1 MODELLING OF TIDAL EFFECT ON SUSPENDED SEDIMENT DISPERSION AT SUNGAI BATU PAHAT, JOHOR MUHAMAD AQMARR NORHAKIM BIN ISMAIL UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA 6 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Praise to Allah S.W.T. the All Mighty, the Most Merciful for all the blessing and guidance upon me throughout this study. While the motivation and hard work in pursuing a master’s degree must come from within, interactions with others have stimulated and sustained me both professionally and personally during my research career. I want to acknowledge many people whose professionally help and personal support has made it possible for me to complete this thesis. My heart felt deepest gratitude goes to my thesis supervisors Associate Professor Dr. Norhan Abd Rahman, Dr. Noor Baharim Hashim, Dr. Johan Sohaili and Mr. Kamarul Azlan Mohd Nasir, for all the assistance, knowledge and help during the thesis syllabus. My special thanks go to Ismail, Shaarin, Shurbaini and Ridzuan from Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for their support and cooperation during the thesis research. Extended special appreciation to Maznah, Siti Sahlawati and Nuraini from Hydraulics and Hydrology Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for their assistant. Besides a specific thanks to my fellow master students Mohd Kamarul Huda Bin Samion, Mohd Aznan Shukri Bin Mohamed Safian, Syahrulnizam @ Helmi Bin Md Sukimin, Zulkifli Mustafa, Mohd Azreen, Abdulla Magwilla and Liew Kueh Fat for their support and great friendship. Finally, my express is going to my family for their continuous love and support throughout my life. 8 ABSTRACT As part of an effort to understand and predict the nutrients dynamics in Sungai Batu Pahat, the transport of sediment has been studied by combining numerical model with an extensive fields program. Oversupply of sediment loads from multiple sources will cause unstable conditions to rivers, lakes, and shallow coastal and estuarine areas. Sediment transport also brought together sorbs chemical that will distract ecosystem in the water and human daily activity such as recreation and water supply. For this research, applications of Water Quality Simulation Program 5 or WASP5 have been used to simulate suspended sediment dispersion at Sungai Batu Pahat. TOXI5 is a WAPS5’s kinetic model that has been specialized for toxic pollutants including sediment. TOXI5 is link to hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5. In this study, several analyses were conducted to determine magnitude and spatial distribution of suspended sediment in Sungai Batu Pahat due to real observation data. Results showed that there is a significant changes to sediment concentration due to tidal effect in this study. 9 ABSTRAK Sebagai satu usaha untuk memahami dan meramal pergerakan nutrien di Sungai Batu Pahat, pengangkutan sedimen telah dikaji dengan menggabungkan bersama model numerikal dan program ekstensif lapangan. Pelepasan berlebihan muatan sedimen dari pelbagai sumber akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan terhadap sungai, tasik, pesisir pantai dan kawasan muara. Pengangkutan sedimen turut membawa bersama bahan kimia terserap yang akan mengganggu ekosistem dalam sumber air dan aktiviti harian manusia seperti rekreasi dan pembekalan air. Untuk kajian ini, aplikasi perisian Water Quality Simulation Program 5 atau WASP5 telah digunakan untuk mensimulasi taburan sedimen terampai di Sungai Batu Pahat. TOXI5 merupakan model sub kinetik dalam WASP5 yang telah dikhususkan untuk pencemaran bertoksik termasuk sedimen. TOXI5 telah dihubungkan dengan model hidrodinamik DYNHYD5. Dalam kajian ini, beberapa analisis telah dilakukan untuk menentukan magnitud dan taburan sedimen dalam Sungai Batu Pahat berdasarkan nilai cerapan data sebenar. Keputusan menunjukkan terdapat perubahan ketara terhadap taburan kepekatan sedimen kesan daripada pasang surut dalam kajian ini. 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER CHAPTER I CONTENTS PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATIONS iii ACKNOWLEDMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 GENERAL 1 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT 2 1.2 OBJECTIVES 3 1.3 SCOPE OF STUDY 4 1.4 STUDY AREA 4 11 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0 GENERAL 7 2.1 TYPES OF SEDIMENT TRANSPORT 9 2.2 SEDIMENT MEASUREMENT 12 2.2.1 Particle size 12 EFFECTS OF SUSPENDED AND BEDDED 14 CHAPTER II 2.3 SEDIMENTS 2.3.1 Effects on invertebrates 16 2.3.2 Effects on Corals 18 2.3.3 Effects on Aquatic Plants 20 2.3.4 Effects on fish 21 2.3.5 Effects on Wildlife 24 2.4 CONTROLS 25 2.5 NUMERICAL MODELS 27 2.5.1 Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) 28 2.5.2 TELEMAC-3D 28 2.5.3 TRIVAST 29 2.5.4 RMA10 AND RAM11 30 2.5.5 TIDE-3D 30 2.5.6 MIKE3 31 2.6 2.7 INTRODUCTION TO THE WATER QUALITY SIMULATION PROGRAM 5 31 2.6.1 The Basic Water Quality Model 33 2.6.2 Overview of the WASP5 Modelling System 34 2.6.3 The Model Network 35 2.6.4 The Model Transport Scheme 40 2.6.5 Application of the Model 41 2.6.6 Sediment Transport Model Description 43 2.6.7 Model Implementation 44 INTRODUCTION TO HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL DYNHYD5 45 2.7.1 The Model Network 45 12 2.7.2 Application Of The Model 47 2.7.3 The DYNHYD5 Input Dataset 48 2.7.4 DYNHYD5 Output 49 LINKAGE TO WASP5 50 METHODOLOGY 54 3.0 GENERAL 54 3.1 FIELD WORK 54 3.2 LABORATORY ANALYSIS 58 3.3 MODELING PROCESS 60 3.3.1 The Hydrodynamic Equations 62 3.3.2 The Equation Of Motion 62 3.3.3 The Equation Of Continuity 63 3.4 MODEL LIMITATIONS 66 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 69 4.0 GENERAL 69 4.1 MODEL CALIBRATIONS 69 4.1.1 Hydrodynamic Model Calibrations 70 4.1.2.Water Quality Model Calibrations 71 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 73 4.2.1 Hydrodynamic Model Results 73 4.2.2 Water Quality Model Results 75 4.2.3 Discussions 76 2.8 4.2 13 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 78 5.0 GENERAL 78 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 79 5.2 RECOMENDATIONS 79 5.3 REFFERENCES APPENDICES 80 88 14 LIST OF TABLES TITLE TABLE NO. 2.1 Issues Associated With Sediment Transport in Rivers 2.2 Particle size classification by the Wentworth Grade PAGE 10 Scale 13 2.3 History of WASP5 application 33 2.4 DYNHYD5 Display Variables 50 3.1 Suspended sediment concentration data 58 4.1 Stoke's Settling Velocities (in m/day) at 20ºC 74 4.2 Summary of suspended sediment concentration at highest and lowest tide 77 15 LIST OF FIGURES TITLE FIGURE NO. 1.1 Location of study area 2.1 Conceptual model of biological effects of suspended and bedded sediments in estuaries 2.2 PAGE 6 19 Idealized model of fish response to increased suspended sediments 22 2.3 The basic WASP5 system 35 2.4 Model segmentation 37 2.5 Frequency distribution of observed and calculated values of a quality variable 38 2.6 Representation of the model network 46 2.7 Link-node hydrodynamic linkage 52 3.1 Segment of water sampling 55 3.2 Data collection at study area 56 3.3 Current meter setting 57 3.4 Current meter location (segment seven) 57 3.5 Suspended Sediment experimental equipment 59 3.6 Suspended Sediment under laboratory process 59 3.7 Mesh construction using AutoCAD 60 3.8 Segmentation of study area 61 3.9 Simulation interface in hydrodynamic model 3.10 DYNHYD5 65 Flow chart of study methodology 67 16 4.1 Calibration process using different value of Manning’s coefficient in hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 4.2 The Manning’s coefficient of 0.02 fitted the hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 4.3 73 Calibration process using different settling velocity for water quality model TOXI5 4.7 72 Flow profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven 4.6 72 Depth profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven 4.5 71 Head profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven 4.4 70 74 Suspended sediment concentration along Sungai Batu Pahat during highest tide and lowest tide at Sungai Batu Pahat 75 17 LIST OF SYMBOLS V - velocity t - time m - mass M - momentum F - force acting on the mass A - area Q - Flow rate P - Cross Section “Wetted Perimeter” τb - Average Bed Shear Stress B - weir base width (m) H - head above weir crest excluding velocity head (m) Cd - orifice discharge coefficient (0.40 – 0.62) A0 - area of orifice (m2) Do - orifice diameter (m) Ho - effective head on the orifice measured from the centre of the opening (m) g - acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) Z - vertical direction Zb - bed elevation Zw - zb + H = water surface elevation q1 - UH = unit flow rate in the x direction q2 - VH = unit flow rate in the y direction qm - mass inflow rate (positive) or outflow rate (negative) per unit area β - isotropic momentum flux correction coefficient that accounts for the variation of velocity in the vertical direction g - gravitational acceleration 18 ρ - water mass density pa - Atmospheric pressure at the water surface Ώ - Coriolis parameter n - Manning’s coefficient τbx&τby - bed shear stresses acting in the x and y directions, respectively τsx &τsy - surface shear stresses acting in the x and y directions,respectively τxx, τxy, τyx &τyy -shear stresses caused by turbulence where, for example, τxy is the shear stress acting in the x direction on a plane that is perpendicular to the y direction 19 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Topography Map for Batu Pahat 88 B Sungai Batu Pahat Bathymetry 89 C Sungai Batu Pahat Tidal Data 90 20 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.0 GENERAL Suspended sediments are usually silt and clay particles that are between 2 and 60 micrometers in diameter. Suspended sediments can be directly measured as total suspended sediment (TSS) in milligrams per litre (mg/L) but are frequently measured indirectly as turbidity. Turbidity is the optical property of water resulting in a loss of light transmission caused by absorption and scattering. Turbidity is typically measured in Nephlometric Turbidity Units (NTUs). While suspended sediments are often the main contributors to turbidity, other non-sediment sources that affect light transmission (that is, natural tannins and algae) can also influence turbidity. Sediment is one of the most significant pollutants transferred by storm water. Sediments consist largely of soil materials eroded from uplands as a result of natural processes and human activities. Four interactive factors that have substantially affected the suspendedsediment regime over this same period of time include increases in agriculture, commerce and industry, transportation networks and population and urbanization. 21 Development activities dramatically alter the hydrologic cycle of a site and ultimately of the entire watershed. The initial clearing and grading of the site removes vegetation which intercepted and absorbed rainfall and removes natural depressions which stored rainfall which would then infiltrate into the ground or evaporate back into the atmosphere. The construction activity will compact the soil, which further reduces the ability of the soil to infiltrate the rainfall and further increases the volume and rate of storm water runoff from the site. 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT The greatest sediment loads are exported during the construction phase of a development site or any land clearing activities. Unless adequate erosion controls are installed and maintained at the site, enormous quantities of sediment may be delivered to the stream channel, along with attached soil nutrients and organic matter. High concentrations of suspended sediment in streams and lakes caused many adverse consequences including increased turbidity, reduced light penetration, reduced prey capture for sight-feeding predators, clogging of gills/filters of fish and reduced angling success. Additional impacts can result after sediment is deposited in slower moving waters including the smothering of benthic communities, alterations in the composition of the bottom substrate, the rapid filling-in of small impoundments which create the need for costly dredging and reductions in the overall aesthetic value of the water resource. Sediment is also an efficient carrier of toxins and trace metals. Once deposited, pollutants in these enriched sediments can be remobilised under suitable environmental conditions posing a risk to benthic life. Fine-grained suspended sediment and pollutant transport and the impact of these processes on the local habitat are some of the main concerns in current issues within the freshwater fluvial environment. Many anthropogenic inputs to fluvial 22 systems have pathways that are preferentially associated with suspended particulate matter (SPM) and their deposition along rivers can create adverse environmental conditions. None the less, only little is known of the specific physical and biogeochemical processes that govern transport, deposition and entrainment of fine cohesive sediment in river systems. By now, it is well recognized that much of the suspended sediment load in rivers exists in the form of composite particles or aggregates. The concentration, discharge, load, and yield of suspended sediments in a stream are important because of the relation between sediments and some water quality constituents that have a strong association to sediments. Trace metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have a strong affinity for and sorbs to soils, sediments, and other particulate matter present in the environment. The movement and distribution of these constituents in a river results from a continuous process of sorption to fine-grained sediments and other particulate matter, movement downstream (primarily in suspension), deposition, resuspension, movement, redeposition, and so on, in response to variations in stream flow. 1.2 OBJECTIVE The main objective of the study is to determine tidal effect on suspended sediment concentration dispersion of the study area, which is near the Sungai Batu Pahat estuary. 