LOADING CAPACITY AND RELEASE PROPERTY OF PIPERINE LOADED SILICA AEROGEL AND SILICA XEROGEL NURUL HIDAYAH MOHD YUNOS UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA ii LOADING CAPACITY AND RELEASE PROPERTY OF PIPERINE LOADED SILICA AEROGEL AND SILICA XEROGEL NURUL HIDAYAH MOHD YUNOS A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2010 iii To my beloved mother and father iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah the Almighty Lord of the world. Thanks to Him for giving me the opportunity and will to finish this thesis. I would like to warmly thank my supervisor, Professor Dr. Halimaton Hamdan for giving me the opportunity for this work, for her optimism, patience and generosity. I am extraordinarily thankful to Dr. Lee Siew Ling, who always been very kind and supportive, for her guidance and evaluation throughout the undertaking of this research. I would like to thank her contribution during my research and write up. I am very thankful to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farediah Ahmad and Mohd Farriz Kammil for their generosity to supply the natural product, piperine. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my research team friends, Zeolite and Nanostructured Materials Research members, for their knowledge, opinion, information, assistance, and sharing almost everyday labworries and –joys. I am also very grateful to all the staffs of Faculty of Science and Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; for their technical assistance and for making my experiments possible. Not forgetting my colleagues, who have been very helpful, thank you for their friendliness. I also wish to thank all other staff and colleagues who are not mentioned here. A special appreciation to my parents, family and husband. My constant inspiration and drive come from this wonderful support group. I would like to dedicate my work to them. A billion thanks would not be enough. Thank you. v ABSTRACT The feasibility of silica matrix as an oral drug delivery carrier for natural product was explored. Piperine was loaded into silica aerogel and xerogel via three different methods; impregnation, physical mixing and direct synthesis. Fouriertransform infrared (FTIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopies results strongly indicated that no detectable drug degradation had occurred during the loading procedure. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface analysis (BET), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) results indicated the successful loading of piperine into silica matrices. XRD results show the amorphization of piperine crystals after loading process with silica aerogel or xerogel, indicating the increment in the specific surface area of the drug. The degree of crystallinity of piperine loaded silica aerogel is extremely low compared to piperine-xerogel formulations. UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis revealed that the amount of piperine loaded was higher in silica aerogel than silica xerogel. This was due to the larger pore and higher surface area of silica aerogel compared to silica xerogel. Investigation on the release profile of piperine from loaded silica matrices in simulated gastric and intestinal fluids found that piperine loaded silica matrices dissolve faster than crystalline drug due to increase in specific surface area and non crystallinity state of the system. Piperine loaded silica aerogel gave the fastest dissolution (up to 100%), followed by piperine-xerogel (up to 45%) and crystalline piperine (< 5%). Formulations prepared via direct synthesis showed the fastest release, followed by impregnated and physically mixed systems. The ease in collapse of the silica matrices structure in water was observed to favor a faster release. vi ABSTRAK Kajian telah dijalankan terhadap keupayaan matriks silika sebagai pembawa dalam sistem penyampaian ubat oral bagi hasilan semulajadi. Piperina dimuatkan ke dalam silika aerogel dan xerogel menggunakan tiga kaedah; pengisitepuan, pencampuran fizik dan sintesis langsung. Data analisis spektroskopi inframerah transformasi Fourier (FTIR) dan ultralembayung-nampak (UV-Vis) menunjukkan tiada degradasi ubat berlaku semasa prosedur pemuatan. Data analisis permukaan Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) dan mikroskopi imbasan elektron pancaran medan (FESEM) menunjukkan piperina telah berjaya dimuatkan ke dalam matriks silika. Kajian XRD menunjukkan pengamorfusan hablur piperina selepas proses pemuatan terhadap silika aerogel dan xerogel yang menunjukkan peningkatan dalam luas permukaan spesifik ubat tersebut. Darjah kehabluran silika aerogel termuat piperina adalah sangat rendah berbanding formulasi piperina-xerogel. Analisis spektroskopi UV-Vis menjelaskan bahawa kuantiti piperina adalah lebih tinggi di dalam silika aerogel berbanding silika xerogel. Ini disebabkan saiz liang yang lebih besar dan luas permukaan yang lebih tinggi dalam silika aerogel berbanding silika xerogel. Kajian terhadap profil pelepasan piperina daripada matriks silika di dalam simulasi bendalir gastrik dan usus menunjukkan bahawa matriks silika termuat piperina larut lebih pantas berbanding hablur ubat disebabkan peningkatan dalam luas permukaan dan sifat bukan hablur sistem tersebut. Silika aerogel termuat piperina memberikan pelarutan paling pantas (sehingga 100%), diikuti oleh piperina-xerogel (sehingga 45%) dan hablur piperina (<5%). Formulasi yang disediakan dengan kaedah pemuatan langsung menunjukkan pelepasan paling cepat, diikuti oleh kaedah pengisitepuan dan pencampuran fizik. Struktur matriks silika yang mudah terurai di dalam air menggalakkan pelepasan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xix LIST OF SYMBOLS xxi LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1 1.2 Natural Product as Modern Medicine 2 1.3 Drug Delivery Carriers 3 1.4 Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery System 4 1.5 Problem Statement 6 1.6 Objectives of Research 9 1.7 Scope of Research 10 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.2 Material 11 2.1.1 Silica Matrix 12 Silica Aerogel 14 Silica Xerogel 16 2.1.2 Piperine 17 Synthesis of Silica Matrices 19 2.2.1 Rice Husk Ash as Silica Source 20 2.2.2 Sol-Gel Method 21 Silica Gel Drying 2.3 3 21 2.2.3 Dissolution Enhancement of Drug 23 Survey on Characterization Techniques 25 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Synthesis of Silica Matrices 28 3.2 Drug (Piperine) 30 3.3 Drug Loaded Silica Matrices 31 3.3.1 Physical Mixing 31 3.3.2 Impregnation 31 3.3.3 Direct Synthesis 33 3.3.4 Sample Codes 35 Characterization 36 3.4.1 UV-Vis Spectroscopy 36 3.4.2 FTIR Spectroscopy 37 3.4.3 BET Surface Area Analysis 39 3.4.4 X-Ray Diffraction 41 3.4.5 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 43 Investigation on Drug Dissolution Profile 44 3.4 3.5 ix 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Synthesis of Silica Aerogel and Silica Xerogel 45 4.2 Characterization of Silica Matrices and Piperine 46 4.2.1 FTIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Silica Matrices 46 4.2.2 FTIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Piperine 49 4.2.3 Morphology and Crystallinity Studies of Silica 50 Aerogel, Silica Xerogel and Piperine 4.3 Preparation of Piperine-Silica Aerogel and Piperine- 53 Silica Xerogel Formulations 4.4 Degradation Study of Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices 54 4.5 Drug Loading Capacity 58 4.6 Physically Mixed Piperine-Silica Matrices 59 4.6.1 Morphology and Crystallinity Studies of 61 Physically Mixed Piperine-Silica Matrices 4.7 Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices 67 4.7.1 Effect of Solvent Volume on the Drug Loading 68 Capacity 4.7.2 Morphology Study of Piperine Impregnated 71 Silica Matrices 4.7.3 Crystallinity Study of Piperine Impregnated 75 Silica Matrices 4.8 Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices Via Direct Synthesis 78 4.8.1 Effect of Aging Conditions 81 4.8.2 Efficiency of Loading 83 4.8.3 Crystallinity and Morphology Studies of 84 Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Direct Synthesis 4.9 Comparison of Degree of Crystallinity of Piperine 87 Loaded Silica Matrices via Different Methods 4.10 Drug Dissolution Study 91 4.10.1 Physically Mixed Piperine-Silica Matrices 99 4.10.2 Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices 101 x 4.10.3 Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Direct 102 Synthesis 4.10.4 Comparison of Drug Dissolution Profile of 104 Formulations Prepared via Different Methods 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 REFERENCES Appendices Conclusions 107 110 125-127 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Tablet excipients and their uses 4 2.1 Properties of silica aerogel 15 2.2 Critical conditions of several substances 23 3.1 Temperature increment steps for supercritical drying 30 3.2 Properties of model drug (Piperine) 30 3.3 Sample codes for various formulations 35 4.1 Physical properties of silica aerogel and silica xerogel 45 4.2 FTIR absorption bands of silica aerogel and silica 48 xerogel 4.3 FTIR absorption bands of piperine 50 4.4 Drug loading capacity and surface area of piperine- 60 silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel formulations via physical mixing 4.5 Degree of crystallinity of physically mixed piperine- 66 silica matrices 4.6 Drug loading capacity and surface area of piperine- 69 silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel formulations via impregnation 4.7 Degree of crystallinity of piperine impregnated silica 78 matrices 4.8 Effect of aging period on the loading efficiency and surface area of piperine-silica matrices formulations 82 xii 4.9 Comparison on crystallinity degree of piperine-silica matrices formulations prepared via different methods 90 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Typical contents of a conventional tablet 3 1.2 Flow diagram of research activities 10 2.1 Different forms of hydroxyl group that can occur on 13 the surface of silica: (a) single hydroxyl group, (b) double or geminal hydroxyl group (c) triple hydroxyl group 2.2 Comparison of gel network of wet solgel, xerogel and 16 aerogel 2.3 Chemical structure of piperine 2.4 Schematic phase diagram for pure carbon dioxide and water 2.5 18 22 Effect of particle size reduction towards the increment of surface area 24 3.1 Synthesis of silica aerogel and silica xerogel 28 3.2 Flow diagram of drug loading procedure via 32 impregnation and physical mixing methods 3.3 Flow diagram of drug loading procedure via direct 33 synthesis method 3.4 Schematic diagram of supercritical carbon dioxide 34 3.5 Typical BET plot 40 3.6 Illustration of the geometry used for the simplified 42 derivation of Bragg’s law xii 3.7 Schematic diagram of dissolution testing apparatus 44 assembly 4.1 FTIR spectra of silica aerogel and silica xerogel 47 4.2 The presence of OH groups due to the silanol groups, 48 physically and chemically adsorbed water. 4.3 FTIR spectrum of piperine 49 4.4 FESEM micrograph of synthesized silica aerogel 51 4.5 FESEM micrograph of synthesized silica xerogel 51 4.6 X-ray diffractograms of (a) silica aerogel, and (b) 52 silica xerogel 4.7 FESEM micrograph of pure piperine (250 X 52 magnification) 4.8 X-ray diffractogram of crystalline piperine 53 4.9 UV-Visible spectra of pure piperine and piperine 55 loaded silica matrices 4.10 FTIR spectra of piperine loaded silica aerogel 56 formulations 4.11 FTIR spectra of piperine loaded silica xerogel 57 formulations 4.12 Possible hydrogen bonding in piperine 58 4.13 Diagrammatic procedure of physical mixing (co- 59 grinding) and expected loading type. 4.14 FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % physically-mixed 61 piperine-aerogel 4.15 FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % physically-mixed 62 piperine-xerogel 4.16 FESEM micrograph of 50 % physically-mixed 63 piperine-aerogel 4.17 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % physically-mixed 63 piperine-xerogel 4.18 X-ray diffractograms of physically-mixed piperineaerogel with different loading capacity 64 xiii 4.19 X-ray diffractograms of physical mixed piperine- 65 xerogel with different loading capacity 4.20 Diagram of drug loading procedure and expected 67 drug loading via impregnation 4.21 Effect of solvent volume to the loading of 20 wt % 68 piperine into silica matrices. 4.22 Drug loading and SBET of piperine impregnated silica 70 aerogel 4.23 Drug loading and SBET of piperine impregnated silica 71 xerogel 4.24 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt% piperine impregnated 72 silica aerogel prepared with excessive ethanol 4.25 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated 72 silica aerogel prepared with minimum ethanol 4.26 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated 73 silica xerogel prepared with excessive ethanol magnification 1,500 X 4.27 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated 74 silica xerogel prepared with excessive ethanol magnification 20,000 X 4.28 FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated 74 silica xerogel prepared with minimum ethanol magnification 20,000 X 4.29 X-ray diffractograms of piperine impregnated aerogel 76 with different loading capacity 4.30 X-ray diffractograms of piperine impregnated silica 77 xerogel with different loading capacity 4.31 Diagrammatic procedure of piperine loaded silica 79 xerogel via direct synthesis 4.32 FESEM micrograph of piperine loaded silica xerogel via direct synthesis using ethanolic solution of piperine 80 xiv 4.33 FESEM micrograph of piperine loaded silica xerogel 80 via direct synthesis using ground piperine 4.34 Effect of aging period on loading efficiency and 82 surface area of piperine-silica matrices formulations 4.35 Loading efficiency of piperine loaded silica matrices 84 via direct synthesis 4.36 X-ray diffractograms of (a) piperine loaded silica 85 aerogel (10 wt%), (b) piperine loaded silica aerogel (20 wt%), (c) piperine loaded silica xerogel (10 wt%) and (d) piperine loaded silica xerogel (20 wt%), synthesized via direct synthesis 4.37 FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % piperine loaded silica 86 aerogel via direct synthesis 4.38 FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % piperine loaded silica 87 xerogel via direct synthesis 4.39 X-ray diffractograms of piperine loaded silica aerogel 88 synthesized via different methods: (a) crystalline piperine (b) physical mixed piperine-aerogel (20 wt %) (c) piperine impregnated aerogel (20 wt%) and (d) direct synthesized piperine loaded aerogel (20 wt %) 4.40 X-ray diffractograms of piperine loaded silica 89 xerogel synthesized via different methods: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) physical mixed piperinexerogel (20 wt %), (c) piperine impregnated xerogel (20 wt %) and (d) direct synthesized piperine loaded xerogel (20 wt %) 4.41 Dissolution profiles of crystalline piperine in 0.1M 92 hydrochloric acid and phosphate buffer saline 4.42 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically formulations in 0.1M HCl mixed piperine-aerogel 93 xv 4.43 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed 93 piperine-aerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 4.44 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed 94 piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl 4.45 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed 94 piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 4.46 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 97 rate of piperine impregnated aerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl 4.47 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 96 rate of piperine impregnated aerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 4.48 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 96 rate of piperine impregnated xerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl 4.49 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 97 rate of piperine impregnated xerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 4.50 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 98 rate of directly synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices formulations in 0.1M HCl 4.51 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 98 rate of directly synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 4.52 Dissolution profile of 20 wt % physically mixed 100 piperine-silica matrices formulations in 0.1 M HCl 4.53 Dissolution profile of 20 wt % physically mixed piperine-silica matrices formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 100 xvi 4.54 Dissolution profile of 20 wt % piperine impregnated 101 silica matrices (a) crystalline piperine, (b) piperinexerogel (c) piperine-aerogel (d) piperine-xerogel (minimum ethanol), and (e) piperine-aerogel (minimum ethanol) in 0.1 M HCl 4.55 Dissolution profile of 20 wt % piperine impregnated 102 silica matrices (a) crystalline piperine, (b) piperinexerogel (c) piperine-aerogel (d) piperine-xerogel (minimum ethanol), and (e) piperine-aerogel (minimum ethanol) in 0.05 mM PBS 4.56 Dissolution profiles of directly synthesized 20 wt % 103 piperine loaded silica matrices in 0.1 M HCl 4.57 Dissolution profiles of directly synthesized 20 wt % 104 piperine loaded silica matrices in 0.05 mM PBS 4.58 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 105 rate of 20 wt % piperine-aerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl 4.59 Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution 106 rate of 20 wt % piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.1 M HCl 5.1 Outcome of research activities 109 xix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BET - Brunauer Emmett and Teller DDC - drug delivery carrier DDS - drug delivery system FESEM - field emission-scanning electron microscopy FTIR - Fourier transform infrared GRAS - Generally Recognised as Safe H2SO4 - sulphuric acid KBr - potassium bromide MCM - Mobil Crystalline of Materials N2 - nitrogen gas Na2SiO3 - sodium silicate NaOH - sodium hydroxide NCPE - nanocomposite polymer electrolytes NOAEL - no observed adverse effect level OTC - over-the-counter RHA - rice husk ash RH - rice husk SA - silica aerogel SBA - Santa Barbara Amorphous type materials SCF - supercritical fluid SiO2 - silicon dioxide, silica SX - silica xerogel TEOS - tetraethyl orthosilicate TMOS - tetramethyl orthosilicate TUD-1 - Technische Universiteit Delft mesoporous silica materials xx USA - United States of America US$ - United States Dollar US FDA - United States’ Food and Drug Administration UV-Vis - ultraviolet-visible WHO - World Health Organization XRD - X-ray diffraction Rpm - round per minute PGA - phenylglycine amide enzymes xxi LIST OF SYMBOLS C - concentration D - diffusion coefficient g - gram h - thickness of diffusion layer h - Planck’s constant k - force constant k' - dielectric constant K - Kelvin m - meter n - diffraction order λ - wavelength ºC - degree Celsius Pa - Pascal Pc - critical pressure SBET - BET surface area T - temperature t - time Tc - critical temperature v - vibrational energy level W - Watt θ - diffraction angle xxii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Calibration curve of piperine in ethanol 125 B Calibration curve of piperine in 0.05 M 126 potassium phosphate buffer (PBS) solution, pH 7 C Calibration curve of piperine in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), pH 1 127 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing. When it comes to art, it may represent different approaches, sources, process, and belief in diagnosing, preventing and curing illness. Generally, medicine is described as a discipline devoted to understanding and treating disease, often referring to physical and chemical mechanisms [1]. Specifically, medicine means a substance or mixture of substances used in restoring or preserving health. Early records on medicine have been discovered from early traditional Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurveda, Arab Unani medicine, the Americas and ancient Greek medicine [2]. Historically, these ancient treatments include plants, animal parts, minerals and non-medication therapies. The revelation of the mysteries and mystiques in these ancient treatments through science and technology has led to the discoveries and innovations in modern drug delivery system. According to World Health Organization (WHO), about three-quarters of the world population relies on the traditional remedies for their primary health needs. In Malaysia, an estimated US$ 500 million is spent annually on traditional medicine 2 compared to about US$ 300 million on allopathic medicine [2]. However, plantderived products are preferred and have dominated the human pharmacopoeia for thousand of years almost unchallenged [3]. About 25% of modern medicines are made from plants, first used traditionally [4]. The rising concern on the safety and efficacy of plant-derived drug has ignited massive volume of research in this field. 