Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs Introduction

Simulating Nios Embedded
Processor Designs
February 2003, ver. 2.1
Application Note 189
Simulation is an important part of the design process. Register transfer
level (RTL) simulation verifies that a design performs as the designer
intended, while gate-level simulation considers device-level timing to
provide the most accurate simulation of how the completed design will
operate in silicon.
When simulating an embedded processor, the system designer also uses
RTL and gate-level simulation to find out exactly what is happening in the
processor at any point in time. Traditionally, this simulation is called
emulation. There are two types of emulators: software and hardware.
Software—A software emulator contains a model of the processor’s
operation. The model is loaded into a program that shows the
instruction flow. The designer can then direct the emulator to run the
code as the actual processor would and examine aspects of the
operation, such as internal register values while the code is executing.
Hardware—A hardware emulator performs a function similar to a
software emulator, however, it uses an external hardware device to
emulate the function of the target processor. Hardware emulators are
commonly used during the development of full-custom processors.
System-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) designers have an additional
tool for embedded development and debugging purposes: hardware
description language (HDL) simulation tools such as the ModelSim
simulator. ModelSim can perform RTL simulation using Verilog HDL or
VHDL code or can perform timing simulation using the Standard Delay
Format (SDF) Files (.sdf) and VHDL Output Files (.vho) or Verilog Output
Files (.vo) generated by the Quartus® II software.
Nios® development kits include support for system-level simulation. This
application note describes the simulation flow and process using an
example Nios design and the ModelSim simulator, and should provide
you with a better understanding of how to perform system-level
simulation of embedded processor designs.
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Before You
The instructions in this document assume that you have a working
knowledge of SOPC Builder, which you use to create Nios processor
designs, and the ModelSim simulator. Additionally, you should have the
following software installed:
Quartus II version 2.2 or higher
ModelSim PE, SE, EE, or ModelSim-Altera version 5.6a or higher
Nios embedded processor version 3.0—Previous versions of the Nios
processor support simulation, however, the instructions in this
application note are for version 3.0.
The following sections walk you through the simulation process for an
example Nios design, including:
“Simulation Settings” on page 2
“Getting Started in ModelSim” on page 10
“Analyzing the Simulation Results” on page 15
Simulation Settings
When you build a Nios system with SOPC Builder, you can specify the
options for generating simulation-specific files in each module. This
section describes some of the available options using an example 32-bit
Nios system with internal RAM, ROM, and UART peripherals. This
example design is similar to the Nios 32-bit reference design, which is
provided when you install the software.
To open the example design, perform the following steps:
Run the Quartus II software.
Choose Open Project (File menu).
Browse to <installation directory>\tutorials\Sim_Tutorial.
Select Sim_Tutorial.quartus.
Click Open.
Choose SOPC Builder (Tools menu) in the Quartus II software.
SOPC Builder opens.
Figure 1 on page 3 shows the SOPC Builder System Contents tab for this
example system.
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AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Refer to the SOPC Builder Data Sheet or Nios Hardware Development Tutorial
for the Nios Development Board, Stratix Edition for more information on
setting options in SOPC Builder.
Figure 1. Example 32-Bit Nios System
Memory Initialization
To display the code execution during simulation, the ModelSim software
must be able to read the memory that contains the code. If you use the onchip memory peripheral (RAM or ROM), SOPC Builder can create
memory initialization files (.dat files) in your Nios simulation directory.
These files contain code and data in Hexadecimal format. The ModelSim
software automatically reads the files when it opens the HDL code that
represents the on-chip memory that you are using.
SOPC Builder creates the Nios simulation directory, <Quartus II
project directory>\<SOPC Builder system name>_sim, when you
generate a Nios system.
To set up the on-chip memory peripheral to create a memory initialization
file, perform the following steps in the System Contents tab of SOPC
Altera Corporation
Double-click the boot_rom memory peripheral. The On-chip
Memory - boot_rom dialog box opens.
Click the Contents tab.
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Select GERMS monitor. See Figure 2 on page 4.
Figure 2. Initializing Boot Monitor ROM with GERMS
In addition to the GERMS monitor, SOPC Builder has a
variety of options for initializing memory. You can access
these options in the Contents tab of the memory wizard.
Click Finish to save your settings.
The Blank option initializes the memory with zeros.
