SURFACE INTEGRITY OF INCONEL 718 DURING DRILLING OPERATION ALI AKHAVAN FARID A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY, 2008 To my parents, Hossein Akhavan Farid and Parvin Sami Zadeh, my brother and my sweet sister, Amin and Elham. ACKOWLEDGEMET My foremost thank goes to my thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Safian Sharif. Without him, this dissertation would not have been possible. I thank him for his patience and encouragement that carried me on through difficult times, and for his insights and suggestions that helped to shape my research skills. His valuable feedback contributed greatly to this dissertation. I thank all the students and staffs in department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, whose presences and fun-loving spirits made the otherwise gruelling experience tolerable. They are: Mr. Rival, Mr. Denny, Mr. Chia, Mr. Ayub and Mr. Ali. Not forgetting my friends especially Hamid Reza, Amir and Hesam for their ideas and involvement during discussion and ideas of the project. Lastly, I would like to thank my family for all their love and encouragement. For my parents who raised me with a love of science and supported me in all my pursuits. ABSTRAK Aloi-aloi super seperti Inconel 718 memiliki kekuatan yang tinggi pada suhu tinggi. Dan ini menjadikan mereka menarik digunakan untuk aplikasi industri angkasa. Walau bagaimanapun, bahan-bahan ini merupakan bahan yang sukar untuk dimesin. Keadaan permukaan yang digerudi pastilah dipengaruhi oleh parameter pemotongan, seperti halaju pemotougan, kadar uluran, jenis dan geometri mata gerudi. Ujian penggerudian pada berbagai halaju, jenis dan sudut mata gerudi dilakukan untuk menilai kesan parameter diatas pada kualiti lubang-lubang termesin dan integriti permukaan Inconel 718. Kualiti lubang-lubang yang dimesin dinilai dari segi ketepatan geometri dan pembentukan gerigis. Integriti permukaan yang dinilai melibatkan aspek-aspek kekasaran permukaan, perubahan metalurgi, dan kekerasan mikro substrat permukaan lubang. Dari kajian yang dilakukan, lubang-lubang yang dihasilkan memiliki kualiti yang tinggi meskipun digerudi menggunakan mata alat yang telah haus, jika dinilai dari sudut ukuran, kekasaran permukaan, dan tinggi gerigis. Walau bagaimanapun, nilai kekerasan mikro dan analisis struktur mikro menunjukkan perubahan-perubahan struktur mikro yang jelas yang berkait dengan kemerosotan sifat-sifat mekanikal. Secara umumnya, parameter pemotongan didapati memberikan kesan-kesan yang signifikan pada kualiti dan integriti permukaan pada penggerudian Inconel 718 menggunakan mata gerudi karbida tak bersalut. ABSTRACT Superalloys such as Inconel 718 have high strength at elevated temperatures, which make them attractive towards various applications in aerospace industry. However, these materials are considered difficult to machine materials. The state of a workpiece surface after machining is definitely affected by cutting parameters, such as cutting speed, feed rates, drill types and drill geometries. Drilling tests, at different spindle-speed, feed rates, drills and point angles of drill, were conducted in order to investigate the effect of the above parameters on the quality of machined holes and surface integrity of Inconel 718. The quality of machined holes was evaluated in terms of the geometrical accuracy and burr formation. Surface integrity involved the aspect of surface roughness, metallurgical alterations and microhardness of the substrate of the hole surface. High hole quality was observed even at holes produced using worn tools, in relation to dimensions, surface roughness and burr height. However, microhardness measurements and microstructural analysis of work-piece showed significant microstructural changes related with a loss of mechanical properties. In general the cutting parameters have significant effects on the surface quality and surface integrity when drilling Inconel 718 using uncoated carbide drill. TABLE OF COTETS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE STATUS OF THESIS SUPERVISOR DECLARATIO TITLE PAGE i DECLARATIO OF ORGIALITY ii DEDICATIO iii ACKOWLEDGEMETS iv ABSTRAK v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF COTETS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF SYMBOLS xv CHAPTER1 ITRODUCTIO 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Project scope 3 1.3 Project objective 3 1.4 Problem statement 3 CHAPTER2 LITREATURE REVIEW 2.1 Nickel 4 2.1.1 Production of nickel 4 2.2 Nickel- copper alloys 5 2.3 Nickel-chromium alloys 6 2.4 Nickel-iron-base supperalloys 6 2.4.1 Chemical composition and typical application 6 2.4.2 Microstructure 7 2.4.3 Solid-solution strengtheners 7 2.4.4 Precipitation strengtheners 8 2.5 Inconel 718 8 2.6 High-temperature stress-rupture properties 9 2.7 Machinability 10 2.8 Drilling 13 2.9 Twist drill parts 13 2.9.1 Shank 14 2.9.2 Body 15 2.9.3 Point 16 2.9.4 Drill point characteristics 17 2.9.5 Drill point angle and clearance 18 2.10 Drilling facts and problems 19 2.11 Cause of drill failure 22 2.12 Cutting tool 23 2.12.1 24 Cutting Tool Materials 2.13 Surface Integrity 28 2.14 Surface roughness 28 2.14.1 Quantification of surface roughness 29 2.14.2 Effective parameters on surface roughness in drilling 2.15 Microhardness 32 36 2.15.1 Effective parameters on microhardness changes in drilling 38 2.16 Microstructural changes 39 2.17 Burr formation 41 CHAPTER3 METHODLOGY 3.1 Introduction 46 3.2 Research Design Variables 46 3.3 Workpiece Material 47 3.3.1 48 Analysis the workpiece material 3.4 Cutting Tools 51 3.5 Machining Procedure 52 3.6 Selection of independent variables 53 3.7 Investigation of Surface Finish 53 3.8 Dimensional accuracy 53 3.9 Burr height measuring 54 3.10 Preparing the samples 56 3.11 Microstructural analysis 57 3.12 Microhardness measurement 57 CHAPTER4 RESULTS AD DISCUSSIO 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Tool wear 59 4.3 Surface roughness 60 4.4 Dimensional accuracy 61 4.5 Burr height 62 4.6 Microstructure 64 4.7 Microhardness 68 CHAPTER5 COCLUSIOS 5.1 Conclusions 70 5.2 Future study 71 REFERECES 72 LIST OF TABLE TABLE TITLE 2.1 Chemical composition and typical application of PAGE 7 nickel-iron-base superalloys 2.2 Geometry and coating details 33 3.1 Machining parameters 47 3.2 Mechanical properties of Inconel 718 47 3.3 Chemical composition of Inconel 718 47 3.4 Average hardness of Inconel 718 51 3.5 Drill information 51 3.6 Experimental planning at all levels 53 4.1 Number of holes drilled under different conditions 60 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE 2.1 Electron micrographs of Inconel 718 10 2.2 The main parts of twist drill 14 2.3 Types of drill shanks 15 2.4 The web of a twist drill 16 2.5 The point of a twist drill 16 2.6 The lip clearance angle of the cutting edge 17 2.7 The drill angle of a twist drill 18 2.8 Wear at outer corners of drill 20 2.9 Breakdown of chisel point 21 2.10 Excessive and insufficient clearance of the cutting edge 21 2.11 Improper web thinning of twist drill 21 2.12 Cutting lips with unequal angles 22 2.13 Cutting lips with unequal length 22 2.14 Cross-section of a surface 29 2.15 Sampling length 30 2.16 Several different elements of a normal finish 31 2.17 Different profile in different directions 32 2.18 Surface roughness measurements 34 2.19 Surface roughness values when different cutting fluids 34 was applied PAGE 2.20 Surface roughness of AISI 1045 steel finished by different 35 coated drills 2.21 SEM micrograph showing three microindentation marks 38 2.22 Typical microhardness profile from drilling 39 2.23 (a) Grain boundary deformation and white layer from drilling 40 (b) Microstructure resulting from Mill Boring 2.24 Burr types formed in dry cutting 43 2.25 Formation of a burr with drill cap 44 2.26 Burrs produced in wet cutting 44 2.27 Correlation between the burr formation and the cutting conditions 45 2.28 Correlation between the burr formation and the point angle 45 and the lip relief angle 3.1 Workpiece material 48 3.2 Mounted specimen 49 3.3 Buehler electromet 49 3.4 Grain structure of Inconel 718 at 100X magnification 50 3.5 Grain structure of Inconel 718 at 200X magnification 51 3.6 Image of uncoated tool drill 52 3.7 MAHO MH 700S CNC machining center 52 3.8 Coordinate measuring machine 54 3.9 Samples are separated from the workpiece plate 55 3.10 Optical microscope used to measure burr height 55 3.11 Linear precision saw 56 3.12 Preparations of samples to metallographic studies 56 3.13 Toolmakers’ light optical microscope 57 3.14 Vickers pyramid microhardness tester 58 4.1 Surface roughness measurement at different 60 experiment condition 4.2 Surface roughness measurement comparison in 61 different experimental trials 4.3 Variation of machined hole dimension and tool diameter 62 4.4 Burr heights obtained using an optical microscope 63 4.5 Comparison of burr height at different cutting condition 63 4.6 Burr height versus point angle 64 4.7 Comparison between first and last hole produced in exprement1 65 4.8 Subsurface microstructure in last holes produced using worn tool 67 4.9 Microhardness changes versus distance from machined surface 68 LIST OF SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIOS % percent °C Degree celsius mm Millimetre µm Micrometer Å Angstrom MPa Mega Pascal W Watt N Newton wt Weight HV Hardness Vickers HK Hardness Knoop K Degree Kelvin Ni Nickel Cu Copper Fe Iron Mo Molybdenum Al Aluminium Ti Titanium Mn Manganese Si Silicon C Carbon Cr Chromium Nb Niobium N Nitrogen CW Tungsten carbide γ Gamma phase γ' Gamma prime phase η Eta phase δ Delta phase µ Mu phase FCC Face-centered cubic HCL Hydrochloric acid V Cutting speed PA Point angle f Feed rate BUE Built-up edge MRR Material removal rate H.S.S High speed steel ANSI American National Standards Institute CBN Cubic boron nitride PCD Polycrystalline diamond PVD Physical vapor deposition CVD Chemical vapor deposition CMM Coordinate measuring machine CHAPTER 1 ITRODUCTIO 1.1 Introduction Nickel-based alloys account for 80% of the superalloy usage within the aerospace industry, with the remainder being iron and cobalt based. Approximately 45–50% of the total material requirements for a gas turbine engine are met using nickel alloys [1]. Other areas of application are within space exploration (main space shuttle engine, nickel–hydrogen batteries (international space station)), power generation (industrial gas turbines), chemical industry (cryogenic tanks), etc. [1–3]. The properties that make nickel-based superalloys attractive to industry are: high yield strength (retained to approximately 750° C), high ultimate tensile strength, high fatigue strength, retention of corrosion and oxidation resistance up to elevated temperatures and good creep resistance [1,4,5]. Numerous publications have shown that nickel based superalloys are difficult to machine regardless of the process being used [6-11]. The properties that make Inconel 718 an important engineering material are also responsible for its generally poor machinability. Low thermal conductivity (11.4 W/mK) leads to high cutting temperature being developed in the cutting zone. In turning, temperatures of around 900°C have been reported at the relatively low cutting speed of 30 m/min with over 1300°C found at 300 m/min [12]. In addition, temperature gradients in the tool are much steeper than for steels with the maximum temperature being generated in the tool nose region [13]. The materials ability to retain its mechanical properties at elevated temperature results in high cutting forces being generated, around double that found when cutting medium carbon alloy steels. This in combination with the relatively short chip tool contact length means that stress is concentrated on the area of maximum tool temperature leading to chipping and/or plastic deformation of the cutting edge [10, 13]. Nickel based superalloys have a high chemical affinity for many tool materials and as such form an adhering layer leading to diffusion and attrition wear[14]. They are also highly sensitive to strain rate and rapidly work harden causing abrasive wear, particularly at the depth of cut and leading edge positions. The presence of hard phases in the microstructure, such as carbides, nitrides, oxides, etc, further exacerbates tool abrasion. In contrast to other machining processes drilling has received relatively little attention and most literature available for nickel base superalloys are related only to tool wear and productivity [15]. Drilling is one of the most important processes in aerospace manufacture and being the last operation performed, particular emphasis on the reliability of the process due to the costs already entailed. In addition a hole amplifies the stress around it by a factor of two, placing considerable restraints on dimensional tolerance and hole quality. 