Chapter 9: Optimum Linear Systems 9-1 Introduction 9-2 Criteria of Optimality 9-3 Restrictions on the Optimum System 9-4 Optimization by Parameter Adjustment 9-5 Systems That Maximize Signal-to-Noise Ratio 9-6 Systems That Minimize Mean-Square Error Concepts: System Performance Criteria Criteria of Optimality Restrictions on the Optimum System Optimization by Parameter Adjustment (Variation of Parameters) Matched Filtering Systems That Maximize Signal-to-Noise Ratio Systems That Minimize Mean-Square Error Weiner Filters Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 1 of 16 ECE 3800 Chapter 9: Optimum Linear Systems 9-2 Criteria of Optimality 1. The criterion must have physical significance and not lead to a trivial result. 2. The criterion must lead to a unique solution. 3. the criterion should result in a mathematical form that is capable of being solved. Be careful, “optimality” is in the opinion of the person defining it …. It may not be the same optimal for all people/applications. Common optimal criterion/definitions in ECE: maximize the output signal to noise ratio (SNR) – Sec. 9.5 minimum mean squared error estimate (MMSE) maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) maximum a-posteriori estimate (MAP) minimized a defined cost function 9-3 Restrictions on the Optimum System Realizability - It can really be built, not just theory Causality – inputs cause outputs, no “crystal balls” looking into the future Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 2 of 16 ECE 3800 9.5 Systems that Maximize Signal-to-Noise Ratio PSignal SNR is defined as E s t 2 N 0 B EQ PNoise st nt Define for an input signal so t no t Define for a filtered output signal For a linear system, we have: s o t no t h st nt d 0 The input SNR can be describe as SNRin PSignal PNoise The output SNR can be described as SNRout PSignal PNoise E nt E st 2 2 Es t E n t N B E so t 2 2 o 2 o o EQ or substituting 2 E h s t d 0 SNRout 1 N o ht 2 dt 2 0 Using Schwartz’s Inequality: The sum of the square of a product is less than or equal to the product of the sum of the squares. Or mathematically (in continuous time) ( ) 2 2 2 h s d h d s d 0 0 0 Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 3 of 16 ECE 3800 Applying this inequality to the SNR out equation 2 2 h d E s t d 2 0 0 2 or SNRout SNRout E s t d No 1 2 0 N o ht dt 2 0 To achieve the maximum SNR, the equality condition of Schwartz’s Inequality must hold, or 2 2 2 h s t d h d s t d 0 0 0 h K st u For the filtering operation, the condition can be met for where K is an arbitrary gain constant. The desired impulse response is simply the time inverse of the signal waveform at time t, a fixed moment chosen for optimality. If this is done, the maximum filter power (with K=1) can be computed as h 2 0 d st 2 t d 0 maxSNRout s 2 d t 2 t No This filter concept is called a matched filter. Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 4 of 16 ECE 3800 Matched Filter Pulse or radar detection If you wanted to detect a burst waveform that has been transmitted, to maximize the received SNR, the receiving filter should be the time inverse of the signal transmitted! For use burst t , s t 0, K burstT t , ht 0, 0t T T t 0t T T t We expect to receive a transmitted burst as yt A st Tdelay nt ht Note and caution: when using such a filter, the received signal maximum SNR will occur when the signal and convolved filter perfectly overlap (maximum of the auto- or cross-correlation). This moment in time occurs when the “complete” burst has been received by the system. If measuring the time-of-flight of the burst, the moment is exactly the filter length longer than the time-of-flight. (Think about where the leading edge of the signal-of-interest is when transmitted, when first received, and when fully present in the filter). This is a form of correlation detection. The convolution of a filter comprised of the reverse time signal being searched for results in a correlation process when the “filter convolution” is performed. The result is the summed time waveforms of a delayed and gain scaled autocorrelation with a noise cross-correlation. In general the more “unlike noise” the signal is, the better the output results will be. The strangest implementation is a signal that is a pseudo-random sequence. As long as the input noise and pseudo-random sequence are uncorrelated, it works great … like the Global Positioning System (GPS). This is the basis for “Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum” (DSSS) being used for communications. Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 5 of 16 ECE 3800 Matched Filters Classic examples: Radar or sonar pulses. See: The discrete implementation can be quite interesting …. sn vn s o n vo n Define for an input signal Define for a filtered output signal For a discrete time linear system, we have: s o n no n hk s n k vn k k 0 k 0 k 0 s o n no n hk s n k hk vn k h s h v H H Using a notational shortcut (vector math concepts, detection and estimation theory) h s h s SNR P E v n E h v h v h s h s h s h s SNR E h v v h h R h E s o n PSignal out 2 H 2 Noise H H H H H o H H H out H H H H H H vv If the noise terms are independent SNRout h H s h s H H h v2 I h H h H h s h s v2 H H h H Using Schwartz’s Inequality ( ) h H 2 s h s h s h h s s h h s s H H SNR out h H H H H s s h h h s s v2 H H H H 2 v To achieve the maximum SNR, the equality condition of Schwartz’s Inequality must hold, or h s h s h H H H h s s H Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 6 of 16 ECE 3800 h K s This condition can be met for hk K sn k u k , for k 0 : N 1 or in terms of time samples where K is an arbitrary gain constant. An alternate computation plays some different “tricks” SNRout h H s h s H E h vv h H H h Rvv H SNRout h H Rvv h H 1 1 2 2 H H H H 1 R R 2 s 2 1 Rvv h 1 vv H 2 h s H h Rvv h Rvv h s h s H 1 1 h 2 R h R h 2 vv Rvv H H 1 vv H 2 H Rvv 1 H 2 h 2 2 1 vv 2 2 s Again using Schwartz’s Inequality ( ) 2 h s h h s s H H R h R s R s R h R h R s R s s R s SNRout H R 12 h vv H 1 vv vv 1 vv 1 SNRout 1 2 vv H 1 2 vv H 1 2 vv H 1 2 vv 2 2 2 1 H vv Notice that this sets an upper bound on the SNR regardless of the filter used! Equality occurs when Rvv 1 2 h K Rvv 1 2 s or h K Rvv 1 s This result can be “normalized” if we let 1 K s Rvv 2 H 1 Rvv s resulting in h 1 s s Rvv H 1 s If we again assume “iid” noise samples we get a matched filter K K h 2 I s 2 s v v Looking at the max SNR SNRout _ max 1 v2 s s N H S2 v2 This is N times the power ratio of the signal samples divided by the noise samples! (DSSS!) Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 7 of 16 ECE 3800 9-6 Another optimal solution: Systems that Minimize the MeanSquare Error between the desired output and actual output Err t X t Y t The error function Y t where h X t N t d 0 Performed in the Laplace Domain FE s FX s FY s FX s H s FX s FN s F E s F X s FY s F X s 1 H s H s F N s Computing the error power E Err 2 j 1 S XX s 1 H s 1 H s S NN s H s H s ds j 2 j E Err 2 j S XX s S NN s H s H s 1 ds j 2 j S XX s H s S XX s H s S XX s FC s FC s S XX s S NN s Defining E Err 2 S XX s S XX s F s H s F s H s C j C FC s FC s 1 ds j 2 j S XX s S NN s F s F s C C We can not do much about the last term, but we can minimize the terms containing H(s). Therefore, we focus on making the following happen FC s H s or H s S XX s 0 FC s S XX s S XX s FC s FC s S XX s S NN s A nice idea, but the function is symmetric in the s-plane, and thereby, does not represent a causal system! So what can we do … Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 8 of 16 ECE 3800 Let’s see about some interpretations. First, let H1 s 1 , which should be causal. FC s Step 1: S XX s S NN s Note that for this filter 1 FC s 1 1 FC - s This is called a whitening filter as it forces the signal plus noise PSD to unity (white noise). Step 2: H s H 1 s H 2 s H 2 s Letting E Err 2 FC s H 2 s S XX s H 2 s S XX s FC s FC s FC s FC s FC s FC s 1 ds j 2 j S XX s S NN s F s F s C C j E Err 2 S XX s S XX s H s H s 2 2 j FC s FC s 1 ds j 2 j S XX s S NN s F s F s C C Minimizing the terms containing H2(s), now we must focus on S s S s and H 2 s XX H 2 s XX FC s FC s Letting H2 be defined for the appropriate Left or Right half-plane poles Let S s S s and H 2 s XX H 2 s XX FC s LHP FC s RHP The composite filter is then H s H1 s H 2 s S s XX FC s FC s LHP 1 This solution is often called a Wiener Filter and is widely applied when the signal and noise statistics are known a-priori! Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 9 of 16 ECE 3800 Eigenvalue Based Filters We can continue a derivation started in the previous class discussion about time-sample filters, matrices and eigenvalues. yk wk xk xk sk nk The expected value E y k y k E wk xk xk wk E y k y k wk E xk xk wk E y k y k wk R k wk E y k y k H E wk xk wk xk H H H H H H H H For a WSS input H XX E y k y k H wk R XX wk H If the signal and noise are zero mean, this becomes E y k y k H wk R SS R NN wk H How do we maximize the output SNR PSignal PNoise wk RSS wk H wk R NN wk H If we assume that the noise is white, 2 N 0 R NN 0 PSignal PNoise 1 N2 0 0 N2 N2 I 0 N 2 0 wk R SS wk H wk I wk H 1 N2 wk R SS wk H wk wk H Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 10 of 16 ECE 3800 Performing a cholesky factorization of the signal autocorrelation matrix generates the following. Here, the numerator should suggest that an eigenvalue computation could provide a degree of simplification. PSignal PNoise 1 N2 wk RS RS H wk wk wk H H Once formed, the eigenvalue equation to solve is wk RS wk which result in solutions for the resulting eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the form PSignal PNoise 1 N2 wk wk H wk wk H 2 N2 Selecting the maximum eigenvalue and it’s eigenvector for the filter weight that maximizes the SNR! PSignal PNoise max 2 N2 Note: If the original noise is not white, you can provide a whitening filter prior to forming the signal autocorrelation and performing an eigenvector solution. For a lot more take state-space systems and then a class in estimation theory. This is usually done at the graduate (Master’s Degree) level. Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 11 of 16 ECE 3800 Adaptive Filter If a desired signal reference is available, we may wish to adapt a system to minimize the difference between the desired signal and a filter input signal. Interference Cancellation Example Cancellation of unknown interference that is present along with a desired signal of interest. Two sensors of signal + interference and just interference Reference signal (interference) is used to cancel the interference in the Primary signal (noise + interference) Classic Examples: Fetal heart tone monitors, spatial beamforming, noise cancelling headphones. From: S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2014 The “Reference signal” contains the unwanted interference. The goal of the adaptive filter is to match the reference signal with the “interference” in the “Primary signal and force the output “difference error” to be minimized in power. Since “interference” is the only thing available to work with, the “power minimum” solution would be one where the interference is completely removed! These techniques are based on the Weiner filter solution. While the signal and interference statistics are not known a-priori (before the filter gets started), after a number of input samples they can be estimated and used to form the filter coefficients. Then, as time continues, there is a sense that the estimates should improve until the adaptive coefficients are equal to those that would be computed with a-priori information. The advantage ... adaptive filter can work when the statistics are slowly time varying! Note: An application using an LMS adaptive filter is not too difficult for a senior project! (noise cancelling headphones, remove 60 cycle hum, etc.) Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 12 of 16 ECE 3800 An example is in your textbook p. 407-411. Cancelling an interfering waveform. 20 original 10 0 -10 -20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.5 0.6 Time (sec) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 15 Filtered 10 5 0 -5 -10 Adaptive W eights in Time 6 a1 a2 a3 a4 4 Time (sec) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 W eights 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 13 of 16 ECE 3800 Matlab % % Text Adaptive Filter Example % clear close all t=0:1/200:1; % Interfereing Signal - 60 Hz n=10*sin(2*pi*60*t+(pi/4)*ones(size(t))); % Signal of interest and S + I x1=1.1*(sin(2*pi*11*t)); x2=x1+n; % Reference signal to excise r=cos(2*pi*60*t); m=0.15; a=zeros(1,4); z=zeros(1,201); z(1:4)=x2(1:4); w(1,:)=a'; w(2,:)=a'; w(3,:)=a'; w(4,:)=a'; % Adaptive weight computation and application for k=4:200 a(1)=a(1)+2*m*z(k)*r(k); a(2)=a(2)+2*m*z(k)*r(k-1); a(3)=a(3)+2*m*z(k)*r(k-2); a(4)=a(4)+2*m*z(k)*r(k-3); z(k+1)=x2(k+1)-a(1)*r(k+1)-a(2)*r(k)-a(3)*r(k-1)-a(4)*r(k-2); w(k+1,:)=a'; end figure(1) subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,x2,'k') ylabel('original') subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,z,'k');grid; ylabel('Filtered'); xlabel('Time (sec)'); figure(2) plot(t,w);grid; title('Adaptive Weights in Time') ylabel('Time (sec)') xlabel('Weights') legend('a1','a2','a3','a4'); Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 14 of 16 ECE 3800 Future Considerations Detection and Estimation Theory Estimation theory is a branch of statistics that deals with estimating the values of parameters based on measured/empirical data that has a random component. The parameters describe an underlying physical setting in such a way that their value affects the distribution of the measured data. An estimator attempts to approximate the unknown parameters using the measurements. See: There are three types of estimation: (from: S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2014 Filtering (causal) Smoothing (non-causal) Prediction (causal predicting the future) Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 15 of 16 ECE 3800 Topics encounter in Estimation Theory include: Linear Optimal Filters Requires a priori statistical/probabilistic information about the signal and environment. Matched filters, Wiener filters and Kalman filters Adaptive filters Self-designing filters that “internalize” the statistical/probabilistic information using recursive algorithm that, when well design, approach the linear optimal filter performance. Applied when complete knowledge of environment is not available a priori Example course notes: ECE6950 Adaptive Systems Section 2 Section 3 Section 5 Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the course textbook: Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis (3rd ed.) by George R. Cooper and Clare D. McGillem; Oxford Press, 1999. ISBN: 0-19-512354-9. B.J. Bazuin, Spring 2015 16 of 16 ECE 3800