CURRICULUM VITA Rhoda Kesler Unger, Ph.D. Resident Scholar

Rhoda Kesler Unger, Ph.D.
Resident Scholar
Women's Studies Research Center
Brandeis University (MS 079)
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
Phone: (781) 736-8107
Fax: (781) 736 - 8117
Brooklyn College; B.S. magna cum laude with honors in psychology, 1960.
Harvard University; M.A. in experimental psychology, 1964.
Harvard University; Ph.D. in experimental psychology, 1966.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1960.
Psi Chi, 1960.
Sigma Xi: Associate Member, 1966; Member, 1974.
Who's Who in American Women, 1970 - present.
Who's Who in the East, 1982 - present.
Who’s Who in America, 2000; 2001, 2002, 2007
American Men and Women in Science, 1970 - present.
Fellow, American Psychological Association, 1978.
Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Women and Society, Graduate
Center of the City University of New York, 1980 - 1981.
Professor emerita, Montclair State University, 1999.
Unger_Frieze award established by the Association for Women in
Psychology, 2010.
New York State Regents Scholarship, 1956 - 1960.
Radcliffe College Fellowship, 1960 - 1961.
National Institutes of Mental Health Fellowship, 1961 - 1964.
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Psychiatry and Psychology, Yale
Medical School, 1964 - 1965.
Harvard University Teaching Fellow, 1965 - 1966.
National Science Foundation Institutional Grant, 1972 - 1973.
Honorable Mention: Ford Foundation Fellowship Program for
Research on the Role of Women in Society, 1973.
Released Time for Research, Montclair State College, 1973 - 1974,
1975 - 1976, 1983, 1985.
Montclair State College Institutional Research Grant, 1974 1975, 1982 - 1983, 1984 - 1985, 1987 - 1988, 1990 - 1991.
Montclair State College Alumni Association Research Grant, 1979.
National Science Foundation Travel Grant to Haifa, Israel, 1980.
Merit Award, Montclair State College, 1984; 1986.
Distinguished Publication Award, Association for Women in Psychology,
First Annual Carolyn Wood Sherif Memorial Lectureship, Division 35 of the
American Psychological Association, 1984.
Distinguished Publication Award (shared with V. O'Leary & B. S.Wallston),
Association for Women in Psychology, 1985.
Outstanding Faculty Member Award, Alumni Association, Montclair
State College, 1984
Fulbright Senior Scholar, University of Haifa, 1988-1989.
Career Citation, Committee on Women in Psychology, APA, 1991
Distinguished Scholar Award, Montclair State College, Spring, 1994.
Distinguished Career Award, Association for Women In Psychology, 1994.
Noted Scholar, University of British Columbia, Summer, 1995
Visiting Scholar, British Psychological Society, Summer, 1999
SPSSI Action Grant for Experienced Scholars, 2002
Visiting Professor, Gender Studies Institute, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo,
Summer, 2004
Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Psychology in the Public
Interest, American Psychological Foundation, 2007
Visiting Professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), Summer,
Research Assistant, Department of Biostatistics, Cornell Medical
School, Summer, 1960.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, MIT, 1960 - 1961.
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Northeastern University, 1965 –
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Hofstra University, 1966 - 1972.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Women's Studies, CCNY, 1972 - 1974
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Montclair State College, 1972 –
Associate Professor of Psychology, Montclair State College, 1977 –
Adjunct Professor of Psychology, New York University, 1980 - 1982
Professor of Psychology, Montclair State University, 1981 - 1998.
Visiting Professor, School of Education, New York University,
Summer, 1983.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Windsor,
1985 - 1986.
Director of the Honors Program, Montclair State University, 1985 –
1988; 1989 - 1996.
Visiting Professor of Psychology, University of Haifa, 1988 - 1989
Visiting Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, Brandeis University,
Fall, 1995; 1996 - 1997
Visiting Scholar, Brandeis University, 1998 - 1999
Resident Scholar, Brandeis University, 1999 MEMBERSHIPS
American Psychological Association: Fellow of Divisions 35, 9, 2, 44, 52, &
48 (in order elected). Member of Divisions 26 & 45.
Association for Women in Psychology.
Society for the Advancement of Social Psychology.
American Psychological Society (Fellow)
Unger, R. K. & Denmark, F. L. (1975). Woman: Dependent or
independent variable? New York: Psychological Dimensions.
Unger, R. K. (1975). Sex role stereotypes revisited: Psychological
perspectives on women's studies. New York: Harper & Row.
Unger, R. K. (1979). Female and male: Psychological perspectives.
New York: Harper & Row.
O'Leary, V. E., Unger, R. K., & Wallston, B. S., Eds. (1985). Women,
gender, and social psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Unger, R. K., Ed. (1989). Representations: Social constructions of
gender. Sponsored by SPSSI. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing
Unger, R. K. &, Crawford, M. (1992). Women and gender: A feminist
psychology.. New York: McGraw-Hill and Philadelphia: Temple University
Press. 2nd edition (1996); 3rd edition (2000). 4th edition (2004).
Crawford, M. & Unger, R. K., Eds. (1997). In our own words:
Readings on women and gender. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2nd edition
Unger, R. K. (1998). Resisting gender: Twenty-five years in/of
feminist psychology. London: Sage.
Unger, R. K., Editor (2001). Handbook of the psychology of women
and gender. NY: Wiley. Book has been translated and published in Japan
with a new preface in 2004. Paperback edition published by Wiley in 2004.
Raymond, B. J. & Unger, R. K. (1972). "The apparel oft proclaims the
man": Cooperation with deviant and conventional youths. Journal of Social
Psychology, 87, 75 - 82.
Raymond, B. J., Unger, R. K., & Stone, S. (1972). To demand or not
to demand. American Psychologist, 27, 577 - 579.
Unger, R. K., Raymond, B. J., & Levine, S. (1974). Are women
discriminated against? Sometimes! International Journal of Group
Tensions, 4, 71 - 81.
Unger, R. K. & Raymond, B. J. (1974). External criteria as predictors
of values: The importance of race and attire. Journal of Social Psychology,
93, 295 - 296.
Unger, R. K. (1976). Male is greater than female: The socialization of
status inequality. The Counseling Psychologist, 6, 2 - 9.
Unger, R. K. (1978). The politics of gender. In J. Sherman & F.
Denmark (Eds). Psychology of women: Future directions of research (pp.
463 - 517). New York: Psychological Dimensions.