1.2 Natural Product as Modern Medicine A resurgence of interest in the study of medicinal plants has been taking place during the last decades. The world market for herbal medicines based on traditional knowledge is estimated at US$ 60 thousand million in 2005 [5]. Traditional herbal remedies also remain a very important part of life in Asian markets such as China, Japan, and India. In Japan, 60-70% of allopathic doctors prescribe kampo medicines (Japanese herbal medicines) for their patients [2, 6]. In Malaysia, traditional forms of Malay, Chinese and Indian medicine are used extensively. Despite of fast pace in medical advances, consumer in West are turning to alternative remedies such as herbals in increasing numbers, due to factors such as ageing populations, escalating healthcare costs, and trend towards self care [7, 8]. For example, in United States of America (USA) alone, herbal sales increased by 101% in mainstream markets between May 1996 and May 1998. Natural ingredients are also being incorporated increasingly into conventional prescription and over-thecounter (OTC) medicines as research continues into the safety and efficacy of new and known substances [9, 10]. 3 1.3 Drug Delivery Carriers In pharmaceutical field, the drug delivery carriers (DDC) serve as mechanisms to improve the delivery and effectiveness of drugs. It is advantageous to use drug carrier than pure drugs since DDC can decrease drug metabolism and reduce the toxicity of drugs [11]. DDC can also increase drug absorption and improve its release profile. As well as the active ingredient, the conventional tablet may contain inactive ingredients, or excipients, which are used in the delivery of each therapeutic product, such as filler, binder, colour and flavour to ensure that the tablet is easy to use and of a high quality [12]. The following pie chart (1.1) shows the typical contents of a tablet, while Table 1.1 describes their function in a drug formulation [13]. Filler / Diluent Active Ingredient Figure 1.1 Flavourings & Colourings Binder Lubricant, Glidant & Antiadherent Disintegrant Typical contents of a conventional tablet 4 Table 1.1: Excipients Tablet excipients and their uses [13] Function Filler (or Filler, such as sucrose or lactose, is included to increase the size of diluent) the tablet. This is necessary as often the amount of 'active' is so tiny that the tablet would be too small to handle without it. Disintegrant Disintegrants help the tablet to break down into small fragments, when it is ingested. This helps the medicine to dissolve and be taken up by the body so that it can act more quickly. Disintegrants may include potato or cocoa butter. Binder A binder, such as glucose or sucrose, is added to hold the tablet together after it has been compressed, stopping it from breaking down into its separate ingredients. Glidant The glidant helps to keep the powder making up the tablet flowing as the tablet is being made, stopping it from forming lumps. Lubricant Lubricants ensure that the tablet has a smooth surface and that the powder does not stick to the equipment used to make the tablet. Antiadherent The antiadherent also stops the powder from sticking to the equipment as the tablet is being made. Flavour Flavouring agents help to make the tablet taste better. Colourant Colours are added to help you to recognize your tablet and to make it easier to take your medicine correctly. 1.4 Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery System Nanotechnology has impacted and led significant advances in many fields. It is defined as that area of science and technology where dimensions and tolerance are in the range of 1.0 nm to 100 nm [14, 15]. It is also defined by Bawa et al. as the design, characterization, production, and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape at the nanometer scale (atomic, 5 molecular, and macromolecular scale) that produces structures, devices, and systems with at least one novel/superior characteristic or property [16]. Nanotechnology based tools and techniques are expected to create innovations and play critical role in mainstream biomedical applications including in drug delivery, imaging, and novel drug discovery techniques [17]. One of the important areas of nanotechnology is nanomedicine, which refers to highly specific medical intervention at the molecular scale for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease [18]. The overall goal of nanomedicine is the same as it always has been in medicine; to diagnose as accurately and early as possible, treat as effectively as possible without side effects, and evaluate the efficacy of treatment invasively. By manipulating drugs and other materials at the nanometre scale, the fundamental properties and bioactivity of materials can be altered. Nano-enabled drug delivery system (DDS) has led the development in medicine for improving the efficiency of drug and targeting aimed point of diseases. This is demonstrated by the fact that approximately 13% of the current global pharmaceutical market is related to the products incorporating a drug delivery system [19, 20]. The global pharmaceutical market was estimated at about US$406 billion in 2002 and expected to grow more than double in value to US$ 1.3 trillion by 2020 [21, 22]. There has been considerable interest in developing biodegradable nanoparticles as effective drug delivery devices. Nanoparticles are solid, colloidal particle consisting of macromolecular substances that vary in size from 10 nm to 1000 nm [23]. In nano-enabled drug delivery system, the drug of interest is dissolved, entrapped, adsorbed, attached, or encapsulated into/onto the nanoparticles matrix. The advantages of using nanoparticles for drug delivery are due to their three main properties: 6 • Nano-scale: because of their small size, they can penetrate through smaller capillaries and are taken up by cells, which allow efficient drug accumulation at the target sites. • High surface area: the dissolution rate of drug depends on its surface area and solubility. Higher surface area allows more contact with the dissolution medium. • Biodegradable: allows sustained drug release within target site over a period of days or even weeks. Nanoparticulate drug delivery carriers allow for faster drug absorption, controlled dosage releases, and shielding from the body’s immune system which enhance the effectiveness of already existing drugs [16, 24]. Silica aerogel and silica xerogel, silica matrices made by the sol gel process have emerged as ideal carrier materials for drug delivery system. The use of silica in delivery system can provide several benefits: • High surface areas provide the possibility of high drug loadings in the matrix and thus increase the rate of reaction; • The open pore morphology of silica matrices allow substrates to quickly move into the interior regions of the particle; • Solvents used in the processing of the silica materials are environmentally friendly; • 1.5 Silica has been widely used as excipients in pharmaceutical industry. Problem Statement Since last decades, most drugs have been prepared in designed form to ensure for accurate dosage and convenience for drug administration. There has been a 7 dramatic increase in the awareness of continuous, prolonged, controlled-release medication. This is due to many of original controlled-released system is administered in high dose at a given time only and have to repeat that dose several hours or days later. This is not economical and sometimes results in damaging side effect [25]. Furthermore, the drug release rate is hard to control due to different properties of the drugs. Normally, the release rate is whether too slow for crystalline and/or too fast for amorphous drug [26-27]. Amorphous form due to absence of an ordered crystal lattice requires minimal energy and thus provides maximal solubility advantage as compared to the crystalline and hydrated form of drug. In this research, piperine (5-benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-yl-1-piperidin-1-yl-penta2,4-dien-1-one) is chosen as model drug due to its availability and commercial value in Malaysia. Piperine is naturally occurring in black pepper plant, Piper nigrum Linn with a yield of 35-55 % of its oleoresin [28]. Piperine has been evaluated by Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) which indicated that piperine is safe to be used as food and flavouring agents [29]. It has been used as Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine for a long time. Besides, there has been strong growth in sales of product that all-natural or a high proportion of pure, natural ingredients, especially in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products [7]. In comparison to ground spice, piperine is hygienic, concentrated and can be standardized for acceptable dosage [28]. However, piperine is a poor soluble drug and practically insoluble in water resulting in a poor absorption from gastrointestinal tract [30, 31]. It also exhibits sensitivity to light and oxygen that can undergo hydrolysis to piperidine and piperinic acid and also photolysis to iso-chavicine which lacks the pepper characteristics. Besides, if piperine were to remain captive in the form of raw black pepper, it will take time for its bioavailability enhancing property to be released [32]. In market, Bioperine®, a standardized piperine extract has been patented and claimed to exhibit bioavailability enhancer property to other nutrients [33]. However, the formulation of this supplement may contain several excipients, such as protein, carbohydrates, sugar, calcium carbonate, talc, magnesium stearate, 8 starch-gelatine paste, and diluents. The use of too many components has involved several different steps that could subsequently lead into troublesome production. Excipients package active ingredient into discrete amounts that are easy to handle, give medications a specific look and colour for branding purposes, or imbue unpleasant-tasting medication to help with patient compliance, among hundreds of other uses [34]. On the other hand, some consumers or patients have suffered of being allergic to these additives that commonly appear in many medications [35]. For example, people who have difficulty digesting starch might react to tablets and capsules in which starch is the filler or binder. Others may be allergic to certain artificial colours used in producing medicine preparation. In more serious case, inappropriate use of talc or magnesium silicate as filler in drug tablets can lead to severe pulmonary toxicological responses [36]. Increasing number of allergy incidences along with rising concerns over ingredient safety in medicinal products must be taken into account in designing drug delivery system. In order to overcome these problems, silica aerogel and xerogel maybe loaded with piperine via different methods. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report on silica matrices loaded with piperine. This may avoid the use of other excipients as these silica matrices could act as the filler and binder themselves. The loading of drug with silica matrices is expected to increase the dissolution rate and stability of piperine by increasing its surface area and wettability, while protecting piperine against destructive changes [28, 37]. In drug delivery system, the dissolution rate and solubility of poorly soluble drugs should be improved for desired overall performance of the system because a low dissolution rate resulting in poor absorption from the gastrointestinal tract [38]. Estimates by the pharmaceutical companies are that about 40% of the potential drugs are poorly soluble in water [39]. In previous studies, the use of nanoparticles as the drug delivery carriers has proven that they could accelerate the release rate of many kind of drugs [40-44]. 9 The use of silica matrices such as silica aerogel, and silica xerogel as the drug delivery carriers have been explored recently. The feasibility of silica aerogels as drug delivery system was recently reported [45-47]. It was found that no degradation occurred during loading process via adsorption method using a low temperature supercritical extraction unit [46]. The enhancement in dissolution rate of drug loaded silica aerogel compared to crystalline drug was reported [45-47]. On the other hand, the drug loading is limited. Previous studies showed the potential of silica xerogel as the delivery system for the controlled release of various kinds of drugs [48-51]. However, the high density and limited surface area of silica xerogel has somehow limited its potential. Besides, in most of the previous studies, an orthosilicate such as tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) or tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was used as silica source in preparing silica monoliths containing loaded drugs [47-51]. On the other hand, a new aqueous route for synthesis of silica monoliths that used commercially available sodium silicate as a precursor has been developed. However, alkoxysilanes and the commercially available sodium silicate are usually too expensive that silica aerogel production in an industrial scale is not economically practical. In order to overcome these problems, a modified aqueous route for synthesis of silica monoliths using rice husk ash as the cheap silicon source for production of pure silicate solution as a precursor was developed. 1.6 Objectives of Research The objectives of this research are: 1. To synthesize and characterize piperine loaded silica matrices. 2. To determine the loading capacity and the drug release rate of the newly designed nano-enabled of drug delivery system. 3. To investigate the influences of synthesis conditions on the loading and release property of piperine. 10 1.7 Scope of Research The silica matrices (silica aerogel and silica xerogel) were synthesized via sol-gel process using rice husk ash as silica source, followed by the loading of drug via different methods which are: • Physical mixing (co-grinding) • Impregnation • Direct synthesis Then, all samples are characterized for structural analysis using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Ultra-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The morphology and pore characteristics of the samples are analysed using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and BET surface area analyzer, respectively. Meanwhile, the drug loading and its release rate investigation is carried out using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The research programme is designed according to the methodology outlined in the scheme as shown in Figure 1.2. Synthesis of silica aerogel and silica xerogel Synthesis of drug loaded silica aerogel and drug loaded silica xerogel Characterizations 1. UV-Vis spectroscopy 2. FTIR spectroscopy 3. BET surface area analysis 4. X-Ray diffraction 5. FESEM Drug loading capacity UV-Vis Spectroscopy Drug release rate study Optimization of synthesis conditions Figure 1.2 Flow diagram of research activities CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Material Drug delivery systems (DDS) are polymeric or lipid carrier systems that transport drugs to their target sites in a manner that provides their maximum therapeutic activity, prevent their degradation or inactivation during transit to the target sites, and protect the body from adverse reactions due to inappropriate disposition [52]. The goal of DDS is to release the drugs to simultaneously provide safety, effectiveness, and reliability. Recently, studies on the application of solid carriers as drug delivery tool have gained significant interests. Solid carriers can be microporous inorganic substances, high surface area colloidal inorganic adsorbent substances, cross-linked polymers or nanoparticle adsorbents, for example, silica, silicates, magnesium trisilicate, magnesium hydroxide, talcum, and cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose [46, 53]. Nanoparticles are solid, colloidal particle consisting of macromolecular substances that vary in size from 10 nm to 1000 nm. Nanoparticles, particularly polymeric nanoparticles, have been investigated since 1970s as an alternative to liposome which suffered from inherent problems such as low encapsulation, rapid leakage, poor stability and production difficulties [54-56]. 