THE ABSOLUTE METHOD OF NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS USING TRIGA NEUTRON REACTOR, NUCLEAR AGENCY, MALAYSIA LIEW HWI FEN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA THE ABSOLUTE METHOD OF NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS USING TRIGA NEUTRON REACTOR, NUCLEAR AGENCY, MALAYSIA LIEW HWI FEN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Physics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JANUARY 2010 ii To beloved my mom and dad. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, the author would like to thanks Prof. Noorddin Ibrahim and Dr. Abdul Khalik Bin Hj. Wood for their endless advice and encouragement during this study. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA) is gratefully acknowledged for providing the irradiation and counting facilities. The effective cooperation of the staffs from Analytical Chemistry Laboratory and operator of the facilities (MNA) are also acknowledged. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their tremendous support. iv ABSTRACT Neutron activation analysis (NAA) offers excellent sensitivities that are superior to other analytical techniques in performing identification and quantitative elemental analysis. The technique involves the irradiation of samples and the detection of gamma energies emitted from the isotopes formed from the process of neutron capture. Most NAA were done by comparison method, which is found to have high errors due to the differences in the matrix composition of sample as well as comparator. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate an alternative technique of activation analysis based on absolute gamma ray measurements and the direct calculation of elemental concentrations from reaction rates equation of neutron capture process. The efficiency of the gamma-ray spectrometer as well as the neutron spectrum parameters, thermal and epithermal neutron flux at four characterized irradiation position of 10, 22, 27, and 31 in the rotary rack 1-MW TRIGA reactor at Malaysia Nuclear Agency was determined. The accuracy and precision of this absolute NAA technique were verified by analyzing two certified reference materials, Soil-1 and Soil-7 provided by IAEA. The experimental results for both the materials irradiated at the four characterized irradiation positions were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. The average Z-score for the concentration values were below two signified that the concentration results were accepted for most elements. In conclusion, the proposed technique can be applied for many of future activation analyses with high accuracy without having to rely on the availability of standard samples. v ABSTRAK Analisis pengaktifan neutron (NAA) memberikan kepekaan yang tinggi berbanding dengan teknik analisis yang lain dalam mengenalpasti elemen dan analisis kuantitatif elemen. Teknik ini melibatkan penyinaran sampel dan penentuan tenaga gama yang dipancarkan oleh isotop yang terbentuk daripada proses penangkapan neutron. Kebanyakan NAA menggunakan kaedah perbandingan yang mempunyai ralat yang tinggi disebabkan perbezaan komposisi matriks di antara sampel dan sampel perbandingan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah melaksanakan kaedah alternatif analisis pengaktifan neutron iaitu kaedah mutlak berdasarkan pengukuran mutlak sinar gama dan pengiraan terus kepekatan elemen daripada persamaan kaedah tindak balas proses penangkapan neutron. Kecekapan spektrometer sinaran gama dan parameter spektrum neutron, fluks terma dan epiterma diukur pada lokasi penyinaran 10, 22, 27, dan 31 di rak berputar 1-MW TRIGA reaktor Agensi Nuklear Malaysia. Kejituan dan ketepatan kaedah mutlak ini ditentusahkan dengan menganalisis dua sampel piawai Soil-1 dan Soil-7 yang dibekalkan oleh IAEA. Keputusan eksperimen terhadap kedua- dua sampel piawai pada keempat–empat kedudukan penyinaran didapati menunujukkan persamaan yang baik dengan nilai yang disahkan. Nilai purata Z-skor kurang daripada dua menunjukkan keputusan analisis boleh diterimapakai untuk kebanyakan elemen secara tepat. Secara keseluruhannya, teknik yang dicadangkan boleh digunapakai untuk analisis pengaktifan neutron pada masa hadapan dengan ketepatan yang tinggi tanpa bergantung kepada bahan piawai. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx LIST OF APPENDICES xxi INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction of NAA 1 1.1 Background of Study 2 1.2 Statement of Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of Research 4 1.4 Objectives of Research 4 1.5 Significant of Research 5 1.6 Research Scope 5 viii II III LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.0 Introduction 7 2.1 Neutron Sources 8 2.2 Nuclear Reaction 10 2.3 The Trend of NAA 11 2.4.1 Relative Method 12 2.4.2 Ko- Standardization Method 13 THEORY 3.1 Neutron Activation Equations 15 3.2 HOGDAHL Reaction Rate 16 3.3 Non-ideal 1/E 1+á Epithermal Neutron Flux 17 Distribution 3.4 Determination of á and f parameter 19 3.4.1 The Cadmium ratio multi 20 monitor method 3.4.2 Error Analysis of á parameter IV 22 3.5 Epithermal and thermal neutron flux 24 3.6 Full-Energy Peak Detection Efficiency 28 METHODOLOGY 4.0 Introduction 32 4.1 TRIGA Puspati Reactor (RTP) 33 4.2 Gamma-ray Spectrometry 35 4.3 Calibration of gamma ray spectrometer 36 4.4 Determination of reactor neutron spectrum 38 parameters 4.5 Analysis of Environmental reference materials 40 ix V RESULT AND DISCUSSION 5.0 Introduction 42 5.1 Calibration of Detector Efficiency 42 5.2 5.1.1 Ortec Detector Calibration 43 5.1.2 Canberra Detector Calibration 48 Result of á by the Cd ratio 5.2.1 Result of á at Irradiation 54 54 Position 10 5.2.2 Result of á at Irradiation 57 Position 22 5.2.3 Result of á at Irradiation 58 Position 27 5.2.4 Result of á at Irradiation 60 Position 31 5.3 Calculation of Thermal to Epithermal Flux 62 Ratio 5.4 Thermal and Epithermal Neutron Flux 63 Results 5.5 HOGDAHL Reaction Rate for Irradiated 65 Elements 5.6 Elemental Analysis Using NAA Absolute 70 Method VI CONCLUSION 6.0 Conclusion 89 6.1 Recommendation 90 x REFERENCES 91 APPENDIX A 95 APPENDIX B 96 APPENDIX C 97 APPENDIX D 98 APPENDIX E 99 PUBLICATIONS 100 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE 2.1 Nuclear Chain Reaction 8 2.2 Gamma Spectra from a Sample of Pottery 11 3.1 A reactor neutron spectrum is contributions from PAGE 25 a purely Maxwellian shape in the thermal energy region, an epithermal region and negligible fast spectrum 3.2 The spectrum observed by detector contribute by 29 interaction of gamma ray with germanium. 3.3 An example of ideal efficiency curve plotted 31 against gamma energy 4.1 TRIGA Puspati Reactor (RTP) with power of 1 33 Megawatt 4.2 Reactor rotary racks with experimental 34 irradiation facility 4.3 HPGe detector operated at liquid nitrogen 35 temperature 4.4 Set up of gamma ray spectrometer 36 xii 4.5 Canberra GC3018 detector with Genie 2000 37 Software 4.6 Ortec GEM-10185 detector with Gamma 37 Vision software 4.7 2 set of monitors irradiated with bare condition 39 and cadmium cover respectively 4.8 IAEA lake sediment sample sealed in a labeled 41 plastic and irradiated with standard polyethylene vial 5.1 Full energy peak detection efficiency curve for 48 Ortec detector at three sample-detector distances 5.2 Full energy peak detection efficiency curve for 53 Canberra detector at three sample- detector distances 5.3 Parameter á measurement at position 10 of 56 rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.4 Parameter á measurement at position 22 of 58 rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.5 Parameter á measurement at position 27 of 59 rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.6 Parameter á measurement at position 31 of 61 rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.7 IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 81 10 in rotary rack 5.8 IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 82 xiii 10 in rotary rack 5.9 IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 83 22 in rotary rack 5.10 IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 84 22 in rotary rack 5.11 IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 85 27 in rotary rack 5.12 IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 86 27 in rotary rack 5.13 IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 87 31 in rotary rack 5.14 IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 31 in rotary rack 88 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Three main neutron groups 25 3.2 The nuclear data of gold used in calculating 28 thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes 4.1 Monitors and relevant nuclear data require 40 in the work. 5.1 Activity and Information on Radioactive 43 Gamma Sources 5.2 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the 44 distance of 10 cm from Ortec detector 5.3 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the of 6 cm 45 from Ortec detector 5.4 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the 46 distance of 2 cm from Ortec detector 5.5 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 47 10 cm from Ortec detector 5.6 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 6 cm from Ortec detector 47 xv 5.7 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 47 2 cm from Ortec detector 5.8 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the 49 distance of 12 cm from Canberra detector 5.9 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the 50 distance of 8 cm from Canberra detector 5.10 Standard gamma sources efficiency at the 51 distance of 2 cm from Canberra detector 5.11 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 52 12 cm from Canberra detector 5.12 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 52 8 cm from Canberra detector 5.13 Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 52 2 cm from Canberra detector 5.14 Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare 55 and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 10 of the rotary rack 5.15 Result of á parameter at irradiation position 10 56 calculated by iterative linear regression method 5.16 Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare 57 and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 22 of the rotary rack 5.17 Result of á parameter at irradiation position 22 57 calculated by iterative linear regression method 5.18 Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare 58 xvi and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 27 of the rotary rack 5.19 Result of á parameter at irradiation position 27 59 calculated by iterative linear regression method 5.20 Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare 60 and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 31 of the rotary rack 5.21 Result of á parameter at irradiation position 31 60 calculated by iterative linear regression method 5.22 The results of thermal to epithermal flux ratio of 63 corresponding irradiation positions 5.23 Activity of bare gold at irradiation positions 63 10, 22, 27, and 31 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.24 Activity of gold irradiated with cadmium cover at 64 irradiation positions 10, 22, 27, and 31 of the rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.25 The results of thermal and epithermal neutron of 64 flux corresponding irradiation position 5.26 HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated 66 at irradiation position 10 of rotary rack 5.27 HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated 67 at irradiation position 22 of rotary rack 5.28 HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated 68 at irradiation position 27 of rotary rack 5.29 HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated 69 xvii at irradiation position 31 of rotary rack 5.30 The criterion for Z-score 71 5.31 IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 10 73 by absolute method 5.32 IAEA Soil-7 result at irradiation position 10 74 by absolute method 5.33 IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 22 75 by absolute method 5.34 IAEA Soil-7 result at irradiation position 22 76 by absolute method 5.35 IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 27 77 by absolute method 5.36 IAEA Soil-7 result at irradiation position 27 78 by absolute method 5.37 IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 31 79 by absolute method 5.38 IAEA Soil-7 result at irradiation position 31 by absolute method 80 xviii LIST OF SYMBOLS - Epithermal shape parameter f - Thermal to epithermal flux ratio th - Thermal neutron flux epi - Epithermal neutron flux ti - Irradiation time td - Decay time tm - Counting time A0 - Activity of irradiated sample NA - Avogadro’s number è - Natural isotopic abundance M - Atomic weight R - HOGDAHL Reaction Rate S - Correction factors for saturation during irradiation D - Correction factors for decay between irradiation and ã counting C - Correction factors for decay during counting m - Mass of the target element Np - full energy peak net count ã - Gamma abundance åã(E) - Detector efficiency at gamma energy N - Number of interacting isotopes (E) - Cross-section in cm2 at neutron energy of E in eV ö (E) - Neutron flux per unit of energy interval xix óo - Thermal neutron capture cross section at 2200 ms-1 Io - Resonance integral for a 1/E spectrum Io(á) - Resonance integral valid for 1/E 1+á spectrum Ecd - Cadmium cut-off energy Qo(á) - á- corrected Qo Qo - Io/óo ratio of resonance integral to (n, ã ) cross section Er - Effective resonance energy Rcd - Ratio of the specific count rates of the samples irradiated without and with a cadmium cover Abare - Activity of bare monitor Acd - Activity of monitor covered with cadmium Fcd - Ratio of the activity of a monitor with a zero cadmium cover thickness Zá(Asp,n) - Specific count rate random error Zá(Asp,n)bare - Bare specific count rate random error Zá(Asp,n)cd - Cadmium specific count rate random error Zá(Fcd,n) - Systematic errors of Fcd Zá(Qo,n) - Systematic errors of Qo Zá(Er,n) - Systematic errors of Er Zá(Ecd,n) - Systematic errors of Ecd Sá,T - Overall uncertainty of parameter n - Number of neutron per volume v - Velocity of the neutron. Pi - The fitted parameters of the function E - Gamma energy of the ith photopeak in MeV t1/2 - Half Life Z - Z-score xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS NAA - Neutron Activation Analysis HPGe - High-purity germanium detector FNAA - Fast Neutron Activation Analysis PGNAA - Prompt Gamma Ray Neutron Activation Analysis NAA - Neutron Activation Analysis MNA - Malaysia Nuclear Agency CRM - Certified Reference Materials MNA - Malaysia Nuclear Agency xxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX NO. TITLE A Scheme of Neutron Activation Analysis absolute PAGE 95 method in determination the concentration of element B Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 96 monitors at irradiation position 10 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack C Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 97 monitors at irradiation position 22 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack D Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 98 monitors at irradiation position 27 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack E Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 monitors at irradiation position 31 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack 99 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Neutron activation analysis (NAA) was first discovered in 1936 and offers excellent sensitivities and is superior to other analytical techniques. NAA perform both qualitative and quantitative identification for a wide variety of materials in solid, liquid, or gaseous states. The reason for the high sensitivity is that the cross section of neutron activation is high in the thermal region for majority of the elements. Because of its vast range of potential applications, neutron activation analysis is utilized extensively in field such as geological science, medicine, agriculture, soil science, and environmental studies. Neutron activation analysis is a physical technique based on the nuclear method. This technique is a non-destructive form of analysis. It can be used without damaging the materials being tested and minimizing the risk for loss and contamination. The undisputable advantage of this analytical technique is its multielemental character which enables simultaneous determination of many elements without chemical separation. Moreover, NAA is capable of detecting many elements at low concentrations. Nearly 70% of elements in the Periodic Table can be analyzed 2 by NAA. 1.1 Background of Study There is a wide distribution of neutron energy in a reactor. The neutron spectrum consists of three principal components (thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons) based on their kinetic energies. In most reactor, thermal neutrons component are dominant and slow neutrons are fully moderated within the reactor with kinetic energies < 0.5 eV. Activation with epithermal neutrons is known as Epithermal NAA. Cadmium or boron is used as thermal neutron filter. These neutrons have been partially moderated and consist of kinetic energies of 0.5 eV to 0.5 MeV. Activation with fast neutrons (kinetic energies > 0.5MeV) is termed of Fast NAA (FNAA). In principal, NAA falls into two categories depending on the time of measurement. Prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) measures gamma ray emitted during the irradiation while delayed gamma ray neutron activation analysis measures gamma ray as a result of radioactive decay. There are three standard methods of NAA: relative method, kostandardization method and absolute method. Element analysis of an unknown sample using the relative method is usually perform by firstly irradiating known amounts of the sample and chemical standard simultaneously followed by comparing their gamma ray spectrum of the elements interest and counting under the same configuration. ko-standardization method is based on irradiation of a sample with a neutron flux monitor such as gold and the use of nuclear constant called ko - factor. This technique eliminates the need for using multi-element standards, thus is simpler than the relative method in terms of experiment but involves more complex formulae 3 and calculation. Absolute method is a direct analysis of the irradiated samples without using standard reference. This technique consists of absolute gamma ray measurement and direct calculation of weights or concentrations from nuclear constants. 1.2 Statement of Problem The NAA relative method has been widely used in laboratory due to its direct, simple, and accurate elemental analysis. However, in this relative method, no detailed knowledge of the neutron flux, in the irradiation site or the nuclear data of the isotope concerned is required. The concentration of elements determined is dependent on the flux gradient in the irradiation position. Therefore, when the samples and standard have to be irradiated at different irradiation positions, the variation of the neutron flux at different irradiation position in the reactor might influences in the accuracy and precision of the analytical result. Besides, the different radial shape of sample and standard can contribute to different spatial flux distribution. In the case of simultaneous determination of a great number of elements in one sample, the relative method requires preparation, counting and data processing of a standard for each element to be determined. It is also difficult to irradiate a large number of standards and samples together in a vial. Therefore, this will limit the samples that can be analysis by relative method. There are possibility of instability and not homogeneity of the standard used in NAA relative method. In addition, differences in matrix composition between the sample and standard can contribute to uncertainty. All these factors can make relative NAA method becoming cumbersome, time consuming, laborious and expensive, 4 despite the fact that it is a very sensitive analytical method. 1.3 Purpose of Research The aim of this research is to develop an absolute method of Neutron Activation Analysis that can be used in the laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Malaysia Nuclear Agency (MNA). The method is based solely on the reaction rate formulations of the neutron capture processes. This absolute method requires the input of neutron reactor parameters that have to be precisely determined by experiment before the elemental masses of the irradiated samples can be computed. 1.4 Objectives of Research The objectives of the study are: i. To calibrate the full energy peak efficiency of the detector for the gamma ray spectrometer used. ii. To characterize the reactor neutron spectrum (epithermal shape parameter , thermal to epithermal flux ratio f, thermal and epithermal neutron flux th, epi,) at four selected irradiation locations at rotary rack of the TRIGA MARK II reactor. iii. To determine the elements concentration of certified reference materials (CRM) in order to examine the accuracy of the developed method. 5 1.5 Significant of Research The expected outcome from this research is a viable approach of doing NAA which no longer rely on the use of multi standard materials that can be subjected to many errors. This research is hoping to overcome some of the drawbacks of conventional NAA method (Relative method) and able to produce reliable results that can be effectively applied for NAA analysis. Besides, a large number of elements can be determine simultaneously without the use of reference standards which can better enhance the NAA technique. Hopefully, this new approach can be used by many industries in the determination of elements in sample. 1.6 Research Scope The scopes of the work have been defined to comprise: i. To calibrate the efficiencies of two detectors name Ortec detector GEM10185 detector controlled by Gamma Vision software and Canberra GC 3018 detector at different geometry. ii. To measure the epithermal shape parameter, using 5 monitors (AuAl, Zr, Zn, Co and Mo) activation method with and without cadmium cover at rotary rack facilities of 1MW TRIGA Mark II reactor at MNA. iii. To determine the thermal and epithermal neutron flux of the irradiation site by using gold foil activation method irradiated with and without cadmium cover. iv. To determine the element concentration of soil-1 and soil-7. This 6 sample is intended to be used as a standard reference material in quality control material for the assessment of a laboratory’s analytical work. 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.0 Introduction The application and development of NAA absolute method has been extensively dealt with by several authors such as Kafala and Macmahon [1]. The first systematic methodological investigation was reported by Girradi et al [2]. It was concluded that uncertainties in the nuclear data taken from the literature may be the major source of systematic errors especially on decay schemes and activation cross-section. Besides that, the scatter of resonance integral without taking into account the deviation of epithermal neutron distribution, á parameter can lead to poor accuracy of result. The NAA absolute method utilizes the formulation of saturated gamma ray emission rate for (n, ã) reaction in a thermal reactor through Hogdahl convection [1] and the parameters of neutron distribution. The NAA absolute method attracted research effort in investigation the information of neutron flux in the irradiation position, and the nuclear data concerning the product nuclides for determine the element concentration in samples. The nuclear data have been studied and evaluated by experimental recently. The situation has improved significantly ever since and presently the uncertainties of the nuclear data in literature are acceptable to be accurate for analysis purpose [3]. 8 Furthermore, the nuclear data can be determine experimentally from irradiation of a multi-element standard if information of gamma ray peak detection efficiency function for source detector geometry was available [4]. With the expertise coupled with the many available resources, absolute method should rekindle a new interest in NAA technique. 2.1 Neutron Sources The basic essentials required to carry out neutron activation analysis are neutron sources. The existence of neutrons were proposed by Rutherford in 1920 [5] and finally discovered by Chadwick in 1932 [6], [7]. There are different ways to obtain neutrons and nuclear chain reaction is used in this research. Neutrons are produced from the radioactive decay of uranium atom. Uranium is principal element used in nuclear fission reaction because it’s high fission probability and being a naturally occurring element. Nuclear fission was discovered by Lise Meitner, et al 1939 [8]. Figure 2.1: Nuclear Chain Reaction 9 In a nuclear fission, uranium-235 atom absorbs a neutron. This causes uranium-235 to become unstable and break up into two lighter nuclei (fission fragments), emitting three neutrons and a large quantity of binding energy. There are fewer neutrons will be captured by uranium-238 to breed plutonium-239. The released neutrons then induced fission with nearby uranium-235, which releases another three neutrons and more binding energy. A series of fissions is called a chain reaction [9]. A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate nuclear chain reactions and produces a large quantity of neutrons. Reactors are often referred to as “swimming pool” type reactors which the uranium rods are immersed in a bath of light water. Natural uranium contains 0.7% 235 U. Therefore, the fuel must be slightly enriched in 235U to about 3% (low enriched uranium) for uranium to work in a nuclear reactor. Neutrons released in fission will usually travel out of one of the fuel rods, and pass through moderator before they encounter uranium in another fuel rod. A moderator slowed down the fast neutrons released from the uranium so that they initiate further fission reaction. The most common moderators are graphite (carbon), light water (H2O), and heavy water (D2O). In nuclear reactors control rods such as boron are used to capture the neutrons to control the rate of fission. Water as the cooling system is often used to absorb the heat produced during nuclear fission. A nuclear chain in the reactors could be maintained in critical condition if the nuclear chain reaction is achieved without external neutron sources (effective multiplication factor, keff = 1). The probability that a nuclear reaction occurring is measured in units of “barns” where 1 barn equals 10-24 cm2. The probability of the particular reaction occurring increases with the cross section is increased. Each element has its own neutron cross section. 10 2.2 Nuclear Reaction Basically, a sample containing certain rare earth elements will become highly radioactive after an exposure to a field of neutrons by neutron capture or (n,ã) reaction as illustrated in figure 1. The binding energy of the neutron within the nucleus produces a compound nucleus in an excited state. Then the activated nucleus decays according to a unique half life and emit gamma quanta with specific energies into a more stable configuration. The quantity of radioactive nuclides is determined by measuring the intensity of the characteristic gamma-ray lines in the spectra. Since the energy levels of a nucleus for each isotope are different, the gamma rays emitted from one isotope will not have the same intensity. Therefore, measurement the specific gamma ray (with specific energy) indentifies the presence of particular element and their relative concentrations. The decay constant is inversely proportional to the radioactive half-life. Therefore, depending upon the half life of the nuclides, different nuclides in the irradiated samples can be determined using gamma ray spectroscopy. As an example, when a stable isotope of manganese-55 is bombarded with neutron flux, a radioactive isotope manganese-56 is produced by neutron capture reactions. The radioactive isotope produced in this activation process will decay with a half life of 2.58 hour through the emission of three gamma rays with energies of 846.8 keV, 1810.7 keV, and 2113.1 keV. If an unknown sample is irradiated with neutrons and emitted gamma rays with energies 846.8 keV, 1810.7 keV, and 2113.1 keV indicating the unknown sample contained manganese. The amount of managanese present could be calculated based on the known neutron flux and the neutron capture cross- section of manganese-55. Figure 2.2 represents the example of gamma spectra from a sample of pottery irradiated for 5 seconds, decayed for 25 minutes, and counted for 12 minutes with an HPGe detector. 11 Figure 2.2: Gamma Spectra from a sample of pottery [10] 2.3 The Trend of NAA Since NAA technique depends on the availability of irradiation facility (a nuclear reactor) to activate the samples, this method is less applied compared to other analytical technique such as atomic absorption spectroscopy. Besides that, the NAA technique requires manpower and time for preparation and analysis procedure. However, this technique is classified to be an excellent sensitivity and feasible analytical method. Throughout the year, much research has been carried out to improve and optimize this analytical method. The ko- standardization method has been proposed and applied to simplify the NAA method by eliminating the task of preparing numerous standards. Basically there are two standardization methods used in NAA, the relative and the non-relative methods. 