology Architectural Design Technology Architecture Astronomy Atmospheric Science Automotive Automotive Technician Education Aviation Biology Building Inspection Carpentry Apprentice Chemistry Cisco Computer Information Technology Computer Science Construction Cooperative Education Interns Criminal Justice Culinary Dental Assisting Dental Hygiene Diesel Technical Education Co Drafting Electrical Tech Electricians Apprentice Electronics Technology Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technician Engineering Environmental Control Technology Environmental Studies Fire Science Food and Beverage Geographic Information Systems Geography Geology Health Occupations Heating, Ventilation, & Air Heavy Equipment Mechanics Industrial Maintenance Technology Industrial Management Information Systems Lab Technology Manufacturing and Production Technology Manufacturing Technology Math - Developmental Mathematics Mechanical Technology Medical Records Technology 13th Edition Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 7 34 36 9 5 18 42 14 6 24 46 11 6 21 39 12 19 47 9 10 45 14 14 47 9 23 54 16 13 48 16 20 53 13 18 51 10 20 27 16 29 24 24 74 75 88 231 38 17 3 232 70 225 37 15 6 248 60 242 22 24 1 236 19 52 9 1 70 47 90 39 143 44 88 34 147 68 93 40 144 58 80 37 130 57 102 41 116 35 4 161 29 23 26 21 35 28 6 173 31 16 20 21 32 29 9 266 35 25 25 14 34 27 8 208 34 16 17 16 34 24 11 230 48 25 22 8 32 64 104 44 97 5 26 9 291 41 16 19 13 43 6 244 9 62 107 42 103 8 13 16 230 55 25 24 14 43 7 253 2 63 108 37 111 10 17 8 210 51 16 21 15 44 5 264 10 52 124 37 108 8 19 15 249 48 27 25 18 31 291 5 46 133 31 105 9 21 18 208 52 17 21 23 27 2 6 299 11 32 141 32 140 5 22 18 203 51 24 29 24 33 3 6 304 11 22 141 34 110 9 26 21 252 55 17 23 21 37 7 3 51 41 9 47 34 5 52 39 9 45 30 3 10 85 3 6 72 1 10 88 2 7 76 1 12 93 6 101 1 91 3 92 9 2 8 9 14 20 24 38 121 4 19 43 124 10 41 136 13 41 108 38 26 12 1 34 19 12 2 38 25 7 2 31 21 9 6 7 4 4 75 22 76 24 79 23 361 247 320 252 4 4 4 41 112 45 142 52 92 51 102 38 63 49 93 55 64 50 109 38 22 5 13 4 7 4 102 21 45 29 4 11 43 27 6 17 2 51 34 6 11 56 29 6 13 2 6 7 115 21 43 27 5 14 2 8 5 112 24 55 27 5 14 77 24 39 32 6 8 1 6 2 83 17 377 273 2 338 273 6 401 283 11 347 298 12 421 323 11 407 329 8 143 23 2 12 458 364 5 6 130 23 6 13 457 331 7 11 127 23 4 9 528 317 12 10 128 23 2 9 510 306 10 5 2 3 2 Page ET-12 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 FTE by School & Program End of Term, State Supported FTE Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 SOSC - School of Sciences (continued) Military Occupations 1 2 1 Natural Resources & Environmental Scienc Nursing 141 134 136 Nutrition 62 58 61 Physics 29 34 27 Pipe Trades Apprentice Radiological Technology 20 21 20 Renewable Energy Technology Solar Energy Technology Surveying Veterinary Technician 19 11 13 Welding 61 52 50 Wildland Firefighting 4 SOSC Total 2435 2328 2572 WDCE - Workforce Development & Continuing Education Bricklayers Apprentice 1 1 1 Carpentry Foundation Computer and Office Technology 58 56 59 Construction Cosmetology 63 59 53 Court Reporting 7 4 6 Electricians Apprentice 59 60 35 Flooring Apprentice 6 7 7 Industrial Apprentice 2 2.0 3 Iron Work Apprentice 19 10 14 Operations Engineering Apprentice 20 15 25 Painting/Decorating Apprentice 4 7 11 Personal Training 2 Pipe Trades Apprentice 41 36 32 Recreation Physical Education 58 73 69 Refrigeration Service Apprentice 4 4 5 Sheet Metal Apprentice 16 13 16 Silver College Computer Training 39 28 37 Tillesetter Apprentice 2 2 2 Truck Driving Woodworking 9 8 5 WDCE Total 408 386 383 13th Edition Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 1 3 137 60 30 1 3 133 64 26 2 20 0.3 5 128 65 29 3 21 1 5 133 67 35 0.4 19 1 6 131 84 38 2 21 1 5 172 107 46 1.2 21 1 5 162 112 44 2 8 175 97 50 2 6 202 96 45 21 20 20 12 4 6 16 43 21 42 18 51 5 5 21 49 18 55 21 2 10 49 16 43 14 47 3 3 17 40 2369 2552 2586 2723 2671 2957 2905 3026 3097 1 0.3 3 54 6 51 0.3 3 41 10 43 1 2 21 14 32 1 1 16 18 11 1 0.3 0.3 0.4 42 15 54 19 12 5 27 9 28 8 38 3 4 13 20 8 40 3 5 26 18 11 59 3 55 2 47 3 45 3 32 3 32 2 31 16 13 26 12 9 25 11 10 23 9 8 15 7 7 13 6 5 31 82 4 13 40 2 36 38 5 15 41 2 35 46 5 20 37 2 1 44 43 7 24 31 1 5 38 56 6 22 37 2 33 49 5 18 47 2 31 58 5 17 46 22 60 4 15 37 22 65 3 13 38 8 361 337 344 388 334 297 281 237 233 48 44 4 35 7 3 15 21 5 Page ET-13 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student to Faculty Ratios by School & Program End of Term, Average Class Size Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 SOBE - School of Business & Entrepreneurship Accounting 21 22 Business 25 19 Economics 28 25 Entrepreneurship Logisitics Management Management 25 23 Marketing 26 24 Real Estate 24 33 SOBE Total 24 23 SOLA - School of Liberal Arts American Sign Language 17 21 Anthropology 22 23 Art 15 15 Core Humanities 29 30 Counseling and Personal Development 17 11 Dance 8 9 Early Childhood Education 24 18 Education 18 19 Education Teacher Preparation 13 8 Educational Leadership and Psychology English 26 23 English - Developmental 20 17 English As A Second Language 20 17 French 20 18 German 24 15 Graphic Communication 15 13 Hebrew 9 7 History 34 30 Human Development and Family 32 29 Humanities 25 19 Italian 20 12 Japanese 25 Journalism 16 14 Legal Assistant 14 16 Mental Health 11 10 Music 23 19 Philosophy 29 25 Political Science 32 34 Psychology 32 31 Reading 21 15 Russian Social Work 38 Sociology 27 26 Spanish 21 18 Speech Communication 20 22 Study Skills 18 15 Theater 14 12 Womens Studies SOLA Total 23 21 13th Edition Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Avg. SFR 25 26 28 25 24 26 25 26 29 24 24 29 23 25 29 27 26 31 26 24 31 22 28 27 25 24 26 16 25 24 29 19 25 26 27 15 25 22 28 19 26 26 22 34 5 10 32 29 24 26 28 22 33 22 23 30 26 29 28 34 23 5 31 35 27 30 25 24 30 10 9 26 27 23 26 21 26 16 29 18 9 19 20 22 21 16 32 12 11 21 23 8 21 23 17 27 19 9 24 20 21 24 17 27 15 10 20 19 6 14 25 17 30 22 10 22 19 21 24 18 29 14 15 21 19 8 23 20 19 20 20 13 6 30 29 19 19 24 12 14 11 19 25 34 31 19 24 16 15 12 12 13 11 27 26 18 19 15 16 12 11 17 26 32 27 11 19 19 21 17 22 15 12 31 21 24 19 17 19 20 16 14 30 30 20 23 25 12 14 15 18 28 34 30 20 11 22 24 17 24 24 13 30 22 24 17 15 11 24 20 20 17 21 14 8 31 32 22 22 24 9 12 13 20 28 33 33 23 13 30 24 17 25 23 13 28 22 25 20 17 13 20 14 7 29 29 19 10 23 11 11 9 18 30 34 32 20 13 29 23 15 25 18 9 31 22 30 25 20 19 18 14 25 22 Page ET-14 13 13 28 29 20 13 22 10 12 13 18 24 31 28 13 9 29 22 16 25 18 10 26 20 21 26 18 33 14 12 25 27 10 29 28 23 27 23 26 18 33 18 11 28 26 23 26 21 19 16 13 14 21 27 16 32 14 14 20 24 3 23 25 20 17 15 7 15 32 32 22 23 23 16 17 8 25 33 37 33 24 15 20 27 17 27 23 13 32 24 28 29 19 8 10 13 15 13 22 33 34 33 21 14 31 25 15 24 22 14 28 23 32 33 23 22 27 26 20 20 23 24 18 13 19 15 27 32 32 33 22 16 39 27 19 27 23 14 29 25 10 30 27 25 27 22 26 17 28 13 13 21 28 20 28 26 21 17 21 15 17 31 33 18 17 24 12 21 10 23 31 36 34 19 8 35 27 18 28 29 12 28 24 20 25 17 30 16 11 21 22 8 25 25 19 18 17 17 15 9 30 30 20 17 20 13 15 11 21 28 34 32 20 12 29 25 17 24 20 12 29 22 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student to Faculty Ratios by School & Program End of Term, Average Class Size Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM SOSC - School of Sciences Aeronautical Technology Architectural Design Technology Architecture Astronomy Atmospheric Science Automotive Automotive Technician Education Aviation Biology Building Inspection Carpentry Apprentice Chemistry Cisco Computer Information Technology Computer Science Construction Cooperative Education Interns Criminal Justice Culinary Dental Assisting Dental Hygiene Diesel Technical Education Co Drafting Electrical Tech Electricians Apprentice Electronics Technology Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technician Engineering Environmental Control Technology Environmental Studies Fire Science Food and Beverage Geographic Information Systems Geography Geology Health Occupations Heating, Ventilation, & Air Heavy Equipment Mechanics Industrial Maintenance Technology Industrial Management Information Systems Lab Technology Manufacturing and Production Technology Manufacturing Technology Math - Developmental Mathematics Mechanical Technology Medical Records Technology 13th Edition Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 18 10 16 23 12 9 16 24 15 10 17 28 16 15 16 20 13 18 24 12 15 24 21 16 24 19 21 27 11 18 27 11 19 21 12 17 25 11 13 10 15 10 12 13 15 15 23 14 8 8 21 14 22 15 8 16 22 12 25 10 12 7 23 11 17 15 5 13 28 20 13 13 26 21 11 13 34 19 13 14 35 18 16 15 29 19 12 15 12 21 22 11 23 12 14 13 12 7 18 10 20 12 13 9 17 22 23 12 24 12 10 13 12 21 27 12 20 11 12 12 9 29 27 15 24 10 6 9 38 22 17 14 25 10 12 25 13 21 11 11 14 15 23 22 31 23 16 16 19 17 26 20 17 9 11 12 13 12 22 10 32 22 16 16 17 16 21 20 20 20 9 12 13 13 25 26 31 25 18 18 21 24 24 23 17 9 11 13 14 24 23 34 25 17 18 22 20 30 25 15 21 9 12 13 7 16 26 28 24 25 18 18 26 28 30 32 17 9 10 15 14 7 15 26 29 16 24 19 20 22 16 21 28 16 21 9 15 13 9 4 18 26 3 19 23 7 19 23 6 19 23 8 6 19 10 6 18 4 6 14 12 5 14 9 7 14 3 13 9 13 13 15 22 11 20 22 24 20 10 24 19 21 7 24 22 8 23 17 6 26 16 19 24 30 6 20 18 31 10 23 23 19 8 21 20 24 4 5 8 14 23 21 25 22 23 22 18 26 17 26 22 18 7 23 15 25 16 26 14 23 17 24 13 24 18 23 18 23 16 20 21 12 6 9 9 12 24 20 24 19 21 6 25 22 29 9 6 29 22 29 6 23 25 30 9 11 8 15 25 20 26 25 25 9 8 9 18 27 22 31 25 23 8 26 23 24 24 16 6 6 7 8 23 21 17 26 7 16 24 3 17 26 7 15 24 6 17 26 6 18 23 21 28 22 12 7 19 27 12 29 27 22 30 7 18 26 17 24 28 21 7 5 18 27 16 25 28 22 8 6 18 26 12 23 12 16 9 Page ET-15 Avg. SFR 15 12 17 23 5 13 12 13 23 24 30 22 15 15 21 14 21 24 15 15 10 12 12 8 8 5 15 24 21 8 24 17 21 8 24 22 23 7 8 7 19 26 21 12 6 17 26 14 17 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student to Faculty Ratios by School & Program End of Term, Average Class Size Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 SOSC - School of Sciences (continued) Military Occupations 2 2 2 2 2 Natural Resources & Environmental Scienc 17 17 Nursing 23 19 15 15 32 Nutrition 23 24 21 21 19 Physics 23 21 23 20 19 Pipe Trades Apprentice 6 Radiological Technology 13 11 14 11 16 Renewable Energy Technology Solar Energy Technology 11 Surveying Veterinary Technician 14 12 8 7 10 Welding 12 10 10 9 10 Wildland Firefighting 9 SOSC Total 18 17 18 17 18 WDCE - Workforce Development & Continuing Education Bricklayers Apprentice 2 2 2 2 1 Carpentry Foundation 7 Computer and Office Technology 17 16 17 20 15 Construction 4 Cosmetology 6 6 7 5 6 Court Reporting 7 5 7 4 Electricians Apprentice 18 20 21 21 23 Flooring Apprentice 6 7 7 7 3 Industrial Apprentice 5 2 10 9 4 Iron Work Apprentice 19 15 22 23 13 Operations Engineering Apprentice 10 7 12 10 9 Painting/Decorating Apprentice 4 7 8 4 6 Personal Training 9 Pipe Trades Apprentice 12 11 16 15 22 Recreation Physical Education 18 19 19 22 19 Refrigeration Service Apprentice 3 3 4 3 4 Sheet Metal Apprentice 12 10 12 10 12 Silver College Computer Training 16 15 19 18 16 Tillesetter Apprentice 3 3 3 3 6 Truck Driving Woodworking 11 10 8 8 WDCE Total 11 11 12 12 10 COLLEGE-WIDE SFR 19.4 18.2 19.4 18.5 19.0 13th Edition Page ET-16 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Avg. SFR 1 23 31 20 21 10 16 3 13 29 21 22 3 16 4 31 15 20 19 12 14 2 27 25 25 28 9 12 3 24 23 24 24 5 19 26 25 28 6 28 27 23 25 16 14 15 15 20 30 9 13 17 12 11 10 10 11 12 12 9 12 23 20 12 12 11 13 18 18 18 20 19 20 20 3 21 22 22 23 8 14 15 20 16 10 11 9 19 1 10 18 4 4 2 12 18 6 5 2 9 16 8 3 2 1 1 3 21 6 5 2 8 24 23 23 18 5 5 5 5 2 5 6 24 29 28 28 27 24 24 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 20 24 20 19 17 11 10 17 9 8 6 5 4 4 3 7 8 10 7 8 6 5 5 7 9 21 22 23 20 19 22 17 17 20 20 21 21 22 21 22 20 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 12 18 16 14 13 11 10 12 14 13 15 16 14 14 14 15 5 2 5 3 3 1 2 2 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 18.5 19.4 19.4 21.5 20.6 21.9 21.5 19.8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 NSHE Enrollment Trends Average Annual FTE by NSHE Institution 10-year Enrollment Trends Average Annual FTE by NSHE Institution 2008-09 22,000 21,042 20,000 19,545 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 12,583 10,000 8,000 6,000 6,796 4,000 2,000 0 University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Nevada State College 2,489 1,786 1,424 College of Southern Nevada Great Basin College Truckee Meadows Community College Western Nevada College AAFTE by NSHE Institution 10-year Enrollment Trends NSHE Institutions 1998-99 2003-04 2008-09 University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Nevada State College Universities & State College Total % Total Universities & State College 14,630 9,277 0 23,907 54.1% 18,350 11,778 394 30,522 53.3% 19,545 12,583 1,424 33,552 51.1% College of Southern Nevada Great Basin