1.2 Problem statement - The metallurgical and mechanical characteristics that give nickel alloys highly valued properties also make them one of the most difficult-to-machine aerospace materials. - The tendency of nickel alloys to accrue surface damage during machining. - Burr formation during drilling can increase the cost of manufacturing due to extra time give in removing the burrs. 1.3 Project objective The objectives of the project are as follows: To evaluate the machined hole quality and surface integrity of a Inconel 718 when drilling using carbide drill with respect to surface roughness, microhardness, microstructure defects. To study the influence of the cutting conditions on the surface roughness, microstructure defects and burr formation when drilling of Inconel 718. 1.4 Project scope This study will be focused on drilling of Inconel 718 using uncoated carbide tools. This process is conducted under various independent variables which include cutting speed, feed rate and tool geometries. The surface roughness, microhardness and microstructural changes of subsurface will be evaluated. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 ickel Nickel is an excellent structural metal for many engineering application. It has the desirable FCC crystal structure, so it is tough and ductile. It also has good highand low- temperature strength as well as high oxidation resistance and good corrosion resistance for most environments. Few metals can match the attractive engineering properties of nickel. Unfortunately, its greatest disadvantage is its relatively high cost, and thus its use as a base metal for alloy is greatly limited. Nickel-base alloys are therefore used when no cheaper material can provide the necessary corrosion- or heat – resisting properties required for special engineering application [16]. 2.1.1 Production of nickel In general, there are three major types of nickel deposits: nickel-copper sulfides, nickel silicates, and nickel laterites and serpentines. The sulfide deposits, which are located mainly in Canada, provide most of the western world’s supply of the metal. The second most important source is the nickel silicate ores of New Caledonia. Laterite ores, which have relatively low nickel contents, are located mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. These deposits have not been extensively developed because of the high cost of the recovering the nickel. There are several established processes for the extraction of nickel from its ores with the process used depending mainly on the type of ore being treated. The Canadian Sudbury, Ontario, deposits which are controlled by the Inco metals company are processed in the following manner. After the nickel-copper-iron sulfide ore is crushed and ground, an iron sulfide (pyrrhotite) concentrate is separated magnetically and processed in an iron-ore recovery plant. The remaining ore product is subjected to froth flotation treatment which produces separates nickel and copper concentrates [17]. The copper concentrate is sent to the copper product. The nickel concentrate is processing to produce copper products. The nickel concentrate is processed separately and is roasted, smelted in a reverberatory furnace, and converted to a Bessemer matte which consist mainly of nickel and copper sulfide and a Nickel copper metallic alloy are formed. After the cooled matte is crushed and ground, the metallic alloy is separated by forth flotation. The copper sulfide is returned to the copper smelter for further processing while the nickel sulfide is roasted to produce various grades of nickel oxides. The purest nickel oxide products are marketed directly and the less pure oxides are processed further at Inco’s port colborne, Ontario, and clydach, wales, nickel refineries to produce commercially pure nickel and other nickel-alloy products [17]. 2.2 ickel- copper alloys Nickel and copper are completely soluble in each other in all properties. However, the most important nickel-copper alloys are those containing about 67% Ni and 33% Cu, which are called Monels [16]. 2.3 ickel-chromium alloys Chromium is an important alloying element for many corrosion-resistant and high-temperature-resistance nickel-base alloys. It has a high solid solubility (approximately 30 wt% at room temperature) in nickel [16]. 2.4 ickel-iron-base supperalloys Nickel-base superalloys containing substantial amounts of both nickel and iron form a second important class of supperalloys. In these alloys, lower-cost iron is substituted in part for nickel. However, because of their lower nickel content, they are not able to be utilized at as high temperatures as the nickel-base superalloys [18]. 2.4.1 Chemical composition and typical application Knowledge of the stainless steel and the nickel-base supperalloy led to the development of the nickel-iron-base superalloys. Most of them contain from 25 to 45% Ni and from 15 to 60% Fe. Chromium from 15 to 38 percent is added for oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures, while 1 to 6% Mo is also added to most of them for solid-solution strengthening. Titanium, aluminum, and niobium are added to combine with nickel for strengthening precipitates. Carbon, boron, zirconium, cobalt, and some other elements are added for various complex effects. Table 2.1 shows the lists of the chemical compositions and typical application for selected nickel-iron-base superalloys [19]. Table 2.1 Chemical composition and typical application of nickel-iron-base superalloys Alloy %Ni %Fe %Cr %Mo %Al %Ti %Mn %Si %C %other Typical applications Inconel 41.5 40 16 0.5 0.2 1.75 0.2 0.2 .03 706 Inconel 53 18.5 18.6 3.1 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.04 2.9 Nb, Gas 0.5 Co components 5.0 Nb Jet 718 Inconel turbine engines, rocket motores 32.5 44.5 21 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.05 0.4 Cu 800 Furnace, heat exchanger parts Inconel 32 46 20.5 - - 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.2Cu Heat exchange 42.5 36.0 12.5 5.7 0.2 2.8 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.015 B Gas 801 Inconel 901 turbine rotors, blades, bolts 2.4.2 Microstructure Most nickel-iron-base superalloys are desired so they have an austenitics FCC matrix. Since they contain less than 0.1% C and relatively large amounts of ferrite stabilizers such as chromium and molybdenum, the minimum level of nickel required to maintain an austenite stabilizers can slightly lower this nickel level. High-nickel contents are associated with higher useful temperatures and improve malleability, but also considerably lower the oxidation resistance of these alloys [19]. 2.4.3 Solid-solution strengtheners The solid-solution strengthening elements added to nickel-iron supperalloy are 10 to 25% Cr,0 to 9% Mo, 0 to 5% Ti, 0 to 2% Al, and 0 to 7% Nb. Of these, molybdenum is the most useful. Chromium is also solid-solution strengthener of the γ matrix and also enters carbides and γ ' . however, its chief function is to provide oxidation resistance. Niobium, titanium, and aluminum also provide some solidsolution strengthening of the austenite matrix, but this is not their primary function in nickel-iron base alloys. Small amounts of carbon and boron are also potent solidsolution strengtheners [19]. 2.4.4 Precipitation strengtheners The most important precipitation strength-enters in nickel-iron-base alloys are titanium, aluminum, and niobium since they combine with nickel to from intermetallic phases. An important different in the structure of γ ' and γ ′′ strengthened nickel-iron-base superalloys from the nickel-base alloys is that the Ni-Fe alloys are all susceptible to the precipitation of one or more secondary phases such as η , δ , µ , or laves. These phases can be detrimental or beneficial to rupture properties, depending on their morphology and distribution. Titanium is major γ ' forming element in γ ' strengthened nickel-iron superalloy, which in contrast most nickel-base superalloys are strengthened principally by aluminum-rich γ ' . aluminum however, does provide some oxidation resistance to nickel-iron alloys. Niobium is the principal γ ′′ forming element in γ ′′ strengthened nickel-iron-base superalloys [19]. 2.5 Inconel 718 Inconel 718 is an example of a nickel-iron-base superalloy that is strengthened by niobium-rich γ ' ( NI3 NB , FCC) precipitates. Some aluminum and titanium atoms may substitute for the niobium. This type of precipitate is in contrast to that found in other nickel-iron-base superalloys in which the γ ' precipitate is NI3 (Al, Ti). According to barker et al [20]. FCC γ ' is the main phase which is initially present in the matrix of alloy 718 heat-treated in the standard precipitation-strengthened naodition. The γ ' particles were found to be 7.5 to 30 nm in size and were both spherical and dislike in morphology. When the samples of alloy 718 were exposed for long period of time at elevated temperatures, the γ ' phase transformed into a BCT phase of uncertain composition designated NIx NB . Upon even longer exposure times, part of the NIx NB phase transformed into orthorhombic NI3 NB , which is lamellar (needle like). After prolonged exposure in the 650 to 700 C range, three distinct structural shapes were identified the spherical precipitates as FCC γ ' . X-ray diffraction analysis identified the spherical precipitates as FCC X, the BCT NIx NB as the small plates, and orthorhombic NI3 NB as the large plates [17]. 2.6 High-temperature stress-rupture properties In general, the nickel-iron-base superalloys cannot be used at as high temperatures as the nickel-base alloys. Nickel-iron-base alloys that are strengthened by ordered FCC γ ' (such as A-286 and V-57, which contain about 25 to 26 wt% Ni) can be used to about 650° C, while alloys which have higher nickel contents (such as 860 and 901, with 42 to 43 wt%) can be used to about 815° C. Inconel 706 and 718, which are strengthened by a niobium-containing γ ' , can be used to about 650° C. Figure 2.1 shows the electron micrographs of Inconel 718 sample exposed 705 at 37 Ksi for 6,048 hours [17]. Figure 2.1 Electron micrographs of Inconel 718. (a) immersion etched in 20% HCLmethanol. (b) Electrolytically etched at 2 V in a chormic-phosphoric sulfuric solution. 