FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF THREE SURGICAL TREATMENTS OF DISTAL RADIUS INTRA-ARTICULAR FRACTURE ARASH NASROLLAHI SHIRAZI A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Mechanical) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER 2010 iii To my beloved mother and father, Fakhrosadat Banaroei and Mohsen Nasrollahi Shirazi and my brother and sister, Pooyan and Sanaz for their never ending support. Thank you for everything. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To complete this Master Degree Project report, I learned many useful softwares and I had received a lot of information and valuable guidance from my supervisor, Assoc Prof. Eng. Dr. Rafiq Abdul Kadir. His knowledge and proficiency in Biomechanics supported and encouraged me to complete this project. I respect and thank my beloved family Mrs. Fakhrosadat Banaroei and Mr. Mohsen Nasrollahi Shirazi, my sibeling, Mr. Amir and Mrs Fateme for their constantly love and support. I would like to thank my precious friends Mr. Jamal Kashani, Mr. Nazri Bajuri, Mr. Amir Hossein Goharian, Mr.Ali Falahi and his wife Mrs. Mina Alizade, Mr. Ahmadreza Abassi, Mrs. Eliza yusup, Mr. Raja and all who concerned with my project or not and for their moment that they shared with me in joys and difficulties. v ABSTRACT Distal radius fractures are the most common injuries, with an estimate overall crude incidence of 36.6/10,000 person-year in women and 8.9/10,000 person years in men. Assuming a continuous rise in the incidence of distal radius fractures with age, and based on the fact that older population continues to grow, incidence of distal radius fractures can be expected to increase. Different surgical methods can be used to fix the complicated, unstable and displaced distal radius fractures. The conventional surgical method with volar plating has been described the good results in young patient. However, the elderly patients especially who has the osteoporotic bone may have higher risk of loss of reduction in conventional types of fixation. The aim of this study is to compare the latest treatment angle-stable constructs with conventional model for unstable three fragmental intar-articular distal radius fracture (AO 23-C2.1) under various load conditions using finite element analysis in order to find the stiffer surgical methods to facilitate the anatomic reduction and maintenance of the reduction. The fixation methods consist of 1 I-shape styloid plate and 1 intermediate dorsal plate (Group 1), single T-shape volar plate (Group 2) and 1 Ishape styloid plate and single T-shape volar plate (Group 3). This study analysed the rigidity base on linear load-displacement graph. To compare the rigidity, the fixation methods analysed under the applied loads (axial-loads, bending and torsion). The displacement and von Mises stress values showed the superior stability and rigidity for angle-stable double plates constructs. vi ABSTRAKT Tulang yang patah pada bahagian distal radius adalah kecederaan yang paling umum, dengan anggaran kasar secara keseluruhan sebanyak 36.6 bagi setiap 10, 000 orang (perempuan) dan 8.9 bagi setiap 10 000 orang (lelaki) setiap tahun. Pertambahan kes dijangka akan terus berlaku lantaran wujudnya pertambahan warga tua (berikutan peningkatan taraf kesihatan) yang pastinya lebih terdedah kepada kecederaan tulang, Terdapat banyak kaedah yang boleh digunakan bagi merawat masalah kepatahan tulang radius distal Kaedah pembedahan konvensional dengan menggunakan plat pada bahagian volar telah memberi impak yang baik pada pesakit muda tetapi tidak kepada pesakit tua, terutama yang menghidap penyakit osteoporosis. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membuat perbandingan antara kaedah terbaru iaitu sudut-stabil baru konstruk dengan model konvensional bagi merawat kes kepatahan tulang bercirikan ‘unstable three fragmental intar-articular distal radius fracture’ (AO 23-C 2.1). Analisis ini menggunakan kaedah simulasi komputer dengan menggunakan ‘Finite element ’ bertujuan mencari kaedah terbaik dalam mennghasilkan kaedah fiksasi yang lebih kukuh. Terdapat tiga kumpulan utama bagi kaedah fiksasi, iaitu penggunaan satu plat styloid berbentuk I dan satu plat pada bahagian pertengahan dorsal (Kumpulan 1), penggunaan satu plat di bahagian volar berbentuk T (Kumpulan 2) dan penggunaan satu plat berbentuk I pada bahagian styloid dan satu plat berbentuk T pada bahagian volar (Kumpulan 3). Analisa ke atas kekukuhan struktur dibuat berdasarkan graf beban-perpindahan linier. Bagi tujuan itu, kaedah fiksasi dikaji dengan menggunakan keadaan beban yang pelbagai (paksibeban, lentur dan torsi). Hasil daripada kajian ini (berdasarkan nilai tekanan von Mises dan juga perubahan bentuk) menunjukkan bahawa plat ganda sudut-stabil pembinaan yang menggunakan dua plat adalah lebih baik dari segi kekukuhan struktur berbanding penggunaan hanya satu plat sahaja. vii TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.1.1 Wrist anatomy 1 Bones and joints 1.2 2 Wrist fracture 3 1.2.1 Distal radius fracture 3 1.3 Problem Statement 4 1.4 Objective of Study 5 1.5 Scope of study 5 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.1.1 Classification of intra-articular fracture 6 (1) Intra-articular fracture with displaced dorsal fragment (2) Dorsal split with dorsal dislocation 7 (3) palmar split with palmar dislocaton 8 (4) Complex distal radius fractures with metaphyseal separation (5) Destruction of the articular surface 2.2 9 9 Different studies on fixation methods 10 2.2.1 Clinical Method 10 Non-invasive Techniques 11 Conservative treatment 11 External Fixation 12 Pining 13 Open surgery 14 (a) Plates 14 (b) Fragment-specific Fixation 15 (c) Volar locking plates 16 2.2.2 Protocol for surgical treatment 17 2.3 Experimental Method 2.3.1 A novel non-bridging external fixator versus volar angular stable plating 2.3.2 Comparing volar with dorsal fixation plates on unstable extra-articular fractures 2.4 7 Computer Simulation Method 18 19 20 22 2.4.1 Biomechanical evaluation of three types of implants 3 METHODOLOGY 22 27 ix 3.1 Introduction 27 3.2 Mimics Software 27 Step 1: Imported the medical data 28 Step 2: Thresholding 29 Step 3: Segmentation density masks 29 Step 4: Region growing 30 Step 5: 3D Reconstruction 31 3.2.1 32 Constructed of fractured bone 3.3 Implant Design 3.3.1 Introduction of Solidworks Software 35 3.3.2 Designing the implants 36 Simulation of surgical fixation 37 3.5 Introduction to MSC.Marc Software 39 3.4 4 35 3.5.1 Analysing the three fixation methods 40 3.5.2 Applying the loads 41 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Axial-loads results 44 4.2.1 Displacement 44 4.2.2 Von-Mises Stress 46 4.3 Bending results 4.4 49 4.3.1 Displacement 49 4.3.2 Von-Mises Stress 51 Torsional results 53 4.4.1 Displacement 54 4.4.2 Von-Mises Stress 55 4.5 Overviewing of three three fixation methods 58 4.6 Validation of study 60 4.6.1 Surgical validation 60 4.6.2 Experimental validation 60 x 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION 62 5.1 Discussion 62 5.2 63 Recommendations REFERENCES 64 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 4.1 Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the applied loads 47 4.2 Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the bending loads 52 4.3 Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the torsional loads 57 xii TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 1.1 Distal and proximal rows of carpal bones 2 2.1 CT-based classification of comminuted intra-articular 7 PAGE fractures of the distal radius. Type I: intra-articular fracture with displaced dorso-ulnar fragment 2.2 Type II: dorsal split with dorsal dislocation 8 2.3 Type III: palmar split with palmar dislocation 8 2.4 Type IV: complex distal radius fractures with 9 metaphyseal separation 2.5 Type V: destruction of the articular surface 10 2.6 Schematic drawing of a monolateral external fixator 13 with double ball joints after application to the radial aspect of the second metacarpal and diaphysis of the radius: the distal ball joint is centred between the capitate (C) and lunate bone (L) (intraoperatively by identification with a bone elevator under image intensification, lower part of the image) to allow for mobilisation of the fixator. xiii 2.7 Typical placement of two T-pins for fixation a distal 14 radius fracture is shown in this posterior-anterior radiograph. The surgeon has inserted two T-pins from the radio styloid to stable fracture fixation. The surgeon has inserted two T-pins from the radio styloid to stable fracture fixation 2.8 A fragment-specific wrist fixation system 15 2.9 A 31-year-old woman with reverse Barton fracture 16 fixed by volar locking plate 2.1O The southern Sweden treatment protocol for DRF 18 when selecting different treatments the patient’s age and demands 2.11 Experimental test with isolated radius placed of 19 custom-made compensator to applied ratio (60-40%) of the forces transferred to scaphoid and lunata fragments. (A) Non-bridging external fixation method. (B) Volar locking fixation method 2.12 (A)The LDRS 2.4-mm intermediate and styloid plates. 