23 1.3 SCOPE OF STUDY The following is the scope of work for the study: i. The study will be done at Sungai Batu Pahat. A part of Sungai Simpang Kiri and Sungai Simpang Kanan are involved where the constant inflow are taken for Sungai Batu Pahat modelling. ii. Currents, water levels and sediment data collection will be collected during the study. The current tidal data is obtained from Port of Johor and the bathymetry data is from Geoinformation Faculty University Technology Malaysia. iii. Using WASP5 software as modelling tool to set up onedimensional numerical model to model the changes in flow, water levels and sediment concentration. The simulation period is eleven day due to the capability of computer available. Only the high accuracy data of simulation data will be used by neglected the data during model stabilizing period and spoil data. 1.4 STUDY AREA Sungai Batu Pahat is situated in the southwest of Peninsular Malaysia in the vicinity of 1º48’00” to 1º48’54” N latitude and 102º56’00” to 102º56’30” E longitude. Sungai Batu Pahat is located between Muar and Batu Pahat. (Appendix A) The river opens into an estuary that joins the open sea, this being part of the Straits of Malacca. (Figure 1.1) The dominant flow in Sungai Batu Pahat near Batu Pahat town are driven by the astronomical tides, with intermittent freshwater inflows causing some additional 24 flow, principally in the more shallow upstream areas and where tidal currents are low or tidal flow does not penetrate other than on spring tides. From time-to-time there are likely to be some very high freshwater flows in the estuary. Typical spring tide ranges are in the order of 3m with neap tides in the range of 1m being common. However, spring tide ranges of nearly 3.7m may occur. Therefore, there is a significant range of tidal regime. Sungai Batu Pahat can be described as a sandy/muddy area, but the sediments delivered to the estuary in suspension from the catchments will be predominantly fine silts. The movement and resuspension of sediment particles commences when the fluid force on a particle is just larger than the resisting force related to the submerged particle weight and friction coefficient. In the case of fine silts, cohesive forces are also important. Thus settled mud particles remain in a stable state on the seabed until forces that exceed those needed to initiate sediment motion disturb them. These forces are caused by tidal and wind driven currents, as well as by wave action. There is little wave caused water particle motion near the seabed in the Sungai Batu Pahat area and so sediment movement is dominated by flood flows, which may cause significant sediment re-suspension in the upstream reaches and, subsequent transport to the entrance in Sungai Batu Pahat. Once suspended, fine particles may be transported throughout the estuary, ultimately settling in a more tranquil environment, in typically deeper areas. Therefore, apart from protected areas and muddy coasts, long-term retention of silts in shallow areas beyond the local equilibrium depth is unlikely. (Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd., 2006) 25 STUDY AREA Figure 1.1: Location of study area 26 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 GENERAL Sediments play an important role in elemental cycling in the aquatic environment. They are responsible for transporting a significant proportion of many nutrients and contaminants. They also mediate their uptake, storage, release and transfer between environmental compartments. Most sediment in surface waters derives from surface erosion and comprises a mineral component, arising from the erosion of bedrock, and an organic component arising during soil-forming processes (including biological and microbiological production and decomposition). An additional organic component may be added by biological activity within the water body. For the purposes of aquatic monitoring, sediment can be classified as deposited or suspended. Deposited sediment is that found on the bed of a river or lake. Suspended sediment is that found in the water column where it is being transported by water movements. Suspended sediment is also referred to as suspended matter, particulate matter or suspended solids. Generally, the term suspended solids refers to mineral plus organic solids, whereas suspended sediment should be restricted to the mineral fraction of the suspended solids load. 27 Sediment transport in rivers is associated with a wide variety of environmental and engineering issues, which are outlined in Table 2.1. The study of river suspended sediments is becoming more important, nationally and internationally, as the need to assess fluxes of nutrients and contaminants to lakes and oceans, or across international boundaries, increases. One of the most serious environmental problems is erosion and the consequent loss of topsoil. Although erosion is a natural phenomenon, the rate of soil loss is greatly increased by poor agricultural practices, which result, in turn, in increased suspended sediment loads in freshwaters. Loss of topsoil results in an economic loss to farmers, equivalent to hundreds of millions of US dollars annually, through a reduction in soil productivity. Good environmental practice in agriculture, which may include contour ploughing and terracing, helps to protect against soil loss and against contamination of surface waters. Water users downstream of areas of heavy soil run-off may have to remove suspended sediment from their water supplies or may suffer a reduction in the quantity of water available because of reservoir siltation. The rapid reduction in the storage capacity of reservoirs due to siltation is a major sediment- related problem worldwide. Moreover, the availability of water for irrigation from the reservoir leads to more intensive land use and increased soil erosion. These effects may also be exacerbated by desertification (impoverishment of vegetative cover and loss of soil structure and fertility), whether anthropogenic or climatic in origin. In addition, gradual enrichment of reservoir waters with nutrients (some of which also arise from agricultural practices) leads to enhanced production and increased sedimentation of organic material originating from the water column (from decaying plankton) or littoral zones (from decaying macrophytes). Consequently, the rate of reservoir siltation often greatly exceeds that predicted during design. Monitoring data for sediment transport to, and productivity within, reservoirs are therefore required for accurate calculations of sediment transport and deposition and for the management of major reservoirs. Further information on monitoring and assessment approaches for reservoirs is given in the companion guidebook Water Quality Assessments. 28 In order to protect surface water resources and optimise their use, soil loss must be controlled and minimized. This requires changes in land use and land management, which may also have an impact on water quality. Control of the siltation rate in reservoirs requires that adequate data are available at the design stage. This, in turn, demands an understanding of sediment transport and appropriate methods for measuring sediment load and movement. Recognition of the importance of sediments and their use in monitoring and assessment programmes is increasing and methods are constantly being refined. For the purposes of water quality monitoring a distinction can be made between measuring sediment quantity and sediment quality. Some of the techniques available for studying sediment quality (as a component of water quality studies) are not yet widely accepted or used and have not been standardized. Although they may be suitable for special surveys, some methods are too complex and costly for routine monitoring programmes. A full discussion of the role of sediments and particulate material in water quality monitoring and assessment is available in the companion guidebook Water Quality Assessments. This present chapter concentrates on some of the fundamental procedures required for the more common sediment measurements necessary for water quality monitoring programmes. 2.1 TYPES OF SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Sediment transport is a direct function of water movement. During transport in a water body, sediment particles become separated into three categories: suspended material that includes silt, clay and sand; the coarser, relatively inactive bedload and the siltation load. Suspended load comprises sand, silt and clay-sized particles that are held in suspension because of the turbulence of the water. The suspended load is further divided into the wash load, which is generally considered to be the silt and clay-sized 29 material (less than 62 µm in particle diameter) and is often referred to as “finegrained sediment”. The wash load is mainly controlled by the supply of this material (usually by means of erosion) to the river. The amount of sand (less than 62 µm in particle size) in the suspended load is directly proportional to the turbulence and mainly originates from erosion of the bed and banks of the river. In many rivers, suspended sediment (i.e. the mineral fraction) forms most of the transported load. Table 2.1: Issues Associated With Sediment Transport in Rivers Sediment size Environmental issues Associated engineering issues Silts and clays Erosion, especially loss of topsoil in agricultural areas; gullying High sediment loads to reservoirs Chemical transport of nutrients, metals, and chlorinated organic compounds Reservoir siltation Drinking-water supply Accumulation of contaminants in organisms at the bottom of the food chain (particulate feeders) Silting of fish spawning beds and disturbance of habitats (by erosion or siltation) for benthic organisms Sand River bed and bank erosion River channel deposition: navigation problems Instability of river cross- sections River bed and bank erosion Sedimentation in reservoirs Habitat disturbance Gravel Channel instability when dredged for aggregate Habitat disturbance Instability of river channel leads to problems of navigation and flood control 30 Bedload is stony material, such as gravel and cobbles that moves by rolling along the bed of a river because it is too heavy to be lifted into suspension by the current of the river. Bedload is especially important during periods of extremely high discharge and in landscapes of large topographical relief, where the river gradient is steep (such as in mountains). It is rarely important in low-lying areas. Measurement of bedload is extremely difficult. Most bedload movement occurs during periods of high discharge on steep gradients when the water level is high and the flow is extremely turbulent. Such conditions also cause problems when making field measurements. Despite many years of experimentation, sedimentmonitoring agencies have so far been unable to devise a standard sampler that can be used without elaborate field calibration or that can be used under a wide range of bedload conditions. Even with calibration, the measurement error can be very large because of the inherent hydraulic characteristics of the samplers and the immense difficulty with representative sampling of the range of sizes of particles in transit as bedload in many rivers. Unless bedload is likely to be a major engineering concern (as in the filling of reservoirs), agencies should not attempt to measure it as part of a routine sediment-monitoring program. Where engineering works demand knowledge of bedload, agencies must acquire the specialized expertise that is essential to develop realistic field programmes and to understand the errors associated with bedload measurement. Local universities or colleges may be able to assist in this regard. Siltation load is a term used by sedimentologists to describe material that is transitional between bedload and suspended load. Siltation means “bouncing” and refers to particles that are light enough to be picked off the river bed by turbulence but too heavy to remain in suspension and, therefore, sink back to the river bed. Siltation load is never measured in operational hydrology. 31 2.2 SEDIMENT MEASUREMENT While the underlying theory is well known, the measurement of sediment transport requires that many simplifying assumptions be made. This is largely because sediment transport is a dynamic phenomenon and measurement techniques cannot register the ever-changing conditions that exist in water bodies, particularly in river systems. Some of the sources of extreme variability in sediment transport are discussed below. 2.2.1 PARTICLE SIZE Knowledge of the size gradient of particles that make up suspended load is a prerequisite for understanding the source, transportation and, in some cases, environmental impact of sediment. Although particles of sizes ranging from fine clay to cobbles and boulders may exist in a river, suspended load will rarely contain anything larger than coarse sand, and in many rivers 50-100 per cent of the suspended load will be composed only of silt and clay sized particles (less than 62 µm). The size of particles is normally referred to as their diameter although, since few particles are spherical, the term is not strictly correct. Particle size is determined by passing a sample of sediment through a series of sieves, each successive sieve being finer than the preceding one. The fraction remaining on each sieve is weighed and its weight expressed as a percentage of the weight of the original sample. The cumulative percentage of material retained on the sieves is calculated and the results are plotted against the representative mesh sizes of the sieves. A series of eight sieves can be used for sediment analysis, with mesh sizes from 1.25 mm to 63 µm or less. Further details of these methods are available in the appropriate literature. Clay particles are plate-like in shape and have a maximum dimension of about 4 µm. Silt particles, like sand, have no characteristic shape; their size is 32 between those of clay and sand with diameters ranging from 4 µm to 62 µm. Since the smallest mesh size of commercially available sieves is about 40 µm, the sizes of clay and small silt particles cannot be determined by sieving, and sedimentation techniques are used instead. The sedimentation rate of the particles is measured and their diameter calculated from the semi empirical equation known as Stokes’ Law. Table 2.2: Particle size classification by the Wentworth Grade Scale Sediment size Silts and clays Environmental issues Erosion, especially loss of topsoil in agricultural areas; gullying Associated engineering issues High sediment loads to reservoirs Reservoir siltation Chemical transport of nutrients, metals, and chlorinated organic compounds Drinking-water supply Accumulation of contaminants in organisms at the bottom of the food chain (particulate feeders) Silting of fish spawning beds and disturbance of habitats (by erosion or siltation) for benthic organisms Sand River bed and bank erosion River channel deposition: navigation problems Instability of river crosssections River bed and bank erosion Sedimentation in reservoirs Habitat disturbance Gravel Channel instability when dredged Instability of river channel for aggregate leads to problems of navigation and flood control Habitat disturbance 33 There is no universally accepted scale for the classification of particles according to their sizes. In North America, the Wentworth Grade Scale (Table 2.2) is commonly used; elsewhere, the International Grade Scale is preferred. There are minor differences between the two scales and it is, therefore, important to note which scale has been selected and to use it consistently. The boundary between sand and silt (62 µm) separates coarse-grained sediments (sand and larger particles) from fine-grained sediments (silt and clay particles). Coarse-grained sediments are non-cohesive, whereas fine-grained sediments are cohesive, i.e. the particles will stick to one another as well as to other materials. Particle cohesiveness has important chemical and physical implications for sediment quality. Sedimentologists and water quality programmes have adopted a convention that considers particulate matter to be larger than 0.45 µm in diameter; anything smaller is considered to be dissolved. This boundary is not entirely valid because clay particles and silt can be much smaller than 0.45 µm. For practical purposes, however, the boundary is convenient, not least because standard membrane filters with 0.45 µm diameter pores can be used to separate suspended particles from dissolved solids. 