THE INFLUENCE OF DAYLIGHT ON NUMBER OF PATRONAGE TO SHOPPING COMPLEX AHMAD FARIHAN BIN SUDIRMAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA THE INFLUENCE OF DAYLIGHT ON NUMBER OF PATRONAGE TO SHOPPING COMPLEX AHMAD FARIHAN BIN SUDIRMAN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Architecture Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2008 To my beloved family ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you Almighty Allah s.w.t for the blessings and guidance. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis supervisor, Assoc. Professor Dr. Nor Haliza Madros, for encouragements, guidance, words of wisdom and above all, for having faith in me. I am also very thankful to my co-supervisor, Assoc. Professor Dr. Ibrahim Busu for his guidance and advice. Without their continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as presented here. I would like to dedicate my undying gratitude to Kasteriya for your support and assistance, my sister Ili for your perseverance in editing this thesis and my beloved friends; Syukri and Daniel for kind advices and your faith in me. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all of them in this limited space. I am grateful to all my family members. ABSTRACT The research explores the effects of daylight components in the interior of shopping complex on influencing the number of patronage. The research objective is to show that shopping complexes with more daylight attract more patronage. The research hypothesis is that commercial buildings with more daylight components will have more patronage or customers. The research began with a building framework that functions as the structure for the building selection. A building inventory was formed to assist in the building selection. Prior to the building framework, topics such as definition of shopping complex, basic benchmarking, factors affecting patronage and lighting was covered. Based on these research, Subang Parade and Summit USJ were chosen as case studies. Selected shopping complexes with similar characteristics and attributes that bear the controlled variables or factors that could affect people to come to shopping complexes other than light was selected and then compared with the one and only variable left which was light. This was based on the fact that light affects human behaviors. Data collected for this research were luminance level and patronage count. The research found that shopping complex with daylight components had higher patronage count compared to shopping complex with no daylight component. It is hoped that this research would contribute to the awareness on the value of daylight in buildings especially in shopping complexes in Malaysia. ABSTRAK Kajian ini dibuat untuk mengkaji kaitan komponen cahaya siang di dalam gedung membeli-belah terhadap jumlah pengunjung yang mengunjungi bangunan tersebut. Objektif kajian adalah untuk menunjukkan bahawa gedung membeli-belah yang mempunyai komponen cahaya siang yang lebih besar di ruang dalamannya mampu menarik lebih ramai pengunjung. Hipotesis kajian ini adalah gedung membeli-belah yang mempunyai komponen cahaya siang yang lebih tinggi mampu menarik lebih ramai pengunjung. Kajian bermula dengan membuat satu rangka penyelidikan bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai struktur untuk pemilihan bangunan kajian. Inventori bangunan telah dibuat untuk membantu pemilihan bangunan kajian. Sebelum rangka penyelidikan bangunan dilakukan, beberapa topik penting telah dikaji seperti definasi gedung membeli-belah, asas tanda aras, kajian terhadap faktor yang mempengaruhi pengunjung ke gedung membeli-belah, dan faktor yang mempengaruhi pengcahayaan. Berdasarkan penyelidikan yang telah dibuat, Subang Parade dan Summit USJ telah dipilih sebagai kajian kes. Kajian ini hanya memilih gedung membeli-belah yang memiliki ciri-ciri yang sama untuk dibandingkan. Perbezaan antara bangunan yang dipilih hanyalah sistem pengcahayaan. Data yang akan diambil adalah kadar pengcahayaan dan bilangan pengunjung. Penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa gedung membeli-belah yang memiliki komponen cahaya siang yang lebih tinggi mampu menarik lebih ramai pengunjung. Adalah diharapkan kajian ini dapat menyumbang kepada kesedaran terhadap nilai cahaya siang di dalam bangunan terutamanya gedung membeli belah di Malaysia. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERS 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Research background 2 1.1 Scope of research 3 1.2 Research hypothesis 3 1.3 Research aim and objectives 4 1.4 Research questions. 4 1.5 Research assumptions 5 1.6 Research organization 5 7 2 THE REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.0 Introduction 7 2.1 10 The relation of the human being towards light. 2.11 The relation of human behaviour towards 10 light 2.1.2 The relation of the human psychology 15 towards light. 2.1.3 The relation of the human physiology 16 towards light. 2.2 The Relation of Light and Commercial 20 Buildings 2.3 3 Conclusion 24 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 25 3.0 Introduction 25 3.1 Research overview 26 3.2 Building framework 29 3.2.1 Definition of shopping complex 30 3.2.2 Factors affecting lighting 31 3.2.3 Factors affecting patronage 31 3.2.4 Basic benchmarking 33 3.2.5 Building inventory 34 3.2.6 Building selection 44 3.3 Data collection 49 3.3.1 Review on lighting variable 51 Digital camera in image processing study 51 Concept of illumination in computer graphics 51 Image processing program review 54 Digital camera and luminance meter 59 comparison 3.3.2 Review on patronage count 73 3.3.3 Physical measurements 77 Condition and time for data collection 77 Research instrument 79 Patronage count 80 Luminance reading 82 3.4 Data analysis 82 3.4.1 Tabulation of patronage count and luminance 83 level 3.42 Comparison of data of Summit USJ and 83 Subang Parade 4 5 6 3.5 Pilot Study 84 3.6 Amendments on data collection 87 3.6.1 Amendments on patronage count 88 3.6.2 Amendments on luminance reading 91 3.7 92 Amendments on data analysis method RESEARCH ANALYSIS 93 4.0 Introduction 93 4.1 Building description 93 4.1.1 Subang Parade 93 4.1.2 Summit USJ 98 4.2 Description of data 103 4.2.1 Subang Parade 104 4.2.2 Summit USJ 116 4.3 Daylight component analysis 130 BEHAVIORAL SURVEY STUDY 131 5.0 Introduction 131 5.1 Survey set up 131 5.1.1 Sampling and questionnaire design 131 5.1.2 Data collection 134 5.2 Survey finding and analysis 134 5.2.3 Conclusion 157 CONCLUSION AND RESEARCH 159 METHODOLOGY REVIEW 6.0 Introduction 159 6.1 Conclusion of research 160 7 6.2 Review of research methodology 160 6.3 Recommendation for future research 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY 165 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Table showing building inventory checklist 36 3.2 Table showing anchor tenants of shopping complexes 38 3.3 Table showing type of lighting used at shopping 39 complexes. 3.4 Table showing rating of shopping complexes 40 3.5 Luminance level represented in each pixel that builds up 53 the image above 3.6 Mixed background readings – Set 1 62 3.7 Mixed background readings – Set 2 63 3.8 Dark background readings – Set 1 64 3.9 Dark background readings – Set 2 65 3.10 Data Filtering for Red Set 67 3.11 Data Filtering for Blue Set 68 3.12 Data Filtering for Green Set 70 3.13 Data Filtering for Yellow Set 71 3.14 Overall background readings 72 3.15 Table showing luminance level of each pixel that builds 87 up the picture 4.1 Table below indicates luminance value of Subang Parade 111 – 1st floor 4.2 Table below indicates luminance value of Subang Parade – Ground floor and lower ground floor. 112 4.3 Pattern of light distribution at 1st floor of Subang Parade 113 4.4 Pattern of light distribution at ground floor and lower 114 ground floor of Subang Parade. 4.5 Table showing patronage count for Subang Parade 116 4.6 Table showing patronage count for Summit USJ. 124 4.7 Table showing pattern of light distribution for Summit 126 USJ. 4.8 Table showing pattern of light distribution for Summit 127 USJ. 4.9 Table showing patronage count for Summit USJ. 128 4.10 Table showing patronage count for Summit USJ. 129 5.1 Table showing survey on factors that affect patronage in 133 Subang Parade LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES NO. 2.1 TITLE Diagram showing relation of topics discussed in the PAGE 9 review 2.2 Diagram showing relation between light and work 13 3.1 Table showing organization of the research 28 methodology 3.2 Table showing rating system by Darling (2004) 35 3.3 Table showing retail trade analysis of Waupaca 46 district. 3.4 Map showing population distribution of Klang Valley 47 3.5 Map showing location of shopping complexes within 48 Klang Valley 3.6 Map showing location of Subang Jaya & schedule of 49 population distribution. 3.7 An image with a resolution of 1375 x 1402 pixels 52 3.8 Illustration on how luminance reading is taken using 54 a luminance meter. 3.9 Lux reading versus digital camera mean 72 3.10 Infodev counting process. 75 3.11 Infodev’s horizontally located and vertically located 76 counting sensors. 3.12 Hourly global illuminance for Klang Valley, 78 Malaysia 3.13 Handheld manual counter used to count patronage 80 3.14 Counting stations (green) overlooking imaginary 81 count line (blue) 3.15 Plan showing checkpoints for patronage count of 81 Subang Parade. 3.16 Sidelit atria (left) and toplit atria (right) 84 3.17 Picture of lighting condition processed using PCI 85 Geomatica 3.18 Histogram showing frequency of different luminance 86 value 3.19 Table showing general properties of processed 86 picture 3.20 Counting stations (green) overlooking imaginary 89 count line (blue) 3.21 Plan showing checkpoints for patronage count of 90 Subang Parade. 3.22 Plan showing checkpoints for patronage count 90 Summit USJ. 3.23 Picture taken using fish eye lens gives a wider angle 91 (left) while common lense is limited to either a horizontal or a vertical view only 4.1 Lower ground plan, ground floor plan and 1st floor 95 plan of Subang Parade. 4.2 Perspective showing front, right and left elevation of 95 Subang Parade 4.3 Location plan & openings to side-lit atrium of 96 Subang Parade 4.4 View of side-lit atrium from inside 97 4.5 Top-lit atrium at Subang Parade 97 4.6 Top-lit atrium at west wing of Subang Parade 98 4.7 Types of artificial light used at Subang Parade 99 4.8 Floor plans of Summit USJ- lower ground to second 100 floor 4.9 Floor plans of Summit USJ- third to fourth floor 101 4.10 Location plan & main entrance to Summit USJ. 101 4.11 Perspective showing left, right and front elevation of 102 Summit USJ 4.12 Incandescent downlights on typical floor and 103 concealed incandescent light at ground floor level. 4.13 Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – 104 1st floor 4.14 Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – Ground floor 107 4.15 Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – 110 Lower ground floor 4.16 Plan indicating patronage count checkpoints of Subang Parade. 115 4.17 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 117 3rd floor 4.18 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 119 2nd floor 4.19 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 120 1st floor 4.20 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 122 ground floor 4.21 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 123 lower ground floor 4.22 Plan indicating patronage count checkpoints at 129 Summit 5.1 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 135 1 5.2 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 136 2 5.3 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 3 137 5.4 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 138 4 5.5 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 139 5 5.6 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 140 6 5.7 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 141 7 5.8 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 142 8 5.9 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 143 9 5.10 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 144 10 5.11 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 145 11 5.12 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 146 12 5.13 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 147 13 5.14 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 148 14 5.15 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 149 15 5.16 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 150 16 5.17 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 151 17 5.18 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 152 18 5.19 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 19 153 5.20 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 154 20 5.21 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 155 21 5.22 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 22 156 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The Malaysian shopping scene, especially within the Klang Valley district has shown a rise in the development of shopping complexes due to the rise in consumer demand as in rise in shopping trend (Selat, 1995). The main dilemma of shopping complexes in Malaysia is seen in its declining life span serving as a commercial centre which in the end needs to be revitalized and revived as quoted by Zulkhafiz (2002) & Fauzan (2000). Shopping complexes tend to experience decreasing amount of customers as it age turning it into white elephants. The Johore shopping scenario for instance has witnessed several accounts of the failures of shopping complexes such as Bestworld Plaza, Kemayan City and the recently opened Lot 1 Shopping Centre. This stresses even more on the importance of looking into factors that contributes to attracting customers to shopping complexes. According to Tauber (1972) on different motives for shopping, he found out that people shopped not merely out of necessity or a desire to satisfy a physical need but even includes the need for social interaction outside of the home such as encounters with friends or salesperson. Tan (1991) studied on shopping behaviours in Singapore and the implications for property managers found that a friend’s perception of the shopping centre could also contribute to retail patronage. In finding the relation on factors that contributes to attracting customers to shopping complexes, the subject of human reaction, light, and commercial building 2 has been selected as the main subject of the research. It is widely known that human being react to light. Human being or within this context; the customers, is also closely related to the subject of commercial buildings such as shopping behavioural patterns and what triggers them. It is also known that light plays an important role in affecting human behavioural pattern and psychological response. According to Ruck (1989) on the subject of the construction of human perception, the quantity and the quality of light received by the human visual receptors, which is the eyes, have a direct influence on how people see things, which could contribute to one’s impressions of an interior by giving character and atmosphere. Research done by Sudirman (2001) regarding human perception towards the usage of daylight in shopping complexes, shows that shopping complexes with higher degree of daylight usage evokes positive feelings/emotions in building users within its interiors compared to shopping complexes with less daylight usage. The research would like to look whether daylight affects the number of customers in a shopping complex. 1.0 Research background The rise of shopping complexes in Malaysia poses a threat to the environment. It is feared that without proper study on the effects of these developments towards the environment, a surplus of shopping complexes might arise and this will give a negative impact to the environment. This scenario would lead to numerous environmental issues such as a rise in energy demand as to operate buildings, rise in building material and even the urban heat island phenomena. Rise in energy demand occurs as these buildings operate. Common practice of mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting contributes to demand in energy. The rise will also increase the urban heat island phenomena as more shopping complexes are built. Furthermore, if the shopping complex cease to operate and left unused, the vacant building will still continue to contribute to the urban heat island effect. 3 1.1 Scope of research The research would look into the affects of daylight component in commercial building on number of customers. The research should reflect the shopping complex development scenario of Malaysia. Therefore, the research should include samples of shopping complexes throughout Malaysia. However, the reseach has selected Klang Valley as the extent of research field. Klang Valley has been chosen as the research field because it has the largest amount of shopping complexes (Kamiso & And, 2004). The research will look into the basic dimensions, which determine retail patronage. The research will also look into different motives of shopping that explains why people go to shopping complexes to work out these variables. After verifying these variables, the researcher will select shopping complexes with the most similar characteristics and attributes that bear the controlled variables (factors that could affect people to come to shopping complexes other than light) to then compare the one and only variable left which is light. 1.2 Research hypothesis. Commercial buildings with more daylight components will have more patronage/customers. This ideology is based on the fact that light affects human behaviour. 4 1.3 Research aim and objectives. The main objective of the research is to demonstrate that commercial buildings with higher components of daylight in its interior attract more customers. The research is crucial especially to individuals that are connected to the commercial business such as property owners, property managers and shareholders to name a few. The aim of the research is to promote awareness on proper check and balance between shopping complex development and the environment to avoid a surplus in shopping complexes. Usage of daylighting in shopping complexes could lessen and save energy consumption used to operate artificial lighting. A better understanding of the proper application of daylighting strategies in shopping complexes in Malaysia could benefit both developers and customers. 1.4 Research questions. In achieving the objective of the research, one must ask how to work things out as in how to carry out the required actions and methods. Some research questions have been identified as a mean of aid to accomplishing the research objective. They consist of: i. What are other contributing factors that could affect people to come to shopping complexes other than light? ii. Do commercial buildings with higher daylight components in its interior attract more customers? 5 The main intention of the research is to investigate the relationship between the usages of daylight in the interiors of commercial buildings on its capability to attract more customers. It is hoped that better understanding and application of daylight would contribute to more retail patronage. 1.5 Research assumptions (a) The outdoor illuminance reading is constant from 11am to 2.30 pm (Zain, 2001). The selection of timeframe will be discussed in chapter 3.3.3. (b) The affects of daylight towards Malaysian is as equivalent as of those from temperate countries. This is to substantiate the use of journals and research done in temperate countries on affects of daylight towards human being behaviour. 1.6 Research organization. The thesis is organized in 6 chapters. Chapter 1 will discuss on the introduction of the research. Chapter 2 reviews the literature on the relation of the human being towards light, and the relation of light and commercial buildings. The review on the relation of the human being towards light is broken down to three categories which consist of the relation of light towards human behaviour, human psychology and human physiology. This is to illustrate and fortify the statement that light affects human being. 6 Chapter 3 discusses on the research methodology. The chapter discusses on how the study will be carried out. It explains the stages of the methodology which includes, building framework, data collection, pilot study and the analysis method. The building framework will discuss on shopping complex definition, factors affecting patronage and lighting and basic benchmarking. These studies are done as to substantiate the building selection. Chapter 4 will discuss on the research analysis. Chapter 5 discusses on behavioural survey study. The final chapter which is Chapter 6 will discuss on the conclusion and recommendations for future research. CHAPTER 2 THE REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.0 Introduction Numerous researches have been done between lighting and commercial building. However, most researches usually highlight the topic of energy savings and how daylighting helps reduce energy cost. This is due to the fact that artificial lighting consumes 50% of energy consumption of commercial and industrial buildings (Bouchey, 2002) and savings can be achieved by integrating daylight strategies (Veitch, 1997, Thomas, 1992, Henry, 1990, Cooke, 2004). Daylight has been closely related to energy efficiency in commercial buildings (Serra, 1996, McHugh, 1998, Helms, 1991, Azni Zain, 2000). According to Digert (1999) in his research on the development and effects of advanced optical daylighting systems on commercial buildings, the usage of daylighting technologies in commercial buildings can save up to 310 billion kWh in illumination cost annually. Park (2004) in his research on an illuminance ratio prediction method for daylighting control of buildings also mentioned about achieving energy efficiency by using windows to control solar radiation. The soaring urge for alternative energy source due to the high consumption on energy and depletion of fossil fuel only heightens the importance of such research. There are numerous researches done within the context of energy efficiency in commercial buildings such as done by Katz (2005), Wilson (2001) and Cooke (2002). Apart from energy efficiency; much research has been done on the 8 effects of light towards human factors such as productivity, physiology and psychology as revealed by Boyce (2003), Helms (1991), Sucov et.all. (1975), Hathaway (1987), Shepherd et.all. (1992), Cawthorn (1991 ) and Wurtman (1975). The literature review will address three main subjects that consist of the human being, light and commercial building. The relation of these three subjects will be discussed in this chapter. The selection of these subjects is based on the premise ; if light affects human being in more than one way and if lighting plays a significant role in commercial buildings, why can’t light (through lighting) affect patronage (human being) of a commercial building (shopping complex)?. The relation of all three subjects is shown in the Figure 2.1. The review will show that human being is connected to light and light is also related to commercial buildings. However, the connection between the effects on lighting in commercial buildings on human being is absent. The literature review will start off with reviewing researches that shows the connection between human being and light. The aim is to reveal that human being is closely related and affected to light (Guzowski, 1999). Next, the literature review will look into the relation between light and commercial building. Reviews on researches on light and commercial building is done to have a broader scope of data and to show that light is closely related to commercial buildings 1 . The aim is to reveal that most researches done are mostly hard science 2 not vice versa. 3 The literature review will prove the lack of study done on the effect of lighting towards human behaviour in commercial buildings. With this, the researcher would like to 1 The researcher felt that it is important to broaden the literature review scope to commercial buildings as this will help to build the case and to later show that light plays a significant role in commercial building; which includes shopping complexes. Scoping down the review to shopping complexes will result to lack of background study for the chances of finding the relation between light and commercial building is higher compared to only shopping complexes. 2 Hard science is a term which often is used to describe certain fields of the natural sciences, usually physics, chemistry, and many fields of biology. The hard sciences are said to rely on experimental, quantifiable data or the scientific method and focus on accuracy and objectivity. (Wikipedia,2006) 3 The literature review will show that most researches done between lighting and commercial buildings are mostly in relation to energy efficiency and technical lighting advancements. 