2.7 Machinability The properties that make Inconel 718 an important engineering material are also responsible for its generally poor machinability. Low thermal conductivity (11.4 W/m/K) leads to high cutting temperatures being developed in the cutting zone. These have been shown to rise from around 900° C at a relatively low cutting speed of 30 m/min up to 1300° C at 300 m/min [21]. The cutting forces generated are also very high, around double that found when cutting medium carbon alloy steels. Literature detailing the effects of operating parameters on tool life when machining nickel based superalloys is comprehensive, however, relatively little of this data refers to the effects of machining on workpiece surface integrity. The main problems reported are surface tearing, cavities, cracking, metallurgical recrystalisation, plastic deformation, microhardness increases and the formation of residual stresses [22–27]. Residual stress is defined as the stress that persists in the absence of external force [28]. The properties responsible for the poor machinability of the nickel-based superalloys, especially of Inconel 718, are [29–34]: - A major part of their strength is maintained during machining due to their high-temperature properties. - They are very strain rate sensitive and readily work harden, causing further tool wear. - The highly abrasive carbide particles contained in the microstructure cause abrasive wear. - The poor thermal conductivity leads to high cutting temperatures up to 1200C’ at the rake face [21]. - Nickel-based superalloys have high chemical affinity for many tool materials leading to diffusion wear. - welding and adhesion of nickel alloys onto the cutting tool frequently occur during machining causing severe notching as well as alteration of the tool rake face due to the consequent pull-out of the tool materials. - Due to their high strength, the cutting forces attain high values, excite the machine tool system and may generate vibrations which compromise the surface quality. The microstructure of Inconel 718 is comprised of an austenitic face centred cubic (FCC) matrix phase, which is a solid solution of Fe, Cr and Mo in nickel together with other secondary phases. The main strengthening phase is the precipitate gamma double prime (denoted γ''). This phase consists of uniformly distributed body centred tetragonal (BCT) disc shaped particles (of composition NI3 NB ) that are coherent with the parent matrix. The diameter of these particles is approximately 600 Å by around 50-100 Å thick. Inconel 718 is often used in a solution treated and aged condition, this involves a solution treatment at 970-1175° C, followed by a precipitation treatment at 600- 815° C [35]. This results in a microstructure of large grains containing the NI3 NB precipitated phase and a heavy concentration of carbides at the grain boundaries. The difficulty of dislocation motion through the γ''/ γ' microstructure is responsible for high tensile and yield strength of Inconle 718 (approximately 1300 and 1100 MPa, respectively, at temperature up to 600 °C) [35]. In machining Inconel 718 alloy, it is well known that the tool temperature rises easily due to its poor thermal properties. Micro-welding at tool-tip and chip interface takes place leading to the formation of built-up edge (BUE). The excellent material toughness results in difficulty in chip breaking during the process. In addition, precipitate hardening γ ′′ secondary phase ( NI3 NB ) together with work-hardening during machining makes the cutting condition even worse. All these difficulties lead to serious tool wear and less material removal rate (MRR) [32, 36]. The difficulty of machining resolves itself into two basic problems: short tool life and severe surface abuse of machined workpiece [31, 22]. The heat generation and the plastic deformation induced during machining affect the machined surface. The heat generated usually alters the microstructure of the alloy and induces residual stresses. Residual stresses are also produced by plastic deformation without heat. Heat and deformation generate cracks and microstructural changes, as well as large microhardness variations [37]. Residual stresses have consequences on the mechanical behaviour, especially on the fatigue life of the workpieces [38]. Residual stresses are also responsible for the dimensional instability phenomenon of the parts which can lead to important difficulties during assembly [39, 40]. Extreme care must be taken therefore to ensure the surface integrity of the component during machining. Most of the major parameters including the choice of tool and coating materials, tool geometry, machining method, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, lubrication, must be controlled in order to achieve adequate tool lives and surface integrity of the machined surface [37, 38]. Field and Kahles [41] summarized the metallurgical alterations that occur in the surface layer as a function of machining parameters in conventional and nonconventional machining operations of several alloy systems, including Inconel 718. They concluded that it is highly desirable to develop surface integrity data for specific situations and only in the absence of specific data should general guidelines be employed or considered for the manufacture of critical components. Bellows [42] inferred that the mechanical properties of components made from Inconel 718 are more sensitive to residual stresses than to surface finish, consequently sharp tools must be maintained at all times. 2.8 Drilling Twist drills are end-cutting tools used to produce holes in most types of material. On standard drills, two helical grooves, or flutes, are cut lengthwise around the body of the drill. They provide cutting edges and space for cutting to escape during the drilling process. Since drills are among the most efficient cutting tools, it is necessary to know the main parts, how to sharpen the cutting edges, and how to calculate the correct speeds and feeds for drilling various metals to use them most efficiently and prolong their life. 2.9 Twist drill parts Most twist drills used in machine shop work today are made of high-speed steel. High-speed steel drills have replaced carbon-steel drills, since they can be operated at double the cutting speed and the cutting edge lasts longer. High-speed steel drills are always stamped with the letters “H.S.” or “H.S.S.” since the introduction of carbides-tripped drills, speeds for production drilling have increased up to 300% over high-speed steel drills. Carbide drills have made it possible with high-speed steel drills. Carbide drills have made it possible to drill certain materials that would not be possible with high-speed steels. A drill may be divided into three main parts: shank, body, and point (Figure 2.2). Figure 2.2 The main parts of twist dill 2.9.1 Shank Generally drills up to ½ in. or 13 mm in diameter have straight shanks, while those over this diameter usually have tapered shanks. Straight-shank drills are held in a drill chuck; tapered-shank drills fit into the internal taper of the drill press spindle. A tang is provided on the end of tapered-shank drills to prevent the drills from slipping while is cutting and to allow the drill to be removed from the spindle or socket without the shank being damaged. Figure 2.3 shows two types of drill shanks. Figure 2.3 Types of drill shanks: (a) straight; (b) tapered 2.9.2 Body The body is the portion of the drill between the shank and the point. It consists of a number of parts important to the efficiency of the cutting action. 1- The flutes are two or more helical grooves cut around the body of the drill. They form the cutting edges, admit cutting fluid, and allow the chips to escape from the hole. 2- The margin is the narrow, raised section on the body of the drill. It is immediately next to the flutes and extends along the entire length of the flutes. Its purpose is to provide a full size to the drill body and cutting edges. 3- The body clearance is the undercut portion of the body between the margin and the flutes. It is made smaller to reduce friction between the drill and the hole during the drilling operation. 4- The web is the thin portion in the center of the drill that extends the full length of the flutes (Figure 2.4). This part forms the chisel edge at the cutting end of the drill. The web gradually increases in thickness toward the shank to give the drill strength. Figure 2.4. The web is a tapered metal column that separates the flutes. 2.9.3 Point The point of a twist drill consists of the chisel edges, lips, lip clearance, and heel (Figure 2.5). The chisel edge is the chisel-shaped portion of the drill point. The lips (cutting edges) are formed by the intersection of the flutes. The lips must be of equal length and have the same angle so that the drill will run true and will not cut a hole larger than the size of the drill. Figure 2.5 The point of a twist drill The lip clearance is the relief ground on the point of the drill extending from the cutting lips back to the heel. The average lip clearance is from 8° to 12° depending on the hardness or softness of the material to be drilled (Figure 2.6). Figure 2.6 The lip clearance angle of the cutting edges should be 8° to 12° degree. 2.9.4 Drill point characteristics Efficient drilling of the wide variety of materials used by industry requires a great variety of drill points. The most important factors determining the size of the drilled hole are the characteristics of the drill point [43]. A drill is generally considered a roughing tool capable of removing metal quickly. It is not expected to finish a hole to accuracy possible with a reamer. However, a drill can often be made to cut more accurately and efficiently by proper drill point grinding. The use of various point angles and lip clearance, in conjunction with the thinning of the drill web, will: 1- Control the size, quality, and straightness of the drilled hole 2- Control the size, shape, and formation of the chip 3- Control the chip flow up the flutes 4- Increase the strength of the drill’s cutting edges. 5- Reduce the rate of wear at the cutting edges 6- Reduce the amount of drilling pressure required 7- Control the amount of burr produced during drilling 8- Reduce the amount of heat generated 9- Permit the use of various speeds and for more drilling 2.9.5 Drill point angle and clearance Drill point angles and clearance are varied to suit the wide variety of material that must be drilled. The general drill points are commonly used to drill various materials; however, there may be variation of these to suit various drilling conditions. The conventional point (118°) is the most commonly used drill point and gives satisfactory result for most general-purpose drilling (Figure 2.7). The 118° point angle should be ground with 8° to 12° lip clearance for best results. Too much lip clearance weakens the cutting edge and causes the drill to chip and break easily. Too little lip clearance results in the use of heavy drilling pressure; this pressure causes the cutting edge to wear quickly because of the excessive heat generated and places undue strain on the drill and equipment. Figure 2.7. The drill angle of 118 degree is suitable for most general work; (b) a drill point angle of 60 to 90 degree is used for soft material; (c) a drill point angle of 135 to 150 degree is best for hard material. The long angle point (60° to 90°) is commonly used on low helix drills for the drills for the drilling of nonferrous metals, soft cast iron, plastics, fibers, and wood. The lip clearance on long angle point drills is generally from 12° to 15°. on standard drill, a flat may be ground on the face of the lips to prevent the drill from drawing itself into the soft material. The flat angle point (135° to 150°) is generally used to drill hard and tough materials. The lip clearance on flat angle point drills is generally only 6° to 8° to provide as much support as possible for the cutting edges. The shorter cutting edge tends to reduce the friction and heat generated during drilling. 