SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND PHOTOCATALYTIC STUDIES OF CdS INCORPORATED TITANOSILICATE FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION NG YEW CHOO UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Signature : ………………………………………….. Name of Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Mustaffa Shamsuddin Date : 27/08/2009 BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _______________________ dengan _______________________ Disahkan oleh: Tandatangan : Nama : Jawatan (Cop rasmi) : Tarikh : * Jika penyediaan tesis/projek melibatkan kerjasama. BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohammad Kassim Pusat Pengajian Sains Kimia & Teknologi Makanan Falkuti Sains and Teknologi Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam : Prof. Dr. Wan Azlee Abu Bakar Jabatan Kimia, Fakulti Sains Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Nama Penyelia lain (jika ada) : - Disahkan oleh Timbalan Pendaftar SPS: Tandatangan : Nama : Tarikh : SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND PHOTOCATALYTIC STUDIES OF CdS INCORPORATED TITANOSILICATE FOR HYDROGEN GENERATION NG YEW CHOO A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia AUGUST 2009 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Studies on CdS Incorporated Titanosilicate for Hydrogen Generation” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ............................. Name : Ng Yew Choo Date : 27/08/2009 iii Specially dedicated to my family members, my supervisor, co-workers, friends and anybody always by my side…… iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to send my gratitude to my project supervisor Prof. Dr. Mustaffa Shamsuddin for his continuous guidance, encouragement and supports through out this research. It was a great pleasure for me to conduct this research under his supervision. I would like to express thousands of thank you to all the lecturers, laboratory officers and research officers in the Department of Chemistry, the Solid State Laboratory, and the Institute Ibnu Sina for all the research facilities and instrumentation expertise. Grateful acknowledge to the financial support from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) through Science Fund (03-01-06-SF0273) and National Science Fellowship. A special gratitude should goes to all the co-workers of Inorganic Research Laboratory, faculty of science, especially to Mr. Wong Hon Loong, Ms. Jei Ching Yih, Ms. Wan Nazihah Wan Ibrahim, Mr. Ridzuan Omar and Ms. Najmah. Not forgotten other research team members, Ms. Lau Su Chien, Ms. Quek Hsiao Pei, Ms. Ching Kuan Yong and Mr. Chin Tian Kae for their valuable friendship and also wonderful suggestions along my work. Their unselfishness and continuously sharing of the ideas have inspired me. Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my beloved family especially my parent and brothers for their mental support during my studies. v PREFACE This thesis is the result of my work carried out in the Department of Chemistry; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia between July 2006 to December 2008 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Mustaffa Shamsuddin. Part of my work described in this thesis has been submitted in the following exhibition, publication and presentations: 1. Yew-Choo Ng, Ching-Yih Jei and Mustaffa Shamsuddin. Titanosilicate ETS10 Derived from Rice Husk Ash. Microporous. Mesoporous Materials 122 (2009) 195-200. 2. Bronze Medal Award. Nanostructured CdS on ETS-10 for In-Situ Hydrogen Generation. 10th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX). UTM skudai. 2008. 3. Gold Medal Award. Nanostructured CdS on ETS-10 for In-Situ Hydrogen Generation. 8th Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE). PWTC Kuala Lumpur. 2009. 4. Ng Yew Choo and Mustaffa Shamsuddin. Physicochemical Studied of CdS Nanoparticles-Titanosilicate Hybrid. Regional Annual Fundamental Science Seminar (RAFSS). Poster Presentation. UTM Skudai. 2007. 5. Ng Yew Choo and Mustaffa Shamsuddin. Analysis of Titanosilicate Supported CdS Photocatalyst for Water Splitting Reaction. 21th Simposium Kimia Analysis Malaysia (SKAM-21). Oral Presentation. UMS Sabah. 2008. 6. Yew-Choo Ng and Mustaffa Shamsuddin. Solid State Morphology and Band Gap Studied of ETS-10 Supported CdS Nanoparticles. Journal of Iranian Chemical Society. Manuscript No.: PS-08-240-08. vi ABSTRACT This study relates to a development of heterogeneous solid catalyst, Engelhard titanosilicate (ETS-10) supported cadmium sulfide (CdS) for water splitting reaction to generate hydrogen under visible light irradiation. Highly crystalline truncated bipyramid shape of ETS-10 was successfully synthesized with the molar composition of TiO2:3.75SiO2:1.5NaOH:0.54KF:21.25H2O at 220oC for 52 hours. The as-synthesized CdS crystallized at the size of approximately 8 nm in the cubic structure with the lattice constant a=0.5818 nm and reflection peaks of (111), (220) and (331) lattice planes. The effect of the synthesis route of CdS, the effect of percentage loading of CdS and reusability of the catalysts towards water splitting were also reported. The conduction edge of the photocatalyst was found to be more negative than H+/H2 redox potential. The highly crystalline phases of photocatalyst were able to prevent a charge recombination leading to enhancement in the hydrogen production yield. The existence of co-catalyst (ETS-10) in the catalytic system induces reduction of water and increases the efficiency of charge separation. The hybrid photocatalyst was found to be more stable and do not undergo photo-corrosion. CdS derived from in-situ sulphur reduction method (CdSIS) performed better than CdS derived from reverse micelle method (CdS-RM). For 0.1 g of catalyst, the average rate of reaction for the first 5 hours was found to be 68.69 μmol/hr and 49.05 μmol/hr for CdS-IS and CdS-RM respectively. Besides, the results showed that the higher the percentage of CdS loaded on ETS-10, the higher amount of hydrogen gas liberated. The reusability of the photocatalysts was demonstrated in three cycles and the hydrogen gas evolved slightly decreased with the number of the reusability. vii ABSTRAK Kajian ini berkaitan dengan pembangunan pepejal mangkin heterogen titanosilikat, kadmium sulfida (CdS) berpenyokong Engelhard titanosilikat (ETS-10) dalam tindak balas pemecahan air bagi penghasilan gas hidrogen di bawah pancaran cahaya nampak. Hablur ETS-10 yang berbentuk dwipiramid terpotong telah disintesis dengan komposisi molar TiO2:3.75SiO2:1.5NaOH:0.54KF:21.25H2O pada suhu 220oC selama 52 jam. CdS yang disintesis menghablur pada saiz 8 nm dalam struktur kiub dengan pemalar kekisi a= 0.5818 nm dan jalur pemantulan pada satah kekisi (111), (220) and (331). Kesan cara sintesis CdS, kesan peratusan pertambahan CdS dan penggunaan semula mangkin terhadap tindak balas pemecahan air juga dilaporkan. Jalur konduksi foto-mangkin ini didapati bersifat lebih negatif daripada keupayaan redoks H+/H2. Fasa berhablur foto-mangkin mampu mengelakkan gabungan semula cas justeru meningkatkan penghasilan gas hidrogen. Kewujudan ko-mangkin (ETS-10) di dalam sistem pemangkinan menggalakkan penurunan air dan meningkatkan keberkesanan pemisahan cas. Fotomangkin hibrid ini didapati lebih stabil dan tidak mengalami pengaratan foto. CdS yang disediakan daripada cara penurunan in-situ sulfur (CdS-IS), berfungsi lebih baik berbanding dengan CdS yang disediakan daripada cara misel berbalik (CdSRM). Dengan 0.1 g mangkin, purata kadar tindak balas bagi 5 jam pertama adalah 68.69 μmol/jam and 49.05 μmol/jam bagi CdS-IS and CdS-RM masing-masing. Selain itu, permerhatian menunjukkan semakin tinggi peratusan CdS yang disokong di atas ETS-10, semakin tinggi jumlah gas hidrogen yang dibebaskan. Penggunaan semula foto-mangkin juga dikaji sebanyak tiga kitaran, di mana pembebasan gas hidrogen semakin berkurang dengan bilangan penggunaan semula. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SUBJECT PAGE TITLE PAGE 1 DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv PREFACE v ABSTRACT vi ABSTRAK vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xx INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background 1 1.1.1 Renewable Resources 3 1.1.2 Hydrogen Economy 4 1.1.3 Hydrogen Production 5 1.1.4 Photocatalysis 7 1.2 Problem Statement 10 1.3 Objectives of Research 11 1.4 Scope of Research 12 1.5 Thesis Outline 12 ix 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Solar Energy Distribution 14 2.2 Semiconductor 15 2.3 Thermodynamic Limitation of Water Photo-splitting 19 2.4 Hole Scavenger Agents 21 2.5 CdS as Photocatalyst 23 2.6 Supports in Photocatalysis 25 2.6.1 Engelhard Titanosilicates (ETS-10) 28 CdS Composites 30 2.7 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Apparatus and Special Equipments 33 3.2 Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles by Reverse Micelle Method 34 3.3 Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles by In-situ Sulphur Reduction Method 35 3.4 Synthesis of ETS-10 by Hydrothermal Method 35 3.5 Modification of ETS-10 36 3.6 CdS Nanoparticles Impregnated on ETS10 37 3.7 Characterization Techniques 3.7.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 3.7.2 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy 3.7.3 38 38 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDAX) 3.7.6 38 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) 3.7.5 37 Diffuse Reflectance UV-Vis (DRUV) Spectroscopy 3.7.4 37 Transmission Electron Microscopy 39 x (TEM) 39 3.8 Experimental Set-up for Photocatalytic Testing 40 3.9 Catalytic Testing 3.9.1 Hydrogen Gas Calibration GCTCD 3.9.2 44 Photocatalytic Testing by Using Microreactor 4 43 44 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Characterization of the Photocatalysts 4.1.1 Preparation of CdS Nanoparticles 4.1.2 52 Physico-chemical Studies of CdS/ETS-10 4.1.5 48 Physico-chemical Studies of ETS-10 4.1.4 46 Physico-chemical Studies of CdS 4.1.3 46 56 Photo-absorption Properties of CdS 60 4.1.6 Photo-absorption Properties of ETS-10 61 4.1.7 Photo-absorption Properties of 4.1.8 4.2 CdS/ETS-10 62 Band Gap Studies 63 Photocatalytic Activity 4.2.1 Hydrogen Detection by GCTCD 4.2.2 66 The Mechanism Study of Water Photo-splitting 4.2.3 66 The Effect of Synthesis Route 68 xi of CdS 4.2.4 The Effect of CdS Loading on ETS-10 4.2.5 4.2.6 5 REFERENCES 70 72 The Effect of CdS Loading on METS-10 77 Reusability Test 80 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion 82 5.2 Recommendations 83 85 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Heating value for the selected fuels 5 1.2 Hydrogen production based on the types of fuel 6 2.1 The classification of solid according to their band gap, carrier density and typical conductivity at room temperature 2.2 16 The classification of semiconductors according to their crystal structure 2.3 Several potential 18 mechanisms involved in a photocatalytic system and its typical suitable support material 27 4.1 The elemental analysis for CdS 48 4.2 The elemental analysis for ETS-10 53 4.3 The details of the wavenumber and the type of vibration present for ETS-10 synthesized from Ludox30 and RHA. 56 xiii 4.4 Hydrogen generation of CdS/ETS-10 for the first 24 hours 4.5 4.6 74 Hydrogen generation of CdS/METS-10 for the first 24 hours 78 Data of hydrogen generation of the catalysts in 3 cycles 81 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE 1.1 The world energy consumption from year 1982 to 2007 1.2 PAGE 2 The regional energy consumption pattern in year 2007 2 1.3 Principle of the PEM fuel cell 4 1.4 Photocatalytic process 8 2.1 Standard solar spectra for the usage of (a) space (b) terrestrial 2.2 Schematic diagram of the electronic feature of a metal and semiconductor 2.3 15 17 Crystal structure of the common semiconductors (a) diamond cubic (b) zincblende (c) wurtzite (d) rock salt 2.4 18 Energy level diagram of various semiconductors in aqueous medium (a) OR type (b) R type (c) O type 21 xv 2.5 Schematic diagram of electron donor (D) 2.6 Schematic diagram of several functions assigned 22 to a support in photocatalysis. Symbols are as follows: S or Si are substrates to be transformed; P or Pi are final or intermediate product; D or A represents electron donor or electron acceptor respectively. Dote lines represents the light irradiation. (a) adsorption of the substrate; (b) adsorption of the substrate and intermediate products in a restricted geometry; (c) molecular assembly for energy transfer toward a reaction center; (d) separating redox intermediates by double layer effects; (e) bifunctional catalytic system 2.7 26 The ETS-10. (a) structure arrangement of ETS-10 where the red colour represents the [SiO4]4tetrahedra and the blue colour represents the [TiO6]8- octahedra (b) molecular structure. 2.8 29 Schematic diagram illustrated the holes transfer from valance band of CdS to valance band of LaMnO3. 3.1 32 Front view of microreactor frame. Grey dots indicate hole size 1.5 cm whereas black dot indicate hole size 2.3 cm. (scale in cm) 41 3.2 Rear view of microreactor frame. (scale in cm) 41 3.3 Diagram of experimental set-up for catalytic testing 42 xvi 3.4 dimension of (a) pyrex reaction vessel (b) pyrex glass tube 4.1 43 The EDAX spectrum for as-synthesized CdS sample 4.2 XRD 49 pattern of the CdS nanoparticles synthesized from cadmium acetate by in-situ reduction method with different solvents (a) DMF (b) DMSO. (c) CdS synthesized from cadmium nitrate by reverse micelle method. 4.3 50 XRD patterns of CdS nanoparticles synthesized with different cadmium salts. (a) cadmium acetate (b) cadmium chloride. 4.4 50 FESEM micrographs of as-synthesized CdS (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM 51 4.5 TEM micrographs of as-synthesized CdS 52 4.6 XRD patterns of (a) P25 TiO2 (b) ETS-10 from RHA (c) ETS-10 from Ludox-30. Peaks assigned to P25 TiO2 are indicated by asterisks. 4.7 FESEM micrographs of ETS-10 synthesized by different silica sources (a) RHA (b) Ludox-30 4.8 4.9 53 54 IR spectra for ETS-10 synthesized by different silica sources (a) Ludox-30 (b) RHA. 55 The EDAX spectrum for 10CdS/ETS-10 sample. 57 xvii 4.10 XRD patterns of samples (a) ETS-10 (b) CdS (c) CdS/ETS-10 4.11 FESEM micrographs 58 of the samples (a) 10CdS/ETS-10 (b) 5CdS/ETS-10 59 4.12 TEM micrographs of CdS/ETS-10 59 4.13 DR-UVspectra (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM (c) bulk CdS 4.14 DR-UV spectra of (a) ETS-10 from RHA (b) ETS-10 from Ludox-30 (c) METS-10 4.15 65 The band gap studied of (a) ETS-10 (b) 10CdS/ETS-10 (c) 5CdS/ETS-10 (d) CdS-IS 4.19 64 The band gap studied of (a) ETS-10 (b) 10CdS/ETS-10 (c) METS-10 4.18 63 The band gap studied of CdS samples (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM (c) bulk CdS 4.17 62 Diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectra of the samples. 4.16 60 66 The view of the micro-reactor coupled online GC-TCD 67 4.20 Chromatogram of water photo-splitting. 68 4.21 Schematic diagram of the energy level and charges separation mechanism of CdS/ETS-10. 70 xviii 4.22 Amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM 71 4.23 Schematic energy diagram of (a) CdS-IS (b) CdSRM 4.24 72 Schematic energy diagram of (a) 10CdS-IS/ETS10 (b) 10CdS-RM/ETS-10 (straight lines represent the original band edge and dotted lines represent new band edge) 4.25 73 The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdS-IS/ETS-10 (b) 15CdS- IS/ETS-10 (c) 10CdS-IS/ETS-10 (d) 5CdSIS/ETS-10 4.26 75 The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdS-RM/ETS-10 (b) 10CdSRM/ETS-10 (c) 15CdS-RM/ETS-10 (d) 20CdSRM/ETS-10. 