Document 14545007

The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
Changing Role of Information &
Communication Technology (ICT)
Management in the Higher Education
Anil Kumar* & Kunwar Pal Singh Arya**
*Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, (University of Delhi), New Delhi, INDIA.
E-Mail: kumar.anil.anil048{at}gmail{dot}com
**Research Scholar, New Delhi, INDIA.
E-Mail: aryakps{at}rediffmail{dot}com
Abstract—Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of technology, which been seen
as an innovative tool for the 21st century. ICT enabled education system helps in developing ICT enabled
workers, who can contribute professionally in ICT enabled work environment. Interestingly it is integrated in
the social and business development processes such as e-agriculture, e-health, e-commerce and other e-based
transactions. In Indian context, changing role of ICT and its importance in higher education sector needs to be
explored intensively. Premier institutions are adopting ICT in their education system on experiment basis and
realizing it, as an essential part of education system. This paper is an attempt to explore the avenues of ICT in
higher education sector, specially in terms of its important role in the leading higher education institutions.
Secondary data has been referred to understand the use of ICT and its implementation as state of art
technological tool to support education system globally. To understand the changing role of ICT at national
and international level, six institutions have been studied in detail, which includes 3 from India and 3 from
other countries. After exploring in detail various innovative models of ICT adopted by these institution, it has
been felt they have used ICT in diversified areas in the higher education sector. Comparing foreign institution
with Indian one, it is observed to emphasize more on R&D under ICT and also government is required, not
only to adopt advancement, but also to list our traditional education system with dynamic approach and
Keywords—Distance Education; Higher Education; Higher Education Management; Information and
Communication Technology; Learning Management System.
Abbreviations—Educational Satellite (EDUSAT); Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER); Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU); Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET); Information Network
(INFONET); Information and Communication Technology (ICT); Inter-University Network (UniNet);
Learning Management System (LMS); Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD); National
Institutes of Technology (NIT); (SAKSHAT); Shanghai TV University (SVTU); Symbiosis Center for
Distance Learning (SCDL); Thailand Cyber University Learning Management System (TCU-LMS); The China
Education & Research Network (CERNET); University Grants Commission (UGC); Very Small Aperture
Terminal (VSAT).
APID technological advancement is considered an
important determinant for the competitiveness in the
global market. Technology effect is widely seen in
almost every segment of trade and services sectors.
Interestingly it is integrated in the social and business
development processes such as e-agriculture, e-health, eISSN: 2321-242X
commerce and other e-based transactions. Education sector
has also attracted technology intervention, which is a result of
high demand of technologically enabled educated
professionals with innovative ideas and having expertise in
technological tools. This has created a future scope for using
technology in education. This has further lead a debate in
education sector with the role of technology in general, and
ICT in particular, in the higher education.
© 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
ICT is an integral part of technology which collectedly
represents information (data & resources), communication
(delivering information from one end to other) and
technology (hardware & software support). ICT has been
seen as an innovative tool for the 21st century, as ICT
enabled education system helps in developing ICT enabled
workers, who can contribute professionally in ICT enabled
work environment.
In Indian context, changing role of ICT and its
importance in higher education sector needs to be explored
intensively. Premier institutions are adopting ICT in their
education system on experiment basis and realizing it, as an
essential part of education system. Developed countries like
USA, UK and Australia are emphasizing on ICT based
education system and spending a huge amount on R&D
activities for the formation of interactive ICT based
curriculum, infrastructure and modern techniques of learning
in education. The application of technology in education has
recognized as an important tool to enhance access and quality
in higher education.
The prime objective of the present paper is to make an
attempt to explore the avenues of ICT in higher education
sector, specially in terms of its changing role in the leading
higher education institutions. The secondary objective is to
examine the ICT experiences of some of the leading
institutions in higher education, both in India and abroad.
Secondary data has been referred in this paper, which primary
include UGC and MHRD reports. It also include internet
search of some of the prominent research papers and country
specific reports. To understand the national and international
experiences of ICT, 6 institutions have been studied, where 3
are Indian institutions and 3 foreign institutions, viz.
Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning (SCDL), India;
Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU), New
Delhi; NIIT Imperia, New Delhi; Shanghai TV University
(SVTU), China; Thailand Cyber University; and Buan
Elementary School, Philippines. Based on the available data
and sample cases of six institutions, data interpretation and
analysis has been made to draw conclusion.
Growth of Indian higher education has witnessed an
exponential growth, both in terms of number of higher
education institutions and student enrollment. At the time of
independence, there were only 20 universities and 500
colleges, which are now grown to around 35 thousand
colleges and 744 universities (343 state universities, 123
deemed universities, 46 central universities, 16 Indian
Institutes of Technology (IITs), 30 National Institutes of
Technology (NIT), 13 Indian Institutes of Management and
33 institution of national importance, 232 private universities,
etc.) [UGC, 8]. The student’s enrollment in the higher
education during 2011-12 was reported to 321.23 lakhs
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(which include enrollment of 35.60 lakhs under distance
mode). The major emphasis of Indian Government on
education in the 12th Five Year Plan is to increase gross
enrollment ratio (GER) in higher education, which was 20.40
in 2011-12 [Ministry of Human Resource Development, 2].
Such a huge expansion in higher education requires
technological support in the higher education system, as the
ICT is considered to be an innovative support in education
delivery, teaching learning process and other integrated
management information systems. ICT inherits such features,
which can help in reaching to unreached and delivering
educational resources in an explanatory & innovative manner.
Keeping the importance of ICT, the Government of India has
initiated some ICT enabled projects such as EDUSAT, UGC
leveraging the interest of students towards higher education.
Under the UGC INFONET scheme, 149 universities
have been facilitated with the Internet bandwidth. The entire
project is funded by UGC, during year 2008-09, Rs. 10 crore
has been released for providing connectivity. Another
important project of ICT is the National Mission on
Education through ICT, which has been launched to leverage
the potential of ICT in the teaching learning process with an
aim to enhance the GER in higher education by 5% by the
end of the XI Plan (2007-2012) [15]. According to Ministry
of Human Resource Development [3], it has a provision of 20
thousand higher education institutions and nearly 10 thousand
university departments to be provided with connectivity,
beginning with a minimum of 5 Mbps for each institution.
The Central Government will bear 75% of the connectivity
charges for 5 years. The estimated cost of the mission is Rs.
4612 crore. The projected outcome of the project would be to
enhance the access to quality education, making e-resources
available for masses, especially those inhibited in remotely
located areas and places at disadvantage. UGC in its plan
budget for year 2013-14 has allocated Rs. 3 crore for ICT
integration [Press Information Bureau, 7].
The central role of educational technology in the advent use
of ICT is to provide additional strategies that can be used to
address the serious educational challenges faced by
educators. At the same time, the higher education institutions
are the knowledge hub to the knowledge society, which
provides higher and technical education to a large pool of
youth population. To address the expansion of higher
education institutions and the growing student’s enrollment,
Indian higher education is lacking behind in using up-to-date
modern technology, which is need of hour for quality higher
The recent Foreign Education Institutions (Regulation of
Entry and Operations) Bill 2010 [11], has posed a severe
challenge for lower and middle level higher education
institutions to either close down their operation or to invest in
technological tools in educational services, as the smart
adoption of ICT in higher education can make then
© 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
sustainable and grow well. The role of ICT is to modernize
the education system by strengthening its delivery
mechanism with innovations and attractions through
interactivity. The ICT applicability would be an added assets
in teaching learning & training processes, electronic libraries,
admission process, research and development services,
delivery of assignment, feedback system, examination and
evaluation system, student's retention and dropout monitoring
system and management of administrative processes.
