Primordially produced helium-4 in the presence of neutrino oscillations D.R Kirilova Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, blvd. Tsarigradsko Shosse 72, Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract. The production of helium-4 during the cosmological nucleosynthesis in the presence of activesterile neutrino oscillations, ve «-)• V5, efficient after decoupling of electron neutrino, is analyzed. All known oscillation effects on primordial nucleosynthesis, namely: increase of the effective degrees of freedom during nucleosynthesis, neutrino spectrum distortion, depletion of electron neutrino number density and generation of neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry, are precisely taken into account. Primordially produced 4He abundance is calculated, in a self-consistent study of the kinetics of the nucleons and the oscillating neutrinos, for the full range of parameters of the oscillation model with small mass differences: 8m2 < 10~7 eV2. A considerable relative increase of helium-4, up to 14% for non-resonant oscillations and up to 32% for resonant ones is registered for a certain interval of oscillations parameters values. Combined isohelium contours §Yp/Yp = 3%, 5%,7% for resonant and non-resonant oscillations are presented. Cosmological constraints on oscillation parameters and on the sterile solar neutrino solutions are discussed. INTRODUCTION Neutrino oscillations present an indication of physics beyond the standard electroweak model. Hence, it is appropriate to study precisely the influence of neutrino oscillations on BBN and constrain neutrino oscillations parameters. In this work we analyze 4He primordial production taking into account all known effects of ve +* vs oscillations on the primordial synthesis of 4He. 2 Although disfavored by the recent combined analyses of neutrino oscillations experimental data as a preferred oscillation channels for solving the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems, sterile neutrinos are worth considering because they are inevitable for the explanation of all the oscillation experiments data including LSND results, they are considered as a possible minor additional channels in both the solar and the atmospheric oscillation cases, and besides they may play essential role in structure formation and as a dark matter candidate in case they are massive. We discuss the case when neutrino oscillations become effective after the electron neutrino decoupling from the plasma (i.e for 8m2 < 10~7eV2). The primor- In this work we investigate a modification of the standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with electron-sterile neutrino oscillations v^ «-)• vs. The positive indications for oscillations, obtained at the greatest neutrino experiments (SuperKamiokande, Soudan 2, LSND, etc.) and the recent SNO result \ turned the subject of neutrino oscillations into one of the hottest points of astrophysics and neutrino physics. The solar neutrino problem, atmospheric neutrino anomaly and the positive results of LSND experiments can be naturally resolved by the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, implying nonzero neutrino mass and mixing. Massive neutrinos may also play the role of the hot dark matter component, needed for a successful large-scale structure formation in the Universe. On the other hand, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is often used to probe the physical conditions of the early Universe. Requirements for an agreement between theoretically predicted and inferred from observational data primordial abundances of light elements D, 3He, 4 He, 7Li, restricts physics beyond the standard models. 1 The electron neutrino flux measured by the charged current reaction rate by SNO is 3.3o apart from the SuperKamiokande precision value of the flux from elastic scattering reaction rate. This is considered an indication of non-electron flavor component in the solar neutrino flux, and may be interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillations. 