4.27 76 Schematic energy diagram of (a) 10CdSIS/METS-10 (b) 10CdS-RM/METS-10 (straight lines represent the original band edge and dotted lines represent new band edge). 4.28 77 The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdS-IS/METS-10 (b) 10CdSIS/METS-10 (c) 15CdS-IS/METS-10 (d) 20CdSIS/METS-10 4.29 The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdS-RM/METS-10 (b) 10CdS- 79 xix RM/METS-10 (c) 15CdS-RM/METS-10 (d) 20CdS-RM/METS-10 4.30 79 The amount of hydrogen generated in 3 cycles by the catalysts (a) 20CdS-IS/ETS-10 (b) 20CdSIS/METS-10 (c) CdS-IS (d) CdS-RM. 80 xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS HHV - Higher heating value CdS - Cadmium sulfide ETS-4 - Engelhard titanosilicate-4 ETS-10 - Engelhard titanosilicate-10 UV - Ultra violet Vis - Visible RHA - Rice husk ash KF - Potassium fluoride NaOH - Sodium hydroxide H2O2 - Hydrogen peroxide GC-TCD - Gas chromatography thermal conductivity detector Å - Dimension unit, Amstrongs (x10-10m) TiO2 - Titanium dioxide ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials CB - Conduction band VB - Valence band ccm/g - Cubic centimeter per gram nm - Nanometer (x10-9m) ZnO - Zinc(II) oxide Fe2O3 - Iron(III) oxide ZnS - Zinc(II) sulfide H2 - Hydrogen gas EG - Energy gap fcc - Face-centered-cubic hcp - Hexagonal close-packed CdS/ETS-10 - Cadmium Sulfide supported on ETS-10 Si/Ti - Silicon to titanium ratio xxi OR type - Strong oxidation and reduction power O type - Strong oxidation power R type - Strong reduction power X type - Weak oxidation and reduction KBr - Potassium bromide H+/H2 - Reduction of hydrogen ion to hydrogen gas D - Electron donor / hole scavenger A - Electron acceptor EDTA - Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid TEOA - Triethanolamine SO32- - Sulfite ion H2PO2- - Hypophosphite ion XRD - X-ray diffraction FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy DR-UV - Diffuse reflectance UV-Vis Spectroscopy FESEM - Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy EDAX - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy W - Watt CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background Recently, one of the biggest issues that capture most of our concern is the fuel‟s market value. It has been the all-time front page news in the newspaper for the last several months. Everyone is talking about the tremendous increase in prices of the petrol and diesel around the world. It draws a huge attention because the fuel‟s market value is directly affecting the prices of goods, or even the economy of countries. In addition to transportation and power generation, mass quantities of petroleum and petroleum derived chemicals are required as raw materials and fuels in many industries such as manufacturing, food processing and pharmaceutical industries. The world energy consumption obtained from BP Statistical Review is shown in Figure 1.1 (BP, 2008). Fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas are still remain as the most important energy resources. Petroleum is still the world‟s leading fuel, but has lost its global share of the market for six consecutive years while coal remained as the fastest growing fuel and has gained the share of the market for six years. Petroleum remains as the dominant fuel in all regions except Europe and Eurasia and Asia Pacific. Coal dominates in the Asia Pacific region primarily because it meets 70% of China‟s energy needs. The regional energy consumption pattern in year 2007 is shown in Figure 1.2 (BP, 2008). 2 Million tonnes oil equivalent Year Figure 1.1: The world energy consumption from year 1982 to 2007 (BP, 2008) Percentage (%) Region Figure 1.2: The regional energy consumption pattern in year 2007 (BP, 2008) 3 1.1.1 Renewable Resources Due to the depletion of petroleum and the rising demand for alternative resources, several approaches must be carried out in order to overcome this obstacle especially in the development of renewable resources to replace the unstable and diminishing natural fuel. A number of renewable resources technologies are now commercially available, the most notable being wind power, photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, biomass and the various forms of water power (Thring, 2004). Biomass is gaining high attention as it is one of the most available renewable energy resources that can be used to reduce the dependency on fossil resources (Williams and Nugranad, 2000). Biomass refers to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production. Some of the agricultural wastes that consist of carbon could be utilized as raw materials to generate the heat and electricity for milling processes. Since enormous numbers of agriculture activities are conducted locally, therefore this method could be applied in energy recovery scheme. However, the utilization of biomass for energy conversion through combustion is still limited due to its poor fuel properties such as high moisture and ash contents, low bulk density, low energy content (William and Nugranad, 2000). One of the alternatives for energy generation is the usage of hydrogen fuel cell. Several researches have been developed in order to obtain a highly efficient and effective hydrogen fuel cell (James and Michael, 2005). A hydrogen fuel cell converts chemical energy directly into electricity by combining oxygen from the air with hydrogen gas. However, unlike a battery, a fuel cell does not run down or require recharging. It will produce electricity as long as fuel, in the form of hydrogen, is supplied. No pollution is produced and the only byproducts are water and heat. Figure 1.3 shows the functional principle of the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell. 4 Figure 1.3: Principle of the PEM fuel cell (Strasser and Siemens, 1995) 1.1.2 Hydrogen Economy Hydrogen, the first element on the periodic table, is the least complex and the most abundant element in the universe (Mohammad and Chen, 2005). However, not much is available in pure form on earth and is available either as water (when combined with oxygen) or as a hydrocarbon (when combined with carbon). For this reason, hydrogen is only an energy carrier and not a primary energy source. Extraction of hydrogen from its compounds was studied with the presence (Lindström, 2003; Chang, 2005; Hu and Lu, 2007; Wang, 2007) or absence of catalysts (Marty and Grouset, 2003). A hydrogen economy has been proposed as a way to reduce global greenhouse gas emission due to its properties as a very clean fuel and burning it results in no greenhouse emissions or undesirable carbon compounds (James and Michael 2005). Hydrogen contains the highest energy density on a mass basis of all chemical fuels which can be quantified by its higher heating value (HHV) of 141.9 MJ/kg. The higher heating value is the amount of energy released during the oxidation reaction of a fuel with air at a starting and finishing temperature of 25oC. 5 Heating values of hydrogen and other fossil fuels are tabulated in Table 1.1, which clearly indicates that hydrogen has the highest energy density (Lo, 2006). Table 1.1: Heating value for selected fuels (Lo, 2006) Fuel Coal Methane Natural gas Propane Gasoline Diesel Hydrogen 1.1.3 HHV (MJ/kg) 34.1 55.5 42.5 48.9 46.7 45.9 141.9 Hydrogen Production The production of hydrogen is more costly than any other fuel. Hydrogen can be produced by reforming hydrocarbons, in which the steam reforming of methane being the most efficient method (Christofoletti, 2005; Lo, 2006). Steam reforming is a very established technology and is used to generate large quantities of hydrogen in industrial processes. This reaction is an endothermic process; slow to start-up and relatively inflexible with regard to non-steady state operation. The mechanism of the steam reforming is shown in equations below (Thring, 2004). CnHm + nH2O nCO + (n+m/2)H2 (1.1) CH4 + 2H2O 4H2 + CO2 (1.2) In contrast, partial oxidation reforming is an exothermic process and work faster and more responsive if compared to steam reforming. However, it produces relatively higher levels of carbon monoxide and lower concentration of hydrogen. The third system which involves a combination of these two processes is known as autothermal reforming. The mechanism of the partial oxidation reforming is shown in equations below (Thring, 2004). 6 CnHm + (n/2)O2 nCO + (m/2)H2 (1.3) CH4 + (1/2)O2 2H2 + CO (1.4) Hydrogen also can be produced via coal gasification. However, formation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from hydrocarbon reformation and coal gasification is inevitable. Moreover, the yield collected is not 100 % pure (Zhu, 2005; Praveen and Alan 2005; Praveen and William 2006). Hydrogen gas derived from biomass and biogas was found to contain impurities (Osamu, 2006; Hadi and Tomohiro, 2006). Another method of producing hydrogen is by water splitting using electricity generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass. In addition, water splitting can be conducted in thermochemical cycles when operating at high temperatures (Panini and Srinivas 2006). Hydrogen production based on the type of fuel is shown in Table 1.2. Table 1.2: Hydrogen production based on the types of fuel (Panini and Srinivas 2006) Fuel Amount Percentage Method of production (billions of Nm3/year) Natural gas Oil Coal water 240 150 90 20 48% 30% 18% 4% Steam reforming Partial oxidation reforming Coal gasification Electrolysis Methane or natural gas is the fuel of choice and almost 50% of industrial hydrogen production uses methane as a fuel. For higher hydrocarbons like gasoline or diesel partial oxidation reforming is generally used. During recent years, autothermal reforming is increasingly being employed (Praveen and Alan, 2005). 7 Hydrogen obtained from gasification of coal currently contributes 18% of the world hydrogen consumption. Among those commercial techniques, hydrogen production from electrolysis of water is the only method that produces hydrogen gas in high purity. However, only 4% of the total world hydrogen production is produced via this method. In general, hydrogen production from renewable sources is economically impractical due to the current technical constraint. The storage of the hydrogen for consumer applications has proved to be a difficult challenge as well (Lo, 2006). 1.1.4 Photocatalysis Photocatalysis is a division of chemistry studying catalytic reactions proceeding under the action of light. In photocatalytic process, the surface reaction involved is redox reaction (Serpone, 1989). The basic of the photocatalysis process is shown in Figure 2.2. The initial step of photocatalysis is the adsorption of photons by a molecule to produce highly reactive electronically excited states. The photon needs to have energy of hυ equal to or more than the band gap energy of the semiconductor. The energy absorbed will cause an electron to be excited from the valence band to the conduction band, leaving a positive hole in the valence band. This movement of electrons forms e-/h+ or negatively charged electron/positively charged hole pairs (Serpone, 1989). The positively charged holes in valence band are powerful oxidants, whereas the negatively charged electrons in conduction band are good reductants. The void region which extends from the top of the filled valence band to the bottom of the vacant conduction band is called the bandgap (Serpone, 1989). 8 Figure 1.4: Photocatalytic process. Photocatalysis can be defined as acceleration of a photoreaction by the presence of a catalyst. The catalyst may accelerate the photoreaction by interaction with the substrate in its ground or excited state and/ or with a primary photoproduct, depending on the mechanism of the photoreaction (Bard, 1979). According to Serpone (1989), when the light is absorbed by the catalyst (Equation 2.1), the system represents a sensitized photoreaction which may occur either via energy transfer (Equations 2.2 and 2.3) or via electron transfer (Equations 2.4 to 2.6). catalyst + hυ *catalyst *catalyst + substrate *substrate + catalyst *substrate product *catalyst + substrate substrate- + catalyst+ (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (2.4) substrate- product- (2.5) catalyst+ + product- product + catalyst (2.6) The very first photoinduced redox reaction was discovered by Fujishima and Honda in 1972 (Fujishima and Honda, 1972). They used an n-type titanium dioxide (TiO2) semiconductor electrode, which was connected through an electrical load to a platinum black counter electrode and exposed to near UV light. The extensive 9 research was conducted on producing hydrogen from water as a means of solar energy conversion. Later, this redox reaction was utilized in the decomposition of organic and inorganic compounds for environment protection. Most of the organic and inorganic substances decomposition involves the formation of intermediate in a form of radical. Irradiation of semiconductor with light of energy higher than the band gap results in creation of holes in the semiconductor valence band (VB) and electrons in the conduction band (CB) followed by trapping of separated charges shallow traps (tr) at the solid-solution interface (Izumi et. al., 1981). These traps carriers can be recombine or react with the substrates to form various groups of radicals such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen radicals as shown in the following equations. (TiO2) + hυ ecb- + hvb+ (2.7) ecb- etr- (2.8) hvb+ htr+ (2.9) OH- + htr+ .OH (2.10) H+ + etr- H (2.11) Semiconductors such as TiO2, ZnO, Fe2O3, CdS and ZnS can act as sensitizers for light-induced redox processes due to their electronic structure, which is characterized by a filled valence band and empty conduction band. characteristics enable them to generate e-/h+ or negatively These charged electron/positively charged hole pairs when they received a photon with sufficient energy. The excited electrons and created holes can recombine and scatter the input energy as heat or get trapped in meta-stable surface states. The excited electrons and created holes can also react with electron donors and acceptors adsorbed on the semiconductor surface or within the surrounding electrical double layer of the charged particles. The reactants, reaction intermediates and products are transported between the semiconductor surface and the bulk solution all the time (Fox and 10 Dulay, 1993). The rate of photocatalysis is proportional to the adsorption and desorption rate (Maldotti et. al, 2002). 