Document 14544940

The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
Analysis of Net Promoting Score
Diani Nurul Muthmainnah* & Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo**
*Communication Science Major (Concentration: Communication Management), Faculty Social and Politic Science, University Brawijaya,
INDONESIA. E-Mail: diani.muthmainnah{at}aiesec{dot}net
**Head of Communication Science Department, Faculty Social and Politic Science, University Brawijaya, INDONESIA.
E-Mail: prast_cdbl{at}yahoo{dot}com
Abstract—Along with the company needs to know the customer's opinion about the company or their products,
Net Promoting Score is present as a modern survey equipment or metric. To analyze the use of the Net
Promoting Score by taking the case of AIESEC as the media to see the NPS utilization as this organization has
used the NPS so far. The finding through this research is that the NPS is still lack in measuring the product's
condition. The reason is that the result of the NPS is too general and less detailed in explaining the personal
opinion of the customer. NPS has helped in small scope in analyzing the customer, as for the survey result of
the NPS.
Keywords—Customer; Metric; Net Promoting Score; Product’s Condition; Satisfaction; Survey.
Abbreviations—Association Internationale des étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales
(AIESEC) (In English: International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences); Net
Promoting Score (NPS).
ONTINUOUS purchasing activity by customers is the
ultimate ambition from each businessmen, thus it
motivates them to compete each other to satisfy their
customers [Akh Muwafik Saleh, 13]. Customer satisfaction is
defined as the quality, the quality itself is something related
to products, services, which meet or exceed expectations
[Philip Kotler, 6]. Satisfaction is feeling happy or upset
someone who emerged after comparing the perception,
Impression of the performance or result of a product and
expectation. So that when the customer is satisfied, the
opportunity to gain customer loyalty is also getting bigger.
According to Griffin [5] Customers called faithful or
loyal if customers could indicate the purchase behavior
regular and start decision-making. And as a form of the
faithfulness of the customers, then perform the act of the
purchase of goods or services that occurred uniformly at least
two times for a certain period. According to Griffin [5]
argues that customer loyalty is characterized by:
1. Make a purchase on a regular basis (repeat buyer)
Customer repurchases the same products offered by
the company.
2. Make purchases between product lines and services
(purchases a cross product and services lines
Customers making a purchase between lines of
products/ services offered by the company.
ISSN: 2321-242X
Provide references to others (Refers other) Customer
performs mouth-to- mouth communication with
respect to the product to others.
4. Demonstrate immunity to pull competitors
(demonstrates immunity to the full of competitions)
Customers will not be keen to offer similar products
produced by competitors.
Thus based on Kaizen with its statement, “only with
continuously staying aware and create hundreds of thousands
of small increases, it is possible to produce goods and
services that satisfy customers authentic quality. The easiest
way to reach it is by participation, motivation and continuous
improvement of each and all of the employees in the
organization. Staff participation is depended on the
commitment senior management, a clear strategy and gritbecause kaizen is not shortcut but a process that runs
continuously to create desired results [Sheila Cane & Martin
Widjokongko, 3]. In the making of changes continuously in
order to meet customer satisfaction, companies must know
how customer’s opinion in the use of goods or services from
them, so negative or positive opinions given by the costumer
that's made of materials evaluation by the company to
continue to make improvements and continuous improvement
to create goods or services which are intended by the
There are some survey forms that manage to be done by
company or organization to understand their customer
satisfaction [Daryanto & Ismanto Setyobudi, 4].
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
Directly report
This is a measurement that is done through direct
 Derived dissatisfaction.
The question to be addressed includes two main points
which are how high expectation of the customer
toward particular attribute and how well the
performance that they have experienced.
 Problem analysis
The customer that becomes the respondent is asked to
utter the problem which is related to the company that
has been faced and as well to give the feedback for
improving the performance.
 Importance-performance analysis
In this technique, the respondent is asked to rank
various attributes from the company’s offering based
on how important those attributes are. Then, the
respondent is also asked to rank the attributes of how
well the company’s performance is.