2 The effect of flavor neutrino oscillations to BBN is negligibly small because the temperatures and hence the densities of the neutrinos with different flavors are almost equal. On the contrary, the effects of activeto-sterile neutrinos may be considerable, because the sterile neutrinos may differ considerably (by temperature and density) from the active CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 405 dial production of 4He was calculated in the non-resonant and resonant oscillation cases. In both cases strong overproduction of 4He was found possible - up to 14% and 32%, correspondingly. Updated iso-helium contours are presented and the cosmological constraints on the oscillation parameters are discussed. The oscillation effects on BBN and the required kinetic approach for their description are discussed in the next section. The results on 4He primordially produced abundance in the presence of oscillations and the cosmological constraints on oscillation parameters are discussed in the last section. COSMOLOGICAL NUCLEOSYNTHESIS WITH NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS Standard Cosmological Nucleosynthesis According to the standard BBN, during the early hot and dense epoch of the Universe, light elements D, 3He, 4 He, 7Li were synthesized successfully. 4He was the most abundantly produced. Only negligible amounts of D, 3 He and 7Li were formed. Because of the low density, growing Coulomb barriers and stability gaps at A=5, A=8, the formation of larger nuclei was postponed until the formation of stars several billions of years later. The most reliable and abundant data are now available for 4 He, therefore it is the traditionally used element for the analysis of the oscillations effect on nucleosynthesis. The contemporary values for the mass fraction of 4 He, Yp, inferred from observational data, are 0.2380.245 (the systematic errors are supposed to be around 0.007) [1]. 4 He is a result of a complex network of nuclear reactions, proceeding after the neutron-to-protons freezing. It essentially depends on the freezing ratio (n/p)/. The reactions: ve + n o p + e (D maintained the equilibrium of nucleons at high temperature (T > 1 MeV). Their freeze-out occurred when in the process of Universe cooling the rates of these weak processes, Fw, became comparable and less than the expansion rate H(t): Then nucleon number densities departed from their thermal equilibrium values, and decreased slowly due to the weak interactions of eq.(l) and the neutrons decays that proceeded until the effective synthesis of D began. 406 The produced 4He is a strong function of the number of the effective degrees of freedom at BBN epoch, geff, and the neutron mean lifetime TW, parametrizing the weak interactions strength. Besides, 4He is a logarithmic function of the baryon-to-photon ratio T|, due to the nuclear reactions dependence on nucleon densities, i.e. Yp(geff^n,r[). Also it depends on the electron neutrino number density and spectrum, and on the neutrinoantineutrino asymmetry, which enter through Tw. In the standard BBN model the number of neutrino flavors equal to three, zero lepton asymmetry and equilibrium neutrino number densities and spectrum distribution is assumed: Almost all neutrons, present at the beginning of nuclear reactions, are sucked into 4He. So, the primordially produced mass fraction of 4He can be approximated by Yp ~ 2(n/p)f/(l+n/p)fexp(-t/'cn). Primordially produced 4He abundance Yp, is calculated with great precision within the standard BBN model [2], the theoretical uncertainty is less than 0.1% (\5Yp\ < 0.0002) within a wide range of r|. The best baryometer now is deuterium. The predicted Yp at the best fit value of T|, obtained from deuterium measurements, r| = 5 x 10"10, is Yp = 0.2462. The recent CMB anisotropy data is also in remarkable agreement with the baryon density determined from deuterium measurements and BBN. So, the predicted primordial 4He abundance Yp is in accordance with the observational data and is consistent with other light element abundances. Effects of neutrino oscillations on nucleosynthesis Cosmological nucleosynthesis with neutrino oscillations was studied in numerous publications [3]. In case neutrino oscillations are present in the Universe primordial plasma, they may lead to changes in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, depending on the oscillation channels and the way they proceed. The basic idea of oscillations is that mass eigenstates V| are distinct from the flavor eigenstates v/: Then in the simple two-neutrino oscillation case, the probability to find at a distance / a given neutrino type in an initially homogeneous neutrino beam of the same type is: V^T where 8m2 (the neutrino squared mass difference) and $ (the oscillations mixing angle) are the oscillation parameters. E is the neutrino energy. The medium distinguishes between different