1.2 Problem Statement From the literature review, cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles prepared by reverse micelle method showed photocatalytic activity for hydrogen generation from water under visible light irradiation (Guan et. al., 2005). However, the way of preparing CdS nanoparticles by these methods are complicated, wasting a lot of solvents and surfactants (create disposal problem) and time consuming. At present, there is still no report of the CdS nanoparticles being prepared by in-situ sulphur reduction method used in hydrogen generation. Since CdS nanoparticles prepared with this method is more feasible, nearly zero waste and economically practical, it becomes very suitable for low cost hydrogen generation. Many researchers have reported preparation of Engelhard titanosilicates (ETS-10) using Ludox and water glass as silica sources showed photocatalytic activity for hydrogen generation from water under ultra violet (UV) irradiation (Guan et. al., 2005; Sitharamam et. al., 2004). In this research, rice husk ash was used as silica source due to its high percentage of silica and locally available in cheaper price. In addition, the ETS-10 that derived from rice husk ash (RHA) was found to be more crystalline and posses higher surface area up to 35.5% (Jei et. al., 2008). The high crystallinity character of ETS-10 is very desirable in water splitting reaction. Therefore, ETS-10 is suggested as the support material to enhance the function of CdS in water splitting reaction. As-synthesized ETS-10 was further treated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to narrow down its band gap to enable it function under visible light irradiation. The well known photocatalyst such as titanium dioxide only function well under UV light irradiation due to its wide band gap energy properties. Unfortunately, the usage of titanium dioxide is not desirable because only 3% of sun 11 energy reaches the earth in that UV region. Therefore, the development of visible light driven photocatalyst was gaining much more attention. CdS solely easily undergoes photocorrosion. In order to solve this problem, several approaches have been carried out to promote an efficient charge separation. As reported earlier, CdS nanoparticles prepared by precipitation in the zeolite matrix showed a significant result in water splitting reaction (Sathish et. al., 2006). In this research, an in-situ hydrogen generation from water by CdS nanoparticles supported on pure ETS-10 is suggested as a photocatalyst. CdS nanoparticles supported on modified ETS-10 was also tested for comparison purposes. 1.3 Objectives of Research The main aim of this research is to investigate the influence of synthesis and modification techniques on CdS/ETS-10 photocatalyst towards the hydrogen gas yield under visible light irradiation. This thesis extensively discusses the design of the continuous flow micro-reactor coupled with gas chromatography to thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD) for the online detection of hydrogen gas. The details of the research objectives are as shown below: (i) To synthesize and modify nano-sized CdS and microporous titanosilicate ETS-10. (ii) To impregnate the CdS on ETS-10 by incipient wet technique. (iii) To characterize the physic o-chemical properties of the as-synthesized samples. (iv) To set-up and calibrate the microreactor coupled with online GC-TCD for hydrogen detection. (v) To evaluate the performance of the samples in hydrogen generation from water under visible light irradiation. 12 (vi) To optimize condition of the reaction including the catalysts preparation method, CdS to ETS-10 ratios, light sources used and the function of sacrificed agents in water. 1.4 Scope of Research This research focuses on the synthesis and modification pathway of the CdS/ETS-10 hybrid photocatalyst and examines its physicochemical properties. Two methods were applied in the CdS preparation, including reverse micelle method and in-situ sulphur reduction method. ETS-10 used is generally prepared by hydrothermal synthesis route with Degussa P25 titanium dioxide as titanium source and RHA as silica source. ETS-10 derived from Ludox-30 as silica source was also prepared for comparison purposes. The effect H2O2 treatment on ETS-10 was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the charge separation effect compared with the original ETS-10. The photocatalyst prepared was tested in water splitting process under visible light irradiation. The volume of hydrogen gas generated was recorded by water displacement method whereas the purity of hydrogen gas being confirmed by online GC-TCD. The optimization condition of the reaction includes catalysts preparation method, CdS to ETS-10 ratios, light sources used and the presence and absence of sacrificed agents in water. 1.5 Thesis Outline This thesis consists of 5 chapters and completed with a list of references. Chapter 1 has presented a brief introduction to the research background and some advantages or application of the output. It has also discussed the problem statement and summarizes the objectives of the research. Chapter 2 presents some fundamental concepts of photocatalyst, water photo-splitting, semiconductor and role of hole scavengers as electron donors. Additionally, chapter 2 includes some 13 previously relevant literature reviews on the hydrogen generation from other type of photocatalysts. Chapter 3 discusses the experimental steps including: synthesis, characterization, reactor set-up and catalytic testing of the samples. Chapter 4 shows the results and discussion of the finding, whereas the conclusion and suggestions of research was reported in chapter 5. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Solar Energy Distribution The solar spectrum changes throughout the day and the location. In 1982, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) adopted consensus standard solar terrestrial spectra to provide standard spectra for photovoltaic (PV) performance applications, solar energy systems and materials degradation. Gueymard and co-workers (2002) have summarized the definition of atmospheric parameters, spectral range, accuracy and resolution, and documentation of the standards. The new reference spectrum proposed was claimed to be more realistic which might maximize the use of concentrators that utilize only the direct component. The effect of various pollutants on solar spectra irradiation was also studied (Jacovides, 2000). The high urban polluted air has significantly reduced the atmospheric spectral transmittance. The standard spectrum for space and terrestrial applications is presented in Figure 2.1. The magnitude of spectral irradiation at top of atmosphere was found to be greater than radiation at sea level. The existence of atmospheric particles such as ozone, aerosol and water vapor act as the radiation absorbent and leads to the decreasing of radiation number (British Standard, 1991). At sea level, UV irradiation appearing in the region of 100 - 400 nm was found only consists only 3% of the total solar energy, whereas visible light in the region of 400 - 780 nm consists of 44%. Near Infrared region (780 - 2500 nm) consists the largest proportion up to 15 53%. However, the consumption of energy below the UV light region is unbreakable, particularly in photocatalysis field due to the limitation of semiconductor properties. The well known photocatalyst such as titanium oxide only function well under UV light irradiation. In order to fully utilize the spectrum of sun light, the development of visible light driven photocatalyst was gaining much more attention. UV Visible Near Infrared Spectral Irradiance (W m-2 nm -1) 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 (a) 0.75 0.50 (b) 0.25 0.00 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 Wavelength (nm) Figure 2.1: Standard solar spectra for the usage of (a) space (b) terrestrial. 2.2 Semiconductor Since the first discovery of electrons by J.J. Thomson in year 1897, many development of the theoretical descriptions of the conduction of metal was demonstrated. In year 1931, A.H. Wilson introduced the concept of holes and the relationship of the energy gap toward the reverse breakdown of semiconductors and insulators in large electric field. There are several ways to define a semiconductor. In the early stage, semiconductor has been used to denote materials with a much 16 higher conductivity than insulator but a much lower conductivity than metals at room temperature (Turner, 1961). Recently, the definition is much more related to the energy gap through the free carrier concentration at room temperature. As shown in Table 2.1, metals and semimetals have a rather largest carrier density; semiconductors exhibit a moderate carrier density while insulators have a negligible carrier density at room temperature. However, the real semiconductors always contain some impurities, which can act as dopants leading to larger values of the carrier density (Grahn, 1999). Table 2.1: The classification of solids according to their energy gap, carrier density and typical conductivity at room temperature (Grahn, 1999). Type of solid Energy gap, EG Carrier Conductivity, (eV) density, n σ (cm-1) Example (cm-3) Metal No energy gap Semimetal Semiconductor Insulator EG ≤ 0 1022 17 105- 1010 21 10 -10 2 5 Au, Cu, Pb 10 -10 Graphite, HgTe 0 < EG < 4 < 1017 10-9-102 Si, Ge, GaAs EG ≥ 4 << 1 < 10-9 Quartz, CaF2 The characteristic electronic feature of a metal is extended band cut by the Fermi level as shown in Figure 2.2 (a). In a metal, a continuous set of former vacant level above the Fermi energy is occupied during illumination and an equivalent set of vacant level below the Fermi energy is generated. However, the lifetime of excited electrons and excited hole is extremely short due to the continuous density of energy states (Serpone, 1989). Semiconductors are characterized by two separated energy bands: a filled low-energy valence band (with the Fermi level at the top) and an empty high-energy conduction band (Figure 2.2 (b)). Unlike the metal, the existence of the band gap in semiconductors prevents rapid recombination of the excited electron-hole pairs. 17 hט hט Fermi energy Fermi energy + + (a) metal E (b) semiconductor Figure 2.2: Schematic diagram of the electronic feature of a metal and a semiconductor. In general, semiconductor structures are characterized by covalent bonding, low coordination number with open lattice structures. Most of the common semiconductors structures are diamond cubic, zincblende, wurtzite and rock salt (Figure 2.3). Diamond cubic exhibit tetrahedral bonding form by sp3-hybridization with each atom is surrounded by four nearest neighbors located at the four corners of a regular tetrahedron. It can be presented as two face-centered-cubic (fcc) lattices with one fcc lattice displaced from the other. In zincblende structure, one of the interpenetrating fcc lattices consists of one element, and the other fcc lattice is composed by the other element (Grahn, 1999). The wurtzite structure consists of two interpenetrating hexagonal close-packed (hcp) lattice constructed of two different atoms. A number of semiconductors may interconvert between the wurtzite and zincblende structures in response to slight changes in temperature and/ or pressure. Some binary compounds composed of elements from the Group IV family and the Group VI family display in rock salt structure and typically have small band gaps (Serpone, 1989). The classification of the semiconductors according to their crystal structure is shown in Table 2.2 (Grahn, 1999). 18 Table 2.2: The classification of semiconductors according to their crystal structure. Structure Group Materials Diamond VI Diamond (c), Ge, Si, α-Sn Zincblende III-V AlAs, AlP, AlSb, BN, GaAs, InAs II-VI CdS, CdSe, HgSe, ZnS, ZnTe I-VII γ-CuBr, γ-CuCl, γ-CuI III-V AlN, BN, GaN, InN II-VI CdS, CdSe, ZnO, ZnS, ZnSe I-VII β-AgI IV-VI PbS, PbSe, SnTe Wurtzite Rock salt (a) (c) (b) (d) Figure 2.3: Crystal structure of common semiconductors (a) diamond cubic (b) zincblende (c) wurtzite and (d) rock salt. 19 2.3 Thermodynamic Limitation of Water Photo-splitting Photosynthesis represents a natural photochemical system for the conversion of radiant solar energy to chemical energy. In fact, a number of researches has been attempted to mimic natural photosynthesis by using colloidal semiconductor particles. Splitting of water into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen by illumination of the semiconductor powder suspensions is regarded as a promising method for harnessing sunlight into storable energy (Kutty and Avudaithai, 1988). In water splitting, it involves the oxidation and reduction of water to produce O2 and H2. The photo-driven conversion of liquid water to gaseous hydrogen and oxygen at room pressure is showed in equation 2.12, where n is the number of photons used per electron transferred in the reaction (Schiavello, 1985; Bard and Fox, 1995). 2H2O (l) 4nhν 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) ∆Go= 474 kJ/mol (2.12) The nature of the semiconductor and the fluid-irradiated semiconductor interface affects the photocatalytic activity. The nature of the interface depends on various parameters such as electronic and chemical properties of the semiconductor, presence of additives in fluid, morphological features, donor-acceptor and acid-base properties of fluid, temperature, pressure and others (Schiavello, 1985; Serpone, 1989; Peral and Mills, 1993). From the electronic and chemical properties perspective, the energy of irradiation must equal or greater than the band gap or threshold energy (Eg) in order to promote a charge separation. The excess energy will be absorbed as vibrational energy or other forms of energy; and being lost to the surrounding as heat. The Mie theory can be used to predict the relationship between threshold wavelength (λg) and the band gap energy via equation 2.13 (Serpone, 1989; Raymond, 1998). λg (nm) = 1240 Eg (eV) (2.13) 20 The knowledge of the band edge position is particularly useful in water photo-splitting. Figure 2.4 represents the standard potentials for several redox couple, which indicates the thermodynamic limitations for the photoreaction that can be carried out with the charge carriers (Schiavello, 1985). The reduction of H+ to H2 only occurs when the conduction band of the semiconductor located more negatively edge than the relevant redox potential level. In contrast, the oxidation process of H2O to form O2 only executed when the valance band of the semiconductor located more positively edge than redox potential of O2 (+1.23 eV). The potential of these semiconductors can be classified into four groups from the water splitting reaction point of view. There are OR, O, R and X type semiconductors. The OR type semiconductor posses both strong oxidation and reduction power thermodynamically. The O type semiconductor shows strong oxidation power but weak reduction power thermodynamically; vice versa for R type semiconductor. Lastly, the X type semiconductor with the conduction and valence bands located in the between of relevant redox levels showed the weak power in both oxidation and reduction process (Serpone, 1989). From the thermodynamic point of view, the OR type and R type semiconductors are predicted to be suitable in hydrogen generation form water due to the conduction band edge position which is more negative than H+/H2. However, there are many obstacles when finding a suitable photocatalyst for water splitting reaction. The semiconductors with too narrow band gap energy (below 1.7 eV) were found to be inactive in water photo-splitting due to the fast recombination of charges. Besides, a few numbers of semiconductors were found unstable or easily undergo certain reaction when in contact with the substrate or fluid. The semiconductors with the band gap energy equal or more than 3.1 eV were also inactive in visible light irradiation. Cadmium sulfide (CdS) with the band gap energy of 2.4 eV was found to be a potential visible light driven photocatalyst due to its conduction edge that is more negative that H+/H2. Furthermore, it is thermally stable under mild temperature and pressure. 