Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 169 Chapter 8 Ultraviolet Astronomy Terry J. Teays 8.1 8.1 Ultraviolet Wavelengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 8.2 Ultraviolet Astronomy Satellite Missions . . . . . . . 170 8.3 Significant Atlases and Catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 8.4 Interstellar Extinction in the Ultraviolet . . . . . . . . 174 8.5 Commonly Observed Ultraviolet Emission Lines . . 175 8.6 Ultraviolet Spectral Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 8.7 Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Standards . . . . . . . 180 ULTRAVIOLET WAVELENGTHS The Earth’s atmosphere is an efficient absorber of ultraviolet radiation, and so astronomical observations in this wavelength regime are pretty well limited to space-based instruments. As such, I adopt the nomenclature that “ultraviolet” refers to the wavelengths in the region from the atmospheric cutoff at ≈ 3 200 Å down to 100 Å. (The terms “far ultraviolet” and “extreme ultraviolet” are frequently used to refer to the shorter end of the ultraviolet wavelength range, but the usage has not been consistent in the literature. Generally one thinks of the far ultraviolet as referring to wavelengths shorter than that of the Lyman limit at 912 Å, and the extreme ultraviolet as being the region between 912 and 100 Å.) Note that wavelengths given in this chapter will always be vacuum ones. In the past ultraviolet wavelengths shorter than 2 000 Å were expressed as vacuum values, while those longward of this were given with regard to wavelengths in air. This convention has been continued in the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) Project, but is currently being changed in their newest pipeline processing system, and eventually the entire archive will make use of only vacuum wavelengths. Newer missions such as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) are using vacuum wavelengths exclusively. This practice conforms to Resolution C15 of the 21st General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Equation (8.1) is the algorithm for calculating the index of refrac169 Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 170 / 8 Page 170 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY tion (n) of standard air as a function of vacuum wavelength. This algorithm was derived by Edlén [1], and was the one officially adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) [2]. The wavelength in air is the vacuum wavelength divided by the index of refraction: n = 1 + 6.4328 × 10−5 + 2.949 81 × 10−2 2 554.0 × 10−4 + , 146 × 108 − σ 2 41 × 108 − σ 2 (8.1) where σ represents the wave number in vacuum, expressed in reciprocal Å. 8.2 ULTRAVIOLET ASTRONOMY SATELLITE MISSIONS There have been numerous balloon and rocket flights devoted to ultraviolet astronomy, as well as various short-term studies, such as those conducted from manned space missions. The first ultraviolet spectrum of the Sun was obtained in 1946 using a captured V2 rocket, while the first stellar ultraviolet observations took place during 1955–1957. The first stellar ultraviolet spectrophotometry, by Stecher and Milligan [3], was accomplished by a rocket-borne instrument, while the first ultraviolet stellar spectroscopy (i.e., wavelength resolution sufficient to resolve individual spectral lines) was achieved in a 1965 rocket flight [4]. A balloon-borne stellar spectrograph first examined the very important Mg II resonance doublet in 1971 [5]. The principal long-term ultraviolet astronomy missions are summarized in Table 8.1. Note that the extensive number of missions that have been devoted to ultraviolet solar studies have not been included in the table. The first column in Table 8.1 gives the mission’s name or acronym. OAO-2 stands for the second satellite in the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory series (the first having failed). It was the first instrument to carry out an extensive survey of the ultraviolet sky. The fourth satellite in this series was named Copernicus. It made substantial contributions to our understanding of the interstellar medium, hot stars, and stellar chromospheres. The TD-1 mission (named after the launch vehicle—a Thor Delta) was a European Space Agency (ESA) mission which had two ultraviolet experiments on board, including the S2/68 Ultraviolet Sky Survey Telescope. TD1’s primary legacy is the catalog of ultraviolet fluxes, which is cited in Table 8.2. ANS, the Astronomy Netherlands Satellite, had one ultraviolet experiment. Though well known for their spectacular success in planetary encounter missions, each of the two Voyager spacecraft have an ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) that has been used for stellar spectroscopy, now that the primary mission objectives are completed. IUE, the International Ultraviolet Explorer, was a joint project of NASA, ESA, and the British SERC. It was originally intended for a three-year mission, but it continued to operate for over 18 years. One of the first major international satellites, IUE was operated in real-time from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center for 16 hours per day, and from the ESA tracking station near Madrid for the remaining 8 hours. It is in an eccentric geosynchronous orbit. Röntgensatellit (ROSAT) is primarily an X-ray mission, but it has a wide field camera which operates in the ultraviolet wavelength range and has been used