neutrino types due to their different interactions with fermions present in the hot plasma of BBN epoch. This leads to different potentials for different neutrino types. In the adiabatic case the effect of the medium can be described by introducing matter oscillation parameters that are expressed through the vacuum ones and through the characteristics of the medium. The matter mixing angle is then sin2 ®m = sin2 in case they have already decoupled. This leads to faster Universe expansion H(t) ~ geff, and to earlier n/pfreezing, Tf ~ (geff)1/6, at times when neutrons were more abundant [4, 5]: n/p ~ exp(-(/wn - mp)/Tf) This effect leads to 4He overproduction. However, observational data on helium allows not more than one additional neutrino type, therefore forbids efficient production of sterile neutrinos due to oscillations. • distorting the neutrino spectrum [sin2 fl + (Q T L - cos2#)2 where Q = -M2r4/(8m2M2,), L - -aET3La/(5m2), La is expressed through the fermion asymmetries of the plasma, a and b are positive constants different for the different neutrino types, —L corresponds to the neutrino and +L to the antineutrino case. Although in general the medium suppresses oscillations by decreasing their amplitude, there also exists a possibility of enhanced oscillations transfer, in case a resonant condition between the parameters of the medium and the oscillations parameters holds: Then the mixing in matter becomes maximal, independently of the value of the vacuum mixing angle. At BBN epoch with the cooling of the Universe, an interesting interplay between the two terms is observed. At high temperatures when \Q\ > |L|, 8m2 > 0 corresponds to a non-resonant case, while 8m2 < 0 corresponds to a resonant case, and the resonance holds in both neutrino and antineutrino sectors. At low temperatures, when | Q | < \L|, the resonance is possible either for neutrinos in the case 8m2 > 0 or for antineutrinos in the case 8m2 < 0. Oscillations are capable to shift neutrino number densities and spectrum from their equilibrium values. Besides, oscillations may change neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry and excite additional neutrino types. Thus, the presence of neutrino oscillations invalidates the main BBN assumptions about three neutrino flavors, zero lepton asymmetry and equilibrium neutrino number densities and energy distribution. Through these effects oscillations affect the expansion rate and the weak interaction rates. Shifting particle densities and energy spectrum of the electron neutrinos from their equilibrium values, oscillations directly influence the kinetics of nucleons during the weak freeze-out. Hence, neutrino oscillations may effect primordial nucleosynthesis by Since oscillation rate is energy dependent F ~ 8m2 /E the low energy neutrinos start to oscillate first, and later the oscillations become noticeable for the more energetic neutrinos. Due to that, the neutrino spectrum may become strongly distorted. This effect was shown to be considerable for the active- sterile oscillations in vacuum [6] and in matter [7, 8]. The effect was proved important in the resonant oscillations case [9] and in the non-resonant one [10]. The neutrino spectrum distortion effect on 4He primordial abundance has two aspects: An average decrease of the energy of electron neutrinos leads to a decrease in rw, and subsequently increases the freezing temperature and primordially produced 4He. On the other hand, due to the threshold for the reaction ve + p —)• n + e+ , when due to oscillations the energy of the greater part of the neutrinos becomes smaller than that threshold, the (n/p)f -ratio decreases leading to a decrease of Yp. The total effect is an overproduction of4He primordial abundance. • depleting the active neutrino number densities Nv The effect was first studied for vacuum oscillations in ref. [6] and for matter oscillations in ref. [1 1]. It was precisely calculated with the account of spectrum spread in ref. [8]. Electron neutrino depletion slows down the weak rates, Tw ~ NVE2, and leads to an earlier n/p-freezing and an overproduction of 4He yield. The evolution of electron neutrino depletion due to ve «-»• vs oscillations was calculated and presented for different mass differences and for different mixing angles in ref. [10]. The net effect of spectrum distortion and neutrino depletion on the production of 4He may be considerable (see Fig.2 from ref. [9]) and much stronger (several times larger) than the effect due to excitation of an additional neutrino type. • neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry growth • exciting additional degrees of freedom Active-sterile oscillations may keep sterile neutrinos in thermal equilibrium [4] or bring them into equilibrium 407 The idea of neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry generation during the resonant transfer of neutrinos was first pro- posed in ref.