EFFECTS OF AIR VOID AND POROSITY ON MOISTURE DAMAGE OF MALAYSIAN SPECIALTY HMA HAMED ABDULGADER DOW A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil - Transportation and Highway) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia NOVEMBER, 2008 iii To my beloved mother, father, grandfather (Dow Algassi) whom passed away while this research is in progress, uncle (Ali Dow) and friend (Ahmed Moftah) iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of ALLAH S.W.T, the Most Beneficent and the Merciful, praise is to ALLAH S.W.T for the incredible gift endowed upon me and for the health and strength given to me in order to finish the project and to prepare this thesis. In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers, academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Chik, for encouragement, guidance, critics and friendship. I am also very thankful to my co-supervisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Rosli Hainin for their guidance, advices and motivation. Without their continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. My fellow postgraduate students should also be recognised for their support. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues, technicians and other friends in Highway Lab who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. I am grateful to all my family members. v ABSTRACT One of the main causes of distress in asphalt pavements is damage due to water. This causes related to many effects. The study evaluates different type of asphalt mixtures towards the resistance to moisture damage. The approach is to investigate the relationship between air void and porosity against the abrasion resistance and indirect tensile strength. The evaluation of such properties concentrates on the following three tests; porosity test, indirect tensile test (IDT) and CANTABRO test (CAT) .Three different wearing courses with modified asphalt which porous asphalt (PA),stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and gap-graded asphalt (GPA) that classified by (JKR/SPJ/2007) are studied. These three mixtures were designed by means of Superpave method to determine OBC. After that Specimens were prepared by means of Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) and divided in two different subsets for controlled dry and wet conditioned testing and tested for water damage. Results provide relationship between porosity and air voids for PA mixture. In addition, study also able to establish good models for SMA and GPA mixes compared to other researcher (Walaa,2002). SMA and GPA mixtures (low porosity) showed less influence to moisture damage probably due to the reduce amount of penetrating water. The IDT and CAT are able to discriminate between mixtures of different porosity. vi ABSTRAK Salah satu punca utama masalah yang merisaukan dalam laluan pejalan kaki asphalt ialah kerosakan disebabkan air. Masalah ini berkaitan dengan pelbagai kesan. Kajian ini mengkaji beberapa jenis campuran asphalt ke arah ketahanan dari kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh kelembapan. Kaedahnya adalah dengan mengkaji kaitain antara ruang dan liang udara dengan ketahanan kemelecetan dan kekuatan ketengan secara tidak langsung. Pengkajian tentang perkara-perkara tersebut menumpu kepada tiga ujian berikut; ujian liang udara, ujian ketegangan secara tidak langsung, dan ujian CANTABRO. Tiga laluan berlainan dengan asphalt yang telah diubah kepada porous asphalt (PA), batu mastic asphalt (SMA), dan gap-graded asphalt (GPA) yang telah diklasifikasi oleh (JKR/SPJ/2007) telah dikaji. Ketiga-tiga campuran ini telah direka menggunakan kaedah Superpave untuk menetutkan OBC. Selepas specimen telah disediakan menggunakan Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) dan dibahagikan kepada dua subset yang berbeza untuk ujian kekeringan dan kebasahan terkawal dan diuji untuk kerosakan air. Keputusan menujukan hubungan antara liang dan ruang udara untuk campuran PA. Tambahan itu, kajian juga telah berjaya memberikan model yang baik bagi campuran SMA dan GPA dibandingkan dengan pengkaji yang lain (Walaa,2002). Campuran SMA dan GPA (liang udara yang rendah) telah menunjukkan pengaruh yang kurang kepada kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh kelembapan kerana pengurangan jumlah ketembusan air. IDT dan CAT berupaya membezakan campuran liang udara yang berlainan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRAK v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv 1 2 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Overview of Hot Mix Asphalt 4 2.2 Malaysia specialty asphalt mix design 6 2.2.1 7 Porous Asphalt Design (PA) viii 2.3 Stone Mastic Asphalt Design (SMA) 8 2.2.3 Gap Graded Asphalt Design 9 The Definitions and the Cause of the Moisture Damage of HMA 10 2.3.1 Adhesive Failure 10 2.3.2 Cohesive Failure 13 2.3.3 Factors Influencing Moisture Damage in HMA 14 2.4 The Mechanisms of Moisture Damage in HMA 2.5 Current Test Methods Used to Predict the Moisture Sensitivity of 2.6 3 2.2.2 14 HMA 17 Porosity of HMA 18 METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Material characteristics 20 3.2.1 Aggregates 22 Sieve Analysis 22 Aggregate specific gravity 24 Asphalt Binders 26 3.2.2 3.3 Aggregate Structure Design 26 3.4 Asphalt Mixture Design 27 3.4.1 Bulk specific gravity (corelok system) 29 3.4.2 Theoretical Maximum Density (TMD) Test 30 3.4.3 Analysis of Volumetric Parameters 30 Analysis of Air Void in the Compacted Mix(VIM) 31 3.5 Analysis of Void in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 31 Analysis of Void in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) 32 3.4.4 Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) 32 3.4.5 Binder Drain-down Test 32 3.4.6 Cantabro Test on Air Cured Samples 33 Experimental Program 3.5.1 34 Determination of sample porosity using the (Corelok system) 35 ix 4 5 3.5.2 Indirect Tensile Test IDT 38 3.5.3 CANTABRO Test 38 Cantabro Test on Air Cured Samples 39 Cantabro Test on Water Soaked Samples 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 40 4.1 Introduction 40 4.2 Results of Materials Tests 40 4.2.1 Sieve Analyses 41 4.2.2 Determination of Materials Specific Gravity 41 Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 41 Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 42 Specific Gravity of Mineral Filler 42 Blend Specific Gravity of Aggregate 42 Specific Gravity of Bitumen 43 4.3 Aggregate Gradation 43 4.4 Asphalt Mixture Design Results 45 4.5 Relationship between air void and porosity 46 4.6 Retained Strength or Stiffness 48 4.7 CANTABRO Test 54 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 57 5.1 Conclusions 57 5.2 Recommendations 58 REFERENCES APPENDIX A - D 59 62 - 82 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Types of Hot Mix Asphalt 4 2.2 Malaysia porous asphalt gradation 7 2.3 Malaysia stone mastic asphalt gradation 8 2.4 Malaysia gap graded asphalt gradation 9 2.5 Summary of factors influencing moisture damage 15 3.1 Summaries of the Total Experimental Program Samples 35 3.2 Corelok TM % Porosity Data Collection Table 37 4.1 Values of bulk specific gravity of aggregate 42 4.2 Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for PA Mix design 43 4.3 Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for SMA Mix design 44 4.4 Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for GPA Mix design 45 4.5 Mix design results 46 4.6 Standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) 48 4.7 Air void, porosity and indirect tensile strength of dry specimens 50 4.8 Air void, porosity and indirect tensile strength of wet specimens 51 4.9 Percentage change of TSR between wet and dry series of the mixes 53 4.10 CANTABRO Test results 55 4.11 Percentage increase of weight loss 56 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Representative aggregate gradations 5 3.1 The laboratory investigation flow chart 21 3.2 Gradation and size analysis equipment 23 3.3 Major CASG equipment 25 3.4 Major equipment used in performing the FASG test 25 3.5 Superpave gyratory compactor 28 3.6 Vacuum-sealing device 29 3.7 Apparatus for TMD test 30 3.8 Drain-down test apparatus 33 4.1 Traffic flow of Larkin interchange 44 4.2 Gradation limit and design curve for SMA 44 4.3 Gradation limit and design curve for GPA 45 4.4 Relationship between porosity and air void 47 4.5 Relationship between porosity and air void content for SMA and GPA 48 4.6 Effect of air voids and porosity for SMA&GPA) on ITS, dry 49 4.7 Effect of air voids and porosity for PA on ITS, dry 49 4.8 Effect of air voids and porosity for (SMA&GPA) on ITS-wet series 52 4.10 Comparing the ITS of wet and dry 53 4.11 Effect of air voids and porosity on the tensile strength ratio 54 4.12 Average weight loss 55 4.13 Rate of weight loss of the mixes for different air voids 56 xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials HMA - Hot Mix Asphalt JKR - Department of Public Works PA - Porous Asphalt SMA - Stone Mastic Asphalt GPA - Gap Graded Asphalt CAT - CANTABRO Test IDT - Indirect Tensile Test LA - Los Angeles Value PG - Performance Grade P - Porosity NMAS - Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size SSD - Saturated surface - dry TMD - Theoretical Maximum Density VFB - Voids Filled with Bitumen Gmb - Bulk specific gravity of compacted mix Gsb - Combined bulk specific gravity of total aggregate Gmm - maximum specific gravity of mix VIM - Voids in Mix VMA - Voids in Mineral Aggregate OBC - Optimum Bitumen Content ESAL - Equivalent Standard Axle Load SGC - Superpave Gyratory Compactor CASG - Coarse Aggregate Specific Gravity FASG - Fine Aggregate Specific Gravity xiii ITS - Indirect Tensile Strength OPC - Ordinary Portland Cement Gsb - Aggregate Bulk Specific Gravity GbulkSSD - Aggregate Bulk SSD Specific Gravity Gsa - Aggregate Apparent Specific Gravity TSR - Tensile Strength Ratio xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Aggregate size distribution and Determination of Filler 62 B Specific gravity of Aggregate B1 Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 65 B2 Specific Gravity for Fine Aggregate 66 B3 Blend Aggregate Specific Gravity 67 C Mixture Design C1 Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixture 68 C2 Bulk Specific Gravity Of Bituminous Paving Mixture 71 C3 Volumetric Properties of Mix 74 C4 Detemination of Optiumum Asphalt Content 77 D Porosity Result 80 CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction Moisture damage of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures, generally called stripping, is a major form of distress in asphalt concrete pavement. Water is a primary cause of stripping of asphalt pavements since it accelerates or causes typical pavement distresses such as bleeding, rutting, cracking, raveling and localized failures (potholes) (Hicks,2003). It is characterized by the loss of adhesive bond between the asphalt binder and the aggregate (a failure of the bonding of the binder to the aggregate) or by a softening of the cohesive bonds within the asphalt binder (a failure within the binder itself), both of which are due to the action of loading under traffic in the presence of moisture. Water flows through accessible voids or pore spaces in a pavement. Hence, the rate of flow must be related to the amount of water accessible voids, or porosity, in some way. Therefore, the porosity or permeability must be a function of air void. The nature and the growth rate of the traffic effects are associated with static and dynamic processes. Static processes cause weakening of cohesion and adhesion or structural destruction after freeze thaw cycles (Little, 2003). In case of water saturated pavements, the dynamic processes are directly related to traffic action which generates tension and water pressure in pores. This process starts when the water is allowed to circulate freely through the interconnected voids (Kandhal, 2001). 2 The potential for moisture damage in HMA has traditionally been evaluated through laboratory testing. Factors affecting moisture damage of HMA have been identified as the type and use of the mix, the characteristics of the asphalt binder and the aggregate and environmental effects during and after construction, and the use of antistripping additives (Kiggundu,1988), (Stuart,1990) and (Hicks,1991). Malaysia, like many other countries in the world has relatively high rainfall ranging from 400 to 450 mm monthly. Rainfall is distributed throughout most of the year with portions of the months (June and July) being dryer than other months (monthly weather review 2008). Water penetrated through pores or affected cracks areas of the pavements, and caused stripping. In general, after being open to traffic for approximately four years, the pavements experienced minor to medium cracking problems. The effect of porosity on pavements associated with moisture damage immediate after being open to traffic is an important, yet often overlooked, issue .Three different wearing courses modified asphalt mixtures classified by (JKR/PSJ/2007), (PA) porous asphalt, (SMA) stone mastic asphalt and (GPA) gap graded asphalt were be evaluated in this study for the moisture damage. 