21 (B)The LDRS 2.4-mm volar plate. (C)The LDRS 2.4-mm volar and styloid plates. (D) The 3.5-mm stainless steel T plate. 2.13 Finite element of different surgical methods. (A) T shape single volar plate meshing model. (B) Meshing model of double-palates fixation method. (C) The modified double-plating (MDP) meshing model 23 xiv 2.14 Loading conditions for model. Axial loading bending 24 and torsion are indicated with arrows. The axial loading was applied in the middle of the upper radius surface. The bending force was applied on the volar side of radius. Torsion is applied on both sides of the radius representing the external rotating force 2.15 (A) Average total displacement of the fracture site 25 under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsion loads. (B) Maximum displacement of the fracture site under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsion loads 2.16 (A) Maximum von Mises stress value for bone in 26 single, DP, and MDP models under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsional loads. (B) Maximum von Mises stress value of T plate in single, DP, and MDP models under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsional loads 3.1 CT scan image for using in mimic 28 3.2 The top and side views for radius bone that 29 Thresholding by the white color triangular to separate the radius bone 3.3 The side view of region growing that shown in pink 30 color 3.4 The process of smoothing (A, B and C) to achieve 31 radius bone 3.5 The measured guide lines for cutting (A) Approximately 10 mm(10.44 mm) from the from articular surface. (B) About 15° (14.81°) volar wedge 33 xv 3.6 The simulated three segments unstable intra-articular 33 fracture (AO 23-C2.1 fracture). The circle shows the cut with the curve tool 3.7 (A) The scaphoid segment cleaned meshes. 34 (B) The lunate segment cleaned meshes. (C) The distal part of the radius cleaned meshes (all segment related to the cortical parts only) 3.8 (A) Intermediate dorsal LDRS 2.4 mm plate. (B) Volar 37 T-shape LDRS 2.4 mm plate. (C) I-shape Styloid LDRS 2.4 mm plate 3.9 Fixed all the meshes around the screws on both cortical 38 and cancellous parts of bone 3.1O Fixed all the interfaced meshing part between all 39 cancellous and cortical and screws. (The red parts show the interfaced parts) 3.11 Defined the young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and 40 contact parts for each part (that showed in collared parts) 3.12 Axial loading that applied on scaphoid and lunate 42 regions base on each percentage and tilt angle, bending load that exerted on simulated bone on volar side of the radius and the torsion applied of the radius part of the bone 4.1 Model rigidity under axial compressive load 45 4.2 Maximum displacement of the bone around the screws 45 under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N, and 100 N loads xvi 4.3 Maximum von-Mises stress under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N 46 and 100 N loads 4.4 Maximum von-Mises stress of the bone around the 47 screws under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N, and 100 N loads 4.5 The contour plots of displacement for three groups of 48 fixations under applied 100 N axial load 4.6 The mean maximum displacement under bending loads 50 (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2 N-m) 4.7 The maximum displacement around the screws under 50 applied bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2 N-m) 4.8 The maximum von-Mises stress under applied bending 51 loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2 N-m) 4.9 The maximum von-Mises stress around the screws 51 under applied bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m and 2 N-m) 4.1O The contour plots of displacement for three groups of 53 fixations under applied 2 N bending load 4.11 The mean maximum displacement under torsion loads 54 (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m, 2.5 N-m) 4.12 The maximum displacement around the screws under 55 applied torsion loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m, 2.5 N-m) 4.13 The maximum von-Mises stress under applied bending 56 loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m and 2.5 N-m) 4.14 The maximum von Mises stress around the screws under applied torsion loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m and 2.5 N-m) 56 xvii 4.15 The contour plots of displacement for three groups of 58 fixations under applied 2 N torsional load 4.16 (A) Average total displacement of the fracture site under the 100 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2.5 N-m torsional loads. The total displacement was averaged from the displacement of the nodes on the fracture site. (B) Maximum von Mises stress value for bone in three groups of fixations under 100 N compression load, 2 N-m bending and 2.5 N-m torsional loads 59 xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 2D - Two Dimensional 3D - Three Dimensional CAD - Computer-Aided design CT - Computerized Tomography DRFs - Distal Radius Fractures DP - Double Plating FEA - Finite Element Analysis HU - Hounsfield Scale LCPS - Locking Compression Plate System LCPS - Locking Compression Plate System LDRS - Locking Distal Radius System MDP - Modified Double Plating MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imager CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Wrist joint Wrist joint is the most complex of all joints in the body. The wrist must be extremely mobile to give our hands a full range of motion. At the same time, the wrist must provide the strength for heavy gripping. The kinematics and kinetics of the wrist hasn’t been completely understood yet. The wrist joint plays a significant role in maintaining a normal daily life. Normal wrist motions involve with the ligaments as well as the carpal, radius and ulna bones [1]. 1.1.1 Wrist anatomy Wrist structure can be divided in to several categories: 2 • bones and joints • ligaments and tendons • muscles • nerves • blood vessels Bones and joints The connections from the end of the forearm to the hand there are 15 bones. The wrist itself contains 8 bones, called carpal bones, the ulna and the radius. The carpal bones are separated into two rows, namely the proximal and distal that shown in Fig1.1. Fig 1.1: Distal and proximal rows of carpal bones. 3 The wrist joint comprises into three different parts, the radiocarpal joint, intercarpal joint and the distal radioulnar joint. Most of the movements of the wrist occurs at the radiocarpal joint, which is a synovial articulation composed by distal end of the radius and the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum bones [2]. 1.2 Wrist fracture Wrist fractures are kind of fractures that happen any of carpal bones and two forearm bones (radius and ulna). The most commonly wrist fractures are distal radius and scaphoid fractures. 1.2.1 Distal radius fracture Comminuted fractures of distal end of the radius are caused by high-energy trauma and present as shear and impacted fractures of the articular surface of the distal radius with displacement of the fragments. The position of the hand and the carpal bone and also the impact of the forces cause the articular fragmentation and the displacement. Distal radius fractures are very common. In fact, the radius is the most commonly broken bone in the arm. The break usually happens when a fall causes someone to land on their outstretched hands. It can also happen in a car accident, a bike accident, a skiing accident, and similar situations [3]. 4 1.3 Problem Statement Distal radius fractures are among the most common injuries, with an estimate overall crude incidence of 36.6/10,000 person-years in women and 8.9/10,000 personyears in men. Assuming a continuous rise in the incidence of distal radial fractures with age, and based on the fact that older population continues to grow, incidence of distal radius fractures can be expected to increase. To allow for good functional outcome following unstable distal radius fractures, restoration of both the radiocarpal and the radioulnar relationship is essential, therefore surgical treatment should facilitate for anatomic reduction and maintenance of the reduction. It means different surgical methods can be used to fix the complicated, unstable and displaced distal radius fractures. The conventional volar plating for treated the dorsal displaced distal radius fractures has been described with good results in young patients and with a mix of fracture complexity. However, elderly patients with osteoporotic bone may have higher risk of loss of reduction in conventional types of fixation because of screw loosening and because of the toggle effect of the screws within the distal part of the plate. Therefore the necessity of an optimum technique for restore not only the anatomical alignment of the wrist but also its proper biomechanics such as preventing redisplacement of the fragments and re-establishing the normal wrist load transmission pattern has been provided new studies. 