Unger, R. K. (1978). Helping: some considerations of donor and
recipient sex. Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of Social
Psychology, 4, 5 - 6.
Unger, R. K. (1978). Structural barriers to women doing research. In
A. N. O'Connell, J. L. Alpert, M. S. Richardson, N. G., Rotter, D. N. Ruble, &
R. K. Unger. Gender-specific barriers to research in psychology. JSAS
Catolog of Selected Documents in Psychology, #1753.
Unger, R. K. (1979). Toward a redefinition of sex and gender.
American Psychologist, 34, 1085 - 1094.
Unger, R. K. (1979). Sexism in teacher evaluation: The comparability
of real life and laboratory analogs. Academic Psychology Bulletin, 1, 163 170.
O'Connell, A. N., Alpert, J. L., Bredemeier, M. E., Richardson, M. S.,
Rotter, N. G., & Unger, R. K. (1980). The Academic Game: A research
based simulation kit. University of Alabama: Institute of Higher Education
Research and Services.
Unger, R. K. (1981). Sex as a social reality: Field and laboratory
research. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5, 645 - 653.
Unger, R. K. (1982). A conversation. In E. Krupat (Ed.). Psychology
is social: Readings and conversations in social psychology (2nd edition).
Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman.
Unger, R. K., Hilderbrand, M., & Madar, T. (1982). Physical
attractiveness and assumptions about social deviance: Some sex by sex
comparisons. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 8, 293 - 301.
Unger, R. K. (1982). Advocacy versus scholarship revisited: Issues in
the psychology of women. Psychology of Women Quarterly 7, 5 - 17.
Unger, R. K., Brown, V. H., & Larson, M. V. (1983). Physical
attractiveness and physical stigma: Menstruation and the common cold. In
S. Golub (Ed.). Menarche: An interdisciplinary view. Lexington, MA:
Lexington Books.
Unger, R. K. (1983). Through the looking glass: No Wonderland yet!
(The reciprocal relationship between methodology and models of reality).
Presidential address to Division 35 of APA. Psychology of Women Quarterly,
8, 9 - 32.
Unger, R. K. (1984). Entries on Androgyny, Sex Differences, Sexism,
and Sex Roles. In R. Corsini (Ed.). Wiley encyclopedia of psychology. New
York: Wiley.
Unger, R. K. (1984). Hidden assumptions in theory and research on
women. In C. Brody (Ed.). Women therapists working with women. New
York: Springer.
Unger, R. K. (1983 - 1984). Sex in psychological paradigms--from
behavior to cognition. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 3, 227 -
Piliavin, J. A. & Unger, R. K. (1985). The helpful but helpless female:
Myth or reality? In V. E. O'Leary, R. K. Unger, & B. S. Wallston (Eds.).
Women, gender, and social psychology.
Hillsdale: N. J.: Erlbaum.
Unger, R. K. (1985). Toward a synthesis of women, gender, and social
psychology. In V. E. O'Leary et al., op. cit.
Unger, R. K. (1985). Personal appearance and social control. In M.
Safir, M. Mednick, D. Izraeli, & J. Bernard (Eds). Women's worlds: The new
scholarship. New York: Praeger (pp.142 - 151).
Unger, R. K. (1984 - 1985). Explorations in feminist ideology:
Surprising consistencies and unexamined conflicts. Imagination, Cognition,
and Personality, 4, 387 - 405.
Unger, R. K. (1985). Epistemological consistency and its scientific
implications. American Psychologist, 40, 1413 - 1414.
Unger, R. K. (1985-1986). Toward a sociology of consciousness:
A summation. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 5, 83 - 87.
Unger, R. K. (1986). Looking toward the future by looking at the past:
Social activism and social history. Journal of Social Issues, 42, #1, 215 227.
Unger, R. K. & Sussman, L. E. (1986). "I and thou": Another barrier to
societal change? Sex Roles, 14, 629 - 636.
Unger, R. K., Draper, R. D., & Pendergrass, M. L. (1986). Personal
epistemology and personal experience. Journal of Social Issues, 42, #2. 67
- 79.
Unger, R. K. (1986). SPSSI Council: A collective biography. Journal of
Social Issues, 42, #4, 81 - 88.
Unger, R. K. (1988). Integrating sex and gender into school
psychology. School Psychology Review, 3, 29 - 31.
Unger, R. K. (1988). Psychological, feminist, and personal
epistemology: Transcending contradiction. In M. Gergen (Ed). Feminist
thought and the structure of knowledge. New York: New York University
Press, (pp. 124 - 141).
Unger, R. K. (1988). The psychology of social issues: Commonalities
from specifics. In K. Quina & P. Bronstein (Eds.) Teaching about a
psychology of people. Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association,
(pp. 184 - 191).
Unger, R. K. (1989). Sex, gender, and epistemology. In M. Crawford
& M. Gentry (Eds.). Gender and thought. New York: Springer-Verlag, (pp.
17 - 35).
Unger, R. K. (1989). Imperfect reflections of reality: Current
perspectives on psychology and the construction of gender. In T.
Holopainen, J. Lehtonen, M. Myohanen, & K. Salonen (Eds.). What's that got
to do with my gender? Turku, Finland: The Student Union of the University
of Turku, (pp. 103 - 127).
Unger, R. K. (1990). Imperfect reflections of reality: Psychology and
the construction of gender. In R. Hare-Mustin & J. Marecek (Eds.). Making
a difference: Representations of gender in psychology. New Haven: Yale
University Press, (pp. 102 - 149).
Winstead, B. A., Derlega, V. J., & Unger, R. K. (1991). Personality:
Sex and gender. In V. Derlega, B. Winstead, & W. Jones (Eds.).
Personality: Theory and research. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, (pp. 263 - 286).
Second edition, 1999.
Unger, R. K. & Lemay, M. (1991). Who's to blame? The relationship
between political attributions and assumptions about reality. Contemporary
Social Psychology, 15, 144 - 149.
Unger, R. K. (1992). Will the real sex difference please stand up?
Feminism and psychology, 2, 231 - 238.
Unger, R. K. & Crawford, M. (1993). Sex and gender: The troubled
relationship between terms and concepts. Invited commentary.
Psychological Science, 4, 122 - 124.
Unger, R. K. (1993). Alternative conceptions of sex (and sex
differences). In M. Haug, R. Whalen, C. Aron, & K. L. Olsen (Eds). The
development of sex differences and similarities in behavior. Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pp. 457 - 476.