1.2 Problem statement The environment and traffic effects are associated with static and dynamic processes. Static processes cause weakening of adhesion between binder and aggregate or structural destruction after freeze thaw cycles (Little,2003). In case of water-saturated pavements, the dynamic processes are directly related to traffic action, which generates tension and water pressure in pores. This process starts when the water is allowed to circulate freely through the interconnected voids (Kandhal, 2001). Both dynamic and static processes are related to air voids and porosity content. As water passes through pores voids, these effects might result in a weak and saturated pavement immediate after being open to traffic. The action of water in an asphalt mixture is, however, highly 3 complicated. No single theory can well explain the effect of porosity on moisture damage. 1.3 Objectives To date, there has not been any guideline to determine the potential of water damage in asphalt mixtures associated with porosity. The objectives of this study are as follows: Water flows through accessible voids or pore spaces in a pavement. Hence, the rate of flow must be related to the amount of water accessible voids, or porosity, in some way. Therefore, the porosity or permeability must be a function of air void. This study is attempted to simulate the water damage on asphalt pavement by indirect tensile strength and compacted mixtures loses. 1.4 Scope of the Study This study involves laboratory experiments where this study focus on three different wearing courses modified asphalt mixtures classified by (JKR/PSJ/2007), (PA) porous asphalt, (SMA) stone mastic asphalt and (GPA) gap graded asphalt were be designed and evaluated in this study for the moisture damage. The mixtures design followed superpave method and their evaluated for moisture damage conducted by CANTABRO test (CAT) and indirect tensile test (IDT). CHAPTER 2 LITRATURE REVIEW This chapter discusses the overview of hot mix asphalt, moisture damage and its factors as will as HMA porosity. 2.1 Overview of Hot Mix Asphalt Most HMA is divided into three different types of mix—dense-graded, open- graded, and gap-graded—primarily according to the gradation of the aggregate used in the mix as shown in (Table 2.1) and Representative gradations are shown in Figure 2.1 (a),(b) and (c) (USA Army Corps, 2000). TABLAE 2.1 : Types of Hot Mix Asphalt 5 FIGURE 2.1 Representative aggregate gradations 6 In 2007 year, PWD public work department or JKR launched a new Standard Specification for Road works Section 4: Flexible Pavement. The new specification replaces the Standard Road Specification 1988: Chapter 4 and embodies years of research and experience by PWD on pavement technology. The new specification incorporates technical procedures on construction of specialty mixes such as Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA), Porous Asphalt (PA), Gap Graded Asphalt (GPA), Microsurfacing, Coloured Surfacing, Cold In place Recycling, Hot in Place Recycling, Chip Seal and Crack Sealing. It also specify procedures on construction of polymer modified asphalt, presents new generation Asphaltic concrete, for both wearing and binder course, and details the use of International Roughness Index (IRI) as a measure of surfacing quality at the end of a road project. PWD hopes that the new specification will help improve the overall quality of Malaysian road pavement. This study focused on three specialties mixes which divided to three mixes according to types PA,SMA,GPA and further two mixes according to the gradation of the aggregate i.e. open-graded and gap graded. 2.2 Malaysia specialty asphalt mix design The design of specialty asphalt mix (JKR.2007) is based on A minimum binder content to ensure resistance against particle loss and thick film on the aggregate. A maximum binder content to avoid binder runoff and still maintain permeability in the mix. Using the cantabro abrasion value, a minimum amount of binder is fixed. The initial selection of mix type is influence by the aggregate gradation that need to carried. The propose of using modified binder is to improve the resistance against particle loss with open and gap mixtures through higher cohesion and to obtain a longer durability 7 through thicker binder films because of higher viscosity. In additional reduce drain down the final paved layer thickness is typically 5 cm. 2.2.1 Porous Asphalt Design (PA) The mix design approach followed in Malaysia (JKR.2007) is as following: Two types of porous asphalt mixes are used; one is 10 mm nominal maximum size and other 14 mm nominal maximum size. The 10 mm is the more like that of other countries. But the 14 mm mix is considerably courser. The gradations are shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 : Malaysia porous asphalt gradation Gradation % Passing 20 mm 14 mm 10 mm 5 mm 2.36 mm 0.075 mm 14 mm 100 85-100 55-75 10-25 5-10 2-4 10 mm – 100 95-100 30-50 5-15 2-5 The mix design is based on first measuring the voids at various binder content then the voids, the percentage of wear and drain down estimated using cantabro and drain down tests. The design binder content is optimized for air voids, wear and drain down percentages. The aggregate are specified to provide a hard and durable rock. The LA value must be low, less than 25% according to ASTM C 131. The aggregates must have high polishing resistance, not less than 40 according to MS 30. Maximum flakiness index of 25 is specified to control aggregate shape degradation The binder is polymer modified, PG 76 is used. Tolerance asphalt content 4-6% and the air voids tolerance 18-25%. 8 Maximum binder drain down not more than 0.3% according to (JKR,2007) Maximum compacted specimens losses allowed is 15 % according to (JKR,2007) 2.2.2 The specimens are compacted using 50 Marshall Blows. Stone Mastic Asphalt Design (SMA) Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) is typically gap-graded and content high percentage of fine aggregate. The mix design approach followed in Malaysia (JKR.2007) is as following: There are two gradation of stone mastic asphalt using in Malaysia; one is 12.5 mm nominal maximum size and other 9.5 mm nominal maximum size. Both have large gap gradation between 9.5 mm and 4.75 sieves. The gradations are shown in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 : Malaysia stone mastic asphalt gradation % Passing Gradation 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.600 0.300 0.075 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 12.5 mm 100 85-95 65-75 20-28 16-24 12-16 12-15 8-10 9.5 mm – 100 72-83 25-38 16-24 12-16 12-15 8-10 The mix design is based on first measuring the voids at various binder content then the adequate OBC estimated by using drain down tests. The design binder content is optimized for air voids and drain down percentages. The aggregate are specified to provide a hard and durable rock. The LA value must be low, less than 25% according to ASTM C 131. 9 The aggregates must have high polishing resistance, not less than 40 according to MS 30. Maximum flakiness index of 25 is specified to control aggregate shape degradation The binder is polymer modified, PG 76 is used. Tolerance asphalt content 5-7% and the air voids tolerance 3-5%. 2.2.3 Maximum binder drain down not more than 0.3% The specimens are compacted using 50 Marshall Blows. Gap Graded Asphalt Design Gap graded asphalt is typically content less than SMA percentage of fine aggregate which passing 4 mm sieve. The mix design approach followed in Malaysia (JKR, 2007) is as following: Two types of porous asphalt mixes are used; one is 10 mm nominal maximum size and other 14 mm nominal maximum size. The gradations are shown in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 : Malaysia gap graded asphalt gradation % Passing Gradation 25 mm 20 mm 14 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm 8 mm 4 mm 2 mm 0.600 mm 0.300 mm 0.075 mm 20 mm 100 76100 6489 – 5681 – 4155 1631 12-16 6-10 3-7 12.5 mm – – 100 85100 – 6585 4065 2040 – 10-20 3-10 A gap grading is to be obtained by omitting 12.5,8 and 10 mm fraction from the 20 mm and 12 mm mixtures. The mix design is based on voids content at various binder content. 10 The aggregate are specified to provide a hard and durable rock. The LA value must be low, less than 25% according to ASTM C 131. The aggregates must have high polishing resistance, not less than 40 according to MS 30. Maximum flakiness index of 25 is specified to control aggregate shape degradation The binder is polymer modified, PG 76 is used. Tolerance asphalt content 5-7% and the air voids tolerance 3-5%. 2.3 The specimens are compacted using 50 Marshall Blows. The Definitions and the Cause of the Moisture Damage of HMA Since moisture damage in HMA mixtures was first identified as a distress type, a significant amount of effort has been applied to defining the underlying mechanisms and to developing tests to predict its occurrence. Moisture damage in HMA may be generically defined as the separation of the asphalt coating from the aggregate in a compacted HMA mixture in the presence of water under the action of repeated traffic loading. Overall, two areas of focus have been identified: a failure of bonding of the binder to the aggregate (i.e., a failure of adhesion) and a failure within the binder itself (i.e., a failure of cohesion). These two areas have, over the years, generated a significant body of research leading to a number of disparate conclusions. 2.3.1 Adhesive Failure Most researchers, however, consider that moisture damage in HMA is due more to the adhesive mode of failure than to the cohesive mode. For example, as 11 (Majidzadeh, 1968) stated, stripping of the binder from aggregate in presence of water (i.e., moisture damage) results in adhesive failure which is considered as an economic loss and an engineering failure in the design of a proper mixture.(Kennedy,1982) explained that stripping was the loss of adhesion between the asphalt binder and the aggregate due to the action of water, and (Tunicliff, 1982) suggested that stripping was the displacement of the asphalt binder film from the aggregate surface, which he explained using the chemical reaction theory of adhesion. Thus, a number of hypotheses relative to the adhesive bond between asphalt and aggregate have been developed in order to better understand the phenomenon of stripping under this definition. (Hicks, 1991) provided an overview of previous research on adhesion. He identified four broad theories that have been developed to explain the adhesion of asphalt binder to aggregate. Mechanical adhesion theory (Lee,1954) and (Rice,1958) suggests that the adhesion of asphalt binder to the aggregate is affected by several aggregate physical properties, including surface texture, porosity or absorption, surface coatings, surface area, and particle size. In general, a rough, porous surface had a tendency to provide the strongest interlock between aggregate and asphalt. However, as (Hicks, 1991) stated, “…the greater the surface area of the aggregate, the greater the amount of asphalt cement required for stability. ….Consequently, a mixture with substantial fines tends to strip more readily because complete particle coating requires more asphalt cement which is more difficult to achieve without creating a stability problem.” Chemical reaction between the asphalt binder and the aggregate has been generally accepted to explain why different types of aggregate demonstrate different degrees of adhesion between the binder and the aggregate in the presence of water. In other words, the surface pH values of the aggregate and of the binder affect the quality of the surface adhesion (Barksdale, 1991). The reason for this has been attributed to the different polarities of the surface minerals in the aggregate and the asphalt binder. In the interior of a crystal, forces are in equilibrium. On the surface of a crystal, the bonding forces of the atoms or molecules may be partially unsatisfied, with excess or “free” 12 charges, so that the surface may exhibit polarity (Rice, 1958). A quartz (SiO2), which is a primary mineral component of quartzite and other silicious minerals, comprises the silicon dioxide tetrahedron (SiO4 4- ) as a unit crystal structure. The silicon atom has a positive valence of 4 and each oxygen atom has a negative valence of 2. The positive valence of the silicon atom is satisfied by sharing its electron with the electron of each oxygen atom. However, one unsatisfied negative valence of each oxygen atom results in a net negative polarity of the quartz crystal structure (Rice, 1958). The surface of calcite (CaCO3), which is a primary mineral component of limestone, has a non-polar property. This is also related to the crystal structure of calcite. In this structure, the positive valences of the carbon and the calcium atoms are satisfied by the covalent bond with two oxygen atoms and one oxygen atom (e.g., CaCO3 → CaO + CO2). The satisfied valence of each atom makes the surface of a calcite polyhedron non-polar (Povarennykh, 1972). The differential degree of wetting of the aggregate by asphalt and water has been explained using surface energy theory. (Rice, 1958) suggested that when asphalt and aggregate were brought together, adhesion tension is established between two phases. He also reported data which indicated that the adhesion tension for water-toaggregate is higher than that for asphalt-toaggregate. Hicks stated, “… water will tend to displace asphalt cement at an aggregate–asphalt cement interface where there is contact between the water, asphalt, and aggregate. (Mark, 1935) indicates that interfacial tension between the asphalt and aggregate varies with both the type of aggregate and the type of asphalt cement Molecular orientation theory affirms that when asphalt binder comes into contact with an aggregate surface, the molecules in the asphalt align themselves on the aggregate surface to satisfy the energy demand of the aggregate (Hubbard, 1958). It was demonstrated that this alignment of asphalt molecules was affected by the orientation of unsatisfied ions on the surface of aggregate, (Mark, 1935). Hicks stated, “…water molecules are dipolar. Asphalt molecules are generally non-polar, although they contain 13 some polar components. Consequently, water molecules, being more polar, may more readily satisfy the energy demands of an aggregate surface.” 