1 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE PAHIN SINTE COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal I: Foster Wolakolkiciyapi by incorporating Lakota Spirituality, Culture, and language acquisition throughout the college and within the communities it serves. College Center Strategic Goal I: Provides a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified. College Center Strategic Objective: Pahin Sinte College Center provide a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified. Strategies Measuring Tools Encouragement Activity Ceremony & Form Welcome back Survey Cook out Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Hold two Encouragement Ceremony/Welcome Back each semester with 52% student body in attendance and 100% of staff in attendance. Held two Encouragement Ceremony/Welcome Back each semester. Fall 2014: We had a total of 18% student’s attendance and 100% of staff in attendance. Spring 2015: We had a total of 30% in student attendance with 100% staff in attendance. Our Encouragement Ceremonies goal of 52% was not met with an additional ceremony in the Spring 2015. Our goal is to keep developing strategies to improve attendance with our students. Advertise throughout the district. Our surveys indicated that ours students want to bring back the drum and songs. Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Honoring of the College Graduates and GED Graduates. Activity Form Survey Host our Annual Honoring of the College Graduates and GED Graduates at the end of Spring Semester, with 100% students in attendance and 100% of staff in attendance. Our Annual Honoring of our College Graduates each Spring semester ends with 5 out of 9 graduates in attendance with 2 student organization members in attendance. 100% of staff in attendance. 2 This strategy is ongoing every year to honor our graduates. For the Spring 2015 will graduate a total of 9 Graduates. 1-Nursing 1-Early Childhood 4-Tribal Law 1-General Construction 1-Automotive 1-Lakota Studies Academic Awards Numeration of Awards Conferred Hold on End of the Year Academic Awards Day and Cook-out. Awarded 38 Academic Achievement for Fall 2014. Awarded 36 Academic Achievement for the Spring 2015 semesters. This strategy in on going every year. This year our Awards will be passed out to all the students. 3 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE PAHIN SINTE COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal II: .OLC will provide learning experiences that foster student preparedness, academic success and involvement in the life of the college. College Center Strategic Goal II: Provides access to a diverse set of information resources to support students’ achievement of their learning outcomes. College Center Strategic Objective: Pahin Sinte College Center will hold a variety of orientations and workshops for students. Strategies Measuring Tools Hold one orientation for new Entering Freshman each semester. Sign in Sheet Activity Form Survey Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Our goal is to have 100 % of all entering freshman participate in the new student orientation. Held 2 New Entering Freshman Orientations: On August 21, 2014 we hosted our entering Freshman Orientation and had a 67% participation rate for the Fall2014 semester. We know that our students all have families and we need to set a realistic goal of at least 75% participation. Our strategy is to advertise more to bring up our goal. This also encompassed the orientation syllabus for direction. Along with developing a calendar for orientation. On January 14, 2015 we hosted our entering Freshman Orientation and had a 50% participation rate for the Spring 2015 orientation. Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) 4 Hold one orientation for continuing students Sign in Sheet Activity Form Survey Host one student orientation for continuing students each semester with 52% participation. In the Fall 2014 semester we hosted a Freshman Orientation on November 18, 2014. In which we had 16% participation. We did not met our goal of 52% participation with our Freshman Orientation students but we will continue to hold the orientations. We will try different strategies to engage all students. Organize academic college success workshops. Sign in sheet Activity Form Survey Host two workshops per semester. 1) Women Empowerment 2) Men Empowerment Due to presenters being unavailable the workshops have been postpone until the 2015/2016 academic year. We schedule them on our calendar for 2015/2016 academic year. Host two academic college success workshops per semester. 1) Time Management 2) Financial Literacy Hosted four academic workshop: Fall 2014: September 9, 2015 Windows 8/Scholarship Training with 6 participants. Spring 2015: March 5, 2015 Test Anxiety Workshop with 5 Participants. April 30, 2015 Career Workshop with 10 Participants. May 6 2015 Financial Literacy with 7 Participants. Respondents found the tools in workshop to be very resourceful in everyday life. Continue to Survey our students to meet their needs. Need to figure out a plan to increase student attendance. Host 2 workshop a semester. Organize student success workshops. Activity Form Survey Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Student Organization Sign in Sheets Minutes Hold 4 meetings per semester. Met 100% of required meetings. Sign in Sheets Sponsor 4 Student Organization events per semester. Met 95% required events, hosting 4 events per semester: Fall 2014: Labor Day Bike Ride Halloween Contest Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Dinner Spring 2015: Valentines Grams Community Easter Dinner Honoring of Graduates. 5 Continue to work with student engagement. 