C OLLOQUIUM Sterile neutrinos, flavor oscillations and the superconducting-magnetic proximity effect




Thomas Baker

UC Irvine and CSU Long Beach

Sterile neutrinos, flavor oscillations and the superconducting-magnetic proximity effect


The physics of a superconductor subjected to a magnetic field is known to be equivalent to neutrino oscillations. Examining the properties of singlet-triplet oscillations in the magnetic field, a sterile neutrino is suggested to be represented by singlet Cooper pairs and moderates flavor oscillations between three flavor neutrinos equivalent to a triplet Cooper pairs. A superconductor-exchange spring system’s rotating magnetization profile is used to simulate the mass-flavor oscillations in the neutrino case and the physics of neutrino oscillations are discussed. Symmetry protected triplet components are presented as weak process states. Phases acquired due to the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov effect produce a complex phase that may be responsible for charge-parity violation in flavor oscillations.

3-4:30 p.m., Friday, February 26 th McLane 162