2.3.2 Cohesive Failure Even though cohesive failure of asphalt has been regarded as a less important factor in the definition of moisture damage of HMA, (Bikerman, 1960) suggested that the probability of cohesive failure was much greater than of adhesive failure. This was also demonstrated by work of (Kanitpong,2002), which is supported by the observation of failure surfaces in asphalt mixtures obtained from the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) test, where the failure was visually observed within the binder coating without evidence of apparent loss of adhesion to the aggregate particles. This cohesive failure can be partially explained by emulsification of water in the asphalt phase, which is different to conventional emulsified asphalts in which the asphalt is emulsified in a water phase (Fromm, 1974). Fromm’s work (1974) showed that water could enter into the asphalt film and form a water-in-asphalt emulsion. This emulsification of water in the asphalt film causes asphalt particles to separate from the asphalt film (cohesive failure) and ultimately leads to an adhesive failure at a critical time when this emulsification boundary propagates to the aggregate surface. However, since the mechanism of cohesive failure leads, ultimately, to an adhesive failure, most instances of cohesive failure may only be inferred rather than observed, and the final mechanism (i.e., adhesive) is reported as the cause (Terrel, 1994). Thus, even though the definition of moisture damage in HMA has been regarded as the failure of adhesive and cohesive bonds between the asphalt and the aggregates in the presence of water, it has proven difficult to distinguish between the two modes of failure in predicting failure mode unless the failure surface of HMA is visually inspected a posteriori (Terrel, 1994). 14 2.3.3 Factors Influencing Moisture Damage in HMA Several surveys (Kiggundu, 1988), (Stuart, 1990) and (Hicks, 1991) have been undertaken to better understand which factors should be considered in evaluating moisture damage in HMA mixtures. Many variables, including the type and use of the mix, asphalt characteristics, aggregate characteristics, environmental effects during and after construction, and the use of anti-stripping additives, have been identified. Even though most responses in these surveys were as expected, some results were contradictory. For example, gravel is not always associated with stripping. The reason for this was pointed out in the literature: even though the chemistry of the original gravel deposit made it moisture susceptible, compounds that could prevent stripping might be adsorbed into the aggregate surfaces over a period of geologic time so that the same gravel might exhibit good resistance to stripping, unless it was crushed and thereby exposed “fresh” surfaces to the asphalt (Tunicliff, 1982). Based on work by Hicks (1991), Table 2.5 summarizes the factors influencing moisture damage. 2.4 The Mechanisms of Moisture Damage in HMA Even though many factors have been suggested to influence moisture damage in HMA mixtures, the essential problem was how water penetrated the asphalt film and/or interfaces between asphalt and aggregate. Several different mechanisms have been identified in the literature. 15 Table 2.5 : Summary of factors influencing moisture damage Desirable Characteristics Factor Supporting Researchers 1) Aggregate a) Surface Texture b) Porosity c) Mineralogy Rough Depends on pore size Basic (PH=7) Aggregate are more resistant d) Dust Coatings Clean e) Surface Moisture f) Surface Chemical Composition Dry Able to share electrons or form hydrogen bonds Increase viscosity of Asphalt g) Mineral Filler Hicks (1991), Majidzadeh(1968) Hicks (1991),Thelen (1958) Rice (1958), Majidzadeh (1968) Majidzadeh (1968) ,Tunnicliff (1982) Majidzadeh (1968), Kim(1985) Hicks (1991) Hicks (1991) 2) Asphalt Cement a) Viscosity b) Chemistry C) Film Thickness High Nitrogen and Phenols Thick Thelen (1958) Curtis et al. (1991) Hicks (1991) a) Voids Very low or Very high b) Gradation Very dense or Very open c) Asphalt Content High Terrel and Shute (1989) Brown et al. (1985), Takallou et al. (1985) Hicks(1991) 3) Type of Mixture 4) Environmental Effect During Construction a) Temperature b) Rainfall c) Compaction Warm None Sufficient Hicks (1991), Majidzadeh(1968) Hicks (1991) Hicks (1991), Tunnicliff (1982) 5) Environmental Effect after Construction a) Rainfall None b) Freeze–Thaw None c) Traffic Loading Low Traffic 6) Modifiers or Additives Use Hicks (1991) Lottman (1982), Taylor and (1983) Fromm (1974), Gzemski et al. (1968) Tunnicliff (1982) 16 Lottman tried more closely to replicate field–related conditions in the laboratory. To carry out this project (Lottman 1978, May1982), he took notice of the behavior of water in the pore structure of an HMA mixture loaded by heavy traffic. He suggested some of the major moisture–damage mechanisms (Lottman, 1982): The development of pore water pressure in the mixture voids due to the repetition of wheel-loads; thermal expansion and contraction produced by ice formation, temperature cycling above freezing, freeze-thaw, and thermal shock; or a combination of these factors (mechanical disruption). Asphalt removal by water in the mixture at moderate to high temperatures (emulsification). Water–vapor interaction with the asphalt filler mastic and larger aggregate interfaces (adhesion failure based on surface energy theory). Water interaction with clay minerals in the aggregate fines (adhesion failure based on chemical reaction). Based on these hypotheses, he developed a mechanical laboratory test protocol generally referred to as the Lottman test. The exposed interiors of laboratory tested specimens were compared to those of field damaged specimens and this was used to confirm the Lottman test protocol and hypothesis (Lottman, 1978). Hydraulic scouring has been suggested to explain moisture damage due to the movement of surface traffic loads on saturated HMA pavement. When a heavy traffic wheel moves over a saturated pavement surface, water is pressurized within the pavement void structure in front of the moving load and immediately relieved behind the load. Thus, sealed surface layers, where the traffic-imposed loads are highest, were stripped by rapidly reversing high water velocities and pressures within the saturated pore structure (Taylor, 1983). However, it has been generally observed by inspection of field specimens of stripped pavements that most stripping begins at the bottom of an HMA layer and progresses upwards (Kandhal, 1992). (Taylor,1983) suggested that the reason for this behavior was that the asphalt at the bottom of a pavement layer is usually in tension under the application of surface applied loads and is often influenced by 17 prolonged exposure to moisture from water trapped within a granular base course above the subgrade. 2.5 Current Test Methods Used to Predict the Moisture Sensitivity of HMA The development of tests to predict the potential of moisture sensitivity of HMA began in the 1930s (Terrel, 1989). Since that time, numerous tests have been developed to identify moisture sensitivity of HMA mixtures. (Hicks, 1991) stated that failure due to the moisture damage to HMA occurs in two stages. The first stage is the failure of the adhesion and cohesion bonds and the second stage is the mechanical failure of the pavement under traffic action, as a logical continuation of the first stage. Thus, tests were separated into three categories depending which stage is deemed more critical in moisture damaged HMA pavement. Visual inspection testing focuses on the first stage failure. The loose mixture is immersed in water at room temperature or boiling water for a specific duration. The criteria of failure are decided by visual identification of stripped (uncoated) aggregate Mechanical laboratory testing considers the second stage failure as more detrimental in HMA pavements. The compacted mixture is conditioned in a manner that is intended to simulate the real situation. A comparison of the physical conditions such as strength or resilient modulus and wear or loss of the conditioned and unconditioned samples is used to evaluate the moisture damage potential in HMA pavement. Loaded wheel testing simulates in the laboratory the pavement under traffic. This testing was originally developed to evaluate rutting in asphalt mixtures. However, it has been recognized that when these tests are performed on saturated mixtures, there is a possibility to more accurately evaluate moisture sensitivity in HMA. 18 2.6 Porosity of HMA In recent years, design and use of open graded mixes has gained popularity. It is important to conceder that the use of air voids for design and quality control of these mixes might be misleading for determination of pavement durability. While % air voids is a viable design and quality control criteria for fine graded mixes, a more adequate and meaningful method has to be used for open graded mixtures designed for the highway system (Corelok Operator’s Guide, 2007). Air void content is of concern primarily for stability and durability of asphalt mixture. Air void determination during construction is used to protect against excessive water permeability that can cause premature failure. For durability, only the air voids that are accessible to water, the % porosity, is of concern. The concerning fact with the present method is that two samples with 7% air voids can have completely different permeability characteristics depending on the void structure within the sample. However, two samples with the same porosity will have the same permeability. We believe that for open graded mixtures, determination of % porosity is better design and pavement quality indicator as compared to the currently determined % air voids measurement. Percent porosity is defined as the percentage of water permeable voids in the compacted mixture. This parameter can be calculated by using a bulk specific gravity and an apparent maximum gravity of any compacted mixture under test. It does no require a previously determined Gmm value, which in most cases is not representative of the gradation of randomly selected coarse graded compacted sample. Porosity can be used as a direct indicator of mix durability and will have a strong correlation to mixture permeability and segregation. This test is easy to perform and can be completed in approximately 7 minutes using the Corelok system. A detailed procedure for conducting this test is attached in next chapter. 19 Knowing the total porosity of compacted samples is helpful in determining the performance of pavement with respect to permeability. The present tests for determination of permeability are time consuming and the measurements are based on number of assumption that cannot be defended, physically and theoretically. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter provides detailed information on the materials used and their properties. It also highlights the laboratory procedures for the tests performed. The main aim of the study is to provide more insight of the contribution the different air voids and porosity in asphalt specialty mixtures towards resistance to moisture damage. Based on this aim, the objectives have been achieved by conducting laboratory investigation. Laboratory investigation is including material characteristics, mix design method and experimental program. Figure 3.1 shows the laboratory investigation flow chart. 