5 1.4 Objective of study The objective summery of this study included: 1) Simulation of the distal part of the wrist and also simulation the intraarticular distal radius fracture (AO 23-C2.1). 2) To develop 3D model of the fractured bone for all types of fixation methods. 3) To simulate various surgical treatments for this type of intra-articular fracture. 4) To compare between all different types of surgical treatments for fracture fixation of the distal radius. 1.5 Scope of study The scope the study, to simulate the 3D model of radius bone and also simulated the unstable intra-articular fracture on bone. The next step to find the surgical methods for this kind of distal radius fracture and simulated these surgical method as same as the real plates of fixations. Then according to surgical open reduction and internal fixation should find the optimum positioning for all types of fixations on fractured bone. To provide the valid analysis should find the best positions for boundary condition and exerting the loads. Should mention that the loads values should be choose base on the daily motions that fractured wrist faces. Finally, should compare the results of all types of fixation under the loads and find the most stabile and rigidness of fixation method. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In this chapter discussed about the different types of intra-articular fractures and also the previous studies on fixation methods for distal radius fractures. 2.1.1 Classification of intra-articular distal radius fracture CT scan can classify the intra-articular fractures in five distinctive fracture types. 7 (1) Intra-articular fracture with displaced dorsal fragment (Fig.2.1) This kind of intra-articular fracture the dorso-ulnar fragment is displaced and rotated. This fracture should be treated with a single screw or small dorsal straight plate to reduce the fragment parts via a limited dorsal approach [54]. Fig.2.1: CT-based classification of comminuted intra-articular fractures of the distal radius. Type I: intra-articular fracture with displaced dorso-ulnar fragment. (2) Dorsal split with dorsal dislocation (Fig.2.2) This fracture type is defined by a transverse dorsal split with dorsal dislocation of the fragment(s) and the carpus. These fractures are actually fractures of the dorsal articular margin with dorsal radiocarpal subluxation and are therefore unstable [4]. Most of the bony ridges are very small and therefore difficult to refix with implants such as screws or plates and indirect techniques of reduction of the fragment and the carpus (by ligamentotaxis with an external fixator) will reduce the fracture. After reduction those fragments will be fixed indirectly with the means of screws through palmar plates [54]. 8 Fig.2.2: Type II: dorsal split with dorsal dislocation. (3) Palmar split with palmar dislocation (Fig.2.3) These fractures are caused by an opposite (palmar) displacement of the carpus disrupting a small palmar margin of the articular surface and are equally unstable. Here reduction of the palmar is achieved via a palmar approach and small buttress plating. Again the deforming forces and palmar (sub)luxation of the carpus are counteracted by a neutralising external fixator [54]. Fig.2.3: Type III: palmar split with palmar dislocation. 9 (4) Complex distal radius fractures with metaphyseal separation (Fig.2.4) These fractures are defined by complete additional dorsal or palmar disruption of the metaphysis with severe comminution. They often show a total disruption of the DRUJ and gross displacement [54]. Fig. 2.4: Type IV: complex distal radius fractures with metaphyseal separation. (5) Destruction of the articular surface (Fig.2.5) On this CT evaluation there is destruction of the very distal aspect of the distal radius, with involvement of the greater part of the articular surface. These fractures are the most difficult ones to treat, because major parts of the articular surface are destroyed and displaced. A combination of reconstruction of the articular surface and minimal distraction of the carpus is necessary to unload the articular cartilage during bone healing [54]. 10 Fig.2.5: Type V: destruction of the articular surface. 2.2 Different studies on fixation methods To provide the best stability for distal radius fractures the best way of fixation method should find to apply as surgical treatment. To achieving this goal analysing the fixation methods should be provided by applying the clinical method, experimental method and computer simulation. 2.2.1 Clinical Method Recently development in distal radius fractures (DRFs) influenced by rapid developments of many osteosynthesis and fixation devices. The reported by Colles and many authors expected the good results from a relative conservative policy of treatment; however, we are facing now another method of open reduction and internal fixation. We have to be careful not to treat all patients with the latest implants that exist in the market. We should consider the types of fractures, the characteristic of the injury, the age of patients and the expected activity level. The prospective surgical methods that were applied to the severity comminuted distal 11 radius fractures were treated base on the prospective protocol. Distal radius fractures (DRFs) are unique in that emergence of technology has generated renewable interest in the treatment of these fractures and an increase in production of a variety of specific fixation devices [5]. Non-invasive Techniques Non-invasive techniques are kind of fixation methods that don’t need to do the surgery to put the implant on fractured bone. These methods consist of conservative treatment, external fixation and pinning. Conservative treatment Close reduction and also suggested a tin splint for facture stability described by Colles in 1847. Closed reduction and splitting is still today the most commonlyused method of treatment in the DRF. In conservative treatment the position of immobilization and type of splinting has same importance [6]. Although many methods of closed reduction have been developed during the years, there is no evidence-based on randomized studies to support the choice of closed reduction method. Handoll and Madok had many systematically evaluation non-randomized reports of methods of closed reduction [5]. However, in many cases conservative treatment appropriate especially for primarily or secondary unstable fractures, surgical are needed. 12 External Fixation During the three decades external fixation has been used for distal radius fractures [7]. In some countries such as Sweden external fixation uses as a standard method and it used as reference to compare with new methods. External fixation uses ligamentotaxis to both reduce as well as to hold the fracture in position during healing [8]. Although in comparison with the below-elbow cast external fixation has been reported better results, the external fixation was noted as having more complications [9]. External fixation can be applied for complex and intra-articular factures [10] (Fig. 18). The traction of the wrist ligaments may cause stiffness and therefore dynamic fixation with an articulated device [11, 12] or nonbridging fixation has been proposed with better results reported than for traditional bridging technique [13]. A recent randomized study was unable to find any difference between the bridging and the non-bridging external fixator in regard to clinical results in elderly patients [14]. 13 Fig 2.6: Schematic drawing of a monolateral external fixator with double ball joints after application to the radial aspect of the second metacarpal and diaphysis of the radius: the distal ball joint is centred between the capitate (C) and lunate bone (L) (intraoperatively by identification with a bone elevator under image intensification, lower part of the image) to allow for mobilisation of the fixator. Pinning Pinning is other types of close reduction techniques to fix the fracture. Pinning consist of various techniques such as intra-focal pinning [15], intra-focal intra-medullary pinning [16] or pinning in combination with external fixation [17]. According to one studies, compared intra-focal pinning with volar-locking plate shown the privilege in using volar-locking plate [18]. In patients over 60, the pinning was found to provide only a marginal improvement in the radiological parameters compare with immobilisation in a cast alone [19]. 