2.10 Drilling facts and problems The cutting efficiency of a drill is determined by the characteristics and condition of the point of the drill. Most new drills are provided with a general-purpose point (118° point angle and an 8° to 12° lip clearance). As a drill is used, the cutting edges my wear and become chipped, or the drill my break. Drills are generally resharpened by hand. A properly ground drill should have thee flowing characteristics: - The length of both cutting lips should be the same. Lips of unequal length will force the drill point off center, causing one lip to do more cutting than the other and producing an oversize hole. - The angle of both lips should be the same. If the angles are unequal, the drill will cut an oversize hole because one lip will do more cutting than the other. - The lips should be free from nicks or wear. - There should be no sign of wear on the margin. If the drill does not meet all of these requirements, it should be resharpened. If the drill is not resharpened, it will give poor service, will produce inaccurate holes, and may break because of excessive drilling strain. While a drill is being used, there will be signs to indicate that the drill is not cutting properly and should be resharpened. If the drill is not sharpened at the first sign of dullness, it will require extra power to force the slightly dulled drill into the work. This causes more heat to be generated at the cutting lips and results in a faster rate of wear. When any of the following conditions arise while a drill is in use, it should be examined and reground: - The color and shape of the chips change. - More drilling pressure is required to force the drill into the work. - The drill turns blue because of the excessive heat generated while drilling. - The top of the hole is out of round. - A poor finish is produced in the hole. - The drill chatters when it contacts the metal. - The drill squeal and may jam in the hole. - An excessive burr is left around the drilled hole. Excessive speed will cause wear at outer corners of drill (Figure 2.8); this permits fewer regrinds of drill due to amount of stock to be removed in reconditioning. Discoloration is warning sign of excess speed [43]. Figure 2.8 Wear at outer corners of drill Excessive feed sets up abnormal end thrust, which causes breakdown of chisel point and cutting lips (Figure 2.9). Failure induced by this cause will be broken or split drill [43]. Figure 2.9 Breakdown of chisel point Excessive clearance results in lack of support behind cutting edge with quick dulling and poor tool life (Figure 2.10-a), despite initial free cutting action. Clearance angle behind cutting lip for general purposes is 8° to 12° degree. Insufficient clearance causes the drill to rub behind the cutting edge, it will make the drill work hard, generate heat, and increase end thrust (Figure 2-10-b). This results in poor holes and drill breakage. (a) Excessive clearance (b) Insufficient clearance Figure 2.10 Cutting angle Improper web thinning is the result of taking more stock from one cutting edge than from the other, thereby destroying the concentricity of the web and outside diameter (Figure 2.11). Figure 2.11 The web is the tapered central position of the body that joints the lands Cutting lips with unequal angles will cause one cutting edge to work harder than the other this cause torsion strain, Bellmouth holes, rapid dulling, and poor tool life (Figure 2.12). Figure 2.12 Cutting lips with unequal angles Cutting lips unequal in length cause chisel point to be off center with axis and will drill holes oversize by approximate twice the amount of eccentricity (Figure 213). Figure 2-13 Cutting lips with unequal length 2.11 Cause of drill failure Drills should not be allowed to become so dull that they cannot cut. Over dulling of any metal-cutting tool generally results in poor production rates, inaccurate work, and the shortening of the tool life [43]. Premature dulling of a drill may be caused by any one of a number of factors: - The drill speed may be too high for the hardness of the material being cut. - The feed may be too heavy and overload the cutting lips. - The feed may be too light and cause the lips to scrape rather than cut. - There may be hard spots or scale on the work surface. - The work or drill may not be supported properly, resulting in springing and chatter. - The drill point may be incorrect for the material being drilled. - The finish on the lips may be poor. 2.12 Cutting tool Principal categories of cutting tools include single point lathe tools, multipoint milling tools, drills, reamers, and taps. All of these tools may be standard catalogue items or tooling designed and custom-built for a specific manufacturing need. Different machining applications require different cutting tool materials. The ideal cutting tool material should have all of the following characteristics: • Harder than the work it is cutting • High temperature stability • resists wear and thermal shock • Impact resistant • Chemically inert to the work material and cutting fluid No single cutting tool material incorporates all these qualities. Instead, tradeoffs occur among the various tool materials. For example, ceramic cutting tool material has high heat resistance, but has a low resistance to shock and impact. Every new and evolving tool development has an application where it will provide superior performance over others. Many newer cutting tool materials tend to reduce, but not eliminate the applications of older cutting tool materials. 2.12.1 Cutting Tool Materials As rates of metal removal have increased, so has the need for heat resistant cutting tools. The result has been a progression from high-speed steels to carbide, and on to ceramics and other superhard materials. a) High Speed Steel (HSS): Developed around 1900, high-speed steels cut four times faster than the carbon steels they replaced. There are over 30 grades of high-speed steel, in three main categories: tungsten, molybdenum, and molybdenum-cobalt based grades. Since the 1960s the development of powdered metal high-speed steel has allowed the production of near-net shaped cutting tools, such as drills, milling cutters and form tools. The use of coatings, particularly titanium nitride, allows highspeed steel tools to cut faster and last longer. Titanium nitride provides a high surface hardness, resists corrosion, and it minimizes friction. b) Cemented Tungsten Carbides: In industry today, carbide tools have replaced high speed steels in most applications. These carbide and coated carbide tools cut about 3 to 5 times faster than high-speed steels. Cemented carbide is a powder metal product consisting of fine carbide particles cemented together with a binder of cobalt. The major categories of hard carbide include tungsten carbide, titanium carbide, tantalum carbide, and niobium carbide. Each type of carbide affects the cutting tool’s characteristics differently. For example, a higher tungsten content increases wear resistance, but reduces tool strength. A higher percentage of cobalt binder increases strength, but lowers the wear resistance. Carbide is used in solid round tools or in the form of replaceable inserts. Every manufacturer of carbide tools offers a variety for specific applications. The proper choice can double tool life or double the cutting speed of the same tool. Shock-resistant types are used for interrupted cutting. Harder, chemically-stable types are required for high speed finishing of steel. More heat resistant tools are needed for machining the superalloys, like Inconel and Hastelloy. There are no effective standards for choosing carbide grade specifications so it is necessary to rely on the carbide suppliers to recommend grades for given applications. Manufacturers do use an ANSI code to identify their proprietary carbide product line. Two-thirds of all carbide tools are coated. Coated tools should be considered for most applications because of their longer life and faster machining. Coating broadens the applications of a specific carbide tool. These coatings are applied in multiple layers of under 0.001 of an inch thickness. The main carbide insert and cutting tool coating materials are titanium carbide, titanium nitride, aluminum oxide, and titanium carbonitride. c) Ceramic: Ceramic cutting tools are harder and more heat-resistant than carbides, but more brittle. They are well suited for machining cast iron, hard steels, and the superalloys. Two types of ceramic cutting tools are available: the alumina-based and the silicon nitride-based ceramics. The alumina-based ceramics are used for high speed semi- and final-finishing of ferrous and some non-ferrous materials. The silicon nitride-based ceramics are generally used for rougher and heavier machining of cast iron and the superalloys. d) Cermet: Cermet tools are produced from the materials used to coat the carbide varieties: titanium carbides and nitrides. They are especially useful in chemically reactive machining environments, for final finishing and some turning and milling operations. e) Superhard Materials: Superhard tool materials are divided into two categories: cubic boron nitride, or "CBN", and polycrystalline diamond, or "PCD". Their cost can be 30 times that of a carbide insert, so their use is limited to wellchosen, cost effective applications. Cubic boron nitride is used for machining very hard ferrous materials such as steel dies, alloy steels and hard-facing materials. Polycrystalline diamond is used for non-ferrous machining and for machining abrasive materials such as glass and some plastics. In some high volume applications, polycrystalline diamond inserts have outlasted carbide inserts by up to 100 times. For the improvement of tool lives, surface and coating technologies have developed rapidly to produce several types of coated tools for machining of difficultto-machine materials. The cemented carbide tools are still largely used for machining the nickel-based superalloys, especially for the Inconel 718 [39,40,31]. However, In order to achieve higher cutting speeds, coated cemented carbides have been developed [44,45]. In the following, typical results from the literature using coated and uncoated carbide tools in turning, milling and drilling operations of Inconel 718 will be presented. . Itakura et al. [46], conducted dry turning experiments to identify clearly the tool wear mechanisms when a commonly used coated cemented carbide tool cuts Inconel 718. Jindal et al. [47] studied the relative merits of PVD TiN, TiCN and TiAlN coatings on cemented carbide substrate (WC—6wt.% Co alloy) in the turning of Inconel 718. The tested cutting speeds were 46 and 76 m/min, the feed rate and the depth-of-cut were maintained constant and respectively equal to 0.15 mm/rev and 1.5mm. At both speeds, TiAlN and TiCN coated tools performed significantly better than tools with TiN coatings. The maximum flank wear was about 0.15mm after a cutting time of 5 min. In addition the TiAlN tools exhibit lower nose and crater wear than the TiCN and TiN coated tools. . Panjan et al. [48] studied TiN/AlTiN and CrN/TiN nanolayer coatings deposited on a K20 cemented carbide and its machining performance was tested by turning Inconel 718 alloy. The performance of the nanolayer coated tools was compared with those of classical mono and multilayer coated and uncoated inserts. Abrasive nose wear and chipping at the cutting edge were the main failure modes observed. The depth-of-cut notch is considered as determinant for tool life during machining Inconel 718. The notching is influenced by burr formation on the uncut diameter; this failure mode is mainly due to the hardening of the material during machining. This phenomenon appeared for uncoated or CrN/TiN coated tool and was attenuated with TiN/AlTiN nanolayer coated insert. According to the authors, this was probably due to better chip sliding and a reduced cutting temperature with this coating. Abrasive wear is mainly due to carbide particles in Inconel 718. The high hardness of the TiN/AlTiN nanolayer coating (Hardness HV0.05 = 3900) provides better abrasion resistance than classical multilayer and monolayer structures. In addition, TiN/AlTiN nanolayer coating presents a better resistance to welding. High temperature resistance of AlTiN included in this coating allows better resistance to the built-up-edge phenomenon than CrN/TiN nanolayer coating. Derrien and Vigneau [49] found that TiN coated tools resulted in higher tool life and lower surface roughness (Ra) than uncoated tools when contour milling Inconel 718. Gatto and Iuliano [3] suggested that CrN and TiAlN coatings improved tool performance by acting as a thermal barrier and therefore preventing the high temperature generated in the cutting process from softening the substrate. Sharman et al. [29] also examined TiAlN and CrN coated carbide tools in end milling of Inconel 718. They found that TiAlN gave the overall better performance compared to CrN, due to the lower hardness (lower abrasive wear resistance) and higher chemical