12 2.3.1 Relative Method Relative method has been widely applied and primarily used in the analytical laboratory due to its simplicity. A standard which consist an accurate mass of interest element is irradiated at the same time with the unknown sample under identical condition [11]. The concentration of the element of interest is calculated by compared of the measured activity between the sample and the standard. Consider a sample of mass, W is irradiated in a neutron flux, ö. After irradiation and allowed suitable cooling time, the irradiated sample is counted for a time tc. The mass of element, i in the sample is mi, and then the concentration ci can be calculated through Equation (1) [12]. C i m W i (N / t ) M p c i i ( E ) N SDCW i i i i A (1) where Np is the net photo peak count, Mi is the atomic mass of target nuclide, ó is the effective cross section for (n,ã) reaction, è is the abundance, ã is the gamma yield, å(E) is the efficiency of the detector at gamma energy E, NA is the Avogadro’s number and S= (1-exp-ëti ) is the saturation factor, D= (exp-ëtd) is the decay factor, and C= (1-exp-ëtc)/ëtc is the counting factor. In comparative method, it is assumed that neutron flux, cross section, irradiation time and other variables associated with counting are constant for sample and standard. Therefore, by corrected the counting rate of one to the same decay time of the other, the two counting rate are in the same proportion as the weight of the elements. The concentration of the element in the sample, Csam is found by comparing to the standard through the following Equation (2): C sam [( P A [( P ) CD ] [ CW ] c sam std / t ) CD ] W A c std sam /t (2) 13 where (PA/tc) std and (PA/tc) sam are the counting rates for standard and sample, respectively, csam and cstd are the concentration of element in sample and standard, respectively, C and D are are the counting and decay factor. Equation (2) can be rewritten as: C sam C W std std W sam A sam A std (3) Asam and Astd are respectively the count rate of element in sample and standard, Csam and Cstd are the concentration of the element in units of ppm for sample and standard and Wsam and Wstd are weight of the sample and standard in units of gram. The relative method promises the highest accuracy when the standard and sample match well in composition, irradiation and counting conditions. 2.3.2 ko- Standardization Method As there are some difficulties associated with the comparative method, ko- standardization method was established to complement the comparative method. This method is based on co-irradiation of unknown sample with a single comparator such as gold as neutron flux monitor and the use of a composite nuclear constant called ko-factor. The peak area for the gamma ray of element in a sample is compared to gold. Gold has been used as single comparator due to its relatively high resonance integral value. As opposed from relative method, this method requires good knowledge about reactor neutron parameter and ko values [13] of the gamma ray as well as the detector's peak efficiency. The ko is a measure of the gamma ray emission rates and activation by thermal neutrons relative to gold. In ko-standardization method, the concentration of the element csam in ppm was calculated using Equation (4) [12]. 14 C sam 1 A ( sp , sam ) k A ( sp , Au ) (4) The net peak area was converted to specific count rate (Asp) as shown in following equation: PA / t c A sp SDCw (5) where Asp, sam and Asp ,Au are the specific count rate of an element in sample and Au-198 as the comparator, respectively, k is the specific count rate ratio of an individual element in sample to the comparator and is expressed by: k k ( f Q ( )) o o ( f [ Q ( )] o Au ) Au (6) where ko M Au th M Au Au thAu (7) Qo= Io/óo, where Io is the resonance integral and óo is the thermal cross section. The Ko factors are accurately measured compound nuclear constants and independent of irradiation and measurement conditions. These factors have been recently compiled and published for most analytical radionuclide. This technique has been reported to be simpler than comparative method in term of experiment which eliminates the need for multi-element standards. Besides that, this method also provides precision and accuracy as same as comparative method. However, the ko-NAA technique involves complicated formulas and calculations. Due to the apparent complexity and substantial effort required to implement, the ko-method still not widely used in the analytical laboratory. CHAPTER III THEORY 3.1 Neutron Activation Equations The intensity of the gamma line measured by gamma ray spectroscopy is proportional to the element activity. The activity A0 formed in a sample from an amount m of an element which is irradiated with neutron flux is described by the activation in Equation (8). A o m N Aè RSDC M (8) where NA is Avogadro’s number, è is the natural isotopic abundance, M is the atomic weight, R is the predicted saturated gamma ray emission rate, S, D, and C are the respective correction factors for saturation during irradiation, decay between irradiation and ã counting, and decay during counting, and m is the mass of the target element. In absolute method, measurement of the irradiated sample with the use of an unknown efficiency detectors enables the determination of element mass, m from the activity of its isotope without the used of multi-element standard [13]. The neutron 16 activation analysis is based solely on the reaction rate formulations of the neutron capture processes. The calculation of analytical results by Equation (9) is the absolute method [14]. m N pM N a è R ( E ) SDC (9) where Np is the net photo peak count, ã is the gamma yield, and å(E) is the efficiency of detector at gamma energy E. In order to calculate the activities, this requires accurate knowledge of nuclear data such as atomic weight, cross section and isotopic abundance of the isotope concerned. All nuclear data may be taken from the literature, and the experimental parameters are determined in the laboratory. 3.2 HOGDAHL Reaction Rate A number of formalisms have been suggested to describe the reaction rates. The rate at which reactions occur depends on the particle energy, the flux of the neutrons and the nuclear reaction cross section. R N ( E ). ( E ) dE (10) 0 where N is the number of interacting isotopes, (E) is the cross-section in cm2 at neutron energy of E in eV and ö(E) is the neutron flux per unit of energy interval in cm-2 s-1 eV-1. The reaction rate per target nuclei, R, of a sample irradiated by reactor neutrons is described according to the HOGDHAL convention [4] shown in Equation (11). The HOGDHAL convention employed for the present propose is as accurate as 17 the complex formalisms such as Westcott. R R th R e th o epi I o (11) where Rth = ( öth óo) is the reaction rate induced by pure thermal neutrons and Re = (öe Io) is the reaction rate induced by epithermal neutrons, öth is the thermal neutron flux and öepi is the epithermal neutron flux. It is interesting to remark that öth is related to the sum of Maxwellian neutrons up to Ecd and of epithermal neutrons below Ecd. The division between them being the cadmium cut-off energy, Ecd = 0.55 eV. óo is the thermal neutron capture cross section at 2200 m s-1 and Io is the resonance integral for a 1/E spectrum. 3.3 Non-ideal 1/E 1+á Epithermal Neutron Flux Distribution For an ideal situation, the epithermal neutron flux is accepted to be inversely proportional to the neutron energy. This happens in a reactor with none absorbing, infinite medium where the epithermal neutron flux is constant per unit lethargy. Therefore, the resonance integral, Io an essential nuclear parameter in neutron activation is defined as Equation (13). A compilation of resonance integrals Io for all nuclides is available in the literature. I0 Ecd ó(E) E dE (12) However, in actual irradiation sites, the epithermal neutron flux is deviating from the ideal 1/E epithermal spectrum to 1/E 1+á distribution, E is the neutron energy. In absolute activation analytical techniques, epithermal neutrons give rise to an important fraction to the overall neutron fluxes [15]. Therefore, the effect of the non ideality of the epithermal spectrum should not be underestimated. By consequence, the resonance integral needs to be modified with an á-dependent term and converted 18 to equation (13) or (14) instead of Equation (12) which are valid for 1/E 1+á spectrum [16]. Iá Ecd ó(E) dE E 1 á (13) or Iá Q o( ) I o (14) Therefore, in real reactor situation the modified reaction rate [4] can be written as Equation (14). R R th R epi th o epi I (15) The parameter measure the deviation of the epithermal flux distribution from the ideal 1/E distribution and is independent of neutron energy [17]. This indicates that the resonance integrals for practical use are a function of á. Thus, in the activation analysis with reactor neutrons, á should be known to preserve the accuracy of the analysis results. Qo(á) is the á- corrected Qo to take care of non ideality of the epithermal spectrum as defined by: Qo,(á) = I o ( ) óo (1eV) á ó(E)dE ó o 0.55 E1á (16) The recommended value for a cylindrical cadmium box with a uniform thickness of 1 mm is 0.55 eV. The conversion from Qo (á =0) to Qo(á) is given by: Qo,(á) = q o ( ) C (17) with q o ( ) ( Q o 0 .429 )( Er ) and (18) 19 C 0 . 429 ( 2 1 )( 0 . 55 ) (19) Finally Qo(á) is obtained as[18]: Qo, (á) = Q o ,i (E 0 . 429 r ,i ) 0 . 429 ( 2 1 )( 0 . 55 ) (20) Qo is the Io/óo ratio of resonance integral to (n, ã) cross section at a 2200 m s-1 neutron velocity [19]. Qo(á) can be easily calculated from Qo if á is known and the effective resonance energy, Er is available. Both Er and Qo value are tabulated in literature as nuclear constants and applicable to all practical irradiation condition. For the conversion, the effective resonance energy, Er must be used for the correction of resonance integrals in deviating epithermal spectrum. It is the energy of a single resonance which gives the same resonance activation effect as the actual resonances for the isotopes. The effective resonance energy, Er,i is defined as [16]: ( Er ) 3.4 Io( ) Io 1 eV (21) Determination of á and f parameter The deviation of the epithermal flux distribution from1/E, á is as fundamental as the correction of resonance integrals Io, i.e., the conversion of Io values to Io(á) values for its use in actual 1/E 1+á epithermal neutron spectrum. The term is in small positive or small negative value constant which is assumed to be energy independent, its values depending on the reactor configuration and irradiation position (moderator material, geometry, etc). The parameter á can be determined by 20 cadmium ratio multi-monitor method, cadmium covered multi monitor methods or bare multi-monitor methods [20]. In this work, the parameter á was determined using cadmium ratio multi-monitor method as it utilizes the ratios which improves the estimates of the uncertainty. 3.4.1 The Cadmium ratio multi monitor method A set of N monitors are irradiated with and without a cadmium cover respectively and counted on a Ge detector with a known detection efficiency curve. The minimum number of monitor is two (N=2). When a sample is irradiated within a cadmium cover, the thermal neutrons are excluded. If all the monitors have a ó(v)~1/v dependence of up to ~1.5 eV, á can be obtained as negative slope (-á) of the straight line [21] by plotting graph of Equation (22): log ( Er , i ) 1 ( Fcd , i R cd ,i ) Q o , i ( ) versus log Er,i (22) where i denotes isotope 1,2,...,N. Rcd is the ratio of the specific count rates of the samples irradiated without and with a cadmium cover, respectively. The equation describing the cadmium ratio method is: R cd A bare F R cd cd ( th ó th epi I o ) epi I o (23) where Abare is the activity of bare monitor. Equation can be also written as: R cd epi I o (24) Fcd is the ratio of the activity of a monitor with a zero cadmium cover thickness. The specific count rate of cadmium covered isotope maybe different from 21 the specific count rate induced by epithermal neutrons. A cadmium filter may attenuate some of the resonance neutrons which cause a reduction in the activity of the monitor. Therefore, Equation (22) should be divided by a correction factor for cadmium transmission of epithermal neutron, Fcd. The transmission factor of thermal neutrons through the cadmium, Fcd for Au was taken as 0.995 while the others were assumed to be unity. The left hand term of Equation (22) is a function of , and thus the iterative procedure should be applied with a least square regression analysis to fit the experimental data to the straight lines for every iterative step. Parameter is initially set equal to 0 followed by iterative procedure until no significant variation of value is observed. Analogously, the final - result of this iteration procedure is identical with the solution of the Equation (25) for [21]: á+ log Yi ( ) log Er , i log E , r log Yi ( ) N N log Er , i log Er , i N where log Yi (á) = log 2 (Er, i) ( Fcd,i R cd,i 1 )Q o,i() 0 (25) (26) The parameter f, ratio of the thermal to epithermal neutron flux can determined from one monitor [20]. A gold monitor is suitable for these requirements. The experimental determination of the parameter was performed by applying the cadmium ratio for multi-monitor method allowing the simultaneously determination of f. 22 By simplifying Equation (23), Rcd is obtained as: R cd ( th ó th ) 1 ( I ) epi o (27) and ( R cd 1) ( th ) 1 ( epi ) Qo (28) as the ratio of thermal to epithermal flux is generally defined as: f ( th ) ( epi ) (29) and the ratio of resonance integral to thermal cross section is given as: Qo Io th (30) Thus, the ratio of thermal to epithermal flux can be obtained as: (31) f = (Fcd Rcd-1) Qo(á) 3.4.2 Error Analysis of á parameter The accuracy and precision of á determination in 1/E 1+á epithermal neutron spectrum are analysis based on the error propagation theory. The overall uncertainty on á includes random error, systematic error and gross error [22]. The random error influenced the precision of á which can be described by the probability. The specific count rate is determined by counting statistic and thus is essentially random. The factor of Zá (Asp,n), Zá (Asp,n)bare, and Zá (Asp,n)cd are consider same which equal to equation (32). For n-th monitor one obtains: 23 n logEr, i logEr, n i N f Q o , n( ) 1 Z (A sp , n) 0.434 f á ì i (32) where N N log Er , i Vi N i i log Er , i i V i i N N (33) 0 . 