Elemental and Isotopic Abundances in Meteorites P. Hoppe Max-Planck-Institutefor Chemistry, Cosmochemistry Department, P.O. Box 3060, D-55020Mainz, Germany Abstract. Abundance variations of refractory elements between different groups of undifferentiated meteorites (chondrites) are within a factor of 2. The elemental abundance pattern of CI chondrites matches that of the solar photosphere reasonably well except for Li, which is depleted in the Sun's convection zone, and the volatile elements H, C, N, O, and noble gases which are incompletely condensed in chondrites. Macroscopic-scale isotopic heterogeneities are largest for H (D/H varies by 8x) and N (15N/14N varies by 2x). Bulk C- and Oisotopic compositions do not vary by more than a few percent and isotopic heterogeneities are even much smaller for refractory elements. The variations in bulk elemental and isotopic compositions are attributed to variations in the nebula environment from which the chondrites formed. Some meteoritic components (calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions and chondrules) also carry the decay products of now extinct short-lived radioactive nuclides which were either produced locally in the early solar system or in a stellar source shortly before seeding the solar nebula. Large isotopic anomalies with variations over more than four orders of magnitude are observed on a microscopic scale in chondrites. These anomalies are carried by presolar grains that formed mainly in the winds of red giant and asymptotic giant stars and in the ejecta of supernova explosions. INTRODUCTION Our solar system formed from the collapse of a molecular cloud about 4.57 Gy ago, possibly triggered by a nearby supernova (SN) explosion [see 1]. The release of gravitational energy led to the evaporation of a large fraction of dust grains present in the solar nebula and much of the nucleosynthetic memories carried by these grains was erased by chemical and isotopic equilibration. New minerals condensed out of the cooling nebula and an accretion disk formed around the young Sun. Formation of solids probably started about several 100,000 y after onset of molecular cloud collapse and lasted for at least several million years as inferred from the presence of the decay products of short-lived radionuclei, such as 41Ca (half-life - 103,000 y) and26A1 (half-life - 730,000 y) in primitive solar system matter [e.g. 2, 3]. According to modern models of planet formation [see 4] dust accumulates by low-velocity collisions and non-gravitational sticking mechanisms to km-sized bodies, the planetesimals. Mutual collisions of planetesimals finally led to the formation of the solar system planets and asteroids and fragments of those bodies eventually may reach the Earth as meteorites (Fig. 1). While most meteorites originate from asteroids some of them are from the Moon or from Mars. Although models of solar system formation do not support large chemical gradients in the inner solar system Presolar cloud , /^ * f Collapse & Partial evaporation of dust grains Cooling & Condensation < of minerals *YV* * Formation of accretion disk Formation of ^K|fr planetesimals ^P I Formation of planets and asteroids Formation of meteorites FIGURE 1. Origin and history of meteorites. [5], elemental and isotopic heterogeneities may have existed among the formation locations of planetary bodies to some extent. The magnitude of such heterogeneities CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 31 in solar system matter depends on the mixing of compounds that formed at different locations or times in the solar nebula and on the possible admixture of molecular cloud material during the early evolution of the solar system. Isotopic heterogeneities among solar system materials are also expected from the presence of short-lived radioactive nuclides in the early solar system whose decay will leave characteristic imprints on the isotopic patterns of the daughter elements. Meteorites represent a sample of solar system matter from different locations in the solar nebula that can be studied with high precision in the laboratory. Meteorites can be divided into differentiated and undifferentiated meteorites (Fig. 2). Differentiated meteorites are further subdivided into achondrites, irons, and stonyirons. These meteorites have experienced strong postaccretionary alteration and their elemental abundances are not representative of the bulk compositions of their parent bodies. Undifferentiated meteorites, the chondrites, on the other hand, have preserved the bulk elemental and isotopic compositions of their parent bodies. They thus provide information on the homogeneity of elemental and isotopic abundances over large distances (from Earth to Jupiter orbits) in the solar nebula at the time of chondrite formation. ferent types. The different carbonaceous chondrite types are named after a meteorite of each type (e.g., Ivuna for CI, Mighei for CM). Subdivision of ordinary