INFOAWARE Location Based Services & Mobile Peer to peer

Location Based Services & Mobile Peer to peer
Jayesh Patil{}
Information services have evolved rapidly over the years and adding a new dimension to
this: knowing where a person or an object is located. My project idea started with a
concept i worked on in my undergraduate college about “making world a safer place” .It
is only information which can help to ensure safety for an individual. Today with myriad
of mobile devices, why not use them to provide such information services to not only
ensure safety but provide whatever kind of information needed by the individual.
Location Based Services has the capability to find the geographical location of the mobile
device and then provide services based on this location information.
Then there was advent of Peer to peer systems with their reliable and less bandwidth
consuming benefit, reaching into mobile domain and providing file sharing and other
services with more efficiency. Mobile P2P can enable mobile sensors monitoring to
interact with user and themselves actuating services as and when needed. Such systems
can do the traditional file sharing and building up of location based social networks.
Mobile P2P can be used in organization running processes to form grids and run threads
of process on other mobile nodes available nearby involving grid computing domain also
into P2P.Primarily, Mobile P2P can be used by all the government departments providing
services to mobile users at the location they are. Mobile P2P will help each individual to
be information aware by providing location based services including crime alerts,
environmental changes, general alerts, criminal information, and health care. With such a
diversity of services mobile p2p has to deal with issues of security, privacy, routing etc.
Integrating Location Based services and Mobile peer to peer is an amalgamation of two
new generation application concepts ensuring user to get all information he need based
on location and if the required information is present with the near by mobile peer then
access it, is the fundamental idea behind the project theme. It is quiet evident that there
are many issues like security, privacy and scalability etc which can be evaluated on
understanding the technology and it’s application.
The application aims at trading and exchanging information services and digital goods by
first querying nearby peers for specific requirement and if the results are not obtained; it
uses location based services to extract information from location server. The sole
objective in building such application is making each and every individual information
aware and provides whatever kind of information he need at any place any time.
First aim is to ensure user safety which can be done only by providing him with useful
information alerts like crime alerts, environmental problem alerts and general alerts. On
the mobile device, he should be able to get the nearby points of interest and he can also
search for web services like finding route to a destination, trading, file sharing, chatting
The problem to be addressed here are:
1. Information overload may occur; there is a need of required visualization at the same
time some techniques like caching, distributed query etc to improve efficiency.
2. Since the application uses mobile devices to communicate with some fixed peers in
each cell like emergency services, police etc; it is believed that the device will carry and
transfer important private data like medical records, mobile wallet (pay through mobile
by credit).So it is important to check on security and privacy issues. So the application
will try to implement a security and privacy model over the prototype.
Mappoint along with Virtual Earth has been used to provide location based services to
mobile users. There have been efforts to built geosocial networks with a peer to peer
application interacting with virtual earth; but there is a need to make a full fledge
application which makes peer interactive and provides all kind of information needed by
mobile users.
The project will create a user profile and then will display the current location and peers
and available services nearby. The project will allow content sharing among peers and
can answer to nearby peers, if it knows that it can answer to any nearby peers request; all
the peer to peer transactions will be shown on map. While building location aware
information services, the project can be tested on node privacy’s and location based
service visualization.
Prototype view:
The project will be built on Mappoint web services (with Virtual Earth) with C#.Net to
program. The application will be emulated on Pocket PC or Smart Phone emulator. By
using mappoint services general information services like weather report, alerts will be
implemented. Then using peer to peer API,i plan to check for any mobile nodes which
are present nearby to check for the information services which mobile users need like
emergency services or other departments and individual users willing to share files. Next
step is display the nearby nodes on virtual earth.
basic prototype in
mappoint to provide
information services
Interaction with
other mobile nodes
through mappoint
Peer to peer
privacy and
February 13: Proposal Submission
February 25: Implementation of basic mappoint web service with some information
services like weather information, routes, areas of interest etc.
March 1: locate contacts on virtual earth.
March 12: interaction with contacts on the list using peer to peer networking following
peer name resolution protocol
March 20: Start with implementation of peer to peer available services
March 31: Implement peer to peer information services.
April 10: Study on security and privacy issues that may arise.
April 20: Project completion with executable and documentation
Testing will be evaluated by running on emulator and tested against few privacy and
security attacks. Evaluation will be done on information visualization provided by
location based services.
GPS data is not considered here; since it is not a main concern here, current location
information will be entered manually. Application can later be updated by using
SDK and code to interpret NMEA for GPS data.
Project Deliverables:
1. Virtual earth map rendering location based information
2. User interface to interact with local peers and server for information services.
3. Few of the various information services like crime alerts, trading, sharing etc.
2. Peer-to-Peer Applications on Mobile Devices: A Case Study with Compact .NET
on Smartphone2003
Fabio De Rosa, Massimo Mecella
3. Peer-to-Peer Network and User Information Discovery and Sharing for Mobile
Users and Devices
Tao Zhang, Eric Van den Berg, Sunil Madhani