to produce an all-sky survey. The Hubble Space Telescope contains a battery of instruments, most with a number of configurations, which operate at ultraviolet wavelengths. For example, the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) had a number of gratings and echelle cross-dispersers, which have not been detailed specifically in the table, rather representative ranges have been listed. These instruments, referred to by their acronyms in Table 8.1, are the GHRS, Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS), Wide Field/Planetary Camera (WF/PC), Faint Object Camera (FOC), High Speed Photometer (HSP), and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 171 8.2 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY S ATELLITE M ISSIONS / 171 Table 8.1. Major long-term ultraviolet astronomy missions. Mission Operational dates OAO-2 12/07/68–2/13/73 Tel. apert. (cm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 30 30 30 30 Spect. resol. (Å) Instrument λ (Å) Photometer Photometer Photometer Photometer Photometer Photometer Nebular photometer Vidicon Vidicon Vidicon Vidicon Spectrometer Spectrometer 1 430 1 550 1 910 2 460 2 980 3 320 1 200–4 000 1 160–1 850 1 850–3 600 12 22 0.05 0.2 0.01 0.04 Reference [1] Copernicus 8/21/72–12/31/80 80 Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer 912–1 500 912–1 645 1 640–3 185 1 480–3 275 TD-1 3/12/72–1/9/80 27.5 Photometer Spectrophotometer 2 740 1 350–2 550 [3] ANS 8/30/74–6/14/77 22 Photometer Photometer Photometer Photometer Photometer 1 550 1 800 2 200 2 500 3 300 [4] IUE 1/26/78–9/30/96 45 Echelle spectrograph Spectrograph 1 145–3 230 1 150–3 300 0.2 6 [5, 6] HST 4/24/90– 240 GHRS FOS WF/PC FOC HSP STIS 1 110–3 200 1 150–7 000 1 200–10 000 1 200–6 500 1 150–8 000 1 150–10 000 0.01-3.5 1.2-7 [7] ROSAT 6/1/90– aa Wide field camera Wide field camera Wide field camera Wide field camera 60–140 112–200 150–220 530–720 [8] EUVE 6/7/92– Scanning photometer Scanning photometer Scanning photometer Deep survey Spectrometer Spectrometer Spectrometer 44–360 44–360 400–750 40–385 70–190 140–380 280–760 [9] aa aa aa aa aa aa [2] 0.5 1 2 Note a See text for aperture discussion. References 1. Code, A.S., Houck, T.E., McNall, J.F., Bless, R.C., & Lillie, C.F. 1970, ApJ, 161, 377 2. Rogerson, J.B., Spitzer, L., Drake, J.F., Dressler, K., Jenkins, E.B., Morton, D.C., & York, D.G. 1973, ApJ, 181, 97 3. Jamar, C., Macau-Hercot, D., Monfils, A., Thompson, G.I., Houziaux, L., & Wilson, R. 1976, Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (ESA, Paris) Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 172 / 8 Page 172 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY 4. 5. 6. 7. Wesselius, P.R., van Duinen, R.J., de Jonge, A.R.W., Aalders, J.W.G., Luinge, W., & Wildeman, K.J. 1982, A&AS, 49, 427 Kondo, Y., editor, 1987, Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite (Reidel, Dordrecht). Newmark, J.S., Holm, A.V., Imhoff, C.I., Oliversen, N.A., Pitts, R.E., & Sonneborn, G. 1992, NASA IUE Newslett., 47, 1 Bless, R.C. 1992, in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, edited by S.P. Maran (Van Nostrand, New York), pp. 912– 915 8. Pye, J.P., Watson, M.G., Pounds, K.A., & Wells, A. 1991, in Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy, edited by R.F. Malina and S. Bowyer (Pergamon, New York), p. 409 9. EUVE Guest Observer Center 1992, EUVE Guest Observer Program Handbook (Appendix G of NASA NRA 92-OSS-5) This configuration will change as a result of servicing missions for HST. The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) is still in operation at the time of writing. The ROSAT and EUVE missions provided the first extensive and detailed look at this wavelength regime. HST and EUVE are in low-Earth orbits. Column 2 of Table 8.1 gives the mission’s operational dates (the first date is the launch date, and so science operations will have begun somewhat later). Column 3 gives, when applicable, the size of the telescope objective (in cm) for the satellite or specific instrument. The notation “a” is used for the ROSAT and EUVE instruments to indicate that the matter of aperture is not as straightforward in the case of those instruments. They make use of various types of segmented filter masks which allow a given instrument to make use of a specific fraction of the aperture. Column 4 indicates the type of instrument, and column 5 gives the experiment’s wavelength range (for spectrographic and spectrophotometric instruments) or the effective and/or central wavelength (for photometric instruments). Column 6 gives the approximate average spectral resolution (in Å) for spectrographic instruments. (This will, of course, vary with wavelength in each instrument, so the entries in column 6 are intended to be representative only.) Finally, column 7 lists a representative reference which gives information about the mission. 