2.3 EFFECTS OF SUSPEND AND BEDDED SEDIMENTS Summarizing effects data for suspend and bedded sediments is difficult for several reasons. One reason is that there is not one agreed-upon measurement for suspend and bedded sediments. Caux et al. (1997) provide an excellent discussion of the various methods of measuring suspended sediments. Suspended sediments contribute to turbidity and thus affect light transmission through the water column (Waters, 1995). Turbidity is an optical property of water resulting in a decrease in light transmission due to absorption and scattering. Consequently turbidity is a key 34 water quality parameter in aquatic systems in that it has a predominant influence on the compensation point (the depth at which photosynthesis equals respiration in plants) and is therefore a critical determinant in the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (Batuik, et al., 1992). The correlation of turbidity with concentrations of suspended solids (mg/L) is impractical because the size, shape, and refractive index of particulate material affect turbidity but are not directly related to the concentration of suspended solids (Caux et al., 1997), and thus the correlation is site-specific. Various measurements are used for bedded sediments as well. These include depth of deposition within a given time period, percent fines, geometric mean diameter, and Fredle number (Caux et al., 1997). Fredle number is an index of permeability that has been found to correlate well with survival-to-emergence of salmon and trout (Lotspeich and Everest, 1981). Another reason summarizing effects data for suspend and bedded sediments is difficult is that there are no standard durations for suspend and bedded sediments effects testing. Both the duration (Newcombe and MacDonald, 1991) and frequency (Shaw and Richardson, 2001) of sediment exposures are important. For example, some species are able to recolonize between sediment events, while some other species may not be able to recover before the next event (Yount and Nimmi, 1990). Newcombe and MacDonald (1991) recognized that the appropriate way to report data for the effects of suspended sediment on aquatic organisms was to include information on duration of exposure, as well as exposure concentration. Up until that point, the importance of duration of exposure had been largely overlooked. They summarized, in graphical and tabular form, much of the available data on the effects of suspend and bedded sediments on fish and invertebrates. Newcombe and Jensen (1996) presented an extensive data table of the effects of suspend and bedded sediments on fish, and went a step further developing empirical models of the effects of suspend and bedded sediments on fish. Newcombe also developed a model for the effects of SABS on aquatic invertebrates and flora (Newcombe, 1997) and dealing with the effects of diminished water clarity on fish (Newcombe, 2003). 35 A recent review of the biological effects of suspended sediments on fish and shellfish was conducted by Wilber and Clarke (2001). Their paper synthesized the results of studies that report the dose-response relationships of estuarine aquatic organisms to suspended sediments and then related those findings to sediment conditions associated with dredging projects. Doseresponse graphs were modified from Newcombe and Jensen (1996) to provide an easy reference for estimating biological responses to suspended sediments. Wilber and Clarke (2001) also provide tables that depict biological response as a function of suspended sediment exposure (sediment concentration and duration). Biological response categories reported by Wilber and Clarke (2001) include: no effect, behavioral, sub-lethal, and lethal effects. 2.3.1 EFFECTS ON INVERTEBRATES Elevated levels of suspend and bedded sediments have been shown to have wide ranging effects on both pelagic and benthic invertebrates (Cordone and Kelly 1961; Maurer et al., 1986; Peddicord, 1980; Waters, 1995; Wilber and Clarke, 2001). Effects can be classified as having a direct impact on the organism due to abrasion, clogging of filtration mechanisms thereby interfering with ingestion and respiration, and in extreme cases smothering and burial resulting in mortality. Indirect effects stem primarily from light attenuation leading to changes in feeding efficiency and behaviour (i.e., drift and avoidance) and alteration of habitat stemming from changes in substrate composition, affecting the distribution of in faunal and epibenthic species (Donahue and Irvine, 2003; Waters, 1995; Zweig and Rabeni, 2001). Increased levels of suspended sediment were shown to impair ingestion rates of freshwater mussels in laboratory studies (Aldridge et al., 1987). However, Box and Mossa (1999) reviewed the literature on the effects of sedimentation on freshwater mussels and concluded that the relative significance of human activities to sediment production, and their subsequent effects on freshwater mussels, is difficult to evaluate. Reduced feeding activity as a response to increased levels of suspended 36 sediments has also been reported for copepods (Tester and Turner, 1988; Sherk et al., 1976) and daphnids (Arruda et al., 1983). Invertebrate drift is directly affected by increased suspended sediment load in freshwater streams and lakes. Increases in suspended sediments (e.g., 120 mg/L) can result in increased drift, significantly altering the distribution of benthic invertebrates in streams (Herbert and Merkens, 1961). Waters (1995) considers the effects of increased deposition of sediments on benthic invertebrates as one of the most important concerns within the sediment pollution issue, especially in regards to the dependence of freshwater fisheries on benthic productivity. (Figure 2.1) Waters (1995) identifies three major relationships between benthic invertebrate communities and sediment deposition in streams: i. Correlation between abundance and substrate particle size. ii. Embeddings of substrate and loss of interstitial space. iii. Change in species composition with change in type of habitat (substrate composition). Alteration in the quality and quantity of deposited sediments can affect the structure and function of benthic macro faunal communities by increasing substrate embeddedness and altering substrate particle size distributions (Erman and Erman, 1984). Increased embeddedness can result in decreases in aquatic insect densities and small increases in siltation can directly affect caddisfly pupa survival. Zweig and Rabeni (2001) examined the response of benthic infauna to deposited fine sediments in four Missouri streams. Five biomonitoring metrics were significantly correlated with deposited sediments across streams. Deposited-sediment tolerance values were developed representing responses to deposited sediments for 30 taxa. Tolerance values where then used to develop the Deposited Sediment Biotic Index (DSBI). The DSBI was calculated to characterize sediment impairment in the four streams. DSBI values for each site examined were highly correlated with depth and degree of embeddedness of deposited sediment. 37 Several studies have examined the effects of the burial of estuarine invertebrates. Maurer et al. (1986) found that species responded differently to burial by 36-40 cm of sediment, and that some organisms were able to migrate more easily up through sandy sediment, while other organisms were able to migrate better through muddy sediment. Hinchey et al. (in review) found that species-specific response to burial by sediments varied as a function of motility, living position and inferred physiological tolerance of anoxic conditions while buried. Their study compared responses of five estuarine invertebrate species (three infaunal and two epifaunal) to clean sediment burial in laboratory experiments. Hinchey et al. (in review) suggested that effective overburden stress, which incorporates both the bulk density of the sediment as well as the depth of burial (Richards et al., 1974), was a better measure of the force exerted on organisms by sediment burial than depth of sediment alone. 2.3.2 EFFECTS ON CORALS The increased sedimentation resulting from coastal development is a major source of coral reef degradation (Rogers, 1983, 1990; Torres, 2001). Excessive sedimentation can adversely affect the structure and function of the coral reef ecosystem by altering physical and biological processes (Rogers, 1990). High sediment loads can smother tissue resulting in bleaching in the short-term and death in the long-term (Rogers, 1983). Cortes and Risk (1985) reported a reduced growth rate in Montastraea annular is living in waters with average sedimentation rates between 20-1,000 mg cm-2 d-1. Reduced growth rates and temporary bleaching in M. annularis were also reported by Dodge et al. (1974). In a subsequent study, Torres (2001) showed that growth rates of M. annularis were significantly lower and negatively related with sediment deposition rates and percentages of terrigenous sediments deposited on a coral reef on the south coast of Puerto Rico. Nemeth and Nowlis (2001) reported bleaching of coral colonies at sediment deposition rates between 10 and 14 mg cm-2 38 d-1. Their study indicated that stress from sedimentation might lead to a decline in living coral. An indirect effect of increased suspended sediment load was an increase in turbidity, which caused a corresponding decrease in light penetration that limited the photosynthetic capacity of symbiotic zooxanthellae, and furthered the decline in coral populations. Excessive sedimentation can affect the complex food web associated with coral reefs, killing not only corals but other reef dwelling organisms (e.g., sponges) which serve as food for commercially important fish and shellfish (Rogers, 1990). Declines in tropical reef fisheries in the Carribean and the Pacific are believed to be partially due to increased sedimentation rates (Rogers, 1985; Dahl, 1985). Increased sedimentation is also one of several factors, which affect coral recruitment. Coral larvae will not settle and establish themselves in shifting sediments. Consequently, increases in sedimentation rates can alter the distribution of corals and their associated reef constituents by influencing the ability of coral larvae to settle and survive (Rogers, 1990). Figure 2.1: Conceptual model of biological effects of suspended and bedded sediments in estuaries (Waters, 1995) 39 2.3.3 EFFECTS ON AQUATIC PLANTS Some populations of aquatic macrophytes have experienced dramatic losses over the past two decades, a decline largely attributed to changes in underwater light climate due to increases in suspended sediment concentrations (Best et al., 2001). Turbidity limits the growth and distribution of aquatic plants by reducing available light. The large-scale declines of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) reported in Chesapeake Bay are believed to be directly related to increasing amounts of nutrients and sediments entering the Bay (Batiuk et al., 1992, 2000; Dennison et al., 1993). To address the unacceptable Bay-wide decline in SAV the U.S.EPA Chesapeake Bay Program office established water clarity criteria. Water clarity criteria are based on the light requirements for SAV growth and survival. The criteria take total suspended solids (particulate matter and chlorophyll) into account, as well as epiphytic growth and salinity regime. Water clarity criteria are used in Chesapeake Bay because it is assumed that they will result in achievement of clarity/solids levels that would not impair other habitats/organisms (with the exception that the water clarity criteria may not fully protect "smothering" of bottom soft or hard bottom habitats with larger sized sediment particles from sources that "bypass"/ don't influence shallow water habitats), since the SAV represent one of the components of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem that is most sensitive to increases in SABS. A detailed explanation of the derivation of Chesapeake Bay water clarity criteria can be found in U.S. EPA (2003b). SAV are also subject to burial, although different species have different tolerances for sediment accretion, and different sediment entrainment qualities (Fonseca and Fisher, 1986). These different tolerances can result in changes in species composition in addition to overall loss of SAV as a result of increased siltation (Terrados et al., 1998). It is not always possible to separate out the effects of burial from the other effects of increased sediment input, e.g. reduced light penetration (Terrados et al., 1998). 40 2.3.4 EFFECTS ON FISH Of all of the taxonomic groups, fishes, particularly salmonids, have received the most attention from suspend and bedded sediments researchers. This is because of the commercial and recreational importance of salmonids, and the obvious impact that logging and other land use activities have had on salmonid fisheries, particularly in the Pacific Northwest (Waters, 1995). There are three major effects of suspended sediment on fishes: i. Direct physiological effects of suspended sediment, such as suffocation. ii. Effects due to decreases in water clarity. iii. Effects due to sediment deposition, leading to increased embeddedness or burial of eggs and larvae (Waters, 1995; Wilber and Clarke, 2001). The conventional wisdom (at least since the publication of Newcombe and MacDonald, 1991) is that both the degree of exposure (measured as TSS or turbidity, or decreased water clarity) and the duration of the exposure are important. It follows that the longer the duration and the greater the exposure, the more severe the effects. Therefore, it is expected that the first, mild, primarily behavioral effects would be seen with low intensity, short-term exposures. As the duration of exposure and intensity of exposure increase, sublethal effects are manifested, and lethal effects begin to be expressed at more intense exposures of longer duration (Figure 2.2). The timing of exposure to suspended sediment is also very important, as it may affect different life history stages in different ways. Different life-history stages of the same species may also have differing abilities to avoid exposure. 