As per the National Knowledge Commission [6], ICT
was termed as an important tool for national building. It was
recommended by NKC that wherever feasible, ICT should be
made more accessible to teachers, students and administration
for learning, training, research, administration, management
and monitoring. This requires the provision of more facilities
such as computers as well as connectivity and broadband
facilities. The IT enabled and computer-aided learning also
requires training of teachers and other staff in order to make
the best use of technology. Some of the important areas
where ICT has played very important role are identified and
discussed below:
5.1. Teaching Learning Process
Virtual learning and innovations are major focus of
multimedia-enabled ICT where a trained teacher delivers
lectures through electronic media, which is easily accessible
and understandable to students. Advantages of such virtual
lectures is that the live lectures can be broadcasted at multiple
places and even the recording of lectures in the form of
DVD,s can provide an opportunity to learn offline/online as
per convenience.
Taking feedback from students for teacher's evaluations
and estimation and improvement of teaching learning
processes is also an important part of ICT. Similarly
evaluation of students by teacher for assessing their level of
learning by giving online objective exams helps in getting
quick results.
Dissemination of study material electronically is much
preferred, as the recorded lectures and notes in portable
formats are easily transferable miles away in fraction of
seconds. This makes teachers more accessible to students
with all types of academic and counseling support. Similarly
tools like email, chatting, messengers are two way
communication channels where students and teachers can be
in close contact. These are very effective and cheaper means
for those students who are located at a distance and unable to
5.2. Electronic Library & Resource Sharing
Libraries have migrated from the traditional cataloguing
system to an online system, which uses web technologies
with advanced search facilities. ICT is useful in online
accessing the books, journals, databases. It also helpful in
managing library information management system, which
keep track of book issue, return and library loans, etc.
5.3. Research and Development
Research and development includes research projects,
supervision and research based teaching. ICT can extend the
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grip of researchers well beyond their reach and helps to
enhance the research process. It facilitates to collect large
volume of data in lesser time. The analysis is easily possible
with numerous research analysis tools available with ICT
5.4. Academic and Administration Activities
Administration of institutional activities is very important
from the aspect of management of resources. New
technologies are available to administer such activities,
including human resource management, online admission,
student information system, payroll management, inventory
management, employee management, resource management,
online examination, evaluation & result, fee and scholarship
management and financial management. All such activities
can be undertaken through ICT, which can enhance the
administrative capabilities.
Globally number of recognized models of ICT in education
have been into limelight where use of technological aid have
shown an excellent result in terms of student performance,
quality in teaching learning process, good organization &
management of resources. To understand such ICT models
and their importance, some of the Indian and international
models are being discussed hereunder.
6.1. Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning (SCDL),
India [12]
SCDL is the largest private, unaided distance education
provider in India, which is offering wide variety of programs
in different disciplines. It has enrollment of over 2 lakh
students. With such a huge student base, it becomes essential
for SCDL to manage teaching aid, and programme delivery at
distinct places round the clock. Considering this challenge,
ICT has been integrated in the education delivery system. The
new learning tools such as internet, mobiles, computer and
other handheld devices have been utilized to deliver
education through video conferencing, distributed classrooms
and satellite TV, which are effective models of education
delivery. Under the distance education delivery system of
SCDL, ICT has an important role to play, as ICT enabled
programmes reaches to the unreached in a faster and effective
mode. Some strategic experience of ICT implementation in
SCDL have been noted by Swati Mujumdar [5], which are as
6.1.1. Student Information System
A software interface, which helps the authorities to have
complete track of student life cycle that includes fee payment,
assignment submission, courseware dispatch, attendance and
examination records, etc. This ICT solution has reduced
overheads & costs, improved efficiency & speed, reduced
student grievances & created transparency in operations.
6.1.2. Technological Learning System
Learning through electronic resources such as interactive and
digitalized and multimedia based classes, pre-recorded
lectures in the form of DVD’s. All these innovative and
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The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
technology enabled aids are user-friendly interface displaying
the lecture, faculty notes, references and other self learning
materials. Students find them extremely useful as they helps
in understanding the key concepts.
6.1.3. Student Call Center
SCDL has a dedicated student call center, which handles
student’s queries (both new and existing students) using the
student information system. Call center attends the voice
based queries as well as web based queries. It enables the call
center to track the call history and grievances etc. This results
in increase in student satisfaction.