The Build option initializes the memory with either the
output of a previously compiled source file—a Memory
Initialization Format (.mif) or S-record (.srec) file—or
by compiling a source file automatically using
Assembly (.s) or C (.c) file(s).
The File option allows you to initialize memory with
the contents of any file.
The Command option allows you to execute any
command as you would in the Nios SDK Shell and use
the results of that command to initialize memory.
The String option initializes the memory with text that
you type into the wizard.
If your design targets a Stratix device, you cannot preinitialize the M-RAM blocks, which are used for larger onchip memory blocks, with content. However, you can preinitialize M4K and M512 blocks.
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AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
The Nios embedded processor version 3.0 supports simulation of memory
operations in off-chip memory. SOPC Builder’s SRAM and flash memory
wizards have a Simulation tab that is similar to the on-chip memory
Contents tab shown in Figure 2, however, the Simulation tab includes an
option to bypass the creation of simulation files for your SRAM or flash
The memory content choices on the Simulation tab do not
directly affect the contents of the SRAM or flash memory when
your design is operating in an actual system. Instead, the choices
you make are used to create simulation files to model the
operation of the SRAM or flash as if its contents were those
specified in the wizard. The off-chip memory initialization .dat
files created for simulation are identical to those used to simulate
the operation of on-chip memory in the ModelSim software. The
method you use to program the SRAM or flash memory on the
Nios development board (i.e., using the nios-run command)
remains unchanged.
When you generate a system that contains off-chip memory that you want
to simulate, SOPC Builder also generates Verilog HDL or VHDL
simulation models for the off-chip memory. Because timing specifications
vary for each memory peripheral, these models are not intended to be
cycle accurate. However, they let you easily simulate a system in which
code or data is accessed from off-chip memory. To obtain cycle-accurate
simulation results of off-chip memory, you must provide your own
model; many memory manufacturers currently provide Verilog HDL or
VHDL models of their memory devices for this purpose. Once you obtain
a model, you can use it in place of the simple models that SOPC Builder
For more details about simulation of off-chip memory and using thirdparty memory models, refer to “Off-Chip Memory Simulation” on
page 26.
UART Peripheral Simulation Settings
You can customize the UART peripheral specifically for simulation. For
example, during high-speed system simulation (e.g., 100 MHz), UART
simulation can be painstakingly slow because the UART transmits
approximately 11,500 characters per second at 115,200 bps. At this baud
rate, an 11-bit character (8 bits, 1 start-bit, 2 stop bits) takes greater than
9,500 clock cycles to simulate at 100 MHz. To speed functional simulation,
you can run the UART with a small baud divisor, which allows the UART
to run at half the system clock speed. In this mode, one bit is transmitted
every two clock cycles, or roughly one character per 10 clock cycles.
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Additionally, you can customize the data stream transmitted to the
UART, which is useful for simulating operation of an application that
normally requires a user to type text that is sent to the Nios application
(e.g., via the GERMS monitor).
You specify how data streams transmit to the UART in one of the
following ways:
Using the Simulated RXD-Input Character Stream dialog box
Using the optional Interactive windows in the ModelSim software
You can use the Simulated RXD-Input Character Stream dialog box to
enter a static set of UART RXD data that is presented during simulation.
Each character is sent to the UART when system CPU(s) read the UART,
asserting its rx_char_ready signal. Specifying the data stream in this
dialog box is useful for simulating systems with a constant set of UART
stimulus that is not updated during simulation. During system
generation, SOPC Builder converts the predefined text to ASCII-encoded
Hexadecimal data and writes it to the <UART peripheral
name>_input_data_stream.dat file in your Nios simulation directory.
The Interactive windows allow you to enter or view UART stimulus
while the ModelSim software is running, in a similar manner as you
would communicate to the Nios development board via the UART. The
only difference is that input and output are handled by two separate
terminal windows. A virtual terminal window displays a prompt where
you can type UART stimulus. You can type UART stimulus even while the
ModelSim software is running, allowing true interactive simulation. If
you turn on the Create ModelSim Alias to open interactive stimulus
window for this UART option in the UART Stimulation Settings dialog
box (see Figure 3), SOPC Builder creates an alias to activate the stimulus
If you choose the interactive stimulus option, the Simulated
RXD-Input Character Stream dialog box’s contents are not sent
to the UART during simulation; only interactive stimulus is sent.
