1 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE WOUNDED KNEE COLLEGE CENTER ANNUAL ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal IB: Foster Wolakolkiciyapi by incorporating Lakota spirituality, culture, and language acquisition throughout the college and within the communities it serves. College Center Strategic Goal I: provides a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified. College Center Strategic Objective: College Centers provide a nurturing environment where Lakota values can be exemplified Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Welcome Back / Encouragement Ceremony #1 per sem. of ceremonies and # 30 of participants # 1_____ of ceremonies and # ___30______of participants May Fall 14 & Sp 15 College Center offered only #1 of Ceremony in the fall semester Our College Center’s improvements to offer more Spiritual Ceremonies per semester Honoring of the graduates #_1________of ceremonies and # __40_______of participants #_ 1________of ceremonies and # __40_______of participants May Fall 14 & Sp 15 #_1_________of ceremonies and # 40 of participants Honored students & 3 community members with star quilts, and jackets Continuing into next year with 50% enrolled student End of the year picnic Develop a Cultural Survey and administer Administer Survey 50% currently Enrolled Student Better planning next year Continuing improvement into next year 2 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE WOUNDED KNEE COLLEGE CENTER ANNUAL ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal II: Provide student support services to facilitate persistence, retention, and completion of student educational goals. College Center Strategic Goal II: The College Center staff will foster student preparedness, academic planning, and involvement in the life of the college. College Center Strategic Objective: Counselors use an individualized approach to increase recruitment, retention, persistence and completion. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Actual Results Improvements to Strategy Increase Recruitment by 2% Collaborate with Feeder High Schools to recruit candidates Represented at Open House/ Career Day events hosted by college centers to increase recruitment by 2% annually. Event sign-up sheets # _100%__of completed plans; courselevel retention rate Increase by 2% from scheduled events. 1 Career Day this semester 10 Elementary students attended College Center will have a collaborative effort with the Local grade school #_100%_____ completed individual plans; Retention 66 as plan Ongoing to next year Status sheets will be reviewed and streamlined in order to increase persistence by 3% annually. Meeting notes to document discussion and changes. Revised Status Sheets. Look at Status Sheets 100% Need more faculty effort to advise students with a plan in their files Increase Retention rate by 2% Utilize the Faculty Early Alert system to target at-risk students. Increase Persistence rate by 3% Conduct critical review of program status sheets in order to streamline and strengthen plans of study. Went through all Status sheets posting grades. Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Increase Completion by 2% Create individual plans for students struggling in their classes Provide individual guidance and counseling in order to increase completion rates by 2% annually. # __100__% course-level completion May Fall 14 – Sp15 Started out beginning Fall 2014 with 11 potential grads. 7 potential students with graduate in June 2015 3 Continue with an individual plan per student every semester. 4 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE WOUNDED KNEE COLLEGE CENTER ANNUAL ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal II: OLC will provide learning experiences that foster student preparedness, academic success, and involvement in the life of the college College Center Strategic Goal: provides access to a diverse set of information resources to support students’ achievement of their learning outcomes College Center Strategic Objective: College centers hold a variety of orientations and workshops for students Strategies Hold an orientation for new students each semester Measuring Tools # ___________of participants, # _100%____of orientations, participant feedback form results Activitys Form Expected Results 1 orientation with __14______students Actual Results Held 2 orientations per semester Improvements to Strategy Ongoing Continued improvement Work towards more participates each semester Organize academic and/or college success workshops based on student needs Surveys __3____of workshops, __90_______of participants, participant feedback form results _____3______workshops College Center with 100 participants offered 1 Career total; __50____% of Day in the Spring respondents found workshops useful or very useful Ongoing Continued improvement Provide appropriate Engagement activities Develop a survey 300 surveys 100% response Continuing Provide opportunity for student professional Career opportunity survey 100% response College Center provided an 1 Career Day College Center will offer a community needs assessment starting in fall 2015 Will provide more career opportunities for students 5 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) development OGLALA LAKOTA COLLEGE WOUNDED KNEE COLLEGE CENTER ANNUAL ACTION PLAN: AY 2014-2015 OLC Strategic Goal VI: Provide information and develop collaborative ventures with internal and external stakeholders in the OLC served community College Center Strategic Goal IV: OLC supports student research that strengthens nation building. College Center Strategic Objective: College Centers develop and maintain partnership for student wellness and development. Strategies Measuring Tools Expected Results Provides students the opportunity to participate in the governance system # ___10_____of participant s, # # of meeting held # of activities held 1 orientation with __10__________ students Governance and Student Organization. #4 student Organization meetings per semester #5 student Organization sponsored activities Actual Results Student Organization offered 10 meetings per semester Improvements to Strategy Ongoing into next year 20152016 6 Oglala Lakota College College Center Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) Organize and partner with external interested groups to provide wellness (physical, mental, spiritual) opportunities for students to achieve their learning outcomes ______of partnershi ps, _________of participant s, participant feedback form results Develop 5 partnered external Activity form sign in sheets ___5_____partnerships with # _200_____participants total; __100_______% of respondents found useful. 100% of our surveys Our college is working towards Tribal groups to help improve the wellbeing of our students Ongoing into next year 2015-2016