6.1.4. User Friendly Web Support
SCDL provides a user-friendly web support to its existing
and aspiring students. The existing students have a
personalized interface with a unique login id. This helps
students to view and track their progress, material dispatch
history. It also facilitates access to e-learning courseware,
access to communication center, access to on-demand exam
slot booking system and an online assignment submission
6.1.5. Flexible Evaluation System
This ICT enabled system provides flexibility to the student to
submit online assignment, opt for on-demand examination.
This results in the flexible & convenient assessment systems
that have led to increase in number of students attempting
exams & reducing drop out rate.
6.2. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU),
New Delhi [10]
IGNOU has been established by the Government of India by
an Act of Parliament in 1985 (Act No. 50 of 1985) with the
objective of enhancing access to quality. It offers around 226
academic programmes ranging from doctoral level, PG,
Diploma, Certificate to awareness programme through its
national network of 67 Regional Centre’s and 2667 Lerner
Support Centre’s. University has more than 30 lakh students
on its rolls. University focuses on ICT by providing studio
based lectures, which can be telecasted to various centers and
ICT enabled location. Study material is available online to its
Online Classes
Advisory Service System for
Graduation Project (Thesis)
Service System for Faculty Seminars
on Teaching and Researching
Enrollment System
Curriculum Plan and Course
Management System
Test Control System
Service System for Course Credit
Mobile Campus
ISSN: 2321-242X
students. In a collaborative arrangement with the Centum
Learning Ltd. students of MBA programme were provided
digitalized lecture in the form of DVD. This has given an
opportunity to students to go through with recorded lectures
of professors along with printed study material.
6.3. NIIT Imperia, New Delhi
NIIT Imperia, a subsidiary of NIIT Ltd. has collaboration
with IGNOU, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and
some other prominent institutions to offer ICT enabled higher
education programmes, ranging from Executive MBA to PG
Diploma in Management. These programmes are being
offered through VSAT platform, where live lectures are
delivered by eminent Professors at one location through its
dedicated studio and using up-linking and down-linking of
live data, it can be telecasted live to multiple centers in
various cities. Students sitting in Chandigarh can have live
interaction with a Professor delivering lecture in Delhi. This
model has not only made this as a quick arrangement of
problem solving but also a data repository, where lectures
delivered once can be shared with students in future using
digital data stored in the library.
6.4. Shanghai TV University (SVTU), China [13]
ICT was initially introduced in Chinese higher education in
1994. The China Education & Research Network (CERNET)
was setup to facilitate resource sharing and interconnectivity
between the institutions. It has around one thousand higher
education institution having networking with more than 80
lakhs of CERNET users. The SVTU is well known for its
strategies in setting up ICT-based learning support system.
SVTU’s approach of utilizing new technology to strengthen
the integration and administration of education resource has
offered diversified services to its students to meet individual
needs. According to Chen Xin [9], ICT model at SVTU has
been focusing on various ICT applications and online
resources, which are being discussed below:
6.4.1. Various ICT Applications
Some of the important ICT based applications used in SVTU
and their applicability are tabulated below:
Online classes for its main campus as well as for branch campus, which provide all kinds of learning
resources to conduct online teaching and to release and maintain curriculum information by course
coordinators. It also provides a platform for academic administration over branch schools in curriculum
arrangements and teaching organizations.
Under this online system a direct online communication is made between the thesis instructors and
students and subsequently between course coordinators and thesis instructors. The idea is to facilitate
the undergraduates to get suggestions and feedbacks on the work done by the students.
This mechanism provides a platform for communication between course coordinators of STVU and
local tutors in branch schools.
It serves the real-time control and instant management over the enrollment of students in the various
programmes of the university.
It manages various aspects relating to curriculum and course management.
The system mainly serves for the management and communication between headquarter and test
venues during examination.