9 point out the research gap within the context of light and commercial building; thus justifying the need of the research. The literature review is divided into two sections, which consist of the relation of the human being towards light, and the relation of light and commercial buildings (refer Figure 2.1). The review on the relation of the human being towards light is broken down to three categories which consist of the relation of light towards human behaviour, human psychology and human physiology. This is to illustrate and fortify the statement that light affects human being. Light Human being Figure 2.1 Commercial buildings Diagram showing relation of topics discussed in the review 10 2.1 The relation of the human being towards light. Human react to its environment with the aid of sense organs; also known as the five senses such as touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. Light plays a significant role in stimulating the sense of sight. The relation of human being towards light is divided to three segments that consist of the relation of human behaviour towards light, the relation of the human psychology towards light and the relation of human physiology towards light. 2.1.1 The relation of human behaviour towards light. According to Steffy (1990) lighting plays a significant role in the human behaviour. Steffy (1990) stated that lighting affects the human sensory response, desired impressions, expectations and subjective impressions (visual clarity, spaciousness, relaxation, and sense of privacy). John Flynn as quoted by Gordon (2003) pointed out that changing patterns of brightness contrast would result to change in the strength of visual stimuli that will alter the impression of space. Lighting also has the power to direct activity. Taylor and Sucov (1975) explored the effect of lighting on the choice of which passageway people would use. They found that the more brightly lit passage was the one that was used by most people. According to Lam (1977) the presence of sunlight provides clues about threedimensional form and orientation in addition to indicating the state of the weather. DiLouie (1995) also suggested that effective lighting is capable of creating a safer environment. Sanders et all (1974) measured the effect of illuminance and light distribution on the noise produced by a group of people talking whilst waiting in an assembly room. They found out that low, uneven illuminance pattern was associated with less noise than a higher, more even illuminance pattern. Miller et all (1998) studied on the effects of maximising sunshine as a light source in the customer service center of the Sacremento Municipal Utility District. One hundred and fifty 11 six employees were surveyed or interviewed about their impressions and experiences with the lighting and they were generally quite satisfied with the appearance of the lighting in the open offices and more than half believed the lighting was better than similar workspaces in other buildings. This proves that higher usage of daylight evoked positive perceptions in human being. There have been several researches done in the field of education with regards to the aspect of light and how it affects students. In a study done by Innovative Design entitled analysis of the performance of students in daylit schools, (Engineered Systems,1997), libraries with superior light resulted in significantly lower noise levels. La Guissas and Perney (1974) observed the duration of attention school children paid to a display card, when it was of the same luminance of the rest of the room and when its luminance was much higher. They found that the attention was much greater for the highlighted display. Research done in three schools in California, Colorado and Washington used multivariate linear regression in gauging the performance of 21000 students (Heschong, 1999). The outcome of the research shows that classes with more daylight is 201% faster in solving mathematical papers, 26% faster in reading and understanding questions compared to other classes with less daylight usage. Among all three, the class with the most daylight is ahead of others in overall exam marks ranging from 7% to 18%. A research using light spectrum as a variable to differentiate students in a classroom with full light spectrum and a classroom with a conventional artificial lighting has been conducted for two years in Alberta, Canada shows that students from the classroom with the full light spectrum has the least absentees and an increase in the students well being (health) compared to students in classrooms lit with conventional artificial lighting. According to Thomas (1992), students transferred to a daylit school outperformed their counterparts at an older school by 5% after one year and 14% after three years. Discussing on effective illumination, DiLouie (1995) pointed out that effective lighting is capable of decreasing absenteeism. Reports on the studies conducted by an engineering firm in North Carolina which shows that schools who provided daylighting make sense from a financial investment standpoint and improve student performance (Engineered Systems, 1997). Hale (2000) discusses on the benefits of daylighting systems to improve the efficiency of a school facility. Through the 12 correlation between the use of daylighting and student performance on standardized tests, she discovered that daylighting brings positive effects on the learning environment. According to Stewart (1981) and his research on attitudes of school children to daylight and fenestration, he discovered that a significant proportion of children choose to sit or work near windows, the chief factor being the amount of daylight. Hathaway (1987) did a study on the effects of types of light on children discovered that students under the high-pressure sodium vapour lamps had the slowest rates of growth and development as well as the poorest attendance and achievement. In an article entitled ‘Seeing Daylight’, Wilson (2000) found out that students in classrooms with the most daylight learned roughly 25 percent faster than students in classrooms with only electric light. This clearly shows how significant the role of light in affecting human development. Research on effects of luminous environments on workers productivity in building spaces have shown that with an increase in the illumination level, accuracy increases exponentially while time to perform decreases also exponentially (Ossama, 1997). Russell et al (1990) in his research regarding human response and variability in the luminous environment indicates that there was no significant difference in preferred illumination levels at different times of the day for reading or listening tasks. However, there is evidence that preferred light levels are higher for reading tasks than for listening tasks, an initial light level setting affects the preferred light level, males prefer higher light levels than females and subjects who normally go to sleep before midnight prefer lower light levels than those who stay up later. Thomas (1992) also agreed that the usage of daylighting not only increases morale but also increases workers job satisfaction and productivity. Loveland (2002) in his article entitled daylighting and sustainability, he also agrees that lighting a space with daylight can turn people to become more productive. According to DiLouie (1995) on affective illumination, because some 85 percent of human impressions are visual, improper quantity and quality of light can result in poor human performance. Referring to a research done by the Building Owners and Managers Association, DiLouie (1995) point out that better human performance can be achieved through effective lighting. According to Boyce (2003), human performance can be enhanced by understanding the relationship between light and work (refer Figure 2.2) 13 Figure 2.2 Diagram showing relation between light and work 4 Daylight also has the ability to encourage people to meet and gather in different ways (Guzowski, 1999). Human social connections can be achieved with the aid of daylight. She wrote that people gather in places with distinct qualities of light; in a warm climate, people might pause under the dappled light of a tree-lined plaza; in a cold climate, they might sit in a pool of warm sunlight from a south-facing window. Architect Christopher Day as quoted by Guzowski (1999) argues that: “To quite a large extent how people meet is supported or hindered by the environment.” This 4 Boycs, Peter.R, “Human Factors In Lighting – Second Edition” London & New York: Taylor & Francis, 2003, pg. 124. 14 reflects back to the type of places and particularly what “places of light” you are drawn to for different types of social interactions. Professor J. Stephen Weeks of the University of Minnesota as quoted by Guzowski (1999) distinguishes between “ the place for one, the few and the many.” The place of light for one is an intimate experience such as the reading carrels at the Exeter Library designed by Louis Kahn. The places of light for the few refers to small communal activities that might contain pockets or pools of light and shadow that gather and hold several people such as Tadao Ando’s Soseikan Tea House that uses low horizontal windows to define a space of light for the master of the tea ceremony and the seated participant. The places of light for the many unify and draws a larger community which is applied at the gallery/reception area of the Weisman Art Museum by Frank Gehry which defines a volume of light that surrounds the visitors and provides visual connections to the Mississippi River, Minneapolis skyline and larger community. Guzowski (1999) also suggest that daylighting supports or undermines social hierarchies and power structures. Rosalyn Lindheim as quoted by Guzowski (1999) states that daylight can be equated with power: “The location of the secretarial office is routinely predictable: the boss occupies the outer office with the windows and views; the support staff is clustered in the interior.” Daylighting also has the capability to encourage people to participate in and interact with their social, built and natural environment. As Diane Ackerman explains in Guzowski (1999) on her book entitled A Natural History of the Senses: “Even people who have been blind since birth are greatly affected by light, because, although we need light too see, light also influences us in subtle ways. It affects our moods, it rallies our hormones, it triggers our circadian rhythms”. Research done by Innovative Design discovered that full-spectrum lighting induced more positive moods in students (Engineered Systems,1997) while Hollwich (1977) as cited by So (1998) discovered that an increase in illumination level could increase hormone production. DiLouie (1995) pointed out that effective lighting is also capable of reducing errors, improving morale and help create mood. 15 Energy efficient lighting is also capable of producing positive effects in occupants. Research by Veitch and Newsham (1997) on lighting quality and energy efficiency effects on task performance, mood, health, satisfaction and comfort shows that parabolic-louvered luminaries provide better verbal-intellectual and clerical task performance than recessed luminaries. The research revealed that verbal-intellectual task performance and visual performance were better under electronic ballasts than magnetic ballast, regardless of lighting systems. 2.1.2 The relation of the human psychology towards light. So (1998) in his research on indoor lighting design incorporating human psychology found that light affects the human being psychologically. In a study done by Innovative Design entitled analysis of the performance of students in daylit schools, (Engineered Systems,1997), full-spectrum lighting induced more positive moods in the students. Ruck (1989) and Hughes (1983) agreed that the illuminated environment acts as a vital role in shaping our mood, reactions and even psychological well being (Madros, 1998). Katz (2005) and his research on daylight harvesting technologies found that daylighting is capable of improving the human morale. According to Loveland (2002) on the topic of daylighting and sustainability, people feel happier in a space lit with daylight. Monotony and uniformity in the distribution of light in a building should be avoided for it would contribute to the perception of gloom (Shepherd, 1992). Research shows that among other factors, lights play an important role in affecting and influencing human psychologically. Human perception and its behavioural pattern; when positioned within an enclosed space tend to change due to light. According to Flynn (1972), lighting has the capability to influence ones subjective impression or perception. In other words, light can be manipulated to control or direct peoples actions. The fact that human being responds to light might 16 be due to the vast properties of light itself. The existence of light has been proven to project positive effects in human being. According to Aktiengese Iisschaft (1995), light plays a vital role in determining ones experience and perception. Negative effects such as depressive moods are related to the usage of balanced light and the interplay of shadow. The capabilities of light in influencing the human perception might suggest why people tend to gather in brightly lit spaces compared to dark spaces. The ability of light in influencing occupant’s perception of appearance of a space as stated by Shepherd (1992) supports this idea. Dark spaces have also been associated with crime. According to Henry (1990), muggers, vandals and burglars are attracted to dark buildings, and avoid those that are well-lit. This suggests that dark spaces encourage negative human behaviour. Light is also known for its capability of creating different environment for a space in an instant as stated by Svaboda (1985). The heightened feeling of pleasure achieved from good composition that enhances clarity (Erhart, 1994) suggests why people opt for spaces with more light. Erhart quoted from IESNA Lighting handbook as saying, “ Light profoundly affects our feeling of well being, of awe and wonder, of mood, of comfort and motivation”. The ability of light in evoking positive effects in the human being might render the subconscious mind to respond to it; such as going to places with more light instead of vice-versa without realising the act. 2.1.3 The relation of the human physiology towards light. The fact that human well being and light is interrelated could be a contributing factor to why the human being reacts and responses to light. For example, radiant energy accepted through the eye or as it penetrates living tissue, stimulates glandular response, metabolism, hormone development and the entire autonomic system-respiration, heart action and even appetite (Birren, 1972). Steffy (1990) stated that apart from vision, light is also capable of influencing hearing and thermal sensation. Katz (2005) in his research on daylighting harvesting technologies pointed out that daylighting helps satisfy the human needs for natural light, which 17 promotes various health and performance benefits. This statement is also supported by Loveland (2002) where he pointed out that spaces that are lit with daylight is capable of making people feel happier. According to Leslie (2003) in his article entitled capturing the daylight dividend in buildings, he agreed that daylighting supports human health and activities. Hollwich (1977) as cited by So (1998) discovered that an increase in illumination level could increase hormone production, in particular, the stress hormone cortisol. In a study done by Innovative Design entitled analysis of the performance of students in daylit schools (Engineered Systems,1997), students exposed to a full spectrum of light were healthier and attended school 3.2 to 3.8 days more per year than comparative non daylit schools. According to Lam (1977), the presence of sunlight satisfies a basic biological need. In a study done by Innovative Design entitled analysis of the performance of students in daylit schools, (Engineered Systems,1997), because of the additional vitamin D received by the students in full-spectrum light, students had nine times less dental decay and grew an average of 2.1 cm more over a two year period, than students attending school with average light. Hathaway (1987) did a study on the effects of types of light on children and found out that students under full spectrum fluorescent with ultraviolet supplements developed fewer dental cavities and had better attendance, achievement and growth and development than students under other lights. Birren (1988) as cited by So (1998) stated that haemoglobin in the blood could be increased by light and decreased under darkness that would lead to why people normally feel sleepy under a dimmer environment. The presence of light plays a significant role in determining human well being. Lack of exposure to daylight and even sole dependency to artificial light could cause harm not only to human but even other living beings. There is now clear evidence that incomplete or unbalanced light could have hostile effects. A mouse or a man could not thrive if exposed solely on mercury or sodium vapour light (Porter, 1977), which is widely used as the main substance in artificial lighting. However, the problem of low lighting conditions in buildings shouldn’t be easily resolved by using artificial lighting such as fluorescent lamp illumination for it might cause several illnesses such as asthenopia (Lindner, 1993). Kuller (1992) and his research on the impact of fluorescent light on endocrine, neurophysiological and subjective indices of well being and stress found out that fluorescent light of high illuminance may arouse the central nervous system and that this arousal will become accentuated if the lamps are 18 of the ‘daylight’ type. He suggested that the practical implication might be that people should not be exposed to fluorescent light of high illuminance for a prolonged period of time. Artificial lighting such as fluorescent lamps for example shouldn’t be used commonly for it poses negative effects towards human well being and behavioural patterns. Holmes (1975) stated that excessive brightness can impair vision and more often cause real tiredness and complaint. According to Evans (1981), excessive brightness ratios in the field of view should be avoided which suggests that the best visual conditions are achieved in a uniform environment, but lack of change is inconsistent with the natural capabilities and tendencies of people. He stated that one of the strongest elements in the establishment of a sense of orientation and wellbeing is the presence of direct sunshine in buildings. Evans came to a point that changing nature of daylight automatically and naturally responds to the need of the body and mind for change of stimuli or mood. Evans also discussed on the need for human body to be able to relate to its natural surrounding both physically and mentally. He pointed out that aviators who lose contact with the horizon and the exterior surrounding in adverse weather are subject to vertigo and must use instruments to maintain level height. Wilson (1972) as quoted by Evans (1981) reports on a study of hospital rooms that patients in windowless rooms experienced an increase in stress levels and exhibited a doubling post-operation delirium cases. Poor lighting impacts older adult by decreasing quality of life and independence, as well as compromising safety. It is believed that light acts as an essential intervention for Alzheimer’s disease (Noell et. all, 2002). Wotton (undated) in his research on the visual environment and its contribution to the quality of life of the elderly; discussed on the therapeutic effect of light. He stated that light has long been recognized as a form of treatment for stress caused by the dark days of winter which affects the quality of sleep of the elderly. Evans (1981) states that ultraviolet ray that comes from daylight is essential to human welfare. When the body is exposed to ultraviolet rays, there is a dilation of the capillaries of the skin. In addition to a feeling of well being, there is a quickening 19 of the pulse rate and appetite, plus a stimulation of energy activity, which might actually increase work output. Begemann (1996) conducted a study on visual and biological responses of a group of people in an office towards daylight and artificial light. The results show that most people prefer to follow a daylight cycle instead of a constant level. Prolonged exposure to artificial lighting such as the fluorescent lamp could lead to diminished visual acuity occurring after lengthy periods of fatigue and stress, manifest in terms of eyestrain, opthalmalgia, eye fatigue and headache; also known as asthenopic. Lindner (1993) studied asthenopic complaints associated with fluorescent lamp illumination and found out that it affect predominantly female, aged 20-30 years, and possess a higher than normal psychovegetative ability, diminished power of concentration, enhanced light sensitivity in cases of flicker sensitivity and reduced binocular and stereoscopic vision. Iwata, Hatao and Shukuya (1994) set up a structural model for evaluation of visual comfort in the daylit luminous environment with their objective, which is to find a way to create a comfortable and ideally pleasant daylit luminous environment. The results derived as a relationship between overall evaluation and sensory responses in the hierarchical model suggests that one of the keys to designing a comfortable lighting environment is to eliminate the darkness or the excessive brightness which occupants feel on the desk. 20 2.2 The Relation of Light and Commercial Buildings. Savings in energy consumption can be achieved by incorporating daylight in lighting commercial buildings (Thomas, 1999, Madsen, 2002, McHugh, 1998,). Numerous researches have been done to utilize and harvest the energy saving benefits of daylighting (Digert, 1999). The depletion of fossil fuel which results to the increase in energy costs, results to the rise in research within the field of alternative energy. Some researchers turn to daylighting in hope of finding a solution (Wilson, 2001). Electric lighting in commercial buildings costs ten percent of the electricity used in the United States each year (Johnson, 2004). Bouchey (2002) cited that artificial lighting accounts fifty percent of the energy consumption of commercial and industrial buildings. Claridge (1994) in his research on benefits of energy retrofits in commercial buildings; highlights on the potential of proper lighting in energy conservation. Lockheed Martin manages to save seventy five percent in its electricity cost after applying daylighting in their building (Bouchey, 2002). According to Johnson (2004), the America’s Department of Energy has shifted their investment from photovoltaics to hybrid lighting since it yielded higher energy gain. Sunlight collected from a parabolic mirror connected to optical fibres is used to light buildings in hybrid lighting system (Muhs, 2004, Wiebusch, 2000). Daylit commercial buildings are also capable of reducing capital costs by cutting on glazing and minimising solar heat gain by carefully designing windows (Loveland, 2002). Some even suggest bringing in lighting audits and using daylighting in commercial buildings as to cut energy consumption (Feldman, 2004). The increase of research in daylighting strategies in commercial buildings also help in producing new and cheaper methods of daylighting in buildings (ASHRAE, 2004). This is another contributing factor on the rise of researches in energy conservation through daylighting. Chirarattananon, (1996) in his research on daylighting applications in commercial buildings in a tropical climate in Thailand found that lighting of buildings can be optimized and cooling loads can be minimized by using daylighting through proper design of the building envelope. Research has also been done in energy efficient lighting in Thai commercial buildings (Busch, 1993) in light of reducing energy consumption cost. Lighting also plays a very important role in increasing face value and adding aesthetic appeal. According to Henry (1990), façade 21 lighting would make the building more attractive resulting to a more valuable building with more valuable renting space. In other words, the value of a building can be increased with the use of lighting. Apart from other factors that might contribute to why people go to shopping complexes; the usage of light in building with higher light components could subconsciously attracts customers as well. In a research conducted by the Heschong Mahone Group in California on the effects of daylight towards retail sales, Wilson (2000) in his article stated that daylighting was found to boost sales by an average of 40 percent with a 99 percent degree of statistical certainty. Pierson (1995) looked at the advantages of increased light in commercial buildings in the United States and found out that increased daylighting results