26 C 1 . 67 1 Q o ,i ( ) 1 / 2 (34) and Vi q o ,i ( ) Q o ,i ( ) log Er , i and qo,i(á) = Qo,i – Cá (35) and C 2 (E o )1 / 2 ( 2 1)( Ecd ) 1 / 2 (36) The systematic errors influence the fixed accuracy of á determination. The nuclear data of monitor as well as the uncertainty on Ecd contribute significantly to the fixed accuracy. The factor to be considered are Zá (Fcd,n), Zá (Qo,n), Zá (Er,n) and Zá (Ecd,n). The factor can be written as following equation. f Z (Q o , n ) Z . ( A sp ,n ) f Q o, n ( ) and E r , n ) Q o, n . Q o , n ( ) (37) 24 f Z (E , n ) Z . r ( A sp ,n ) f Q o ,n ( ) q . . o ,n ( ) Q o ,n ( ) (38) and N 1 n log Er , i n i Q o ,i ( ) 1 log Er , i i N N i Q o ,i ( ) 1 Z ( E cd , n ) 0 .434 C ( 1 / 2). i (39) The experimental accuracy is considered to be determined by gross error. If the experiment is under well controlled condition, the gross error on specific count rate can be estimated to be about 0.5%. The common experimental errors are canceling each other as Asp ratio is introduced in á determination. The overall uncertainty is obtained by quadratic summation of the precision, fixed accuracy, and experimental accuracy and is defined as: Sá,T = (S2á,R + S2á,S + S2á,G)1/2 3.5 (40) Epithermal and thermal neutron flux The neutron can roughly be split into 3 groups of neutrons, each with its own characteristics as shown in Table 3.1.The neutron spectrum at an irradiation position represented in Figure 3.1 can be expressed as a sum of thermal equilibrium spectrum: Maxwellian distribution, neutron energy from 0 to 1 eV; epithermal spectrum in the slowing down region and fast neutron from 1 eV to maximal. 25 Table 3.1: Three main neutron groups Group Energy Range Region Fast >10keV fission Resonance 1eV-10keV 1/E* Thermal 0-1eV Maxwellian *E= neutron’s energy Figure 3.1: A reactor neutron spectrum is contributions from a purely Maxwellian shape in the thermal energy region, an epithermal region and negligible fast spectrum [11] The neutron flux is important in characterizing the activation process for producing radionuclide with neutron activation analysis. Thus, it is crucial to understand the neutron flux gradient distribution in the irradiation position in order to improve the accuracy and precision in the determination elemental concentration of various samples. A gradient of neutron flux at irradiation site of a research reactor is significant if the samples and monitor have to be irradiated at different irradiation position [23], [24]. The specific activity of element will be influenced by the neutron flux during the irradiation. Neutron flux defined in Equation (40) is a term referring 26 to the number of neutrons passing through an area of target nucleus in unit time [9]. It is most commonly measured in neutrons cm-2s-1. ö = nv (41) where n is the number of neutron per unit volume and v is the velocity of the neutron cross section. When an element with a relative atomic mass, M with cross section, ó is irradiated with neutron flux ö for a time, t, the specific activity of an element Asp can be described by the following equation: A sp N A (1 e t ) M (42) The large number of resonance peaks for most nuclides makes calculation of neutron flux slightly complicated. In order to avoid these resonances, a gold standard is used because the reaction 197Au (n,ã) 198 Au has a single resonance at 411 keV peak and the nuclear data of standard gold has been well investigated. The activity ratio for a gold wire irradiated with and without cadmium covers (cadmium ratio method) is used for measuring the thermal and epithermal neutron flux. In order to separate the activities due to thermal and resonance neutrons, bare and cadmium-covered gold foils are exposed under identical conditions and the activities are measured. This is because cadmium is an effective absorber of neutrons below certain energy, Ec, but it passes neutrons of energies above Ec. Ec is known as the “effective cadmium cut-off energy”. Gold can absorb thermal and epithermal neutrons due to its response region is in between 0.0015 eV to 5.8 eV. Therefore, if the cut off energy of cadmium is 0.55 eV, the difference between the activity of bare gold foil and gold foil covered with 1 mm Cadmium if both irradiated under ideal condition lead to the activity caused by the thermal neutron flux. Aluminum diluted with gold is usually used to avoid self shielding effect. Besides that, aluminum with short half life (2.3 minutes) does not affect the neutron flux. Activity of gold irradiated under bare condition: A bare = ö th ó th N[1-exp(-ëti)exp(-ëtd)] + ö epi ó epi N[1-exp(-ëti)exp(-ëtd)] (43) 27 Activity of gold covered with 1 mm cadmium: A cd = ö epi ó epi N[1-exp(-ëti)exp(-ëtd)] (44) where N is the total number of target nuclides in the foil, ti is the irradiation time, td is the decay time, ó th is the thermal cross section equal to 98.8 barn. ó epithermal cross section, ö th is the thermal neutron flux and ö epi epi is the is the epithermal flux. The different between equation (41) and (42) is the thermal activity as proven in Equation (43). Athermal = Abare − ACd (45) Therefore, A thermal = ö th ó th N [1-exp (-ëti) exp (-ëtd)] (46) From this equation, thermal neutron flux could be determined from the thermal activity equation (44). Subsequently, the epithermal neutron flux can be obtained via the flux ratio (th/epi). The specific activity of bare and cadmium covered gold are calculated using the following equation: A ( N / m) ( E ) (1 exp( t i )) exp( t d )(1 exp( t c )) (47) Thermal neutron flux was determined by the equation below: th A bare A epi (N A / M ) o (48) Epithermal neutron flux was obtained from thermal to epithermal flux ratio equation and thermal neutron flux: ö epi ö th f (49) 28 Table 3.2 listed all the nuclear data of gold extracted from literature required in neutron flux calculations [25]. Table 3.2: The nuclear data of gold used in calculation thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes. Gold Reaction 197Au(n, ã)198Au Gamma energy 412keV (95.5%) (ã abundance) Half life of Au-198 2.696 days Thermal cross section at 25 0C 98.8×10-24 cm-2 Resonance integral 1562×10-4cm-2 90% response region in reactor spectrum 0.015eV-5.8eV (epithermal + thermal) Atomic mass of target nuclide 196.9665 gmol-1 Isotopic abundance 100% Avogadro number 6.023×1023 mol-1 3.6 Full-Energy Peak Detection Efficiency The knowledge of absolute photopeak efficiency is required in order to identify specific isotope as well as to quantify the concentration in the sample without multi-element standards. Gamma ray spectrometer determines the number and energy of the photons emitted by the source and provides a unique identification of the radioisotopes. The spectrum observed by detector is contributed by several processes. Gamma rays in the energy range up to 3 MeV interact with matter by photoelectric effect, compton scattering and pair production. When a ã-ray enters a germanium detector volume, the energy of gamma rays can be transferred to electrons. Low energy gamma rays may be absorbed by photoelectric effect and produce a single electron with energy similar to initial photon. In spectrum, this 29 events show up as full energy photopeak below 0.1 MeV. The interaction between gamma rays and germanium ranging from about 0.1 MeV to 1 MeV is through Compton effect. Thus, Compton events provide a peak at low energy area in the spectrum. The photon losses energy and is scattered from its original path. The pair production event contributes at energies greater than 1.02 MeV and creates an electron positron pair. All three processes thus convert gamma ray energy into electrons or positrons of various energies. Figure 3.2: The spectrum observed by detector contributed by interaction of gamma ray with germanium. [26] The detector efficiency is the probability of emitted gamma ray will interact in the sensitive volume of the detector and produce a count. Detector Efficiency The numbers of selected pulses recorded per unit time = The number of photons emit by the source per unit time. (50) Full energy peak efficiency is the ratio between the numbers of counts in the net area of the full energy peak to the number of photons of that energy emitted by a source with specified characteristics for a specified source to detector distance. The efficiency equation can be written as: 30 çi = Np tm A ã (51) where Np is the full energy peak net count corresponding to the gamma photons with energy E , tm is the counting time, ã is the gamma abundance and A is the activity of the source. For efficiency calibration, one can use any source with known nuclide activity and gamma emission probability. Standard gamma-ray sources that cover the energy range of interest are used to calibrate the detector and to determine the total full-energy peak efficiency. The detector efficiency was calibrated by establishing the detector efficiency curve as a function of defined geometry and energy range [27]. An example of ideal efficiency curve is shown in figure 3.3. The efficiency values of sample at intermediate energies are determined by interpolation between the measured values. The efficiency calibration points were fitted to a polynomial function in order to obtain the most accurate intermediate values. The following polynomial function has been applicable for a variety of different Ge (Li) detectors [28]. å (E) = P1 P2 ln( E) P3 ln( E) 2 P4 ln( E)3 P5 ln( E) 4 E (52) Pi represents the fitted parameters of the function to be determined. E is the gamma energy of the ith photopeak in MeV 31 Figure 3.3: An example of ideal efficiency curve plotted against gamma energy [28] CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY 4.0 Introduction For absolute method of NAA, it is necessary to calibrate the neutron spectrum in the irradiation facility, i.e., the determination of the epithermal flux spectrum shape factor ( ) and flux ratio( f ), the thermal and epithermal flux(th, epi). Besides that, the full-energy-peak efficiencies (åã) of the gamma ray detector to those used in counting the unknown samples have to be determined by using sources of known activities. The flow chart of methodology for NAA absolute method was represented in Appendix A. 4.1 Reactor TRIGA Puspati Reactor TRIGA Puspati (RTP) is the only nuclear research reactor in Malaysia. RTP is a pool type nuclear research reactor where the reactor core is immersed in an open water pool as shown in Figure 4.1. Light water in the reactor 33` tank is used as cooling agent and radiation shield. High purity graphite is used as reflector and uranium-235 as nuclear fuel. The reactor is built with 2.5 m thick concrete wall to attenuate radiation emission and shield the reactor from contamination. With a thermal power capacity of 1 Megawatt, RTP has an average neutron flux of 1.2×10 12 cm-2s-1. The cylindrical reactor is in symmetrically geometry and compound by the fuel elements, beryllium and graphite blocks, control rods and irradiation channels. There are four control rods to control the fission reaction. Cherenkov radiation is used to measure the intensity of the reaction. RTP produces free neutrons with energies ranging up to 10 MeV using a mixture of americium and beryllium as the neutrons source. These free neutrons produced in the cylindrical reactor core are used in neutron activation analysis (NAA) and other nuclear application. Various irradiation facilities were located in the core or adjacent to the core to enable the samples to be exposed to neutrons in the reactor core. The rotary rack housed within the graphite reflector is used for irradiate the samples at the edge of reactor core. The rotary rack contains of 40 irradiation position and will rotate around the reactor core which aims to expose the samples with similar neutron flux (see Figure 4). If the rotary rack is at stationary mode, the variation of neutron flux might be more significant. The reactor are operated and monitored by using control computer system to manage the irradiation process for safe operation. Figure 4.1: Reactor TRIGA Puspati (RTP) with power of 1 Megawatt. 34` Rotary rack Reactor core 10 31 27 22 Figure 4.2: Reactor rotary racks with experimental irradiation facility [29] 35` 4.2 Gamma-ray Spectrometry A typical gamma-ray spectrometer consists of a Ge detector, preamplifier, analog to digital converter (ADC), multi-channel pulse-height analyzer (MCA) and data readout devices. Germanium detectors produce the highest resolution in determine the gamma rays emitted by radioactive elements located in the detector. The detector is operated at liquid nitrogen temperature in order to minimize thermal noise. A radiation shield surrounds the detector to reduce the background counting from surrounding environment to produce higher detection efficiency. The detector is equivalent to a p-n junction having a thick layer of pure germanium at the position of the junction. Photons (gamma rays) interact with the Ge crystal to produce electronhole pairs. These ionizing particles are collected to produce a pulse and the magnitude of the output pulse is proportional to the amount of energy deposited in the detector. These small output signals are amplified, reshaped, and sorted according to pulse height, using an ADC to produce a histogram. The signal then converted into a digital format. After a number of pulses, the histogram will display peaks in the spectrum with Gaussian distribution that corresponding to the number of photons interact with the detector. A computer with processing software or oscilloscope display is used to display and store the resulting spectrum. Figure 4.3: HPGe detector operated at liquid nitrogen temperature 36` Figure 4.4: Set up of gamma ray spectrometer 4.3 Calibration of gamma ray spectrometer The efficiency depends on the gamma energy, the detector, and the geometry of the measurement. High-purity germanium (HPGe) detector name Ortec GEM10185 detector with Gamma Vision software and Canberra GC3018 detector with Genie 2000 software were calibrated in this experiment. The efficiency calibration was performed using gamma-ray standard point sources namely Ba-133, Cs-137, Co60, Am-241, Eu-152 and Na-22 with well known gamma ray intensities. The efficiency calibration was performed in at position 12 cm, 8 cm and 2 cm from end cap of Canberra detector. For Ortec detector calibration, the standard sources were counted at 10 cm, 6 cm and 2 cm geometries from the detector. For large source -todetector distances, the source activity