Many Body Collisions under an External Force A A Agbormbai Department of Aeronautics Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BY, England Abstract. Whereas rarefied gas dynamics has traditionally assumed a dilute gas assumption, in which the densities are so low that only binary collisions and single-body gas surface interactions occur, expressions for many-body collision rates and for many-body gas surface interaction (GSI) rates appear to suggest that at lesser heights the dilute gas assumption is not valid. In particular, at heights close to the transition regime into continuum flow, three- and four-body collisions become important. In this paper I consider the effect of an external force on the scattering behaviour of particles undergoing many body collisions. This complements a previous work on the effects of an external force on the energy exchange process of many body collisions. I formulate the effects on two-body collisions and then I extend the results to three- and four-body collisions. In particular, I present deflection angle formulae for two-, three- and four-body collisions under an external force. The philosophy of the approach is to reduce a many body collision to the dynamics of a number of reduced particles in addition to the motion of the centre of mass of the system. I also describe how to handle external forces in Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) computations. Basically, an external force affects both the collision and convection phases of the DSMC method. The DSMC method is the standard approach for computing rarefied gas phenomena. I. INTRODUCTION In Ref. 1 I discussed the problem of many body collisions in which the effects of an external force were limited to its influence on the energy exchange process. An external force was accounted for by including the centre of mass energy in the energy exchange process, the argument being that the centre of mass accelerates through the collision and cannot therefore be cancelled out of the reciprocity equation. This represents only part of the story, when considering the effects of an external force. An external force also influences the scattering behaviour of the particles. In this paper I show that the effect of an external force on the scattering process is to create further deflections in the particles. I demonstrate the procedure for binary collisions and then I extend the results to threeand four-body collisions. I present deflection angle formulae for the scattering of the reduced particles. II. RESOLVING POTENTIALS AND SEPARATIONS In formulating deflection angle formulae we find that we have to resolve a potential function into in-plane and outof-plane directions. 'In-plane' means in the collision plane and 'out-of-plane' means in the normal direction to the collision plane. Since the collision plane changes through the interaction we use the initial collision plane as our reference collision plane. There are two in-plane directions: in-line and transverse. The in-line direction is along the intermolecular separation of the two particles that are used to form the reduced particle whose motion is being considered. The transverse direction is normal to this. Whereas the in-plane potential induces in-plane deflections the out-of-plane potential induces out-of-plane deflections. The original potential is assumed to depend only on r, where this may be the intermolecular separation between one of the two particles lying in the in-line direction and some other particle of the system. On the other hand, r may be the magnitude of the position vector of a particle on which an external force is acting. We assume that the in-line direction is jc, the transverse in-plane direction is y, and the out-of-plane direction isz. Thus x andj lie in the initial collision plane whereas z lies perpendicular to this plane. CP585, Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 22nd International Symposium, edited by T. J. Bartel and M. A. Gallis © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0025-3/01/$18.00 Note that (*;, y, z) is thus used to denote either the separations or the position co-ordinates of the particles. No conflict arises as long as the context is kept in mind. Given the original potential: V = V(r)9 where r2 = x2 + y2 + z2, suchthat Fr = ——— dr we want to resolve the potential along x, y, andz, such that: dV Fx = -—±, ox dVv Fy = -—y-, dy dV Fz=-—^ dz where F = (FX,FVy,FZ) is the force generated by V. Knowing that: dV(r) __ x dV(r) dx r dr dV(r) ^ dy y y dV(r) r dr z dV(r) __ z dV(r) dz r dr we get: dr / I y J r I dr o V I / J r I dr o V If we assume that along x we have 7 = 0, z = 0; along y we have ;c = 0, z = 0; and along z we have x = 0, y = 0 then the preceding relations simplify to: K, = V(x\ Vy = V(y\ Vz = V(z) Note that the potentials depend only on distances, not directions. This means that the potentials are spherically symmetric. To resolve separations and other vectors along the three orthogonal directions we need the unit vectors along these directions. For the in-line direction we can use the separation vector along that direction to construct the unit vector. For the out-of-plane direction we use the angular momentum vector to construct the