Dynamic Molecular Collision Model for N2—He Mixture Takashi Tokumasu*, Yoichiro Matsumoto^, Kenjiro Kamijo* and Mamoru Oike* * Tohoku University, 2-1-1, Katahim, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577, JAPAN ^The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN Abstract. Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) model is extended to calculate collisions of N2 and He. An intermolecular potential is obtained as the sum of the two potentials between each atom of a N2 molecule and He. Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential is used as the interatomic potential and potential parameters are determined by combination rule. N2~He collisions are simulated in many cases by Molecular Dynamics (MD) method in order to construct the collision model between N2 and He. A collision cross section is determined based on a diffusion coefficient and a probability density function of energy after collision is determined by the MD method. In the present paper, moreover, this model is applied to simulations of the free jet expansion of N2~He mixture by Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method and the flow field is analyzed. Especially the number density and energy distributions at the axis of a free jet are analyzed in detail. INTRODUCTION When a jet expands into a region of finite pressure, a complicated flow pattern develops. According to the progress of techniques to make a molecular beam for thin films produced in semiconductor fabrication, it is required to analyze the structure of this high-velocity free jet expansion. Seed gases are mixed with a large amount of helium, He, in order to accelerate the seed gases. In this jet, the lighter molecules (He) collide with the heavier molecules (seed gas) and properties of each gas (He and seed gas) become different from each other. Especially in the case that the seed gas consists of diatomic molecules, temperatures of each degree of freedom (translation, rotation and vibration) may become different. Therefore, it is important to analyze the free jet of binary gas mixture which consists of He and diatomic molecules. Owing to the rapid progress of computer, numerical simulations are effective to analyze such flows. However, it is not valid to use the Navier-Stokes equation in order to simulate such flows because they are generated at low pressure condition, where Knudsen number is large. Numerical methods which can treat molecular collision must be used to simulate these rarefied gas flows. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is widely used to simulate these rarefied gas flows [1]. In this method, collisions of molecules are simulated in a probabilistic manner. Therefore the accuracy of this method depends on the probability density function, which is called collision model. Owing to the previous researches, the method can treat monatomic rarefied gas flows accurately. For diatomic rarefied gas flows phenomenological models, for instance Larsen-Borgnakke model [2], are mainly used for its simplicity. However, it is doubtful to simulate strong nonequilibrium flows, for instance shock wave or free jet expansion, by the phenomenological models. Dynamic Molecular Collision (DMC) model [3] is constructed and it is verified that diatomic rarefied gas flows can be simulated accurately by this model. This model is based on collision dynamics and it is reported that this model can simulate even nonequilibrium flows accurately. For this reason, it is possible to extend this model to collisions of He and diatomic molecules in order to simulate free jet expansions of He and diatomic gas mixture. In the present paper the DMC model is extended in order to simulate the N2~He collisions. The VHS model [4] is used to simulate the He-He collisions. From these results, the effect of source and background pressure on the structure of free jet expansion is analyzed. Especially, the effect of mass separation on each temperature distribution and local rotational energy distribution on the axis of the jet is investigated. Moreover, the effect of the ratio of number density of N2 to all molecules on energy distribution is also investigated. CP585, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 22nd International Symposium, edited by T. J. Bartel and M. A. Gallis © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0025-3/01/$18.00 645 COLLISION MODEL AND ITS APPLICATION Extension of the DMC model for N2—He Collisions In the present paper a large number of collisions of N2~He are simulated by the Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation in order to obtain a large body of database about collisions of N2~He. An intermolecular potential between N2 and He is defined as the sum of the two potentials between He and nitrogen atom, N, which consists of a nitrogen molecules. Lennard- Jones (12-6) potential mentioned below is assumed as an interatomic one between N and He. A A, JV^-HeV2 /^-HeA6! 