In addition to the interactive stimulus option, SOPC Builder can create a
ModelSim alias to generate a streaming output UART window during
simulation. When turned on, this option displays a window showing all
UART TXD data. If you choose both interactive stimulus and streaming
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output simulation options, you can use both windows simultaneously
during ModelSim simulation creating a virtual terminal display.
To set up the UART peripheral for simulation, perform the following
steps in the System Contents tab of SOPC Builder:
Double-click the uart1 peripheral. The UART dialog box opens.
Click the Simulation tab.
Turn on the Create ModelSim Alias to open streaming output
window for this UART option.
Turn on the Create ModelSim Alias to open interactive stimulus
window for this UART option.
Indicate the transmitter baud rate. Select accelerated (use divisor =
2) to reduce the functional simulation time.
Click Finish when you are done.
Figure 3 shows example UART simulation settings.
Figure 3. UART Simulation Settings Dialog
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SOPC Builder Simulation Settings
After you have made peripherals simulation settings, enable simulation
file generation by performing the following steps in SOPC Builder:
Set up the path to the ModelSim software.
Choose Setup > ModelSim Directory (File menu).
Browse to the location in which the ModelSim executables are
installed. For example, for ModelSim-Altera, the directory is
<installation directory>\win32aloem.
Click OK.
Click the System Generation tab.
Turn on the Simulation option. See Figure 4.
Figure 4. SOPC Builder Simulation File Generation
You are finished making simulation settings; you can now generate your
system. SOPC Builder generates the simulation files, including a
ModelSim Project File (.mpf), and places them in your Nios simulation
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By default, the Run ModelSim button in the System Generation tab is
enabled after your system has finished generating. Click Run ModelSim
to run the ModelSim software automatically and load the project file
generated for your system. This option only functions if you have
specified the correct path to the ModelSim software using the Setup
command (File menu).
If you do not set up the path to the ModelSim software in SOPC
Builder, SOPC Builder issues a warning message at the end of
system generation and generates all simulation files except the
Refer to the SOPC Builder Data Sheet and Nios Hardware Development
Tutorial for the Nios Development Board, Stratix Edition for more information
on generating your design.
Generated System Simulation Files
When system generation completes the Nios simulation directory
contains all of the files necessary for simulation. Table 1 describes the files
that are created.
Table 1. File Generated for Nios Simulation (Part 1 of 2)
File Extension
ModelSim project file. This file is created if SOPC Builder finds the ModelSim path. If you open
this file in ModelSim, the directories and paths are set for simulation and the simulation macros
described in Table 2 are initialized.
ModelSim macro execution scripts.
The file initializes the macros listed in Table 2.
The file generates a list of default signals that are displayed in the waveform
The file sets up a virtual signal that translates Nios operation codes (or opcodes)
into instructions, allowing you to view assembly instructions (e.g., MOV, ADDI) during
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Table 1. File Generated for Nios Simulation (Part 2 of 2)
File Extension
Memory initialization files in Hexadecimal format. These files are used for simulation only. You
can modify the file contents without altering the files used in synthesis or place-and-route.
SOPC Builder creates .dat files for any on-chip memory peripheral(s) in your system. The files
have a name that is similar to the peripheral name. For example, an on-chip ROM named
Boot_ROM has an initialization file named Boot_ROM_lane0.dat. Memory peripherals that
are byte-addressable have a .dat file for each addressable byte. These files have _lanex
appended to the name, where x is a number. For example, a 32-bit ROM has four .dat files with
_lane0 through _lane3.
To simulate an input character stream to the UART peripheral (as described in “UART
Peripheral Simulation Settings” on page 5), SOPC Builder creates a separate .dat file with
Hexadecimal data representing the input character stream.
Getting Started in ModelSim
This section describes some basic steps to get you started running your
simulation in the ModelSim software. For complete instructions on using
the software, refer to the ModelSim Tutorial.
Perform the following steps to begin simulation using SOPC Buildergenerated ModelSim Project File (.mpf) located in your Nios simulation
Run the ModelSim software.
Unless you have turned it off previously, the Welcome to ModelSim
<version> dialog box displays. Choose Open a Project.
If the welcome dialog box does not display, choose Open > Project
(File menu).
Browse to the Nios simulation directory.
Select the ModelSim project file.
Click Open.
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Execute the file (see Figure 5), which initializes the
macros described in Table 2, by typing the following command at the
ModelSim prompt:
do r
These macros make it easy for you to load the design and recompile
it after making code changes. To execute a macro, type the letter
corresponding to the macro at the ModelSim prompt.