College Truckee Meadows Community College Western Nevada College Community Colleges Total % Total (CC) 12,597 1,167 4,516 2,012 20,292 45.9% 17,569 1,427 5,523 2,179 26,698 46.7% 21,042 1,786 6,796 2,489 32,113 48.9% NSHE Total 44,199 57,220 65,665 Source: NSHE Annual Average Full-time Equivalent Enrollment (AAFTE) Report, 1986-87 through 2007-08 & NSHE Official Enrollment Report - 2008-09 13th Edition Page ET-17 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student characteristics and demographics, such as age, ethnicity, and gender, as well as enrollment status, degrees conferred, and more, can be found in this chapter of FactBook 2010. DEFINITIONS: Enrollment Status: All students at TMCC are classified as continuing students, new transfer students, or new college students (first-time students). End of Term Headcount: The demographic characteristics of students depicted in this section are based upon headcounts taken at the end of each semester. Also, all figures represent student enrollment in state supported courses. Degrees Conferred: Each academic year the number of degrees and certificates earned by TMCC students are reported by discipline. Within an academic year, students may graduate in the Fall, Spring, or Summer terms. Degree Types: In general, degrees and certificates can be broken down into two categories, transfer degrees or vocationally oriented degrees. At TMCC, the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science are considered transfer degrees, while the Associate of Applied Science and Certificate of Achievement are considered vocational degrees. The Associate of General Studies degree can either be a transfer degree or a terminal degree. High Tech Center at Redfield 13th Edition Page SP-1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Age End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Enrollment by Age Fall 2009 60% 56% 50% 40% 30% 24% 20% 10% 12% 2% 6% 0% Under 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. Under 18 yrs. Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % 25-34 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. 50+ yrs. Total 278 6,179 2,646 1,889 859 2% 52% 22% 16% 7% 11,851 100% 220 5,932 2,604 1,843 766 11,365 2% 52% 23% 16% 7% 100% 300 6,547 2,606 1,742 848 12,043 2% 54% 22% 14% 7% 100% 189 6,291 2,594 1,734 878 11,686 2% 54% 22% 15% 8% 100% 287 6,837 2,619 1,591 859 12,193 2% 56% 21% 13% 7% 100% 225 6,624 2,770 1,657 800 12,076 2% 55% 23% 14% 7% 100% 354 7,145 2,827 1,671 777 12,774 3% 56% 22% 13% 6% 100% 252 6,999 3,003 1,698 812 12,764 2% 55% 24% 13% 6% 100% 342 7,383 2,980 1,606 826 13,137 3% 56% 23% 12% 6% 100% 978 6,904 2,736 1,598 746 12,962 8% 53% 21% 12% 6% 100% 313 7,637 3,223 1,623 786 13,582 2% 56% 24% 12% 6% 100% 220 7,210 3,373 1,751 818 13,372 2% 54% 25% 13% 6% 100% 3% 55% 23% 14% 7% 100% Page SP-2 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Ethnicity End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Enrollment by Ethnicity Fall 2009 White 68% Two or more races 2% International Students 1% Unreported 1% Native American 2% Hispanic 17% African American Fall N 04 % Spr N 05 % Fall N 05 % Spr N 06 % Fall N 06 % Spr N 07 % Fall N % 07 Spr N 08 % Fall N 08 % Spr N 09 % Fall N 09 % Spr N 10 % Average % Asian Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1% Hawaiian or Pacific Native Islander Hispanic American Asian 5% White African American 3% Two or more races International Students Unreported Total 268 711 1,297 262 8,365 163 785 2% 6% 11% 2% 71% 1% 7% 11,851 100% 257 647 1,216 249 8,072 170 754 11,365 2% 6% 11% 2% 71% 1% 7% 100% 316 770 1,424 260 8,399 153 721 12,043 3% 6% 12% 2% 70% 1% 6% 100% 275 702 1,401 230 8,217 142 719 11,686 2% 6% 12% 2% 70% 1% 6% 100% 312 811 1,532 238 8,457 140 703 12,193 3% 7% 13% 2% 69% 1% 6% 100% 315 787 1,499 225 8,440 128 682 12,076 3% 7% 12% 2% 70% 1% 6% 100% 331 3% 853 7% 1,693 13% 255 2% 8,745 68% 144 1% 753 6% 12,774 100% 347 861 1,621 257 8,794 136 748 12,764 3% 7% 13% 2% 69% 1% 6% 100% 351 909 1,808 257 8,895 146 771 13,137 3% 7% 14% 2% 68% 1% 6% 100% 353 877 1,728 252 8,794 156 802 12,962 3% 7% 371 668 199 13% 2% 68% 2,287 238 9,199 329 1% 6% 100% 162 129 13,582 3% 5% 1% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% 373 630 216 2,235 243 9,056 324 162 133 13,372 3% 5% 2% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% 3% 6% <1% 13% 2% 69% <1% 1% 5% 100% Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fall 2009 to align with new IPEDS and NSHE reporting requirements. 13th Edition Page SP-3 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Gender End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Enrollment by Gender Fall 2009 Male 44% 15 17 Female Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % Female 56% Male Unreported Total 6,585 5,260 6 56% 44% <1% 11,851 100% 6,332 5,029 4 11,365 56% 44% <1% 100% 6,715 5,313 15 12,043 56% 44% <1% 100% 6,515 5,166 5 11,686 56% 44% <1% 100% 6,837 5,356 0 12,193 56% 44% 0% 100% 6,627 5,449 0 12,076 55% 45% 0% 100% 7,038 5,736 0 12,774 55% 45% 0% 100% 6,942 5,822 0 12,764 54% 46% 0% 100% 7,338 5,798 1 13,137 56% 44% <1% 100% 7,094 5,867 1 12,962 55% 45% <1% 100% 7,610 5,956 16 13,582 56% 44% <1% 100% 7,345 6,014 13 13,372 55% 45% <1% 100% 55% 45% <1% 100% Page SP-4 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Enrollment Status End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Student Enrollment Status Fall 2009 New Transfers 10% Continuing Students 73% New Students 17% Continuing Students Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % New Transfers New Students Total 8,274 1,500 2,077 70% 13% 18% 11,851 100% 9,276 1,131 958 11,365 82% 10% 8% 100% 8,617 1,351 2,075 12,043 72% 11% 17% 100% 9,591 1,189 906 11,686 82% 10% 8% 100% 8,823 1,346 2,024 12,193 72% 11% 17% 100% 9,844 1,239 993 12,076 82% 10% 8% 100% 9,239 1,327 2,208 12,774 72% 10% 17% 100% 10,282 1,173 1,309 12,764 81% 9% 10% 100% 9,727 1,243 2,167 13,137 74% 9% 16% 100% 10,812 1,114 1,036 12,962 83% 9% 8% 100% 9,860 1,387 2,335 13,582 73% 10% 17% 100% 11,068 1,072 1,232 13,372 83% 8% 9% 100% 77% 10% 13% 100% Page SP-5 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Credit Load - Credits Earned End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Student Credit Load - Credits Earned Fall 2009 12+ 21% Less than 6 credits 40% 9-11.9 16% 6-8.9 23% Credits Earned 12+ Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % 9-11.9 Less than 6 credits 6-8.9 Total 1,606 1,444 2,524 6,277 11,851 14% 12% 21% 53% 100% 1,578 1,385 2,562 5,840 11,365 14% 12% 23% 51% 100% 1,670 1,457 2,689 6,227 12,043 14% 12% 22% 52% 100% 1,456 1,431 2,542 6,257 11,686 12% 12% 22% 54% 100% 1,584 1,642 2,572 6,395 12,193 13% 13% 21% 52% 100% 1,523 1,499 2,522 6,532 12,076 13% 12% 21% 54% 100% 1,810 1,783 2,869 6,312 12,774 14% 14% 22% 49% 100% 2,058 1,784 2,942 5,980 12,764 16% 14% 23% 47% 100% 2,430 1,908 3,043 5,756 13,137 18% 15% 23% 44% 100% 2,433 1,961 2,961 5,607 12,962 19% 15% 23% 43% 100% 2,892 2,161 3,129 5,400 13,582 21% 16% 23% 40% 100% 2,899 2,165 3,154 5,154 13,372 22% 16% 24% 39% 100% 16% 14% 22% 48% 100% Page SP-6 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Educational Goal End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Student Educational Goal Fall 2009 80% 74% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 14% 20% 5% 2% Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills 10% 2% 3% Transfer Undecided 0% Earn a Degree Earn a Degree Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % 8,463 Earn a Certificate 462 Personal Enrichment Improve Job Skills 452 Personal Enrichment 818 Transfer 247 Undecided 1,409 Total 11,851 71% 4% 4% 7% 2% 12% 100% 8,215 446 379 979 210 1,136 11,365 72% 4% 3% 9% 2% 10% 100% 8,592 481 267 1,372 177 1,154 12,043 71% 4% 2% 11% 1% 10% 100% 8,342 501 259 1,495 176 913 11,686 71% 4% 2% 13% 2% 8% 100% 8,829 605 286 1,443 247 783 12,193 72% 5% 2% 12% 2% 6% 100% 8,728 716 227 1,484 238 683 12,076 72% 6% 2% 12% 2% 6% 100% 9,089 756 289 1,744 360 536 12,774 71% 6% 2% 14% 3% 4% 100% 8,950 720 335 1,883 346 530 12,764 70% 6% 3% 15% 3% 4% 100% 9,386 688 357 1,917 306 483 13,137 71% 5% 3% 15% 2% 4% 100% 9,261 705 368 1,901 315 412 12,962 71% 5% 3% 15% 2% 3% 100% 10,008 640 257 1,927 328 422 13,582 74% 5% 2% 14% 2% 3% 100% 9,870 596 335 1,708 482 381 13,372 74% 4% 3% 13% 4% 3% 100% 72% 5% 3% 12% 2% 6% 100% Page SP-7 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Geographic Origin End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Enrollment by Geographic Origin Fall 2009 Nevada Resident 93% Undetermined <1% CA Good Neighbor 3% Out of State/Country 5% CA Good Neighbor Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % Out of State/Country Nevada Resident Undetermined Total 331 574 10,944 2 3% 5% 92% <1% 11,851 100% 348 574 10,436 7 11,365 3% 5% 92% <1% 100% 392 611 11,037 3 12,043 3% 5% 92% <1% 100% 386 649 10,644 7 11,686 3% 6% 91% <1% 100% 390 693 11,107 3 12,193 3% 6% 91% <1% 100% 395 705 10,975 1 12,076 3% 6% 91% <1% 100% 390 730 11,653 1 12,774 3% 6% 91% <1% 100% 384 735 11,645 0 12,764 3% 6% 91% 0% 100% 372 709 12,055 1 13,137 3% 5% 92% <1% 100% 372 704 11,884 2 12,962 3% 5% 92% <1% 100% 348 631 12,602 1 13,582 3% 5% 93% <1% 100% 358 617 12,397 0 13,372 3% 5% 93% 0% 100% 3% 5% 92% <1% 100% Page SP-8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Enrollment by Time of Day/Delivery Mode End of Term Headcount 2004-10 Day vs. Night vs. DE Enrollment Fall 2009 Day Only 26% Combination 41% Night Only 15% DE Only 17% Day Only Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % Night Only DE Only Combination Total 3,818 3,296 1,141 3,596 32% 28% 10% 30% 11,851 100% 3,599 2,889 1,224 3,653 11,365 32% 25% 11% 32% 100% 3,726 3,009 1,498 3,810 12,043 31% 25% 12% 32% 100% 3,619 2,698 1,625 3,744 11,686 31% 23% 14% 32% 100% 3,789 2,674 1,775 3,955 12,193 31% 22% 15% 32% 100% 3,490 2,644 1,981 3,961 12,076 29% 22% 16% 33% 100% 3,737 2,829 1,901 4,307 12,774 29% 22% 15% 34% 100% 3,461 2,697 2,235 4,371 12,764 27% 21% 18% 34% 100% 3,556 2,485 2,260 4,836 13,137 27% 19% 17% 37% 100% 3,639 2,260 2,254 4,809 12,962 28% 17% 17% 37% 100% 3,574 2,098 2,298 5,612 13,582 26% 15% 17% 41% 100% 3,667 1,945 2,260 5,500 13,372 27% 15% 17% 41% 100% 29% 21% 15% 35% 100% Page SP-9 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Characteristics by Age End of Term Headcount - Fall 2009 Age Student Enrollment Status Continuing Students New Transfer Students New Students Total 0-17 18-24 25-34 35-49 50+ Total 97 5,242 2,614 1,259 648 9,860 1% 53% 27% 13% 7% 100% 3 739 336 208 101 1,387 0% 53% 24% 15% 7% 100% 213 1,656 273 156 37 2,335 9% 71% 12% 7% 2% 100% 313 7,637 3,223 1,623 786 13,582 2% 56% 24% 12% 6% 100% Student Credit Load 12+ (full-time students) 9 - 11.9 credits 6 - 8.9 credits Less than 6 credits Total 68 2,043 526 206 49 2,892 2% 71% 18% 7% 2% 100% 69 1,376 473 202 41 2,161 3% 64% 22% 9% 2% 100% 78 1,634 886 400 131 3,129 2% 52% 28% 13% 4% 100% 98 2,584 1,338 815 565 5,400 2% 48% 25% 15% 10% 100% 313 7,637 3,223 1,623 786 13,582 2% 56% 24% 12% 6% 100% Student Educational Goal Earn a Degree Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Personal Enrichment Transfer Undecided Total 80 5,974 2,529 1,120 305 10,008 1% 60% 25% 11% 3% 100% 2 331 181 92 34 640 0% 4 52% 53 28% 76 14% 69 5% 55 100% 257 100% 2% 21% 30% 27% 21% 223 952 219 221 312 1,927 12% 49% 11% 11% 16% 100% 2 208 44 57 17 328 1% 63% 13% 17% 5% 100% 2 119 174 64 63 422 0% 28% 41% 15% 15% 100% 313 7,637 3,223 1,623 786 13,582 2% 56% 24% 12% 6% 100% 172 2,043 659 375 325 3,574 5% 57% 18% 10% 9% 100% Time of Day/Delivery Mode Day Only Night Only Distance Education Only Combination Total 13th Edition 22 806 666 415 189 2,098 1% 38% 32% 20% 9% 100% 7 1,208 637 327 119 2,298 0% 53% 28% 14% 5% 100% 112 3,580 1,261 506 153 5,612 2% 64% 22% 9% 3% 100% 313 7,637 3,223 1,623 786 13,582 2% 56% 24% 12% 6% 100% Page SP-10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Characteristics by Ethnicity End of Term Headcount - Fall 2009 Ethnicity African American Asian Hawaiian Native or Pacific Hispanic American Islander White Two or More Races InterUnnational Reported Students Total Student Enrollment Status Continuing Students New Transfer Students New Students Total 248 518 139 1,623 182 6,745 227 97 81 9,860 3% 42 5% 60 1% 22 16% 126 2% 19 68% 1,019 2% 38 1% 41 1% 20 100% 1,387 3% 81 4% 90 2% 38 9% 538 1% 37 73% 1,435 3% 64 3% 24 1% 28 100% 2,335 3% 371 4% 668 2% 199 23% 2,287 2% 238 61% 9,199 3% 329 1% 162 1% 129 100% 13,582 3% 5% 1% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% Student Credit Load 12+ (full-time students) 9 - 11.9 credits 6 - 8.9 credits Less than 6 credits Total 67 150 44 507 56 1,909 67 67 25 2,892 2% 79 5% 96 2% 31 18% 410 2% 33 66% 1,405 2% 76 2% 10 1% 21 100% 2,161 4% 100 4% 174 1% 44 19% 543 2% 52 65% 2,086 4% 77 0% 27 1% 26 100% 3,129 3% 125 6% 248 1% 80 