14 Fig.2.7: Typical placement of two T-pins for fixation a distal radius fracture is shown in this posterior-anterior radiograph. The surgeon has inserted two T-pins from the radio styloid to stable fracture fixation. The surgeon has inserted two T-pins from the radio styloid to stable fracture fixation. Open surgery Recently open surgery has had more popularity in comparison with other types of treatments. Open surgery several types of fixation such as plates, fragmentspecific fixation and volar-locking plates. (a) Plates A volar plate is a kind of plates that applied for volarly-dislocated fractures especially Baron or Smith type of fractures [20]. The other techniques that used standard AO-plates and screws have been considered for other types of fractures 15 have had good results. To provide more stability, usually two or more columns of the radial cortex have to be fixed to achieve good results [21, 22]. Open techniques has become increasingly popular especially for distal radius fractures. (b) Fragment-Specific Fixation A fragment-specific fixation is a kind of fixations that used the combination of plates, pins and screws. This fixation uses for radial and unlar columns separately or single fracture fragments on both dorsal side and volar side fracture fragments. In fragment-specific fixation basically used pinning but to provide more stability and to prevent from bending or the fragments from sliding on the pin, a stabilizing plate was used to secure the pins. Moreover, wire forms to support the subchondral bone or small fragment can be used. This profile is low profile and offer good stability [2325] (Fig. 20). Fig. 2.8: A fragment-specific wrist fixation system. 16 (c) Volar locking plates The volar locking plate provided the newest concepts in open surgery method of fixation. In this method the volar locking plates has been used with angle screws or pegs has provided more stability and a safe approach to the fracture. The fracture is approached from the volar side using the Henry approach just radially to the flexor carpi radius, ulnarly to the radial artery. This provided easy access to the volar part of the radius. Latest biomechanical studies on volar locking plates showed the most stability in comparison with other fixation especially external fixation for dorsallycomminuted fractures [26-28]. The best combination of fixation is provided by the volar locking plates and the fragment-specific system [29, 30]. Good clinical results have reported in a few series [31, 32]. However, in clinical studies reported the irritation of the tendon because of the screws [33, 34]. Fig.2.9: A 31-year-old woman with reverse Barton fracture fixed by volar locking plate. 17 For many it seems that the volar locking plates have provided the best and final solution to the treatment of both intra-articular and extra-articular fractures. However, this treatment and also other types of treatments show follow the standard protocol for applying to the fracture that this standard mentions the age of patients, types of fracture. 2.2.2 Protocol for surgical treatment A standardized treatment programme, base on the radiographic appearance but taking into account the age and the demands of the patients when selecting the proper treatment use the way of treatment. The group for distal radius fracture in southern Sweden in 2004 consisting of dedicated surgeons from Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery department of distal radius fracture analysed the literature at the time and define according to it the following protocol [5] (Fig.22) 18 Fig .2.10: The southern Sweden treatment protocol for DRF when selecting different treatments the patient’s age and demands. 2.3 Experimental Method In this type of biomechanical study the survey focused on fresh frozen human cadaver to find the real situation for this study. The first step of procedure is to simulate the real fracture on bone. After that the fixation method was applied to the fractured bone base on the clinical studies. Finally we should applied the loads base on the daily loads that were affected the fracture bone. Experimental studies because of providing the real situations the results are so important for validation in other 19 methods. Most of the times the experimental methods comparison the two or more types of fixation to assess which one provided more stability. 2.3.1 A novel non-bridging external fixator versus volar angular stable plating Recently the two ways of fixation such as non-bridging external fixation and the volar angular plating introduced as an effective ways for fixation the intraarticular distal radius fracture. In this study five pairs of frozen human cadaveric darii were used. The pairs were randomly assigned to two study group: (1) volar plate (two right and three left bones) and (2) External fixation group (three right and two left bones) (Fig.23). A B Fig.2.11: Experimental test with isolated radius placed of custom-made compensator to applied ratio (60-40%) of the forces transferred to scaphoid and lunata fragments. (A) Non-bridging external fixation method. (B) Volar locking fixation method. 20 The fractured bone were placed in a servo-hydraulic testing machine (MTS 858 Minibionex II, 1 kN load cell, MTS, Eden prairie,USA) the proximal part of the radius was fixed to the machine actuator. The distal part of the radius positioned on a custom-made compensator to generated a true load ratio (60-40%) that transferred to the scaphoid and lunate fragments respectively [36]. The comparison in this study showed the more stability for the volar locking plate fixation than the external fixation for unstable intra-articular fractured model. Also the volar locking plate demonstrated the superior properties under cycling loading [35]. 2.3.2 Comparing volar with dorsal fixation plates on unstable extra-articular fractures Volar plating with conventional plates has been demonstrated the good clinical results for dorsally displaced fractures and also for the mix fracture complexity in younger patients [37, 38]. However, elderly patients which have osteoporotic bone may have higher risk of the loss of reduction because of screw loosening and also the toggle effect of the screws within the distal part of the plate. Recently the comparison between the volar and dorsal fixed-angle distal radius constructs is controversial. In this study compare the stability and stiffness of 4 groups of plates that used combination of a dorsal and styloid plate (group 1) (Fig.24A), a single volar plate (group 2) (Fig.24B), and combination of a volar and styloid plate (group 3) (Fig.24C) and also single volar 3.5-mm steel locking plate was used in group 4 (Fig. 24D). Each construct was tested on 6 fresh-frozen radii with simulated unstable dorsally commuted extra-articular distal radius fractures [39]. The plates that used in this study were new low profile 2.4-mm titanium Locking Distal Radius System (LDRS) (Synthes Ltd., Paoli, PA). The precontoured plate system offers volar, dorsal, and styloid fixation options with locking head screws forming an angle-stable constructs. 21 A B C D Fig.2.12: (A) The LDRS 2.4-mm intermediate and styloid plates. (B) The LDRS 2.4mm volar plate. (C) The LDRS 2.4-mm volar and styloid plates. (D) The 3.5-mm stainless steel T plate. For calculating the stiffness of the plate used the linear part of the load/displacement curve. Load to failure was defined as a sudden change in the load/displacement curve, construct breakage, or closure of the osteotomy. 22 The final results showed the dorsal plating had the strongest and stiffest. During this test no construct failed under cyclic fatigue loading of 250 N it means that all types of fixations were stable enough for early postoperative unloaded mobilization in osteoporotic patients with extra-articular fractures. Group 1 with dorsal and styloid plate showed the significantly higher stiffness values than other group this one cause by the buttress effect for a dorsally positioned plate but not volar plate. The styloid plates are useful when styloid fragment was difficult or supplementary fixation was required [40]. 2.4 Computer Simulation Method Clinical study is the most authentic method to investigate the effect of different surgical methods on patients, however, sometimes it is difficult to identify and isolate important parameters because of confounding variables. Also experimental studies often faced with problems because of limited cadaver availability and also by the problems originated from performing several comparative experiments. To solved these kinds of problems finite element (FE) method provides mechanical responses and alters parameters in more controllable manner, driving its common use as an analytical tool in biomechanical studies [41]. 