12 2.1.1 Silica Matrix Silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2) occurs widely in nature. Silica exists in three different crystalline forms which are quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. Quartz also exists in different colours due to presence of impurities such as agate, opal (white) and amethyst (purple) [57]. It also occurs in bamboo, rice husk, and feathers of some birds [58-59]. Silica and silicates are used extensively in pharmacy as pharmaceutical aids because of their suitable physical properties and limited reactivity. Some applications of silica are grinding aid for pharmaceutical formulations and stabilizing agent for organic compounds subject to temperature-humidity degradation conditions [60-61]. Besides, colloidal silica is claimed useful for treating subcutaneous wounds, tuberculosis and many circulation problems such as hardening of the arteries [62]. An evaluation on the airborne allergen inactivation effect of colloidal silica showed almost 100 % inactivation of Japanese cedar pollen allergen, which bring up colloidal silica as a promising material for allergen inactivation [63]. In addition, silica is widely used as a source to develop mesoporous materials due to a number of advantages: • Excellent thermal stability, having a glass transition temperature of 900 ºC and no measured weight loss at 450 ºC • The pore size may be controlled and easily limited to 10 nm Interest on the application of silica particles as host matrix for biomaterial has intensified in the last decade. Many reports have emerged on the application of synthetic porous silica based materials as potential drug delivery system. Pharmaceutical controlling delivery systems offer numerous advantages compared to conventionally administrated drugs in dosage forms, such as improved efficiency and reduced toxicity. The presence of silanol groups in silica matrices provides possible hydrogen bonding with the drug compounds [60]. Figure 2.1 shows three forms of hydroxyl group that occur on the surface of silica matrix [59]. They are single hydroxyl group (O(Si-OH)O2), double or geminal hydroxyl group and triple hydroxyl group, based on the number of hydroxyl groups attached to silicon. 13 (c) OH (a) Si HO OH (b) Si OH O O Si O Si HO Figure 2.1: OH OH OH O Si O OH OH Different forms of hydroxyl group that can occur on the surface of silica: (a) single hydroxyl group, (b) double or geminal hydroxyl group (c) triple hydroxyl group [59]. Investigation on drug loading and release property of ibuprofen loaded MCM-41 proved that pharmaceutically active compounds could be loaded with great efficiency in mesoporous silica materials [64-65]. This material contains nanosized pores that allow for inclusion of drug into the pores. It also exhibits exciting structural features of large specific surface area (up to 1000 m2g-1) and ordered cylindrical mesopores with a narrow size distribution. However, the synthesis process includes the presence and removal of surfactants, which is not cost-effective and troublesome. The feasibility of mesoporous silica material TUD-1 (Technische Universiteit Delft) for drug delivery was also reported. TUD-1 was synthesized by aging, drying, and calcining a homogeneous mixture; consisted of a silicon alkoxide source such as tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) [66]. The results of the study demonstrated the successful inclusion and release of ibuprofen in the silica mesoporous silica such as MCM-41 and SBA-15 [67]. However, the use of TEOS is unfavourable as the alkoxysilanes are expensive and toxic. 14 Silica Aerogel Silica aerogel is a low-density solid material derived from gel, in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with air. It is the lightest and lowest density solid known to exist [68]. It can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic based on the synthesis condition and surface modification method. Basically, the surface hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity of aerogel is tailored to fulfil various desired applications. Rao et al. [69] reported the application of hydrophobic silica aerogel for the transportation of liquids. It has been shown that small quantity of liquid can be transported without mass loss, very efficiently on a surface coated with superhydrophobic silica aerogel. Silica aerogel is also well-known as an excellent thermal insulator. Insulation flame penetration test carried out by Hansen and Frame [70] proved that silica aerogel is the best insulation material yet. The physical properties of silica aerogel are shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Properties Surface area Properties of Silica Aerogel Value 400 - 1000 m2/g Porosity 80 - 99.8 % Density ~0.003 g/cm3 Thermal insulation 0.005 W/m K Dielectric constant k’= 1.0 - 2.0 Refraction index ~1.05 Silica aerogel has been used as a support for various catalysts since it exhibits a very high surface area (400-1000 m2/g). Titanium dioxide supported on silica aerogel has been extensively studied as catalyst and optic application, due to its high thermal stability and high chemical durability [71]. Recently, it was reported that the addition of silica aerogel powder into nanocomposite polymer electrolytes (NCPE) significantly increased the polymer segmental motion, fraction of free lithium ions, extra conductive pathway, transporting sites and free volume [72]. Consequently, the mobility of lithium ions was increased and ionic conductivity was enhanced by 15 threefold higher than the system prepared without silica aerogel, resulted in the asprepared NCPE a potential candidate in batteries. The application of silica aerogel as carrier material is not limited to inorganic materials only but applicable to biomaterials such as enzymes, bacteria, and biopolymer such as chitosan and cellulose [73-74]. Maury and Pierre [75] reported the increment of the enzyme catalytic activity of lipase encapsulated silica aerogel compared to free lipase. Silica aerogel offers protection for the enzyme from deterioration brought about by the solvent. The immobilization of three other enzymes (PGA, thermolysin, and chymotrypsin) in silica aerogel was also demonstrated by Basso et al. [76]. Silica aerogel has emerged as ideal drug delivery carrier due to its biocompatibility. The chemical composition of silica aerogel is identical with that of amorphous silicon oxide (Aerosil), which has been used in the pharmaceutical industry since 1940 [45]. It has been shown that orally administrated Aerosil passes through the gastrointestinal tract without being resorbed in detectable quantities. Thus, it is expected that silica aerogel, would have similar characteristics. Silica aerogel has much larger internal surface area, compared to that of Aerosil (200 m2/g). This allows silica aerogel to exhibit superior properties to Aerosil in drug delivery system [46-47]. Furthermore, the production of Aerosil includes the pyrogenically prepared synthetic silicon dioxide glass that involves heating at a temperature of 9501200 ºC [77], hence making the technique energy and cost consuming. Being chemically inert and non-harmful to human body, silica aerogel may easily find an application in pharmaceutical industry. This nanomaterial also exhibits exciting structural features like open pore structure, very low density and extremely high porosity. Thus, application of aerogel may potentially improve the adsorption and dissolution of drugs. Furthermore, silica aerogel possesses higher mechanical strength, enhanced thermal stability and negligible swelling in organic solvents compared to most organic polymers [78]. 16 The feasibility of silica aerogels as drug delivery carrier was reported. It was found that no degradation occurred during loading process and the drugs (ketoprofen and griseofulvin) adsorbed on silica aerogels dissolved faster than the crystalline drugs [45, 47]. An extremely fast release – even compared to the nanocrystals - of drugs was achieved by loading the drug into hydrophilic aerogel. Meanwhile, hydrophobic aerogels exhibited slower drug release rate; that is governed by diffusion. However, low drug loading (dithranol and niclosamid) was also reported [46]. Silica Xerogel Silica xerogel is normally synthesized by sol-gel process and is formed once the gel is dried under ambient condition [48-51]. Conventional gel drying in the air, however, resulted in considerable shrinkage of the gel. The phenomenon was explained by the formation of liquid-vapour interfaces within the gel network [40, 48, 79]. Thus, silica xerogel possesses lower surface area (less than 300 m2/g) than silica aerogel. The following figure (Figure 2.2) shows comparison of the networks of wet solgel, xerogel and aerogel. Wet Solgel (Hydrogel) Gel Particles Figure 2.2: Xerogel Aerogel Solvent Comparison of gel network of wet solgel, xerogel and aerogel. 17 Previous studies on silica xerogel as a carrier material in controlled delivery indicate that silica xerogels are biocompatible and non-toxic materials. Since the incorporation of various biological molecules such as drug and proteins into silica xerogel can be carried out at room temperature, silica xerogel has been explored for various biomedical applications, including oral and implantable drug delivery systems [48-51, 79]. The application of silica xerogel for the controlled release of heparin showed that the released heparin from different xerogels studied retained about 90 % of its biological activity [51]. In addition, the synthesis of silica xerogel is considerably easy, safe and inexpensive. By taking the chemical and physical parameters into account while preparing silica xerogels, different matrices with different properties can be produced. 2.1.2 Drug (Piperine) Black pepper, Piper nigrum Linn (Piperaceae), is a well-known spice and widely available in Asia countries. It has been used as Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine for a long time. It is commonly used as a good remedy for treating gonorrhoea, menstrual pain, tuberculosis, sleeping problems and arthritic conditions [80-81]. In Malaysia, black pepper is used traditionally as a medicinal herb. The seeds with garlic, wrapped in banana leaves and heated over fire, are used to treat asthma [82]. Black pepper, quoted as ‘King of Spices’ is also described as a drug which increases digestive power, improves appetite, cures cold, cough, dyspnoea, disease of the throat, intermittent fever, colic, dysentery, worms and piles [83]. It is listed by US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) as Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) and contains 5-9 % of the active compound, piperine [84]. Piperine (1-peroyl-piperidine) has also been reported to occur in other Piper species for example, Piper longum, Piper betle, and Piper aurantiacum. chemical structure of piperine is shown in the following Figure 2.3. The 18 Figure 2.3: Chemical structure of Piperine. Piperine has been demonstrated in ‘in vitro’ studies to protect against oxidative damage by inhibiting or quenching free radicals and reactive oxygen species [85-86]. Reactive oxygen species and organic free radical intermediates formed from many carcinogens are suggested to be involved in the initiation of carcinogenic transformations. It also reported the immunomodulatory and antitumor activity of piperine [87-88]. Work by Pradeep and Kuttan [89] demonstrated the antimetastatic activity of piperine. It was found that piperine stimulates the replication of melanocytes [90]. Piperine and its analogues or derivatives inhibit the proliferation of melanoma cells, thus, may be used in the treatment of skin cancer. Besides, it may also be helpful in reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and relieving pain and asthma [91]. Piperine was also claimed to exhibit anti-depressant effect [92]. Previous researchers showed that piperine may be used as structural template to develop anti-diarrhoeal agents [87]. Among other uses, the ability of piperine in improving the bioavailability of other nutrients becomes its most significant characteristic [93-94]. There is a great interest and medical need for the improvement of bioavailability of large number of drugs which are poorly bioavailable, given for long period, toxic and expensive. Bioavailability enhancement helps to lower dosage levels and shorten the course. The effect of piperine on the bioavailability of propanolol has been studied and proven to enhance the bioavailability of this drug. Thus, large doses that frequently 19 causes side effect can be avoided [95]. In other report, the problem of poor availability of curcumin can be overcome by adding a low dose of piperine, which increases the uptake of curcumin by 2000 % in human [96]. Piperine is also compatible and can be co-administered with various nutritional materials. Schmitt [97] claimed that piperine can increase, improve or accelerate the absorption of minerals and trace elements such as vitamin D, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, and chromium. Study on the immunotoxicological effect of piperine shows that the lowest dose of 1.12 mg piperine per kg body weight had no immunotoxic effect. Therefore, it may be considered as immunologically safe “no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL)” dose [98]. Unfortunately, piperine was very sensitive towards light and oxygen. Moreover, the suggested drug dosage for a person was not more than 20 mg per day [99]. Thus, the development of a suitable drug delivery carrier is desired in order to protect as well as to dilute the piperine into a proper dosage. Up to date, however, the research on drug delivery carrier for piperine is limited. 2.2 Synthesis of Silica Matrices Research and development upon drug and pharmaceutical industries is a tedious, arduous and expensive. It is necessary to analyze the entire elements and processes and identify steps where changes can be made to increase efficiency and save time. In order to do this, several considerations must be taken into account in the production of silica aerogel and silica xerogel, such as production sources, cost of starting materials, scalability, potential environmental and toxicity issues and time. 20 2.2.1 Rice Husk Ash as Silica Source Rice husk is a waste product of the agriculture activity in most countries in Asia and particularly in Malaysia. Rice husk has posed a major problem of disposal to the rice milling industry in Malaysia and elsewhere in the world. Waste products from the early stages of rice handling can be used in a number of applications including biofertilizers, substrates for high value mushroom culture e.g. Ganoderma (Lin Zhi), bicycle tyres (husks with resins), fertilizers, charcoal, deodorizers and pest control agents (carbonized husks) [100-101]. Rice husk has also emerged as one of biomass resources for electricity production other than palm oil waste, wood industry residue, baggase, and agricultural waste [102]. Burning of rice husk at high temperature (about 700 ºC) leaves about 20 % rice husk ash of its weight. Rice husk ash (RHA) is one of the most silica rich raw materials containing about 90-98 % silica after complete combustion [103-104]. The large amount of silica freely obtained from RHA provides an abundant and cheap alternative source of silica which is useful for many applications particularly as a support for heterogeneous catalysis [105-106]. The stabilization of Malaysian soil by mixing with rice husk ash to improve its engineering properties is described by Ali et al. [107]. The application of RHA also includes as the source for the production of value-added materials such as zeolite, mesoporous MCM-48, MCM-41 and glass [108-111]. In tropical countries where rice husk are abundant and considered as waste materials, use of RHA as the silica source is particularly attractive, because this would generally lead to cheaper production costs while help alleviate disposal costs and environmental damage. 