17% 827 2% 97 67% 3,799 2% 109 1% 58 1% 57 100% 5,400 2% 371 5% 668 1% 199 15% 2,287 2% 238 70% 9,199 2% 329 1% 162 1% 129 100% 13,582 3% 5% 1% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% 294 511 166 1,837 171 6,590 253 111 75 10,008 3% 23 5% 18 2% 12 18% 102 2% 21 66% 439 3% 15 1% 4 1% 6 100% 640 4% 8 3% 11 2% 0 16% 59 3% 12 69% 153 2% 0 1% 1 1% 13 100% 257 3% 32 4% 87 0% 14 23% 207 5% 19 60% 1,468 0% 52 0% 18 5% 30 100% 1,927 2% 7 5% 19 1% 3 11% 40 1% 6 76% 225 3% 3 1% 23 2% 2 100% 328 2% 7 6% 22 1% 4 12% 42 2% 9 69% 324 1% 6 7% 5 1% 3 100% 422 2% 371 5% 668 1% 199 10% 2,287 2% 238 77% 9,199 1% 329 1% 162 1% 129 100% 13,582 3% 5% 1% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% Student Educational Goal Earn a Degree Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Personal Enrichment Transfer Undecided Total Time of Day/Delivery Mode Day Only Night Only Distance Education Only Combination Total 13th Edition 105 220 60 692 50 2,274 77 59 37 3,574 3% 55 6% 83 2% 22 19% 403 1% 52 64% 1,392 2% 33 2% 18 1% 40 100% 2,098 3% 48 4% 105 1% 31 19% 256 2% 36 66% 1,711 2% 62 1% 34 2% 15 100% 2,298 2% 163 5% 260 1% 86 11% 936 2% 100 74% 3,822 3% 157 1% 51 1% 37 100% 5,612 3% 5% 2% 17% 2% 68% 3% 1% 1% 100% 371 668 199 2,287 238 9,199 329 162 129 13,582 3% 5% 1% 17% 2% 68% 2% 1% 1% 100% Page SP-11 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Characteristics by Gender End of Term Headcount - Fall 2009 Gender Student Enrollment Status Continuing Students New Transfer Students New Students Total Female Male Unreported Total 5,649 4,211 0 9,860 57% 797 43% 585 0% 5 100% 1,387 57% 1,164 42% 1,160 0% 11 100% 2,335 50% 7,610 50% 5,956 0% 16 100% 13,582 56% 44% 0% 100% 1,574 1,315 3 2,892 54% 1,219 45% 940 0% 2 100% 2,161 56% 1,907 43% 1,216 0% 6 100% 3,129 61% 2,910 39% 2,485 0% 5 100% 5,400 54% 7,610 46% 5,956 0% 16 100% 13,582 56% 44% 0% 100% 5,759 4,235 14 10,008 58% 286 42% 353 0% 1 100% 640 45% 69 55% 188 0% 0 100% 257 27% 1,078 73% 848 0% 1 100% 1,927 56% 181 44% 147 0% 0 100% 328 55% 237 45% 185 0% 0 100% 422 56% 7,610 44% 5,956 0% 16 100% 13,582 56% 44% 0% 100% 2,038 1,534 2 3,574 57% 931 43% 1,164 0% 3 100% 2,098 44% 1,513 55% 783 0% 2 100% 2,298 66% 3,128 34% 2,475 0% 9 100% 5,612 Student Credit Load 12+ (full-time students) 9 - 11.9 credits 6 - 8.9 credits Less than 6 credits Total Student Educational Goal Earn a Degree Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Personal Enrichment Transfer Undecided Total Time of Day/Delivery Mode Day Only Night Only Distance Education Only Combination Total 13th Edition 56% 44% 0% 100% 7,610 5,956 16 13,582 56% 44% 0% 100% Page SP-12 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Student Financial Aid Aid Awarded to Students 2004-05 to 2008-09 Aid Awarded by TMCC 2004-05 to 2008-09 (in millions) 25.0 $21.1 20.0 15.0 $12.0 $10.7 $10.7 2005-06 2006-07 $13.2 10.0 5.0 0.0 2004-05 2007-08 2008-09 Total Aid Awarded by NSHE Institutions 2004-05 to 2008-09 (in millions) Institution CSN GBC NSC TMCC UNLV UNR WNC NSHE Total 2004-05 $33.3 4.0 3.0 12.0 149.0 89.0 5.0 $295.3 2005-06 $28.1 3.2 3.9 10.7 155.9 91.4 5.7 $298.9 2006-07 $28.3 3.4 4.3 10.7 145.1 94.3 5.8 $291.9 2007-08 $39.6 4.1 5.5 13.2 156.5 100.2 6.4 $325.5 2008-09 $67.7 4.5 7.0 21.1 182.5 114.4 8.2 $405.4 5-year % change 103.3% 12.5% 133.3% 75.8% 22.5% 28.5% 64.0% 37.3% 1-year % change 71.0% 9.8% 27.3% 59.8% 16.6% 14.2% 28.1% 24.5% FAFSA Applications by Institution 2005-06 to 2008-09 Institution UNR UNLV* NSC CSN GBC* TMCC WNC NSHE Total 2005-06 Applied Funded 10,301 5,501 24,210 11,018 1,111 808 15,137 5,612 1,049 416 5,320 2,419 1,980 1,079 59,108 26,853 2006-07 Applied Funded 5,697 9,475 10,748 21,641 1,473 876 15,088 5,199 1,111 422 5,165 2,364 1,907 1,007 55,860 26,313 2007-08 Applied Funded 9,952 5,967 16,909 12,574 1,642 992 16,233 6,655 1,305 438 5,638 2,822 2,075 1,042 53,754 30,490 2008-09 Applied Funded 11,287 6,216 19,113 16,532 1,949 850 24,236 9,777 1,442 765 7,374 3,661 2,765 1,396 68,166 39,197 Note: Numbers are unduplicated at each insitution, but the total be duplicated for students who applied at more than one institution. *UNLV and GBC numbers for 2007-08 were revised due to counting differences. Soure: Nevada System of Higher Education, 2008-09 Financial Aid Report 13th Edition Page SP-13 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Type 1998-09 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Type 2008-09 Certificate of Achievement 7% Associate of Science 8% Associate of Arts 54% Associate of Applied Science 21% Associate of General Studies 10% Associate of Arts 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Average 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % % Associate of Associate of General Studies Applied Science Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement Total 203 42 177 6 41 469 43% 9% 38% 1% 9% 100% 179 57 177 26 37 476 38% 12% 37% 5% 8% 100% 198 56 162 25 27 468 42% 12% 35% 5% 6% 100% 205 40 166 22 29 462 44% 9% 36% 5% 6% 100% 211 44 181 22 29 487 43% 9% 37% 5% 6% 100% 248 51 165 28 38 530 47% 10% 31% 5% 7% 100% 253 58 206 35 35 587 43% 10% 35% 6% 6% 100% 306 43 219 42 40 650 47% 7% 34% 6% 6% 100% 320 63 210 48 43 684 47% 9% 31% 7% 6% 100% 317 86 213 54 49 719 44% 12% 30% 8% 7% 100% 473 88 189 74 58 882 54% 10% 21% 8% 7% 100% 45% 10% 32% 6% 7% 100% Page SP-14 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees Conferred by Program Area 2001-09 Degrees Conferred by Program Area 2008-09 Applied Industrial Technologies, 2% Allied Health, 11% Transfer (AA, AS), 52% Architecture, 1% Business, 7% Computer Technology, 2% Criminal Justice, 2% Paralegal, 1% Graphic Comm. & Drafting, 3% PROGRAM AREA Culinary Arts, 1% General Studies & Other, 12% Fire Science, 3% 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Education, 2% ACADEMIC YEARS 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Allied Health 71 78 90 103 106 117 100 97 Applied Industrial Technologies 12 16 10 17 13 22 19 19 5 3 6 13 6 6 13 12 Business 24 31 28 35 56 54 61 62 Computer Technology 16 26 18 17 23 26 7 14 Criminal Justice 4 10 9 14 10 16 24 22 Culinary Arts 6 2 6 6 3 12 8 13 Education 7 12 17 14 12 10 14 17 Fire Science 18 24 17 35 32 18 27 24 General Studies & Other 43 49 56 64 50 67 110 106 Graphic Comm. & Drafting 27 14 15 12 32 15 30 26 Architecture Paralegal 9 5 3 1 0 0 0 9 Transfer (AA, AS) 220 217 255 256 307 321 306 461 Grand Total 462 487 530 587 650 684 719 882 13th Edition Page SP-15 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates by Program and Emphasis 2001-09 DEGREE TYPE 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS 190 190 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, ANTHROPLOGY ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, GENERAL 2 1 217 212 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, ARCHITECTURE 2 2 5 8 2 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, BUSINESS 2 5 5 13 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, COMMUNITY POLICING ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 4 260 252 374 4 12 10 29 28 29 48 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, CRIMINAL JUSTCE: PRE LAW ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC. 1 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 2 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, FINE ARTS 2 3 266 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5 5 1 3 1 2 5 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, FINE ARTS: ART HISTORY ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, FINE ARTS: MUSIC 2 ASSOICATE OF ARTS, FINE ARTS: MUSICAL THEATER ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, FINE ARTS: THEATER 2 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, SECONDARY EDUCATION 1 205 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS-TOTAL 13 1 1 1 6 7 5 6 211 248 253 306 1 2 1 3 6 8 11 320 317 473 1 ASSOCIATE OF GENERAL STUDIES ASSOCIATE OF GENERAL STUDIES 40 44 51 58 43 63 86 88 ASSOCIATE OF GENERAL STUDIES-TOTAL 40 44 51 58 43 63 86 88 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT APPRENTICE PGRM/ELECTRICIAN ARCH DESIGN TECH/GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT 1 ARCH DESIGN TECH/ARCHITEC DESIGN 2 AUTO TECH/DESEL EQUIP MECHANIC TECH 1 BLDG TRADES/ELECTRICIAN BUSINESS/ACCOUNTING BUSINESS/GENERAL BUSINESS 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 10 14 12 10 8 8 15 10 7 5 1 1 14 13 5 10 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 CIT/COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 2 2 1 5 CIT/LAN ADMINISTRATION 3 12 9 6 1 3 2 2 CIT/NETWORKING 1 6 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 CONSTRUCTION TECH, CONSTRUCTION MGT CONSTRUCTION TECH, WELDING COT/BUSINESS APPLICATIONS 3 COT/MEDICAL OFFICE SPECIALIST 1 COT/MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/CORRECTIONS 13th Edition 1 2 COMPUTER AND OFFICE TECH/COMPUTER PGRM. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1 1 BUSINESS/REAL ESTATE CIT/WEB MASTER 2 5 BUSINESS/MANAGEMENT BUSINESS/MID-MANAGEMENT 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 SP-16 1 1 1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates by Program and Emphasis 2001-09 DEGREE TYPE 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/INVESTIGATIONS 1 1 6 3 5 1 2 4 2 2 1 6 2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/LAW ENFORCEMENT 2 7 4 8 6 4 4 6 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/PRIVATE SECURITY 1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/JUVENILE JUSTICE CULINARY ARTS 2 1 3 5 3 7 6 9 DENTAL ASSISTING 5 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 11 10 10 11 11 8 8 2 1 2 DENTAL HYGIENE DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES TECHNICIAN 1 DIETETICS TECHNICIAN 3 1 1 2 DRAFTING TECH/MECHANICAL DRAFTING 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-INFANT/TODDLER EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION-PRESCHOOL 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 2 ECT/BUILDING SYSTEMS MAITENANCE TECH 2 2 2 5 1 1 ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 2 3 1 5 ENGINEERING DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY 4 3 2 1 ENVIRONMENT CONTROL TECH/INDUST. MAINT. 1 ENVIRONMENT CONTROL TECH/REFRIG/AIR COND. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 1 FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 3 5 1 1 11 14 6 14 13 8 14 16 FIREFIGHTER ACADEMY 7 10 10 17 17 8 13 8 FOOD SERVICE TECHNOLOGY/CULINARY ARTS 3 1 2 3 8 8 23 8 16 18 3 2 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS/DIGITAL MEDIA 5 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION/PRINTING TECH 1 1 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS/DESIGN 9 4 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATINS/VISUAL COMMUN. 3 3 1 HEATING, VENTILATION, AC / REFRIGERATION 1 HOTEL/RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT 1 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 1 LAN SUPPORT AND ADMINISTRATION 5 4 2 9 5 3 LAW ENFORCEMENT LEGAL ASSISTANT 1 1 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, ELECTRONICS 2 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, MACHINING 1 3 1 2 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, DRAFTING 1 MENTAL HLTH SVCS MENTAL HLTH SVCS/SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNS 1 1 1 2 1 2 MENTAL HLTH TECHNICIAN MILITARY OCCUPATIONS NURSING OCCUP SAFETY AND HEALTH TECH 34 44 1 1 59 57 1 3 1 67 53 1 37 1 OFFICE ADMIN/MEDICAL OFFICE 1 PARALEGAL/LAW RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY 5 SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING 1 13th Edition 34 3 1 SP-17 2 3 4 12 9 13 9 12 13 14 14 15 13 16 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates by Program and Emphasis 2001-09 DEGREE TYPE TRANSPORTATION/AUTO CERTIFIED TECH 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 1 TRANSPORTATION/DIESEL CERTIFIED TECH 1 1 1 1 1 1 VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE-TOTAL 1 1 5 3 8 9 189 2 1 7 1 3 1 2 2 166 181 165 206 219 210 213 22 22 28 34 40 46 47 63 1 3 10 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE, GENERAL DENTAL HYGIENE ENVIRONMENT SCI/CONSERVATION BIOL 1 ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE/NATURAL RESRCE MGMT 1 PRE ENGINEERING 1 1 35 42 48 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 1 2 ANTHROPOLOGY/DIVERSITY 1 ARCH DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE-TOTAL 22 22 28 4 1 54 74 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMNT ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY 1 2 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS BOOKKEEPING 1 BUILDING SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS 2 2 CIT MICROCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING CIT LAN ADMINISTRATION 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 CIT