0N-He = 4^N-He j (~^— ) ~ (~^r~ ) J where r is the distance between N atom and He. These parameters, crN_He and ^N-He are determined by combination rule. Using <JN_N = 3.17 x 10~10 m, eN_N = 6.52 x 1(T22 J [3] and crHe_He = 2.60 x 1CT10 m, eHe-He = L44 x 10~22 J I 5 ]> these Pa~ rameters are determined as ^N-He = ^'^ x 10~10 m' £N-He = 3-06 x 10~22 J. At initial condition, a N2 molecule is placed at (3<7N_jjemjje/ (^He + ?^N2) > ^mHe/ (mHe + m N 2 ) > ^) an(^ a ^e m°lecule is placed at (— 30N_He m N 2 / (^He + m N 2 ) ' ~^ m N 2 / (mHe + m N 2 ) ' 0) where 6 is the impact parameter. The momentum of N2 and He is consistent with each other during the simulation if the initial velocity is chosen so that the initial momenta of the two molecules are the same. Considering this condition, the initial relative velocity, V N ' ^He> anc^ initial angular velocity of N2, u-^ , are given by /m N kTtr o;N2?y = 0, ^N 2 ,z = 0, (4) where Ttr and Trot are the relative translational and rotational energy, respectively, m is the mass of molecule, I is the momentum inertia and k is Boltzmann constant. The impact parameter b and the initial Euler angle of N2 molecules are chosen so that a realistic collision probability is reproduced [3] . The detailed simulation method about translational and rotational motion of molecules is referred in Ref. [3]. After the simulation is completed, final relative velocity and angular velocity of molecule is recorded. The simulation condition about Ttr and Trot are given in the same manner of Ref. [3] and the large body of data about N2-He collision is obtained. The probability density function of energy after collision is shown in Fig. 1. Initial energy is Tjje = 400 K, T^2 = 400 K and Trot = 400 K. In the present paper the amount of exchange of energy at each degree of freedom have a relation, i.e., Ae tr jj e : Ae tr ^ 2 : Aerot^2 = 1 : 7 : —8. As shown in this figure, the probability density function of energy after collision has a peak near the initial energy and decreases exponentially. Using these data, the DMC model for N2~He collision is constructed in a same manner for N2~N2 collision [3]. A total collision cross section of N2-He is determined so that a diffusion coefficient obtained by this cross section is consistent with the experimental results [6]. Therefore, the total collision cross section, <JT, is obtained by <JT = 3_______ /2fcT re - |) nrefDref \ m12 where nre/ is a reference number density, mi2 is a reduced mass between N2 and He, Tref is a reference temperature, Dref is a reference diffusion coefficient, a is a parameter of the VHS model [1] and g is a relative velocity. These values are chosen to be nre/ = 2.69 x 1025 1/m3, mi2 = 3.50, Dref = 0.607 cm2/s, a = 11.45 and Tref = 273.15 K. [7] 646 0.05 v •Bo 0.04 c "rot 0.03 c/3 0.02 3 0.01 •§ ! -o 20 o 20 40 60 80 Energy [-] FIGURE 1. The probability density function of energy after collision. VHS Model for He-He Collisions Collision models between monatomic molecules are very simple than those of diatomic molecules and many collision models are introduced [4], [8]. In the present paper, Variable Hard Sphere (VHS) model [4] is used as the cross section of He. The parameters about He are also referred in Ref. [4]. In order to verify the validity of this model energy distributions at an equilibrium condition is simulated using this model and the results are compared with theoretical distributions. The results are shown in Fig. 2. A calculation condition is T = 300 K, P = 1.013 x 105 Pa and the number of molecules is N = 7337. In this figure the energy is reduced by 2kT. As shown in this figure, the results are very consistent with the theoretical results and it can be said that this model can calculate the binary collision well. ~ i i i i i i i r I I I I I I : Maxwellian Distribution (DSMC) (DSMC) erot (DSMC) § 3 1.5 C £ £ i </3 I I L If 0 - 5 •i-H •s X) £ o 0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 Energy [-] FIGURE 2. The energy distribution at equilibrium condition. 