41 Figure 2.2: Idealized model of fish response to increased suspended sediments (Rogers, 1985) Newcombe and Jensen (1996) summarized much of the available data on the effects of suspended sediment on fishes, and fit the data into empirical models in the form of data “triplets”, with matched biological effect, concentration and duration information. The effects were scored on a qualitative “severity of ill effect” (SEV) scale, that included responses ranging from no behavioural effects (lowest on the scale) to behavioural effects (low on the scale), to sub lethal effects (higher on the scale), to lethal effects (highest on the scale). Different models were developed for different age groups of fishes: juvenile and adult salmonids together, adult salmonids, juvenile salmonids, eggs and larvae of salmonids and non-salmonids, adult estuarine non-salmonids, and adult freshwater non-salmonids. The models were presented both in visual form (as three-dimensional response surfaces) and as linear regression equations, and were also used to interpolate and extrapolate from the empirical data. The tabular forms of the models are presented in Appendices A and D. They are taken from Newcombe (1997) and Newcombe (personal communication). Appendix A also includes an empirical model for the effects of suspended sediments on invertebrates as well as an empirical model for plants. Appendix D corrects the error in the estuarine adult fish model from 42 Newcombe and Jensen (1996) identified by Wilber and Clarke (2001). Although the visual presentations in Newcombe and Jensen (1996) of the models look complete, it is evident from the figures of the “empirical data” that there are not enough data for the various groups of organisms (with the possible exception of the salmonids) to fill in the idealized model of fish response to increased suspended sediments. This is because there are not enough data, and because of the great variability in the data. Wilber and Clarke (2001) also summarized the effects of increased turbidity and reduced water clarity on the feeding of fishes, but did not include the data in their tables or figures, because most of them are reported in turbidity units which are difficult to convert to suspended solids concentrations (Caux et al., 1997). It is very difficult to make generalizations about these data. Some fishes are able to hunt better as suspended solids increase, at least up to a point, because of increased contrast between the prey and the surrounding water. Some larval fish, like striped bass, seem to be able to feed under extremely turbid conditions, or even complete darkness. This ability could be very important for a fish that follows the turbidity maximum for its abundant food (Chesney, 1993). Centrarchids (e.g., smallmouth and largemouth bass), on the other hand, may be severely impacted in their ability to feed by even small increases in turbidity (J. Sweeten, personal communication). Suspended sediment has little if any effect on the nests of centrarchids due to their nesting behaviour of "fanning" eggs (J. Sweeten, personal communication). However, low concentrations of suspended sediment caused reduced growth in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui). The inhibition concentration (IC) 25 value for a one day exposure was only 11.4 mg/L suspended bentonite (Sweeten and McCreedy, 2002). The authors concluded that even low concentrations of suspended sediment at this early life-stage may strongly affect year class strength. Other fish may be excluded from desirable habitat because of increased turbidity (Ponton and Fortier, 1992). Despite the difficulties in putting together the data on the effects of turbidity on fishes, Newcombe (2003) has developed an impact model for clear water fishes exposed to excessively cloudy water. This is discussed in the modeling section below. 43 The effects of increased suspend and bedded sediments resulting in increased embeddedness, on salmonids in particular, have been well documented (e.g., Waters, 1995). An increased supply of fine sediment to a stream can cause the gravel interstices of a streambed to be filled in. This process can cause reduced hatching due to the reduction in flow through the streambed and the resulting decrease in dissolved oxygen. It can also cause reduced larval survival because of armoring of the sediment surface, which traps the larvae. Increased sedimentation in other habitats (e.g., estuaries) can cause burial of eggs (Wilber and Clarke, 2001). Even a small amount of deposited sediment can cause a problem. Winter flounder eggs, for example, will suffer reduced hatching success if buried to only one half an egg diameters (D. Nelson, NMFS, unpublished data). 2.3.5 EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE There are very few published reports on the effects of suspend and bedded sediments on aquatic-dependent wildlife (i.e., birds and mammals). For the most part, aquatic-dependent wildlife are more mobile than the fish, invertebrates and plants discussed above, and therefore aquatic-dependent wildlife can avoid most of the direct effects of increased suspend and bedded sediments. A heron or an osprey, for example, can avoid more turbid areas, and choose areas of clearer water. If and when the water clears in the area, the bird can return. If increases in suspend and bedded sediments are wide-spread and long-term, however, they might cause a problem for aquatic-dependent wildlife that consume aquatic prey. A bear, for example, may have to abandon part of its range if there is failure of a salmon run. Loons are thought to require clear water for fishing, and may avoid nesting areas with inadequate water clarity (McIntyre, 1988). Most of the studies of the relationship between turbidity and aquaticdependent wildlife involve field studies with birds. Van Eeerden and Voslamber (1995) describe a mass (group) fishing behaviour of cormorants, which was apparently developed as a response to an increase in the turbidity of a lake in the 44 Netherlands. Stevens et al. (1997) found that water birds were most abundant on the clear and variably turbid segments of the Colorado River and least abundant on the more turbid lower segment, providing evidence that turbidity makes it difficult for birds to forage effectively. 2.4 CONTROLS Many sediment control techniques have been used to reduce erosion and limit sediment input to streams and rivers. Some of the more prevalent methods include the implementation of fabric barriers, sediment traps and basins, water diversions, plantings, and proper road construction and maintenance (Waters, 1995). Although forestry, mining, roading and construction activities are important sources of sediment to lotic environments, they are overshadowed by sediment input from agricultural sources (Waters, 1995). Because of this, we emphasize the importance of riparian buffer strips and livestock fencing to reduce sediment input. Simply defined, riparian areas are vegetated corridors along rivers and streams. They may be considered important ecosystems. Lowrance et al. (1985) stated, “Riparian ecosystems are the complex assemblage of organisms and their environment existing adjacent to and near flowing water. Riparian ecosystems are also a special class of wetlands.” Riparian zones are often viewed as prime agricultural areas, both for crop and live stock production, because of seasonal nutrient enrichment by flooding (Lowrance et al., 1935). A major effect of riparian vegetation is the retardation of erosion by decreased surface water velocity that allows deposition of eroded material in the riparian zone before it enters the lotic environment (Lowrance et al., 1985; Schwab et al., 1993). In addition to sediment entrapment, riparian zones also filter nutrients from run- off for storage in plant material. They also provide bank stabilization and in-stream temperature regulation through shading. Because of their soil characteristics, riparian zones store large volumes of water. This water is released in a more even manner than in cleared 45 riparian areas. Thus, lush riparian areas can facilitate consistency in annual flow patterns (Lowrance et al., 1985). Levels of suspended sediment increase quickly during storm events when riparian vegetation is absent (Schlosser and Karr, 1981). Whitworth and Martin (1990) compared streams with and without riparian filter strips and found that most stream sites with filter strips had a higher total number and taxa richness of macro invertebrates. They also stated that sites with riparian strips also had higher species richness, diversity, total density, and index of biotic integrity (IBI) of fish (Whitworth and Martin, 1990). Recommendations for optimal widths of streamside riparian zones vary in the literature. Published requisite widths for buffer strips are dependent on watershed use and hillside slope. Erman and Mahoney (1983) found that riparian buffer strips of ~30 m were inadequate to protect streams from the effects of logging in Northern California mountain watersheds. To ensure proper function, Waters (1995) recommends a guideline width for riparian zones of 50 to 300 m, depending on local conditions. Although there are no hard and fast rules for the determination of requisite riparian strip widths, it is prudent to take a conservative management approach to ensure the link between riparian quality and stream biota. This is particularly true for near stream flood plains. Wilkin and Hebel (1982) found that the majority of eroded material in a watershed came from cropped flood plains, more than from cropped uplands within watersheds. From this, it is prudent to conclude that cropped land should not extent to the water’s edge, and that riparian zones not be made available for grazing. We do emphasize that there is a trade-off between in-stream benefits and economic loss concerning the determination of riparian widths. Riparian widths that are larger than needed to inhibit the transmission of eroded material to aquatic environments remove valuable land from production. The area of research concerning the optimal width of riparian zones obviously needs further development. Where possible, we recommend that riparian zones, whatever width, be removed from crop and cattle production through fencing and the development of alternative water sources. In the American Fisheries Society position statement on the effects of livestock grazing on riparian and stream ecosystems, overgrazing was listed as a 46 significant source of degradation to riparian areas (Armour et al., 1991). Degradation of riparian areas by livestock reduces the sediment filtering function of these areas. Further impacts are often stream bank collapse and erosion due to bank trampling. Elimination of livestock grazing in riparian areas has been shown to have a restorative effect on stream biota. These benefits include increases in allochthonous input, increases of the standing stock and biomass of fish, increases in food for fish, and increases in cover for fish (Armour et al., 1991). Also, decreases in stream temperatures, reductions of sediment on substrata, increases in vegetative cover, decreases in average stream width, increases in average depth, and increases in bank stability have been shown to occur (Armour et al., 1991). In other words, the restoration of riparian zones results in significant positive effects on biotic and abiotic conditions in lotic environments. 2.5 NUMERICAL MODELS As human activities in estuarine and coastal area increase, water quality management in estuarine and coastal water has received increased. Since many processes affect the water quality in water column, it is difficult to assess the relative importance of each process. To end this, numerical model and computer simulation based on physical and biogeochemical principles is useful to aiming understanding the system and to provide consistent, rational predictions of dynamic responses of the system to changes in specified factors. Most numerical models of water quality consist of a hydrodynamic model and the water quality model linked either internally or externally. 47 2.5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID DYNAMICS CODE (EFDC) EFDC is a hydrodynamic model that incorporates hydrodynamics, salinity, riperature, dye, cohesive and non-cohesive sediments, toxicants, and water quality state variable transport. It is a three-dimensional model that uses a Cartesian curvilinear-orthogonal grid in the horizontal, and a sigma transformation in vertical and it uses a finite volume-finite difference formulation to ensure conversion mass. Dr. Hamrick at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science originally developed the model, with funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia. The hydrodynamic module includes a variety of forcing, including tides, wind, inflow and outflow, high frequency of surface wave radiation stresses and supports much type of boundary conditions. EFDC can simulate both cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport including settling, resuspension, and bed process. Beside that, the model also includes a eutrophication water quality based on the 1CM model developed by the USACE waterways experiment station and a toxicant transport and fate model based on the EPA model TOXI5 (part of the WASP5 system). 2.5.2 TELEMAC-3D TELEMAC-3D is a three-dimensional, finite-element model developed by Patrick Sauvaget of the Laboritoire d’ Hydraulique de France. The modelling system consists of a number of modules that are assembled for individual simulation. The codes are proprietary. The system has been applied to more than 100 sites throughout the world to date. The model uses sigma transportation in the vertical. The hydrodynamic model can be simulate forcing due to tides, wind, rivers and thermal exchange through the free surface, and supports a wide variety of boundary condition. Salinity 48 and temperature are simulated and used to calculated local density. A variety of turbulence-closure formulations are included. The sediment can transport model can simulate single non-cohesive sediment or a range of cohesive sediments and processes include settling, resuspension, and bed compaction. The water quality model includes eutrophication and an “open architecture” for user-specified toxicant fate relationships but partitioning to sediment and bacterial fates processes are not included. 2.5.3 TRIVAST TRIVAST is a three-dimensional, finite-difference hydrodynamic and water quality model. It can be configured as a two-dimensional, depth-averaged model, or as a three-dimensional model. There are no transformations in the horizontal or vertical directions. The two-dimensional version of code, DIVAST, has been used extensively. TRIVAST is still somewhat developmental, and they have been a few applications to date. The models are proprietary. The hydrodynamic module simulates hydraulic variables, salinity and temperature. It can be forced by the tides, rivers, inflows, wind and density currents support slip, no-slip and radiation boundary conditions. The horizontal eddy viscosity c linked to local shear velocity and depth. A two-layer mixing length turbulence model is used to calculate vertical eddy viscosity. Time stepping is handled using an ADI scheme. The sediment module simulates both cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. Processes simulated include settling and resuspension, but no multiple sediment layers, compaction or bed armouring. The water quality module includes comprehensive eutrophication kinetics, bacterial transport and fate and toxicant fate processes. 49 2.5.4 RMA10 AND RAM11 RMA10 and RMA11 developed by US Resource Management Associated three dimensional, finite-element models. In the vertical, a modified sigma transformation is used in which the surface is mapped to a horizontal surface but the - remains fixed in world coordinates. The three-dimensional codes are more recent developments and have been used less often to date. RMA10 is a three-dimensional, finite element and hydrodynamic model. It is simu1ates hydraulic variables, salinity and temperature. It can be forced by tides, rain inflows, wind, Coriolis acceleration, evaporation and precipitation and include slip and non-slip boundary conditions. RMA11 is a three-dimensional, finite-element sediment transport and water quality model. The sediment module can simulate both cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. The model does not handle variable sediment sizes in the same run. Processes include settling, resuspension, as a function of critical shear stress and bed compaction. The water quality module can simulate comprehensive eutrophication kinetics and bacteria fate. 2.5.5 TIDE-3D TIDE-3D is a three-dimensional model developed by U.S. Geological Survey. It is a finite-element in horizontal, and continuous in the vertical, using a sigma transformation. The program is non-proprietary and has been used mainly for each purpose. A parallel-process version is available. The hydrodynamic solves for hydraulic variables and salinity. It can be forced by tides, rivers, wind, inflows and density and includes a variety of boundary conditions. Eddy viscosity is calculated using an analytic mixing length formulation 50 algebraic stability function. There is a harmonic version, which does not require marching and variably weighted explicit or implicit version. 