and enstatite chondrites is according to Fe content (LL: low total Fe, low metallic Fe; L: low total Fe; H: high total Fe). Chondrites are mainly composed of chondrules and calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), mm- to cm-sized objects that experiencd high temperatures during formation in the solar nebula, and the finer grained matrix which may be considered as a glue. The relative abundances of those compounds vary from type to type. The matrix contains small amounts (ppb to ppm) of nmto /mi-sized refractory dust grains that are of presolar origin as indicated by large isotopic anomalies [6, 7]. The laboratory study of these rare objects allows to obtain a wealth of information on many astrophysical aspects. In this paper I will discuss the elemental and isotopic homogeneity of meteorites both on a macroscopic (section 2 and 3) and microscopic scale (section 4) and to which extent meteorites may serve as a reference for bulk solar system matter (sections 2 and 3). An overview about the isotopic compositions of presolar grains will be presented and the origin of presolar grains will be briefly discussed (section 4). ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES The most abundant elements in chondrites are O, Fe, Si, and Mg. Variations in elemental abundances among the different chondrites are generally small for refractory and moderately volatile elements (Fig. 3). These variations are typically within a factor of two. Highest refractory element abundances are observed in the carbonaceous chondrites and lowest in the enstatite chondrites (see compilation of abundance data in [8]). Larger variations are seen in the abundances of volatile elements such as H, N, C, and noble gases. The small but noticable heterogeneity in refractory element abundances is attributed to variations in the nebula environment from which the chondrites formed [e. g. 9]. In contrast, the relatively large variations of highly volatile element abundances may be the result of different condensation behaviours at different locations in the nebula or of partial loss due to thermal metamorphism on the meteorite parent bodies [9]. The Si-normalized elemental abundance pattern of CI chondrites is remarkably similar to that observed in the solar photosphere [10]. The abundances of most elements agree within a factor of 1.5 and for many elements the agreement is even within a few percent (Fig. 4). Noticable exceptions are the volatile elements, such as H, C, N, O, and noble gases which are incompletely condensed in chondrites, and Li which is depleted in the solar pho- 81% 1.4% FIGURE 2. Classification of the most common meteorites. The numbers to the left of chondrites give the abundances of observed meteorite falls. The arrows indicate further subdivision of differentiated meteorites. According to chemical composition, degree of oxydization, and degree of equilibration and metamorphic recrystallization the chondrites are divided into discrete groups. These include the carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites which are further subdivided into dif- 32 10 Elemental abundances in chondrites •o £ W E : </) CO E5 o c75 5*"i C /^ O *• o ^S —+—- CM chondrites ............ill...... C - t IU m 2 10° (0 0) =32 v3 ~ ^ 10-1-d o u = a 102-. 5 CV chondrites LL chondrites - EH chondrites ~™~~^— -—— - Jf ^ * ^ 1 ^*^\^* ^^ ^M ^ ^W"'*^ • J>m \/^*<i J*y ^^^^^»***ML ^^S. lf° 10 1 •2-- ~ —w = ** 2 ——A—- 10-2- Elemental abundances in CI chondrites [ H, N, C] 1 10' c) Decreasing Tcond Increasing volatility N* 1 Noble gases! . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 ... 20 40 60 1 .. 80 Atomic number FIGURE 4. Elemental abundances in CI chondrites, normalized to Si and solar photospheric abundances [10]. The dashed lines represent a difference of a factor of 1.5 between CI and solar photospheric abundances. FIGURE 3. Si- and Cl-normalized elemental abundances of CM, CV, LL, and EH chondrites. The elements are ordered according to decreasing condensation temperature (increasing volatility). For a pressure of 10~4 bar the condensation temperature on the left-hand side of this figure is 1800 K, on the right-hand side 80 K. Data from [8]. The dashed lines indicate a difference of a factor of 2 from CI abundances. Hydrogen The D/H ratio in meteoritic water varies between 9x10~5 in clay minerals and 7x10~4 in chondrules. These variations are interpreted to be the result of progressive isotope exchange in the solar nebula between D-rich interstellar water and protosolar H2 [11]. tosphere due to nuclear reactions at the bottom of the Sun's convection zone. The good agreement between the two data sets justifies use of the elemental abundances of CI chondrites as chemical reference for bulk solar system matter except for H, C, N, O, and the noble gases. Their abundances in bulk solar system matter must be directly derived from the Sun or solar wind samples or, as for Kr and Xe, from s-process systematics and/or neighboring element abundances. Carbon Carbon concentrations are between 0.1 and several wt% in bulk chondrites. C-isotopic compositions vary by about 3% with 813C/12C values (8-values give the permil deviation of an isotopic ratio from a reference ratio) between 0 and -30 permil relative to terrestrial C (Fig. 5) [12, 13]. Each chondrite group has a restricted range in C-isotopic composition and C concentration. Highest C concentrations are seen in the CI chondrites. Ordinary chondrites have comparatively low C concentrations and exhibit the lowest 13C/12C ratios among the different chondrite groups. ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS It is not the purpose of this paper to review the isotopic compositions of all elements in bulk meteoritic matter or major meteoritic compounds. In general, isotopic heterogeneities among the different chondrite groups are small for refractory elements. Heterogeneities are larger for volatile elements or if the decay products of short-lived radioisotopes or the products from cosmic ray spallation reactions add to the isotopic abundance pattern of specific elements. Here, I will briefly discuss the isotopic compositions of H, C, N, O, and Cr and the presence of now extinct26 Al in meteorites. Nitrogen Nitrogen concentrations in bulk chondrites are much lower than C concentrations. On the other hand, Nisotopic variations are much larger than those in C. Nitrogen concentrations range from about 1 ppm to more 33 200 ^ -10CD Q O" -20cv O -30- lL/H Carbon in chondrites -40 10 100 1000 [N] (ppm) FIGURE 6. Bulk N-isotopic compositions given as permil deviation from the terrestrial air standard and N concentrations of chondrites. The data for CH chondrites and Bencubbin are off-scale with bulk 815N/14N values of up to 900 permil. Data from [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. FIGURE 5. Bulk C-isotopic compositions given as permil deviation from the terrestrial PDB standard (the bulk Earth has 513C/12C - -6.4 permil relative to PDB) and C concentrations of chondrites. Data taken from [12, 13]. than 1000 ppm. Most of the chondrites have 515N/14N values between -40 and +40 permil relative to terrestrial N but some, such as the CH chondrites and the unique Bencubbin meteorite, show enrichments in 15N by up to a factor of 2 (Fig. 6) [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. These large variations are still not understood but might be caused by admixture of 15N-rich interstellar (organic) material to protosolar N in different proportions [17, 18]. Although presolar grains of stellar origin exhibit huge variations in 15N/14N (see below), variable admixture of different presolar grain populations with different N-isotopic signatures is not likely to be the cause for the large heterogeneities seen in bulk chondrites as one would expect to see also large C-isotopic heterogeneities, contrary to the observation (see above). Because of the large spread in N-isotopic compositions of bulk meteorites, the protosolar N-isotopic composition can be hardly derived from the meteorite data. Distinctly lower 15N/14N ratios than those seen in meteorites and the Earth are derived for the Jupiter atmosphere (515N/14N - -374 +- 82 permil [19]). Further complication is introduced from measurements of solar wind N. In-situ spacecraft studies gave 515N/14N - +360 +- 370 permil [20], measurements of solar wind implanted N in lunar samples 515N/14N < 240 permil [17]. See also the contribution by Busemann et al. in these proceedings. Oxygen Similar to C, bulk chondrites have O-isotopic variations of about 20-30 permil and each chondrite group exhibits a characteristic O-isotopic signature (Fig. 7) [21]. As O has three stable isotopes, mass-dependent isotope fractionation processes can be distinguished from nonmass-dependent isotope fractionation processes. Massdependent fractionation in equilibrium and kineticallycontrolled processes occurs along a line with slope 0.5 in a three-isotope representation (cf. TFL in Fig. 7). Imprints of mass-dependent fractionation is seen within individual chondrite groups. The difference between the chondrite groups points to formation from reservoirs with different O-isotopic signatures. The CAIs show considerable enrichments in 16O of up to 5-7% relative to bulk chondrites and the O-isotopic compositions of different minerals plot on a mixing-line with slope 1 in a three-isotope-representation (Fig. 7). This feature is not yet understood and represents one of the major puzzles in the field of meteoritics. Possible explanations include non-mass-dependent chemical fractionation processes [22] and presence of 16O-rich grains from supernovae (SN) (see below) in proto-CAIs. See also the contribution by Busemann et al. in these proceedings. 