NETWORKING 1 1 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1 2 1 2 CONSTRUCTION TECH, HVAC/R CONSTRUCTION TECH, WELDING 1 COT LEGAL OFFICE PROFESSIONAL 1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 CULINARY ARTS - BAKING & PASTRY 1 15 12 19 13 17 1 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC - DIRECTOR ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 1 ENGINEERING DRAFTING TECH 1 1 3 5 1 1 3 4 1 1 14 10 16 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 3 13 16 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION/COMPUTER GRAPHICS 1 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS/IMAGING TECH. GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS/VISUAL COMMUN 2 1 3 FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION/DIGITAL MEDIA 1 1 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC - TEACHER GENERAL STUDIES 1 1 1 1 CULINARY ARTS DENTAL ASSISTING 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 HEATING, VENTILATION, AC / REFRIGERATION 4 LEGAL OFFICE PROFESSIONAL 4 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, DRAFTING 13th Edition 1 1 SP-18 2 1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates by Program and Emphasis 2001-09 DEGREE TYPE 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 MAUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, ELECTRONICS TECH 3 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 1 PARAMEDIC 1 REFRIG & AIR-CONDITION SERVICE TECH. 1 THEATRE 1 TRANSPORTATION TECH, AUTO GEN SERV TECH 1 TRANSPORTATION TECH, DIESEL TECH 2 VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT-TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 13th Edition 1 1 1 29 29 38 35 40 43 49 58 462 487 530 587 650 684 719 882 SP-19 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Age 2008-09 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Age 2008-09 50+ yrs. 4% 35-49 yrs. 13% Under 18 yrs. 0% 25-34 yrs 38% 18-24 yrs. 44% Under 18 yrs. N % Associate of General N Studies % Associate of Applied N Science % N Associate of Science % N Certificate of Achievement % N Total % Associate of Arts 13th Edition 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Total 0 245 166 49 13 473 0% 52% 35% 10% 3% 100% 0 24 41 15 8 88 0% 27% 47% 17% 9% 100% 0 54 86 36 13 189 0% 29% 46% 19% 7% 100% 0 40 29 5 0 74 0% 54% 39% 7% 0% 100% 0 28 15 12 3 58 0% 48% 26% 21% 5% 100% 0 391 337 117 37 882 0% 44% 38% 13% 4% 100% Page SP-20 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Ethnicity 2008-09 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Ethnicity 2008-09 White 68% Two or More Races 1% International Students 5% Unreported 4% Native American 2% African American Associate of Arts Associate of General Studies Associate of Applied Science Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement Total 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % Hispanic 11% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1% Asian 6% Hawaiian Native or Pacific Hispanic American Islander Asian African American 2% White InterUnnational reported Students Two or More Races Total 9 26 4 64 13 303 3 30 21 473 2% 5% 1% 14% 3% 64% 1% 6% 4% 100% 2 2% 2 1 5 1 71 0 3 3 88 2% 1% 6% 1% 81% 0% 3% 3% 100% 3 12 0 10 4 142 3 1 14 189 2% 1 6% 5 0% 0 5% 11 2% 1 75% 49 2% 1 1% 5 7% 1 100% 74 1% 7% 0% 15% 1% 66% 1% 7% 1% 100% 5 0 7 0 39 1 2 0 58 9% 0% 12% 0% 67% 2% 3% 0% 100% 4 7% 19 50 5 97 19 604 8 41 39 882 2% 6% 1% 11% 2% 68% 1% 5% 4% 100% Page SP-21 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Gender 2008-09 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Gender 2008-09 Male 36% Female 64% Female Associate of Arts Associate of General Studies Associate of Applied Science Associate of Science Certificate of Achievement Total 13th Edition N % N % N % N % N % N % Page SP-22 Male Total 301 172 473 64% 36% 100% 66 22 75% 25% 88 100% 100 89 189 53% 47% 100% 50 24 68% 32% 44 14 76% 24% 74 100% 58 100% 561 321 882 64% 36% 100% Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Outcome measures for TMCC, such as Retention, Persistence, Graduation Rate, Capture Rate, and more, can be found in this section of FactBook 2010 . DEFINITIONS: # Retained: The number of students who remain in a class until the end of the semester and receive A, B, C, D, Pass (P), Satisfactory (S), In Progress (X), or Audit (AD) grade notations (Math 000L enrollments are excluded). Retention Rate: The number of students retained in a course or program divided by the total number of students enrolled (a.k.a. % Retained). Persistence: The tracking of students from one semester to the next. This measure is derived by isolating a cohort of students and then calculating the percent of the original group that returns with each advancing semester. Based on this definition, students who leave for one or more semester(s) and then return to the College still contribute to the persistence rates for each semester they attend. Persistence is best measured by tracking first-time college student cohorts (standing= U01, status=NW). Graduation Rate: Based on a cohort of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students graduating within 150% of normal time. This is the rate reported to IPEDS. Co-Enrollment: Student enrollment at more than one institution during the same semester. Subsequent Enrollment: Students who attend another post-secondary institution after attending TMCC. Transfer (TMCC Transfers to UNR & UNLV): Students who have previous college experience and have earned more than 24 transferable college credits with 2.5 GPA in all coursework. Sierra Building, Dandini Campus 13th Edition Page OM-1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Semester Fall 2001 - Spring 2010 # RETAINED: The number of students who remain in a class until the end of the semester and receive A,B,C,D, Pass (P), Satisfactory (S), In Progress (X), or Audit (AD) grade notations (Math 000L enrollments are excluded). RETENTION RATE: The number of students retained in a course or program divided by the total number of students enrolled. Retention Rate by Semester 2001-10 76% % Retained 74% 72% 70% 68% 66% 64% Fall 01 Spr 02 Fall 02 Spr 03 Fall 03 Spr 04 Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Term Total Enrollments Number Retained Retention Rate Fall 01 23,845 17,609 74% Spr 02 24,134 18,196 75% Fall 02 25,900 19,436 75% Spr 03 25,512 19,089 75% Fall 03 27,266 19,783 73% Spr 04 26,891 19,646 73% Fall 04 29,153 20,852 72% Spr 05 28,347 20,685 73% Fall 05 30,881 21,774 71% Spr 06 28,980 20,359 70% Fall 06 30,952 21,257 69% Spr 07 30,098 21,026 70% Fall 07 32,444 22,720 70% Spr 08 31,562 22,423 71% Fall 08 34,009 24,203 71% Spr 09 33,403 24,509 73% Fall 09 36,505 26,346 72% Spr 10 36,243 26,849 74% Average 29,785 21,487 72.1% 13th Edition Page OM-2 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Age Fall 2005-09 Retention by Age Fall 2009 100% 90% 80% 87% 81% 77% 75% 70% 69% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% < 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Retention by Age - Five Year Summary Term < 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Overall Total Enrollments 924 18,865 6,212 3,458 1,422 30,881 # Retained 693 12,561 4,719 2,681 1,120 21,774 % Retained 75% 67% 76% 78% 79% 71% Total Enrollments 768 19,620 5,984 3,165 1,415 30,952 # Retained 586 12,769 4,381 2,407 1,114 21,257 % Retained 76% 65% 73% 76% 79% 69% 875 20,497 6,530 3,322 1,220 32,444 # Retained 721 13,597 4,820 2,580 1,002 22,720 % Retained 82% 66% 74% 78% 82% 70% 895 21,213 7,216 3,296 1,389 34,009 # Retained 769 14,419 5,339 2,548 1,128 24,203 % Retained 86% 68% 74% 77% 81% 71% Total Enrollments 909 22,637 7,927 3,617 1,415 36,505 # Retained 791 15,662 5,943 2,798 1,152 26,346 % Retained 87% 69% 75% 77% 81% 72% Average Retention Rate 81% 67% 74% 77% 80% 71% Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Total Enrollments Fall 2007 Total Enrollments Fall 2008 Fall 2009 13th Edition Page OM-3 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Ethnicity Fall 2005-09 Retention by Ethnicity Fall 2009 90% 84% 80% 74% 70% 60% 63% 73% 71% 67% 82% 71% 66% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% African American Asian Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Native American White Two or More Races International Unreported Retention by Ethnicity - Five Year Summary African American Term Total Enrollments Fall # Retained 2005 % Retained 60% Total Enrollments 855 Fall # Retained 2006 % Retained Total Enrollments Fall # Retained 2007 % Retained Total Enrollments Fall # Retained 2008 % Retained Total Enrollments Fall # Retained 2009 % Retained Average Retention Rate Asian Hawaiian Native or Pacific Hispanic American Islander White Two or More Races InterUnnational reported Overall 839 2,051 3,566 692 21,471 512 1,750 30,881 500 1,421 2,385 424 15,347 465 1,232 21,774 69% 67% 61% 71% 91% 70% 71% 2,007 3,883 621 21,428 440 1,718 30,952 21,257 501 1,390 2,497 358 14,960 381 1,170 59% 69% 64% 58% 70% 87% 68% 69% 889 2,222 4,123 686 22,239 464 1,821 32,444 22,720 528 1,552 2,711 428 15,853 404 1,244 59% 70% 66% 62% 71% 87% 68% 70% 958 2,420 4,564 675 22,986 494 1,912 34,009 24,203 628 1,742 3,112 450 16,480 441 1,350 66% 72% 68% 67% 72% 89% 71% 71% 1,051 1,793 591 6,330 647 24,320 991 455 327 36,505 662 1,320 396 4,463 429 17,726 700 382 268 26,346 63% 74% 67% 71% 66% 73% 71% 84% 82% 72% 61% 71% 0% 68% 63% 71% 0% 88% 70% 71% Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fall 2009 to align with new IPEDS and NSHE reporting requirements. 13th Edition Page OM-4 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Gender Fall 2005-09 Retention by Gender Fall 2005-09 Female 80% Male 75% 70% 72% 69% 70% 70% 70% 68% 67% 65% 74% 72% 72% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Retention by Gender - Five Year Summary Term Fall 2005 Female 17,309 13,537 35 30,881 12,384 9,369 21 21,774 72% 69% 60% 71% Total Enrollments 17,518 13,434 0 30,952 # Retained 12,198 9,059 0 21,257 70% 67% - 69% Total Enrollments 18,279 14,165 0 32,444 # Retained 13,082 9,638 0 22,720 72% 68% - 70% Total Enrollments 19,291 14,717 1 34,009 # Retained % Retained 13,981 72% 10,311 70% 1 - 24,293 71% Total Enrollments 20,441 16,010 54 36,505 # Retained 15,034 11,281 31 26,346 74% 70% 57% 72% 72% 69% 59% 71% % Retained Fall 2008 Fall 2009 % Retained Average Retention Rate 13th Edition Overall # Retained % Retained Fall 2007 Unreported Total Enrollments % Retained Fall 2006 Male Page OM-5 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Enrollment Status Fall 2005-09 Retention by Enrollment Status Fall 2009 90% 80% 70% 76% 73% 68% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Continuing Students New Transfers New Students Retention by Enrollment Status - Five Year Summary Continuing Students Term Fall 2005 22,084 3,561 5,236 30,881 15,830 2,678 3,266 21,774 72% 75% 62% 71% Total Enrollments 22,278 3,481 5,193 30,952 # Retained 15,543 2,528 3,186 21,257 70% 73% 61% 69% Total Enrollments 23,374 3,588 5,482 32,444 # Retained 16,603 2,728 3,389 22,720 71% 76% 62% 70% Total Enrollments 24,950 2,827 6,232 34,009 # Retained % Retained 17,988 72% 2,040 72% 4,175 67% 24,203 71% Total Enrollments 26,205 3,191 7,109 36,505 # Retained % Retained Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Overall # Retained % Retained Fall 2007 New Students Total Enrollments % Retained Fall 2006 New Transfers 19,058 2,434 4,854 26,346 % Retained 73% 76% 68% 72% Average Retention Rate 72% 75% 65% 71% 13th Edition Page OM-6 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Student Credit Load Fall 2005-09 Retention by Student Credit Load Fall 2009 100% 90% 80% 86% 75% 70% 72% 60% 50% 49% 40% 30% Full-time (12+ Credits) 9 - 11.9 Credits 6 - 8.9 Credits Less than 6 Credits Retention by Student Credit Load - 5 Year Summary Full-time (12+ Credits) Term Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2009 6 - 8.9 Credits Less than 6 Credits Total Total Enrollments 7,827 5,455 7,089 10,510 30,881 # Retained 7,550 4,544 5,327 4,353 21,774 % Retained 96% 83% 75% 41% 71% Total Enrollments 7,204 6,084 6,816 10,848 30,952 # Retained 6,909 4,974 4,976 4,398 21,257 % Retained 96% 82% 73% 41% 69% Total Enrollments 8,143 6,632 7,426 10,243 32,444 # Retained 7,711 5,124 5,340 4,545 22,720 % Retained 95% 77% 72% 44% 70% 10,760 6,913 7,555 8,781 34,009 # Retained 9,191 5,148 5,387 4,477 24,203 % Retained 85% 74% 71% 51% 71% Total Enrollments 12,545 7,768 7,720 8,472 36,505 # Retained Total Enrollments Fall 2008 9 - 11.9 Credits 10,799 5,860 5,552 4,135 26,346 % Retained 86% 75% 72% 49% 72% Average Retention Rate 91% 78% 73% 45% 71% 13th Edition Page OM-7 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Student Educational Goal Fall 2005-09 Retention by Student Educational Goal Fall 2009 90% 80% 70% 81% 72% 75% 72% 69% 60% 71% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Earn