unit vector. Crossmultiplying these unit vectors gives the unit vector in the transverse in-plane direction. The results are: In-line: —, Out-of-plane: p^——4, Transverse: — x-r^——4 where r07- is the separation vector and g . is the relative velocity. III. TWO BODY COLLISIONS The effects of an external force on a many body collision are similar to the effects on a binary collision. Therefore, we start by examining the effects on binary collisions and then extend the results into many body collisions. Consider two particles undergoing a binary collision. Denote the position vector of a particle by r, the intermolecular force by f, and the external force by F. By writing down and manipulating the equations of motion for each particle we can re-express these equations in terms of the motion of the centre of mass as well as of a single reduced particle, as follows: ft = (/HO +ml)R= (m0 + ml)G=¥0 + ¥l (1) =—*i-—*o-toi ml m0 where R and G are the position and velocity of the centre of mass and: r oi=ri~ro> = ~ —+ — ju m m or l 0 This result shows that the centre of mass of the system accelerates through the collision because of the action of external forces. The internal force does not contribute to this motion. We can resolve the external forces into in-plane (in-line and transverse) and out-of-plane components. The inplane components will enhance the in-plane deflection of the reduced particle, while the out-of-plane component will introduce out-of-plane deflections in the reduced particle. Assuming that the external forces are conservative (i.e. can be expressed in terms of a potential) we can express the deflection angle components using the general form: dp ,*) = *-2*J^ J » 1 c/ '** \f > ^ ±t /2\ where A is the signed coefficient of the potential; and j,k are integers. For the specific forms of the in-plane and out-of-plane deflection components these symbols are given appropriate meaning below. The in-plane deflection is as follows: % = %Ql + %Q + %i, with Xjk an<^ Xj being given by (2) where the symbols are : b = b , for U LL niQ where r 1><g qj = U/ + y] Y2, */ = r- •^l, y- = r, • ^-x ° r r [ koiXg|J where : bx = in -plane impact parameter, r01 = separation vector, MI 7 being an integer Y}- = position co-ordinate r = 70! = intermolecular separation, rm = separation at point of closest approach Xj = in -line component of position vector, Xjm = component at point of closestapproach yj = transverse component of position vector, yjm = component at point of closestapproach qj = resultant of jcyandjy, qjm = resultant at point of closest approach Vjk = intermolecular potential, Vj = external potential corresponding to external force Fy The external potentials are assumed to depend only on the magnitude of the position vector of the particle on which they act. Note that the signed coefficients of the external potentials have been derived from the equations of motion for the reduced particle (i.e. from (1) - a negative force implies a positive potential and vice versa). The out-of-plane deflection is: £ = £0 + £1? with BJ being given by (2) where the symbols are : b = b£, for £0 : p = z0, V = VQ, A = —; for EI : p = z1? V = Fi, A = ——; where where : b£ = out - of - plane impact parameter, Zj = r • [ LiJrm x g . r ——• , r01 = separation vector, 7 being an integer ry = position co-ordinate Zj = out - o f - plane component of position vector, zjm = component at point of closest approach Vf = external potential corresponding to external force F In writing down these expressions for the deflection angles we have used a similar reasoning to our handling of the extra intermolecular forces that are generated by the presence of additional bodies in a many body collision (Ref. 1). IV. EXTENSION TO MANY BODY COLLISIONS Many body collisions are handled by taking two bodies at a time and formulating the motion of their reduced particle. An TV-body problem reduces to the motion ofN-l reduced particles in addition to the motion of the centre of mass. Particle 0 is considered to be the reference particle, relative to which each other particle moves. Therefore the two-body results can be generalised to N bodies by combining particle 0 with each of the other particles, to form a reduced particle. Using this logic we can immediately write down deflection angle formulae for three- and four-body collisions by extending the formulae for collisions without external forces (i.e. the formulae in Ref. 1). V. IN-PLANE DEFLECTION Note that in the subsequent formulae we use the following symbols: #(00 = deflection angle for reduced particle /%• XE = deflection angle due to external forces, Xi = deflection angle due to internal forces %Qi = primary deflection angle, the rest being secondary bXQj = impact parameter for in- plane scattering of reduced particle £% rt = intermolecular separation for reduced particle £%, rim = separation at point of closest approach Xj = in -line component of position vector, Xjm = component at point of closestapproach yj = transveise component of position vector, yjm = component at point of closest approach qj = resultant of X j a n d y j , qjm = resultant at point of closest approach x.k = in - line component of separation vector, xjkm = component at point of closestapproach