2.5.6 MIKE3 MIKE3 is generalized mathematical modelling system for a wide range of application. The model is propriety and developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute. It is a three-dimensional, finite-difference model that uses an orthogonal grid in the horizontal and a z-plane structure in the vertical. The hydrodynamic sub model of MIKE3 simulates hydraulic variables, salinity and temperature. Various types of forcing and boundary conditions are included. Besides that, various turbulence closure models are also included and bottom stress are handle through a specified roughness coefficient. Currently, there is no sediment processes include in MIKE3. The water quality sub model includes toxicant transport and fate, comprehensive bacterial transport and fate routine and a medium sized eutrophication module. 2.6 INTRODUCTION TO THE WASP5 MODEL The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program 5 (WASP5), an enhancement of the original WASP (Di Toro et al., 1983; Connolly and Winfield, 1984; Ambrose, R.B. et al., 1988). This model helps users interpret and predict water quality responses to natural phenomena and man-made pollution for various pollution management decisions. WASP5 is a dynamic compartment-modeling program for aquatic systems, including both the water column and the underlying benthos. The time-varying processes of advection, dispersion, point and diffuse mass loading and boundary exchange are represented in the basic program. 51 Water quality processes are represented in special kinetic subroutines that are either chosen from a library or written by the user. WASP5 is structured to permit easy substitution of kinetic subroutines into the overall package to form problemspecific models. WASP5 comes with two such models, which is TOXI5 for toxicants and EUTRO5 for conventional water quality. Earlier versions of WASP have been used to examine eutrophication and PCB pollution of the Great Lakes (Thomann, 1975; Thomann et al., 1976; Thomann et al, 1979; Di Toro and Connolly, 1980), eutrophication of the Potomac Estuary (Thomann and Fitzpatrick, 1982), kepone pollution of the James River Estuary (O'Connor et al., 1983), volatile organic pollution of the Delaware Estuary (Ambrose, 1987), and heavy metal pollution of the Deep River, North Carolina (JRB, 1984). In addition to these, numerous applications are listed in Di Toro et al., 1983. The flexibility afforded by the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program is unique. WASP5 permits the modeler to structure one, two, and three dimensional models; allows the specification of time-variable exchange coefficients, advective flows, waste loads and water quality boundary conditions; and permits tailored structuring of the kinetic processes, all within the larger modeling framework without having to write or rewrite large sections of computer code. The two operational WASP5 models, TOXI5 and EUTRO5, are reasonably general. In addition, users may develop new kinetic or reactive structures. This however requires an additional measure of judgment, insight, and programming experience on the part of the modeler. The kinetic subroutine in WASP (denoted "WASPB"), is kept as a separate section of code, with its own subroutines if desired. The model had been applied in Mississippi since 1996. Modelling for Back Bay of Biloxi and Saint Louis Bay is done successfully. The modelling involves hydrodynamic, water quality and eutrophication modelling. In Malaysia it have been applied in Langat River, Semenyih River and Skudai River. Malaysia. Table 2.3 summarize the application of WASP5. 52 Table 2.3: History of WASP5 applications APPLICATION SITE Back Bay Of Biloxi, Mississippi, (1998) St. Louis Bay, Mississippi, (1996) Skudai River, (2002) Langat River, Selangor, (2003) Semenyih River, Selangor, (2005) Skudai River, Johor Bahru, (2002) REMARKS Water Quality And Hydrodynamic Models For Back Bay Of Biloxi. Technical Report. (Hydrodynamic And Water Quality Parameter) Fecal Coliform Water Quality Model Of The St. Louis Bay Estuary. Report. (Hydrodynamic And Eutrophication) Application Of WASP5 For Skudai River Estuarine System. Thesis M.Sc. (Hydrodynamic) Tide Phenomena And Impact To The Estuarine. Thesis B.Sc. (Hydrodynamic) Sediment Modelling In Semenyih River Using Wasp5 Software. Thesis B.Sc. (Sediment) Hydrodynamic Modelling For Langat River Estuarine Using Wasp5 Software. Thesis B.Sc. (Hydrodynamic And Water Quality Parameter) 2.6.1 THE BASIC WATER QUALITY MODEL WASP5 is a dynamic compartment model that can be used to analyze a variety of water quality problems in such diverse water bodies as ponds, streams, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. This section presents an overview of the basic water quality model. Subsequent chapters detail the transport and transformation processes in WASP5 for various water quality constituents. The equations solved by WASP5 are based on the key principle of the conservation of mass. This principle requires that the mass of each water quality constituent being investigated must be accounted for in one way or another. WASP5 traces each water quality constituent from the point of spatial and temporal input to its final point of export, conserving mass in space and time. To perform these mass balance computations, the user must supply WASP5 with input data defining seven important characteristics: 53 i. Simulation and output control. ii. Model segmentation. iii. Advective and dispersive transport. iv. Boundary concentrations. v. Point and diffuse source waste loads. vi. Kinetic parameters, constants, and time functions. vii. Initial concentrations. These input data, together with the general WASP5 mass balance equations and the specific chemical kinetics equations, uniquely define a special set of water quality equations. These are numerically integrated by WASP5 as the simulation proceeds in time. At user-specified print intervals, WASP5 saves the values of all display variables for subsequent retrieval by the post-processor programs W4DSPLY and W4PLOT. These programs allow the user to interactively produce graphs and tables of variables of all display variables. 2.6.2 OVERVIEW OF THE WASP5 MODELLING SYSTEM The WASP5 system consists of two stand-alone computer programs, DYNHYD5 and WASP5 that can be run in conjunction or separately (Figure 2.3). The hydrodynamics program, DYNHYD5, simulates the movement of water while the water quality program, WASP5, simulates the movement and interaction of pollutants within the water. While DYNHYD5 is delivered with WASP5, other hydrodynamic programs have also been linked with WASP. RIVMOD handles unsteady flow in one-dimensional rivers, while SED3D handles unsteady; threedimensional flow in lakes and estuaries. WASP5 is supplied with two kinetic sub-models to simulate two of the major classes of water quality problems: conventional pollution (involving dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrients and eutrophication) and toxic pollution (involving organic chemicals, metals, and sediment). The linkage of either 54 sub-model with the WASP5 program gives the models EUTRO5 and TOXI5, respectively. This is illustrated in Figure 2.3 with blocks to be substituted into the incomplete WASP5 model. The tracer block can be a dummy sub-model for substances with no kinetic interactions. In most instances, TOXI5 is used for tracers by specifying no decay. The basic principle of both the hydrodynamics and water-quality program is the conservation of mass. The water volume and water-quality constituent masses being studied are tracked and accounted for over time and space using a series of mass balancing equations. The hydrodynamics program also conserves momentum, or energy, throughout time and space. Figure 2.3: The basic WASP5 system 2.6.3 THE MODEL NETWORK The model network is a set of expanded control volumes, or “segments,” that together represents the physical configuration of the water body. As Figure 2.4 illustrates, the network may subdivide the water body laterally and vertically as well as longitudinally. Benthic segments can be included along with water column 55 segments. If the water quality model is being linked to the hydrodynamic model, then water column segments must correspond to the hydrodynamic junctions. Concentrations of water quality constituents are calculated within each segment. Transport rates of water quality constituents are calculated across the interface of adjoining segments. Segments in WASP5 may be one of four types, as specified by the input variable ITYPE. A value of 1 indicates the epilimnion (surface water), 2 indicate hypolimnion layers (subsurface), 3 indicate an upper benthic layer, and 4 indicate lower benthic layers. The segment type plays an important role in bed sedimentation and in certain transformation processes. The user should be careful to align segments properly. The segment immediately below each segment is specified by the input variable IBOTSG. This alignment is important when light needs to be passed from one segment to the next in the water column, or when material is buried or eroded in the bed. Segment volumes and the simulation time step are directly related. As one increase or decreases, the other must do the same to insure stability and numerical accuracy. Segment size can vary dramatically, as illustrated in Figure 2.4. The spatial and temporal scale of the problem being analysed than by the characteristics of the water body or the pollutant per se dictates characteristic sizes more. For example, analysing a problem involving the upstream tidal migration of a pollutant into a water supply might require a time step of minutes to an hour. 56 Figure 2.4: Model segmentation By contrast, analysing a problem involving the total residence time of that pollutant in the same water body could allow a time step of hours to a day. In Figure 2.5, the first network was used to study the general eutrophic status of Lake Ontario. The second network was used to investigate the lake-wide spatial and seasonal variations in eutrophication. The third network was used to predict changes in nearshore eutrophication of Rochester Embayment resulting from specific pollution control plans. As part of the problem definition, the user must determine how much of the water quality frequency distribution must be predicted. For example, a daily-average dissolved oxygen concentration of 5 mg/L would not sufficiently protect fish if fluctuations result in concentrations less than 2 mg/L for 10% of the time. Predicting extreme concentration values is generally more difficult than predicting average values. Figure 2.5 illustrates typical frequency distributions predicted by three model time scales and a typical distribution observed by rather thorough sampling, as they would be plotted on probability paper. The straight lines imply normal distributions. Reducing the model time step (and consequently segment size) allows better simulation of the frequency distribution. This increase in predictive ability, however, also entails an increase in the resolution of the input data. 57 Once the nature of the problem has been determined, and then the temporal variability of the water body and input loadings must be considered. Generally, the model time step must be somewhat less than the period of variation of the important driving variables. In some cases, this restriction can be relaxed by averaging the input over its period of variation. For example, phytoplankton growth is driven by sunlight, which varies diurnally. Most eutrophication models, however, average the light input over a day, allowing time steps on the order of a day. Figure 2.5: Frequency distribution of observed and calculated values of a quality variable Care must be taken so that important non-linear interactions do not get averaged out. When two or more important driving variables have a similar period of variation, then averaging may not be possible. One example is the seasonal variability of light, temperature, nutrient input, and transport in lakes subject to eutrophication. Another example involves discontinuous batch discharges. Such an input into a large lake might safely be averaged over a day or week, because largescale transport variations are relatively infrequent. The same batch input into a tidal estuary cannot safely be averaged, however, because of the semi-diurnal or diurnal tidal variations. A third example is salinity intrusion in estuaries. Tidal variations in 58 flow, volume, and dispersion can interact so that accurate long-term predictions require explicit simulation at time steps on the order of hours. Once the temporal variability has been determined, then the spatial variability of the water body must be considered. Generally, the important spatial characteristics must be homogeneous within a segment. In some cases, this restriction can be relaxed by judicious averaging over width, depth or length. For example, depth governs the impact of reaeration and sediment oxygen demand in a column of water. Nevertheless, averaging the depth across a river would generally be acceptable in a conventional waste load allocation, whereas averaging the depth across a lake would not generally be acceptable. Other important spatial characteristics to consider (depending upon the problem being analysed) include temperature, light penetration, velocity, pH, benthic characteristics or fluxes, and sediment concentrations. The expected spatial variability of the water quality concentrations also affects the segment sizes. The user must determine how much averaging of the concentration gradients is acceptable. Because water quality conditions change rapidly near a loading point and stabilize downstream, studying the effects on a beach a quarter-mile downstream of a discharge requires smaller segments than studying the effects on a beach several miles away. A final, general guideline may be helpful in obtaining accurate simulations water column volumes should be roughly the same. If flows vary significantly downstream, then segment volumes should increase proportionately. The user should first choose the proper segment volume and time step in the critical reaches of the water body then scale upstream and downstream segments accordingly. Of course, actual volumes specified must be adjusted to best represent the actual spatial variability, as discussed above. This guideline will allow larger time steps and result in greater numerical accuracy over the entire model network, as explained in the section on "Simulation Parameters". 