affinity of CrN to Inconel 718. This resulted, based on the wear mechanism proposed by Liao and Shiue [44], in faster exposure of the carbide substrate and therefore higher wear. Sharman et al. [50] studied TiAlN multilayer PVD, TiN/TiAlN multilayer PVD coated and uncoated cemented carbide tool and its machining performance during drilling Inconel 718. They have reported that drills, TiAlN multilayer PVD and TiN/TiAlN multilayer PVD tested failed due to localised wear exceeding 0.5mm at the drill periphery. Chen [15] used multi-layer TiAlN PVD coated tungsten carbide twist drill when drilling Inconel 718. He stated that Friction force is found to be the most important factor governing tool failure. Wear mechanisms can be classified into four stages. The coated layer is abraded-off first. It is followed by flank wear, and chipping at the outer cutting edge. 2.13 Surface Integrity Numerous investigations confirm that the quality and especially the lifetime of the dynamically loaded parts are very much dependent on the properties of the material in the surface [51]. Severe failures produced by fatigue, creep and stress corrosion cracking invariably start at the surface of components and their origins depend to a great extent on the quality of the surface [52]. Therefore, in machining any component it is first necessary to satisfy the surface integrity requirements. Surface integrity refers to residual stress analysis, microhardness measurements, surface roughness and degree of work hardening in the machined subsurfaces and they were used as criteria to obtain the optimum machining conditions that give machined surfaces with high integrity. Field and Kahles [41] have defined surface integrity as the relationship between the physical properties and the functional behaviour of a surface. The surface integrity is built up by the geometrical values of the surface such as surface roughness (for example, Ra and Rt), and the physical properties such as residual stresses, hardness and structure of the surface layers. 2.14 Surface roughness In addition to the more straightforward dimensional characteristics of an engineering product, its performance, appearance and cost are likely to be strongly influenced by the quality of the finish on the various surfaces. This may be important for a variety of reasons. The most oblivious is that the surface has a function which involves contact with another surface. This can be moving contact, as in the case of a bearing diameter, or static, as in the case of surfaces required to provide an oil tight joint. Finish might also be important in the interests of reducing stress on the part and, particularly if on an external surface, it might be important merely for aesthetic appearance. 2.14.1 Quantification of surface roughness Surface finish can be accurately quantified, and several different principles have been used to achieve the desirable objective of expressing the requirement and the measuring in terms of only one number. The four main methods are indicated in the diagrammatic representation of the cross-section of a surface shown in Figure 2.14. These are Center Line Average, referred to as Ra, Root Mean Square, refereed to as RMS, maximum peak to valley, refereed to as Ra, and maximum peak to mean, referred to as Rp. Figure 2.14 Cross-section of a surface Whilst all these parameters have some relevance, depending on the role the surface has to play, the most common method is the Center Line Average, and it is worth describing in some detail the way in witch this figure is derived. Figure 2.15 Sampling length In the figure diagram at Figure 2.15 a straight line x-x is drawn by eye following the general direction of the profile and covering the sampling length L. The areas of the profile p above, and q below this line are then measured and a distance z is obtained by dividing the difference between these areas by the sampling length, i.e. z= areas p - areas q L If a new line y-y is now drawn parallel to x-x at a distance z from it, this new line will be a mean centerline, and the CLA value (Ra) will be the sum of the area above and below this line divided by the sampling length, i.e. Ra = areas r + area s L The length over which the sample is taken is obviously very important, and in the example shown in Figure 2.15 the sample length L is adequate to give a measure of the total surface because it covers a significant number of complete surface finish cycles. If, however, the combination of sampling length and finish characteristics is such that the sample contains say, only one or even less total cycles, the result will not include all the characteristics of the surface. The sampling length is used extensively in surface measurement to segregate the various characteristic of the surface. As shown in Figure 2.16 a normal finish consists of several different elements. These are referred to in this drawing as primary texture, secondary texture and form errors, but they might also be described as roughness, waviness and flatness respectively. The term “surface finish” is normally used to describe the first, and perhaps the second of these elements. Errors of flatness are usually considered, and measured, separately. Figure 2.16 Several different elements of a normal finish The parameter which is necessary to achieve this is the cut-off value. This is the length of the surface sample to be considered, and all features within this length will be included to arrive at, foe example, the CLA value. In figure 2.16 the effect of three cut-off values, L1, L2 and L3, is indicated. It will be seen that if a cut-off value of L1 were selected, the reading H1 obtained would cover only the primary texture. The values H2 and H3 obtained from L2 and L3, however, would, in addition, include the secondary texture and the form respectively. Whilst it is possible to obtain a finish reading for any cut-off value, there are again preferred values. The imperial units range, for example, cover six option between 0.003 in and 1.0 in. Since surface for which measurement of the finish in quantitative terms is required are likely to be fine, small sampling lengths are appropriate and the normal standard is 0.030 in. such a sample is not likely to cover all the characteristics of a surface, but experience has shown that, in practice, it is the most useful. In metric units the figure used is 0.8 mm. Surface produced by normal engineering methods would, if looked at in cross-section, generally show a different profile in different directions. Cutting processes, such as turning and boring, produce a surface which is evenly spaced and unidirectional, as indicated in Figure 2.17. Figure 2.17 Different profile in different directions Grinding generally produces a surface which is unidirectional, but does not have regular cycles. Operation such as lapping and polishing produce very fine surface but they are both multidirectional and irregular. The direction in which the cutting tool moves is known as the “lay”. Normally, surface finish would be measured in the direction which gives maximum roughness, and this is likely to be in a direction at right angles to the lay. 2.14.2 Effective parameters on surface roughness in drilling Sharman et al [50] did some drilling experiments on Inconel 718 using five different 8mm diameter drills. Each of these drills had slightly different geometries, substrate grades and coatings although a number of similarities can be seen (Table 2.2). Table 2.2 Geometry and coating details Tool Coating Substrate Point angle Helix angle Web width SS TiAlN multilayer 90% WC 10% Co <1µm grain 140 35 0.15 130 30 0.2 130 30 0.15 130 30 0.15 130 30 0.15 PVD size DS TiAlN multilayer PVD 90% WC 10% Co <1µm grain size CS TiN/TiAlN multilayer PVD 90% WC 10% Co <1µm grain size SD TiAlN multilayer PVD 90% WC 10% Co <1µm grain size SD2 Uncoated 90% WC 10% Co <1µm grain size They reported that the majority of surface roughness results fall between 1 and 1.5 µm Ra with a wide range of scatter around these values and there is little difference between the values obtained with different drills, only for drill CS was a significant difference (Figure 2.18). For both new and worn conditions this drill produced the lowest surface roughness and the lowest scatter in surface roughness measurements. For drills CS and SS it appears that surface finish has improved with increasing drill wear however only for drill CS did an independent t-test show this to be statistically significant at the 5% level. Figure 2.18: Surface roughness measurements Chen and Lio [15] investigated wear mechanism of the TiAlN coated carbide tool in drilling Inconel 718. They reported that deterioration of surface roughness is greatly improved with the application of nano-modifier fluid and the use of uncoated carbide drill and nano-modifier fluid results in even better drill life than the use of coated carbide drill and traditional cutting fluid (Figure 2.19). Figure 2-19. Surface roughness values when different cutting fluids was applied Nouari and List [53] stated that drilling with the coated and uncoated carbide drills produced similar surface finishes while higher surface roughness values, hence poor surface finish, were recorded when drilling with HSS drills during dry drilling of AA2024 aluminium alloy. Kao and Yao [54] have studied on thrust forces, torque, flank wear and hole surface roughness during the drilling of AISI 1045 steel workpieces using Tibased (Ti–C:H, Ti–C:H/TiC/TiCN/TiN and TiC/TiCN/TiN) and Cr-based (Cr– C:H/CrC/CrCN/CrN, Cr–C:H and CrC/CrCN/CrN) Me–C:H coated high-speed steel drills. They reported that the surface roughness of the hole is affected by two factors, namely the cutting speed and the coating properties. As the cutting speed increases, the workpiece material readily adheres to the cutting edge. This causes the formation of a built-up edge, which increases the surface roughness (as shown in Figure 2.20). They showed that the hole roughness generated by the Ti-based coated drills with a top Ti–C:H coating (Ti0025, Ti0050 and Ti2525) is lower than that produced by the Ti-based coated drill with no overcoat, or by any of the Cr-based coated drills. Furthermore, the machined surfaces of the holes produced by the Ti2500, Ti5000, Cr1010 and Cr4400 coated drills at 310 rpm, or by the Ti2500, Cr0025 and Cr1010 coated drills at 480 rpm, are of an inferior quality to those produced by an uncoated drill. Figure 2.20. Surface roughness of AISI 1045 steel finished by different coated drills after drilling 12 holes at spindle speed of 310 rpm and 480 rpm, respectively. Tsann and Lin [55] have investigated the tool life and surface roughness, tool wear and burr formation during drilling of stainless steel using a Ti-N coated carbide tool. They stated that the surface roughness increases with feed rate for different cutting speeds. They found that the optimum cutting speed is V=75 m/min from the standpoint of the minimum surface roughness. This is because at high cutting speed (V =85 m/min) there was high vibration, whilst outer corner wear occurred easily at low cutting speed (V =65 m/min). The surface roughness produced was less than 1 mm with a cutting speed of V =75 m/min and a feed rate of f =0.1 mm/rev, and the surface produced was generally very smooth. 