is high enough to achieve an acceptable accuracy. Small source-to-detector distances are required for determine low activity level samples. Changes in the source-to-detector distance can make a large different 37` in the count rate. However, the dead time was kept below 10% in order to reduce the counting error. The position of the sources for each calibration needs to be as close as to identical position to perform an accurate efficiency calibration. Figure 4.5: Canberra GC3018 detector with Genie 2000 software Figure 4.6: Ortec GEM-10185 detector with Gamma Vision software 38 4.4 Determination of reactor neutron spectrum parameters The thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio, f and the deviation of the epithermal neutron spectrum from the 1/E shape, á is the essential parameters for the correct application of absolute NAA analyses. Among the various experimental methods available for determining the epithermal deviation factor, the cadmium ratio method is known to yield the most accurate results. Therefore, thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes, as well as á and f in rotary rack irradiation facilities were determined by applying Cadmium ratio method. Reactor neutron spectrum parameters (á, f and neutron flux) were determined in irradiation position 10, 22, 27,and 31 of TRIGA reactor rotary rack. The following set of monitors were used to characterize the neutron irradiation facility: Al-Au, purity 0.1124% Au, pure 99.9845%, diam. 0.0508 mm; Zr , purity 99.7329%; Zn, purity 99.9872%, thickness: 0.254 mm; Co , purity 99.9133% and Mo, 99.945, diam. 0.0508 mm. These elements have cross sections and resonance energies with Qo values ranging from low to very high and thus serve a quality control of the irradiation facility. The weighing of the monitors were carefully carried out using the same Electronic Micro Balance and on the same day in order to eliminate the systematic error due to weighing of small masses. Known amount of the monitors were cut into roughly equal pieces and rolled spirally. Two set of this five monitors were prepared. One set was irradiated bare and another for irradiation under a cadmium cover of 1 mm thickness. For bare irradiation, the 5 monitors were packed together in a standard polyethylene vial. All the samples were irradiated for 1 hour at maximum thermal power of 750 kW. The rotary rack was kept stationery throughout the irradiation process. The irradiated samples were allowed to decay with an appropriate cooling time. After one day cooling, all the monitors were counted at the same distance from the calibrated HPGe detector with counting time 5 to 60 minutes in order to obtain suitable counts. The monitors irradiated at irradiation position 27 were measured using Canberra detector at distance of 12 cm. The others irradiation positions’ monitors were measured using Ortec detector at distance of 10 cm. Later, the ã-ray spectrum emitted from the 39` irradiated monitor was analyzing to calculate the Rcd, á and f parameter. The epithermal and thermal neutron fluxes, f was determined using gold monitor with the similar procedure. Table 4.7 shows a list of suitable monitors and relevant nuclear data. Metallic or alloyed foil or wire monitors were chosen covering a wide range of Er (from 5 to 6000 eV). The selection of monitors ranging from low to high Er is to obtain a linearity of the curve, thus provided á is constant over the whole epithermal neutron energy region in the reactor position. Polystyrene vial (Bare Irradiation) 1mm thickness cadmium cover (Cadmium Covered Irradiation) Figure 4.7: 2 set of monitors irradiated in bare condition and with cadmium cover, respectively 40` Table 4.1: Monitors and relevant nuclear data require in the work [30]. Monitor Er, eV Au-197 5.65 ± 7.1 Co-59 136 ± 5.1 Qo Half life E, keV Fcd 15.71± 1.8 2.69 ± 0.10 d 411.8 0.991 1.99 ± 2.7 5.27 ± 0.02 y 1173.2 1 1332.5 Zr-94 6260 ± 4.0 4.61 64.03 ± 0.01 d 724.2 1 756.7 Zr-96 338 ± 2.1 231.00 16.74 ± 0.10 h 657.9 1 743.3 Zn-64 Zn-68 Mo-98 4.5 2560 ± 10.0 590 ± 10.0 241 ± 20.0 1.91±4.9 3.19±1.4 53.10±6.3 244.00 ± 0.08 d 13.76 ± 0.15 h 6.02 ± 0.30 h 1115.5 1 438.6 1 140.5 1 Analysis of Environmental reference materials Overall evaluation of absolute method was performed by analyzing IAEA lake sediment Soil-1 and Soil-7 samples in order to assess the accuracy and precision of the method. The neutron activation of Soil-1 and Soil-7 samples were carried out at irradiation position 10, 22, 27, and 31 of the MNA TRIGA reactor. Approximately 30 mg of each sample was weighted and irradiated in calibrated position of rotary rack facilities. The samples thus prepared were sealed in a plastic and enclosed in polyethylene vial to avoid contamination of the samples. The samples then were irradiated for one hour in stationary mode. The measurement was performed in two series. The first series of measurements were performed at large sample-detector distance after one day cooling time for short half life nuclide. The second series were measured at 2 cm from detector after one week cooling time for longer half life nuclide. The counting was performed using HPGe detector as close as possible of the calibration sources. The samples irradiated at irradiation position 22 were measured using Canberra detector while the rest of the irradiation positions were measured 41` using Ortec detector. For each sample, measurement time was 1 hour and the dead time did not exceed 10%. Concentrations for various elements were calculated and the results were compared to the certified values. Figure 4.8: IAEA lake sediment sample sealed in a labeled plastic and irradiated with standard polyethylene vial. CHAPTER V RESULT AND DISCUSSION 5.0 Introduction This chapter will discuss the results obtained from the experiment results data are presented in the table and graph. The discussions will be on the explanation of the analysis method and evaluation of the findings. 5.1 Calibration of Detector Efficiency The efficiency calibration of the two HPGe detectors available at the Malaysia Nuclear Agency, Ortec GEM-10185 detector with Gamma Vision software and Canberra GC3018 detector with Genie 2000 software are presented. These two calibrated detectors will be utilized to measure the energies and intensities of gamma rays from irradiated samples. Prior to the use of the detector in measuring monitors and samples, the 43 detectors were first calibrated extensively using six standard point sources namely Cs-137, Am-241, Ba-133, Eu-152, Co-60 and Na-22. The original activity and the manufacture date of the calibration standard point sources are known, and the current activity were calculated using the half-life of the standard point sources. The current activities of standard gamma point sources measured on 18 August 08 are shown in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: Activity and Information on Radioactive Gamma Sources * Sources Activity* (kBq) Half Life,t1/2 (s) Elapsed time,t (s) Cs-137 358.1 9.52E+08 1.70E+08 Activity (kBq) 18.08.08 316443.55 Am-241 365.0 1.37E+10 1.70E+08 361868.48 Ba-133 381.8 3.31E+08 1.70E+08 267617.70 Eu-152 366.8 4.29E+08 1.57E+08 284810.89 Co-60 367.1 1.66E+08 1.70E+08 180872.45 Na-22 331.3 8.21E+07 1.70E+08 78976.82 Original activities of Cs, Am, Ba, Co and Na were measured on 01.04.2003 Original activity of Eu was measured on 01.09.2003 5.1.1 Ortec Detector Calibration The Ortec detector efficiency calibrations were performed at 10 cm, 6 cm and 2 cm distances from the endcap detector. Table 5.2-5.4 represented the efficiency of the standard gamma point sources measured at the three different distances. The standard gamma source efficiencies were then fitted into a suitable poly log function as shown in Chapter III Equation (52). The fitted parameter P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 were then obtained by regression statistics using Microsoft Excel data analysis. Finally, the efficiency equation is established from the known fitted parameter which allowed for 44 the efficiency evaluation at particular energies of interest. Besides that, the resulting full energy peak detection efficiency was plotted against gamma ray energy in logarithmic scale. Table 5.2: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 10 cm from Ortec detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak area Efficiency,åã (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 52 11056 0.00084 59.89 0.3630 169 11689 0.00053 81.43 0.3275 429 41354 0.00114 276.75 0.0730 429 10406 0.00129 303.21 0.1862 429 24989 0.00121 356.35 0.6227 429 77747 0.00113 384.16 0.0884 429 10704 0.00109 122.32 0.2924 420 46344 0.00141 245.15 0.0762 420 11783 0.00137 344.68 0.2700 420 34847 0.00115 411.53 0.0226 420 2638 0.00103 779.21 0.1299 420 10768 0.00074 867.68 0.0418 420 3300 0.00070 964.39 0.1458 420 10560 0.00064 1086.24 0.1029 420 6656 0.00057 1408.08 0.2121 420 12440 0.00052 1173.53 0.9998 118 11568 0.00057 1332.91 0.9986 118 10500 0.00052 1274.54 0.9994 233 10529 0.00056 45 Table 5.3: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 6 cm from Ortec detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak Efficiency,åã area (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 18 10676 0.00258 59.89 0.3630 41 13563 0.00255 81.43 0.3275 131 56043 0.00570 276.75 0.0730 131 10663 0.00486 303.21 0.1862 131 25660 0.00459 356.35 0.6227 131 77683 0.00415 384.16 0.0884 131 10401 0.00392 122.32 0.2924 186 74571 0.00609 245.15 0.0762 186 16386 0.00514 344.68 0.2700 186 47796 0.00423 411.53 0.0226 186 3044 0.00321 779.21 0.1299 186 12612 0.00232 867.68 0.0418 186 3720 0.00213 964.39 0.1458 186 12404 0.00203 1086.24 0.1029 186 7414 0.00172 1408.08 0.2121 186 14097 0.00159 1173.53 0.9998 60 14946 0.00168 1332.91 0.9986 60 13349 0.00150 1274.54 0.9994 98 11075 0.00160 46 Table 5.4: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 2 cm from Ortec detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak Efficiency,åã area (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 10 26578 0.01736 59.89 0.3630 10 21882 0.01804 81.43 0.3275 31 77486 0.05621 276.75 0.0730 31 12182 0.03964 303.21 0.1862 31 29749 0.03795 356.35 0.6227 31 85915 0.03278 384.16 0.0884 31 12509 0.03362 122.32 0.2924 40 75514 0.05792 344.68 0.2700 40 38530 0.03200 779.21 0.1299 40 7613 0.01314 867.68 0.0418 40 1915 0.01028 964.39 0.1458 40 7821 0.01203 1086.24 0.1029 40 5123 0.01117 1408.08 0.2121 40 9633 0.01019 1173.53 0.9998 30 20142 0.00742 1332.91 0.9986 30 18488 0.00682 1274.54 0.9994 36 13994 0.00737 47 Table 5.5: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 10 cm from Ortec detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 10 cm 0.65615 -0.83191 0.27096 -0.03113 0.00134 Efficiency equation for sample-detector distance of 10 cm from Ortec detector: (E) 0.65615 0.83191ln(E) 0.27096ln(E) 2 0.03113ln(E)3 0.00134ln(E) 4 E Table 5.6: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 6 cm from Ortec detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 6 cm -16.31913 9.44252 -2.06422 0.21685 -0.00877 Efficiency equation for sample-detector distance of 6 cm from Ortec detector: (E) = 16.31913 9.44252 ln(E) 2.06422 ln(E)2 0.21685ln(E)3 0.00877 ln(E) 4 E Table 5.7: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 2 cm from Ortec detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 2 cm -506.79230 349.85297 -91.31518 10.83450 -0.48875 Efficiency equation for sample-detector distance of 2 cm from Ortec detector: (E) = 506.792 349.853ln(E) 91.315ln(E) 2 10.834 ln(E)3 0.489ln(E) 4 E 48 Figure 5.1: Full energy peak detection efficiency curve for Ortec detector at three sample-detector distances. 5.1.2 Canberra Detector calibration The Canberra detector efficiency calibrations were performed at 12 cm, 8 cm and 2 cm distances from the endcap detector. The efficiency results of standard gamma point sources were presented in Table 5.8-5.10. The fitted parameter P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 were determined in order to obtain the efficiency equation for the three sources-detector distances. The efficiency curve plotted against gamma ray energy in logarithmic scale for 12 cm, 8 cm, and 2 cm sources-detector distances are presented in Figure 5.2. 49 Table 5.8: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 12 cm from Canberra detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak Efficiency,åã area (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 40 11200 0.001116 59.89 0.3630 101 11800 0.000899 81.43 0.3275 315 41200 0.001598 276.75 0.0730 315 10200 0.001775 303.21 0.1862 315 24100 0.001644 356.35 0.6227 315 76800 0.001567 384.16 0.0884 315 10500 0.001509 122.32 0.2924 285 42400 0.001978 245.15 0.0762 285 10900 0.001952 344.68 0.2700 285 31300 0.001581 411.53 0.0226 285 2270 0.001367 779.21 0.1299 285 9970 0.001047 867.68 0.0418 285 3080 0.001006 964.39 0.1458 285 10100 0.000945 1086.24 0.1029 285 6510 0.000863 1408.08 0.2121 285 11700 0.000752 1173.53 0.9998 90 12900 0.000850 1332.91 0.9986 90 12100 0.000798 1274.54 0.9994 165 10100 0.000789 50 Table 5.9: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 8 cm from Canberra detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak Efficiency,åã area (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 16 10900 0.002916 59.89 0.3630 30 11800 0.003083 81.43 0.3275 126 52300 0.005625 276.75 0.0730 126 10600 0.005115 303.21 0.1862 126 25200 0.004767 356.35 0.6227 126 78000 0.004412 384.16 0.0884 126 10600 0.004224 122.32 0.2924 131 58200 0.006689 245.15 0.0762 131 12500 0.005516 344.68 0.2700 131 36200 0.004506 411.53 0.0226 131 2610 0.003874 779.21 0.1299 131 10600 0.002742 867.68 0.0418 131 3220 0.002591 964.39 0.1458 131 10100 0.002328 1086.24 0.1029 131 6620 0.002162 1408.08 0.2121 131 11600 0.001838 1173.53 0.9998 36 11200 0.002019 1332.91 0.9986 36 10300 0.001859 1274.54 0.9994 77 10100 0.001838 51 Table 5.10: Standard gamma sources efficiency at the distance of 2 cm from Canberra detector Sources Energy (keV) Cs-137 Am-241 Ba-133 Eu-152 Co-60 Na-22 Net peak Efficiency,åã area (count) Counting time,t (s) 661.62 Gamma Abundance,ã (%) 0.8462 5 22100 0.029102 59.89 0.3630 5 24500 0.047028 81.43 0.3275 30 97600 0.087898 276.75 0.0730 30 13400 0.054141 303.21 0.1862 30 33300 0.052748 356.35 0.6227 30 100000 0.047366 384.16 0.0884 30 15200 0.050715 122.32 0.2924 30 77600 0.086495 245.15 0.0762 30 13700 0.058627 344.68 0.2700 30 40400 0.048767 411.53 0.0226 30 2710 0.039012 779.21 0.1299 30 9850 0.024713 867.68 0.0418 30 2560 0.019980 964.39 0.1458 30 8840 0.019761 1086.24 0.1029 30 6840 0.021664 1408.08 0.2121 30 9470 0.014552 1173.53 0.9998 10 16000 0.016379 1332.91 0.9986 10 14400 0.014759 1274.54 0.9994 20 13100 0.012399 Table 5.11: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 12 cm from Canberra detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 52 12 cm 11.36677 -9.25046 2.70733 -0.33887 0.01579 Efficiency equation at sample-detector distance of 12 cm from Canberra detector: (E) 11.36677 9.25046 ln(E) 2.70733ln(E)2 0.33887 ln(E)3 0.01579 ln(E) 4 E Table 5.12: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 8 cm from Canberra detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 8 cm 5.74048 -7.17705 2.58056 -0.35480 0.01752 Efficiency equation at sample-detector distance of 8 cm from Canberra detector: (E) 5.74048 7.17705 ln(E) 2.58056 ln(E) 2 0.35480 ln(E)3 0.01752 ln(E) 4 E Table 5.13: Parameters P1 to P5 determined at the distance of 2 cm from Canberra detector Parameters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 2 cm -965.20457 691.60687 -185.59302 22.27458 -1.00076 Efficiency equation at sample-detector distance of 2 cm from Canberra detector: (E) 965.205 691.607 ln(E) 185.593 ln(E) 2 22.275 ln(E) 3 1.001ln(E) 4 E 53 Figure 5.2: Full energy peak detection efficiency curve for Canberra detector at three sample- detector distances. The value of efficiency is dependent on the sample-detector distance and energy. Therefore, each of the counting geometry requires an efficiency calibration. For both detector calibrations, the energies of standard gamma point sources ranged from 59.88 keV to 1408.08 keV. There should be no large energy gaps between the efficiency values that would cause a large efficiency interpolation error. The efficiencies of standard gamma point sources were used in establishing the detector efficiency curve as a function of energy for its defined distance and energy range. The resulting efficiency curve for Ortec and Canberra detector were shown in Fig 5.1 and Fig 5.2. The efficiency of germanium gamma ray spectroscopy increased when the samples are placed closer to the detector for counting the low radioactivity samples. 