3.2 Material characteristics Asphalt mixture is a composite material that is largely made of two main components; aggregate and asphalt cement. This section describes the properties of the aggregates and the asphalt cement binders used. 21 Material characteristics Aggregates Asphalt Binder Aggregate Structure Design Asphalt Mixture Design Experimental program Porosity Relationship Moisture Damage Test ITS & CAT Analysis Conclusion Recommendation Figure 3.1 The laboratory investigation flow chart Air void 22 3.2.1 Aggregates Sources of aggregate were selected to encompass a wide range of aggregates typically used in the State of Johor.The aggregate type that has been used was granite obtained from Hanson Quarry Products located at Kulai, Johor. Three aggregate gradations were used which are as follows: Nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) of 10 mm (designated as PA14). (NMAS) of 12.5 mm (designated as SMA 14). And (NMAS) of 20 mm (designated as GAP 25). Different stockpiles from each type of aggregates were acquired. Aggregates were acquired and kept properly sealed from any moisture intrusion. Detailed laboratory evaluation procedures of individual aggregate gradation were conducted to determine the basic aggregate properties such as specific gravity, gradation, and other Superpave consensus properties. The laboratory tests conducted on each aggregate gradation included Sieve analysis (ASTM C 117) to determine as-received gradation Specific gravity and absorption (AASHTO T 85 for coarse aggregate and AASHTO T 84 for fine aggregate) Sieve Analysis The test can be run on either dry or washed aggregate. The washed sieve analysis takes longer but produces a more accurate gradation, particularly the percent passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm) sieve since the washing helps remove these small particles from the larger particles. The dry sieve analysis procedure is often used where rapid results are required. The basic sieve analysis consists of weighing an aggregate sample and then passing it through a nest of sieves. The nest of sieves is made up of a stack of wire-cloth screens with progressively smaller openings from top to bottom. The material retained 23 on each sieves weighed and compared to the total sample mass. Particle size distribution is expressed as a percent retained or percent passing by weight on each sieve size. Figure 3.1 shows the major gradation and size analysis equipment. Figure 3.2 Gradation and size analysis equipment The washed procedure takes one to three days from sampling the aggregate to completion depending on the moisture content of the aggregate when it is sampled. The dry procedure can take about one to two hours from sampling the aggregate to completion. The percentages of aggregates passing each sieve and total percentages of aggregates retained on each sieve size was calculated and recorded to the nearest 0.5%. Percentage of Mineral Filler, which ordinary Portland cement and dust that can calculate by following equation Mineral Filler = [(A – B) / A] x 100. …………………………………Equation 3.1 24 Where: A= Original dry mass of sample, gram; and B= Dry mass of sample after washing, gram. Aggregate specific gravity The aggregate specific gravity test is used to calculate the specific gravity of a coarse and fine aggregate sample by determining the ratio of the weight of a given volume of aggregate to the weight of an equal volume of water. Oven-dry (no water in sample). Saturated surface-dry (SSD, water fills the aggregate pores). Submerged in water (underwater). Using these three weights and their relationships, a sample's apparent specific gravity, bulk specific gravity, and bulk SSD specific gravity as well as absorption can be calculated. Also effective specific gravity can be calculated by known theoretical maximum density of bituminous mixtures. Aggregate specific gravity is needed to determine weight-to-volume relationships and to calculate various volume-related quantities such as voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), and voids filled by asphalt (VFA). Absorption can be used as an indicator of aggregate durability as well as the volume of asphalt binder it is likely to absorb. The mass of a coarse aggregate sample is determined in SSD, oven-dry and submerged states. These values are then used to calculate bulk specific gravity, bulk SSD specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and absorption. Figure 3.2 shows major coarse aggregate specific gravity CASG equipment and Figure 3.3 shows the major equipment used to perform the aggregate fine specific gravity FASG test. 25 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Major CASG equipment Major equipment used in performing the FASG test 26 3.2.2 Asphalt Binders One binder type was used in this study. Polymer-modified asphalt binders meeting Malaysia PG76 specifications (JKR/SPJ/rev2007), for high-volume traffic mixtures (greater than 30 million equivalent single axle load; EASLs). Based on viscosity test, 200°C to mixing temperature and 180°C, for short term again. 3.3 Aggregate Structure Design The main aim of this task was to design the aggregate structures using an analytical aggregate gradation method that will allow a rational blending of different sizes of aggregate to achieve a densely packed aggregate skeleton in order to minimize the binder content and maximize the volume filled by mineral aggregates for stiffness and bearing capacity purposes. The 0.45 Power Maximum Density Graph for aggregate gradation evaluation was utilized for this study. This graph uses Fuller and Thompson's equation with n = 0.45 and is convenient for determining the maximum density line and adjusting gradation (Roberts et al., 1996). This graph is slightly different than other gradation graphs because it uses the sieve size raised to the nth power (usually 0.45) as the x-axis units. Thus, a plot of Fuller and Thompson's maximum density equation with n = 0.45 appears as a straight diagonal line. This straight line goes from zero to the maximum aggregate size for the gradation being considered. There is some debate as to whether this line should end at maximum aggregate size or nominal maximum aggregate size or somewhere in between, however the most commonly accepted practice is to end it at the maximum aggregate size. 27 3.4 Asphalt Mixture Design Mixture design was performed on all the aggregate structures that were formulated using the 0.45 Power Maximum Density Graph for aggregate gradation and evaluation. The Superpave mixture design method was followed for all the mixtures designed in phase one except for VMA and VFA requirements, phase two drain down excepted for PA and SMA and phase three cantabro test excepted for PA . The Superpave mixture design method specifies the number of gyrations to which a sample must be compacted with the Superpave Gyratory compactor (SGC) which shown in Figure 3.4. The number of gyrations specified for mixture design is determined according to volume of traffic expected on the road. 50 blows of Marshall hammer that recommended by (JKR/SPJ/2007) was equivalent to 100 gyrations in this study. For every aggregate structure, trial asphalt content was estimated. The aggregates were then batched out in the appropriate quantities to produce a final mix specimen of approximately (PA, 4000g),(SMA,4600g) and (GPA,4700g). The aggregate batches, asphalt binder and mixing equipment were heated for four hours at 200°C to achieve appropriate uniform mixing temperature. The binder and the aggregate were then mixed until a uniform mix is obtained. The resulting mix was then placed in a flat pan and heated for two hours at the compaction temperature of 180°C for short term aging. This aging represents the aging that occurs in the field between mixing and placement and allows for absorption of the asphalt binder into the aggregate pores. For each trial, two specimens were compacted at the estimated asphalt content to the target design number of gyrations using the Superpave gyratory compactor. The bulk specific gravity and density of the compacted specimens using an automatic vacuum sealing method-(corelok system) were then determined according to ASTM D6752-02 standard test procedure. Another set of two identical specimens in the loose condition of the same mix was used for the maximum theoretical density determination which was done using the Rice method according to AASHTO T 209 standard. The air 28 void was then calculated for that mixture at the estimated asphalt content and specified number of gyrations. The design asphalt content was determined as the asphalt content required achieving 4.0% air voids for (SMA, GPA) and 20% air void for (PA) at Ndes. The mixtures were then further analyzed to determine the rest of volumetric and physical properties at the design asphalt content. Finally, for adequate optimum bitumen content that recommended by (JKR/SPJ/2007) two tested were done .First, drain down test for both PA and SMA and second, cantabro test just for PA one. Figure 3.5 Superpave gyratory compactor 29 3.4.1 Bulk specific gravity (corelok system) This test method covers the determination of the bulk specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures and/or of bituminous cores used for pavement density determination. This test method should be used with samples that contain open or interconnecting voids. Mixes such as Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), open graded friction courses (PASB, PASSRC), and Superpave coarse graded mixtures with significant surface texture should be sealed for accurate bulk specific density results ASTM D6752-02. Vacuum-sealing device utilizes an automatic vacuum chamber (shown in Figure 3.5) with a specially designed, puncture resistant plastic bag, which tightly conforms to the sides of the sample and prevents water from infiltrating into the sample. Lab compacted specimens or field cores are placed into puncture resistant polymer bags. The specimen and bag are then placed inside a vacuum chamber, which is completely evacuated of air before the bag is automatically sealed. The bag tightly conforms to the specimen’s surface and prevents the infiltration of water into the specimen. Then the specimen’s density is measured by performing the water displacement method. Gravity Suite TM software used to calculate input data. Figure 3.6 Vacuum-sealing device 30 3.4.2 Theoretical Maximum Density (TMD) Test The theoretical maximum density of bituminous mixtures is intrinsic properties which is the values are influenced by the composition of the mixtures in term of types and amounts of aggregates and bituminous materials. The test was conducted for determining the density and maximum theoretical specific gravity of loose bituminous mixture using the Rice method. The test apparatus as illustrated in Figure 3.6 and procedure was carried out in accordance to AASHTO T 209. Figure 3.7 Apparatus for TMD test 3.4.3 Analysis of Volumetric Parameters When all Superpave testing were completed, each parameter needs to be analyzed to determine the optimum bitumen content. The specimens were tested to determine their volumetric composition. Plots were prepared, for percentage of bitumen content versus: i. Air Voids in the Compacted Mix (VIM). ii. Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA). iii. And Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB). 31 Analysis of Air Void in the Compacted Mix (VIM) Void in Mix or Air Voids is the total volume of the small pockets of air between the coated aggregate particles throughout a compacted paving mixture, expressed as a percent of the compacted mixture. To find the VIM percentage, the following equation can be used: VIM or Va, % = 100 x [1 – (Gmb/Gmm)] …………………………………Equation 3.2 Where: Gmb = bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture; and Gmm = theoretical maximum specific gravity. Noted, when conducted bulk specific gravity compacted bituminous mixtures test in this study air void of compacted mixtures resulted automatically by input the maximum specific gravity (Gmm) in the Gravity Suite TM software. Analysis of Void in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) Void in Mineral Aggregate may be defined as the volume of inter-granular void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted paving mixture that include air voids and the effective bitumen content (volume of bitumen not absorbed into the aggregate). This value can be obtained using the following formula: VMA, % = 100 – [Gmb x Ps / Gsb] …………………………………Equation 3.3 Where: Gmb = bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture; Gsb = combined bulk specific gravity of the total aggregate and Ps = percent of aggregate in the mixture. 32 Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB) Void Filled with Bitumen (VFB) is the percent of the volume of the VMA that filled with bitumen. The following formula was used to calculate the VFB: VFB= (VMA-Va)/VMA×100…………………………………Equation 3.4 3.4.4 Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) The optimum bitumen content was the value that gives the required air voids or VIM, the minimum VMA requirement and meets the VFB range. The optimum bitumen content was determined from the plotted smooth curve when the percent of air voids were 4.0% for SMA & GPA mixtures and 20% for PA mixture. 