8.3 SIGNIFICANT ATLASES AND CATALOGS Table 8.2 gives titles and references for some of the more important catalogs and atlases of ultraviolet astronomical data. Table 8.2. Important atlases and catalogs of ultraviolet data. The Variation of Galactic Interstellar Extinction in the Ultraviolet [1] Atlas of the Wavelength Dependence of Ultraviolet Extinction in the Galaxy [2] IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 2: Comets [3] ANS Ultraviolet Photometry, Catalogue of Point Sources [4] An Atlas of Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) Sources [5] IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. Part 1. Normal Stars [6] IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Selected Astronomical Objects [7] Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue [8] Supplement to the Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue [9] Catalogue of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes [10] Ultraviolet Photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. XXXII. An Atlas of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra [11] IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas [12] IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas [13] The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Stellar Spectral Atlas [14] Spectral Synthesis in the Ultraviolet. I. Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Library [15] An Atlas of High Resolution IUE Ultraviolet Spectra of 14 Wolf–Rayet Stars [16] The Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Far-Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Wolf–Rayet Stars [17] International Ultraviolet Explorer Atlas of O Type Spectra from 1200 to 1900 Å [18] Ultraviolet Spectral Morphology of the O Stars. II. The Main Sequence [19] P Cygni and Related Profiles in the Ultraviolet Spectra of O-Stars [20] Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 173 8.3 S IGNIFICANT ATLASES AND C ATALOGS / 173 Table 8.2. (Continued.) An Atlas of Ultraviolet P Cygni Profiles [21] Identification of Lines in the Satellite Ultraviolet: The Spectrum of Tau Scorpii [22] Spectral Classification with the International Ultraviolet Explorer: An Atlas of B-Type Spectra [23] The IUE Spectral Atlas of Two Normal B Stars: π Ceti and ν Capricorni (125–198 nm) [24] Identification Lists of the Far UV Spectra of 7 Solar Chemical Composition Main Sequence Stars in the Spectral Range B2-B9.5 [25] A Catalog of 0.2 Å Resolution Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra Measured with Copernicus [26] The Copernicus Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Vega [27] The Copernicus Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Sirius [28] Early Type Strong Emission-Line Supergiants of the Magellanic Clouds: A Spectroscopic Zoology [29] Chromospheric Mg II Emission in A5 to K5 Main Sequence Stars from High Resolution IUE Spectra [30] Atlas of High Resolution IUE Spectra of Late-Type Stars, 2500–3230 Ř[31] The Spectra of Late-Type Dwarfs and Sub-Dwarfs in the Near Ultraviolet. I. Line Identifications [32] Outer Atmospheres of Cool Stars. VII. High Resolution Absolute Flux Profiles of the Mg II h and k Lines in Stars of Spectral Types F8 to M5 [33] UV Fluxes of Pop II Stars [34] IUE Low Dispersion Observations of Symbiotic Objects [35] A Far-Ultraviolet Atlas of Symbiotic Stars Observed with IUE. I. The SWP Range [36] A Spectrophotometric Atlas of White Dwarfs Compiled from the IUE Archives [37] Ultraviolet Observations of Cataclysmic Variables: The IUE Archive [38] A Catalogue of Low-Resolution IUE Spectra of Dwarf Novae and Nova-Like Stars [39] An Atlas of UV Spectra of Supernovae [40] UV Observations of SN 1987a [41] International Ultraviolet Explorer Atlas of Planetary Nebulae, Central Stars, and Related Objects [42] UV Spectra of the Central Stars of Large Planetary Nebulae [43] A Survey of Ultraviolet Interstellar Absorption Lines [44] Galactic Interstellar Abundance Surveys with IUE. II. The Equivalent Widths & Column Densities [45] An Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Interstellar Lines toward SN 1987a [46] IUE UV Spectra of Extra Galactic H II Regions. I. The Catalogue & the Atlas [47] UV Observations by IUE of 31 Clusters of the LMC [48] IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 3: Normal Galaxies [49] An Atlas of Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Images of Nearby Galaxies [50] An Atlas of Ultraviolet Spectra of Star-Forming Galaxies [51] IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 4: Active Galactic Nuclei [52] The Ultraviolet Variability of Seyfert I Galaxies [53] An Ultraviolet Atlas of Quasar and Blazar Spectra [54] References 1. Witt, A.N., Bohlin, R.C., & Stecher, T.P. 1984, ApJ, 279, 698 2. Aiello, S., Barsella, B., Chlewicki, G., Greenberg, J.M., Patriarchi, P., & Perinotto, M. 1988, A&AS, 73, 195 3. Festou, M.C. 1990, IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 2: Comets (ESA SP-1134) 4. Wesselius, P.R., van Duinen, R.J., de Jonge, A.R.W., Aalders, J.W.G., Luinge, W., & Wildeman, K.J. 1982, A&AS, 49, 427 5. Shara, M.M., Bergeron, I.E., Christian, C.A., Craig, N., & Bowyer, S. 1997, PASP, 109, 998 6. Heck, A. 1987, in Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite, edited by Y. Kondo (Reidel, Dordrecht) p. 121 7. Wu, C.-C. et al. 1992, IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Selected Astronomical Objects, NASA Tech. Memo. No. 1285 8. Jamar, C., Macau-Hercot, D., Monfils, A., Thompson, G.I., Houziaux, L., & Wilson, R. 1976, Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (ESA, Paris) 9. Macau-Hercot, D., Jamar, C., Monfils, A., Thompson, G.I., Houziaux, L., & Wilson, R. 1978, Supplement to the Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (ESA, Paris) 10. Thompson, G.I., Nandy, K., Jamar, D., Monfils, A., Houziaux, L., Carnochan, D.J., & Wilson, R. 1978, Catalogue of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes (Science Research Council, London) 11. Code, A.D., & Meade, M.R. 1979, ApJS, 39, 195 12. Wu, C.