Figure 5. Running Initialization Script
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AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Table 2. Nios Simulation Macros
Recompiles the Nios processor and peripheral source code and then reloads the design
into the ModelSim work library for simulation. This macro resets the entire simulation.
Recompiles all software source code and regenerates the software development kit
(SDK) directory within your Nios project without altering your processors or peripherals.
This option is useful during software development.
Loads the file, which contains predefined ModelSim waveform window
information. The file loads the common signals from all of the
processors and peripherals that reside on-chip and displays the ModelSim waveform
Sets up the ModelSim List window with predefined signals for viewing simulation results
in a list format. The list format is text-based instead of graphical.
<UART name>_log
Optional. For each UART in the system, this macro is created if you turned on the
streaming simulation option before system generation. When you run this macro, it opens
a new window, similar to a terminal screen, showing TXD data from the UART.
<UART name>_drive Optional. For each UART in the system, this macro is created if you turned on the
interactive stimulus option before system generation. When you run this macro, it opens
a new window, similar to a terminal window, where you can send virtual data to the UART
RXD signal during simulation.
Help. Displays the available macros and their function
Execute the s macro to load the design.
Execute the w macro to display the ModelSim waveform window
with example signals that were automatically generated for your
system. These signals are separated by function and include signals
useful for debugging. Figure 6 on page 13 shows the default
waveform window for this walkthrough.
The example signals are a starting point for your analysis of the Nios
system behavior. You can add or remove signals as described in
“Adding & Removing Waveform Signals” on page 25. Table 3 on
page 14 summarizes the types of signals displayed during
Execute the uart1_log macro to display the streaming output
window for uart1.
10. Execute the uart1_drive macro to display the interactive stimulus
window for uart1.
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Figure 6. Default Waveforms
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Table 3. Signals Shown in Simulation Waveform (Part 1 of 2)
Signal Group
Instruction Master (1)
Signals related to instruction fetching, decoding, and execution. The address group
shows the address sent to the memory where instructions are fetched, while read
data shows the data read from memory (typically opcodes).
read_data_opcode is a virtual signal that decodes the opcode to determine the
instruction type. This signal is useful when comparing the processor’s execution to a
compilation disassembly report.
The wait, read, data valid, and flush signals show additional information on the status
of the processor as it executes code (e.g., the read signal is asserted while the
instruction master actively fetches code from memory).
Data Master (1)
Signals related to reading and writing data to and from memory and memory-mapped
peripherals in the Nios system. The read and write data buses show incoming and
outgoing data to/from the CPU. These signals cannot be tri-stated because they are
signals inside of the Altera device.
The address, read, write, and byte enable signals, like those of the instruction master
bus signals, operate according to the Avalon™ bus specification. The signals display
all bus transactions that the Nios data master initiates to its Avalon slaves.
Interrupt Control (1)
Displays the interrupt request (IRQ) and the IRQ number of the most recent request.
General Purpose RAM
Signals depicting the operation of the on-chip RAM. These signals are almost
identical to those of the Nios data master, however, they include a chip select, which
(gen_purpose_RAM) (2) is a result of address decoding in the RAM peripheral.
UART1 Bus Interface (2)
Signals displaying the UART bus interface. These signals are similar to those of the
RAM peripheral, however, the read and write lines are omitted for clarity (you can add
them back in manually).
UART1 Internals (2)
Internal UART signals showing the UART transmit (TX) and receive (RX) data
registers. The signals decode the 8-bit TX and RX registers to ASCII text so that you
can view the characters in the simulation waveform. The TX ready and RX character
ready signals are also shown.
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AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Table 3. Signals Shown in Simulation Waveform (Part 2 of 2)
Signal Group
Boot ROM (boot_rom) (2) Read address and data out signals for the on-chip ROM peripheral.
SDRAM Controller (3)
Signals showing the interface between the Avalon bus module and the SDRAM
controller, SDRAM controller and SDRAM device(s), and signals internal to the
SDRAM controller logic.
Signals from Avalon bus module to the SDRAM controller have the prefix az_, e.g.,
az_addr for the address bus input.
Signals from the SDRAM controller to the Avalon bus module have the prefix za_,
e.g., za_data for data from the controller to Avalon bus module.
Signals between the SDRAM controller and external SDRAM device(s) have the
prefix zs_, e.g., zs_ras_n for the row address strobe signal.