in decreased absenteeism and fewer error and defects. According to Loveland (2002) citing on reports by Business Week and Fast Company, daylighting has been underscored as a factor in attracting and retaining workers. Daylight benefits such as increased workplace productivity might be the reason to why American retailers such as Walmart and Costco have implemented daylight strategies decades ago. According to Bean (1992), through surveys, many workers are still dissatisfied with the quality of their artificial lighting, despite the fact that in many cases, their lighting meets the basic requirements of the CIBS Code for interior design. This suggests that higher degree of lighting doesn’t ensure human satisfaction. Pierson (1995) looks at the advantages of increased light in commercial buildings. Report done by the Rocky Mountain Institute concluded that increased daylighting results in decreased absenteeism and fewer errors and defects; thus increasing the productivity level of workers in commercial buildings. The report, `Greening the Building and the Bottom Line,' which describes companies specific gains in daylighting. Wilson (2000) reveals the results of a study in California that natural light boosts human productivity in retail sales and school performance with average increase is sales due to daylighting. Increased level of lighting in a building doesn’t result to ultimate human satisfaction but the usage of daylighting has shown positive effects towards human performance. In a research conducted in Lawrence 22 Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. (Ne’eman et al, 2003) on office workers response to lighting and daylighting: issues in workspace environments, they reported levels of importance and satisfaction associated with lighting controls and other environmental conditions in workspaces and how they relate to physical features of the building and selected sociodemographic characteristics. They found out that most respondents considered the majority of their workspace conditions important and satisfactory. They even suggest that careful integration of these lighting and related control technologies with worker values and priorities is essential if potential benefits are to be realized. Close (1996) introduced ways to optimise daylighting in high-rise commercial developements in South East Asia by using computer programmes as a design tool. He discovered that computer modelling offers opportunities for comparing options and varying designs to meet requirements of different orientations with different solar considerations. According to Serra (1998) both architecture and we who inhibit are different by day and by night, there for it makes no sense to try to imitate the effects of natural light with artificial light: the results will be mediocre. Furthermore, he stated that it is difficult to combine the two kinds of light, due to their different chromatism and the fact that when the eye is accustomed to natural levels of light, it finds artificial light poor and gloomy, whereas at night it seems ideal. Collins et al (1990) did a research on evaluation of the role of luminance distributions in occupant response to lighting indicated that occupant satisfaction could be related to patterns of luminance, lighting characteristics and presence of daylight in the office. Surveys by Ruys (1970) and Somner (1969) as indicated by Evans (1981) stressed out the importance of human connection with daylight through openings. Wells reported that in a study of office workers, 69 percent believed that daylight provided a better quality of illumination than ‘artificial light’. Evans (1981) also quoted on Pritchard (1964) suggesting that among factory workers in windowless spaces, the level of complaint might be inversely related to the amount of money the employee was making. According to Michel (1996) as quoted by Zain 23 (2000) daylight satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of the occupants of a building leading to increased productivity in work places and proven to increase academic performance of students in schools. Veitch (1997) did a research on lighting quality and energy efficiency effects on task performance, mood health, satisfaction and comfort concluded that energy efficient lighting and good quality lighting can be compatible. She also found out that parabolic-louvered luminaries provide better verbal-intellectual and clerical task performance than recessed luminaries. Verbal-intellectual task performance and visual performance were better under electronic ballasts than magnetic ballasts, regardless of lighting systems. This shows that proper usage of lighting boosts task performance in office workers. People also require not only good, comfortable task lighting conditions, but a lit environment that is apparently ‘light’ and one that is ‘visually interesting’, and the level of these two conditions will vary depending on the particular situation. (Loe, 1994) Based on the review, it is fair to conclude that research regarding lighting and commercial buildings is more concentrated on energy conservation and energy efficiency. However, there is a lack of awareness in the use of biological lighting for illumination that will help to sustain life (Birren, 1974). Research has shown that light affects the human being and lighting plays a significant role in commercial buildings. It is possible that light can affect the users of a commercial building. Hypothetically, light should produce or induce the same effect of physiological, psychological and behavioural change towards human being regardless of location. If school children experience better result, better health and lesser absenteeism by exposing them to daylight (Heschong, 2000), theoretically, users or patrons of a shopping complex equipped with daylighting should reap the same positive benefits. Research has shown that naturally lit buildings are more comfortable for human occupation and produces positive influence on operating income, resulting in increases in asset valuation (Katz, 2005). Patients in windowless hospital rooms experience an increase in stress levels and exhibited a doubling post-operation delirium cases (Evans, 1981). This suggests that deprivation of daylight could 24 promote negative effects on human being. If daylight gives countless health benefits to human beings (Evans, 1981, Begeman, 1996), why should patrons of shopping complexes deprived from it? The researcher felt that the lack of research in the effects of daylight towards human being in shopping complexes is due to the fact that the search of alternative energy and energy conservation is considered as a global issue and of great priority. 2.3 Conclusion The review in section 2.1 concluded that relation between human being and light exists. Section 2.2 concluded that light is also related to commercial buildings. However, most of the topic discussed on the relation between light and commercial buildings points out the issue of energy savings. Moreover, no research has been done on the effects of light towards patrons of a commercial building. There is no literature at present that directly supports the hypothesis that commercial buildings with more daylight components will have more patronage/customers. However, research by Heschong (2003) regarding daylighting and retail sales is the only connection between the effects of daylight components towards patronage. The research focuses on the connection between skylighting and retail sales. Heschong found out that Wal-Mart chainstores that has their building equipped with skylight experienced an increase of up to 40% in gross retail sales compared to Wal-Mart chainstores without skylight. Based on the literature review, it is suggested that there is a possible connection between daylight components and how it affects patronage. It is observed that most of the research regarding daylight and the affects towards human behaviour or reaction is conducted abroad and not in Malaysia. The research intends to study the affects of daylight towards he number of patronage within the daylight condition in Malaysia. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction The research methodology is divided to four sections. These sections are: (a) Building framework (b) Data collection (c) Pilot study (d) Analysis method The building framework functions as the structure for the building selection. It is divided to two main subtopics which consist of building inventory and building selection. Other topics that are discussed in this section includes: (a) Definition of shopping complex (b) Factors affecting lighting (c) Factors affecting patronage (d) Basic benchmarking 26 The objective of building inventory is to find similarity between buildings. This is carried out with the help of a building inventory survey. The survey is created with the help of a study on benchmarking for shopping complexes. The building selection discusses on how the selection of building for the research is done. Prior to the building selection, factors affecting lighting and factors affecting patronage are discussed. Data collection section discusses data required for the research which consist of luminance level and patronage count. In acquiring data for luminance level, 4 studies is done. These studies clarifies the method of acquiring luminance level. These studies will be further discussed in the data collection section. Next, the pilot study is done to test the methodology opted and to detect any anomalies and blind spots. This section ends with pilot study and amendments to the methodology. The final section will discuss on the analysis method. 3.1 Research overview The first task of the building framework is forming a building inventory. The building inventory is used to assist building selection. However, the question of how and what to be documented surfaced. This is due to the fact that no standard on benchmarking shopping complexes exists unlike hotels, offices and schools. Therefore, verification and selection of shopping complexes is done by defining the term ‘shopping complex’ itself through literature review. Verifying buildings that falls into the shopping complex category is important for this is the scope of the research. Only buildings identified as a shopping complex will be used for the research. Other building typologies will be ruled out. Shopping complex listings provided by local authorities and municipalities helps the verification process. However, some of the shopping complexes was not listed by local authorities especially areas between the borders of each district which are usually considered as grey areas. This complicates the process of selecting and gathering of shopping complexes to be surveyed. 27 Next, a building inventory checklist is devised as to collect information of shopping complexes for the building inventory. Therefore, a review on benchmarking is done to get an overview on how to collect information and what information is required for the building inventory. A rating system on downtowns and shopping centres done by the Kansas State University (Darling,2004) helped to form a building inventory checklist. The collected information will be used to form an inventory of all the shopping complexes surveyed. The building inventory is important to the research in properly selecting buildings to be studied. The building inventory will show a list of shopping complexes available within Klang Valley. The building inventory will then aid the building selection. However, the issue of how many buildings to be studied surfaced. The main dilemma of selecting buildings to be studied is to find two (or more) buildings that are very similar to each other and what separates it apart is the lighting system used. However, trying to find a pair of shopping complex that is very similar to each other is very rare. Most shopping complexes are built very different from each other. Even if it is possible to find more than one building that is highly similar to each other, the second dilemma would be the limited ability of performing the research. Selecting too many buildings to be studied would be beyond the ability of the researcher. Selected buildings will be studied rigorously. Studies that consist of picture taking and patronage count will be done throughout the entire building. Therefore, the researcher was unable to select too many buildings to be studied. 28 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Building Framework Definition of shopping complex Factors affecting lighting Factors affecting patronage Basic benchmarking Building inventory Data Analysis Method Data Collection Review on lighting variable Review on patronage variable 1. Digital camera in image processing study. 2. Concept of illumination in computer graphics. 3. Image processing programme review. 4. Digital camera & luminance meter comparison study. Physical measurements 1. Condition & time for data collection 2. Research instrument 3. Patronage count 4. Luminance reading Building selection Pilot Study Amendments to data collection Figure 3.1 Amendments to data analysis Table showing organization of the research methodology 29 3.2 Building framework This section is divided to two main subtopics which consist of building inventory and building selection. The building inventory and the building selection is discussed towards the end of this section. Prior to the building inventory and the building selection, four topics are discussed: (a) Definition of shopping complex (b) Factors affecting lighting (c) Factors affecting patronage (d) Basic benchmarking Klang Valley has been chosen as the experimenting ground for it has the largest amount of shopping complex compared to other states throughout Malaysia. The current commercial scene in Klang Valley supports this statement. Based on market research and feasibility studies done by Raine & Horne International Zaki + Partners Sdn Bhd, Selat (1995) in his report on trends of shopping complex developments in greater Klang Valley towards 2005 stated that Klang Valley will remain the fastest growing regional economy in Peninsular Malaysia. According to Kamiso and Ang (2004) on their report on local retail industry gearing towards a mini boom, shopping complexes listed under the Malaysia Mega Malls are all located within the vicinity of Klang Valley which includes 1 Utama, Sunway Pyramid, Suria KLCC, MidValley, Berjaya Times Square, Ikea, Ikano, The Curve and Cineleisure. Half of the Malaysia Mega Malls have prepared themselves for future extension of commercial space to accommodate the growing consumer needs (Kamiso and Ang, 2004). This further validates the appropriateness of Klang Valley as the experimenting ground. 30 3.2.1 Definition of shopping complex The definition of the term ‘shopping complex’ according to McKeever (1953), is defined as a group of commercial establishments planned, developed and managed as a unit, with off-street parking provided on the property and related in location, size and type of shops to the trade area that the unit serves generally in an outlaying sub-urban area. He also categorized types of shopping complex by functions, which consist of three typologies: (a) Neighbourhood Centres – these centres provide for sale of daily living needs (convenience goods). It needs 1000 families for support and 5-10 acres for site area. (b) Community or Suburban Centres (or District Centres) – these centres in addition to convenience goods and personal services, provide for sale of soft lines (apparels etc.) and hard lines (hardware equipments, etc.). It requires at least 5000 families for support and 10-25 (or even more) acres of site area. (c) Regional Centres – it should have at least a department store for their core and offer shopping goods in full depth and variety including fashion items and house furnishings. It requires more than 100,000 people for support and a site area of at least 35 acres. It is also called “one-stop-shopping”, meaning customer is able to do all kinds of buying in just one place. According to Northen (1977), shopping complex or retail premises can be divided to 14 typologies. Northern defined the word ‘mall’ to describe a pedestrianised shopping street almost certainly originated in North America in an effort to convey a greater sense of space, quality and elegance than is normally associated with arcade. 31 3.2.2 Factors affecting lighting Factors affecting lighting are classified as independent variable. The buildings selected for the study must have different application of lighting. This is crucial as the study would like to compare patronage count of two near identical shopping complex with different lighting application. The only concern for the building selection is that one must have a combination of daylighting and artificial lighting while the other building has to have lower component or even no daylight at all. The assessment on the level of daylight used in a shopping complex is based on visual assesment of the researcher towards available openings. Only luminance level on daylight component is considered in the research. This reflects back to the scope of the research which focuses on the effects of daylight towards the number of customers in a shopping complex. Information on luminance level is reflected in pictures taken using a digital camera that has been processed using an image processing programme called ERDAS. 3.2.3 Factors affecting patronage According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, the word patronage means the support or influence of a patron. It can also be defined as business or activity provided by patrons. According to Foss (undated) citing on Reily’s Law on Retail Gravitation, attractiveness or ability of a centre to attract customers is proportional to how big it is and how far it is from its competition. Distance however has a greater impact than size. Factors affecting patronage need to be made constant in order to study the effect of different lighting applications towards the number of customers. However, there are countless factors that attract customers to a shopping centre. This 32 complicates the study. Thus, an overview on the topic of factors that attract customers should be done before any decision is made on how to select the building for the study. According to McKeever (1953), there are eight factors that make a good shopping centre. They consist of research, location, site, layout, parking, structure, tenants and management. There are several factors that might contribute to “why people go to shopping centres” (Tan,1991). Through a series of in-depth interviews, Tauber (1972) studied different motives for shopping and he found out that people shopped not merely out of necessity or a desire to satisfy a physical need but included the following: • Diversion- from the daily routine of life. • Self gratification- based on the buying process itself. • Learning about new trends- when visiting the store. • Physical activity- since an urban environment provides little opportunity to exercise. • Sensory stimulation- such as handling the merchandise, trying it on etc. • Social interaction- outside the home such as encounters with friends or salesperson. • Pleasure of bargaining or bargain hunting- as a means to make a wise purchase. Discussing on shopping behaviour and implications on property managers, (1991) he stated that it would be useful to note the following eight basic dimensions, which determine retail patronage: • General shopping centre characteristics (reputation in community, number of stores) • Physical characteristics of the centre (décor, cleanliness, check out service, ambience) 33 • Convenience in reaching the centre (time required, access, parking) • Products offered (variety, dependability, quality) • Prices charger in the centre (value, special sales, image) • Sales personnel (courteous, informative, helpful)\advertising by the store (informative, appealing, believable, appropriate image relative to customer base) • Friends perception of the centre (well-known, liked, recommended) In essence, there are countless factors that affects patronage of a shopping centre. In order to keep factors that affect patronage constant, the researcher needs to look for two (or more) samples of shopping complex that are identical. The only factor that is different would be the lighting application. Therefore, the researcher needs to look into other means of selecting building other than using the building inventory. 3.2.4 Basic benchmarking According to Webster’s dictionary (1986) a benchmark is defined as a point of reference from which measurements may be made or something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured.. According to Camp (1989), citing David T. Kearns, benchmarking is defined as the continuous process of measuring products, services and practices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders. Longmire (1993) stated that the word “benchmark” and “benchmarking” is often misinterpreted as having the same meaning. In the quality improvement lexicon, a benchmark is a “best-in-class” achievement. This achievement then becomes a reference point or recognized standard of excellence against which similar processes are measured. While benchmark is a measure, benchmarking is a process of measurement. It is a business process that can 34 contribute to achieving competitive advantage (Longmire , 1993, pg. 4). The review on benchmarking helps to form the building inventory checklist which will be used for the building inventory. This is to determine data to be collected and how to make an inventory of shopping complexes. 3.2.5 Building inventory A building inventory of shopping centres within the research area (Klang Valley) is conducted. The objective of the inventory is to develop a list of shopping complexes within Klang Valley and to collect physical data of the building using a building inventory checklist. The building inventory will be used to facilitate the building selection which will be further studied in the research. The building inventory checklist is formulated with the help of reviews on benchmarking and a shopping centre rating checklist done by Darling (2004). The building inventory checklist requires information that describes the physical attributes of the building. These information includes main anchorage, type of lighting system used, rough estimation on opening, building material/structure and number of floors. The building inventory checklist also incorporated the rating system devised by Darling (2004). The rating system also helps in giving an overview on the spatial condition of the shopping complex. The building inventory checklist is also enclosed with pictures showing the interior and the exterior view of the building surveyed to further help describe the building. Figure 3.2 represents the rating schedule by Darling while Table 3.1 represents the building inventory checklist used. 35 Figure 3.2 Table showing rating system by Darling (2004) 36 Table 3.1 Table showing building inventory checklist BUILDING INVENTORY CHECKLIST Data checklist Building 1 Building 2 1. Anchorage 2. Type of lighting used 3. Rough estimation on opening 4. Building material/structure 5. Floors 6. Compactness *Spaces are all fit together. The place has a visual impact & well designed. 7. Compatibility *Stores & offices are arranged in a way that minimizes shopping time. One type of business logically fits well to the other. 8. Convenience *Every aspect of the building gives convenience to the users. 9. Coordination *Stores & offices work together so that the shopping center functions as a coordinated group. 10. Cleanliness 11. Courteousness The sales people & office personnel who Met the public are pleasant & helpful. 12. Colorfulness 13. Creativity *The place has an original, interesting & attractive atmosphere. Digital picture checklist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Main lobby Secondary lobby Wing 1 Wing 2 Wing 3 Atrium 1 Atrium 2 Atrium 3 Food court Square/open space Arcade Low 1 2 3 4 High Low 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 High 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 *Other spaces(pls.state) 37 Data collection for the building inventory stage required a group of research assistant to collect information. Twenty-five research assistants have been assigned to cover one or two shopping centres each. The total amount of shopping complex to be surveyed is 40 units throughout Klang Valley. Data is taken during mid-noon for this is when the outdoor illuminance is at its longest (Zain,2001). The data collection is done in a day’s period. Before running the task, research assistants have been briefed by the researcher on what to be collected and the location of the shopping complexes. First, each and every research assistant is required to collect data based on the building inventory checklist provided by the researcher. Secondly, they are also required to photograph the interior and exterior of designated shopping complexes using digital cameras. This is to illustrate the physical condition of the building. Research assistants are allowed to use digital cameras of any brand and resolution but they have to avoid using the flash. On the day of the data collection, research assistants are gathered at a checkpoint, which is KL Sentral. The researcher will supervise the research assistants via two-way communication (public phone, mobile phone, SMS) throughout the exercise. This ensures constant connection, which is crucial in assisting any occurring problems. In the end of this stage, information collected will be used to produce the building inventory. In essence, the objective of the elimination is to select two shopping complexes that are highly similar to each other which will be compared during the building selection stage. The only aspect that separates the selected buildings is the lighting application. Only two buildings will be selected for the field study due to the problem of controlling the building sample size. Data of surveyed shopping complexes are broken down to twelve categories. These categories are found in the building inventory sheet. The building inventory survey provides the researcher with the information of shopping complexes available within Klang Valley that is probable candidate for the field study. Below are the list of the building inventory survey. 