21 2.2.2 Sol-Gel Method Sol gel technology has attracted considerable attention due to possibility to obtaining submicron and nano-sized materials. The sol-gel process, as the name implies, involves evolution of inorganic networks through formation of a colloidal suspension (sol) and gelation of the sol to form a network in a continuous liquid phase (gel) [112-113]. A sol-gel technology that was developed during the last two decades offers new possibilities for incorporating active ingredients within silica matrix [114]. Sol gel derived silica matrices, which are typically biodegradable can be used in drug encapsulation and delivery applications [115]. The most essential features of the technique are: • Ultra homogeneity – incorporated molecules can be separated at a nanoscale level; • Low processing temperature – also temperature-sensitive molecules can be processed; • Non-toxicity of silica gel matrix – final composites can be implemented as sustained-release systems or biocompatible implantable materials. Silica Gel Drying Silica xerogel could be easily obtained by drying the wet gel at ambient temperature. The drying temperature can also be controlled for the drying of temperature-sensitive drug-xerogel hybrids. However, in the synthesis of silica aerogel, the wet gel needs to be dried supercritically to avoid the gel shrinking. Supercritical fluid processing is becoming a popular focus of research because of the wide range of application for which it is suitable [116]. Two of the main advantages 22 of supercritical fluid (SCF) technology are that it requires few or no organic solvents and little or no heating to produce the fundamental particles [117]. In pharmaceutical applications, a common solvent for supercritical drying is liquid carbon dioxide due to it being relatively inert and having a workable critical point conditions (31.1 ºC, 73.8 bar). Popularity of carbon dioxide stems from the fact that it is non-toxic and non-flammable, also the second least expensive solvent after water [118]. Carbon dioxide has emerged as an environmentally friendly substitute for many halogenated and other organic solvents thereby reducing atmospheric pollution and eliminating solvent residues in products [119]. The schematic phase diagram of pure CO2 and water is shown in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4: Schematic phase diagram for a pure CO2 and water. The use of binary and multicomponent liquids has gained attention as it provide the possibility to manipulate the critical temperature of the mixture, or to introduce polar or non polar features to regulate interactions of the fluid with a 23 specific compounds [118]. The critical temperature assume-value of binary mixtures often takes values between the critical temperatures of the components while for the critical pressure, it is usually higher than the critical pressures of pure components. For example, addition of about 7 mole % ethanol to carbon dioxide results in mixture with a critical temperature about 52 ºC, but a critical pressure of 97 bar, compared to 31.1 ºC and 73.8 bar for carbon dioxide and 240.9 ºC and 61.4 bar for ethanol. In Table 2.2, the critical properties of some compounds which are commonly used as supercritical fluids are shown [120]. Table 2.2: Critical conditions of several substances [120] Solvent Tc (K) Pc (MPa) Solvent Tc (K) Pc (MPa) Acetone 508.1 4.70 Hexafluoroethane 293.0 3.06 Ammonia 405.6 11.3 Ethanol 513.9 6.14 Carbon dioxide 304.1 7.38 Methanol 512.6 8.09 Cyclohexane 553.5 4.07 n-hexane 507.5 3.01 Diethyl ether 466.7 3.64 Propane 369.8 4.25 Difluoromethane 351.6 5.83 Propylene 364.9 4.60 Difluoroethane 386.7 4.50 Sulfur hexafluoride 318.7 3.76 Dimethyl ether 400.0 5.24 Tetrafluoromethane 227.6 3.74 Ethane 305.3 4.87 Toluene 591.8 41.1 Ethylene 282.4 5.04 Trifluoromethane 299.3 4.86 Ethyne 308.3 6.14 Water 647.3 22.1 2.2.3 Dissolution Enhancement of Drug Bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drug is limited by their solubility and dissolution rate. Insolubility will lead to poor dissolution and subsequently decrease drug absorption from gastrointestinal tract, while the drug absorption is the critical point to measure the efficiency of some therapeutic drugs [121]. According to 24 Noyes-Whitney equation, factors such as solubility and surface area can affect the dissolution rate [122]: dM = DS (Cs-Cb) dt (Equation 2.1) h where: dM/dt = the dissolution rate M = the amount of drug (material) dissolved (usually in mg or mmol) t = time (seconds) D = the diffusion coefficient of the drug in the solution (cm2/s) S = the surface area of exposed solid (cm2) h = the thickness of diffusion layer Cs = the concentration of the drug in the diffusion layer Cb = the drug concentration in bulk solution at time t. where the dissolution rate of the drug is based upon the surface area of the particle which is exposed to the solubilizing liquid, high surface area allows more contact to the dissolution medium; body fluid such as saliva, gastric juice or intestinal fluid. It is easier to increase the surface area by reducing the particle size of drug crystals than to increase the drug solubility. Figure 2.5 below shows the relationship between the particle size and its surface area. 2x x 2x x 6 ( 2x X 2x ) = 24 x2 Figure 2.5: 8 X 6 X (x X x ) = 48 x2 Effect of particle size reduction towards the increment of surface area 25 Several studies were carried out in order to increase the dissolution rate of drug through nano- or micronization of drug particles [123-125]. Several methods of reducing particle size have been suggested. Physical method such as milling and grinding are successful in particle size reduction. However, the ground crystals tend to agglomerate, thereby creating a surface with higher energy than that of original crystals, and reducing the effective surface area for dissolution [126]. The agglomeration may be due to van der Waals attraction or hydrophobicity [127]. Higher surface area can also be achieved either by decreasing crystallinity or by using nanoparticles in the drug formulation. Nanoparticles act as the inclusion compound between the drug molecule and a host particle. To be effective, the host/guest inclusion compound must have a higher solubility than the individual drug molecule [128]. An inclusion complex of a drug is usually not crystalline and thus should have higher solubility than a crystalline material. Theoretically, non-crystalline (amorphous) solids are generally more soluble than crystalline solids. Amorphous form, due to absence of an ordered crystal lattice requires minimal energy and thus provides maximal solubility advantage as compared to the crystalline forms of drug [129]. 2.3 Survey on Characterization Techniques A wide variety of instruments are capable for the characterization in pharmaceutical research. Structures of samples were identified by employing powder X-ray diffractometer, FTIR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and FESEM. Besides that, surface area of catalysts was measured with nitrogen adsorption method by BET surface area analyzer. 26 The applications of infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy are one of the most fundamental and useful spectroscopic techniques available in the arsenal of a pharmaceutical scientist. The IR spectroscopy is routinely used as an identification assay method for various intermediate compounds, active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients, and formulated drug products and the methodology can be also be developed as a quantitative techniques for any of this. Generally, this method is used in the determination the functional group present in a molecule to reveal the information on the types of bonding and classification of chemical compounds by producing an infrared absorption spectrum that is like a molecular ‘finger print’ [130]. Previous work by Ternes and Krause [131] used infrared spectroscopy for the characterization and determination of piperine and piperine isomers in egg. Piperine and its isomers were determined by observing their trans-configuration bond at 960970 cm-1, which is shifted to about 1000 cm-1 by conjugated carbonylic groups. FTIR spectrum of piperine indicates the characteristic peak of amide, conjugated double bond, aromatic ring and presence of –C-O- bond [132]. FTIR spectroscopy is also commonly used to determine the change of chemical nature of drugs after loading procedure [46-47, 133]. The other technique to determine the degradation of drug is the ultravioletvisible spectroscopy. The ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy is an instrument commonly used in the laboratory that analyzes compounds in the ultraviolet and visible regions (180 to 820 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy can be applied in qualitative and quantitative drug analysis. This technique is one of the spectroscopic methods based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the material. It allows one to determine the wavelength and maximum absorbance of compounds. UV-Vis spectroscopy was used extensively in the assessment and detection of piperine. Pure piperine appears as yellowish crystals and its UV-Vis spectrum was detected with absorption maxima at 340 nm which reflects that the compound contains highly conjugated aromatic ring 27 [131, 134]. UV-Vis spectroscopy is also use for confirmation of identity purpose of piperine isolated from natural product [135]. The Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) theory was originally elaborated by Brunauer, Emmet, and Teller [136]. This technique is crucial to study the effect of surface area of drug particles, drug carriers, or formulations on the dissolution profile of studied drug. Higher surface area provides wider contact with the dissolution medium consequently increase the wettability of the product. Various preparation techniques applied in order to achieve higher surface area compared to original drugs which includes micronization [137], cogrinding [123-125], use of nanoparticles [46, 55], and generation of drug nanoparticles via spray drying [138] and supercritical fluid extraction [43, 139]. Increase of surface area in these techniques was proven to improve the dissolution rate of drugs of interest. It is important for evaluating the structure of piperine, silica matrices, and piperine-silica formulations to observe its morphology and microstructure that are the most basic physical properties. Field emission-scanning electron microscope (FESEM) generally is used for observation of morphology and microstructure and can capture the composite structure in the sight directly [140]. Work by Sanganwar et. al. [127] used microscopic observation to study the size and deagglomeration of itraconazole crystals after mixing with silica nanoparticles. Electron microscopy was also used to determine the presence and formation of nanoparticles in drug delivery system [141]. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) is a rapid analytical technique primarily used for phased identification of a crystalline material and can provide information on unit cell dimensions. In most previous studies, XRD was used to determine the crystallinity reduction or generation of amorphous state of new formulations [142]. The generation of amorphous state translates into a shift in the angle of diffraction and/or broadening and subsequent splitting of the peaks [143]. XRD can also be used to study crystal habit before and after addition of drug carrier or additives [144-145]. 28 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Synthesis of Silica Matrices In this study, silica aerogel (SA) and silica xerogel (SX) were synthesized via modified aqueous colloidal sol-gel process. Generally, the production of these silica matrices consists of three stages, which are (I) the preparation of sodium silicate, (II) synthesis of wet gel and (III) the gel drying. The general procedure of the synthesis process is shown in Figure 3.1. Stage I Stage II Rice Husk Alcogel Combustion Extraction with alcohol Silica Ash NaOH Hydrolysis Figure 3.1 Gelation Stage III Supercritical drying Silica Aerogel Ambient temperature drying Aquagel Synthesis of silica aerogel and silica xerogel Silica Xerogel 29 The synthesis of silica aerogel involves two major steps: (1) the preparation of the alcogel by sol-gel process and (2) the supercritical drying of the wet gel to remove the solvent. Rice husk ash (RHA) and the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (Merck; 99 %) were used to prepare sodium silicate solution. The mass ratio applied was 39.13 g RHA: 14.55 g NaOH: 450 g H2O. The mixture was stirred for two days at 90 ºC and then filtered to separate the filtrate from undissolved residue. This low cost sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) precursor was used to prepare silica aquagel through hydrothermal process using concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4) (Merck; 96 %). The silica content of the as-prepared sodium silicate was determined by adding concentrated sulphuric acid dropwise into 100 g sodium silicate solution until gelation. Then, the aquagel was filtered and washed with warm distilled water (60 ºC) to remove the trapped sodium sulphate salt from the gel until pH 7. The gel was dried at 120 ºC overnight, cooled and weighed. The silicate solution was then diluted to obtain sodium silicate with 4 % silica. % Silica content = Dry gel 100 g x 100 % 15 mL H2SO4 was added dropwise into 250 mL Na2SiO3 and aged for 2 day to strengthen the silica network. Then, the aquagel obtained was washed with distilled water to remove the sodium sulfate salt resulted from neutralization, until pH 7. Silica alcogel is prepared after the condensation of ethanol for at least 12 hours. Then, the gels were dried supercritically with N2 in the autoclave. Supercritical drying of the alcogel was conducted in a high temperature supercritical system. To be dried supercritically, about 350 mL alcogel and additional 500 mL ethanol was placed in 2L extraction autoclave. The temperature of the autoclave was slowly raised stepwise as shown in Table 3.1, until the critical temperature and pressure were reached. Then, the whole system was held for 1 h, while the pressure was maintained at 1500 psi. Afterwards, the ethanol was slowly 30 released from the system until the pressure drop to 30 psi followed by dynamic drying with flowing N2 gas for 15 min at constant pressure (36 psi). Then, the system was left to cool. Table 3.1: Temperature increment steps for supercritical drying Duration (minute) 60 60 60 60 60 60 Temperature (ºC) 100 150 200 225 250 275 Silica xerogel (SX) was also synthesized, following the similar route as the synthesis of silica aerogel except for the gel drying. For SX, the aquagel was dried at ambient temperature. Firstly, sufficient amount of sulphuric acid (96 %) was added dropwise under vigorous stirring into 250 mL sodium silicate solution until gelation. The gel was aged at room temperature in distilled water for 24 hours. Finally, it was dried in an oven at 100 ºC for several days until a constant weight was obtained. 3.2 Drug (Piperine) The model drug used for the experiment is piperine (piperinoyl-piperidine) and its properties are summarized in Table 3.2. The drug was prepared in Natural Product Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and was used as received. Table 3.2: Structure Properties of model drug (Piperine) Physical Appearance TMelting (ºC) Pale yellow, needle 131-134 like crystals MW (g mol-1) 285.34 31 3.3 Drug Loaded Silica Matrices Three methods were used in order to load the silica matrices with piperine, which are physical mixing (co-grinding), impregnation, and direct synthesis. Brief procedure is described in the following section. 3.3.1 Physical Mixing Firstly, the coarse piperine crystals were ground to obtain fine powder. Sufficient amount of piperine was later co-ground with silica aerogel and silica xerogel, respectively, using porcelain mortar until homogeneous. Lastly, the mixed powders were sieved through 212 μm screen and stored in air-tight sample bottles. 3.3.2 Impregnation Drug loading via impregnation was carried out by stirring the silica aerogel in ethanolic piperine solution. For this purpose, aerogel was firstly calcined at 150 ºC for 5 hours to obtain hydrophilic silica aerogel. Meanwhile, sufficient amount of piperine was dissolved in ethanol (Hayman; 99.7% v/v). Then, weighed amount of silica aerogel was added into the piperine solution, and the mixture was stirred vigorously until homogeneous. The piperine:carrier weight ratio applied in this study were 1:4, 2:3, 1:1 and 3:2. Lastly, the wet mixture was dried at 40 ºC until a constant weight was obtained. Similar procedure was done to load the silica xerogel with piperine. 32 The piperine-carrier formulations were also prepared by adding minimum amount of ethanol. In this case, ethanol acted as the binding agent between piperine and silica matrices. Firstly, the physical mixtures of piperine-silica matrix were prepared following the procedure described in section 3.3.1 above. Then, ethanol was added dropwise until moist mixture was obtained. The mixture was then dried at 40 ºC in oven, ground and sieved. Figure 3.2 shows the flow diagram of drug loading procedure via impregnation and physical mixing methods. (I) Coarse piperine crystals Grinding Fine powder + Silica matrices (II) Mixed powder Grinding & sieving Sieving Dry granules Grinding, drying, sieving Compression + Minimum EtOH (III) Impregnated with minimum EtOH Dissolved in EtOH Piperine solution Drying TABLET + Silica matrices (IV) Piperine impregnated silica matrices Figure 3.2: Flow diagram of drug loading procedure via impregnation and physical mixing methods. 33 3.3.3 Direct Synthesis The piperine-loaded silica aerogel was also prepared through chemical reaction during the sol-gel process. The piperine was loaded at pH ~7, which was slightly before the gelation, in order to minimize the denaturation of drug. Firstly, 0.2 g piperine was dissolved completely in 10 mL ethanol to ensure homogeneous distribution of piperine in gel. Meanwhile, concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4) was added dropwise into 20 g of sodium silicate (4 % silica) solution under mild stirring until the gelation was about to occur (pH ~7). The ethanolic piperine solution was added into the mixture and was left to gel. The formed gel was aged for 2 days, followed by washing with distilled water. Then, the gel was aged in ethanol for 2 days. Similar samples were also prepared with different drug loading and aging period. Figure 3.3 shows the flow diagram of drug loading procedure via direct synthesis method. Na2SiO3 (4 % silica) H2SO4 dropwise Sol pH ~7 20 mg/mL ethanolic solution of piperine Piperine-loaded wet gel Aging (2 days) Washing with distilled water Aging in ethanol Drying Figure 3.3: Flow diagram of drug loading procedure via direct synthesis method. 34 In order to get piperine-loaded silica aerogel, the aged gel was dried supercritically by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extractor. In brief, the prepared silica gel sample was carefully placed in 1 L extraction autoclave, which was firstly chilled to 25 ºC. The trapped air was then flushed out with carbon dioxide gas before the system was closed for the drying process. Liquid CO2 was vented in until the autoclave pressure reached to 50 bar. The autoclave was pressurized with purified CO2 gas up to 80 bar at 25 ºC for 6 hours. During this period, the ethanol in the silica gel was replaced by liquid CO2. Then, the autoclave was heated to 40 ºC with constant pressure at 80 bar for 4 hours. Dynamic drying was performed by using high pressure purified CO2 for 10 minutes at 40 ºC and 80 bar. Afterwards, the autoclave was slowly depressurized to atmosphere at 40 ºC. Finally, dried silica aerogel was obtained. The schematic diagram of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction unit is shown in Figure 3.4. Piperine-loaded silica xerogel formulations were prepared by drying the drug-loaded gel at 40 ºC. Chiller Figure 3.4: Flow meter Schematic diagram of supercritical carbon dioxide Autoclave CO2 Collector CO2 Pump 35 3.3.4 Sample Codes The prepared samples were coded according to the details in Table 3.3. Table 3.3: Sample codes for various formulations Sample Code Carrier Method Piperine (wt %) SA Silica aerogel - SX Silica xerogel - PAPM 20 Silica aerogel Physical mixing 20 PAPM 40 Silica aerogel Physical mixing 40 PAPM 50 Silica aerogel Physical mixing 50 PAPM 60 Silica aerogel Physical mixing 60 PXPM 20 Silica xerogel Physical mixing 20 PXPM 40 Silica xerogel Physical mixing 40 PXPM 50 Silica xerogel Physical mixing 50 PXPM 60 Silica xerogel Physical mixing 60 PAIM 20 Silica aerogel Impregnation 20 PAIM 40 Silica aerogel Impregnation 40 PAIM 50 Silica aerogel Impregnation 50 PAIM 60 Silica aerogel Impregnation 60 PXIM 20 Silica xerogel Impregnation 20 PXIM 40 Silica xerogel Impregnation 40 PXIM 50 Silica xerogel Impregnation 50 PXIM 60 Silica xerogel Impregnation 60 PADS 10 Silica aerogel Direct synthesis 10 PADS 20 Silica aerogel Direct synthesis 20 PXDS 10 Silica xerogel Direct synthesis 10 PXDS 20 Silica xerogel Direct synthesis 20 36 3.4 Characterization All the samples were characterized using Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), BET surface area analysis, X-Ray diffraction (XRD), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). 