In practice, the author takes the object of survey form for
directly report through Net Promoting Score (NPS) which
developed by Frederick Reichheld [9]. NPS is modern form
of a questionnaire by using one single question to predict the
customer perception. The customers as the respondent are
asked the following question such as, “How likely you to
recommend company / brand / product to a friend / colleague/
relative?” which will be answered by filling the score within
range of 0 to 10. The NPS differentiates customer into 3
(three) types, which are, detractor (1-6), passive (7-8) and
promoter (9-10) through formula of percentage of promoter
minus percentage of detractor (% promoter - % detractor =
NPS). The Harvard business review article stated that there is
a strong relation between high NPS and high growth and one
of advantages that as well stated in that article is that using
additional metrics alongside NPS offers insignificant
predictive advantage. (Frederick Reichheld [9] argues that
everything you need to know to predict growth can be
explained with NPS; he goes so far as to assert that other
survey-based metrics, such as customer satisfaction, have no
link to grow at all).
In his research Frederick Reichheld [9] says “By
substituting a single question for the complex black box of
the typical customer satisfaction survey, companies can
actually put consumer survey results to use and focus
employees on the task of stimulating growth.”
He wrote “Our research indicates that satisfaction lacks a
consistently demonstrate connection to actual customer
behavior and growth. This finding is borne out by short shrift
that investors give such reports as the American Customer
Index. The ACSI, published quarterly in the Wall street
Journal, reflects customer satisfaction ratings of some 200
U.S, companies. In general, it is difficult to discern a strong
correlation between high customer satisfaction scores and
outstanding sales growth”, which means that he rejects the
previous metric that is the American Customer Index.
In his research Frederick Reichheld [9] believes that Net
Promoting Score is the most effective metric to determine
ISSN: 2321-242X
customer satisfaction and have a strong relationship to the
development of the company, by providing a single question,
he believes the company could see their customer behavior,
between detractor, passive or promote
In Indonesia, one of example for organization that is
using NPS is AIESEC (it is the biggest International Youth
Organization), in which this organization makes NPS as
metric to measure, to evaluate, and to improve continuously
the customer loyalty which reflects that implementation of
Kaizen Theory. As one of the members of this organization,
the author has found the inaccuracy of NPS.
There is a question that is addressed to NPS,
 Does the meaning of the message that is sent by the
customer through NPS can be translated by the
recipient which is organization or company?
2.1. Type of Research
Type of research is the most fundamental in a research which
in this research, the type goes to qualitative research.
Qualitative research determines to explain phenomenon
deeply by collecting data as deeply as possible [Rachmat
Kriyantono, 7]. In addition, according to Mudrajad Kuncoro
[8], research method of qualitative descriptive means to
analyze those data by describing or picturing the collected
data just the way they are to be presented thus it can be
understood easily by the reader.
In qualitative research, it does not need to use population
terminology, but it is called social situation based on
Spradley which comprises of three elements which are place,
actors and activity that interact in synergy [Sugiyono, 11].
This research has subjective character which requires the
researcher is the integral part from the data; it means that the
research actively defines the type of expected data. Based on
that, the researcher becomes the research instrument that has
to go on field to find the data [Rachmat Kriyantono, 7].
The researcher do the observation as the descriptive
approach in the research, it is simply because it manages to
picture and describe comprehensively the utilization of Net
Promoting Score. In this research, the researcher would find
out the data of Net Promoting Score which fits to the needs of
the research based on the written of verbal data that in end it
would be described.
2.2. Location and Timeframe of Research
The research would be conducted in Malang where the
research picked AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya as the
informant and place to observe. It has to be AIESEC because
the use of NPS as their survey instrument. The research was
conducted for one year since July 1st 2013 up to June 30th
2.3. Research Focus
In a qualitative research it needs core problem or focus to be
discussed. Sugiyono [10] explained that scope of the
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
qualitative research is called as research focus. Research
focus explains about the core problem that is very general as
its character. Focus of this research is the utilization of Net
Promoting Score in AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya in
processing the message that has been resulted through NPS
2.4. Type and Source of Data
Source of Data that used by the researcher in this research is
qualitative data in the form of description not in a number.
The data that would be collected are in two types,
1. Primary Data
Primary data is the data coming from the earliest
source. In this research, primary data that are used
refers to the record of Net Promoting Score of
AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya for one year period
from July 1st 2013 until June 30th 2014. Another
primary data is coming from the interview with
Quality Board of AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya to
gain more complete and detail data for the
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data is the data that is gotten by finding and
collecting it out. In this research, secondary data are
gained from journal, book or article which relates
academically with this research from competent
2.5. Research Subject
Research subject of this research is purposive sampling.
Purposive sampling is data sample collection technique by
determined consideration. Determined consideration here is
like picking out a certain informant because this person is
considered as the most who knows about our expected data,
or it might be the leader of that organization which will make
easier steps for the researcher to observe the object or social
situation [Sugiyono, 11].