38 Table 3.2 Anchorage Parkson Ria Plaza Metro Kajang Table showing anchor tenants of shopping complexes Parkson Grand The Mall Subang Parade Plaza OUG Wisma Atria Klang Parade Giant Carrefour Metrojaya Jusco Plaza Metro Kajang Plaza Shah Alam UE3 The Weld Ampang Point Mid Valley Mid Valley Mid Valley Endah Parade BB Plaza IOI Mall Cold Storage Bangsar Shopping Complex Ikano Debenhams Berjaya Times Square Sogo Permas Sogo FOS Maju Junction Bukit Raja 1 Utama Anchorage The Store Plaza Alam Sentral D'Choice UE3 Xtra Klang Parade City Square Anchorage Ocean Selayang Mall Bintang Selayang Capital Spectrum Mall Royel Ampang Point Aero Pub Plaza Ampang City 39 Table 3.3 Table showing type of lighting used at shopping complexes. Type of lighting Mix Plaza Metro Kajang Mid Valley The Mall UE3 The Weld Bangsar Shopping Complex Pearl Point Paragon Point Cheras Leisure Mall Central Market Subang Parade Kota Raya Berjaya Times Square Plaza OUG Endah Parade IOI Mall Wisma Atria 1 Utama Ikano Selayang Mall Selayang Capital Permas Sogo Maju Junction Spectrum Mall Yow Chuan Plaza Artificial Wilayah Complex Plaza Shah Alam Plaza Alam Sentral Campbell Complex Plaza Armada Klang Parade Bukit Raja S&M Plaza Pudu Plaza BB Plaza Imbi Plaza Plaza Ampang City Ampang Point Low Yat Plaza City Square Sumit USJ 40 Table 3.4 Tables showing rating of shopping complexes. Compactness 1 Compatibility 1 Yow Chuan Plaza 2 3 4 5 MidValley Plaza Alam Sentral Plaza Metro Kajang The Mall Wilayah Complex Campbell Complex BSC Plaza Shah Alam UE3 Summit USJ Plaza Armada Endah Parade Selayang Mall Plaza Ampang City Pearl Point Paragon Point Central Market Berjaya Times Square IOI Mall BB Plaza Ikano Selayang Capital Permas Sogo Spectrum Mall Low Yat Plaza City Square Cheras Leisure Mall Plaza OUG Klang Parade Bukit Raja S&M Plaza Pudu Plaza 1 Utama Maju Junction Ampang Point Yow Chuan Plaza The Weld Subang Parade Kota Raya Wisma Atria Imbi Plaza 2 3 4 5 Plaza Armada The Mall MidValley Plaza Metro Kajang Pudu Plaza Summit USJ Selayang Mall Selayang Capital Plaza Ampang City Wilayah Complex Plaza Shah Alam BSC Paragon Point Subang Parade Kota Raya Plaza OUG Endah Parade IOI Mall Wisma Atria S&M Plaza BB Plaza Permas Sogo Spectrum Mall City Square Plaza Alam Sentral UE3 The Weld Campbell Complex Pearl Point Cheras Leisure Mall Central Market Berjaya Times Square Klang Parade Bukit Raja Ikano Maju Junction Ampang Point Low Yat Plaza Imbi Plaza 1 Utama 41 Convenience 1 Plaza Alam Sentral 2 Plaza Metro Kajang Plaza Shah Alam UE3 Kota Raya Plaza OUG S&M Plaza Pudu Plaza Plaza Ampang City Yow Chuan Plaza Coordination 1 Wilayah Complex S&M Plaza 3 The Mall Wilayah Complex BSC Pearl Point Plaza Armada Central Market Endah Parade IOI Mall BB Plaza Imbi Plaza 1 Utama Ikano Selayang Mall Selayang Capital Spectrum Mall City Square 2 Plaza Metro Kajang Mid Valley Megamall Summit USJ Plaza Armada Plaza Ampang City Yow Chuan Plaza 4 Mid Valley Megamall The Weld Campbell Complex Paragon Point Cheras Leisure Mall Summit USJ Subang Parade Wisma Atria Klang Parade Bukit Raja Permas Sogo Maju Junction Ampang Point Low Yat Plaza 3 The Mall Plaza Shah Alam Plaza Alam Sentral The Weld Pearl Point Cheras Leisure Mall Kota Raya Plaza OUG Endah Parade IOI Mall 1 Utama Ikano Selayang Mall Selayang Capital City Square 4 UE3 Campbell Complex BSC Paragon Point Subang Parade Wisma Atria Klang Parade Bukit Raja Pudu Plaza BB Plaza Imbi Plaza Permas Sogo Maju Junction Ampang Point Spectrum Mall Low Yat Plaza 5 Berjaya Times Square 5 Central Market Berjaya Times Square 42 Cleanliness 1 2 3 Campbell Complex Wilayah Complex Plaza Metro Kajang Central Market Spectrum Mall Yow Chuan Plaza UE3 Kota Raya Plaza OUG Wisma Atria S&M Plaza Summit USJ Pudu Plaza Imbi Plaza Permas Sogo Maju Junction Ampang Point The Mall Plaza Shah Alam Plaza Alam Sentral Pearl Point Paragon Point Cheras Leisure Mall Plaza Armada Berjaya Times Square Endah Parade IOI Mall Klang Parade Bukit Raja BB Plaza 1 Utama Selayang Mall Selayang Capital Plaza Ampang City Low Yat Plaza City Square Courteousnes s 1 2 Plaza Shah Alam S&M Plaza Summit USJ 3 4 5 4 Mid Valley Megamall The Weld BSC Subang Parade Ikano 5 Plaza Alam Sentral Plaza Metro Kajang The Mall The Weld BSC Cheras Leisure Mall Kota Raya IOI Mall Wisma Atria Klang Parade Pudu Plaza Imbi Plaza Ikano Permas Sogo Maju Junction Plaza Ampang City Ampang Point Yow Chuan Plaza City Square Mid Valley Megamall Wilayah Complex Campbell Complex UE3 Central Market Subang Parade Pearl Point Paragon Point Plaza Armada Berjaya Times Square Plaza OUG Endah Parade Bukit Raja BB Plaza 1 Utama Selayang Mall Selayang Capital Spectrum Mall Low Yat Plaza 43 Colourfulness 1 Imbi Plaza Creativity 1 2 Plaza Armada Wisma Atria Selayang Capital Plaza Ampang City Yow Chuan Plaza 3 Wilayah Complex Plaza Shah Alam UE3 Campbell Complex Central Market Plaza OUG Endah Parade Summit USJ IOI Mall S&M Plaza Pudu Plaza BB Plaza 1 Utama Selayang Mall Spectrum Mall 4 Plaza Metro Kajang Mid Valley Megamall The Mall Plaza Alam Sentral The Weld Pearl Point Paragon Point Cheras Leisure Mall Subang Parade Kota Raya Berjaya Times Square Bukit Raja Ikano Permas Sogo Maju Junction Low Yat Plaza City Square 2 3 4 Plaza Shah Alam Plaza Metro Kajang Plaza Alam Sentral Imbi Plaza Wilayah Complex UE3 Mid Valley Megamall The Mall Spectrum Mall Campbell Complex Pearl Point The Weld Plaza Armada Paragon Point Plaza OUG Central Market Pudu Plaza Summit USJ Selayang Mall Plaza Ampang City Kota Raya Endah Parade IOI Mall Wisma Atria Klang Parade S&M Plaza Selayang Capital Permas Sogo Maju Junction Low Yat Plaza Cheras Leisure Mall Berjaya Times Square Bukit Raja BB Plaza 1 Utama Ikano Yow Chuan Plaza City Square 5 BSC Klang Parade Ampang Point 5 BSC Subang Parade Ampang Point 44 3.2.6 Building selection A few different approach of building selection has been formulated. The first attempt of selecting the buildings for the field study is through a Boolean process. Shopping complexes is then grouped to each category as in the inventory sheet. Each category containing data of shopping complexes will then be overlapped with other categories in hope of finding buildings which is most similar to each other. However, this approach failed. Overlapping the list of categories didn’t manage to select the buildings. The biggest drawback was that there were too many buildings and too many categories too match. The large difference the huge variety of main anchor tenants became the biggest drawback. The second option was comparing two outlets of the same anchor tenants. Instead of comparing the shopping complexes in all categories, only one is selected. The logic behind this option was that outlets of the same anchor tenants should have the same layout and would sell the same merchandise. Comparing two outlets of the same anchor tenants (such as Parkson and Parkson) would minimise dissimilarity that occurs when comparing shopping complexes of different anchors. However, this option failed. Major anchors in Malaysia (such as Parkson, Jusco, Isetan and Metrojaya) do not have many outlets operating within its own premises without any supporting tenants within the building. Through observation, most anchors operate within a shopping complex which also provides retail space for smaller tenants. This is unlike the phenomenon that can be found in London where major anchors have numerous outlets throughout the state operating by itself within its own premises such as Harrods. 1 With the lack of Malaysian anchors operating within its own premises, the researcher was unable to find any two (or more) similar anchors of the same company (e.g Jusco and Jusco) with different lighting application. 1 With regards to discussion with Haliza, she stated that there are numbers of outlets of major tenants such as Harrods, operating by itself within its very own building without any tenants. 45 The third option was to compare two hypermarkets of the same company (such as Giant). The logic behind this is that more uncontrollable factors can now be controlled. Hypermarkets are not shopping complexes. However, to obtain two buildings that are highly similar to each other with the lighting application being the only factor that sets it apart is difficult; given the retail scenario of Malaysia. 2 The most ideal research scenario would be comparing the same exact building but having the ability to change the lighting condition entirely. 3 Comparing two hypermarkets is the best research scenario that is viable compared to getting the permission to use a single building and to alter its lighting application. Unlike shopping complexes, hypermarkets in Malaysia operate within its own premises. These hypermarkets are also large in numbers. The design of these hyperarkets is also very similar to each other. In a nutshell, many uncontrollable factors can be minimised and controlled when comparing hypermarkets. The idea is to compare two hypermarkets of the same establishment with different lighting application.(e.g one Giant outlet with artificial lighting compared to one Giant outlet with natural lighting) However, Haliza do not aggree with this method. The argument was that incoming patronage to hypermarkets have the same intention which is to shop for bargain. It is afraid that people would not be bothered by the lighting application used since the main objective is to shop at wholesale price. It would be hard to say that patrons of hypermarkets would want to stay longer than necessary due to architectural values or even lighting application in that matter due to the nature of shopping at hypermarkets which is to shop at wholesale, bargain price. Even though there are many hypermarket outlets, no significant difference is to be found on the lighting system used. Upon observation, most of the hypermarkets were entirely artificially lit. Thus, the attempt to compare hypermarkets also failed. The fourth attempt of the building selection is by using Riley’s Law of Retail Gravitation. Reily’s Law of Retail Gravitation is a theoretical means of trade area 2 Upon observation, there aren’t any retail anchors that operate by itself in a single building here in Malaysia. 3 Bashri suggested that in order to control endless factors, use a single building and then change the lighting condition; one scenario being fully artificially lit while the other being fully naturally lit. However, to obtain such privilege is nearly impossible due to authorization and legal procedures. (e.g obtaining permission to change the existing lighting application, cost of manpower to change the lighting application) 46 definition. It is based on the premise that people are attracted to larger places to do their shopping, but the time and distance they must travel influence their willingness to shop in a given city. In other words, people are more likely to travel shorter distances when possible. Additionally, customers are more likely to shop in larger communities, as they provide a greater opportunity for goods and services. Reily’s Law provides a mathematical formula that can be used to calculate hard numbers relating the distance people will travel. A simple map and common sense can be combined to generate retail trade area boundaries. By knowing each of the population and distribution of the communities, a simple trade area can be drawn. An example done by the University of Wisconsin on the retail trade analysis of Waupaca district clearly shows its trade area. Figure 3.3 Table showing retail trade analysis of Waupaca district. The researcher finally used Riley’s Law on shopping complexes in Klang Valley to aid the building selection process. First, shopping complexes that is included in the inventory will be plotted on a map of Klang Valley. This is to clearly indicate the location of each building. This will also reveal the distance of each shopping complex to each and every district within Klang Valley. 47 Next, data on population and community distribution will be obtained from government bodies and several municipal councils. Shopping complexes and data of population distribution will be overlapped to identify retail trade area. Figure 3.4 Map showing population distribution of Klang Valley 48 Figure 3.5 Map showing location of shopping complexes within Klang Valley Based on acquired information, it is evident that Kuala Lumpur rated the highest density of population compared to other districts within Klang Valley. Results of the location of shopping complexes (refer Figure 3.5) shows that approximately 80% of the shopping complexes surveyed are located in the Kuala Lumpur district. Most of the shopping complexes are located very close to each other. Moreover, a trade area analysis is unable to be produced within one district with so many shopping complexes concentrated within the same district. Finally, after undergone the elimination process and with the help of Riley’s Law, two shopping complexes located within Subang Jaya have been chosen. The shopping complexes selected for the field study are The Summit USJ and Subang Parade. Eventhough each building is located in Subang Jaya, they serve two different communities. Subang Parade’s trade area encompasses the older part of Subang Jaya (SS 12 to SS 19) while Summit USJ’s trade area caters for the newer half of Subang Jaya (USJ) .Therefore, Subang Parade and Summit USJ has been found fit for the research. 49 Figure 3.6 Map showing location of Subang Jaya & schedule of population distribution. 3.3 Data collection The data collection section is divided to three subtopics. These topics are: (a) Review on lighting variable (b) Review on patronage variable (c) Physical measurements 50 Prior to the method of physical measurement of data collection, studies on lighting variable and patronage variable is done. Study on lighting variable is done as to substantiate the method of data collection on luminance level. The researcher focuses only on level of luminance because the research involves the affect of daylight towards patronage that is linked to the process of visual perception. According to Boyce (2003), luminance is the luminous flux emitted in a given direction. In other words, luminance is light reflected by a surface. According to Lam (1977), visual perception begins when the eye receives a visual stimulus which is the amount of light reflected by a surface of an object which translates to luminance. Thus, the research only focuses on luminance level. The common method of acquiring luminance level is by using a luminance meter. However, the research uses a digital camera and an image processing programme (ERDAS) in acquiring luminance level. The explanation on the selection of digital camera will be discussed in chapter regarding concept of illumination in computer graphics. Studies regarding lighting includes: (a) Digital camera in image processing study (b) Concept of illumination in computer graphics (c) Image processing programme review (d) Digital camera and luminance meter comparison The next step would be the review on patronage variable. This section discusses on several methods of tabulating patronage. In the end of this section, the method for patronage count is chosen. The final section of the data collection is the preparation for physical measurements of acquiring data on luminance level and patronage count. 51 3.3.1 Review on lighting variable Digital camera in image processing study The first section of the lighting variable review starts off with basic understanding of digital camera in image processing. The ability of the digital camera in recording light values wil be discussed. One of the tasks that will be carried out during the research is luminance reading. Luminance reading of shopping complex interiors is to be documented for it will be used later in the research to identify the light intensity of each building. This will give an indication of which building has the most or the least component of daylight. Through the recent years, the imaging industry has been developing in a rapid pace. Now, the digital camera offers more than just picture taking. Digital cameras has been equipped with countless functions. This relates how the camera is capable of carrying out the task of a luminance meter in obtaining luminance readings. The discussion on the capability of the digital camera is closely linked with the principles and practice of computer graphics. Concept of illumination in computer graphics A digital camera captures the whole visual scope at one time and at one snapshot. A picture taken using a digital camera contains luminance level that lie in the amount of pixel that make up the picture. According to Folley et al (1990), pixels or pels (a short for ‘picture elements’) is ones and zeros representation of the 52 rectangular array of points. 4 The ones and zeros representation of the rectangular array of points bares information of luminance of the whole picture that it resembles. An image-processing program later decrypts these points into luminance levels. In other words, the higher the image definition of a picture, the more luminance value can be obtained from a single picture alone. (refer Figure 3.7 & Table 3.5) Figure 3.7 4 An image with a resolution of 1375 x 1402 pixels Introduction, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, second edition. 53 Table 3.5 Luminance level represented in each pixel that builds up the image above Figure 3.7 is a sample of an image with a resolution of 1375 x 1402 pixels which sums up to 1,927,750 pixels. Table 3.5 represents 1,927,750 luminance level reading from each pixel from a single photo. An image processing programme is capable of translating digital pictures to luminance levels. The luminance level that is embedded in the pixel that builds up a picture is capable of producing a more accurate luminance reading compared to luminance level taken using and luminance meter. As for the luminance meter, the data collection starts of with a built up of an imaginary grid of a space. The imaginary grid is imposed on the view. Then, the luminance meter gun will be pointed at each and every box of the grid. Readings will be produced. There are two limitations to this method. First, the imaginary grid cannot be subdivided to too many boxes for this will complicate the researcher to aim the luminance meter to obtain luminance reading. This will lead to the second limitation which is the time needed to collect luminance reading from each box. The shifting from one box to the other consumes time. Data taken from each box using the luminance meter is affected by the changing condition of the sun since it requires a long time moving from one box to the other. 54 Figure 3.8 Illustration on how luminance reading is taken using a luminance meter. Unlike the luminance meter, the digital camera is not affected by the limitations of a luminance as discussed above. Luminance level of a space can be acquired simultaneously in a single snapshot using a digital camera unlike the luminance meter. The present set up and lighting condition of a space is made constant by using digital camera. Image processing program review Before the image-processing phase is executed, a review of potential image processing programs will be done. This is to ensure that the most comprehensive and reliable program is chosen to process the pictures taken. Pictures of spaces in commercial complexes, which are taken using a digital camera, is uploaded into an image-processing program. The main objective of running this exercise is to show the luminance reading of pictures taken using a digital camera. This method is much 55 more efficient and can be done in a shorter period of time compared to the conventional way of conducting luminance reading using a luminance meter such as the Minolta luminance meter. A review of several image-processing programs available is done. The selection of the program is based on its compatibility and ability to process images based on the needs of this exercise which is to identify the luminance readings. Hence, a compatibility test has been done on two image-processing programs. This section discusses the pros and cons of each program. The programs are: (a) PCI Geomatica. (b) Radiance. (c) Erdas (a) PCI Geomatica. PCI Geomatica is a computer software which is widely used in the field of remote sensing. This program is used as a tool in topographical studies such as land and sea surveying. In general, this programs functions with the aid of digital topographical imaging taken mainly from satellites in space. Digital images uploaded into the program will be analyzed with an array of ways/methods, which caters to numerous usage/needs. In a nutshell, raw data in the form of digital pictures is analyzed to obtain related data that could contribute to a research. A component of this program also includes light analysis. The interface of the program is moderately simple and user friendly. 56 Basic program sequence. Pictures of interiors of commercial complexes taken using a digital camera is uploaded into the program. Next, specifications of the digital camera used will be keyed. This procedure is crucial as the program analyzes the given data based on the instrument used. Consequently, the desired image processing elements will be selected in the Algorithm Librarian section. There are two types of image processors, which consist of: ( i ) Image Processing. ( ii ) Image Correction. There is a list of sub-processors under each category of processors. After selecting the desired image processor, click on the ‘run’ button to initiate the image processing sequence. At the end of this exercise, raw digital images will be translated into a list of result showing luminance level. The nature of the program itself that caters to numerous remote sensing needs tends to confuse the researcher due to the terms used in the program, which is different from the built environment, even though it bares the same meaning at times. (b) Radiance. Radiance is a 3D modeling program that emphasizes on the aspect of lighting. It works as a plug-in to CAD programs such as AutoCAD. Radiance comes in two versions; desktop version and a professional version. The difference that sets apart the two is that the professional version comes equipped with more functions compared to the desktop version, which is targeted to beginners and non-professional users. One of the many features of this program is its capability to emulate realistic 57 artificial and even natural lighting 3D computer renderings. 3D computer renderings will portray a near realistic outcome thanks to its new feature that enables users to set up each and every object that’s in the scene to its utmost detail such as the type of material used and the reflectance level of each object. Program users are also equipped with a light analysis function that manipulates rendered images to colour bands indicating light intensity in a space. This feature provides a rough indication of light acceptance/intensity in the 3d generated space. Basic program sequence. This programme starts with a 3D generated model. This is how the program works; with the aid of 3D computer-generated models. Unlike PCI Geomatica, Radiance can not work on its own and does not have the capability to process images in identifying light levels/intensity in a space. 