59 2.6.4 THE MODEL TRANSPORT SCHEME Transport includes advection and dispersion of water quality constituents. Advection and dispersion in WASP are each divided into six distinct types, or "fields." The first transport field involves advective flow and dispersive mixing in the water column. Advective flow carries water quality constituents "downstream" with the water and accounts for in stream dilution. Dispersion causes further mixing and dilution between regions of high concentrations and regions of low concentrations. The second transport field specifies the movement of pore water in the sediment bed. Dissolved water quality constituents are carried through the bed by pore water flow and are exchanged between the bed and the water column by pore water diffusion. The third, fourth, and fifth transport fields specify the transport of particulate pollutants by the settling, resuspension, and sedimentation of solids. Water quality constituents sorbed onto solid particles are transported between the water column and the sediment bed. The user can define the three solids fields as size fractions, such as sand, silt, and clay, or as inorganic, phytoplankton, and organic solids. The sixth transport field represents evaporation or precipitation from or to surface water segments. Most transport data, such as flows or settling velocities, must be specified by the user in a WASP5 input dataset. For water column flow, however, the user may "link" WASP5 with a hydrodynamics model. If this option is specified, during the simulation WASP5 will read the contents of a hydrodynamic file for unsteady flows, volumes, depths, and velocities. 60 2.6.5 APPLICATION OF THE MODEL The first step in applying the model is analysing the problem to be solved. What questions are being asked? How can a simulation model be used to address these questions? A water quality model can do three basic tasks describe present water quality conditions, provide generic predictions, and provide site-specific predictions. The first, descriptive task is to extend in some way a limited site-specific database. Because monitoring is expensive, data seldom give the spatial and temporal resolution needed to fully characterize a water body. A simulation model can be used to interpolate between observed data, locating, for example, the dissolved oxygen sag point in a river or the maximum salinity intrusion in an estuary. Of course such a model can be used to guide future monitoring efforts. Descriptive models also can be used to infer the important processes controlling present water quality. This information can be used to guide not only monitoring efforts, but also model development efforts. Providing generic predictions is a second type of modelling task. Site-specific data may not be needed if the goal is to predict the types of water bodies at risk from a new chemical. A crude set of data may be adequate to screen a list of chemicals for potential risk to a particular water body. Generic predictions may sufficiently address the management problem to be solved, or they may be a preliminary step in detailed site-specific analyses. Providing site-specific predictions is the most stringent modelling task. Calibration to a good set of monitoring data is definitely needed to provide credible predictions. Because predictions often attempt to extrapolate beyond the present database, however, the model also must have sufficient process integrity. Examples of this type of application include waste load allocation to protect water quality standards and feasibility analysis for remedial actions, such as tertiary treatment, phosphate bans, or agricultural best-management practices. Analysis of the problem should dictate the spatial and temporal scales for the modelling analysis. Division of the water body into appropriately sized segments was 61 discussed in Section "Model Network." The user must try to extend the network upstream and downstream beyond the influence of the waste loads being studied. If this is not possible, the user should extend the network far enough so that errors in specifying future boundary concentrations do not propagate into the reaches being studied. The user also should consider aligning the network so that sampling stations and points of interest (such as water withdrawals) fall near the centre of a segment. Point source waste loads in streams and rivers with unidirectional flow should be located near the upper end of a segment. In estuaries and other water bodies with oscillating flow, waste loads are best centered within segments. If flows are to be input from DYNHYD5, then a WASP4 segment must coincide with each hydrodynamic junction. Benthic segments, which are not present in the hydrodynamic network, may nevertheless be included in the WASP5 network. WASP5 segment numbering does not have to be the same as DYNHYD5 junction numbering. Segments stacked vertically do not have to be numbered consecutively from surface water segments down. Once the network is set up, the model study will proceed through four general steps involving, in some manner, hydrodynamics, mass transport, water quality transformations, and environmental toxicology. The first step addresses the question of where the water goes. This can be answered by a combination of gagging, special studies, and hydrodynamic modelling. Flow data can be interpolated or extrapolated using the principle of continuity. Very simple flow routing models can be used; very complicated multi-dimensional hydrodynamic models can also be used with proper averaging over time and space. At present, the most compatible hydrodynamic model is DYNHYD5. The second step answers the question of where the material in the water is transported. This can be answered by a combination of tracer studies and model calibration. Dye and salinity are often used as tracers. The third step answers the question of how the material in the water and sediment is transformed and what its fate is. This is the main focus of many studies. Answers depend on a combination of laboratory studies, field monitoring, parameter estimation, calibration, and testing. 62 The net result is sometimes called model validation or verification, which are elusive concepts. The success of this step depends on the skill of the user, who must combine specialized knowledge with common sense and scepticism into a methodical process. The final step answers the question of how this material is likely to affect anything of interest, such as people, fish, or the ecological balance. Often, predicted concentrations are simply compared with water quality criteria adopted to protect the general aquatic community. Care must be taken to insure that the temporal and spatial scales assumed in developing the criteria are compatible with those predicted by the model. Sometimes principles of physical chemistry or pharmacokinetics are used to predict chemical body burdens and resulting biological effects. The bioaccumulations model FGETS (Barber, et al., 1991) and the WASTOX food chain model (Connolly and Thomann, 1985) is good examples of this study. 2.6.6 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODEL DESCRIPTION Sediment transport is potentially a very important process in aquatic systems. Excess sediment can affect water quality directly. Water clarity and benthic habitats can be degraded. Sediment transport also influences chemical transport and fate. Many chemicals sorbs strongly to sediment and thus undergo settling, scour, and sedimentation. Sorption also affects a chemical's transfer and transformation rates. Volatilisations and base-catalysed hydrolysis, for example, are slowed by sorption. Both sediment transport rates and concentrations must be estimated in most toxic chemical studies. In general, the stream transport capacity for suspended sediment is in excess of its actual load, and the problem is one of estimating sediment source loading namely, watershed erosion. In areas of backwater behind dams or in sluggish reaches, the stream transport capacity may drop enough to allow net deposition. Strongly sorbed pollutants may build up significantly. Because sediment transport 63 can be complex, site-specific calibration of the settling, scour, and sedimentation rates is usually necessary. Sediment size fractions, or solids types, are simulated using the TOXI5 program. Simulations may incorporate total solids as a single variable, or, alternately, represent from one to three solids types or fractions. The character of the three solids types is user-defined. They may represent sand, silt, and clay, or organic solids and inorganic solids. The user defines each solid type by specifying its settling and erosion rates, and its organic content. WASP5 performs a simple mass balance on each solid variable in each compartment based upon specified water column advection and dispersion rates, along with special settling, deposition, erosion, burial, and bed load rates. Mass balance computations are performed in benthic compartments as well as water column compartments. Bulk densities or benthic volumes are adjusted throughout the simulation. The user can vary all solids transport rates in space and time. There are, however, no special process descriptions for solids transport. Erosion rates, for example, are not programmed as a function of sediment shear strength and water column shear stress. Consequently, the TOXI5 sediment model should be considered descriptive, and must be calibrated to site data. 2.6.7 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION To simulate sediment transport with WASP5, use the pre-processor or a text editor to create a TOXI5 input file. Simple datasets are provided for use as templates to edit and adapt. The model input dataset and the input parameters will be similar to those for the conservative tracer model. To those basic parameters, the user will add benthic segments and solids transport rates. During the simulation, solids variables 64 will be transported both by the water column advection and dispersion rates and by these solids transport rates. In WASP5, solids transport rates in the water column and the bed are input via up to three solids transport fields. These fields describe the settling, deposition, scour, and sedimentation flows of three kinds of solids. The transport of particulate chemicals or the particulate fraction of simulated chemicals follows the solids flows. The user must specify the dissolved fraction (i.e. 0.0) and the solids transport field for each simulated solid under initial conditions. To simulate total solids, solids 1 must be used. 2.7 INTRODUCTION TO DYNHYD5 The WASP5 hydrodynamics model DYNHYD5 is an update of DYNHYD4 (Ambrose, et al., 1988), which was an enhancement of the Potomac Estuary hydrodynamic model DYNHYD2 (Roesch et al., 1979) derived from the original Dynamic Estuary Model (Feigner and Harris, 1970). DYNHYD5 solves the onedimensional equations of continuity and momentum for a branching or channeljunction (link-node), computational network. Driven by variable upstream flows and downstream heads, simulations typically proceed at 1 to 5-minute intervals. The resulting unsteady hydrodynamics are averaged over larger time intervals and stored for later use by the water-quality program. 2.7.1 THE MODEL NETWORK A physical interpretation of this computational network can be developed by picturing the links as channels conveying water and the nodes as junctions storing 65 water (Figure 2.6). Each junction is a volumetric unit that acts as a receptacle for the water transported through its connecting channels. Taken together, the junctions account for all the water volume in the river or estuary. Parameters influencing the storage of water are defined within this junction network. Each channel is an idealized rectangular conveyor that transports water between two junctions, whose midpoints are at each end. Taken together, the channels account for all the water movement in the river or estuary. Parameters influencing the motion of water are defined within this channel network. The link-node computational network, then, can be viewed as the overlapping of two closely related physical networks of channels and junctions. Figure 2.6: Representation of the model networks 66 Junctions are equivalent to segments in the water quality model, whereas channels correspond to segment interfaces. Channel flows are used to calculate mass transport between segments in the water quality model. Junction volumes are used to calculate pollutant concentrations within water quality segments. Link-node networks can treat fairly complex branching flow patterns and irregular shorelines with acceptable accuracy for many studies. They cannot handle stratified water bodies, small streams, or rivers with a large bottom slope. Link-node networks can be set up for wide, shallow water bodies if primary flow Directions is well defined. Results of these simulations should be considered descriptive only. 2.7.2 APPLICATION OF THE MODEL A great deal of flexibility is allowed in laying out the network of interconnected channels and junctions that represent a system, but there are several guidelines for making the best representation. First, both hydraulic and quality factors should be considered when selecting boundary conditions. Ideally, the downstream boundary should extend to a flow gage, a dam, or the ocean. The upstream boundary should extend to or beyond the limits of any backwater or tidal effects on the inflowing streams. Such a network eliminates problems associated with dynamic boundary conditions, such as changing salinity or other quality conditions, which could be present if an inland point were chosen for the seaward boundary. Other considerations influencing boundary locations and the size of network elements include the location of specific points where quality predictions are required, the location of existing or planned sampling stations (and the availability of data for verification), the degree of network detail desired, and the computer time available for solution. In most applications of DYNHYD5, Manning's roughness coefficient (n) will be the primary calibration parameter. The value of n can be highly variable, 67 depending on such factors as bed roughness, vegetation, channel irregularities in cross-section or shape, obstructions, and depth. Values of n can potentially vary from less than 0.01 to greater than 0.08. For the larger rivers, reservoirs, and estuaries to which DYNHYD5 can be applied, however, values will usually fall between 0.01 and 0.04. Deeper, straighter reaches have lower roughness coefficients. In general, the value of n increases upstream as channels become more constricted and shallow. When calibrating DYNHYD5, changing the value of n in one channel affects both upstream and downstream channels. Increasing n causes more energy to be dissipated in that channel. As a result, the height of a tidal or flood wave will decrease and the time of travel through the channel will increase. Lowering n decreases the resistance to flow, resulting in a higher tidal or flood wave and a shorter time of travel. 