In this research, the research has chosen the criteria,
which are,
1. Someone who understands Net Promoting Score
2. Someone who has applied Net Promoting Score in his
organization or company
3. Someone who holds prominent role in the related
2.6. Data Collection Method
There are three used methods,
1. Participative Observation
According to Patton in Sugiyono [11], it is stated that
the advantages of observation are,
 On field observation will allow the researcher to
understand the context of the data in a whole of
social situation which results with holistic
understanding and perspective,
 Observation also allows the direct experience
which enables the researcher to use inductive
approach which means it will not be affected by
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concept or theories by theorist. Inductive
approach opens the possibility of discovery a new
 Observation on field as well gives a chance to the
researcher to find out more something which
might not be looked observantly by others,
specifically by the people in that environment
because they would say it is common thing which
as well might not be gained from interview.
 Observation enables the researcher to find the
stuff that could be untold from respondent due to
sensitivity issue which may harm the institution of
his identity.
 Comprehensive description can be gained through
observation because it learns directly something
which it is out of the respondent perception.
 Direct observation will also allow the researcher
to get personal impression not only data which it
means the researcher experience the social
situation by himself.
In this observation, the research involve in daily
activities of people that are being the object of the research as
the source of the research. While the researcher does its
observation, it will also give chance for the researcher to do
what the object does to experience the ups and downs of the
object [Sugiyono, 2011]. In this participative observation, it
is classified into four which are passive observation,
moderate observation, active observation, and complete
observation. The researcher would use the complete
observation where the researcher was the part of Executive
Board of AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya as Vice President of
Incoming Exchange Global Internship Program. Therefore,
the researcher participated wholly towards the activities of
the organization to gain the expected data naturally.
2. In Depth Interview
This method was done by giving the questions to
chosen informant to gain more needed information
which relates to the research. Interview was done
intensely in order to gain complete data. In depth
interview was done to Galuh Purbaningtyas as the
official administrator of AIESEC Universitas
Brawijaya that held authority of Net Promoting Score.
She as well was responsible to quality of internal and
external experience delivery of AIESEC Universitas
Brawijaya. Through this interview, the researcher
gained information and was able to understand the
thought of informant through intense process of in
depth interview.
3. Historical Document
According to Ruslan & Rosady [1], this method is
done by the researcher to gain data in the form of
documentation of archive of the company. In this
research it applied through getting the archive of Net
Promoting Score records in AIESEC Universitas
Brawijaya. The records were from July 1st 2013 until
June 30th 2014. The limit of the archive was based on
the period of leadership in AIESEC Universitas
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
Brawijaya that holds in that time frame. It followed
the existence of research subject based on his role in
AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya.
2.7. Data Analysis Technique
In this research, the researcher used interactive analysis
technique from Miles and Huberman. Its reason was because
the fit of the technique with descriptive qualitative research
itself. This analysis process takes some steps,
1. Data Reduction
According to Sugiyono [11], data reduction is
summing up the core discussion by focusing on
prominent points. It means that the researcher has
gained many raw data that need to be filtered by
throwing out the unneeded data and only focus on
related and important data.
2. Data Presentation
According to Sugiyono [11], in qualitative research,
data presentation can be done in a simple description,
scheme, flow chart, etc. Miles and Huberman stated
that in Sugiyono [11] “the most frequent form of
display data for qualitative research data in the past
has been narrative text”. In this research, researcher
devised the data structurally. That process is needed in
order to create conclusion easily.
3. Conclusion Drawing
Sugiyono [11] has also stated that the third step in
analyzing data for qualitative research is conclusion
drawing and verification. Early conclusion or
hypothesis is temporary statement; it will change if
there are no available strong evidences which may
support in data collection process. In this step,
researcher concludes the meaning that can be gained
from data that will be tested. In this step, the
researcher creates the suggestion and recommendation
for the next research about similar theme.
2.8. Data Validity
Every research has to pass the process of data validity test.
According to Rachmat Kriyantono [7], generally, data
validity in qualitative research is in the process when the
researcher does the data collection on the field as well in the
process of interpretative analysis towards the data.
Dwidjowinoto [Rachmat Kriyantono, 7] has stated that to
analyze data in qualitative research, it manages to use
triangulation analysis. Based on Willam Wiersma [Sugiyono,
11] Triangulation is qualitative cross validation. It assesses
the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of
multiple data sources or multiple data collection procedures.