a Degree Earn a Certificate Improve Job Skills Personal Enrichment Transfer Undecided Retention by Educational Goal - Five Year Summary Earn a Degree Term Total Enrollments Transfer Undecided Overall 24,075 1,246 361 2,315 314 2,570 30,881 17,162 896 298 1,633 217 1,568 21,774 71% 72% 83% 71% 69% 61% 71% 24,468 1,414 457 2,490 519 1,604 30,952 16,869 1,040 357 1,679 330 982 21,257 69% 74% 78% 67% 64% 61% 69% 25,434 1,643 372 3,104 848 1,043 32,444 17,643 1,190 287 2,315 608 677 22,720 69% 72% 77% 75% 72% 65% 70% 26,753 1,433 492 3,727 672 932 34,009 % Retained 18,810 70% 1,022 71% 440 89% 2,819 76% 460 68% 652 70% 24,203 71% Total Enrollments 29,553 1,486 343 3,710 616 797 36,505 21,221 1,070 277 2,790 424 564 26,346 72% 72% 81% 75% 69% 71% 72% 70% 72% 82% 73% 69% 64% 71% Fall 2005 # Retained % Retained Total Enrollments Fall 2006 # Retained % Retained Total Enrollments Fall 2007 # Retained % Retained Total Enrollments Fall 2008 # Retained Fall 2009 # Retained % Retained Average Retention Rate 13th Edition Earn a Improve Job Personal Certificate Skills Enrichment Page OM-8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by Total Credits Earned Fall 2005-09 Retention by Total Credits Earned Fall 2009 100% 90% 80% 89% 84% 78% 70% 66% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% High School Students 0 - 30 Credits 30 - 60 Credits More than 60 Credits Retention by Total Credits Earned - Five Year Summary High School Students Term Total Enrollments Fall 2005 Fall 2009 3,562 30,881 # Retained 476 14,402 4,006 2,890 21,774 % Retained 74% 67% 76% 81% 71% 639 18,178 6,925 5,210 30,952 # Retained 481 11,222 5,207 4,347 21,257 % Retained 75% 62% 75% 83% 69% 944 21,538 5,995 3,967 32,444 # Retained 715 14,390 4,464 3,151 22,720 % Retained 76% 67% 74% 79% 70% 727 21,931 6,918 4,433 34,009 # Retained 623 14,828 5,195 3,557 24,203 % Retained 86% 68% 75% 80% 71% Total Enrollments 471 20,892 8,638 6,504 36,505 # Retained 417 13,747 6,697 5,485 26,346 % Retained 89% 66% 78% 84% 72% 79% 66% 76% 82% 71% Average Retention Rate 13th Edition Overall 5,295 Total Enrollments Fall 2008 More than 60 Credits 21,380 Total Enrollments Fall 2007 30 - 60 Credits 644 Total Enrollments Fall 2006 0 - 30 Credits Page OM-9 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by School Fall 2007-09 Retention by School Fall 2009 100% 90% 80% 70% 73% 66% 60% 78% 71% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% School of Business & Entrepreneurship School of Liberal Arts School of Sciences Workforce Development & Continuing Education Retention Rates by School - Three Year Summary SCHOOL Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Average School of Business and Entreprenuership 65% 64% 66% 65% School of Liberal Arts 70% 72% 73% 72% 61% 67% 69% 65% School of Sciences 69% 70% 71% 70% Developmental Math 41% 43% 53% 46% Developmental English High Sierra Academy Northern Nevada Fire Rescue Workforce Development & Continuing Education 74% 96% - - 100% 100% 85% 95% 81% 81% 84% 78% Apprenticeship Programs 91% 93% 95% 93% General Studies 77% 79% 74% 77% 70% 71% 72% 71% Total % Retained 13th Edition Page OM-10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by School & Program Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 SOBE - School of Business & Entreprenuership Accounting 59% 61% Business 66% 68% Economics 56% 69% Entrepreneurship Logisitics Management Management 81% 80% Marketing 74% 70% Real Estate 63% 61% SOBE Total 64% 67% SOLA - School of Liberal Arts American Sign Language 84% 82% Anthropology 67% 69% Art 75% 80% Core Humanities 75% 75% Counseling and Personal Development 79% 88% Dance 55% 75% Early Childhood Education 75% 74% Education 75% 77% Education Teacher Preparation 85% 88% Educational Leadership and Psychology English 67% 67% English - Developmental 64% 57% English As A Second Language 81% 83% French 57% 71% German 79% 62% Graphic Communication 78% 73% Hebrew 59% 75% History 72% 76% Human Development and Family 64% 69% Humanities 70% 69% Italian 66% 78% Japanese 68% Journalism 70% 67% Legal Assistant 79% 78% Mental Health 84% 90% Music 72% 77% Philosophy 69% 73% Political Science 71% 72% Psychology 66% 71% Reading 77% 59% Russian Social Work 63% Sociology 63% 64% Spanish 68% 73% Speech Communication 73% 82% Study Skills 62% 71% Theater 79% 84% Womens Studies SOLA Total 71% 73% 13th Edition Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 72% 64% 64% 62% 62% 62% 71% 61% 63% 65% 60% 70% 73% 55% 70% 72% 54% 69% 77% 65% 74% 73% 66% 59% 63% 77% 65% 49% 65% 73% 64% 47% 64% 73% 63% 45% 65% 77% 62% 34% 64% 70% 60% 66% 63% 83% 76% 66% 43% 66% 73% 58% 71% 76% 61% 69% 67% 69% 51% 70% 83% 70% 72% 64% 38% 64% 93% 63% 71% 74% 81% 61% 73% 78% 84% 72% 72% 74% 85% 83% 70% 75% 88% 89% 65% 70% 76% 82% 71% 59% 70% 89% 69% 70% 76% 74% 79% 66% 72% 73% 89% 70% 70% 77% 84% 73% 65% 72% 92% 67% 75% 77% 81% 74% 73% 72% 88% 64% 58% 77% 57% 50% 73% 83% 69% 69% 68% 53% 88% 70% 80% 83% 73% 68% 73% 68% 65% 66% 53% 72% 91% 67% 71% 73% 67% 72% 68% 75% 77% 70% 79% 90% 74% 67% 69% 64% 60% 68% 89% 66% 65% 82% 73% 81% 48% 70% 63% 56% 76% 65% 55% 71% 77% 66% 68% 63% 55% 76% 63% 82% 79% 69% 70% 71% 69% 82% 73% 86% 64% 69% 73% 61% 80% 50% 68% 65% 49% 80% 81% 65% 60% 80% 72% 38% 74% 81% 71% 66% 63% 65% 83% 74% 76% 82% 77% 74% 74% 68% 77% 73% 47% 61% 65% 70% 72% 83% 71% 70% 66% 54% 80% 74% 30% 77% 100% 72% 66% 71% 81% 65% 67% 83% 91% 73% 71% 75% 66% 66% 65% 41% 67% 72% 69% 62% 81% 58% 71% 63% 62% 69% 79% 65% 77% 64% 69% OM-11 76% 88% 69% 64% 65% 58% 82% 54% 75% 86% 75% 67% 72% 64% 75% 77% 62% 63% 69% 71% 70% 86% 77% 70% 100% 80% 59% 51% 71% 78% 66% 66% 82% 80% 77% 78% 88% 71% 75% 78% 84% 76% 69% 78% 100% 76% 73% 61% 86% 65% 100% 83% 82% 61% 64% 74% 65% 67% 77% 75% 78% 71% 69% 70% 77% 60% 60% 65% 67% 68% 74% 84% 66% 72% 78% 69% 70% 88% 80% 77% 81% 71% 77% 73% 75% 72% 61% 79% 48% 66% 74% 71% 53% 86% 67% 74% 88% 64% 75% 80% 83% 72% 64% 74% 87% 65% 78% 78% 80% 74% 66% 76% 78% 71% 68% 83% 78% 83% 77% 81% 65% 75% 73% 73% 88% 69% 77% 71% 72% 66% 68% 70% 77% 68% 70% 74% 71% 84% 66% 73% 85% 77% 77% 50% 69% 90% 70% 79% 80% 89% 81% 67% 80% 85% 76% 71% 69% 84% 78% 80% 83% 83% 66% 68% 97% 83% 63% 85% 82% 78% 69% 72% 68% 60% 92% 83% 68% 72% 80% 66% 85% 70% 74% Avg. 69% 60% 67% 74% 86% 76% 66% 54% 66% 88% 68% 74% 77% 82% 74% 68% 75% 85% 77% 67% 61% 80% 71% 63% 76% 78% 73% 67% 68% 69% 77% 68% 81% 82% 75% 70% 72% 68% 68% 74% 65% 65% 69% 74% 67% 83% 64% 71% Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by School & Program Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 Avg. SOSC - School of Sciences Aeronautical Technology 56% 83% 87% 81% 75% Architectural Design Technology 77% 85% 75% 86% 77% 78% 91% 83% 76% 90% 92% 87% 82% Architecture 81% 85% 76% 88% 78% 83% 75% 84% 74% 90% 79% 87% 81% Astronomy 74% 67% 60% 68% 68% 69% 70% 57% 68% 69% 67% 67% 67% Atmospheric Science 100% 100% Automotive 87% 84% 80% 80% 83% 85% 91% 91% 87% 89% 89% 85% 87% Automotive Technician Education 93% 92% 97% 97% 93% 98% 95% Aviation 71% 63% 75% 87% 81% 85% 94% 73% 79% Biology 73% 74% 72% 72% 70% 72% 75% 77% 79% 79% 79% 79% 75% Building Inspection 80% 80% 84% 96% 91% 81% 85% Carpentry Apprentice 100% 99% 100% 95% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100% 99% Chemistry 67% 75% 67% 68% 64% 58% 64% 71% 70% 79% 75% 72% 70% Cisco 58% 69% 55% 66% 69% 62% 58% 54% 54% 67% 61% 64% 61% Computer Information Technology 70% 68% 70% 67% 70% 65% 71% 73% 69% 74% 73% 65% 70% Computer Science 68% 53% 43% 73% 66% 50% 64% 59% Construction 88% 86% 74% 76% 79% 73% 82% 91% 85% 84% 83% 89% 82% Cooperative Education Interns 81% 78% 68% 68% 68% 76% 75% 67% 64% 73% 81% 78% 73% Criminal Justice 81% 80% 81% 82% 77% 77% 69% 73% 81% 74% 70% 78% 77% Culinary 89% 88% 85% 85% 89% 89% 85% 85% 79% 85% 79% 87% 85% Dental Assisting 93% 95% 90% 98% 98% 96% 86% 99% 96% 98% 99% 100% 95% Dental Hygiene 99% 100% 87% 95% 96% 100% 100% 94% 99% 100% 99% 100% 98% Diesel Technical Education Co 86% 88% 91% 91% 92% 93% 86% 84% 93% 82% 91% 91% 89% Drafting 60% 61% 58% 72% 63% 61% 68% 67% 71% 62% 66% 75% 66% Electrical Tech 100% 100% 91% 95% Electricians Apprentice 74% 74% 25% 92% 100% 78% Electronics Technology 80% 79% 90% 81% 82% 83% 79% 93% 70% 91% 89% 77% 81% Emergency Medical Services 86% 75% 80% 85% 87% 90% 91% 86% 87% 87% 88% 89% 87% Emergency Medical Technician 96% 98% 100% 98% 98% Engineering 72% 73% 78% 81% 80% 89% 82% Environmental Control Technology 84% 87% 100% 91% 77% 88% Environmental Studies 72% 72% 65% 77% 66% 73% 73% 70% 71% 74% 72% 64% 71% Fire Science 86% 88% 85% 82% 75% 84% 87% 88% 78% 81% 73% 82% 83% Food and Beverage 81% 81% Geographic Information Systems 67% 60% 63% 63% Geography 71% 74% 75% 72% 71% 59% 64% 69% 73% 70% 72% 79% 71% Geology 73% 74% 73% 80% 74% 74% 79% 76% 69% 84% 84% 84% 78% Health Occupations 78% 93% 76% 70% 75% 79% 67% 52% 39% 66% 48% 57% 70% Heating, Ventilation, & Air 83% 90% 85% 88% 88% 91% 76% 88% 87% Heavy Equipment Mechanics 83% 67% 75% 58% 64% 67% Industrial Maintenance Technology 76% 60% 81% 100% 81% 81% 83% 84% 80% Industrial Management 100% 88% 93% 87% 85% 81% 87% 86% 87% Information Systems 68% 66% 72% 74% 67% 63% 70% 69% 63% 65% 64% 64% 67% Lab Technology 90% 97% 94% 93% 87% 91% 90% 96% 95% 98% 88% 93% 93% Manufacturing and Production Technology 83% 73% 59% 75% 71% Manufacturing Technology 100% 76% 79% 77% 81% 81% 77% 77% 84% 79% Math - Developmental 51% 50% 50% 43% 39% 43% 41% 44% 43% 44% 53% 60% 47% Mathematics 55% 51% 46% 52% 52% 53% 59% 58% 58% 62% 58% 61% 56% Mechanical Technology 83% 76% 85% 94% 86% Medical Records Technology 100% 83% 83% 83% 88% 56% 85% Military Occupations 63% 69% 50% 57% 43% 100% 80% 91% 75% 60% 75% 82% 72% 13th Edition OM-12 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Retention by School & Program Fall 2004 - Spring 2010 SCHOOL-PROGRAM Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 SOSC - School of Sciences (continued) Natural Resources & Environmental Scienc Nursing 90% 88% 89% Nutrition 81% 82% 77% Physics 58% 65% 59% Pipe Trades Apprentice Radiological Technology 95% 94% 92% Renewable Energy Technology Solar Energy Technology Surveying Veterinary Technician 91% 93% 100% Welding 74% 79% 70% Wildland Firefighting 64% SOSC Total 73% 72% 71% WDCE - Workforce Development & Continuing Education Bricklayers Apprentice 67% 100% 100% Carpentry Foundation Computer and Office Technology 60% 70% 66% Construction Cosmetology 87% 96% 90% Court Reporting 93% 95% 91% Electricians Apprentice 93% 96% 92% Flooring Apprentice 100% 91% 100% Industrial Apprentice 60% 83% 100% Iron Work Apprentice 70% 100% 93% Operations Engineering Apprentice 84% 89% 89% Painting/Decorating Apprentice 100% 90% 100% Personal Training 90% Pipe Trades Apprentice 92% 93% 100% Recreation Physical Education 75% 79% 77% Refrigeration Service Apprentice 92% 92% 100% Sheet Metal Apprentice 88% 100% 81% Silver College Computer Training 86% 92% 88% Tillesetter Apprentice 67% 100% 100% Truck Driving Woodworking 70% 83% 96% WDCE Total 80% 85% 83% Grand Total 72% 73% 71% 13th Edition Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 71% 88% 74% 52% 47% 92% 71% 50% 83% 91% 65% 93% 70% 62% 74% 87% 64% 84% 77% 67% 33% 93% 77% 91% 77% 58% 92% 92% 59% 91% 72% 65% 100% 90% 88% 92% 77% 64% 76% 88% 78% 56% 64% 91% 72% 63% 90% 90% 94% 88% 64% 95% 90% 94% 88% 98% 87% 91% 90% 89% 83% 100% 84% 70% 72% 71% 74% 87% 96% 76% 95% 85% 76% 100% 100% 95% 100% 79% 80% 82% 71% 68% 69% 66% 100% 100% 85% 74% 65% 66% 89% 84% 98% 96% 69% 71% 33% 60% 78% 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 92% 100% 70% 69% 64% 67% 57% 84% 69% 89% 85% 83% 99% 100% 100% 99% 94% 88% 96% 95% 90% 96% 97% 98% 97% 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 89% 75% 93% 54% 84% 78% 66% 100% 80% 66% 91% 95% 87% 100% 91% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 88% 96% 95% 74% 72% 73% 66% 100% 93% 100% 90% 93% 98% 95% 94% 89% 80% 88% 89% 67% 100% 100% 100% 100% 83% 90% 81% 80% 82% 79% 70% 69% 70% 70% OM-13 100% 95% 95% 72% 72% 75% 100% 86% 100% 100% 93% 98% 89% 91% 91% 100% 100% 97% 69% 82% 89% 91% 99% 75% 100% 100% 93% 84% 71% 78% 72% 81% 74% 83% 71% 82% 73% Avg. 69% 90% 75% 60% 82% 91% 88% 86% 94% 95% 81% 64% 71% 85% 83% 65% 81% 95% 93% 94% 99% 86% 80% 93% 99% 90% 96% 73% 95% 94% 89% 92% 86% 83% 82% 71% Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Persistence Rates Fall 2000 - Fall 2009 Cohorts Persistence: The tracking of students from one semester to the next. This measure is derived by isolating a cohort of students and then calculating the percent of the original group that returns with each advancing semester. Based on this definition, students who leave for one or more semester(s) and then return to the college still contribute to the persistence rates for each semester they attend. Persistence is best measured by tracking first-time college student cohorts. 