21 Negative Potential (V/NHE) -2 -1 ZnS CdS CdT CdS Si e e TiO2 1.1 MoS2 3 H+/H2 eV Fe O 2 3 WO3 3.6 2.4 1.4 3.2 1.75 eV eV eV 1.7 eV eV eV O2/H2O 3.0 2.3 2.8 eV eV eV SrTiO 0 +1 +2 Positive (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.4: Energy-level diagram of various semiconductors in aqueous media. (a) OR type (b) R type (c) O type. 2.4 Hole Scavenger Agents The photocatalytic activity in photocatalytic system is highly dependence on the additives in fluid or solution. Generally, water splitting reaction was conducted under alkaline condition rather than acidic condition. This is due to the maximum hydrogen evolution rate being located in strong alkaline region (pH 13-14). In addition, most of the photocatalyst is more structurally stable in alkaline solution. The additives used in photocatalysis are commonly defined by its function as electron donor (D) or electron acceptor (A). In hydrogen generation reaction, a strong reduction power has to be generated at the conduction band of the photocatalyst. This condition can be achieved by preventing the charge recombination between the electron and hole pair. The presence of electron donor in the irradiated solution was able to scavenge the photogenerated hole at the valence band irreversibly, hence these materials are known as scarifying agents or hole 22 scavenger agents (Schiavello, 1985). Therefore, the backward electron transfer from photocatalyst to the oxidized scavenger agents is unlikely and consequently, the reductive side is attained in high quantum yield (Kitamura, 1983). The mechanism of hole scavenge by the electron donor is illustrated in Figure 2.5. H+ e- hυ H2 D+ h+ D Figure 2.5: Schematic diagram of electron donor (D). Kutty and Avudaithai had reported the use of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), triethanolamine (TEOA), sulfite (SO32-) or hypophosphite (H2PO2-) in the photolysis of water by several photocatalyst composite such as: TiO2 fine powder and Pt-mounted TiO2 (1988); SrTiO3 and Pt- or Rh- mounted SrTiO3 (1990). When TiO2 applied as photocatalyst, inorganic ions such as SO32- ions and H2PO2- ions are less effective as hole scavengers if compared to organic molecules. However, H2PO2- ions was found to be the best among the hole scavengers in SrTiO3 catalytic system. Oxygen gas was found absence in the all photoreaction except for Pt- or Rhmounted SrTiO3 particles suspended in water without any hole scavengers. The use of hole scavenger agent might cause a post-irradiation effect when the irradiation was terminated. This phenomenon was ascribed to an electron transfer from radical species formed by hole scavenging to the TiO2 particles (Serpone, 2000). This mechanism further produces electron and hole pairs and cause the reaction growth at dark. However, this observation only happened in oxygen-free system. 23 2.5 CdS as Photocatalyst Recently, Meng Ni and co-workers (2007) published a review on the current development topics in photocatalytic water splitting by using TiO2 as the photocatalyst. Various issues have been discussed in order to obtain high yield of hydrogen production especially on the topics of photocatalyst modification and role playing of additive in water. However, the photocatalytic conversion efficiency is too low for the technology to be economically practicing. The main barriers are the low solar energy conversion efficiency, rapid charge recombination between the photogenerated electron and hole pairs or known as photo-corrosion, fast catalyst deactivation as well as the backward reaction. These are the main factors that affect the low conversion efficiency for hydrogen generation from water. In order to resolve the above listed problems and make solar photocatalytic hydrogen production feasible, continuous efforts have been made to promote the photocatalytic activity and enhance the visible light response. Various factors such as addition of electron donors or hole scavengers (Jang et. al., 2007; Kida et. al, 2004)), addition of carbonate salts (Sayama, 1998), noble metal loading (Jin and Shiraishi, 2004), dye sensitization (Dhanalakshmi et. al., 2001; Abe et. al, 2002) and composite semiconductors (Hirai and Bando, 2005) have been investigated and are proved to be useful to enhance hydrogen production. Various types of photocatalysts such as TiO2, CdS, ZnO, NiO/Sr3Ti2O7 and Fe2O3 have been developed for hydrogen generation from water under light irradiation (Karsten, 2006; Kanade, 2006; Jeong, 2006; Khan 2008). Among the photocatalysts developed so far, TiO2 was the most important photocatalyst due to economy feasibility, high activity and excellent chemical stability. However, TiO2 is a wide-band-gap semiconductor and only function well under UV light irradiation. In order to utilize photocatalyst in solar energy conversion, it is indispensable that the photocatalyst shall also be sensitive to visible light. 24 Nano-sized CdS photocatalytic water splitting technology has great potential for low cost and environmental friendly solar hydrogen energy production to support the future hydrogen economy. CdS is one of the few examples of a visible-lightdriven photocatalyst. This material has excellent properties for the hydrogen generation with the band gap of 2.4 eV that corresponds well with the spectrum of sunlight. The conduction band edge is more negative than the H+/H2 redox potential and this allows the H2 evolution from water over CdS under sunlight (Darwent and Porter, 1981). Matsumura and co-worker (1985) have studied the effect of crystal structure and preparation of CdS towards the hydrogen production efficiency. Ptloaded CdS powder with a hexagonal crystal structure has been found to be much more efficient as a photocatalyst in hydrogen production from aqueous solutions of sulfite than that by using Pt-loaded CdS powder with a cubic crystal structure. Generally, it has also been found that the activity of the photocatalyst is reduced by the mechanical damage caused by grinding. The defect on the catalyst surface will lead to an increase of the number of electron-hole recombination centers and reduce the conversion efficiency. The enhancement of the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution can be further achieved by the addition of EDTA or other chelating agents in the solution. It is explained as being caused by the upward shift of the conduction band energy of CdS due to the negative charge of the chelating agents (Uchihara, 1990). Recent approach on water photo-splitting research direction of CdS focuses on the minimization of photocorrosion effect by enhancing the charge separation. This can be achieved by addition of dye sensitizer on CdS or by a composite semiconductor system. With the addition of dye sensitizer, the excited dyes can inject electrons to the CB of CdS to initiate the catalytic reaction under light irradiation. The fast electron injection and slow backward reaction make dye- sensitized semiconductors feasible for energy conversion. In the composite semiconductors system, the electrons located at the CB can be injected from the small band gap semiconductor to the larger band gap semiconductor. The reduction of water is then occurred at the CB of the semiconductor that posses larger band gap energy. 25 2.6 Supports in Photocatalysis In heterogeneous catalysis, the usage of supports is inevitable due to several advantages other than providing high surface area and recovery possibility. In general, the supports commonly exist in porous microtexture and appear in a unique interfacial interaction in order to maintain in the dispersed state. Due to these physical requirements, the supports often interfere either directly or indirectly in the reaction mechanism via its active site. The porosity properties also affect the adsorption and desorption rate of the substrates, intermediate and the final products. Figure 2.6 presents the schematic diagram of several functions assigned to a support in a photocatalytic system. Water photo-splitting by composite semiconductors often occur according to the mechanism illustrated in Figure 2.6 (e) (Casal, 1985). The separation of charges can be achieved when the electrons and holes diffuse in opposite direction. The potential mechanism involved in a photocatalytic system and its favourable support materials are shown in Table 2.3. 26 P1 *s s *s P1 P2 (a) (b) P3 P2 e*D D D D DT A D D D D *DT A eD - - + + S1 - e- + A - - - + +- + + S2 - A - D A - *D - e S1 D+ - - (c) - A - D+ A - - - - - + + + + + S2 - P1 - D A - - P2 (d) (e) - Figure 2.6: Schematic diagram of several functions assigned to a support in a photocatalysis. Symbols are as follows: S or Si are substrates to be transformed; P or Pi are final or intermediate product; D or A represents electron donor or electron acceptor respectively. Dote lines represents the light irradiation. (a) adsorption of the substrate; (b) adsorption of the substrate and intermediate products in a restricted geometry; (c) molecular assembly for energy transfer toward a reaction center; (d) separating redox intermediates by double layer effects; (e) bifunctional catalytic system. (Serpone, 1989). Table 2.3: Several potential mechanisms involved in a photocatalytic system and its typical suitable support material (Serpone, 1989) Support Function Adsorbing the substrate to be transformed „Caging‟ the substrate or the primary products Silicas, Aluminas √ Silicas, Colloidal Zeolites semiconductors √ Supporting a particular catalyst √ Organizing the system at supramolecular level Clays, Silicas colloidal TiO2 semiconductors √ √ √ √ √ TiO2, clays √ √ Separating redox intermediates Silicas, clays, √ Absorbing light Anchoring a molecular catalyst or a sensitizer Polymer, √ 27 28 2.6.1 Engelhard Titanosilicates (ETS-10) Currently, there are many researches carried out on the synthesis of nanoporous materials due to their wide range of applications. Among the porous materials, microporous titanosilicate is an example of interlinked octahedral and tetrahedral structures, unlike TS-1 (Taramasso, 1983), zeolite A (Leonard, 1981) and aluminosphosphates that only consist of tetrahedral coordinated framework. ETS-10 with the pore size of 0.8 nm is a microporous titanosilicate molecular sieves family with octahedral coordinated titanium framework ions that was first discovered by Engelhard in 1989 (Kuznicki, 1989). The porosity properties of ETS-10 will affect the migration rate of gases where the lighter gas will move faster and vice versa. The ETS-10 comprises of corner-sharing [SiO4]4- tetrahedra and [TiO6]8octahedra linked through bridging oxygen atoms, forming a three-dimensional 12membered ring network. The titanium (IV) is found in the centre of the corner-sharing octahedra while the silicon is in the centre of corner-sharing tetrahedra. This produces an anionic framework whereby, whenever titanium is present in the structure, there is an associated two minus charge which is compensated by extra-framework cations (Na+ and K+ in as-synthesized ETS-10) (Kuznicki, 1990; Kuznicki, 1991). The extra- framework charging might increase the rate of electrons transfer from CB of CdS to CB of ETS-10 and thus lead to a more effective charge separation. This attraction forces is expected to be stronger than common supports such as zeolite, clay, alumina and silica. The ETS-10 exhibits good thermal stability up to 550oC in air at ambient pressure. Anderson and co-workers (1994) has reported that the ETS-10 has a composition of M2TiSi5O13 . nH2O (M = K or Na). The Si to Ti ratio of as-synthesized ETS-10 was found approximately 5.0 and it is higher than ETS-4 that is only 2.7 (Kim et. al., 2000). The Ti-O bonds in the – Ti – O – Ti – O – Ti chains was found to be alternately long and short as determined by EXAFS spectroscopy (Sankar The framework structure of ETS-10 is shown in Figure 2.7. 29 Si Si Si Si O O O O O Ti Ti O O O O O O Si Si Si Si (a) (b) Figure 2.7: The ETS-10. (a) structure arrangement of ETS-10 where the red colour represents the [SiO4]4- tetrahedra and the blue colour represents the [TiO6]8- octahedra (b) molecular structure. The ETS-10 has wide interesting properties, making it a potential material for a wide range of industrial applications. ETS-10 had shown a great catalytic behaviour especially on the removal of the heavy metals, such as Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ (Choi, 2006; Choi et. al., 2006; Lu Lv,2007). ETS-10 also could be applied as solid base catalyst in n-hexane reforming reactions (Philippou, 1998), Knoevenagel condensation (Goa, 2004) and transestrification (Lόpez, 2005; Suppes,2004). The adsorption of argon, oxygen, and nitrogen gases were studied on silver exchanged titanosilicate molecular sieve ETS-10. It was found that silver exchanged ETS-10 would appear to be a promising potential adsorbent for the production of high purity oxygen streams (Ansόn, 2008). The ETS-10, transition metal incorporated ETS-10 and ion-exchanged ETS-10 also shown a significant photocatalytic activities in the decomposition of acetaldehyde (Uma, 2004) and the photo-oxidation of ethene (Krisnandi and Howe, 2006). The application of ETS-10 in photocatalytic system has gained attention nowadays (Nash, 2008). 30 2.7 CdS Composites Semiconductor composition or known as coupling is one of the methods to increase the hydrogen conversion efficiency. This process involves coupling two or more semiconductors with different band gap energy. When a large band gap semiconductor is coupled with a small band gap semiconductor with a more negative CB level, CB electrons can be injected from the small band gap semiconductor to the large band gap semiconductor. Thus, the photo-corrosion of small band gap semiconductor could be prevented by a wide electron hole separation. Successful coupling of the two semiconductors for photocatalytic water-splitting hydrogen production under visible light irradiation can be achieved when the following conditions are met: (i) semiconductors should be photocorrosion free, (ii) the small band gap semiconductor should be able to be excited by visible light, (iii) the CB of the small band gap semiconductor should be more negative than the large band gap semiconductor, (iv) the CB of the large band gap semiconductor should be more negative than redox potential of H+/H2 and (v) the electron injection from CB of small band gap semiconductor to large band gap semiconductor should be fast as well as efficient. Doong and co-workers (2001) have studied the CdS/TiO2 composite for 2chlorophenol degradation under UV irradiation. The combination of the two semiconductors showed better photocatalytic activity due to better charge separation. Similar response was observed when in the photo-degradation of 4-chlorophenol where the coupling of CdS/TiO2 was more effective than CdS and TiO2 that were used separately (Kang, 1999). 