2.7.3 THE DYNHYD5 INPUT DATASET This section describes the input required to run the DYNHYD5 hydrodynamics program. This information is provided to the user who elects not to use the preprocessor program PREDYN. PREDYN allows you to create or modify datasets with relative ease and has complete online help. The user should be cautioned about potential changes to the dataset or manual that may accompany version updates of the software. The printed manual may become dated as enhancements are made or errors are identified and corrected. To arrange the input into a logical format, DYNHYD5 data are divided into 12 groups, A through L: i. A - Simulation Control ii. B - Printout Control iii. C - Hydraulic Summary iv. D - Junction Data v. E - Channel Data vi. F - Inflow Data 68 vii. G - Seaward Boundary Data viii. H - Wind Data ix. I - Precipitation/Evaporation Data x. J - Variable Junction Geometry Data xi. K - Variable Channel Geometry Data xii. L - WASP5 Junction to Segment Map 2.7.4 DYNHYD5 OUTPUT DYNHYD5 simulations produce several files that may be examined by the user. These files use the file name of the input data set with a unique extension *.DDF, *.OUT, *.HYD, and *.RST (where * is the name of the input data set). The DDF file contains 17 display variables for each channel at each print interval throughout the simulation. These variables are defined in Table 2.4. To examine these variables in graphical or tabular form, the user may run the WASP5 postprocessor. The OUT file contains a record of the input data along with any simulation error messages that may have been generated. A printed record of user-selected junction and channel volumes and flows at print intervals throughout the simulation is provided. The HYD file contains averaged hydrodynamic variables for use in future WASP5 simulations. These include basic network and inflow information; junction volumes (m3), flows (m3/sec), depths (m), and velocities (m/sec); and channel flows (m3/sec). This file is in ASCII format. The RST file contains a snapshot of junction volumes and channel flows at the conclusion of the simulation. This file may be read by DYNHYD5 to continue a series of simulations. 69 Table 2.4: DYNHYD5 Display Variables 2.8 Number Variable Definition 1 Q Channel flow, cms 2 V Channel velocities, m/sec 3 Y(1) Upstream junction, m 4 Y(2) Downstream junction, m 5 CN Manning’s coefficient 6 DG1 Upstream depth, m 7 DG2 Downstream depth, m 8 FLOWG(1) Upstream flow, cms 9 FLOWG(2) Downstream flow, cms 10 QDIR(1) Upstream direction 11 QDIR(2) Downstream direction 12 VELOG(1) Upstream velocity, m/sec 13 VELOG(2) Downstreamvelocity, m/sec 14 MOM Channel momentum 15 FRIC Channel friction 16 GRAV Channel gravity 17 WIN Wind on channel, m/sec LINKAGE TO WASP5 The hydrodynamic results generated by a DYNHYD5 simulation can be stored for use by WASP5 water quality simulations using an external formatted file containing segment volumes at the beginning of each time step and average segment interfacial flows during each time step. WASP5 uses the interfacial flows to calculate mass transport and the volumes to calculate constituent concentrations. Segment depths and velocities may also be contained in the hydrodynamic file for use in calculating reaeration and volatilisations rates. 70 When linking DYNHYD5 to WASP5, both the networks and the time steps must be compatible (though not identical). This linkage is accomplished through an external file chosen by the user at simulation time. The first step in the hydrodynamic linkage is to develop a hydrodynamic calculation network that is compatible with the WASP5 network. Note that each WASP5 segment corresponds exactly to a hydrodynamic volume element, or node. Each WASP5 segment interface corresponds exactly to a hydrodynamic link, denoted in the figure with a connecting line. To link with WASP5 the user must specify which DYNHYD5 junctions will be linked to WASP5 segments. (Figure 2.7) It is no longer necessary to link junctions and segments one to one; the user has the capability of linking a section of the hydrodynamic simulation. It is important to insure the "windowed" section is contiguous. When linking boundary junctions to WASP5 they are designated as 0 segment (the WASP convention for boundaries). WASP5 may have additional segments not represented by junctions. For example, WASP5 benthic segments will have no corresponding junctions. Junction numbering need not correspond to segment numbering. Junction to segment mapping is specified in the DYNHYD5 input data set. The WASP5 time step must be an even multiple of the DYNHYD5 time step. The ratio of time steps must be specified in the DYNHYD5 input data set as parameter NODYN. Typical ratios are between 6 and 30. DYNHYD5 averages each channel flow over NODYN hydrodynamic time steps, and stores this average value for use at the corresponding WASP5 segment interface. DYNHYD5 stores each junction volume at the end of NODYN time steps for use at the corresponding WASP5 segment. 71 Figure 2.7: Link-node hydrodynamic linkage This averaging and storage process continues for the entire hydrodynamic simulation. WASP5 will use these flows and volumes, repeating the sequence if the water quality simulation is longer than the hydrodynamic simulation. If the volumes of the segments differ by more then 5% from the beginning to the end of the hydrodynamic summary file, the WASP5 simulation will not continue beyond the hydrodynamic simulation. It is important to note that the hydrodynamic model has additional nodes outside of the WASP5 network. These additional nodes correspond to WASP5 boundaries, denoted by nominal segment number "0." These extra hydrodynamic nodes are necessary because while flows are calculated only within the hydrodynamic network, WASP5 requires boundary flows from outside its network. 72 To implement the hydrodynamic linkage, the user must specify flow option 3 in the input dataset. If IQOPT is set to 3, a menu of previously prepared hydrodynamic files (*.HYD) is presented. Following the choice of a proper file, the hydrodynamic file will reset the simulation time step. The time steps read in Data Group A will be ignored. Similarly, water column segment volumes will be read from the hydrodynamic file. The user must nevertheless enter a time step and volumes for each segment in the usual location. During the simulation, flows and volumes are read every time step. 73 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.0 GENERAL The methodology involves three important stages. The first stage is fieldwork. Secondly, laboratory work and the finally modelling process. 3.1 FIELD WORK The first stage of the methodology is fieldwork at Sungai Batu Pahat, Batu Pahat Johor. During the fieldwork, varieties of data are collected 10 days starting from 27/8/2006 to 7/9/2006. This includes water sample, flow and water level. The water samples are collected for two days, 28/8/2006 and 29/8/2006. The first data collected is use as initial data for the quality model. Meanwhile the second data is for validation process for the quality model. 74 Segment 140 S u n g a i S im p a n g K iri 1 40 Ka 139 13 8 13 7 13 6 1 35 13 4 13 3 132 Su 13 1 130 12 9 ng ai m Si pa ng na n Segment 120 124 1 23 12 2 1 21 1 20 1 19 1 18 1 17 11 6 11 5 11 4 12 8 12 7 1 2 1 12 0 11 9 11 8 12 6 12 5 12 4 1 23 1 22 1 17 11 3 Segment 112 11 6 1 1 5 1 14 11 3 11 2 1 11 11 0 10 9 1 08 1 07 10 6 1 05 1 04 10 3 102 1 01 1 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 Segment 77 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 S ung a i Ba tu P a hat 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 39 40 38 37 36 35 34 16 14 13 12 15 17 33 18 32 19 20 31 21 22 23 24 25 29 26 27 30 28 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S e la t M e la k a Segment 1 Figure 3.1: Segment of water sampling 75 The water samples are collected at the downstream, which is at the estuaries and at the upstream, which is Sungai Simpang Kiri (segment 120) and Sungai Simpang Kanan (segment 140), river junction (segment 112) and under the bridge (segment 77). (Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2) The current meter recorded flow every fifteen minute for ten days from 27/8/2006 to 7/9/2006 (Figure 3.3). The data recorded will be use in validation process for the hydrodynamic model. The current meter is located near the downstream, which is segment seven. (Figure 3.4) Figure 3.2: Data collection at study area 76 Current meter setting Figure 3.3: Current meter setting Current meter location Figure 3.4: Current meter location (segment seven) 77 3.2 LABORATORY ANALYSIS The second stage is the laboratory analysis. During this stage the water sample collected is process to obtain the concentration of sediment. Figure 3.5 show the equipment used to determine the suspended sediment. The laboratory analysis is done at Environmental Laboratory Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Figures 3.6 show the suspended sediment under the laboratory process. Table 3.1 shows the segment number and the location of segment at the study area. Two sets of data are used. The first data set is initial data for water quality model and the second set of data is use in validation process. Table 3.1: Suspended sediment concentration data Segment Number 1 77 112 120 140 Location Estuaries Under the bridge River junction Sungai Simpang Kanan Sungai Simpang Kiri Initial Data Concentration On 28/8/2006 (mg/L) Validation Data Concentration On 29/8/2006 (mg/L) 188 200 97 100 77 90 113 99 10 7 78 Suspended sediment experimental equipment Figure 3.5: Suspended Sediment experimental equipment Suspended sediment under laboratory process Figure 3.6: Suspended Sediment under laboratory process 79 3.3 MODELLING PROCESS Segmentation of Sungai Batu Pahat is done during the desk study. The mesh construction is done using AutoCAD. Figure 3.7 shows the mesh construction. Sungai Batu Pahat is divided into 140 segments. Segment one is at the estuaries and segment 142 is at Sungai Simpang Kiri. Figure 3.8 show the entire segment of Sungai Batu Pahat, part of Sungai Simpang Kiri and part of Sungai Simpang Kanan. Segmentation in AutoCAD. Figure 3.7: Mesh construction using AutoCAD 80 S ung ai S im pa ng K iri 1 40 139 138 13 7 pa 136 1 35 134 133 132 n Su 131 130 129 i ga m Si ng Ka na n 12 4 1 23 1 22 1 21 1 20 119 118 1 17 1 16 115 1 14 128 12 7 12 1 12 0 1 19 11 8 113 12 6 1 25 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 7 1 16 1 1 5 1 14 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 11 110 1 09 10 8 1 07 10 6 105 104 103 10 2 1 01 10 0 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 Paha t 59 58 57 56 a i Ba tu 55 54 53 52 Sung 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 39 40 38 37 36 35 34 16 14 13 12 15 17 33 18 32 19 20 31 21 22 23 24 25 29 26 27 30 28 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S ela t M elaka Figure 3.8: Segmentation of study area at Sungai Batu Pahat 81 3.3.1 THE HYDRODYNAMIC EQUATIONS The hydrodynamic model solves one-dimensional equations describing the propagation of a long wave through a shallow water system while conserving both momentum (energy) and volume (mass). The equation of motion, based on the conservation of momentum, predicts water velocities and flows. The equation of continuity, based on the conservation of volume, predicts water heights (heads) and volumes. This approach assumes that flow is predominantly one-dimensional, that Coriolis and other accelerations normal to the direction of flow are negligible, that channels can be adequately represented by a constant top width with a variable hydraulic depth (i.e., "rectangular"), that the wavelength is significantly greater than the depth, and that bottom slopes are moderate. Although no strict criteria are available for the latter two assumptions, most natural flow conditions in large rivers and estuaries would be acceptable. Dam-break situations could not be simulated with DYNHYD5, nor could small mountain streams. 3.3.2 THE EQUATION OF MOTION The equation of motion is given by: ∂u ∂u = −u + ag , λ + af + aw , λ ∂t ∂x (3.1) where: ∂U ∂t U∂ U ∂t = the local inertia term, or the velocity rate of change with respect to time, m/sec2 = the Bernoulli acceleration, or the rate of momentum change by mass transfer; also defined as the convective inertia term from Newton's second law, m/sec2 a g, λ = gravitational acceleration along the λ axis of the channel, m/sec2 82 af = frictional acceleration, m/sec2 a w, λ = wind stress acceleration along axis of channel, m/sec2 x = distance along axis of channel, m t = time, sec U = velocity along the axis of channel, m/sec λ = longitudinal 3.3.3 THE EQUATION OF CONTINUITY The equation of continuity is given by: ∂A ∂Q = − ∂t ∂x (3.2) where: A = cross-sectional area, m2 Q = flow, m3/sec For rectangular channels of constant width B: ∂H 1 ∂Q =− ∂t B ∂x (3.3) where: B = width, m H = water surface elevation (head), m ∂H = rate of water surface elevation change with respect to ∂t ∂Q B∂x time, m/sec = rate of water volume change with respect to distance per unit width, m/sec 83 Modelling process also done during this stage. Two models are involve, the Hydrodynamic model, which is DYNHYD5 and water quality model TOXI5. For the hydrodynamic model the input parameter are: i. Junction parameter a. Surface elevation or head, m b. Surface area, m2 c. Bottom elevation, m d. Volume, m3 ii. Channel Parameters a. Length, m b. Length, m c. Width, m d. Cross-sectional area, m2 e. Roughness coefficients, sec/m 1/3 f. Initial velocity, m/sec g. Hydraulic radius, m h. Channel orientation, degrees iii. Inflow or Outflow Parameter iv. Downstream Boundary Parameters v. Wind Parameters The junction parameter and some of the channel parameter are taken according to the bathymetric map. Appendix B. The roughness coefficient, which is the Manning’s coefficient, is the calibration parameter. Three value of Manning’s coefficient are use that is 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04. Initial velocity is set 0.01m/sec. The value of inflow is 10 m3/sec at Sungai Simpang Kiri and 30 m3/sec at Sungai Simpang Kanan. The downstream boundary is the tidal data for Sungai Batu Pahat Year 2006 achieve from Johor Bahru Port Office. Appendix C. the wind data is neglected since the wind data is not available. The hydrodynamic model is simulated for eleven day. Figure 3.9 shows the simulation interface of hydrodynamic model. 84 Figure 3.9: Simulation interface in hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 For the water quality model the input parameter are: i. Environment parameter a. System b. Bed Volume Option c. Bed Time Step ii. iii. Transport Parameters a. Number of Flow Fields b. Sediment Transport Velocities, m/sec c. Cross-Sectional Areas, m2 Boundary Parameter a. Boundary Concentrations, mg/L b. Waste Loads, kg/day c. Solids Transport Field d. Solid Density, g/cm3 e. Initial Concentrations, mg/L f. Dissolved Fraction The environment parameter is set default in the model. The sediment transport velocities which is the calibration parameter is the Stoke’s settling velocity. Three values are use in the calibration process, which are 0.19 m/day, 1.21 m/day 85 and 4.7 m/day. The cross sectional’s area is calculated internally by the model. The boundary condition is based on the data collected during fieldwork (Table3.1). The other boundary data are set defaults in the model. Figure 3.10 illustrates the study methodology. The water quality model also simulated for eleven day. 3.4 MODEL LIMITATIONS Hydrodynamic (DYNHYD5) model can link to the water quality (TOXI5) with the same grid. However, there are some problems in this approach. The numerical computations in the finite segment model, WASP/TOXI5 has two constraints: integration time step and numerical dispersion, which are closely related to each other (Lung, 2001). The magnitude of numerical dispersion is a function of the Courant number (Lung, 2001). Given the same spatial and temporal resolution as in the hydrodynamic model, the mass transport computations in water quality model cannot be carried out without generating excessive numerical dispersion (Lung et al., 1989). While longer time steps will increase the Courant number and thereby reduce numerical dispersion to some extent, there is an upper bound for the time-step to maintain numerical stability (Lung, 2001). As reminder, the TOXI5 modelling framework has a hydrodynamic module, the one-dimensional DYNHYD5 module, whose output is fed into the TOXI5 module. However, the one-dimensional hydrodynamic calculation limits its use in two- or three-dimensional sediment modelling work (Lung, 2001). DYNHYD5 is limited only to one-dimensional calculations and does not support two- or threedimensional hydrodynamic calculations. The mass transport calculation can therefore be used to calibrate mass transport coefficient using conservative tracers, a much more practical approach toward quantifying two- or three-dimensional mass transport. 