1st-time College Student Cohorts All Students After ONE Semester After TWO Semesters Returning Returning # Entering Number Percent Number Fall 2000 1,545 803 52% 577 37% Fall 2001 1,440 810 56% 574 40% Fall 2002 1,726 1027 60% 757 44% Fall 2003 1,703 1013 59% 737 43% Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 2,004 1,898 1,761 1,911 1,860 2,101 1198 1148 1083 1198 1204 1427 60% 60% 61% 63% 65% 68% 895 857 831 916 919 - 45% 45% 47% 48% 49% - Average 1,795 1091 61% 785 43% Degree Seeking Students # Entering Returning Number Percent Percent Returning Number Percent Fall 2000 866 532 61% 406 47% Fall 2001 936 586 63% 447 48% Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 1,211 1,224 1,476 1,344 1,246 1,395 1,406 1,710 771 770 944 860 811 929 985 1218 64% 63% 64% 64% 65% 67% 70% 71% 575 568 717 662 637 707 768 - 47% 46% 49% 49% 51% 51% 55% - Average 1281 841 66% 610 48% # Entering Number Percent Number Fall 2000 326 257 79% 194 60% Fall 2001 344 267 78% 201 58% Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 305 288 362 314 320 333 519 678 272 253 317 279 295 294 431 571 89% 88% 88% 89% 92% 88% 83% 84% 226 197 248 228 232 238 349 - 74% 68% 69% 73% 73% 71% 67% - Average 379 324 85% 235 68% Full-time Students1 Returning Returning Percent (1) Students enrolling in 12 or more units their 1st semester (Standing='U01', Status='NW'). Note: Cohorts do not include high school students. 13th Edition Page OM-14 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Persistence by Age Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 Cohorts New Student Persistence by Age Percent of Students Returning After One Semester Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 New Student Cohort Fall 2007 Cohort 80% Fall 2008 Cohort 70% 60% 67% 69% 66% 68% 58% 50% 56% 40% 42% 44% 41% 30% 20% 24% 10% 0% < 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Persistence by Age After One Semester After Two Semesters Fall 2007 Cohort Returning AGE < 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Total Returning # Entering 54 1,469 219 144 25 Number 36 969 128 61 6 Percent 67% 66% 58% 42% 24% Number 27 742 99 44 4 Percent 50% 51% 45% 31% 16% 1,911 1,200 63% 916 48% # Entering 42 1,475 183 104 56 Number 29 1004 102 46 23 Percent 69% 68% 56% 44% 41% Number 24 783 72 24 16 Percent 57% 53% 39% 23% 29% 1,860 1,204 65% 919 49% Fall 2008 Cohort Returning AGE < 18 yrs. 18-24 yrs. 25-34 yrs. 35-49 yrs. 50+ yrs. Total Returning Note: Cohorts do not include high school students (Standing='U01', Status='NW'). 13th Edition Page OM-15 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Persistence by Ethnicity Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 Cohorts New Student Persistence by Ethnicity Percent of Students Returning After One Semester Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 New Student Cohort Fall 2007 Cohort 90% Fall 2008 Cohort 80% 70% 60% 50% 61% 61% 64% 69% 62% 68% 77% 73% 70% 59% 63% 64% 61% 63% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% African American Asian Hispanic Native American White International Students Unreported Persistence by Ethnicity After One Semester After Two Semesters Fall 2007 Cohort Returning ETHNICITY African American Asian Hispanic Native American White International Students Unreported Total Returning # Entering 56 127 343 46 1,216 13 110 Number 34 81 212 32 764 10 67 Percent 61% 64% 62% 70% 63% 77% 61% Number 20 65 173 21 576 8 53 Percent 36% 51% 50% 46% 47% 62% 48% 1,911 1,200 63% 916 48% # Entering 66 111 372 44 1,148 11 108 Number 40 77 254 26 731 8 68 Percent 61% 69% 68% 59% 64% 73% 63% Number 33 72 191 19 548 8 48 Percent 50% 65% 51% 43% 48% 73% 44% 1,860 1,204 65% 919 49% Fall 2008 Cohort Returning ETHNICITY African American Asian Hispanic Native American White International Students Unreported Total Returning Note: Cohorts do not include high school students (Standing='U01', Status='NW') 13th Edition Page OM-16 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Persistence by Gender Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 Cohorts New Student Persistence by Gender Percent of Students Returning After One Semester Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 New Student Cohort Fall 2007 Cohort 70% Fall 2008 Cohort 65% 60% 66% 64% 64% 62% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% Female Male Persistence by Gender After One Semester After Two Semesters Fall 2007 Cohort Returning GENDER Female Male Total Returning # Entering 886 1,025 Number 563 637 Percent 64% 62% Number 443 473 Percent 50% 46% 1,911 1,200 63% 916 48% # Entering 930 930 Number 612 592 Percent 66% 64% Number 483 436 Percent 52% 47% 1,860 1,204 65% 919 49% Fall 2008 Cohort Returning GENDER Female Male Total Returning Note: Cohorts do not include high school students (Standing='U01', Status='NW') 13th Edition Page OM-17 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Average Time to Completion & Percent Graduating by Summer 2009 Fall 2003 - 2008 Cohorts Percent Graduating by Summer 2009 From New Student Cohorts 18.0% Fall 2006 16.0% Fall14.0% 2005 12.0% Fall 2004 10.0% Fall 8.0% 2003 6.0% Fall 2002 4.0% Fall 2001 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% Fall 2003 0.0% 0.2% 13% IPEDS GRS 3.1% Graduation Rate 1.0% 1.2% 3.1% 4.0% 8.5% 4.3% 5.2% 9.7% 8.0% 9.5% 19.2% 7.1% 9.1% 17.8% Fall 2004 Fall 2005 New FT Degree-Seeking Fall 2006 Fall 2007 New Degree-Seeking Fall 2008 All New Students All New Students New Student Cohorts Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Total # of New Students # Graduating By Summer 2009 % of Cohort that Graduated # of Possible Semesters 1,703 2,004 1,895 1,757 1,906 1,859 136 135 114 84 10 0 8% 7% 6% 5% 1% 0% 12 10 8 6 4 2 New, Degree or Certificate-Seeking Students New Student Cohorts Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Total # of New Students # Graduating By Summer 2009 % of Cohort that Graduated # of Possible Semesters 1,300 1,541 1,448 1,379 1,512 1,497 123 127 103 77 9 0 9% 8% 7% 6% 1% 0% 12 10 8 6 4 2 New, Full-Time, Degree or Certificate-Seeking Students New Student Cohorts Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006** Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Total # of New Students* # Graduating By Summer 2009 % of Cohort that Graduated # of Possible Semesters 462 573 594 617 670 685 77 89 96 80 13 0 17% 16% 16% 13% 2% 0% 12 10 8 6 4 2 *This column represents the number of students in our GRS cohort (NW, FT, degree-seeking) **This represents our current IPEDS "Student Right-To-Know" 3-Year graduation rate. 13th Edition Page OM-18 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Graduation Rate by Cohort 2001-06 Cohorts #REF! #REF! Graduation Rate by Cohort #REF! #REF! 2001-06 Cohorts Fall 2006 13% Fall 2005 11% Fall 2004 9% Fall 2003 6% 14% 12% 10% 11% 10% 9% 8% 6% 13% 6% 6% 4% 2% 0% Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 IPEDS - Graduation Rate Data Cohorts Fall 2001 Percent Fall 2002 Percent Fall 2003 Percent Fall 2004 Percent Fall 2005 Percent Fall 2006 Percent 13th Edition Full-time, first-time degree seekers Students completing their program within 150% of normal time Students transferring to another institution Non-completers still enrolled at TMCC Non-completers not enrolled 304 19 73 77 135 100% 6% 24% 25% 44% 454 47 93 130 184 100% 10% 20% 29% 41% 462 28 77 123 234 100% 6% 17% 27% 51% 573 49 107 132 285 100% 9% 19% 23% 50% 594 66 104 147 277 100% 11% 18% 25% 47% 660 83 124 160 293 100% 13% 19% 24% 44% Page OM-19 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Co-Enrollment of TMCC Students Fall 2004 to Spring 2010 (End-of-Term) Co-Enrollment of TMCC Students By Term Fall 04 - Fall 09 16% Spring 05 - Spring 10 Percent of Students Co-Enrolled 15% 14% 13% 12% 11% 10% 9% 8% Fall 04 Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Spr 05 Spr 06 Spr 07 Spr 08 Spr 09 Spr 10 Co-Enrollment of TMCC Students Co-Enrolled Institution Term Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 Fall 09 Spr 10 TMCC Headcount 11,851 11,365 12,043 11,686 12,193 12,061 12,774 12,764 13,137 12,962 13,582 13,372 UNR # 1,228 1,248 1,334 1,437 1,395 1,548 1,491 1,640 1,569 1,557 1,552 1,472 % 10.4% 11.0% 11.1% 12.3% 11.4% 12.8% 11.7% 12.8% 11.9% 12.0% 11.4% 11.0% Other 4-Year School # % 72 0.6% 69 0.6% 65 0.5% 64 0.5% 61 0.5% 72 0.6% 60 0.5% 77 0.6% 68 0.5% 60 0.5% 71 0.5% 74 0.6% Other 2-Year School # % 180 1.5% 162 1.4% 174 1.4% 198 1.7% 156 1.3% 171 1.4% 183 1.4% 191 1.5% 193 1.5% 184 1.4% 176 1.3% 170 1.3% Total Co-Enrolled (Unduplicated)* # % 1,466 12.4% 1,463 12.9% 1,546 12.8% 1,671 14.3% 1,601 13.1% 1,762 14.6% 1,701 13.3% 1,879 14.7% 1,801 13.7% 1,773 13.7% 1,779 13.1% 1,687 12.6% * Students may be enrolled at more than one non-TMCC institution during the same term, especially if they are taking distance education classes, so coenrollment counts are not additive. Source: Student Information System and the National Student Clearinghouse 13th Edition Page OM-20 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Subsequent Enrollments of Non-Returning, Non-Graduating, Degree-Seeking Students Fall 2004 to Spring 2009 (End of Term) Subsequent Enrollment of Degree Seeking Students AY 04-05 to AY 08-09 Fall 30.0% Spring 27% 26% 25.0% 27% 25% 23% 20.0% 20% 20% 23% 20% 20% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 Subsequent Enrollment of Degree Seeking Students Cohort Term TMCC DegreeSeeking Students Fall 04 Spr 05 Fall 05 Spr 06 Fall 06 Spr 07 Fall 07 Spr 08 Fall 08 Spr 09 8,925 8,661 9,073 8,843 9,434 9,444 9,845 9,670 10,074 9,966 Graduated Cohort Term # 60 269 88 276 94 308 96 301 106 370 % 1% 3% 1% 3% 1% 3% 1% 3% 1% 4% Returned Next Term (Persistence Rate) # 5,816 4,845 5,969 4,956 6,275 5,393 6,580 5,650 6,868 5,977 % 65% 56% 66% 56% 67% 57% 67% 58% 68% 60% Did Not Return Next Term or Graduate Of Students Who Did Not Return Next Term or Graduate, Number Enrolled at Another Institution (Attrition Rate) # 3,049 3,547 3,016 3,611 3,065 3,743 3,169 3,719 3,100 3,619 % 34% 41% 33% 41% 32% 40% 32% 38% 31% 36% UNR Other NV Out of State 465 611 445 576 460 713 442 694 523 628 82 175 70 113 87 123 92 124 89 103 66 146 96 139 71 184 95 192 98 181 Total # 613 932 611 828 618 1020 629 1010 710 912 % 20% 26% 20% 23% 20% 27% 20% 27% 23% 25% Source: Student Information System and the National Student Clearinghouse 13th Edition Page OM-21 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Transfer Students TMCC Transfers to UNR & UNLV (1998-09) TMCC Transfers to UNR & UNLV UNR Fall 1998-09 UNLV 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Fall 98 Fall 99 Fall 00 Fall 01 Fall 02 Fall 03 Fall 04 Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 TMCC Transfers to UNR & UNLV UNR Fall 1998 Fall 1999 Fall 2000 Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 % Change UNLV % Change Total % Change 277 - 26 - 303 - 304 10% 44 69% 348 15% 333 10% 11 -75% 344 -1% 361 8% 15 36% 376 9% 351 -3% 44 193% 395 5% 317 -10% 48 9% 365 -8% 352 11% 22 -54% 374 2% 358 2% 20 -9% 378 1% 331 -8% 13 -35% 344 -9% 328 -1% 16 23% 344 0% 417 27% 10 -38% 427 24% 452 8% 19 90% 471 10% Source: UNR & UNLV Note: According to the Board of Regents Handbook, transfer students must complete 24 credits in baccalaureate level courses with a gpa of at least 2.3 if the transfer is prior to fall 2008 and 2.5 if the transfer is fall 2008 or after. 13th Edition Page OM-22 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 New, Full-time, Degree-Seeking Students 3-Year Outcomes Fall 2006 Cohort Total Successful or Persistent* Received Degree/Cert. 2% Non-DegreeSeeking Cohort 437 Transferred 18% 38% Still Enrolled 13% Successful Transition** 4% Fall 2006 New Student Cohort 2,023 Received Degree/Cert. (IPEDS Graduation Rate) 13% FT Degree-Seeking Cohort 683 Transferred 19% 67% Still Enrolled 24% Successful Transition 11% Degree-Seeking Cohort 1,586 Received Degree/Cert. 2% PT Degree-Seeking Cohort 903 Transferred 15% 41% Still Enrolled 21% Successful Transition 3% *Successful or Persistent: Students who have graduated, transferred, are still enrolled, or who are not enrolled but completed 30+ credits. **Successful Transition: Students with 30+ credits in good standing (GPA of 2.0). Note: Outcome boxes are hierarchical and mutually exclusive (students are only counted in one of the 4 boxes). In each set of terminal branches, grads are counted first. Then graduates are removed and transfers are counted. Transfer students are removed and persisting students (still enrolled) are counted. Finally persisting students are removed, and students with 30+ credits are counted. 