2.4.1 Biomechanical evaluation of three types of implants In this study, first simulated the distal radius fracture by finite element method then applied the three different fixation methods that designed before and consist of double-plating and, modified double-plating and single. Various surgical techniques should use to fix the complicated, unstable and displaced distal radius 23 fractures. The effective technique is the one which can restore not only the anatomical alignment of the wrist but also the proper biomechanics such as preventing re-displacement of the fragments and re-establishing the normal wrist load transmission pattern [42]. Three models were built for comparison including a Modified Double Plating (MDP) model (Fig.25A), a Double Plating (DP) model (Fig.25B) and a single T plate model (Fig.25C). In the modified model a 2.0-mm titanium single T shape volar plate with I shape styloid plate (Synthes, Solothurn, Switzerland) were selected as the two buttressed plates to stabilize the placement on the dorsoulnar side and dorsoradial side, respectively [43]. A B C Fig. 2.13: Finite element of different surgical methods. (A) T shape single volar plate meshing model. (B) Meshing model of double-palates fixation method. (C) The modified double-plating (MDP) meshing model. To assess the biomechanical properties of three different methods should apply various load conditions, four sets of axial loads (10 N, 25 N, 50 N and 100 N), bending (1.0 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2.0 N-m and 2.5 N-m) and torsion moments loads (1.0 24 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2.0 N-m and 2.5 N-m) were applied at the end of the distal radius under the same boundary conditions onto the three models [42,44-46] (Fig.26). Fig. 2.14: Loading conditions for model. Axial loading bending and torsion are indicated with arrows. The axial loading was applied in the middle of the upper radius surface. The bending force was applied on the volar side of radius. Torsion is applied on both sides of the radius representing the external rotating force. The magnitude and directions of the loads applied were to simulate the physiological load experienced with active wrist joint movement during daily activities [44, 46-48]. This study was monitored the von-Mises stress values of bone and fixation plates/screws and the average rigidity (that defined as the slope of the straight line of the load/displacement curves) to find out the potential loosening of the fracture fragments. 25 In final results, the model rigidity revealed similar stiffness under axial loads. In bending, MDP demonstrated the highest stiffness compare to the other two, while the DP and single plate model showed the similar stiffness. For the case that applied the torsion loads the DP and the single plate showed the higher stiffness than the MDP (Fig.27). A B Fig.2.15: (A) Average total displacement of the fracture site under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsion loads. (B) Maximum displacement of the fracture site under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsion loads. 26 In von-Mises stress, the MDP had less stress in a case of bending and axial load in comparison with other two groups. However, the double plating technique showed less stress in comparison with two other groups. The maximum bone stresses occurred around the plates at the fracture site. As for the maximum von Mises stress of T plate (Fig.28) [44]. A B Fig.2.16: (A) maximum von Mises stress value for bone in single, DP, and MDP models under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsional loads. (B) Maximum von Mises stress value of T plate in single, DP, and MDP models under 50 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2 N-m torsional loads. The results from finite element simulation were base on an objective to provide a way to eliminate the problems encounter with the usual fixation methods and find superior fixation methods as a clinical treatments substitution. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter mentions the process of working which consist of simulating the solid bone, making the fractured bone, designing the proper implants, setting the implants on fractured bone and finally analyzing the fixed model. 3.2 Mimics Software Mimics software (Mimics, 6.1-Materialise software, Leuven, Belgium, UK) is a kind of image-processing with three dimensional (3D) visualization functions that interfaces with common scanner formats. This software extracts the 3D solid bone from the images such as computer tomography (CT), µCT or magnetic resonance imager (MRI). The software gives the ability to control and correct the segmentation of CT-scans and MRI-scans. 28 This software can process any number of two dimensional (2D) image slices (rectangular images are allowed). The interface created to process the image provides several segmentation and visualization. In this research for provided the meshed 3D solid bone model should followed five steps in mimics: Step 1: Imported the medical data The Mimic software allowed automatic importation of 507 slice images of the upper limb of a 34 years old man generated in the CT scanner (Siemens, Sensation 16, SOMATOM Scanner, MI, USA) (Fig.3.1). A pixel size of 0.977 mm was automatically calculated accounting the present image resolution (512×512 pixels). The slice increment correctly determined corresponding to 1.5 mm and the number of slices is 507. The pixel size and the slice distance guarantees the coherent dimensional reproducibility of the models generated during the segmentation process. Fig 3.1: CT scan image for using in mimic. 29 Step 2: Thresholding CT images are a pixel map of the linear X-ray coefficient of tissue. The pixel values are scaled so that the linear X-ray attenuation coefficient of air equals -1024 and that of water equals 0. This scale is called the Hounsfield (HU) scale (Mimic, 2007) Thresholding base on Hounsfield scale was used to separate the radius part of the forearm that positioned in the lateral side of the ulna bone (Fig.3.2). In order to include all the cortical and trabecular parts of the bone at the radius bone structure. Fig 3.2: The top and side views for radius bone that Thresholding by the white color triangular to separate the radius bone. Step 3: Segmentation density masks For special length of the radius bone, individual and separated masks were created. This process allows the posterior generation of independent geometrical files 30 and 3D models. Some manual operations to eliminate residual pixels were conducted. Cavity fill operations to rule out some voids at the density masks were also realized in order to obtain independent and smoother primary 3D models. For a better visualization of the internal boundaries in the masks, polylines were generated what allows the use of the cavity fill from polylines tool, in order to eliminate in an easier way, mask’s internal voids. Step 4: Region growing The region growing process allows splitting the segmentation in different and separated parts, correspond each part to one mask that can be distinguished by the different applied mask’s colours. For the complete definition of the radius structure and different regions (radius, ulna, and soft tissue) were defined. The side view of a region growing process on the bone (Fig 3.3). Fig 3.3: The side view of region growing that shown in pink color. 31 Step 5: 3D Reconstruction The generated region masks were used to develop 3D models for each the both the cortical and cancellous part of the radius bone. The 3D reconstruction is based on 3D interpolation techniques that transform the 2D images (slices) in a 3D model. For this reconstruction case, gray values interpolation was used associated with the accuracy algorithm for achieving a more accurate dimensional representation of the radius structure. Shell and triangle reduction, respectively were used for elimination small inclusions and reducing the number of mesh elements. Each region was then reconstructed to obtain both cortical and cancellous volume that geometrically defines the radius structure. The relative positions of the different parts constituting the primary model assembly of the radius intact model shown in Fig 3.4. A B C Fig 3.4: The process of smoothing (A, B and C) to achieve radius bone. 32 3.2.1 Constructed of fractured bone After simulation of the radius bone, should make the unstable distal radius fracture in intra-articular part of the radius bone. The cut with curve tool in Mimics Software provided the instrument to simulate the fracture on intact radius bone. Before that by using measurements tool, measured nearly 10 mm proximal to the articular and approximately 15° volar wedge (Fig 3.5) to provide the guide lines for removed the bones with cut with the curve tool to simulate a comminuted zone and showed the three fragmental AO 23-C2.1 fracture. This process followed for both cortical and cancellous part of the radius (Fig 3.6). After cut the intact bone and made the bones in six parts (3 cortical and 3 cancellous parts) should modify the ugly meshing and corrected the meshing parts (Fig 3.7). The meshed cortical and cancellous parts of the radius had interfaced together and that was shown the errors in MSC.Marc software for finite element simulation. To solve this problem, all cancellous bones were filliped in Marc software and brought back to Mimic software and removed the interfacing in Magic. 