Signals internal to the SDRAM controller logic include the system clock (clk) and the
current operation that the SDRAM controller is performing (CODE).
These signals are generated and displayed for each Nios CPU.
These signal groups appear because the example design has ROM, RAM, and UART peripherals. Whenever you
add a Nios peripheral to your design, a corresponding set of simulation signals are generated and added to the
default waveform. The signal groups have names that are similar to the peripheral name in SOPC Builder (e.g.
gen_purpose_RAM). These signals reflect the I/O to/from each peripheral’s slave port. Therefore, the signals may
not share the same value as the corresponding signals in the Nios instruction/data master port unless a valid bus
transaction has been initiated between the Nios processor and a specific peripheral.
SDRAM controller signals are added to your waveform automatically if you use the Altera Avalon SDRAM
Controller in your design. Because the simulation design files referenced in this application note do not use the
SDRAM controller, you will not see SDRAM signals during the simulation walkthrough.
You have completed the basic simulation setup steps. You can use the
ModelSim software to perform simulation as you would for any other
Altera design.
Analyzing the Simulation Results
After you have loaded the design, you can simulate and analyze the
operation of your Nios CPU(s), peripherals, and source code. You can
start simulation using the commands in the Run menu or by executing the
run command at the ModelSim prompt (e.g., use run 100 µs to run the
simulation through 100 microseconds of time). The software supports
standard time units such as ns, µs, and ms.
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
This section provides two analysis examples:
The GERMS monitor interacting with a UART peripheral
A simple C program that exercises a parallel I/O (PIO) peripheral
GERMS Monitor Interacting with UART
This example analyzes the GERMS monitor executing in the Nios CPU
and its interaction with the on-chip UART peripheral, including the
interaction between the CPU and UART while exchanging character
strings. The UART receives the character stream as defined in the
interactive UART stimulus window, activated with the uart1_drive
macro. The signal rx_data, which represents the UART’s 8-bit receiver
register, displays the ASCII-encoded data received from the character
Perform the following steps to provide stimulus to the UART and run the
Type m1000:4D6F6E6B into the UART interactive stimulus window
(see Figure 7). This command directs the GERMS monitor, after bootup, to write 0x4D6F6E6B to address 0x1000.
You can enter new commands into the interactive stimulus
window when the + character is displayed. Running
simulation either for a brief period of time until the
preceding character string is received, or simply running
continuously, allows you to enter more stimulus.
Figure 7. UART Character Streams
Run the ModelSim software by typing run 30µs to simulate for 30
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After 30 µs, you should see the system boot message and
command from step 1 shown both in the ModelSim message
window and the streaming UART output window.
Type a second GERMS command, m1004:00006579, in the
interactive stimulus window.
Run the ModelSim software again by typing run 30µs to simulate
for 30 microseconds. If you prefer, you may run for a longer period
of time and let the simulator run continuously.
Enter a final command, m1000, to dump memory contents at
address 0x1000. This step causes the UART to print out a
hexadecimal memory dump from address 0x1000 to 0x103F.
Run the ModelSim software for another 120 µs to complete the
memory printout over UART.
You can now analyze the entire system in operation, including GERMS
monitor code execution, UART operation, system memory, and operation
of the Avalon bus module.
Figure 8 shows a portion of the simulation for the example system
described in “Simulation Settings” on page 2. Between 10 and 11µs, the
waveform displays the m character from the input m1000:4D6F6E6B. As
the GERMS monitor reads the receiver register from the UART, the
remaining characters are transmitted to form the entire input string. As
the UART receives each character, the rx_char_ready signal is asserted.
The pipe characters (|) at the end of the waveform are the carriage return
and linefeed characters.
Figure 8. UART Character Reception
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After the Nios CPU receives the m character, the UART receives
additional characters. Figure 9 shows this operation in detail. At the solid
vertical time bar, the GERMS monitor source code reads the UART’s
receive register (shown as the data master d_read signal being asserted
while the uart1 bus interface chipselect signal is asserted, indicating a
read cycle to the UART). At this time, the readdata registers for the Nios
data master and UART bus interface are set to 0x006D, which is the ASCII
code for the m character.
During simulation, the rx_data signal shows 0 for the value 000
(from m1000). Although the rx_data signal displays only 0, the
rx_char_ready signals is read three times, indicating that
three 0 characters were read from the receive data line.