In this research, the researcher chose triangulation
technique. According to Sugiyono [11], triangulation
technique to test the data credibility is done through data
checking to the same sources with different technique.
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Figure 1: Triangulation Technique for Data Collection according to
Sugiyono [11]
In this research, the researcher gained the data by
observing then rechecking by doing interview and monitoring
the documentation and organization archive of AIESEC
Universitas Brawijaya. In case that the result from those three
techniques result differently then the researcher will do
further discussion to the related subject as the source to
assure that later the gained data is true.
Kaizen theory states that each company and organization is
suggested to improve continuously and to perfect the system
in ongoing method. Essentially, Kaizen tells about the needs
of continuous improvement by organization or company to
fulfill the need and expectation of customer in order to create
satisfaction. Kaizen is more focus on the process to generate
authentic result.
Kaizen theory as well explains about the importance of
communication. Communication is defined as the tool to
transfer various ideas and information. Effective
communication can be created if the transfer process of it is
clear and the recipient understands the message exactly the
same like what is sent [Sheila Cane & Martin Widjokongko,
3]. AIESEC as one of organizations that implements Kaizen
Theory as well does the improvement continuously.
To answer the question, definitely it relates to
communications principle particularly about translating
message. According to David K. Berlo [2], the meaning of a
message depends on their self by meaning it is defined
through their backgrounds not in the words in the message.
When it comes to define the score of 0 to 10 in NPS by
customer, it has definitely various meanings. Therefore, the
author analyzes the message of NPS by using Symbol Theory
by Susanne Langer, Verbal and Non-Verbal Theory.
In communications, Theory symbol of Sussanne Langer
(in Little John 2012: 155) sees meaning as a complex
relationship between symbols, objects and humans involving
denotation (meaning together) and connotation (meaning
private). Which means that when someone wants to use the
symbol as a representation of the perceived meaning, then it
could be the recipient symbol denotation or connotation
thinking. In fact that not all symbol manages to describe the
phenomenon. Scale in NPS which are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and
10 are Considered as the symbol that represents the internal
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
feeling of respondents. AIESEC organization could be
interpreted symbol number 8 on the NPS as an ugly number,
but it could be also the people who responded to the scale
actually gives meaning to the number 8 is the number good.
Not any of the parties can ensure that the scale on the NPS
has meaning which is the denotation or Connotation. Symbol
is categorized as verbal message which actually verbal
message has 2 types which are spoken and written word. NPS
is categorized as written word. Nevertheless to create
effective communication, verbal communication that has
been generated by NPS is not enough for company to analyze
its customer behavior. Therefore, it needs as well non-verbal
communication. Verbal and non-verbal communications have
holistic character, which is defined to correlate each other. In
communication activity, non-verbal communication is needed
as the complement of someone in defining a message.
Logically, it might be for someone who has given score of 9,
in other side his non-verbal behavior, he shows angry facial
expression. The perception is that verbal communication can
be motivated by many factors such as psychological, cultural,
emotional, etc. So as those factors, the verbally uttered
message tends to be intentionally done, however for non
verbal one is defined as an expression of internal feeling from
someone that usually is not able to be translated in words, it
is usually seen through facial expression, intonation of
speaking and accent that cannot be controlled spontaneously.
Commonly, people are way faster to define what is inside of
someone’s mind through what they see. Supposedly in
communication activity, non verbal behavior is used
simultaneously with verbal language because non verbal
behavior gives accent and emphasis on verbal message. Non
verbal behavior as the repetition of verbal language are
defined as non verbal communication complete verbal
statement and non verbal behavior as the replacement of
verbal communication.
NPS implements the equalization system to all
respondents in generating score, where it results many
different understanding from respondents toward scoring
system. AIESEC has customer from 166 countries that
definitely each country has different characteristic. It
describes well that using NPS is difficult for company that
has character of global. The question is how to unite the
cultural diversity in term of characteristic in defining scoring
system. Many countries can easily score 9 or 10. While for
others, there is possibility that any countries that see the score
of 6 to 8 is already represent its satisfaction. In AIESEC, one
of proofs that the author found is that one of respondents
from Japan scored 7 but in his comment he stated that
AIESEC gave him great experience. In other case, the
respondent from Indonesia that scored 7 put critiques and
complaints on it which means that Japanese thinks that score
of 7 is great score but for Indonesian, score of 7 is good
enough by only seeing through the comment that they put.