3.4.1 UV-Vis Spectroscopy Ultraviolet and visible spectra were used to determine the chemical nature of the drug before and after the loading process. The degradation of piperine was determined by comparing the characteristic peaks for drug and drug loaded ones. The method that is most often used in a quantitative way to determine concentrations of an absorbing species in solutions is by using Beer-Lambert Law as shown in following equation [146]. A = -log10 ( I / I0) = ε c L Where A (Equation 3.1) = measured absorbance I0 = intensity of the incident light at a given wavelength I = transmitted intensity L = path length through the cell c = concentration of absorbing species ε = molar extinction coefficient A spectroscopy can be either single beam or double beam. In single beam instrument, all of the light passes through the sample cell. The I0 must be measured by removing the sample. On the other hand, in a double beam instrument, the light is 37 split into two beams before it reach the sample. One beam is used as the reference; the other beam passes through the sample. In UV-Vis spectroscopy, an approximately monochromatic light beam is generally employed. This is selected with the aid of a monochromator from the total emission spectrum of a light source. In this region of electromagnetic spectrum, the nature of a radiation is expressed as wavelength (nm) [147]. Samples for UV-Vis spectroscopy are most often liquid and are typically placed in a transparent cell, known as cuvette. For the measurement of absorption in UV-Vis region, the loaded carriers were dispersed in ethanol. The UV-Vis spectra were measured on Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 spectrophotometer under ambient conditions using quartz test cuvettes. The absorbance value reading at maximum peak for piperine was used for quantitative analysis on the base of calibration curve. Five solutions were prepared with different concentrations. The slope of absorbance readings produced a linear calibration curve. In order to determine the drug concentration in the sample, 10 ppm solution of the samples were prepared by dissolving the sample powders in ethanol (99.7 %). The solution was stirred for at least 60 minutes to ensure the complete dissolution of the drug. The concentration of the drug in ethanol was determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. 3.4.2 FTIR Spectroscopy All the samples were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy in order to identify the chemical bonding of the samples as well as to determine the degradation occurrence of piperine. Based on Hooke’s law, the vibrational frequency between two atoms might be approximated as: 38 v= 1 2π k µ (Equation 3.2) where μ is the reduced mass of the two atoms, such that μ= (m1m2)/(m1 + m2), and k is the force constant of the bond (dynes/cm). Quantum mechanical analysis of the harmonic oscillator model reveals a series of equally spaced vibrational energy levels (defined by the vibrational quantum number v, where v = 1, 2, 3 …) that are expressed as: 1  Ev =  v + hv 0 2 ï£ (Equation 3.3) where Ev is the energy of the vth level, h is Planck’s constant, and v0 is the fundamental vibrational frequency [148]. In the infrared spectroscopy, frequencies are ranged from 400 to 4000cm-1 but the IR spectra of silica based materials show typical absorption band in certain regions. The assignment of each region is as follow [45, 149-152]: i. Stretching vibrations of hydroxyl groups (3000-3700 cm-1). This region associated with H-bridging hydroxyl (-Si – OH ….O – Si-) groups, isolated silanol (-Si – OH) and adsorbed molecular water. ii. Si – O – CH3 symmetric stretching and C-H stretching at 2960 cm-1 iii. Si – O – Si and vibration of SiO2 network at 1860 and 800 cm-1 iv. H – O – H for adsorbed molecular water around 1650 cm-1 v. ≡ Si – O , vibration of silica network at around 1000 cm-1 vi. Si – O – Si vibrational mode around 800 cm-1 vii. Si – O – Si deformation at 948, 460 cm-1 39 For FTIR measurements, the samples were powdered and compressed with potassium bromide (KBr) and placed in the sample holder. The absorption spectra were scanned over the wave number range between 4000 and 400 cm-1 by FTIR spectrometer Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One at ambient temperature. A vibrational transition might be approximated by the consideration of atoms bonded together within a molecule as a harmonic oscillator [153]. 3.4.3 BET Surface Area Analysis The BET specific surface measurement based on the gas adsorption is often applied as a simple method to evaluate the surface area of a porous material. Such a material which is surrounded by and in equilibrium with a certain gas which has a certain temperature, T, and relative vapour pressure, p/po, adsorbed physically a certain amount of gas. The amount of adsorbed gas is dependent on its relative vapour pressure and is proportional to the external and internal surface of the material. The connection between relative vapour pressure and amount of adsorbed gas at a constant temperature is called an adsorption isotherm. The determination of surface areas from the BET theory is a straight forward application of equation. The BET equation is generally expressed as follow [154]: 1 1 =W C m W [(P / Po) - 1 Where W Wm + C–1 Wm P Po (Equation 3.4) = volume of gas adsorbed at pressure P = volume of gas adsorbed in monolayer, same units as V 40 P0 = saturation pressure of adsorbate gas at the experimental temperature C = a constant related to the enthalphy of adsorption in the first adsorption layer. A plot of 1/ [W (P0/P) – 1] versus P/P0, as shown in Figure 3.5, yields a straight line 1/ [W (P0/P) – 1 ] usually in the range of 0.05 ≤ ≤ 0.35. A i P/P0 Figure 3.5: Typical BET plot. After calculation of Wm and C, the surface area (ABET) can be calculated by: ABET = WmNAs v (Equation 3.5) where NA is Avogadro number (6.023 x 1023 mol-1), s is adsorption cross section, and V is molar volume of adsorbent gas. 41 Any condensable inert vapour can be used in the BET method, but for the most reliable measurements, the molecules should be small. Krypton, argon, and nitrogen are suitable choices in view of their commercial availability. Liquid nitrogen is readily available coolant, but argon and krypton are expensive relative to nitrogen and must be highly purified [155]. Consequently, nitrogen is usually used since it relatively cheap and readily available in high purity. The BET specific surface area and total pore volume (measured at P/Po= 0.95) of the silica aerogel, silica xerogel, piperine, and drug-loaded silica matrices was measured using ThermoFinnigan Qsurf Surface Area Analyzer M3 series. Approximately 0.025 g of sample powder was put into a sample tube holder followed by preheating in the heating mantle attached to the instrument and connected to a supply of gas mixture (nitrogen and helium). This step was done to eliminate the contaminants such as moisture and volatile compounds which were physically adsorbed on the sample surface. Specific surface area was calculated following the BET procedure. 3.4.4 X-Ray Diffraction . X-ray diffraction involves the measurement of the intensity of X-rays scattered from electron bound to atoms [156]. Waves scattered at atoms at different positions arrive at the detector with a relative phase shift. Therefore, the measured intensities yield information about the relative atomic positions. The easiest access to the structural information in powder diffraction is via the well-known Bragg equation, which describes the principle of X-ray diffraction in terms of a reflection of X-rays by sets of lattice plane [157]. Lattice planes are crystallographic planes, characterized by the index triplet hkl, the so-called Miller indices. Bragg analysis treats X-rays like visible light being reflected by the surface of a mirror, with the Xray being specularly reflected at the lattice planes. 42 The derivation of Bragg’s Law is shown in Figure 3.6. Diffraction generally occurs when the wavelength of the wave motion is of the same order of magnitude as the repeat distance between scattering center with: nλ = 2d sin θ (Equation 3.6) where d = interplanar spacing of parallel lattice planes n = diffraction order (1, 2, 3…) λ = wavelength of the X-rays θ = diffraction angle, angle between the incoming and outgoing X-rays beams Incoming beam Diffracted beam θ θ d 2θ Figure 3.6: Illustration of the geometry used for the simplified derivation of Bragg’s law [157]. X-ray diffractometers consist of three basic elements: an X-ray tube, a sample holder, and as X-ray detector [158]. X-ray is generated in anode ray tube by heating a filament to produce electrons, accelerating the electrons toward a target by applying a voltage, and bombarding the target material with electrons. When electrons have sufficient energy to dislodge inner shell electrons of the target material, characteristic X-ray spectra are produced. 43 X-ray powder diffraction patterns of piperine, silica aerogel, silica xerogel and drug loaded silica matrices were recorded using Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer to investigate the crystallinity of samples. Samples were irradiated with monochromatized Cu Kα (λ = 1.5405Å) radiation and analyzed at 2θ between 5º and 45º. XRD analysis was carried out at a step of 0.05º and step time 1s. The voltage and current used were 40 kV and 40 mA, respectively. The XRD analysis was carried out at Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, UTM. 3.4.5 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) SEM is a method of irradiating the electron beam to the sample, and obtaining the observation image based on the generated second beam [159]. For SEM observation, conductivity is necessary for the sample, and the conductive thin film of gold etc. is formed by sputtering on the surface of insulation material. There is a little shape restriction in the sample, and an easy and effective evaluation is possible. The field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) is similarly configured to a conventional SEM, except that a cold field emission electron source is used, which permits higher image resolution to be attained, increased signal to noise ratio, and increased depth of field [160]. Thus, FESEM can observe at high magnification of about 300,000 times, and can observe nanosize microstructure. The morphology of all samples were observed at different magnification using field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM JSM-6701F, JEOL) operated with acceleration voltage of 2.0 kV and working distance about 3 mm. The samples were scattered onto metal cylinders with conductive carbon tape, dried in a vacuum chamber and coated with a platinum layer in sputter coater unit (JFC-1600, JEOL). This analysis was carried out at Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, UTM. 44 3.5 Investigation on Drug Dissolution Profile The in vitro study release of drugs from the carrier was performed in two simulated fluids: gastric fluid (0.1 M HCl or pH ~1) and intestinal fluid (phosphate buffer saline, pH ~7), using dissolution in a flow through cell [161]. The samples were compacted into 0.1 g disks using two flat face punch and die (d = 13 mm) under pressure of 1500 psi. One disk of samples was immersed in into 500 ml dissolution medium at 37 ºC, and the solution was continually stirred at 100 rpm. The drug dissolution study was done using custom-made apparatus assembly following USP IV test apparatus (flow through cell) recommended by United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) [162]. Triplicate samples (5 ml) were withdrawn from the dissolution vessels at selected time interval (10 minutes) and replaced with fresh dissolution medium to maintain the volume. Each sample was analyzed for drug concentration at maximum absorbance of piperine at a wavelength of 340 nm on an UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda). Thermostat Flow through cell Magnetic stirrer Figure 3.7: Tablet Schematic diagram of dissolution testing apparatus assembly CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Synthesis of Silica Aerogel and Silica Xerogel Silica aerogel and silica xerogel were synthesized via sol-gel method. The resulting silica aerogel appears as fluffy semi-transparent white powder, whilst silica xerogel as hard, dense white powder. The chemical equation of the synthesis of silica matrices from sodium silicate is illustrated below. Na2SiO3 + H2SO4 SiO2 + Na2SO4 (Equation 4.1) Table 4.1 lists the physical properties of synthesized silica aerogel and silica xerogel. Table 4.1: Properties Physical appearance Density (g/cm3) Surface area (m2/g) 3 Pore volume (cm /g) Physical properties of silica aerogel and silica xerogel Silica Aerogel Silica Xerogel White, fluffy powder White, dense, hard gel 0.064 0.622 405 116 0.23 0.96 46 Silica aerogel and silica xerogel have surface areas of 405 m2/g and 116 m2/g, respectively. The relatively low surface area of silica xerogel as compared to silica aerogel may be explained by the gel shrinkage due to capillary pressure during ambient pressure drying. It is dense, hard gel. These results are consistent with those of other studies, whereby the supercritical drying technique applied in the production of silica aerogel may have avoided the gel network shrinkage [71, 150, 163-165]. This type of technique prevents the formation of liquid-vapour meniscus from receding during the emptying of pores in the wet gel. Thus the liquid surface tension and capillary pressure may be eliminated which consequently avoid collapse of the gel pore volume and results in high porosity and remarkably large surface area. 4.2 Characterization of Silica Matrices and Piperine The model drug (piperine) and as-synthesized silica aerogel and silica xerogel were characterized by using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). 4.2.1 FTIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Silica Matrices Figure 4.1 shows the FTIR spectra of synthesized silica aerogel and silica xerogel. In both spectra, a broad peak appears around 3440 cm-1 due to the O-H stretching; caused by physically adsorbed water. The presence of this absorption band may also be associated to H-bridging hydroxyl (-Si – OH …O – Si-) groups and isolated silanol (-Si – OH). Weaker absorption band shown in Figure 4.1 clearly indicates the hydrophobic nature of the aerogels. The hydrophobicity of silica 47 aerogel is supported by the presence of peaks around 2980 cm-1 corresponding to CH bond. Meanwhile, the peak at 1628 cm-1 corresponds to the bending mode of O-H of water. The spectrum also shows strong peaks at around 1100 cm-1 and 800 cm-1, and 470 cm-1 due to asymmetric, symmetric, and bending modes of SiO2 respectively which normally appear in any silica product. The peaks at around 1200 and 960 cm-1 are related to the Si-C bonds. Relative Transmittance, % (b) (a) 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0 Wavenumber, cm-1 Figure 4.1: FTIR spectra of (a) silica aerogel and (b) silica xerogel In Figure 4.1(b), the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of Si-OSi and a bending of Si-O-Si mode correspond to the peaks at 1250 cm-1, 990 cm-1, 802 cm-1 and 466 cm-1, respectively. The absorption band at 960 cm-1 is related to the vibration of Si-OH bonding. The OH bands at around 3440 and 1635 cm-1 indicate the presence of absorbed water. The characteristic peaks of both silica aerogel and xerogel are summarized in Table 4.2. 48 Table 4.2: FTIR absorption bands of silica aerogel and silica xerogel Type of Bonding Frequency (cm-1) Type of Vibration Silica Aerogel Silica Xerogel 3440 –O–H Stretching 3440 –C–H Stretching 2980 Si–O–Si asymmetric stretching 1100 1119 Si–O–Si symmetric stretching 800 802 Si–O–Si Bending 470 466 H–O–H Bending 1627 1635 Si–C Stretching 967 960 Silica matrices present an extremely large number of accessible hydroxyl groups, and consequently show strong hydrogen-bonding effects. Figure 4.2 shows the presence of hydroxyl groups due to the silanol groups, physically adsorbed water and chemically adsorbed water [166]. Physically adsorbed H2O H H O Chemically adsorbed water H H H Hydrogen Bond HO Figure 4.2: H H O H O O H H H H H Silanol group O O O O O O Si Si Si Si Si Si O O O O O H OH The presence of OH groups due to the silanol groups, physically and chemically adsorbed water. 49 4.2.2 FTIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Piperine The FTIR spectroscopy was used to determine the characteristic absorption peaks for piperine. Figure 4.3 shows the spectrum of piperine. As shown at 960-970 cm-1, there is a typical trans-configuration bond, shifted to about 1000 cm-1 by conjugated carbonylic group. There is an observable band at 1005 cm-1. Apart from the intense -C-H aromatic bands between 2800 and 3100 cm-1, main FTIR signals occur in the fingerprint range between 1000 and 1700 cm-1. The spectrum presents very good resolution of the aromatic and aliphatic –C=C– as well as O=C–N– stretching vibrations detected between 1500 and 1640 cm-1. The signal observed at 1450 cm-1 is assigned to CH2– bending vibration whereas the other bands in the range of 1100 and 1400 cm-1 are mainly due to –C–C– stretching and –C–H bending vibrations of the piperine molecule. 30 26 Transmittance, % 22 18 14 10 6 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 Wavenumber, cm-1 Figure 4.3: FTIR spectrum of piperine. 