31 Several reports on the CdS/TiO2 photocatalyst have been published in water photo-splitting process. Optical absorption spectral analysis showed that CdS/TiO2 could absorbed photons with wavelength up to 520 nm (So, 2004). Under visible light illumination, CdS/TiO2 composite semiconductors produced hydrogen at a higher rate than CdS and TiO2 that were used separately. The physicochemical properties of bulk CdS/TiO2 composite photocatalysts and the optimization of their photocatalytic activity of hydrogen production from water containing Na2S and Na2SO3 as a sacrificial reagents under visible light irradiation (λ >420 nm) has been extensively studied recently (Jang, 2008; Zhang, 2008). The crystallinity of CdS is more important than the crystallinity of TiO2 and the formation of CdS(bulk)/TiO2 composite photocatalyst is a more effective strategy than single CdS photocatalyst (Jang, 2007). The photocatalytic activity depended significantly on modification techniques, such as loading, proton exchange, and intercalation. CdS intercalated composites showed higher activity and stability. The formation of a „„nest‟‟ on the particle surface promoted a uniform distribution and strong combination of the nano-sized particles on the surface of catalysts. Shangguan (2007) has reported the photocatalytic activity of K4Ce2M10O30 (M =Ta, Nb) in water photo-splitting reaction. It was found that the activity of hydrogen generation of K4Ce2M10O30 was enhanced by the incorporation of Pt, RuO2 and NiO as co-catalysts. Nano-sized CdS particles embedded in ETS-4 zeolite nano-pores showed stable photocatalytic activity in an aqueous solution containing Na2S and Na2SO3 electron donors and the energy conversion efficiency (ECE) was improved by combining CdS with ETS-4. The results suggest that the encapsulation of CdS in ETS-4 zeolite is effective for separating charge-carriers photogenerated in CdS and for improving the activity as well as the stability (Guan, 2004; Guan, 2005). LaMnO3/CdS nanocomposite prepared by a reverse micelle method has been reported to show higher photocatalytic activity than CdS solely. This result suggests that photogenerated holes 32 in the valence band of CdS could be transferred to the valence band of LaMnO3, which can reduce the probability of charge-recombination and improve the activity (Kida, 2003). The mechanism of the holes transfer of LaMnO3/CdS nanocomposite as illustrated in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8: Schematic diagram illustrated the holes transfer from valance band of CdS to valance band of LaMnO3. CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Apparatus and Special Equipments For solution preparation, the apparatuses used were 50 mL and 100 volumetric flasks. Adjustable volume micropipette Eppendorf 100-1000μL with plastic tips was used for accurate measurement of sample solution in small quantity. Glass beakers of several sizes were used as container for non-silica compounds during weighing. In addition, 50, 100 and 250 mL plastic beakers were used for silica compounds. Moreover, 100 mL and 250 mL two necked round bottomed flasks and three necked round bottomed flasks were used as solution mixture container for synthesization process that involve inert atmosphere. PTFE coated magnetic stirring bars were used to ensure the mixture was evenly heated and mixed homogenously. The 240 mL and 500 mL teflon-lined pressure vessel were used as container for hydrothermal synthesis of titanosilicates, ETS-10. General centrifuge manufactured by Kubota Japan was used to separate out the nanoparticles from its mixture. The as-synthesized catalysts are kept in a vaccum desiccator at ambient temperature. All glasses and ceramics apparatus are cleaned and dried prior to use. 34 3.2 Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles by Reverse Micelle Method A nano-sized CdS was synthesized based on previously reported methods (Kida, 2003; Guan, 2004). Experimentally, CdS nanoparticles were prepared by a reverse micelle method using Triton-X (Scharlau, extra pure 98%) as surfactants, n-hexanol (Aldrich-Sigma, 98%) as a co-surfactant and cyclohexane (Merck, 99.%) as the solvent. Cadmium nitrate hexahydrate, Cd(NO3)2.6H2O (Scharlau, 99%) and sodium sulfide (Riedel-deHaën, 60-62%) were used as cadmium and sulfide sources. At the final stage of the synthesis, tetrachloromethane (Avondale Chemicals, 99.5%), ethanol (HmbG Chemicals, 95%) and double distilled water was used as a solvent during the washing process of CdS precursor particles. Microemulsions of A and B were first prepared, where microemulsion A and B contained an aqueous solution of Na2S (0.4 M) and Cd(NO3)2 (0.4 M) respectively. Each microemulsion composition consists of aqueous solution (10 wt%), Triton-X (20 wt%), n-hexanol (10 wt%) and cyclohexane (60 wt%). Microemulsion B was then added to microemulsion A dropwisely and the mixture was maintained at 5oC under ice bath with vigorously stirring during the reaction. Bright yellow-orange colour indicates the formation of CdS precursor particles. After 12 hours of aging period, the CdS precursor particles formed in the microemulsions were collected and washed by centrifuging at 4000 rpm with the several solvents. The sequence of the solvents used has to follow the polarity at the ascending order: tetrachloromethane, ethanol and double distilled water for a total more than 10 times. It is easily anticipated that if surfactant remains over the CdS nanoparticles. The presence of the surfactant in CdS suspension will create large amount of foam when the suspension is being shook. The final CdS nanoparticles paste was dried in air for 3 days. Due to its fine nature, the dried CdS nanoparticles were collected without further grinding. 35 3.3 Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles by In-situ Sulphur Reduction Method A CdS nanoparticle was synthesized based on the method reported by Khanna and Subbarao (2004). Commercial cadmium acetate (Aldrich-Sigma, 98%) and cadmium chloride (Comak, 99%) was used as cadmium source while commercial sulphur powder (Emory, 99%) as the sulfide source. N,N‟- dimethylformamide (Merck, 99.8%) and dimethyl sulfoxide (Fisher Scientific, 99.8%) were distilled and dried separately by molecular sieve 4 Å in an amber colour bottle prior to use. Initially, cadmium acetate was dissolved in an appropriate ratio of N,N‟dimethylformamide in a round bottom flask. Sulphur powder was added to this solution in 1: 1 ratio with respect to cadmium acetate. The reaction mixture was then kept under nitrogen flow and stirred at 120 oC for 4 hours to obtain a bright yellow suspension. After 4 hours of heating, the colloidal suspension was cooled and filtered followed by washing with water and methanol. The final product was dried in a desiccator overnight. In order to study the effect of cadmium salts and solvents towards the formation of CdS nanoparticles, the experimental procedure was repeated by using cadmium chloride to replace cadmium acetate and dimethyl sulfoxide to replace N,N‟-dimethylformamide for different batches of syntheses. 3.4 Synthesis of ETS-10 by Hydrothermal Method Presently, ETS-10 was prepared by a method similar to the experimental procedure reported by Liu and Thomas (1996) using commercial titanium oxide P25 produced by Degussa having the oxide composition 76 % anatase and 24 % rutile. In this study, the rice husk ash (RHA) containing 97 % of SiO2 was used as silica source. Sodium hydroxide (Merck, 99%) and potassium floride (GCE, 99%) were introduced into the mixure in order to provide suitable extra-framework cations and 36 offered an alkaline medium for the growing process of ETS-10 precursor. For comparison, the commercial colloidal silica, Ludox AM-30 (Aldrich-Sigma, 30% SiO2) was used to replace RHA as silica source. The ETS-10 prepared with the chemical composition of TiO2 : 3.75SiO2 : 1.5 NaOH : 0.54KF : 21.25H2O was found most crystalline (Jei, 2008). A 8.00 g of P25 TiO2 was dispersed by stirring into 170.00 g of distilled water. While stirring, 12.00 g of NaOH pellets and 4.30 g KF were added to the TiO2 suspension. After 5 minutes of stirring, 30.00 g of RHA was added slowly into the mixture while stirring vigorously. After 30 minute of stirring, the homogenized slurry was transferred into a 500 mL teflon-lined pressure vessel which was sealed tightly and heated in an oven for 52 hours at 220oC. The amount of raw materials was reduced to half of the above quantity when the 240 mL teflon-line pressure vessel was employed. After 52 hours, the pressure vessel was directly cooled overnight to room temperature. The crystalline samples were filtered and washed to separate the filtrate and impurities by using filter paper (Whatman). Due to the very tiny nature of the product, the ETS-10 could be collected as a filtrate while the impurities remain at the top of filter paper. The filtrate was then centrifuged at 3000 rpm and washed twice by dispersing into double distilled water. The final white solid paste remains in centrifuge tubes was dried in air for about 3 days. The dry sample cake was ground with mortar and pestle into a fine powder and lastly, the ETS-10 powder was collected in a plastic container and kept inside a desiccator for at least three days to yield fully hydrated product. 3.5 Modification of ETS-10 The effect of hydrogen peroxide (Scharlau, 30%) treatment on ETS-10 and CdS/ETS-10 was studied. The pure ETS-10 and CdS/ETS-10 samples was soaked separately into an appropriate amount of hydrogen peroxide inside a round bottom 37 flask and the suspension was kept stirring overnight. The colour of ETS-10 was changed from white to pale yellow during the reaction. The final samples were collected by centrifuging, washed and dried at room temperature. The modified ETS-10 and CdS/ETS-10 were labelled as METS-10 and CdS/METS-10 respectively. 3.6 CdS Nanoparticles Impregnated on ETS-10 Preparation of CdS nanoparticles supported on ETS-10 or METS-10 was accomplished through impregnation by wet incipient technique. In this preparation, four samples were prepared based on different ratios of CdS nanoparticles, 5wt%, 10wt%, 15wt% and 20wt% by adding 0.0263 g, 0.0555 g, 0.0818 g and 0.1081 g into 0.5000g of ETS-10 respectively. Deionised water was used as aqueous medium with the water to ETS-10 ratio of 1 to 3. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 5 hours and dried on a hot-plate. The product was kept overnight in an oven at 100oC to yield a fully dried samples. 3.7 Characterization Techniques 3.7.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) All dried fine powder samples of CdS nanoparticles, ETS-10 and its substitutes were spread on the sample holder. The ETS-10 and its substitute were measured in a 2 range of 5 to 50 degrees at room temperature with the step interval of 0.05 degrees and step time of 1 second per step. The as-synthesized CdS nanoparticles and CdS bulk sample were measured in a 2 range of 20 to 70 degrees at room temperature with the step interval of 0.05 degrees and step time of 1 second per step. The X-ray power diffractogram patterns was recorded with a Bruker 38 Advance D8 with Siemens 5000 diffractometer, using Cu Kα radiation (= 1.5418Å, 40 kV, 40 mA). The EVA software was used to calculate the integrated intensity of the selected peaks. 3.7.2 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy KBr pellet technique was used in samples preparation with the ratio of the sample to KBr at 1 to 100. The mixture was ground homogenously by using pestle and mortar and pressed by hydraulic press at 5000 psi into a transparent pellet. The pellet was put in a sample holder and the spectrum was recorded. The FTIR spectra were recorded by using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One FTIR spectrometer with a 4 cm-1 resolution and 10 scans in the mid IR region (400-4000 cm-1). 3.7.3 Diffuse Reflectance UV-Vis (DR-UV) Spectroscopy The fine powder samples were spread over the sample holder quartz window and sealed nicely and tightly. The quartz window at the female nut has to be kept dried and clean without any fingerprint during the sample preparation. A barium sulfate (BaSO4) standard was used as reference for background scanning. The spectra were represented as the Kubelka-Munk function versus wavelength. The diffuse reflectance UV-Vis Spectra were recorded by using a Perkin Elmer Instrument Lambda 900 Ultraviolet-Visible-Near IR Spectrometer. The scan parameter was set with slit size 2 nm and scan in the UV region (200-700 nm). 3.7.4 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) The small amounts of dried samples were dispersed as a thin layer on conductive carbon tap aluminium stubs and keep in desiccators to prolong the 39 storage of the sample in dried condition. The images of the gold-coated samples were collected on a Zeiss Supra 35VP FE-SEM with accelerating voltage 15 kV and 6 mm working distance in the secondary electron imaging mode. Samples were magnified until a clear visual image was obtained. The dimensions and size of the crystals were estimated by the visual analysis of the FE-SEM images of the products. 3.7.5 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDAX) The elemental ratio was measured using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy utilizing an Oxford Instrument INCA X-sight analyzer equipped with a Sapphire super ultra window detector attached to the Zeiss Supra 35VP FE-SEM. The accelerating voltage of the electron gun was set to 15 kV. Uncoated samples were dispersed on aluminium specimen stubs coated with conductive carbon tap. For each sample, a measurement at different magnifications was performed at least 3 times. The cadmium to sulfur ratio was measured for CdS nanoparticles samples. In a meanwhile, the silicon to titanium ratio was measured for crystalline ETS-10. 3.7.6 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) A small quantity of as-synthesized samples was added in an appropriate amount of acetone and the mixture was dispersed by ultrasonification for about 15 minutes. A small amountt of the ultrasonicated mixture was dropped on a Formvar film coated 300 mesh copper grid. The TEM micrographs of the samples were recorded by Oxford Instrument JEM-2100 Electron Microscope JEOL at 160 kV accelerate voltage. 40 3.8 Experimental Set-up for Photocatalytic Testing The micro-reactor frame was constructed from painted iron bar of 25 mm x 25 mm x 1.6 mm hollow section. This material was selected for rigidity to the reactor so that the measurement of gas flow of argon in the cylinder vessel will not be disturbed during the reaction. The front view of the micro-reactor was fabricated by a plate of stainless steel of 3 mm thickness with the four holes size of 1.5 cm and a hole size of 2.3 cm at the related measurement as shown in Figure 3.1. The different dimension of holes was designed for the installation of flow meter, 2-ways valves and 6-ways valve. An extra iron bar with similar dimension was linked 10 cm from the top so that it can be used to set up a lamp for the pyrex reaction vessel from top. The rear view of the micro-reactor frame is shown in Figure 3.2. Figure 3.3 shows the diagram of experimental set-up for hydrogen detection in 2-D dimension. The design is then further fixed on the stainless steel plate located in the micro-reactor frame. The flow meter was vertically installed in the 2 holes located 8 cm from left while two pieces of the 2-ways valves were installed in the holes 10 cm from top, respectively. The 6-ways valve was finally fixed on the hole size of 2.3 cm and the internal gas stream was developed by 1/8 inch stainless steel tubing. The gas line was tested by Snoop Test and was proved to be free of leakage. The reaction vessel was made from pyrex glass with the glass tubes 0.9 cm OD as the connector to the stainless steel gas stream line. The dimension of reaction vessel and the glass tube is further shown in Figure 3.4. During the reaction, molecular sieve 4 Å (Merck) was filled in between the fine quartz wool (TOSH) inside the glass tube. The water photo-splitting reaction was conducted inside the reaction vessel under a continuous argon gas flow. Argon gas was chosen as the carrier gas as well for gas chromatography coupled thermal conductivity detection (GC-TCD) due to its high sensitivity towards the hydrogen gas detection. 