However not all respondent put comments when they fill the
survey which means it hamper the process of AIESEC to
assess its satisfaction delivery.
ISSN: 2321-242X
To answer the second question, the author took the data
of AIESEC Brawijaya as accurate data to prove how far NPS
helps this organization to get insight in doing improvement
continuously based on customer.
In AIESEC Local Committee Brawijaya, to do
improvement, it needs customer opinion. In the beginning
this organization only depended on NPS as survey tool that
helped them to get to know its customer satisfaction,
customer loyalty, word to mouth and organizational growth.
Table 1: NPS Records of AIESEC Brawijaya (1 July 2013-30 June
423 Records of NPS
216 responses
207 No responses
21 respondents
only filled the
As what we can see, the NPS utilization in AIESEC
Brawijaya resulted 216 responses for period of July 2013 to
June 2014 that can be claimed as effective enough where
AIESEC Brawijaya had 195 responses that were filled 0 to 10
and explained the aspects that needed to be improved and
upheld. Other 21 responses only filled scale 0 to 10 without
comments and it means it is not effective because there was
no further explanation about customer opinion toward this
organization’s performance. AIESEC Brawijaya at the same
time received 207 not responded surveys that had nothing as
input for AIESEC Brawijaya to do evaluation. As what
explained before, if AIESEC only depends on this NPS so
that AIESEC will not be able to predict the customer
Insight that had been gotten by this organization is less
than half of total of insight that supposedly to be gotten from
Deficiency of NPS that is found in AIESEC as the period
of July 2013 until June 2014 includes:
 NPS is not able to analyze the current profit because
its character is knowing current growth so that NPS is
not be able to be used as measurement tool of
company’s success because the benefit still in
calculation of “future” which means it cannot be
confirmed precisely.
Argumentation: There is nothing can ensure that the
promoters will promote AIESEC to their colleague,
family or friends as well whether in case they do it,
they will do it in the near time or later on. NPS as well
cannot ensure accurately the behavior of promoter in
recommending AIESEC in practice.
 Another problem of NPS is that there are many ways
to reach the same score. For example, a product can
generate same NPS score of 20 when their promoter
total is 20%, the passive total is 80% and detractor
total is 0% and in another case promoter total is 60%,
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
passive total is 0% and detractor total is 40%. It can be
seen that actually the product is going to be far
different for the product that has 40% detractor with
the 0% one even though the NPS score is the same,
 NPS is optimistic, as the evidence in NPS data of
AIESEC Brawijaya in period of July to September
2013 in one of its products, GCDP, NPS assessed this
product as a good product by seeing the score of NPS
of 50 with total of promoter was 20, total of passive
was 8 and total of detractor was 4. However, the high
score as the result was only coming from total 32
customers or respondents while total of real customers
were 83 people by meaning there were 50 people that
did not fill NPS. Then, what to categorize those people
who did not fill NPS. Clearly seen that generally this
product is confirmed that it did not result authentic
good for customer yet NPS claimed that GCDP as
good product that had good responses.
Table 2: NPS Report made by AIESEC Brawijaya for 1 July30 September 2013 for IGCDP product
Analysis of Promoters and Response Rate
% of
% of Passive 25%
% of
% of
of NPS
NPS weakness in this organization as well can be seen
from the records of 423 customers that resulted only
216 customers that responded and there were 207
customers that did not respond. It means that in 207
people that had no response on it we cannot ensure or
confirm whether they were the part of detractor,
passive or promoter. However that amount of no
response which can be said as many, is not influencing
final score of NPS.
After analyzing the NPS in one year range, the author
has found some respondents’ character that cannot be
predicted by NPS,
ISSN: 2321-242X
Table 3: Concluded Analysis from Total of 216 Filled NPS
(21 of them are only scoring not answering questions) for
Period of July 2013 to June 2014
Detractor Passive:
This detractor only fills Kind of promoter that does
the score yet not answers not answer the question of
the question of “What “Great! What is the primary
improvement could we reason(s) you gave us a 10
make to bring your rating when asked if you would
closer to 10? Please be recommend us?”
specific as possible”
The thing that motivates this
This thing makes the kind of response is hard to be
organization unable to predicted.
know what things to be
is This promoter may be
impossible by only seeing categorized as non-vocal of
the score of it without any promoter, even the company
had positive treatments to this
kind of person may be he will
There many predictions not tell to everyone or
could be addressed to this become a person who will
kind of detractor, he promote the product.
might be really upset, or
lazy, or a non vocal
Detractor Active:
Promoter Active:
This detractor gives the This promoter answers the
score and answers the questions and explains what
questions completely.
things to be upheld by th
This thing makes the
organization easier to This
create improvement on organization notice what to do
and in keeping the quality of
product and performance.
categorized as a vocal
detractor; he possibly
writes on his website or
social media what he feels
toward the company.
