The Human Body

 The Human Body
Cole, Joanna. The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body.
Pictures by Bruce Degen. Scholastic. 1989.
Cole, Joanna. The Magic School Bus: Explores the Senses. Pictures
by Bruce Degen. Scholastic. 1999.
Cole, Joanna. Your Insides. Pictures by Paul Meisel. 1992.
Frost, Helen. Your Senses. Pebble Books Series. 2000.
Human Body. Eyewitness Science Series. Dorling Kindersley.
The Human Body. Junior Adventure Series. 2003.
Manning, Mick and Brita Granström. My Body Your Body. 1997.
Pluckerose, Henry. Look at Faces. Photos by Mike Galletly. 1988.
Polland, Barbara Kay. The Sensible Book, A Celebration of Your
Five Senses. Photos. by Helia Hammid. 1993.
Richardson, Joy. What Happens When You Breathe? Pictures by
Colin and Motra Maclean. 1986.
What’s Inside? My Body. Dorling Kindersley. 1991.
All Lemberg Children’s Center reading lists are compiled by our staff Librarian, Jared Stern.