-C. et al. 1983, NASA IUE Newslett., 22, 1 13. Wu, C.-C. et al. 1991, NASA IUE Newslett., 43, 1 14. Craig, N., Abbott M., Finley, D., Jessop, H., Howell, S.B., Mathioudakis, M., Sommers, J., Vallerga, J.V., & Malina, R.F. 1997, ApJS, 113, 131 Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 174 / 8 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 8.4 Page 174 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY Fanelli, M.N., O’Connell, R.W., & Thuan, T.X. 1987, ApJ, 221, 768 Willis, A.J., van der Hucht, K.A., Conti, P.S., & Garmany, D. 1986, A&AS, 43, 417 Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E., Hillier, D.J., & Herald, J.E. 1995, ApJ, 454, L51 Walborn, N.R., Nichols-Bohlin, J., & Panek, R.J. 1985, IUE Atlas of O-Type Spectra from 1200 to 1900 Å, NASA RP-1155 Walborn, N.R., & Panek, R.J. 1984, ApJ, 286, 718 Costero, R., & Stalio, R. 1984, A&AS, 58, 95 Snow, T.P., Lamers, H.J.G.L.M., Lindholm, D.M., Odell, A.P. 1994, ApJS, 95, 163 Cowley, C.R., & Merritt, D.R. 1987, ApJ, 321, 553 Rountree, J. & Sonneborn, G. 1993, NASA Reference Publication No. 1312 (NASA, Washington) Artru, M.-C., Borsenberger, J., & Lanz, T. 1989, A&AS, 80, 17 Ramella, M., Castelli, F., Malagnini, M.L., Morossi, C., & Pasian, F. 1987, A&AS, 69, 1 Snow, Jr., T.P., & Jenkins, E.B. 1977, ApJS, 33, 269 Rogerson, J.B. 1989, ApJS, 71, 1011 Rogerson, J.B. 1987, ApJS, 63, 369 Shore, S.N., & Sanduleak, N. 1984, ApJS, 55, 1 Blanco, C., Bruca, L., Catalano, S., & Marilli, E. 1982, A&A, 115, 280 Wing, R.F., Carpenter, K.G., & Wahlgren, G.M. 1983, Perkins Obs. Special Pub. No. 1 Beckman, J.E., Crivellari, L., & Selvelli, P.L. 1982, A&AS, 47, 295 Stencel, R.E., Mullan, D.J., Linsky, J.L., Basri, G.S., & Worden, S.P. 1980, ApJS, 44, 383 Cacciari, C. 1985, A&AS, 61, 407 Sahade, J., Brandi, E., & Fountenla, J.M. 1984, A&AS, 56, 17 Meier, S.R., Kafatos, M., Fahey, R.P., Michalitsianos, A.G. 1994 ApJS, 94, 183 Wegner, G., & Swanson, S.R. 1991, ApJS, 75, 507 Verbunt, F. 1987, A&AS, 71, 339 La Dous, C. 1990, Space Sci. Rev., 52, 203 Benvenuti, P., Sanz Fernandez de Cordoba, L., Wamsteker, W., Macchetto, F., Palumbo, G.C., & Panagia, N. 1982, ESA Special Pub. No. 1046 Kirschner, R.P., Sonneborn, G., Crenshaw, D.M., & Nassiopoulos, G.E. 1987, ApJ, 320, 602 Feibelman, W.A., Oliversen, N.A., Nichols-Bohlin, J., & Garhart, M.P. 1988, NASA Ref. Pub. No. 1203 Kaler, J.B., & Feibelman, W.A. 1985, ApJ, 297, 724 Bohlin, R.C., Hill, J.K., Jenkins, E.B., Savage, B.D., Snow, Jr., T.P., Spitzer, Jr., L.S., & York, D.G. 1983, ApJS, 51, 277 Van Steenberg, M.E., & Shull, J.M. 1988, ApJS, 67, 225 Blades, J.C., Wheatley, J.M., Panagia, N., Grewing, M., Pettini, M., & Wamstecker, W. 1988, ApJ, 334, 308 Rosa, M., Joubert, M., & Benvenuti, P. 1984, A&AS, 57, 361 Cassatella, A., Barbero, J., & Geyer, E.H. 1987, ApJS, 64, 83 Longo, G., & Capaccioli, M. 1992, IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 3: Normal Galaxies, ESA SP-1152 Maoz, D., Filippenko, A.V., Ho, L.C., Macchetto, F.D., Rix, H.-W. & Schneider, D.P. 1996, ApJS, 107, 215 Kinney, A.L., Bohlin, R.C., Calzetti, D., Panagia, N., & Wyse, R.F.G. 1993, ApJS, 86, 5 Courvoisier, T.J.-L., & Paltani, S. 1992, IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 4: Active Galactic Nuclei, ESA SP-1153 Chapman, G.N.F., Geller, M.J., & Huchra, J.P. 1985, ApJ, 297, 151 Kinney, A.L., Bohlin, R.C., Blades, J.C., & York, D.G. 1991, ApJS, 75, 645 INTERSTELLAR EXTINCTION IN THE ULTRAVIOLET Since interstellar extinction is significantly stronger in the ultraviolet than at visual wavelengths, correcting for its effects is very important. The most prominent feature in the ultraviolet extinction curves is a broad peak centered at ≈ 2 175 Å. Equation (8.2) [6] gives some useful analytic functions which can be used to determine Aλ in the ultraviolet. Equation (8.2) is broken into three wavelength domains, and is parametrized in terms of σ , the wave number expressed in microns: 2.70 ≤ σ ≤ 3.65, Aλ /E B−V = 1.56 + 1.048σ + 1.01 , [(σ − 4.60)2 + 0.280] (8.2a) Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 175 8.5 C OMMONLY O BSERVED U LTRAVIOLET E MISSION L INES / 175 1.01 , [(σ − 4.60)2 + 0.280] 3.65 ≤ σ ≤ 7.14, Aλ /E B−V = 2.29 + 0.848σ + 7.14 ≤ σ ≤ 10, Aλ /E B−V = 16.17 − 3.20σ + 0.2975σ 2 . (8.2b) (8.2c) Savage and Mathis [7] adopt 3.1 for the value of A V /E(R−V ) , while Seaton [6] uses 3.2. More detailed information is available in the review by Savage and Mathis [7], and additional references concerning ultraviolet extinction as a function of location in the sky are cited in Table 8.2. 8.5 COMMONLY OBSERVED ULTRAVIOLET EMISSION LINES Table 8.3 (which is an expanded version of one given in Wu et al. [8]) gives a list of some of the more prominent ultraviolet emission lines observed in astronomical objects. The organization of Table 8.3 is as follows. Column 1 gives the wavelength (in Å) of the line, using the convention that a reasonably precise value (to 0.01 Å) is given for single lines, while an approximate value is given for lines formed of closely spaced individual lines of a given element. This value corresponds to the approximate location of the (blended) line which would be seen in low-resolution spectra, such as those taken in IUE’s low-dispersion mode. In cases where there is a spectral region which contains a large number of lines due to a single element, then the range of wavelengths is given in column 1. In the cases of multiple lines, column 4 gives more accurate