[12]. Dynamically produced asymmetry exerts back effect to oscillating neutrino and may change its oscillation pattern [7, 13]. Thus it may effect indirectly BBN, even when its value is not sufficiently high to have a direct kinetic effect on the synthesis of light elements. For the case of small mass differences it was proven that even very small asymmetries L « 0.01 considerably influence nucleosynthesis through oscillations, and therefore asymmetry effect on nucleosynthesis should be accounted for during asymmetry's full evolution. Dynamically produced asymmetry suppresses oscillations at small mixing angles, leading to less overproduction of 4He. The effect of the oscillations generated asymmetry on 4He was analyzed for hundreds of 8m2 — $ combinations in ref. [9]. In the resonant case the asymmetry effect on BBN was numerically analyzed and shown to be considerable - up to about a 10% relative decrease in 4He compared with the case without asymmetry account. The required kinetic approach It is impossible to describe analytically, without some radical approximations, the non-equilibrium picture of active-sterile neutrino oscillations, producing non-equilibrium neutrino number densities, distorting neutrino spectrum and generating neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry. We have provided self-consistent analysis of the evolution of the nucleons and the oscillating neutrinos in the high temperature Universe. Exact kinetic equations for the nucleons and for the neutrino density matrix in momentum space [8] were used. This allowed to describe precisely the spectrum distortion, neutrino depletion and neutrino asymmetry and its back effect at each neutrino momentum. The equation for the neutron number densities in momentum space nn reads: tions (entering through p/z and PLL), Hubble expansion (first term) and weak interaction processes (next terms). The numerical analysis was performed for the temperature interval [2 MeV,0.3 MeV]. HELIUM-4 OVERPRODUCTION DUE TO VE ++ vs NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS Main results We have calculated precisely the w/p-freezing, which is essential for the production of 4He, till temperature 0.3 MeV. The analysis was provided for the non-resonant case in ref. [10] and for the resonant case in ref. [9]. Hundreds of 8m2 — $ combinations were explored. The neutron decay was accounted adiabatically till the beginning of nuclear reactions at about 0.09 MeV. The overproduction of the primordial 4He, §Yp = yosc — Y in the presence of v ++ v oscillations was I p e s P calculated for the full set of oscillations parameters of the model: all mixing angles $ and mass differences Sw2 < 10~7 eV2. The neutron-to-nucleons freezing ratio Xj[ = (n/(n + p))f as a function of neutrino mass differences for different mixings is shown in Fig.l for 8m2 > 0. In the (dnn/dt) = Hpn (dnn/dpn) + FIGURE 1. Neutron number density relative to nucleons as a function of the mass differences at different mixing angles. -nnpLL(l - ne-)} -ne+)]. (3) where dQ(/, j, k) is a phase space factor and & is the amplitude of the corresponding process, p/z and p/z at each integration step of eq. (3) are taken from the simultaneously performed integration of the set of equations for neutrino density matrix. The equation provides a simultaneous account of the different competing processes, namely: neutrino oscilla- 408 non-resonance case the oscillations effects become very small (less than 1%) for small mixings: as small as sin22^ = 0.1 for 8m2 = 10~7 eV2, and for small mass differences: 8m2 < 10~10 eV2 at maximal mixing. For very small mass differences 8m2 < 10~n eV2, or at very small mixing angles sin2 2$ < 10~3, the effect on nucleosynthesis is negligible. The effect of oscillations in the non-resonant case is maximal at maximal mixing and greatest mass differences. In Fig. 2 (the lower curve) the maximal relative increase in the primordial 4He as a function of neu- 40 35- log((5m2[eV2]) FIGURE 2. Maximum primordial helium-4 abundance for