The system is used to manage and exchange information on credits between STVU and the branch
This system serves for the management of information on academic affairs, the communication
between academics and class counselors, and scores inquiry.
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The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
6.4.2. Online Resources
6.5.2. Thailand Cyber University, Thailand [14]
SVTU has online library, which contains e-books of more
than 12 thousand kinds, e-journals of 8,115 kinds, which
allows easy access to off-campus teachers and students. It
also has online video resources of various multimedia-based
Another landmark in the Thai university system with the
emergence of ICT is the launch of Thailand Cyber University
in 2005. University has created academic and research
cooperation in distance education via network system with 15
local and international universities /institutions to produce
efficient and cost-effectiveness of education management by
sharing personnel, educational resources and courseware. The
cooperation results in delivering of 16 Bachelor’s Degree and
Diploma programs and conducting 5 research projects.
6.4.3. IT Enabled Skill and Training
The students are provided various training and skills to
understand online learning process, use of multimedia
learning resources, utilization of teaching facilities and
process of getting course information. This enables a learner
in ICT resource facilitation. During the learning process
various ICT services are provided to learner, which includes,
learning resources at online class; teaching platform, emails,
telephones, short messages; online assignments and self
assessments; following-up each learners learning progress by
the Academic Management Software; tracking learners online
learning records, assignments and test scores, etc.
6.5. Case of Thailand
The higher education in Thailand has been recognizing ICT
as a potential instrument for promoting education through
technology, which is important for national development and
creation of knowledge society. Suchart Muangkeow [4] has
reflected the importance of different national IT policies of
Thailand (1996, 2002, 2010), which focuses on building
information infrastructure, developing human resources in IT
areas and promoting innovation. He also pointed how the
integration of ICT in Thai higher education system is taking
place, specially by developing and providing various
opportunities facilitated by the Commission on Higher
Education, which has been correlating the IT Policy and the
Thai National Education Act, 1999. The Commission has
been emphasizing on the aspect of developing the InterUniversity Network (UniNet), supporting the production of
courseware for dissemination via UniNet, developing the
Learning Management System (LMS) and developing the elibrary, e-community and the learning resource sharing
6.5.1. Inter-University Network (UniNet)
The UniNet has been established connecting over 146
institution of higher learning to the Internet with an aim of
providing national and international education network
services to enable research and development technologies and
provide support to all universities and institutions of higher
learning in Thailand. It’s linking with foreign research
network enables the Thai universities/institutes to manage
virtual classrooms with universities/institutes abroad. UniNet
also supports the Electronics Library Network and research
networks and Self-Study Center. UniNet has also provided
complete service especially content as well as Automated
Library, E-book and Reference Database including
compilation of university research and essay projects by
Digital Collection throughout the country.
ISSN: 2321-242X
6.5.3. Distance Education
Network System
via Thailand’s Information
The Thailand Cyber University has been providing the
learning-on-demand facility to more than 1 lakh students. As
for regular delivery of education, it has cooperated with other
universities to operate Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s
Degree program. In addition, it has organised workshops on
“producing e-Learning content” and “Setup and Using
Thailand Cyber University Learning Management System
(TCU-LMS)” for educational personnel.
6.6. Buan Elementary School, Philippines
In tune with the technology intervention in almost all
developing areas, ICT has been seen effectively utilized in
elementary education too. The case of Buan Elementary
School in Philippines is a best example of using ICT for
achieving performance in education and inspires the higher
education institutions. According to Julito Aligaen [1], Buan
Elementary School was experimented with a facility of one
multimedia computer and combining students of class 5 and 6
with an objective to support the learning of students by
developing their life skills through ICT and to decrease the
digital divide among the teachers, students and the
In the experiment 30 students of class 5 and 28 students
of class 6 were paired into small groups, i.e., one student
from each class, resulting in 28 pairs of mixed class students
and one pair of class 5 students. The classroom was equipped
with one computer loaded with software programs such as
Microsoft Office and Microsoft Encarta, and a video card
connected to a television set. The whole system was placed in
a separate area inside the classroom to allow the paired
students to work on their computer assignments while the
other students carried on with their regular classes. The
computer was used for ten hours each day. A rotation
schedule was devised giving each pair of students one hour
per session. At the end of the scheduled activity, the students
used the audio-visual equipment to report their output to the
rest of the class. In total, each pair of students was able to
spend 1.7 hour per week at the computer, giving them
sufficient time to complete one learning competency for both
the academic and ICT skills.