1000 400.0 50 Table 4.3: FTIR absorption bands of piperine Type of Bonding Type of Vibration Frequency (cm-1) –C–H Stretching 2937, 2797 =C–H aromatic Stretching 3100 =C–H aromatic Bending 846 –C–H Bending 1447 C=C aromatic Stretching 1583 and 1447 C=C aliphatic Stretching 1609 –N–C=O Stretching 1631 1000 Trans-configuration C–N 4.2.3 Stretching 1247 Morphology and Crystallinity Studies of Silica Aerogel, Silica Xerogel and Piperine The morphology of drug particles and silica matrices was investigated and FESEM micrographs are illustrated in the following figures. The synthesized silica aerogel exhibits porous network structure, which contains solid clusters of 10-60 nm and pores below 100 nm in between them (Figure 4.4). As can be seen in Figure 4.5, silica xerogel has a highly dense morphology, which appears as tiny spherical nanoparticles, approximately 30-60 nm in diameter. The micrograph also shows the aggregates of particles in silica xerogel. Besides that, the diffractograms reveal that the silica aerogel and silica xerogel are amorphous (Figure 4.6). These findings correlate the BET surface area analysis result shown in Table 4.1, and suggest the connection between porosity and the surface area. Surface area of silica aerogel is about three times higher than silica xerogel. 51 Figure 4.4: FESEM micrograph of synthesized silica aerogel. Figure 4.5: FESEM micrograph of synthesized silica xerogel. Relative Intensity 52 (a) Silica aerogel (b) Silica xerogel 5 10 Figure 4.6: 15 20 25 30 2-Theta - Scale 35 40 45 50 X-ray diffractograms of (a) silica aerogel, and (b) silica xerogel. In contrary, the drug substance exists in a crystal form, which has a needleshaped appearance with smooth surface. The drug crystals have a low specific surface area due to their large particle size (Figure 4.7). The high crystallinity of piperine as shown in this figure also explains the high intensity peaks in its X-ray diffractogram as illustrated in Figure 4.8. Pure piperine shows several diffraction peaks typical of crystalline powder. Figure 4.7: FESEM micrograph of pure piperine (250 X magnification) 53 2100 1800 Intensity (a.u) 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.8: X-ray diffractogram of crystalline piperine. Highly crystalline drug with very low surface area (SBET ~ 3 m2/g) explains the poor dissolution rate of this drug. Thus, the generation of amorphous state to increase its surface area is essential for drug dissolution enhancement. The amorphous nature of silica aerogel and silica xerogel is expected to allow therapeutic and diagnostic agents to be encapsulated, covalently attached or adsorbed onto such carriers, creating formulations with higher surface area to overcome solubility issues. 4.3 Preparation of Piperine-Aerogel and Piperine-Xerogel Formulations Piperine-silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel formulations were successfully prepared via three methods which are physical mixing, impregnation 54 and direct synthesis. Yellowish, free flowing powders obtained were ground and stored in air-tight sample bottles. The formulations were characterized using FTIR, FESEM, XRD and BET surface area analysis. 4.4 Degradation Study of Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices Taking into consideration the different conditions underwent by each drug under each preparation method, such as grinding pressure, use of solvents and supercritical-CO2 drying, UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine whether the chemical nature of piperine was changed during the loading process. The maximum absorbance was located at wavelength 340 nm, which is identical to literature value by Ternes et. al.[131] and Kanaki et. al. [135]. In UV-Vis spectroscopy, a light source emits white light which is made monochromatic and then columnated to pass through the sample to a detector. When white light passes through or is reflected by a coloured substance, a characteristic portion of the mixed wavelengths is absorbed. As all the piperine-silica formulations appear as yellowish free-flow powders, the absorption should be detected at 420-430 nm. Absorption at shorter wavelength (340 nm) is due to the presence of aromatic systems which contain p electrons, absorb strongly in the ultraviolet [160]. Figure 4.9 indicates that characteristic peaks of piperine were detected at the same positions for both pure piperine and piperinesilica matrices formulations. Therefore, it is concluded that the loading procedure does not influence the chemical nature of the drug investigated in the experiments. Relative Absorbance (A) 55 (a)Piperine (b)PAIM (c)PXPM (d)PAIM (e)PXIM (f)PADS (g)PXDS 270.0 280 300 320 340 Wavelength, λ (nm) 360 380 400.0 Figure 4.9: UV-Visible spectra of pure piperine and piperine loaded silica matrices (a) Crystalline piperine, (b) physical mixed piperine-aerogel (PAPM), (c) physical mixed piperine-xerogel (PXPM) (d) piperine impregnated aerogel (PAIM), (e) piperine impregnated xerogel (PXIM), (f) direct synthesis of piperine-aerogel (PADS), and (g) direct synthesized piperine-xerogel (PXDS) in 0.1 M HCl. The UV-Vis spectrum of directly synthesized piperine-aerogel (Figure 4.9f) showed a blue shift, where the maximum absorbance was detected at 335 nm. The n electrons in a molecule are highly affected by hydrogen bond formation. The energy levels of n electrons decrease significantly in a solvent that has the ability to form hydrogen bonds. This causes a shift in the maximum of an n →л* transition to shorter wavelength. Thus, shifting of directly synthesized piperine-aerogel spectrum showed the presence of hydrogen bonding between drug molecule and other molecules containing O-H and N-H functional groups. This may be due to the presence of silanol groups in silica aerogel or the presence of ethanol used in the sample preparation. 56 The FTIR spectra of loaded aerogels were also recorded and compared with that of the original piperine in its crystalline form. After loading of piperine, it is clearly shown that the location of the characteristic peaks was found to be identical to that of pure silica aerogel and the corresponding drug (Figure 4.10). This strongly suggests that the drug has been successfully loaded into/onto silica aerogel via physical mixing, impregnation and direct synthesis methods. (a) Silica aerogel (b) PADS 20 wt % Transmittance, % (c) PAIM 50 wt % (d) PAPM 50 wt % (e) Piperine 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0 Wavenumber, cm-1 Figure 4.10: FTIR spectra of piperine loaded silica aerogel formulations. 57 For all formulations, the drug loaded silica aerogels have shown stronger adsorption peak at around 3400 cm-1, which implies that the loading process has affected the hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity properties of the sample. Since there was no difference in characteristic peaks observed between impregnated, directly synthesized and physically mixed samples, therefore no drug degradation occurred during the loading process. (a)Silica Xerogel Transmittance, % (b) PXDS 20 wt % (c) PXIM 50 wt % (d) PXPM 50 wt % (e) Piperine 4000.0 3000 2000 1500 1000 400.0 Wavenumber, cm-1 Figure 4.12: FTIR spectra of piperine loaded silica xerogel formulations. 58 The spectra of silica xerogel, drug loaded silica xerogel, and corresponding drug are shown in Figure 4.11. After the drug loading, additional absorption peaks that characterized the drug are observed in the spectra. Absorption bands at 2980 cm-1 and fingerprint range indicate that piperine was successfully loaded into/onto silica matrices (Figures 4.10 to 4.11). Besides that, the presence of broad peak around 3400 cm-1 corresponding to O-H bond may be contributed by hydrogen bonding between piperine and silica matrices. Figure 4.12 shows the possible hydrogen bonding in piperine due to the presence of lone pairs that can interact with the hydroxyl groups in silica matrices. Hydrogen bond Figure 4.12: Possible hydrogen bonding in piperine 4.5 Drug Loading Capacity The concentration of drug in the formulations was determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometer using calibration data. The calibration curve of ethanolic solution of piperine with different concentrations is presented Appendix A. 59 4.6 Physically Mixed Piperine-Silica Matrices Physical mixing is the simplest method of preparation of drug formulations. Figure 4.13 shows the diagram of expected coating of piperine with silica matrices. The size of drug particles could be easily reduced by grinding and milling. However, without silica matrices or other excipients, ground drug tends to agglomerate, creating a surface with higher energy than that of original crystals. The agglomeration will then reduce effective surface area essential for faster drug dissolution. The interactions between drug and carrier such as electrostatic bonds, Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding may retard self association of drug molecules, thus inhibit crystallization and increase solubility. Piperine Cogrinding + Agglomeration of piperine particles Piperine particles Silica matrices Figure 4.13: Diagrammatic procedure of physical mixing (co-grinding) and expected loading type. The concentration of piperine in silica matrices and their single point BET data are presented in Table 4.4. The loading efficiency for physically mixed piperinesilica aerogel is up to 101 %. The loading capacity exceeded the experimental data, may be due to the losses of silica aerogel during co-grinding process because of its 60 lightweight. The difference between theoretical and experimental results may also be due to the loss of drug substance by degradation of drug during loading process. The most important finding is the loading capacity of drug in silica aerogel is higher than silica xerogel. The higher surface area of silica aerogel evidently allows more piperine to be loaded. In addition, due to its low density, silica aerogel having a larger volume than silica xerogel allows more efficient coating of the drug by nanoparticles. Table 4.4: Drug loading capacity and surface area of piperine-silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel formulations via physical mixing Formulation / Description PAPM20 / Physically mixed Attempted Loading Actual Loading SBET (wt % piperine) (wt % piperine) (m2/g) 20 16.5 128 40 36.5 88 50 47.4 74 60 61.0 59 20 14.0 45 40 23.7 23 50 36.6 13 60 44.1 9 piperine-aerogel PAPM40 / Physically mixed piperine-aerogel PAPM50 / Physically mixed piperine-aerogel PAPM60 / Physically mixed piperine-aerogel PXPM20 / Physically mixed piperine-xerogel PXPM40 / Physically mixed piperine-xerogel PXPM50 / Physically mixed piperine-xerogel PXPM 60 / Physically mixed piperine-xerogel 61 4.6.1 Morphology and Crystallinity Studies of Physically Mixed PiperineSilica Matrices From FESEM micrograph of physically mixed piperine-aerogel with low loading (20 wt %), a homogeneous mixture was obtained (Figure 4.14). No large crystal was observed, indicating that low drug loading resulted in successful micronization of piperine particles. It is interesting to find out that the morphology of drug particles changed dramatically by the addition of silica xerogel during cogrinding process. Figure 4.15 shows that piperine appears as porous particles. Although the micronization of piperine was incomplete, the surface area of silica xerogel loaded with 20 wt % piperine is higher (45 m2/g) than silica xerogel loaded with 60 wt % piperine (9 m2/g). Figure 4.14: FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % physically mixed piperine-aerogel (PAPM 20). 62 Mixture of piperine and silica xerogel Piperine coated with silica xerogel Figure 4.15: FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % physically mixed piperine-xerogel (PXPM 20). Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show relatively smaller particles compared to crystalline drug obtained after higher drug loading in both matrices. The microscopic observation revealed that of silica nanoparticles coated the coarse particles of piperine, which subsequently avoid the agglomeration between drug particles. However, Table 4.4 shows that these samples have lower surface area compared to samples with lower drug loading, maybe due to larger particle size of piperine and agglomeration of silica matrices as shown in Figures 4.16 and 4.17, which may subsequently lead to the decrease in surface area. 63 Agglomerated silica aerogel Silica aerogel coated piperine particles Figure 4.16: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % physically mixed piperine-aerogel (PAPM 50). Piperine particles Agglomerated silica xerogel Figure 4.17: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % physically mixed piperine-xerogel (PXPM 50). 64 The X-ray diffraction patterns of physically mixed piperine-aerogel and piperine-xerogel are shown in Figures 4.18 to 4.19. Silica matrices loaded with piperine show several peaks corresponding to piperine but differ in intensity, implying that the major component in the formulations is partly crystalline. Relative Intensity (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 5 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.18: X-ray diffractograms of physical mixed piperine-aerogel with different loading capacity: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) 60 wt %, (c) 50 wt %, (d) 40 wt %, and (e) 20 wt % .. 65 Relative Intensity (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.19: X-ray diffractograms of physical mixed piperine-xerogel with different loading capacity: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) 60 wt %, (c) 50 wt %, (d) 40 wt %, and (e) 20 wt %. 66 In general, the peak intensity of piperine-loaded silica aerogels are extremely low compared to the pure piperine, which suggests that complete amorphization of then drug crystals, is achieved. Furthermore, it shows the strong interaction between the drug and silica aerogel surface, compared to the drug-loaded silica xerogels, which show more intense peaks. The degree of crystallinity of physically mixed piperine-silica matrices formulations as compared to pure crystalline piperine is summarized in Table 4.5. Table 4.5: Degree of crystallinity of physically mixed piperine-silica matrices. Sample 14.7Ëš 2θ Degree of 25.8Ëš 2θ Degree of (Intensity) Crystallinity (Intensity) Crystallinity (%) Piperine PAPM 20 (20 wt % (%) 1775 100 1900 100 72 4.1 114 6.0 219 12.3 175 9.2 321 18.1 401 21.1 400 22.5 400 21.1 126 7.1 130 6.8 207 11.7 274 14.4 339 19.1 549 28.9 1625 91.5 385 20.3 Piperine-Aerogel) PAPM 40 (40 wt % Piperine-Aerogel) PAPM 50 (50 wt % Piperine-Aerogel) PAPM 60 (60 wt % Piperine-Aerogel) PXPM 20 (20 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) PXPM 40 (40 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) PXPM 50 (50 wt % Piperine- Xerogel) PXPM 60 (60 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) 67 4.7 Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices There are several parameters that must be taken into account in the preparation of piperine impregnated silica matrices, such as type and volume of solvent. Ethanol was chosen as the solvent as it fulfils the pharmaceutical requirements which are safe (non toxic), may dissolve model drug in large quantity and does not react with the drug itself. It is theoretically expected that, through impregnation, the drug solution would enter the porous matrix of silica, as well as adsorb onto the outer space of silica particles (Figure 4.20). Drug degradation may occur due to repetitive soaking and drying procedure. + Piperine Solution Dry mixture of silica matrix and piperine + Minimum solvent Drug solution enter the pore Silica nanoparticles Drug solution coat the outer surface of silica matrices Silica matrix avoid drug recrystallization Figure 4.20: Diagram of drug loading procedure and expected drug loading via impregnation. 68 4.7.1 Effect of Solvent Volume on the Drug Loading Capacity The presence of solvent during impregnation may decompose the silica matrix network especially silica xerogel due to hydrophilicity. Thus, the effect of solvent volume on the loading capacity was investigated in order to determine the optimum amount of solvent needed for the best loading without collapsing the silica polymeric network. The following bar chart (Figure 4.21) shows the effect of solvent volume on the loading of 20 wt % of piperine into silica aerogel and silica xerogel. Loading Efficiency (%) 140 Piperine-Aerogel Piperine Xerogel 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 Volume (mL) Figure 4.21: Effect of solvent volume to the loading of 20 wt % piperine into silica matrices. From the chart, it can be seen that the amount of solvent (ethanol) did not really affect the loading efficiency in silica aerogel. This finding may be due to the slightly hydrophobic nature of silica aerogel that avoid significant collapse of its matrix. In contrary, the drug loading in silica xerogel exceeded the expected loading, indicated by the degradation of silica xerogel. The use of larger amount of solvent resulted in the presence of observable piperine crystals in piperine-xerogel formulations, which can not be claimed as loaded drug. Taking all considerations, 69 the optimum volume of solvent needed for impregnation is 10 mL/g of total weight of piperine and silica matrices. The use of lesser amount of ethanol is insufficient to wet the mixture. In some piperine loaded silica matrices samples, fine crystals could be observed in the dried powders. The powder was quickly washed on a filter with 5 or 10 mL of ethanol in order to remove the excess piperine molecules coating the outer surface. The loading capacities of washed samples were determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometer and listed in Table 4.5. Table 4.6: Drug loading capacity and surface area of piperine-silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel formulations via impregnation Formulation / Description PAIM20 / Piperine Attempted Loading Actual Loading SBET (wt % piperine) (wt % piperine) (m2/g) 20 21.5 124 40 31.6 83 50 48.0 74 60 55.4 53 20 20.8 47 40 32.2 40 50 36.5 30 60 43.2 29 impregnated silica aerogel PAIM40 / Piperine impregnated silica aerogel PAIM50 / Piperine impregnated silica aerogel PAIM60 / Piperine impregnated silica aerogel PXIM20 / Piperine impregnated silica xerogel PXIM40 / Piperine impregnated silica xerogel PXIM50 / Piperine impregnated silica xerogel PXIM 60 / Piperine impregnated silica xerogel 70 The concentration of piperine in silica aerogel is higher compared to piperinesilica xerogel formulations. High surface area of silica aerogel in addition to its porosity and hydrophobicity, contribute to this findings. It is assumed that there was no reduction in silica aerogel volume due to collapse of framework in ethanol. As discussed previously, the impregnation process has affected the hydrophobicityhydrophilicity of silica aerogel, where the piperine impregnated silica aerogel formulations show hydrophilic properties. The hydrophilicity of these samples is expected to favour the dissolution rate of piperine. The surface area values determined dropped significantly after loading of drug compared to raw silica matrices (Figures 4.22 and 4.23). There are several possible explanations for this finding. The decrease of surface area value may suggest that piperine is successfully loaded within the pores. Indeed, piperine molecules diffused with the solvent, drawn into the pores by capillary action and remain trapped after solvent removal. 