3D generated models can be made using AutoCad or other compatible CAD programs that can be converted into AutoCad format such as 3D Studio Max. The 3D generated models should resemble exactly to the actual space. Information of the space such as dimensions, materials, reflectance and so forth; should be keyed into the program. Data should not be restricted only to the space but also any objects that exist within it such as apertures, furniture, openings and so forth. This stage will require some time depending on the size of the space and the amount of material used in the space. It is crucial to include all data regarding each and every object within the 3D generated space for this will effect the outcome of the process. Insufficient data may result to unrealistic attenuation of light. Next, define the desired lighting in the space by identifying the type of light used such as artificial light, daylight or even a mixture of both. From here onwards, the 3D model will be rendered. Rendered images will produce near life-like lighting effects. The major drawback of this program however lies in its dependency on the 3D generated models. In other words, in order to obtain desired data on light intensity of a space; one must start with making 3D models of the acquired space from scratch. This is somewhat impractical for the research for it involves not only one space but also a large number of buildings. Making 3D models of each and every space of the buildings would most probably be a waste of time 58 since the researcher could work only with digitally taken pictures of spaces with the aid of PCI Geomatica. (c) ERDAS Imagine 8.5 ERDAS Imagine 8.5 is a geographic imaging software and is also used in the remote-sensing field. ERDAS is very similar to PCI Geomatica. However, this program has a high degreee of administration flexibility, space-saving features, import and export utilities, mobility for fieldwork, mosaicking functions and advanced 3D visualization and scene creation capabilities. ERDAS is also capable of processing raw data in the form of digital pictures to acquire luminance level. The interface of the program is very user friendly compared to PCI Geomatica and Radiance. Basic program sequence. First, pictures in JPG format are uploaded into the program. Next, from the ‘Raster’ tab, the ‘Set Layer Combination’ option is used to configure the layer. Next, the picture is saved in another format called IMG format. This enables the picture to be processed later. Finally, from the ‘Viewer’ window, click on the ‘Information’ tab. This information tab will give out statistical analysis of the picture. This statistical analysis reflects the luminance level of the image. The analysis also produces a histogram showing light intensity level. Based on the review on all 3 image processing program, it is found that ERDAS is the simplest program to be used. Therefore, ERDAS has been chosen for this research for it is more practical and less time consuming compared to Radiance and PCI Geomatica. As to date, this research would be the first to use ERDAS in acquiring luminance level. 59 Digital camera and luminance meter comparison An experiment between readings from computer processed pictures taken with a digital camera and readings from a luminance meter is conducted to identify the accuracy of digital camera in acquiring light levels. However, the luminance meter could not be obtained. Other apparatus of acquiring light levels have to be considered. The lux meter is the next best option to substitute the luminance meter. The logic of the selection of the lux meter as a substitute to the luminance meter is best explained by the basic formula of luminance. According to Hopkinson (1966), luminance is equivalent to: L (luminance) = E (illuminance) x R (reflectance) According to Boyce (2003), reflectance is defined as the ratio of the luminous flux reflected from a surface to the luminous flux incident on it while illuminance is defined as the luminous flux/unit area at a point on a surface . R (reflectance ) = light reflected by a surface light received by a surface E (illuminance) = light received by a surface Based on the definitions above, therefore luminance can be defined as: L (luminance) = E (illuminance) x R (reflectance) = light received by a surface x light reflected by a surface light received by a surface = light reflected by a surface A lux meter is capable of acquiring light level reflected by a surface. Thus, the lux meter has been selected to acquire light readings for the experiment. The detail usage of the lux meter in acquiring light readings will be discussed further in this chapter. 60 The experiment of comparing digital camera to lux meter is divided into 3 parts. The experiment is done in a controlled environment with fixed artificial lighting. The lab used for the experiment is fully artificially lit with 21 fluorescent light located at the ceiling of the lab. Apertures such as windows and doors are shut as to ensure controlled lighting condition. The light level reading of the lab has been taken from the average sum of 5 different light level readings taken from four corners of the lab and 1 from the centre of the lab using a lux meter. This represents the existing light level in the lab. Instruments used in this experiment consist of a lux meter (ISO-Tech ILM 350), a digital camera, and 3 sheets of colour boards. 1. Experiment setup A white writing board with the size of 1.5m x 2.5m is used to collect data. The writing board will be covered with three types of paper to simulate different light intensity reflected by the surface. Brown coloured paper is used to simulate a dark surface. White coloured paper is used to simulate a bright surface while a mixture of coloured papers is used to simulate mixed coloured surface. The hypothesis of the experiment is that readings acquired from the digital camera will be as same as readings from the lux meter for all three different conditions of surfaces. A grid made out of 10 horizontal and 10 vertical lines is positioned on top of all 3 different surfaces. The grid is used as a reference to help data collection for the lux meter. Three different surfaces is used in the experiment to show that the digital camera should produce the same readings eventhough the surfaces are different in colour. The grid is divided as such to facilitate data collection using lux meter. 2. Experiment data collection. The experiment data collection is done using a digital camera and a lux meter. The process begins with the lux meter. First, the white writing board will be covered with one of the three types of paper used to simulate different types of 61 background. Then, gridlines will be drawn on the paper. Then, the lux meter is positioned facing the centre of each grid box. This is done to acquire light level for each grid that builds up the entire background. Readings for each grid box will be documented and later summed and averaged to simulate an average reading of the entire paper used for the background. The whole process is repeated for other backgrounds With the same set up, a digital camera is positioned 4.8m away from the writing board and 1m above the floor. A picture for each type of paper is taken. Then, pictures will be uploaded into a digital image processing programme (ERDAS) to acquire light levels. The programme will only process the area within the gridline. Digital camera is located at 4.8 metres away from the board in order to include the entire board onto one picture. The distance from the digital camera and the board is sufficient enough to fit the field of view of the camera. The lux meter reading has to be taken close to the board since it can’t perform light reading from afar. 3. Data comparison analysis. Central Tendency Representation is done in the data comparison analysis. This is to verify which readings should be used for the data comparison, whether mean, mode or median. A picture taken using the digital camera is used for the experiment. The programme (ERDAS) gives out readings of light levels in the values of mean, mode and median. ERDAS will process each grid box within the picture to give out mean, mode and median values. These readings will be compared with readings from the lux meter using Microsoft Excell. A line chart is produced to show the relation between all readings. 62 Four sets of samples is produced and plotted to form a chart. Each set of samples comprise of 10 readings taken from grid boxes. The first column of the chart represents samples taken from different backgrounds (refer Experiment Setup). The second column of the chart represents lux meter reading while the third to fifth column represents digital camera readings in DN unit. 5 Below are the charts: Table 3.6 Mixed background readings – Set 1 Mixed background - Set 1 SamplesLux meter readingDigicam mean Digicam mode Digicam median a1 140 156.113 154 155 b1 117 151.499 151 151 c1 114 149.646 149 149 d1 109 146.771 148 147 a2 100 155.443 155 155 b2 88 153.544 153 153 c2 72 152.218 151 151 d2 90 146.778 148 148 a3 153 185.744 189 188 a4 146 193.143 195 194 Mixed Background-Set 1 250 A1 mixed - 1st set lux reading A1 mixed - 1st set digicam mean A1 mixed - 1st set digicam mode A1 mixed - 1st set digicam median Light reading 200 150 100 50 0 a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2 a3 a4 Samples 5 DN or digital numbers is a value that gauges light intensity level in a picture when processed using ERDAS. 63 Table 3.7 Mixed background readings – Set 2 Mixed background - Set 2 SamplesLux meter readingDigicam mean Digicam mode Digicam median b3 151 187.65 189 189 b4 146 193.606 193 193 c3 142 185.806 187 188 c4 126 191.819 191 191 d3 135 182.068 184 185 d4 116 187.994 188 188 e3 62 152.38 153 153 e4 71 160.695 157 158 f3 51 147.864 150 150 f4 66 153.545 154 248 Mixed Background-Set 2 Light reading 300 250 A1 mixed - 2nd set lux reading 200 A1 mixed - 2nd set digicam mean 150 100 A1 mixed - 2nd set digicam mode 50 A1 mixed - 2nd set digicam median 0 b3 b4 c3 c4 d3 d4 e3 e4 f3 Samples f4 64 Table 3.8 Dark background readings – Set 1 Dark background - Set 1 Samples Lux meter reading Digicam mean Digicam mode Digicam median a1 84 62.886 61 62 b1 73 63.036 62 62 c1 65 61.126 59 60 d1 62 57.32 57 56 e1 74 57.531 57 56 f1 62 53.909 53 53 g1 69 55.453 55 54 h1 72 50.25 49 49 i1 67 49.65 49 49 j1 60 50.718 49 49 Light readings Dark Background-Set 1 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 lux reading digicam mean digicam mode digicam median a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 Samples g1 h1 i1 j1 65 Table 3.9 Dark background readings – Set 2 Dark background - Set 2 Samples Lux meter reading Digicam mean Digicam mode Digicam median a2 74 59.423 59 59 b2 69 61.858 60 60 c2 72 60.661 59 60 d2 60 56.077 54 54 e2 70 58.029 54 55 f2 62 54.927 52 53 g2 58 54.532 51 52 h2 60 51.913 50 49 i2 59 50.628 49 49 j2 51 51.774 51 51 Dark Background-set 2 80 Light readings 70 60 lux reading 50 digicam mean 40 digicam mode 30 digicam median 20 10 0 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 Samples g2 h2 i2 j2 66 Each chart illustrates samples from images processed using ERDAS taken with the digital camera and readings from a lux meter. Readings of mode, median and mean derived from ERDAS shows a very high consistency off all three readings. This is proven by the small difference of light readings of the mode, media and mean as illustrated in the graph (refer Table 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 & 3.9). The small difference between mean, mode and median readings shows that normal distribution occurred in samples processed using ERDAS. The research opted for mean digital camera reading since it gives the closest reading to the lux meter as illustrated in the graph (refer Table 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 & 3.9). In the Mixed Background chart, there is a very big difference between readings of the lux meter and readings from the digital camera. However, samples from the Dark Background chart show a very significant similarity and consistency between both readings. However, data inconsistency is detected in the mixed background samples. Further observations and analysis suggests that data inconsistencies between lux meter and digital camera are probably due to local effects of used instruments. This can be seen in the different method of usage of each instrument. Readings from a lux meter is taken at a closer distance to the surface thus resulting to higher level of energy reflected by the surface. Lux meter readings have to be collected close to the surface to acquire light levels for each grid box. Reading from a digital camera is taken at a distance of 4.8 meters away from the surface thus resulting to lower level of energy reflected by the surface. This phenomenon is called the effect of field size which was discussed by Boyce (2003). Pictures taken using the digital camera have to be taken at a distance to fit the entire surface background. Moreover, pictures have to be taken from a distance and not from each grid box since ERDAS is capable of giving out readings for each grid box. However, inconsistencies in readings for both instruments occurred due to local effect. Therefore, Data Filtering has to be done. A mixed background image has been used for the data filtering process. Four types of coloured paper has been used for the background which consist of blue, red, green and yellow. Each colour is singled out and processed individually. The logic behind this is that each individual 67 colour should produce consistent readings regardless of the instruments used. Lux reading and digital camera mean value of each samples of the same colour group is plotted together for comparison purposes. Table 3.10 Data Filtering for Red Set Red set-1st attempt Samples Lux meter readingDigicam mean a1 140 156.113 b1 117 151.499 c1 114 149.646 d1 109 146.771 a2 100 155.443 b2 88 153.544 c2 72 152.218 d2 90 146.778 e3 62 152.38 e4 71 160.695 f3 51 147.864 f4 66 153.545 g3 47 146.285 g4 70 151.297 h3 59 144.726 h4 55 147.951 i3 50 142.135 i4 62 144.433 j3 50 136.816 j4 56 140.614 MEAN UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT DIFFERENCE 76.45 103.3405677 49.55943229 53.78113541 149.03765 154.789403 143.285897 11.503506 Instrument comparison - red 180 160 120 Red set-1st attempt lux reading 100 Red set-1st attempt digicam mean 80 60 40 20 samples j3 h4 g3 e4 c2 d1 0 a1 light level 140 68 Table 3.11 Data Filtering for Blue Set Blue set-1st attempt Samples Lux meter readingDigicam mean a7 145 65.428 a8 168 63.623 a9 152 77.384 a10 139 74.571 b7 137 59.703 b8 156 58.913 b9 155 70.158 b10 136 72.514 c7 131 57.893 c8 127 57.212 c9 115 69.214 c10 114 72.775 d7 134 59.964 d8 130 56.015 d9 122 68.585 d10 123 71.312 e1 141 57.354 e2 125 58.078 f1 138 52.201 f2 125 51.628 g1 115 49.951 g2 115 49.562 g5 125 74.505 g6 130 75.548 h1 101 47.954 h2 108 49.878 h5 115 71.657 h6 123 73.712 i1 132 48.703 i2 110 47.664 i5 104 70.3 i6 115 73.047 j1 130 48.234 j2 128 43.351 j5 90 71.287 j6 106 72.7 MEAN UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT DIFFERENCE 126.6666667 143.257542 110.0757914 33.1817506 62.29383333 72.63400531 51.95366136 20.68034395 69 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Blue set-1st attempt lux reading samples j1 i1 h1 g1 e1 d7 c7 b7 Blue set-1st attempt digicam mean a7 light level Instrument comparison - blue 70 Table 3.12 Data Filtering for Green Set Green set-1st attempt Samples Lux meter readingDigicam mean a5 155 141.295 a6 161 140.422 b5 146 137.052 b6 145 137.338 c5 145 136.163 c6 140 137.148 d5 157 130.875 d6 127 127.757 e5 137 127.395 e6 105 128.796 e9 130 129.086 e10 121 125.874 f5 143 121.098 f6 100 123.038 f9 142 124.935 f10 137 120.909 g9 130 122.288 g10 127 118.213 h9 128 119.894 h10 110 117.952 i9 114 116.511 i10 115 114.903 j9 101 110.493 j10 96 107.175 MEAN UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT DIFFERENCE 129.6666667 148.3579031 110.9754303 37.3824728 125.6920833 135.0367638 116.3474028 18.689361 Instrum ent com parison - green Green set1st attempt lux reading 150 100 Green set1st attempt digicam mean 50 sam ples i9 f1 0 e9 c6 0 a5 light level 200 71 Table 3.13 Data Filtering for Yellow Set Yellow set- 1st attempt Samples Lux meter readingDigicam mean a3 153 185.744 a4 146 193.143 b3 151 187.65 b4 146 193.606 c3 142 185.806 c4 126 191.819 d3 135 182.068 d4 116 187.994 e7 128 188.688 e8 140 187.605 f7 133 188.148 f8 132 188.238 g7 123 185.659 g8 138 185.002 h7 121 182.2 h8 116 181.434 i7 105 181.971 i8 109 181.453 j7 106 178.797 j8 99 178.244 MEAN UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT DIFFERENCE 128.25 144.328344 112.171656 32.1566888 185.76345 190.1682859 181.3586141 8.8096718 Instrument comparison - yellow 250 Yellow set- 1st attempt lux reading 150 Yellow set- 1st attempt digicam mean 100 50 sam ples j7 h8 g7 e8 d3 b4 0 a3 light level 200 72 Results show that inconsistencies happens most within the red and blue samples. Lux readings for red coloured samples show a very distinctive pattern of inconsistence. Lux readings for blue coloured samples show higher readings compared to readings processed using ERDAS. Yellow coloured samples and green coloured samples show consistency between lux meter and ERDAS. Readings off all four colours seems to conflict each other. This is probably due to the local effect. However, when the backgrounds are analysed as a whole (instead of processing each grid box individually), results shows that lux meter reading is consistent with ERDAS. This can be seen through the chart and graph below: Table 3.14 Overall background readings Overall background readings Lux meter reading Digicam mean Digicam mode Digicam median Dark 71.21 62.402 55 59 Mixed 117.52 120.018 241 129 White 182.17 161.123 158 162 light levels Lux reading v/s digicam mean 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 lux reading digicam mean dark mixed w hite backgrounds Figure 3.9 Lux reading versus digital camera mean 73 In conclusion, the observations and analysis of these data have shown that readings taken using digital camera and lux meter are highly connected and this validates the use of digital camera in acquiring light levels. This is due to the fact that eventhough local effect produces inconsistencies; the global reading of each background still remains consistent thus validating the usage of digital camera and ERDAS programme for the research. 3.3.2 Review on patronage count Five methods of patronage count has been reviewed. These includes traffic count system, traffic count computer program (ROMDAS), pedestrian counting system (Infodev ), Space Syntax by Bill Hillier, Heschong (1999) and her research regarding skylighting and retail sales and Reily’s Law of Retail Gravitation. Heschong (1999) used statistical analysis method in her research. She looked into five main variables that had significant effect on gross sales per store, which consist of presence of skylight, number of hours the store is open per week, population and income of the store’s zip code and the number of years since the store has last been remodelled. However, the major difference in the research field became the biggest drawback. The selected research field which is Klang Valley, does not provide the same scenario as in Heschong’s. In Heschong’s research, they have a retailer of similar designed chain stores with more than 100 outlets with a variety of lighting application (2/3 with skylight and 1/3 without skylight). They also sought organizations with pre-existing productivity measurements that could be compared between buildings with and without skylights (or daylight). Shopping complexes in Klang Valley however doesn’t provide such commercial setting even though it has been said to remain the fastest growing regional economy in Peninsular Malaysia (Selat,1995). As to date, apart from Heschong, no research regarding the affects of daylight towards patronage has been done. 74 The objective of reviewing other tabulation methods is to look at the issue of double counting which is feared capable of causing biasness in the patronage count. The Handbook of Simplified Practice for Traffic Studies (2004) gave an overview on methods of tabulating traffic. The handbook explains the very basics of conducting traffic studies. It includes traffic volume counts stages that consist of preparation, selection of location, completion of study and documentation that could be implemented in the research. According to the handbook, a manual count study consist of three steps; perform necessary office preparation, select proper observer location and label data sheets and record observations. However, both manual and automatic methods of traffic volume counts does not address the issue of double counting. The issue of double counting has not been discussed in the Road Measurement Data Acquisition System or ROMDAS. The programme uses a formula to tabulate average daily traffic (ADT) and average annual daily traffic (AADT) which requires traffic data such as oncoming flow rate (vehicle per hour), average oncoming vehicle speed (km/h), speed of the ROMDAS survey vehicle (km/h), distance travelled by the ROMDAS survey vehicle (km) and the number of vehicles counted travelling in the opposite direction. These data is later uploaded to a computer to set up ROMDAS. Keys are later assigned in the keycode event file as traffic count keys. ROMDAS proved unsuitable for the research for it has been specifically designed for “Moving Traffic Counts”. Another option for patronage count would be the Infodev pedestrian monitoring system. The system incorporates both hardware and software in obtaining data. Counting sensors are installed in doors and passageways and count the persons passing in their field of view. Next the data loggers receive sensor signals and store the data to embedded memory. Data from the data loggers are taken by data transfer devices to the office computer. Finally analysis software called Trends turns data into useful, useable information. This method also did not stress on the issue of double counting. However, the method of counting is different from the others. The system states that it is necessary to implement different levels of accuracy depending on the 75 area. According to the example taken from a shopping centre in Quebec City, Canada, which uses the Infodev system, the entrances of the shopping centre has been equipped with highly accurate counting sensors, while areas like the food court would provide the same quality of data with standalone counters-estimators. Figure 3.10 Infodev counting process. 76 Figure 3.11 Infodev’s horizontally located and vertically located counting sensors (source: The most important factor in conducting or choosing the method of tabulation is the condition of the research set up. Among all reviews patronage counting methods, Infodev system proved to be the best method do to its computerized data collection (refer Figure 3.10). Inarguably the Infodev system would provide a reliable patronage count. However, the research is incapable of funding and obtaining the expenses for the equipment. Instead, the research adopted Infodev’s counting method. Infodev has two options of counting which consist of horizontally located sensors and vertically located sensors (refer Figure 3.11). Patrons crossing the field of vision of a horizontally placed sensor will hide other people standng beside them which will affect the count. Vertically placed sensors are more accurate because they are ‘looking’ at patrons from above. 77 3.3.3 Physical measurements The physical measurements topic is divided to four sections which consist of: (a) Condition and time for data collection (b) Research instrument (c) Patronage count (d) Luminance reading Condition and time for data collection Controlled and non-controlled variables are identified before the fieldwork is done. Since the field work (Klang Valley) covers a large area, 2843 square kilometres in total according to Selat (1995), the probability of changing sky conditions is very high. According to Madros (1998), the lighting condition as a result of the natural lighting varies with level of exterior daylight, which in turn, varies, with the time of day, time of year, sun and variance in cloud cover. This will result to biasness in the data taken since daylight readings keeps on changing. According to Zain (2001) on daylight availability in Malaysia, she concluded that the Malaysian sky is mostly cloudy, but not necessarily overcast. A chart of daylight availability for the Klang Valley produced by Zain serves as a point of reference for the time of data collection. The date for the data collection has been set in the month of January 2004 since it has the longest constant illuminance reading which is from 11am to 2.30pm (refer Figure 3.12). Time of data collection is based on the daylight availability chart done by Zain (refer Figure 3.12). Illuminance readings change nearly in an hourly basis in the mornings and evenings (refer Figure 3.12). Readings at 8-9am are at 40,000 lux and it ascends to 60,000 lux from 9- 78 10.30am. This phenomenon occurs even in the evenings, which indicates readings of 60,000 lux from 2.30-4pm and descends to 40,000 lux from 4-5pm. Zain indicated that mid day seems to have the longest length of time with the same outdoor illuminance reading which is 80,000 lux during mid-day. Thus, the time frame of data collection has been set from 11am to 2.30 pm since it has the longest period of time with the same outdoor illuminance reading that could give the researcher ample time to collect and record data (refer Figure 3.12). Figure 3.12 Hourly global illuminance for Klang Valley, Malaysia. 