Unger, R. K. (1993). The personal is paradoxical: Feminists construct
psychology. Feminism and psychology, 3, 211 - 218.
Smith-Brinton, M. & Unger, R. K. (1993). Ideological differences in the
construction of meaning. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality. 12, 395 412.
Locher, P., Unger, R. K., Sociedade, P., & Wahl, J. (1993). At first
glance: Accessibility of the physical attractiveness stereotype. Sex Roles,
28, 729 - 743.
Unger, R. K. & Sanchez-Hucles, J. (1993). Integrating gender:
Implications for the psychology of women. Psychology of Women Quarterly,
17, 365 - 372.
Unger, R. K. & Saundra (1993). Sexism: An integrated perspective.
In F. L. Denmark & M. Paludi (Eds.). Psychology of women: A handbook of
issues and theories. N.J.: Greenwood Press (pp. 141 - 188).
Crawford, M. & Unger, R. K. (1994). Gender issues in psychology. In
A. M. Colman (Ed.). Companion Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 2.,
London: Routledge (pp. 1007 - 1027).
Unger, R. K. (1995). Cultural diversity and the future of feminist
psychology. In H. Landrine (Ed.). Bringing cultural diversity to feminist
psychology: Theory, research, practice. Washington D.C.: American
Association (pp. 413 - 431).
Unger, R. K. (1995). The social analysis of difference. In E. G.
Friedman, C. Flint, W. Kolmar, & P. Rothenberg (Eds.). Transforming the
curriculum: Essays, syllabi, and teaching
resources from the New Jersey Project. NY: Columbia Teacher's College
Press (pp. 283 - 291).
Unger, R. K. (1995). Nancy Datan: Her many unique voices. Feminism
& Psychology, 5, 441 - 448.
Unger, R. K. (1996). Using the master's tools: Epistemology and
empiricism. In S. Wilkinson (Ed.). Feminist social psychologies:
International perspectives. Milton Keynes: Open University Press (pp. 165 181).
Unger, R. K. (1997). The three-sided mirror: Feminists looking at
psychologists looking at women. In R. Fuller, P. McGinley, & P. Walsh
(Eds.). A century of psychology. London: Routledge (pp. 16 - 35).
Unger, R. K. (1997). Making a feminist: A personal history. In M.
Crawford & R, K. Unger (Eds.). In our own words: Readings on women and
gender. New York: McGraw-Hill (pp. 10 - 14).
Unger, R. K. & Crawford, M. (1997). Psychology of women. In E.
Montelaro & P. Ulbrich, Eds. Introduction to women's studies. New York:
McGraw Hill, PRIMIS.
Unger, R. K. (1997). A just noticeable difference: The impact of
gender, race, class, and ethnicity on psychology. Seminar for the Academy
for the Humanities and Sciences, Graduate School of C.U.N.Y. In Psychology.
Baltimore: National Center for Curriculum Transformation Resources on
Unger, R. K. (1997). Psychology. In P. Hyman & D. D. Moore, (Eds.).
Jewish women in America: An historical encyclopedia. New York: Routledge
(pp. 1104 - 1113).
Unger, R. K. & Kahn, A. S. (1998). Carolyn Wood Sherif: A prescient
wisdom. Feminism & Psychology, 8, 51 - 57
Unger, R. K. (1998). Positive marginality: Antecedents and
consequences. Journal of Adult Development, 5, 163 - 170.
Unger, R. K. (1999). Focus groups: A feminist method (Commentary).
Psycholo9gy of Women Quarterly, 23, 245 - 246.
Unger, R. K. (1999). Some musing on paradigm shifts: Feminist
psychology and the psychology of women. Psychology of Women Section
Review, 1, #2, 58 - 62.
Unger, R. K. (2000). Outsiders inside: Positive marginality and social
change. SPSSI PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Journal of Social Issues, 56, #1,
163 - 179.
Unger. R. K. (2001). Women as actors and agents in the history of
psychology. In R. K. Unger, (Ed.). Handbook of the psychology of women
and gender. NY: John Wiley & Sons (pp. 3 - 16).
Unger, R. K. (2001). Marie Jahoda (1907 - 2001): Obituary. American
Psychologist, 56, 1040 - 1041.
Unger, R. K. (2002). Them and us: Hidden ideologies---differences in
degree or kind? Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2, 43 - 52.
Unger, R. K. (2004). Dilemmas of power: Questions for all of us. In M.
Brydon-Miller, Alice McIntyre, & Patricia Maguire, Eds. Travelling
companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research.. Greenwich CT:
Praeger. .
Unger, R. K. (2004). Evaluating impact: A critical perspective. Journal
of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 40, 433 – 435.
Unger, R. K. (2005). Gender issues from an outsider psychologist’s
perspective. Gender Studies Journal published by Institute of Gender
Studies, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan.
Unger, R. K. (2005). The limits of demographic categories and the
2004 presidential election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 5.
153 - 163.
Capdevila, R. & Unger, R. K. (2006). Feminisms without borders:
Exploring the relationships between feminist and political psychology
Feminism & Psychology, 16, #1. 3 – 11.
Unger, R. K. (2006). Untangling the web: Threat, ideology, and
political behavior. In P. Kimmel & C. Stout (Eds.). Collateral damage: The
psychological effects of the war on terrorism (pp. 79 – 108) Westport, CT:
Unger, R. K. (2006). Women in psychology. In J. Baskin, Ed.
Encyclopedia Judaica. (2nd edition). Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale.
Unger, R. K. (2006). Psychology in the United States. In M. Shalvi, Ed.
Jewish women a comprehensive historical encyclopedia. Jersualem: Shalvi
Publishing Limited.
Unger, R. K., Gareis, K. C., & Locher, P. J. (2007). Positivsm and
patriotic militancy: The influence of covert ideologies on students’ reactions
to September 11, 2001, Peace and Conflict, 13, 201 – 220.
Unger, R. K. (2007). Religious ideology, a neglected
variable. American Psychologist,, 62, 1076 - 1077.
Unger, R. K. (2007). From inside and out: Reflecting on a feminist
politics of gender in psychology. Feminism & Psychology, 17, 487 - 494.
Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the
Public Interest (2007). American Psychologist, 62, #5, 391 -393.
Unger, R. K. (2009). Science fictive visions: A feminist psychologist’s
view. Feminism & Psychology, 19 (1). 113 – 117.