13th Edition Page OM-23 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Success of Developmental English Completers Fall 1997 - Fall 2008 Cohorts Successful ENG 090/098 Students Who Complete ENG 101 Fall 97 - Fall 08 Cohorts 66% 64% 63% 62% 60% 58% 61% 61% 59% 56% 58% 62% 61% 60% 59% 59% 60% 54% 53% 52% 50% 48% 46% Fall 97 Fall 98 Fall 99 Fall 00 Fall 01 Fall 02 Fall 03 Fall 04 Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 ENG 090/098 Completers # Successfully completing ENG 101 % Successfully completing ENG 101 Fall 1997 331 195 59% Fall 1998 348 203 58% Fall 1999 393 232 59% Fall 2000 386 236 61% Fall 2001 Fall 2002 509 303 60% 599 368 61% Fall 2003 592 314 53% Fall 2004 624 378 61% Fall 2005 598 368 62% Fall 2006 646 380 59% Fall 2007 673 401 60% Fall 2008 753 478 63% Cohort Notes: Successful completion is defined as a final grade of A, B, C or P. Cohorts were given three semesters (not including summers) after developmental completion to complete English 101. 13th Edition Page OM-24 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Success of Developmental Math Completers Fall 1997 - Fall 2008 Cohorts Successful MATH 096 Students Who Complete MATH 120 or 126 Fall 97 - Fall 08 Cohorts 70% 65% 60% 50% 55% 56% 58% 52% 58% 55% 40% 48% 47% Fall 02 Fall 03 50% 51% Fall 04 Fall 05 55% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fall 97 Fall 98 Fall 99 Fall 00 Fall 01 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 MATH 096 Completers # Successfully completing MATH 120 or 126 % Successfully completing MATH 120 or 126 Fall 1997 171 94 55% Fall 1998 212 118 56% Fall 1999 220 114 52% Fall 2000 232 135 58% Fall 2001 Fall 2002 289 160 55% 234 112 48% Fall 2003 292 137 47% Fall 2004 315 157 50% Fall 2005 325 165 51% Fall 2006 272 157 58% Fall 2007 321 208 65% Fall 2008 403 221 55% Cohort Notes: Successful completion is defined as a final grade of A, B, C or P. Cohorts were given three semesters after developmental completion to complete Math 101. 13th Edition Page OM-25 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Demographics of faculty and staff, as well as campus facilities and budget information can be found in this chapter of FactBook 2010 . CONTENTS: Full-Time Faculty and Staff by Employment Type and Ethnicity Full-Time Faculty and Staff Ethnicity by Year Full-Time Faculty Ethnicity by Year Part-Time Faculty Ethnicity by Year Full-Time Faculty and Staff by Employment Type and Gender Full-Time Faculty and Staff Gender by Year Full-Time Faculty Gender by Year Part-Time Faculty Gender by Year Instructional Faculty Workload State Supported Operating Budget - Revenue by Source - Resource Allocation Comparison Current & Projected Building Space V. James Eardley Student Center, Dandini Campus 13th Edition Page CR-1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty and Staff Employment Type by Ethnicity Fall 2009 TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff by Ethnicity Fall 2009 Unreported 5% White 80% African American 2% Asian 3% Hispanic 9% Native American 2% Employment Type by Ethnicity Fall 2009 African American Employment Type Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Full-time Faculty* Other Professional (Support/Service) Technical and Paraprofessional Clerical and Secretarial Service/Maintenance Total Faculty & Staff N % N % N % N % N % N % N % 2 7% 1 1% 3 3% 0 0% 0 0% 2 5% 8 2% Asian Hispanic 0 0% 6 3% 1 1% 2 11% 3 5% 1 2% 13 3% 4 13% 7 4% 9 10% 1 5% 7 11% 10 24% 38 9% Native American 1 3% 2 1% 2 2% 0 0% 1 2% 1 2% 7 2% White Unreported 19 63% 148 86% 70 76% 16 84% 52 83% 27 66% 332 80% 4 13% 8 5% 7 8% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19 5% Total 30 100% 172 100% 92 100% 19 100% 63 100% 41 100% 417 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-2 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty and Staff Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Full-time Faculty* & Staff by Ethnicity 5 Year Average (Fall 2005-09) Unreported 3% White 81% African American 2% Asian 3% Hispanic 9% Native American 2% Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 African American Term Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Asian Hispanic Native American White Unreported Total N 10 14 43 7 380 8 462 % 2% 3% 9% 2% 82% 2% 100% N 7 17 47 8 402 9 490 % 1% 3% 10% 2% 82% 2% 100% N 10 19 48 9 397 11 494 % 2% 4% 10% 2% 80% 2% 100% N 10 16 42 8 359 11 446 % 2% 4% 9% 2% 80% 2% 100% N 8 13 38 7 332 19 417 % 2% 3% 9% 2% 80% 5% 100% N 9 16 44 8 374 12 462 % 2% 3% 9% 2% 81% 3% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-3 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Full-time Faculty* by Ethnicity Fall 2009 Unreported 5% African American 1% Asian 3% White 86% Hispanic 4% Native American 1% Full-time Instructional Faculty* Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 African American Term Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Asian Native American Hispanic White Unreported Total N 1 4 6 2 158 4 175 % 1% 2% 3% 1% 90% 2% 100% N 1 5 8 3 162 5 184 % 1% 3% 4% 2% 88% 3% 100% N 1 7 8 3 158 6 183 % 1% 4% 4% 2% 86% 3% 100% N 1 8 8 2 155 7 181 % 1% 4% 4% 1% 86% 4% 100% N 1 6 7 2 148 8 172 % 1% 3% 4% 1% 86% 5% 100% N 1 6 7 2 156 6 179 % 1% 3% 4% 1% 87% 3% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-4 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Part-time Faculty Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Part-time Faculty by Ethnicity Fall 2009 Unreported 15% African American 3% Asian 3% White 73% Hispanic 5% Full-time Instructional Faculty* Native American <1% Ethnic Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 African American Term Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Asian Hispanic Native American White Unreported Total N 10 14 24 3 411 12 474 % 2% 3% 5% 1% 87% 3% 100% N 10 18 24 3 413 13 481 % 2% 4% 5% 1% 86% 3% 100% N 11 23 26 2 418 14 494 % 2% 5% 5% 0% 85% 3% 100% N 6 12 20 3 281 14 336 % 2% 4% 6% 1% 84% 4% 100% N 10 11 18 2 258 53 352 % 3% 3% 5% <1% 73% 15% 100% N 9 16 22 3 356 21 427 % 2% 4% 5% 1% 83% 5% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey 13th Edition Page CR-5 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty and Staff Employment Type by Gender Fall 2009 TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff by Gender Fall 2009 Male 46% Female 54% Employment Type by Gender Fall 2009 Full-time Faculty* & Staff Employment Type Male Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Full-time Faculty* Female Total N 16 14 30 % 53% 47% 100% N 89 83 172 % 52% 48% 100% Other Professional (Support/Service) N 42 50 92 % 46% 54% 100% Technical and Paraprofessional N 4 15 19 % 21% 79% 100% Clerical and Secretarial Service/Maintenance Total Faculty & Staff N 6 57 63 % 10% 90% 100% N 33 8 41 % 80% 20% 100% N 190 227 417 % 46% 54% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-6 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty and Staff Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Full-time Faculty & Staff by Gender 5 Year Average (Fall 2005-09) Female 55% Male 45% Unreported <1% Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 Full-time Faculty* & Staff Term Male Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Female Unreported Total N 208 254 0 462 % 45% 55% 0% 100% N 216 274 0 490 % 44% 56% 0% 100% N 209 285 0 494 % 42% 58% <1% 100% N 197 249 0 446 % 44% 56% 0% 100% N 190 227 0 417 % 46% 54% 0% 100% N 204 258 0 462 % 45% 55% <1% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-7 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Full-time Faculty Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Full-time Faculty by Gender Fall 2009 Male 52% Female 48% Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 Full-time Faculty* Term Male Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Female Total N 94 81 175 % 54% 46% 100% N 98 86 184 % 53% 47% 100% N 96 87 183 % 52% 48% 100% N 96 85 181 % 53% 47% 100% N 89 83 172 % 52% 48% 100% N 95 84 179 % 53% 47% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey *Includes counselors and librarians 13th Edition Page CR-8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC Part-time Faculty Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 TMCC Part-time Faculty by Gender Fall 2009 Female 56% Male 44% Gender Distributions by Year Fall 2005-09 Part-time Faculty Term Male Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 5 Year Average Female Total N 219 255 474 % 46% 54% 100% N 221 260 481 % 46% 54% 100% N 216 278 494 % 49% 56% 105% N 158 178 336 % 47% 53% 100% N 156 196 352 % 44% 56% 100% N 194 233 427 % 45% 55% 100% Source: IPEDS Fall Staff Survey 13th Edition Page CR-9 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Instructional Faculty Workload Credit Hours Taught by Faculty Status Fall 2005-09 Percentage of Credit Hours Taught by Faculty Status Fall 2005-09 100% 90% 80% 70% 53.0% 53.0% 51.8% 52.4% 46.9% 47.0% 47.0% 48.2% 47.6% 53.1% Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fall 09 Part-time Credit Hours Full-time Credit Hours Instructional Faculty Workload Credit Hours Taught by Faculty Status* Faculty Status Fall 05 Fall 06 Fall 07 Fall 08 Fall 09 Taught by Full-time Faculty 2,201 2,236 2,325 2,182 2,175 Taught by Part-time Faculty 1,954 1,984 2,163 1,983 2,462 Total Credit Hours Taught 4,155 4,220 4,488 4,165 4,637 % Full-time 53% 53% 52% 52% 47% % Part-time 47% 47% 48% 48% 53% *Does not include concurrent sections, no budget impact courses, or independent studies. Source: Part-time Budget Worksheet, Office of Institutional Research 13th Edition Page CR-10 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC State Supported Operating Budget Revenue by Source Revenue Sources Percent Distribution 2009-10 Operating Budget Registration Fees 17.4% Total State Appropriation 62.6% Non-Resident Tuition 3.6% Miscellaneous Student Fees 0.2% Federal Stimulus 15.6% Revenue By Source 2008-09 Operating Budget % of Total Surcharge 0.6% Operating Capital Investment 0.0% 2009-10 Operating Budget % of Total Difference 2008-09 Over 2009-10 $ % STATE APPROPRIATION General Fund Professional & Classified COLA 4.5% Budge Cut 37,330,225 2,184,075 3,671,815 71.1% 4.2% 7.0% 30,482,995 0 0 62.6% 0.0% 0.0% (6,847,230) (2,184,075) (3,671,815) -18.3% -100.0% -100.0% Total State Appropriation 43,186,115 82.3% 30,482,995 62.6% (12,703,120) -29.4% Registration Fees Non-Resident Tuition Miscellaneous Student Fees Surcharge Operating Capital Investment Federal Stimulus 7,730,342 1,339,516 93,460 0 149,456 0 14.7% 2.6% 0.2% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 8,502,414 1,765,357 105,149 280,593 0 7,596,975 17.4% 3.6% 0.2% 0.6% 0.0% 15.6% 772,072 425,841 11,689 280,593 (149,456) 7,596,975 10.0% 31.8% 12.5% -100.0% - Total Other Revenue Sources 9,312,774 17.7% 18,250,488 37.4% 8,937,714 96.0% 100.0% (3,765,406) -7.2% OTHER REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE 52,498,889 100.0% 48,733,483 Source: NSHE 09-10 Operating Budget 13th Edition Page CR-11 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 TMCC State Supported Operating Budget Resource Allocation Comparison Resource Allocation Percent Distribution 2009-10 Operating Budget Academic Support 8.7% Student Services 10.3% Institutional Support 16.4% Instructional Programs 50.0% Budget Categories Grants and Scholarships 1.4% 2008-09 Operating Budget % of Total 2009-10 Operating Budget % of Total Operations & Maintenance 15.8% Difference 2008-09 Over 2009-10 $ % Instructional Programs Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operations & Maintenance Grants and Scholarships Reserves 24,282,340 4,840,298 5,793,142 8,589,905 8,153,598 696,703 142,903 46.3% 9.2% 11.0% 16.4% 15.5% 1.3% 0.3% 24,361,304 4,241,238 5,012,690 8,004,144 7,681,274 696,703 (1,263,870) 50.0% 8.7% 10.3% 16.4% 15.8% 1.4% -2.6% 78,964 (599,060) (780,452) (585,761) (472,324) 0 (1,406,773) 0.3% -12.4% -13.5% -6.8% -5.8% 0.0% -984.4% TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 52,498,889 100.0% 48,733,483 100.0% (3,765,406) -7.2% Source: NSHE 09-10 Operating Budget Note: Reserve reduction of 2.6% is not represented in pie chart of resource allocation. 