41 10 41 20 10 18 28 50 35 8 40 8 30 50 Figure 3.1: Front view of microreactor frame. Grey dots indicate hole size 1.5 cm whereas black dot indicate hole size 2.3 cm. (scale in cm) 10 50 15 30 50 Figure 3.2: Rear view of microreactor frame. (scale in cm) GC-TCD Check valve Pyrex glass tube Argon 6-ways valve Regulator 2-ways valve Argon Pyrex reaction vessel Figure 3.3: Diagram of experimental set-up for catalytic testing 42 43 0.9 cm 3 cm 3 cm 4 cm (a) 8 cm 0.9 cm (b) 20 cm Figure 3.4: dimension of (a) pyrex reaction vessel (b) pyrex glass tube 3.9 Catalytic Testing The water photo-splitting reaction was conducted by adding photocatalyst (0.1 g) in an alkaline solution of S2-/SO32- (50 mL). The sulfide ions were supplied from sodium sulfide, whereas the sulfite ions were supplied from sodium sulfite (Sigma-aldrich, 98+%). The alkaline solution contains Na2S (0.1M), Na2SO3 (0.5M) and NaOH (1.0 M) dissolved properly in double distilled water (50 mL). This alkaline solution was transferred into the pyrex reaction vessel after which the catalyst (0.1 g) was added into the reaction vessel before attaching to the gas stream line. The effect of the light source on the hydrogen generation was studied by several commercial visible light sources including: Kwzone submersible lamp (6W), Sunkyo cool daylight lamp E27 (18W), Phlight halogen lamp (150 W) and Phlight halogen lamp (500 W). It was found that only Phlight halogen lamp is active as the irradiation source for the water photo-splitting reaction. This probably due to higher energy powers of the Phlight halogen lamp that lead to more successful electron excitation. In this reaction, the photocatalytic activity of the series of catalyst was tested under illumination of Phlight halogen lamp. The volume of hydrogen gas evolved was collected by water displacement method and the average rate of hydrogen generation was calculated. 44 The catalyst regenerateability was tested in three cycles. After the first usage, the suspension of the catalyst was centrifuged, washed and dried at 80oC for 24 hours. The post-treated sample was re-applied as the catalyst into a fresh load of the aqueous alkaline S2-/SO32- solution for another two times. The hydrogen gas liberated was recorded at 2 hours interval for the first 8 hours and last point at 24 hours. The reusability of the catalyst was observed. The hydrogen gas collected in the unit of centimeter cubic was converted into the unit of mol via the ideal gas law as shown in equation 3.1; where, P is the absolute pressure of gas, V is the volume of gas, n is the number of mole of gas, R is the universal gas constant and T is the absolute temperature. The conversion efficiency of hydrogen evolved was demonstrated in the function of hydrogen gas volume over 0.1 g catalyst (μmol/0.1 g) versus time (hr) PV = nRT 3.9.1 (3.1) Hydrogen Gas Calibration by GC-TCD The standard gases calibration was conducted to determine the retention time of the particular gases on a chromatogram. The retention peaks of the hydrogen and oxygen gases were confirmed by using the ultra purified hydrogen gas and industrial oxygen gas supplied from MOX-Linde Gases Sdn. Bhd. 3.9.2 Photocatalytic Testing by Using Microreactor The hydrogen generation from water was carried out in the continuous flow micro-reactor. The powder sample (0.1 g) was added into an alkaline solution-filled pyrex reaction vessel and attached to the gas stream line. The whole gas line was pre-treated under argon flow at room conditions for 20 minutes. The water photo- 45 splitting reaction was conducted by light irradiation from the bottom of the reaction vessel. Since reaction vessel was made from quartz, therefore it is assumed that no incident photon in the region of visible is being absorbed by the reaction vessel glass. However, the lost of irradiation to the surrounding is inevitable. Mass flow rate was set at 50 mL/min for the pre-treatment and 20 mL/min during the reaction. The products of the water photo-splitting reaction were directly separated and detected by an online Agilent 7890N gas chromatograph equipped with TCD and packed column (Supelco, 13 X molecular sieves). The purity of hydrogen gas produced was determined based on appearance of the hydrogen peak on chromatograms. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Characterization of the Photocatalysts 4.1.1 Preparation of the CdS Nanoparticles CdS nanoparticles were synthesized by both reverse micelle and in-situ sulphur reduction methods. It was found that the colour intensity of CdS nanoparticles prepared by reverse micelle method (CdS-RM) was similar to the commercial CdS (Sigma-Aldrich) which was yellowish-orange. Whereas, CdS nanoparticles synthesized by in-situ sulphur reduction method (CdS-IS) gave a bright yellow solid. Both as-synthesized CdS nanoparticles appear as a very fine powder after drying process without any further mechanical grinding. Solvent affects toward the CdS formation were studied in the in-situ reduction method. N,N‟-dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used as solvents appropriately in the different batches of the syntheses. Both solvents gave a good dissolution effect thus CdS nanoparticles could be formed effectively. DMF is known as a dipolar aprotic solvent with a high dielectric property. The hydrogen gas can be generated in the presence or absence of a suitable catalyst when DMF is heated with water (Yu, 1990). The suggested mechanism of the reaction is shown in the equations below. The reaction involved is 47 the reduction water that leads to the formation of hydrogen gas wherein, this hydrogen gas causes the in-situ reduction of sulphur (Khanna and Subbarao, 2004). HCONMe2 + H2O Me2NCOOH + H2 (4.1) H2 + S H2S (4.2) 2+ + + H2S CdS + 2H (4.3) Me2NCOOH CO2 + Me2NH (4.4) Cd When DMSO was applied as solvent, two main reaction mechanisms were proposed by Rivka and co-worker (2001). The first suggestion for the mechanism was a reduction of Cd2+ to Cd0, followed by a chemical reaction of Cd0 with the dissolved sulphur to give CdS. In contrast, the second mechanism suggested a different pathway including a reduction of S to S2-, followed by a chemical reaction with Cd2+ to form CdS. It is possible that both mechanisms operate to a greater or lesser extent depending on the reaction conditions. The effect of cadmium salts toward the reaction has also been studied by using cadmium acetate and cadmium chloride, respectively. When cadmium acetate was used as the cadmium source, homogenized bright yellow solid formed after 4 hours of reaction time. This bright yellow solid indicates the formation of cadmium sulfide. This method gave the highest product yield more than 60% compared to the other methods. The reverse micelle method using cadmium nitrate as cadmium source only gave the product yield of 50%. During the reaction of cadmium chloride with sulphur, it was observed that the original pale yellow colour solution attributed by the sulphur remain unchanged after heating process was extended to 4 hours. This observation suggested that there was no significant sign to indicate the formation of CdS nanoparticles by using cadmium chloride as the cadmium source. It was probably due to the least solubility of cadmium chloride in DMF and DMSO solvents. 48 The as-synthesized CdS were used as a reference rather than calcined samples in characterization and photocatalytic testing. This is due to the CdS fact that the cubic phase as-synthesized CdS was found to be thermally unstable and could easily undergo phase transformation from cubic to hexagonal phase (Tetsuya, 2003). Furthermore, the calcination of CdS might results decrease in the photocatalytic activity due to the increase in the particle size and the decrease in the surface area. The heat treatment of the CdS samples might also lead to the structural defection. 4.1.2 Physico-chemical Studies of CdS All elemental data were collected in iterations of three by using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDAX). There are slightly different of calculated atomic percentage compared to the EDAX elemental analysis. As can be seen in Table 4.1, the calculated atomic percent of Cd and S ratio in CdS-RM showed a close ratio to the EDAX elementals analytical data. The application of microelmusion technique in the preparation of CdS-RM effectively controls the Cd and S ratio. The EDAX spectrum of the as-synthesized CdS nanoparticles is shown in Figure 4.1 Table 4.1: The elemental analysis for CdS CdS Calculated atomic% EDAX atomic % Cd S Cd S In-situ reduction method 50.00 50.00 56.49 43.51 Reverse micelle method 50.00 50.00 50.54 49.46 49 Figure 4.1: The EDAX spectrum for as-synthesized CdS sample. The formation of CdS nanoparticles was studied by using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) technique. It was found that crystallinity of CdS prepared from cadmium acetate by in-situ reduction method is similar to the XRD pattern of CdS prepared from cadmium nitrate by reverse micelle method. The XRD patterns indicated that these nanocrystals were crystallized in the cubic structure with the lattice constants a= 0.5818 nm. Both samples display reflection peaks (111), (220) and (311) lattice planes of cubic CdS that corresponded well with previous research (Yang, 2005; Guan, 2005; Khanna, 2004). The appearance of broad humps suggested the formation of nano-sized crystallites. The XRD patterns of the CdS synthesized by in-situ reduction method and reverse micelle method are shown in Figure 4.2. Besides that, it was also found that CdS nanoparticles could not be produced when cadmium chloride was used as cadmium source. This suggestion was further confirmed by the XRD pattern as illustrated in Figure 4.3 (b) in which no lattice plane corresponded to CdS was observed. This was probably due to the least solubility of cadmium chloride in solvents medium and lead to the low degree of ionization. Unlike cadmium chloride, cadmium nitrate and cadmium acetate were found more readily soluble. The sharp peaks in the region of 20-30o might be attributed to other crystalline structure that is still unidentified. 311 220 Intensity (a.u.) 111 50 (c) (b) (a) 2-Theta (o) Figure 4.2: XRD pattern of the CdS nanoparticles synthesized from cadmium acetate by in-situ reduction method with different solvents (a) DMF (b) DMSO. (c) Intensity (%) CdS synthesized from cadmium nitrate by reverse micelle method. (b) (a) 2-Theta (o) Figure 4.3: XRD patterns of CdS nanoparticles synthesized with different cadmium salts. (a) cadmium acetate (b) cadmium chloride. 51 The surface morphology and particles size of as-synthesized CdS was evaluated by using Field Emission Scanning Electron microscopy (FESEM). As can be seen in Figure 4.4, both of the as-synthesized CdS showed similar surface morphology characteristic in term of shape and particle size. The aggregation and agglomeration was observed on some portion of the samples due to the heat treatment at 100oc during drying process. Under a magnification of 80000 times, it was found that the CdS particle size exists in the particle range of 25-40 nm. This is in a good agreement with XRD result, which shows the broad humps at 3 different reflection points. However, the shape of the particle could not be confirmed due to the low resolution of FESEM. (a) (b) 100 nm 100 nm Figure 4.4: FESEM micrographs of as-synthesized CdS (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM The morphology of the samples was further observed by using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). From the TEM micrographs, as-synthesized CdS was found to be crystalline form in cubic shape with the particles size of 8-10 nm. This evaluation was found to be totally different with the FESEM analysis. The variation of the observation is due to the water elimination step of CdS during the preparation of stub for FESEM analysis. However, the drying process in preparing stub for FESEM analysis is inevitable. Thus, the TEM result is more reliable since the sample preparation of Formvar film coated sample grid does not involve any heat treatment. The ultrasonification step for 15 minutes in acetone further facilitates the 52 separation of CdS particles. The TEM micrographs of the as-synthesized CdS at different magnifications are shown in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.5: TEM micrographs of as-synthesized CdS A pure CdS nanoparticles are not active in the infrared region (Rivka, 2001). Therefore, no report has been published regarding the infrared vibration data for CdS nanoparticles. 4.1.3 Physico-chemical of ETS-10 Elemental data of ETS-10 synthesized from rice husk ash (RHA) and Ludox30 was collected by EDAX analysis. It was found that the calculated Si/Ti starting gel ratio for the RHA synthesized ETS-10 shows the nearest Si/Ti ratio to the EDAX analysis (Table 4.3). The unreacted silica in RHA could be easily separated from the ETS-10 suspension during filtration process. It can be collected as the residue whereas the pure ETS-10 was collected as the filtrate. 53 Table 4.2: The elemental analysis for ETS-10 ETS-10 Calculated Si/Ti ratio EDAX Si/Ti ratio Ludox-30 3.75 5.14 RHA 3.75 3.79 The crystallinity and the purity of as-synthesized ETS-10 were tested using XRD. It was found that highly crystalline ETS-10 with high purity could be obtained by hydrothermal synthesis under condition of reaction at 220 oC for 52 hours. The XRD pattern of the product corresponded well with previous report (Chapman, 1990). The starting gel of ETS-10 consists of molar composition of TiO2 : 3.75SiO2 : 1.5NaOH : 0.54KF : 21.25H2O. Figure 4.6 shows the XRD diffractograms for ETS-10 synthesized by using RHA and Ludox-30 as silica sources. It is noticeable that a small amount of unreacted P25 TiO2 is still remaining in ETS-10 synthesized by RHA. It might be due to slightly incomplete reaction. However, the priority of RHA as silica source remains unchanged for low cost production of ETS-10. Intensity (a.u) (c) (b) * (a) 5 10 20 30 40 2-Theta (o) Figure 4.6: XRD patterns of (a) P25 TiO2 (b) ETS-10 from RHA (c) ETS-10 from Ludox-30. Peaks assigned to P25 TiO2 are indicated by asterisks. 54 The surface morphology of the as-synthesized ETS-10 was characterized by FESEM. It can be seen that both of ETS-10 samples from different Si source displays truncated bipyramid structure. The formation of ETS-10 is believed to be related to the fine particles of P25 TiO2 and Ludox-30 or RHA, which directly led to the nucleation of ETS-10. ETS-10 synthesized from RHA showed a small amount of anatase TiO2. This can be seen in micrograph of Figure 4.7 (b) where the appearance of impurity presents in the sample. It might be due to the incomplete reaction or structure distortion since ETS-10 is one of the meta-stable microporous titanosilicates. Figure 4.7 (a) and (b) presents the FESEM micrographs for ETS-10 under magnification of 25000 times. Generally, the ETS-10 particles distribute in a wide range of size of 200 to 500 nm. Ten specimens of both of the samples were measured and the average crystal dimensions along a, b and c directions were determined. The dimension of ETS-10 synthesized from RHA gave 407±49 nm, 207±62 nm and 142±36 nm in the direction of a, b and c, respectively. Similar dimension for the sample ETS-10 synthesized from Ludox-30 was observed for a, b and c which were 433±47 nm, 225±69 nm and 139±24 nm. (a) 200 nm (b) 200 nm Figure 4.7: FESEM micrographs of ETS-10 synthesized by different silica sources (a) RHA (b) Ludox-30 55 Figure 4.8 presents the IR spectra for ETS-10 synthesized from Ludox-30 and RHA, respectively. In general, both of the samples showed a similar vibration bands. The fundamental vibration of octahedral [TiO6]8- and tetrahedral [SiO4]4occurred in mid-infrared region between 450-1300 cm-1. The position of the major vibration mode matched well with the literature value (Das, 1995). The high frequency range (above 800 cm-1) of the spectra is dominated by SiO bond stretching modes, which generate a stronger and intense band. Whereas, the SiO bending and TiO stretching modes are likely to appear in the middle frequency range. The details of IR spectra and the type of vibration present in ETS-10 are summarized in Table 4.3. 