33 A B Fig 3.5: The measured guide lines for cutting (A) Approximately 10 mm(10.44 mm) from the from articular surface. (B) About 15° (14.81°) volar wedge. Fig 3.6: The simulated three segments unstable intra-articular fracture (AO 23-C2.1 fracture). The circle shows the cut with the curve tool. 34 A B C Fig 3.7: (A) The scaphoid segment cleaned meshes. (B) The lunate segment cleaned meshes. (C) The distal part of the radius cleaned meshes (all segment related to the cortical parts only). 35 3.3 Implant Design For designing the implant, the previous studies didn’t follow the standard protocol for their designs; however, in this study tried to design the new low profile 2.4-mm titanium Locking Distal Radius System (LDRS) (Synthes Ltd., Paoli, Pa). The plates system offers volar, dorsal, and styloid fixation option with locking head screws. But before designing, in Mimics software the effective length for implants measured on the fractured radius bone. The measurements should mention all the length that was used the length of the implants and also the curve of the styloid part of the bone for designed the I-shape styloid plate. All the implants designed in Solidworks Software. 3.3.1 Introduction of Solidworks Software Solidworks is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program that was introduced in 1995 as a competitor to CAD programs such as Pro/Engineer, AutoCAD, and Unigraphics solutions. Jon Hirschtick was founded the Solidworks in 1993. He recruited a team of engineers to build a company that developed 3D CAD software that was easy-to-use, affordable and available on the desktop, with its headquarters at Concord, Massachusetts, and released its first product, Solidworks 95, in 1995. Sketching the model in Solidworks should start on 2D plane. To sketch, should use different parameters such as points, lines, arcs, conics (except hyperbola), and splines. Dimensions are added to defined size and locations of the geometry. 36 3.3.2 Designing the implants To fix the fractured distal radius bone and base on the surgical methods three different implant that consist of 1 dorsal intermediate plate (Fig 3.8A), 1 styloid Ishape plate (Fig 3.8B), and 1 T-shape volar plate (Fig 3.8C). All implants designed base on standard 2.4mm locking screw and also the low profile designed of these implants made them near to reality. Moreover, the dimensions that measured in Mimic software applied in designed implants. The most difficult part of the designing was the curve of the styloid implants that solved with created the various plane on the implant. After finished the implants designed they meshed on ABAQUS software (is a suite software application for finite element analysis and computer aided engineering) and saved as "stl" files to transfer them to the Mimic software again. The size of mesh for implants and also screws were 1mm. 37 A B C Fig 3.8: (A) Intermediate dorsal LDRS 2.4 mm plate. (B) Volar T-shape LDRS 2.4 mm plate. (C) I-shape Styloid LDRS 2.4 mm plate. 3.4 Simulation of surgical fixation In this part the implants exported to the Mimic software to fix them on a right place base on surgical method. After fixed the implants, it’s time to meshing the screws not only for fractured bone (both cortical and cancellous) but also the implants. To achieve this goal, first flipped the screws for all implants then fixed the 38 meshes on bone and implants (Fig 3.9). When the meshing around the bone and also implants finished and there were no interfacing between them there were found new interfacing between the new meshing cortical and cancellous in this case the cancellous again brought to the MSC.Mrac Software (Computer Aided Engineering, Marc software, Santa Ana, California, USA) to flipped the cancellous part of the bone and then fixed the meshes in cortical bone. After finished the all meshes that there were no interfacing in all parts of bone, screws, and implants, saved all the parts with "stl" files. And then bring it to the MSC.Marc to get the results (Fig 3.10). Screw position on cortical Screw position on cancellous Fig 3.9: Fixed all the meshes around the screws on both cortical and cancellous parts of bone. 39 Fig 3.10: Fixed all the interfaced meshing part between all cancellous and cortical and screws. (The red parts show the interfaced parts) 3.5 Introduction to MSC.Marc Software MSC.Marc is a powerful, general-purpose, implicit nonlinear finite elemnt analysis (FEA) software program that quickly and accurately simulates static and dynamic and coupled physics problems for a wide range of design and manufacturing applications. The linear FEA methods that rely upon making simplifying assumptions and approximations, MSC.Marc enables you to follow the complex nature of real-world structural behaviour and mechanical process to ensure highest design confidence and product performance under realistic environments and operating conditions. Since 1971 MSC.Marc has recognized as the first commercial nonlinear FEA software because of delivering innovation, easy to use, and powerful for analyzing the structural integrity and performance of parts experiencing geometric, material, and/or boundary nonlinearities. 40 3.5.1 Analysing the three fixation methods The stl files that saved from Mimic software brought to the Marc software and save it and checked the meshes and saved to the "mfd" files. After the mfd files categorised to the three groups, group 1 consist of 1 styloid plate, 1 dorsal intermediate plate, group 2 consist of single T-shape volar plate, and the group 3 comprise 1 styloid plate and 1 single T-shape volar plate in all groups included a three fragmental fractured bone. Each group of fixations merged in the one separate file. In Marc software should define some parameters such as material properties, friction coefficient for all contact bones, and Poisson’s ratio. For all contact surfaces the value for friction coefficient was o.3 [43]. The cortical and cancellous bones were assumed linear, elastic and isotropic material with the young’s modulus of 18 GPa for cortical and 100 MPa for cancellous. The Poisson’s ratio for simulated cortical and cancellous were 0.2 and 0.25 respectively [51] (Fig 3.11). Fig 3.11: Defined the young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and contact parts for each part (that showed in collared parts). 41 3.5.2 Applying the loads Before running the program to get the results, defining the load points and the boundary condition are indispensable. In this study base on the previous studies that mentioned in literature review the end of the distal part of the radius bone was fixed in all directions [43] and the loads that consist of axial load, bending, and torsion exerted to the distal radius intra-articular fractured bone in same condition for all three groups. For the four axial loads (10 N, 25 N, 50 N, and 100 N) applied to the defined ratio (60-40%) load transferred to the scaphoid and lunate fragments [36]. At first the load directions was set as perpendicular to the articular surface; however, the results showed wrong in comparison with previous experimental method. The problem was the direction of the load, so the true direction of the load found by exerted the load base on the tilt angle that was mentioned 13.4° for this bone [52]. The tilt angle should minus the declination of the bone in MSC,Marc software (20° with the vertical axis) that finally found the 6.6° with the vertical axis (cranial-caudal) for exerted the axial loads. For bending loads, loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, and 2 N-m) applied to the volar side of the fractured bone. To provide the bending moment on fractured bone, the calculated load points exerted to the proximal point that had 50.47 mm (0.05047 m) distance from the bounded distal end of the radius that found from the two nodes in Marc. In case of torsion loading, loads (1 N-m, 2 N-m, and 2.5 N-m) applied to the proximal part of the radius. The distance that measured between two nodes was 24.887 mm (0.024887 m). The two nodes were the places of inserting the coupleforce (Fig.3.12). 