2.15 Microhardness The term "microhardness" has been widely employed in the literature to describe the hardness testing of materials with low applied loads; however, microhardness implies that the hardness is very small rather than the load. A more precise term is "microindentation hardness testing." In microindentation hardness testing, a diamond indenter of specific geometry is impressed into the surface of the test specimen using a known applied force (commonly called a “load” or “test load”) of 1 to 1000 gf. Microindentation tests typically have forces of 2 N and produce indentations of about 50 µm. Due to their specificity, microhardness testing can be used to observe changes in hardness on the microscopic scale. Unfortunately, it is difficult to standardize microhardness measurements; it has been found that the microhardness of almost any material is higher than its macrohardness. Additionally, microhardness values vary with load and work-hardening effects of materials. Regardless, the two most commonly used microhardness tess are the Knoop and Vickers tests. In microindentation testing, the hardness number is based on measurements made of the indent formed in the surface of the test specimen. The hardness number is based on the surface area of the indent itself divided by the applied force, giving hardness units in kgf/mm². Microindentation hardness testing can be done using Vickers as well as Knoop indenters. For the Vickers test, both the diagonals are measured and the average value is used to compute the Vickers pyramid number. In the Knoop test, only the longer diagonal is measured, and the Knoop hardness is calculated based on the projected area of the indent divided by the applied force, also giving test units in kgf/mm². The Vickers microindentation test is carried out in a similar manner to the Vickers macroindentation tests, using the same pyramid. The Knoop test uses an elongated pyramid to indent material samples. This elongated pyramid creates a shallow impression, which is beneficial for measuring the hardness of brittle materials or thin components. Both the Knoop and Vickers indenters require prepolishing of the surface to achieve accurate results. Scratch tests at low loads, such as the Bierbaum microcharacter test, performed with either 3 gf or 9 gf loads, preceded the development of microhardness testers using traditional indenters. In 1925, Smith and Sandland of the UK developed an indentation test that employed a square-based pyramidal indenter made from diamond. They chose the pyramidal shape with an angle of 136° between opposite faces in order to obtain hardness numbers that would be as close as possible to Brinell hardness numbers for the specimen. The Vickers test has a great advantage of using one hardness scale to test all materials. ASTM Specification E384 states that the load range for microhardness testing is 1 to 1000 gf. For loads of 1 kgf and below, the Vickers hardness (HV) is calculated with an equation (Equation 2.1), wherein load (L) is in grams force and the diagonal (d) is in micrometers: Equation 2.1: Vickers hardness HV = 1854.4 × L d2 For any given load, the hardness increases rapidly at low diagonal lengths, with the effect becoming more pronounced as the load decreases. Thus at low loads, small measurement errors will produce large hardness deviations. Thus one should always use the highest possible load in any test. Also, in the vertical portion of the curves, small measurement errors will produce large hardness deviations. 2.15.1 Effective parameters on microhardness changes in drilling Canteroa and Tardi [56] evaluated the tool wear, quality of machined holes and surface integrity of work-piece, in the dry drilling of alloy Ti–6Al–4V using TiNcoated fine-grain carbide drill. They measured Microhardness (Vickers) in five points (located at a distance from machined surface ranging from 50 to 600 mm) in two lines perpendicular to the drill displacement direction (Figure 2-21). They also reported in the zone close to machined surface (distance 75 mm) value of 420 HV was obtained, approximately 30% greater to hardness obtained in material before machining. These phenomena, but less pronounced, were observed at shorter cutting time, because prolonged machining with nearly worn tools, produced severe plastic deformation and thicker disturbed layer on the machined surface and the hardness of the disturbed layer of the machined surface increased significantly. Figure 2-21 SEM micrograph showing three microindentation marks on a region approximately 2 mm away from the drill exit, for the 128th hole machined In other research Sharman [50] stated that in drilling Inconel 718 For all the drills examined the workpiece surface hardness was increased compared to bulk (~500 HK0.05) with a return to bulk values within the first 50µm depth below the surface (Figure 2.22). There was also no difference between the hardness profiles seen when cutting with a worn or unworn drill. This result was most likely caused by the fact that it is the flute margins that are responsible for forming the hole surface and in comparison to the wear encountered at the cutting edges the flutes are relatively unworn. Figure 2.22. Typical microhardness profile from drilling (range bars show standard deviation of results) 2.16 Microstructural changes Sharman [50] showed that in drilling Inconel 718 the subsurface microstructural damage seen in all the holes produced consisted of deformed grain boundaries and white layer in the direction of cutting (Figure 2.23). Figure 2.23 (a) Grain boundary deformation and white layer from drilling. (b) Microstructure resulting from Mill Boring. White layer is a resulte of microstructural alteranation. It is called “white” layer because it resists standard etchants and appears white under an optical microscope (or featureless in a scanning electron microscope). In addition, the white layer has high hardness, often higher than the bulk. White layers are found in many material removal processes such as grinding [57-59], electrical discharge machining [60] and drilling [61]. Large plastic deformation and or rapid heating cooling are possible formation mechanisms. White layers seem to be detrimental to product performance, and therefore require a post-finishing process. White layers seem to be detrimental to product performance, and therefore require a post-finishing process. Most noted that white layer occurs when cutting tools wear out to a certain level, but did not provide an in-depth explanation. Tonshoff et al [62] studied the influence of hard turning on workpiece properties and properties and reported that retained austenite is the major composition of white layer structures. A higher thrust force component seems to accompany white layer occurrence, as does tensile residual stress. They further showed that the white layer decreases bending fatigue strength probably due to associated tensile residual stress. Tool wear was suggested at the most influential parameter on white layer formation, though frequently it was the only variable studied. However, the explanation of white layer formation was rather qualitative and, thus, there was no important that optimization of surface structure or minimization of white layer is possible. Several factors may limit tool life and therefore affect machining cost. In a finishing process, surface integrity is often of great concern because of its impact on product performing; indeed, it may be used as a tool-changing criterion. Thus, understanding tool wear and cutting parameter effect on surface integrity is of practical significant. 2.17 Burr formation Nickel and its alloys are used widely in aerospace, pressure vessels, aircraft turbine and compressor blades and disks, surgical implants, etc. The alloys are difficult to machine and, in particular, burr formation due to drilling is troublesome in aerospace applications due to the difficulty of completely removing the burrs. Estimates are that up to 30% of the cost of some components is due to deburring operations. Most drilling processes create a burr on both entrance and exit surfaces. The exit burr is much larger in size and is the main concern. In multi-layer materials (for example multi-layer metal-composite laminates) the burr at the exit surface between layers is a major problem requiring disassembly of the laminate, deburring and re-assembly. Preventing, or at least minimizing (or controlling) the formation of drilling burrs is therefore very important. Burr formation in drilling has not been as extensively studied as drilling itself. Most studies are concerned with tool wear or hole quality and don’t consider burr formation. And, the studies usually focus on conventional materials. Gillespie [63] was one of the first researchers to study burr formation at an academic level in several machining operations including drilling. For drilling, he studied the effects of process conditions, tool geometry and material properties on burr formation over a wide range of test conditions and proposed a basic model of burr formation in drilling. Gillespie’s studies on titanium alloys covered hole quality issues and evaluated the influence of drill wear land size on burr size. No influence was found in that study. Importantly, most of Gillespie’s tests were done with hand fed drills (hence feed rate is unknown and not controlled) so the influence of feed rate is confounded with other parameters studied. Sakurai et al [64] noted the reduction in burr height with the vibratory step feed drilling of Ti-6AI-4V but offered no explanation. Sofronas [65] made a fundamental study of burr formation in drilling but for carbon steel. Stein and Domfeld [66] studied the burr formation of miniature hole drilling in stainless steel. Increases in feed, cutting speed and drill wear were found to increase the burr height and thickness. Drill pecking stabilized the burr formation leading to a process with less variation and uncertainty regarding the exit burrs. Link [67] concluded that it is necessary to take the temperature dependency of material properties into account when explaining burr formation phenomena. The nonlinearity of these properties is the main reason there exists no general model of burr formation. Dornfeldl and Kim [68] have done some studies on burr deformation during drilling the Ti-6Al-4V using carbide drills for dry cutting and Cobalt high speed steel drills for wet cutting. They have reported that four type of burr will be formed during dry cutting. Figure 2.24 shows four burr types categorized by cross-section shape created under different machining conditions. Type I is a uniform burr which has uniform height and thickness. Type II is similar to Type I but has a "leaned-back" cross section. Type Ill has a severe rolledback shape and Type IV is also rolled-back but has a relatively small burr height with widened exit. For each cutting condition and burr type, a drill cap was formed. However, the drill caps were separated from the workpiece during the process. The shape of the drill caps were different depending on the drill type due to the difference in point angle. Drill caps can be a problem in intersecting holes or interior cavities where removal is difficult. (a) Type I (b) Type II (c) Type 111 (d) Type IV Figure 2.24: Burr types formed in dry cutting. The roll back phenomena can be explained through the burr formation mechanism illustrated in Figure 2.25. As the drill approaches the exit surface, the material under the chisel edge begins to deform, (b). The distance from the exit surface to the point where the deformation starts depends on the thrust force of the drill. As the drill advances, the plastic deformation zone expands from the center to the edge of the drill, (c). One of the cutting edges advancing will cause separation of the cap from the hole perimeter, (d). Depending on the point angle and drill point geometry, initial rupture may occur near the center of the remaining material. At the final stage, the remaining material at the hole perimeter is pushed out to form a burr with a drill cap, (e). While the remaining material at hole perimeter is being formed into a burr no more cutting occurs (no chip formation) which means there is no way to dissipate the generated heat. The low thermal conductivity of the material inhibits heat dissipation. Thus, there should be a localized temperature increase at the inner surface of the burr. This temperature increase and resulting thermal expansion is believed to be the main cause of the lean back and roll back phenomena observed. The amount of heat generation and temperature rise is proportional to cutting speed and feed rate. Higher feed rate and cutting speed will generate more heat, and result in more rolling-back as observed here. Figure 2.25: Formation of a burr with drill