100 140 90 120 100 70 60 80 50 60 40 30 SBET m2/g Loading (w/w %) 80 40 20 20 10 0 0 PAIM20 Loading Attempt PAIM40 PAIM50 Actual Loading PAIM60 SBET (m2/g) Figure 4.22: Drug loading and SBET of piperine impregnated silica aerogel (PAIM). 71 100 140 90 120 100 70 60 80 50 60 40 30 40 SBET (m2/g) Loading (w/w %) 80 20 20 10 0 0 PXIM20 PXIM40 Loading Attempt PXIM50 Actual Loading PXIM60 SBET (m2/g) Figure 4.23: Drug loading and SBET of piperine impregnated silica xerogel (PXIM). Besides, the lower surface area within the samples indicates the blocked pores caused by staking of drug over the surface. On the other hand, this result might be caused by the collapse of the pore structure of the carriers due to absorption of ethanol during impregnation. It is noteworthy that, the surface areas of synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices are significantly higher than that of pure crystalline piperine. 4.7.2 Morphology Study of Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices The microscopic observation revealed the presence of nanoparticles of the carriers coating the coarse particles of piperine. In case of piperine-loaded silica aerogel, the drug crystals are fully covered with silica aerogel and do not have such a smooth surface as the pure piperine (Figure 4.24 and 4.25). 72 Figure 4.24: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt% piperine impregnated silica aerogel prepared with excessive ethanol Figure 4.25: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated silica aerogel prepared with minimum ethanol 73 The coating of drug crystals with silica aerogel may form a protective layer that prevents the recrystallization of drug particles. It is observed that the piperine has lost its crystalline characteristics, as there is no observable crystal particles corresponded to piperine. Denser morphology could be observed in Figure 4.24 if excessive ethanol was used for the impregnation process compared to formulations prepared with minimum ethanol as shown in Figure 4.25. Besides, by using minimum amount of ethanol, the degradation of silica matrix could be avoided as shorter drying period was needed while ethanol just acted as the binding agent. On the other hand, the crystal particle of piperine with smooth surface was observed in the micrograph of drug-loaded silica xerogel (Figures 4.26 and 4.27), may be due to recrystallization of drug crystals during the loading procedure. The collapse of silica xerogel due to its hydrophilicity may reduce its volume and was insufficient to avoid the nucleation of drug particles. Piperine particles Figure 4.26: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated silica xerogel prepared with excessive ethanol magnification 1,500 X 74 Crystal surface Silica xerogel Figure 4.27: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated silica xerogel prepared with excessive ethanol magnification 20,000 X Figure 4.28: FESEM micrograph of 50 wt % piperine impregnated silica xerogel prepared with minimum ethanol magnification 20,000 X. 75 In order to prevent the degradation of silica xerogel, minimum amount of solvent (10 mL) was used during drug loading. Figure 4.28 shows that the formulation powder appears as homogeneously distributed spherical nanoparticles, suggesting higher surface area compared to samples prepared by soaking silica xerogel in excessive ethanol. BET surface area analysis proved that 50 wt % piperine impregnated xerogel prepared with minimum ethanol has higher surface area (30 m2/g) than silica xerogel soaked in ethanolic piperine solution (11 m2/g). Thus, the degradation of silica matrices could be avoided by limiting the amount of solvent. 4.7.3 Crystallinity Study of Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices Figures 4.29 and 4.30 show the diffractograms of piperine impregnated silica aerogel and silica xerogel, respectively. Crystallinity study on impregnated samples revealed that the intensity of characteristic peaks of piperine decreased with increasing amount of silica matrices, as summarized in Table 4.7. This proved that the inclusion of amorphous silica matrix may reduce the crystallinity of piperine, consequently lead to faster dissolution. The diffractograms of piperine impregnated silica xerogels shows more intense peaks compared to piperine impregnated silica aerogels, suggesting higher degree of crystallinity in those samples. This finding well agrees with the BET analysis result which indicates that piperine xerogel formulations possess lower surface area than piperine-aerogel. Basically, higher crystallinity leads to lower surface area, as described by Noyes-Whitney equation [122]. 76 Relative Intensity (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.29: X-ray diffractograms of piperine impregnated aerogel with different loading capacity: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) 60 wt %, (c) 40 wt % and (d) 20 wt %. Relative Intensity (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.30: X-ray diffractograms of piperine impregnated silica xerogel with different loading capacity: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) 60 wt %, (c) 40 wt % and (d) 20 wt %. 12 Table 4.7: Degree of crystallinity of piperine impregnated silica matrices. Sample Piperine PAIM 20 (20 wt % 14.7Ëš 2θ Crystallinity 25.8Ëš 2θ Crystallinity (Intensity) (%) (Intensity) (%) 1775 100 1900 100 70 3.9 80 4.2 887 50.0 233 12.3 553 31.2 371 19.5 165 9.3 122 6.4 353 19.9 301 15.8 717 40.4 557 29.3 Piperine-Aerogel) PAIM 40 (40 wt % Piperine-Aerogel) PAIM 60 (60 wt % Piperine-Aerogel) PXIM 20 (20 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) PXIM 40 (40 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) PXIM 60 (60 wt % Piperine-Xerogel) 4.8 Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Direct Synthesis Piperine loaded silica matrices were also prepared via direct synthesis method. In this method, different synthesis conditions were studied. Drug was loaded just before the occurrence of gelation. The loading of powdered-piperine into the sol resulted in non homogeneous drug distribution in wet gel. To ensure the homogeneity of drug distribution, piperine was first dissolved completely in ethanol before loading into the sol. Minimum amount of solvent (ethanol) was used to minimize the possible reaction between sodium silicate and the solvent. The diagram below shows the distribution of piperine in the dry xerogel (Figure 4.31). This theory was confirmed by microscopic observation using FESEM. 13 + Ground piperine Piperine loaded silica xerogel Sol pH~7 + Piperine dissolved in ethanol Piperine loaded silica xerogel Figure 4.31: Diagrammatic procedure of piperine loaded silica xerogel via direct synthesis. The micrographs show that directly synthesized piperine loaded silica xerogel using ethanolic solution of piperine appears as homogenous mixture (Figure 4.32), while the presence of piperine crystals could be observed if ground piperine was used during the loading (Figure 4.33). By dissolving in ethanol, piperine is molecularly dispersed within the matrix, thus creating monolithic drug delivery device. In the case of poorly water-soluble drug like piperine, homogeneously distributed system can be used to increase drug release rate in the human body compared to conventional dosage forms. 14 Figure 4.32: FESEM micrograph of piperine loaded silica xerogel via direct synthesis using ethanolic solution of piperine. Piperine particles Figure 4.33: FESEM micrograph of piperine loaded silica xerogel via direct synthesis using ground piperine. 15 4.8.1 Effect of Aging Conditions Aging of wet gel is a crucial procedure as it helps to strengthen the gel network in order to avoid collapse of polymer framework. Normally, silica aquagel was aged in water before drying. However, in this study, use of water as the aging medium resulted in extended period of drying for drug loaded silica xerogel. The exposure of heat to the samples in long period may decompose the drug. Meanwhile, in the synthesis of drug loaded silica aerogel, higher pressure and temperature was needed to achieve the supercritical condition in the presence of water. So, water must be replaced with other media having milder supercritical conditions, whereby alcohol is the best choice. In addition, alcohol has a lower surface tension than water [167]. The surface tension is related to shrinkage pressure which leads to the collapse of polymeric network. This is explained by the following equation. P= 2γ r (Equation 4.2) where P is shrinkage pressure, γ is surface tension and r is pore radius. Pore radius is directly related to particle size. However, solvents can trigger and help the recrystallization of drug crystals. Direct aging in ethanol after gelation resulted in low drug loading as it washes out the drug from the aquagel. Besides, drug tends to crystallize at the gel surface if aged for a longer period in ethanol. Thus, the aging conditions must be optimized in order to ensure the best result. In order to overcome these problems, the piperine loaded wet gels were aged for two days in water, followed by aging in ethanol to replace the water. The effect of aging period to the drug loading and surface area is summarized in Table 4.8 and Figure 4.34. 16 Table 4.8: Effect of aging period on the loading efficiency and surface area of directly synthesized 20 wt % piperine-silica matrices formulations. Formulations Acronyms Aging Period Loading SBET (days) Efficiency (m2/g) Water Ethanol (%) Piperine- silica PA-2W 2 0 79 167 aerogel PA-2W2E 2 2 68 329 PA-2W4E 2 4 56 350 PA-2W6E 2 6 43 364 Piperine- silica PX-2W 2 0 59 60 xerogel PX-2W2E 2 2 52 155 PX-2W4E 2 4 28 103 PX-2W6E 2 6 24 124 400 100 Loading Efficiency SBET 80 350 300 70 250 60 50 200 40 150 30 SBET (m2/g) Loading Efficiency (%) 90 100 20 50 PX-2W6E PX-2W4E PX-2W2E PX-2W PA-2W6E PA-2W4E PA-2W2E 0 PA-2W 10 0 Figure 4.34: Effect of aging period on loading efficiency and surface area of piperine-silica matrices formulations. 17 During the aging process, the piperine-loaded gel was washed with fresh ethanol for every 2 hours (three times) in order to completely remove the water before soaking in ethanol for two days. The ethanol-soaked gels (alcogel) were then dried in ambient pressure and supercritical-CO2 to produce piperine loaded silica xerogel and piperine loaded silica aerogel, respectively. From the data, the loading efficiencies were quite low and decreased with longer aging period. This indicated the loss of drug due to washing, aging and drying procedure of the gels. Some of the drug might have leached out from the silica matrix or washed out by supercritical CO2. From the bar chart, the optimum aging period to get the best loading and the highest surface area is two days in water continued by two days in ethanol. 4.8.2 Efficiency of Loading An attempt to load different amount of drug via direct synthesis was carried out to determine the drug loading limit. Formulations with 0.1 g (11 wt %), 0.2 g (20 wt %), 0.3 g (27 wt %) and 0.4 g (33 wt %) drug were successfully prepared and the efficiency of loading is presented in Figure 4.35. The results indicate that the sol did not gel when drug loading is >0.5 g (38.5 wt %). Homogeneous yellowish powders were obtained from all directly synthesized piperine-aerogel and piperine-xerogel samples with low drug loading. However, a thin layer of drug crystals appear at the outer surface of silica xerogel after loading of 0.4 g piperine. This layer was removed and flash-washed with a little amount of ethanol, dried and ground before the drug concentration in the formulation was determined. Generally, silica aerogel gave a better loading efficiency than xerogel by 15-20 %. This indicates that supercritical-CO2 procedure efficiently avoided the 18 gel network shrinkage in piperine-aerogel samples, consequently preserved the gel volume and surface area, allowing more piperine to be loaded. 100 Silica Aerogel Silica Xerogel 90 Loading Efficiency (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Loading attempt (g) Figure 4.35: Loading efficiency of piperine loaded silica matrices via direct synthesis. 4.8.3 Crystallinity and Morphology Studies of Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Direct Synthesis Figure 4.36 shows the diffraction patterns of piperine loaded silica matrices via direct synthesis. Observations on directly synthesized samples showed no diffraction peaks of piperine, indicating highly amorphous nature of the formulations which explains the high surface area of these samples as shown in Table 4.8. 19 Relative Intensity (d) (c) (b) (a) 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.36: X-ray diffractograms of piperine loaded silica via direct synthesis (a) aerogel with 10 wt % loading, (b) aerogel with 20 wt % loading, (c) xerogel 10 wt % loading and (d) xerogel with 20 wt % loading. Samples with different piperine loading gave similar diffractograms that also illustrate amorphous materials (Figure 4.36). On processing via direct synthesis, the entrapment of drug inside nanosize pores thermodynamically prevents the formation of critical nuclei needed for crystallization. Low drug loading in directly synthesized formulations also contributes to this finding as there is limited crystalline species in those samples. 20 Morphology studies on piperine-loaded silica matrices revealed that the synthesized samples appear as spherical particles, where the size is larger in piperinexerogel formulations compared to piperine-aerogel ones (Figures 4.37 and 4.38). There are no crystals observed in respective micrographs, which correlate with XRD analysis whereby all directly synthesized samples are amorphous. Therefore, it can be concluded that amorphization of piperine could be achieved via direct drug loading before the occurrence of gelation. Figure 4.37: FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % piperine loaded silica aerogel via direct synthesis (PADS 20). 21 Figure 4.38: FESEM micrograph of 20 wt % piperine loaded silica xerogel via direct synthesis (PXDS 20). 4.9 Comparison of Degree of Crystallinity of Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Different Methods Comparison on degree of crystallinity of piperine-aerogel with same loading prepared via different methods showed that directly synthesized piperine-aerogel had the lowest crystallinity, followed by impregnated and physically mixed formulations (Figure 4.39). This sequence does not apply to piperine-xerogel formulations which showed that piperine impregnated silica xerogel had the highest crystallinity compared to directly synthesized and physically mixed piperine-xerogel (Figure 4.40). It is obvious that the conventional grinding applied in the preparation of physical mixture of piperine-silica matrices could only micronize the drug but not 22 eliminate the crystallinity of piperine. The degree of crystallinity of directly Relative Intensity synthesized piperine-silica matrices formulations is summarized in Table 4.9. (a) Piperine (b) PAPM (c) PAIM (d) PADS 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.39: X-ray diffractograms of crystalline piperine and 20 wt % piperine loaded silica aerogel synthesized via different methods: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) physically mixed piperine-aerogel (PAPM), (c) piperine impregnated aerogel (PAIM), and (d) directly synthesized piperine loaded aerogel (PADS). Relative Intensity 23 (a) Piperine (b) PXPM (c) PXIM (d) PXDS 5 10 20 30 40 50 2-Theta-Scale (Degree) Figure 4.40: X-ray diffractograms of piperine and 20 wt % piperine loaded silica xerogel synthesized via different methods: (a) crystalline piperine, (b) physically mixed piperine-xerogel (PXPM), (c) piperine impregnated xerogel (PAIM) and (d) directly synthesized piperine loaded xerogel (PXDS). 24 Table 4.9: Comparison on degree of crystallinity of piperine-silica matrices formulations prepared via different methods Samples 14.7Ëš 2θ Degree of (Intensity) Crystallinity 25.8Ëš 2θ (Intensity) Crystallinity (%) Crystalline piperine PAPM/Physically mixed Degree of (%) 1775 100 1900 100 72 4.1 114 6.0 70 3.9 80 4.2 piperine-aerogel PAIM/Piperine impregnated aerogel PADS/piperine-aerogel via direct synthesis PXPM/Physically mixed Amorphous 126 7.1 130 6.8 165 9.3 122 6.4 piperine-xerogel PXIM/Piperine impregnated xerogel PXDS/piperine-xerogel via direct synthesis Amorphous Silica Aerogel Amorphous Silica Xerogel Amorphous On the other hand, impregnation process offers better interaction between drug and its carriers, thus increases uniformity of drug distribution in the product. In addition, recrystallization might occur due to the presence of solvent and insufficient particle coating by silica matrices. Due to its high density compared to silica aerogel, silica xerogel possesses limited volume that is not sufficient to prevent drug recrystallization. This explains the high intensity of peaks in piperine impregnated silica xerogel samples. 25 In the case of directly synthesized piperine-silica matrices, drug loading procedure which took place before gelation and drying processes ensures homogeneous distribution of drug in the samples. The drug particles were encapsulated in silica network upon gelation, thus securely avoided the nucleation of piperine crystals. This finding is consistent with FESEM micrographs in Figures 4.37 and 4.38 which show that directly synthesized piperine-silica aerogel and piperine-silica xerogel appear as spherical particles without any definite structure. The generation of amorphous phase will increase the surface area of piperine particles, proven by the BET data which was discussed previously. In this case, the generation of amorphous phase is due to the reduction in particle size and loss of crystallinity as shown in Figures 4.37 and 4.38. Amorphous form due to absence of an ordered crystal lattice requires minimal energy and thus provides maximal solubility advantage as compared to the crystalline and hydrated form of drug. Thus, the formulations are expected to improve the solubility and to enhance the dissolution rate of crystalline piperine. 