6 Controlled variables for the digital camera are as follows: • Digital camera’s with the same resolution (as in pixel count) regardless of brand/type is considered as usable in acquiring data. • Do not use flash. The flash option should be turned off. The usage of flash will temper the real lighting condition of the space. 6 Ahmad,A.Z, “Daylighting: Renewable Energy Source Rediscovered, Akitek Urbanisma Renewable Energy Workshop Lecture Notes,2000. 79 Research instrument The objective of data collection is to measure luminance level and to tabulate patronage count. Identification of past instruments usually used to measure lights is done. Previously used instruments are evaluated and compared to the proposed method for obtaining data, which is the digital camera. Instruments usually used to measure lights are: • Minolta LS-100 luminance meter • Hagner semi-cylindrical cell • Hagner EC1 lux meter Instead of using any of these instruments in measuring light, the research opted for another method which integrates the use of a digital camera and an image processing programme. Digital camera and an image-processing programme have been selected to obtain luminance reading due to several reasons. It has the ability to obtain data in a shorter period of time. Secondly, is due to the availability of the instrument. Among all four above mentioned instruments, the luminance meter would be the best instrument for the research. However, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore owns a unit but it can only be accessed by its students and staffs. Local universities, government and private bodies (of Malaysia) too do not have the instrument. Buying the instrument would be too costly and redundant. The luminance meter is not used in the research due to its limitations. Firstly, it consumes a longer period of time in obtaining readings. Imaginary grids are required within the visual scope. Then, readings are taken from each grid. The readings are most likely to be unreliable since the light (especially daylight) is always changing thus causing inconsistent readings. The shift from one grid to another takes time and the tendency of light to change through time is high. (e.g change of daylight due to time of day [1pm-4pm] and even cloud formations). The advantages of using a digital camera and an image processing programme and the disadvatages of using a luminance meter in acquiring luminance reading has been discussed in chapter 80 Patronage count The researcher adopted the Infodev method by doing it manually. There will be 1 session for patronage count. The session will run for duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes starting from 11.30 am to 1 pm. The checkpoint of the count is located at the main entrance of the main anchor tenant. The research has selected the busiest point of the building to conduct the patronage count. The location of the patronage count is similar to the location of the Infodev’s count sensors. An imaginary gridline will be used as a point of reference for the count. Every patron that passes through it will be counted using a manual hand counter. Checkpoint is located at the same level as the imaginary grid. This method has been adopted from the Infodev 7 patronage counting system that counts patrons from the side of entrances. Research assistant are apppointed to substitute horizontal counting sensors. Assistants are located at the same level as the patrons and patrons are counted using a manual hand counter (refer Figure 3.13). An imaginary line is set out on the counting ground as a reference point of patronage count (refer Figure 3.14, Figure and 3.15) Figure 3.13 Handheld manual counter used to count patronage. 7 Infodev is a pedestrian monitoring system that has been developed in Canada. The company designs and manufactures software and hardware that collects and analyses data of patronage. (please visit its website for further details. 81 Figure 3.14 Counting stations (green) and imaginary count line (blue) 1 Figure 3.15 Plan showing checkpoint for patronage count at Subang Parade. 82 Luminance reading Picture taking will be done twice; once during the day and once during the night. The amount of locations for picture taking is the same for both buildings (50 locations). The time set for picture taking is done during the same time frame for each building which is from 11.30 am to 1 pm. Locations of pictures to be taken are recorded to aid picture taking that will be done twice at the same location. The logic behind this approach is to obtain daylight component of a building. During the day, the building is lit by a combination of artificial light and daylight while it is only lit by artificial light during the night. These pictures will be processed using ERDAS programme to obtain luminance reading for each picture. According to Shalaby (2002), level of daylight component can be acquired through graphic, numerical or physical model techniques and in some case the visual appearance of daylighting scheme. Method of acquiring level of daylight component through visual appearance of daylighting scheme was selected for the research. The method was selected because visual appearance of daylighting scheme is shown in taken pictures. Therefore, the luminance level for each picture for each time period (day and night) will be totalled and the average of the sum will represent the luminance level. Now, there are two sets of luminance readings for each building (Subang Parade and Summit USJ); one during the day and during the night. In order to obtain the daylight component for each building, the luminance reading acquired from the pictures taken during the day will be subtracted with luminance reading acquired during the night. Data analysis 3.4 The method of the analysis is divided to 2 main parts: (a) Tabulation of patronage count and luminance level (b) Comparison of data of Summit USJ and Subang Parade 83 The data analysis starts off with tabulating data of patronage count and luminance levels of both buildings. The data will be used as to compare both buildings further in the data analysis chapter. 3.4.1 Tabulation of patronage count and luminance level Patronage count conducted at the busiest point is tabulated. The value of each building represents the number of patron that visits the building. The analysis of the luminance level starts with the processing of pictures using ERDAS. Pictures are uploaded into the program as to obtain luminance level of each picture. At the end of the practice, a list showing luminance value of pictures taken is made. Again, the luminance value of each picture is added and later averaged. This is done as to obtain an average luminance value of the building. 3.4.2 Comparison of data of Summit USJ and Subang Parade This section is divided to two parts. The first part of the analysis is building description. This part of the chapter describes the physical attributes and lighting attributes of Subang Parade and Summit USJ. The second part of the analysis is called data description. Data collected from both buildings which consist of luminance level and patronage count is shown here. Next, 3 separate analysis is done by comparing data from both buildings. These analyses consist of daylight component study, pattern of light distribution study and patronage study. 84 3.5 Pilot study The objective of the pilot study is to review the running of the research set up. Instead of running the pilot study on Subang Parade and Summit USJ, only Subang Parade has been selected to conduct the pilot study. The pilot study is conducted as to review the research set up and not to compare data of both buildings. Subang Parade uses both artificial light and daylight. Sidelit atria stretching throughout the building and a toplit atria at the east end contributes to daylighting. (refer Figure 3.16) Figure 3.16 Sidelit atria (left) and toplit atria (right) Patronage count and data on luminance level is done during mid-day since it has the longest length of time as stated by Zain (2001). The outdoor luminance level needs to be normalized as this will affect the lighting condition of the building. Change in outdoor luminance level (from the changing sun, sky and cloud formation) affects the level of daylight in the building. Therefore, based on Zain’s (2001) research, data collection must be carried out during mid-day. This gives the researcher reliable data and ample time in taking luminance level readings. Next, pictures showing lighting condition throughout the building interior are taken using a digital camera from 11.30 am until 2.30 pm. Pictures are taken from all floors. This is to illustrate the overall lighting condition of the building. The camera uses a single 85 camera setting throughout the study (shutter speed=1/125, f=3.2, iso=100) and without using flash as to avoid tempering the data. A total of 57 pictures are taken. Each photo will be proceseed using an image processing programme called ERDAS (refer Figure 3.17). The programme will produce histograms indicating frequency of different luminance value derived from each pixel of a picture (refer Figure 3.18 and Table 3.19). The programme also gives an average luminance value of each picture. Finally, average luminance value of each picture will be summed up and later averaged again. The final average luminance value indicates the luminance level of the building. Figure 3.17 Picture of lighting condition processed using PCI Geomatica. 86 . Figure 3.18 Figure 3.19 Histogram showing frequency of different luminance value. Table showing general properties of processed picture. 87 Table 3.15 Table showing luminance level of each pixel that builds up the picture The amount of patronage count during the pilot study is 721 people. Throughout the pilot study, it is found that the methodology has to be amended. Amendments of data collection and method of data analysis has to be made. The patronage count was found to reflect patrons of the anchor tenant only and not Subang Parade. Therefore, the number of patronage obtained during te pilot study failed to represent the number of patronage for Subang Parade. Furthermore, pictures taken do not represent patrons field of view. Amendments on data collection will be further discussed in chapter 3.6. 3.6 Amendments on data collection Amendments on the data collection section includes method of patronage count and method of luminance reading. 88 3.61 Amendments on patronage count There will be 4 sessions for patronage count. During the pilot study, only one session is done. The logic behind the increase of sessions for patronage count is due to the group of people that visits a shopping complex. Doing only one session of patronage count would result to inadequacy in the collected data. For example, if the patronage count is done in the morning, it is feared that the count will only tabulate morning patrons only such as housewives and accompanying children. The research does not emphasize on one category of people that visits the shopping complex. The research would like to look into the relation between patronage count and daylight. Patronage should consist of more than one group of people (e.g. children, teenagers, adult, elderly). Thus, in order to get a fair patronage count, 4 sessions of count will be done. Each session will run for duration of 30 minutes. All 4 sessions will be scheduled from the opening of the shopping complex until sunset. The morning session will start at 11 am until 11.30 am. The afternoon session will start at 1pm until 1.30 pm. The third session which is the mid-afternoon session will start at 3 pm until 3.30 pm while the last session will start at 5.30 pm until 6 pm. The checkpoint for the patronage count also has been increased to 4 locations. The logic for increasing the number of count locations is to increase the accuracy of the count. Executing the count at only 1 checkpoint only gives a view of one section of the entire building. Thus, more checkpoints have been introduced to give an overall view of the patron in a shopping complex. A higher increase of checkpoints would increase the accuracy of the count. Prior to the count, observation has been done to select checkpoint, which is the busiest points in the shopping complex. An imaginary gridline will be used as a point of reference for the count. However, checkpoint won’t be located at the same level as the imaginary grid. Instead, it will be located a level above the imaginary grid. This method has been adopted from the Infodev 8 patronage counting system that counts patrons from a higher point to have a 8 Infodev is a pedestrian monitoring system that has been developed in Canada. The company designs and manufactures software and hardware that collects and analyses data of patronage. (please visit website for further details. 89 clearer overall view of the count area. This method minimises the risk of miscounting due to overlapping of patrons. Research assistant are apppointed to substitute vertical counting sensors. Assistants are located overlooking the counting ground (refer Figure 3.20) and patrons are counted using a manual hand counter . An imaginary line is set out on the counting ground as a reference point of patronage count. There are 4 count locations for each building (refer Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.21) Figure 3.20 Counting stations (green) overlooking imaginary count line (blue) 90 1 Figure 3.21 2 3 4 Plan showing checkpoints for patronage count of Subang Parade. 2 3 4 1 Figure 3.22 Plan showing checkpoints for patronage count Summit USJ. Checkpoints for patronage count for Summit USJ and Subang Parade is shown in figures above (refer Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22). Finally, all the counts will be averaged out. Data from all 4 time periods and all 4 locations will be added 91 up and finally an average number is obtained. This will give a rough overview of the overall patronage count of the building. 3.6.2 Amendments on luminance reading Digital pictures taken only show one angle of view which is horizontal or vertical; thus not portraying the field of view. This is due to the use of common camera lens that was unable to capture wide angle views. The field study will be using fish-eye lens which shows horizontal and vertical angle in just one picture. The use of fish-eye lens also simulates human’s eye view. This method solves the problem of patching two pictures together to form a complete field of view. (refer Figure 3.23) Figure 3.23 Picture taken using fish eye lens gives a wider angle (left) while common lense is limited to either a horizontal or a vertical view only. 92 3.7 Amendments on data analysis method Patronage count are done at 4 different checkpoints instead of just 1 checkpoint. There are 4 different sessions of patronage count and this data will be averaged. Patronage count of each checkpoint of each time frame is tabulated and averaged. The average value of each building represents the number of patron that visits the building. The analysis of the luminance level remains the same as stated in luminance reading section . The comparison of data of Subang Parade and Summit USJ is also maintained. CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH ANALYSIS 4.0 Introduction The chapter is divided to two parts. The first part of the analysis is building description. This part of the chapter describes the physical attributes and lighting attributes of Subang Parade and Summit USJ. The second part of the analysis is called data description. Data collected from both buildings which consist of luminance level and patronage count is shown here. Next, 3 separate analysis is done by comparing data from both buildings. These analyses consist of daylight component study, pattern of light distribution study and patronage study. 4.1 Building description 4.1.1 Subang Parade Subang Parade is located at Jalan SS 15/1A along Jalan Kemajuan of Subang Jaya. It is geographically located at latitude (3.0821 degrees) 3° 4' 55" North of the 94 Equator and longitude (101.5855 degrees) 101° 35' 7" East of the Prime Meridian on the map of Kuala Lumpur. Subang Parade has 3 levels of retail floor which sums up to 500,171 square feet of lettable area. It is occupied by Parkson Grand as the anchor tenant and 160 specialty stores such as Celebrity Fitness, Digital One, Toys ‘R’ Us, MPH Megastore, HSL Electrical & Electronics, The Reject Shop, World of Sports, Royal Selangor, Dome Café, TGI Friday’s, Oversea Restaurant, McDonald’s and The Chicken Rice Shop. It is also equipped with 1300 parking bays. Subang Parade is a rectangular shaped building. The layout of all 3 floors of shopping area and a basement carpark are similar in shape. The average floor to ceiling height for the lower ground floor and the ground floor is 4m while the height of the first floor is 15m of double volume space. The internal circulation consist of mezzanines located in front of shoplots. These mezzanines are connected to other floors using ramps while elevators and escalators serves as the vertical circulation system. An atrium is located at the centre of the building surrounded by the mezzanines. The building orientation is parallel to the South-East. The largest surface of the building is the front and rear elevation. The morning sun contributes heat gain to the right side of the building while the left side is affected by the evening sun. Subang Parade has been strategically orientated to minimize heat gain by positioning its smallest building surface (right and left sides) aligned to the sun’s orientation. 95 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Lower ground plan, ground floor plan and 1st floor plan of Subang Parade. Perspective showing front, right and left elevation of Subang Parade. 96 N Figure 4.3 Location plan & openings to side-lit atrium of Subang Parade. Openings in Subang Parade consist of side-lit atrium, top-lit atrium, fixed windows and display windows. Side-lit atrium is located throughout the stretch of the building at first floor (refer Figure 4.3). The side lit atrium uses a 3m high fixed glass opening which spans throughout the building. The top-lit atriums are located at both ends of the building furnished with fixed glass windows. Both top-lit atriums use spaceframe tubular steel structure to hold the fixed glass. The size of the top-lit atrium is 6m long and 3m wide with the height of 1.5m. The design of the building implemented fixed glass windows with the size of 1m by 1m commonly used throughout all floors. These windows are positioned 2.5 m from the floor. Selected retailers such as Dome, Pet’s Wonderland, TGI Fridays and Giordano located at ground floor made renovations and implemented ceiling height display windows. Restaurants such as Esquire Kitchen and Sate Yanti located at lower ground floor also used ceiling height display windows. 97 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 View of side-lit atrium from inside. Top-lit atrium at Subang Parade Subang Parade uses both artificial lighting and daylighting. Daylighting in Subang Parade is contributed by openings such as atriums, fixed windows and display windows. Atriums used in the building consist of top-lit atrium and side-lit atrium. The side-lit atrium is located at the center of the building. The length of sidelit atrium as long as Subang Parade. Daylight from the side-lit atrium contributes to the lighting of the atrium area located in the center of the building (refer Figure 4.6). Two top-lit atriums are located at the east wing and west wing. Both atriums are located at the escalator area that connects each floor. The top-lit atrium at the east wing is located within the anchor tenant which is Parkson (refer Figure 4.5). The 98 other top-lit atrium is located at the west wing. Both top-lit atriums are able to bring in daylight from the 1st floor until the lower ground floor (refer Figure 4.6). Figure 4.6 Top-lit atrium at west wing of Subang Parade Artificial lighting such as tungsten halogen lamps located at ceiling level functions as the main lighting system. Incandescent downlights and incandescent uplights is used throughout the building as a secondary lighting system. The main and secondary lighting system operates from 10am untill 10pm. Shoplots uses a combination of incandescent downlights and fluorescent lamps. LED and decorative lights are also used by these shoplots as signages. Artificial lighting from shoplots act as the tertiary lighting system. It operates concurrent with the operational hours of each respective shop which differs from one another. 99 Tungsten halogen Incandescent downlight LED/decorative lights Incandescent uplight Figure 4.7 Types of artificial light used at Subang Parade Patrons of Subang Parade experience an unobstructed field of view. The design of the main circulation area which is located at the center of the building, which does not have any obstruction, contributes to an unobstruced field of view (refer Figure 4.7). The building layout that locates shoplots on the periphery of the centralized circulation area also contributes to an unobstructed field of view. 4.1.2 Summit USJ Summit USJ is located at USJ 2/2 along Jalan Kewajipan of Subang Jaya. It is geographically located at latitude (3.0605 degrees) 3° 3' 37" North of the Equator and longitude (101.5934 degrees) 101° 35' 36" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Kuala Lumpur. The Summit Subang USJ is located at the southern end of Subang Jaya. It has an amount of 800,000 square feet of retail space. The occupant of the building consist of Fajar Supermarket as the main anchor tenant and 418 other specialty tenants ranging from food vendors to educational facilities. Tenants of Summit USJ are England Optical, McDonald’s, Starbucks Coffee, Fitness First, 100 Popular Bookstore, MSC College, Prime College and Golden Screen Cinema to name a few. Figure 4.8 Floor plans of Summit USJ- lower ground to second floor 101 Figure 4.9 Floor plans of Summit USJ- third to fourth floor The Summit USJ is a shopping complex with 6 levels of shopping area and a basement car park. The building has an L-shape form. The average floor to ceiling height for all floors are 4m. The internal circulation is located at the center of the building as seen at lower ground and ground floor level. However, shoplots are placed in the middle of the circulation area at first, second, third and fourth floor (refer Picture 4.7). An atrium located at the center of the building devides the building to two wings. Floors are connected by escalators and elevators. The building orientation is almost parallel to the North-South orientation. The largest surface of the building is the front and rear elevation which faces the morning and the evening sun. N Figure 4.10 Location plan & main entrance to Summit USJ. 102 Figure 4.11 Perspective showing left, right and front elevation of Summit USJ. There are very little openings in Summit USJ. The front elevation of the ground floor is the only area that has large openings. The area used ceiling height fixed glass display windows. However, the display window is recessed 8m from the floor above. Openings at other floors consist of rectangular fixed windows. Almost all of the windows are covered with blinds by shop owners. Through observation, nearly 80% of the building’s surface is covered. Summit USJ uses artificial lighting throughout the building. Artificial lighting such as incandescent downlights acts as the primary lighting system throughout all floors. Ground floor level has been equipped with concealed incandescent light located at the celing (refer Picture 4.11). It operates from 10am untill 10pm. Shoplots uses a combination of incandescent downlights and fluorescent lamps. LED and decorative lights are also used by these shoplots as signages. Artificial lighting from shoplots act as a complimentary lighting system. It operates concurrent with the operational hours of each respective shop which differs from one another. 103 Figure 4.12 Incandescent downlights on typical floor and concealed incandescent light at ground floor level. Patrons of Summit USJ do not experience unobstructed field of view. This is due to the design of shoplots that are located in between circulation areas (refer Picture 4.7 & 4.8). The layout introduces corners and dead ends that prohibits light from reaching further into the building. Therefore, more lighting apperture is needed to light dark corners. 4.2 Description of data This section will discuss on data obtained from Subang Parade and Summit USJ. Data consist of pictures taken from Subang Parade and Summit USJ showing luminance level indicated at the bottom end of each picture and patronage count. The data will be discussed in 3 subtopics which consist of daylight component study, pattern of light distribution study and patronage study. 