Figure 9. UART Receiving Additional Characters
As the ModelSim software continues to run, the Nios CPU executes all
three GERMS commands. Following the last command (m1000), the
GERMS monitor prints a memory dump, which includes the memory
write operations performed in the first two GERMS commands. This
display, shown in Figure 10, is shown both in the ModelSim command
window as well as the UART’s streaming simulation output window.
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Figure 10. GERMS Monitor Memory Dump
C Code Exercising PIO Peripheral
This example demonstrates the correlation between the source code and
the simulation output in a Nios system and analyzes the source code,
disassembly, opcodes (machine code), and simulation results for the Nios
CPU. This 32-bit example design contains:
An on-chip ROM at address 0x0
An on-chip RAM at address 0x1000
A 32-bit PIO peripheral at address 0x2000, configured for output
This C design, exercising a PIO peripheral, is located in the
Unlike the previous example, this design does not run the GERMS
monitor and does not use a UART for communication. Instead, the ROM
is initialized with the port.c file shown in Figure 11.
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Figure 11. port.c Source Code Initialzing RAM
/* Filename: port.c
* Example code for Nios simulation.
* This program performs a continuous loop in which
* an integer is incremented and then written to a
* 32-bit PIO port at address 0x2000
* (c) 2001 Altera Corporation
# define mypio *((int *)(0x2000))
void main(void)
int i = 0;
mypio = i;
When accessing a PIO peripheral you typically use a pointer to
an np_pio structure that is defined in the nios_peripherals.h
file. For simplicity, this example defines a pointer, mypio, to the
absolute memory location of 0x2000 so that writes to this
memory location are sent to the PIO peripheral.
The port.c program infinitely loops while writing a steadily incrementing
value to the 32-bit PIO port. Because the boot ROM is initialized with
port.c, SOPC Builder automatically calls the nios-build command. When
nios-build is executed, it generates several files and the main
S-record (.srec) output file. The object dump (.objdump) file is useful for
simulation because it shows the Assembly code that was generated by the
assembler and the opcodes representing each assembly instruction in line
with the original C code.
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AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Figure 12 is an excerpt from the port.objdump file that was generated for
Figure 12. Excerpt of port.objdump
port.out: file format elf32-nios
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <nr_jumptostart>:
00 98
pfx %hi(0x0)
40 36
movi %g0,0x12
00 98
pfx %hi(0x0)
00 6c
movhi %g0,0x0
c0 7f
jmp %g0
00 30
4e 69
ext16d %sp,%o2
6f 73
usr0 %o7,%i3
00000010 <main>:
# define mypio *((int *)(0x2000))
void main(void)
17 78
save %sp,0x17
int i = 0;
01 34
movi %g1,0x0
b0 49
bgen %l0,0xd
21 04
inc %g1
mypio = i;
01 a0
stp [%l0,0x0],%g1
fe 87
br 18 <main+0x8>
21 04
inc %g1
df 7f
a0 7d
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The object dump listing shows several items on each line:
A memory address (e.g., 1c:)
The opcodes (data stored in the boot ROM) at that memory location
(e.g., 21 04)
Assembly code corresponding to these opcodes (e.g., inc %g1)
The object dump file contains additional code such as startup routines,
interrupt initialization, and other code that was brought in during the
linking stage of compilation. In the object dump excerpt, addresses 0x0
through 0xE define the nr_jumptostart routine, which was linked
after compilation. This routine calls the _start routine that appears later
in the object dump listing (not shown).
Using the object dump listing you can view the correlation between the
object dump file and execution in the Nios processor. In Figure 13, the
beginning of the code execution is shown.
Figure 13. Start of Code Execution
The code executes upon initialization of an Altera device because all
registers are cleared automatically on startup. Alternatively, asserting the
Nios reset_n input causes the processor to restart. At the beginning of
simulation in Figure 13, the Nios instruction master address is set to 0x0,
and a read is performed soon after at that address.
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If you refer to the first few lines of the object dump listing, you can view
the instructions that are fetched from memory:
00000000 <nr_jumptostart>:
00 98
pfx %hi(0x0)
40 36
movi %g0,0x12
The Nios CPU is little endian, but object dump listings are big endian.