647 u 4 4 r Arithmetic Domain r Geometric Domain 5d Orifice z Geometric Domain z Arithmetic Domain FIGURE 3. Simulation domain. FREEJET EXPANSION OF N2-HE MIXTURE Simulation Method In simulations of free jet expansions a simulation domain is axisymmetric and simulations are carried out in two-dimensions. Figure 3 shows the simulation domain. The radial direction is denoted by r and the axis direction is denoted by z. An orifice is set at z = 0 and the diameter of the orifice is chosen to be d = 5 mm. The left and right side of the orifice is upstream and downstream domain, respectively. A pressure and temperature at the upstream domain are P0 and T0, respectively and those of downstream domain are POO and TOO, respectively. The size of upstream domain is ru x zu = d x d and that of downstream domain is rd x rd = Sd x 20d. First, N2 and He molecules are placed at upstream and downstream domain at respective equilibrium condition. The number of N2 and He molecules in upstream domain are obtained by Nu N2 = sP0Vu/kT0 and Nu jje = (1 — s)P0Vu/kT0, respectively and those in downstream molecules are Nd = sPooVd/kToQ and Nd = (1 — •s)P00Vd/^T00, respectively, where Vu and Vd is a volume of respective domain and s is the ratio of number density of N2 to all molecules. Assuming the central angle of the domain, #, these values are obtained by Vu = 0.5d3$ and Vd = 640d3#. The molecules are placed by rui = d\fR, %ui = —dR, rdi = Sd^/R and zji = 20ctR, where subscript i is the value of molecule i and R is the random number uniformly distributed in the range of (0,1). An initial velocity and angular velocity are given by adding the thermal velocity and the flow velocity of each domain. Initial flow velocity in r direction is chosen to 0 and that in z direction is chosen from the inlet Mach number obtained by J_ (6) M where S and 5* is the area of upstream boundary and the orifice, respectively and 7 is the ratio of specific heat. The motion of molecules in two-dimension is calculated in the way introduced by Bird [1]. In order to simulate collisions of molecules, the simulation domain must be divided by a large number of small cells. The size of the cell near the orifice must be very small while the one far from the orifice may be large because the size of the cell must be less than a local mean free path. Therefore the simulation domain is divided in a geometric manner near the orifice and it is divided in an arithmetic manner far from the orifice. In the present paper, the downstream simulation domain in the range of 0 < r < 3d (hereafter called r geometric domain) is divided in a geometric manner and the downstream simulation domain in the range of 3d < r < Sd (hereafter called r arithmetic domain) is divided in an arithmetic manner. About z direction, the downstream simulation domain in the range of 0 < z < 5d (hereafter caller z geometric domain) is divided in a geometric manner 648 and the downstream simulation domain in the range of 5d < z < 2Qd (hereafter caller z arithmetic domain) is divided in an arithmetic manner. In the upstream domain, the domain is divided in an arithmetic manner in both r and z direction. During the simulation, molecules collide at a wall of the orifice. As a surface condition, diffuse reflection condition at T = T0 is assumed. Free stream condition is used at the upstream and downstream boundaries. The number of molecules which enter the simulation domain, however, is different at every position because the flow velocity at the boundary is different as shown in Fig. 3, especially at the downstream z boundary at low Knudsen number. In this paper the number of molecules which enter the upstream and downstream domain is calculated at every cell. The flow velocity at the boundary is assumed as the same velocity in the cell at the boundary and is calculated iteratively. Using the flow velocity at the boundary of ith cell, L^, the number of molecules of each species which enter the simulation domain from ith boundary, is obtained by where n is the number density of each species, Si is an area of the ^th boundary, (3 = y/m/2&T, m is a mass of each molecule, K(x) = [exp(— x2) — ^/TTX {1 + erf(x)}] and erf(x) is an error function. The thermal velocity and rotational energy of these molecules are obtained by T = T0 and T = T^ at upstream and downstream boundary, respectively. Simulations are performed until the free jet reaches steady state and properties of the flow in each cell are sampled and recorded. Simulations are performed with reduced units, i.e., length in A0, energy in 2kT0 and mass in m^2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS First two simulations are performed by changing a source and a background pressure so that the ratio of the source to the background pressure keeps constant. In the present paper the ratio is chosen to be 100. One simulation condition is PQ = 100 Pa and P^ = 1 Pa (hereafter called case A) and the other simulation condition is PQ = 1000 Pa and POO = 10 Pa (hereafter called case B), respectively. The source and background temperature are chosen to