104 4.2.1 Subang Parade The following are pictures of Subang Parade taken during the day. Pictures are taken from the same point but at two different time frames (day and night). The average luminance level is indicated at the bottom end of each picture. Figure 4.13 Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – 1st floor 105 86.631 DN 83.823 DN 93.804 DN 105.876 DN 97.273 DN 86.691 DN Figure 4.13 Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – 1st floor 106 Ground floor - Subang Parade 93.826 DN 166.822 DN 137.844 DN 67.722 DN 77.573 DN 87.704 DN 86.92 DN 86.698 DN 143.811 DN 107 122.515 DN 89.361 DN 89.106 DN 80.537 DN Figure 4.14 90.689 DN Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – Ground floor 108 Lower ground floor - Subang Parade 157.112 DN 81.178 DN 97.077 DN 86.981 DN 73.209 DN 73.209 DN 76.008 DN 109 77.577 DN 187.493 DN 77.169 DN 132.28 DN 73.801 DN 94.846 DN 110 95.829 DN 57.756 DN Figure 4.15 115.479 DN 82.972 DN 69.806 DN Luminance level of pictures taken at Subang Parade – Lower ground floor 3.083 DN 46 DN 83.083 DN 111 82.972 DN 56.876 DN The first floor level of Subang Parade is the brightest compared to its ground and lower ground floor. This is due to contributing daylight from the side-lit atrium that spans throughout the building. All of the main circulation area are lit with daylight and artificial light (refer Figure 4.13). The ground floor area is the second brightest. Daylight is introduced into the building by fixed glass window display and glass door entrances/exits. Visitors can easily identify an entrance because it is well lit. Top-lit atriums located at the east and west wing also contributes to daylight. Escalators positioned within top-lit atriums can be easily found since it is also well lit (refer Figure 4.14). The lower ground floor demonstrates a higher dependence towards artificial lighting. This is due to the lack of openings to allow daylight. Usage of fixed glass window display at two restaurants at this level brings in daylight. Secondary entrances/exits also allow daylighting into the building. Daylight from the side-lit atria does reach the lower ground floor area. The schedule below indicates locations of pictures taken and a comparison of luminance level readings during the day and night. Each value represents the average luminance value from each photo. Table 4.1 Table below indicates luminance value of Subang Parade – 1st floor Subang Parade (locations) 1st Floor Toilet facing Toys 'R' Us Lift facing Optic Subang Fitness Concept facing Cellini Yamaha looking upwards Hair salon facing upwards Parkson facing hair salon Subang Parade office facing upwards House of Leather facing Yamaha Little Egypt facing Toys 'R' Us Escalator facing Subang Furnishing Dynasty facing Toys 'R' Us Dynasty facing Cellini Lyli handicraft facing Cellini GDO facing Yamaha BCB facing hair salon Day Night 143.027 73.737 78.447 89.071 87.65 83.083 42.316 52.106 42.558 39.197 42.376 21.913 73.864 110.301 93.76 86.631 83.823 93.804 105.876 97.273 86.691 41.242 43.984 44.788 41.95 58.185 47.748 34.913 50.139 30.608 112 Table 4.2 G.Floor Lower Ground Table below indicates luminance value of Subang Parade – Ground floor and lower ground floor. Main entrance facing inwards FOS facing Bata Bata facing FOS Ramp facing Daves Deli MPH facing Daves Deli Bonia facing Dome Wings facing Parkson Coca facing MAA Entrance facing McDonalds Digi facing TGI Startel facing Bonia Tropical Blues facing Daves Deli Uncle Lim's facing entrance House of Leather facing NS collection Blush facing Secret Recipe Royal Selangor facing HSL Nail Trend facing Delifrance RHB facing Skaf and Kraf RHB facing Chicken Rice Shop Chicken Rice Shop facing Bata Kenny Rogers facing Nandos Nandos facing McDonalds McDonalds facing bubble lift McDonalds facing Nandos Memory Lane facing McDonalds Rasa Thai facing McDonalds City Chain facing McDonalds City Chain facing Voir Voir facing Rasa Thai McDonalds alley facing Baskin Robbins McDonalds alley facing toilet Cobbler facing Chicken Rice Shop Grand total Grand average Thus, daylight value 93.826 166.882 137.844 67.722 77.573 87.704 86.92 86.698 143.811 122.515 89.361 90.689 89.106 64.567 99.661 66.887 38.985 51.019 44.857 44.992 41.958 71.471 69.299 57.599 54.199 34.511 80.537 157.112 94.816 81.178 86.981 78.176 73.209 76.008 77.577 73.801 77.169 187.493 132.28 94.846 95.829 115.479 48.839 86.423 97.077 65.806 55.213 54.267 55.671 62.287 59.921 45.071 57.661 62.056 74.669 45.145 62.593 88.506 82.972 57.756 69.802 56.876 44.324 26.869 4520.71 96.19 2523.302 53.69 42.5 The daylight component value has been acquired using ERDAS. Each picture is processed with the use of the program. ERDAS gives out readings on luminance level based on each pixel that makes the picture. The values for each picture (as shown in the schedule) represent the average luminance level. At the end of the 113 schedule, a grand average of the luminance level is achieved. Finally, the daylight component value is acquired by subtracting the average luminance value during the day with the average luminance value during the night. The daylight component value for Subang Parade is 42.5 DN (refer Table 4.2). 1 Pattern of light distribution for daylight in Subang Parade is influenced by the shape of the openings. Light distribution pattern for artificial lighting is affected by the usage of tungsten halogen lamps which provides ambient lighting and incandescent down lights with reflective surface backing. Observation of light distribution pattern is further discussed in schedule below. Table 4.3 Pattern of light distribution at 1st floor of Subang Parade Picture location – 1st Floor Pattern of light distribution The left area of the picture is brighter compared to the right area. The brightest area is the top-left area which is closest to the side-lit atrium. The darkest area would be the area closest to the shoplots. 93.76 DN The middle area of the picture is brighter compared to the left and right area. The brightest area is the top area where the side-lit atrium is located. 86.691 DN 1 DN or digital numbers is a value that gauges light intensity level in a picture when processed using ERDAS and is equivalent to value of luminance level. 114 Table 4.4 Pattern of light distribution at ground floor and lower ground floor of Subang Parade. Picture location – Ground Floor Pattern of light distribution The main entrance located in the middle of the picture is the brightest area. Sidelit atrium located at the upper right end has a diffused daylight effect. The lower end of the picture has the least light component. 122.515 DN The middle area of the picture is the brightest compared to other areas. This is due to the top-lit atrium above the escalator. Surrounding areas that uses incandescent downlights are significantly darker compared to the escalator area. 137.844 DN Picture location – Lower Ground Floor Pattern of light distribution The escalator area is the brightest compared to its surrounding. White coloured floor tiles reflect light throughout the area. 157.112 DN The middle area of the picture is significantly darker compared to the right and left area. The right area is brightest due to daylight coming from glass display windows. 94.846 DN 115 Patronage count locations for Subang Parade consist of City Chain (1), McDonalds (2), Chicken Rice Shop (3) and Giordano (4) (refer plan below). These locations have been selected for the checkpoint of patronage count since it covers the entire floor and divides the building evenly. Based on observation, these locations are considered busiest points and suitable for the patronage count. Figure 4.16 Plan indicating patronage count checkpoints of Subang Parade. 116 Data of patronage count for Subang Parade is shown in the schedule below (refer Table 4.4). The numbers indicate people count. Table 4.5 Table showing patronage count for Subang Parade. Location Time 11am - 11.30 am 1 pm - 1.30 pm 3 pm - 3.30 pm 5.30 pm - 6 pm Total 4.2.2 City Chain McDonalds 279 760 309 342 1690 152 643 387 484 1666 Giordano 243 712 304 261 1520 Chicken Rice Shop 395 673 313 357 1738 Summit USJ Below are pictures of Summit USJ taken during the day. Pictures are taken from the same point but at two different time frames (day and night). Average luminance level is indicated in each picture. Third floor – Summit USJ 37.694 DN 30.51 DN 37.742 DN 41.089 DN 50.415 DN 44.905 DN 37.824 DN 36.805 DN Figure 4.17 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 3rd floor Second floor -Summit USJ 90.285 DN 45.5 DN 44.428 DN 66.527 DN 41.864 DN 55.088 DN 77.184 DN 59.966 DN 52.117 DN Figure 4.18 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – 2nd floor 52.306 DN First floor – Summit USJ 65.001 DN 80.54 DN 77.795 DN 79.739 DN 70.889 DN 84.045 DN 71.354 DN 51.89 DN 71.924 DN 85.538 DN Figure 4.19 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – First floor Ground floor – Summit USJ 83.953 DN 125.139 DN 97.131 DN 102.432 DN 91.489 DN 94.838 DN 88.551 DN 102.644 DN 80.874 DN Figure 4.20 Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – Ground floor 79.985 DN Lower ground floor – Summit USJ 86.059 DN 107.013 DN 86.42 DN 92.487 DN 70.789 DN 76.511 DN 72.116 DN Figure 4.21 102.418 DN 76.306 DN Luminance level of pictures taken at Summit USJ – lower ground floor 124 Summit USJ has 6 levels of shopping area which uses artificial lighting system. However, the fourth floor is not included in the research because the level was closed during the duration of the research. The third floor uses recessed incandescent uplights embedded in the suspended ceiling as its main lighting system. This indirect lighting results in a very dark ambience (refer Figure 4.17). The second and first floor level uses incandescent downlight embedded in the suspended ceiling. More downlights is used in both floors resulting to a brighter environment compared to the third floor. Openings such as glass window display and the main entrance allows daylight to light the building at ground floor level. The ground floor is the brightest in comparison to other floors because it equipped with recessed uplights and downlight on the suspended ceiling throughout the floor. The lower ground floor which uses a combination of recessed downlights and uplights is slightly darker in comparison to the ground floor area. Daylight can only be seen at ground floor level only. Fixed windows located at other floors are covered too avoid daylight from coming in. In short, Summit USJ relies fully on artificial lighting. The schedule below indicates locations of pictures taken and a comparison of luminance level readings during the day and night. Each value represents the average luminance value from each photo. Table 4.6 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Table showing patronage count for Summit USJ. Summit Subang USJ (locations) GSC facing snooker Snooker facing GSC South Precint facing North Precinct Central Precinct facing North Precinct Central Precinct facing exit Central Precinct facing South Precinct College facing elevator Chinese Fellowship facing SongBox GalaxCon facing foodcourt Best Value facing Central Precinct Asam shop facing podium Corporate training centre facing asam shop Corporate training centre facing podium Podium facing South Precinct South Precint facing podium South Precinct facing Fajar Fajar facing Salvation Summer Bee facing elevator Day 37.694 30.51 37.742 41.089 50.415 44.905 37.824 36.805 90.285 66.527 77.184 Night 38.337 37.244 51.073 42.926 52.338 34.321 36.74 34.608 50.464 47.115 71.184 45.5 41.864 59.966 44.428 55.088 52.117 52.306 40.589 36.475 51.31 27.351 51.948 40.618 43.922 125 1st Floor G.Floor L.G Floor Dermalogica facing elevator MK Fashion facing Fajar Greenland facing Elevator Elevator facing Central Precinct Cosmax facing antique shop Cosmax facing Perintis Soft World facing Smart Master Nakashima facing podium Podium facing bazaar Live facing bazaar Sweeties facing Central Precinct Honey Gal facing Sweeties Art gallery facing Central Precinct Lo Hong facing Central Precinct Century facing Central Precinct England Optical facing Sri Sentosa Sri Sentosa facing Fajar Jutawan Edar facing bazaar Abuza facing coloured tiles Coloured tiles facing Abuza 65.001 77.795 70.889 80.54 79.739 84.045 71.354 51.89 71.924 85.538 83.953 125.139 88.551 97.131 102.432 102.644 91.489 94.838 80.874 79.985 60.48 64.025 57.152 79.711 77.689 94.832 77.645 59.3 65.017 71.855 77.253 114.263 90.175 98.341 88.528 91.49 100.103 86.07 71.032 83.699 McDonalds facing Ramen Ramen facing McDonalds Teppanyaki facing Penang Asam House Exit facing Teppanyaki Fajar facing 1901 Lazo Diamond facing Ayamas ATM exit facing Johnny's McBytes facing Kyros Kebab Asam shop facing Poh Kong 86.059 107.013 78.409 74.778 70.789 86.42 92.487 76.511 72.116 102.418 76.306 83.429 76.829 82.179 86.017 60.899 96.836 72.943 Grand total Grand average 3358.119 71.45 3109.42 66.16 Thus, daylight value 5.29 126 Pattern of light distribution for Summit USJ is determined by its artificial lighting. Light distribution pattern for artificial lighting is affected by the usage of incandescent downlights with reflective surface backing and incandescent uplights recessed in suspended ceilings. Observation of light distribution pattern is further discussed in schedule below. Table 4.7 Table showing pattern of light distribution for Summit USJ. Picture location – 3rd Floor Pattern of light distribution Generally almost all of the area is dark. The brightest area is the middle area which has the recessed incandescent uplight located in the suspended ceiling. 41.089 DN The middle area of the picture is the brightest compared to its surrounding. Other light source includes signages on the right and left area of the picture. 44.905 DN 127 Table 4.8 Table showing pattern of light distribution for Summit USJ. Picture location – 2rd Floor Pattern of light distribution The centre area of the picture is the darkest. Light from recessed incandescent downlights, shoplots and signages makes the surrounding looks bright. 90.285 DN The circulation area located in the centre is the darkest area. Downlights along the circulation area is not as bright as lighting from signages and surrounding shoplots. 66.527 DN Picture location – 1st Floor Pattern of light distribution Downlights and LED lights on the sides of the escalator provide the lighting for this area. 70.889 DN The middle area of the picture is the darkest compared to its surrounding. Shoplots on the right and left side of the circulation area is significantly brighter. 80.54 DN 128 Table 4.9 Table showing pattern of light distribution for Summit USJ. Picture location – Ground Floor Pattern of light distribution The brightest area is the centre where all the recessed downlight is located. Lighting from surrounding shoplots contributes to the ambience. 97.131 DN The middle area of the picture is the brightest compared to its surrounding. 102.644 DN Picture location – Lower Ground Floor Pattern of light distribution The left side and middle side of the area is the brightest. However, the low middle area is darker. This is due to lack of recessed incandescent downlight. 91.489 DN The middle area of the picture is the brightest compared to its surrounding. The corridor is addressed well with the lighting above. 94.838 DN 129 Patronage count locations for Summit Subang USJ consist of Starbucks (1), ground floor concourse (2), McDonalds (3) and England Optical (4) (refer plan below). 2 3 4 1 Figure 4.22 Plan indicating patronage count checkpoints at Summit Data of patronage count for Summit Subang USJ is shown in the schedule below. (numbers indicate people count) Table 4.10 Table showing patronage count for Summit USJ. Location Starbucks Time 11am - 11.30 am 1 pm - 1.30 pm 3 pm - 3.30 pm 5.30 pm - 6 pm 96 284 209 189 G.F concourse 136 237 244 294 McDonalds 169 451 365 351 England Optical 146 411 302 372 130 4.3 Daylight component analysis Comparing the mean value of daylight component for Subang Parade and Summit USJ, it is found that Subang Parade has a higher value of daylight component. Subang Parade’s daylight component value is 42.5 DN while Summit USJ’s daylight component value is 5.29 DN. Subang Parade showed a difference of 37.21 DN in daylight component value. Through observation, large openings such as the side-lit atrium and the top-lit atrium became the major contributor to daylight component in Subang Parade. Lack of openings and blocked openings results to very low penetration of daylight component in Summit USJ. CHAPTER 5 BEHAVIORAL SURVEY STUDY 5.0 Introduction The main research analysis established that shopping complex with higher daylight component which was Subang Parade has higher amount of patronage compared to shopping complex with a lower daylight component which was Summit USJ. The aim of the survey is to verify the finding. The additional survey compares the two factors that affect patronage. This consists of the factor of daylight and any other factors other than daylight. 5.1 Survey set up 5.1.1 Sampling and questionnaire design The researcher opted for simple random sampling method. Random sampling has been used as this overcomes the issue of double counting of patrons. According to Levin (1988), simple random sampling allow each possible sample to have an 132 equal probability of being picked and each item in the entire population to have an equal chance of being included in the sample. The population of the survey is the patron of Subang Parade. According to a survey done by Hectar Group (Hectar, 2008), the number of patrons visiting Subang Parade in a month is 177,795 people. The researcher will only focus on daily patronage count due to limitation of time. The average is 5900 patrons. 1 According to Sekaran (2001), the number of sample must not be less than 6% from the population as to give a fair representation of the population. As to represent the daily patronage of Subang Parade, the survey has determined the sample size to be at least 354 people. Questionnaire design is divided to 2 parts. The first part which is Part A is a demographic study. The second part which is Part B consists of a series of 22 questions comparing 2 factors that affect patronage. These factors consist of daylight in affecting patronage and factors other than that can affect patronage. The questionnaire consists of 11 questions for each factor. The researcher referred to literature review regarding factors affecting patronage in order to formulate survey questions (refer Chapter 3.2.3). The researcher randomly selected 12 factors that affect patronage. These factors consist of products offered, variety of tenants, influence of current trends, socializing, bargain hunting, accessibility, friend’s recommendation, customer service, sensory stimulation, creativity in interior decoration and cleanliness. Literature review on the relation of human behaviour towards light help formulate questions regarding the affect of daylight towards influencing patronage (refer chapter 2.1.1). These factors consist of human sensory response, preference towards level of brightness, duration of time spent in a bright area, feeling of security in brightly lit areas and the ability of daylight in creating ambience. A Likert scale is used as a marking scheme to gauge how strongly the respondents feel about each question. Shown below (refer Table 5.1) is the sample of the questionnaire. 1 Monthly number of patronage in Subang Parade which is 177,795 people is divided to 30 days in a month as to find out the daily amount of patronage. 133 Table 5.1 Table showing survey on factors that affect patronage in Subang Parade 134 5.1.2 Data collection The survey is conducted in a day throughout Subang Parade. Questionnaires are given to patrons of Subang Parade and the researcher attends to the patron while he or she answers the questions. The duration of the survey is throughout Subang Parade’s operational hours. The survey starts at 10 am and ends at 10pm. Five research assistants helped with the survey. Research assistants are located at Subang Parade’s entrances to conduct the survey. Survey papers are later processed using SPSS programme. The SPSS programme is used to obtain the frequency of both factors. 5.2 Survey finding and analysis Data from the survey is processed into 22 frequency tables and 22 pie charts illustrating frequency analysis for each question. Frequency table and pie chart for each question is grouped together to show the finding of each question. The first 11 question consist of questions representing the first factor that affects patronage which is daylight or light. The next 11 questions consist of questions representing the second factor which is other factors that affect patronage apart of daylight/light. Frequency tables and pie charts of each question will be reviewed and commented. 135 5.2.1 Analysis on questions representing daylight Q1 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.1 Frequency 180 Percent 49.9 Valid Percent 49.9 Cumulative Percent 49.9 127 35.2 35.2 85.0 44 12.2 12.2 97.2 100.0 10 2.8 2.8 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 1 The first question asks about the importance of light in creating ambience. Nearly 50% of Subang Parade’s patrons rated strongly agree that light plays an important role in creating ambience followed by 35.2% agreeing to the matter. Only 15% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree or disagree’ and ‘disagree’. More than 136 half of the patrons surveyed acknowledged that light do play a significant role in creating ambience. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. Q2 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.2 Frequency 167 Percent 46.3 Valid Percent 46.3 Cumulative Percent 46.3 138 38.2 38.2 84.5 41 11.4 11.4 95.8 100.0 15 4.2 4.2 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 2 On the preference whether shopping complexes should be bright, 46.3% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 38.2% which rated ‘agree’. Only a mere 11.4% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 4.2% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 84.5% of the entire sample felt that a shopping complex should be bright. 137 Q3 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Q3 Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.3 Frequency 184 Percent 51.0 Valid Percent 51.0 Cumulative Percent 51.0 106 29.4 29.4 80.3 62 17.2 17.2 97.5 100.0 9 2.5 2.5 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 3 The third question is about the preference of shopping. It is found that 51% of the patrons strongly preferred shopping in a bright shopping complex while 29.4% also agree with the matter. Only a small portion of the sample disagrees with the matter which is represented by 2.5%. On another note, 17.2 % rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’. Most of the patrons prefer to shop in bright shopping complexes. 138 Q4 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Q4 Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.4 Frequency 137 Percent 38.0 Valid Percent 38.0 Cumulative Percent 38.0 138 38.2 38.2 76.2 64 17.7 17.7 93.9 18 5.0 5.0 98.9 4 1.1 1.1 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 4 The fourth question is about the preference of shopping during sales. It is found that 38% of the patrons strongly preferred shopping during sales in a bright shopping centre while 38.2% also agree with the matter. However, 5% of the patron rated ‘disagree’ while another 1.1% rated ‘strongly disagree’. Apparently most of the 139 patrons prefer to shop during sales in bright shopping complexes which were represented by a majority of 76.2%. Q5 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.5 Frequency 161 Percent 44.6 Valid Percent 44.6 Cumulative Percent 44.6 144 39.9 39.9 84.5 49 13.6 13.6 98.1 100.0 7 1.9 1.9 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 5 On the preference which shopping complexes are more appealing, 44.6% rated ‘strongly agree’ that shopping complexes that are bright is more appealing followed by 39.9% which rated ‘agree’. Only a mere 13.6% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 1.9% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 84.5% of the entire sample felt that shopping complexes that are bright is more appealing. 140 Q6 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.6 Frequency 120 Percent 33.2 Valid Percent 33.2 Cumulative Percent 33.2 140 38.8 38.8 72.0 77 21.3 21.3 93.4 24 6.6 6.6 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 6 On the preference of the duration of time spent in a bright shopping complex, 33.2% rated ‘strongly agree’ to spend a longer time in a bright shopping complex followed by 38.8% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 21.3% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 6.6% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 67% of the entire sample agree on spending more time in a bright shopping complex. 