34 ordinary chondrites close to that of Vesta [27]. The Cr data suggest that a radial heterogeneous distribution of radioactive 53Mn (half-life = 3.7 My), which decays to 53 Cr, must have existed in the early inner solar system. CNisotopic 20 10 H in 0.10- o 'n2 ~ 0.05- I - °- HED (Vesta) j Ordinary chondritesj 'SNC (Mars) E-C h on d rites 0.004 -40- Earth & Moon o *»• -T^^T^ -30 ~28 -18 i 10 20 -0.05- 30 FIGURE 7. O-isotopic compositions of bulk chondrites and CAIs given as permil deviation from the terrestrial SMOW standard [21]. TFL = terrestrial fractionation line. • Known heliocentric distance D Inferred heliocentric distance 1 I ' I -0.10 0 1 ' 2 3 Heliocentric distance (AU) FIGURE 8. The 53Cr/52Cr ratio of the Earth and Moon, SNC meteorites, and HED meteorites given as permil deviation from terrestrial Cr as a function of heliocentric distance. The heliocentric distance of the place of formation of enstatite and ordinary chondrites is inferred from the Cr data, assuming that there is a linear relationship between 53Cr/52Cr and heliocentric distance [27]. Aluminum-26 Another characteristic feature of CAIs are enrichments in 26Mg from the decay of now extinct 26A1. Aluminum26 was either produced locally in the solar system by the interaction of an X-wind, emerging from the inner edge of the young Sun's accretion disk, with proto-CAIs [23, 24] or in a stellar source shortly before seeding the solar nebula [25]. In the latter scenario short-lived radioactive nuclides can be used as a chronometer to date events in the early solar system history. In this context CAIs are the first solids that formed in the solar system as they exhibit the highest level of 26A1 among solar system materials (except presolar grains) with inferred initial 26A1/27A1 ratios of up to 5x1 (T5 [3]. PRESOLAR GRAINS The topic of presolar grains has been reviewed in great detail in recent years and only a brief summary is given here. For more detailed informations and a complete list of references the reader is referred to the papers by [28, 29, 6, 7] and to the compilation of papers in "Astrophysical Implications of the Laboratory Study of Presolar Materials" [30]. Presolar grains identified to date in primitive meteorites include diamond, silicon carbide (SiC) (Fig. 9), graphite, silicon nitride (SisN^, corundum (A^Os), spinel (MgAbCU), and hibonite (CaAli2Oi9). The presolar nature of those grains is indicated by large isotopic anomalies in the major and many trace elements contained in the grains (Fig. 10). The fact that the known presolar minerals are high temperature condensates implies that they formed in stellar outflows or in the ejecta of stellar explosions. These grains thus represent a sample of stardust that can be analyzed in the laboratory. Figure 11 illustrates the path of presolar grains from their stellar sources to the laboratory. The isotopic compositions of presolar grains represent those in the stellar Chromium Heterogeneities in the solar nebula are also evident from the Cr-isotopic composition. Although variations in the 53Cr/52Cr ratio are less than 100 ppm in different solar system samples, this ratio apparently correlates with the heliocentric distance of the place of formation of planetary bodies. This is evidenced from Cr data for the Earth, martian (SNC) meteorites, and HED meteorites (achondrites) believed to originate from the asteroid Vesta (Fig. 8) [26, 27]. If this is generally true, then the 53Cr/52Cr ratio can be used to constrain the place of formation of solar system bodies. Enstatite chondrites would have formed close to the orbit of Mars and the 35 and co-workers at the University of Chicago in the 1980s. The laboratory study of presolar grains can provide important information on stellar nucleosynthesis and evolution, mixing in supernova (SN) ejecta, the galactic chemical evolution (GCE), grain formation in stellar winds or ejecta, and on the inventory of stars that contributed dust to the solar nebula. FIGURE 9. Presolar SiC grain from the Murchison meteorite. The scale bar is 100 nm. The size of w 0.5 //m represents a typical size of SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite. 103n i* FIGURE 11. Path of presolar grains from their stellar sources to the laboratory. Although most abundant (with concentrations of > 1000 ppm in the most primitive meteorites) the diamonds are least understood. The reason for this is their comparatively small size of only 2-3 nm that does not allow to measure the isotopic compositions of single grains. The other grain types are less abundant (at most a few ppm) but they have sizes of > 100 nm (Fig. 9) that allows to measure the isotopic compositions of many elements in single grains. A lot of isotopic information is available for SiC, graphite, and corundum. On the other hand, only very few presolar silicon nitride, spinel, and hibonite grains were identified so far and there are only few isotopic data available for those grains. 