657 T (%) (b) 746 653 555 449 (a) 1026 747 554 447 1028 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Figure 4.8: IR spectra for ETS-10 synthesized by different silica sources (a) Ludox30 (b) RHA. 56 Table 4.3: The details of the wavenumber and the type of vibration present for ETS10 synthesized from Ludox-30 and RHA. Wavenumber for ETS-10 (cm-1) Type of Vibrations Ludox-30 RHA Si-O stretching 1028 1026 Ti-O stretching 747 746 Ti-O stretching 653 657 Si-O rocking, O-Ti-O bending 554 555 O-Si-O bending, O-Ti-O bending, Ti-O stretching 447 449 4.1.4 Physico-chemical Studies of CdS/ETS-10 CdS supported on ETS-10 was prepared by a wet impregnation method. It was found that the colour of ETS-10 changed from white to pale yellow after loading with CdS. This colour changes served as an indication to successful attempt of incorporating CdS on the ETS-10. The colour becomes more intense with the increase in CdS loading onto ETS-10. From an elemental analysis, elements of sulphur and cadmium could be detected in the samples of CdS/ETS-10. This indicates the presence of cadmium and sulphur in the ETS-10 samples. The EDAX spectrum of the 10 wt% of CdS supported on ETS-10 is shown in Figure 4.9. 57 S Figure 4.9: The EDAX spectrum for 10CdS/ETS-10 sample. The crystallinity and lattice plane of ETS-10 was studied after loading of CdS nanoparticles. From the XRD pattern of CdS/ETS-10 (Figure 4.10), a slight drop in intensity was noticed by a comparison with the pure ETS-10. This was suggested from the decrease in crystallinity degree after the modification process. As can be seen here, there is no any formation of new peak observed. This probably suggested the absence of extensive formation of CdS over the ETS-10 framework. The addition of CdS in ETS-10 does not affect the lattice structure of ETS-10. This observation corresponded well with the previous publication by Guan and coworkers (2005). It is suggested that CdS nanoparticles seated adjacently besides the ETS-10 without causing pore blockage. The surface contact between CdS composite would definitely promote the electrons transfer from conduction band of CdS to the conduction band of ETS-10 under light illumination. 58 Intensity (a.u) (c) (b) (a) 2-Theta (o) Figure 4.10: XRD patterns of samples (a) ETS-10 (b) CdS (c) CdS/ETS-10 Figure 4.11 (a) and (b) shows the FESEM micrographs for samples with the 5 wt% and 10 wt% of CdS nanoparticles supported on microporous ETS-10. It was found that the CdS nanoparticles disperse well in the external framework of ETS-10. The pore blockage could be prevented due to the pore of ETS-10 approximately 0.8 nm while the diameter of as-synthesized CdS averagely around 30 nm. A large crystal in the shape of hexagonal was observed in the sample 10CdS/ETS-10. This hexagonal crystal attributes to the agglomeration of CdS nanoparticles under heat treatment during the sample preparation for FESEM scanning. The agglomeration process does not occur in 5CdS/ETS-10 due to the low ratios number of CdS to ETS10. 59 (a) (b) 200 nm 200 nm Figure 4.11: FESEM Micrographs of the samples (a) 10CdS/ETS-10 (b) 5CdS/ETS10 The interaction between CdS coupling materials was also studied by TEM analysis as illustrated in Figure 4.12. A large truncated bipyramid shape was assigned to the ETS-10 and the small spots in its surrounding were CdS nanoparticles. CdS nanoparticles were found became larger when attached to ETS10. This was probably due to the formation of CdS cluster arrays when in contact with pore of ETS-10. This CdS clusters were interconnected electronically by a quantum tunneling effect, forming CdS cluster arrays with the geometric structures imposed by internal pore structure of zeolite. Similar interaction was observed in CdS/Zeolite Y system (Yahiro, 2002). Figure 4.12: TEM micrographs of CdS/ETS-10 60 4.1.5 Photo-absorption Properties of CdS The diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectra of all samples were recorded in Kubelka Munk unit. UV-visible absorption spectra of CdS showed a strong absorption edge at 488 and 532 nm for CdS-IS and CdS-RM, respectively in Figure 4.13. It was found that the absorption edge of the as-synthesized CdS is apparently blue-shifted compared to bulk commercial CdS which occurred at 538 nm. This phenomenon of blue shift of absorption edge has been ascribed to an increase in band gap energy of semiconductor. In semiconductor, it is well known that band gap energy increase with the decrease in particles size (Yang,2005). With the decreasing radius, the onset of absorption is shifted to higher energy due to the size quantization effect. As-synthesized CdS demonstrated a high light absorption capability in visible region, making it a potentially important material as visible-light driven photocatalyst. In addition to blue shift, a certain degree of band broadness was also observed, most probably due to the wide distribution of particle size and some crystal lattice distortion (Yang, 2005). 10 9 8 7 K-M 6 (c) 5 4 (b) 3 2 1 (a) 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 wavelength (nm) Figure 4.13: DR-UVspectra (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM (c) bulk CdS 600 61 4.1.6 Photo-absorption Properties of ETS-10 The diffuse-reflectance UV absorption spectra of the ETS-10 prepared using RHA and Ludox-30 as silica sources are shown in Figure 4.14. Two obvious absorption bands were observed in the regions of 260 nm and 280 nm. The absorption band at 260 nm indicated the presence of Ti atom bonded to four silica tetrahedra. This band was assigned to the charge transfer from the Si, Ti-linking oxygen atoms to the Ti(IV) central atom in directions perpendicular to the -Ti – O – Ti – O- chains. The 280 nm absorption band was attributed to the charge transfer within the -Ti – O – Ti – O- chains of the ETS-10 structure (Das, 1996; Philippou, 2000). There is a weak shoulder band at 370 nm observed in the DR-UV spectra of the ETS-10 synthesized from RHA, assigned to the existence of a small amount of anatase TiO2 phase. This result corresponded well with the XRD pattern and FESEM analysis of ETS-10. The photo-absorption properties of the hydrogen peroxide treated ETS-10 (METS-10) was also studied for the comparison purposes. The METS-10 that underwent chemical treatment showed the colour changed from white to pale yellow colour. This sample showed wide band broadness in the DR-UV spectra, probably due to the some distortion of crystal lattice during the chemical treatment. K-M 62 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 296 (c) 254 (b) 260 280 278 (a) 370 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.14: DR-UV spectra of (a) ETS-10 from RHA (b) ETS-10 from Ludox-30 (c) METS-10 4.1.7 Photo-absorption Properties of CdS/ETS-10 The diffuse-reflectance UV absorption spectra of the as-synthesized CdS, ETS-10 and ETS-10 supported CdS with the 5 % and 10% CdS loaded samples are shown in Figure 4.15. It is noticeable that pure ETS-10 is not active in the visible region. However, it gave a broad absorption band up to visible region after the modification process by attaching small amounts of CdS on the ETS-10 surface. This result was found to be correspond well with other types of CdS composites such as CdS/TiO2 (Kang, 1999; Doong,, 2001) and CdS/ETS-4 (Guan, 2004). 63 8 CdS ETS-10 10CdS/ETS-10 5CdS/ETS-10 7 6 K-M 5 4 3 2 1 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) Figure 4.15: Diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectra of the samples. 4.1.8 Band Gap Studies The band gap of as-synthesized CdS samples were calculated from the linear correlation of [F(R) hυ]2 and hυ (Guan, 2004; Guan, 2005). The function of F(R), represents the light reflection intensity of the samples and the details could be obtained as Kubelka-Munk unit. The function of hυ, represents the energy axis with the function of h as the Planck‟s constant The intercept at energy axis gave the band gap energy of CdS-RM to be 2.40 eV which is lower than CdS-IS at 2.58 eV. Whereas, the calculated band gap energy of commercial CdS was found to be the lowest (2.36 eV), probably due to the size quantization effect since the commercial CdS was prepared in micro-sized region. Larger particle size of the CdS ascribed to the narrow band gap energy. However, factors of quantization effect towards the band gap energy could not be applied for the as-synthesized CdS. This is due to these samples having been proved to be present in similar particles dimension by using microscopic techniques. 64 The differences of calculated band gap value of CdS are due to the remaining initial reagents on the samples. For example, the use of Triton X-100 as surfactant and hexanol as co-surfactant in the preparation of CdS-RM precursor might not be fully removed during the washing process. The calculated and extrapolated band gap energy of CdS samples is shown in Figure 4.16. 700 600 [F(R) hv]^2 500 (c) 400 (b) 300 200 (a) 100 0 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 hv (eV) Figure 4.16: The band gap studied of CdS samples (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM (c) bulk CdS The band gap of ETS-10, METS-10 and ETS-10 supported CdS were calculated with the method as described above. ETS-10 supported CdS shows a wide absorption range from visible range up to ultra violet range. The band gap energy of pure ETS-10 was found to be 4.03 eV. As can be seen in Figure 4.17, ETS-10 in the 10CdS/ETS-10 also has the same amount of calculated band gap energy. This observation signified that the coupling work does not alter the band gap energy of ETS-10. However, when ETS-10 underwent hydrogen peroxide treatment, the band gap energy was found to decrease drastically to 3.41 eV. The formation of new species on the ETS-10 surface such as TiOH was proposed. 65 400 350 [F(R)hv]^2 300 250 (c) 200 150 (b) 100 (a) 50 0 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 hv (eV) Figure 4.17: The band gap studied of (a) ETS-10 (b) 10CdS/ETS-10 (c) METS-10 As mentioned earlier, the CdS coupling ETS-10 does not alter the band gap energy of ETS-10. However, the band gap energy of CdS-IS in CdS/ETS-10 was noticeable slightly reduced when calculated using the same approach as described above. This is due to the slightly increase in the particle size of CdS where CdS forms cluster arrays when contact with the pores of ETS-10. This statement is further supported by TEM micrographs. As can be seen in Figure 4.18, the significance of the band gap energy shifted was highly depended on the amount of CdS loaded on ETS-10. The more CdS portion in the CdS composites, the more it is likely to be as untainted CdS band gap energy. The band gap energy of pure CdS-IS, 10CdS/ETS-10 and 5CdS/ETS-10 were calculated to be in a descending order of 2.58 eV, 2.56 eV and 2.55 eV, respectively. 66 6 5 [F(R)hv]^2 (c) 4 (d) (b) 3 2 1 (a) 0 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 hv (eV) Figure 4.18: The band gap studied of (a) ETS-10 (b) 10CdS/ETS-10 (c) 5CdS/ETS10 (d) CdS-IS 4.2 Photocatalytic Activity 4.2.1 Hydrogen Detection by GC-TCD Hydrogen generation of water photo-splitting was conducted in a pyrex reaction vessel with the light irradiation from bottom. The whole system was pretreated and saturated with argon gas before the reaction was start. The hydrogen gas generated was then separated and analyzed with online GC-TCD in the argon as the carrier gas. Figure 4.19 presents the outlook view of the micro-reactor coupled online GC-TCD. 67 The hydrogen gas evolution was tested in the presence of two types of additive added into water. The groups of the additives are classified as organic hole scavenger represented by methanol and inorganic hole scavenger represented by a mixture of sulfide and sulfite (S2-/S2O32) alkaline solution. In was found that when methanol was added in the ratio of 1 to 1 with water, the volume of hydrogen gas generated was negligible. However, there were significant hydrogen gas observed when the S2-/S2O32- was added into the alkaline solution. The evolution of hydrogen gas was confirmed by GC-TCD, where the hydrogen gas peak occurred at the retention time of 0.910 minute as illustrated in Figure 4.20. The blank was ascribed to the reaction condition with the absence of photocatalyst. Figure 4.19: The view of the micro-reactor coupled online GC-TCD 1.200 H2 0.910 1.435 68 Blank H2O + catalyst + hv Figure 4.20: Chromatogram of water photo-splitting. 4.2.2 The Mechanism Study of Water Photo-splitting The water photo-splitting reaction was tested in both the gas-solid phase and liquid-solid phase. No reaction occurred when the photocatalytic activity conducted in a gas-solid phase, probably due to the lesser contact time between the water with the catalyst. In contrast, significant amount of hydrogen was produced in liquidsolid phase. The liquid-solid phase offer several advantages, such as high extinction coefficients, fast carrier diffusion to the interface and suitable positioning of valance, conduction bands to achieve high efficiencies in light energy conversion processes (Schiavello, 1985). CdS is not stable in water because of the anodic photocorrosion, which leads to the formation of sulfate ions and sulfur in the presence and absence of oxygen respectively (Equations 5.1 and 5.2). A quantitative analysis showed that four holes are consumed to form one sulfate ion in the presence of oxygen gas (Meissner, 69 1986). At the condition of oxygen-free, the corrosion of one CdS molecules is caused by the removal of only two holes instead of four with the presence of oxygen. CdS + 4h+ + O2 + 2H2O Cd2+ + SO42- + 4H+ (5.1) CdS + 2h+ Cd2+ + S0 (5.2) In general, the decomposition of sulphur on catalyst surface could be prevented in the presence of sacrificial reagents of S2-/S2O32- as hole scavengers. The sacrificial reagents make up half of the water-splitting reaction and they were routinely used to make sure that the photocatalyst can reduce H2O to H2. Sacrificial electron donors worked irreversibly by consuming the photogenerated holes at the valence band of CdS nanoparticles. Thus the recombination number of electrons and hole pairs could be minimized. The net valence band process at CdS nanoparticles is shown in the Equations of 5.3 to 5.7: 2hvb+ + S2- + SO32- S2O32- (5.3) 2hvb+ + 2S2O32- S4O62- (5.4) 1.5H2O + S4O62- SO32- + 1.5S2O32- + 3H+ (5.5) 2hvb+ + 1.5H2O + 0.5S2O32- SO32- + 3H+ (5.6) 1.5H2O + 1.5S2O32- hυ 2SO32- + S2- + 3H+ (5.7) The suggested schematic diagram of the energy level and charges separation mechanism of CdS/ETS-10 is shown in Figure 4.21. Conduction edge of CdS exhibits more negative than conduction edge of ETS-10 and the conduction edge of ETS-10 exhibits more negative than redox potential of H+/H2. Based on the band potential energy of CdS and ETS-10, the charge transfer from conduction band of CdS to conduction band of ETS-10 is proposed. In the meanwhile, the photogenerated holes at VB of CdS will be trapped by hole scavenger. As a result, strong reduction power is accumulated at conduction of ETS-10 while strong oxidation power is present at valence band of CdS. This class of catalyst design may greatly reduce the probability of charge-recombination and improve the conversion efficiency. Sankar and co-workers (1996) has reported the Ti-O bonds in the –Ti-O– 70 Ti-O-Ti– chains was alternately long and short. This feature increased the opportunity and ability of electron delocalization compared to others common zeolite matrix. Negative Potential (V/NHE) H2 hν e- e- e- e- CB CB 0 CdS S2- h+ h+ h+ ETS-10 H+ VB S22- VB Positive Figure 4.21: Schematic diagram of the energy level and charges separation mechanism of CdS/ETS-10. 