Unger, R. K. (2010). Leave no text behind: Teaching the psychology of
women during the emergence of second wave feminism. Sex Roles, 62. 153
– 158.
Unger, R. K., Sheese, K., & Main, A. S. (2010). Feminism and women
leaders in SPSSI: Social networks, ideology, and generational change.
Psychology of Women Quarterly. 34, 474 – 485.
Unger, Rhoda (2010). Lo que buscamos es lo que encontramos.
Quaderns dePsicologia,12,12(2),21-33.
Unger, Rhoda K. (2010). What We Look For is What We Find.
Quaderns de Psicologia, 12 (2), 35-46.
Rutherford, A., Cherry, F., & Unger, R. (2011). “Society very definitely
needs our aid”: Reflecting on SPSSI in history. Journal of Social Issues, 67,
#1, 1 - 7.
Unger, R. K. (2011). SPSSI leaders: Collective biography and the
dilemma of value-laden action and value- neutral research. Journal of Social
Issues, 67, #1, 73 – 91.
Rutherford. A., Unger, R., & Cherry, F. (2011).
Reclaiming SPSSI’s sociological past: Marie Jahoda and the immersion
tradition in social psychology. Journal of Social Issues, 67, #1, 42 – 58.
Unger, R. K. (2011), Through the looking glass once more. Psychology
of Women Quarterly, 35, #1, 180 – 182.
Cherry, F., Unger, R. K., & Winston, A. (2012). Gender, ethnicity and
career trajectories: A note on Woodward (2011). History of Psychology,
15(2), 181-187.
Unger, R. K. & Shields, S. A. (2012). Aaronette M. White 19612012). The Feminist Psychologist, 39, #4. 8 - 10.
A reply to "Catch 22 for mothers" by Sally Shaywitz. New York Times
Magazine, April l, 1972, 72.
The social animal by E. Aronson. International Journal of Group
Tensions, 1973, 2, 82 - 85.
The question of sex differences by K. B. Hoyenga & K. E. Hoyenga.
Contemporary Psychology, 1980, 25, 249 - 250.
Becoming a woman by B. Lott. Newsletter of the Center for the Study
of Women and Sex Roles. Spring, 1981.
Sex differences: Mental and temperamental by J. P. Seward & G. B.
Seward. Contemporary Sociology, 1981, 10, 691 - 692.
Barriers between women by P. Caplan. Contemporary Psychology,
1982, 27, 48 - 49.
Achievement and women by D. Kaufman & B. Richardson.
Contemporary Psychology, 1983, 28, 349 - 350.
Girls at puberty edited by J. Brooks-Gunn & A. C. Petersen. Science,
1984, 224, 722.
The stereotyping of women edited by V. Franks & E. Rothman.
Women and Health, 1985, 10, 87 -89.
Men and women. How different are they? by J. Nicholson.
Contemporary Psychology, 1986, 31, 43 - 44.
Feminist social psychology edited by S. Wilkinson. Contemporary
Psychology, 1988, 33, 134 - 135.
Sex differences in social behavior: A social-role interpretation. by A. H.
Eagly. Review with M. Crawford. Contemporary Psychology, 1989, 34, 122 123.
"Not on the agenda." Review of special issue: Women in Israel of
Israel Social Science Research edited by D. Izraeli. The Jerusalem
Post Magazine, April 14, 1989.
Mapping the moral domain edited by Carol Gilligan et. al. Review with
M. Crawford. Contemporary Psychology, 1990, 35, 950 - 952.
Backlash by Susan Faludi. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1992, 16,
373 - 374.
Feminist methods in social research by Shulamit Reinharz.
Contemporary Psychology, 1993, 38, 997.
Paradoxes of gender by Judith Lorber. Psychology of Women
Quarterly, 1995, 19, 434 - 436.
Sex, power, and conflict: Evolutionary and feminist perspectives.
Edited by David Buss & Neil Malamuth. American Scientist, 1997, 85, 575 576.
Psychological gender and modernity by Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen &
Monica Rudberg. World Psychology, 2, 1998, 491 - 492.
Sexism and stereotypes in modern society: The gender science of
Janet Taylor Spence edited by W.B. Swann Jr. et al. Sex Roles, 40, 1999,
845 - 847.
Women’s untold stories: Breaking silence, talking back, voicing
complexity edited by Mary Romero & Abigail Stewart. Contemporary
Psychology, 2001. 46. 263 - 265..
What’s in a name? Does the psychology of gender resolve
conceptual confusion? PsycCritiques, April 6, 2005 Vol. 50, No. 14, Article 16
Complicating gender. Review of Handbook of girls’ and women’s
psychological health, gender, and well being across the life-span. .
Reframing PMS, pregnancy, and menopause. Review of Managing the
monstrous feminine::Regulating the reproductive body (with Bridgette
Sheridan). PsycCritques, September 27, 2006, Vol. 51, No. 39, Article 4.
The effect of deviance and conventional attire upon cooperation. In H.
C. Lindgren (Ed.). Readings in social psychology. New York: Wiley, 1973.
Women as a "functional" minority group. Pittsburgh: KNOW, 1974.
Are women discriminated against? Sometimes! In Contemporary
Social Science Issues #15. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1974. And in F.
Denmark (Ed.). Women: Volume I. New York: Psychological Dimensions,
Sex role stereotypes revisited. In B. Watson (Ed.). Women's studies:
The social realities. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
Male is greater than female.
Fitzgerald, & M. F. Tanney (Eds).
Brooks/Cole, 1978.
In L. W. Harmon, J. M. Birk, L. E.
Counseling women. Monterey, CA:
Toward a redefinition of sex and gender.
In J. Williams (Ed.).
Readings in the psychology of women (2nd edition). New York: Norton,
1985. In C. N. Jacklin (Ed.). Gender. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Pour une nouvelle definition du sexe et du genre. In M. C. Hurtig & M.
F. Pichevin (Eds.). La difference du sexes. Paris: Editions Tierce, 1985.
Through the looking glass: No Wonderland yet! In J. Bohan (Ed.).
Seldom seen, rarely heard: Women's place in psychology. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press, 1992.
Los reflejos imperfectos de la realidad: La psicologia construye los
roles sexuales.
In R. T. Hare-Mustin & J. Marecek(Eds.).
Marcar la
diferencia. Barcelona: Editorial Herder, 1994, pp. 129 - 180.