1030 Si/28Si FIGURE 10. Range of isotopic ratios observed in presolar grains from primitive meteorites. All ratios are normalized to solar system reference ratios (terrestrial atmosphere for N, 14N/15N = 272; terrestrial PDF for C, 12C/13C - 89; terrestrial SMOWforO, 16O/17O = 2610,16O/18O = 499; bulk meteorites and Earth for Si,29Si/28Si - 0.05063, 30Si/28Si = 0.03347). For references see [6, 7]. atmosphere or in the ejecta of stellar explosions which in turn are determined by the compositions at the time the parent stars formed, and by the nucleosynthesis in and evolution of the parent stars. After passage through the interstellar medium such grains became part of the molecular cloud from which our solar system formed. They survived the events that led to the formation of the solar system inside small planetary bodies (asteroids) and comets. They are carried to the Earth by meteorites from which they can be separated by chemical and physical treatments which were invented by Edward Anders Silicon carbide, graphite, and silicon nitride Based on the isotopic compositions of C, N, Si, and the abundance of radiogenic 26Mg the SiC grains were divided into six distinct populations. Of particular importance are the so-called mainstream [31] and the X grains [32, 33, 34]. The mainstream grains make up the majority (> 90%) of the SiC grains. They are characterized by lower than solar system 12C/13C ratios (typically 40-80; bulk meteorites: 89-92) and higher than solar system 14N/15N ratios (up to 20,000; bulk mete- 36 orites and planets: 140-430) (Fig. 12) [e.g. 35, 36, 37]; heavier elements (e.g., Kr, Sr, Zr, Mo, Xe, Ba, Nd, Sm) show the signature of s-process nucleosynthesis [e.g. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43]. From a comparison between the grain data and astronomical observations and stellar models, low-mass (1-3 M0) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are considered the most likely stellar sources of the mainstream grains. * SiC Mainstream Grains : /slope 1.3 line SIC -200 -200 FIGURE 13. 300 Si-isotopic ratios of SiC mainstream grains given as permil deviation from the solar system reference (terrestrial) ratios. Data are from [35]. The slope 1.3 line most likely reflects the GCE of the Si isotopes. The average Siisotopic composition of presolar SiC (including all sub-types) is not solar, indicating that there may exist yet unidentified presolar mineral types with isotopically light Si on average. 12C/13C FIGURE 12. N- and C-isotopic compositions of different populations of presolar SiC grains. The dashed lines represent solar system reference ratios (N: terrestrial atmosphere; C: terrestrial PDB standard). The mainstream grains are believed to originate from AGB stars, the X grains from SN. For references see [6, 7]. Most mainstream grains have enrichments in the heavy Si isotopes of up to 20% relative to their solar system abundances (Fig. 13) [cf. 31]. In a Si-three-isotoperepresentation the data fall along a line with slope 1.3. In low-mass AGB stars Si is affected by the s-process in the He shell. He shell matter is mixed outward in the so-called third dredge-up, leading to enrichments of 29Si and 30Si in the star's envelope. However, the expected shifts in 29Si/28Si and 30Si/28Si are at most a few percent [e. g. 44] and evolution of the Si-isotopic composition in a Si-three-isotope representation is expected along a line with slope « 0.5 [e.g. 45], at variance with the grain data. It is the preferred interpretation today that the slope 1.3 Si correlation line does not result from the dredgeup of He shell matter in AGB stars but reflects the GCE, both in time and space, of the Si isotopes and represents a range of Si starting compositions of a large number of AGB stars [46, 47, 44]. Most SiC X grains are characterized by isotopically light C (with 12C/13C of up to 7000), heavy N (with 14 N/15N down to 13), and light Si (with enrichments in 28 Si of up to a factor of 5). Other isotopic features of X 37 grains are high inferred initial 26A1/27A1 ratios and the presence of radiogenic 44Ca from the decay of now extinct 44Ti (half-life 60 y) in some grains [32, 33, 34]. On the basis of the enrichments in 28Si and presence of 44 Ti at the time of grain formation, type II SN have been proposed as the most likely stellar sources of X grains. The same holds for the majority of the graphite grains and all silicon nitride grains. Most of these grains exhibit isotopic signatures that resemble those of X grains indicative for a close relationship between these types of presolar grains [e. g. 48, 49, 33, 50]. A small fraction of the SiC and graphite grains apparently is from novae [51] and for some of the graphite grains also a Wolf-Rayet star origin cannot be excluded [48]. The presolar SN grain data do not only allow to test models of nucleosynthesis in SN but also provide information on the mixing in SN ejecta. In the context of a type II SN origin, the isotopic compositions of presolar grains require mixing of matter from the innermost Ni- and Si-rich zones and the C-rich outer layers, indicative of deep mixing in the ejecta. This