6 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE PAHIN SINTE COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal II: Provide student support services to facilitate persistence, retention, and completion of student educational goals. College Center Strategic Goal: The College Center staff will foster student preparedness, academic planning, and involvement in the life of the college. College Center Strategic Objective: Counselors use and individualized approach to increase recruitment, retention, persistence and completion. Strategies Measuring Expected Results Actual Results Improvements Tools to Strategy Increase Sign off Sheet Increase Brochure We did recruitment Our goal is to Recruitment Enumeration distribution Develop through increase by 2% of Brochures more brochures, advertisement brochure Distributed. Advertise by going posting registration distribution, door to door at our cap office, advertise door advertising along post office and our to door also with utilizing the local grocery store. utilizing the Postal Service. Along with posting Postal Service. Do recruitment at in our elementary Do recruitment our annual powschools. at our annual wow. pow-wow. Increase Enumeration Complete all entering Fall 2014 semester Keep and Retention by of currently freshman students’ we had a total of 18 Process all 2% enrolled advising sheets. entering Freshman. individual students. Spring 2015 plans in semester we had a student folders total of 5 entering in order to freshman. Tracked keep all 100% of all entering students and freshman students’ staff abreast of advising sheets. their status sheets. Retain 80% Enumeration Hold midterm review Retained 26 Strategy in to 7 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) of Freshman Students Increase Persistence rate by 2%. Mentorship of currently enrolled students. and tutoring services. Student Count Monitor Return Rate from Fall to Spring Semester. Fall 2014 we had a total of 17 Freshman continue through the Spring 2014 semester. keep the 80% of Freshman Students. Continue to Monitor return rate from Fall to Spring Semester. Excel Worksheet Tracked 100% program status sheets in order to align all courses and students Advised/Counseled all 216 students on the importance of taking only their classes on their status sheets. Completed a course track sheet. Need to modify the track sheet for accessibility needs. Survey Courses 100% of all students Surveyed. Surveyed all 216 students’ course needs and offered classes to complete their status sheets Develop a calendar of scheduled courses. Sign in Sheets Mentorship for all students. Fall 2014 – We held 20 tutor Labs along with 20 individualized tutor sessions. Spring 2015 we increased the 91 individualized tutor sessions. And 14 held 14 tutor labs. We develop a set weekly schedule for tutor labs. Our weekly schedule had to be adjust to student needs. Fall 2014- We had Held a meeting Develop a schedule for tutoring and labs. Mentorship Freshman students out of 34 for the Fall 2014 semester. Retained 37 Freshman student out of 43 for the Spring 2015 semester. Early Alerts Schedule student Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) 8 Con’t Enumeration meetings. 31 early alerts: 26 due to attendance and 5 general concern. Spring 2015- Total of 40 early alerts: 30 due to attendance, 4 general concern, 1 grades and 1 other. with students to talk over with them our alert and ask if we could help and reminded them how important their education is and emphasis we are here to help them. Increase Completion by 2%. Enumeration of currently enrolled students. 100% Completed Student Status Sheets. 100 % Completed Evaluation for 216 students. Offer math and reading review labs along with academic workshops. Student Count Fall 2014 and Spring 2014 Enrollment was 216 with 18 potential graduates. Graduated 9 students in the Spring 2014 semester. Giving us a graduation rate of 1%. Strategies to improve graduation rate. Ongoing improvements to increase graduation rate. OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE PAHIN SINTE COLLEGE CENTER YEARLY ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 9 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OLC Strategic Goal VI: Provide information and develop collaborative ventures with internal and external stakeholders in the OLC served community. College Center Strategic Goal IV: OLC Supports student research that strengthens nation building. College Center Strategic Objective: Pahin Sinte College Center will develop and maintain partnership for student wellness and development. Strategies Provides students the opportunity to participate in the governance system. Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Sign in Sheet Hold four monthly student organization meeting per semester. Fall 2014 –Held 4 monthly student organization meetings. Spring 2015 – Held 4 monthly student organization meetings. Sign in Sheet Attend two Student Senate Meetings per semester. Sign in Sheet Attend two Student Representatives Meetings per semester. Improvements to Strategy Met our goal with a 100% attendance. We need to encourage students to become more activity involved with student Fall 2014 – Spring organization. 2015 Attended 2 Emphasis to all Student Senate students that meetings per this college is semester. their college and they do Fall 2014 – Spring have a vested 2015 Attended interest. two Student Decimate all Representative governance meeting per information. semester. Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Organize and partner with external interested groups to provide wellness (physical, mental, spiritual) opportunities for students to achieve their learning outcomes. Sign in Sheets Hold 1 Alcohol and Drug Free Walk Sign in Sheets Start a walking club for students and staff. Do to time constraints we did not Bring in an implement these Acupuncture for activities. a wellness. Sign in Sheets Held 1 Alcohol and Drug Free Walk .Partner with Porcupine Day School and Rockyford Elementary School. Had a total of 13 elementary students along with 5 student organization members and 3 staff members. 10 We cherish all our partnership with all entities with the Oglala Oyate. We are grateful to all of them and their participation, time and donations. We scheduled the walking club and the acupuncture for the Fall 20152016 year. 11 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) PRESIDENT'S OFFICE College Center Pahin Sinte 2014-15 Budget 244,628.00 PERSONNEL Projected Requested Modification Total Director 52.455.00 52,455.00 Counselor 35,031.00 35,031.00 GED Tutor 30,608.00 30,608.00 Janitor 19,867.00 19,867.00 Vehicle 34,000.00 34,000.00 Fringe 41,388.00 41,388.00 Travel – Staff 2,450.00 2,450.00 Travel – Adjunct 7,500.00 27.04 7,527.40 Supplies 3,300.00 161.25 3,461.25 Workshops 400.00 Repair & Maintenance 1,100.00 Phone 2,700.00 2,700.00 Electric 3,200.00 3,200.00 Propane 2,000.00 2,000.00 Water & Sewer 1,400.00 1,400.00 Local Board Stipends Textbooks 4,500.00 4,500.00 200.00 200.00 Student Organization Student Cost 2,229.00 2,229.00 300.00 300.00 Total 244,628.00 244,841.29 400.00 25.00 1,125.00 Justification