Thus, NPS only contributes in small amount in helping
this organization to get insights from the customer. The result
from the score of NPS basically is not affecting enough
toward this organization in doing improvement. For the
organization that has many sub division or departments, NPS
is not able to explain what to do in each departments which is
caused of limitation of NPS result.
Here's what was said by the Quality board AIESEC
“NPS is needed to global organizations such as AIESEC
who have customers from different regions, with the NPS that
works automatically send a survey to all customers facilitate
AIESEC to know the opinion of their products in the eyes of
the customer, but of course not as easy as it is to rely only on
© 2014 | Published by The Standard International Journals (The SIJ)
The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), Vol. 2, No. 10, December 2014
the score of the NPS, sometimes we just look at the
comments filled by our customers, not see the score obtained,
but the problem is that not all customers fill in the
NPS is a starting point for an organization or company to
know their own condition in customer’s eyes. NPS is used as
the tool to continuously motivate internal public organization
or company to keep evaluating the performance by not only
seeing score of NPS because of its limitation in seeing the
score itself does not reflect real condition of organization or
company. Well in fact the organization or company should
combine NPS with other some survey tools or metrics.
It is just like what AIESEC have done in completing
NPS utilization by having customer visitation which means to
visit the customer physically when the customer is still in
Indonesia (for AIESEC Brawijaya), and another one which is
Customer Satisfactory Survey that has been done in two ways
which are whether to fill the survey directly or to be
interviewed by AIESEC side. This survey has 15 questions
with 2 kind of type of answers which are yes or no question
and a column for comment in each question. But if we talk
about how to predict mouth-to-mouth promotion by
customer, there will be no an accurate metric can be predicted
All the activity of what we are doing always get support a
fabulous being of many parties. For that an expression of
gratitude we should give to Galuh Purbanigtyas as quality
board AIESEC brawijaya which has given records NPS of
AIESEC Brawijaya to writers, Maulana Rizky Aldiansyah
and Intan Aisyah as president AIESEC Brawijaya who has
introduced AIESEC.
Ruslan & Rosady (2006), “Metode Penelitian Public Relation
Dan Komunikasi”, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
David K. Berlo (1960) “The Process of Communication (An
Introduction to Theory and Practice)”, Harcourt School, Pp.
Sheila Cane & Martin Widjokongko (1998), “Kaizen Strategies
for Winning through People”, Edisi Bahasa Indonesia,
Penerbit Interaksa, Batam, Pp. 265.
ISSN: 2321-242X
Drs. Daryanto & Drs. Ismanto Setyobudi (2014) “Konsumen
dan Pelayanan Prima”, Jakarta: Gava Media, Pp. 41–42.
Jill Griffin (2003), “Customer Loyalty: Menumbuhkan dan
Mempertahankan Kesetiaan Pelanggan”, Jakarta: Erlangga,
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Frederick Reichheld (2003), “The One Number You Need to
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Diani Nurul Muthmainnah. Undergraduate
student who is currently pursuing bachelor
degree for Communication Science in Faculty
of Social and Political Science of Universitas
Brawijaya, Indonesia. She has contributed to
3 international conferences, which two of
them she was the speaker and another 9
national conferences as well 6 local
conferences, which three of them she
contributed as the speaker. She involved in International
Volunteering Project for HIV/AIDS which was Code Red in Ateneo
De Manila University. Diani is currently alumni of AIESEC in
Local Chapter of AIESEC Brawijaya with three year experiences as
Team Leader of Outgoing Exchange Raising Competition in 2012,
Delivery and Reception Manager for 2012-2013 as well the latest
one was as Vice President of Incoming Exchange Global Internship
Program for 2013-2014.
Dr.Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, M.Si. His
doctoral degree was pursued from Universitas
Padjajaran, Indonesia for Communication
Science in 2006. He also joined post doctor
program at Flinders University, South
Australia in 2010. He is now in charge as
Head of Communication Science Department
in Universitas Brawijaya. He has been
contributing to 3 international seminars and 1
national seminar by becoming the speaker. Since 1994 until today,
he has written 16 researches in communication science
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