yjk = transveise component of separation vector, yjkm = component at point of closestapproach qjk = resultant of Xjkandyjk, Vjk = intermolecular potential, qjkm = resultant at point of closest approach Vj = external potential corresponding to external force Fy go/ = initial relative speed for reduced particle /X0/ g'^ = initial relative velocity for reduced particle ^i% The in-plane deflection angles for three body collisions are: (a) First reduced particle. #(0i) = XE + Xi 9 where Xi is given in Ref. 1 and XE = #o + #1? w^h Xj being given by (2) where the symbols are : b=bxQl, // = M)i, g' = g'oi, andfor;^: p = qQ, V = K0, A = ^2L; far Xi ' P = q\, V = Vl9 A = -^2L; mQ ml where qf = uc/ + y / / 2 , xf = r, • — , yf =rf • — x-r-^—^L I j being an integer '01 l/oi F o i X f t l J (b) Second reduced particle. #(02) = XE + Xi > wnere Xi is given ™ Ref- l and XE = #o + #2 » with Xj being givenbY (2) wnere tne symbols are b=bzQ2, ^ = M o 2 ? g/ = go2> andfor^ 0 : p = qQ, V = F"0, A = ^2; for^ 2 : p = q2, V = V2, A = -• ^-; mQ m2 where q . = \xt + yW2 , ^ , = r , » - ^ - , y- = r- • -21 Xp^—21.1 r*» 02 I »» 1 r02 I*»N/<T|| | r 02 X g2| I j being an integer The in-plane deflection angles for four body collisions are: (a) First reduced particle. = yf(oi) X E + Xi •> where Xi *s givenin Ref. 1 and %E is given as for three body collisions. (b) Second reduced particle. = #(02) XE + Xi 9 wherej/ is givenin Ref.l and %E is given as for threebody collisions. (c) Third reduced particle. = XE + Xi> where Xi is givenin Ref. 1 and XE = XQ + #3' w*m Xj being given by (2) where the symbols are j£ 6=6,03, 6,03, M = A)3, where g =go3, andfor^: p = q0, V = V0, A = ; for^ : p = q3, V = V3, A = -21; */ = r, •^i, 7, = r, • ^-x-^—^T I j being an integer qf = be/ +7/P, r*• I r»» 03 ^ 03 li»r V r» I I | 03 X g3|J VI. COLLISION PLANE CALCULATION The following set of symbols are used for the out-of-plane deflection: eQf) = deflection angle for reduced particle /% £E = deflection angle due to external forces, £/ = deflection angle due to internal forces b£0i = impact parameter for out -of -plane scattering of reduced particle j% Zj = out -of- plane component of position vector, zjm = component at point of closest approach Zjk = out-of-plane component of Fj k , Zjkm = component at point of closest approach The out-of-plane deflection angles for three body collisions are: (c) First reduced particle. e (oi) = £ E + £ /> where e7 is givenin Ref. 1 andeE = £0 +sl , with e- being given by (2) where the symbols are : b=be0l, AI = /IOI, g' = goi, where r01 , zy = r • I -————lw» NX r* I I J Foi x 8i andfor£ 0 : ^ = z0, V = K0, A = ^-; j being an integer yi (d) Second reduced particle. e (02) = £E +£i> where £7 is givenin Ref. 1 and£^ = £0 + e2, with e. being given by (2) where the symbols are b = b£Q2, H — ^02? g' — gQ2> and for £0 : p = z0, V = F0, A = —22-; for£ 2 : p = z2, V =V2, A = ——02.; where x z, = r, • p^——^- , / being an integer The out-of-plane deflection angles for four body collisions are: (d) First reduced particle. Z(oi) = XE + Xi> where Xi *s givenin Ref. 1 and XE *s givenas for three body collisions. (e) Second reduced particle. = X(QT> XE +Xi> where Xi is givenin Ref. 1 and XE ® given as for three body collisions (f) Third reduced particle. £ = £E + £7 ? where £7 is givenin Ref. 1 and SE = £0 + £3, with e. being given by (2) where the symbols are : 6=6,03, M = Mo3> S'=8w andfore 0 : p = z0, F = F0, A = ^; for£ 3 : p = z3, V = V3, A = -^2i; where z,J = I r 0 3 xg 3 1 , , L r j being an integer 03 X 83 VII. ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS An external force accelerates the particles between collisions and influences the particles during a collision. During collisions the external force creates further deflections of the particles while accelerating the centre of mass of the system. This acceleration of the centre of mass means that the centre of mass energy must be included in energy exchange formulations. These formulations relate the pre-collision energies of the reduced particles and centre of mass to their post collision energies. Therefore the reduced particles not only exchange energy with one another, but also exchange energy with the centre of mass. The appropriate energy exchange models have been formulated in Ref. 2 using reciprocity modelling. VIII. DSMC COMPUTATIONS A DSMC computation comprises two phases: a MOVE phase and a COLLISION phase. In the move phase the particles translate over a time interval, while in the collision phase the particles undergo a collision. A move phase is calculated and then a collision phase, and so on. In the absence of external forces the velocities at the end of the move phase are the same as the velocities at the start of the move phase, i.e. no acceleration takes place. On the other hand, external forces accelerate the particles during the move phase. Thus, an external force will affect both the move phase and the collision phase. IX. REFERENCES . A. Agbormbai, Dynamical and Statistical Modelling of Many Body Collisions I: Scattering, submitted to Rarefied Gas Dynamics 22nd symp. . A. Agbormbai, Dynamical and Statistical Modelling of Many Body Collisions II: Energy Exchange, submitted to Rarefied Gas Dynamics 22nd symp.