be 400 K and the ratio of number density of N2 to all molecules, s, is chosen to be 0.1. The central angle, #, is chosen to be 2.0 x 10~n rad and 2.0 x 10~12 rad in case A and B, respectively. In this condition the initial number of molecules are both 312,351. In case A the r geometric domain is divided into 75 cells and the r arithmetic domain is divided into 25 cells. The z geometric domain is divided into 100 cells and the z arithmetic domain is divided into 50 cells. The upstream simulation domain is divided into 75 x 75 cells. In case B the r geometric domain is divided into 200 cells and the r arithmetic domain is divided into 100 cells. The z geometric domain is divided into 300 cells and the z arithmetic domain is divided into 200 cells. The upstream simulation domain is divided into 300 x 300 cells. It is confirmed that all cell size is less than the respective local mean free path. The time step, At is chosen to 1.0 and 0.1 in reduced units in case A and B, respectively. The ratio of number density of He to N2 at the axis of the jet is shown in Fig. 4. This figure shows that the ratio of number density in the zone of silence is less than 9, which is the value at equilibrium condition. In case B, the value increase beyond 9 and get the maximum near z = 30 mm. In a free jet, it is reported that the mass separation effect leads to an enrichment of the heavier molecule (N2) on the axis of the free jet and an enrichment of the lighter molecule (He) on the shock wave [9] . As shown in this figure a mach disk shock exist near z = 30 mm and He molecules accumulate at the mach disk shock in case B while it doesn't exist in case A. Moreover, the ratio of number density of He to N2 in case A is less than that in case B although the ratio of the source to the background pressure is same. A diffusion velocity of binary mixture is proportional to the diffusion coefficient obtained by m He m N2 (p/n)2 16nroi2 where p = mjj e nfj e + ^N 2 n N 2 > n = nHe + n N 2 > mi2 = m He m N 2 /( m He + m N 2 )> °"12 is the cross section between molecule He and N2 and Q^2' is the collision integral. As shown in Eq. (8), the diffusion coefficient increases as the pressure decreases because the number density decreases. Therefore the mass separation effect is greater in case A and the ratio of number density of He to N2 in case A is less than in case B. 649 14 12 10 0 _L _L _L _L 20 40 60 80 Z - direction [mm] 100 FIGURE 4. The ratio of number density of He to N2 at the axis of the free jet. The z direction translational temperatures of N2 and He and rotational temperatures of N2 are shown in the left side of Fig. 5 and the velocities of N2 and He are shown in the right side of Fig. 5. The upper figures show the results in case A and the lower figures show the results in case B. First, as shown in this figure, the temperatures of each degree of freedom in case A are more different from each other than those in case B. This occurs because there aren't enough collision in case A. The detailed explain is as follows. The translational motion of molecules can be distinguished into two parts, the one which contribute to the translational temperature and the other which contribute to the the flow velocity. In a free jet the molecules at higher pressure expand to lower pressure domain and the energy of molecules which contribute to the translational temperature is transferred to the energy which contribute to the flow velocity. However, these molecules collide with the molecules at lower pressure domain and the energy which contribute to the flow velocity is transferred to the energy which contribute to the translational temperature. At the axis of free jet the energy transfer between z direction flow velocity and z direction translational temperature mainly occurs and therefore nonequilibrium condition is formed. If there are enough collision the nonequilibrium condition relaxes and the temperature of respective degree of freedom becomes the same values. However, the downstream mean free path in case A is about 6.3 mm and every molecule collide only several times in the simulation domain while the molecules in case B collide 10 times more than that in case A. For this reason the temperatures of each degree of freedom in case A is more different from each other than those in case B. The rotational temperature in case B becomes much smaller than that in case A. The rotational energy of N2 molecules can decrease only by collision at which translational energy is small. As shown in the right side of Fig. 5, the gas expands in 0 < z < 5 ~ 10 mm and in this region translational temperature is small. As mentioned above, the number of collision of each