cap They have also reported three type burr will be formed during wet cutting. Figure 2.26 shows three representative types of burrs observed in wet cutting experiments. They are a standard uniform burr without any attachment, a burr with a drill cap and a burr with "ring formation". The most common type is the burr without attachment. A burr with a drill cap occurred at the lowest feed rate of 0.04 mm/rev. The uniform portion of all the burrs was the Type I burr seen in dry cutting. This is the burr at the hole perimeter. No rolled-back burr was observed and this supports the proposed explanation of roll back formation in dry cutting. Burr with ring formation Burr without attachment burr with a drill cap formation Figure 2.26: Burrs produced in wet cutting. The burr with a ring is believed to be an intermediate type between the plain uniform burr and drill cap formation. The drill continues to remove material from the workpiece even after breaking through the exit surface. However before the normal bending process occurs which is responsible for the formation of uniform burr, the remaining ring-shaped material in front of the drill is not able to sustain the thrust force of the drilling operation and detaches from the workpiece. This detached material has the shape of a ring and leaves a small "secondary burr" on the hole perimeter as often seen in peripheral milling. Both feed rate and cutting speed seem to have influence on the burr formation. Figure 2.27 shows the correlation between the burr formation and the cutting conditions. Figure 2.27: Correlation between the burr formation and the cutting conditions The correlation between burr formation and tool geometry is seen in Figure 2.28 (a) and (b). Lip relief angle seems to have little influence on burr formation. Lip relief angles used were large enough compared to the feed rate so that contact between the flank of the drill and the workpiece was minimal. Increasing point angle produced burrs of decreased height and thickness and increasing helix angle increased burr size. Concerning the style of the drills, the helical point drill proved to be very suited to minimize the exit burr formation. The burr height and thickness were reduced with a helical point drill. This reduction in burr size is due to the smaller thrust force that is required for the helical drill compared to the split point drill. (a): Lip relief angle (degree) (b): Point angle (degree) Figure 2.28: Correlation between the burr formation and the point angle and the lip relief angle. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Proper experimental plan is necessary to achieve good results in conducting research. In this chapter all the equipments used in this study are described accordingly. 3.2 Research Design Variables The design variables are described into two main groups, which are dependent variables response variables and independent variables (machining parameters). The response variables include: 1- Surface integrity which include surface roughness, microhardness changes and microstructure of drilled surface. 2- geometrical accuracy 3- burr height The parameters involved in this study are shown in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Machining parameters Machine Tools/Equipment MAHO MH 700S CNC milling machine 3.3 Workpiece Material Inconel 718 Cutting Tool, 2 flute drill 1) Uncoated carbide (WC/Co) Cutting speed (m/min) 10-20 Feed rate (mm/rev) 0.03-0.012 Depth of cut (mm) 18 Tool diameter (mm) 6 Type of Cutting Through Hole Coolant 6% concentration Workpiece Material Inconel 718 (nickel alloys) was chosen as the workpiece material for the test specimens. The mechanical properties and chemical compositions of the Inconel 718 is shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 respectively. Figure 3.1 shows the workpiece material of 105 mm × 105 mm× 18 mm that was prepared for experiments. Table 3.2 Mechanical properties of Inconel 718 Tensile strength (ksi) 199.9 Yield strength (ksi) 161.1 Elongation (%) 20 Reduction in Area (%) 50 Density (lb/in3) 0.296 Hardness (HRC) 43 Grain size (µm) 6 Table 3.3 Chemical composition of Inconel 718 i Cr Mo Fe b Ti ≥54 18 3.0 18.5 5.0 1.0 Figure 3.1 Workpiece material 3.3.1 Analysis the workpiece material In order to specify the microstructure study of workpiece material, a sample specimen was prepared using standard metallography techniques. In the first step metallographic specimen was cold mounted (Figure 3.2) using BUEHLER low viscosity epoxy that requared 18-20 hour curing time in the temperature of 27° C. After mounting, the specimen was wet ground to reveal the surface of the metal. The specimen was successively ground with fine and finer grades of silicon carbide paper from 100 to 4000 mesh number to remove damage from sectioning and then from each grinding step. After grinding the specimen, polishing was performed. Typically, specimen was polished with slurry of alumina on a napless cloth to produce a scratchfree mirror finish, free from smear, drag, or pull-outs and with minimal deformation remaining from the preparation process. Figure 3.2 Mounted specimen After polishing the specimen was etched using electrolytic etchant by Buehler electromet (Figure 3.3). The speciment was etched in sulfuric acid (3%) at the electrical condition of 6 volts and temperature of 24° C for 15 sec. The material of the cathode used was stainless steel. This etchant method is suitable for showing the carbides and grain boundaries of Inconel and nickel alloys. Figure 3.3 Buehler electromet Prepared specimen should be examined after etching with the unaided eye to detect any visible areas that respond differently to the etchant as a guide to where the microscopical examination should be employed. Specimen was examined under an Olympus toolmakers’ light optical microscope which is connected to Sony Digital hyper head color video camera. Figure 3.4 and 3.5 show samples grain structure of specimen at magnification of 100X and 200X. Figure 3.4 Grain structure of Inconel 718 at 100X magnification Figure 3.5 Grain structure of Inconel 718 at 200X magnification The average hardness measurement of the workpiece was performed at three different places on the specimen using Matsuzawa Seiki microhardness tester with Vickers pyramid indenter of 10 kg load. The obtained hardness values have been shown in Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Average hardness of Inconel 718 Vickers hardness 3.4 1 247.5 2 249.2 3 248.4 Cutting Tools In this experiment, uncoated of solid carbide (WC/Co) twist drill with different geometry were used to drill Inconel 718. Tool geometry information is presented in Table 3.5. Sample of the tool is shows in Figure 3.6. Table 3.5 Drill information Description No of flute Shank diameter tolerance Shank diameter (mm) Tool diameter (mm) 0 Helix angle ( ) LOC (mm) OAL (mm) 0 Point angle ( ) Fluting web (mm) Margin width (mm) 0 Chisel edge angle ( ) 0 Lip relief angle ( ) Bevel width (mm) Web Thickness (mm) 0 Secondary relief angle ( ) 2 h6 6 6 25 35 65 120,125,130 1.65 0.6 135 10 1.1 0.4-0.6 20 Figure 3.6 Image of uncoated tool drill (PA: 1250) 3.5 Machining Procedure The drilling experiments were carried out on a MAHO MH 700S CNC machining center shown in Figure 3.7. The drills were clamped to the tool holder with an overhang of 35mm. Figure 3.7 MAHO MH 700S CNC machining center. 3.6 Selection of independent variables The independent variables considered in this investigation are of two types: (1) variables related to machining conditions, and (2) variables related to geometry of cutting tool. The machining parameters were selected on the basis of the information available in the literature. The value of independent variables and the values were selected in different runs are shown in Table 3.6. Table 3.6 Experimental planning at all levels Experiment o. 1 2 3 4 3.7 Cutting Speed (m/min) 13 8 8 18 Feed rate (mm/rev) 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.05 Point Angle (0) 125 130 120 130 Investigation of Surface Finish In evaluating the roughness of the drilled hole a Handysurf model E-35A was used. Two surface roughness readings were taken at four positions spaced at 90 deg intervals around the hole circumference and approximately mid-way down the depth of the hole. 3.8 Dimensional accuracy The hole diameter was been measured at 6 points located at different height and orientation using of CMM- KN810 Mitutoyo (Figure 3.8). Figure 3.8 Coordinate measuring machine 3.9 Burr height measuring The first and last hole of each run are separated from the main plate by electro-discharge wire cut, AQ537L Sodick. To measure the burr height optical microscope is used (ZEISS, Figure 3.10), the separated sample are located under the microscope and the burr was focused and captured digitally. The height of burr was analyzed using an image analyser. Figure 3.9 show sample preparation for measuring of burr height Figure 3.9 Samples are separated from the workpiece plate Figure 3.10 Optical microscope used to measure burr height 3.10 Preparing the samples Samples created by wire-cut are sectioned along the holes axis and perpendicular of hole axis using precision cutter (Figure 3.11) to prepare metallographic samples for investigating the microstructure of machined surface and sub-surface and for measuring microhardness. Figure 3.11 Linear precision saw Cross-sections of each surface will be prepared using standard metallography techniques of sample mounting and polishing as like as described previously. These steps are shown in Figure 3.12. Figure 3.12 Preparations of samples to metallographic studies 3.11 Microstructural analysis Subsurface microstructural analysis is conducted with Olympus toolmakers’ light optical microscope (Figure 3.13) which is connected to Sony Digital hyper head color video camera. Figure 3.13 Toolmakers’ light optical microscope 3.12 Microhardness measurement Microhardness (Vickers) was measured at five points (located at a certain distance from machined surface ranging from 40 to 480 µm) in four line positions spaced at 90 degree intervals around the hole perpendicular to the drill direction and 2mm away from the drill entrance. Measurement was conducted using SHIMADZU (Figure 3.14) micro hardness tester under 4.903 N force with Vickers pyramid indenter. Figure 3.14 Vickers pyramid microhardness tester CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AD DISCUSSIO 4.1 Introduction This chapter present the experimental results and discussion. The results from the surface roughness measurement, geometrical accuracy, burr height, microstructural changes and microhardness are shown graphically. The effect of various parameters on the machining response such as tool wear, cutting speed, feed rate and point angles are investigated. The collected data are analyzed graphically using Microsoft Excel 2004. 