Gender issues in psychology (Crawford & Unger). In A. M. Colman
(Ed.). Controversies in psychology. London: Longman, 1995, pp. 37 - 57.
Sex and gender: The troubled relationship between terms and
concepts. In S. Anselmi & A. Law (Eds.). Psychology and gender: An
annotated reader. NY: McGraw Hill, 1998.
Sex, gender, and epistemology. In B. Clinchy & J. Norem (Eds.). The
gender and psychology reader. NY: New York University Press, 1998.
With V. E. O'Leary & B. S. Wallston. Two special issues of the
Newsletter of the Society forrhe Advancement of Social
Psychology on "Women, gender, and social psychology." 1978;
Special series on Sex and Gender. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality,
Volume 3, #3 (1983 - 1984) to Volume 5. #1 (1985 - 1986).
R. K. Unger & L. Serbin (1986) Sex, gender, and social change. Sex
Roles, 14, #11/12.
B. Harris, R. K. Unger, & R. Stagner (1986). 50 years of psychology
and social issues. Journal of Social Issues, 42, #1.
R. K. Unger & J. H. Sanchez-Hucles (1993) Culture and gender. Psychology
of Women Quarterly, 17, #4.
R. Capdevila & R. K. Unger (2006). Feminism and political psychology.
Special feature in Feminism & Psychology, 13, #1.
A. Rutherford, F. Cherry, & R. Unger (2011). 75 Years of Social Science for
Social Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on SPSSI’s
Scholar-Activist Legacy. Journal of Social Issues, 67, #1.
INAUGURAL EDITOR, Analyses of Social Issues and Policy (ASAP}. Electronic
journal sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social
Issues, 2000 – 2006.
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Feminism & Psychology: An International
Journal, 1996 - 1998.
BOOK REVIEW EDITOR, Feminism & Psychology, 2000
EDITORIAL BOARD: Psychology of Women Quarterly (1977 - 1980; 1991 1996); Imagination, Cognition, and Personality (1983 - 1987);
Feminism & Psychology (1990 - 1995); Sex Roles
EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: American Psychologist; Developmental
Psychology; Child Development; Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin; Journal of Applied Social Psychology;
Basic and Applied Social Psychology; Psychological Bulletin;
Professional Psychology; Sex Roles; SIGNS.
"Woman: Scholar and Advocate." Montclair State College, 1974.
"New Perspectives in Social Psychology."
New York Metropolitan Area
Society for the `Advancement of Social Psychology. Montclair State
College, 1981.
Who discriminates against women? (Co-chaired with F. Denmark). American
Psychological Association, Honolulu, 1972.
the psychology of women: Advocacy versus scholarship.
American Psychological Association, Montreal, 1973.
Sex difference or sex bias? American Psychological Association, New
Orleans, 1974.
Alternative methods for a feminist psychology.
Association, New York City, 1975.
Eastern Psychological
Gender, power, influence, and authority. American Psychological
Association, Washington D.C., 1976.
Sex as a stimulus versus sex as a subject variable. Eastern Psychological
Association, Boston, 1977.
SPSSI history: Ideology, values, and institutional structures. American
Psychological Association, Anaheim, 1983.
Social issues in action. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston,
Gender as a social construction. Invited Symposium. International Congress
of Psychology, Montreal, August, 1996.
Sequential behavior in rats with caudate nucleus lesions. Eastern
Psychological Association, Boston.
Spatial versus temporal alternation in rats with caudate nucleus lesions.
New York State Psychological Association, Buffalo.
The effects of deviant and conventional attire upon cooperation (with B. J.
Raymond). American Psychological Association, Washington D. C.
Women as a "functional" minority group. American Psychological
Association, Honolulu.
Making value judgments: Self vs peer vs parent ratings (with C. Fishbein).
Eastern Psychological Association, Washington D.C.
The effect fear of success has upon the evaluation of women by women.
Eastern Sociological Association, New York City.
Learning and performance following protein deprivation in rats (with S.
Levine). American Psychological Association, Montreal.
The future of women: Fact and fiction. New Jersey Psychological
Association, Saddle Brook.
Sex role stereotypes: The weight of a "grain of truth" (with R. Siiter).
Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Attitudes toward competence and its relationship to activism in housewives
(with D. Krooth). American Psychological Association, New Orleans.
A methodological analysis of power in relation to the study of women.
Second annual conference on women. Association for Women in
Psychology, Carbondale, IL.
An investigation of the Queen Bee phenomenon in a professional population
(with M. McDevitt). Eastern Psychological Association, New York City.
Status, power, and gender: An examination of parallelisms. INVITED PAPER
for Conference "New Directions for Research on Women." Sponsored
by NIMH and Ford Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin.
Sex differences in cerebral dominance: A new "red herring?" (with L.
Hosley). New Jersey Psychological Association, Somerset.
Ethnic differences in sex role stereotypes (with R. Siiter). American
Psychological Association, Chicago.
A reevaluation of gender. New Jersey Psychological Association, Saddle
Beyond sex role stereotypes. Symposium "Women and Politics." Adelphi
University, Garden City, New York.
The development of sex differences as the development of power
differences. INVITED workshop. Symposium "The Scholar and the
Feminist III." Barnard College, New York City.
Preference for group leaders: Gender versus sex role (with V. Henken & E.
Aronow). American Psychological Association, Washington D. C.
Parenthood, power, and depression: What does mother really know best?
INVITED address at Symposium "Childbearing."
Ramapo College,
Mahwah, New Jersey.
The rediscovery of gender. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.
The teacher evaluation form as an instrument of sexism. American
Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Sex as a social reality. Fifth Annual National Conference on Feminist
Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice. Association for Women in
Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sex-typing versus stereotyping: It depends upon your reference group (with
R. Siiter). Eastern Psychological Association, Washington D. C.
Gender as a biosocial phenomenon. Sixth Annual Conference on Feminist
Psychology, Association for Women in Psychology, Dallas, Texas.
Whom does helping help? Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Discussant for "Teaching the psychology of women." American Psychological
Association, New York City.
Terminology as structure in psychological research. Seventh Annual
Conference on Feminist Psychology, Association for Women in
Psychology, Santa Monica, CA.
The making of a woman: Physical bases of a social reality. KEYNOTE
ADDRESS. State of Michigan's Women's Studies Conference, East
Sex role stereotypes: Sources of a social reality. KEYNOTE ADDRESS.
Nassau County Psychological Association, Garden City, New York.
The psychology of women: A social psychological perspective. American
Psychological Association, Montreal.