54 For an ideal efficiency calibration and procedure, the efficiency curve should be a smooth function of energy at spectral range from 59.88 keV to 1332.51 keV. Excellent efficiency curves were established for long and short sources-detector distances with ÷ squared per degree of freedom between 0.99. Therefore, the two detector used in this experiment have a very good resolution and sensitivity for long and short sources-detector distances. However, the results will be less precise at shorter distances (2 cm) as the uncertainty increases rapidly with the dead time. The efficiency value may be interpolated or extrapolated from measured efficiency value but resulted some loss in accuracy. Therefore, the efficiency results were fitted into a least squares of 4 th order polynomial where P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 represent the fitted parameters. The efficiency equation established from standard gamma sources then can be used to estimate the irradiated sample’s efficiency in the absolute method of NAA. 5.2 Result of á by the Cd ratio The parameter á was determined by cadmium ratio method using five monitors at irradiation position 10, 22, 27, and 31 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor. 5.2.1 Result of á at Irradiation Position 10 The nuclear reactions 94 Zr (n,ã) 95 Zr, 96 197 Zr (n,ã)97Zr, Au (n,ã) 64 198 Zn (n,ã) Au, 65 98 Zn, Mo (n,ã) 67 99 Zn (n,ã) determination of the á parameter to account for the 1/E 1+á Mo, 68 59 Co (n,ã) 60 Co, Zn were used in spectrum. The monitors’ 55 specific activities induced bare and with cadmium covered as presented in Table 5.14 were used to find the cadmium ratio. Table 5.14: Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 10 of the rotary rack Monitors Energy, keV Asp, bare Asp, cd Rcd Au-198 411.97 1.0790E+09 4.9858E+08 2.16 Mo-99 140.89 1.2765E+05 8.4901E+04 1.50 Zn-65 1115.67 2.2379E+06 2.1711E+05 10.31 Zn-68 438.78 9.1595E+04 1.2292E+04 7.45 1173.42 4.2631E+08 2.4319E+07 17.53 1332.5 3.9077E+08 2.2569E+07 17.31 658.22 3.8887E+04 3.4489E+04 1.13 743.41 3.2672E+04 2.9241E+04 1.12 756.67 6.7105E+04 1.7572E+04 3.82 724.13 6.2859E+04 1.4617E+04 4.30 Co-60 Zr-97 Zr-95 Table 5.15 presents part results of the “iterative linear regression” method extracted from a spreadsheet calculation in determination of á value. Firstly, á value is assumed to be equal to zero in order to calculate Qá, and log (Yi) for the five monitors. The final á value was adopted from simple linear least square regression and iterative analysis procedure to obtain a consistent value of á parameter. Figures 5.3-5.6 show the graphical representation of log (Yi) versus log (Er) for the five irradiation positions studied at rotary rack TRIGA reactor, from which the á values were obtained from the slope of the straight line. 56 Table 5.15: Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 10 of the rotary rack Monitors Log (Er) Step1 Step 8 Log (Y1) Q(1) Log (Y8) Q(8) Au-198 0.7520 -1.2549 17.0259 -1.2547 17.2206 Mo-99 2.3820 -1.4272 68.4774 -1.4265 70.9805 Zn-65 3.408 -1.2494 2.5925 -1.2206 2.7103 Zn-68 2.7709 -1.3134 4.1775 -1.2999 4.3418 Co-60 2.1335 -1.5149 2.4266 -1.4992 2.4962 Zr-97 2.5289 -1.4392 302.9429 -1.4391 314.7561 Zr-95 3.7966 -1.1406 6.7446 -1.1275 7.1215 1 = 0.04662 8 = 0.05320 The first iteration (step1) resulted in 1 = 0.04662. The resulting value was used as a starting point for next iteration. The iterative procedure is carried out until no significant variation of á value. The eighth and last iteration (step 8) lead to 8 = 0.05320. The result of the last iterative derived from the cadmium covered multi monitor method is graphically presented in Figure 5.3. 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 -0.4 Log Yi -0.6 -0.8 -1 y = 0.05320x - 1.45898 R2 = 0.14969 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 Log Er Figure 5.3: Parameter á measurement at position 10 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor 57 5.2.2 Result of á at Irradiation Position 22 Table 5.16: Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 22 of the rotary rack Monitors Energy, keV Asp, bare Asp, cd Rcd Au-198 411.97 1.1982E+09 5.3275E+08 2.25 Mo-99 140.89 1.3521E+05 9.5818E+04 1.41 Zn-65 1115.67 2.6022E+06 2.1752E+05 11.96 Zn-68 438.78 9.6212E+04 1.2055E+04 7.98 1173.42 5.0521E+08 2.8173E+07 17.93 1332.5 4.7185E+08 2.6303E+07 17.94 658.22 3.7592E+04 3.5478E+04 1.06 743.41 3.4244E+04 2.9472E+04 1.16 756.67 7.7372E+04 1.6547E+04 4.68 724.13 5.8653E+04 1.2926E+04 4.54 Co-60 Zr-97 Zr-95 Table 5.17: Result of á parameter at irradiation position 22 calculated by iterative linear regression method Monitors Log (Er) Step1 Step 8 Log (Y1) Q(1) Log (Y8) Q(8) Au-198 0.7520 -1.2857 16.4477 -1.2856 16.5637 Mo-99 2.3820 -1.3390 61.3949 -1.3386 62.7741 Zn-65 3.408 -1.3205 2.2685 -1.3028 2.3304 Zn-68 2.7709 -1.3477 3.7179 -1.3394 3.8068 Co-60 2.1335 -1.5283 2.2284 -1.5188 2.2672 Zr-97 2.5289 -1.3440 269.6668 -1.3439 276.1291 Zr-95 3.7966 -1.2133 5.7222 -1.2051 5.9161 1 = 0.02661 8 = 0.03069 58 0 -0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -0.4 Log Yi -0.6 -0.8 y = 0.03069x - 1.41137 R2 = 0.10024 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 Log Er Figure 5.4: Parameter á measurement at position 22 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor 5.2.3 Result of á at Irradiation Position 27 Table 5.18: Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 27 of the rotary rack Monitors Energy, keV Asp, bare Asp, cd Rcd Au-198 411.97 1.8876E+09 8.5707E+08 2.20 Mo-99 140.89 2.2225E+05 1.4971E+05 1.48 Zn-65 1115.67 4.0181E+06 3.5312E+05 11.38 Zn-68 438.78 1.2648E+05 1.9712E+04 6.42 1173.42 8.4384E+08 4.3163E+07 19.55 1332.5 7.7893E+08 3.9894E+07 19.52 756.67 1.1598E+05 2.5262E+04 4.59 724.13 9.1537E+04 2.1999E+04 4.61 Co-60 Zr-95 59 Table 5.19: Result of á parameter at irradiation position 27 calculated by iterative linear regression method Monitors Log (Er) Step1 Step 8 Log (Y1) Q(1) Log (Y8) Q(8) Au-198 0.7520 -1.2690 16.8488 -1.2689 17.0197 Mo-99 2.3820 -1.4104 66.2525 -1.4098 68.3993 Zn-65 3.408 -1.2967 2.4891 -1.2711 2.5888 Zn-68 2.7709 -1.2375 4.0323 -1.2255 4.1724 Co-60 2.1335 -1.5676 2.3646 -1.5536 2.4245 Zr-95 3.7966 -1.1838 6.4164 -1.1721 6.7330 1 = 0.04057 8 = 0.04641 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 -0.4 Log Yi -0.6 -0.8 -1 y = 0.04641x - 1.43474 R2 = 0.12636 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 Log Er Figure 5.5: Parameter á measurement at position 27 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor 60 5.2.4 Result of á at Irradiation Position 31 Table 5.20: Specific activities for 5 monitors irradiated bare and with cadmium cover at irradiation position 31 of the rotary rack Monitors Energy, keV Asp, bare Asp, cd Rcd Au-198 411.97 1.2976E+09 5.7952E+08 2.24 Mo-99 140.89 1.6559E+05 1.0974E+05 1.51 Zn-65 1115.67 2.8846E+06 2.7291E+05 10.57 Zn-68 438.78 1.1780E+05 1.6951E+04 6.95 1173.42 5.3633E+08 3.1944E+07 16.79 1332.5 4.8850E+08 2.9763E+07 16.41 658.22 4.6748E+04 4.3015E+04 1.09 743.41 3.8634E+04 3.5702E+04 1.08 756.67 8.2597E+04 2.1998E+04 3.75 724.13 6.9552E+04 1.8768E+04 3.71 Co-60 Zr-97 Zr-95 Table 5.21: Result of á parameter at irradiation position 31 calculated by iterative linear regression method Monitors Log (Er) Step1 Step 8 Log (Y1) Q(1) Log (Y8) Q(8) Au-198 0.7520 -1.2821 17.2703 -1.2820 17.4860 Mo-99 2.3820 -1.4318 71.6296 -1.4310 74.4924 Zn-65 3.408 -1.2615 2.7412 -1.2286 2.8786 Zn-68 2.7709 -1.2783 4.3845 -1.2628 4.5737 Co-60 2.1335 -1.4926 2.5141 -1.4746 2.5932 Zr-97 2.5289 -1.3090 341.2223 -1.3088 355.7705 Zr-95 3.7966 -1.1320 7.9313 -1.1185 8.4202 1 = 0.05486 8 = 0.06204 61 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -0.2 -0.4 Log Yi -0.6 -0.8 -1 y = 0.06204x - 1.45844 R2 = 0.25406 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 Log Er Figure 5.6: Parameter á measurement at position 31 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor The results at irradiation position 10, 22, 27, and 31 are -0.0532±0.0056, 0.0307 ± 0.0058, -0.0464 ± 0.0048, and -0.0620 ± 0.0056, respectively. The coefficient correlation R2 shown in graph are poor as the values for the four irradiation positions are small. A larger positive value associated with a higher thermalization will have a better coefficient correlation. It is found that the value of parameter is negative inside the rotary rack of reactor. The error analysis on of the five monitors set irradiated at irradiation position irradiation 10, 22, 27, and 31 are reported in appendix B, C, D and E, respectively. The uncertainties of the were estimated by using the error propagation theory [15]. The overall uncertainties depend on the nuclear data and experimental values. Since the rotary rack is a cylindrical model, it might be expected that the parameter would be the same at all the irradiation positions. However, the results obtained from experiment show variation at different irradiation positions. The parameter depends on the reactor configuration which is related to the physical properties of the reactor system. A higher thermalization is associated with a larger positive value which corresponds to softening of the epithermal spectrum relatuve 62 to 1/E spectrum. The deviations of the epithermal flux distribution from ideal 1/E distribution increase with increasing . The values of diverge tremendously with high or poor thermalization. The result (-0.03 to -0.06) for the four irradiation positions predispose the TRIGA reactor as an under moderated thermalization reactor type. Therefore, the irradiation facility is operated under safe condition. It is consider suitable for reactor physics experiments and also ideal for absolute NAA application. Knowledge of the coefficient in the irradiation position of rotary rack is required for correction of the resonance integral values I() in the 1/E 1+á epithermal neutron flux distribution. Although this effect is often overlooked or neglected, it can have considerable influence on the value of the resonance integrals for use in a particular irradiation position 5.3 Calculation of thermal to epithermal flux ratio The results of f , ratios between the thermal and epithermal neutron flux, carried out at irradiation position 10, 22, 27, and 31 are presented in Table 5.22. The f parameter was determined using the same experiment as in á determination but using only gold monitor. The cadmium transmission factor, Fcd for gold is 0.991. Qo (á) is the ratio of resonance integral to (n, ã) cross section for gold monitor including a correction parameter á. The higher the thermalization at the irradiation site the higher is the f value. As TRIGA rector provides a stable irradiation facility, there is a slight variation in the f value as shown in the results providing that f is consider constant over the irradiation position. 63 Table 5.22: The results of thermal to epithermal flux ratio of corresponding irradiation positions Irradiation Position Rcd Qo (á) f 10 2.16 17.2206 19.71 ± 0.45 22 2.25 16.5637 27 2.20 17.0197 31 2.24 17.4860 20.35 ± 0.42 20.13 ± 0.77 21.68 ± 0.48 5.4 Thermal and epithermal neutron flux Results The thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes at irradiation position 10, 22, 27, and 31 were determined from the reaction rates measured from the induced activities of the 198 Au irradiated under bare and with cadmium cover condition. The gold’s efficiency at 411.97 keV is 0.00102 (performed using Ortec detector at 10 cm) and 0.00145 (performed using Canberra detector at 12 cm). Table 5.23: Activity of bare gold at irradiation positions 10, 22, 27, and 31 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor Irradiation position Mass (mg) 1.9667 Net Area (Count) 10092 Saturation factor, S 1.07E-02 Decay factor, D 7.79E-01 Counting factor, C 1.51E-03 10 Asp, bare 1.11E+12 22 1.8000 12105 1.07E-02 7.80E-01 1.78E-03 1.23E+12 27 1.8000 12300 1.07E-02 7.55E-01 1.19E-03 1.37E+12 31 2.3000 11124 1.07E-02 7.77E-01 1.19E-03 1.33E+12 64 Table 5.24: Activity of gold irradiated with cadmium cover at irradiation positions 10, 22, 27, and 31 of rotary rack TRIGA reactor Irradiation position Mass (mg) 2.0330 Net Area (Count) 10074 Saturation factor, S 1.07E-02 Decay factor, D 8.19E-01 Counting factor, C 3.01E-03 10 5.12E+11 22 1.8000 21204 2.12E-02 7.73E-01 3.57E-03 5.47E+11 27 1.9000 10900 1.07E-02 7.91E-01 2.10E-03 6.20E+11 31 2.4000 10152 1.07E-02 8.11E-01 2.23E-03 5.95E+11 A sp, cd Table 5.25: The results of thermal and epithermal neutron flux of corresponding irradiation position. Irradiation position ( rotary rack reactor) 10 22 27 31 th 10 cm-2s-1 1.9553 ± 0.0455 12 epi 10 cm-2s-1 9.9192 ± 0.4571 10 2.2412 ± 0.2054 11.0132 ± 2.4494 2.4192 ± 0.0525 11.1586 ± 0.4892 2.4475 ± 0.0991 12.1597 ± 0.9575 The burn up effect of Au, due to the fact that 198Au may capture a neutron to form another isotope is negligible for short irradiating time and moderate neutron fluence rates. The measured thermal and epithermal neutron flux shows that the irradiation positions in rotary rack are well thermalized with about 95% of thermal neutrons over epithermal neutrons. Obviously, it can be observed that the thermal neutron flux is the dominant neutron flux in the reactor. However, the relatively low epithermal flux would result in poorer sensitivity for some elements. They are sometimes useful in NAA for several elements (e.g. Br, Rb, Sr, Mo,Ba, Ta and U) that have higher relative reaction rates for epithermal neutrons than for thermal neutrons. The result forf thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes at irradiation positions 10, 22, 27 and 31 in Table 5.25 showed a significant variation. Therefore, monitoring the flux variation at the rotary rack in the determination of element concentration at 65 different irradiation positions will enhance the quality of result. 