wavelengths for the individual components that may be present. Column 2 specifies the ion which is the source of the emission line, while column 3 lists the type of objects in which this emission line is generally observed. The abbreviations used in column 3 to specify object type are given at the bottom of Table 8.3. Table 8.3. Emission lines commonly found in ultraviolet spectra. λ (Å)a Ion Type of object where observed b Individual components in multiplets 538 584.33 834 916 O II He I O III N II C SSO C C 537.83, 538.26, 538.32, 539.13 933.4 977.02 1 033 1 066.66 1 085 S VI C III O IV Ar I N II SNR SNR SNR SSO, C C 1 175 C III WR, PN, CS, SS 1 199 S III SSO 1 215.67 1 240 HI NV 1 247.38 1 256 1 279 C III S II CI (all sources) PN, SS, WR, CV, XRB, SN, IB, N, SQ, SNR SS, WR SSO TT, LTS 1 299 1 304 1 309 Si III OI Si II SS, IB, TT RS, LTS, N, SQ, C PN 832.93, 833.74, 835.29 915.61, 915.96, 916.02, 916.10, 916.35, 916.70, 916.71 1 031.93, 1 033.82, 1 037.62 1 083.99, 1 084.56, 1 084.58, 1 085.53, 1 085.55, 1 085.70, 1 085.12 1 174.93, 1 175.26, 1 175.59, 1 175.71, 1 175.99, 1 176.37 1 190.21, 1 194.06, 1 194.46, 1 197.56, 1 200.97, 1 201.73, 1 202.13 1 238.82, 1 240.15, 1 242.80 1 250.58, 1 253.81, 1 256.12, 1 259.52 1 276.48, 1 276.75, 1 277.19, 1 277.25, 1 277.28, 1 277.46, 1 277.51, 1 277.55, 1 277.72, 1 277.95, 1 279.06, 1 279.23, 1 279.50, 1 279.89, 1 280.14, 1 280.33, 1 280.36, 1 280.40, 1 280.60, 1 280.85 1 298.89, 1 298.96 1 302.17, 1 303.49, 1 304.86, 1 306.03 1 304.37, 1 307.64, 1 309.28 Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 176 176 / 8 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY Table 8.3. (Continued.) λ (Å)a Ion Type of object where observed b Individual components in multiplets 1 335 C II 1 334.53, 1 335.31, 1 335.66, 1 335.71 1 342 1 371.29 1 394 O IV OV Si IV 1 397–1 407 O IV TT, PN, LTS, RS, WR, CV, N, SNR, C CS, SS, WR, XRB PN, CS, SS, XRB, SNR PN, LTS, RS, TT, XRB, CV, IV, N, SQ PN, SS, N 1 402.77 Si IV 1 460 CI PN, LTS, RS, TT, XRB, CV, IV, N, SQ TT 1 473 SI RS, LTS 1 483.32 1 486 1 487 1 550 N IV SI N IV C IV 1 561 CI PN, SS, WR, N RS, LTS PN, SS, WR, N, SNR TT, PN, LTS, SS, N, WR, CV, IB, XRB, SQ, SNR C 1 574.77 1 577 1 602 1 640 Ne V C III Ne IV He II 1 641.31 1 657 OI CI 1 663 O III 1 670.79 1 710 1 718.55 1 728.94 1 750 Al II Si II N IV S III N III 1 760 1 815 1 814.63 1 860 1 882.71 1 892.03 C II Si II Ne III Al III Si III Si III 1 900.29 1 908.73 SI C III 1 914.70 1 993.62 2 321.67 2 326 SI CI O III C II PN, N SS PN, N, SS TT, PN, LTS, RS, WR, XRB, SQ, SNR RS, LTS, SS, N C, RS, LTS, TT PN, WR, SQ, N, LTS, HII, SS, SNR IB, LTS PN, WR PN, WR, XRB, CV, N SSO WR, TT, HII, N, SN, SNR PN TT, PN, RS, LTS PN, N LTS, IB PN, LTS, HII, SN, N, SQ, SNR TT, PN, LTS, HII, SN, N, SQ, SNR RS, LTS, SN, HII TT, PN, LTS, WR, HII, N, SN, SQ, ELG RS, LTS RS, LTS PN RS, LTS, SQ 1 342.99, 1 343.51 1 393.76, 1 396.75, 1 398.13 1 397.23, 1 399.78, 1 401.16, 1 404.81, 1 407.38 1 459.03, 1 463.34, 1 467.40, 1 467.88, 1 468.41 1 472.97, 1 473.02, 1 473.07, 1 473.99, 1 474.38, 1 474.57, 1 478.50 1 485.62, 1 487.15 1 486.50, 1 487.89 1 548.20, 1 550.77 1 560.31, 1 560.68, 1 560.71, 1 561.05, 1 561.34, 1 561.37, 1 561.44 1 576.48, 1 577.30, 1 577.89 1 601.50, 1 601.68 1 640.47, 1 640.49 1 656.28, 1 656.93, 1 657.01, 1 657.38, 1 657.59, 1 657.91, 1 658.12 1 660.81, 1 666.15 1 710.83, 1 711.30 1 746.82, 1 748.65, 1 749.67, 1 752.16, 1 754.00 1 760.47, 1 760.82 1 808.01, 1 816.93, 1 817.45 1 854.72, 1 862.79 1 906.68, 1 908.73, 1 909.60 2 324.21, 2 325.40, 2 326.11, 2 327.65, 2 328.84 Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 177 8.5 C OMMONLY O BSERVED U LTRAVIOLET E MISSION L INES / 177 Table 8.3. (Continued.) λ (Å)a Ion Type of object where observed b Individual components in multiplets 2 328–2 414 Fe II LTS, TT 2 328.11, 2 333.52, 2 338.73, 2 344.21, 2 344.70, 2 345.00, 2 349.02, 2 359.83, 2 365.55, 2 367.59, 2 374.46, 2 381.49, 2 382.77, 2 383.79, 2 389.36, 2 394.98, 2 396.15, 2 396.36, 2 399.97, 2 405.16, 2 405.62, 2 407.39, 2 411.25, 2 411.80, 2 414.05 2 329.23 2 335 2 381.13 2 424 2 471.04 2 511.96 2 586–2 632 Si II Si II He II Ne IV O II He II Fe II RS, LTS PN PN SQ PN, SN, HII PN LTS, TT, N, MSG 2 664.06 2 696.92 2 724.00 2 734.14 2 764.62 2 783.03 2 786.81 2 794 2 800 He I He I He I He I He I Mg V Ar V Mg II Mg II 2 829.91 2 838 2 852.96 2 854.48 2 869.00 2 928.34 2 933 2 945.97 2 950.07 2 973.15 2 978 3 005.36 3 024.33 3 046 3 068 3 109 3 133.77 3 188.67 3 204.03 He I C II Mg I Ar IV Ar IV Mg V Mg II He I Mn II OI N III Ar III O III O III N II Ar III O III He I He II PN PN PN PN PN, HII PN PN PN PN, LTS, RS, TT, IB, N, SQ, ELG PN, HII PN PN, HII PN PN PN PN PN PN, TT C PN PN PN PN PN PN PN, TT, N, LTS PN PN 2 335.12, 2 335.32, 2 344.92, 2 350.89 2 422.51, 2 425.15 2 586.65, 2 599.15, 2 600.17, 2 607.87, 2 611.41, 2 612.65, 2 614.61, 2 618.40, 2 621.19, 2 622.45, 2 626.45, 2 629.08, 2 631.83, 2 632.11 2 798.81, 2 791.59 2 796.35, 2 803.53 2 837.54, 2 838.44 2 929.49, 2 937.36 2 973.43, 2 979.70 3 043.91, 3 048.02 3 063.72, 3 071.44 3 109.16, 3 110.06 Notes a Wavelengths (in vacuum) are taken from: Aller, L.H. 1984, Physics of Thermal Gaseous Nebula (Reidel, Dordrecht); Kelly, R.L. 1979, Atomic Emission Lines in the Near Ultraviolet; Hydrogen through Krypton, NASA Tech. Memo. No. 80268; Kelly, R.L. 1987, Atomic and Ionic Spectrum Lines Below 2000 Å: Hydrogen through Krypton (American Chemical Society, New York); Kelly, R.L. & Palumbo, L.J. 1973, Atomic