the resonant (upper curve) and the non-resonant oscillation case (lower curve), as a function of the neutrino mass differences. The non-resonant case is calculated at maximum mixing, while in the resonant case the helium abundance is calculated at the resonant mixing angle for the corresponding mass difference. trino mass differences at maximal mixing: SY^/Yp = (Y0T - Yp)/Yp = /(Sm2)|e^/4 is presented. In the resonant case for a given 8m2 there exists some resonant mixing angle, at which the oscillations are enhanced by the medium, and hence, the overproduction of 4He is greater than that corresponding to the vacuum maximal mixing angle. This behavior of the helium production on the mixing angle is illustrated on the r.h.s. of Fig.3. The figure presents a combined plot (for the res35 onant and the non-resonant oscillation case) of 57n dependence on the mixing angle for 8m2 = 10~7 eV and 8m2 - 1(T8 eV2. The upper curve in Fig.2 shows the maximal relative increase SY^/Yp in the resonant oscillations case as a function of mass differences, i.e. each maximum 4He value corresponds to the resonant mixing angle for the concrete mass difference: 7^*(Sw2,$g^). As can be seen from Figs.2 and 3, a considerable overproduction can be achieved: in the resonant case up to 32% and in the non-resonant one - up to 14%. The kinetic effect of v^ «-)• vs neutrino oscillations comprises a major portion of the total effect - i.e. Yp overproduction is mainly a result of electron neutrino depletion and spectrum distortion due to neutrino oscillations, which effect can be larger than the one corresponding to an additional degree of freedom. Cosmological constraints on oscillation parameters Observational data on primordial 4He abundance limit the allowed oscillation parameters. Having in mind the large systematic uncertainty in the observational values for Yp, we have calculated several iso-helium contours. The combined iso-helium contours for the nonresonant and the resonant case of electron-sterile oscillation parameters are shown in Fig. 4 corresponding to different values of relative increase of helium-4, namely §Yp = (Yosc-Yp)/Yp = 3%,5%,7%. Assuming the conventional observational bound on $Yp/Yp = 3%, the cosmologically excluded region is situated above the 3% contour. The analytical fits to the -7.0 30- -7.5 - 2520- -8.0 - 15- -8.5 - 105- -9.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Iog(tan2i?) -9.5 FIGURE 3. The dependence of the relative increase of primordial helium on the mixing angle for the resonant (r.h.s.) and non-resonant (l.h.s.) oscillation case. The upper curve corresponds to 5m2 = 10~7 eV2, the lower one to 5m2 = 10~8 eV2. 409 -1 log(sin FIGURE 4. The iso-helium contours corresponding to 3%, 5% and 7% overproduction of primordial helium abundance. LOW sterile solar solution is given by the closed dashed curves. exact constraints on oscillation parameters are: I am obliged to the Organizing Committee of the SOHO-ACE Workshop, hosted by the Physikalisches Institut of the Universitat Bern, Bern, Switzerland, for the financial support of my participation in the Workshop. This work was finalized at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. 5m2 (sin2 2#)4 < 1.5 x 10~9eV2 5m2 > 0, 2 10 2 2 |5m < 8.2 x l(T eV 5m < 0, large fl. LOW electron-sterile solar solution, obtained from the analysis of the 1258 days SuperKamiokande experimental data [14], is shown in the figure by the closed dashed curves. These constraints on ve «-)• vs neutrino oscillations exclude the active-sterile LOW solution to the solar neutrino puzzle [15] in addition to the LMA solution, excluded in the pioneer works. Even in the case of very high primordial helium-4 §Yp/Yp = 1%, sterile LOW solution is still partially excluded. This result is in agreement with the recent global REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. analyses [16],[14], [17] of the neutrino data from Su- 4. 5. perKamiokande, SNO, GALLEX+GNO, SAGE and Chlorine experiments, which does not favor ve «-)• V5 LOW solution. 6. 7. CONCLUSIONS We have analyzed the primordial production of 4He in the presence of ve «->• vs oscillations with small mass differences. Enormous overproduction of 4He (up to 32%) 8. can be obtained for some interval of oscillation parameters values. Iso-helium contours are calculated for SYp/Yp = 3%, 5%,7%. The results are used to constrain 9. 10. neutrino oscillation parameters. 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