4.2 Tool wear Tool wear was measured with a toolmakers microscope fitted with a digital camera and image analysis software. When flank wear reached VB= 0.25mm or VBmax=0.5mm the trials were stopped. Number of holes created in each run is shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1. Number of holes drilled under different conditions Experiment Cutting Feed rate Point Number No. speed (mm/rev) angle of holes (m/min) 4.3 (deg) 1 13 0.12 125 10 2 8 0.1 130 29 3 8 0.1 120 24 4 18 0.05 130 27 Surface roughness Figure 4.1 shows results of surface roughness values of machined hole of different conditions. All the drills at various conditions produced irregular results in the values of surface roughness profile under various positions measured, however no trend could be noted. This is probably due to presence and absence of built up edge during drilling trials. Majority of the results fell between 0.6 and 1.1 µm Ra with a wide range of scatter around these values and there was little difference between the values obtained at different runs. It can be seen that smoother surface finish has been obtained at higher cutting speed and lower feed rate. 1.4 0.77 1.2 1 1.04 Ra ( µm ) 1 V=13m/mim, f=0.12mm/rev, A=125deg 0.8 V=8m/min f=0.1mm/rev, A=130deg V=8m/min, f=0.1mm/rev, A=120deg 0.6 0.57 0.4 0.76 0.7 0.81 V=18m/min f=0.05mm/rev A=130deg 0.66 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 machinig time (min) Figure 4.1 Surface roughness measurement at different experiment condition Similar results are reported by Sharman and Ridgway [50] when drilling Inconel 718. They have reported that surface finish has improved with increasing drill wear. Figure 4.2 shows the comparison of average surface roughness values produced with new tools and worn tools at different conditions. Surface roughness values of worn tool were higher than new tools while these values were lower in experiment number 3 and 4. This may be described due to presence of built up edge during drilling of Inconel 718. Figure 4.2 Surface roughness measurement comparison in different experimental trials 4.4 Dimensional accuracy All diameter measurements ranged from 6.009 to 6.088 mm, and mean values were between 6.013 to 6.074 mm. These values corresponded to the dimensional tolerance reasonable in drilling operation. Recorded values of first and last hole diameters were subtracted form the actual diameter of drill at each run and results are shown in Figure 4.3. It can be seen that this variation in the hole diameter produced using worn tool are higher than those produced using new tools. The heat generated by the drilling process can lead to thermal expansion of the drill and work-piece which may affect the size and quality of the holes leading to oversized holes [69]. 0.1 0.086 0.088 0.09 variation (mm) 0.08 0.073 0.066 0.07 0.06 0.054 0.057 new tool worn tool 0.05 0.04 0.036 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 Experiment number Figure 4.3 Variation of machined hole dimension and tool diameter 4.5 Burr height The burr height of first and last holes of each run was measured (Figure 4.4) and the maximum values of each specimen are shown in Figure 4.5. It can be seen that burr height in last holes using worn tool were higher than those obtained using new tool. This phenomenon was observed in all experiments except experiment number 1. It could be due to the experimental errors as a result of clamping the plate during the separation of samples by wire-cut machine. It can be concluded that burr height increased with increase in tool wear which may be due to the ploughing of the worn tool. Cantero et al. [56] have reported similar results in dry drilling of Ti-6Al-4V. They concluded burr formation presented more sensibility to heat accumulation than the resultant diameter. Figure 4-4 Burr heights obtained using an optical microscope 0.4 0.35 burr height (mm) 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 new tool worn tool 0.16 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 Experiment number Figure 4.5 Comparison of burr height at different cutting condition The burrs created during drilling are burrs with a drill cap. The shape of the drill caps were different depending on the drill type due to the difference in point angle. Drill caps can be a problem in intersecting holes or interior cavities where removal is difficult. Dornfeld et al. [68] has stated that both feed rate and cutting speed seemed to have very little influence on the burr formation. The correlation between burr formation and point angle is seen in Figure 4.6. It is observed that increasing point angle produced smaller burr, as reported by Dornfeld [68] increasing the point angle may produced burrs of decreased height and thickness and similarly increasing the helix angle may increase burr size. Larger helix angle and increasing point angle reduced the burr height and thickness. 0.11 0.1 burr heigth (mm) 0.1 0.09 0.09 Series1 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 115 120 125 130 135 point angle (deg) Figure 4.6 Burr height versus point angle 4.6 Microstructure The microstructrul changes of the first hole and last hole of run1 and other runs subsurface are investigated using the optical microscope. Figure 4.7 shows the comparison of microstructure of the first hole and last hole of run 1 in two 200 and 500 magnification. No specific changes are observed in the first hole using a new tool while the subsurface microstructural damage was seen in all holes produced using worn tools at different runs. The changes involved deformed grain boundaries in the direction of drilling and formation of white layer as shown in Figure. 4.7 (c,d). A discontinuous white layer (up to 7µm depth) was present on all drilled surfaces but not present at the first hole of each condition using new tools (Figure 4.7, a, b). It is obvious that the holes produced by the drilling alone would not meet the aerospace standards due to the high levels of white layer presence. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.7 Comparison between first and last hole produced in exprement1 (V=8m/min, f=0.1 mm/rev, point angle= 130 deg). (a, b) first hole produced using new tool, (c, d) last hole produced worn tool Prior researches had stated that white layers are produced due to grain refinement induced by severe plastic deformation and/or thermally induced phase transformation [70, 71]. Li et al.[72] showed that when drilling plain carbon steel a white layer was produced by both thermal and deformation driven phase transformations acting in combination, with the dominant mechanism defined by the relative workpiece material properties and cutting conditions used. Osterle and Li [71] found that the white layer produced in ground IN738LC nickel-based superalloy contained equiaxed grains of 50–100nm diameter produced by melting and rapid quenching. They suggested that in cases where the wheel dressing rate was not sufficient, wheel loading would occur causing chips to be plastically deformed between the wheel and the workpiece. These chips become pressure welded to the workpiece surface and are spread across it as the wheel rotates, forming a white layer due to incipient melting and severe plastic deformation. It was well understood from the analysis of the hole surface that during drilling chips were become entrap between the flute margins and the hole wall. These chips are extruded between the flute margins and the hole wall as the drill rotates and become pressure welded to the workpiece surface and forming a white layer due to incipient melting and severe plastic deformation. This process continues as the drill is fed down the hole and as it is retracted. Prior work on turning has shown that greater levels of grain boundary deformation are produced when cutting with worn tools (at least two to three times higher). This may be due to the higher cutting and frictional forces that would be developed when cutting with a worn tool, due to the increase in tool/workpiece contact area [27]. Wear on the tool flank reduces the tools clearance angle leading to greater rubbing of the workpiece surface. Figure 4.8 shows the microstructural changes during drilling Inconel 718 in other experiments with different conditions. Results obtained in this study are compatible with prior studies. It can be observed that white layer depth progressively increases with flank wear as well increases with cutting speed. Though whit layer depth increases with increasing speed, it clearly becomes saturated at high speed. Flank wear land rubbing may be the primary heat source for white layer formation. Thus it can be suggested tool wear is the most influential parameter on white layer formation, though it was the only variable under studied. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.8 Subsurface microstructure in last holes produced using worn tool. (a) V=8m/min, f= 0.1 mm/rev, point angle=130 deg, (b) V= 8m/min, f= 0.1 mm/rev, point angle=120 deg, (c) V= 18m/min, f= 0.05 mm/rev, point angle=130 deg 4.7 Microhardness Data of microhardness are recorded and the average values versus distance from machined surface are shown graphically in Figure 4-9. 360 hardness (HV) 340 320 run1 new tool, V=13m/min, f=0.12mm/rev, A=125 deg 300 run 1 worn tool,V= 13m/min,f=0.12mm/rev, A=125deg 280 run2 worn tool,V=8m/min,f=0.1 mm/rev,A=130deg 260 run 3 worn tool,V=8/min,f=0.1 mm/rev, A=120 deg 240 run 4 worn tool,V=8m/min, f=0.1mm/rev, A=120 deg 220 200 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 depth (microns) figure 4.9 Microhardness changes versus distance from machined surface It was found that the surface hardness values increase as compared to bulk material (240-250 HK. Figure 4.7 illustrates the average microhardness at the depth below 120 µm for the first hole of run1 using new tool was lower than that microhardness produced using worn tools. Therefore, it may be suggested that tool wear has great influence on the degree of work hardening of material during machining. On the other word the hardening of work material increases with drilling force and accelerated tool wear. In drilling of titanium alloy, Cantero [56] has found that as distance to machined surface increases microhardness decreases until values to those obtained on the bulk material before machining. This phenomenon, but less pronounced, were observed at shorter cutting time, because prolonged machining with nearly worn tools produced severe plastic deformation and thicker disturbed layer on the machined surface and the hardness of the disturbed layer of the machined surface increased significantly. These microstructural changes originated during machining were mainly because of the elevated temperatures which influenced mechanical properties of material, decreasing fatigue and stress corrosion resistance [73-75]. CHAPTER 5 COCLUSIO 5.1 Conclusion This project is focused on the drilling of Inconel 718 in evaluating quality of machined holes, burr formation and surface integrity after machining at various conditions. Four different drilling conditions were analysed in order to observe the effect of tool wear of the drill and work-piece. The most number of holes produced was in run 2 with 29 holes under condition of 8m/min cutting speed, 0.1 mm/rev feed rate and 130 degree point angle. From the obtained results, the following conclusions can be drawn: - Surface roughness values were between 0.6 and 1.1 µm Ra at all condition investigated. Smoother surface finish was obtained at higher cutting speed and lower feed rate (V=18 m/min, f= 0.05 mm/rev, point angle= 130 deg). - The size of the hole varies between 6.009 to 6.088 mm, and values ranged from 6.013 to 6.074 mm. Holes with higher accuracy were obtained in first hole of each experiment using new tools as compared to the last holes produced using worn tools. - The burrs created during drilling are burrs with drill caps. The burr height in last holes were higher than those obtained during the initial cut. - Increasing point angle tends to reduce the burr height. - Subsurface microstructural damage was very obvious in the holes produced using worn tools, consist of deformed grain boundaries in the direction of drilling and a formation white layer. The white layer progressively increases with flank wear and cutting speed. - Subsurface hardness was observed to increase compared as to bulk material (240-250 HK) within the first 40 to 120µm depth below the surface. 5.2 Future study It is suggested that further investigation should be focused on finding ways to improve the surface quality and reducing the whit layer during drilling. The effect other processes such as reaming are be analyzed on the quality of surface finish and microstructural changes of the workpiece. In addition studies can be performed on coated carbide tool when drilling Inconel 718 and also such as TiALN and AlTiN coatings. REFRECES 1. R. Arunachalam, M.A. Mannan, Machinability of nickel-based high temperatures alloys, Mach. Sci. Technol. 4 (1) (2000) 127–168. 2. E.O. Ezugwu, I.R. Pashby, High speed milling of nickel-based superalloys, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 33 (1992) 429–437. 3. A. Gatto, L. 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