and Ionic Emission Lines Below 2000 Angstroms (Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC); Köppen, J., & Aller, L.H. 1987, in Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite, edited by Y. Kondo (Reidel, Dordrecht), p. 589; and Morton, D.C. 1991, ApJS, 77, 119. b The astronomical objects where these lines are frequently seen in emission are noted by the abbreviated code in column 3. They are: C, comets; CS, carbon stars; CV, cataclysmic variables (N.B. novae have a separate listing); ELG, emission line galaxies; HII, H II regions; IB, interacting binaries; LTS, late-type stars; MSG, massive supergiants; N, novae; PN, planetary nebulae; RS, RS CVn stars; SQ, Seyfert galaxies and QSOs; SN, supernovae; SS, symbiotic stars; SSO, solar system objects; TT, T Tau stars; WR, Wolf–Rayet stars; XRB, low-mass X-ray binaries. Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 178 178 / 8 8.6 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRAL CLASSIFICATION Studies of spectral classification of O and B stars based on ultraviolet spectra have been made using Copernicus data and the extensive IUE archive. Low-dispersion spectra were used by Heck et al. [9], Heck [10], and Jaschek and Jaschek [11]. High-dispersion studies have been conducted by Snow and Morton [12], Walborn and Panek [13], Walborn et al. [14], Walborn and NicholsBohlin [15], Massa [16], Bates and Gilheany [17], Prinja [18], and Rountree and Sonneborn [19]. For detailed quantitative comparisons, the papers by Massa and Prinja are convenient, because they give tables and/or figures which show the equivalent widths as a function of spectral type or temperature. Prinja [18] gives two useful formulas relating equivalent widths (Wa ) in mÅ to effective temperature. The most sensitive diagnostic for O stars temperatures is Si III λ1299: log(Wa ) = 17.89 − 3.43 log Teff . (3) For B stars, the Si II λ1265 is the most sensitive temperature indicator [16]: log(Wa ) = 20.57 − 4.21 log Teff . (4) The information in Table 8.4 is taken from these studies. Table 8.4 gives the approximate wavelength and identification for classification lines in its first two columns, and summarizes their changing characteristics as a function of spectral type and luminosity in the final column. (More accurate wavelengths can be found in Table 8.3.) Table 8.4. Lines useful for spectral classification of O and B stars. λ (Å) Ion Comments 1 175 C III 1 216 HI 1 240 NV 1 247 C III 1 255 1 264 Fe V Si II 1 300 Si III 1 310 Si II 1 336 C II 1 339 O IV 1 371 OV In low dispersion this blend of six lines (λλ 1174.933–1176.370) is seen to increase from O4 to a maximum at B1, and disappears at B6 into the L y α wing. In high dispersion one can see dramatic P Cygni profiles for all supergiants from O4 I–B0.5 Ia, for bright giants as late as O9.5, and for giants as late as O8. When not affected by interstellar or circumstellar components has a half-width at half-maximum which increases from 10 Å at O9 to 100 Å at B8. λλ 1239, 1243 show wind profiles in most O stars. Shows a dependence on luminosity at O9.5, since the stellar wind effects have declined by then. Blended with Fe II λλ 1246.8, 1247.8, and can be severely affected by emission component of NV λ1240 P Cygni lines in luminous stars. Generally increases in strength from early to late O. Strongest in early B (B0–B1), and then slowly declines. The ratio C III λ1247/O IV λ1339 depends on luminosity class, being higher for more luminous stars. This ratio can be as large as 4 between supergiants and main-sequence stars at a given temperature (Prinja, R.K. 1990, MNRAS, 246, 392). The comparison of this line with Si II λ1265 shows a slight dependence on luminosity class (N.B.: can be affected by a reseaux mark in high-dispersion IUE spectra). Decreases from O3 to O7. Becomes visible at B1; at B1.5 it is clearly present but weaker than λ1247; at B2 it is as strong as λ1247; and by B4 it is much stronger. Continues to increase through B9. Does not show any luminosity effect. Probably the most sensitive diagnostic of O star temperatures. Increases sharply from O3 to B2, then levels out in strength from B2 to B5. Useful diagnostic in B stars. It is weaker than λ1300 at B2, greater than or equal to 1300 at B3–B4, and dominates the spectrum at B5–B8. Doublet, which increases from B0 to a maximum at B8. The wind profiles achieve maximum strength at B1–B2 Ia. There is a very strong interstellar contribution to this line. Shows a well-defined temperature sequence for luminosity classes I and V in O stars, decreasing as temperature declines. Generally only the λ1339 line is used in this doublet, since the λ1343 line is blended with a nearby Si III line (as well as lying in an awkward location in IUE echelle spectra). This line declines from O3 until it disappears at O7. Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 179 8.6 U LTRAVIOLET S PECTRAL C LASSIFICATION / 179 Table 8.4. (Continued.) λ (Å) Ion Comments 1 400 Si IV 1 428 C III 1 430 1 453 1 485 1 527 1 533 1 550 Fe V Blend Si II Si II Si II C IV 1 608 Fe II 1 640 He II 1 655 1 670 CI Al II 1 718 N IV 1 723 Al II 1 750 N III 1 859 Al III 1 862 Al II 1 891 Fe III 1 926 1 967 Fe III Fe III Blend of the λ1394 and λ1403 lines of Si IV. In low-dispersion spectra this blended pair is a useful luminosity indicator for late O, and a spectral type discriminator for B. First strongly visible in lowdispersion spectra at O7, and gets stronger as surface gravity decreases. In high dispersion, at O6.5 lines display stellar wind effects which increase with luminosity, from none at V to a full P Cyg profile at Ia. At O9.5 the doublet shows no stellar-wind effect in luminosity classes V–III, but it develops gradually as a function of luminosity from classes II through Ia. In the B stars, Si IV is strong in B0 and B1 and decreases in strength until it disappears at about B6. The intensity ratio Si IV λ1400/C IV λ1550 is very sensitive to the O star spectral type, being ≈ 1 at O6, and greater than 1 for O6.5–O9.7. (In low dispersion the λ1426 and λ1428 lines are blended, though they are never especially strong. They increase from O4 to a maximum at B1.) Especially fine discriminator in the O7–B1 region, where it can be compared to λ1430. The ratio λ1429/λ1430 = 1 for this Fe V doublet between O3 and O4, and declines at O5 and later. In low dispersion, has a maximum at O4 and disappears at B0. Blend of three lines. First present at B2 and becomes stronger through B9. Absorption feature becomes prominent in late B. Absorption feature becomes prominent in late B. Resonance doublet is one of the most prominent UV lines. Strong in O stars, decreasing from O3 to B2 (in dwarfs) where it disappears. If seen in mid-B, indicates a supergiant. Saturated P Cyg profiles from O3–O6, declining at O7. Continues to show strong wind absorption through O9, becoming purely photospheric at B1. At the transition type O9.5 there is an increase in strength with luminosity class. A large collection of Fe II lines exist in the λλ 1600–1610 region. These blends increase in strength with increasing luminosity, while showing little temperature effect. In O stars there is a noticeable interstellar component. Present throughout the O star regime, is still strong at B0, still noticeable, but declining in B0.5–B1, weak at B1.5, and weak to absent at B2. Increases in strength as spectral type gets later. It is a prominent line in B5–B9. Becomes prominent in late B (N.B.: there is frequently a strong interstellar line seen in O stars, due to this ion). Unsaturated subordinate line which shows P Cyg profiles through O6, then declines in strength with increasingly later spectral type. It is still strong at B0, much less prominent at B0.5, and weak to absent at B1. At B0 it is stronger in giants than dwarfs. Blend. The components are at λλ 1719.44, 1721.24, 1721.27, 1724.95, 1724.98. Line strength increase with luminosity in B stars. Doublet at λλ 1748, 1752. The strength of both lines increases between O3 and O4, and the ratio λ1748/λ1752 increases dramatically between O3 and O4. The pair remains distinct through B0, but starts to weaken at B0.5, and disappears as B1. Doublet at λλ 1855, 1862. Purely interstellar in O stars. In B stars increases with increasing luminosity class. There is a strong wind maximum at B1-2 Ia. Strong in O stars. Blended with λ1855 in low-resolution spectra. Shows an increased strength with increased luminosity class. Present in early B stars. Shows a positive luminosity effect. There are many Fe III lines in this wavelength region. The use of this line and others below is most generally useful in low-dispersion spectra. Similar to λ1891. Similar to λ1891. The ultraviolet is particularly suitable for classifying O and B stars, due to the strong fluxes for these objects in that wavelength regime. Difficulties with classifying OB stars include the contamination of some lines by strong interstellar components, and the fact that ultraviolet resonance lines are frequently severely affected by stellar winds. Snow and Morton [12] found that all O and B supergiants exhibited mass loss, with P Cygni profiles being seen to as late as B1. For bright giants and giants, strong P Cygni profiles were noted as late as O9.5 and O9, respectively, and all main-noted sequence O stars showed evidence of mass loss. A further complication is that the wind profiles of some B supergiants have been found to be variable. Exactly how much of the dispersion in wind line strengths is due to variations in the intrinsic stellar properties, and how much is due to variability or abundance anomalies, is uncertain [17, 20]. Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 180 180 / 8 8.7 U LTRAVIOLET A STRONOMY ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC STANDARDS Spectrophotometric calibration has always been a thorny problem for long-term ultraviolet satellite missions. Early efforts tended to focus on using hot subdwarfs as reasonably line-free continuum sources, which were not generally variable, and had very small or negligible interstellar reddening. The current IUE absolute calibration is based on comparison with the earlier measurements of some baseline standard stars made by OAO-2 and TD-1, and normalized to the flux values for the fundamental calibration star, η UMa. The stars used were HD 60753, BD + 75◦ 325, HD 93521, BD + 33◦ 2642, and BD + 28◦ 4211 for the low-dispersion data, while ζ Cas, λ Lep, and τ Sco were used for the high-dispersion data. It should be noted that both ζ Cas and η UMa have shown some indications of microvariability [21]. A more complete list of IUE standards can be found in [22], while the HST standards are cited in [23]. More recently a shift has been made to using hot DA (i.e., essentially pure helium) white dwarfs as fundamental calibrators. The reasoning behind this is that the models for these stars are very simple and well understood, as well