42 After finished all these procedures the model is ready to save and run the program to get the results. Each case categorised in one folder to analyse the data and plotted the chart base on results. Bending Torsion %60 %40 Axial loading Fig 3.12: Axial loading that applied on scaphoid and lunate regions base on each percentage and tilt angle (6.6° to the cranial-caudal direction), bending load that exerted on simulated bone on volar side of the radius and the torsion applied of the radius part of the bone. These all steps that mentioned here followed the procedure for only group 3 of fixation methods the other two groups also followed all the steps one by one to provided the excellent situations to get the results. CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, the fixation methods categorised in 3 groups: (1) Group 1 consist of 1 I-shape styloid plate and 1 dorsal intermediate, (2) Group 2 consist of single T-shape volar locking plate, and (3) Group 3 comprised 1 T-shape volar locking plate and 1 I-shape styloid plate. These three groups of fixation methods which created in the previous chapter used to analyse the displacements and the von-Mises stress. Also the graphs of rigidity and the maximum stress and displacement measured on fractured bone. 44 4.2 Axial-loads results This part demonstrated the two most important parameters such as maximum displacement and von-Mises stress to assess the stability and the rigidity of the three groups of fixations. The applied loads that mentioned previously consisted of four axial-loads (10 N, 25 N, 50 N, and 100 N) that exerted base on tilt angle. 4.2.1 Displacement In axial loading, the displacement in all groups showed the reasonable displacements on applied 100N axial load. However, the purpose of this study was to find the superior stability. The final results showed the angle-stable double plates constructs which was considered in group1 and group 3 had less displacement in comparison with group 2. But the difference between group 1 and group 2 was not too much. The averaged rigidities, defined as the slope of the straight-line region of the averaged load-displacement curves under axial, bending and torsion loads, were also computed to understand the differences of the biomechanical strength for these three surgical methods. The Fig 4.1 that shown the load-displacement graph under applied axial loads demonstrated the highest rigidity for group 3 and the lowest rigidity related to the group 1. 45 Displacement 120 Load (N) 100 80 60 Group 1 40 Group 2 Group 3 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Displacement (mm) Fig. 4.1: Model rigidity under axial compressive load. This study also considered the maximum displacement around the screw on fractured bone by monitored the nodes around the maximum displaced part. The linear Fig 4.2 also had shown the most rigidity for group 3. Displacement (Bone) 120 Load(N) 100 80 60 Group 1 40 Group 2 20 Group 3 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Displacement(mm) Fig 4.2: Maximum displacement of the bone around the screws under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N, and 100 N loads. 46 4.2.2 Von-Mises Stress The average maximum von Mises stress value was lower in group 3 that the other two groups during axial loads. The stress for group 1 and group 2 showed approximately the same (Fig.4.3). Von Mises Stress 120 Load (N) 100 80 60 Group 1 40 Group 2 20 Group 3 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Von Mises Stress (MPa) Fig. 4.3: Maximum von-Mises stress under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N and 100 N loads. The maximum von Mises stress value on fractured bone around the screw was lower in group 3 (1 I-shape styloid plate and 1 T-shape volar plate) that 2 other groups during the axial loads (Fig.4.3). 47 Von Mises Stress(Bone) 120 Load(N) 100 80 60 Group 1 40 Group 2 20 Group 3 0 0 10 20 30 40 Stress(MPa) Fig 4.4 Maximum von Mises stress of the bone around the screws under the 10 N, 25 N, 50N, and 100 N loads. The maximum stress and the displacement values around the screw that caused by the axial loads demonstrated the superior results for all three groups (Table.4.1). Table 4.1 Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the applied loads. Axial-load Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 10 N 25 N 50 N 100 N Displacement (mm) 0.02684 0.085 0.1693 0.3385 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 3.074 7.89 15.69 31.47 Displacement (mm) 0.02959 0.1264 0.2746 0.5306 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 2.233 6.985 13.87 27.72 Displacement (mm) 0.005863 0.03667 0.06833 0.1476 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 0.9895 5.21 10.37 20.07 48 The finite element plot graphs for displacements of the three groups of fixation methods showed in contour plots (Fig 4.4). Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Fig 4.5: The contour plots of displacement for three groups of fixations under applied 100 N axial load. 49 4.3 Bending results Bending is one of the important factors for distal radius fractures, this study wanted to find the superior bending resistance method of fixation for unstable intraarticular fractures. In this case the displacements and the von Mises stress monitored during applied the three bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, and 2 N-m). 4.3.1 Displacement In bending, group 1 and group 3 showed considerably less average displacement in comparison with group 2 (Fig.4.6). The interesting point that achieved in this study the approximate same results for group 1 and group 3 and this one could show the validation of this study [53] which showed the better effect of bending resistance in dorsal fixation methods rather than conventional T-shape single volar plate. The reason is the intermediate dorsal plate acts as buttress to provide the resist load for bending loads that exerted on volar side of the fractured bone. However, group 3 approximately showed the same results with group 1. 50 Displacement 2.5 Bending (N.m) 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Displacement (mm) Fig 4.6: The mean maximum displacement under bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2 N-m). To survey displacement on fractured bones by monitored the nodes around the screws showed the same results as average displacement. It demonstrated the less displacement on fractured bone in group 1 and group 3 (Fig 4.7). Displacement (Bone) 2.5 Bending (N.m) 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Displacement (mm) Fig 4.7: The maximum displacement around the screws under applied bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, 2 N-m). 51 4.3.2 Von-Mises Stress In bending, the average total maximum von-Mises stress showed the same results for group 1 and group 2. Group 3 showed the less stress mean maximum vonmises stress than two other groups (Fig.4.8). However, the values for the stress around the screws showed the same results in all three groups of fixations. This may should be the good point for the volar T-shape volar plate, but the displacement showed the maximum displaced fracture bone for group 2 (Fig 4.9). Bending (N.m) Von Mises Stress 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Group 1 Group 2 0 100 200 300 400 Group 3 Stress (MPa) Fig 4.8: The maximum von-Mises stress under applied bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 Nm, 2 N-m). Von Mises Stress(Bone) Bending (N.m) 2.5 2 1.5 1 Group 1 0.5 Group 2 0 Group 3 0 5 10 15 20 Stress (MPa) Fig 4.9: The maximum von-Mises stress around the screws under applied bending loads (1 N-m, 1.5 N-m, and 2 N-m). 52 The maximum von-Mises stress and the maximum displacement values that caused by the applied bending loads monitored by the nodes around the screws on bone (Table 4.2). Table 4.2: Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the bending loads. Bending loads Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1 N-m 1.5 N-m 2 N-m Displacement (mm) 0.0816 0.1225 0.1624 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 8.342 12.47 16.61 Displacement (mm) 0.181 0.2772 0.367 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 7.223 10.84 14.46 Displacement (mm) 0.09338 0.1399 0.1876 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 8.073 12.09 16.1 The finite element contour plot for displacements of the three groups of fixation methods under the 2 N-m bending loads (Fig 4.10). 53 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Fig 4.10: The contour plots of displacement for three groups of fixations under applied 2 N bending load. 4.4 Torsion results Applied the torsion by exerted the two loads around the proximal side of the radius bone provided the simulating other daily loads that may applied to the radius 54 bone. In this study to provide this circumstance for the fractured bone applied 1.5 Nm, 2 N-m, and 2.5 N-m torsion loads. 