Discussant for "Female-male differences in close relationships." American
Psychological Association, Montreal.
Feminist development: Some pertinent questions. Eighth Annual Conference
on Feminist Psychology, Association for Women in Psychology, Boston.
Feminist visions and the psychology of women: A typology and a critique.
Paper presented to the Fellows' Seminar, Center for the Study of
Women and Society, Graduate Center of
C.U.N.Y., New York City.
Physical attractiveness and physical stigma: Menstruation and the common
cold. Interdisciplinary conference on "Menarche." College of New
Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York.
Through the looking glass: No Wonderland yet! PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS to
Division 35 of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Personal appearance and social control. First International Interdisciplinary
Congress on Women, Haifa, Israel.
The perception of females and males: The relationship between physical
attractiveness and gender (with M. Lemay). Eastern Psychological
Association, Baltimore.
The making of a woman: The social construction of reality. PSI CHI Lecture,
Trenton State College, Trenton, New Jersey.
Controlling out the obvious: Power, status, and social psychology. American
Psychological Association, Washington D. C.
Some neglected issues in the creation of a sex-related reality. American
Psychological Association, Washington D. C.
Attitudes towards the pregnant professional (with D. Robinson). Eastern
Psychological Association, Philadelphia.
Gender, power, and values: The intellectual legacy of Carolyn Wood Sherif.
American Psychological Association, Anaheim.
Measuring Attitudes about Reality: Implications for feminists First Annual
New Jersey Research Conference on Women, Douglass College, New
Brunswick, N. J.
Measuring Attitudes about Reality: Personal epistemology and its correlates.
Second International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Groningen,
The Netherlands.
Explorations in feminist ideology: Surprising consistencies and unexamined
conflicts. American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Attitudes about reality: Considerations for feminists. INVITED ADDRESS.
National Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, New
York City.
Personal epistemology: Antecedents and correlates. Second Nag's Head
Conference on Sex and Gender. Nag's Head, N. C.
Between the "no longer" and the"not yet": Reflections on personal and social
American Psychological Association, Los Angeles (Audiocasette
available from APA).
Psychological, feminist, and personal epistemology: Transcending
contradiction. Paper given at the Colloquium for Social Philosophy,
Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County
Personal epistemology: Its measurement and meaning. First Phyllis Katz
Lecture, Psychology Department, Yale University.
Personal appearance and social control. Psychology Department Colloquium,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Perceptions of the "double-bind." Nag's Head Conference on Interpersonal
Relationships and Naturalistic Observation. Nag's Head, N. C.
Social action in the past and present. INVITED ADDRESS. Conference on
"Social Science in Action," Society for the Psychological Study of
Social Issues (New York City Region).
Fordham University, New York City.
Personal experience and Attitudes about Reality. Psychology Department
Colloquium, Smith College, Northampton, MA.
Sex, gender, and epistemology. INVITED ADDRESS. Conference on
"Gender and Thought." Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.
Discussant for Colloquium "Explanations and expansions of the just world
hypothesis paradigm." Eastern Psychological Association, Washington
D. C.
Beliefs about reality in the women's movement: A cross-cultural comparison.
Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Dublin,
The social construction of interpersonal relationships. INVITED
MINICONVENTION. American Psychological Association, New York
The social construction of gender: Contradictions and conundrums. American
Psychological Association, New York City. (Audiocasette from
symposium "The future of difference"
available from the American Psychological Association.)
Personal epistemology and its correlates: The subjective nature of sex and
race. International Society of Political Psychology, Meadowlands, N. J.
Myths we choose to live by: Feminist lives as speculative fiction. American
Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
Imperfect reflections of reality: New perspectives in psychology and the
construction of gender. INVITED ADDRESS to the conference "Visions
of humanity: Changing conceptions of
gender", Turku International Student Union, Turku, Finland.
Series of three talks on the relationship between the psychology of gender
and other aspects of feminist scholarship, Department of Social
Psychology, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland.
Perceptual strategies and social judgment: A comparison of two
methodologies using the same stimuli. Colloquium presented to the
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Haifa,
The relationship between personal epistemology and personal experience.
Colloquia presented to the Department of Education, Ben Gurion
University of the Negev, Beersheva,
Israel; Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel,
and to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan
University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Feminist epistemology and its implications. INVITED ADDRESS to the Israeli
Women's Studies Association, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Representing gender. International conference on Women in Israeli and
American Literature and the Arts. OpenUniversity, Tel Aviv, Israel.
The concept of beauty and social control. DR. EILEEN BASKER MEMORIAL
LECTURE. Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, Israel. Sponsored by the
Rosita and Estaban Herczeg Program on Sex Differences in Society,
Hebrew University, Jerusalem. April, 11, 1989.
"Gender and Knowledge." INVITED WORKSHOP sponsored by the
Psychology of Women and History and Philosophy Section of the British
Psychological Society. City University, London, England. June 3,
What kind of a variable is sex anyway? INVITED ADDRESS to the Graduate
Colloquium on Philosophy and Psychology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA., March 23, 1990.
Will the real sex difference please stand up? INVITED ADDRESS to the
annual meeting of the
Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, April 5, 1990.
Sources of variability: A feminist analysis. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.,
August, 12, 1990 (Audiocassette
available from APA).
Cross cultural aspects of the Attitudes about Reality Scale. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Boston, MA., August 13, 1990.
Imperfect reflections of reality: The interaction between religiosity, politics,
and gender and personal epistemology in Israel. Symposium
presented to the graduate program in
social psychology, Rutgers University, April 4, 1991.
Women and mental health in Israel (with Ruth Linn). Presentation at the
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San
Francisco, CA., August 19, 1991.
Sex, religion, and politics of Israel. Symposium presented to the graduate
program in social psychology, Graduate Center of C.U.N.Y., March,
The integration of gender. Symposium presented to the women's studies
program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, March
25, 1992 and to the psychology club,
Westchester University, West Chester, PA., April 9, 1992.
Alternative conceptions of sex (and sex differences). Invited paper for the
NATO advanced scientific workshop "The development of sex
differences and similiarities in
behavior." Bonas, France, July, 1992.
Blaming the enemy: Personal epistemology and intergroup conflict (with
Moira Lemay). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Assocation, Washington D. C.,
August 14.
Discussant for symposium. Innovative work in the psychology of women.
Fifth International Indisciplinary Congress on Women. San Jose, Costa
Rica, February 23.