as being unaffected by spectral lines. The IUE Project’s Final Archive is making use of white dwarfs for their new absolute calibration. The EUVE used this approach from the very beginning. The fundamental calibrator that is being used is G191B2B. Table 8.5 lists some of the ultraviolet standard stars that have been used in common by many missions. Columns 1 and 2 give the star’s catalog number and common name, while columns 3 and 4 list the star’s coordinates. Columns 5 and 6 give the spectral type and visual magnitude, while column 7 indicates which missions have observed this star for calibration purposes. Table 8.5. Selected ultraviolet spectrophotometric standard stars. Catalog ID Common name HD 2151 HD 3360 BPM 16274 Feige 11 HD 10144 HD 11636 HD 15318 GD 50 HZ 4 LB 227 HZ 2 G191B2B HD 32630 HD 34816 HD 35468 HD 35580 HD 38666 PG 0549 + 158 HD 45557 HD 49798 HD 60753 CD −31◦ 4800 HD 61421 HD 66811 BD +75◦ 325 HD 80007 AGK +81◦ 266 BD +48◦ 1777 HD 87901 Feige 34 β Hyi ζ Cas α Eri β Ari ξ 2 Cet η Aur λ Lep γ Ori κ Pic µ Col GD 71 α CMi ζ Pup β Car α Leo α(2000) δ(2000) Sp. Type V 00:25:45.4 00:36:58.3 00:50:03.2 01:04:21.6 01:37:42.9 01:54:38.3 02:28:09.5 03:48:50.1 03:55:21.7 04:09:28.8 04:12:43.5 05:01:31.0 05:06:30.8 05:19:34.4 05:25:07.8 05:22:22:2 05:44:08.4 05:52:27.5 06:24:13.7 06:48:04.6 07:33:27.3 07:36:30.2 07:39:18.1 08:03:35.1 08:10:49.3 09:13:12.1 09:21:19.1 09:30:46.6 10:08:22.3 10:39:36.7 −77:15:16 +53:53:49 −52:08:17 +04:13:38 −57:14:12 +20:48:29 +08:27:36 −00:58:30 +09:47:19 +17:07:54.4 +11:51:50 +52:45:48 +41:14:04 −13:10:37 +06:20:59 −56:08:04 −32:19:27 +15:53:17 −60:16:52 −44:18:59 −50:35:04 −32:12:45 +05:13:30 −40:00:12 +74:57:58 −69:43:02 +81:43:29 +48:16:26 +11:58:02 +43:06:10 G2 IV B2 IV DA B0 VI B3 Vpe A5 V B9 III DA DA DA DA DA B3 V B0.5 IV B2 III B8–9 V O9.5 IV DA A0 V sdO6 B3 IV O8 AI F5 IV–V O5f O5p A2 IV sdO O VI B7 V DO 2.80 3.68 14.2 12.06 0.46 2.64 4.29 14.06 14.52 15.34 13.86 11.78 3.17 4.29 1.64 6.11 5.17 13.04 5.80 8.30 6.69 10.50 0.38 2.26 9.54 1.68 11.92 10.37 1.35 11.18 Observed bya H OTAVI H OIH OCTI OTI H H H H H VIHE OTAI OTAI OTI TI VIH VIE TI VIH TIH AI OCTAI OCTVIH OTAVIH OTI AIH AI OCTAVIH VIH Sp.-V/AQuan/1999/10/07:19:25 Page 181 8.7 U LTRAVIOLET S PECTROPHOTOMETRIC S TANDARDS / 181 Table 8.5. (Continued.) Catalog ID HD 93521 HD 100889 HD 103287 HZ 21 PG 1254 + 223 HZ 44 Grw +70◦ 5824 HD 120315 HD 121263 HD 122451 HD 125924 HD 128801 HD 137389 HD 137744 BD +33◦ 2642 HD 142669 HD 145454 G153−41 HD 149438 HD 149757 HD 155763 HD 164058 HD 172167 HD 172883 HD 177724 HD 186427 HD 196519 HD 197637 HD 201908 LDS 749B BD +28◦ 4211 G93−48 HD 209952 NGC 7293 HD 214680 HD 214923 PG 2309 + 105 Feige 110 Common name θ Crt γ UMa GD 153 η UMa ζ Cen β Cen ι Dra ρ Sco τ Sco ζ Oph ζ Dra γ Dra α Lyr ζ Aql 16 Cyg B υ Pav α Gru 10 Lac ζ Peg GD 246 α(2000) 10:48:23.5 11:36:40.8 11.53:49.8 12:13:56.4 12:57:04.5 13:23:35.4 13:38:51.8 13:47:32.4 13:55:32.3 14:03:49.5 14:22:43.0 14:38:48.1 15:22:37.1 15:24:55.7 15:51:59.9 15:56:53.0 16:06:19.5 16:17:55.4 16:35:52.9 16:37:09.5 17:08:47.1 17:56:30.4 18:36:56.3 18:39:52.7 19:05:24.5 19:41:52.0 20:41:57.1 20:36:00.6 21:05:29.2 21:32:15.8 21:51:11.1 21:52:25.3 22:08:13.9 22:29:38.5 22:39:15.6 22:41:27.7 23:12:35.3 23:19:58.4 δ(2000) Sp. Type V +37:34:13 −09:48:08 +53:41:41 +32:56:31 +22:12:45 +36:08:00 +70:17:09 +49:18:48 −47:17:18 −60:22:23 −08:14:54 +07:54:44 +62:02:50 +58:57:58 +32:56:55 −29:12:50 +67:48:36 −15:35:49 −28:12:58 −10:34:02 +65:42:53 +51:29:20 +38:47:01 +52:11:46 +13:51:48 +50:31:03 −66:45:39 +79:25:49 +78:07:35 +00:15:14 +28:51:52 +02:23:24 −46:57:40 −20:50:13 +39:03:01 +10:49:53 +10:50:27 −05:09:56 O9 Vp B9.5 Vn A0 Ve DO DA sdO DA B3 V B2.5 IV B1 III B2 IV B9 A0pSi K2 III B2 IV B2 IV–V A0 Vn DA B0 V O9.5 Vn B6 III K5 III A0 V A0pHg A0 Vn G1.5 V B9 III B3 B8 Vn DB sdOp DA B7 IV PNN O9 V B8 V DA DOp 7.04 4.70 2.44 14.68 13.4 11.66 12.77 1.86 2.55 0.61 9.70 8.80 5.98 3.29 10.81 3.88 5.44 13.42 2.82 2.56 3.17 2.22 0.03 6.00 2.99 6.20 5.15 6.78 5.91 14.67 10.51 12.74 1.74 13.51 4.88 3.40 13.10 11.82 Observed bya TAVIH IH IH H VIE VH H OCTVIH OCTAI H TAI TAI TAI H OTAIH OTAI TI VIH OCTAVI OCTVIH OCTAI H OCTAVIH TI OTAI IH TAI TI OTI H OTAVIH H OCTI VIH OCTAI H IHE H Note a Observations were made of these standards by many of the ultraviolet astronomy missions, and they are listed in column 7, where the letters refer to O = OAO-2, C = Copernicus, T = TD-1, A = ANS, V = Voyager UVS, I = IUE, H = HST, E = EUVE. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Edlén, B. 1953, JOSA, 43, 339 Oosterhoff, P.T. 1957, Trans. IAU, 9, 202 Stecher, T.P., & Milligan, J.E. 1962, ApJ, 136, 1 Morton, D.C., & Spitzer, L. 1966, ApJ, 144, 1 Kondo, Y., Giuli, T., Modisette, J.L., & Rydgren, A.E. 1972, ApJ, 176, 153 6. Seaton, M.J. 1979, MNRAS, 187, 73 7. Savage, B.D., & Mathis, J.S. 1979, ARA&A, 17, 73 8. Wu, C.-C. et al. 1992, IUE Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Selected Astronomical Objects, NASA Tech. Memo. No. 1285 9. Heck, A., Egret, D., Jaschek, M., & Jaschek, C. 1984, IUE Low-Resolution Spectra Reference Atlas: Part 1. Normal Stars (ESA, Paris) 10. Heck, A. 1987, in Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite, edited by Y. Kondo (Reidel, Dordrecht), p. 121 11. Jaschek, C., & Jaschek, M. 1987, The Classification of Stars (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge) 12. Snow, Jr., T.P., & Morton, D.C. 1976, ApJS, 32, 429 13. 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