141 Q7 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.7 Frequency 151 Percent 41.8 Valid Percent 41.8 Cumulative Percent 41.8 100 27.7 27.7 69.5 97 26.9 26.9 96.4 100.0 13 3.6 3.6 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 7 The seventh question looks into the preference of experiencing ambience in a daylit shopping complex The sample showed that 41.8% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 27.7% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 26.9% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 3.6% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 69.5% of the entire sample likes to shop in a daylit shopping complex because of the ambience. 142 Q8 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.8 Frequency 84 Percent 23.3 Valid Percent 23.3 Cumulative Percent 23.3 116 32.1 32.1 55.4 130 36.0 36.0 91.4 31 8.6 8.6 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 8 On the influence of shopping in bright shopping complexes, the sample showed that 23.3% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 32.1% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 36% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 8.6% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 55.4% of the entire sample felt that bright shopping complexes make them shop more. 143 Q9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Valid Strongly agree Frequency 174 Percent 48.2 Valid Percent 48.2 Cumulative Percent 48.2 120 33.2 33.2 81.4 59 16.3 16.3 97.8 100.0 Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Total Figure 5.9 8 2.2 2.2 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 9 The ninth question looks into how safe patrons feel in a bright shopping complex. The sample showed that 48.2% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 33.2% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 16.3% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and 2.2% rated ‘disagree’. None of the patrons felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 81.4% of the entire sample felt safer in shopping complexes that are bright. 144 Q10 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.10 Frequency 7 Percent 1.9 Valid Percent 1.9 Cumulative Percent 1.9 9 2.5 2.5 4.4 61 16.9 16.9 21.3 192 53.2 53.2 74.5 92 25.5 25.5 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 10 The tenth question looks into the preference of patrons on the frequency of shopping in a dark shopping complex. The sample showed that 1.9% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 2.5% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 16.9% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and while a majority of 53.2% rated ‘disagree’. Furthermore, 25.5% of the sample rated ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, only a total of 4.4% of the entire sample frequent shopping 145 complexes that are dark. This clearly shows that patrons of Subang Parade do not frequent dark shopping complexes. Q11 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.11 Frequency 4 Percent 1.1 Valid Percent 1.1 Cumulative Percent 1.1 13 3.6 3.6 4.7 40 11.1 11.1 15.8 137 38.0 38.0 53.7 167 46.3 46.3 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 11 The eleventh question looks into the preference of patrons in shopping in dark or a bright shopping complex. The sample showed that 1.1% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 3.6% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 11.1% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ and while 38% rated ‘disagree’. A majority of 46.3% of the sample rated ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, a total of 4.7% of the entire sample prefer shopping in dark shopping complexes This clearly shows that patrons of Subang Parade do not prefer to shop in dark shopping complexes. 146 5.2.2 Analysis on questions representing other factors Q12 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.12 Frequency 31 Percent 8.6 Valid Percent 8.6 Cumulative Percent 8.6 125 34.6 34.6 43.2 127 35.2 35.2 78.4 57 15.8 15.8 94.2 21 5.8 5.8 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 12 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade for the products offered, an amount of 8.6% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 34.6% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 35.2% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 15.8% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5.8% felt ‘strongly 147 disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that majority of patrons neither agrees nor disagrees about wanting to shop in Subang Parade for its wide range of products. Only 43.2% of patrons are drawn to shop in Subang Parade for its wide range of products. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to the products offered. Q13 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.13 Frequency 34 Percent 9.4 Valid Percent 9.4 Cumulative Percent 9.4 129 35.7 35.7 45.2 104 28.8 28.8 74.0 74 20.5 20.5 94.5 20 5.5 5.5 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 13 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade for the variety of tenants, an amount of 9.4% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 35.7% which rated ‘agree’. An 148 amount of 28.8% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 20.5% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5.5% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 45.2% of the sample, shop at Subang Parade for its variety of tenants. This is less than half of the entire population. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to the variety of tenants. Q14 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.14 Frequency 42 Percent 11.6 Valid Percent 11.6 Cumulative Percent 11.6 94 26.0 26.0 37.7 108 29.9 29.9 67.6 90 24.9 24.9 92.5 27 7.5 7.5 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 14 Question fourteenth looks into the influence of shopping in Subang Parade for fashion trends. An amount of 11.6% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 26% 149 which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 29.9% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 24.9% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 7.5% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 49.3% of the sample, shop at Subang Parade in search of new trends. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to providing trends. Q15 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.15 Frequency 84 Percent 23.3 Valid Percent 23.3 Cumulative Percent 23.3 116 32.1 32.1 55.4 57 15.8 15.8 71.2 72 19.9 19.9 91.1 32 8.9 8.9 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 15 150 Question fifteenth looks into the preference of patrons in spending time with friends in Subang Parade. An amount of 23.3% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 32.1% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 15.8% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 19.9% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 8.9% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that majority of patrons which amounts to 55.4% of the sample like to spend time with their friends in Subang Parade. Therefore, patrons are influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to socializing. Q16 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.16 Frequency 29 Percent 8.0 Valid Percent 8.0 Cumulative Percent 8.0 65 18.0 18.0 26.0 132 36.6 36.6 62.6 118 32.7 32.7 95.3 17 4.7 4.7 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 16 151 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade for bargain hunt, an amount of 8% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 18% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 36.6% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 32.7% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 4.7% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 26% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade for bargain hunting. Majority of patrons neither agree nor disagree while 32.7% disagree that Subang Parade is a good place to bargain hunt. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to bargain hunting. Q17 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.17 Frequency 99 Percent 27.4 Valid Percent 27.4 Cumulative Percent 27.4 110 30.5 30.5 57.9 85 23.5 23.5 81.4 49 13.6 13.6 95.0 18 5.0 5.0 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 17 152 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade for the ease of access, an amount of 27.4% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 30.5% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 23.5% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 13.6% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the majority of patrons which amounts to 57.9% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade for the easy access. Therefore, patrons are influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to accessibility. Q18 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Frequency Valid Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly agree 57 15.8 15.8 15.8 Agree 80 22.2 22.2 38.0 98 27.1 27.1 65.1 100 27.7 27.7 92.8 26 7.2 7.2 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.18 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 18 153 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade due to a friend’s recommendation, an amount of 15.8% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 22.2% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 27.1% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 27.7% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 7.2% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 38% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade due to a friend’s recommendation. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to friend’s recommendation. Q19 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.19 Frequency 33 Percent 9.1 Valid Percent 9.1 Cumulative Percent 9.1 82 22.7 22.7 31.9 150 41.6 41.6 73.4 71 19.7 19.7 93.1 25 6.9 6.9 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 19 154 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade due to the good customer service, an amount of 9.1% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 22.7% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 41.6% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 19.7% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 6.9% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 31.9% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade due to the good customer service. Most patrons with the amount of 41.6% neither disagree nor agree and 19.7% disagree with the statement. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to good customer service. Q20 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.20 Frequency 44 Percent 12.2 Valid Percent 12.2 Cumulative Percent 12.2 103 28.5 28.5 40.7 136 37.7 37.7 78.4 58 16.1 16.1 94.5 20 5.5 5.5 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 20 155 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade due to the ability of trying out merchandise, an amount of 12.1% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 28.5% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 37.7% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 16.1% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5.5% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 40.7% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade due to the ability of trying out merchandise. Most patrons with the amount of 37.7% neither disagree nor agree and 16.1% disagree with the statement. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to the ability to try out merchandise which is a form of sensory stimulation. Q21 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Valid Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.21 Frequency 35 Percent 9.7 Valid Percent 9.7 Cumulative Percent 9.7 121 33.5 33.5 43.2 120 33.2 33.2 76.5 67 18.6 18.6 95.0 18 5.0 5.0 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 21 156 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade due to the nicely decorated interior and decoration, an amount of 9.7% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 33.5% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 33.2% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 18.6% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 43.2% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade due to the nicely decorated interior and decoration. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to the creativity in the interior and decoration. Q22 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Frequency Valid Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Strongly agree 48 13.3 13.3 13.3 Agree 88 24.4 24.4 37.7 173 47.9 47.9 85.6 33 9.1 9.1 94.7 19 5.3 5.3 100.0 361 100.0 100.0 Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Figure 5.22 Pie chart & schedule showing feedback for question 22 157 On the influence of shopping in Subang Parade due to the state of its cleanliness, an amount of 13.3% rated ‘strongly agree’ followed by 24.4% which rated ‘agree’. An amount of 47.9% of the entire sample rated ‘neither agree nor disagree’ while 9.1% rated ‘disagree’. A small number of patrons with a total of 5.3% felt ‘strongly disagree’ with the matter. From this survey, it is found that the minority of patrons which amounts to 37.7% of the sample like to shop in Subang Parade due to its cleanliness. Therefore, patrons are not influenced to shop in Subang Parade in reference to the state of cleanliness. 5.2.3 Conclusion In reference to the analysis of questions representing the factor of daylight in affecting patronage, it is evident that the majority of Subang Parade’s patron responds positively towards the importance of daylight in a shopping complex. A total of 85% of patrons agreed that light plays an important role in creating ambience while 84.5% felt that commercial centres should be bright. An amount of 80.3% of patrons preferred shopping in bright shopping complexes while 76.2% preferred to shop during sales in a bright shopping centre. A collection of 84.5% felt that shopping centres that are bright is more appealing while 72% felt that they like to spend more time in bright shopping centres. An amount of 69.5% of the sample would go shopping in shopping complexes with daylight because of the ambience they experience. However, only 55.5% agrees that bright shopping complex made them shop more. 81.9% of patrons felt safer in bright shopping complexes. Only 4.4% of patron frequent shopping in dark shopping complexes while 4.7% of patron preferred shopping in dark shopping complexes instead of bright ones. Feedback of patrons on other factors that might affect patronage in Subang Parade yielded weak reviews. Most of the feedback was unable to achieve a 51% majority. Only 43.2% of patrons are drawn to shop in Subang Parade for its wide range of products. From this survey, it is found that only 45.2% of the sample shop at Subang Parade for its variety of tenants. In reference to the power of Subang Parade 57.756 DN 37.694 DN 158 in attracting patrons due to its latest trends, only 37.7% agreed to the matter. However, it is found that majority of patrons which amounts to 55.4% of the sample like to spend time with their friends in Subang Parade. The power of Subang Parade’s attraction in its bargain hunting only scored 26% out of the entire sample. In reference to patron’s likeliness in visiting Subang Parade due to its accessibility, 57.9% of the sample agreed to this statement. Friend’s recommendation as a factor on influencing patrons to Subang Parade only scored 38% while only 31.9% of the entire sample is attracted to Subang Parade due to its good customer service. Only 40.7% of patrons are drawn to shop in Subang Parade because they are allowed to try out the merchandise. 43.2% of patrons frequent Subang Parade for its nicely and creatively built interior and decoration. However only 37.7% of patron feels that they frequent Subang Parade because it’s well kept and clean. In the end of this exercise, it is fair to conclude that daylight does give a stronger affect on patronage in Subang Parade. The positive response of patrons towards daylight in Subang Parade suggests that shopping complex with higher daylight component is capable of attracting a higher amount of patronage. This conclusion will also substantiate the research’s main analysis findings. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY REVIEW 6.0 Introduction The chapter is divided to 3 sections: (a) Conclusion of research (b) Review of research methodology (c) Recommendation for future research This chapter begins with the conclusion of research. Next, the data analysis review discusses on the outcome of the research analysis chapter, then followed by a review on the research methodology. It further discusses on probable errors in the methodology and how it could be rectified. The final section of this chapter is the recommendations for future research. It discussed on probability of future researches and suggestions on overcoming errors of research. 160 6.1 Conclusion of research The research concludes that shopping complex with higher daylight component attracts more patronage. The research analysis chapter has discovered that shopping complex with higher daylight component (Subang Parade) yielded higher amount of patronage as compared to shopping complex with lower daylight component (Summit USJ). Behavioural survey study chapter also substantiates the research analysis. The survey concluded that daylight gave a stronger affect towards patronage compared to other factors. The research analysis and behavioural survey study also validate the research hypothesis. The research also concludes that research questions were answered. The first enquires about other contributing factors that could affect patronage apart from daylight. The research was able to identify other factors affecting patronage through literature review. Literature review on other factors affecting patronage was obtained from journals and books which discusses on shopping behaviour, psychology of shoppers and motives of shopping. The second research question asks about the methodology in finding out whether shopping complex with higher daylight component attracts more patronage. The research methodology chapter has answered this research question. 6.2 Review of research methodology The building selection stage went through 4 options. The research had to use the fourth option which is Riley’s Law of Retail Gravitation due to the failure of other options of building selection. The pursuit of comparing 2 similar buildings but with different lighting system application failed. This is due to the fact of inadequate samples of shopping complexes that are similar. Through the building inventory, it is 161 found that all shopping complexes within Klang Valley have different design. The ideal research scenario would be comparing 2 identical shopping complexes with different lighting system (artificial and combination of daylight and artificial lighting). The research requires the shopping complex to be identical as to control variables or factors that attract patrons to a shopping complex. However, the research selected Subang Parade and Summit USJ since it is the most similar to each other in comparison to other shopping complexes in Klang Valley. Furthermore, Riley’s Law of Retail Gravitation proves that these buildings are compatible to be compared based on the retail trade analysis done (refer chapter 3.1.2). In reference to the building selection, the research could have narrowed down the scope of research. Two identical building but with different usage of lighting was required for the research as to compare whether shopping complex with higher daylight component attracts more customers. However, finding two identical buildings with different lighting system proved difficult. Narrowing the scope of research could be beneficial to the research as this will ease the building selection process. The logic behind this is due to insufficient shopping complexes in Malaysia that is exactly similar or identical in physical characteristics but different in lighting system. This can be done by conducting a case study approach. The research can conduct a survey on the affects of daylight component on affecting patronage by focusing on a single building. Conducting the study using a single case study might mitigate the problem of selecting identical shopping complexes. Literature review assists the researcher in identifying factors affecting patronage. However, the factors keep building up as more literature review is done regarding the matter. In chapter 3.1.3, it was acknowledged that these factors were difficult to be controlled entirely. Therefore, the research controlled the patronage factor by using Riley’s Law in selecting the buildings. Riley’s Law states that attractiveness or ability of a centre to attract customers is proportional to how big it is and how far it is from its competition. Based on this premise, the research managed to control the issue of factors affecting patronage by forming a retail trade area analysis as suggested by Riley’s Law. 162 The method of acquiring data on patronage count proved difficult. It is found that the Infodev human tabulation system proved to be the best solution for patronage count. However, the Infodev system could not be used due financial constrain. Therefore, the researcher adopted the Infodev method by conducting the patronage count manually using a manual counter. The researcher felt that the usage of the Infodev human tabulation system would give a highly accurate reading on patronage count. The researcher felt that increasing the patronage count area might give a more accurate reading. However, the issue of double counting can be avoided entirely only with a proven human tabulation system such as the Infodev. A study on digital camera and luminance meter comparison was conducted as to the check the reliability of the digital camera in acquiring luminance level. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the research has substituted the luminance meter with a lux meter. This is due to the fact that a luminance meter was not able to be obtained from any universities in Malaysia and even private bodies. However, the lux meter was chosen as a substitute for the study and an additional calculation method was used as to emulate the luminance reading from a luminance meter (please refer chapter Nevertheless, it is suspected that there might be a difference in reading if a luminance meter was used in the study. 6.3 Recommendation for future research Further research should be done with the following corrections as to substantiate the research finding: 1. A comprehensive study on the relation of digital image processing technology and the possibilities of obtaining information regarding luminance level using a digital image processing programme such as Erdas and PCI Geomatica should be done. Preliminary study such as the 163 comparison of luminance meter and digital camera in acquiring luminance reading should be done in a longer period of time as this will probably aid the researcher to have a comprehensive understanding of the matter. 2. The experiment on digital camera and luminance meter comparison should be repeated with a luminance meter instead of lux meter. Repeating this experiment with a luminance meter might yield a different outcome compared to the lux meter which was used in the experiment. 3. An in depth study on factors affecting patronage needs to be done. Another issue would be what and how these factors can be controlled. Eventhough review on factors affecting patronage to a shopping complex is done, the researcher was not able to control all factors. A study on how to control factors affecting patronage would be beneficial to the research. The patronage count study can be repeated using a system that should eliminate the problem of double counting. This could result to a more reliable patronage count. 4. Lack of information on the perception of Malaysian towards the daylight also hamper the research. An inventory or a global questionnaire covering the perception or even reaction of Malaysian towards daylighting could contribute into understanding the perception towards daylight. It is feared that Malaysian might have a different perception towards daylight as compared to individuals from temperate countries. 5. Test the research methodology and research findings by performing a study on other building typology. Future research could conduct a study on other building typologies such as residential or office buildings as to observe the affect or influence of daylight on selection and buying of property. Future research could also study the affects of daylight towards patronage in more than just 2 shopping complexes. Figure 4.19 Luminance level of pictures 164 6. Analysis on behavioural study can be developed further. Future research could look into the affect of daylight towards various aspects of human demographics such as age, sex, race, profession and level of education. 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