4.10 Drug Dissolution Study The concentration in the vessel was calculated using calibration curves. The release curves are presented as time versus concentration of piperine in the vessel. The calibration curves of piperine in 0.05 mM potassium phosphate buffer (intestinal fluid) and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (gastric juice) are illustrated in Appendix B. Figure 4.41 shows the dissolution profiles of crystalline piperine in hydrochloric acid and potassium phosphate buffer. The dissolution rates of piperine in both dissolution media were very poor and during 180 min dissolution testing, a maximum of 5 % drug was released. The reason for poor dissolution of poor drug could be poor wettability, high crystallinity, and/or agglomeration of particles. 26 Cumulative Release (%) 6 Dissolution Medium: Hydrochloric Acid Phosphate Buffer Saline 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minute) Figure 4.41: Dissolution profiles of crystalline piperine in 0.1M hydrochloric acid and phosphate buffer saline. The drug release profiles of physically mixed piperine-silica matrices formulations with different drug loading in both simulated body fluid are presented in Figures 4.42 to 4.45. Addition of silica matrices may profoundly affect the dissolution rate of piperine. Both piperine-aerogel and piperine-xerogel formulations showed the same trend, which was drug dissolution rate increased with increased amount of carriers. A prerequisite of fast dissolution from the formulations was apparently due to rapid dissolution of the hydrophilic carrier particles dissolved rapidly, delivering a fine particulate suspension of drug particles. As an effect of swelling and collapse of silica matrices, the wetted surface of carrier increased and promoted wettability and dispersibility of piperine. Thus, the desired release was controllable by adjusting the amount of carrier or drug itself. However, the release rate of piperine-aerogel formulations is about two times faster than piperine xerogel, as it has a larger surface area which provides a wider contactable area with the dissolution medium. Different dissolution media did not affect the rate of drug release. 27 100 20 wt % Cumulative Release (%) 90 40 wt % 50 wt % 60 wt % Piperine 60 100 140 180 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 80 120 160 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.42: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed piperine-aerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl. Cumulative Release (%) 100 20 wt % 90 40 wt % 50 wt % 60 wt % 100 140 Piperine 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 120 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.43: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed piperine-aerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS. 28 100 20 wt % Cumulative Release (%) 90 40 wt % 50 wt % Piperine 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.44: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl. 100 20 wt % Cumulative Release (%) 90 40 wt % 50 wt % Piperine 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.45: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of physically mixed piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS. 29 Figures 4.46 to 4.49 show the dissolution rate of impregnated piperine-silica matrices formulations. Piperine impregnated silica matrices show very good dissolutions which are up to 80% for piperine-aerogel and up to 40% for piperinexerogel samples. This may be due to the loading procedure that avoided degradation of silica by minimizing the amount of solvent. Figure 4.46 and 4.47 show that piperine impregnated aerogel, which possesses higher surface area shows faster dissolution than piperine impregnated xerogel (Figures 4.48 and 4.49). Release rates of impregnated formulations also show similar profile in both simulated gastric and intestinal fluids, indicating that these formulations can be released and absorbed effectively in stomach and intestine. 100 Piperine 20 wt % 40 wt % 50 wt % 90 Cumulative Release (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.46: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of piperine impregnated aerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl. 30 100 20 wt % 40 wt % 50 wt % Piperine Cumulative Mass (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.47: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of piperine impregnated aerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS. 100 Piperine Cumulative Release (%) 90 20 wt % 40 wt % 50 wt % 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.48: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of piperine impregnated xerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl. 31 100 20 wt % Cumulative Release (%) 90 40 wt % 50 wt % Piperine 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.49: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of piperine impregnated xerogel formulations in 0.05 mM PBS. Figures 4.50 and 4.51 show the dissolution profiles of directly synthesized piperine-silica matrices with different drug loading in simulated gastric and intestinal fluids. Formulations with higher drug loading show slower release. Piperine-aerogel shows extremely faster release rate as compared to piperine-xerogel. Through supercritical-CO2 drying, the collapse and shrinkage of gel network were minimized, thus piperine-aerogel with remarkable high surface area were produced. As drug dissolution rate is strongly correlated with surface area, directly-synthesized piperine-aerogel presents the best conditions for rapid drug release. Faster dissolution of piperine-aerogel formulations may also be due their low degree of crystallinity. Different dissolution media with different pH did not give any impact on the dissolution as it shows similar profiles in both simulated body fluid. 32 PX10 wt % PX 20 wt % PA 10 wt % PA 20 wt % 100 Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.50: Effect of different loading capacity on the dissolution rate of directly synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices formulations in 0.1M HCl. PA 10 wt % PA 20 wt % PX 20 wt % PX 10 wt % 100 Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.51: Effect of different loading capacity on the dissolution rate of directly synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices formulations in 0.05 mM PBS. 33 Faster drug release in lower drug loading samples suggests the relationship between dissolution rate and surface area of those formulations (Figures 4.46 to 4.51). This is due to higher drug loading resulted in lower surface area. Indeed, higher percentage of silica matrices contributed to the decrease of crystallinity degree of piperine. This was in good agreement with XRD results which suggest that more drug was converted to amorphous form with lower drug loading. Besides that, all formulations show improved release in both simulated body fluids (Figures 4.46 to 4.51). This also suggest that bioavailability of piperine could be benefited in both gastric and intestinal fluids, which is valuable for nutrients absorption. As piperine is well-known for its bioavailability-enhancer property, therefore the formulations may be co-administered with other nutritional materials for different target sites. 4.10.1`Physically Mixed Piperine-Silica Matrices The dissolution profiles of physically mixed samples in Figures 4.52 and 4.53 show similar releases except for the first two hours, where piperine-aerogel showed faster release than piperine xerogel formulations. This may be due to the larger volume of silica aerogel which provided more contactable surface for wetting with dissolution medium. The dissolution of physically mixed formulations depends on the efficiency of drug particles micronization through grinding process. Evidently, using silica matrix as the carrier, the drug particles were successfully micronized while agglomeration of ground crystals was reduced, resulted in improved drug release rate. 34 Cumulative Release (%) 100 PAPM 90 PXPM Crystalline 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.52: Dissolution profile of 20 wt % physically mixed piperine-silica matrices formulations in 0.1 M HCl 100 Cumulative Release (%) 90 Crystalline PAPM PXPM 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.53: Dissolution profile of 20 wt % physically mixed piperine-silica matrices formulations in 0.05 mM PBS 35 4.10.2 Piperine Impregnated Silica Matrices In the case of piperine impregnated silica matrices, the effect of different carrier and the volume of the solvent used in the impregnation process was studied. Samples prepared with minimum amount of solvent showed faster release than the ones prepared with excessive solvent (Figures 4.54 and 4.55). This was due to the collapse of silica network in ethanol because of its hydrophilicity that destructed the surface area. 100 PXIMME PAIMME PAIM PXIM Piperine Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 (e) 70 60 50 40 (d) 30 (c) 20 (b) (a) 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.54: Dissolution profile of 20 wt % piperine impregnated silica matrices (a) crystalline piperine, (b) piperine impregnated xerogel (PXIM) (c) piperine impregnated aerogel (PAIM) (d) piperine-xerogel with minimum ethanol (PXIMME) and (e) piperine-aerogel with minimum ethanol (PAIMME), in 0.1 M HCl. The collapse of silica matrices was minimized by using minimum ethanol which consequently restored their porous nature to favour rapid dissolution. As discussed before, the use of minimum ethanol also prevented the recrystallization of 36 piperine, which may also affect the dissolution profile. Amorphous drug substances are at a higher energy state, therefore, in general have higher solubility dissolution rate compared to crystalline materials. Thus, prevention of recrystallization by limiting the amount of ethanol enhanced the dissolution of piperine. 100 Piperine PAIMME PXIMME PAIM PXIM Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 (e) 70 60 50 (d) (e) 40 30 (b) 20 10 (a) 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.55: Dissolution profile of 20 wt % piperine impregnated silica matrices (a) crystalline piperine, (b) piperine impregnated xerogel (PXIM) (c) piperine impregnated aerogel (PAIM) (d) piperine-xerogel with minimum ethanol (PXIMME) and (e) piperine-aerogel with minimum ethanol (PAIMME), in 0.05 mM PBS. 4.10.3 Piperine Loaded Silica Matrices via Direct Synthesis Dissolution study on 20 wt % piperine formulations prepared via direct synthesis revealed a strong relation between the surface area and the dissolution rate of sample. Figure 4.56 shows that piperine-xerogel formulation showed an extremely 37 slow release (~20 %) compared to piperine-aerogel sample which showed 100 % release in 0.1M HCl during 3 hours dissolution. Similar release profiles were obtained for these formulations by using PBS as dissolution medium. Thus, it may be concluded that the higher is the surface area, the faster is the dissolution. In addition, slow release of directly synthesized piperine-xerogel may be resulted from successful encapsulation of piperine particles within silica xerogel matrix. Thus, the use of silica xerogel may be desirable in sustained release drug delivery system. This finding corroborates with previous research by Ahola et. al. who used silica xerogel for prolonged release of heparin [168]. (c) PADS 100 Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 (b) PXDS 30 20 (a)Piperine 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.56: Dissolution profiles of directly synthesized 20 wt % piperine loaded silica matrices in 0.1 M HCl (a) crystalline piperine, (b) directly synthesized piperine-xerogel (PXDS) and (c) directly synthesized piperine-aerogel (PADS). 38 (c) PADS 100 Cumulative Release (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 (b)PXDS 10 (a)Piperine 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) Figure 4.57: Dissolution profiles of directly synthesized 20 wt % piperine loaded silica matrices in 0.05 mM PBS (a) crystalline piperine, (b) directly synthesized piperine-xerogel (PXDS) and directly synthesized piperine-aerogel (PADS). 4.10.4 Comparison of Drug Dissolution Profile of Formulations Prepared via Different Methods Figure 4.58 shows the comparative release profile of pure piperine, physical mixture of piperine-aerogel (20 wt %) (PAPM), piperine impregnated aerogel (20 wt %) (PAIM) and directly synthesized piperine-aerogel (20 wt %) (PADS). It was observed that the dissolution rates of drug on all piperine-aerogel formulations were increased compared to pure drug. The best dissolution rate was achieved from directly synthesized piperine-aerogel, followed by impregnated and physically mixed formulations. Significant improvement in dissolution rate by directly synthesized piperine-aerogel may be explained by its high surface area in the formulation prepared using supercritical-CO2 (SCCO2). Besides that, SCCO2 may also catalyze the micronization of drug particles and promote fast dissolution. 39 100 PADS 90 PAIM Cumulative Release (%) 80 70 60 50 40 PAPM 30 20 10 Piperine 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) PADS – Directly synthesized piperine-silica aerogel PAIM – Piperine impregnated silica aerogel PAPM – Physically mixed piperine-silica aerogel Piperine Figure 4.58: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of 20 wt % piperine-aerogel formulations in 0.1M HCl Although directly synthesized piperine-xerogel possesses higher surface area compared to piperine impregnated xerogel, it showed slower release, as illustrated in Figure 4.59. This may be due to successful entrapment of piperine in silica xerogel matrix. Thus, dissolution was controlled by rate of diffusion of drug through the pore. Meanwhile, the drug release in physically mixed and impregnated piperinexerogel was triggered by direct wetting with dissolution medium and collapse of silica xerogel. 40 100 90 Cumulative Release (%) 80 70 60 50 PXIM 40 PXDS PXPM 30 20 10 Piperine 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (Minutes) PXDS- Directly synthesized piperine-xerogel PXPM - Physically mixed piperine-xerogel PXIM - Piperine impregnated xerogel Crystalline Piperine Figure 4.59: Effect of different loading methods on the dissolution rate of 20 wt % piperine-xerogel formulations in 0.1 M HCl. Generally, piperine-aerogel formulations give faster release than piperinexerogels. This proves that piperine release rate is dependent on particle size and surface area of drug formulation. A decrease in drug particle size increased the surface area, and hence dissolution. As silica aerogel readily possesses higher surface area compared to silica xerogel, its application evidently enhanced the dissolution profile of water-insoluble drug. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions Silica aerogel and silica xerogel were synthesized via high temperature supercritical extraction and ambient pressure drying. Piperine, as the model drug, is loaded on the silica matrices via physical mixing, impregnation and direct synthesis. UV-Visible and FTIR spectroscopy analyses indicate that no degradation occurred during drug loading process. BET surface area analysis showed significant drop in surface area after drug loading indicating successful loading of piperine. FESEM reveals that the size of piperine crystals is reduced in physically mixed and impregnated systems; subsequently contributes to the increment in the surface area. Meanwhile, directly synthesized piperine loaded silica matrices appeared as spherical nanoparticles. The finding coincides with the XRD results which indicate a decrease in drug crystallinity in piperine-loaded silica matrices. XRD analysis also indicates that complete amorphization of drug crystal is achieved via direct synthesis. 108 Results of the study indicate that aerogel give better drug loading (up to 100 % efficiency) compared to silica xerogel. Impregnation method gives the best loading, followed by physical mixing and direct synthesis. Relatively low drug loading (up to 27 wt %) is observed in the formulations prepared via direct synthesis; the extent of which is influenced by losses of drug during aging, washing and drying procedures. The release profiles of piperine loaded silica matrices in simulated gastric and intestine fluids apparently show that the rate of dissolution is faster from the piperine-silica matrices formulations compared to that of pure crystalline piperine. This finding is influenced by the increase in surface area and amorphization of drug crystals. In piperine-aerogel formulations, the best dissolution rate with 100 % release within 3 hours is achieved from formulation prepared via direct synthesis, followed by impregnation and physical mixing. Rapid release of directly synthesized piperine-aerogel is governed by high surface area and porosity that enable rapid wetting of drug with dissolution mediums. Impregnation using minimum amount of ethanol enables drug to enter the silica matrices through the pores and avoids the denaturation of the silica matrix. As the drug dissolution rate is strongly dependent on the effective surface area of the formulations, this technique preserves the porosity, resulting in better dissolution profiles over crystalline drug. In piperine-xerogels dissolution study, relatively slower releases are observed from directly synthesized piperine-xerogel formulations. In case of formulations prepared via physical mixing and impregnation, the silica gels are rapidly wetted, such that the drug molecules are surrounded by the dissolution medium, allowing fast dissolution. On the other hand, the encapsulated drug molecules were firstly diffused from the pore of silica matrix, before the matrix itself collapses due to its hydrophilic property. The ease of collapse of the silica matrices structure in water evidently favours a faster release. 109 The dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble piperine is successfully increased, consequently improves its bioavailability. Dissolution study also revealed that all formulations show similar releases either in simulated gastric juice or intestinal fluid. Thus, the formulations can be released and absorbed in both stomach and intestine. 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