confirms similar conclusions derived from astronomical observations of SN light curves [e. g. 52, 53]. Although carbonaceous grains might form in the ejecta of type II SN explosions even while C/O < 1 [54], some kind of selective mixing, which limits contributions of matter from the intermediate, extremely O-rich zones to the condensation site in the ejecta, is indicated. This supports hydrodynamical models of SN explosions that predict fingers and mushroom-like structures rising from the interior into the outer portions of the ejecta as a result from RayleighTaylor instabilities [e. g. 55, 56, 57]. Chondrites contain small quantities of presolar grains. These grains exhibit large isotopic anomalies in the major and many trace elements indicative of a circumstellar origin. Presolar minerals identified to date include diamond, silicon carbide, graphite, silicon nitride, corundum, spinel, and hibonite. Most of the grains apparently formed in the winds of red giant and AGB stars and in the ejecta of SN explosions. A small fraction of the grains appears to come from novae and possibly also from Wolf-Rayet stars. The isotopic compositions of presolar grains reveal the signature of different nuclear burning processes and of the GCE. The non-solar average isotopic compositions of Si and O in presolar grains indicate that there may be yet unidentified presolar mineral types in primitive meteorites. An important merit of meteorites is that they preserve a record of presolar components and of processes in the early solar system. On the other hand, they represent only a small fraction of the matter that went into the making of the solar system and they cannot a priori be considered to be a good reference for the average elemental and isotopic compositions of the protosolar nebula. However, knowledge of average elemental and isotopic compositions is important in order to understand isotopic variations in meteorites, e.g., those observed in N and O. There are many opportunities where the meteorite community could get input from the wider SOHO/ACE community and these are outlined in the contribution of the results from the working group on "Applications in Cosmochemistry" (H. Busemann, these proceedings). Oxides Presolar corundum (and spinel and hibonite) grains have 16O/17O ratios between 70 and 30,000 (meteorites: 2580-2740) and 16O/18O ratios between 200 and 50,000 (bulk meteorites and CAIs: 490-520) [e. g., 58, 59, 60, 61,62,63]. Most grains are characterized by enrichments in 17O and depletions in 18O as compared to solar system abundances. This is consistent with astronomical observations of red giant and AGB stars and with theoretical predictions of those types of stars. Oxide grains from SN are apparently rare among meteoritic stardust. Up to now only one corundum grain was found that shows the expected enrichment in 16O for oxide grains from SN [61]. SUMMARY Undifferentiated meteorites (chondrites) have preserved the bulk elemental and isotopic compositions of their parent bodies. Variations in elemental abundances between different chondrite groups are within a factor of 2 for the refractory elements and are attributed to variations in the nebula environment from which the chondrites formed. The CI chondrites, which represent the most primitive meteoritic matter, have elemental abundances that are compatible to those in the solar photosphere except for Li, which is destroyed in the Sun's convection zone, and the highly volatile elements H, C, N, O, and noble gases which are incompletely condensed in chondrites. This justifies use of CI chondrites as chemical reference for bulk solar system matter for most of the elements. Largest bulk isotopic heterogeneities are seen for H (variations in D/H of a factor of 8), followed by N (15N/14N varies by 2x), and C and O (C- and O-isotopic ratios vary by a few percent). Much smaller isotopic variations are observed for more refractory elements. The 53 Cr/52Cr varies by less than 100 ppm and this ratio appears to be correlated with the place of formation of planetary bodies. Short-lived radioactive nuclides such as 26A1 and 41Ca existed live in the early solar system as evidenced from the presence of the radiogenic daughter nuclides in CAIs and chondrules. Provided that the radionuclides were injected into the solar nebula at the time of solar system formation, they can be used as a chronometer to date events in the early solar system. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank the organizers of the SOHO/ACE workshop on "Solar and Galactic Composition" for the invitation to present this paper. Critical and helpful reviews by P. Eberhardt and V. Heber are acknowledged. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 38 Boss, A., and Vanhala, H. A. T., "Triggering protostellar collapse, injection, and disk formation", in From dust to terrestrial planets, edited by W. Benz, R. Kallenbach, and G. 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