13th Edition Page CR-12 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 CURRENT AND PROJECTED GROSS BUILDING SPACE 2009 Actual, 2010-12 Estimates Year Built/ Additions*** Actual 2009 2010 E.L. Cord Child Care Center 1992 9,748 9,748 9,748 9,748 Facilities Services Building 2003 9,404 9,404 9,404 9,404 Facility Storage (Panther Valley)* 2003 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 High Tech Center at Redfield (Mount Rose Highway) 2005 34,542 34,542 34,542 34,542 IGT Applied Technology Center (Edison Way) 1976 96,296 96,296 96,296 96,296 Library - Phase VIA 1995 37,116 37,116 37,116 37,116 Meadowood Center South (Neil Road) 1985 46,668 46,668 46,668 46,668 Nell J. Redfield Foundation Performing Arts Center (Keystone Ave)* 1966 11,703 11,703 11,703 11,703 Police Storage (Longley Lane)* 2007 1,901 1,901 1,901 1,901 1976/1980/1985/1 987/2004 249,360 249,360 249,360 249,360 Sierra Building 1996 78,386 78,386 78,386 78,386 Vista Building 1992 FACILITY Red Mountain Building TOTAL BUILDING SPACE SQUARE FOOTAGE Estimates 2011 2012 45,187 45,187 45,187 45,187 622,311 622,311 622,311 622,311 *Leased spaces **If existing building, date of completion of acquisition and/or renovation. Note: TMCC owns a second building at Meadowood Center (Meadowood Center North, also 46,488 square feet) that is currently being leased. Source: TMCC Facilities Services Department 13th Edition Page CR-13 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Population statistics as well as occupational projections and labor force data can be found in this chapter of FactBook 2010 . CONTENTS: Washoe County Population Estimates Population Growth, Nevada Counties Per Capita Personal Income, Nevada Counties Total Employment by Industry, Reno-Sparks MSA Growth Rate of Occupation Requiring an Associate Degree Occupational Projections (County, State, & National) The Truckee Meadows 13th Edition Page EE-1 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Washoe County Population Estimates County vs. TMCC Age Distribution Fall 1999 & Fall 2009 Washoe County vs. TMCC Age Distribution Fall 2009 County Distribution 60% TMCC Distribution 56% 50% 40% 30% 28% 32% 25% 25% 20% 11% 11% 7% 10% 2% 2% 0% 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ Fall 2009 Washoe County Population* % Distribution Enrolled at TMCC** % Distribution 46,487 Total 18 & Older 327,932 Grand Total 436,776 25% 11% 75% 100% 4,403 1,007 222 13,269 13,582 32% 7% 2% 98% 100% 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 84,307 32,755 106,580 76,202 34,757 Total 18 & Older 250,294 Grand Total 334,601 25% 10% 32% 23% 10% 75% 100% 425 4676 3949 1144 356 10,125 10,550 4% 44% 37% 11% 3% 96% 100% 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 108,844 47,745 123,317 110,383 25% 11% 28% 313 7,637 2% 56% 0-17 Fall 1999 Washoe County Population* % Distribution Enrolled at TMCC** % Distribution *Nevada State Demographer's Office ASHRO Estimates/Projections (July 2007) **End of semester/state supported enrollment 13th Edition Page EE-2 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Washoe County Population Estimates County vs. TMCC Ethnic Distribution Fall 1999 & Fall 2009 Washoe County vs. TMCC Ethnic Distribution Fall 2009 County Distribution 80% TMCC Distribution 66.5% 67.7% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 23.0% 16.8% 20% 10% 6.3% 2.2% 2.7% 4.9% 1.9% 1.5% 2.4% 2.1% Hawaiian/Pac. Two or More Islander Races Other/ International* 1.8% 0% African American Asian Hispanic Native American White Fall 2009 African American Asian Hispanic Native American White Hawaiian/ Pac. Islander Two or More Races Other/ International* Total Washoe County Population** 9,580 27,529 100,674 8,420 290,574 -- -- -- 436,776 % Distribution 2.2% 6.3% 23.0% 1.9% 66.5% -- -- -- 100.0% Enrollment at TMCC*** % Distribution 371 668 2,287 238 9,199 199 329 291 13,582 2.7% 4.9% 16.8% 1.8% 67.7% 1.5% 2.4% 2.1% 100.0% Native American White Other/ International Total Fall 1999 African Asian/Pac. Hispanic American Islander Washoe County Population** 7,293 17,101 53,919 6,225 250,062 -- 334,601 % Distribution 2.2% 5.1% 16.1% 1.9% 74.7% -- 100.0% Enrollment at TMCC*** % Distribution 211 498 795 264 7,726 1,056 10,550 2.0% 4.7% 7.5% 2.5% 73.2% 10.0% 100.0% *The Nevada State Demopgrapher's Office does not include a category for Other/International **Nevada State Demographer's Office ASHRO Estimates/Projections (July 2010) ***End of semester/state supported enrollment Note: Ethnicity categories were changed in Fall 2009 to align with new IPEDS reporting categories. 13th Edition Page EE-3 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Population Growth Ranked by Percent Change Nevada County Estimates 1999 & 2009 Population Growth in Nevada Counties by Percent Change (between 1999 and 2009) 90.0% 70.0% 50.0% 30.0% 10.0% -10.0% -30.0% County 1999 2009 % Change Lyon County 33,916 53,825 58.7% Nye County 31,454 46,360 47.4% Clark County 1,327,145 1,952,040 47.1% Douglas County 40,847 51,390 25.8% Washoe County 334,601 416,632 24.5% Storey County 3,582 4,317 20.5% Esmeralda County 1,036 1,187 14.6% Elko County 45,727 51,325 12.2% Churchill County 24,132 26,859 11.3% Carson City 52,624 56,506 7.4% Lincoln County 4,134 4,317 4.4% Humboldt County 17,103 17,690 3.4% Pershing County 7,035 7,149 1.6% White Pine County 9,767 9,570 -2.0% Lander County 6,199 6,003 -3.2% Eureka County 1,726 1,562 -9.5% Mineral County 5,338 4,474 1,946,366 2,711,206 -16.2% 39.3% Nevada Source: Nevada State Demographer 13th Edition Page EE-4 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Per Capita Personal Income Nevada County Estimates 2006, 2007, 2008 Per Capita Personal Income by Nevada County (2008) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 County Douglas County Esmeralda County Washoe County Carson City Lander County Eureka County Churchill County Clark County White Pine County Elko County Storey County Mineral County Humboldt County Nye County Lyon County Lincoln County Pershing County Nevada United States 2006 ($) 54,365 39,551 44,089 40,638 36,786 33,944 37,125 38,730 36,086 32,684 35,382 27,583 30,192 31,221 26,118 22,841 21,130 39,231 37,698 2007 ($) 59,836 43,729 47,153 42,998 37,278 35,826 38,755 39,945 37,842 35,996 36,726 29,896 31,370 32,514 27,451 24,180 23,050 40,930 39,392 2008 ($) 59,973 50,950 47,045 42,955 41,812 40,674 40,391 39,920 39,375 37,300 36,188 34,332 33,249 33,086 27,892 24,896 24,666 40,936 40,166 County Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis , June 2010 13th Edition Page EE-5 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Total Employment by Industry Number of Individuals Employed by Industry, 2009 Reno MSA Employment by Industry 2009 Other Services 3.5% Natural Resources and Mining 0.2% Government 15.2% Construction 5.7% Manufacturing 5.9% Leisure and Hospitality 17.7% Education and Health Services 11.1% Trade, Transportation & Utilities 22.4% Financial Activities 4.7% Professional & Business Services 12.5% Information 1.3% Total Employment by Industry (Thousands) 2009 Reno MSA Industry Natural Resources and Mining Construction Manufacturing Trade, Transportation & Utilities Wholesale Retail Information Financial Activities Professional & Business Services Education and Health Services Leisure and Hospitality Casino Hotels and Gaming Food Services and Drinking Places Other Services Government Total All Industry Nevada Number Percent Number Percent 0.3 0.2% 11.6 1.0% 11.1 5.7% 81.5 7.1% 11.5 5.9% 40.2 3.5% 43.6 9.5 21.9 22.4% 4.9% 11.2% 213.0 35.0 127.2 18.5% 3.0% 11.1% 2.5 1.3% 13.1 1.1% 9.1 4.7% 55.6 4.8% 24.3 12.5% 136.1 11.9% 21.6 11.1% 97.5 8.5% 34.4 15.5 12.5 17.7% 8.0% 6.4% 307.7 187.9 91.7 26.8% 16.4% 8.0% 6.9 3.5% 33.8 2.9% 29.5 15.2% 158.4 13.8% 194.7 100.0% 1148.5 100.0% Source: Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation, June 2010 13th Edition Page EE-6 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Growth Rate of Occupations Requiring an Associate Degree Nevada Occupational Projections 2008 - 2016 2008 2016 Projected Growth Rate 2008-2016 1,515 2,067 36.4% $37.58 Physical Therapist Assistants 346 463 33.7% $23.37 Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other 489 639 30.8% $25.17 Interior Designers 806 1,033 28.2% $30.93 Chemical Technicians 626 799 27.6% $21.78 16,037 20,430 27.4% $33.25 Respiratory Therapists 748 950 27.1% $29.61 Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians 521 661 26.9% $22.90 Computer Support Specialists 3,303 4,184 26.7% $20.83 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians 1,371 1,726 25.9% $26.39 Paralegals and Legal Assistants 1,914 2,372 24.0% $23.46 Radiologic Technologists and Technicians 1,465 1,797 22.7% $29.38 Number Employed Occupations Dental Hygienists Registered Nurses 2008 Average Hourly Wage Source: Nevada Workforce Informer, June 2009 13th Edition Page EE-7 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Top 25 Occupations Ranked by Projected Growth Rate in Reno-Sparks* Reno MSA Occupational Projections 2008 - 2016 (projected) Projected Growth Rate 2008-2016 Number Employed Occupations 2008 2016 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 471 662 40.6% Computer Software Engineers, Applications 286 400 39.7% Tile and Marble Setters 602 834 38.5% Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 541 741 37.0% Sheet Metal Workers 393 524 33.4% Social and Human Service Assistants 384 508 32.3% Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 393 517 31.6% 2,869 3,767 31.3% Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary 94 123 30.6% Pharmacists 356 463 30.1% 2,690 3,489 29.7% Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 537 696 29.7% Cost Estimators 432 560 29.6% 5,581 7,214 29.3% 239 309 29.1% Painters, Construction and Maintenance 1,416 1,822 28.6% Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 4,189 5,383 28.5% Truck Drivers, Light or Delivery Services 1,730 2,202 27.3% Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers 1,094 1,391 27.1% Mechanical Engineers 307 390 27.1% Food Batchmakers 192 244 27.1% Sales Reps, Wholesale & Manufacturing, Technical & Scientific Products 818 1,034 26.4% 1,147 1,449 26.4% 387 489 26.2% 1,144 1,443 26.2% Team Assemblers Customer Service Representatives Carpenters Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics Computer and Information Systems Managers Construction Managers Source: Nevada Workforce Informer, June 2009 13th Edition Page EE-8 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 Top 25 Occupations Ranked by Projected Growth Rate in Nevada* Nevada Occupational Projections 2008 - 2016 (projected) Projected Growth Rate 2008-2016 Number Employed Occupations 2008 2016 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 1,418 2,129 50.2% Computer Software Engineers, Applications 1,261 1,835 45.5% Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 1,289 1,874 45.4% Network and Computer Systems Administrators 1,376 1,950 41.8% Flight Attendants 507 709 40.0% Physician Assistants 643 899 39.8% 3,779 5,281 39.8% Community and Social Service Specialists, All Other 430 598 39.1% Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas 462 640 38.6% Pharmacists 2,455 3,401 38.6% Medical Assistants 3,757 5,183 38.0% Roofers 3,374 4,631 37.2% 335 460 37.2% 1,944 2,663 37.0% 901 1,234 36.9% Carpenters 29,798 40,788 36.9% Cost Estimators 2,632 3,591 36.4% Dental Hygienists** 1,515 2,067 36.4% Construction Managers 7,123 9,700 36.2% Sales Reps, Wholesale & Manufacturing, Technical & Scientific Products 2,700 3,676 36.1% Industrial Engineers 314 428 36.1% Extraction Workers, All Other 367 499 36.0% First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers 595 809 35.9% Training and Development Specialists 853 1,159 35.8% 9,088 12,325 35.6% Tile and Marble Setters Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters Fire Fighters Mine Cutting and Channeling Machine Operators Food Preparation Workers Source: Nevada Workforce Informer, June 2009 **Requires an Associate Degree 13th Edition Page EE-9 Office of Institutional Research Truckee Meadows Community College FactBook 2010 National Occupational Projections Occupations with the largest job growth, 2008-18 Number Employed, (thousands) Occupations 2008 2018 Growth Rate 2008-2018 Network systems & data communications analysts 292 448 53.4% Home health aides 922 1,383 50.0% Personal & home care aides 817 1,193 46.0% Computer software engineers, applications 515 690 34.0% Medical assistants 484 648 33.9% Management analysts 747 925 23.9% 2,619 3,200 22.2% Physicians & surgeons 661 806 21.8% Accountants & auditors 1,291 1,570 21.7% 754 909 20.7% Construction laborers 1,249 1,505 20.5% Nursing aides, orderlies, & attendants 1,470 1,746 18.8% Landscaping & groundskeeping workers 1,206 1,423 18.0% Customer service representatives 2,252 2,652 17.7% Elementary school teachers, except special education 1,550 1,794 15.8% Receptionists & information clerks 1,139 1,312 15.2% Postsecondary teachers 1,699 1,956 15.1% Combined food preparation & serving workers/fast food 2,702 3,096 14.6% Security guards 1,077 1,229 14.2% Truck drivers, heavy & tractor-trailer 1,798 2,031 13.0% Carpenters 1,285 1,450 12.9% Executive secretaries & administrative assistants 1,594 1,799 12.8% Office clerks, general 3,024 3,383 11.9% First-line supervisors/managers - office & admin. support 1,457 1,618 11.0% Child care workers 1,302 1,444 10.9% Maintenance & repair workers, general 1,361 1,509 10.9% Bookkeeping, accounting, & auditing clerks 2,064 2,276 10.3% Teacher assistants 1,313 1,448 10.3% Retail salespersons 4,489 4,864 8.4% Waiters & waitresses 2,382 2,533 6.4% Registered nurses* Licensed practical & licensed vocational nurses Source: Employment Projections Program, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics *Requires an Associate Degree 13th Edition Page EE-10 Office of Institutional Research