NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (2012) 4002.pdf Mechanism of Post-Flight Herniation of Intervertebral Discs AR Hargens1, SB Chiang2, JV Sayson1, SE Parazynski2, DG Chang1, SR Garfin1 and JC Lotz3 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UC-San Diego and San Francisco, CA 92103-8894 and 3 Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX 77030, USA During spaceflight many astronauts experience moderate to severe lumbar pain and deconditioning of the spinal musculature. There is also a significant incidence of herniated intervertebral disc (IVD) in astronauts after return to Earth. Relief of in-flight lumbar back pain is facilitated by a knee-to-chest position. The pathogenesis of lumbar back pain during spaceflight is most likely discogenic due to supra-physiologic swelling of the lumbar IVDs from removal of gravitational compressive loads in microgravity. The knee-to-chest position may reduce lumbar back pain by redistributing stresses by compressive loading of the IVDs, thus reducing disc volume by fluid transfer across IVD endplates and into the circulation of the vertebral body. IVD stress redistribution may reduce Type IV mechanoreceptor nerve-impulse propagation in the annulus fibrosus and vertebral endplate, thus reducing centrally-mediated pain during spinal flexion. Countermeasures for lumbar back pain may include in-flight use of axial compression to prevent excessive IVD expansion and spinal column elongation, and exercises with low-load repetitive spine rotations to provide Earth-like annular stress. The overall objective of these countermeasures is to promote IVD health and to prevent degenerative changes that may lead to herniated IVDs post-flight. Our investigation is a response to “NASA’s Critical Path Roadmap Risks and Questions” regarding IVD injury and higher incidence of herniated IVDs after space flight. Planned studies will incorporate pre- and post-flight imaging, functional testing, pain questionnaires of International Space Station crew members to ascertain mechanisms of lumbar back pain as well as degeneration and injury to spinal structures. Quantitative results for morphological, biochemical, metabolic, and kinematic spinal changes in the spine may optimize rehabilitation and aid development of countermeasures to reduce lumbar back pain in microgravity and reduce the incidence of herniated IVDs post-flight. Supported by NASA grant NNX10AM18G.