3.4.5 Binder Drain-down Test Binder drain-down test is recommended by JKR 2007 for SMA and PA mixtures. The test developed for this purpose by AASHTO T 305 is anticipated to simulate conditions that the mixture is likely to encounter as it is produced, stored, transported, and placed. Drain-down is considered to be that portion of the mixture (fines and bitumen) that separates itself from the sample as a whole and flows downward through the mixture. Binder drain-down test was conducted on three loose mixtures at the mean of optimum binder content to ensure that the binder draining property of the mixtures was within acceptable levels. It was also provides an evaluation of the mixture draindown potential produced in the field. The important aspects of the test were to place the 33 samples of the SMA loose mixtures in a wire basket fabricated using standard 6.3mm sieve cloth (Figure 3.7). Figure 3.8 Drain-down test apparatus The basket was positioned on a pre-weighted plate or pan which was placed in an oven for three hours at an anticipated mix production temperature. At the end of three hours, the basket containing the sample was removed from the oven along with the pan and the pan was weighted. The mass of any binder that drain-down from the bitumen to the pan was measured. This mass was then expressed as a percentage by weight of the total mixture and should meet the criterion in JKR 2007. 3.4.6 Cantabro Test on Air Cured Samples Cantabro test is recommended by JKR 2007 for PA mixture. This test generally considered as good indicator for the bonding properties between binder and aggregates. Cantabro Test on air-cured samples was used to measure the resistance of the mixes to raveling. 34 Three superpave specimens were prepared and compacted with SGC to obtain specimens with diameter of 100 mm and height of 60±5 mm. The specimens were conducted at the optimum binder content to ensure that the percentage abrasion loss of the mixtures was within acceptable levels. Each test specimen was weighed to the nearest 0.1 g (P1) then placed in a Los Angeles Machine (ASTM Method C131) without the steel balls. The total number of rotations considered in this research was three hundred accordant to (JKR, 2007). After three hundred rotations, the weight of the sample was recorded to the nearest 0.1 g (P2). Test performed at temperature of 25Cºand speed of 30 to 33 rpm. The percentage abrasion loss (P) was calculated according to the following Equation: P= P1 − P2 *100 …………………………………equation 3.5 P1 Where: P1=initial weight to the nearest 0.1g, and P2=final weight to the nearest 0.1g. 3.5 Experimental Program After the determination of optimum asphalt content, sets of 108 specimens of 100mm diameter were prepared and compacted with the SGC to different air void. All samples were tested to determine porosity and air void content using the CORELOK machine. After porosity test the samples were divided into two sets. One set of 54 specimens were used to determine the indirect tensile strength (ITS). The other set of 54 specimens were used to identify the abrasion resistance of the mixtures. The summaries of the total experimental program design for this study are shown in Table 3.1. The relative performance of the mixtures with different air void content was then evaluated 35 Table 3.1 : Summaries of the Total Experimental Program Samples ITS &CAT TEST PA SMA GPA Nominal air void (%) 19 20 21 3 4 5 3 4 5 Condition Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Dry/ wet Repetition 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Total 18 Total All Specimens 18 18 3×18×2=108 3.5.1 Determination of sample porosity using the (Corelok system) The approach in this technique is to determine a fundamental parameter that is not based on any assumptions. In this method a sample is vacuum-sealed inside a bag and a sealed density, P1 is calculated. The same sample, while under water, is opened and a second density, P2 is determined. Since the sample is under complete vacuum prior to opening the bag, P2 will yield an apparent density of the compacted sample. The density P2 includes the volume due to inaccessible air voids (Corelok Operator’s Guide, 2007). In this method, a standard equation can be used for calculation of % porosity, ⎛ P 2 − P1 ⎞ % Porosity = ⎜ ⎟ × 100 …………………………………Equation 3.6 ⎝ P2 ⎠ Where: P1= the Corelok vacuum sealed density of compacted sample P2 = density of the vacuum sealed sample after opening under water Definitions: i. % porosity defines as the % air void in the compacted sample that is accessible to water and that are interconnected. 36 Indications: i. It is expected that the %P will increase in air void content as determined by the ratio of Corelok machine bulk density (Gmb) and maximum density (Gmm). ii. It is expected that increase in %P will indicate higher potential of mix permeability. Studies have shown that mixture with %P larger then 7 % are highly permeable. iii. Since the Corelok method is fast, %P can be a quick indicator of field permeability. iv. This method can also be used during design to determine the permea-bility potential of mixes. Procedure: i. Set Corelok to program # 2 using the up and down arrows on the front ii. panel. Inspect an appropriate size bag for holes or stress point. Do not use the bag if it is damaged. iii. Obtain an empty bag weight, record in column A of the porosity data sheet as shown in table 3.5. iv. Weight in appropriate size compacted and dry asphalt sample. v. Record the dry sample weight in column B. vi. Seal the sample inside the bag using the procedure outlined in the corelok manual. vii. Submerge the sealed sample and wait until the scale stabilizes. viii. Record the weight in column C. ix. While the sample is still submerged under water, cut the bag open with scissors. x. Allow water to inter the gag. xi. Leave the sample under the water for 4 minutes. Make sure the bag is not floating out of the water and it is not touching the sides of o the bottom of the tank. xii. Record the weight in column D. 37 Table 3.2 : Corelok TM % Porosity Data Collection Table Sample ID A B C D Bag Weight Dry Sample Sealed Sample Sample weight (g) Weight before Weight in after Cutting sealing (g) Water (g) the bag (g) Calculations: The calculation performed by using the porosity program in the provided Gravity Suite TM software. Just input the weight in the columns provided and the program will automatically calculate % porosity. Also, input the maximum specific gravity (Gmm) in the program, % air void calculated for purpose of this study. Alternatively, can be use the standard equations given in ASTM D6752 to calculate the bulk sealed density of the sample, P1, and PS 132-01 to calculate the maximum (or apparent) density, P2, of the compacted sample. Use the equation given above to calculate % porosity. 38 3.5.2 Indirect Tensile Test IDT The indirect tensile test (IDT) was used to determine the effect of water on the indirect tensile strength (ITS) of asphalt mixtures according ASTM standard D 4867 and to compare compacted specimens with different porosity and air void content. After the porosity test, the same specimens were divided into 2 subsets, dry and wet as shown in previous Table 3.1. The dry subset was stored at 25oC for 5 days. The wet subset was tested after conditioning in water. It was partially saturated applying a partial vacuum of 370 to 410 mbar for 5 minutes using a vacuum chamber shown in previous Figure 3.6 without any freeze/thaw cycle, because the temperature in Malaysia never falls below the freezing point. Afterwards the wet subset was immersed in a water bath for 24 hours at 60oC for 2 hours at 25oC according to the procedure ASTM designation D 4867/D 4867 M – 96. Based on the maximum load Fmax determined with the IDT, the indirect tensile strength (ITS) for a cylindrical specimen of diameter ‘d’ and the height ‘h’ was estimated by using the following equation: ITS = 2 * Fmax …………………………………Equation 3.7 π*h *d Where: h = height of the sample, and d = diameter of the sample 3.5.3 CANTABRO Test The CANTABRO test was used to evaluate the effect of water on the abrasion resistance of a paving mixture. CANTABRO test is generally considered as good indicator for the bonding properties between binder and aggregates. Again, after porosity test the same specimens were divided in 2 subsets, dry and wet ones as shown in previous Table 3.1. The samples were stored at 25oC for 5 days to dry before tested. 39 Cantabro Test on Air Cured Samples Cantabro Test on air-cured samples was used to measure the resistance of the mixes to raveling. The initial weight of the specimen was recorded. Specimen was placed in a Los Angeles Machine (ASTM Method C131) without the steel balls. The total number of rotations considered in this research was three hundred according (JKR, 2007). After three hundred rotations, the weight of the sample was recorded. Test performed at temperature of 25 C° and speed of 30 to 33 rpm. Cantabro Test on Water Soaked Samples Cantabro Test was performed on water soaked samples to evaluate the resistance to stripping of the mix. In this test the initial weight of the specimen was recorded. The subset was partially saturated applying a partial vacuum of 370 to 410 mbar for 5 minutes using a vacuum chamber. The samples were then placed in a water bath at 60 C° for 24 hours. On the next day the samples were taken out of the bath and allowed to drain for 18 hours. Using Los Angeles Machine (ASTM Method C131) the testing procedure conducted was similar to the Cantabro test on air cured samples. The percentage abrasion loss (P) for both conditions dry and wet was calculated according to following equation: P= P1 − P2 *100 …………………………………equation 3.8 P1 Where: P1=initial weight to the nearest 0.1g, and P2=final weight to the nearest 0.1g. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction This chapter includes a summary of the data generated from the lab testing of mixtures selected for this project. Several tests were conducted to determine the optimum bitumen content, porosity, air void, indirect tensile strength and abrasion resistance of specialty hot mix asphalt. These data were analyzed to get the relationship between porosity and air void content and their related with indirect tensile strength and abrasion resistance to evaluated the moisture damage of mixtures selected in this project. The results of each laboratory tests were shown in Appendices and then were further analyzed in detail in this chapter. 4.2 Results of Materials Tests The constituents of a hot mix asphalt are aggregate (both coarse and fine), mineral filler, and bitumen. All these materials were tested for their specific gravity and aggregate gradation. Besides that, the aggregates obtained from the Hanson Quarry were also tested for the total amount of coated dust. 41 4.2.1 Sieve Analyses Two types of sieve analysis were performed on the aggregates, one being the dry sieve and the other being the wash sieve analysis. The dry sieve analysis was performed to separate the aggregates according to the sieve sizes used in the gradation so as to make it easier to batch the mixes. The gradation of each mix will be further discussed in Section 4.3. Wash sieve analysis were conducted to determine the total amount of dust coated on the aggregates. This is so to calculate the amount of filler and/or dust that might need to be added to the mix. Therefore, the wash sieve analysis was conducted for every mix and the result can be viewed in Appendix A. 4.2.2 Determination of Materials Specific Gravity The specific gravity test has been carried out for all the materials used in the study, including aggregates, mineral filler, and bitumen. The aggregates were divided into coarse and fine with the earlier defined as aggregates larger than 4.75mm and the latter being defined as aggregates smaller than 4.75mm until 0.075mm. This categorization is in accordance with AASHTO standard. In this study, the specific gravity for the aggregates has been determined based on the gradation of each mix selected. Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate As the samples for testing specific gravity of aggregate is based on each mix selected in this study, the coarse sizes are in the range of 5-10mm for PA, 4.75-9.50mm SMA and 4-20mm for GPA. The full results of the test conducted are shown in Appendix B-1. 42 Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate The specific gravity testing for fine aggregate also utilizes the gradation of each mix selected. The sizes of aggregates tested range from 0.075- 3.36mm for PA, SMA and 0.075-2mm for GPA. The full results of the test conducted are shown in Appendix B-2. Specific Gravity of Mineral Filler Functioning as an anti stripping agent, the mineral filler chosen for this study was Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) accordant to JKR 2007. The previous Studies conducted at the Transportation and Highway Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has found that the specific gravity for OPC is 2.980. This value was used in determining the blend specific gravity of aggregate. Blend Specific Gravity of Aggregate Based on the mix, the percentage of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler varies accordingly. The determination of SG blend was done for each mix. Table 4.1 shows the values of percentage and blend specific gravity of aggregate and calculated these values’ are shown in Appendix B-3. Table 4.1 : Values of bulk specific gravity of aggregate Mix Type PA SMA GPA Coarse % 60 68.5 52 Fine % 38 29.5 46 OPC % 2 2 2 Gsb GbulkSSD Gsa 2.625 2.633 2.658 2.655 2.658 2.683 2.705 2.701 2.724 Absorption % 1.175 0.996 0.944 43 Specific Gravity of Bitumen The bitumen provides the cohesive forces that hold the aggregate particles together. The cohesive forces grow with increasing bitumen viscosity. In this study, bitumen of PG 76 has been used. Based on previous studies conducted at Transportation and Highway Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the specific gravity of bitumen is taken as 1.03. This value was used in the determination of effective specific gravity of aggregate. 