Result of the project was visible in the students’
performance and showed a marked improvement in their ICT
skills for this age group. The students also demonstrated a
keen interest to explore, discover and experience, and their
© 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2016
self-confidence grew through reporting and presentation to
their teacher and peers. The interactivity has also
significantly reduced absenteeism and dropout rates. The
teachers’ personal ICT skills also improved to be able to
teach their students more effectively. Here the Pairing of
class 6 students with class 5 students enabled the older
students to mentor their juniors. This has created a scope for
class 5 students, because when they will move to class 6, they
will be able to tutor the new students of class 5 with
confidence. The interesting part of the project is that the
investment cost was minimal and the annual cost per student
was reasonable.
experiment with low investment can improve the student
performances. It can, therefore, be concluded that
government must focus of ICT not only to adopt
advancement but also to list our traditional education system
with dynamic approach and innovations.
The changing role of ICT in Indian higher education is
aggressively very important. The present paper discusses the
inclusion of ICT in the higher education sector. The
Government of India has initiated some ICT projects which
are taking care most of the educational activities ranging
from learning resources and connectivity. It has been felt that
the emphasis of such projects should be to utilize the
available infrastructure and resources very effectively and
The role of ICT in higher education has created a scope
for dynamic teaching learning, resource sharing and
educational management. It is prevailed that ICT should be
made more accessible to teachers, students and administration
for learning, training, research, administration, management
and monitoring processes, as the use of new technologies of
ICT helps in reducing cost and fast delivery mechanism. It
also enables the effective use of resources and provides wider
exposure to learners.
Various innovative models of ICT in higher education
have also been explored, Symbiosis Center for Distance
Learning, IGNOU, NIIT Imperia in India and Shanghai TV
University of China are two important cases where higher
education through distance mode was widely managed in an
ICT enabled manner. At the same time the case of Buan
Elementary School in Philippines has given a direction to
higher education institution to adopt such model where new
ISSN: 2321-242X
Julito Aligaen (2009), “One Computer in Multi-grade
Classroom Case of Buan Elementary School, Philippines”,
Bangkok: UNESCO, Bangkok.
Ministry of Human Resource Development (2013), “Annual
Report 2012-13”, MHRD, Government of India, New Delhi.
Ministry of Human Resource Development (2014), “Annual
Report 2013-14”, MHRD, Government of India, New Delhi.
Suchart Muangkeow (2007), “Integration of ICT in Higher
Education Provision: The Case of Thailand”, Regional Seminar
on Making a Difference: ICT in University Teaching/Learning
and Research in Southeast Asian Countries, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Swati Mujumdar (2010), “Use of ICT for ODL/Blended
Learning/ Research/ Administration & Management”, A
Presentation in a Regional Seminar on ‘The Impact of the
Economic Crisis on Higher Education and the use of ICT in
Universities in Asia and the Pacific’, 30 June –2 July 2010,
National Knowledge Commission (2008), “Towards a
Knowledge Society: Three Years of the National Knowledge
Commission”, NKC, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Press Information Bureau (2009), “National Mission on
Education through Information and Communication
Technology”, Press Release, January 02, New Delhi.
UGC (2016), “List of Higher Education Institutions”, Online at
website:, last visited on 16/02/2016
Chen Xin (2010), “The Extensive Application of ICT in
Learning Support Practice and Exploration of Modern Distance
Education in STVU”, Regional Seminar on the Impact of the
Economic Crisis on Higher Education and the Use of ICT in
Universities in Asia and the Pacific, 30 June –2 July, Bangkok,
© 2016 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)