molecules in case A is too small to decrease the rotational temperature. However, the number of collision of each molecules in case B is enough to make the rotational temperature almost the same value of translational temperature. For this reason, the rotational temperature decreases as the source to the background pressure is increase at the same ratio of source and background pressure. The rotational energy distribution at the minimum rotational temperature point is shown in Fig. 6. As shown in this figure, the distribution in case B apart from Maxwell distribution farther than that in case A although the nonequilibrium between each temperature is stronger in case A than in case B. As shown in Fig. 5, the z direction translational temperature overshoots beyond the downstream temperature although it doesn't in case B. This is caused by the structure of free jet, especially slip line and mach disk. At low Knudsen number the slip line is formed and therefore the flow velocity at the axis of the free jet is faster at the end of simulation domain as shown in the right side of Fig. 5. This means that in case B almost all the energy which contribute to the flow velocity is not transferred to the energy which contribute to the translational temperature while in case A almost all the energy which contribute to the flow velocity is almost transferred to the translational temperature. For this reason the translational temperature in case A is higher than that in case B. Moreover, there are less He molecules at the axis of free jet at higher Knudsen number owing to the mass separation effect mentioned above and therefore N2 molecules can obtain larger energy than 650 1200 WlOOO <D g 800 3 8 600 <U 400 H Po=WO [Pa]: 200 0 20 _L 40 60 80 100 20 Z - Distance [mm] 40 60 80 100 Z - Distance [mm] 500 1500 20 40 60 80 20 Z - Distance [mm] 40 60 80 100 Z - Distance [mm] FIGURE 5. The z direction temperatures, rotational temperatures and z direction velocities at the axis of the free jet. in case B and the translational temperature of N2 overshoots beyond the downstream temperature. Next, the ratio of number density of N2 to all molecules is changed and the rotational temperature and the flow velocity at the axis of free jet is investigated. The other simulation condition is the same as that of P0 = 1000 Pa mentioned above. The rotational temperature and the flow velocity of N2 is shown in Fig. 7. As shown in this figure, the rotatioal temperature distribution is almost consistent with each other although the flow velocity is very different from each other. CONCLUDING REMARKS DMC model is extended to calculate collisions of N2-He. An intermolecular potential is obtained as the sum of the two potentials between each atom of a N2 molecule and He. Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential is used as the interatomic potential and the potential parameters are determined by combination rule. A total collision cross section is determined based on a diffusion coefficient and the probability density function of energy after collision is determined in the same manner of Ref. [3]. This model is applied to the simulation of the free jet expansion of N2-He mixture. Simulations are performed by changing the source and background pressure under the constraint that the ratio between them is constant. The results show that the temperature of each degree of freedom is different from each other at higher Knudsen number (at lower pressure). However, the rotational energy distribution at the minimum rotational temperature point is closer to the Maxwellian distribution at higher Knudsen number. Moreover, rotational temperature can be smaller for the lower Knudsen number. At the higher Knudsen number, the z direction translational temperature of N2 overshoots 2 times more than the downstream temperature owing to the structure of free jet, especially slip line, mach disk and mass separation effect. Moreover, it is found that the effect of the ratio of number density of N2 to all molecules on the rotational 651 :A B :B : Maxwellian Distribution i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ^i i i i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Rotational Energy [K] FIGURE 6. The rotational energy distribution at the minimum rotational temperature point, temperature distribution is small. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bird G.A., Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows, Oxford: Clarendon Press, (1994). Borgnakke C. and Larsen P.S., J. Comp. Phys. 18, 405-420 (1975) Tokumasu T., Matsumoto Y., Phys. Fluids 11, 1907-1920 (1999). Bird, G.A. Prog. Astro. 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