5.5 HOGDAHL Reaction Rate for Irradiated Elements The knowledge of neutron reactor parameter, thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes at the rotary racks of the reactor are required to calculate the irradiated sample’s reaction rate using HOGDAHL convention. The HOGDAHL convention expresses the reaction rate for irradiated element in terms of neutron flux at irradiation site and element nuclear data parameters. Table 5.26 - 5.29 represent the results of saturated specific gamma ray emission rate for sample irradiated at rotary rack position of 10, 22, 27, and 31, respectively. All nuclear data including the thermal neutron capture cross sectio , óo and the ratio of resonance integral to (n, ã ) cross section for a 1/E spectrum, Qo are taken from the literature data. For the correction of an epithermal neutron spectrum of the type 1/E , the values of Qo which is tabulated in the literature should be 1+á converted into Qo(á) in order to determine the resonance integral, I(á). The used of uncorrected resonance integral, Io without a correction parameter could lead to errors in the determination of elemental concentration. . 66 Table 5.26: HOGDAHL reaction rate of elements irradiated at irradiation position 10 of rotary rack. Analyte Qo óo Er Qá Iá R (s-1) As 13.6 4.50E-24 106 17.34 7.81E-23 1.65E-11 La 1.32 8.93E-24 76 1.59 1.42E-23 1.89E-11 Mn 1.05 1.33E-23 468 1.33 1.76E-23 2.78E-11 Na 0.587 5.30E-25 3380 0.71 3.76E-25 1.07E-12 Sc 0.44 2.72E-23 5130 0.48 1.31E-23 5.45E-11 Sm 14.4 2.06E-22 8.53 16.12 3.32E-21 7.32E-10 Ga 6.62 4.71E-24 154 8.56 4.03E-23 1.32E-11 K 0.97 1.46E-24 2960 1.29 1.89E-24 3.04E-12 Hf 2.68 1.30E-23 115 3.36 4.38E-23 2.98E-11 Ba 17.7 1.13E-23 69.9 22.11 2.50E-22 4.69E-11 Cr 0.49 1.59E-23 7530 0.56 8.95E-24 3.20E-11 Sb 33.9 5.90E-24 13.1 38.8 2.29E-22 3.43E-11 Ce 0.82 5.70E-25 7200 1.09 6.23E-25 1.18E-12 Th 11.53 7.37E-24 54.4 14.2 1.05E-22 2.48E-11 Fe 1.33 1.28E-24 637 1.74 2.22E-24 2.72E-12 Co 1.993 3.71E-23 136 2.50 9.27E-23 8.18E-11 Rb 15.6 4.80E-25 839 22.17 1.06E-23 1.99E-12 Yb 0.46 1.26E-22 602 0.51 6.41E-23 2.53E-10 U 103.4 2.68E-24 16.9 120.15 3.22E-22 3.72E-11 Cs 15.1 2.90E-23 16.98 4.92E-22 1.06E-10 Tb 17.9 2.34E-23 18.1 20.85 4.88E-22 9.41E-11 Ca 1.3 7.40E-25 1330000 2.31 1.71E-24 1.62E-12 9.27 67 Table 5.27: HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated at irradiation position 22 rotary rack. Analyte Qo óo Er Qá Iá R (s-1) As 13.6 4.50E-24 106 15.65 7.04E-23 1.78E-11 La 1.32 8.93E-24 76 1.47 1.31E-23 2.15E-11 Mn 1.05 1.33E-23 468 1.20 1.59E-23 3.16E-11 Na 0.587 5.30E-25 3380 0.65 3.45E-25 1.23E-12 Sc 0.44 2.72E-23 5130 0.46 1.26E-23 6.23E-11 Sm 14.4 2.06E-22 8.53 15.37 3.17E-21 8.10E-10 Ga 6.62 4.71E-24 154 7.67 3.61E-23 1.45E-11 K 0.97 1.46E-24 2960 1.14 1.66E-24 3.46E-12 Hf 2.68 1.30E-23 115 3.05 3.98E-23 3.36E-11 Ba 17.7 1.13E-23 69.9 20.12 2.27E-22 5.04E-11 Cr 0.49 1.59E-23 7530 0.53 8.41E-24 3.66E-11 Sb 33.9 5.90E-24 13.1 36.67 2.16E-22 3.71E-11 Ce 0.82 5.70E-25 7200 0.96 5.48E-25 1.34E-12 Th 11.53 7.37E-24 54.4 13.00 9.58E-23 2.71E-11 Fe 1.33 1.28E-24 637 1.55 1.98E-24 3.09E-12 Rb 15.6 4.80E-25 839 19.10 9.17E-24 2.09E-12 Yb 0.46 6.94E-23 602 0.40 2.78E-23 1.59E-10 Yb 0.46 1.26E-22 602 0.49 6.13E-23 2.89E-10 U 103.4 2.68E-24 16.9 112.75 3.02E-22 3.93E-11 Tb 17.9 2.34E-23 18.1 19.54 4.57E-22 1.03E-10 Cs 15.1 2.90E-23 9.27 16.16 4.69E-22 1.17E-10 Ca 1.3 7.40E-25 1330000 1.79 1.33E-24 1.80E-12 68 Table 5.28: HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated at irradiation position 27 rotary rack. Analyte Qo óo Er Qá Iá R (s-1) As 13.6 4.50E-24 106 16.81 7.57E-23 2.02E-11 La 1.32 8.93E-24 76 1.55 1.38E-23 2.35E-11 Mn 1.05 1.33E-23 468 1.29 1.71E-23 3.46E-11 Na 0.587 5.30E-25 3380 0.69 3.66E-25 1.34E-12 Sc 0.44 2.72E-23 5130 0.48 1.30E-23 6.81E-11 Sm 14.4 2.06E-22 8.53 15.89 3.27E-21 9.02E-10 Ga 6.62 4.71E-24 154 8.28 3.90E-23 1.63E-11 K 0.97 1.46E-24 2960 1.24 1.82E-24 3.79E-12 Hf 2.68 1.30E-23 115 3.27 4.26E-23 3.71E-11 Ba 17.7 1.13E-23 69.9 21.49 2.43E-22 5.72E-11 Cr 0.49 1.59E-23 7530 0.55 8.78E-24 4.00E-11 Sb 33.9 5.90E-24 28.2 583.78 2.39E-21 4.18E-11 Ce 0.82 5.70E-25 7200 1.05 5.99E-25 1.47E-12 Th 11.53 7.37E-24 54.4 13.82 1.02E-22 3.04E-11 Fe 1.33 1.28E-24 637 1.68 2.14E-24 3.39E-12 Co 1.99 3.71E-23 136 2.42 9.00E-23 1.02E-10 Ta 32.2 2.05E-23 10.4 35.88 7.36E-22 1.40E-10 Zn 1.91 7.60E-25 2560 2.59 1.97E-24 2.10E-12 Yb 0.46 1.26E-22 602 0.50 6.42E-23 3.16E-10 U 103.4 2.68E-24 16.9 117.87 3.16E-22 4.50E-11 Tb 17.9 2.34E-23 18.1 20.44 4.78E-22 1.15E-10 Cs 15.1 2.90E-23 9.27 16.73 4.85E-22 1.30E-10 Ca 1.3 7.40E-25 1330000 1.79 1.33E-24 2.00E-12 69 Table 5.29: HOGDAHL reaction rate for elements irradiated at irradiation position 31 rotary rack. Analyte Qo óo Er Qá Iá R (s-1) As 13.6 4.50E-24 106 18.89 8.13E-23 2.00E-11 La 1.32 8.93E-24 76 1.70 1.51E-23 2.32E-11 Mn 1.05 1.33E-23 468 1.45 1.92E-23 3.42E-11 Na 0.587 5.30E-25 3380 0.76 4.04E-25 1.33E-12 Sc 0.44 2.72E-23 5130 0.50 1.36E-23 6.73E-11 Sm 14.4 2.06E-22 8.53 16.78 3.46E-21 8.76E-10 Ga 6.62 4.71E-24 154 9.37 4.41E-23 1.61E-11 K 0.97 1.46E-24 2960 1.44 2.10E-24 3.75E-12 2.68 1.30E-23 115 3.64 4.75E-23 3.66E-11 17.7 1.13E-23 69.9 22.95 2.59E-22 5.63E-11 0.49 1.59E-23 7530 0.60 9.47E-24 3.95E-11 33.9 5.90E-24 13.1 39.74 2.34E-22 4.04E-11 1.21 9.50E-25 1540 1.70 1.62E-24 2.48E-12 11.53 7.37E-24 54.4 15.27 1.13E-22 2.99E-11 1.33 1.28E-24 637 1.91 2.45E-24 3.36E-12 1.99 3.71E-23 136 2.71 1.00E-22 1.01E-10 Hf Ba Cr Sb Ce Th Fe Co Yb U 0.39 6.94E-23 602 0.42 2.90E-23 3.12E-10 103.4 2.68E-24 16.9 126.63 3.39E-22 4.33E-11 Tb 17.9 2.34E-23 18.1 21.99 5.15E-22 1.12E-10 Cs 15.1 2.90E-23 9.27 17.70 5.13E-22 1.26E-10 1.3 7.40E-25 1330000 2.88 2.13E-24 2.00E-11 15.6 4.80E-25 839 23.51 1.13E-23 2.42E-11 Ca Rb 70 5.6 Elemental Analysis Using Absolute Method The elements concentrations were determined by measuring the reaction rates of the irradiated samples and analysis by using NAA absolute method. During the first period after one day from the end of irradiation, elements As, La, Mn, Na, Sm, K, Sc and Ga could be determined. The other elements are counted after one week, measured at 2 cm from the calibrated detector. A large number of gamma ray spectra were collected for the irradiated Soil-1 and Soil-7 samples. The quantitative analysis were carried out for radioisotopes using the most higher energy peaks, normally having less interference than lower energy peaks and with low statistical errors. The nuclear properties of the elements required in absolute neutron activation technique are taken from the compiled literature data [21]. The elemental concentration results obtained by NAA absolute experimental were compared to the certified values issued by International Atomic Energy Agency as clarified in Table 5.31-5.38. The results for Soil-1 and Soil-7 obtained at irradiation positions 10, 22, 27, and 31 agree reasonably well with the certified values which reflects the accuracy of the method. The deviation between experimental and certified value is expressed as the ratio between experimental values and certified values. The percentage deviation between measured concentrations and reference values are mostly below 10% and only a few element exceeds 20%. The accuracy of the Soil-1 and Soil-7 in term of concentration were statistically evaluated using z-score for comparison between experimental results and certified values. The Z-score value is defined by: z x exp 2 exp x cert 2 cert z x exp 2 exp x cert 2 cert where xexp and xcert are the experimental and certified value, respectively, while óexp 71 and ócert are the experimental and certified uncertainty respectively. The criterion for evaluation Z-score is as Table 5.30. In this work, all the results are graphically presented as the ratio between experimental to certified value with Z-score plotted as Y-error bar as presented in Figures 5.7-5.14. Table 5.30: The criterion for Z-score Z≤2 The result is accepted 2<Z<3 The result is inspected and possibly accepted Z≥3 The result is not accepted From Table 5.31, there were 20 elements determined in Soil-1 sample irradiated at irradiation position 10. The ratio of experimental to certified value was between 0.77 (Rb) to 1.21 (Hf) and Z-score maximum was 1.59 (Mn). There are 18 elements determined in Soil-7 irradiated at irradiation position 10 as revealed in Table 5.32. The ratio of experimenal to certified value was between 0.80 (Ce) to 1.29 (Tb) and Z-score maximum was 2.27 (Na). At irradiation position 22, there were 20 elements determined in soil-1 sample and 17 elements determined in IAEA soil-7 sample as shown in Table 5.33 and 5.34. The ratio of experimental to certified value for Soil-1 sample was between 0.71(Ce) to 1.18 (Na and Sm) and Z-score maximum1.33 (Na). Lanthanum (La) revealed a good result where the element concentration of experimental value is the same as the certified value. For Soil-7, the ratio of experimental to certified value was between 0.86 (Sb) to 1.28 (Cr). All elements showed Z-score less than 1 except for Na (1.09). The results for Soil-1 and Soil-7 irradiated at irradiation position 27 were listed in Table 5.35 and Table 5.36. There were 20 elements identified in Soil-1 72 sample and Soil-7 sample. The ratio of experimental to certified value for Soil-1 was between 0.74 (Hf) to 1.14 (Cs) and Z-score maximum of 2.33 (Fe). The ratio of experimental to certified value for Soil-7 was between 0.80 (Sc) to 1.27 (Co) with Zscore maximum of 1.39 (Na). Table 5.37 revealed the results for 20 element determined in Soil-1 irradiated at irradiation position 31. The ratio of experimental to certified value for Soil-1 was between 0.75 (Yb) to 1.26 (Co). It can be seen that the maximum Z-score was 2.00 (Na). The experimental value for element concentration lanthanum (La) was the same as the certified value. Besides that, there are 17 elements determined in Soil-7 sample irradiated at irradiation position 31. The ratio of experimental to certified values for Soil-7 as shown in Table 5.38 was between 0.87 (Th) to 1.30 (Sm) with maximum Z-score of 2.87 (Na). The ratio of experimental element concentration to certified values for iron (Fe) was unity. Based on NAA absolute method, most of the analytical results have Z-score within 0 < |Z|< 2 and hence the results are accepted with precision. The accuracy of the analytical result for each element in Soil-1 and Soil-7 depends obviously on uncertainties of the involved nuclear properties and thus varied from element to element. However, the calculated concentrations for sodium (Na) obtained by NAA absolute method were high compared to the certified value. Overally, the accuracy of the absolute method adopted in the analysis of the Soil-1 and Soil-7 are as good as that of the relative method. 73 Table 5.31: IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 10 by absolute method Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 27.5 11 Irradiation Position 10 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 29.28 11 1.06 0.41 La 52.6 6 52.12 7 0.99 0.10 Mn 3460 5 3870.51 5 1.12 1.59 Na 1720 6 1776.29 4 1.03 0.46 Sc 17.3 6 17.06 20 0.99 0.07 Sm 9.25 6 10.16 7 1.10 1.06 Ga 24.0 22 23.94 27 1.00 0.01 K 14500 15 15049.69 6 1.04 0.24 Hf 4.2 14 5.07 25 1.21 0.61 Ba 639 8 733.54 25 1.15 0.50 Cr 104 9 117.44 14 1.13 0.74 Sb 1.31 9 1.12 17 0.86 0.83 Ce 117 15 96.29 17 0.82 0.87 Th 14 7 12.13 10 0.87 1.18 Fe 67400 3 68467.55 10 1.02 0.15 Co 19.8 8 21.14 17 1.07 0.34 Rb 113 37 86.96 33 0.77 0.52 Yb 3.42 19 3.41 32 1.00 0.01 U 4.02 8 3.30 26 0.82 0.78 Cs 7.0 13 6.36 25 0.91 0.35 74 Table 5.32: IAEA Soil-7 result obtained from absolute method at irradiation position 10 Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 13.4 6 Irradiation Position 10 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 14.07 9 1.05 0.43 La 28 4 30.75 7 1.10 1.21 Mn 631 4 750.16 11 1.19 1.39 Na 2400 4 2727.61 4 1.14 2.27 Sc 8.3 13 7.44 6 0.90 0.76 Sm 5.1 7 5.06 10 0.99 0.07 Ga 10 20 11.59 19 1.16 0.53 K 12100 6 13427.33 7 1.11 1.14 Hf 5.1 7 4.98 28 0.98 0.09 Sb 1.7 12 1.38 14 0.81 1.12 Ce 61 11 49.06 23 0.80 0.93 Th 8.2 13 7.96 13 0.97 0.15 Fe 25700 2 24628.31 14 0.96 0.31 Yb 2.4 15 2.80 34 1.17 0.40 U 2.6 21 2.82 28 1.08 0.22 Tb 0.6 33 0.78 63 1.29 0.33 Cs 5.4 14 5.90 24 1.09 0.31 Ca 163000 5 156084.48 22 0.96 0.19 75 Table 5.33: IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 22 by absolute method. Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 27.5 11 Irradiation Position 22 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 29.45 56 1.07 0.12 La 52.6 6 52.58 18 1.00 0.00 Mn 3460 5 3788.68 12 1.09 0.70 Na 1720 6 2037.58 11 1.18 1.33 Sc 17.3 6 16.87 37 0.98 0.07 Sm 9.25 6 10.90 15 1.18 0.94 Ga 24.0 22 24.53 19 1.02 0.08 K 14500 15 14771.53 13 1.02 0.10 Hf 4.2 14 4.11 35 0.98 0.06 Ba 639 8 474.07 30 0.74 1.07 Cr 104 9 90.32 23 0.87 0.61 Sb 1.31 9 1.13 21 0.86 0.67 Ce 117 15 82.94 25 0.71 1.29 Th 14 7 14.58 39 1.04 0.10 Fe 67400 3 60773.71 16 0.90 0.65 Rb 113 37 100.62 44 0.89 0.20 Yb 3.42 19 3.94 48 1.15 0.26 U 4.02 8 3.80 30 0.95 0.19 Tb 1.4 33 1.31 45 0.94 0.12 Cs 7.0 13 6.30 32 0.90 0.32 76 Table 5.34: IAEA Soil-7 result obtained from absolute method at irradiation position 22. Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 13.4 6 Irradiation Position 22 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 13.26 14 0.99 0.07 La 28 4 29.53 19 1.05 0.27 Mn 631 4 728.87 19 1.16 0.71 Na 2400 4 2727.96 10 1.14 1.09 Sc 8.3 13 8.42 31 1.01 0.04 Sm 5.1 7 5.06 14 0.99 0.05 Ga 10 20 12.24 25 1.22 0.62 K 12100 6 12951.78 13 1.07 0.47 Hf 5.1 7 4.76 33 0.93 0.21 Cr 60 21 77.10 23 1.28 0.78 Sb 1.7 12 1.45 19 0.86 0.73 Ce 61 11 55.46 27 0.91 0.34 Th 8.2 13 7.95 17 0.97 0.14 Fe 25700 2 27639.06 18 1.08 0.39 Yb 2.4 15 2.17 45 0.91 0.22 Cs 5.4 14 6.14 35 1.14 0.33 Ca 163000 5 148384.82 28 0.91 0.34 77 Table 5.35: IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 27 by absolute method. Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 27.5 11 Irradiation Position 27 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 22.07 14 0.80 1.29 La 52.6 6 46.92 8 0.89 1.13 Mn 3460 5 3151.42 7 0.91 1.18 Na 1720 6 1893.80 6 1.10 1.17 Sc 17.3 6 17.89 32 1.03 0.10 Sm 9.25 6 9.74 16 1.05 0.30 Ga 24.0 22 25.55 16 1.06 0.24 K 14500 15 12406.12 8 0.86 0.90 Hf 4.2 14 3.1 39 0.74 0.81 Ba 639 8 481.96 39 0.75 0.81 Cr 104 9 113.62 17 1.09 0.45 Sb 1.31 9 1.05 22 0.80 1.01 Th 14 7 12.80 13 0.91 0.61 Fe 67400 3 51582.66 13 0.77 2.33 Co 19.8 8 20.77 17 1.05 0.26 Ta 1.58 37 1.72 60 1.09 0.12 Zn 223 5 235.12 33 1.05 0.16 Yb 3.42 19 3.02 38 0.88 0.30 U 4.02 8 4.13 28 1.03 0.09 Cs 7.0 13 8.01 84 1.14 0.15 78 Table 5.36: IAEA Soil-7 result at irradiation position 27 by absolute method. Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 13.4 6 Irradiation Position 27 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 11.29 19 0.84 0.91 La 28 4 26.92 29 0.96 0.14 Mn 631 4 645.05 11 1.02 0.19 Na 2400 4 2651.22 6 1.10 1.39 Sc 8.3 13 6.66 9 0.80 1.34 Sm 5.1 7 6.30 20 1.24 0.93 Ga 10 20 11.33 25 1.13 0.38 K 12100 6 12236.70 8 1.01 0.11 Hf 5.1 7 4.37 27 0.86 0.59 Ba 159 20 180.26 83 1.13 0.14 Sb 1.7 12 1.98 96 1.16 0.15 Ce 61 11 60.36 25 0.99 0.04 Th 8.2 13 6.62 18 0.81 0.99 Fe 25700 2 21423.40 16 0.83 1.23 Co 8.9 10 11.34 23 1.27 0.88 Yb 2.4 15 3.02 50 1.26 0.40 U 2.6 21 2.47 31 0.95 0.13 Tb 0.6 33 0.52 76 0.87 0.18 Cs 5.4 14 4.93 33 0.91 0.26 Ca 163000 5 183959.21 19 1.13 0.59 79 Table 5.37: IAEA Soil-1 result at irradiation position 31 by absolute method. Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 27.5 11 Irradiation Position 31 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 27.94 6 1.02 0.13 La 52.6 6 52.53 6 1.00 0.02 Mn 3460 5 3431.17 33 0.99 0.03 Na 1720 6 1970.39 4 1.15 2.00 Sc 17.3 6 16.94 11 0.98 0.17 Sm 9.25 6 6.66 23 0.72 1.60 Ga 24.0 22 26.44 11 1.10 0.41 K 14500 15 13908.46 6 0.96 0.26 Hf 4.2 14 4.57 24 1.09 0.29 Ba 639 8 614.89 39 0.96 0.10 Cr 104 9 97.23 14 0.93 0.42 Sb 1.31 9 1.06 17 0.81 1.17 Ce 117 15 106.48 39 0.91 0.24 Th 14 7 12.33 9 0.88 1.09 Fe 67400 3 59585.48 10 0.88 1.30 Co 19.8 8 24.88 13 1.26 1.46 Yb 3.42 19 2.56 35 0.75 0.77 U 4.02 8 4.11 21 1.02 0.09 Tb 1.4 33 1.53 50 1.09 0.14 Cs 7.0 13 6.11 29 0.87 0.44 80 Table 5.38: IAEA Soil-7 result obtained from absolute method at irradiation position 31 Elements Certified Value ìg/ g 1ó(%) As 13.4 6 Irradiation Position 31 ìg/ g 1ó(%) Exp/cert |Z-score| . 13.49 9 1.01 0.06 La 28 4 29.94 7 1.07 0.86 Mn 631 4 749.27 12 1.19 1.32 Na 2400 4 2813.87 4 1.17 2.87 Sc 8.3 13 7.65 27 0.92 0.28 Sm 5.1 7 6.65 8 1.30 2.51 Ga 10 20 12.01 20 1.20 0.64 K 12100 6 13099.60 6 1.08 0.91 Hf 5.1 7 4.49 33 0.88 0.40 Sb 1.7 12 1.57 13 0.92 0.45 Ce 61 11 54.44 63 0.89 0.19 Th 8.2 13 7.14 12 0.87 0.75 Fe 25700 2 25798.05 12 1.00 0.03 Rb 51 9 53.98 40 1.06 0.13 Yb 2.4 15 2.85 32 1.19 0.45 U 2.6 21 2.87 23 1.11 0.31 Ca 163000 5 156080.28 21 0.96 0.20 3 1.12 Exp/Cert (Z-Score as Y error bar) 1.10 1.21 2 1.06 0.87 1.13 1.15 0.86 0.82 0.82 1.07 1.03 1.04 0.99 1.02 0.99 1.00 0.77 1.00 0.91 1 0 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Ba Cr Sb Th Fe Co Ta Zn Yb U Cs -1 Elements Figure 5.7: IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 10 in rotary rack 81 4.00 Exp/Cert (Z-score as Y error bar) 1.14 3.00 1.19 1.10 1.11 0.81 1.16 0.80 2.00 0.90 1.29 1.17 1.05 1.09 0.97 0.96 0.99 1.08 0.98 0.96 1.00 0.00 -1.00 As La Mn Na -2.00 Sc Sm Ga K Hf Sb Ce Th Fe Yb U Tb Cs Ca Elements Figure5.8: IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 10 in rotary rack 82 3.00 Exp/Cert ( Z-score as Y error bar) 1.18 1.18 0.71 2.00 0.74 1.09 0.87 0.86 1.071.00 0.98 1.02 0.98 1.02 0.90 1.04 1.15 0.89 0.95 0.94 0.90 1.00 0.00 -1.00 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Ba Cr Sb Ce Th Fe Rb Yb U Tb Cs Elements Figure 5.9: IAEA Soil-1elements at irradiation position of 22 in rotary rack 83 3 Exp/Cert (Z-score as Y error bar) 1.14 1.28 1.16 2 1.22 0.86 1.07 1.08 1.14 1.05 0.91 0.93 0.97 1.01 0.99 0.99 0.91 1 0 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Element Hf Cr Sb Ce Th Fe Yb Cs Figure 5.10: IAEA Soill-7 elements at irradiation position of 22 in rotary rack 84 Exp/ Cert ( Z-Score as Y error bar) 4 0.77 3 1.10 0.80 0.89 0.91 0.86 0.80 2 1.05 0.74 0.75 1.09 0.91 1.05 1.06 1.03 1.14 1.09 1.05 0.88 1.03 1 0 -1 -2 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Ba Cr Sb Th Fe Co Ta Zn Yb U Cs Elements Figure 5.11: IAEA Soil-1elements at irradiation position of 27 in rotary rack 85 3 Exp/Cert (Z-Score as Y error bar) 1.10 0.80 1.24 0.83 1.27 2 0.81 0.84 1.13 1.26 0.86 1.13 1.02 1.13 1.01 0.96 1.16 0.99 0.91 0.95 0.87 1 0 -1 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Ba Sb Ce Th Fe Co Yb U Tb Cs Ca Elements Figure 5.12: IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 27 in rotary rack 86 4 Exp/Cert (Z-Score as Y error bar) 1.15 3 1.26 0.72 0.88 0.81 0.88 2 1.10 0.75 1.09 1.09 0.93 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.87 0.91 1.02 0.96 1 0 -1 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Ba Cr Sb Ce Th Fe Co Yb U Tb Cs -2 Elements Figure 5.13: IAEA Soil-1 elements at irradiation position of 31 in rotary rack 87 1.30 1.17 Exp/Cert (Z-score as Y error bar) 4.00 3.00 1.19 1.08 1.07 1.20 2.00 1.19 0.87 0.92 1.11 0.96 1.06 0.88 0.92 1.01 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 As La Mn Na Sc Sm Ga K Hf Element Sb Ce Th Fe Rb Yb U Ca Figure 5.14: IAEA Soil-7 elements at irradiation position of 31 in rotary rack 88 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION 6.0 Conclusion This work determines the element concentration of Soil-1 and Soil-7 using an absolute method. The accuracy of the elemental concentration have been statistically evaluated using Z-score. Most of the analytical results were found to be have Z-value within 0 to 2. The elemental analysis results obtained by absolute method were found to yield good agreement between the calculated concentration and the certified values. The precision of the absolute method may be affected by the coincidence effects for certain gamma-rays. Besides that, the calculated concentration will be higher if a peak with energy equal to the sum of the cascade gamma-rays energies. Matrix effects such as self-shielding and self- absorption can contribute additional error in the results. A significant deviation from those values could be caused by inaccurate of nuclear data. By optimising the irradiation, decay and measuring times, a lot of elements can be determined with higher sensitivity. 90 In conclusion, the absolute method had been implemented successfully and provides the accuracy which may overcome several drawbacks of the relative method. The NAA absolute method can be viable analytical tool in a stable neutron flux and good thermalization nuclear reactor. Besides that, the absolute method is a time and cost-effective analytical method particularly for industries or scientific research in determining the concentration of element in samples. The expected outcome from this research is as an innovation in the development and application of NAA. 6.1 Recommendation Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) approach could be used to stimulate the reactor neutron parameter at different irradiation position of reactor rotary rack in conjunction with the experimental measurements. Monte Carlo simulations had been routinely used for particle transport calculations as they can provide valuable additional information on the characteristics of irradiation fields. A complete of reactor geometry with details dimension especially the reactor core configuration is required in verification of the neutron parameter using Monte Carlo calculations. Besides that, the elemental analysis of the NAA absolute method could be developed into a computer software program. Therefore, the calculation and analysis task of element concentration can be easily performed on a computer system. The program can use the input values from experiment to calculate the neutron reactor parameter and finally computed the concentration of element found in samples. The basic nuclear data are stored in database and the program can be coded in Visual Basic. The purpose of the software program is to reduce the complexity of the elemental analysis. 91 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. S.I. Kafala, T.D.Macmahon. 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Instituut voor Nucleaire Wetenschappen, Belgium: 1987 APPENDIX A Scheme of Neutron Activation Analysis absolute method in determination the concentration of element Experiment ( For monitors and comparator) Input: Net peak area; Irradiation time; cooling time; counting time; sample mass. Isotope nuclear data: T1/2, Qo, Er, Fcd 1 Calculation of Asp and Qo (á) 2 Experiment measurement of: Epithermal and thermal flux neutron (öth ,öepi) using Au foil; öth ,öepi Rcd Determination of flux ratio, f and á parameter Qá Calculation of resonance Integral, Iá using formula. Iá Calculation of gamma ray emission reaction rate: R = öthó 0 +öepi Iá. R 3 Calibratio the efficiency of the detector, å. Output Calculation of concentration: 4 Experiment (For environmental reference materials (IAEA-SL-1) Input: Net peak area; Irradiation time; cooling time; counting time; sample mass. m = N R SDCt 95 APPENDIX B Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 monitors at irradiation position 10 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack Parameter j Position 10; á = -0.0532 ; f = 19.7 Uncertainty Sj Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zá(j) Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 (Asp)cd 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3.70 0.80 0.51 1.09 0.31 1.89 0.19 (Asp)bare 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3.70 0.80 0.51 1.09 0.31 1.89 0.19 Precision; Sá, R = 5.43% Fcd 0.2% - - - - - - 3.70 0.80 0.51 1.09 0.31 1.89 0.19 Qo 1.8% 6.3% 2.7% 4.9% 1.4% - - 1.98 0.17 0.47 1.03 0.26 1.43 0.01 Er 7.1% 20.0% 5.1% 10.0% 10.0% Ecd 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 4.0% 2.1% 0.1023 0.0092 0.0194 0.0424 0.0122 0.0692 0.0006 15% 15% 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Fixed Accuracy; Sá, S 0.13 0.13 = 8.22% (Asp)cd 1.0% 1.1% 1.4% 4.7% 1.0% 14.8% 1.0% 3.70 0.80 0.51 1.09 0.31 1.89 0.19 (Asp)bare 1.1% 1.0% 1.1% 1.4% 1.1% 5.0% 3.70 0.80 0.51 1.09 0.31 1.89 0.19 1.0% Experimental Accuracy; Overall uncertainty; Sá,G = 4.69% Sá,T = 10.45 % 96 APPENDIX C Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 monitors at irradiation position 22 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack Parameter j Position 22; á = -0.0307 ; f = 20.4 Uncertainty Sj Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zá(j) Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 (Asp)cd 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 6.35 1.26 0.88 1.90 0.54 3.18 0.28 (Asp)bare 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 6.35 1.26 0.88 1.90 0.54 3.18 0.28 Precision; Sá, R = 7.53% Fcd 0.2% - - - - - - 6.35 1.26 0.88 1.90 0.54 3.18 0.28 Qo 1.8% 6.3% 2.7% 4.9% 1.4% - - 3.50 0.31 0.81 1.77 0.46 2.51 0.02 Er 7.1% 20.0% 5.1% 10.0% 10.0% Ecd 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 4.0% 2.1% 0.1045 0.0094 0.0195 0.0422 0.0123 0.0699 0.0006 15% 15% 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 Fixed Accuracy; Sá, S 0.26 0.26 0.26 = 15.25% (Asp)cd 0.7% 0.7% 1.0% 3.2% 0.7% 10.5% 0.3% 6.35 1.26 0.88 1.90 0.54 3.18 0.28 (Asp)bare 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 1.4% 0.4% 6.4% 6.35 1.26 0.88 1.90 0.54 3.18 0.28 0.5% Experimental Accuracy; Overall uncertainty; Sá,G = 8.17% Sá,T = 18.85 % 97 APPENDIX D Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 monitors at irradiation position 27 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack Parameter j Position 27; á = -0.0464 ; f = 20.1 Uncertainty Sj Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zá(j) Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 (Asp)cd 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2.27 0.78 0.04 1.20 0.62 1.86 (Asp)bare 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2.27 0.78 0.04 1.20 0.62 1.86 Precision; Sá, R = 3.33% Fcd 0.2% - - - - - 2.27 0.78 0.04 1.20 0.62 1.86 Qo 1.8% 6.3% 2.7% 4.9% 1.4% - 1.23 0.18 0.04 1.13 0.53 1.44 Er 7.1% 20.0% 5.1% 10.0% 10.0% 4.0% 0.0556 0.0081 0.0014 0.0405 0.0211 0.0604 Ecd 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Fixed Accuracy; Sá, S (Asp)cd 1.9% 2.0% 2.5% 6.5% 1.3% 17.7% (Asp)bare 1.8% 1.8% 1.9% 2.1% 1.9% 6.0% 2.27 2.27 0.78 0.04 1.20 = 7.33% 0.62 0.78 0.04 1.20 0.62 Experimental Accuracy; Sá,G = 6.63% Overall uncertainty; Sá,T 1.86 1.86 = 10.43 % 98 APPENDIX E Cd ratio for multi monitor method with 5 monitors at irradiation position 31 of the TRIGA reactor rotary rack Parameter j Position 22; á = -0.0620 ; f = 21.68 Uncertainty Sj Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 Au197 Mo99 Co60 Zá(j) Zn64 Zn67 Zr94 Zr97 (Asp)cd 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3.26 0.73 0.46 0.99 0.28 1.74 0.17 (Asp)bare 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3.26 0.73 0.46 0.99 0.28 1.74 0.17 Precision; Sá, R = 3.94% Fcd 0.2% - - - - - - 3.26 1.26 0.46 0.99 0.28 1.74 0.17 Qo 1.8% 6.3% 2.7% 4.9% 1.4% - - 1.76 0.15 0.41 0.88 0.23 1.20 0.01 Er 7.1% 20.0% 5.1% 10.0% 10.0% Ecd 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 4.0% 2.1% 0.1062 0.0092 0.0198 0.0422 0.0122 0.0676 0.0006 15% 15% 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Fixed Accuracy; Sá, S 0.10 0.10 =6.96% (Asp)cd 1.0% 1.2% 1.3% 4.5% 0.8% 15.5% 1.0% 3.26 0.73 0.46 0.99 0.28 1.74 0.17 (Asp)bare 1.0% 1.1% 1.1% 1.2% 1.0% 4.5% 3.26 0.73 0.46 0.99 0.28 1.74 0.17 1.0% Experimental Accuracy; Overall uncertainty; Sá,G = 4.20% Sá,T = 9.03 % 99 100 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Presented and published paper entitled “Parameterisation of Fission Neutron Spectra (TRIGA Reactor) for Neutron Activation without the Used of Standard” in proceedings for Research and Development Conference organized by Malaysian Nuclear Agency, MNA. (2008) 2. Presented and published paper entitled “Parameterisation of Fission Neutron Spectra (TRIGA Reactor) for Neutron Activation without the Used of Standard” in proceedings for International Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science 2008 (IGCES 2008) organized by UTM.