INVITED ADDRESS. Alternative conceptions of sex and gender. Canadian
Psychological Association, Montreal, May 29.
INVITED ADDRESS. The social construction of biological sex. Division on
Philosophical and Theoretical Psychology, American Psychological
Association, Toronto, August.
A just noticeable difference: The impact of gender, race, class, and ethnicity
on psychology. Seminar for the Academy for the Humanities and
Sciences, Graduate School of C.U.N.Y., November 29.
Limiting our level of analysis: The problem of sex and race. Paper presented
at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence,
April 16.
The personal is the political is the professional. INVITED ALUMNI LECTURE.
Brooklyn College, May.
Sex, religiosity, and political tolerance. Paper presented at the Second
International Congress on Prejudice, Discrimination, and Conflict,
Jerusalem, Israel, July 7.
The social construction of gender. INVITED ADDRESS. New York State
Psychological Association, New York City, October 16.
How I looked at the psychology of women literature and what I didn't find
there. INVITED ADDRESS. Association for Women in Psychology,
Indianapolis, March 3.
Postmodernism and feminist theory. Discussant. New School for Social
Research, New York City, April 7.
Doing gender. Public lecture at the University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada, August.
Workshop on Doing Gender. Presented at the conference "Beyond
difference," Murray Center of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA., May
History, theory, and method in feminist psychology. Graduate symposium,
Rhode Island University, October.
The three-sided mirror: Feminists looking at psychologists looking at
women. KEYNOTE ADDRESS. European Congress of Psychology,
Dublin, Ireland, July.
Media "news" about sex differences in the brain. Invited symposium on
"Preventing misuses of science." New England Psychological
Association, Stonehill College, North Eastern,
MA., October 25.
Language and power: Can we change the terms? Paper presented at the
Symposium "Teaching the psychology of women vs the psychology of
gender." Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA., February 28.
Positive marginality: Antecedents and consequence. Paper presented at the
Symposium "Marginality." Eastern Psychological Association, Boston,
MA., March 1.
Ruminations about positive marginality. Symposium for the
Social/Personality Graduate Program, Graduate Center of the City
University of New York, NYC, March 12.
Mainstream and feminist psychology: Friends or foes? Paper presented at
the International
Congress on Women, Tromsoe, Norway, June 24.
Positive marginality and social change. KEYNOTE ADDRESS at the Meeting
of the Psychology of Women Section of the British Psychological
Society, Manchester, UK, July 2.
Outsiders on the inside: Positive marginality and social change.
PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS to SPSSI, Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Boston, MA., August
Gender, marginality, and the commitment to social justice. Paper presented
at the meeting of the International Society for Social Justice Research.
Tel Aviv, Israel, September 18.
Feminist psychology and social construction. Lecture at Istanbul Bilgi
Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 26.
Gatekeeping: Professional and ethical dilemmas. Paper presented at
invitational conference “Bridging the gap: Feminisms and participatory
action research. Boston College, Boston, MA: June 23.
Sex and gender: The past, present, and future of a difficult distinction.
Seminar presented to the Department of Social and Organizational
Psychology, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, December 6.
Positivism methodology and social activism: Is this an oxymoron? Paper
presented at the Fourth Biennual SPSSI Conference, Toronto, Canada,
June 29, 2002
Them and Us: The influence of hidden ideologies. Paper presented at the
Fourth Biennual SPSSI Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 29, 2002.
Empirical psychology and women’s studies. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology, Jersey City,
March, 2003.
Feminist perspectives on editing a social issues and public policy journal.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women
in Psychology, Jersey City, March, 2003.
Feminism and Empiricism: Can apparent contradictions be resolved? Invited
presentation at the Distinguished Speakers Symposium “What is
Psychology?:at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Toronto, August, 2003.
Us and them: The impact of covert ideology on attitudes about 9/11. Invited
presentation to the Psychology Colloquium, Rhode Island College,
Providence, September 17, 2003.
Feminist psychology through an empirical lens. Series of four lectures at the
Gender Studies Institute, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan. June
30 – July 21.
The feminist legacy of Carolyn Wood Sherif. Invited address to the Turkish
Psychological Association, Istanbul, Turkey, September 12.
“Testing the Limits of Identity Politics: Attitudes about and Blame for the
Iraq War: Invited address to the annual meeting of the Association for
Women in Psychology, Tampa, Florida, February.
“Leave No Course Behind: The Role of Gender/Women in the Psychology
Curriculum.” Murray Benimoff lexture to the Eastern Psychological
Associaiton, Boston, March.
“Positive marginality and social activism: Gender, social class, and
generational trends" Invited address to the annual meeting of the
Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, June
“The psychology of women: Past, present, and furure tense. Colloquium
presented at Connecticut College, Oxtober 30.
“The psychology of women and gender: Past, present, and future” Invited
seminar, University of Barcelona, May 28 – June 1.
Social Activism in historic perspective: SPSSI, APA, and US Policy” American
Psychological Association, Boston, August.
Feminist psychology: Personal, situational, structural, and political
considerations" American Psychological Association, Boston, August,
Discussant in Symposium “Social Science for Social Action: Historical
Perspectives on SPSSI’s Legacy.” American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada, August.
Invited Conversation on Feminist Pedagogy. Association for Women in
Psychology, Philadelphia, March.
New Jersey Psychological Association Program for Continuing
Education: The psychology of women--what is it? Spring,
1974.,Status, power, and
gender. Spring, 1976.
New York Metropolitan Regional Committee on Women: Issues in
graduate study in the psychology of women. Eastern
Psychological Association, 1976.
Task Force on Women doing Research (Division 35 of APA): Research
issues for women. Eastern Psychological Association, 1977.
Task Force on Game Simulation and Academic Socialization (Division
35 of APA): The development of a game on professional
socialization. Eastern Psychological Association; Convention
Workshop sponsored by the Education and Training
Board of the American Psychological Association, 1978.
New York Metropolitan Area Society for the Advancement of Social
Psychology. Workshop on the social psychology of sex and
gender. Fordham University, New York City, 1982.
Dancing on the edge: Teaching issues in the psychology of women.
Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh, March,1997.
Training Institute for Sex Desegregation. Douglass College of Rutgers
University, 1975 - 1981.
Social Science Board, CLEP Examination Program, Educational Testing
Service, Princeton, 1980 - 1981.
Institute for Women in Science. Douglass College of Rutgers
University, 1981 - 1983.