4.3 Aggregate Gradation Aggregate gradation influences such key HMA parameters as stiffness, stability, durability, permeability, workability, fatigue resistance, frictional resistance and resistance to moisture damage (Roberts et al., 1996). Additionally, the maximum aggregate size can be influential in compaction and lift. A good gradation will lead to the durability and strength of a pavement. For all the three mixes, the gradation limits was in accordance with JKR 2007 Standard Specification as described in Section 2.2. The aggregate gradation was designed based on the mean of gradation limit. The mean values for each mix design was selected and plotted in the graph of percentage aggregate passing versus sieve size to the power of 0.45. Table Figure 4.2 to 4.4 illustrated the graph for each mix type while Figure 4.1 to 4.3 tabulated the percentage of aggregate passing on each sieve size. Table 4.2 : Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for PA Mix design SIEVE SIZE (mm) 14 10 5 2.36 0.075 GRADATION ^0.45 3.28 2.82 2.06 1.47 0.31 LIMIT LOWER UPPER 100 100 95 100 30 50 5 15 2 5 % PASSING 100 97.5 40 10 3.5 44 Figure 4.1 Traffic flow of Larkin interchange Table 4.3 : Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for SMA Mix design SIEVE SIZE (mm) 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.075 GRADATION ^0.45 3.12 2.75 2.02 1.47 0.79 0.58 0.31 Figure 4.2 LIMIT LOWER UPPER 100 100 72 83 25 38 16 24 12 16 12 15 8 10 % PASSING 100 77.5 31.5 20 14 13.5 9 Gradation limit and design curve for SMA 45 Table 4.4 : Percentage aggregate passing on each sieve size for GPA Mix design SIEVE SIZE (mm) 25 20 14 10 4 2 0.6 0.3 0.075 GRADATION ^0.45 4.26 3.85 3.28 2.82 1.87 1.37 0.79 0.58 0.31 Figure 4.3 4.4 LIMIT LOWER UPPER 100 100 76 100 64 89 56 81 41 55 16 31 12 16 6 10 3 7 % PASSING 100 88 76.5 68.5 48 23.5 14 8 5 Gradation limit and design curve for GPA Asphalt Mixture Design Results All the Superpave compacted specimens were prepared according to AASHTO T 312 standard method. ASTM D6752-02 standard test procedure for Determination of Bulk Specific Gravity and air void of Compacted Sample. For theoretical maximum 46 density test, procedure was carried out in accordance to AASHTO T 209. After conducted the tests, all the results were tabulated in Appendix C. The analysis was carried out to obtain the parameter values which were density, air voids, and voids in mineral aggregate and void filled with bitumen. The plotted graphs for air voids versus bitumen content that have been drawn were attached also in Appendix C. The adequate OBC tests which drain-down and cantabro recommended by JKR-2007 done in this study. The results of all parameter values at desired air voids of 4±1% for (SMA & GPA) and 20±1% for PA mixtures were summarized in Table 4.5 below. Table 4.5 : Mix design results Properties PA SMA GPA 4.5 6.7 6.2 Gmb 1.985 2.610 2.282 _ Gmm 2272 2.369 2.361 _ 20 4 4 (3-7%) for (SMA&GPA) and OBC (%) VIM (%) JKR 2007 Specification (4-7%) for (SMA&GPA) and (4- 6%) for (PA) (18- 25&) for (PA) 4.5 VMA (%) 27.8 19.4 19.5 Min 17 % VFA (%) 28.6 79.30 81.1 Max 17 % Draindown (%) 0.08 0.12 _ Max 0.3% Cantabro (%) 9.9 _ _ Loss Max 15% Relationship between air void and porosity The porosity was measured on samples of various void contents prepared from three different mixtures, i.e., SMA, PA, and GPA. That the air void contents of asphalt 47 mixtures were changed by altering compaction efforts (75, 100 and 125Gyr).details’ of results as shown in Appendix D. The porosity of these samples fitted linear relationships to the air void content, as shown in Figure 4.4. The GPA and SMA have similar porosity between 3.8% and 4% air void. SMA porosity trend line increase more than GPA after 4% air void and start to porosity content (%) decrease before 3.8% air void as shown in Figure 4.5. y = 0.0278x2 - 0.2134x + 12.154 R2 = 0.9588 PA 25 20 y = -0.0849x2 + 1.6639x - 2.6004 R2 = 0.9133 G PA 15 10 y = -0.1716x2 + 2.5765x - 4.7934 R2 = 0.9011 SM A 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 air void conte nt (%) Figure 4.4 Relationship between porosity and air void The results of average standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) are presented in Table 4.6. There is a relationship which can define porosity to air voids and PA mixture. Also it shows that good models for SMA and GPA mixes. This table is useful to specify the maximum mixes air voids for a specific mix. 48 y = -0.1716x2 + 2.5765x - 4.7934 R 2 = 0.9011 SM A y = -0.0849x2 + 1.6639x - 2.6004 R 2 = 0.9133 GP A Porosity content (%) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Air void content (% ) Figure 4.5 Relationship between porosity and air void content for SMA and GPA Table 4.6: Standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) Mix Type PA SMA GPA 4.6 Target VTM % 20% 21% 22% 3% 4% 5% 3% 4% 5% Total Sample in series 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 VTM mean % VTM VTM SD CV % 20.35 21.40 22.56 3.28 4.69 5.77 3.21 4.66 5.74 0.31 0.27 0.39 0.54 0.36 0.30 0.49 0.33 0.49 1.51 1.28 1.72 16.49 7.77 5.14 15.40 7.10 8.50 Porosity mean % Porosity SD Porosity CV % 19.33 20.31 21.47 1.74 3.53 4.33 1.84 3.28 4.16 0.37 0.38 0.40 0.90 0.55 0.35 0.66 0.33 0.48 1.91 1.88 1.88 51.81 15.69 7.99 35.88 10.04 11.57 Retained Strength or Stiffness The air void, porosity content and the ITS for dry specimens are given in Table 4.7. Figures 4.6 and 4.7 showed the influence of air void and porosity content on ITS in the dry test. It can be seen that the indirect tensile strength decreases with increasing air 49 void and porosity content which is similar to previous researches (Gulber et al.2005; Jian et al.2004; Walaa et al.2002). Moreover, the SMA trend line is higher as compared with other mixes, which could be due to less fine aggregate and high OBC. Note that the value of the SMA and GPA graded mixture with 6% nominal air void and 4% porosity content is slightly equal to the value of the PA graded with nominal 20% air void and 18 % porosity content. y = -166.26x + 1757.2 R 2 = 0.8936 indirect tensile strenght (kpa) 1500 1300 y = -66.693x + 1253.1 R 2 = 0.5393 1100 900 700 y = -102.34x + 1404.2 R 2 = 0.9303 500 y = -118.85x + 1321.4 R 2 = 0.9307 300 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 air void & porosity content (%) Linear (SMA Air void) Linear (SMA Porosity ) Effect of air voids and porosity for SMA&GPA) on ITS, dry indirect tensile strenght (kpa) Figure 4.6 Linear (GPA Air void) Linear (GPA Porosity) y = 26.469x2 - 1149.1x + 12720 R 2 = 0.9652 P A P o ro sity 800 y = 31.592x2 - 1418.9x + 16186 R 2 = 0.863 P A VTM 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 air void & porosity content (%) Linear (PA Air void) Figure 4.7 Linear (PA Porosity) Effect of air voids and porosity for PA on ITS, dry 50 Table 4.7: Air void, porosity and indirect tensile strength of dry specimens Sample ID Target VTM VTM (%) Porosity (%) ITS (kpa) ITS average (kpa) Standard deviation Porous Asphalt (PA) PA-2 PA-4 PA-13 PA-22 PA-17 PA-19 PA-16 PA-30 PA-29 20 % 21 % 22 % 19.90 20.43 20.72 18.83 19.48 19.78 619.57 518.52 498.52 21.18 21.47 21.56 19.77 20.45 20.45 521.27 474.82 474.29 490.13 26.97 21.87 22.74 23.06 20.80 21.59 21.78 339.17 409.13 402.09 383.47 38.52 1227.99 40.53 972.31 163.79 783.55 33.80 1068.45 70.63 935.44 29.96 816.19 110.79 545.54 64.89 Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) SMA-32 SMA-25 SMA-23 SMA-22 SMA-16 SMA-12 SMA-15 SMA-11 SMA-4 3% 4% 5% 2.39 3.39 4.07 0.51 1.63 3.89 1272.52 1218.18 1193.27 4.15 4.86 5.07 3.76 3.41 4.04 1152.35 932.45 832.12 5.38 5.96 6.01 4.1 4.54 4.42 814.95 787.92 747.78 Gap Graded Asphalt (GPA) GPA-1 GPA-22 GPA-7 GPA-4 GPA-30 GPA-16 GPA-29 GPA-21 GPA-31 3% 4% 5% 2.59 3.41 3.56 1.59 2.22 2.32 1137.64 1071.26 996.46 4.10 4.96 4.98 2.85 3.41 3.78 970.04 918.19 918.10 5.20 5.59 6.43 3.83 4.00 4.88 879.10 881.20 688.27 The air void porosity content and the indirect tensile strength for the wet specimens are given in Table 4.7. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 showed the influence of air void content on ITS in the wet test. It can be seen that the wet series also influence by the increase in air voids, seen by the reduction of the indirect tensile strength. The SMA trend line is still above the other mixes. This confirms the previous note on the effect of fine aggregate and the binder. 51 Table 4.8 : Air void, porosity and indirect tensile strength of wet specimens Sample ID Target VTM VTM (%) Porosity (%) ITS (kpa) ITS average (kpa) Standard deviation 387.02 99.03 307.38 13.98 260.96 7.45 Porous Asphalt (PA) PA-10 PA-1 PA-9 PA-6 PA-24 PA-14 PA-36 PA-33 PA-32 SMA-31 SMA-28 SMA-34 SMA-13 SMA-14 SMA-21 SMA-1 SMA-5 SMA-20 20 % 21 % 22 % 3% 4% 5% 19.90 18.71 501.32 20.41 19.79 332.85 20.75 19.77 326.90 21.00 19.97 323.48 21.51 20.31 298.36 21.69 20.59 300.29 21.87 21.21 268.16 22.74 21.32 261.46 23.06 22.44 253.27 Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) 2.67 3.36 3.80 0.78 1.61 2.18 1195.07 990.64 1037.20 1074.31 107.15 4.37 4.78 4.89 3.12 3.04 3.18 914.67 746.33 700.62 787.21 112.73 5.41 5.94 5.96 3.80 4.62 4.42 656.21 605.31 597.57 619.70 31.86 Gap Graded Asphalt (GPA) GPA-6 GPA-9 GPA-2 GPA-23 GPA-20 GPA-26 GPA-15 GPA-32 GPA-34 3% 4% 5% 2.17 3.54 3.93 0.62 1.38 2.8 719.08 676.19 643.88 679.72 37.72 4.17 4.74 5.05 2.75 3.23 3.82 670.14 612.30 537.92 606.79 66.28 5.18 5.72 6.32 3.82 4.31 3.68 547.55 532.01 520.02 533.19 13.81 Comparing the regression curves in Figure 4.8 of SMA and PA mixes of the dry and wet test, it can be seen that the slopes for both gradation are similar. This means that the ITS of the wet and dry series decreases almost equally fast with air void and porosity content. Although the porosity of SMA and GPA similar, it can be noted that the regression curves of GPA increase slowly than the SMA. In this case this regression curves may be attributed to the influence of water, high permeability, the fewer points of contact and interlocking in the aggregate skeleton (Gubler,2005). 52 y = -183.28x + 1665.7 R 2 = 0.9475 indirect tensile strenght (kpa) 1500 1300 y = -159.78x + 1302 R 2 = 0.8928 1100 900 700 500 y = -56.164x + 861.3 R 2 = 0.8843 300 y = -55.647x + 769.86 R 2 = 0.8354 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 air void & porosity content (%) Linear (SMA Air void) Linear (SMA Porosity ) Effect of air voids and porosity for (SMA&GPA) on ITS-wet series indirect tensile strenght (kpa) Figure 4.8 Linear (GPA Air void) Linear (GPA Porosity) 800 700 y = 26.469x2 - 1149.1x + 12720 R 2 = 0.9652 P A P o ro sity 600 500 400 300 200 100 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 air void & porosity content (%) Linear (PA Air void) Figure 4.9 y = 31.592x2 - 1418.9x + 16186 R 2 = 0.863 P A VTM Linear (PA Porosity) Effect of air voids and porosity for( PA) on ITS –wet series The tensile strength ratio (TSR) was obtained by comparing the ITS of wet specimens with that of the corresponding dry specimens. The TSR, air void and porosity for each series is summarized in Table 4.8. 53 1400 y = 0.9871x - 154.74 1200 R 2 = 0.9484 PA ITS wet 1000 800 SMA y = 0.8001x - 60.007 R2 = 0.7703 600 GPA 400 y = 0.5045x + 132.28 R 2 = 0.7592 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 ITS dry Figure 4.10 Comparing the ITS of wet and dry Table 4.9 : Percentage change of TSR between wet and dry series of the mixes Mix Type PA SMA GPA Air void average % 20.35 21.4 22.56 3.28 4.69 5.78 3.20 4.67 5.74 Porosity average % 19.36 20.22 21.39 1.77 3.43 4.32 1.82 3.31 4.09 TSR % 70.23 62.73 68.65 87.39 81.2 79.09 63.56 64.79 66.07 From Figure 4.9 it can be note that TSR for the SMA graded mixtures decreases with increasing air void content. This could mean that a SMA graded mixture with higher air void content becomes more water susceptible. However, in the case of GPA graded mixtures, the TSR is slightly increasing with increasing air void content. PA mixtures are demonstrated as a curve-up trend. In general there are not TSR discriminate between different mixes, air void and porosity content. Note that SMA graded mixtures show better TSR values. 54 y = -3.3154x + 93.068 R 2 = 0.9891 Tensile strength ratio (%) 100 y = 5.5413x2 - 238.49x + 2628.8 R2 = 1 y = -3.3754x + 98.023 R 2 = 0.9592 90 80 70 y = 0.9793x + 60.365 R 2 = 0.9899 60 y = 1.0713x + 61.516 R 2 = 0.9646 50 y = 6.7886x2 - 277.41x + 2896.5 R2 = 1 40 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Air void & porosity content (%) Linear (SMA air void) Linear (GPA air void) Linear (SMA porosity) Linear (GPA porosity) Poly. (PA air void) Poly. (PA porosity) Figure 4.11 4.7 Effect of air voids and porosity on the tensile strength ratio CANTABRO Test The results of CANTABRO test are shown in Table 4.9. Note that the percentage of air void and porosity were taken as average of both series, dry and wet condition. The averages of weight loss for each series are plotted in Figure 4.10. Comparing the values of the both SMA and GPA graded dry series, it can be noted that the percentage of weight loss is not significantly different from a statistic point of view. Therefore no high difference is observed between the SMA series with 3.22% and 5.77% air void content, also between GPA series with 3.22%and 5.75 %. Considering the both graded wet series, the SMA weight loss is slightly increased. However both series show lower percentage of weight loss in wet condition; thus water not influences the abrasion resistance. 