While at address 0x0, the Nios instruction master i_read_data signal is
set to 9800, which correlates to 00 98 in the object dump file. The object
dump shows that 00 98 is the opcode for a prefix instruction pfx
%hi(0x0). In the waveform, the instruction master
i_readdata_opcode automatically decodes 00 98 to indicate a prefix
The Nios CPU architecture is pipe lined. Therefore, the
instruction that is fetched from memory is not the same as the
one that is executed. The instruction_opcodes signal in the
waveform represents the instruction that is executed, while the
i_readdata_opcode shows the last opcode fetched from
After instruction execution starts, you can observe the i_address
incrementing as each new instruction is fetched. As the code execution
shown in Figure 13 continues, the nr_jumptostart routine completes
when the jump (jmp) instruction from ROM address 0x8 is executed.
Then, the read data address changes to 0x26 where the _start routine
begins. The _start routine then executes before returning control to the
port.c program beginning at address 0x10.
Figure 14 shows the waveform after the code execution has advanced to
the point where the main routine is entered at address 0x10 and the PIO
output begins to change. The vertical time bar shows the location in which
the instruction fetch address is 0x10, i.e., the beginning of the main
routine as shown in the object dump (the in-line C code is removed for
Altera Corporation
save %sp,0x17
movi %g1,0x0
bgen %l0,0xd
inc %g1
stp [%l0,0x0],%g1
br 18 <main+0x8>
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Next, the movi, bgen, inc, and stp instructions are fetched as shown by
i_readdata_opcode. There is an initial delay following the branch to
the main routine while the CPU pipeline is filled, resulting in a latency of
three instructions before movi, bgen, inc, and stp appear in the
instruction_opcode signal. Once the loop is established, the pipeline
remains filled and there is no additional latency.
The increment (inc) instruction is actually shown as an add
immediate (addi) instruction during simulation. It is shown as
addi because increment is a pseudo instruction that, while
generated during compilation and presented in the object dump,
is later assembled to match the Nios instruction set.
As the stp instruction—which stores 32-bit data to memory—is executed,
the CPU performs a write to the PIO peripheral near the dotted vertical
time bar. At the same time, the data master’s d_write and d_address
signals request a write to address 0x2000. The data written, 0x1, then
appears on the PIO port outputs at the bottom of the waveform.
Figure 14. Start of PIO Write Loop
Figure 15 shows the PIO write loop once it has been established.
Subsequent execution of the loop requires only three instructions—addi,
stp, and br—to increment the value being written to the PIO, perform
the write, and branch to the beginning of the loop again, respectively.
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Figure 15. PIO Write Loop Established
Adding &
To add or remove signals, use the Structure and Signals windows (View
menu), which hierarchically divide your design for easy reference. The
Structure window displays individual entities in your design and any
sub-entities that they call. The Signals window shows the signals
available for simulation. Figure 16 shows the Structure and Signals
The Structure window shows the top-level Nios system module (the Nios
CPU and internal peripherals). Each item in the Structure window
corresponds to a design sub-entity. For example, the UART peripheral is
listed as the_uart1:uart1. Click the sub-entity name to display its
signals in the Signals window.
You can drag and drop signals from the Signals window to the waveform
window to add them to the waveform. After you add a signal, you can
edit it to display a different alias, radix (for buses), etc. Refer to the
ModelSim documentation for instructions on making these settings.
You can delete a signal or group of signals from the waveform by selecting
the signals(s) and then choosing Delete (Edit menu).
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Figure 16. Structure & Signals Windows
With the Nios processor version 3.0, you can simulate designs that use offchip memory. SOPC Builder can generate memory models for off-chip
memory such as the SRAM included on the Nios development board. You
can also generate memory models for custom memory interfaces created
using the User-Defined Interface wizard in SOPC Builder. There are two
methods to simulate off-chip memory devices:
Using an automatically created model generated by SOPC Builder.
Using a model you have written or obtained from a third-party
vendor, such as the manufacturer of a memory peripheral, to model
a specific memory device.
Do not use the Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model files for
synthesis. You should use them for functional simulation only.
To set up your design to simulate off-chip memory, you must:
Create a Nios system with the CPU, peripherals, and off-chip
memory interfaces you want to simulate.
Generate the design using SOPC Builder.
Exit SOPC Builder.
Edit the Peripheral Template File (.ptf) for your system according to
the instructions in the following sections. You will indicate which
model to use (an automatically generated one or a custom model)
and the memory contents.
Open the design again in SOPC Builder (choose to edit the existing
megafunction variation you made in steps 1 and 2 in the
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager).
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Generate the design a second time to create the appropriate
simulation files.