86 Study Area: The study will focus on Sungai Batu Pahat. • • Collection of data: Water level, current meter, water sample Bathymetry plan, land use map, tidal record. Segmentation process: 142 mesh are constructed through the Sungai Batu Pahat, including parts of Sungai Simpang Kiri and Sungai Simpang Kanan Segment number one located at Sungai Batu Pahat estuary that will be the downstream boundary. Segment number 120 located at Sungai Simpang Kanan and segment number 143 located at Sungai Simpang Kiri. Both are upstream boundary. Figure 1.3 illustrates the whole segment involved. DYNHYD5 Simulation Modeling (1D-Finite Deferent Method) Determine water movement. The equation of motion ∂u ∂u + ag , λ + af + aw , λ = −u ∂x ∂t The equation of continuity ∂A ∂Q =− ∂x ∂t For rectangular channels of constant width B ∂H 1 ∂Q =− ∂t B ∂x TOXI5 Simulation Modeling (1D-Finite Deferent Method) Determine suspended sediment concentration. Stoke’s velocity equation Vs = 8.64 g ( ρp + ρw) dp 18µ Mass balance equation ∂ ∂ ∂C ( AC ) = ∆UxAC + ExA + ∆A( SL + SB ) ∂ ∂x ∂x TOXI5 calibration Adjustment of Stoke’s settling velocity o V = 0.19 m/day o V = 1.21 m/day o V = 4.70 m/day DYNHYD5 calibration Adjustment of Manning’s coefficient n = 0.02 n = 0.03 n = 0.04 Linkage DYNHYD5 to TOXI5 Simulate the entire system DYNHYD5 results Achieve Day 5 to Day 7 Flow profile Day 5 to Day 7 Depth profile Day 5 to Day 7 Head profile Determine day of highest tide and lowest tide. WASP5 results Achieve suspended sediment concentration during highest tide and lowest tide DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Figure 3.10: Flow chart of the study methodology 87 Generally, unknowns solved for in hydrodynamic model include velocities and water surface elevations. The accurate prediction of water surface elevations or velocities is not sufficient to test the model application for sediment purposes, but the models must also accurately transport as well (Ambrose et al., 1990). Therefore, data requirement, can be used to evaluate hydrodynamic prediction. An intensive datasampling program that includes concurrent water surface elevation, velocity and dye dispersion provides the best assessment of the hydrodynamic model application. 88 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.0 GENERAL As stated previously, this study involves observation site data and model simulation. For every test case, results from both sources are presented together for comparison purpose. Input parameters for each simulation are provided and results from both sources were analysed. 4.1 MODEL CALIBRATION An eleven-day period was chosen as the calibration period because of the ability of the computer available to simulate input file are limited so thus the data from the field-monitoring program conducted. Model-data comparisons included suspended sediment, and current velocities. The fieldwork observation started from 27/08/2006 until 7/09/2006. 89 4.1.1 HIDRODYNAMIC MODEL CALIBRATIONS Formally, model calibration involves the adjustment of certain model input quantities in an attempt to achieve a specified level of model performance. Calibration of the hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 involved adjustment of the Manning’s coefficient. The Manning’s values used are 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04. (Figure 4.1.) CALIBRATING PROCESS 0.6 0.5 VEELOCITY (m/s) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 -0.1 TIME (hour) manning 0.02 manning 0.03 manning 0.04 OBSERVED Figure 4.1: Calibration process using different value of Manning’s coefficient in hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 From the calibration process Manning’s coefficient of 0.02 suited to the hydrodynamic model. The different between simulate and observed within minimum of 1.45% up to 26.78%. Figure 4.2 illustrates the result for hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 calibration. 90 BEST FITTED 0.6 0.5 VELOCITY (m/s) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 -0.1 TIME (hour) manning0.02 observed Figure 4.2: The Manning’s coefficient of 0.02 fitted the hydrodynamic model 4.1.2 WATER QUALITY MODEL CALIBRATION The total solid collected from the study area is assumed to be suspended sediment. In the calibration of suspended sediment concentration, several parameters were inputted. The parameters inputted were the sediment specific gravity, sediment settling velocity, boundary stress below which deposition occurs, suspension rate, and boundary stress above which resuspension occurs. The parameters adjusted were the sediment settling velocity. The settling velocity is according to Stoke’s settling 91 velocities that are provided in the WASP5 manual (Table 4.1). Three settling velocity chosen are 0.19 m/day, 1.21 m/day and 4.7 m/day. Figure 4.6 illustrates the calibration process for water quality model TOXI5. Table 4.1: Stoke's Settling Velocities (in m/day) at 20ºC Particle diameter, mm 1.8 Particle Density, g/cm3 2 2.5 2.7 Fine Sand 0.3 0.05 300 94 400 120 710 180 800 200 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002 94 15 3.8 0.94 0.15 120 19 4.7 1.2 0.19 180 28 7.1 1.8 0.28 200 32 8 2 0.31 0.002 0.001 0.15 0.04 0.19 0.05 0.28 0.07 0.32 0.08 Silt Clay CONCENTRATION (mg/L) CALIBRATION PROCESS 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 SEGMENT NUM BER set.vel. 0.19 m/day set.vel. 1.21 m/day set.vel. 4.7 m/day OBSERVED Figure 4.6: Calibration process using different settling velocity for water quality model (downstream to upstream) 92 4.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.2.1 HIDRODYNAMIC MODEL RESULTS After the calibration process, the model is simulated to obtain head profile, flow profile and depth profile for Sungai Batu Pahat. From the model output file the result were transfer to Microsoft Excel Format. Figure 4.3, Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 illustrate the result. Only day five, six and seven are taking account in the modelling to obtain water profiles. Day one to four is neglected because the model in stabilizing process. HEAD PROFILES 3 2.5 HEAD(m) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SEGMENT NUMBER DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Figure 4.3: Head profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven (downstream to upstream) 93 DEPTH PROFILES 12 10 DEPTH (m) 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SEGMENT NUMBER DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Figure 4.4: Depth profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven (downstream to upstream) FLOW PROFILES 300 FLOW(m3/s) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 SEGMENT NUMBER DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 Figure 4.5: Flow profile along Sungai Batu Pahat from day five to day seven (downstream to upstream) 94 Day five (1/9/2006) water profile is assumed to be the day of highest tide occur according to the highest head level achieve in the simulation process. Day six (2/9/2006) are assume to be where the lowest tide occurs due to lowest head recorded in the simulation period. After determine the day of the highest and lowest tide, the hydrodynamic model DYNHYD5 is link to TOXI5 model to simulate the suspended sediment concentration of the study area. 4.2.2 WATER QUALITY MODEL RESULTS From the calibration process Stoke’s settling velocity of 4.7m/day suited the water quality model. The different between simulate and observed within minimum of 1.20% up to 3.84%. After the calibrating process, the water quality model is used to predict the suspended sediment concentration on the day five where the highest tide occur and day six where the lowest tide occur. The concentration result are illustrate in Figure 4.7. CONCENTRATION (mg/L) SUSPENDED SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 SEGMENT NUMBER LOWEST TIDE HIGHEST TIDE Figure 4.7: Suspended sediment concentration along Sungai Batu Pahat during highest tide and lowest tide at Sungai Batu Pahat (downstream to upstream) 95 4.2.3 DISCUSSIONS From all the result obtains in the simulation process, the data are summarized in Table 5.1. The maximum head recorded at segment number 73 to segment 142 during the highest tide. The rest of the segment is achieving the minimum head of 2.6 meter. Meanwhile during the lowest tide event, segment one received the maximum head of 1.87 meter and segment 142 receiving the minimum head of 0.94 meter. The head profile during the lowest tide is not consistent through out the segment. During the highest tide event the flow are heading to the upstream of the river with maximum flow rate of 12.4m3/s recorded at segment 112 and minimum flow of 0.986m3/s at segment number 113. During the lowest tide the flow are heading to the estuary with highest flow of 263m3/s recorded at segment number two and lowest flow is 2.42m3/s at segment number 141. Segment 76 to 142 are the deepest segment during highest tide that is 10.8 meter and the shallowest segment during the highest tide is segment number three and four with the depth of 5.6 meter. Meanwhile during the lowest tide segment number 76 achieving depth of 9.75 meter and segment number three recorded the shallowest depth that is 4.87 meter. The maximum suspended sediment concentration occur in the same segment during the highest tide and lowest tide which is segment number one. During the highest tide segment number one achieving suspended sediment concentration of 161 mg/L and 136mg/L during the lowest tide. Segment number 140 sharing the minimum concentration during highest and lowest tide. The minimum concentration during the highest tide is 22.3 mg/L and 10.3 mg/L of concentration during lowest tide. In reality, chemical and biological laws in addition to these physical processes control cohesive sediment transport. The transport is also dependent on the type of sediment and therefore analytical expressions that describe these processes are semi-empirical. Therefore much of this information has been obtained from laboratory and field experiments. Another important issue is salinity. Fine clay particles have electrostatic properties and flocculate in saline water. The extent of 96 flocculation depends upon the salinity and concentration of suspended particles. (Uni-Technologies Sdn Bhd, 2006) Table 5.1: Summary of suspended sediment concentration at highest and lowest tide. HIGHEST TIDE SEGMENT NUMBER LOWEST TIDE SEGMENT NUMBER MAX. MIN MAX. MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN HEAD HEAD FLOW FLOW DEPTH DEPTH CONC. CONC. (m) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m) (m) (mg/L) (mg/L) 2.61 2.60 12.40 0.986 10.80 5.60 161.00 6.98 73-142 1-73 112 113 76-142 3-4 1 140 1.87 0.94 263.00 2.420 9.75 4.87 136.00 7.00 1 142 2 141 76 3 1 140 This is a preliminaries modelling for water quality in Sungai Batu Pahat. Calibration using water level data will resulted a better accuracy of calibration. An eleven-day period was chosen as the simulation period because of the ability of the computer to simulate input file are limited so thus the data from the field-monitoring program conducted. The DYNHYD5 is a box model where the true cross section of the river has been neglected. An intensive database coupled with a high-resolution, physically comprehensive hydrodynamic model can be used to determine hydrodynamic circulation in future study. The time-dependent, three-dimensional software such as Environmental Fluid Dynamics (EFDC) model developed by Hamrick (1992) provided the modelling framework. EFDC solved prognostic equations for surfaceelevation, velocity components, temperature, salinity, and turbulence energy. All equations were written in curvilinear, coastline-fitted coordinate systems combined with a free surface and bottom following sigma-coordinate. An imbedded turbulence sub-model was employed to provide vertical mixing coefficients for momentum, temperature, and salinity. 97 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.0 GENERAL Sungai Batu Pahat is a vital water body in the South of Johor Coast region with designated uses for shellfish, fresh water supply and primary contact recreation. The study area is located in one of the most rapidly growing regions of the state of Johor. Water quality in the estuary is controlled by several municipal and industrial discharges as well as agricultural and urban runoff and seepage from septic tank effluents. Current data indicate the water quality concentrations in the estuarine system impair the designated uses of the water body (IEWRM, 1999). After the degree of pollution is identified, public awareness on the important of Sungai Batu Pahat to the life use must be increased in order to improve the current status of the environment of Sungai Batu Pahat. Cooperation of the public is the most important to achieve the goals that is to protect our environment. Public awareness can be done by several ways such as newspapers, seminars, campaign and so on. Furthermore, the authority must always upgrade the protection and water quality management of Sungai Batu Pahat in order to maintain the cleanliness. 98 5.1 CONCLUSIONS Studies in Sungai Batu Pahat, with tides ranging from 0.94 meter to 2.6 meter, have shown that tidal cycles play a significant role in sediment logical processes. From this analysis the suspended sediment concentration for entire of Sungai Batu Pahat are dominant by the tidal. Only segment 140, which is about 14 kilometres from the downstream, which the upstream boundary at Sungai Simpang Kiri is not influent by the tidal. The highest different of suspended sediment concentration from the observation percentage from the study is 30.53% and the lowest different of suspended sediment concentration in percentage are to be 2.98%. From the Total Suspended Solid aspect, Sungai Batu Pahat can be classified as Class III according to Interim National Water Quality Standard for Malaysia. Class III define the river as Water Supply III that means extensive treatment is required and Fishery III where it is common of economic value and suitable for tolerant species in aquatic life. 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS This study is the preliminary effort for development of coupled hydrodynamic and water quality models for Sungai Batu Pahat. The water quality model is capable of simulating sediment concentration. 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