Women's Studies Program, SEHNAP, New York University, 1981 –
Expert Witness. Newburg et al. v. Board of Education et al.,
Philadelphia, January, 1983.
Board of Examiners, Graduate Record Examination in Psychology,
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, 1982 - 1984.
Steering Committee, N. J. Consortium to Integrate Sex and Gender into
the College Curriculum, Rutgers University,1986-1988.
1973 - 1974
Member, Program Committee of Division 35 of APA
Chair, Membership Committee of Division 35 of APA
Member, Social Issues Committee of New Jersey Psychological Association
1974 - 1975
Chair, Committee on Public Relations, Eastern Psychological
Co-chair, Committee on the Role of Women and Minorities in Psychobiology
of Division 6 of
1976 - 1977
Representative to Council of Representatives of the American
Psychological Association from Division 35 (through 1979)
1977 - 1978
Chair, Women's Caucus of APA Council of Representatives
1978 - 1979
Liaison, APA Council of Representatives to APA Board of Scientific
Chair, Governance Committee of Division 35 (through 1980)
1979 - 1980
President-elect, Division 35 of APA (Psychology of Women)
Chair, Committee for Distinguished Student Research Prize, Association
for Women in Psychology
1980 - 1981
President, Division 35 of APA
Member, SPSSI Council (nationally elected executive committee of
Division 9 of APA (through 1982)
1981 - 1982
Past-president, Division 35 of APA
Chair, Fellow Selection Committee of SPSSI
1982 - 1983
Chair, Task Force on History of SPSSI
Member, Fellow Selection Committee of Division 35 (through 1985)
Liaison, Division 8 of APA (Social Psychology) to APA Committee on
Women in Psychology (through 1984)
1983 - 1984
Chair, Election Committee of Division 35
Member, SPSSI Council (through 1986)
1984 - 1986
Co-chair, 50th Anniversary Committee, Division 9 (SPSSI) of APA
1986 - 1987
Co-chair, Publications Committee of SPSSI
1988 - 1990
Member, Program and International Relations Committees, Fourth
International InterdisciplinaryCongress on Women, Hunter
College, New York City.
1991 - 1992
Chair, Gordon Allport Award Committee, Society for the Psychological
Study of Social Issues (Division 9 of APA).
Chair, Task Force on the Place of Feminist Psychology in Women's
Studies (Division 35 of
Member, Committee on Women and Minorities, National Collegiate
Honors Council.
1995 - 1998
North American Associate Editor, Feminism & Psychology.
Member, CIES (Fulbright) Selection Committee for Israel
1997 - 1998
Board of Directors, Eastern Psychological Association (till 2000)
President elect, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
1998 - 1999
President, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Editor, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP). SPSSI on
-line journal (2000 – 2005)
Member,.Task Force on the Psychological Effects of Efforts to Prevent
Terrorism of the American Psychological Association
Program Chair, SPSSI (Division 9 of APA)
Member, APA Task Force on Ethics and Interrogation
Chair, Search Committee, Editor of ASAP (SPSSI journal)
Ph.D.: Mary Ricketts. Theoretical orientations and values of feminist
psychologists. Universityof Windsor, 1986. Article based on
thesis published in the Psychology of Women
Quarterly, 1989, 13, 401 - 415.
M.A.: Mary Ann McDevitt. An examination of the Queen Bee
phenomenon in a professional population. Completed Summer,
1974. Presented at the Eastern Psychological
Association, New York City, 1975.
Karen van Eerde. Sex, sex role stereotyping, and attitudes towards the
rights and roles of women. Completed Fall, 1974.
Linda Hosley. The effect of S's dominant hand and S's sex upon speed
of tactile identification of letter vs object stimuli. Completed
Spring, 1975. Presented at the New Jersey Psychological
Association, Saddle Brook, 1975.
Scott Sigmon. Does helping help the helper? Completed Spring, 1975.
Caroline Mossip. Handedness, cerebral laterality, and gender.
Completed Spring, 1976. Presented at the Eastern Psychological
Association, Boston, 1977. Awarded prize for the best M.A.
dissertation by the New Jersey Psychological Association.
Cheryl McCabe. The effect of gender upon job-related evaluations of
marital power. Completed Winter, 1977.
Susan DeGroot. Power and life satisfaction in adult females and males
who return to school. Completed Fall, 1977. Article based on
thesis published in Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1980, 5, 358
- 361.
Mary Kalchbrenner. The effect of maternal employment upon "blaming
the victim." Completed Spring, 1978.
Louis Papparozzi. Learned helplessness, battered women, and the
attribution of failure. Completed Spring, 1979.
Regina Ostuni. Biosocial determinants of social power use in children
ages 7 - 12. Completed Spring, 1980.
Craig Mangean. The relationship between androgyny and information
about the social desirability of not being sex-typed. Completed
Spring, 1980.
Marcia Hilderbrand. Political ideology and attributions about males and
females who vary in physical attractiveness and political
affiliation. Completed Fall, 1982. Paper pre-sented to Annual
Conference on Feminist Psychology, New York City, 1985.
Teresa Madar. Physical attractiveness and perceptions of occupa-tional
aspirations of adults bychildren. Completed Spring,1984. Paper
presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore,
Lori Sussman. Attitudes about Reality in faculty and students of the
social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Completed
Spring, 1985. Portion of research published in Sex
Roles, 1986, 14, 629 - 636.
Paula Lemieux. Physical attractiveness, gender, and sex-congruence of
occupation: Who gets hired? Completed Spring, 1987.
Karmit Ariely-Kagan. How do psychology, social work and medical
students' attitudes, knowledge and personal epistemology relate to
AIDS versus polio victims? University of Haifa. Completed
March, 1991.
Judith Schor. Now you see it, now you don't: Face-ism as a perceptual
variable. Completed, August, 1996. Paper presented at the
Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, March, 1996.
Stephen Kilianski. Wanting it both ways: Do women approve of
benevolent sexism? Completed, August, 1997. Paper presented at
the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, February. 1998.
Alexa Gaydos. Epistemology, religiosity, and attitudes about male and
female homosexuals. Completed, March, 2000.
Director, Women's Studies, Montclair State College, 1978 - 1980; 1984 –
Member, Women's Studies Advisory Board, 1975 - 1997.
Member, Faculty Senate, Montclair State College, 1982 - 1985.
Director, All-College Honors Program, 1985 - 1996.
College Representative, Association of American Colleges, 1990 -1996.