Before simulating off-chip memory other than the flash or SRAM
provided on the Nios development board (as described in
“Simulation Walkthrough” on page 2), you should be familiar
with the PTF file, which defines a system created with SOPC
Builder. Refer to the SOPC Builder Data Sheet for an overview of
the PTF file.
Using Automatically Generated Memory Models
You can edit your system’s PTF file so that SOPC Builder automatically
generates simple simulation models to simulate off-chip memory other
than the flash or SRAM included on the Nios development board. These
automatically generated models initialize with the memory contents
defined in the CONTENTS section of the PTF file. If you want to specify a
custom model, refer to “Specifying a Custom Model” on page 28.
To use a simple model, perform the following steps:
Open the PTF file in a text editor.
Add a Make_Memory_Model line within the
SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO section of the module for the off-chip
memory device you want to simulate. The following example
excerpt is from the MODULE section of a user-defined memory
interface peripheral (the line in blue text is the added line):
Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1";
Is_Enabled = "1";
Date_Modified = "--unknown--";
Make_Memory_Model = "1";
Altera Corporation
The SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO section must be part of the
peripheral’s MODULE section not the SLAVE section. Some
peripherals have SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO sections in both
MODULE and SLAVE sections.
Populate the memory model with data as described in “Defining
Memory Model Contents” on page 29.
Save the PTF file.
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
When you generate your system, SOPC Builder creates a simulation
comdel that is instantiated in the top level of your system. The
instantiation is hidden from synthesis so that only the simulation software
instantiates the model.
Specifying a Custom Model
Instead of generating a simple simulation model, you can specify a
custom memory model. For example, you would specify a custom
memory model if you have obtained a model from a memory
manufacturer that describes the timing constraints of a specific device.
To use a custom model, perform the following steps:
Open the PTF file in a text editor.
Create a Verilog_Sim_Model_Files (for Verilog HDL users) or
Vhdl_Sim_Model_Files (for VHDL users) line in the HDL_INFO
section of your peripheral’s MODULE section. If the model has
multiple HDL files, separate them using commas. The following
example illustrates a Verilog HDL model with filename
Verilog_Sim_Model_Files = "my_model.v";
The file(s) specified are referenced for simulation with
respect to the Nios simulation directory in your main project
directory. If you place simulation model files in this
directory, no special considerations for file/directory paths
are needed. However, if your models reside in some other
directory, you will need to specify a complete path for
To initialize the custom memory model to a specific value, perform
the steps described in “Defining Memory Model Contents” on
page 29.
Save the PTF file.
When you generate your system, SOPC Builder creates a simulation
comdel that is instantiated in the top level of your system. The
instantiation is hidden from synthesis so that only the simulation software
instantiates the model.
Altera Corporation
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
Defining Memory Model Contents
You define the contents of your off-chip memory peripheral by creating a
CONTENTS section within the WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS section of
your peripheral module. This information directs SOPC Builder to
generate simulation .dat files that define the contents of your off-chip
memory peripheral. The CONTENTS "Kind=" field directs SOPC Builder
to initialize your off-chip memory model as blank (all zeros), with the
GERMS monitor, with a file, etc. The following excerpt illustrates the
settings to use an S-record file (my_contents.srec) to initialize a simulation
Kind = "build";
Build_Info = "my_contents.srec";
Command_Info = "";
Textfile_Info = "";
String_Info = "";
The CONTENTS section in your PTF file is identical to that created
by SOPC Builder for simulating off-chip SRAM or flash
peripherals. One method of ensuring that you create a properly
formatted CONTENTS section is to temporarily direct SOPC
Builder SRAM or flash wizard to generate contents using your
specifications. You can copy the resulting CONTENTS section to
the WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS of your user-defined
peripheral module.
Design verification is one of the most critical portions of any design cycle.
With the SOPC design using the Nios embedded processor, you now have
the ability to probe signals within the Nios CPU, its peripherals, and bus
architecture simultaneously for system-level verification.
For more information, refer to the following sources:
Altera Corporation
Nios Hardware Development Tutorial for the Nios Development Board,
Stratix Edition
ModelSim Start Here Guide
ModelSim Tutorial
Altera values your feedback. If you would like to provide feedback on this
document—e.g., clarification requests, inaccuracies, or inconsistencies—
send e-mail to
AN 189: Simulating Nios Embedded Processor Designs
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Altera Corporation