4.4.1 Displacement In torsional force, the styloid plate with T-shape volar locking plate in group 3 had the same displacement values as the styloid plate with intermediate dorsal plate in group 1. The fixation method in group 2 that consist of 1 single T-shape volar pate had highest displacement (Fig 4.11). The highest rigidity in both group 1 and group 3 that they consisted the angle-stable constructs showed the superior results for these kinds of fixations in comparison with conventional fixation with single T-shape volar locking plate in case of torsional loading. Displacement 3 Torsion (N.m) 2.5 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Displacement (mm) Fig 4.11: The mean maximum displacement under torsion loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m, 2.5 N-m). 55 For assessed the maximum displacement around the screws on fractured bone should traced the nodes around that place. The values from that survey demonstrated slightly the same result as the mean maximum displacement which showed the highest displacement in group 2 (Fig 4.12). Displacement (Bone) 3 Torsion (N.m) 2.5 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Displacement (mm) Fig 4.12: The maximum displacement around the screws under applied torsion loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m and 2.5 N-m). 4.4.2 Von-Mises Stress The other parameters of comparison was average total von mises stress in torsional loads which shows the lowest stress value related to group 3 after that group 1 and group 2 has low stress respectively (Fig 4.13). It was indicated that group 2 has the highest stress on the bone. 56 Von Mises Stress 3 Torsion (N.m) 2.5 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Stress (MPa) Fig 4.13: The maximum von-Mises stress under applied bending loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m and 2.5 N-m). The nodes around the screws showed the same stress values for both group 1 and group 3. Group 2 has the highest stress around the screws in comparison with group 1 and group 3 (Fig 4.14). Von Mises Stress (Bone) 3 Torsion (N.m) 2.5 2 1.5 Group 1 1 Group 2 0.5 Group 3 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Stress (MPa) Fig 4.14: The maximum von Mises stress around the screws under applied torsion loads (1.5 N-m, 2 N-m and 2.5 N-m). 57 The node around the screws showed the maximum von Mises stress and displacement to survey the stability between these three groups of fixation (Table 4.3). Table 4.3: Maximum displacement (mm) and maximum von Mises stress (MPa) values of the bone around the screws of all three groups under the torsional loads. Torsional loads Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1.5 N-m 2 N-m 2.5 N-m Displacement (mm) 0.08853 0.118 0.1475 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 14.24 19 23.77 Displacement (mm) 0.2794 0.3836 0.4733 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 27.61 35.57 45.99 Displacement (mm) 0.06741 0.09398 0.1173 von-Mises stress (Mpa) 13.01 17.34 21.66 The finite element plot graphs for displacements and the von Mises stress of the three groups of fixation methods demonstrated the mean maximum stress and displacement on implants under the torsional loads (Fig 4.15). 58 Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Fig 4.15: The contour plots of displacement for three groups of fixations under applied 2 N torsional load. 4.5 Overviewing of three fixation methods This study showed the stability and the rigidity of three fixation methods and the comparison between these three groups. The important point is this study focus on the unstable intra-articular fracture and should not expand these results for other 59 types of distal radius fractures. The overall view for displacement and the von-mises stress in all cases of applied loads (axial loads, bending, torsion) shown in Fig 4.16. A B Fig 4.16: (A) Average total displacement of the fracture site under the 100 N axial compression, 2 N-m bending and 2.5 N-m torsional loads. The total displacement was averaged from the displacement of the nodes on the fracture site. (B) Maximum von Mises stress value for bone in three groups of fixations under 100 N compression load, 2 N-m bending and 2.5 N-m torsional loads. 60 4.6 Validation of study For verified the methods of fixation first should mentioned about the surgical method it means we should become sure that this kind of fixations were usual for treating the patients or not. After that the value of the results should be verification with other experimental results or finite elements results that assessed these kinds of fixations before. 4.6.1 Surgical validation According to the recently studies on used double plating methods showed the efficacy of these methods of fixation by assessing their ability to maintain radiographic reduction and evaluating their functional outcome using validation measures over time. This study mentioned that these groups of fixations provided the stability which radial inclination and volar tilt did not show any significant change from surgery to final follow up. Moreover, this study showed the advantage of the locking plate system provides a more secure and reliable fixation for osteoprotic bones [53]. 4.6.2 Experimental validation After found the confidence about the validation surgical methods now it’s time to validate our results with either experimental methods or finite elements methods. The unique point of this study is this one is the first computer simulation for analysing and comparison these ways of fixation for unstable intra-articular 61 fracture. However, there were other experimental studies that dedicated to the conventional intra-articular fracture with T-shape volar locking plat. In this study provided the same simulation to make unstable intra-articular fracture. In case of fixation, the validate fixation method for this study was group 2 under applied the 100 N axial load. With simulated the same situation for this model the values for group 2 fixations was showed as same results as previous studies [35]. In previous study showed the acceptable displacement for fixation methods should be less than 0.6 mm that this study showed all the models valid for our results. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Discussion The clinical method know as a technique to compare different fixation plated on patients and achieve the results base on follow up evaluation, however, the clinical results shown the general result and they cannot specify the results for all patients. Also experimental methods are other authentic methods for comparison the different fixation methods, however, due to the limitation cadaver availability these studies are often limited by problems originated from performing several comparative experiments on the same specimen. On the other hand, finite element analysis is a facilitated tool to analyse the feasibility, efficacy and overall biomechanical factors on different fixation plates. The importance of this study is the first finite elements studies on unstable intra-articular fracture. Internal fixation has priority with external fixation because of more preservative and restorative in case of radial length and volar tilt. The 2.4 mm locking compression plates system (LCPS) provided more security reliability because of more stiffer and stronger buttress effect of plates. 63 This study used all locking compression plate system that consist of 1 styloid plate and 1 intermediate dorsal plate (Group1), single T-shape volar plate (Group 2) and the 1- styloid plate and 1 single T-shape volar plate (Group 3). All three groups of fixations showed the good results for young patient; however, the elderly patients with osteoporotic bone may have a higher risk of loss of reduction because of screw loosening and because of the toggle effect of the screws within the distal part of the plate. This study showed the most stability in double-plate constructs in group 1 and 3. The negative points of using the dorsal fixation in group 1 might be associated with complications of the extensor tendon irritation and rupture in patients. The results demonstrated that the superior stability of the double-plate constructs in groups1 and 3 in comparison with the conventional methods in group 2. The applied compression axial loads, bending and torsional loads provide the daily situation loads for fractured bone. The results values in all applied loads demonstrated the highest rigidity for group 3 than the other two groups. 5.2 Recommendation To further study on the wrist joint, some recommendations are listed below: 1. The problem of the screws that should insert to the bone for fixation has provided the tendon irritation is undeniable, however, this irritation can deduct with eliminate the redundant screws. In future studies should first focus on the removed the necessity screws and compare the results with this study which may provide the same stability with fewer screws. 2. Use other types of implants with different length or shape. 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