4.2.3 The Effect of Synthesis Route of CdS The effect of synthesis method of CdS towards the water photo-splitting reaction was studied. The amount of hydrogen generated from water by using CdSIS and CdS-RM as photocatalysts was collected by water displacement method. CdS-IS was found to perform better than CdS-RM up to 2 fold although the band gap of CdS-IS is greater than CdS-RM by 0.18 eV. The hydrogen generation of bulk CdS could be negligible since the size of CdS is in micro size region. Organic substances that remain in CdS-RM such as Triton X-100, cyclohexane and n-hexanol are probably the main factor in causing the lesser 71 catalytic conversion efficiency. These organic species adsorbed onto the catalyst surface and reduced the light harvesting process. It was suggested that if surfactants remain over the CdS nanoparticles thus obtained, the photocatalytic activity would be decreased because the remaining surfactants hinder the reaction of photogenerated electrons or holes with reactants. This hydrogen generation conversion proved that the capability of water ionization and the particles size were the main priority when compared with the band gap value of as-synthesized CdS. For 0.1 g of catalyst, the average rate of reaction for the first 5 hours was found to be 68.69 μmol/hr and 49.05 μmol/hr for CdS-IS and CdS-RM respectively. The rate of hydrogen liberated decreased with the increasing of time due to the lower concentration of S2-/S2O32- as hole scavengers. The amount of hydrogen generated for the first 24 hours 0.1 g of catalyst is shown in Figure 4.22. CdS-IS vs CdS-RM 900 (a) H2 Volume (μmol/0.1g) 800 700 600 500 (b) 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 Time (hr) 15 20 25 Figure 4.22: Amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts (a) CdS-IS (b) CdSRM 72 Schematic energy diagram of water photo-splitting reaction over assynthesized CdS nanoparticles as photocatalyst is shown in Figure 4.23. The electrons at the valence band of CdS will be promoted to the conduction band under light illumination. The hydrogen generation occurred at the redox potential of zero (H+/H2) by reduction of water molecules or hydrogen ions. The strong reduction power supplied from conduction band of CdS in which the photogenerated electrons were diffused into the liquid-solid interfacial. Negative e- Potential (V/NHE) Potential (V/NHE) Negative CB 0 (a) Positive 2.58 eV H+ H2 VB CdS-IS eCB H+ H2 0 2.40 eV VB CdS-RM (b) Positive Figure 4.23: Schematic energy diagram of (a) CdS-IS (b) CdS-RM 4.2.4 The Effect of CdS Loading on ETS-10 The band gap energy of CdS in the CdS/ETS-10 was slightly reduced, whereas the band gap energy of ETS-10 in the CdS/ETS-10 remains unchanged. The shiftness of the band edge of CdS-RM and CdS-IS is shown by the dots line as illustrated in Figure 4.24. With the presence of ETS-10 as co-catalyst, the charge separation between the electron and hole pairs was more efficient. This is due to the photogenerated electrons in the conduction band of CdS being transferred to 73 conduction band of ETS-10 due to the natural behavior of electron. These electrons were then received by water molecules or hydrogen ion and lead to the formation of hydrogen gas. Potential (V/NHE) eCB CB 0 VB CdS-IS Positive (a) 2.56 eV 4.03 eV VB ETS-10 + H H2 Potential (V/NHE) Negative Negative eCB CB 0 2.38 eV H+ H2 VB Positive (b) CdS-RM 4.03 eV VB ETS-10 Figure 4.24: Schematic energy diagram of (a) 10CdS-IS/ETS-10 (b) 10CdSRM/ETS-10 (straight lines represent the original band edge and dotted lines represent new band edge) The photocatalytic activity for hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation is enhanced remarkably by attaching as-synthesized CdS nanoparticles on ETS-10. As expected, a pure ETS-10 does not exhibit its catalytic property under visible light irradiation due to its wide band gap energy. The volume of hydrogen generated for the ETS-10 supports is shown in Table 4.4. 74 Table 4.4: Hydrogen generation of CdS/ETS-10 for the first 24 hours. Hydrogen generation over ETS-10 supports (μmol/0.1g) Time (hr) ETS-10 CdS-IS (%) CdS-RM (%) 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 12 16 33 0 27 14 16 3 0 41 74 90 159 10 65 88 127 5 0 94 147 186 388 29 114 159 227 7 0 133 233 284 560 45 143 235 305 24 0 184 448 815 1478 86 268 646 1059 The higher percentage of CdS loading on ETS-10, the higher amount of hydrogen gas was liberated. This is due to the increase in light absorption ability thus lead to more active side. ETS-10 supported 20wt% of CdS-IS, namely 20CdSIS/ETS-10, is the best coupling catalyst and generated 1477 μmol of hydrogen gas over 0.1 g of catalyst for the first 24 hours. The amount of hydrogen generated by the CdS-IS catalyst series is shown in Figure 4.25. The average rate of reaction for the first 5 hours was found to be 77.66 μmol/hr. This number was greater than CdSIS solely which is only 68.69 μmol/hr. 75 1600 1478 H2 generation (μmol/0.1g) 1400 1200 1000 815 800 560 600 388 159 400 0 0 200 0 01 6 12 90 16 41 33 Time (hr) 94 54 448 284 186 233 147 74 12 0 0 33 133 57 184 S4 (d) S3 (c) S2 Photocatalysts Photocatalysts (b) S1 (a) 24 6 Figure 4.25: The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdSIS/ETS-10 (b) 10CdS-IS/ETS-10 (c) 15CdS-IS/ETS-10 (d) 20CdS-IS/ETS-10 Simlar patterns of hydrogen generation were observed the CdS-RM catalysts series. Higher amount of hydrogen was produced with the increase of percent CdSRM loaded on ETS-10. 20 wt% of CdS-RM loaded on ETS-10 was the best performed catalyst, by generating 1058 μmol for the first 24 hours with an average rate of reaction of 45.37 μmol/hr for the first 5 hours. The amount of hydrogen generated by the CdS-RM catalyst series is illustrated in the Figure 4.26. 76 1200 1059 H2 generation (μmol/0.1g) 1000 800 646 600 400 305 227 127 0 200 0 0 01 14 27 0 0 16 0 12 88 114 65 10 33 Time (hr) 29 54 235 159 268 143 45 75 86 S4 (d) S3 (c) S2 Photocatalysts Photocatalysts (b) S1 (a) 24 6 Figure 4.26: The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdSRM/ETS-10 (b) 10CdS-RM/ETS-10 (c) 15CdS-RM/ETS-10 (d) 20CdS-RM/ETS-10. ETS-10 supported CdS provides a high crystalline surface that can prevent the fast deactivation of catalyst. An effective charge separation was found to greatly reduce the possibility of charge recombination of photo-generated electron and hole pairs. Besides that, 20CdS-IS/ETS-10 gave higher surface area up to two fold than pure CdS-IS. Similar pattern was observed in CdS-RM and its derivatives. The benefit of coupling materials was also reported by Jang and co-workers (2007) who studied the optimization CdS on TiO2 for hydrogen generation. It should be noted that although the coupling method was able to reduce photo-recombination to some extent, however, hydrogen production from pure water-splitting is difficult to achieve. This is because the photo-recombination cannot be completely eliminated and backward reaction of H2 and O2 to form H2O is more thermodynamically favorable. 77 4.2.5 The Effect of CdS Loading on METS-10 An attempt to reduce band gap energy of ETS-10 was conducted by chemical treatment. However, the band gap energy of modified ETS-10 (METS-10) was calculated to be 3.41 eV. This value is considered high and expected would only function under UV light. METS-10 solely was not active in water photo-splitting reaction under visible light irradiation. This is due to more energy needed in order to promote the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. After the chemical treatment, the valance edge of ETS-10 has been shifted to more negative whereas, the conduction edge of ETS-10 shifted to more positive. The schematic energy diagram of the METS-10 supported CdS photocatalyst is shown in Figure 4.27. Potential (V/NHE) eCB CB 0 VB CdS-IS Positive (a) 2.56 eV 3.41 eV VB METS-10 + H H2 Potential (V/NHE) Negative Negative eCB CB 0 Positive (b) 2.38 eV H+ H2 VB CdS-RM 3.41 eV VB METS-10 Figure 4.27: Schematic energy diagram of (a) 10CdS-IS/METS-10 (b) 10CdSRM/METS-10 (straight lines represent the original band edge and dotted lines represent new band edge). The activity of hydrogen generation was also tested by CdS loaded METS-10 as photocatalysts. The ETS-10 supported CdS performed better than METS-10 supported CdS in water photo-splitting reaction. Although the modification of ETS10 successfully reduced its band gap energy, however, this approach also reduced it 78 crystallinity and affected more structural defect on its surface. The structural defect in the CdS/METS-10 catalyst, promotes the fast deactivation of the catalyst and reduced the solar energy conversion efficiency. Table 4.5: Hydrogen generation of CdS/METS-10 for the first 24 hours. Hydrogen generation over METS-10 supports (μmol/0.1g) Time (hr) METS-10 CdS-IS (%) CdS-RM (%) 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 12 29 29 0 10 14 35 3 0 20 29 61 129 14 27 88 121 5 0 53 65 139 204 25 67 137 204 7 0 106 135 198 315 39 100 178 280 24 0 135 274 601 1053 69 202 503 993 The hydrogen generated pattern for the series of ETS-10 and METS-10 photocatalyst was found similar. With the higher percent loading of CdS, the more hydrogen could be collected. In the series catalysts of CdS-IS/METS-10, 20 wt% of CdS-IS, namely 20CdS-IS/ETS-10, is the best coupling catalyst and generated 1053 μmol of hydrogen gas over 0.1 g of catalyst for the first 24 hours. Similar results were observed for the series catalysts of CdS-RM/METS-10 that generated 993 μmol of hydrogen gas for the first 24 hours. The average rate of reaction for the first 5 hours for both 20 wt% CdS were found to be 40.87 μmol/hr. The amounts of hydrogen generated by CdS supported on METS-10 are shown in Figure 4.28 and Figure 4.29. 79 1200 1053 H2 generation (μmol/0.1g) 1000 800 601 600 315 400 204 129 0 200 0 0 29 6 01 20 12 106 53 33 54 S4 (d) S3 (c) S2 Photocatalysts Photocatalysts (b) S1 135 (a) 57 Time (hr) 274 135 65 29 198 139 61 12 0 0 29 24 6 Figure 4.28: The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a) 5CdSIS/METS-10 (b) 10CdS-IS/METS-10 (c) 15CdS-IS/METS-10 (d) 20CdSIS/METS-10 993 1000 H2 generation (μmol/0.1g) 900 800 700 600 503 500 400 280 204 300 121 35 0 200 0 100 0 10 0 0 01 14 0 12 88 14 33 Time (hr) 202 100 67 27 25 54 178 137 39 75 69 S4 (d) S3 (c) S2 Photocatalysts Photocatalysts (b) S1 (a) 24 6 Figure 4.29: The amount of hydrogen generated by the catalysts: (a)5CdSRM/METS-10 (b)10CdS-RM/METS-10 (c)15CdS-RM/METS-10 (d)20CdSRM/METS-10. 80 4.2.6 Reusability Test At the beginning of reaction, CdS gave a higher rate of reaction compared to CdS/ETS-10 since light absorption power of CdS is stronger than CdS/ETS-10. The consumption of hole scavengers was able to trap the hole at valence band of CdS. The presence of S2-/S2O32- as hole scavenger totally inhibit the formation of oxygen gas from water where sulfide ions was chose to discharge rather than oxide ions. The rate of hydrogen generation drops drastically after first 5 hours since the concentration of hole scavengers getting lesser. At this moment, the photocorrosion occurred at high rate, in which the photo-generated electron easily recombines with the hole at the valance band of CdS nanoparticles. Nevertheless, the activity could be recovered after a fresh load of S2-/S2O32- solution. Generally, the efficiency of the catalysts decreases with the increase frequency of recovery (Figure 4.30). The data of the hydrogen production is shown in Table 4.6. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 1600 (a) 1400 H2 Volume (μmol/0.1g) 1200 (a) (b) 1000 (a) (b) (b) 800 (c) (c) 600 400 (d) (c) (d) (d) 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time (hr) 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 Time (hr) 10 15 tim e (hr) Figure 4.30: The amount of hydrogen generated in 3 cycles by the catalysts (a) 20CdS-IS/ETS-10 (b) 20CdS-IS/METS-10 (c) CdS-IS (d) CdS-RM. 20 25 Table 4.6: Data of hydrogen generation of the catalysts in 3 cycles. Hydrogen generation over 0.1 g of catalyst (μmol/0.1g) CdS-RM Time (hr) CdS-IS 20CdS/ETS-10 20CdS/METS-10 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 4 35 76 57 16 33 49 29 29 33 39 3 145 121 129 245 163 168 159 174 131 129 104 133 5 245 221 213 343 286 290 388 339 229 204 170 204 7 298 305 266 466 368 409 560 450 354 315 264 305 24 392 374 341 768 723 695 1478 1214 995 1053 993 850 81 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion As a conclusion, the CdS nanoparticle was successfully synthesized by both in-situ reduction and reverse micelle method. Both of as-synthesized CdS samples have similar characteristics in term of crystallinity, morphology and particles size of 8-10 nm. Both of as-synthesized CdS appear to be blue-shifted and have higher band gap energy compared to bulk CdS. The ETS-10 was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method when Ludox-30 and RHA was used as silica source. Band gap energy of ETS-10 was successfully reduced by chemical treatment with H2O2 from 4.03 to 3.41 eV. From EDAX elemental analysis and TEM micrographs, CdS was observed to present and seated adjacent to ETS-10. The band gap energy of CdS in its CdS composite was found to be slightly lesser compared to CdS. Conduction edge of CdS/ETS-10 and CdS/METS-10 are more negative then the redox potential of H+/H2. The CdS supported ETS-10 was found to function well to generate hydrogen from water under visible light irradiation. The photogenerated electrons at the CB of CdS are being transferred to ETS-10 during the reaction. In the meanwhile, the photogenerated hole at VB of CdS will be trapped by hole scavengers. This class of catalyst design can probability reduces the charge- recombination and improves the conversion efficiency. 83 The presence of S2-/S2O32- ions additive in the solution greatly enhance the photocatalytic activities. In a water photo-splitting reaction by CdS/ETS-10 catalysts, inorganic sacrificing agent was found to give better results compared to organic sacrificing agent. CdS-IS performed better than CdS-RM up to two fold, whereas the CdS composite performed better than CdS alone. Besides, ETS-10 supported CdS performed better than METS-10 supported CdS. In both of series of catalysts, the higher percent loading of CdS, the more quantity of hydrogen gas can be collected. The photocatalytic activity of CdS/ETS-10 catalyst was found to decrease with the reaction time. However, the activity of the photocatalysts could be recovered by a fresh load of S2-/S2O32- ions. It was found that CdS/ETS-10 catalysts could be reused up to 3 times. The water photo-splitting activities of the catalysts reduced with the frequency of the recovery. 5.2 Recommendations Since hydrogen gas has been proposed as the clean fuel and will be widely applied in industries, thus, the hydrogen generation from a renewable resources is getting much more attention. The study of photocatalyst with high solar energy conversion efficiency is the current main interest. CdS is one of the promising visible-light driven photocatalyst due to its conduction edge is more negatively than H+/H2 redox potential. The CdS incorporated in other porous semiconductors could be studied and optimize. The other type of mixed semiconductors could also be studied. Extensive research works are necessary to study the application of mixed semiconductor. For example, the application of these photocatalysts could be tested for other types of reaction including: waste water treatment, dye or organic decomposition and oxidation or reduction of hazardous waste. 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