55 Table 4.10 : CANTABRO Test results Mixture type Average of air void % Average of porosity % Average of mass loss % Standard deviation 20.35 21.40 22.57 3.27 4.64 5.77 3.22 4.67 5.75 19.26 20.37 21.38 1.72 3.63 4.13 1.86 3.27 4.24 14.31 17.7 19.61 4.01 5.67 5.74 2.65 3.07 4.1 2.49 1.35 1.52 0.33 0.88 0.66 0.51 0.22 0.55 20.35 21.40 22.57 3.27 4.64 5.77 3.22 4.67 5.75 19.26 20.37 21.38 1.72 3.63 4.13 1.86 3.27 4.24 28.56 34.78 37.36 4.46 8.69 11.28 6.13 6.58 7.16 7.20 1.77 5.12 0.30 4.20 2.29 0.86 2.01 0.62 Dry series Porous Asphalt (PA) Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) Gapgraded asphalt (GPA) Wet series Porous Asphalt (PA) Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) Gapgraded asphalt (GPA) 28.50 34.78 37.36 Cantabro loss value 40 6.58 7.16 4.46 8.69 11.28 6.36 5 4.1 10 5.74 2.65 3.07 15 4.01 5.67 20 19.61 30 25 14.31 17.7 Mass loss (%) 35 0 Dry Wet Condition Figure 4.12 Average weight loss PA 20.35 AV&19.26 P PA 21.40 AV&20.37 P PA 22.57 AV&21.38 P SMA 3.27 AV&1.72 P SMA 4.64 AV&3.63 P SMA 5.77 AV&4.13 P GPA 3.22 AV&1.86 P GPA 4.67 AV&3.27 P GPA 5.75 AV&4.24 P 56 Comparison increase weight loss between dry and wet test for different mixtures as shown in Table 4.10. Figure 4.11 indicates that water leads to a higher abrasion with increasing air void content for SMA, similar with PA and decrease with GPA graded. Note The GPA graded demonstrated with rate weight loss similar with TSR, both value decreases with increase air void. Interestingly, the series with PA graded mixtures (20.35 %VTM & 19.26 porosity) it can acceptable by JKR specification. Table 4.11 : Percentage increase of weight loss Mixture type Porous Asphalt (PA) Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) Gapgraded asphalt (GPA) Average of air void % 20.35 21.4 22.56 3.27 4.7 5.77 3.21 4.65 5.76 Average of porosity % 19.31 20.33 21.22 1.67 3.81 4.47 1.93 3.28 4.51 increase of weight loss % 49.79 49.11 47.51 10.09 34.75 49.11 58.33 53.34 42.74 Rate weight loss (%) Rate of weight loss 70 60 50 PA 40 30 SMA GPA 20 10 0 20.35-3.27-3.21 21.4-4.70-4.65 22.56-5.77-5.76 Air void content (%) Figure 4.13 Rate of weight loss of the mixes for different air voids CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions This limited study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different Air void and porosity on moisture damage of Malaysian specialty HMA. Based on the analyses presented in Chapter 4, the following conclusions can be drawn: Results provide relationship between porosity and air voids for PA mixture. In addition, study also able to establish good models for SMA and GPA mixes compared to other researcher (Walaa,2002). The IDT is able to discriminate between wet conditioned and dry control for SMA and PA graded. The IDT is able to discriminate between mixtures of different porosity. The Indirect Tensile Strength for PA and SMA (ITS) decreases as air void condition increases for both dry and wet condition, however its increase for GPA mixture. The Tensile Strength Ratio TSR shows only slight dependence on air void content. The PA mixture with higher porosity appeared to have the similar TSR compare with GPA. The CANTABRO test shows increasing percentage of weight loss with increasing air void content for all mixes. 58 The CANTABRO test shows significant difference between the behavior of wet and dry condition specimens. 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APPENDIX A AGGREGATE SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND DETERMINATION OF FILLER PA Sieve Size mm Gradation 0.45 power 14 3.279122 10 2.818383 5 2.063177 2.36 1.47167 0.075 0.311729 Pan (grm) Gradation limit Lower Upper Limit Limit Percentage Passing Retaining % % 100 95 30 5 2 100 97.5 40 10 3.5 100 100 50 15 5 0 2.5 57.5 30 6.5 Superpave D 150 mm Mass Mass Mass Passing Retained Retained (g) (g) on each Sieve (g) 4000 0 0 3900 100 100 1600 2400 2300 400 3600 1200 140 3860 260 140 Mass Passing (g) 900 877.5 360 90 31.5 Superpve D 100 Mass Mass Retained Retained (g) on each Sieve (g) 0 0 22.5 30 540 690 810 360 868.5 78 31.5 Mass passing (g) 1500 1462.5 600 150 525 TMD Mass Retained (g) 0 37.5 900 1350 1447.5 52.5 Washed-sieve analysis 1.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a) before b) After Aggregate Dust (gram): 3860 3831.2 28.8 868.5 861.3 7.2 1447.5 1435.4 12.1 2.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a)before b)after Aggregate Dust (gram): 3860 3828.2 31.8 868.5 860.6 7.9 1447.5 1436 11.5 Average Aggregate Dust (gram): 30.3 7.55 11.8 Average Filler Content (gram)=Pan-Average Aggregate Dust OPC(2%by total weight of aggregate) Weight of pan used (gram)=Average filler content-OPC 109.7 80 29.7 23.95 18 5.95 40.7 30 10.7 Total Aggregate Weight(gram)=Filler +Total Agg. Retained 3969.7 892.45 1488.2 62 Mass Retained on each Sieve (g) 0 37.5 862.5 450 97.5 SMA Sieve Size mm 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.075 Pan (grm) Gradation 0.45 power 3.116087 2.754074 2.0161 1.47167 0.794636 0.581707 0.311729 Gradation limit Lower Upper Limit Limit 100 72 25 16 12 12 8 100 83 38 24 16 15 10 Percentage Passing Retain % g % 100 77.5 31.5 20 14 13.5 9 0 22.5 46 11.5 66 0.5 4.5 Superpave D 150 mm Mass Mass Mass Passing Retained Retained (g) (g) on each Sieve (g) 4600 0 0 3565 1035 1035 1449 3151 2116 920 3680 529 644 3956 276 621 3979 23 414 4186 207 414 Superpve D 100 Mass Mass Mass Passing Retained Retained (g) (g) on Each Sieve (g) 1200 0 0 930 270 270 378 822 552 240 960 138 168 1032 72 162 1038 6 108 1092 54 108 Mass passing (g) 1500 1162.5 472.5 300 210 202.5 135 TMD Mass Retained (g) 0 337.5 1027.5 1200 1290 1297.5 1365 135 Washed-sieve analysis 1.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a) before b) After Aggregate Dust (gram): 4186 4141.7 44.3 1092 1072 20 1365 28.6 1365 2.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a)before b)after Aggregate Dust (gram): 4186 4139.1 46.9 1092 1072 18 1365 1339.4 25.6 Average Aggregate Dust (gram): 45.6 19 27.1 Average Filler Content (gram)=Pan-Average Aggregate Dust OPC(2%by total weight of aggregate) Weight of pan used (gram)=Average filler content-OPC 368.4 92 276.4 89 24 65 107.9 30 77.9 Total Aggregate Weight(gram)=Filler +Total Agg .Retained 4554.4 1181 1472.9 63 Mass Retained on each Sieve (g) 0 337.5 690 172.5 90 7.5 67.5 GPA Sieve Size mm Gradation 0.45 power 25 34.2567 20 3.850052 14 3.279122 10 2.818383 4 1.866066 2 1.36604 0.6 0.794636 0.3 0.581707 0.075 0.311729 Pan (grm) Gradation limit Lower Upper Limit Limit 100 76 64 56 41 16 12 6 3 100 100 89 81 55 31 16 10 7 Percentage Passin Retained g % % 100 88 76.5 68.5 48 23.5 14 8 5 0 12 11.5 8 20.5 24.5 9.5 6 3 Superpave D 150 mm Mass Mass Mass Passin Retained Retained g (g) on each (g) Sieve (g) 4700 0 0 4136 564 564 3595 1104.5 540.5 3219 1480.5 376 2256 2444 963.5 1104.5 3595.5 1151.5 658 4042 446.5 376 4324 282 235 4465 141 235 Superpve D 100 Mass Mass Mass Passing Retained Retained (g) (g) on Each Sieve (g) 1200 0 0 1056 144 144 918 282 138 822 378 96 576 624 246 282 918 294 168 1032 114 96 1104 72 60 1140 36 60 Mass passing (g) 2000 1760 1530 1370 960 470 280 160 100 TMD Mass Retained (g) 0 240 470 630 1040 1530 1720 1840 1900 100 Washed-sieve analysis 1.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a) before b) After Aggregate Dust (gram): 4465 4418.2 46.8 1140 1121.6 18.4 1900 1867.3 32.7 2.Mass of blend aggregate (gram): a)before b)after Aggregate Dust (gram): 4465 4416.6 48.4 1140 1120.8 19.2 1900 1864.5 35.5 Average Aggregate Dust (gram): 47.6 18.8 34.1 Average Filler Content (gram)=Pan-Average Aggregate Dust OPC(2%by total weight of aggregate) Weight of pan used (gram)=Average filler content-OPC 187.4 94 93.4 41.2 24 17.2 65.9 40 25.9 Total Aggregate Weight (gram) =Filler Total Agg. Retained 46524.4 1181.2 1965.9 64 Mass Retained on each Sieve (g) 0 240 230 160 410 490 190 120 60 APPENDIX B SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATE APPENDIX B1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF COARSE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE SPECIFIC GRAVITY INTERACTIVE EQUATION 1.INPUT Mass of oven dry sample in air, A (g): Mass of SSD sample in air , B (g): Mass of SSD sample in water , C (g) 2.CALCULATE sample 1 993.7 1005.2 618.8 PA14 sample 2 994.3 1006.1 620.4 average 994 1005.65 619.6 sample 1 995.4 1005.3 621.9 SMA14 sample 2 995.9 1005 620.8 average 995.65 1005.15 621.35 3.OUTPUT Bulk specific gravity ,Gsb: Bulk SSD specific gravity,Gbulk SSD: Apparent specific gravity, Gsa: Absorption (%): PA14 2.575 2.605 2.655 1.172 SMA14 2.594 2.619 2.660 0.954 sample 1 995.6 1005.2 621.6 GPA20 sample 2 995.3 1005.5 621.9 average 995.45 1005.35 621.75 % GPA25 2.595 2.621 2.664 0.995 AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR COARSE AGGREGATE Coarse(g) 1000 Total PA14 10 5 Sieve Size(mm) SMA14 GPA20 9.5 20 4.75 14 10 4 Percent Retained (%) PA14 SMA14 GPA20 2.5 22.5 12 57.5 46 11.5 8 20.5 60 68.5 52 Mass Retained(g) SMA14 GPA20 328.5 230.8 671.5 221.2 153.8 394.2 1000 1000 1000 PA14 41.7 958.3 65 APPENDIX B2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FOR FINE AGGREGATE FINE AGGREGATE SPECIFIC GRAVITY INTERACTIVE EQUATION PA14 sample 1 494.7 877.3 1193.4 500.4 1.INPUT Mass of oven dry sample in air, A (g): Mass of pychnometer filled with water, B (g): Mass of pychnometer. With SSD sample & air, C (g): Mass of SSD sample, S (g): 2.CALCULATE sample 2 495.1 877.2 1194.1 500.5 average 494.9 877.25 1193.75 500.45 SMA14 sample 1 495.2 877.2 1194.7 500.4 sample 2 495.5 877.4 1194.6 500.5 sample 2 496.1 877.3 1195.4 500.3 average 495.95 877.25 1195.15 500.2 % PA14 SMA14 GPA20 2.690 2.721 2.774 1.121 2.705 2.733 2.783 1.030 2.721 2.744 2.785 0.857 3.OUTPUT Bulk specific gravity ,Gsb: Bulk SSD specific gravity,Gbulk SSD: Apparent specific gravity, Gsa: Absorption (%): GPA20 sample 1 495.8 877.2 1194.9 500.1 average 495.35 877.3 1194.65 500.45 AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR FINE AGGREGATE Coarse(g) 700 Total Sieve Size(mm) PA14 2.36 0.075 – – – SMA14 2.36 0.6 0.3 0.075 – Percent Retained (%) GPA20 2 0.6 0.3 0.075 – PA14 30 6.5 – – 36.5 SMA14 11.5 6 0.5 4.5 22.5 GPA20 24.5 9.5 6 3 43 Mass Retained(g) PA14 575.3 124.7 – – 700 SMA14 357.8 186.7 15.6 140.0 700 GPA20 398.8 154.7 97.7 48.8 700 66 APPENDIX B3 BLEND AGGREGATE SPECIFIC GRAVITY BLEND AGGREGATE SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.INPUT Bulk specific gravity ,Gsb: Bulk SSD specific gravity,Gbulk SSD: Apparent specific gravity, Gsa: Absorption (%): Percentage , P: 2.CALCULATE Coarse 2.575 2.605 2.655 1.172 60 PA14 Fine 2.690 2.721 2.774 1.121 38 OPC 2.980 2.980 2.980 Combined G 3.OUTPUT 2 Coarse 2.594 2.619 2.66 0.954 68.5 SMA14 Fine 2.705 2.733 2.783 1.031 29.5 OPC 2.980 2.980 2.980 2 Coarse 2.595 2.621 2.664 0.995 52 GPA25 Fine 2.721 2.744 2.785 0.857 46 OPC 2.98 2.980 2.98 2 100 P1 P2 Pn G1 G2 Gn PA14 SMA14 GPA25 Combined Bulk specific Gravity ,Gsb: 2.625 2.633 2.658 Combined Bulk SSD specific Gravity ,Gbulk SSD: 2.655 2.658 2.683 Combined Apparent specific Gravity ,Gsa: 2.705 2.701 2.724 Combined Absorption (%): 1.175 0.996 0.944 67 APPENDIX C MIXTURE DESIGN APPENDIX C1 MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURE MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURE- PA TMD TEST (1500 gram) AGGREGATE+PAN (g) =1488.2 BITUMEN (5%) =198.5(g) NUM.OF SAMPLE=2 CONTROL MIX Weight of Bowl in Air (gm) Weight of Bowl in Water (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Air (gm) Weight of Sample (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Water (gm) Asphalt Content of Mix (%) SG of Asphalt, Gb = = A B Sample 1 2205.5 1390.1 Sample 2 2205.7 1390.1 (F) Max SG of Mix, Gmm = = = C D = (C - A) 3740.2 1534.7 3744.6 1538.9 = = = E G H 2302.1 5 1.03 2301.3 5 1.03 2.46 2.45 2.458 2.660 2.644 2.652 Effective SG of Aggregate, Gse = Gmm at specified of % AC's = 4.5 5 5.5 6 100 100/ % / 100 100 / % / Average 2.476 2.458 2.440 2.423 68 MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURE- SMA TMD TEST (1500 gram) AGGREGATE+PAN (g) =1484.6 BITUMEN (6%) =94.8(g) NUM.OF SAMPLE=2 CONTROL MIX Weight of Bowl in Air (gm) Weight of Bowl in Water (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Air (gm) Weight of Sample (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Water (gm) Asphalt Content of Mix (%) SG of Asphalt, Gb = = A B Sample 1 2205.5 1390.1 Sample 2 2205.6 1390.1 (F) Max SG of Mix, Gmm = Effective SG of Aggregate, Gse = = = C D = (C - A) 3747.3 1541.8 3742.7 1537.1 = = = E G H 2280.8 6 1.03 2291.2 6 1.03 2.37 2.42 2.392 2.582 2.644 2.613 Gmm at specified of % AC's = 100 100/ % 5.5 6 6.5 7 / 100 100 / % Average / 2.409 2.392 2.376 2.359 69 MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURE - GPA TMD TEST (2000gram) AGGREGATE+PAN (g) =1965.9 BITUMEN (6%) =118.0(g) NUM.OF SAMPLE=2 = = CONTROL MIX Weight of Bowl in Air (gm) Weight of Bowl in Water (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Air (gm) Weight of Sample (gm) Weight of Bowl and Sample in Water (gm) Asphalt Content of Mix (%) SG of Asphalt, Gb (F) Max SG of Mix, Gmm = A B Sample 1 2205.4 1390.1 Sample 2 2205.7 1390.1 = = C D = (C - A) 4265.6 2060.2 4273.2 2067.5 = = = E G H 2585.4 6 1.03 2579.1 6 1.03 2.38 2.35 2.368 2.600 2.564 2.582 Effective SG of Aggregate, Gse = Gmm at specified of % AC's 5.5 6 6.5 7 = 100 100/ % / 100 100 / % Average / 2.384 2.368 2.351 2.335 70 APPENDIX C2 BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURE Core Gravity(TM) PA-MIX Sample ID Bag Weight (g) Sample Weight before Sealing (g) Sealed Sample Weight in Water (g) Sample Weight after Water Submersion (g) Density of Water (g/cm3) for temperature correction Maximum Specific Gravity BC 4.5% NO.1 BC 4.5% NO.2 BC 5.0% NO.1 BC 5.0% NO.2 BC 5.5% NO.1 BC 5.5% NO.2 BC 6.0% NO.1 BC 6.0% NO.2 49.4 49 49.1 48.1 49.5 49.1 48.3 49.2 4007.4 4006.8 4080.3 3969 3939.1 3967.3 3957.2 3971 1967.4 1971.6 2050.3 1957.7 1963 1957.8 1947.2 1965.6 4007.4 4006.8 4080.3 3969 3939.1 3967.3 3957.2 3971 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.476 2.476 2.456 2.456 2.44 2.44 2.423 2.423 Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) 1.983 1.987 2.029 1.992 2.012 1.993 1.987 1.999 % Air Voids 19.9 19.7 17.4 18.9 17.5 18.3 18.0 17.5 71 Core Gravity(TM) SMA-MIX Sample ID BC 5.5% NO.2 BC 5.5% NO.2 BC 6.0% NO.1 BC 6.0% NO.2 BC 6.5% NO.1 BC 6.5% NO.2 BC 7.0% N0.1 BC 7.0% NO.2 Bag Weight (g) 49.4 49.3 49.3 49 49.2 49.1 48.2 49.2 Sample Weight before Sealing (g) Sealed Sample Weight in Water (g) Sample Weight after Water Submersion (g) Density of Water (g/cm3) for temperature correction Maximum Specific Gravity Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) % Air Voids 4736.4 2614 4736.4 1 2.409 2.254 6.4 4835.1 4597.2 4560.2 4576.6 4668 4827.2 4706.5 2647.1 2558.2 2505.3 2533.6 2587.5 2699.6 2621.7 4835.1 4597.2 4560.2 4576.6 4668 4827.2 4706.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.409 2.392 2.392 2.376 2.376 2.359 2.359 2.232 2.278 2.242 2.263 2.266 2.292 2.281 7.4 4.8 6.3 4.8 4.6 2.8 3.3 72 Core Gravity(TM) GAP-MIX Sample ID Bag Weight (g) Sample Weight before Sealing (g) Sealed Sample Weight in Water (g) Sample Weight after Water Submersion (g) Density of Water (g/cm3) for temperature correction Maximum Specific Gravity BC 5.5% NO.1 BC 5.5% NO.2 BC 6.0% NO.1 BC 6.0% NO.2 BC 6.5% NO.1 BC 6.5% NO.2 BC 7.0% N0.1 BC 7.0% NO.2 49.2 49.4 49.6 49.5 49.2 49.1 49.2 49.2 4677.6 4772.6 4723.7 4665.7 4642.2 4715.5 4666.8 4611 2551.2 2604.9 2651.2 2578.8 2590.1 2638.3 2616.4 2587.9 4677.6 4772.6 4723.7 4665.7 4642.2 4715.5 4666.8 4611 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.384 2.384 2.368 2.368 2.351 2.351 2.335 2.335 Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) 2.222 2.223 2.303 2.258 2.285 2.293 2.299 2.303 % Air Voids 6.8 6.7 2.8 4.6 2.8 2.5 1.5 1.4 73 APPENDIX C3 VOLIMTRIC PROPERTIES OF MIX PA-MIX % BIT. SPEC. NO. % Bit. by wt. of mix.Pb 4.5 4.5 AVG 5 5 AVG 5.5 5.5 AVG 6 6 AVG SPEC. GRAV. Gmb 1.983 1.987 1.985 2.029 1.992 2.0105 2.012 1.993 2.0025 1.987 1.999 1.993 VOIDS (%) Gmm 2.476 2.476 2.476 2.456 2.456 2.456 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.423 2.423 2.423 VIM 19.9 19.7 19.8 17.4 18.9 18.2 17.5 18.3 17.9 18.0 17.5 17.8 VMA VFA [1- Gmb(1- Pa)]×100 Gsb (VMA -VIA) ×100 VMA 28.8 28.7 28.8 27.2 28.5 27.8 27.8 28.5 28.1 28.7 28.3 28.5 31.0 31.3 31.1 36.0 33.7 34.8 37.0 35.7 36.4 37.3 38.1 37.7 74 SMA-MIX % BIT. SPEC. GRAV. VOIDS (%) SPEC. NO. Gmb Gmm VIM % Bit. by wt. VMA VFA [1- Gmb(1- Pa)]×100 (VMA -VIA) ×100 Gsb VMA of mix.Pb 5.5 2.254 2.409 6.4 19.1 66.5 5.5 2.232 2.409 7.4 19.9 62.8 6 2.243 2.278 2.409 2.392 6.9 4.8 19.5 18.7 64.6 74.3 6 2.242 2.392 6.3 20.0 68.4 2.260 2.392 5.6 19.3 71.3 6.5 2.263 2.375 4.8 19.6 75.6 6.5 2.266 2.375 4.6 19.5 76.4 7 2.265 2.292 2.375 2.359 4.7 2.8 19.6 19.0 76.0 85.3 7 2.281 2.359 3.3 19.4 83.0 2.287 2.359 3.1 19.2 84.1 AVG AVG AVG AVG 75 GPA-MIX % BIT. SPEC. GRAV. VOIDS (%) SPEC. NO. Gmb Gmm VIM VMA VFA % Bit. [1- Gmb(1- Pa)]×100 (VMA -VIA) ×100 by wt. Gsb VMA of mix.Pb 5.5 2.222 2.384 6.8 21.0 67.6 5.5 2.223 2.384 6.7 21.0 68.0 2.223 2.384 6.8 21.0 67.8 6 2.303 2.368 2.8 18.6 84.9 6 2.258 2.368 4.6 20.1 77.2 2.281 2.368 3.7 19.4 81.0 6.5 2.285 2.251 2.8 19.6 85.7 6.5 2.293 2.251 2.5 19.3 87.1 2.289 2.251 2.7 19.5 86.4 7 2.299 2.335 1.5 19.6 92.3 7 2.303 2.335 1.4 19.4 92.8 2.301 2.335 1.5 19.5 92.6 AVG AVG AVG AVG 76 APPENDIX C4 DETEMINATION OF OPTIUMUM ASPHALT CONTENT PA-MIX AIR VOID vs BITUMEN CONTENT VMA vs BITUMEN CONTENT 30 40.0 y = 1.6x2 - 18.04x + 68.51 R² = 0.9632 30.0 20 VMA(%) VA(%) 25 y = 1.2698x2 - 12.692x + 59.135 R² = 0.9332 35.0 15 10 25.0 20.0 15.0 5 10.0 4 4.5 5 5.5 Bitumen Content 6 6.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 Bitumen Content 6 6.5 VFA vs BITUMEN CONTENT 50.0 y = -2.5579x2 + 32.963x - 67.798 R² = 0.9942 45.0 VFA(%) 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 4 4.5 5 5.5 Bitumen Content 6 6.5 77 SMA-MIX VA vs BITUMEN CONTENT 8 VMA vs BITUMEN CONTENT y = -0.2x2 + 0.06x + 12.55 R² = 0.987 7 6 VMA(%) VA(%) 5 4 3 2 1 y = -0.2496x2 + 2.9636x + 10.696 R² = 0.435 19.7 19.6 19.6 19.5 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.3 19.3 19.2 19.2 19.1 0 4 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 Bitumen Content 7 4.5 5 7.5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Bitumen Content VMA vs BITUMEN CONTENT 100.0 y = 1.0309x2 - 0.4334x + 36.146 R² = 0.9925 VMA(%) 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Bitumen Content 78 GAP-MIX AV vs BITUMEN CONTENT 8 21.5 7 21.0 y = 2x2 - 28.4x + 102.4 R² = 0.9872 6 y = 1.6506x2 - 21.505x + 89.236 R² = 0.9052 20.5 5 VMA (%) AV (%) VMA vs BITUMEN CONTENT 4 3 20.0 19.5 19.0 2 18.5 1 18.0 0 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 4.5 7.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Bitumen Content (%) Bitumen Content (%) VFA vs BITUMEN CONTENT y = -7.4x2 + 108.46x - 304.55 R² = 0.989 100.0 VFA (%) 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 Bitumen Content (%) 79 80 APPENDIX D POROSITY RESULT PA-Porosity Max Gravity (Gmm): 2.476 Sample ID PA-125 Gyr PA-1 PA-2 PA-3 PA-4 PA-5 PA-6 PA-7 PA-8 PA-9 PA-10 PA-11 PA-12 PA-100 Gyr PA-13 PA-14 PA-15 PA-16 PA-17 PA-18 PA-19 PA-20 PA-21 PA-22 PA-23 PA-24 PA-75 Gyr PA-25 PA-26 PA-27 PA-28 PA-29 PA-30 PA-31 PA-32 PA-33 PA-34 PA-35 PA-36 Bag Weight (g) Inputs Dry Sample Wt. (g) 26.4 26.7 26.5 26.7 26.3 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.4 26.4 Double Bag Limit: 75 Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) Results Sample Percent Maximum Porosity Gravity (%) (g/cm3) Sealed Wt. In Water (g) Sample Wt. After Cutting the Bag (g) Percent Air Voids (%) 1190.8 1231.1 1198 1202.9 1209.4 1195.7 1207.9 1196.6 1186.3 1196.3 1209.1 1189.5 579.4 603.1 572.2 585.1 585.8 577.2 588.9 585.1 574.5 585.9 590.2 578.3 703.3 724.4 705.3 708.4 710.2 703.6 711.9 704.6 698.4 703.1 710.8 699.9 1.971 1.983 1.937 1.970 1.962 1.956 1.974 1.980 1.962 1.983 1.977 1.969 2.457 2.443 2.446 2.447 2.436 2.444 2.449 2.446 2.446 2.440 2.440 2.444 19.79 18.83 20.81 19.48 19.48 19.97 19.39 19.06 19.77 18.71 19.00 19.41 20.41 19.90 21.78 20.43 20.76 21.00 20.26 20.03 20.75 19.90 20.17 20.47 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.7 26.7 26.3 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.6 1212.3 1201.9 1178.5 1170.8 1190.7 1188.6 1178.5 1240.1 1223 1241.8 1220 1229.9 587.5 574.8 565.5 558.4 571.1 578.3 564.6 599.3 588.3 598.2 588 589.8 714 706.8 694.9 688.6 700.7 698.4 693 728.8 719.7 728.4 717 722.7 1.963 1.939 1.945 1.935 1.944 1.971 1.942 1.957 1.949 1.951 1.953 1.943 2.447 2.442 2.451 2.443 2.444 2.439 2.442 2.439 2.444 2.432 2.439 2.439 19.78 20.59 20.64 20.80 20.45 19.20 20.45 19.75 20.24 19.77 19.95 20.31 20.72 21.69 21.43 21.87 21.47 20.41 21.56 20.95 21.28 21.18 21.13 21.51 26.8 26.4 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.4 26.6 26.7 1223.5 1224.9 1221.8 1230.2 1225.6 1219.5 1234.1 1223.1 1228.7 1232.1 1233.8 1211.6 579.9 577.7 576 580.8 575 574.8 589.4 575.7 580.6 584 582.4 574.9 719.4 720 718.4 722.9 719.5 716.8 723.7 723.7 721.6 723.6 725.5 712.8 1.923 1.914 1.913 1.916 1.905 1.913 1.936 1.911 1.917 1.922 1.915 1.925 2.441 2.440 2.441 2.439 2.435 2.440 2.432 2.463 2.437 2.437 2.441 2.443 21.23 21.55 21.61 21.45 21.78 21.59 20.38 22.44 21.32 21.10 21.53 21.21 22.34 22.70 22.72 22.63 23.06 22.74 21.81 22.84 22.57 22.36 22.64 22.26 81 SMA- Porosity Max Gravity (Gmm): 2.369 Sample ID SMA-Gyr125 SMA-25 SMA-26 SMA-27 SMA-28 SMA-29 SMA-30 SMA-31 SMA32 SMA-33 SMA-34 SMA-35 SMA36 SMA-Gyr100 SMA-13 SMA-14 SMA-15 SMA-16 SMA-17 SMA-18 SMA-19 SMA-20 SMA-21 SMA-22 SMA-23 SMA-24 SMA-Gyr75 SMA-1 SMA-2 SMA-3 SMA-4 SMA-5 SMA-6 SMA-7 SMA-8 SMA-9 SMA10 SMA-11 SMA12 Bag Weight (g) Inputs Dry Sample Wt. (g) Double Bag Limit: 75 Sealed Wt. In Water (g) Sample Wt. After Cutting the Bag (g) Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) Results Sample Percent Maximum Porosity Gravity (%) (g/cm3) Percent Air Voids (%) 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.8 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.4 1290.4 1288.8 1295.1 1288.3 1278.3 1300.7 1296.8 1310.3 1290.7 1281.6 1285.2 1296.6 719.3 715 721.8 718.3 711.2 720.5 727.1 736.3 723.1 712 718.2 726.2 732.9 734.4 736.9 731.8 726.8 739.8 735.9 743.7 734 728.7 731 737 2.289 2.275 2.288 2.289 2.283 2.270 2.306 2.312 2.304 2.279 2.296 2.302 2.326 2.337 2.332 2.327 2.330 2.331 2.324 2.324 2.330 2.330 2.331 2.329 1.63 2.64 1.88 1.61 1.99 2.59 0.78 0.51 1.15 2.18 1.50 1.13 3.39 3.97 3.42 3.36 3.61 4.16 2.67 2.39 2.76 3.80 3.08 2.81 26.3 26.4 26.7 26.6 26.6 26.9 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.4 26.5 1209 1221.3 1204.1 1216.1 1232 1301.2 1202.6 1197 1274.4 1300.8 1290.3 1275.3 668.2 672.7 659.7 669.3 678.8 718.6 663.8 652.5 701.5 720.6 715.3 698.9 689.2 693.5 686.1 692.1 708.6 746.6 686 680.6 723.9 746.6 741.8 726.4 2.266 2.256 2.242 2.254 2.257 2.262 2.262 2.228 2.253 2.271 2.273 2.241 2.339 2.326 2.337 2.334 2.367 2.358 2.341 2.331 2.327 2.359 2.365 2.335 3.12 3.04 4.10 3.41 4.65 4.09 3.36 4.42 3.18 3.76 3.89 4.06 4.37 4.78 5.38 4.86 4.74 4.51 4.50 5.96 4.89 4.15 4.07 5.41 26.5 26.4 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.7 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.5 1212.3 1209.7 1212.8 1224.5 1207.5 1195.1 1215.8 1243.2 1226.4 1220.8 1212.8 1193.7 664.1 662.6 662.9 667.3 658.4 651.9 662.5 676.4 672.1 671.9 661.2 655.7 689 688.5 688.3 696 687.8 681.4 692.4 707.5 696.6 694.8 690.3 681.5 2.241 2.241 2.235 2.227 2.228 2.230 2.227 2.222 2.242 2.254 2.228 2.249 2.329 2.334 2.325 2.330 2.336 2.339 2.336 2.333 2.327 2.334 2.334 2.344 3.80 3.99 3.87 4.42 4.62 4.69 4.67 4.77 3.68 3.42 4.54 4.04 5.41 5.42 5.66 6.01 5.94 5.88 6.01 6.21 5.37 4.87 5.96 5.07 82 GAP- Porosity Max Gravity (Gmm): 2.361 Double Bag Limit: 75 Inputs Sample ID GPA-125 GYR GPA1 GPA-2 GPA-3 GPA-4 GPA-5 GPA-6 GPA-7 GPA-8 GPA-9 GPA-10 GPA-11 GPA-12 GPA-100 GPA-13 GPA-14 GPA-15 GPA-16 GPA-17 GPA-18 GPA-19 GPA-20 GPA-21 GPA-22 GPA-23 GPA-24 GPA-75 GYR GPA-25 GPA-26 GPA-27 GPA-28 GPA-29 GPA-30 GPA-31 GPA-32 GPA-33 GPA-34 GPA-35 GPA-36 Results Bag Weight (g) Dry Sample Wt. (g) Sealed Wt. In Water (g) Sample Wt. After Cutting the Bag (g) Bulk Specific Gravity (g/cm3) Sample Maximum Gravity (g/cm3) Percent Porosity (%) Percent Air Voids (%) 26.6 26.4 26.8 26.5 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.3 26.5 26.6 26.7 1306.5 1210.6 1191.1 1203.4 1205.5 1229.1 1201.5 1174.6 1184 1172.2 1208.1 1238.8 731.1 669.7 660.6 664.7 669.3 689.7 666.6 653.9 657 654.3 671.8 690.4 744.6 689 678.1 684.2 686.3 697.4 683.2 665 668.5 663.9 685.8 706 2.300 2.268 2.276 2.264 2.279 2.310 2.277 2.287 2.278 2.295 2.283 2.289 2.337 2.334 2.335 2.331 2.335 2.324 2.331 2.318 2.309 2.319 2.326 2.338 1.59 2.80 2.51 2.85 2.39 0.62 2.32 1.32 1.38 1.03 1.82 2.07 2.59 3.93 3.58 4.10 3.48 2.17 3.56 3.12 3.54 2.79 3.29 3.04 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.5 26.7 27 26.8 27 27.1 26.8 26.8 1230.1 1203 1210.2 1231.4 1208.7 1213.4 1152.7 1237 1207.3 1211.1 1203.7 1196.1 677.8 660.5 662.4 675.3 657.8 665.3 634.8 679.7 658.34 672.7 664.4 658.1 700 683 687.4 700.4 686.9 688 654.2 701.9 684.4 688.9 683.4 679.3 2.257 2.247 2.239 2.243 2.223 2.244 2.257 2.249 2.229 2.281 2.262 2.254 2.333 2.326 2.328 2.331 2.329 2.322 2.326 2.324 2.322 2.332 2.326 2.327 3.27 3.39 3.82 3.78 4.55 3.39 2.94 3.23 4.00 2.22 2.75 3.17 4.41 4.81 5.18 4.98 5.84 4.98 4.39 4.74 5.59 3.41 4.17 4.55 26.7 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.6 26.4 1216.7 1210.7 1200 1227.9 1204.6 1226 1211.1 1213.8 1240.2 1089.8 1228.8 1187.2 661 663.4 655.5 672.3 659.2 672.4 655.7 661.3 681 590 670.6 642.2 693 688.4 681.1 698.6 684.2 695.4 686.8 689.2 704.2 612.4 694.1 670.4 2.218 2.242 2.233 2.239 2.238 2.244 2.209 2.226 2.247 2.212 2.230 2.207 2.336 2.331 2.325 2.332 2.328 2.323 2.322 2.326 2.326 2.296 2.310 2.310 5.03 3.82 3.95 4.00 3.83 3.41 4.88 4.31 3.41 3.68 3.47 4.44 6.04 5.05 5.40 5.16 5.20 4.96 6.43 5.72 4.83 6.32 5.54 6.51